6. U :=1 EJL9. I V. hnßß, Presn W. P. POsTsa, Bap't. ,F!ITTSBURGR FORGE AND IRON CO., XANSIPACTCUZIII3 . ! OP Ear Iron; Frlllroad Fish Bars and Belli; Railroad Car. %ales Roped; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Loeomotive Frames; LoeomotivOErame Shapes; Side Rods i Yokes, Straps; . - _ Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; • • Pitman Jaws, Collars, &e. lioe, No. 177 IPEINIq STREET, PITTSBURGH. 12 GIMAFF, 81CE163 & Co., I AIU . NIZTACTUBERS CF Bar; Iloop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, Iron Welded Tnbes for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. ALSO, OILIVELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 132 First Street& t PITTSBURGH, Pa VERISON, PRESTON & CO., - Pennsylvania IrOn Works. Warehouse,. Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, apSlide PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. PTTSBITR . GH STEEA. WORKS. pa 1845.3 ANDERSON it,WOODS, , DRICCESSORS TO ANDERSON, COON 3 C 0.,) lianufgotorers - of every description of - STEEL, BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. anu, biulay.! Circular, Gang and Criss Cut slkw Spring, Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. • Shovel, 'Hoe, Fork, Bake and Toe Calk Steel. Railroad Spring Steel and Frog Points, Cast Steel Finger Bars, siekle'Steel, Spring Steel Tlre, Plow Wings, etc.; Oil Drill W Steel. Omeuandorks—i.mrner FIRST AND ROSS STS., Pittsburgh, Pa ' jv2B:d9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINDKR, NI4IIOII & PrgTsuunGn, Maanfactarers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS FLLIPTIC t..NO 'PLATFORM SPRINGS, ABLE% STEEL TIRE, kc., Ac Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sta. MILLER, IiARR & PARKIN. GENILIaL FAETNZBS: whr. METCALF, I REUBEN' MILLER, GEO. W. BARE,I CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PARTNER-S. M. 'ICIER CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, DIELLI.MII, 33A.1111, 4* . PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. fel4:d4B LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER Manifictitieri of all' OesOriptions . of 14" -.41: omee and Warehouse. 12_0,122. 124 SECOND and np,andl2l FIRST STREETS. STOVES4''CASTINGS ; -&c COOK ST9VES. CET THE BEST. BitisELL & C 0.914 TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS fgfij...4L. 'irrinteil to Ceok, Bake or Boast as well agony other Stoie In the Union. 13 1. 8SPTIT4 & COQ , - No. 285 Liberty Str4et. Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, SEA.2II.IO.‘STOVES - '.' , GRATE ...'llO/4TMENDERS, COOKING. GES, ao. NOVELTY WORKS. PITT.s.P9k = ,NOVELTY 'WORKS. -*. • ADAM*: M'KEE & CO.; . .Keystone Standard,' Patent Platform and counter • - • - S C E$ haps Faced ,Patent Door Locks aird Latches. FAINT AND 0 YFEE RILLS, /dALLEARLIC IRON, ac: :Corner of Grant and First Streets, . , . t so:Mt% r, ) f/..P.Arroarnan. • ,, :d loprrfolitrittia PAP 78 , Uf ?Aerial - N 6 COMPANY; ly..iutrierli kar PAINTING'ANDIVRAPPING PAPERS: CLINTON MILL-NTETIBICNVILLE. OHIO: BRIONTON NILE-NMBRIGEITON, , t , • OFFICE AND WAREFIOTIM, Aro. 82 Third Street Pittabtur,h, Pa. orincliiiktreuirr ilikliT/ 1 2 0 Pris1 dint.; TA GS N IN ' VTreasurer... , *". ft IiMITN4aIMINAG Ora suits *OM*" JOhn - A s SWC44 win Oarsman:So n u. Esau h." ,„, calk Paid 1.9 f MINS NATIONAL FOUNDBY AND PIPE WORKS. Coiner Carroll and 'Smailman Streets, (NINTH WARD,) PrrT1E33313111:41:1, WM. SMITH, . Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, • FOR GAB AND WATER WORKS. K l, P alslALrfee:Plets g t h i s ti . vaLltr a Ni a r s t in lri f Generaleatilings far Gas and Water Wo ks. of Gas Works call 7.l2ittn . N.c . t E ltar s lrintend nts fe16:410 O. LIVINGS ON. W. 11. SUUT.W. A. ROBINSON, Jll. LVVINGSTON Ss CO., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE -LIGHT CASTINGS, rileiZseriti:pnitatriti!inncottri: and Ni6Voreititers Mill Ma- ch krlbUiri promptly attended to. OffiCe and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pc iSr. - Successcirs ‘ORORINSM, MINIS &MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, • FOUNDERS AND HACHIHISTS, PITTSBURGH; Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En glinaeffin Blts a t at E li f gln e e r s i;ll l:!l e ul cri Mit i c o h n b: . eLy Gearing Tanks anb and Sheet Iron Work.F Office, No. 12, corner . First and Smithfield Streets. Ag.euts for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. jathrffil m ow . BLANC FOUNDRY. +3. "Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed Charges reasonable. ocl5:L BERLIN FOUNDRY. • , ' PRICE .& SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on haii d Thimble, Sheba am! Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, And Castings generally THOMAS CARLIN A. CO., Fourth Ward Foundry'and Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Presser', Pul leys, ShaftMg, O Grist and Saw Mlll.Work, _Rolling Mliland•Machlue Castings, rate Mars, Weights, Wagoil.Boxes; Sc. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. mvl4:qs CENTBAL - FOUNDRY • AND' ROLL - WORKS V0.71.12. --- Oia•e et. BOLL 4N , Chill Rolls, Kill Castings, Roll Lathes, ae. I ULTON-MACY W' CO., PiTTSIIIII34 . 3H. •. antifactery of ti ; l7A.3i ENGINES, - of all sires d ' and of the most approve patterns, f or stationary purposes STEAMBOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. -A. variety at 10, 1 .91 and 10 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold .at very minced prices. • _, - P. F. GEISSE. Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles beiow Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. &P. B. : • no9:h2 LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! Dealer in of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE : 500,000 feet Dry Pine Boards,* ' 30,1000 feet Dry Oak, 1 and 2 inch 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2,2% and 3 Inch; • 200,000 6 -et kiemlock; 1,000,000 No. I 18-Inch Shingles, sawed; 400.000 No. 1 /6-inch Shingle:, sawed; 100,000 No. 1•10-inch Shingles, - s - laved; • - 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, 9 and 12 feet; 3011 Cedar Posts. qAlso. Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small uantities. YARDS No. 86 PREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA. STREET, oppo site the Gas Works, ny Cj. y.. - .&M an _ . WORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capita/, - - - 8425,000. • Pince miNT—EDWARD DITHRIDGE. BZCSETAATe-T. A.• WRIGHT. Ouncancrmuncirr—EDW. DAVISON. Dotscvone: :.Edward Dayleon, L. F. Duncan, John Mellon I E. D. Dlthrldge, ' Geo. W. Dlthridge, M. L. Malone, Johnston.H. LUMBERYARD—Corner of pr.irTLER end PUB& fEER STREETBiSIath Wird. • - • - 'OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wuh- Ington Street. la2o:y9e GAS AND STEAM MTTING. 7biftr Y. coorsa JOB. KAYS lIIITIT 1r0IIN?11. COOPER & CO" " 'BRASS rouNDERs GAS AND STEAM RiITTEBB, lifanufact wen of rtnices AND BRASS WOR o Anat, o tistvra„. i. eAS I EKTIAII2I of Pike and WalnutCor n e r titTeetat myys.3o 'IRON BROKERS SAMUEL M. WICHIERIMEAM, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Agent, for the ease of Corewhll, DolighAVO: Jo. sephhae. Ltaseanhoy; Staithe tendolf, gelother brar„...___ds of Anthraalte, Youlhlogheay " d . 416 .7 P.g : 1 - c• - - • PI( IRONS. g 1 J ATE,As.wonlig, , MORTON. STREET, Ninth Ward, . • pri-rslirunGaa. TIIOIIIAS N. DILILLEB, President. These" Works are among the largest and most complete establishments in the West, and tirealOW prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. • Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Mill Castin Engine Castings. Sfachine Castings. General Castings. ' - ORDERSBOLICIT:ED . no9:nd3 (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) EBBEIT & ILACKLIND. SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, 'ORKS. EBT.I93LIEInp !N•1835. LUMBER., ALEXANDER PATTERSON, : IRON'BROHER;;'7 ,,, .