Q IS tilt Idiom* eta/dit. TUE GIVER OF TEM?. :on, a Winiderful stream Is the Elver of Time. As st runs through the realms of tears, With a faultless rythm add musical rhyme. And a broad'nlng sweep, and a surge sublime. That blends with the ocean of years. --How the winters are drifting-llkatiakes of snow. Analne summers ltkebuds between, ann.,the year lithe sheaf - so they come and they go, onthe river's breast, with its ebb and flow, • " As it - glides through the shadow and sheen. • , There's a inusical tise river of Time, Where the softest of airs are playing; • There's clond'ess sky and tropical clime, - And a song assweet as vesper chime, When the Junes'with the roses are staying. And the name of this isle Is the Long Ago, And we bury our tteasures there: There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow— There are heaps of dust. but we love them so! • 'There are trinkets and tresses of haft. • There are fragments of songs that nobody sings; • . And a part of an infant's prayer; • Theres a cute unewept. and a harp without strirtgs, - ' There are broken vows and pieces of rings, And the garment that stir . used to wear. • • • . • • • - There are hands th2t are waved when the fairy shore - By the mirage is lifted In air: ,And we sometimes hear through the turbulent-roar • • Sweet voices we heard in days gone before, When the wind down the 'river is fair . • Oh' remembered for aye be that blessed Isle; All the days of our life till night= " _ • When the evening comes with its beautiful skint, • And our eyes are closed to slumber awhile. • May our "greenwood' , Of.soul be in eight. EPHEMERIS. —Monogram bell-knobs are the la agony. —October and l'arepa will come ...Est together. - - England anticipates an extraordinarily large wheat crop. •• ' .11arpn James Rothschild hos'bought the' Chateau Lafitte vineyard. . —Chicago has 1,255 drinking saloons, • _ while Cinctrumtlhas 1,980. • —The Princess Teck, n6e Princess Mary; or Cambridge, has a fine boy. • —Qnilp thinks the Chinese ought ' to take • , an interest in the junk shops. • -Female Alderwomen- and ' MaYora' are the institutions of Paraguay .anMng'. "--qtztother Rooth is coming on the stage Booth, swho retired twenty :peace , None of the iron:. steamers' are now • allowed to run , the rapids of, the $1: Law . —Hon; W. E. Stevenson and Governor Pierrepont are vigorously .canvassing Wait Virginia _ —During 'the last ten years $1,120,000 worth of drug stores have been consumed _ - in St. Louis. - -Grant and Colfax meetings are of fre quent occurrence and unusual enthusiasm in. Baltimore. —Clue Turk is said to have broken the Baden Baden bank six,times in rapid sac cession recently. • —ran thinks that the appearance of Mos . . -qui'toes •ip. England is owing to a gnat mosphoric change: - -3forosini is . 'a new dartietiie in'ReW York, about Whom 'great things are said and great feats promised. • • , • • L-116n. Hannibal Hamlin is speaking, in Maine; warmly advocating the RePublicari platfonn and. candidates . • • ' sale and transportationof . nitro: - glycerine has been forbidden in Sweden,the conntry where it was invented. • • —On the 11th ult the names of James Kirkpatrick and James •R. Woodwell-ap pealed on the list of Americans in Paris.. • —Garibaldi is giving gut at .last , and pa- , triode 'ltalians shake their heads and say :that the old hero:Can last bat, little longer: —lime. Patti Straiosch, Who has been for so long a favorrte. contralto in: America,: is to make her debut it tlie Italian opera in —Booth taking warning by his loss at the ...,,yurning of_ the Winter Garden 'Theatre, is to have a fireproo f room for his wardrobe in • , • his w ; theatre.- Professor Tyndall, undeterred by -the 4rai4fal fate pe the first explorers - To - b:that, peak, has, Climbed up and down - the' Matter bOrp.iitiebessfully. 