The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 25, 1868, Image 8

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OnnyrPrayer Meeting—From 12 -M. to
1Gi . 341-"O'clock at tlie Rooms of the Christian
Associatioe, No., 23 Fifth street.
Route for Sale.—A good route in th“0 1 ( 1 )
rifthe.and/Sinth Wards - on this paper ban
be had by applying at this office by eleven
The members of the Hope Fire Company
return thanks to Hon. Thos. Williams. for
valuable public books and documents.
There have been one hundred and twon
tv:-seven cases sent to court from the Pitts
burgh Mayor's office since the 22d of July
The Weather.—A.ceording to the prog
nostirmtions of "G. A." we are to have
rather pleasant weather until the 16t,11 of
Septel4ber. .
Mr-George W. Henry was sworn in as
one of U. S. - Marshal Rowley's Deputies,
,yesteiday, taking the place of U. W. Gil
POMeal Stand.—Tho Republicans of the
Second ward, Allegheny, haye ~,eiftted 'a '
neat. and substantial speakers';, stand - On
-the Neelt.Coranion, near the school house.
Alleged Larceny . .--Louls Meyers ap
peared before Alderman Strain, yesterday,
and made information charging Charles D.
Allen with larceny. Allen was arrested and
held for a hearing.
Waived Hearing.--Hively, the man who
was charged viith an attemr ted rape on the
person of three little girls, an account of
which was' published Some time since,
waived a further hearing before the Mayor
yesterday and gave ball,for court.
• Postponed.—The meeting at the Repub
lican Wigwam, in the twenty-first Ward,
'which was fixedfor Thursday evening next,
has been postponed until. farther notioe,
in consequence of the meeting at East Lib
-erty, Thursday night.
Alleged Aggravated Assault.— Jacob
She pie made Information - before Mayor
13Iackmore yesterday against &dm Shit
mater for aggravated assault and battery.
Sheppie alleges that Shumater struck and.
otherwise - abused him. A warrant was' is.
' illegal Liquor Selllng.—Claas.-D. Allpn
made information before Alderman Strain
yesterday, charging Louis Meyers with
selling Ilquor on Sunday. He alleges that
he sold whisky on the 26th day of July
last, which was the first day of the week.
lie was arrested and held for a hearing.
Irving Institute.--A first 'class, select
classical school for Young Ladies, Bissell's
, block, Nos. 10, .12 and 44 St. Clair street.
For circulars cull at the book stores or ad
, dress the Principals, Mrs. E. A. Smith, 31
Lincoln avenue, Allegheny-City,Pa., or
Miss M. Markham, 282 Penn street, Pitts
l'argh, Pa. TS
Alleged False Pretence.—Robert Peet
made information, yesterday, before Mayor
Blackmore, against John Rylands for false
pretence. Peet alleges that Ryland collect
ed twenty-two dollars and fifty cents in
payment for an ice chest by stating that it
belonged to him. Rylands was arrested
and the matter finally compromised.
Election of Teachers.--The School Board
of Moon township met yesterday at Schbol
Room Nt3., 4 and elected the -following
teachers for the ensuing term, viz: No. 1,
Win. Whitmore); No. 2, Jas. Nesbitt; No. 3,
Miss Salle Major; No. 4, Mi6S Annie Rus
sell; No. 5, Miss Sadie J. McMillin; No. 6,
Miss Mattie Bayne; No. 7, Wm. French.
• A Move in the Right Direction.—A move
ment is on foot to establish a -Normal De
partment in the Central High School of
this city, for the education of those desir
ing to becottie teachers in our public
schools. This is a move in the right direc
tion, and if adopted by the Central Board
of Education will meet the approbation of
all who iire'interested in the success of our
, school system.
Harper. A; Brothers, New York.—Else
- where will 'be found a list of valuable
works recently , issued by these widely
known publishers. This mammoth pub
lishing establishment is rioted for the ex
. oellent claSs of works issued. Harper it
Brothers offer special inducernenfs to
Wholesale buyers in the trade for some
weeks to come, as they do not intend to en
ter the usual auctiontrade sales this fall as
• ' heretofore.. ,
Temperance Meeting.—The Allegheny
- Temperance League will meet this ;even
ing at half -past -mien o'clock in the Bea
ver street Methodist church. An ad
dress will be - delivered by . Rev. A. M.
