\ • • Ed t litt,ibuttO Gaitttt, BILL AND! . DT couvin wirenr4;Botaidlo:s. Come. dear old kmirade, you and C. . , win real mi hoortrom days gone Sys .hining days when life was new. Afro all Wlll4 bright with morning dew.— The fgety.dayeellong ago. WINO itaaweth2ill anal , a Joe Thor =alma" . Junta titled trgi,l, eoct.del's rainbow halt And as brief appendix wear • Tani 'nhanter , s luckless mare; -TO.day O , old frien d . remember still 'She I am Joe and you are Bill. And grand 4h gim look in_pßie.../g ties. I , lll.litrs. ar41:11, , to big brave letters,fale :- 4 saimgogi. nags-Zone/re pith - Jag=- Tes`nilliftTl - Tder name lo'hair tee glebe' Toa•ve Mpg mankind - Elleathiess strain; i '1e=,,45 ,2 -drfeed Iglptre_ogotot I Irtm, Sat jog add I Joe ex 11111: ' 'TI ••- eS lYoee oldirer.?s. bent and gra si °3l " . Th in i24 l 4ittl k rotate." AW4layal!ethelroriihr...lhey. hate tilow I Tie thraohing hearts or Blit' - and Jolt— 41"71Titglantggi hip hour err:wide, - , hille-4 sits 'minds et bla side; - Uffleaddi Allstate tirrinte,sditiesiiisey I I • Plods the'old schoolmate io his Cl. , , Sterl3,eyeb thit melt and - =le lbet s atundly tip SW* ' . • Alin: titlse scholar, what is lame? A Aired tongue alumina dune; eddy whielivind•a del , Vbst.. Tha UM Web - on:go dust ;L ' 4 raw-an/lXlears and whoranshow , Which daat,eraiißlil and which nu Joe? Tbe wax, tskes stand. , - 'Bois *DOM minim! and aching hind, - • _TRW* gspiatchunamids comeantr 0 ; 1- How Vaa 3114 grainy show!. 1111 all /nonce his pulses tnrill;— - sTiriPedrod,Jirs% '"God bless yon; , 21111 10 _ - Add ACM *wit brial:le in hapidir spheres - someot Old Dirtied outliner ar ears, , weet, mil of harp and song • , Yeitibefelik , ern snirdatione timlung; JuAttlgalidritiEdl ihe *odd below • Irw•.l2lloltiiif:lllt 3 atd ill lit, was Jeer No matter; while oar home is bere eoundine n me is bolt so dew - AVlCl3lllMl4ll . llllfrerictg ORVlgllklillstmoarnua lanstionmeal for • 011 A e at at tort ne Sic facia Bill. Attontio. ", -•i2 ~~,EPH~.~~8Ii3: —New York is to have haves luniti 16111411,- 4 filt pt , : -• 01 . 00. tr Nrei4,44•fivehundrei Maio. vatisziut bats. •• - •t - #a a ga in - .:14ire13a173 going to thcetilillinibi - Whito :1 . 11 r A Ilia of : • . tho Xerticeri 41ret;,ay , ' sa aucne as short l y (O *kw, • • - n tieg a, Ragmarothikwife.of the - acar- Awnitachiligpiin it Witching littiVier; PragYehas in 1 1,. 0 iv :Pair 411:11009ifilimpe t3heiiand Lagna. • -:—.Thenlinrthein New !Jersey. lykilrond• liossiV : rt 'o*g - EalingWM:4 a Palatt6M. ` The tiffittita Sphinx danced with .the OcallgettoA/fibettrat reeenr maspnwlide. '—' a anethstar otten the cattle emit Unity itn O y beet is .eaten, lmlieeque rottar4 3 ; l oY l : 1 0#1 41 'W.4n0 eTheatre, . , .• —lln3. 01iphant, the noyeils4- twives a £100: .ftfiin 4r.ollClioTeiik mem. „: ; • .; ~+Phledel Lime getling up' t, re P4 1t1 44.. , k 609 10 a!''l4 :dirt/ atr,eta, =EWES —/k. man= named ;Bullock is gn!ngstos hj 'CS fis froniThilinielphis to Xew York in Si hour& rr -A Savannah paper says that a thousand pound shark was raptured the other- day off: f ribee: lBl &.tid; • Ole Bull last lengaged s haltin ititiVrall. 103 in which to grie l aintierti on koirontliipr . 19 . 11 k and .2o g l n;_• •,•., ...r...ThslionWaldo,Emerson said - bvhstln deiroted six hotire s da, to study /118 t; • 7 I • •ri I • • "--.1 ..:,Weoton..carries. switelt: 'ovals lenike;' but the proper staff 41A lieni)y _ the,tiliAnules in I,ooobeam —Rheomattenriniistbeataitaginus, as =oar hear:that, tine limbic. tic liVaitis 1 4 11 1, t1E !* *04 ,"* . Of ft , 3 ,E Venitt-it4o44),,runt:inespaiit New Orkszie.l'.lloito thtii4 4 46oo:#t*P* Jj i.L. — ' 1 W19444 O fturo7l9 ll lingtO thlicootto tritrJEle luta leasetiAlta NO*Tork'ketntelitY: ar.flti4l fdr the 4 14 , - lonedi hite-oladcgliosti.s *lift hi epeethieiti 7PM; I 4!/. 