7 4g1irbuttAined vests, bright „colored plain silk scarves, - tight "trousers; 'longer coats,, aM flapped talinai for over-Coati,' sire the fall AAA:lions for gentlenien: I" , , —1100i:cal has ealast begun'*) gro — ir:llkii most of the - cities on Lawrence, and large , Of:. acir, there.,. citizens: of „the .6wcptwatu • Mines have been snripliedt,by:.oe; Augur , with seienty,five'atands of _arms th. • which ;to • ;:,defend themselves against the Indians. P —Theodore, of Bavaria, who •In .1865, arried the charming Princesa of • BaxOny, is ationt again A° be,married to the Princess Margaret, of Qilcans, his first wife having.died of diptheria early In 1887. A.clergyman of theEstahlished Church,. - in England, recently preached a sermon at irlbuting the contiimed"hot, weedier to the wickedUess of the nation in supporting Gladstone in his measures for,the oVerthrow , of the Irish Establishment: Pie,sbytet7an meeting house on Euclid . • -;street, :Cleveland, luts On Its ',alike, the moat censpicaone crest, , city, and has it, • , organ 11i,the centi.epf:thec,kancel: - The :;( 'Cleveland. .11eralci,. an • .:.wants to know whatthe shade ofJoluiltnon• ihinke,of Lhet !'Grecian , bendl.' la oneoitheoldeat Twenty ego • ` in his e1f a1 1 .401 1 '0 .( k4:4; andtwo; Ahonsatul lyears: .144) 'Terence, iekeirTint • '‘, •fishion, wrote: ru . i r •tr -'' • ' ••Magl eif WhOM furldittlaternak dm bat • , . • ; 'WU* stocopltii 16 -Menrt'of the etoriaii„oberitim.i . Eltee-14i - ffie'iiriginal , 4, C0ul Oillapbauyir Ara r [,tat f 7e 'id K. be Mere taie'iiii4:''ll4o /40' L." -d 7 oubt °llia having squanderedliatmilllontr,. he is said to hive ravad abbdtgilltinpr o s WA Of -Wreck ~ 9f •WI roAtlizese , ,CVbitoresettla dow T:to-a rordeli and' jl'r**l4 :11;. . 04030C4. t ` wa,: 14/tra;3l , ssWittiion, is urirtql notoriety by her, •-4,/ , , 4 , 1 T • ~" pOCnrityirlii;#l3,6l i l i tp o o iki In l'ltie , 214,41* Ji01.144" thinks that' Congrem, desecratadevery.i et t,helfolvw#o? . 4 Yl- and fiablitOilh' Pit n•ivittliideo 3 4 o "5 1111 ' 4, 0 1 1 I ' , llls* trOepresitt, ;Democrats ist:Oongress ielf:4 4l o/ 13 t 4 M 1f6,1( 1P*r),, 0011i"'1'', There is an anecdote told s omewhere a dispute, in which a boisterous, ill•bred _ 1131 low called hisadyersary "no gentleman." 41 "I suppose you think Vonrse e, : w as - the reply. l' Certainly rdo," - answered the bully: "Then.", said the other s -"l'm, not' offended that you don't think n one:' —The Chinese "Embassy st • P.Osbm the "other_ day celebrated the -- Ikethdeir: of tile Empress Dowager of - Chins i : kneeling in a row and bowing nine times 10 - the North. Afterwards they _paid a visit -to the Po Tagen, (Mr. Burlingame,) - who ex : , changed the usual compliments -with them in honor of the °Cession. —There is so much oil in the Cuyahoga river at-Cleveland, that it has become a dan gerous neighbor to the city. The other day it took fire; and the flames runniog along the 'surface of the Water wouldundonbtedly have fired the town had it been at any other part ofthe river,but, there was fortunately at that particular. Spot a bend in the strea m arida high bank, against which flames exhausted themselves in about half an hour. beautiful monument - has — just - been erected -in the Alder-Brook Cemetery, at 'Coln, to the memory of Fits Greene Halleck. Upon the front tablet is the simple inscription cut in low relief : " FITZ tiIISENE HALLECN, 1790-X1&37." (.1 - and upon the cornice of the pedestal the fol . lowing lines from one of his own sweet songs: . + “Orie of the foiri the immortal names, • . That were uqt born to Upon the opposite tablet, in has relief, ,is a lyre supported by two burning torches, The whole structure is of Rhode Island granite, seventeen feet high, and of the Egyptian order of, architecture. • —lf the people of Pennsylvania were' constatatiy liying,liteli live! and'- honor en clangored, and' their property destroyed, lheir . 