BC To Let," •'Par Bate,” "Last,' "Wants," "Fbiend. ,, "Roarding,” ike., . not ex. ( lading PO OR LINES each stilt be inserted in these Catilllfl.9 ono. for TWENTY-FIVE OBNTIS: sad additioneti Liu FIVE assn. VirANTED---HELP. WANTED—MOULD MAKERS.— The undersigned wishes to employ two first class liioula Makers. Tbo.e that understand mak ing all kinds of 031 ass Moulds. None others nerd apply. Further Information can be had bY applying to the undersigned. in person or by mall. W. G. RICKER., corner Mill an, Platt streets, Rochester, New York, NV' A NT ED—BLACKSMITHS.— Two good Blacksmithb, - to go to Chicago, to work on Tools. Inquire at No. .264 JACKSON STREET, Allegheny. WANTED -111 OULDERS.-Im mediately, at Fourth Ward Foundry arid hie Worke,.three good MACHINE INIOUL- WANTED—HELP—At Employ v v nient (Mee. No. 3 St. Clair Street, BUYS, 4311t1.3 and MEN, for different kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WAN - TED-BOARDERS. WANTEDI—BOARIDERS—PIeas ant furnished rooms to let, with boarding, at 167 THIRD tiTHERT. " WANTED—B 0 A llDERS.—Gen gUl.graenn. boardersog w"b • WeANTED—BOARDERS.—A gen . tleman and wife, or two single gentlemen, can accommodated with first class boarding at No. 113 WYLIE STREET. Uoom is a front one, on Second floor, and opens out on balcony. WANTED---AGENTS WOWANT} D—A few good Men to sell and Introduce the •`NVONDEIt PRE LLD." Pay sure and , ermanent. J. C. TAL TON, No. UN St. Clair street. E N—To sell -Clue NV)r HOLLOW DASH ATMOSPHE, , IO CHURN, the best selling article out. J. C. TILTuN. VitANTED—A GOOD MAN—To . act as General Agent for the "WONDER OF T 'WORLD." J. O. TILTON, No. 1036 ST. CLAIR ST. - AN T E u—AGENTS—For Na- TIONAL CAMPAIGN GOODS.--Sxlo Steel Engravings of GRANT and COLFAX, with or with out frames. One agent took 60 orders in one day. Also, National Campaign Biographies of both, 'as cents.,, Pins, Badges. Medals au & Photos forLiem ocratsAnd Republicans'. Agents make t 0,1 3• per ct. Sample packages sent post-paid for _ Send at once and get' the start. Address GOODSPEED & CO.. 37 Park Row. N. Y.. or. Chicago, 111. r d&P virAN T ED-20,000 AGENTS.- .A sample sent free, with t..trms for any one to clearlPls daily, In three'honrs. Business entire ly new, light and desirable. Can be done at home or traveling. by both male and vemale. No gin en terprisaor humbug. - Address Vr; H. CU DJ 266 Broadway. New York. T E D—IMMEDIATELY- T !Two...live and energetic men, to solicit for a first-class Life Insurance Company. Apply at the office of the ATLANTIC atuTuAt LIS E INSU RANCE COMPANY, 108 Smithfield street, second floor. , WANTS. WANTED INFORMATION-Of MICHAEL HOLLAND. son of Mark Hol of County ti.lway, :Ireland. who came to' America in 1864. Last heard from In Pittsburgh. Els cousin, MARY HOLLAND. is livinF In Mor ristown. N.. 1., and will be clad to hPur from oho. AN TED—LODGEII--For a large front room, neatly furnished and well ventilated, situated ou mon Avenue, Allegheny, two squares from street cars. Address BOX M. WANTED—TO RENT—A small House or Building. suitable for a thrht man. ufacturing businets, about 21.5.:50. One or two stories; if detached from other buildings, preferred. Adaresa HAIM F A r:1 IT HER, office of this paper. "WA NTED —A Pleasant Home of t A to 15 rooms In a good location, either in Allegheny_ or Pittsburgh. Address A. S.. this ogles. _ an2B:v3l - . oWANTED—The Patrimage of all persons friendlyyears to the Medical Practice A. FALCONER. 