"Nitai Pres% W. I'. roars% suv't. • ThillIIRGll. FORGE AN D IRON CO., xAstrrecTualias ..lir Iron; - • .' - ' '-'ilroad Fish Bars and Bolts; . , kilroad Car Niles' Itol l odi' • . ."' Odlroad Car Axle* .1 3 1arnEt;00411 •- ;coinotive'Frata.ing - "' . ' test:motive Franto Shapes] , de Rods: .okes, Straps; 'lston Heady, • ••• 3eamboat Shafts; , , - ileamboat Cranks; f:lston Beds, Wrists; 7- - - , ;Masa; Jaws, Collars, &e. sloe, No. 177 'PENN' STREET, jtAFF, BYERS & MA.NTIFACTthES 0? Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUCHT IRON, Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. :Bee t 98 Water and 4.82 Fhat Streets. PIT-TSBUit•I3, Pa. !IVEBSON PRESTON &CO • on: W orks. „ icehouse, Nos. NM sidle* 'FIRST STREET, ,site Monongahela Bolas* • 51:d6 • . STEEL WORZS. r ITTSBIIIIGH jittEt , . (Ysr a:aeuj 1845.3 IiNDERSON* - WOODS * _„__W_3l23/30718 TO ANOEBSOi t . Oo . oli. a • co., Manufacturers of every . desthiptlon of STEEL. • REFENED TOOL STEEL 111111, Malay, Circular, COL:liana Cross Cut SAW P''X'P.S. .! . ying, Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. ',ova, Hoe Fork, rage and Toe Calk Steel. ;,11road Spring Steel and Frog Points Cast Steel .ter Bars, tickle Steel, Spring Steel Tyre, Plow cgs, etc.,* 011 Drill steel. 1./.:,e* and Works--corner FTEST,AND ROSS STs., fabttrgb, Pa • , , ing;d9 I I)4 ) L1I) : .03011, NlllllOll CO.. PrrrsituriGa, Manufacturers oteverydescriptbsn of ST AND eiERNILAN STEEL, •? (L ari v " B ic l L_Z-T'Eumpb' Jim SPBIRQs, 'STEEL T/11,14 :: 88 Water and 100 First Sta. 111 & PARKIN. sizarxe.AL PARTNERS: . 4 1 4 :411 METCALF, • BEUBEN MILLEB, W. BARB, I CHAS. PARKIN. 4 SPECIAL PARTNER-3: M. KIM& CRESCENT STEEL . WORKS, 'st 141430.11, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, ie PTITSBIIIMPI; PA. *, itACH DIAMOND STML-WOM BRKIEER4-4)04 .!, manteactaTir:f der**, of • •:.pce and Ware once ,_ 1112. 192 fIECQND 119 and 121 DIST EiTILF,ETS. • \ PITTSBURG_ Er• ~N leffroy Brancker & Co., ;.•, .i: .. I . • 42 EXOHANGE PLACE. NEW YORK, .:•3.- • • -.-., . . ~.• -, '.... , ~,1, prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States. t •lthe Prussian MCo.,ning and Iron co of Duisburg, t ttphalia, to contract or sell , quantities to snit .Lhasers, (delivered in either Rea- York or Phila. ..pida) the celebrater .1 1 ? , H. SPIEGELEIEN, to extensively for the mannfocturing et BESSEMER .STEEL. 12211 . - , St Iron is free from gplphar and Ehoaphorns, szkil' ~,., :,- . .,.i, ! r . ; tains a heavy pereent,age of ganganese. The e are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive, •. -, '.. - STEEL RAILS -:„.;., ... _ Manufactured by ',. ..,.. . _.. , _ G. AR DT it CO., 1 )0 -..k.. - ' . • rtmund, fOrlirhic4 . latter Arra' tliey also have '24- -;, • . Sole Agency in the United.'Silited. ' , ' ,i ii n partic u l ars , samples, prices or chemical an ;4:-.„::;:,, 41 : will u2o bepromptly forwardedon apPlication. i: . •..,. ': NOVELTY: WORKS. •"t"..". • ,• - . 'f NOVELTY WORKS. M'EEE -&- CO.; - . • t MANITIVIDTMIZIIr. OP te.yatone Standard. Patent Platform • andMamter • S E `4uts Faced Patent Not Loeb and Latches, 4Anirr AHD 11FES MILLS. "i t, MALLEABLE IRON, at. .ii?mter of Grant and First Streets, i3soast PITTSNURGEL COPPER. It, AKE SUPERIdit • t\ OWES KILL a1D1370111110 WOW2CB, yi IPITTI9III7II4aII. , . PARK, tfcCURDY & CO., • , F•.',jinfacturers of 'Sheathlntr, m t , raz_lers ae * . and u Bo ßo t. lt Prealed l, 77Pl 4 : s o o . T apae l!al a ra and Dealers Pegel el l e l r n 8 ;134: Sheet Iron, Be. Con aptly on hand Tln ;'Warehouse tin. fir '. v_a t_ -:6/peel al orders or VORIG any. desired IZIY/VC39:101171: • SIiTTRGEL ELTON MACHINE WO : lifi. ESTABLISHED rr 1836. _ _ nfactory of STEAM E NGINES, of all sizes and of the most approved pattersz,fenstattoazu7 purposes - STEAIMOATS and . emicAls victim BOATS. • A variety of 10, 18 and 18 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced in**l4 P. P. GIEMMIK. alLeiol is, 0. Tlfty miles below Pittsburgh, on tbe Oblortver, and line of C. & P. R. no9:la L UMBER! Lunn= Luutumw ALEXANDER PATTERSON, , . • Dealer.ln all Hinds of Liauttei. . • ON HAND AND FOR SALE 500,0 q feet , Dry Etheiloarda; 30,0 feet Dry (hike - Enid 20 OD feet Dry Asti 2; 23; and inch; . 