H 11 11 11 vassz!z !Nes: ITitgßtrite r g FORGE II Ear Iron; P"ilroad Fish Bars and Belts; Railroad Car.l.xles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Loioniotive Fraw.es; Loeomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods. -Yoked, Straps; Piston Heady, ' Steamboat Shifts; Steamboat Cranks; - • ;Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Cothus, dte. 0121oe, No. 177 PENN STREET, . . MUFF, BYERS & CO., Bar,-Htsop and Sheet - Iron, IioROUCHT IRON, Iran Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, .&c. ALSO, _ OIL WELL TUBING Wee, 98 Water and 192 First Streets. PITTSBIIRG/1, Pa: E VERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. ware., Nos. 16S and 187 IFEBST MEW . opposite Monongahela House, avalaut: 2- • PITTSBURGH. STEEL WOIMI. pITTSIBURI4II •STEEL WORKS. Dtirmuasam IN 1845.3 AsitirssoN & WOODS, asucciessons TO mromsolf. cowl k co. Atanatacturers of every description of STEEL. BEST REFIXED TOOL STEEL Mill, Mulay, Circular, Gang and Cron Cut SAW PLATES. Spring; Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. Shovel, - Roe - Fork, hake and - Toe Calk bteel. Ballroad - Spring Steel and Frog Points Cast Steil Finger Bars, sickle Steel, Spring Steel 'Tyre, Plow Wings, etc. Works -Co rnerrill l. Omee and FIRST AND BOSS Sits., Pittsburgh, Pa SHEFFIELD STEEL W O R K S . NB 111011 & CO. PITTSBURGH, PA., „Manufectarers (Weyer”' description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINO9, • . IZeLizTrc An.: PLATFORM SPRINGS, A.IL - LE' 8. snaci. TIRE, ft., &a. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 Mgt Sta. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN illimprzasu resrsials: . WM. METCALF, - REIIBEN MILLER, GEO: W. BARR, I CRAB. PARKIN. th.sari. PARTNica—B. M. EIER. CRESCENT 'STEEL iATORES, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, *.-. "TITIEBERG% PA. BLACK titABWND 1 isi7:ka,,Woarcs. PARS , ''::l*. - *.' -. 0.,' Itanufactoritio of an desoriptdona of .IEMEMX... Oleo and Watehcin_ 12* BACON]) and 119 and L92,97319T 13119.9ekik.: -- • • r Bll*lll. • j .._ .e 1 Cloddrroy Biancker 42 NIGIUNGE PLACE. •NEW TORS,- Are prensiredi se Sole• Agents In the Milted etatee Sor the Prussian Mining ankfroirecc, of Duisburg, I Westphalia; to contract os Ben In' quantities to Cult rurehasers, (degvered In either New York or Phila. delphla) the eelebritel V. H. SPIEGELEISEN - used eo eitertelvey for the . rmianfacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron . '" free from Sulpllurand Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The bove are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive, STEEL RAILS • :I.l2,int . tact,u;td by et : ARNDT a dui.„ porta:mad, tor which latter firm they also have tbe-Sole4oiii Full particular's, samples, priceiror •obemt cal:at „. ~.•. „. suanyalais;7l2om:tip, 4.2ip.pitpa4ozi. NOVELTY WO piTT.sminGit • „ NOVELTY MIRK& ADAMS, N'HEE & mismNimumot or lileystone Standard. Patent Platform and. Coaster_ _ SCALE S..' Janus Faced Patent lasi Locks aid Latches - ''PAINT AND O. ITEE DILLS; • MALLEABLE later, Le. Corner - .0, Grant' , and First' Streets, 1 - ,PlTTSzvitaz ims:tB4 ' ' 'COPPER LAKE SUPEIIIOII,-; , • OOPP/01:11114 • AND DILEILTDirO WOBXB, PurrliEi.l3.l7Ao.ll. PARIKr.-11CCURDTite C 0.,, , Ifanufacttirero of' S , , heathing,. .Brazierg, , Bot 4 Copper, Preale4 floater Bottonia, got; tow, Spotter Sotildr; Also, Itnpdt".ca soft, Dealers liletal,Thi Plate, 'Sheet Iron, Wire, &c., Co n . stantiy on hawlTlnners , Maclitnea.a,•4l,'l4ola. • Wareboaßtotfo. 