El • • . SWUM, ['rein .. ... roans, alipn. prrisetiitartii)aGE AND IRON CO., sAstrrixr e s szte_, Mai Iron; -dread Fish Bars and 13olts; Ilroad Car ••sles Vaned; Railroad Ear Antes Hammered; yocomotive reamer, Locomostve Frawe Shapes; Side Token, Strops; J i . Pliden - Steanibest Shafts; pr - Steamboat anlia; Piston Itods, Wrists; ritanan Jests, Collars, ihe. Office, No. 177 PYINN S'FRENT, Ellta GAMEY', BYERS & CO., IiCANIIFACTUR EBS Bar, hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, Tram Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e• OIL WELL TUBING. office, 98 Water and 185 First Streets. PITTSBURGH. Pa. Eic.oi9sirsisroN 8 6 co., PennsYlvania Iron ,Works.. MM Warehouse, lios. 166 and 167 y IR ET s TI opipalte Monongsbetti House, prr,r stamen. ar/m46 . • STEEL WORKS: _ ITTgBIUEGII STEEL 'WORKS titaTitins' kW) fri .111 46 . 1, AtnitenStair&P WOODS„ 017001188035 AIMEI*11:-COOk. `CO. Nenufeeturers 9! every description of STEEL. BEST BEFLATEDTOOL STEEL, 1011, Wasp, Circuits, Gang and ()rote Cut _ 03.1•:W "Pliii.rlEl. • Spring, Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. Siscrsi. Roe. York, nate and Toe calk cleat. liallreadtpring steel and Flog Points. Cast Steel Finger Sank tale Steel. rpring Steel T) re, Plow W lugs, a n nit Drill steel . andWorksrunrFilliST ARE! ROSS STS. P 25:n 9 Pittsbnrgii, 'Ps • snurrup..D-STEEt WORKS. . \ SINGER, Nlklaff.. & CO. I , s!PrrTSII3'ORGEI, PAL, Mentifacturers of every description of - - CASE AND CERIVIAN STEEL, 3Allgtiitel2l--l'Erwaraam srsmos, ` • -:-.16-XlitrZ, STEEL Ware\se. 80-Water and 100 First Sta. =1 11111,9E,U, BMW' & r#l l A-1411. • _1 . GENERAL PARTNERS: _ • iV wm. orrot,. 1 KELIBEIT VILLRis, G.O. V . BARR, I CHAS. 1 ARKIN. 13FscLAI. PAirrarsa---B. Id. 3CLER. SC . I4 - 1' STEEL `NORMS; ;. ~ 13A_Tat Elc PA-11 3300, office,l9o. 339 Liberty Sty fe14:64 8 PIA,AON D I B RCS EMEIVE, 1770111 M FAME - i intertEg CO.; Monnfictureis of all desollptiptis,of NMI 0 1 Ida and Warahnnie..l99,l99. 1.411:1314301413, asd 119 and 121 FIRST STREET& - 000g.;8T0yEB: Eli Il BISSIELIA At CO.'S ME . - 1 .• I• BITMIffITOTIS Warranted te Cook Bake or Boast as assay Other Stove hi the thlloll. Mil . r;! , , -; ~ = " ! k 5 1t __ EU 1 4 t. 4 . & A IM t - EM /=I ATLAS W 911.10,, THOMAS N. MILLER, Presiden t. These Works are among the largest and Most complete establishments In thr West, and axe novr Prepared t 4) furnish A lso. virrssuWlL PA. GET THE BEST TRIUMPH , . . - BISSELL •& CO., No.-235.1.Alierty Street.- _ Jamas band and for We, • OUNIS FROITI% ,IrKEDENN, COOKING ii.s4;olN3, .114. MO plimsolls GU - NOVELTY iIrOUSS. ADAMS, & itenorecrootsl or afistit,oo4 standeird. patent Platform sod Co%inter S 1. Ea S. Jam had Patent Ow Lacks and UMW raw Al? D 4?-11-1?" miLIALIIIRON, Corner of Grant and First Streets, riTT'Anwg REM ICIITTSBIU It4oi -reires naNv.l i ji. vetrirsultvippmrilix, lisionfacturess ar 1 PRINTING AND WRAPPING:. PAPERS. . M I L L S . . , CLINTON atlYaßNVlawl...Onto. Alitlql3'llp SfiLI.—NEW BRIGHTON; ra. I • , . . ornoir, elm wAlittioutrz, • N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Ilos. Orincloid-I.lB.l7LLlARNithofe,rzt....„, ...A.mizr,T, R it,i,i,e, seereuai. _ - latar.voan' —aapri Bartle; -Jolin 'Aswan, o?',8 Woodan, John B. Livingson , Cash paid Po Paper ticock. - $2ll lO , 111. . , MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, vrx-restmw is. Engines, of ever/ deneriPtinn. Boilers, 011 Taliks• Sheet Iron Vrerh Railroad Castings Rolling Mal Castin,gs. Egiine Castixt. grAchine Coati!Ws General Castings. O.3IDEBS ISOLIOITYM n09:n69 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and !limekiln:tan Streets. WARD,) PrisTSINCTILGI-M, 13.4. SMITH, Manufacturer of , CAST IRAN BOWL PIPE, FOR GAB AND W &TER WORKS. I „.