43 a inted with the Science and Practice of Medicine.cq u Drug Store and Omce in Lawrenceville. Established 13years. . ANTED--LAND-e AND 0001iS REAL .- EST ATE—In exchang for BOND. Address 13IPORTEit, Box 2190 P. 0., .PhUadelphts- WANTED -BUSINESS AGENT.- -By a first dams New York Life Insurance -Company. with the inost liberal features to policy hoiden, ,a General Agent for Western Pennsylvania. Address, enclosing references, P. 0. Box 1839. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED -INFORMATION-01 _FRANCIS M.. WEBB. When 'last heard frnm was stopping _at. • •Gotrman's Exchange." in the Diamond. (In May. 1860,r In-the City of Pitts burgh. Any person who may chance to read this Donee, and know of the whereabouts: of the said - FRANCIS M. WEBS will confer a great favor on his mother , M•s. R. FRANKLIN, by addressing a Jotter to J. C. FRAItiALIN, ?demi:motile, Umatilla Count‘; Oregon. lillir ANTED--PARTNER,A Part ner that Will devote Ohs time to sales and Aeo lectiOns, and who can - invest Fifteen to Twenty five Thousand Dollars. in an old established manu factory.. Address N. with full name, atNxxxvtit -Orrict. None need apply except an active .b id nem man. eapable,to attend to business generally. VirAN T12.14,--PURCHASEIL--For an interest in an established business on Fifth street. Terms —sBoo , eash, POO in tour and WO in sin. months. Address BOX H. this office. _:-LOST. T OST--ENVELOP.E- - Containing JU lettere - of recommendation, of no We except theirowner. A sAtabh• reward will be paid for return to 112 MARKET BTHEXT. LOSI'—GZTti'I GOODS.-.-Lost 'from a dray. on Tuesday afternoon, between Du quesne 'Depot and St. Clair street. on Liberty a BALE. OF-GUlt GOOOS marked "J. &H. Phil lips, Pittsburgh." A liberal reward , will be paid for the recovery of the above. Apply to J. k H. PHILLIPS, Nos. 26 and 28 St. (lair street, or .Agent Allentown B. B. Line, foot of Duquesne Depot. 1 FOR RENT. ;. 91r 1 0 L E 011 8 o-fstor • 'Brick. with five rooms and finished . garret o. 28 Grantham street, above Robinson. For par - Oculars call »t the residen ce. • MO LET.--Dispatch - r ; - •1. TWO 000 D OMC Mtn the .D:spateh Build *Z. Tre on at e KrtiUni;ittln VABLEFIN. partlentaing- z, To LET-A TWO STORY ERICK Dwelling, No. 56 Logan 6treer , with hall, 4. our rooms,-dry cellar, water, 5.e. Enquire of Mr. : 4 7-; N. 001.55, next door. an530;31 • • TTIC) LET—One Frame Dwelling • , •.-: A.. of five roores. hall. and finished attic, corner . Fayette and Manhattan streets. Fifth ward. AM-- gbeny City. Enquire of PETER. 23A,17.8, No. 85 it -Ohio avenue. - • • LET--DWELLING.--4 very desirable Dwelling, nearly new, cOntalning sevenMoine and finished - attic. with all modern Ito - p_rovements. Rent reasonable. Apply to WM. WALSER, SO 1:103le street, Allegheny. FOR SALE FOR-MALE—BAY MARE—Gentle • n. wi ll be bold l ow. " Ap ply ImitELESc'IVERY.taABLE, bandaeky *street. VOR SALE--LAND.--One Hun- A.DICED TWENTY ACR.ib of the b.st hind for _gardening or country residences, situated on tbe•waiblngton: Pike. '134 miles eolith of Tem '• penineevil.e. Will be sold In lots of oily else. to •-• • slat purchasers. ...lign premises. 050 Liberty *ilea, or Y. C. N Eli LEY, on h e gV OR sA LE—BARBER SHOP— t. the corner of . ...:: 1 • Clit3itanvlnfesdfrlldrurVlLe`4l:lsninrth's building.) Pittsburgh. Will be i sold cheap for Wit. Bent .-:,, ' -!. reasonable. . .c: . 