1 4 1 / 2 -) i klifinke 9fbri.thaawß knen t .tleeentt like to'grow!riki and 10 hag resorted to d Y i Nc lo ,lo l Wfii 04.4 York Ledger', , answers to'iterrinini ti enl/4: wrailei the -John 8. Wright, a Weep IrriteThfail_ 11 4 441 0 1 # ° 4:l, l 4:4 6ll :=44 B s*PEY Rilh cotkiii4o**lreali - .43hOusartda:l:ffinkabil) tantr, i -Itven Vistir beiinniair to, aswittifoy:rivoluilcms.; illetaynthat Franco will exPerienoo`ll4o yearn lone ~' r -; .7, 4 n*Cfil.,,g*P ' zgagatintend to establish , Ass abiary for-the- ties or tbo 'Notoensis,Al.- - ociiIIMI.II - 021111iitlieliimim" AO ; pci- : , 1:1 4Tikenli mammoth water; Melons,' itsrb recently negß .. ft ii altmore:sea mina to Sevpsmf.l, They linowboltier Ikw ga *gad 1 nsanimtions to Blair. ; ; • - 4 4 4 4 , 41 ,,, 4:1 41 0.* 1 Queen r+44 1 . 1 4 of , are millbnn ioidollsr* mAsila lot diamond* which !gb„000840' Achtieloo6 di* , :s —A.,,acto*sliteasblieer ten • pofifiAt ' -*wise ragrat tikofoOt4h 04414,44; °dr to gm, erg PAi PP-,404 11 1;414**Y log bla -fa ; - -4 4 3- szsiniateaspfiliot,fg ;logslr„f i'Sf% ivbei- tOk ti OrbiOnt44 l 4 4 4 4 . l) 0014 4 %4, 4, 0 104, .1140sigo, lh o ; that ;be iffewn study ottelie*:l4:4o Joixhp qaub-pister or she alffssbington• Grammes'- 8:0?*1 'is ff.tiA Insietseok , lissr recently upon' Ili Als_ " 1 0 1 1,g4Ril , Tg!IPPLOY —llo4d.,`,'MakintsoMentsiv! lot paema 1, to . bn ligh* - simul4 q, ; s il4 :4 1,4#7*414,4* , t0ft add railitAciideabuteltooputeioiliktrul A' thi i**,16044,04440,. no/o#.lie.Verdance ! : , ;},- ME= and her daughter Octavia represented "Evangeline,ii while Miss C. N. Le Vert was a "rainbow." -Reuben Bikes of IteardniPniVermont, recently while in a fit of ,delerlitOremens fhoppcol okthe bands and feet of hisinfant *ft an amusement anything but popular with' he poCivictim. i -Mexico has io =WY saints, z that thaigh every steam is named after some saint, there is still quite a large number of these holy personages un ..vitied_withatetun-enginee._ _ _ _ =- - A — yOung rem" in Galena stole his fath er's tombstone from the graveyard the other t rafainlattailftelfleserfirVtlite . Uri who MA 80 indignant that he thrashed the would-be . tombstone,merchaat huslauid,; , ither; a quarrel , wi th t°o•lt ' singular ' revenge by puitlnePrao`4,bili'dclor and. announcing her Thisto. , enraged - the lady that Oelntrlbil.elieloOed With an a ffi nity. durmtidgeOn thinks the ,iilndoo tom or hurning.the widow , with the_ coi pse of her husband would , have a beneAcial ef fect: hire, view of ,the various .ceses of mysteriously poisoned Seldlitz powders. . 7 A.,Rielurtondyounglady it:land a bur gier under her bed and belabored,him so soundly with a press-boarit that the thinks, he, willnotba able to.sit down camfoitabli for. a for Wight. And she waeln. an evening toilet, " tool:' - -"The - Hartford Pali says 'that in Illinois, correspondentwrites _to Brick :PoMeroy's paper that "the woods are ibll oiDemoerats thisyear." sci airing the draft in 1868—" the woods" and Canada were "full of Democrats." , —A singulrefiAit, and one of as much or niore interest to the ethnologist sato the: geoloitist; is Ilya sixteen' kinds o4 ' ibsafl, hersee have heerr:dised in America; ' aid yet - there were no heriek'hcie at tal when , T " rho Treff4 *ye gone to Wee ie.itbkigreph,gleyrnout at home. " 4 "There ,as no need, of halite in' Mb matter? 134p - i 9 ur 19 likelitd:Teinabi.there itir,yeart tq come, nnlesa,apprehensions of a ltinatielisylont elionld be realised: . Ele —.