„ pipes are all cast invariably In in dry sand, and 12 feet lengths„ Also , fell assortment of GeneraleasUrigs for Gas and Water Works., . I would also cal the attention of Sumrintendents of Gas Works to my make of BICTORTts. fel6:tiO • L. T). LIVIUOSTON.W• U. HUB.T.W. PUBMBOS.JU. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON -.FOUNDERS, . - bualtriAaTuitzus op • - -FINE LII lIT .C4I.STDIGS , .pax deserttons, for Plittaberaluid Gee Fitteti.A.g rteulturaUmplements, Cotton and:WoOleaMlu CIIIIIITUVOrk promptl.7 attended to. ear and Works WASHINGTON .a.VENCM ear Outer IE'ItYICM°P9- ItOBINSOP4,IIIIFS 44 Co., BUCCeISSOiII tO ROBINSON, MINIS & letzttass, , WASIIIICGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, lianntsottge n Engines. t arid fttatio' OaTy,ffteszEn glues, Blt gMill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Casongs of all desc.riptions; 011 Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet Iron Work. 0 fllgliNtc.4 litilttztrrttplknzdlitrdillrsaltorfiett fetting Boilers. , jalltrell MONT BLANC FOIINIIIIN. A"-Butter Street, Ninth Ward, Opposite tfr.ion UT). 201 11 .3 rrrrotractia suing Mill and Bridge Castings, - THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERAWAY Orders promptly and caretallyexecoted. Charges reasonable. Vann' &.111ACIELOIL ocIS:LT3 Egl" FOUNDRY. B PRICE & SIMS. Moe and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep cotudsutly on hand Thinslite, Skein and Pipe Boxes, wee* suss;Doti SUGAR SETTLES, HOLLOW WAS, And Castings --Bikrel—l-ItLlrt' * C 6. Tq° ' /earth Ward rounitry..and lathinelforkail -EANDVBEY BY., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., 'Han- obsetnrers of steam Elle ,e 01U.re_ssel, _pal -0 IlleatilierileTudg7,lGnltle" BWairlisliMiblts! Wato Boxes, itc2 die s..- ` ,to order fxl(1 1 24V . 1n ban E ngines of All , . CIENTILAL FOUNDS AND ROLL WORKS 890 Pena strGat• IMMO, BOYD & BAGALEY .CjillBolU, y pll C XtitTON fiILACILILS. .. - ' ratrest.isuso to 1536. , . annfactory of bTEAId ENGINE% of alllises an of the most sfirge.ilspapti.rrirohkutagatir? iluorr.!_s.B,Tarrty at 10, 10 and 10 horse tower 'EN MIS, whizh will be sold at very reduced, 9114*ei P. F. OP.llllli. Wellsville , 0. Fifty Mlles below-Fittebittgb. on tha ebbs rlv er, , asS line of C. & P. E 1131"3' ---------- T,,IJOIBERI LUMBER! LUMBER! ZLLEIULNDER PATTZIII3OIO, Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE: 590.000 feet 'Pry Pine BOOMID; 30.14.10 feet Dry Oak, land Si Inch% 20.00 0 feet ury Atdi, 71, 9h and 3 inch; 200.01 1 0 P et el, olloek 1,000.010 No. I sll.lnelt shingles; swell; anis.utili *410.1.16 P•cs :Aline's , . sawed 102.095 S 6 116-Inch-hngles, a • *lied; 2D ,000 Lornat P Volt, 7, 8 a nd 12 :set: ES vedar osta. Also. Fi r e Beek, Tile and Clay, la large or small quantities. 7A.ADB No. SO PREM.% STREET formerly Manche: ter, and 157 KIKBKCCA. Kerr. oppo. s Its "VORT PITT LIU MIER COMPALY I Capital, - - $125,000. Pussimsrrx -- ZD NITARD SICIAZTABT. A. WILIOHT. _ 551%/2/177555117-IWW. DAyps2l7. itnicTono: Idwaid Davinon. . E: IL.. Duncan, John Mellon id. L. !!atone,e". W. Di rig:Johnston. . • _ liiiiDLOortior of lIIMZ7, andptritt. OTS,-Nirith Ward. _ EAT VOlq riTT,Ea....Fipmut.a2WAT. tagUni 15t GAS AND STEAM :F'IT'TING ccoorss..._.,: auis . ,fisass °O""jowl N. COOPER & CO., t BRASS TOIINDMS, GAS AND STEAM FITTS:I2i JVl•ll,l2.9WlBetrs' wcnmais app .rusi.r.G.