2011 .0001..0 liernloei• _ 1,000,000 No: I iB-InetiSalrigies;aawed; 100,000 No. Ilo.lneit Shingles, salved; 100,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles as laved;. 2,000 LOcuat Post.a, and 12 feet; 300 Cedar Posts: Also, Fire Btrek,Vlle and , c lay. - la large or amall quantities. Yairsa No. . 80 PIIEBLE STREET. formerly Manchester; - and 157 REBECCA. STREET, oroo alte the Gins. Works , ny Olt y. ,„ lyzntla Dtxaß) Edward Davison, IL. F. Duncan. John Mellon, E. D. Ditltridgo. Geo. W. Dithridie, M. L. Slaloae- R. Johnaton.' --- LUMBER YAED--Corner. of. Btrri.au and Ltrm- BEE STREETS, Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash- ington Street. • • . 1820498 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JonN aG c00ppa.......t05. KAY.— &swat msg. JOHN COOPER oft CO., BRASS FOTINDEas, GAS—AND . STEAM FTITERB, 7afunr`eturera W°71411 even; descrint nds. AND TUBING , sina Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets"; PITTSBURGrEL , zur76:230 SAMITUL WICIMMiIWr, 124 First Street, Pittsbuigaipa. i _o , Arent for the sale of Cornwall, Dongbarnn - r., r aephine, Isabella, Duncannon, that* Olendon and other brarda Anthracite Coke and°. B. Char o coal rughlogheny • Coneign' mentiind orde.rs ftsFectrially ATLAS WORIEI3-; MORTON STREET; Ninq Ward, I s ITM@;I3I73ELGIEL TlROMilii N. Nwrxrn, President These Works are among the largest and moat complete e.stablialinients in the West, and are now prepared to tarnish Eseginis, of every dese,rlPthm Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Hill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Casting*. General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 NATIONAL FOILINDRY MID, PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and SumMunn' Streets, (NINTH WARD,) PITTS3I3urtGa-x, WM. MTH, . • 1 - anxtfacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAB AND WATER Y WORKS..,,Beagrilft:V=ZlNgiraEgxli% General castings for Gas and Water Works. o ltnliglo s call the felertio • L. 0. LIVINGBTON.W. B. BURT.W. A. Rh LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON POEM= =MANIIbACTIIIIBIB.OF I. .FEN.E' . LIGHT CASTENGB All descriptions, tor Plumbers and Gas Pittera; rienitarel Implements, Cotton and :WOoten_Myi obWorit promptly attended to. (Mee' and WOrIei—WASHrtiGTON. A VENII4 near Onter Depot.; Allegheny City, Pa; R , oBRifitlN BEA 61.0 4 , Suotestorn to ROBINSON, Mins it: Miliants, WA.$ll/NEFrOIS WORKS; FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, MarnallaclaUers of Boat and Sta i nonary Steam. En. Ttgatatirnisligs,lMllZTj'glth•e(r& iPeAVIti 1 2 218 . and S heet Iron e w oCh n . s ' .Once,, No. 22. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agentstor GIFPABD'S PATENT INJECTOR: tor feeding Boners. •• : 310 NT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street,W 1 iTth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mil%) rzrrastataia. Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, ' THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, IILiCHINERY .AND CASTINGS _CILLY. Orders promptly and carefully execeted. Maros reasonable. • • • FfiIBERT & MACKLEM cowls - BERLIN FOUNDRY. _PRICE OM* ;and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. 