-The Cincinnati Coninirind says : yrell.lmowo Democrat, who , was: a , promt.; sent Pendleton "Beceirt;!' haihucked down in` iOdeas" He made a bet, recently; that . BeYmout Would Carry •Ohio put • up'll23: . and sued before 'Elqiiire Rosa and got it back. —A Schaffhausen tavern keeper bas in his room, in a nice frame, a board-b ill which_ Loma Napoleon has owed him for thirty nine yew% Being a democrat, be Says he will not.tahtt auk Menai for it. When he wanted Ii paid, many.years ago, he Eine hei could not get 60ingfcir it. Ba Brato*Cii remit* instru ron . cted an English jury to gave moderate darnel* in a breach of Promise Case, because 'it was a most' ISChievaus thini."to frighten a man into marrying a woman he did not like, by heavy damages:: 11Whitinuch better for the girl that he Shoiddllnd out his , dislike before than after." • • - BM= Spurgeon recently rebuked certain of his tolloWers who declined to interfere in politica, on the - ground that they„ , were not of this world." This, he argueol - Was mere metaphor. "Yon might as well," he said, "being a sheep of the Lord; decline , to eata mutton chop, on the plea that it cannibalism." i - Tullahoma,- , Tenn., hid a' iirolt_.ositi the other day. The UnfOrt!mate aniMal,araa Into the a party;of hunters, . • andimtnediately "set Upon by the entire pop- : who turned ,out' . mail train ar riveti,)wllen the beast took ierog9:* 1 7 to and We? Cfr, .; - ' tork,:ita4 Titre =Democrat say* there will be two total cclipeft tbie-year, U/3 1 1 4 on l li ii 1 1- 0 01:01. •iggoot, bivielble the States. • .A teond total 'salmi , (thistime; the on: of old Altair) , will take' • partt of •the - United Stem "One - ar thi:4p3W*o4:b4toWid by , thejdobilifi , ,upon tire Aigtheig, • Dembcracy ts, that's febet soldier , Sant `. ifieziara4:lpoi‘, 'eubjeate with asianclLseaufwace of soaps tby and oom.mon.allai attd:purpose; as he ool}ld feel i3Ottlkiogrmith one , of Akio old' 'cl9ngati_ , • .11 n --Toethache, according to the LOidoii can he c ir e4 . tkt i t h e f°ll4 * i ii 4 in'e• *Won ii6Oarbotioield , To eta onichni of teundfinif;sd4 , iwii earltolto naiii.` , ; Liebninimpriant 19, tiricip, itatta ) mutat vfl'tek!;'illueAuo the tiaillr.W.U.'ichihg tootit r Invariably,' 4tVell bn_aleAtte'ielier. Ad gi?gbeti A 341, Engineer p ra pp let that when rain clouds hoiaki over iusy , 4. 4rtut re9uiribg"PUNki9Od` recifiV in l h "VA u f!_ s . w4 1 0:1 10 pays, 'haus tbe .4 t 4 o 014 4!!ki tbbAtu.bit nrthi. ,fitith;eriC3im Perhaps Ulla idea' mhilittici.: ,slieible , toseineitt ourtri*augaggivia dry portlone of the coast , iodiaiwri the Ger: man. organ ofhe;Democrac t re, did not' dtt•lt !forth .Sth le to be !iiiircei7ie4 at great i9ooootbli of , tbd: Germane on. k t ?"#Y 1 00 1 1 but' oti Wedieudiy morn tag, - having ..tai time one out In a , natio 'or the ,thinuni; in which it. :Meg !into tbst96:l3Claqziks .o% or tiles the ,efteot of ite, wcali NO" oa him, and multi tbs% Ur* 3hi . Week: part of tlio itiolloncolaCticy: HM* Nikitaynight`witi o;nniioiltai of A.tneiitiantt ylati coold not underoltlod !Oat Nolsfiwid, Now, If thera,ste fifty AOleri. : race JP this city who wouldvedd three tWitra tit*, feel Its is deusePeroWd 'tor' midtbisw we should Iltor SO hiVe Won' &Intl' CI 944 ; The troithfes', Ateif gristly about thli of* the Wpublleedi the Geo., SCI/Uri P 012 0004 A6x6ms4 13qtrunir and. Blair, to'heitlAteti7 4 4 1 1,1/ shawl, Pis 111 110 4 iMblie4itut, stlioicusbaserrihe'ett-' proPeirer 41 10oustpidgo sfervi l j _aiiettlY, !Win far! Orditt suit 14;,*ulrclotsmr• *Moor'! iritsuiretir ; 111MEtt= rinautr 01! GAMMA: THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1888. Pl)3l;iivizil4:4l TroatnENNIVRACTEO _ EN Wrli9E4V'r. PAlri' • HO VELABOS MUM WHEN AILTITNIAL %Tx= ARE OBDREBB. • A. IT'LL BET FOB P i AT DR. SCOTT'S. STB PENN EITBEET. ED DOOR ABOVE 201134 - _ ALL WORK WARRAN T II CALL AND EX.. AMINE EPECTERNS-10-IEMMIIINZ-WOAN GAS , pia arLitLe3.leres, FOR . 01 Pd OIL - Just reontnek.the Anent andlargratuncrrtment ever opene4 tau etty. WELDON KELLY mr. WOOD EITIMLIT, 6011.11/RIGIN :n22 SOAP fa'4'PINTE, &o• 11.A1L1LIC, CEMENT. BOAR 131.0243. rLABTSB,.CRIZ EY,TOPB, • WATIAR 1171,15. sole:or • „ • . HYDRAULIC , CEIENT DRAIN qi...tird bad ripe 1* the mu et Also, 110.