°Ok nu kinds. 4/ITI3 Corner o f Pike a1;0, VelOnt Streetii, przisnunGe; PITTSBURGH. GAZETT:II: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1868, FORT PITT 111DIUR, STIIL AND TANK TITBNLAS, DOUBLE-PLITED TUBULAR , BOILERS. FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER sTEAusf OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS , CHIMNEYS, DRENCHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING Fess, SALT PANS AND CON • ENSEDB; STEAM Foss, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGIS; PRISON-DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, WH. BAR NHILL &, CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKS, attiour4* WPCIEERSIUM, IRON inosint, inist . 46134 Al 01 4, ttOu . , Pii. :1' Agent Dwane rale of Coreerang Dosatantellh- Je• sepolne, Isabella, Dososouon, taatitiOe, elsdoa, Code other beards of Arkthr,keite„, ,rolsignettf ay Coke slat,. B. Obitooal.. ~ .. i... , t, ... ~ . ::,`pith IRONS; -," cazullgareen te sad OraemroPectr"— WOSES. CARROLL & SNYDER, IiAITUIPACTUBILBS Or PITTSBURGH, Pa., /fir Orders sent to the above addreas will 189 be romotly attended to. mh7: NOS. 20, 22, 241,5 D 26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished lterttli the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILEttz In the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, lireechieg, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boners, C'ondensers, Salt _Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Paris, and sole 1:118.111k. favorers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on she shortest notice. las:cl AnEs BITER, JNos. 55 and 46 Water Street, prrrstivalau, Ps., mArrtrFAcrussa or IRON OIL T • a S, SETTLING PANS, COTTER STUN PIPS. BALLING 'KILL BTACIII3, And SHEET IRON WOILIC., • For Steamboats. ND SASSO M. BRUM. . . ......... , . BEIVEIII. TAILED DI. BRUSH S SON, • maarirricriatrals or Steam Bailers, Oil Stills, T SUEET anks. MON WOUIL, 6/.0. I 61 Patti Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS• ERIN NDILIUM, Commission Merchants and Brokers to Petroleum and its Prodnetts, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, Pi-kraut:lnes. PA. PI337,ADELPRIA, ADDRESS, WARING, KING Br. CO., TACK lIROTIILEJI3.B, COMSSIOII IXERCTIKNTS, AND DIULERS IN Petroleum and its Products. • - Pittsburgh Udice—DA.I.ZELL, EttrELDERG, oor tier of rintrWidle‘S4a, said Irwin sueFts. PtilladelObis Office-191 WALNUT ST. :w3O TT :Is. wpm a, CO., 4 `"'. • ataIIiFACTITIVESS 01 'PURE WIEME BURNING OIL, Brand—"L v CLFEIi.” • • Office, No. - 2 Datlneslurgh. E7:l ----ELft.RDWARE. NEW lIAILDIVABE fIOV STERSLIT saufseturers and Importers of IEI.A-lEt TO W A_TICE , CUTLERY, &C• 337 LIBERTY STREET, 00ONICR OrSKS, One Sgoore Delo,/ Dillon Depot, M!!' GLAV.3, CiaTLERif. 7sllllA, GLASS AND I QUEENSW ARE, • iLvEs PLATED WARE, 63 . Si °3 PARIAH ST I 4.TUE.TTUS, - sow -MOO, . • S And other STAPLS AND iti.NOT EIOQDS, a great variety. RICHARD IL BREED & CO - P-RALOTICAL 1.18. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. [ - . LEMON & WEISE; NO. 1113 I-oil:arra sirnEvir. , ()ensuing, on nand eveit variety of PARLOR and .4714IAIRBER FURNITURE, together with s_ . ,col l ; r plea assortmentof common Fungtare at • rciouo.. 'Mows In want of anything to oar , Aitia at 044111 / 7 'lnvited to cult before ptiret4.44l; M. -, • 1 " • " . Work guarsOteed: - wa ' . ' ' . hal :nit - , •• • Imsfifig AWP . . ... . ........,ro ' ' W4V-84.111,401f.R.:-. '• ,'' '.. NcrilLl4 PAPER, . . AT. REDUCED PRICES. Arras Juviruf. We will offer otr Owen& stook of Wall papers at Greatiillaliewll rices. asoortoieniFAYbßß, fol ll6llll/2 roots, peallno, a/.. st Market Street,neat SOS. R. impairs Igo; itlioltaL YOH - PITT BANKING !COMPANY, N 0.169 Wood Steel. CAPITAL, : : ::: $200,0 4 r. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT BECURITI AND INTEREST ALLOYED ON TIME fl POST S Collections made on an aoeassible points in the United States and Canadas. • _ D. Doetetter, dames Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, IWEYSTO NE &PITM, cauthortzedo. : s poopm. DIRECTORS . J. Lynch, Wm. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., Heury_Boelstoce, William Espy, &so. T. Van Peron. taamuel Buckley. A. GENERAL BORING BUSINESS Collections wale on aU salvable Deteit in the United BMW and Canada. Merest Allowed on Time Deposit& UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD , 11. J. Lintel", President. .••••• WM, prrTssußG47 100 NMA) FURNIT mx M=JA DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Risher, Robt. 11. Kam, Andrew Miller. James M. SAWL. ffieCLUBSAN, ?res% D. LEST WILSON. Casbfer• No. 293 LIBERTY SITES% PITTSBIIIIOII, PA. V3.M3ACITI.D GEO. T. VAN DOBEN. Cashier, 'IM}MOW///127DP/TDUALLY PEOPLES SAYINGS BANS, Or PIT'INE3I3I7II,OIIL. CABII 0/4"ITAJ..‘ Prestdent—llLEDlßY LLOYD. The IPresident.-WILIUMI Taos:sae Tienry_Lloyd, • rW . Thos. :Mellon, r • P. Jones, Th. Wightman Geo.-. Hallman, in. 13tone. Ilea, B. Ti. Hartley, Edward Gregg, air= itactan It Tresir—S. P. VON BONIIORST , SIX PEE CENT. INTEUEST paid on time de posits. Deposita made on or before August i B , la will bear interest ft om that date. Interest computed on lat November and Ist May. - ival:t76 _— ----__ NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIERCE coi. of Wood and Shah Sta. A.. PATTERSO N JOS. H. BILL .••_ CAPITAL, $500,000. DLBECTORS: L. Pattriou. George W. Cass, 1. Dr Drown, J awes iicCsndless. Chas. Locklam Win. Douglas, Alien Illrepaul.a. Win. Beath W. tl. Haven, . DISCOVINTII DAILY, AT 11 A. 111, sccon IVIJECT, CACGUEI & CO., BANKERS -AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, l'lT'X'S337l3ll.6ill, 11.1 k.... 03tOCESSOIS T 9 HANIA. aerra 00.0 DLL ng Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And puticular atteuttia.errito ha ;embus aid GOVERNMENT! BONDS. , Sight 'Drafts on London. • ,• artimits HOLMES & SONS, 1136136111411111teill! 157 Market Street, P'IT'ETOISITRGII, VAL. Collections wade on all the principal points of the United Sates and Canada,. Stocks,,Bonds and other Securities DOVIGHT ADD SOLD ON oommnasios. Pattivelar attentlon lead to the purchase and isle of United States Securities, WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Streets CHARTERED '1866. Interest paid on 'rime 'Deposits ANY EWES. RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD,. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO OREM -wrraouT INTEREST. Illsoonsta DART. at a o'clock. ~ Vice frOd Presideat— THONPSOB BELL. ea1r.44 1 . OE. Dlimisow Bzu., A. M. RARERMARSHALL. O LWORTIIi. •. - fOS. AWIREE. , . J. OILLYEIP 15 .. Stockholders to whom we maks remotest wm. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth. • Wm. Omowel. R e ' . , David Kerr. • Willis Vase% Henry Leusbert.. • D.7ff _P._ Bi d well. , Lt, ,k. Hrpw.n... . yr,. M. ram0r5............... "n" "inir Ili LAKE slurs! t!git *min i Kul tonwgici ‘014:131 leriwPsl!3,l:ll* • PARK, f liteCUßbi"er. , traerftiot:rurereissied* o r f Stipweatbuoinfr, um.Bra.s.ll=tere ?L t d iii ß il l 'cam Spettet ERA er. Alin; tap°. • in adatal, Tin PAW. Sir a trotk•Wtve,tiali • • - • •-, dangly on iisail Tinners "chides s. 4 no . Wsrettouse_. lisa. 140 FIRST IMMO' sad 00 accost) IsTREET, Plttentegb. , 6 .. __, _._ .. No orders of OoDoer eta to so) v o l r e lr:4; '''" _.