'homea - burned „over them and their livewmade:burthens to them, by the depre dations and barbarities of a savage and infe rior vaoe of men, how loud would be the Cry for vengeance, and how bitter would be the feeling' against the citizens of other States if they looked placidly on it all and prated in romantic common places aboutthe obleness of their savage foe, and about kindness and leniency. And yet the Indi ans 'are burning, violating, robbing and desolating to their 'hearts' content among the white population of the western Terri tories, and the great majority of the eastern press speak of "the wrongs of the noble red man" as if he alone had wrongs. The In dians have but too evidently made up their minds to exterminate the whites from their borders, and the question has simply come down to this: "Shall the Indian or the white man be exterminated?" The Blind. The novel alphabet for the blind, made out of carpet-tacks, which we recently men: tioned, has attracted the attention of Rev. Adam McChillattd, , a blind clergyman of • • Brooklyn, ~ and. pastor of a Presbyterian church in that city. lir. McClelland, while attending the Union Theological Seminary, felt the necessity of some method whereliy .he might take notes that should be legible to himself. He therefore invented a slate and an alphabet that fully answered his pur poie. The slate consists of a piece of chamois leather and apiece of sheet India rubber; each thirteen inches by nine, nailed' On a boat(' somewhat larger. 'On this the paper is placed. A moveable strip'of brass containing two rows of of rectangular holes, thirty-six in each row, serves as a ruler, and a small awl- •or stylus completes the apparatus. Each rectangle can, contain six legible dots. By varying the ':number and position of these dots, fifty' distinct', legible characters can-be readilpformed. , In this way •Mr. • McClelland, writes • his sermons three or•fourthnes More rapidly than could -be done by an ordinary penzniui. A blind friend of hishas in this way written all his .ciassicar exercises while attending Columbia College.,: • A., similar,;method and a supe rior slate (being metallic • and groovod). has been Invented-by Braille; of Peals. • Mr: McClelland states that... all .geometrl eel .ffiagrams and outline maps . may be read" Ry made for the blind •on - good paper; bya notched wheel at'tbe extremity of a pencil. Boundaries, rivers, &c., may. be diatin: guished , br . having : wheels with. notches-of different sizes. In this way the motherof one, of , bi s Sunday wheal 'scholars 'prepares; without difficulty maps for her blind child by,trading on the reverse side of •an ordlna ty map with her wheel:ditch lines turahe de 'Sires to emboss. , Though the child •Is • the 'youngest in hbr class, she is;usually. at ; , the head: of , 14, and is, so . enabled to prosecute successfully her studies , in one of the Brook-. lyn.public schools: The :young gentleman. attending Columbia,College already alluded to,'traces in the same way the Most difficult figures hi the higher mathematics. Though the blind may in this way write so aslo be ' intelligible to themselves, yet .they still require some method *hereby they may write in brain - au characters., It is suggested that a premium 'should be Of , fired sufficiently large to induce practical mechanics ,to -devote theinselves to the in 'vention of 'a machine by which the blind I _Could *rite in'a way to be understood• by 'persons who have lost their sight, s .p.. IPowerini *hip, , ' mamas powerful ship ' of the Mash Ifail•the Inconstant, is, rapidly approach-, tag ,corapletion and' will be ready . for sea early next year. fille,lo a reinarkable ship ; With dines smarty as tine ;its the hest built, lacht,:attd 'ett glues which, are tb develop' iii, thenstuid indicated horse power, it is bailey "gd',thitt 'she will attain a !speed /fax beyond ,t,hat ,of the ;finest , 1 frigate! Ever ;launched,: I tiihis wP,lalac.Carry= the 'most • formidable fir . raantent yetatloat;hitylng:int her mairi deck r an.armaraent of i.irelvif andahalf ton guns; ~(nishiclu is , the rao44)3W,e'rrniset„ ttliiitt; inia. -ses,Woltig BMPT) ' td,btl b ilitl PPZ ' deckl, •,iidozeit , 'seven: to ' 'giins,'"for • c rising eh . A dhitletit: sfirivt Li J ' The Inconstant, although ' bniit'thr9fi is 4 of iron, to ,Isiths,4l4 AA. ;00#11Ofte g , , ft of her pawato,e,nor nes pp:" Mg4if.e: i ' llPek . 