Milligan. Subject--"is it scriptural to pro
mote to office, either civil, military . !or ec
clesiastical, any who are addicted to intem
perate habits or who will not give their
,decided influence in the behalf of temper
ance reform?"
. .
Dangerous Sleeping Place.—,-An old man
named Haskin was discovered yesterday
morning, about seven o'clock lying on the
track of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railroad, in, the iron bridge across
the AlleghenTriver. He was very much
intoxicated. and could give no information
of himself. It is marvellous how he es
cusped a horrible death as trains w o re almost
constantly passing to and fro over thetrack
where no was found.
Aquatic. —We leant. from a rel'able
3011/03 that James Hamill will challenge
the winner of the championship race,
~which takes place over the upper Monon
gahela course im the 9th of September
next, between Henry Coulter and Walter
Brown, to row a race of live_mile• for $2,000
and the championship over the same course,
the race to take place within three weeks
after acceptance of tbe challenge.- Condi
tions of the race to be the same - as those of
the approaching yam.
Released on Benhart, the man
who is charged with the abduction of Catn
erine, Mon, tho particulars of which an-
peered in a former issue of the GAZETTE,',
had:asecond hearing before Mayor Black
more yesterday. In theexaminatioriseme'
of the witnesses testified to havlianseen the
girl walking along the 'Brownsville Road,
at 7 o'clock on the morning after Senhart
had endeavored to procure her , employ
pent. Since that time nothing has been
heard from her. Benhart waived a further
hearing and was released on WI own remig
A Vicious Vvsatan.---Arthur, OlDinlon
made inforMation:before Alderman- Strain
lrOsterday;tharging Margaret Dwyer with
asmulf an d
battbry. The parties reside in
tonst off Grant street, 'ill the Fifth ward,
and it is all , •ged by, the Pr o s c nter that
Satutday even - lag last' he went ,ta t h e : hy
drant; to draw a bucket of water, whereup
on t o Bemused Amok him on the head
with : a water pall. She also threw a
buciMfrof water on him, and made various
threats, for which an 'information • for
-surety of the - peace was made. She was ar
'Wed gad held for a hearing,
Alleged Pelee Vretence,J. ?J. Mont
gorner,,,with T. C. : Jenk.ins, made infer - -
motion hereto Aidernaae bictifastera yen.
terdch obsoring W.A. Cignens 7 with ob.
Wising goods ander false pretence. Ile at
legoe tiait LIM amused bought !lour to tba
value of #04;50, for which h g ive a check
or order on McVay it Co bankers, for In.
The order Web presented, bat there wits no
funds in , the Fe; k to the credit of the no.
coved. 'flie proaurription is that Muttons
was mistaken in hie bank account. lie
"—was arrested and hold for a hearing, nut
will doubtless explain the matter althea°.
torily before the hearing takes
Reception of General Carl Schnri.
The Arrangements--Arrlval at the Un
Depot—At the Monongahela House—Es..
corted - to Mpeting—Torch_
light Procebsion--Serenade , at the Hotel.
The reception of General Carl Schurz,
which-took - place in this city last evening,
was one of the grandest affairs 'of the cam
paign. When it was announced that Gen.
Schurz would address the German citizens
of this place, it was resolved to extend to
him a welc mie in the way of a reception
such as every true American heart feels
that he was justly entitled to. To this end
the German citizens held a meeting some
ten days since and appointed a Committee
of Arrangements, the proceedings of - which
have been previously published. It was
de - cided by the Committee of Arragements
to appoint a Committee of Reception to
meet the General and escort him to the
city, and in accordance therewith Colonel
Russel Errett, Dr. Joseph Abel, Josiah
King and Maj. G.Schleiter, who constituted
the Committee, repaired to Rochester on
the morning train, where they awaited the
arrival of the train upon which Gen. Schurz
VMS a passenger. . .
When the, train arrived the Committee
entered the ear whore the General was and
were introduced to him,after which the train
started for this city, arriving at the Union
Depot at 4:30r. at. No' ormal reception was
arranged to take place at the depot, yet the
crowd of people which had assembled there
was immense. The platform at the west
end of the depot was ono vast sea of heads,
and when the General made his appearance
he was received with tremendous cheers.