-.1) - - . pEnc,Ev AL • BEIDILETW'" ' . • . . Itammtailuota; miariisiii: I' l- I And .04til Lotto , o r Viitittuti: - aams to r..r. sx.a , C.',.aiingray.ll. . ~ • ~ ;.1 i Moe. Ilo.lll,llClittltatt. ISTIXSIST Itoolla 14. til 11111 SUMS{ P. if. Box IN).- ALl.Valielilt CM • vutoutrigair,' or a dorerlvtlool. &oracle' ' BLAST I/URN/WC Wad ROL ONIII.IIII, . ORA ilf.. MO forolaked. Particular attention paid 104 a. atrulat COLLISUT imoumoTrvss. Patent/loon loteuoteitkov -oolleaktodaisair A lo~ lmerlr.O ro ta ill ti eptiaN galri K„ .151MIIEUTZ, 13/MUM, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. AND PACIFIC B. B.IIONDS, GOLD SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the moat favorable term. Sells LET TEES OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a enable In any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received enbject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. JANES T. BRADT So SO ., (Successors to 8. JONES 4X)..) Como Fourth and Wood Sts., 3Eg MS.:M3EI. BUY AND BELL ALL KINDS OF GOVEBNMENT SEGIGR,ITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST Ie.A.VOIMBLZ TEEMS• lir Interest Allowed on Depoelts. Money loaned on Government Bonds at low• eat market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase end Oidt(of STOCItO, swam' ODA OLD. JAMES T..BRADT litti4hrgij &apttt. FINANCE AND TRADE. , OFFICE cv TUE PITTSIMEGIE Ga 1868. s znrrs, Tv asni.v; Aug *25, m TI adVance in the price of go yerely' ester.; day, and early this .morning wasld na speculative, based on the loss of some three Millions of gold by the New York banks, and the return shipment of somO two mil t. lions of bonds from Europe which were sold some time ago on future delivery. The transaction will realize about two per cent. clear of all expenses. So long as the rate of exchange remains much below the specio Shipping point with a tendency le become still lower, gold can not rise much above 145. The clique failed in this attempt to run up the price, to about 147, and have a heavy load to carry on a closer money market. On the other hand the decline has been, anticipated, especially the fact, that some live millions of gold will come in the market on Sep , and .also the increased 'cotton tember 1 shipments expected during the next month; it therefore can not be expected that a taking ma terial decline will take p ion of lace, when in consideration the agitated condit the country in regard to the political ques tion, especially the paymentof the national debt in legal tender. , Government bonds are further down; no demand for investment, and no specu lative buyers are at present in the market. The stock market is extremely feverisn, and the cliques do all in their power to sustain the market; a heavy decline would wipe out quite a numberof line all Broad street' firms, and to , prevent a, dec terested to sustain the.. market.. Erie., seems to be the only stock that shows any strererth. All the Western shares are held firm: it is in fact nothing but the Nort,a Westeflt'Ohica.o.li,' t hi - 11161 1:6 i • the market, their stock's__ coat from 29 to 44, averaging cost of purchase, nterest and commissions,' 'ST Per 40'112; sb'tVey can hold. In Fort Wayne the, situatiOn la different, ectaside;rablo hats of that stock 19 held at 117; a decline to near par woUld frighten and` would rail, thereby assisting In the