'lttaxinfacture and keep conitai,tly on band . • Thin:ibleii - Eike4i and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXER. DOG IRONS, BHGAR. KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Casting. generally. _ apw:y6 T IU " ODM CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nathino - Works, BAXDUBICY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, linsinitestsrers of OtealztErnei gee set, lalf-'Blplrting, Grist and Saw Mill Work,_ Rolling and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, yiagon•Boxes. Le. Build to to:Mar and have on Band Engines of &Ulises. mvl4:qs OENTRALuEVIINDRY • AND ROLL: WONNB ~ 8 80 Penn StroOt. BOLT AN," BOYD & BAGALEY. thin tins; mui Castings, latthes,&c.. • , :LUMBER. ORT PITT LUMBER CORIPANY ociiital, • - - 11125,000. pintsmsrev:EDwAß.D . DITHRIDGE. SzeurrAny—T. A. WRIGHT. urzamnrarDERT—EDW.DAVVEION. TROUT BROKER, Ina mows. -PITTSBURGH GA2ETTE - i WEDNESDAY, SEPTVMBER 2 i 1868 .riI3INIS'TE ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL -ASIB TASK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, NANOPACTOBraII OP Ttanmmt, DOUBLE- FLCICD TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAK BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHLIINEyS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING. PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERs AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES OMee and Warehouse corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets. XII' Orders sent to the shave address will be promptly attended to. mh7:jB9 WM. BARiNHILL & co., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. SIO, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having ed a farge yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufactt e every description or BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys,Breeching, Fire. Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Panc, Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann &curers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. itepplring done on the shot test notice. 155:521 JAMES M. BITER, .Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., - • MAITOTACTIMICS OF IRON 'OIL TANKS, " SETTLING PANB, COPPER STEAM PIPE, BLNSON, .711: 3 ROLLING MILL STACKS; r And SHEET IRON WORK, Bar Steamboats. atramm.autritt.i..." =KURD D. BRUM J ARED M. BRUSH & SO , N, sirAxtrrazimusue or Steam Boilers, Oil ISM, Tanks. = IRON WOES. &C. . 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WARING-AND KING, C oollll .l l lslollMerehantsiand Brokers in Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, P/TTISBUEGH, PA. PHILADELPHLi ADDREBB, T et( BIitYrHERS, • I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND.DEALERS IN • Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Utice--DALZBLL , BUILDING, ear ner or Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia WALNUT BT. apl:m10 H M. LONG & CO., • . MANUFACTURERS OP PURE J3reind—“L ITCIFE.B." Onicp, No. Q DRquesne .Way, Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, 'arc. • 1 L CET THE BEST. BIitISEIAL it CO.'S TRIUMPH, ' FOE UMIXO US COAL. Wonlui l ted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well assay other Mayo la the Video. • BlSST r rii, & CO. , • No. 285 Liberty Street. Ala* on band and for Bale; PARLOR STOVES, - ,SKATING STOVES, GRATE FRONTS FENDERS, COOKING EA.NGES, ac. EW HARDWAUE MOUS LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, Ifarstsetn.rers and Importers of El A. 11, 11E) WARE, CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIBERTY STREET, One Square,lteleer Onion Depot, Argale for P ; AIRBANXB , SCALE& _ _ 118 .„ - PRACTICAL • 1191 FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ":LEMON & NO. us vo;Crortit slimmer. Canitatitlytm hand every varlet* of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with a com plete. assortment of aoninzon ; Furniture at reduced ose In want of anything In our Line are cordially Invited to call before purchasing. • Work guaranteed. - mh2linl4 , • LEMON & WEISZ. 