4 ll WlVilki AcTer*lesli. , r t tam a, . . 0 .'r hottcnnerts".• anithAelher 0 ,IfeeP ' Aim seam , ~ qt fouling, ands lifting screw t to allow ber to halt thelall i ava n t ai o a iherspretui of esuiVesig. Mei willtet 'snanned by stylist:id:od men itna-eh r r l ,f,,i.o v i s t ong rot iforldonthed 1, , 1, ~ r ~ , `E*.tItILOU ART 131 writ.--A lady r( ))12a*y comity, about' ten *let tr o 4 StiAit gM ggav6 11 4 11 4 1 , Yißt,b l4 .4 2 ,xxissubsg e. t .0 f9or wale still' dog lathe aggrekate,twentY,thies pp u s - a s :, !They Are all well formed end helddiY. , , The .motherlis said to' be a very fine woman„ ha s : been married about three years, and is but twenty-two years of age.—lfaernsils Press, 29th. SBURGII - :-GAZETTE: SEPTEMBER 2, j 1868. ExTustwirED Nrrslztotrr PA11!: 31re onsitaz Karns vingWAßTlrova. TEETH ABB ORDERED. FITLL KIT ros ss. AT DR. SCOTT'S. werENN BTREET. ity'Doort:Aßovz HAND. _ - ALL WORK WAR ANTED. GALL AND if:K. TE. AKINZ SPEOLMBNI3 OF GENUINE IDIFIE T N I I GA . 1 FllE.TlJltrilii AND 32. ex n. e 3.lers, goit sas AND on., Just - received,. the finest and largest assortment ever opened In this city. WELDON 14-KELLY 141 WOOD 13T11.1:8T, 00!..VIDGpi4MatIGI nah24:n92 CEMENT, - SOAP .rEITONE, &co r n YDBAULIC CEMENT. , - 00A1' STONE. ' PLASTER., Oand7allr TOPS WATICIPIP243. mrsars yK. (xplamirs, . sole:070 25 Wood .street. MO BMILIC OEUENT . 1111AIV:PIPE1 Cheapest and best Pipe fn the market. Also, MO+ BERDAL HYDRAULIC CEans . wito;J i glife"• lizoosarrr act). Offlee and Manufactory 10132C0A Allegneny: •NirOrderaby Mau promptly attendee tP Bbys , ..Youth"s "lad Children's. SIMMER. C ASSIMERZ SUITS, - .' • LINEN SUITS. • • DUCH SUITS. ' • • FLANNEL BUTTS. • ALPACCA LiCrlcrrei. In every style. of the greatest variety.. suitable for the present season. Gentlemen will Owl a line as• sortment of WHITE and BROWN DUCK SUITS, ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATS, &a. - every garment being specially made for us by the best Eastern • heases. Our prices are as low W e st. gad goods can be sold at by any firm East or West. HENRYMEYER, lL DIEROUANT TAILOR, No. 73 SHITHrLELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps Constantly on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHS CAS. THERES, VESTINGS, be. aly20:o88 TIILL&N ALLEN, DEAL BIN IN ALL mom or NO. 8 SITE STREET, (National Bank of Com Ineroe Bulk:11140 PITTSBIDIGH. PA. Branch of 115 Water street, N. Y. , ay DANIEL P. DINAN. VICELSIOR WORKS. B. dr. W. '.7#* - xuaysorir, - Marinfactosers and Dealers In Tobacco, Snuff,. 'Cigars, Pipes, &a:, No A YKDERAL ST.. ALLICORRIMI _ . gENRIK W. HORBACH, Cconfeetionery and Bakery GEO. SaEILELE . fancy Cake Baler - Confeetioner,, FOREIGN DONESTIO TRAITS & No. 46, corner 'Federal and Robinfon atreela, Ana gben7, - WConstaur".l on hand, ICE OBE A 11. of yaziotta Mayors. • • - 'i BVIT MT° Ir. Lit? 'mu"' Schonutekei'r's Gold Medal Piano s AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The 50I1OhLtOKER . PIANO :combine , ' . all the latest valuable Improvements .krithin ie. the con. Mrupl4on of a Orst dais instrument-and has always "beitelawarded the highest premium wherever en hiblted. Its tone Is full.. sonorous and 'welt. Werkrainalthi, forillurablilly and beauty, surpass 'all others. Prices from $5O to $150,, (ee4 . mane to, atyle Mut finish.) 