general depression of their prone , ty. - • • !done., is yet easy, but busifiess is ex tremely 2 • ••• - - • The Now York Stock- cianteitionstq-day received by Mr: PM R Marts, were as follows: • Gold 14414: 1881's,113; 5-20%, 1862, 112%;td0 1804;108%; do 105, 110%; do new, 10%; dos 1867, 100%; :10:40Si; -108; Cleveland & Pittsburgh 85; Port Wayne, 4013,4; Western 'Onion Telegraph 33%1 Adatns Express, 47%; Erie, 48%; New York Central, 123%1 Beading; 90%; !Mulligan 82%,: Chicago it Bock' Island, Southern, 98%; Chicago & North Western. 803;; do Preferred, 80%. --Closing quotations received James T. Brady er. Co.: Gold, 145%; S. ees, 1881's, 113:. A-20's; 11302, 's, 11564, I 08%; 5.20'5, 1865, 113; D-20 110%; 10-40'a, 108%; 5-2 res, January and July, 'O5, 107% 5-20`ii, January and July, 67 100%; 'OB, lig; June 7-31 es, par less 14; 7duly -A.eq. (10 y,: August 119; Sept. itsq Ord. 118; Union Pacidu Railroad, lea; Cen tral, 103. .100,00 0 'President. Cashier. COPPER. ME 3 car loads to a dealer, which is reversing . the wheels of trade; though it Was sold no doubt with a view of ' replacing at a lower price. Oath appear to be a little heavy, though firm at 60c, in first hand, and 63 _ to 65c, in store. F. ,e is quiet, and the ar rivals are very light; dealers, we believe, • still continue to pay $1.35. Corn may be °noted at $ 1.06 to $1,12, form ixed to vriirie Yellow. Barley is very qet, andlff the absence of sales, may be quoted at $1,75 to . $l,BO. • ' SEEDS --Sales of Flaxseed-at -$2,25, nh-d—__.- __ Timothy at 53,25. Clover seed is " nominal at 57,60 to $B. 'O, SALT—Is dull and unchanged; we con tinue to quote . Allegheny river brands at 51.75 to $l,BO, and 52, in store. Is selling from country vragoris HAY— 530.per ton, as to quality.. at $2O to FLOUR—Is dull and it egular, though, as yet, prices have underg onee in dno material change, notwithstanding th e cline the west. The City Mills continue to q uote • Red Wheat Flour at 51.0,811. in barrels, and $10.50, in sacks, and White Wheat at 511,30. in barrels, and $ll, in sacks. Rye Flour is still quoted at P,25 for old. ita, . -------.0..-- ---- PITTSBURGH PETROLBUYI MARKET. --- OFFICE OF THE PITTBURGE GAETTEE, t Tuamay, August 25 Z , 1868. CRUDE The Crude mirket was ag,liin dull and weak, though prices have under gone no quotable change. Sales of 4,300 . bbls, in lots, for immediate delivery, at 12%c; 500 do at 12%c, and 1,0(10 for Septe ber, seller's option, at 12)(0. At the close there were sellers for immediate delivery 12%0, and no buyers, though so far as we could learn, there was no dispostion mani fested to make any further concessions, for the present, in order to eftect , sales. The market is, and has been for some time, in a very complicated and panicky condition, and dealers, generally, both buyers an d sellers, are-very- apprehensive about the future course of the trade. As a- matter of course, opinions are very_ .conflicting,. ..: though it does look as if the charicei 'were very evenly balanced. Offers to sell on ears at Oil City at $4,75. • REFINED —The Refined market is also very dull and week, and-while the tendon:: cy is doWbWard, the decline is gradual. We cariiepbrt I,OOU bbls for August at 3114: 1,000 -do do, at 3114;50 0 on spot at apx; and 500 each from September to December, in ported ' that there L were offers to it selitat 31 for August, while wear, cognizant o tof Hey- sell eral attempts having been made Septerriber . toDel3eMber.,at,32,, izithont finding bilYere. These figures compared with those prevailing a week since, show a