• BENDALY3 numqw f ig 01013.1.1 T for Gala • .i • Xi. Ai 41 II;!. Ai BSOCISLETT &OD. Ofileil bid WastiliertOrY-1144 RISSEISI3 Miel/WRY. . iiir.flrdarb by mall pliosoptl7 Wended al CHANT TAIIARS. SIPSEEICOOODA. . . . . Children's. • swiss camminciar, sum,. • • !.440..11.8u /T DUCK tris .7 nallynsw MTh!. fCA JACKKTIEL variety,ls every 7a of, ilia teatest l suitable fet: the prfteu +owns. benne:moo Will firm so toromewo •of •WHlrElotl Sittlyrlkt DUI:Walt rs, ALPA.OO.4h and • Flailti I. Q4.) . AWevike.t ovary r i3e g g b olg . 5 00 g. T . be sold at try onrAnn FAA or West. ear • • •• 47 Kt; CLAIR STREET_' iIENRY • 121/311011ANT TAILOR, Ho.-TA AMDERITELD.ESTIUDIT, Plittotonsh, Da. Constantly on hand, a full aesoitanent of CLOTHS, CAUTAINRE. VESTINI3S...toe. I ' stoomoo TOBACCO , AND CIGARS. !VILLAS ALLEN; D ALsn Ix Ail Jamul or CELE' TOBACCO AND SEOABE4 No.-8 SUITE STREET, Oiaticatal Bank tit mar ' rirrnutritel, PA.. araaeb 0r.179 Water street, N. Y'. I __ am:art It NIEII. P. DI AN. VICELSIOR WORKS. 1611 , It. at :W. JIMIWILIPB4:7I Kaaufactwers lad Deakus Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars. Pipes, 240 0 IPICDSRAL ST.. ALUMNI . 1 . "•11.11310 CONFECTIONER.IES.I HENRI W. HORBACH, Confectionery and Bakery N 9. , . :itf;, • . Between Seventb and Liberty. 44fraan - Ti9 , , SALOON, 'Miami. • GEO; Mum Oike Baker* Confection** • _ 43in DiaLim nit . FOREIGN &DoMESTIC EMITS &1711113, No. NO, corner l'ederil Bo mean streets. 'sir Alle- Om, coustawra_ww.hwao, lc% w co( van oniNaronn• - -PIAROS. ORGANS &0: 111 Lay THE .11EST 'AND C 11111111" ., ENT ,PIANO AND Olie3A.N.: g&ek E5l . Gold Nodal o AND ESTEY'S - COTTAGE ORGAN. soziostscubtri coinoutai RD the istes4:sainable ththecrehhalthth•Pthowa ttt the son , fi l zi o o !° 3 of 4.4114 dus ll 4 l 4 l unOutOthet trot always been, a sr arled the blgkestf premitcmitherevirr N"a• itita-fre is - rim , if:inkt imrrie4l, The trorkzaanshlo. for darabilltx and beauty, morale lap others: Prices from j 114) to vie% (according to style and aultha cheaper than all *Ur th-thited [ eta thing IP7ance: - ' • ' • ZOTIVPS OOTTA4EVEGiE Mende at the head atilt:reed tnatritantn, hwro- Ohcing th e thoth pesNeetTaite ethensi or tone any MOW instrument in the united Staten. It Is Mtn. lA* and compte i t In ,00nsrpotIon t ithf is !kot. Mole to PATENT Vol " r . W.• ts'onty to he' Thud •In Oda Organ. pme,gemn .109 to OHM< bit eetaiestem for Ave Tell-rS 'IMM4 iiromin4;' neon fit !T. MATH IepIIEET. - HATS-AND' CAPS.' MARTIN LIERLEI4 ' ILA r riffi ) CAMS - Art t .F 1711,13- age4litialetAcsarftri Wboiesabi asui hpi Retail irtata, krntErr, 'lta i Lsorik r kis.ic rop o: 1351' flOiT* • inn Rim spwilfq mprzotts 21 :- . ; ' " ' ' ;00 1 ~B urros6lloLE' oyatstuctuor I , r SIAM 1. • •irtrila 7 AtiitieLif LT 0, Bjlirr, *Manx. 2‘,tOHINE. , i4 THE , En_ , AND *J ( THE CHEAPEEV.. ~•;• r rt", io l 49 l l '.q i tOß • • ' Wjeinit Itor Wawo .Penhai 'y a w. UOrnol 1 1 17THLAmiurtmAilKw , BTIMMT15.•ferriet• `,f R5P41ir5dat.T....#0w.474441,4 •• Vl' ~ FLUUtt.ii •-• , fOnquiittitior kr...illaga %PRAM/ al • ••• RA'S 'Tl A lrdeGr e ibentOlbio flerErAit law )11 % , INP*4 l 4sl4 l ,mboOs! l'4flo pawl a1i,51,'• • %1N.% =num 414.0. 1 , 1 witisaidu ;;LA I , lc4l ,,, *;l 6 litiOtiod.4"'' 0, zikalies IhliailiviTh' '"' ' ''. `«i 11141 :4;* I %INVERLW 114CLEIS;''S11435 lrfl 4.0 tidied. r2llcovesisiAi iv co . ' ' ci,i,i1tikiii,..._.....1 , 711v, ,isfl. xrritoci it, aFa sir^. • - 's!‘ - — Tir '''''Tar i tIKISFIVIIMs lioutblasaisein` Vint ' tat" 04111 ... au, noir 'OlitsPht totter Atrium. , 1 111.7 t tevieg i kiwirwc, o bo .. M io ds . , DI Of dinag . • W 02.. jit•tkipuelll4. larinlV' 61 2: 611141 /U' 4 1 2 141 01111 M iit Tb4rd,swoom .r am b1inib 0 ,.;....44! s ll' , „ , . 1-1, ; -Ifi'll t fto ......1 . ,.(1,, 1,1. . ' il 1 t j 'd 1 JJ.I.I'J,AI 911.1 iltl :r; Ig ' •4 11: -21 4 W 1.+11., r.. 4 ME MEM H ; is C4l l , r 4 ' ijili4 ICEII !!MI Ft • : • I•roi MBE DRY GOWN.