111111 WILL. S. TAILOR, - .PAIN . TER, • No. 4a 014;0 STRENT, illeghenr. Thankful for tho former very liberal patronage be stowed upon me. .I assure my friends.and the public generally that, In the future as in the past, / shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of the same, and w❑l be always at the shop from If to ♦. M. and from /to P. kt. *72lmM PITTSBURGH, Pa. OILS. WARING, KING & CO., • 127 Walnut Street. HARDWARE. CORNER or WAYMS. PITTSBURGH. li 50 1 / 1 - 6 41 4,1 zi all PAINTERS., TEAL BANk, PITTSBURGH, PA, NO. 33 BANK BLOOM Capital - $100;000. Stockholders Individually Liable. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS OF THE UNITLD STATES AND CANADAS. Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of iiovernrnent Securities. aNTINEST PAID Or This DIPOSITS. , DIRECTORS: THOMAS FAWCETT, MADISO' BAILEY, D. W. C• CARROLL, W. P. LOGAN, JAMES B.MORKINS, GEORGE BINGHAM, JULIUS ADLER, JOSHUA RHODES,' JAMES DOWN, PAUL H. MACKE, J. H. WALTER, JAMES Vroxs. • THOMAS FAWCETT, President ALLEN KRAMER" Vice Piesident. J. W. DAVITT, Cashier M. HEMAII ,..,_2. N i GS Asstaant Cashier NOTICE. Accounts of Deposittir -1 with the KRAMER. k. RAHN! RANKING E have been trauferred to this Bank. an2tivll FORT PITT BA . No. 169 CAPITAL, ENG COMPANY . 00d street. _ , $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS IN IV L IDUALIY LIABLE. DEAL IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND I COLD. ' INTIREBT, ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. EMI Collections wide 'on all accessible points In the United States and Canadas. IBE D d l imla ti ate llo ince tte rd r o . 'n... D ' 7 nRB b ° I I . C M R . ILl isb n e k, Andrew Miller, Z. raweett: • " • James IL Salley. &MIL. Me D. LEST KEYSTONE BANIL, No. 293, LIBERTY MEM PITTSBURGH; 11A. CAPITAL, (authorized,) t t s s $200,000. H. J. Lynch, DIRECTORS. • Win. H. Hamili John Mordoch, . Jr., I Henry Bockatoce " , William Espy, 6eo. T. ! Van Doren. Samuel Barcey, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAISTSACTED Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. • Interest Allowed on The Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. - GEO. T. VAR DOREN. Cashi•r MrSTOCXHOLDERB TY DIVEDITALLY LIABLE. PEOPLES SAYMIS BANK, OF LAITTSEILTROII. CASH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. • Prestdent—MLNDy LLOYD. Vice Prestdent—WlLLlAM REA. TIILIMEZES: Henry Lloyd. , Hon. Thos. Mellon, ;E. P. Jones, Th. Wlghtman .Geo. W. Hallman, Wm. Rea, I 'R. H. Hartley, Edward Gregg, Hiram Stowe . Secretary & Trilier--S. F. TON BONNIIORST. SIX PER CENT."INTEHEST paid on time de posits. Deposita made on or before August 15th will bear interest from that date. Interest computed on let November and Ist May. BANK . OF COMIEBOE cor.of Wood and Sixth. Ste. A. PATTEASOA President. JUL H. HILL Gambler. . ezt,l7.l:T4L, : $500,000. .• Pitterso I":"C rjrcr4e W. Cu . ', • Chu: Lockbkrt ,' JamehllcCandless, Allen Kirkpatrick, I ;ft: Ba as ' W. tl. Haven, r ; • - DISCOLDTS DAILY, AT lI A. D.' ap9:022 HART, CAUGELEI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, COrner Third and Wood Streets, VITTEEMITRGIII, ORICCE&LILS TO HANNA, HART s C 0.,) DHALZIIB Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. myl:sB2 N HOLMES & SONS,SBALIV - 32EMPLES, 57 Market Street, Pl'r • r • ratirrlttal:X. PA. Collections made on all the principal point, of the United stales and Canada& Stocks, Bonds and other Securities sovapr AND SOLD ON 00/113iDesION. sa Particular attention paid to the purchase and le of United States Securities. Ja80:al wESTEILN SAVINGS BANS, NO. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. interest paldon'lnzato ilerooalte ANY BUM NECIICIYiI)RI ONE DOLLAR UPWARD.. Direosas 317133ffir ic Y0 TEIZOIC. WITH - 913y )yoxnantil Dolly at 171 o'clock. Prestdent—THOMPSON BELL, Vine President—A, M. MAASHALL, DlfiZetijna: THOMPSON BELL, I A. M. MARSHALL, joll. DILWORTH. JOB. ALBREE. J. .1: GILLESPIE, suieltholders to whom ard W' t ra. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, • Willis Deleon, D.W. IOC. Bidwell. 11011, make reference: Joseph Dilworth. 'e Bevnry . David Kerr, Lsunbert. • 4. h. Bwron, Timm lirlax. W. DAVITT, Cashier .ouric!Mg, NtvAs't. OFFICE! OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ' TUBSDAX, Seßteßiberl, /868 , The New York Stock "quotations tci , day as received by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold 144%; 1881's, 1443%; fr-20's,. 1862, 113%; do 1864, 109%; do 1865,111; do new, " 108; do 1867, 107%; 10.40'5, 105%; Cleveland de Pittsburgh 86%;.F0rt _Wayne,. 101%; Western - Union Telegraph 34%; Adams Express, 48;' Erie, 47%; New York Central, 125%; Readfog.; DOW Michigan: Southern, 85%; Chicago it Rock Island, 101%; Chicago (Sr. North Western, 8434; do Preferred, 843%;Dhi0 & Mississippi Certill Yates, 29. —The following, which we clip from the Chicago Tribune, of Monday., will not be very palatable to. those who have been . preaching up high prices for Grain and Flour, Ai will be seen, the receipts of Grain for the twenty-four hours ending on Saturday, were over half a million of bushels. -We also see it stated that there are already thousands of bushels of Wheat on the banks of the Upper Mississippi waiting for transportation. Here is what' I the Tribune says: The movement of grain toward this city is• almost of the avalanche order; its re receipt here is regulated only by the carrying capacity of the. raliroads: and the number of canal boats available. The re ceipts reported this morning foot up a total 530,29 t bushels, or 24 'full cargoes. The inspection of grain to 11 o'clock this morn ing, for Monday's report of receipts, is 398 cars of wheat, 296 cars and 76,300 bushels corn, .275 cars and . 23.500 bushels oats 55 cars rye and 34 cars of barley. Total, 1,0 5 8 cars and 99,800 bushels, or a total of 598,009 bushels. The shiriments reported this morning were only 268,630 bushels of grain, hut just about one half the receipts,' .and the-purchases to-day gave promise of no better things for Monday. -There ism disguising the fact that shippers are hold ing off for lower prices, believing present values to be. fictitious." Their. abstinence to-day marked a decline, which would have been somewhat greater= but for speculative purchases to fillshorttrfOr,the month: E As it was,ahiPpers,were able 'to makcitip goes at reduceffprices. LEON. Cashier. —Closing quotations redel;ied.by •Janies T. Brady, & Co.: Gold, 144%;- 'united States Sixes, 1881's, 113 X; 5-20's, 1862, 113; 1.20'5, 1864; 109;g; &1320" '1866. 1111(,; 10-40's,' 105 X; 5-20's, January and Juy, '65, 108 Y.; 5-20's, January and July, '67 107%; '6B, 107,%; June 7 ± 30114 ,r7Par lea§ V.;: July 7-30's. do y ‘ ; Angnst - 119: - Sept.; 119; Oct. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. OFFICE CF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / Ttrzsrokv, September, 1 1868, ' .The general markets are quiet, and with out important change in any material re spects. • While there is a fair volume of business, in the aggregate, the operations , in most of the leading articles' are of an unimportant character, and round lot sales . are of rare occurrence. This Is owing mainly to the - uncertainty in regard to values; there aro many who hate the means and disposition to "pitch In," hut they are timid In regard to