He acknowledged the compliment and was
escorted to a carriage which Was in waiting,
and was conveyed to the Monongahela
House. After resting a short time , :dinner
was served and the General then-repaired
to his room, (No. 13) where he'wai called
upon by a number of our principal German
citizens and politicians:
'The - Secnnd Watil Grant Club had been escort the speaker to City'
where the meeting was to take place, and
at half-past .seven the Club formed on
Smithfield street with the right resting on
Fourth, under command of Capt. W.. B.
Cook.' There were over one.hundred men
•in line, each carrying a torch, except the
file leader, who carried a beautiful transpa
rency with paintings of Grant and Colfax
"en opposite sides and appropriate inscrip
tions. Ina few moments after the torches
we're lighted, the crowd began to assemble
on Smithfield street, and by the' time they
.were ready to march the street was literally
tilled with human beings from Filth - street
to the Monongahela - House. At eight
;o'clock, • headed by the Great Western
tßand, the escort moved to the Hotel where
'the General wins stopping. He' was then
conducted to an_,ppen carriage, accompa
nied by Gen. Negley, Dr. Abel and Major
Schlieter, mid escorted to City Hall. The
escort moved by, the way of Smithfield,
Fourth and Market_streets, and ail along
the line the General was greeted with loud
'and prolonged cheering.
City Hall began to fill up as early as
seven o'clack, and -was densely thronged
before the, half hour had passed; At half
past seven the Great Western band began
to play and the warning music brought
hurrying into the hall the few for whom
there was yet standing room, and even af
ter standing room seemed no longer there,
quite a number of judicious squeezers ob
tained places inside the doors. Good humor
charaoterized the audience from the first,
as it is almost sure to do whenever the
rich'language of the VatPrland prevails.
At a quarter past eight the music in the
street announced the approach of the hero
of the evening, and 'his appearance on
the stage was greeted with /uproarious
cheers and applause. Dr. Abel callecUlie
meeting to order when Mr. 111 P. Mueller
was called to the Chair and the following
list of vice presidents named :
President—H.P. MUELLER.
M. Fenderick, Nicholas Voeg • liy,
Wm. Bader, Jno..Muessler,
As Anschutz, Virm. Peters,
J. H. Demmler, M. Neckermanh,
G. J. Backofen, Col. Goo. Gerst;
C. C. Smith, :.0. J. Schnitz,
Aug. Amnion, Gus. Schleiter,
S. Strunz, Jno. Ochse,
G. Portzel, Dr. A. H. Gross,
Peter Kiel, Wm. Mittenzwei,
Wm. Neeb, C.F. Bauer,
Fred. Mohn, Fred. Lang,
Ludwig Shaeffer. Adam Mittag,
Adam.Weise, A. Albeitz,
Hhbemehl, Jno. Never,
Josiah Cohen, B. Oppenheimer,
Rev. L. Naumburg, Fred. Anwesen,
Julius Moutzhelmer, Gottleib Wettach.
Mr. Morganstern,
The reporters of the press present were
'requested to act with Mr. Philip B. Mertz
as Secretaries.
Mr. Mbellerintrodueed the orator of the
evening in a most eloquent little address,
and then Carl Schurz himself took the
stand. To say that the address was elo
quent is merely to indulge in superfluous
He welcomed the few Deinoorats who
were there. He believed that they voted
the Democratic ticket honestly and because
they believed they were right, hut he hoped
that what he had to say might induce some
of, them to change their votes; and they
would be sure of a welcome in the Republi
can party, for there was more joy in it
over one sinner that repented than over'
ninety and nine regulars who always voted
Above all things.he wanted peace. Slav
ery and the slave arlistooraoy ' were the rea
sons of the late war, and as these wore
directly'opposed to the great principles of
American freedom their destruction was
necessarily the • result of tho war. And
now something must be found to take the
place of slavery in the South, and that
something must be to fill the South with a
new society, with the great principles of the,
Declaration of Independence as a founda
tion. In Russia the Czar has • _given free
dom to the Serfs, and haddoneSo by merely
saying, "I will that they be freer' but in
America the Czar "does not exist and the
people.must take his place. In the Eiduth
many of the whites are still the same as
those who brought on. the rebellion, the
second class of people there are the brave
:Mien men of the South, and a third class
aid tbelreedmen. - - . •
To whieh of these classes shall the .peo
ple give the government of those States ?