- y„~ NEW GOODS! IL L 11IBC=p1t CO'S, No. 52 BC Clair KIM GINGHAM% - - .. • NEW DELAOLES,- ALL WOOL PLAOK-mi 'WHITE PLAIDS. for 25 CPII%. worth bt). WEIH-410131WPtibiT8.-blach-errk:— . 1 ' BL OK 55 MATE MOTH; 1 ... lk a tOnr3A PA diThiriciapii ( " 4 -• ' Fa --'--- A fikW&- lanes*" -- . Towaa NAPKINS. . • • 4t:PULL RTMIENT Or. 600 D% • • . • Ail. 2 0Tiii*Arifi78w• - • in- Beniember the j2a601 1 - ' No. 52 St. Clair Street, Near Liberty. wed. Me. 8 7. !annum EMMET. " - = GREAT' REDUCTION fl PRICES erroomr,. oar IMEUESS GOODS. 'B7 MABIiBT 11,271E8T. MOB= P. . . Main. 3.3 c. wr...awurcr rxerxr...m. c:::, - • izt , , i- • . " - i C= o • ' - m ar .... • hp , . 0 ?... , PA ', Z , • * " • `"! h i , ,,, = 4 , Aci cis - .es 'lot/ V g .0:5 i a , fra a , 4=4 z 1 ‘pa - 0:, E GiC . 6 0 , . c., 1= ~ p i In 4 , cis .et in .„,,, ,i. E—, E r t • - a C=o ." ' 4 1•4 ' . . C'' , i=mi ,c) - ~.0 I'-. re, , , f q - 11= • r " -. 4i r- I ~,pa , =I - af. = 'T s v. _ 0 ra4 1,(.2 -.411 :1 NEw GooDs. PiKw ALPACCAIL NEW MOHAIR. ' BLACK iniaLK HOSIER' and GLOVES. 113C - IC, tr . No. 168 Wylie Sired. Jfei dies. 164. rata:nal CARR, IacCA.NDLESS CO., (Late Wiliam, Carr & (b..) • " WHOLE:WA , DEALZBB IN Foteign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 114.. WOOD BTRICEIC7 Ttard door above Dlronond Prrissuseu,re. DRUGS AND , CSRDQICA.LB. BLUTIU - SlltilElitollol4ll An laitUible semedy_tbr BOMMOS'Ottoi haat, Diu. alt er ris:AM . 7., • - .V9witing, &Ur And 'CBE . A oPectio fOr ebeiera• enuesiLits6' Pato •to the I " l ! 4oi4fe ! isie • . I • 11AliaiS • Corner of; Liberty and "%Maine' Streeis i , ~ • . 41a3tElpiltia 570.13. ' • 8011QOALitilit & Sthit PURE WI - TITZ :M00011 , 13 vrantrni GrittEN' • 1 17:47.rriraraZ."14 1 1 4 1&e ri v e rr e l l :1 .IDOrattreg 121111 i: yid% ib the DYEIR .I ) SCOMIM. TT ti mums, DYER AND 9COUREM ;few .8 leirb;ClAlli , 411 m lite and 187 Thtiti 'Streeti ;•-• ! 6 ' PTMSWITRIPIi PS. I,: wrix;4xlo . ,.er.,`, - ,;.; • 81`atlIDARTI •,• , • r•I• • , • • • • ,• y • MiEItICANI3):LLIARD TABLE S, • ; 1 , 2 2 r , 19 Alfll 0011111714IrtdEffitrelli • • tradupougnyuge beritln ODIN ' MP IK M II _, littsNTN._eatented Nog', Alith, , 101 0 Alt,, I .e& u lLverirthlips wait talsu•lsPaq 4 1 mt Otat qtstillV . AYbd knreit warren i our, NIC4 - 4 • , IIF: Titt PaWfitvts 4 " , VMS. Pnce 4 5 4411 . --4_, u great.sueolim, °L k_ s illitstrattiOritd flennlDapptlOSUOPt Gael. ,1 Palarial wicknaanorna.. , " fir • ),1 I " qis: eels ILI flo NROOT ow.„ Drew/Yorks:Mr r ' ARUM _Op irt & ImosEga'' ~! ALRIMMESCITIR6 • 'tort q iiii6(4 l tx x ovum** *r.m., 1 7 atd Oar. tit*t...ll;ol ll o7 rilYI PROW 4,104141%1at.b444 1 a4 ar/ em/ 4 64 PfAr , l lklWlrfilir ` ;1 HAIR AND.PERPUMEB Y. . _ ,','- I . 'cuo ; - ,4 0 1 f1 4 . %._n4e-_AwtL_relisvAoW.Ast.ii tall/a l la .- l l e,:•rr l , i r l4e l: orh,:ili i ogfl.f/,.„ym, ir 4 i,,,„ o,rmwi.n4ti,ir!t:liC _ i _i. i ,- .r " r i : ialgiA!EM/EVR.pb: Aio ... POW 0 tool a, smiuon l moo v _ tA iiistri.e'ciiiii .. i . ; 111 . -.1;:.; •-:;;1.; , y r ..",-;,,1 .:;1. :11.1:,4 1:ilf; ,i:r. 1,1 sifeAri (Co (e)::1:11 AT MICRON, GLIDE & 4 78 and 80 Market Street. MOSQUITO NETS, - MUFFLED AND STAMPED APEONB, • t eRETLAND SHAWLS. LADIES? MIME UNDERWEAB4 A full Bite of HOSIERY; MONEIBUN STAR SHIRTS, GENT'S P ',PER DOLLARS, LADIESLDo. , -AND 04.1.01P 4 ,- TNAFELILNO - BA:TCHELs, A full line of JET Err& SILK & BULLION FIIINoES,:: : • auagonk. OEM Aftitiklete AEsortalent of White Goods, rarcuml, Loam, °Alamo, ac. IMO SIMS, In all the Newel Style& tap %tom. it MI vim; GENT'S LAMM SUMMER UNDERWEAR; 31:11/143 JE/41LiVTEMit ' 1,000 Dos. BALIIOIeIL 110 SE: semi Lbo. WOOLEII Y.A3/48. /0/43peebtl Bateeto apbbe*. 3immarra, C4I.YDE & CO., IS *um, Se Market 'Street, ituTit • ' plueEs nwiim) DOWN! ]MkqPnkV No 19 Fifth B*reet. Ate, GOODS GREATLY* REDUCED;! ON AND AFT= JULY LS'L HOOP MIMS. admilea' f0r.: , ..4. • •-r ..... oOEs si Meal rnraeld- LINEN ICAND :1 4 Kin otA 3 * OfFro"P• PAPER OOLLARS 10 9 1 X1 'Yds * SPO9L COTTON. (IMO. ..... 