• I ) ,I,T7SpiTRGII ,G EN - GrICES 13bILEICS &c FORT PITT BOILER, OTILL7:ANOIANK CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-F'LUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX ARI) CYLINDER STL.' AM BOILEES. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND. CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, I GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUTES I Office and Warehouse corner ( Second Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. lEr Ordcre sent to the above address will be promntly attended to. mh7:lB9 WIL BARNHILL Sr. CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 2i ANIY26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are pre,pared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, And sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shot test notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES M. RITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., iii irAxrupscrtrasa or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING NELL STACKS, And SKEET IRON WOR K, , For Steamboat,. JARED IC BRUBEI JEDMUND D. BRUSH. JARED M. BRUSH & ItA2p7PACTUREBEI OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, !ranks. =EMT IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgit, Pa. OILS. W „„„ ARING AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers in Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. PITTSBURGH TACK. BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Office—DALZELL• BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. I Philadelphia Office-1.27 WALNUT ST. apl :w2O M. LONG iSr. CO., • MANUFACTURERS OF PURE WHITE BURIcING OIL, Brand—"LUCIFEB.” Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. ll= NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, riALT:trowiLts..ia, 837 LIBERTY STREET, One Square Bel Aeßnts for FAIRIS GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, SIEVES PLATED WADE, PARIAN STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN CELAN% • And other STAPLE AND TANGY DIMS, a great variety. 100 WOOD, STREET. RICHARD E. BREED CO. mbzr 118 . PRACTICAL 118. fURNITURE MANUFACTURERS) WHOLESALE AND EiCTAilft LEMON & WEISE, NO.; ILV3 Constantly on hand everivariety of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with' • com plete assortment of common Furniture at reduced Prices. Thous in want of anything in our line aru_cordially Invited to call before. pureballllll. Work gimmiteeed: mh2l in 4 1 AT REDUCED PRICES. We will offer our present k`or Wall Nets at 9reatlYitßaueo, itiOat , large anortment of SATIN P.A.PEZtI, for ball., rooms, coifingo, Ao., at c~ylo''r Market Street,near Fifth. I t . .105:41.14117Gt*St*Ottb,,,_ • ZETT.g .AU I GVST, -31, 1.968 111114 - OPACiI:U=B OP HARDWARE. Alanufacturers and importers of CUTLERY, &C. CORNER CF WAYNE, or Union Depot, PITTS URGH. ANKS' SCALES 100 WOOD STREET 100 WOOD STDEEIt." FX7IMTURE. LEMON £ W! TBE WALL PAPER. AFTER JULY IST, _ • • APArlowv,./..•1..A.P CENTRAL ',BANK, PITTSBURGH, PA. i NrCo 35 BANK BLOCK Capital.. . $lO -- Stockhcilders Individually COLLECTIONS - DIA . DE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS OF THE ITNITKD STATES AND CAN ADAS Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of tiovernment Securities. /24TEIVDST PAID ON TISK DEPOS/TE. R E.c TORS A R D S , sN z o AwcETT. _ BAILEY, - ARIRn, 1,, W. P. LOGAN, HOPKINS, GEORGE HINGIIAM, ,LER, JOSHUA RHODES, , WN, • PAUL H. HACKE, TEE, JAMES LYONS. T11051A4 1 D. \V. C. JA)I EN II JULILs JAME, B. J. YIJ TIIO3tAS FAWCETT, President ALLEN KRAMER, Vice President J. W. DA!VITT, Cashier. M. HEMMINGS, A. , illttant Clu,hler CE. lets of De . pos NOTl itor. with the KRAMER & tANKING HOENE have been tranferred to k. J. W. DAVITT, Cashier. , PITT IBILIKING COMPANI, Accon RAH VI tlil Dal MEE FORT No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, . . . . . $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. v l DEALERS IN _ GO ERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessiblt.• points in the United States and Canadas. DIRECTORS: J no. C. Risher, Robt. H. K.ng, And Jame. Bailey D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, SAIII , L. Me D. LEET YSTONE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL ' (authorized ' ) : : : : 8200,000. DIRECTORS. Hm. H. Ham Moe, enry Boeketoce, eeo. T. Van Doren, FL J. Lynch, John Murdoch, Jr., William Espy, Samuel Barckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS I=l Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. ATSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. EOPLES SAVINGS BANK, OF PIT"11513171t0II. CASH CAPITAL Preildent..HENUY LLOYD. Vice President—WlLLlAM REA. MEMO Henry Lloyd, Hon. Thos. Mellon, ,F.• P. Jones, Th. Wlghtinan:Geo. W. Irallinan, !Win. Rea, R. H. Hartley, !Edward Gregg, introit' Stowe. Secretary & Treas'r•••S. F. VON BONNIIORST SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de pOsits. Dcpositsmade on or before Ausust 15th will bear Interest from that date. Interest computed on tat November and ast May. 1y31:t76 NATIONAL OF, COMMERCE Cor. of. Wood and Sixth St& A. PATTERSON JOS. R. HILL ... CAPITAL" : : : $300,000. • DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, George W. CMS, Wm. H. Brown, James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, I Wm. Douglas, Alien Kirkpatrick, Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven, - • DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT. II A 711. ap9:023 HART, CAUGHEY & CO , BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Street's, I'ITTSI3ITEEGUI, (BIICCESSORS TO HANNA,. HART & C 0.,) = Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he ptirohase and sale of COVERNMENt BONDS. Slight Drafts on 'London. myi:sta NHOLMES & SONS, • 57 Market Street, PITT'X'SBI7I443II-I, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United litotes sad Canaclas. Stocks, Bonds : and other Securities ~ • BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale Of United States Securities. Mat TERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 , Fourth Street. CHAWIT4,ED 1866. Inte c rest paid on Thne DepoettB A.Hy BUM !MOWED FROM ONE t 'DOLLAR UPWARD.' DEPOSITS BUBJMT E WO j aHROR, 'WITHOUT plicxtainti Daily at MiAocatook. • ' President—THOMPSON BELL. 51oegrailde*NWIL SIARSHALL. ontsoyons: 4HOMPSONBEIL.b.‘ • rev". MARSHALL, JOB. OILWORTH. ' • Joe. ALBREE. .r. J. Of 4 1 x 8 eLAct ,% - , T ••• : • , - ,r, , Stale,' wider. to, whom we mars rttetcfre: . • : h . .. Forsythe, • ' Joseph semottit; or. raldwall, Rev. David Iftzt, - ' I I, Ualsell, .- Henry Lambert, . C. Bidwell., A. Is. Brow.e, i . • Amoy Thomas JCww.P l ,:, CLUBMAN, Pres't. The gold market has come to a stand to day. varying only X, per cent., 144% and .14.5. The scarcity of cash gold enables the bull parties to advance their rates, whilst they are enable I to carry large amounts of gold at a low rate of interest. The great bull of the market succeeded to purchase LSON. Cashier, large amounts at low rates, and can wel afford to run a risk. • Governments are strongly held and firmer for the old issues of 1862 and 1865 and 1865 Consols, more on account of_th, large short interest outstanding uncovered than from any investment demand; never- theless, the tendency is for higher prices. The stock market is very strong, but the cliques alone are the purchasers; the out- side parties are not doing anything, most of them lost heavily during the recent de cline, and quite a number have gone short to cover their losses, they have only added to their losses. The market is in a very precarious condition, and it is just as dangerous to sell short as to go long. Ex press stocks are firm and higher. - usmess dull and money easy. The New York Stock quotations to-day as received by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold 145; 1881's, 114%; 1862, 114%; do 1864, 109%; do 1865, 111%; do new, 108%; do 1867, 1081/ ‘ ; 10-40's, 108%; Cleveland Cc Pittsburgh 86%; Fort