4 prat class Piano.,- 4estier.thlia other egliivalecr _ EBTIEDS C9IT,LIIE 039 AX IN j . E . Mtt.': . ' - ' . . 7 ':: . ' fi.: r 3=3 MERCHANT TA.114)413. GRAY dr. LOGAN, 47 Sr. CLAIR STREET,. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 4F.417 TOBACep AND MARS, 0100aii3i6iorool 3 1 ia 0 *II Ho.` MOO EiTER'ZT, '• , ' - • " Betrreerk Seventh and Liberty. airLADIESI OYSTEB.BALOON attached PIANOS. ORGA.NS, &C. Stands at OM' head of all reed lnetremlents, tnpro: dyeing the moat perfect pipe mealier •of , tone or any • similar instrument In the United Utiles. It IS par ple and compact In construction. Am/ /1( 4 , 4 ) ?t e : 1 ,', get. out of order. ._ , OARPENTEWIt PATENT ' , 'VOX HUMAN,& TEENIOLOt , AtonIy te_ be. found In this ' Organ. Price from e/W toss6U., All guaranteed for dye ears. Batik k 111:18=1114 . ' • am, • ' No. ISt ST. CLAIR MEET. HATS AND OAPS. IVIAUTIA 1./EIILEII, 41141 7 Daiwa: IN nA:rs. CAPE AND ;19:JUS, Also. Hannfliciairer, 'Wholesale And Retail Dealer IeTRIINNS, VALISES: fie., No. 11.32 SMITH- IffELD STREZT, Pittstoisith, Pa. Orders trroniptill filled aid satisfaction 'unnoticed. SEWING MACECIN'ES. rilliE GMAT AZI I EIIIO44, coat -LA., siNATIDUi )'• • ) Butrox-notx onamene ' Aid) G NAME:OIt; rvrius N 4 EQUAL, BEEN'a , JAVIOLUTELY TUE BEST MULE ~.ktmpuens. Jo THE aultL, AND), M. ffalitiluALLT Tem. CHEARVOT. 'hOkeitinul *sated to sell tels'alatiel:r; t 0. , •• •>•" i ,; ir.l;i il,fttArgin le l `Bl elri,FtrAr ;:1141"'WAD:Illter !LOUR; ti, 'I t'l izb PEAR L AT/. • Mi!LL - • f; ,„, i WOoDads n l O VA WIL tr !WIVE N d ben litoibrands.: , W RITE' BN 9021 14 ...)0 AL 11 t i O?r 1 14 E! PlO.O OU WO: t MUNDT& Sito4 1 I . ileruitt t.1,11,0;a141.1".,.; . -4-777 141 4 ) - " ; Sitirsa . *juridic= ) • " OLISS. QINGERIA /VCILEIII,' Succoesso n . pa to Gicl; 111 t. SentiCtWitiat ODCw ; rmaterivklei4W4 o l44AM RP& This isulyetelua,l4tbegraptuo satifillsoucen /4 ' of tisti'Mountaler, Business Cards, Letter Reads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards Dipiomas. Portraits, Views, Certificates of Detaluk Invita tion Cards, so., Nos. 72 and 74 Third Street, Plttsburgb. IVRY utigum. NTEw ~• . . OPINING? DAILY,: Ax .. 3,0 t. EffiCHFELIi-06 • 'No. 5.2 St. Gab. St. OPEN 'll3l€l MORNING. IfEW POPLIN ALPACCAS, BLACK LUSTRE'S, EMPRESS - AND POPLINS, FRENCH MERINOS. NEW GOODS EVERY .FEW DAYS, • - WILL BE RECBIVED DUIING THE r.wrisE smear. ,iutp: , mARKET STREET. gr. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! TO OLosan STOCK or DRESS Gl-404DIDS. 447 . _.11,A.8/LET S.TBEET. THEOBOU F. PHILLIPS. =I ,137....ffi/MILET STRKET.,..BI. CM O ' f "a; ' a a as = 46 --•— cit) ma ted it -a •, c , 0 'A .--, 'to ed co = meel V E 4 al -,-; e ii-i, z EQ .—... a = Cr Id -4-. P.+ GoM Et Os a. w. i A. ... 4 1:4 7 1 ) es = bA 11. E ., tgl 14 4L, gr 4 A t h cS FT" P'4 1.1 s 2 ..A P:1 m , p...... 1 I S . S:PJ 11 ... . 1 = 2 . "El7llll T. - r• 7,4 6." E 168.• NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. 113 4 01, Er No. 168 Wylie Street. 168. 168. CURB, DicCANDLESS & CO., ' VV (Late Wilson, Carr & WHOLESALZ DEALERS IN • ' Foreign and Do mestic : , Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STRE E T, Third door above Diamond alley. COAL AND COKE. com..t coma: , -- DICKSON, STEWART & CO., • -Haviigremaed their office to • , • NO, 667 x..:±remivrit smarm-vs • (Lately oft/ Floor 1 61) iiir.ooNro ELboit. Are now prepared to Ihraleh good TOTIGHIOI2IIM - IfY LUMP, NUT CAJAL OR SLACK, st tthe;loweal Eaerket All orders left et their office, or iddreased„te them throne; the mail, will be attended to promptly. CaIAULES U. ARMSTRONG, lOUGHIOGLEFI •ceirszaavaam °amp,- • . 4ni Manufacturers of COAL, BLACK AND DEOIILPIIIi/MMD . CO*IL , Office and VardLOORNE.It OF .lIITTLER AND MORTON STREETS.. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Word; and on ilioxind Areet, pear Lock No. 1 ‘ _Pittsburgh. Pa. • , • Families end Manufacturers supplied with the bert article otOoal or Coke at the 'lowest cub rates. Orders lett at any of their Daces will receive 'prompt attention. , . A RIIISTRONG JitITCHINSON, ...Yiut.Anstt.gaia Alta Youeuloomarri 64Asmi:. • KINEW,II_HIPPERS AND rmAt, try• RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, of superior Youghiogheny • • , , CAS AND FAMILY ‘COAL.. Orece and YartiFOOT OF TRY STRJIST, near the Oas Works. • • - • • SREETINGSAND RATTING. VILDILES, BELL & C 0.,. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, PlTTSiltrrtq/Er• - 4arers otifitivi; ZIEDMIC and LIGHT £IWUOR AND 'ILAGNOLIA SiIEETVNGS.ANIi - Q4:4I"EAIN RYA] FLOW; &61 • • WABII,INOTtq ,u, „ STAMM , ~ .t' • ' ltearPittabargb Orainl Minter ft r u nr i and MNtrig,%l3. brderrdeabrertol eltharetts. flare' Okapi' Greta au, . Aplcipp?.+ :00131..hevai, 01 1 0 , 4re?r,z,I.ern.• • REMIRMIN • . TCBLICE! t! i • •- rime mowers 1/, . , Ordirs le ft here or Hand Street Bridge erill're• eaten proropattinitiort. Wagons =Asia IS ets". AllarDenv• ARCHITECTS: ' IFIDIPPIIGUIII ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nos. • and 4 $u Clair Street. Pittsbuigh, Pa. Special attention given to the designing and building of QOM= HOUSES and PUBLIC BUILDING& a-. - •-•= 4 ;3" P:I ' pa 6 F 4 ---- ..... -16 S. tap3o:n4o] PITTSBURGH, P.A., === t rf • k,:i; E) NGS AND NOTIONS. T - DIACRITM, * GLIDE & 'COOS, 78 and 80 Market:Street. MOSQUITO NETS, MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES" WHITE UNDERWEAR.: A full line of HOSIERY: MORRISON STAR SHIRTS, _ GENT'S PAPER 'COLLARS, LADIES' DO. AND CUSPS,' TRAVELING SATCHELS, 'A fullline of JET SETS, SILK I BULLION FRINGES. SILK &SATIN BUTTONS, all colors. , A Complete Assortment of White Goods, SWIBS, VICTORIA, LAWN. LIN N, CAMBRIC, &c. HOOP SKIRTS, in all he Newest Styles. KID GLekyr.s at all pric4a; GENT'S &LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR; MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS; 1.000 'Doz.IDAL3iOR I AL HOSE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN YARNS .iorSpeeial Bates to Jobbers. NACRITM, (CLYDE & CO., V 3 and SO. Market Street. aglo pD/CE N , NARKED DOWN: AT NACRUM & CARISSIMS, N 0.19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ! • ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladles',) for SOc CORSETS, (Real Irreseh,) /.... SO LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS,. 3 for - 96 KID GLOVES. (warranted,) • 1.00 PAPER COLLARS 10 9100 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) 5 POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c. 95 MEN'S SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS..........• BO MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS - To, All kinds Bonnets and Hate at Half Cosi CREAT BARCAINS! IN ALI. 3C-ENDS OF GOODS. Special Bates to lierehards do Dealers. MACH= & CARLISLE, jyla3l 19 FIFTH STREET. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, MILTED PLATED WABF, 1 14 PARIAN STATUETTES, 31 BO manio suss, 6 And ether STAPLE AND FANCY 431X1D0, a great variety. , • 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO: ix= -100 WOOD STREET WALL PAPER. ALL PAPER, : -•• • AT REDUCED PRICES. AFTER 4uLy Jur. We 4111 offer our present itoeic4 Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Price& A. large assortment of SATIN PAPFES,, tor:balls; reams, celllnite, N 0.107 Market Street,near Fifth, JOS..R. HUGHES & BRO. EZIEE2 YTTSBtitou PAPER.„DIFANIJ PACTITAING CCM:PANT, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS' . CLINTON' lITL.L.-STED3ENVTGLk.-001ro.. BRIO TON BRIWITON. Y*.. - OFFICE. AND wAnarioun,.• • ' No. 82-Third Street; Pittsbingh; PL Orticsas—SlVGllST HAETJE President. - • JNO. B. LIVINGSToN, Treasurer. BAMDF.L LRIDDLN. Secretary. D__rfacToss—Ausyst Dame, John . Atwell, B. tiartman, John B. Livlngton. Club paid hir Paper Stook. Ja21:o811-i DYER AND SCOURER; IT. J. LANCE, - DYER AND SCOURER. .Tio. • 8 ST.. Cr....A331 STREET And NO2. 