5 POOK.Wr BOOKS; worth 900. SLIMI MrS)diUt thiMnIMZUMZS... SO KBE'S allibr DEAWF.BB" All kinds Bonnets and Hats at. Half Costt CREAT BARGAINS! uv .ILLIA Aux. GOODS. Special Rates to iterebsols jyluil ESTATE AGENTS 116• FOURTH' ST. 15 1 • •, - • •. JOHN D:'BAILEY. & BRO. , . . STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AINIONNEBS, •' • • Are pretested toadai ai; doetion STUMM, BOHM' and all kinds of NEUURITTES, .REAL. n2viATZ,. HOUSEHOLD FjiRNITURE, ilk., either on the premleee or at the Board of 'Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Xbiatt at private sale.- Salea of - Real Estate in the country Lomita. theca. No. ID FOURTH STREET. jy11:164 4 :9510,0(X) 11° ON BOND AND NONSGAGN. o E;(l4 t dti. PETTY. whims Rea Estate Mearee Smlttineid !Civet. cRAMEort -* al • a+= s„ • GRA ARV' SUPtigog, TO '49141t &al 0,7030 it' rats 'lnpa k • ' warm; eon mak* mikerca. E s. L : Tfarrel u t ir ar ai rs a Lt Bo s macs For Sale by.. gory, Gricer)iibe .Bo*ory, so. 91 10erty St. : ksi„, , BUSINESS . CHANGES: " 4 DlRSOlLlVlllONearlie:Psistater , sak , 'horet 4ooo ex . U1t,44 , 1 .17 0 .VTPak i 1,49.,, 49., 11100- scrlbtrs, Rader tad lirsa . . , . ANDERSON, e*XIE /lc OCk,r .1• . ...,,11 . 11• C . :1 / sitsecieki AP : , son tool ett. -TbS *Pit Dees of tho hoe theVlD* be oetsteo,l7.olll'tit= 'son. Ileitees4 itIIBRAtIN WOODth st the ;sr tits ilt;OhltiVb OW Werke. , . • , • • -R. 4 ANDERiON, : • : z •Wki. WOODS. • r 5 : itOl4lolereht l opor latkow. hoilsk:O4 of llts Antereet to the , litte moat 'ANDSRSIP4, root d CO.. to Ness's. AN ON szON fl )a Iwo /sive t o -r e s. ontotrod his syseeson to the votively's or#iit OM*. tholr toggle/pp nh: j..w . jo E PittelmOrh. 4was - SA.h.-IASN • - Aviv pliglitert I jir•ViiiigrAill'Arsit:i ' , Sti IP lii•reliiCire,eitstt4 Wm-, 4.sei 11,, : .thirseivilisChatia' W. tase. - 11 aplrm-nkspb: t i t of ,, , , Plnioall A •sileti . - Ivelui idlieo ed. Ler:Yu SA; I, J. W. l lelr,l4clept.fron o r aro,. ," he , *win ars. 111 fie ' eoadaeupt tor 4: - iffunpop.4.-- who, will le ill .be debits'eUthe Litirov. -- - ••• •- • • .•—'",.i: I. : -- ' .. W .lAtt.. W . 11. 11 .1111614 D, ; t • Are...f , i4l J •": . ' A. 5,.. LI., e =I • IS i : i '::;": : , . , 11.: ..1!.:' -Yr iii' •i. ~ ,i ' ,D .'1 -• -,b :: ~, ~ rpfl TWIN`, c,trit, BLAZE Co '.lj tasmitiseitlie i j euperkir airt,S,Oke'Air. . , • - itiziottflENVirkr:4lKT*7•,, , .:' 10 , 1$ 0 iKeialkYkithli4i4Xithibillil;rta' ilt 1 ..2 ~ . , • , .•,- ..14 •S.••N MUM EYE 11 - .:Pteillits ' ;'. 0Pri9;9 4 4. , .ri. -.:,i11y, cl::- ,! ,py t .. -., vitas -.......,: -.—,-.7 . 0 GOlMJlTE4lliillMF';y9pacc ; • ' !!!!0! • 4AglitNeTolll- tffltT l ir;►•-• • Iliest , Pinpb9TS4l 47 44lll4otaitir •• •, . ; 'I. w. Vir. 1 , APril**44 , MA t ir t iEltalKihtfl a lli tTer4 f a I f aberAlitt nt verity ot *lt • Matti zeplapb.4. 9• B * abet l64 - ; L ; I LO I FI:rifjP 11 0 1 0a111) . j. .; t " • , Dew ar,. M044Y,.1 4 "8.1.4iir1dtm9 Ansa, bent 14ie Rind einittH 40111 ) Icir i pgl i t "sikuvok ; Wager suet And WM* Au - :oi E 1 , -; 1 , 1:igr14 111 01 notise. 4,e?;:.; 8 3 .acaum & CARLISLE, 19 1.717711 BTHZII3'. SLATE. =II EDVCATIONAL. THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY -A- OP *P.l4Wittirl.VakilliA. _ EreryParent and Eittardian who Mos eon or ward td educate, should know that we bare' In our city a rharteted *Siltation. endosied by ' *labiate and the tartans frt. Bib of learning to: the s mount of $2OO 000 PreParalorY, Commercial, Seb-ntitiO and Collegiate to character, with a Faculty ten in number, cud a course of study equal to that of our best CollegEsl The rooms are large lad bush, and the tem? at us d cabbie tof a•supertor ktnd. The ?observatory belong*e to it bas one of the guest telescopes* the country. Is euttow . ml. is In charge of an • Etrononter of gr.at Is haying_ four new Instrutucts ad ed to It $ ,-;fn expense of $5 UO3. All the incotne e• oowinenkanct4em. 11/•tlonlrex. 