prices, being very ap prehensive about future movements. • BUTTER-1s in fair demand, and we can report regular sales of prime to choice at 35 to 37c. EGGS—Scarce and in demand, and fresh packed may be quoted firm at 180. CHRESE—Is quiet and unchanged at 15 to 16c for Western Reserve and Hamburg; 18 to 17e for Factory; 18c for Goshen, and 20e for Sweitzer. GREEN APPLES—In good supply and dull but nanainally Anchanged; we con tinue to quote at $l2 to $3,50 per bbl, as to quality: HAY—Sa'es at Allegheny Diamond mar ket of 64 loads at $2O to $3O per ton, and 3 loads Straw at $l2 to $l7. Baled Hay may be quoted at $25 to $3O for fair to prime. SEEDS—Flaxseed is in good demand at $2,25, and but little offering. Small- sales of Timothy Seed at 13 25 to $3.50. Clover- seed is nominal - at $7,50 to $B. GRAlN—Wheat - IS arriving freely, though it is mainly consigned to the mills; I this is Owing to the fact that the matairin•ls. so small 'that dealers do _not • care about handling it. We continue to quote Winter at. /2,10 to $2,12 for Red, and about 5 cents hlgherlor White. Corn ;is 'in; better de•-• mend and mote active tot not ,quotably higher,as yet; sale or l ,oo(reacksmlXed • •Tennetsee at $l,lO, and 5 cars prime Yellow at sl,ll—the latter is generally held at $1,12. Rye is quiet and unchanged, with • sales 01 1 ,38 to #1,40. Oats in fair supply, but held firmly, and wo: continne•to quote at 60' to 61e, on track, and 64 to 65c; in : store. We can.report two oars of Barley at $l,BO, and 500 bushs do aksl,9o. POTATOES--steady but unetninited at . f 13,50 to $3,75 per bbl. Jersey Sweets, $6,50 to V. LARD OIL—Is firm but unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2: and $1,50 for No.l. PROVISIONS—Bacon is in steady de mand, but unchanged at• 14 'to; 14%e for Shoulders; 16;4 to 16%c for bbed, and 18% for Clear Sides, and 22 to 22% for Su gar Cared Hams. Lard is mooted at 19x to i , . Pte. .IVIEJEJEITEZ 9 BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TIM OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a enable in any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. LILES T. BRUIf 8c Co., (Successors to S. JONES & 00.. Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., IV ME. .1M" Mt BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Itlir Interest Allowed on Deposits. so , sioney loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. • Orders executed for,the Perches. and Sale of STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. '6D'e Eittobittg Ctkttts. FIN4MCD AND MW)D. Pl'lvl'Bji3UßGEl DIALI;KETS. 19% in tierces; and 21 to 2134 in kegs. Mess• Pork $30,50 to 31. SALT—Continues dull and unchanged at. $1,75 to $l,BO to the trade, and $2, for small lots in store. FLOUR—The market is quiet and un changed. Spring Wheat Flour may be quoted at $10;50 to $10,75 for old, and $lOV> $10,25 for, new. Winter Wheat, $ll to $11,25. The "Pearl" and "City,Mills" con- C tinues to quote at $11,30 for White Wheat, in barrels, and $ll in sacks and. Red Wheat. at $lO,BO in barrels, and $10,50 in sacks. Rye Flour $9,50 for old. -PrTTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET_ OFFICE. OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ,_.TUESDAY, September 1, ISG& The market was more active today, the' sales, in the aggregate, being larger than , for several days previous, but prices, gen erally, are a fraction .lower. Sale of 1,000 , bbls, seller's option, 1868, at 1030; 1,000 to , be delivered on first water at 110; 400 bbls, on spot, at 11%c; 200 do at 12c; 4,000, all 1868, seller's option, at 103-c; 1,000 each September to December, inclusive, 4 110, and 1,000, all 1868, buyer's option, at 12' ,e. As will be seen, seller's option, 11 , 68, is off' half 8 cent compared with yesterday, when