1 -1- la S ALE -B U SINESS:---A. well 4 estaidialvea and paying business, on one of the .4 - best business straw a of Pittsburgh. Easilyman -1 aged, with a moderato capital. (rood reasons for selling. Address MIX 45j, Pittsburgh P.ll. Fon SALE—AT HOBOKEN STA, • -; 'TlG24.—Loota for .sale at this very dessrable ()cation. Persons desiring k, secure a home for V 'themselves would do well to examine th is proPertY 7 before prirchseinic sny plat:o Yon can Feder bi • 6 ' I calling at the eth ic ni B. ROBINSON. 25 al street, Alle tn. ny City. who will take anyverson Le . 1 examine thr prowyy rree o f chime. ":1 gon SALE—RARE CHANCE.-- I 1"1611MBINCI AND GAS MUM; TAB 'KS . ',HMENT. — A good stand and store. together with fixtures, good scill,. ge, of • PLUMBINO and •I GAB Ft (VINO KST .161 , l6iniiit.T. doing a good ~ business, Is offen d for isle. The. above Is situated J Ina good place for busineu. Having engaged In v • i other business. tne proprietor offers tills eatablish ment at a bargain. Yor_psrticulars, ' ' call at No. 1 185 W 0 0 .1) b 1109 KT. Pittsburgh, ps, , .. 1 . OR SALE-A Beautiful Build T - p e - i 'NO LO. contaP , lng 4 acres . with the_priv • ' ge of 6 acres. situated on Mount Hope, at woods Bun !Ration. P. rt. W. AI. it:, wind - Wog pr o p er . : sy of Alex. Taylor, Wm. Diel.on, V. m. Richardson and uth rs. This is ono ot the; most comuiandine view In the vicinity of the two title., and within 2 minutes' walk of the station. Bu - quire at 381 Mb. /rn..street, or at the resistance of ar. ALMS. TA R . IAO6I near the reams. , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP GUNS FOB THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed toliro. 179 821THFIELD STREET, where tell a ttoays be found the moat complete assortment ,f Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Mg Material, dce., in tee city. All kinds of Guns and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stamp for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN STON. 179 Smithlletd Street. Pittsburgh. arJOHN N. PERVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 2:d District. Office, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY Sirilffice hours-9 A. NT. to s_P._ll SELECT PICNIC & BAZAR, AT IVFARLAND'f3 GROVE, On SATURDLY, September sth, 1868. For thebeneflt of the NEW '3ATTIOLIC_CHURCH, near Oakland, Admission and Dinner-FIFTY CENTS. W` -'MASONIC BALL. TWELVE NIGHTS ONLY, onimencing MONDAY, September 7tb, 1868 RETURN OF TUE FAVORITE. LOGREMA, the Great Conjuror, With his marvelous troupe of Learned Birds, Performing White Mice and RUPSilln Cat. ONE HUNDRED PRESENTS! Will be given away every night, with the same 11h4 eratity and impartiality that have characterized his previous entertainments. Matinee. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 12t Admlssion 25 cents Reserved s,ats 50 " Faintly Tickets, admitticg six persons.sl.oo . _ Mutluee--Cltildren 15 • 25 " Adults itir Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at El CHAS. P. SHERSIA.N, 31anager. CHAS. T. SLOCUM . , Agent. sea . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco, Cigars Si Whiskey. ISAAC STERN, No. 162 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., noectfully announees to his friends that he is now his stock, consisting of the FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C., And the PIIREST Lutvons, At iprices LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARE ET. Remember the place, No. 162 FEDERAL ST., ALLICIIIENT CrrY, PA 8e3:v70-TUFS SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXTBOOKS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE TEXT BOOKS teel in the varlohe SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES of the cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Tielnity PCPILS, TEACHERS and DEALERS supplied Orders by mall promptly attended to 11001, STATIONERY &I REQUISITES WHOLESALE AHDBETIIL, AT THE LOWEST .PRICES KAY & COMPANY, 65 Wood Street, Lafayette -Building IMO SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! Ai the Books used the Public and Private fichoo in Pittsburgh. Allegheny, and vicinity. OSGOOD and M'GIIFFEY'S READERS and SPTLLERS. MITCHELL'S, GUYOT'S and WARREN'S GE -0011. APHIES. BURTT'eL CLARK'S and GREENE'S GRAM MASS. DEAN'S, RAY'S, GREENLEAF'S, BROOKS' and QUACKENBO'S ARITHM,TD 8. - WEBSTEIVN PRIMARY, COMMON !SCHOOL and HIGH Sl'llOtaL DICTIONARIES. BOBINsON'S ALGEBRAS. HART'S CONSTITUTION. ANDREWS' LATIN LIISSONS. COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE. BOOKS. - School requisites, of all kinds. FOR PALE BY RODEDT S. DAVIS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnershio heretofore existing be• tween JAMES McCUh E and MATTHEW STEW AET, under the 211 MC and style of - - _ McCUNE & STEWART, Has been this day.dissolved by mutual consent, and the Produce and Commission Business wilt be car ried- on by JAMES McCIINE and JOHN D. Mc• CURE, under the name and style of McCUNE & BRO., who will settle themccounts of the late firm. JAMES McCUNE., MATTHEW STEWART. Pittsburgb.Eept. Ist, 1885. a Iv-2:v58 FOR RENT-LOUISVILLE HO TEL.—He.led pr.posals will be received until thr Oyu MAY OF Of! LOSES, for a lease of the Louisville Hotel, In this City, for a term of three years. commencing and possession given on the let alla of Januxry, 1800. Pr sale may be made for the hotel proper, alot.e, or' for the hotel and store rooms attact•ed. The premises can be examined on pplication to the present occupants. or to either of the un.,er.tgued, Tbe right rest rved to decline any or all bids if not satiqaetorp.. and security may be required for the faithful rerformence of the terms 01 the lease. Indorse euve•opc "Proposals for the Louisville Hotel." and address • .1 - THOMAS nTEILLE, I . HEN KY WHITESTOWE, Ex'rs of the Metal° of L. L. Sureve, dec`d. M. KZ AN part owner. Louisville, Hy.. Aug: 31, 111468. seZ:vs.s 110 p 'F. DAUBITVB HERR LIQUOR. . • DR.' FA- LIC CO., Importers, 760 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa.; This great HERD LIQUOR has gained wide celeb rity lii all.. Europe Iron* , its marvellous efficacy In g all hemorrholdst compliiints and diseases of t r iter mach. We earnestly inviteithe attention of' the afflicted to this great 'remedy.' and otter gratis 'the eireular 4 , giving directions for use, together with the ceriltleates ur eminent suthoritles regard . ing its curative merits. . ww' hold In all Drug, Stores. au20:1175 Jilt. FM 8. CO.. Importers. FaARIiLIN NTREET'PROPER.. F TY YOB KALE.