'vended ut supporting tne Institution. The aim or the Board of T ustees,who art Among on r Engin stnkTplisidg and betivoierit ?gizmo. is to lurni 'All 'on....3*nth equal t. thvee. cen i~ joyadln any.. of our.citbut. .4 ba-lnataisa.% 'llll2 - 3Ersittn - Wanes of study' la thtirough, - riortera-- porary expedients being resorted to to severe pope !Ault. Morel. trnly rrufesitors of &bill, &114-11Xpe rience are employed. • CatslAt es or tulorraltion may be bad bygglins at the Univcralty Bunditt.' rner,of WWI AND ItlAlituNi) STREETS, between 1)% and 111.11 A.ll. The next term Will commence bepusmber FACIUIIII . Y. - oronoa WooDs. LL. D. President. and 7rofes-.. rsor of M. ntal and Moral :deuce, Reed street. - JOSKPR P. G'RIGGB , A, Professor, of Greek Language dLlteratnee. N,lteptreet. HON. }DOERR WILLIARd, Professor of Law. 110 Penn st-eci. , B.NJAMIN C JILLSON, YR. 8., M. D., Professor. oyclumisiry, Oeuingy ,ana ~liineralugg,dtetteSeld. i. JR - L103111.130FF, - A. M.. Professor of Mathexuat las...laroadatiret, newickler. - - •PLXV EDWARD Pr itirtilra, A. ki., - PrifeSSOf of Latin Language, and Literature, ,61. bauassag RtWOLPH LZORI{AR,T. A. 11. Professor of (I er matt Langnaverk tirre , i; Ristori,,Mar kips' Ftatibli- Watiom P. LANGL.7.Y. Pruiesso of Physics and • /4 tronumy and piree,or of Obse r yawl"; Obeerva tory:- • Profeavorpf Rhetoric a-d Ora; cry . : JaflO fan Is: ^ARMIN A. M. Principal of -PM paratory D,,partme nriusdros tractor . in „Latinio.o r oderaistrret. Aliestienv... • ALPEIONER M. Dawes, Instructor inFrench guff . ..*.t.Alaticikir Street:. • • I. 24: rowweet. Principal o f Commercial Depart ment:l67'll%l4e str. , - • • atill,3loi CILIIRCH - SCHOOL, . (Lumbe th LBGEolurrAttraxti, IRIMARY, *PREPARATORY 'AHD AOADBMICi. nutaTtema--Jttdge Isalllogtoni 4. H...bhoennerger„ acct. W. Vila, T. Itrereton E. el. ttolden, J. raff e 7 , .. . . 11:afloat, - foot. and the ntand Conimittea • •Thla apedialfoo Churchmen. it is eau ..r access. anctunotroaseigt") for healititnlnearof location. atodenta May wiring as elective coarse. • , 11oluditta _pOplicare to3Ort thii( Ramor`a yeti. nal care: 'The year fe divided Into Ihree urnm, of atognit tblzen week" eaeN.lNoaut 7 ury exp av- enus, learle of Mule, and Modem,. LallotlAlreaaliti o. 2 o al viz Una.- Ctalstmaig Tenn %elms ptpt. oih. . •• • ; ,)„ liar A- tli,etial nehoLl for'l3 , fls, under 'Me' futon general zaveralmon. •i.••• i . r1:1 1 Poreatalngne; dc., rddresa thy; Heath . , " Rev. J. K. KARCHER,: " . . • . Kittanning. Pa. lUS:U37•TIS pENNEWLYANIA COLLEGE, G-EkT i IIYSBURG;PA: The Pall Bession Of Pelllistlvante College bet gin um . TAU,6sDAYAbetZ4ith day of Seloterialm4, And. eeniinne. thirteen , Weeks. in addition' to le, large evrpr of Prof,Morac. be' inAtinted.la fors.- leak d w 1 h ,ei tearnte. ltelleroPhleol . 1110 Pheilaleek: Apoaratuo. and Geohiglail' CliolLioi. • . new ereptratory ituildthg 'trill lidf ler oetielpesel. , nerooma tu r titie Depeoldent will 10 exeln.tve of Hooza and tionery.tfrem ttin to $l per menden: musk . , pi noeztrs. `for farther particulars, *Wee§ M. YALE TIN rreakie . er J.:MaIin:HAUT, A. si.vPrine.pel. .. 25 N EWELLIHSTITOTE, - •= No. 267 •Perin Street. • nnsss tsar . . Means. 7. B. Kim, Mears. A 14.N , Itic , , ILUM.. VP". W. A.'ifeletairlitLit; ' llunitga Voirrgei)- jjtt , 4011.71ErfUkt.' ' - Itiotes, tPrenen.)' Mlutrimern, —liumata. (litmus.) _ ThOdnotle will be reentood on Ist ay. ?.n05,14 tiorore--140 per ; oeopSon °flirt months.; 170 eztr. Othrges. Aupliration for adaztibbion. to el•ber tagileo or goy,. rohool .UI bermetred it% tbs-ronnukOrin; the Mat weak /a Atiesti 'from 9 , , malt. 11/!.-1 JUTS llr'iltB1)111,6111 FEMALE COLL REY. L G PEREOII3I:4 D18EC1'08...