it sold at 11c; while spot oil is unchanged at 14,1 to 12c. At the close, we heard of an offer to buy all 1868, buyer's option, at 12c. The market continues in a very unsettled and complicated, though prices appear to steadily giving way, and the "bears" con tinue EC -) have things pretty - much their own way. REFINED. The market for Refined .continues pan icky and unsettled, though, as in the case of Crude, prices are slowly but steadity . givinevray. Occasionally there is a slight , 2 eaction, but it is of ,short duration, and 1 the market soon works back to where it was previously. ' There was a sale of a. 'line" of 500 each from ,September to De- , camber at 30c, and at the close, spot oilwaa quoted at 30c; the last half of September at 303ic, and 3034 c for any of the late - months up to and including December.. In Phila-. dolphia, September is reported as having been sold at 3034 c, at 9 _a. m.;• 30c at 11; 31 at 123 p. m.. and October and November at 310—aome 12,000 bbls were reported as having been sold in that• market at the above figures. Free oil is in fair demand, and we can reportsales of 25 and 50 barrel lots, ofeterkdarpthite' • at 28c. Light straw • to whitelttaybe.kpoted at 2,5 to 26c. RECEIPTS OP citrrng aft: - - - ' Fisher ei Bro 500 R. D. Clarke. -..•6e0 - . Citizens Ref. Go. 769 Lockhart:et Ill.:- 960 ' .D. hi. Edgerton. 200.3. Gallagher: 560 • • Total • ' 3640 OIL SHIPPED EAST HT A. V. B. R. H. Koehler & Co., 250 ,bbls refine4lo! Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. • Forsyth, Epp. ,Co.; 800 dO'do to' Wari44.3 Frew & Co.; Ildlidelphia. ''" , • Fawcett, Logan it Stockdale. 100 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia.. i- Livingston & Bro., 350 do do to War den, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. , McKelvy Bros. & • C0.,227 do ref. to W. P. . Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.' Clark & Sumner, 200 do ref. to P. Wright & Son, Philadelphia. - Livingston - dc-Bros., 50 benzole to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 146 'do benzole, War ing, King & Co., Philadelphia.. OIL OIL SHIPMENTS FROM, DUQUESNE DEPOT. Warden & Batchelder, 75 bbls refined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship & Co., 95 do do. to King it co.; Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co., 75 dodo to Waring, King gteo., Philadelphia. Union Ref. Co., 56 do do to.W. P. LOgan & Bro., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentine d t Co., 68 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Dun= it Williams, 103 do do to Waririg, King & Ce., Philadelphia. , • • H. M. Long & Co.. 25 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. New York Produce Market. [By Telegraph to the Pitts*ittit Gazette:) NEW YORK'. September L.-Cotton more active and firm; sales of 250 bales at 303ie middling uplands. Flour -I.oyegnlar and unsettled, and 10a15e lower; receipts, 6,000 barrehi; sales of 1,400 barrels at 56,75a8,00 for superfine State and western, - 57,80a8,90 extra State, 57,80;19,75 extra western, 59.90 a. 11,75 white wheat extrt, 4,18,50a12,00 - round hoop Ohio, 110a10.25:extra St. Louis,. /1,50 a. , 1 4.00g00d to choice,'cloitingittdet. • Califor- - via flourquiet; saleit.ot4sofaacks at - 59,90a 12,00. Itya.flour dullandslowert at 57a9,25. Corn, meal quiet; sales .of 300 harTelsefts li6itt at 10,24 Whiskey' nominal at ' 08a 70c. Wheat la2c better • for • spring, 2a4e. lower - for winter; sales 34,600 bushels at 52,00a2,04 for new and old No. 1 spring, latter price for delivered. and • $2,10 .No. 1 spring; $2,2234 for new-red ludip.pa; $2,30 for new amber Michigan; 182,. r 20,53 , for. new white Michigan; 52,80 for extra choice do., and $2,19 for white California. Rye quiet, sales 41_600 bush we.stern - at Wale. BarleyMilt - qulet. Corn; receipts, 40,715- bush; market la2c better, with an active emand, chiefly for hothe usealtd specula- . tidn; - sales 0f7134,000 bush, at 51,18a1,24 for • utte0ttnd;_51,2,54,26 for sound mixed west-. ern; $1,24a1;24% for old do in store, and 51,27 for Southern yellow. Oats receipts. 