To the people who have worked and fought
against the Union and the government; to
theta whdie livigrand 'words pintre their in
tention to erect an aristocracy on. the mints
of the republic and make themselves the
lulera? Shall these people receive the' task
of restoration and reconstruction? Surely
that would be taking the goat for the gar
dener. = The action of the Southern , govern
,tnents immediately after the close of, the
war, was here thoroughly and ably re-
. 1
" grew d,aon d ake neche ity
e S c h n o s w tr n u cftoiro nC oinn
its ownlands and to decide to which of.
- the tbreetjal4loB of people the -task '
be intrusted. And now the people are tode--
aide whether Congress was right in placing
the worn in the hands of the loyal people,
whether their color was white or black, or
placendrew Johnson right' In wishing to
it la the hands of the traitor aria-
Mersey ? Congress bas taken up the prin
ciple that free'labor is thp best and only
safe feistidatinn for the Atate, and yet tho
Democratic party comes' find says all this
Must be 001161dered as null and void, and if
ErrTsiiiiali, GAZETTE : ijrgSDAY,_ AUGUST 25, 1868.
it'Deinoeititic 'FietiiiiliiniVefected he must
send the armyWitokt saiiresnd bayonet to
overturn these gevernniontillof loyal men
end to reinstate the rebels;
If such. interference takes place,lt the
opposition again attempt to resort to force
and arms, the' young Soldiers, of Pennsyl
vania who fought in the late war will know
where to find the old. muskets, just as
quickly as if the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania itself were attacked.
It is a queer argu ment on the part of the
Democracy that t negroes are too stupid
and uneducated to vote. To this I agree:
the negroes are on the average not as intel
as white men, but I never knew that
the Democrats had ever excluded a man
from their party on accohnt of stupidity,
and for all I know the Republican party
does the same. He thought every voter
should be intelligent, and yet he had often
gond to the ballot box and voted for the
wrong man. This only goes to prove that
all are liable to error, but this is no reason
why we should say we shall not vote at all
for fear of making mistakes. All should
vote for whom they think tho best,
but we must also endeavor always to
educate the masses so as always to be com
ing nearer to the abolition of corruption in
politics. Negroes MUSt also bo educated
and made fit to vote, but he did not believe
that there was more •stupidity among the
negroes than there was in the New York
Convention. Some of those present proba
bly remember the ' battles of Nashville,
Petersburg and Rlchniond, and remember
that there the negroes fought bravery, and
when they saw them fighting and helping
to drive the rebels away, they surely did
not attempt to drive these negroes from the
field because they were. block. As far as
the practicability of negro voting is.con-.
corned he would like to ask this treeation :
Would the , lives of 500,000 bravo men not
have been spared, and would the thousands
of millions which this 'war has' cost, not
have been saved if the negrohad had a vete
in 1861? _ ,
There aro nine millions of whites in the
South and three and a half millions of no
groes, and if by giving them the 'right to
voto these three millions of poor negroes
will be able to geiern the nine millions of
whites, then surely such a people 'deserve
to be downtrodden.. These Southern
whites said that ono rebel was able'towhip
five Northerners, and if this were so,
surely each one of them should bo able to
keep down one third of a negro; but if
there are too few whites there for them,
we will send them more, we will send them
European emigrants and carpet-baggers.
The first thing that a Democrat will,
say to you is that the Republican
Government has ruined the country.
Can any Democrat present mention
a single instance in the history Of the
wand where a war, whether as long as
those of Napoleon or short as the recent
war Gertnany. was not followed by
trouble in Llit-t business of the country.
War must necessarily be followed by Loan
ohil troubles. Twomillions of young men,
hard working and hearty, cannot be fed,
transported 'laid clothed for four years and
still leave the country as rich as it was.
And who was the cause of thia war but the
rebels, or rather the Democrats in the
South and the Democrats or Copperheads
in the North, and how can a war be carried
on without money,,,and when one needs ,
money and hasnone ho must borrow, and
ate Democrats under Buchanan took good
care to leave no tnoney in the Treasury for
them. Neither had the Government credit,
for all was doubt and darkness as to the
end, and the expenses of keeping up the
army were four millions a day. Then
these-bloated bondholders cameo and gave
their money.for the bonds, and if they had
not done so the soldiers must have gone
empty handed and entpty stomached, with
out pewter or arms, and the Government
would have been bankrupt.