%) . . . In buildings . faculty, petrosageand' all tho,fiell-, 'tire tor uring a thorough, wild and °culminate' eetteatina the leading. lachesAeliatgla the Staie; acid ' one of the Ira, in , • -•" • Twtikrt-trr o able and aceozanilitied- Yeactien; perb 'which havejaat, been repainted, ear acted awl bop dut a .heavy • outlay. Thnrough w ane or et utly. Unaurpao.ed: facilities 111.111 sat ornamental brair•hea. ecycelallt.taualot - • . , Van rernicomut acre °ICY Acpliersh • lions cau be. autilcat acy gine, !inner la porton sr •• sale • SIMPSON : . Pres;•trtnititee:', pERNsYLLI NIA MILITARY' ACADEMY CHESTER.. Delaware "Co.; Rerma. TD6=9evenih-Anndil isessloice $145 . ,40411117: • ' °Rests Tti UtttsUA ; pr." ad. • • TAin b.ol.Jleg &maim. Imo.vcsoleterin, #.l . l.lbefir • 61ren to the. 4,W I.o...bi L ueLivvr....teu • YQT tr,-..r A 1,0".cH4041,E4,j.k,pjk,u1.9024. , , stivet t ; . Tuxu.dlitYA.TT- ebe:itior, .vs. ' tnlrtai' laVtitt "Elc4El4 ; , * • -4 • 4 lrozarractu* treamti* tleVary tbOionattlnaillictoin ; in.%ll: Mania=led.' nd Mining Engineering. lam)* and Num* , •,:linadualega obtain' moat • ' Ilona. Ito PM the tillitit! 11191110 " - axviigt fall . Infutzia lon .:addraing fr0r,,,7 CLF,A2it E/FDROWIft,-Direetor-T'li aullito3 ,Z, , , , :t.POLLO INSTIL tinir. Atli z Err. ntAtir,-kgb.- Fo Fpwwrii, bretZtT, Plas m:. are% Matt: , ..' kietraTilne sad CLASSICAL Swum, for .. , s•d corn, cusanalrd IeyJAMILS • M.. 11 y:“Wits OrArlfYi ic , 11A0111711:- The Yid) tie-rio conpurti \Nl:iD4hy, September Tta. For fa'olrs uf rtudteo r,grair;' &a . sea Clrealar,whlsb, r. .iii bit..joiliewAkoilatrogolost.,Aatr.'•lli,lrlltApeS' • tie Koatoll itoinusto rraelre-ipsylla,rom -1(14:10,, , 1111 . 1r.Atid”t(lig theNtitek • littoea4 l lC 4 4wara .. of Ume sreslocti• ; • GROCERIES. _ ' ~ WIT* MI It i 1 CLatelitilar Ithltetelit,)• Nos ;221 . ANI:Y:R2Ep' •.; -••. Comer Liberty and 'twin Sfreetai , : .1,2 :oan. Ss:lllta Snidest lgow flgiussat ' ' • 1.50 pkgs. of NS W MACKZNEL. I 1118.• bakes.. grouters ansl,l , ba. • ;100 dhOlitir - eboice Xt)tiski 4.1 1 1 14 ..6,.1.51".6.11 an4 , I.S.PSHIsu TEA& • • - .• • sacks cinotve 1111014. 1 , ) r.. • • ; 115 bbls:,..buloa CAtWI.INA SIMI. 1111 bbia,s - ;0% If INLa 15 , Y61:1P.•• ‘• • 'bo bal.. clicds4. brands.' • 1111116 , 1.051 ad ' . 1* bblei; Sp:HIS tlit 4 .‘ Oh Allar2s ; XOp ROT:NED gnu& : t 15 bb. a. , VAST[) HMO.. 40 06' and , IMILB-• 5100bafi•Ilt10 corricr.' 60 bags JAVA and .I . 4 . OII AVRA I O - 0 , 175115.- , 100 coati I.ksrultrEta CLA scow. • ,sabO•viser , moier a ottArip m.Nns. PACINE WINES. • - • • •• • .• - • - 1399 T, LAI.K and ~. 140NDON ME M" 600, trawrig on hand. . UNDRIES. „ 4440 blow Pilaw:tenor Ur Om& t 80() , do eigigliemik, bus Primo Milli,: I • "-- t().1 1,00 1.,, l i ttrieti,t t t h es. 1:1 7 1 / 3 11417rtiOut t ' % tweet Cliter. , "l fn b 0 09: UMW. BMP..‘ i ' t &Ito And fors *le by • " • - FETZER'ai Altinmbtrs,ci"' „Am , ,cl, A 6 .Moricet. strnot: Nboruppo Form ,1 011101 CIE'jAPANTEC'74fat ; IMpeir, rs 1 1 ~-Xy: • d 'Nam Trett4 fur 'derby this puma vr-164U . 4= , , .4 NO. *l 4 orn'ortiNifie I A HI are 44 !Pi ii=i= boPPER IMXIIA.NI) antrum) *mas , ': ' rtlii -t .-,. -,•• .-: '47 : r r •A , ..'. OJO rill*iji U it416111-Li ii% -,' %:, . fi: ... , i :, , •t• 1 ..,', .C.i 13 1 ‘il:'.. , . 2 . :. .:ViAall A 46Cil R b 1 4 4 COI' Ii • '' ' ' , Idibtaiitaier if of Stir.stilitts,',. BrisiTAP .my law., ,00pper,,pershidOthappe liuttouti. •makuAgf Nair 3m...7 I rv, dpeltim **der, Mau ;11n •ft..anil, - Dem eye i i ets„4 TlVatv. &sett. 4r 0 14, Fr 4 ivite 4 ' MP. iltatlt,tyl on lia Tianrre g Alavllth4o 'd' n 5462 , ' era (Al , 140 i RI INT verit,i,v ** 4 . . Mr Et 141 1 36 1 3nnik. -. ‘ • , 11 ,- s'l'‘." ' • "1 '4 4 4 0 11 t, Out 114, All ' $ ' - beta: .771i , t...4• , -a1 , . ~,, ..., ~..u . illidirkes4r,:, , .1'..:0 i aiti 1 ,h:.l ' :41 . 1 .i , ..; ') C.,. "L .. 1. .711::/fr.V77 ti . A i MO ME ‘ • tr:l