--ihrretstory Brick Meaning Wont , . of hail, narlor. dung room, kitchen. four chambers awl gas itxtures; a trick house of Ave rooms. fr..ntlog on Pasture I,ane, Also. a three icor) hti.k dwelling house on Vranklin street, of hap, purior, dieing room, Miriam. tour t lumbers. bath room. gati ligtures, st. It papered and painted. Apply WB.IUTITHBERT Wide. sell elk emithileld Meet. PITTEBUE, f}4 FATE : ' TRU SDA Sr ; SEPTEMBER 3, 1868 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. SEMPLE, 180 apd 182 Federal Street, Respectfully informs his Customers and the Public , generally, that the STORE IS OPEN AS USUAL, With a laige stock of goods not In any way lajnred by fire or Water, to which LARGE ADDITIONS OF NEW GOODS Have been and will be made from the litore'hooms in which the Fresh Goods are stored, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES WET GOODS NOT FOR SALE AS YET And will not be until the appralsement le completed by the Insurance Agents AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 0 and 182 Federal St, Allegheny. Westward the Star of Empire Takes ECURE A HOME IN TBE GOLDEN STATE ___ HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION Incorporated under the Laws of the State, Novem ber 30th. ISM for the purpose of-providing 110 E -FOR ITS MEMBERS, Capital Stock. - - - $1,000,000 Divided into 200.000 SHARES at $5 each, paya ble In U.S. CuRRENcY. Cent ticates of Stock Ilsued to subscribers imme diately upon receipt of the money. NO PERSON ALLOWED TO noLD WORE THAN Firs SHARES. A t:ircular containing a full description of the property to be dtstribnted among the Shareholders wilt he sent to any address upon receipt of stamps to cover return postage. Information as to price of land in any portion of the State. or upon an other subject of Interest to paellas nroposlng to Immigrate, will. be cheerfully furnished upon receipt of stamps for postage. . All letters should be addressed SECRETARY IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASSO CIA.TION, PostoffiCe Bur. No. 88, SAN FRAN CISCO. CALIFORNIA. an28:112 FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE Portable Flour and Feed Mills, 319 and 321 Liberty St.,Pittsburgh, Pa IMI BLACK SILK SiCI4,VES. Lama Cnce Points, Summer Shawls, FOR SALE AT LOW Mat% BY WHITE, ORR & CO., 2 Fifth Street, REWARD Strayed or t-tolen from the subscriber. JOHN . sger. on WEI)SNESDAY, August moth, thir teen nines from Pittsburgh, on the hteubenville pike. a BROWN LIORSK, six years old, one white will foot. r e c overy giving information that will lead to the of the horse will receive the above reward. A telegram to Oakdale elation will reach me. . JOHN SHORT, Shlrland.P. 0.. Pa. ati.ll:v4od&F 93 WOOD STREET WANTED. 50.000 imp. prime WHEAT 50,000 * " Fall and Spring BABLHY And 11111,000 " BYX: g'er which we will pay the highest price in cash. 131T01100 OK, WORREILY & 00. sn7:d&F A LLEGHENY ACADEMY. The next regular session will commence on TUESDAY, SEPTEIBBB. IST, In EXCEL 1° HALL, Federal street,.Alleglieny. MU. T. E. WAKEH AIL Principal, will receive pupils at the Hall, on Monday, August 31st. from 9 to 12 o'cloca. auV.:v47 GOOD 111 EWS. °HEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. Enquire, for WARD'S liread. Tt a largest and but; The Initials "It. W." on aver loaf. Take done else. anerrra FOB SALE, , FINE SEED WHEAT, INDIA RUBBER BELTING AND STILADI PACKING. — A ftall P rol es hand at all es, and of the best quality. withingi et up Mills or OOP* where Belling le required, will end our prices as low u can be had to the lust, and relight saved. ' ; .1. & A. PIIILLIPI3. 411 Se and SIR Pt. .tropt. §TORE WINDOW SHADES, of any color and Atte requlredt with bOrder and ►esters In gin Ilig t tr i ciaz Blue for tame tr i l l 'i r i: se. ma. 4 1 8 =III %NIA. Clair Inver. 