The General then spoke at length on the
subieet of bonds and their taxation and
handled the question with his usnal pecu
liar ability and with constant interruptions
tromthe applause of the delighted audi
ence. He then !kith like ability handled
the question of the payment of the public
debt in greenbacks or gold. Ho then de
nied that the loondsi are in the hands of the
richer men. They are here and in Europe
in the hands of the middle classes, and are
used in immense quantities in lieu of ex
change,and baboring . men buy bonds instead
of putting their savings in banks; farmers
put their money inl bonds instead of into
stockings as formerly. In_ Germany these
bonds are called- the servant girls' bonds,
and if this sort of people are bondholders,
then surely many of those present are bloat
ed bondholders. All are interested in
bonds. just as all are interested in the in
surance company in which their property
-is insured, for with repudiation the gov
ernment falls, and in the ruins of the gov
ernment we must all alike bo destroyed.
The way in which these two questions
of the debt and its payment were handled
was received with delight by all and we re
gret exceedingly our inability to present a
translatlen of the whole wonderful oration
to our readers. _
Gen. Schurz then wound up with a stir
ring appeal to his countrymen by birth and
by adoption to avoid looking at the small
obstructions in their way, but to look ever
forward to the great end:justice and right,
as the sailor in going to the mast-head,
looks towards his goal and lots his feet
find for themselves the cross-ropes to stand
woe. Let no man work against his
conscience because his friends vote
wrong; let no petty differences in home
politics be allowed to affect him; think not
of the men who may net ho as you would
have them, but of the great principles of
your party. It was this attention to 'petty
affairs and petty ambition and pride that
had for so many years kept their beloved
Germany from taking that place ii. Europe
which its position and size demanded.
Every German had wanted a united
Fatherland, but the Frankforter wanted a
Frankfort Germany, and the NY nrtem
berger a Wurtemberg Germany, until at
last- this great new Kingdom had
arisen and j the greatness of . one
man had united and now held . to
gether the. Various portions of Germany,
and just so this great Republicam party
.hould, with'Grant at its head, -unite and
holt together the adopted , k'atherland.
MLet us have peace", is our motto. The
Democrats say that we can have no peace
until we reconstruct the oomitry on prlnci=
lea in which the Southerners will heartily
join.. But General Lee, the haughty, aris
tocratic Southerner, did not believe we
could have peace on any but Bentham
terms, and vet he had agreed to those
terms proposed at Appomatox bhe y t sim
ple tanner, Grant.
At the close of the masterly oration un
bounded enthusiasm reigned for a while
supreme in City Hall, and shout after shout
went up from the throng, which at length
dispersed with MIL rousing, soul etirring
ebeers for General Carl Schurz, the heroin.
surrectionist of '4B, the hero General of the
late war, and the fearless patriot and orator
I of the campaigns'of '6O and '6B. •
At tho close of the address Gen. Schurz
was conducted from the Hall by the rear
entrance, where carriages were . In waiting
for hlnieelfaid the' Commite ; e. After he
wasseated, theprocession formed in the
fidlewingbrden• - • ',;
A squad of the, etty Felice, fifty in BUM
bar, commanded •by Lieutenants M'Coy
and MlClthig.
The German Turners of Pittsburgh, three
hundred and fifty strong i preceded by their
singers and a brass band.
Carriages containing General Schurz and
the CoMmitteenf Reception.
onasm CLUBS.
The Grant Club 'ern) First ward, Alle
gheny, ono hundred men with.torehea and
transparencies, and commanded by Cot
Harry C. Campbell, preceded bY Schmidt's
Grant and Colfax Clubs 'of the Second
and Third wards Allegheny, numbering
One hundred 'and' ,
eeveaty-flYe Mon s with
torches and tranip..irencies, commanded by,
S. D. Xtedger..' , r , . -
Grant and Colfax 'Club of the Fifth wird,
Allegheny, numbering one hundred and
twenty-IWe men, with Chinese lanterns
and tratiparencles, under the command of
Captain Henry Paulus, headed bye martial
band., . , ,
Delegation from' Birmingham, number
ing two hundred and fifty men, with
torches; under the Marshalship of Captain
Martin Schaefer, assisted by Captain John
'Leh, Fred. Albright, William Weber and'
Bayardstowu Grant Club, numbering fifty
men, with Chinese lanterns and transpa
renews, commanded by Capt. Joseph Irwin
and preceded by a band of martial music.