1 8 6 and 187 Third Streets prrTunnratr. PA. , i 3 iii:fiNil - 4- 1 e 3 Tre)043)34Z4 !EIFACIEVAL , BECHE'rT, 'io , . .• ___ _nt , . -, ' • ' - - --- - DIECHISSIOAL ENGINEER, --- , Ando.Solloltaiat iof ...latateintass+; • ~ i ; !;tLiteotF.Y.W.aC.EdPwat.)ai ra - ::.: 'dick Ihi.'lo ritpratm, Errinsrr' lia6m fla:11 * stairs. .F: txt Box 50.,PALLAGGENX my. :. CHINMaY, of all desc.rlotlons, designed. 1 - ‘i l Mr acing ACE and DLINGImx - REA.Ir. taraisheo. - Parti_ Qatar attention pato Iry COLLIOIT pocOMoTrym 1 pstaass oar , Iratisiti s t tell aW An. EVII4IIIO DRAW. G 011 'isitAagiOs *sari' WYDNrillYkr ". HAI ' • AND •al •I ai• • . TORN • PEClAritlintilikelital , Hati HAIRMOWEEX AND PERFUME'S, No. At "er i te n V,Staithfleld, a lttsbyth raidies , rilVnANDS4V tt Erfroo Anm uersetia i r e Cta ß. Jar lea. ffric,Th °l .4 ove,a- tbr 01,adlet , and Gentlemenvo Salt Clotting done(._ , the. 12 . 15 t planner: m12:23- 'WE/GUTS AND URE • • ~^ ~`LYOIII,~ eid!, s r 'of Wei ' hts and ilegialres t 17To. 8 sotraxa erturarr. (Beige= Liberty and Perry streets. Order; romptly stranded to. THE WESTERN UNIVEI OF PENNSMVANIi STery Parent and Guardian who has a so to educate should know that we have int Chartered, Institution, endowed by the I the_ generous friends of learning to the i k 5100.000 Preparatory; Commercial, and Collegiate in character, with a Face' number, and a course of study equal to ti best Colleges. The rooms are large and I the.aPparatus and cabinet of a superior k -Observatory belonglnX to it has one of - telescopes in the country, is endowed, is' of an actrimomer of great ability, and four new- Instrumets added to it at , sn e 63, 000..A1l the income from eedowtneut Biltlon'is expended in:supporting the in The aim of the Board of Trustees, who a Our mos enterprising and benevolent dB: furnish the nest advantages to all ou pc to those enjoyed in any of our cities. 'I h Lion in all th • courses of study is thorougt porary expedients being resorted to to sec ferny merely. Only Professors of ability ;fence are employed. Catalog es or information may be had iit the University Building, corner of It DIAMOND STREETS, between 935 and The next term will commence September . FACULTY. GEORGE 'WOODS. LL. D. Presidenty; sor of Mental and blond Selene*, Reed.. JOSEI . II F. Gnat A. IM.. Professor Language and Literiature, 11311 Wylie stn. Hog. HENRY W.tW 3LLIAMd, LL. D of Law. 110 Penn street. BENJAMIN C. JILLSON. Pli. 8.. H. D..' Of Chemistry, Geology ana Mineralogy, hiLLYL:Dr IL Gory, A. M.. Professor of Ica. Broad street, Sewickley. Buy—EDWARD P.., CRANE. A. H. ' Pi, :Latin'Eunguage and Literature, 01 San: Allegheny. RuDotrit LuDwßAiri. A. H., Profess; Onan Language .t Gen.' History, flee kin' - SAMUEL P. LANGLEY, I'rufesso of r Attronomy, and Dlrec Lor of Observatory, tory. Professor of Rhetoric and t; JERE, 'AWE. AYERS, A. N.. Prlnclr paratory Department and Instructor in -Federal street, Altegheny. ALPIIONSI N. DANSE, Instructor in Fr gams. 6 Hancock aLrept. I. N. FORNZE, Principal of Commerch ment. 163 Wy le street. "NipESTMINSTER COLL* Near the line of the Erie and Pittaburgl PULASKI. °Guides from Pittsbni, The new College Year opens SEPTE: , with.