140 FIRST , STRE,e,7. and 420 f3ECOND sTßEET,lNttaburgh., • • <•,;•)'. • - Special orders of copper, cot to any dealreS not— yarn, • : , raylkatdivT Polima, sup't. AND IRON CO., NAMmAcrint Ras w? PITTSBURGH. P ALLNIIRACTITBERs GP = 'Jr. ;11 ATIAB WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, prx - rsixtrimut THOMAS N. ,MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to tarnish • , Engines, of every deserription. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Bill Castings. ' Engine CastingO. Machine Castings. General Castings. n09:n69 ORDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL FOUNDRY _ AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Cainroll\ and Smallman Streets, (NISTEMARD,) ' P ITTS. III 3I:IIt43-Z-1,, PA. GYM.. small, • Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. • My Pipes are all cast invariably in Pits, in dry sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. felealo L. .... O. LIVINOBTON.W. U. BUBT.-Vr. A. nommion, LIVINGSTON & CO., ZELON FOUNDERS, MANTbrACTURE3IB or PINE LIGHT CASTINGS, rl AU descriptions, for Plumbers and Das Mien: Az etilturallmpiements, Cotton and Woolen Kt- All de. AU JobWor promptly attended to. Ogice and Works—WABRIUGTeiN AVE.NI7Ie, near Outer Depot. Allegheny City. Pa. - ROBINSON, BBL & Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS &Maxim% ~WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Statione r y Steam" En anaeltinsillitsatsLurf E l Oi s ill 3 2.l4 3( tro h ilrfZi T efi l ti ga Stills, antler an.. Sheet Iron Work. • Office, No. 12_,corner leirst and Smithfield/Streets. Agents for (lIFFARD'B PATENT INJECTOR lbr feeding Boilers. jallirs2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth 'Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills) Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACIDNyaIY AND CASTINGS . GENERALLY Orderi promptlyand carefully executed Charges reasonable. EBBFJrr & LiCELB'D. ocLS:I2B B ERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Mee and Warehouse s 29 Wood Street. Manqaetare and keep coastaatli on kind - Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Outings generally. ap2S:y TROILIAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLZDIDINT CITY, PA Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, Pul leys, Shafting Grist and Saw Mill Work, Bolling Milland Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. InT14:1115 CIENTBAZIFOIMPRY, AND ROLL WORKS 880 Perin !street.. BOWILIN, BOYD . & BAGALEY. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, Etc. - VULTON MACHINE WORKS. EIEITABLISIIED IN 11336. anufactory_ of STEAM ENGINES, -of all Mies and of the 'Stoat approved patteriss; for stationary purposes ; STEAMTOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A variety at 10, IA and 16 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced P. P. OEIBBIE. Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsbncgh, on the Ohio river, and line of O. & P. • . . LUMBER LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALE/LANDER PATTERSON, Dealer in all Rinds of Luniber ON HAND AND FOR BALE : 606,00 feet Dry Pine Boards; 30,000 feet Dry Oak, 1 and a n dch 80,000 feet Dry Ash, 2, 22 3 Inch; 5 1 00,000'fcet tit mlock; 1,000,000 No. Minch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 N. / /13:tneb Shingles, slaved; 2,000 No. 1 10-Ifich Shingles, 2,000 Locust Posts, 7,8 and 12 fhet; 30t/ Cedar Posts. • Also, Flre Brick, Tile and Clay, Di large or small quantities. YARDS No. SG PREBLE STREET. formerly ,Hanchekter, and•l37 Gl REBECCA STREET , oSno 'elle tbe as ' WorkS, All eittx..ny Cl y. Jr23:143 'FORT PITT LUMBER COMPAIII V Capital, -. $/26,000. Paramrav--EDWARD Etacarrear —T. A. WRIGHT. B urmusTERDAMT..noW, DAMSON. Edward Davison,j L. P. Daman, John Mellon, E. D. Dlthrldge, Dep. W. Dithride, IM. L. Malone. n. R. Johnston. LUMBER YARD—Corner of BUTLER and LIM DER tITREETIA Ninth Ward; - • OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLAS&WORRS, Wash.. ington Street. laalkl9B GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOE!! Y. comma. - Joe..srAys maw am. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., rommERS ,aAs AND - STEAM Mims . Itiuetwir. of PIIMMAND BRASS 0 e_v_tff fait=3,--.ln 1/LXTUtras ASMFUgUit* 0 Corner otalatand *dant Streets, PITTSBURGkr. my15:010 IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WlCKplflaknit MON iMOKEX4 124 First Street, rittsbwgh, Pa. Agent tor the sale of Cornwatl, Douglianiore, #70.• .sephine, Isibells,lianeannon, ntanhopyillondon, end- other bravie or Anthracite,: Yoagtilogheny . 9oke and C. R. Charcoal ,t .# , • PIG I.IIC)Pi9. Cenilzhmebt. ind oMexit'reive Wileuee. PITTSB I JRGTIcaztitrE • ?rlluttslilit SEPT'' 7 • 13E'll, 1868 PRT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TIMIC WORKS. TUBULAR. DOUBLE-PLIJED TUBIJLAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERth--- OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND k CON.. DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; --- PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Rides and Arisrehonse„corner Second, I -r Third, Short end Überty Streets, Xi' Orders sent to the above address will be Promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER' MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24. AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are_prepared to manufacture every description of BOMERSan the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching,' Fire I Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling an, .Boller Iron, Bridges Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of BarnhliP's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shbr test notice. i5..5:c21 JAMES it!. BITER, ' I Nos. 5 and 56 Water Street, ' I PITTSBURGH, PA., MANOPAOTURIS OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COFFEE STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And MEET ntox WORE, For Steamboats. Mt= M. MIMI JARED BL -1111111 II Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IKON 117088. &O. 61 Penn Street,- Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WARING AND NG, Commission Merchan Kl ts and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZEWS BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. • PELLADELPIILt ADDRESS, WARING, 'KING & CO., 127 NV,ltint Street. PITTSBITRGH TACK BROTLIEIIfH, COMMISSION MOUNTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittabureh oince—DitzELL. BUILDING. tor, ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streete. Philadelphia Oface--127 WALNUT. BT.. ard:wni M. LONG & CO., H. j - MANUFACTURERS or PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, -Brand—"L UC/St.B." Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, emai STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL itlC4).'S TRIUMPH, FOB zenvirororrs COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or &oat as well many nther Store In the Union. BISSELL 'OO., No. 2 , 85 Liberty Street: Also on hand and for gale, --- PARLOR STorA rovEs lijATllßA'6so2l7l67lAliallig. N EW LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, Mao ufactarers utd Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIBERTY STREET, oonNEr. of WAYMC, One Square Be),tr Hnfon Depot, 0 PITTSBURGH. A egoti for FAIRBANKS', SCALIZ. FURNITURE., 118• PRACTICAL '•! FURNITURE' 'MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • , • . LEMON' & ' WEISE, NO us you - writ STREET. bonstut r i vrfety of PARLOR MIS CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with a com plete assortment of common Till vulture at reduced paces. - • ' Those In want of anything in OUT line are cordially Invited to call before purchasing. Work guaranteed. trt4Bl;nll LEMON R WEISE. PAINTERS. P V LL. S. TA VLOH., r , . 