Wayne, 107%; Western Union Telegraph 34;; ; ; Adams Express, 48; Erie, 48%; New; York Central, 124%*; Reading, 9114; Michigan Southern, 84;4; Chicago & Rock Island, 10014; Chicago a: North Western; 82% do Preferred, 82%; Ohio & Mississippi Certiti cates, 284. $lOO,OOO i —The Cleveland and Pittsburg Road earned $12.500 more for the first two weeks in August than it did last year. —The New York Tribune of Friday says: Governments opened firm and active on the -investment bonds; 64s were specially active, and advanced. All the new bonds were in demand and were firmly' held. Sixty-sevens are heavily oversold, and are in good borrowing demand. These bonds were depressed throughout the day by the offering of small amounts by the bears in hopes of bringing out some large blocks, but it did not have the desired result. The' market has lost the excited temper of, the past few days, and has a strong 'upward tendency, with heavy purchases being made both for foreign and domestic .itc count. The German, bankers now buy the new bonds in preference to the 625, and ullv $l5 000 000 have been taken within f • ' t he past six weeks. The supply of bonds , s not large on the street, and holders are iconfident of higher prices, and a sharp rise may be made at any moment should the efforts attempt to cover. —Closing quotations received by Tames T. Brady it Co.: - President -.Cashier Gold, 144%; U. S. 6's, 1881's, 114%; 5-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20's, 1864, 110; 6-20'8,1865, 112; 10-40's, 1083, 4 '; 5-20's, January and July, '65, 108%; Jttnuary and July, '67 108 .;,; '6B, 108%; June 7-30's, par less / 1 4; Jnly 7-30's. do 34; August 119; Sept., 119; Oct. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET, OFFICE OF THE PITTBURGH GAZETTEE R SATURDAY, August 29, 186 S. At no time perhaps in the history of the trade has the market for both Crude and Relined Petroleum been so panickyx cited and unsettled, as during the week which has just closed. The sales in We ag gregate wero large, i but prices were very irregular, though frpm Monday 'until Sat: urday morning there has been a steady. decline; toldaapoviever, -uticlex the influ ence of 'an' apprehended "corner," there wait a firmer feeling, and Crude was held with considerably tenacity, and Refined, on spot, (in Philadelphia) advanced from One to one and - a ha'f dents: The 'ietelPla of crude during the week were 19.635 bbls against 21,419 bbls last week; receipts since January Ist 700,357 barrels. The exports of Refined this week were 18,725 bbls against.2o,62s bbls last week: since Janu ary lat 428,798 _lib's against 415,918 bbls same time last - year, showing an - increase of 10,880 bble, The sales of Crude for the week were 40300 bbls; refined 51,000,- ma ' king a total pf 91,100 bbls, against 90,782 bbls laSt Week:' The Inarket to-day was as follows: - • il:2 The market, as already intimated, was considerably firmer to-day, under the in fluence of an apprehended "corner," and spot oil, particularly, was held with more tenacity. The sales were: 1.000 bbls tirgeptember Ifith, seller's option, at llgc; 2,000 bbls until April . ' lac, 1869, seller's op tion, at 10c; 2,000 bbls for September, sel ler, at K5O, on cars at Venango City; 1,000 do same deilVeryLand- bptien, at= same price, and six car loads, to be delivered next week at 120. We heard of offers to tiuv Septenibm exid. :Weber v.. at, .12y,f0, :which ~ s hows a slight advance, and the sales at Venango' City show advance of dcents per barrel; coupared %tie yester y. . • • • REixiiie • • • -8 30, in .or , itus advancing from3o% , to 120, iii , vloa , of an expected - "cormirim P. R. MIEROTZ, BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNAIENT AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bongitt on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a ailable in any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. JAMES T. BRADY & 00., (Successors to S. JONES S C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 213 - . A: DU' R te, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS t Interest Allowed on Deposits. sir- Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est marker rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO Crt gittsburgij '6.