= increasing prospect of interef t sr; In addition to toe FULL CObLEGE covered by the ScholarlMps and Tuition, stitution, ItXTR,A CLASSES IN ENti Lit commenced with this session for the be, student' generally. and especially of thi Mg to engage in the profession of 'Teach Tasrms—tor this course including Eng - Mar and Composition, Reading and EN), thography Mental and Written Aritl Penmanship, with. lessons In the Science Tetchlng, for the coming session of 16 This amount Ins:Andes the contingent fee. • College wttidles, (including contlngen. term of $l3. Address, ROBTi . AUDLEY BROWNE, • Yen Wilmington, Lawrenc(. anal;vs4 pENNSYLVAINIA COLLET; GETTYSBURG 7 The Pall Session of Pennsylvania Coll., gin on THIIIIIIDAY,the 2lth day of Sei, And continue thirteen weeks. In adi, large corps'of Profesiors. the institutt-, hhed with. extensive Philosophical an , Apparatus, and Geological Caoinet. The new Preparatory Building will b , , occupancy. The rooms in thrs Departm. fernish.d. Expenses. exclusive of Booal tionery, frcrursfilit to, $BB per beSSIOII, piano extra. ilibirPor further Oarticnlars. address M. VALENTINE, I/. D.. Preside - BEV. C. T. EaItEIIABT, A.M., auM:vl6. •, 11DITTSBURGII FEMALL LEGE, REV., .1. C. PERSHING, D. D., DI; In buildings faculty, patronage and r Wes for securing a thorough, solid and education the the leading ladies school in tb one of the first In the Union. Twenty-two able and accomplished • perb buildings,'whicli have just been rep peted and Improved at a heavy outlay.; course of study.* Unsurpassed facilltic ornamental branches, especially' music... Fall Term commences SEI'TEMBEB tlons can be =West any time, either I! by letter. aunt • X. SIMPSON. Pres, pEIIiNSITLVANLIL MILITARY ACADEMY CHESTER,' Delaware Co., The Seventh Annual i3eision of . th:± - opens THORSDA.Y; brpt. 34. The buildings are new and complete . a lra n u l taiiitention given to the mot' sous' habits of eatieta. - For circulars apply 'to CHARLES H. Esa No. 73 Wood 'street. Pittsburg) THEb. HYATT, Chester, Pa. N EWELL DISTIT UTE, .No. 267 Penn Stree - . . . TEACIIERS: , Mesita. J. R. NEWELL, !Messrs. H. N I ALLYN iiCCEI7II, W. bLOAN. , W.•A.,BILTILCH.FIN.LID, Itimbla. r• .B. JOLINSTUN, ;. lA. DANSE, • s • lass Sracra, - 1 SluLLza,t Busineaswill,be resumed on TITE.SW of Septetdber. Terme as befbre—s4o per session of No extra. charges. !Application for s: eitherl.adips , or Nays , eehool will be the rooms diming' the last week in Aug:. :o'clock-A. at. till 121 x. - RENSSELAER , POLYTECHNIC oy, DT, Y. 3, . Very - thOrtiugh • instruction in Civil, and Mining Sugip*Mring. Chemistry a' Scleace. Gradbases obtain most der , . 'Mins. . • ite•Lopens slept. Stn. For the Reisister, - : 0%14811 informa.lon. at CHABL.M . n WAD, Director, Troy... , ' atatica ' . , r . • OLLO INSTITUTE A.ll ~ D rAlty, No. 80 FOURTiI.B7It-i -burgh :ide.• EROLMR, SettN•rim and'. ,sciiumt-, for ilirlisaed Rove, conductec M. MACIRITM and MARY .Ir. Session:commences MONDAY, lieptemb-', :course:of landless terms, itc sec will be mailed on. application. Mr. N the School Itoome to receive pupils fr. ! till IN Y. daring - the week preceding . : of thew/salon. • . :!! -111 . 113/10P BOWMAN —A COLLEGIATE ISCHOOI, lEB,—No. 63 GRANT STREET. The duties of this SCIIOOi will be rerun' DAY, September I.4tb. The coarse chides the Eng! ish' Branches, hiatheM*; and Drawing The Music Department - direction of the able Prof. ssor, H. Both Day and Boarding Pupils r eceives For further partici:tiara send for a Rel.: ply to the Rector.' , zu=u l S -3, !w v. s • Rz R. T. COST-'Z NMTES, LIQUORS, PMSBURGII IMPORTING ESTA T TGLITIPII 1830 & --; xatroinratie OF FORE!: t- WBES AND Lig - fc.,; „ .N04:409 P. nn Street, Pit' Vetdd direct . the attention of the publ' `lll3l4Weellatt Liquor Houses in ' l3 / 1 1 s_lue tbet , latilettations direct, they: , rVarious, grades of choice altars at' Witt, less than Eastern' on* pg,qualities and compute - - rerpeetfttity solicited. A choice sortment of pure OLD Y.OO • • th , on hand JOSEPII S. FINCH& No l; 0146 Va. INN 191, 193 at ;TIMM, PITTSBUIti:; tz, • . f; XAXIMACTOILIIII3 Ot Copper_ ; Distilled Pure Rye Als 8. o, Ra m In FOR E IGN WINES an •HOP prim , NATIVE WINES: . . - - ,,1**1 - ILIA AND OATH'J Otbdr own! inns. cAlso,_ the bell CtIAMX.4O '• CLARET. FSHERRY- , V. Ina urowers' Compan) irrlnt clued. the thtng for tray -N. .—Particu sr attention 'paid famines. - i,r=ttt7 Ytzita *tato ERI