1 P.A / N T ER, i No. 45 OHIO STREET, Allegbeny:i I Thankful for gbeionner very liberal patronage be• stovial upon the, titmouse my: friends and the nubile • generally that, in Me future as lathe past, I shall , endeavor 01%0411y:to merits ootttlnnanea of - M a n a crt7oia / i t ° irk! at the ib°P- tfCla t° 9 mratqli ENGINES,: ao;rann, CARRO,LL & SNYDER, MANarecromms or PITTSBURGH, Pa. .X.DUII2iD D. MUSH. & SON, MI2II77ACTIIB LIM HARDWARE: DWAIIE HOUSE. - CENTRAL BANK, - - PITISBURGH, PA. - NO. 35 BANK BLOCK $lOO,OOO. Coital . ... , Stockholders individually Liable COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of tiovernment Becuritiee. /NTENEST PAID ON TIME DEPOSMS. DIRECTORSmADTso tTH :v BAILEY , v F e .A. A w it I G V E . O I R '- G L E Of I A N N ' G ir Jo ; _JOSHUA I'HIODES, AM. H. IIAcKE, c n E o TT LI:, JAMES 11. HOPKINS JULIUS ADLER, JAMES GOWN, Y J. H. WALTER, JAMES LYONS. THOMAS PAVirCETT, President ALLEN KRAMER, Vice Presiden J. W. DAVITT, Cashier HEMINGS, ASSiEtaDL Caskler Accounts of Dep NO TIC E ositors with the 'KRAMER ',it: RAHN( RANKING HOUSE have been trauferred to this Hank. auanla FORT PITT No. CAPITAL STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. NTEBEST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSIT Colleetfona made on all accessibly points in the Vatted States and Canada'. D. HostetterGordon, ,- DIRECTORS: James HoJnob.t.CH. King, D. Wallace, X. Irawt.T.lt, • Andrew Miller, James H. Bailey BAWL. No I D. LEFT EYSTOVE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STRKET, PITTSBVBGH, CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : $200,000. John Murdoch, Jr I Wm. H. Hamilton, H. J. Lynch, DraECTOREI. Willi am Espy Jr., /4Flr7_Gockstoce, Geo. T. Van Doren. Samuel Barckley, • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE TRANdACTED United Collec S tio tates and Ca nada, ns made o all accessible yotnts is the Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. - UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, Preildent. GEO. T. NNE DOREN. Cashier St•BIOCIC,HOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLZ PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, OF prx-raurrnorx. CASH CAPITAL President—HENßY LLOYD. Vice Prealdent—WlLLLUl TIDUSTZE43 Henry Lloyd, !Hen. Thos. Mellon, lE. P. Jones, Th. WjghtmaniGeo. W. Hallman, Wm. Rea, M. H. HanleY9 !Edward Gregg, IltrArn Stowe cretary & Tnaer-8. F. VON BONNIIORST SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time 'de: pants. Deposits made on or before August 15th will bear Interest ROM that date: Interest computed on Ist November and Ist /day. tyal:t76 NATIONAL BAR OF . 0011111110 E I Cor. of Wood. and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON President. JUL H. RILL ...... Oaelder. CAPITAL, t : : $500,000. ♦. Patterson, DnlSC" G i ro l r o W. Cu.,. Wm. H. I. coe ßeo har: sen j ,‘ James McCandleas, e Kirkptrick. C M. Dpu i lligs W. 8. Haven, - in. Bee DISCOUNTS •DAIL I - 11.411 T, VAUGIIEY elp co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, corner Third and *rood Streets, 1/Txrex:iv-non', PA., (SUCCESSOR/3 TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DILALBILEI 1.!! Exchange, Coin, Coupons And particular attention paid to be parch e and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS itilight Drafts on 7 ...0nd0n. ran an HOLRIES & SONS, 57 Market Street, P1TTT831317114311. PA. ~ . . Collections made on ell the principal potald of the United States and Cinadaa. Stocks, Bonds; other Ek)curitles BOUGHT dMr) SOLD ON (70NN113810N. Particular attention - paid to 'the iiuroluisa Woof cad United States-Se'ettrities:' Lsopti STERN SAVIA/S HANK, so. 39 Ang re fitrla; 0 1 1 'ARTEIrtEr) 1868, Interest paid on'lline Deposita ENVISUM RECEIVED MX ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS EUEJEOT TO 0R1C(74 WITHOUT Discounts Daily e 'd o o k. ' Presidelit—THOlTMON ,BELL.' Vice Preiddint.A. ortuccielier He - nrOmrsioN A. A. M. MARSHALL. • J(M. , IMLWORTH. • JOB. ALBUM:. r GILIAPI6. • 4 , • • 4. , Stockholders tcrerhom ire, make reterenier ' , • Wm. Forsythe,' ',• • - ' , JoSeph Dilworth,' '"' Wm. Ciddwalli , ' -- • illus. Di:rid Kern (NaEl z i, Dal WI. Hg. 47, ktobert§* ". D.; W. C. 11, M. . Fulton, Thomas PIN W!_DAVITT, Cashier ING COMPANY, ►d Street. : $200,000 .CLIIRECAIit, Pres% ON. Ciistder. $lOO,OOO Ir, AT 11 A. X. •vs:os7 —Closing quotations received by James T. firady dt Co.: Gold, 145; United States Sixes, 1881's, 114%; 5-20 7 5, 1882, 113%;, 5-20's, 1864, - 109%; 5-20's, 1865, 111%; 10-40's, 105%; 5-20's; January and July, '65, 108%; 5-20's, January and July, '67 108%; '6B, 108% June 7-30's, par less ;V July 7-30's. do %; August 119; Sept.. 119; Oct. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. OFFICIS OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTB, WEDNESDAY, September 2, 186& There seems to be a slightly increased volume of business in the general markets, and for some of tho leading articles there is an improved demand; an& as a conse quence, prices are higher. Corn meets with considerable inquiry and is firmer, and the same Is true of- Oats and Barley. Provisions steady but unchanged, and the mine is true of Flour. The receipts of all kinds of pi ciduce continue, liberal, and the supply of almost everything is pretty,well, up to the deMand. APPLES—In good supply and dull but unchanged,.ranging from 3 2 to 63,50 per 'bbl, for common to choice. BUTTER—Ia in fair deMand, and we ,can report regular sales of prime to choice et 34 to 36c. PCPS—Quiet and unchanged at 18c for fresh packed. • • CHEESE—Is reported quiet and rm changed; sales of Western Reserve and Rainburg at 14 to 'lsc; Factory at 16 to 17c; Goshen at 18 and Swelixer at 20,• • • GROCERIE—The" Grocery, market is quiet but steady, and while there fa 'il fair voltune of business, ..in.. the eagregate,- prices,:einee the - dateof our last repart,- have undergone no, quotairla chimp, - 140, following aril the raling'quotatiOns: Suolins—Criba v 123i0 for good grocery i 12* tol3c . l i x rinle;'arrd /40 • thr choice; • Porto Rhxt-- , /30; prime /834 r choice, 14% to 15c; arifled Cuba, 14 to 1434 c. Re. sned.L,Standard Hard; - 17 XIX A, 1630; B, 1610. Extra C, 15%c; Sugar Rouse, 10X CovirEs—Rio ranges all theWay,froM. 22 to 27c for common to strictly • prime. , Jive 37; to-88c. , ' •' ' : ' Sriturila yeringhtlijoilkStive t., Ortpe r 31;05; cvlaitei,Drlps, $1,15; /medium ,branda, 75 to 83o; , common; 50 to 60o; 1300th &-Ed fAr EyrOp.•':9s: '' *:" '''' ' ' ' ,; .-. U T O -E 7 -- llsiXihi • ROcidil, lom, Prime ' io, phol tollo4o;,OttrolitlaiA2t ; oirSic. :' d . I ti ee, It qiidgj-- Z i t r iV l, Pfligktoi l igif tO4l;',,,Cubo;` vb.:to Oc; Porto Rioo;1014415c. SP/Cu-=Cassia, 80 to 85c; Cloves 50c; ~ ,Y 3E9E - 1.. R. 2-sloalEt" TZ 9 BANKER, Corner of Wood and Flith Streets. . _ . GOVERNXENT AND PACIFIC B. B. BONDS, _ - • GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TEES OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a *liable in any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. des T 1 BRADi Co., (Snec:essors to S. JONES Si C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E3 AL DT mr...m BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS Vir Interest! Allowed on Deposita. 