considerable. decline, though ' August is about where it left off ' onSaturday% The shipments east confine liberal. end EMU= Stocks are said te,be'accumulatingin the , markets: - - • - • PIiM*BURGO.MARKES, OFFICE OP THRPITTSEURDH CIAREPTNi TUESDAY. August 23. , 186 8 . The main topic of convemition in com mercial circles, is the Panic in the Western Wheat markets; and nearly everybody is well pleased with the decline unless it , should be some few d e alers; who may have pretty,largely tor fntnre delivery. at big price& 'Other 'grains are idea declin ing, as wallas Pima . , 'though old Ws not heat 'Picini in consequonco of scarcity, ha been as mitolridficted as n ew. Provis il ions steady with a fair jobbing demand ions other articles, generally, ace devoid of any new characterietics ..worthy of eiteolal, notice. : • . PUTTER—Is in steady demand, and, prices are, well anstained, prime tit a nd selling. at 33 to 38. We note a stile of medi um Tricked, to go to Cleveland, at 28. FoiCIS-The marlid arrivet.le , firmer Ali *•coifero queuce orditulnisheals, and prices are shade , higher) we nog quids fresh packed at 16 to 170. packed in fairdemandwhile'prioes fele unonanged. _ • •;„ „, APPI,EB'—The market is 'exceedingly dull, soil t eaunnistell glutted,. and -"wines are nominal at 14, to ACM per bbl, i. PC) rA.TOR •Ittitady wlth We: demand at sB,fin to 63.75 per bill—receipts light. PROVIIAONS-:-.Becori is steady ieith,reg• -Max jobbing pales st 14 to usq_ .8401110 , pre; 141,410,1)1% for Clear, Sitio; 23)c for Sokyr Cured o alum. Lard is still ,quatatd OM to WI for primW•kettle ren dered. u Max" Pk PO to 1130,60. or Oran. - .lmt nchanged at 1142 0 te• ...GRAANNoWh ad is h e ld up here, nnt , - Witlisteiti decline at other phiceic end eontititielii.V br ote Stoo. to • $1. 1 •4 prime to, cheloe Red. Winter; we are igigraligA of one ell Ont millers hitting sold BECKIPTS OF °BUDS OIL. , Jas.'. W ...... 240 Fisher &Bro .. ... . 320 D.M. Edgerton::: SO Lockhart ,t F..... 1240 McCreery 6c Co.. 4811. Holdship iit. C 0... 480 Woodville°. \v. 240 P.Weisenberg I er Leech & Wood.. 120 • - Total .. ....:.. .. . . . . ................. OIL SHIPPED BA BT BY A. V. B. R. R. W. Burke, 50 bits ref. to Warden. Fraw & Co., 'Philadelphia. , . Clark - & Sumner, 395 do do to P. Wright & Sons, Philadelphia. B. W. MOrgatl Lt CO. 150 do do to War den, Frew & Co. Philaidelphia. Livingston & Co., 350 do do to War den. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Kogan& Stockdide, 250 do do to W. P. Logan .& Bro.; Philadelphia. F. Jag,eman & Co., 250 do relined to Waring, King '& Co., Philadelphia. McKee. Hackett &Co., 250 do du to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Wormser, Myers & Co., 339 do do to .Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 50 do benzole to Chest: Linig, Philadelphia.: OIL eiHIPMSSLATSFILOM. DtrQtrEtiNE DEPOT.. A. D. Miller; 60 hbls refined to -Waring. King Sr, Co., Philadelphia. 115 dodo to War- G. . Holdship• . i W &Co ing. King & Co.. Philadelphia. Brooks. Ballentine & Co., 108 do ref. to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Union Ref. Co., 36 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro..Rhiladellibla. - , • -.• . • Sas. Miller, 24 bhIS ref. to W. P.'Logen & Bro., Philadelphia. ____-...:.:------ _. ;...., _. • - ...- _ _. New 1101% Pr°Mite Market. Ifty,Yrelegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette...l NEW Tonic, August ; 25.7-Cotton Ballade , -, lower; sales of 1,500 bales, at 30a1104e"for middling upiandis chiefly_ 30c. Flour; re ceipts, 10,5 V bbld and ' bags; market . beavy and 10a150 lower; sales of ,6,4oJ.bbler „- • - at 413,13th17,75 fur superfine ate'snd West: - ' .... 