61,838 bn4h; market. quiet; 'Sales 0f'59,000. bush,, at 81c lbr western in store; 823.ic afloat, and 72a750 for 'new, do„ the latter price afloat. Rice dull. Coffee quiet; sales of 900 bags of Rio on private terms. Sugar in fair request.; sales of 1,000 hhds, at 1034 - II.;"‘c for C:uba and 11a1134c forPorto Rico. MolasSes dull. Hops quiet, at .10a40c for American. Petroleum steady,' at 14Nal5c for crude and 31%c for refined bonded. Pork quiet and heavy; sales of.. 1,500 bbls, at 82'8,70x28,85:f0r mess, clos i ing at $28,75 ca ; - 528,75 for old do; 523,75a24,12 for lune; $25,7.5a28 for prime mess; total s ck- of old and new, 54,068 barrels, last month, 69.7000; last year, 78,311 barrels. Beef steady and unchitnged; sales of 125 barrels at 514,50a20,50; for new plain me,s; stock of old and new, 18,293. • packages; last month, 20,855 packages; last year,1,250 packages. Tierce beef nominal. Beef dull at $25a31. Cut meats firm; ' sales of 145 packageeat 133,ta14c for shoul ders; 16a1.934c for hams; middles firm and quiet; sales of 30 boxes Cumberland cut at 15c; 100 boxes short clear to arrive at pri vate terms. Lard a shade firmer; sales of 450 tierces at 1834a19y.0 for , steam; 1 9 / a s 1934 c for kettle rendered. .Butter quiet and heavy at 34a38c for Ohio; 375t430 for State. Cheese dull at 13a17c. • LATEST.—FIonr closed dull and saloc• lower. Wheat Gull and heavy, lti2c lower for winter,,quiet for spring with some little export demand: Rye quiet and steady at: 81,60a1,62 for Western. Oa a steady at 81c in store; 81y0 afloat for old western: 70a73 ihr new a western at deot, and M '. 75 afloat. - Corn didlrailroad at 51. p 1710,M. for 74 un sound, and 81,23a1,24 for sound new mixed western afloat. Pork quiet at 528,75 for mess cash and regular. Beef unchanged.' Cut Meats quiet and steady. Bacon firm,. With fair enquiry; small sales of' Cumber- land at 15c. Lard firm and quiet at 19a atKea fo 25rc fair to prime steaUt , Eggs steady 24. -, -• ' New York Dry Goole Maraut•• Cry Telegranb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yoult, September L—Dry Goods: there is rather ;a better feeling in' the Mai ket ,for...dotnestic Cottons anti we note. ad vance in Lowell Prints of %o, and 'of the Ali:writ:am of y.(e; the - former nikw bring I.le and the iatter, 131.0; this` 'shows the tendency of the market. All the regular makes of prints in deairable styles now' bring 13a133, while the Cocheco are held at 140. , Heavy Brown Shoetings firm at IGal7e bes.t.Soutnern and Enstorn makes. Bleached Muslins steady at 2Se for New . York Mills, 220 for Tuscarora,He for Ma sonville, and Vic for New York Ida Mills. paper Cambrligi in steady request at 130 for IViasonVilte. Blackburn twilled Sneak& commands 160. CRUDE ME 0 Wil inr Fin.. EU Ito? abunc \ excel) 9y,,e. closet' 'The Consi Follo pons ®ll3 111® 107%. Forti' Sta / Old Ma few & Ex railn EC Erie swber babls steaC corm bond sitar, 5:3 26; 2, ted 213 ferre` ern ,- Cent, ferrc Rem.; saissi- St. I:Micl 85w Tole, Norl 84341-1 IMI ferrc SE rem met- Hee— ;ZnQ' C BY ' .9,25 er; : , 99% _ noo-.sale Rye , log Bale: for fig s i at stes'y met: 11%- . hart Tire I ,wbc 14X1 12,5; - bus; t hog' "bus • eat: and, few: Her dui' bbl ,---31 1 ,( we- 400 Nvli bet. la 2 $2, 32,1 iga $.4( 31,7 fisl 131,( • Iso / bet ' tiro to ( spr ter; IME wlr t. reo bus (By I. net_ sale •ink! line 50. 183,0_ al& " =oho may pc kQ Idea . Am. • 200( •flot- ' 1 3 1 1' den :; ::= Pro- • mot roll - fee den-