'Sir Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS sold GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT& CO. CD't littstritrg altits. FINANCE AND TRADE, -- • • OPPIOB OP Pirrsinyitoit GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1868. The receipts of Grain at Chicago con tinue remarkably heavy, aggregating over seven hundred thousand bushels ,on Mon day. Thereceipts of Flour for the week end ing on Saturday were 59,774 bbls, and the shirments, 37,768 bbls; receipts of Wheat for same , time, 761,614 bushels, and ship; menkl 593,698. The Tribune, of Tuesday, says of. Wheat: • "Wheat was fairly active, but dropped in price; owing to continued fall receipts and heavy promises. The shippers were quite willing. to take hold at reduced prices, but there -were very few shorts 1,0 fill, and the business was of the legitimate order, presenting the anomaly of a falling mark - et with a good inquiry. Parties who buy for shipment protess to - be willing to take hold even more largely if holders will moderate their views to sometng li k a paying rate, and there is nothing w i ll bring this about more effectually than the good - competition between sellers which must come when they are numerous and individually well weighted. - —The Philadelphia Ledger, in answer to a correspondent, says: By the last annual statement of the Pennsylvania-Railroad Company,, as sworn to by- its officers, on the 31st of January, 1868, the total amount I paid in of capital stock was $21,045,750. Since then the Company has sold five mil lions of stock, making Its - entire paid up capital about twenty-six millions of dol lars. The Board of Directors have au thority to further Increase the capital whenever in their opinion the interests of. the Company may require more capital:- The indebtedness maybe increased dollar for dollar with the increase of paid np cap ital, and no faster. —The New York Timm of Wednesday says: Private letters from the manufacttr rers of Woolep and other Gooda, on the Continent of Europe, who are now making large consignments to the American mar ket, advise their factors here not to remit Exchange at the present currency of Gold, but to place the avails of their consign ments in United States &-20 s, giving the preference to the cheapest - class of these Bonds; without referenbe to date. These instructions indicate a settled oonfidence in' the public faith of the United States, and also a purpose to hold our 6-20 s, without rozr gard to the daily speculations on the Frank of which continue to disciriminate in favor of the original issue of 1862 —The Milwaukee Wisconsin, of 28th, says of the wheat cropof that State: "The wheat harvest in the. State of Wisconsin - has all been gathered, and turns out to be much superior in quantity and quality than last year. It is estimated the average yield per acrethis year will be twenty bushels, whila last year it was not more than twelve and will hold out weight—that is, 80 pounds to the measured bushel." , PITTSBURGII MARKETS. Pepper, 38e; Allspice, 35e; Nutmegs, $1,50. STARCH—Madison, 8c; Silver G10a5,1234c, and Corn Starch, 1310. I Fnours—Layer Resins/ $4,75 per box- Valentia, 20c per lb; Prdnes, 17c; Currants, 14c for new. • EAR LEAD-12c; Shot, $3,50 per bag. • SOAPS—"Rabbit's," 12c; .40akely's,'" 1114 c; Rosin, 5 to 7c; "Dobbin's," 15c. CANDLEs—MouId, 16c; Star, 23c. CONCENTRATED Lyn-1.8,00 per ease. Br CAnn SODA—SB,SO per 100. Ftsn—White Fish, $9,00. Lake Herring, $5,00; Mackerel No. 1, $22; No; 2. $18,00; No. 3, $13,50; in half barrels. 