-&yttif FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZtaPIE, SATURDAY, August. 29, 1868. KIIVIEW FOB THE WEEK CRUDE. created considerable excitement to-day, as well it might, and for a time, the "bears" looked decidedly blue. Late in the after noon. however, reliable advices were re ceived from Philadelphia to the effect that the market was considerable easier, and that the dreaded "corner" was not likely to amount to much, if anything, at all. If this should prove correct, the market will not r open up as stiff on iMonday as might naturally have been expected. .The sales reported to-day were aS follows: 1,000 bbls, spot, at 32c;' 500 do at 31 1 ,4 c; 500 each September, October and :November at 31e: 500 each same months at 31.(c. and 500 each November and December at 3k. D. M. Edgerton. 360'Lockhart dr F..... 1160 G. S. Thomas 281 .Jas. Wilkins 400 Clark &Sumner.. 3:2o,Figher & Rro 400 Buffmn, K. a:Co. 160'0. B. Jones 160 Pacific Oil W'ks. SO' W. J. GLinn 50 W. McCutcheon. • 50',D. Blv & Co 50 C. H. Hall 50 Livin...ston Bro S 0 T0ta1......... OIL SHIPPED E. , ST St A. v. R. R. J. C. Kirkpatrick & Co. - 227 bbls refined to NV; P. Logan 'it Bro., Philadelphia. Livingston (t, Bro., 50 :do do to War den, Frew ,t.• Co., Philadelphia. • Fawcett, Logan St Stockdale, 250 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro.,Phihid-lphia. Buffam, Kehew ACo., 150 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. - .. • P. Weisenherger, 200 do do to ,Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia:; - Wormser, Myers Sr, Co., 73 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. E. Jageman dr, Co., 150 do refined to Waring, Kin& Co.-, Philadelphia. .MeCreery & Co.; 163 do . do to W. P. Logan & ro., PhiladelPhia. • i t% -Fulton, M ruin & C0.,.50 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. • . Wormser, Myers& Co., 151 do benzole to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. E. Jazetnan & Co., 100 dodo to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPMENTS FROM DOQUESHE DEPOT- Tas: Miller, 54 bbls ref. to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship & Co., 120 do do to War ing, King & Co., Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co. 99 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia' Warden az' Batchelder, 69 bbls refined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelpnia. A. D. Miller, 11l bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia., Fleming & Co., 291 do; do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. McKenna & Rogers. 21i do do to A. P. Phipps, Philadelphia. Union Ref. Co., 50 do dol to W. P. Logan dr Bro. ' Philadelphia. Brooks, Baltentine 12 do naptiia to Warden, Few& co., Philadelphia. PITTSBURGH MAJiKETS. 616 OFFICE OF THE ITTBRUB GAZETTE, SATURDAY, August 29, 1868. The general markets have been rather dull during the past weal; the operations in most of the leading artibles having been almbst entirely of a retail character, in consequence of the demand 'being re stricted mainly to supplying the imme diate wants of both dealers and consumers. The receipts of Grain are on the increase, particularly Wheat, and the same is true of produce, generally. Flour is in fair lo cal demand, but there IS little or no in quiry for shipment. Provgions, although devoid of excitement, are, steady, with a good jobbing demand; Butter and Eggs are a shade higher. while; Green Apples are dull and lower. Seeds are firmer, and In better demand. BUTTER—Is firm and in.steady demand, with regular sales of prime to choice at 35 to 37 EGGS—The market is considerably firmer, under the influenceof diminished receipts, and during thei week, prices have