11 °lc " J. ft, H. Pttll4T,Pwi BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK. —8 ew es gmaine 6 Eagle"brand Just re ceived; aim Condensed Beef fur malting Beep Tea, Beef -ono. de. In atouejsri or tablets, for sale at the ?ening UrOosry atom of JOHN AL BUM/kw. ALLEGHENY, PA., I , W7toresale and Retail, Its Way." THE IMMIGRANT OF CALIFORNIA And promoting Immigration. French Burr Smut 14chines, BOLTING CLOTHS, All numbers and best quality. For sale at W. W. WALLA(J AY 349 LIBERTY ST. Anil HITOHOOKIK. MeCREETIT 300. NEW AEVERTISENEENTS. 54. KITT/MING EXTRA. HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, rtzc:oNxr Offered, IN GOOD STYLES. PICKSON & CO., WHOLESALE ' , SUMMER STOCK OP CARPETS ! White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy Di A. r r a l I IN - EA• IN GlIMA."1" VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &c. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 721 FIFTH STREET. jeo3:d/twlr BATES & BELL 71 -- 73 3:111.75e" ar4CoCoril3, e•d4 WOOD STREET. NT OF I DRY GOODS FINE ASSORTM WILL OPEN TI3IFJ WEEK, A LARGE STOCK. No. 21 FIE I'H STREET. sel:rrs&T FATAL. HALTS M'CORD - & CO., 131 WOOD_ . Are now ready with a LARGE AND SELECT STOCK of . . • 3EXATIES; CAL PIEh AND FURS. auk FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! Fresh ground Old Wheat Flour: White Star Mills, for family use. Riverside MITI, for Bakers. Stone Mill for Bakers.' Ontario M ill. fir Bakers. Monitor Kill, for Bakers. City Mill, Sprinfleid. 0, Family Floor. Carev's Family Flour. Mad River Fa OF mily Flour. NEW WHEAT. Plainview Mills Fancy St. Louis. Tea Rose Mills do Clarke's B.st Baker's Flour. - Keystone Mills do - Coronett Mills do For sale by WATT, LANG do CO,, au2B 12111 and 114 WOOD ST JUST RECEIVED, AT EATON'S, No. 17 virtu Street. COURYOISIER SEAMLESS KIDS COURVOISIER SEAMLESS KIDS PANIERS. PANIERS. MOULDED PAPER COLLARS, MOULDED PAPER COLLARS, ' 4 Boxes for 50 cents. - JUST RECEIVED. A PINE ASSORTMENT OF RUSSELL At ER WIN'S Celebrated Locks & Builders' Hardware, AND ASH PLLEY' at WHITESIDES DRIIIIPS, :v7C 79 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY OTICE—TO TILE OWNER OR owners of it Log Raft laying at the A ileghen hart, I Pleee of Lumber lAying at the foot of II street; siso, the Hu Yo u a bteb .at laylog at t toot of Pitt street. are hereby notified to PAY WHARFAGE , . and remove the same WITHIN. TWENTY DAYS, or they willbe sold to pay obarges. HOBERT A. HILL, Allegheny Wharf Master. att2o or2l KNABE 1k; C 0 AND RAINES BROS. PIANOS; For sale on monthly and quarterly payments OBABLOTTB BLUNtil t mule 43 nail street, Bole Agent F°RMA LE- one 35 horse power Engine, new; -- o ne fig do. do. second hand; Piro Turning Lathed and small Tools; Mislays, conplinut, de. Tor particulars moires' H. WititITMAX. go( 46 Elanduaky stmt. Allegheny. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS! CARPETS! 54. MANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer an kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of -the past season. Having made an our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably, for cash, we are enabled to self lower than they can be pur *chased this Fall. - McCALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPLTS. OTWITHSTANDING THE kanufaetnrers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVER it'CLINTOCK & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street. NEW CARPETS, U R. 