4' erms7,6oaspsfor extra, Statet-$1,70a9,75 for eXtra' western; $9,00612,25' fbt-white' wheat extra; $8,5n0.12,p for R. EL.P.; $1001,25 for extra St. Loulla, and $11,60a14,00 for good to chohie do, closing q uiet. California dour heavy; sa l es of .710 sacks at ;loam- Rye flour heavy; sales 250 bbls, at $7,25a90; talkof small lots of choice at- sloalo,lo. Meal dull at $1,08." BrandvWbte; sales on private term s . Whisky qu • iet and firmer; sales of 25 bbla„ at .42c. in bond. Wheat; receipts 26,717 bush; market 1113 e .. lower, w i . it a very moderate business ;•• _ for exports and home , use; sales of , ~ 40,000 bush, Nt $1,95 for -No. '2 -spring ' 1 dellVered and news o afloat; $,03 forNo: I - do delivered; 4.2,0f0r retail parcels do; $2,10 ' for retail lots very: chow° spriegvs2,-;24 for winter red western; $2,25 for new red.stouthern Ill3in,L f2r new for-umber sfialiptn• $2, white State; $2,6012,75 for white Genessee. Rye dull and heavy; sales 400 bush South ern at $1,4251,42%. Barley nominal.; Bar ley malt quiet and heavy.. Receipts of corn 142,294; corn a shade easter, use; sales with a fair busititisa for export and hems 121,000 bush at $1,1301,19 for , unsound; 61,19y451,22.ys for sound mixed western afloat; $423 for western yellow. iteceipts of oats owlet. oats firm; sales 48,140 bush at 77078 e fo sinr Western in . store - 79)56 filr do d•• 72.05 c for new western in afloat, • very dull. , Coffee very quiet.' ' store. Rh* v Sugar, heavy; sides of 500 hogsheads Cubs at 11a1.13/40. Molasses unchanged; sales of 200 hogshead olged at priVate terms: kinps quiet at 101300 for , American- - Petroleum dull at 15e for erdde, and * Uo for refined, ivonded. Pork - firmer- and more doing; sales CA' 3,450 barrels M 128,653248 l for mess; - closing at 52s,earegular; r 25,7 6 for old do; I $21,241br p er, mid tL5,50,126 for prints Vii(sl72l:ooll7)frii..leadw yestesitnif 140 ba , r s r o els : 7 1 r, ' for n ow extra Tierce beef quiet - sr, _ 1/2143 for prime mess; $30a36 for India mess. Beef. hams dilll' at '525a32, Cut meats ateadv; sales of 150 packages at 18i4( • 110 for shoulders, 16119yie for hams; mid . dles !needy and quiet. Lard greedy and quiet; , sales. of-, 700 tierces at 18 1 / 019c for st e am, (and Iffal9V,,o far kettlerendered. Rutter quiet and steady at 32470 for -Ohio. and 38a4fic for State. Cuees6 quiet at las 173c0. ' Freights to Liverpool a ebtuie easi er; engagements per steamer' for - 15,C1X1 bail' morn a; 2%d and 7,VA bus wheat,at 30.. "•,_, likrxsi.—Fl ui clo ed dull and 10a15e lower f r tuedimit and ;toed grades. 'Wheat :gigot and ,sl ghtly in buyers. fa ior with a limited export and -milling gi 'mend. Rye IsIlui• Wiliest yttsl. l lfAal,43 for Sduttiern. .prita store and medium.- Oats 'firm at 78c , n store and Sitio afloat for ii d yiramera, -tind.7la74o for new depot.. Cora bi quiet n cl. ',lslet ‘' a i1,14a1,19 f r, unsound hid $1.19.441.tif r'sbund new mixed west ern all a . Pork is firm with sties gt 500 b,.,1 • I nes l at PO O, check to morrow, and ti bble 5t.i0.0114. :Re/War beef 111:quiet an ti gte alv. Cu meat: du land nominally • an shang . gl. BaO, It is 'firm wig h a f 1.. de iiiii-trit - tard j+t stea ly at: Pl'is.l96 f-r 'and fair to-prime steam ringleted. Eggs quit) unobiang d. • ~ ,Cbtem° Cattle Market. ory'releinhea to ttie k`ttiotitiert GoOmtto.3 L'uloSoo; Anitnetl6.—Cattle dull and unnhensed. liop active st t8,75a10,25 for beet grades: .380