Third and Fifth ward Grant Clubs, num
berirg one hundred men, with torc hes and
transpare cies.
Sixth and Grant Club, one hundred
men, wit torches and transparencies.
First ward Grant Club, one hundred and
fifty men, with torches and four transpa
rencies, commanded by Capt. Perkins, as
sisted by Capt.. McLaughlin and Capt. John
Siephus. -
Seventh and Eighth Wards Grant Club,
one hundred meniwith torches and trans
parencies, commanded by Major Kilgore,
assisted by Ed. Brush, Janies Patterson
and William Shore. This club was pre
ceded an excellent glee club In a wag
on, drawn by four spirited horses.
Secon Ward Grant Club, one. hundred
men wit torches, banners and transpar
encies, T. W. Davis, Marshal, and Captain
W. B. C ok commander. This club was
precedeby the Great Western band.
The C ntral Tanners Club of Allegheny
county, umbering One hundred And fifty
men. wi h torches and transparencies, corn
mended, y W. ( 2. - Moreland, W. R. Ford,
Marshal , betided by Julius Moore's band.
CilizAl: s on foot and in carriages brought
UP tlie rear.
The Tanners formed on the north side of
the Market. The Allegheny Clubs and the
delegates froiri , Birmingham formed on
Market street with the right resting on tbe,
Diamond, and the city Grant Club' and
Tanners Club formed on Fourth street with
the right resting on Market - street. From .
the time the Clubs began to arrive, which
was a few minutes after nine o'clock, until
the procession moved, which was not until
half past ten o'clock, the Diamond and Mar
ket street from Liberty to Third street was
one compact mass of human beings and the
sidewalks were lined with people along the
entire lima procession. . .
At half past ten the procession moved in
order 'marching down - Market street to
Liberty, thence by St. Clair street to Penn,
along Penn to Wayne, thence to Liberty,:
down Liberty to Smithfield and down
Smithfield to the Monongahela HouSe.
Tho most intense enthusiasm prevailed
along the route of procession: ,t,ouses
Were brilliantly illuminated and taste
fully decorated withflags, Chinese lan
terns, and beautiful transparencies with ap
propriate inscriptions. The display of fire
works at different points on the route
while the procession was passing was truly
grand. The display at the corner of Penn
and St. Clair streets was a most magnificent
one, as was also that at Liberty and Smith
field, and at Fifth and Smithfield. The in
scriptions on the transparencies were all
good, - but owing to the great num
ber of them wo aro compelled to
omit them from our report. Those
participating in - the procession con
ducted them Selves in a very orderly man
ner, and if we omit the cowardly annoy
ances of a few rufflanly . blaekguards, who,
while the procession was forming, amused
themselves by throwing stones at some of
the transparencies, and the interruption
to one of the clubs on. Fifth street by a
drunken loafer, the whole affair passed off
without any difficulty. The procession was
over a mile in length, tOd the display made
was decidedly the most brilliant that has
taken place iu the city since the campaign
of 1866.
The Monongahela House was a blaze of
light, and over the Smithfield entrance was
erected an arch of gas pipe on which
sparkled thousands of jets forming the
names of the people's ndidates, GIL
and CoLvwx. When tb procession arrived
there had assembled o Smithfield street
fully two thousand persons, who were be
ing entertained by the Glee Club of-the
Second ward. As the carriage- containing
the Illustrious guest arrived the wildest
cheering prevailed, a compliment ac
knowledged by Mr. Schurz with uncovered
head. The storm of applause was immense
when he was introduced to the crowd by
Dr. Joseph Abel. After quiet was restored
Gen. Schurz spoke as foil s:
My FELLOW CITIZENS: It will be im
possible for me to convey to you in appro
priate terms my profound thanks for this
brilliant ovation. Having just spoken at
great length to my German fellow citizens
at the City Hall, I will, therefore, have to
confine myself to a simple expression of
deep gratitude. I have just come from the-
West, where I have been doing some little
work for our candidates in Illinois and
Missouri, and I can assure my friends here
to-night that the Republicans are up and
doing in the glorious valley of the Missis
sippi. [Cheers.] I desire to say,however,
that the .brunt of the conflict is here
'with you in Pennsylvania; for it is an old
saving, "as Pennsylvania goes, so goes the
'Union." [Cheers, and cries of "we'll make
itgo tight this time," etc.) The Democrats
are loudly boasting that they are going to
carry Pennsylvania. Will you permit
them to do so? (Cries ."no, no, never.")