500 more. ll although sup plied witti- - Wheatht. continue to take all that offers' at $2,10 to $2,15 for Red, and 3 to 5c higher for White. Oats firmer, under the influence of, an improved demand; we have 600 bushels (38 lbs to the bushel) re ported at 62c, on platform, and small sales. at 64 to 65c. Corn is-in demand and ad vancing; sale of 3,000 bushels, prime Yel low, to a distiller, at $1,15, and 1 ear mixed, on private terms—suoposed to be at $1,12. Rye is unchanged at $1,40. Barley is firmer and higher; sale of 2 cars prime No. 1 Spring at s2—sold to an Allegheny brewer.- SEEDS—Flaxseed is in steady demand 82,25. Timothy Seed is being sold at 83,25 to the trade and $3,50 in a retail way. ver seed is nominal at $7,50 to $B. SALT--Is dull and nominally unchanged at $1,7551,80 to the trade, and $2 for small lots id store. LARD OIL—Is firm •but unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and $1,50 for No. 1. PROVISIONS—Bacon is in steady de mand, but unchanged at 14 to 1434 c for Shoulders; 1634 to 16%c for Ribbed, and 18X for Clear Sides, and 22 to 2234 for Su gar Cured Hams. Lard is ouoted at 19% to 19% in tierces; and 21 to 2135 in kegs. Mesa Pork $30,50 to 31; HAY—lnfirm but unchanged, with reg ular sales at from $2O to $3O per ton, accord ing to quality. POTATOES—SaIes at $3,50 to $3,Th Per bbl and $1,25 to 81,30 per bushel. Jersey Sweets unchanged at 86,50 to $7 per bbl. FLOUR—There is a moderate local de mand, but there is not much inquiry for Shipment, and while the marget is quiet,. F F rices are unchanged. Spring Wheat lour is selling at $lO to $10,25 for new and 810,50 taf10,75 for old, Winter Wheat $ll to $11,25,- The "Pearl" and "City Mills" continue to qnoute at $11,30, for White Wheat in - barrels, and 11 in sacks; anti Red Wheat at $lO.BO in barrels, and $10,50 in. sacks. Rye Flour, $9,50 for old. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. ( OFFICE OF THE PI'PIBUBOR OAArrrEar, WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1868. S CRUDE. The Crude market is dull, and devoid of any new or: . - important, dharati4cuttiVil worthy of special notice. The demand oontinues very light, being restricted mainly to supplying the immediate wants of some refiners who are short on mater-' ing contracts of Refined, and while prices. are unchanged, compared with yesterday, and a slightly firmer feeling was reported' in some quarters, the tendency, neverthe less, is downward, and is so regarded by the majority of those engaged in the trade. There was but a single sale reported, sock bbl delivered on cars at 011 City at $4,40. Spot oil is quoted here at 11 1 „r to 12c; sel ler's option, next four months, at 10m0; buyer's 'option, same delivery, at - 12 to 12mc; seller's option from January to July, 1869, at 10c. - \ REFINED. The Refined, m'rket is dull and unin teresting to outsiders, generally, though we have, no doubt, the situation is s.- ciently interesting to many as , especian those who are "short. as well those Who y are "long." The sales today were t tee li c lots of 500 each for October at 310, and - each September to November at 31c. It: rumored that there had been a sal of spot oil at 30V,,c, and we heard of an o er to sell the last four months at 30%c; al o r September to March at 30c. The p mar et continues in a very unsettled and anic y condition, and is still subject to those e quent fluctuations, which have prevail d. for some time past. • The eastern mark a appear to be about In the same condition our own. _ - RECEIPTS CRUDE OIL. "L r _ . G. 8. Thomas 80 Nat. Ref. C 0..