advanced 3 to 4c; we now quote fresh packed at 18c. CHEESE—Is reported quiet and un changed; sales of Western Reserve and Hamburg at 14 to 15c; Factory at 16 to 17c; Goshen at 18 and Sweitzer at 20. SEEDS—Flaxseed is in good demand at $2,25, and but little offering. Timothy Seed is being sold at $3,25 hi $3,50. Clover seed is nominal at $7,50t0 SALT—Is dull and undialiged at $1,75 to $l,BO to the trade, and v. f&r small lots in store. GRAlN—Wheat has advanced consider ably in the west within the past few days, but, as yet, there has bet3n no advance here, and as our mills are Well auprdied, it is not likely that there will: be for some days to come; in the meantime, another de cline is expected inthe West. We con tinue to quote at $2,10 to 32,15.f0r prime to choice Red, and 5 • cents - higher for White. Corn is quiet and unchanged; sales of prime Yellow (Shelled) at 31,12. Oa sin good supply and aillittle dull but unchangedi sales on track at 60 to 62c, and in store at 64 to 65c. Rye iadu limited sup quoted at $1,35 to $1,40. .Barley is com mencing to arrive, but, thbs far, the re ceipts are light, and $1,75 tO sl,Bo ) seem to be regarded as the ruling qtiottaions. POTATOES—Steady and ;he arrivals by rail continue light; we continue to quote at $3.50 to 34 per bbl, as to qualty. HAY—Continues firm, and with a light crop reported - and *limited arrivals, (prices are well sustained, $25 to $32; from country wagons, as to quality. Italed maj be quoted at $25 to $3O. LARD OlL—Unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and 31,50 for No. 1. PROVISIONS—Bacon iaq‘iet but steadyr with regular sales at 14 to 143 , ,,c for Should ers; 164 to 163..;c for Ribbed, and 18) to 1810 for Clear Sides, and ',22 to =me for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard is still quoted at 1934 c to 20e for prime kettle rendered. Moss Pork, $30,50 to $3l. MILL FEED—The mill prices are un changed, as follows: Screenings $1; Bran , $1.10: Shipstuffs 31,30; and Middlings, $2,20. FLOUR—The Flour markbt is quiet and unchanged; the demand is restricted main ly to supplying the immedifite wants of the city trade, as most of the small towns in this section of country, her'tofore depend ing on this market for supplies, are now able to buy nearer home. This being the case the demand for Fient Is greatly re duced, and wilhout wishing anybody ill luck, we hope the day is not far distant when we will be able to chr,nicle a decline ofSl or $2 per bbl. The "Pearl" and "City 1111118" continue to quote gat $11,30 for White. Wheat in barrels, sad $ll in Bakke; and Red Wheat at . $lO.BO in barrels, and 110,50 in sacks. Spring Vheat 310,50 to $10,75 for Old and $lO to $10,25 fort New. Rye Flour 39,25 for Old. New York Dry Gocals? 4 Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittaborgh qsaette.) NEW Yonk,August 29.--Weather delight- fal for active' trado, and son* dealers are as busy as can be, although hal demand isnot . rampant enomth to suit tliorniost sanguine. The market, however, is in E.4eatthy state, any chetip 'Rita offers rry are nanny bought. It is very apparent pow that prices have f und a level and there fewer bar_ gains of prints available. Nearly all the leading makes are being still sold in small quantities .at 124 c, but no List-class prints can be obtained- im!,qoantiily.icir lesq.than: 1.334, which is the price of Sgragues Pacific .and C Lantastor and, American have settled at 18. Heavy Brown. Sheetingh still remain a little,Alepr seed at 16a12. New York Mills and Manville 100. -Bleached Muslims steady at' 28; Wamsuta, 25; ;Tuscarora, 22; Loriesdaltv.sod! , Great'Palls-14,,18; Bartlett, 16%; Hope, 18%; New Market, 10. Wored Cottons steady and firmer. ?Woolen goods , actlyeand bring- of all kinda:nradmittely ing`fair prices,., fairer, grades bbleg most Command saleable and better' prices. St Loos Cattle Maiket. [By Glisette.3 Sr. Louis, A totust recall! Md"tbe lo,no.111.0ea; butclioa ' ' sell 'at 3xst•si grft;'' • 3:,q0