'l' 11. - 1. Z 47 El, WINDOW - SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE AND PIANO DINERS: THE B} GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. MorAIMAND. & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next Building toll. EL Custom House Post Omce auB:77s&T PEAR TREES - AND PLUM' TREES, . • A. VERY SUPERIOR LOT, - FOR SALE CHEAP, AT THE • - SYRACUSE NURSERIES. In our list of PEAR TREES we have CLAPP'S FAVORITE, DANA'S HOVEY, BEURRE ,D'AN JOU,..te.„ In large Supply. Also, a grzeral.assort.ment or NURSERY STOCK of the drat.quallty. • The attention of Nurserymen and Dealers la espe cially sollalted. • . 81111ITH,L CLARK .& POWELL, PROPRIETORS. • . • . • Sniecuss, N. Y., Ang. 511 ' 1968..au81tv57-diT alai SPICED fiIALNION, ' OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, Petted Meats, _ Pennellns, Data, Figs, etc., dte., *e . AT , GEORGE BEAVENT, Federal street. Allexhenv au26 • TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTH. ter Window Shades—superior In Guallti and lower In price than the lantern mann h e sure. Another large supply of the different widtkojest received from factory. J. L H. PHILLIPS. 311 . • se and AS et. Clatr strait. CORNICES WELL SEASONED POLITICAL iP.TiiiVti, Ou THURSDAY t_VENLNG, Sept. 2d. 10-IREPUBLI,CAN ME At Mount Washington School House. J. F. SLAGLE anq JOFIN PALZELL. Ens., will address the meeting. By order of se3 ' • Con. ON SPEAKERS & MEETINGS. L 4 7 -REPUBLICAN MEETING, On TFIURSDAX EVENINq. Sept. 3d. At the Wigwam, in East Liberty. A. M. BRCIWN and THOS. wiIL tddrebs the meeting. By order of/J QS • sex Cox. ON tiezeratas & NOS. IW'REPUBLICAN DIEET&G; Uri THURSDAY EVENINe, Sept. 2d, IN THE DUIDIOND, H. C. MACKBELL and THO. M. BAYNE. Es will address the mom! ng. By order of se 3 Com. ON SPEAKERS MEETINGE. MEETING OF THE SECOND WARD, PITTSBURGH, CRANT AND COLFAX CLUB, WILL BE HELD AT W I ILKINS HALL, On THURSDAY EVENING, September Sd. All Republicans are invited to, attend NOTICES. aN: - DIVIDEND No. 17. OFFICE MARINE OIL COMPANT. No. .1.2 Fourth street. Pittsburgh, August 20th, 186E1. The Directors of the Marine 011 Company have thls day declared a Dlvioend of FIVE I'ER CENT. oh the Capital ntuck, payable at this mike on and after neptember lst. auSIo:SO - E. F. 'RINEHART; Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BOORS FOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stuck of the Company to erect a Bride over the Allegheny Ricer, from Ewalt street. to the CRY' of Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and ,Butier Plank Road, at or near the mouth of Girty"s Ruu, incorporated by an Aet of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, 7 ap. proved the twenty-sixth day - of March, A. 0;1868, will be opened at the office of SILL & SH UTTERLY. on Butler Street. in the Seventeenth Ward of said CUT of Pittsburgh, on the TENTH DAY OF SEP TEMBER NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. N. of said day. John W. 'Riddell, S. J. Watawright. J. J. Shutterly, James I. Bennett, T. R. Sill, J. R. Poor, T. B. Stewart, D. Dempsey, - M. McCullough, H. Sample, E. S. L. Fellbangh, W. T Purviance, E. Coates, Wm. W. Young, J. U. Barr. Wm. Reardon, Wm. Mcconnell, Israel C. Pershirig, John J. Williams, N. P. Reed, Commissioners. Pittsburgh, August Bth. 1868. aute:tiM U AUCTION SALES BY PALIEBB & PHILLIPS. pALMER as PHILLIPS, AUCTIONTmTaIi And eiminnission Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Eith Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PB.r . i , ATE SALE DAT AWD EVEMING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Se. taros. • THE DESIRABLE LOT OF GROUND, 161 Fulton St., AT AIICTZON. On SATURDAY. Sept. sth, at 355 o'clock r. ii.