- 960 D. M. Edgerton... 80 Livingston & Bro 480 Lockhart di F..... 920 E. Jageman 960 L. Roess dr. 8r0... 120 Buffum, - K, do Co. 200 W. J. Glenn 50 Total on. SHIPPED ST BY A.. VR. R. H. W. p. Tweddle, '2BO Ibis V. refined to Warden, Frew & Ce., Philadelphia . Forsyth; Bro. & Co., 200 do do to Warden,. Frew & Co., Philadelphia., Fawcett, Logan dr.filtookdale. 100 do do to W. P. Logan dt Bro., Philadelphia. Livingston do Bro., 250 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.. • McKelvy Bros. & Co., 210 do ref. to W. P. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia. E. "Jageman & Co., 150 do refined to Waripg, King & Co.. Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 182 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. McCreery & Co., 309 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., elphia. 0. B. Jones, 150 do l esto C. W.Holbrook, Philadelphia. 'E. Jageman & Co., 100 do benzole:to War- inc., King dr Co., Philadelphia. H. W. O. Tweddle, 25 do lubricating to._ Tajers t Myers, Philadelphia. OIL SHIPACEIsTs PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Warden & Batchelder, 48 bbls refined to Warden, Frew t Co.. Philadelpnia. G. N'ir. Holdship & Co., 24 do do to War ing, King & Co., Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co., 1 do do to Waring, Ring & Co., Philadelphia. Union Ref. Co., 149 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Brooks. Ballentine & Co., 112 do do to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Duncan dc: Williams, 135 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. - H. M. Long & Co.. 57 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fairview , Oil Co., 300 !This refined to Tack. di Bros., Philadelpnia. New York Dry Goods Market. CBy Telegranh to the Plttsbargh,Gazette.] NEW YORK, Septernber 2.—Dry Goods - inarket steady and, active,more par-. ' ticularly for woolen and: worst ed fabrics, • '1 which sell at good prices; if we except de- • .sirable 'styles and shades of col Ors. In cot ' ton goods the business isnot quite so active" ' as expected, although there is a steady and fair demand for popular Makes or heavy • brown sheetings at'illarlp for Grantville A. and Stark A, Amoskeog. and Appleton hed mu A. Golden Ridge at 13e. Bleacs line are generally steady;., Lonesdale 18e' and , Blackstone 16c. Painted oolors in fair demand, and although not in active re , . 1 quest, still the goods are held with more firmness, notwi•hstanding desperate efforts Sr, ' are made tor break down 'the price; *a quote Pacific Prints 13%; Lowell" 11; An drft.coggin 1030 the latter is on a good six, Ayofquare fine cloth, and meets with favor.. mere baan active Ingtdrynfttr 'Chan:felon yard - wide Twills, at 11 7X®50.; _and Chem°, lon at 275( narronri And 423 i 'Or Wide goods. Pine woolen olethe r good- styles and colorings, 801 l f'reely at 2 ,00©2,1% for pforrow, andl, oo @s,oo.,for doable width.. • Miltriutt "ei Markt. ' , , • , Teletraplito the-Plttabitrich Gazette.l • Mzr.wAttirkiti''Se*inher ,2.-41 our dnik and unchanged. Wheat active at $1,741c -for No. 1. and /1,62-for No. 2.-' Oata firm at 515 lbr No. 2. • Corn more active at 980 for N 0.2. ItecelptaL4lour 1,000 bidet; wheat 87,000: oatB ; ,COll/ 4,000 bush. ..§hip ments_fi(Mr it bbis; whatt 117,000; oats 500; Dorn 1,000 bush. ‘• • clnelanstr eattla , biariet.fl y, • ,• b Iteette.) 7 :Ci e g i . l, 9 OiNClN VA ll .l3Sentilltk bar 2 . vely neer , d till at 53,0()43,50 gross. Sbeepplairnbi and Hogs active at full rates. SB5O , ~ 1 ME