„ on the premises, will be sold positively, without re serve, the desirable Building Lot. (vacant, , front ing 24k feet on Fulton street. bet ween Centre ave nue and Colwell streets. and extending baek 13S feet to Crawford street, (with privilege or 10 foot . alley alongside of whole lot„ being No. 161 Fulton. • street, (late 6th ward. - • 'As an investment, or to parties desiring to locate '- in a good neighborhood. convenient to business, thus sale should command attention,- Terms--One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest, securt d by bend and mortgage. • FALILELL PFDLL IFS knet`rs, - : No. 60 fifth street. • REMOVAMB QEMKVAL-The - Meichants & Xi, Manufacturers National Bank will, on TB lIBSDAY,August 27th; ' - Remove to the corner of. First and Wood streets, House formerly occupied by reople's National Bank. and remain during t e erection of their new Banking House. au2S:vl9 JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. - TO RIILWAY CONTRACTORS. THE GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING of the 'following ennmer- ated Hee-Lions of the Pittsburgh Sr, Connellsville Railroad. Are advertised for contract, and proposals for the same will be received at the Company's Office, in Pittsburgh, up to the 20TH OF SEIPTETHIER, Commencing at the Uniontown Branch Junction, about a mite east of Conne isville, Sections 59 toe* inclusive. • Then Sections 65, 73;74, 76, 80, 81. 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, Be, 90. 91, 9 2 . 108 * 110, 112, 115. 116, 117, US, 119,188. / 98 . 129, 130, 133..140. All of thesOectlons are in - the valley of the Youghiogheny up to Section 112 Inclusive. Sections 115. 110;117 are on the Summit, and embrace the Sand Patch Tunnel; and the r e mainder are in the valley of Wills Creek. Section/140 being about 5 miles from Cumberland.. Specifications of the wort on the above eet:ona will be ready for delivery oaths Ist of September, at de alms of the Company, at Pittsburgh and Cum— berland, where contractors will obtairiall necessary' information to enable them to examin rejece the t line. or . The' Company reserves the right to all put of each bid. Et. IL LATROBE August 10t41; 1688 J. L. DILLINGIE A. Z. STKeiXBOrt.. DILLIPMER & STEVENSON, CO MMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second . Street Pitt-burgh, Pa. IiEDIUVE AND BELL All Stade of Country _Produce. All orders for, Merchandise promptly filled. at towasi market rates. Venice' tr attention givers to the sale uf Rutter, f ggs. ,t'lt.oese, Dried Ftillith &e, We feel confident that we can glee entire sat isfaction. By making QUICK SALSA and 1.11011 1. T lilt TOWNS. at r Malta aT rale so , , and therefore re.eeetfully solicit your consignments. A I emett spondenee • answered pnWript.y. Marklng Pitgos Graf:Abed free. Undo In store and to arrive um , " anti:l7B • --- SPICED SALMON...4OO CADID received from Boston; also olded Mmes. ° lllll Kit*. forfamily oar,. or for eale bY the pound, at the Famly Grocery Vlore of J. itiN A. peIiSFIAMr... Corner bitrer ---/"d "re". ant'A PERE CIDER TIN L EG A 1 11. bi --Iror pickling or t,tble use. ter sale by the nd or at midi; so.o Imperial 14 Ina Illness?Il °. V the Oaks or tenon, by Jitati A- AW. 11115 _1 -------Corner tAberty and Liana streets. StkACE LEATHER, Page's Pat— ent, for sale w Waage aad 4B . Clair street. itot J. i 10111LLIPS 1 ll= CIVIL ENGIIIRILB.: aul9tuXl