They in the western States have been la
boring under a misapprehension; but after
such a brilliant turn out of Abe masses as I
have seen to-night, I can with truth say to
them that the destinies of the people are
safe in the keeping of your State. With
you rests the responsibility of the conflict
and to you wilr belong the honor of the
victory, and if you give us arousing major
ity on the 13th day of next October—there
the speaker WAS interrupted by a rowdy
Seymour man in the crowd shouting for
his favorite, causing considerable confu
sion.) The speaker resumed: Never mind,
gentlemen, that noise is nothing more than
a simple pressure of good feeling. [Cheers
and laughter.] As lam saying, give us a
good rousing majority in October, and
when the news goes forth to the pewe,
the whole Union will respond to the echo.
The Democrats say the people want a
change in the administration. Yes, they
do—from the present administration; from
a man who has dishonored, his position to
that man who in the hour of need gave the
country &stout hear t,w ho has no will against
that of the, people, and whose motto is, "Let
us have peace." (Cheers.) We want a
change from Andrew Johnson to General
Ulysses S. Grant. (Prolonged cheers.) • I
will now bid you good night, my fellow
citizens. (Cries' of "go on," "go on.") I
would be glad to go on, but you must con
sider that I have appointments to speak
every night between this and the 13th of
October, and must take oare of my voice
to make it useful. Before I withdraw, how
ever, I will propose 'that we give three
rousing cheers for General U.S,_Grant and
Schuyler Colfax.
Weneed not say that the cheers were
given with a hearty good will. The speak
er retired amidst the loudest applause.
The various Glee Clubs in attendance then
entertained the vast audience with several
patriotic) campaign' songs, after which the
meeting dispersed. .
Alleged Beakless Drividg.
Mitchell L. Malone made information,
yesterday, against James White and Pat
rick Ward for furious and reckless driv
ing. , Malone alleges that he was coming
down Pennsylvania avenue in a buggy,
and that when near Pride street he met
the' defendants coming up, driving two
horses attached to a carrriage at a furious
gallop. Coming In contact with the buggy
it was overturned and the occupants thrown
out. The accused wore arrested and held
to bail for a further hearing. Malone also
made information before. the same magis
trate against -the owner of the vchiele,
Daniel hi ienean, who was arrested std gave
bail for t further. hearing.
Another Boonly - Flouse Case:
The crusade against houses of ill repute
is still kept alive, hut whether with a view
to a ,reformation in the morals in this city
of wickedness, or for the less landable.pur
pose of levying blackmail, we do not pre:
tend to _say. There are doubtless cases in
which the welfare 'of the public prompts
the prosecution, or, if not for the public
weal, the peace and comfort of the private"
prosecutor, who is a part of the public,
and hence entitled to protection from an
noyances resulting from the maintaining
of dhouse of ill fatrie in' any community,
at the hands of tho law. On the other
hand, there is no doubt , whatever that in
many instances the prosecutions are made
for the. purpsse of blackmailing not only
the keepersof the house, but all those who
are willing to pay rather than have their
names used in connection v. Rh such affairs.
The greatest evidence of this latter fact is
the character of many of the prosecutors,
who in some instances are themselves en
gaged in the same business.
The latest case is that of Mary Brown,
who makes information before Alderman
Strain, charging Sallie 'White, "Gib" Mil
ler and others with - maintaining, a bawdy
house on Liberty street in the Ninth ward.
The accused were arrested and held for a
hearing. '
Settled, at Last.
The long disputed question with the sew
ing machine fraternity as to which is the
best machine, has at last been. d4finitely
disposed of and set at rest by the uneX
pected appearance among them of that
wonderful family machine known as the
American Combination Button Hole and
&wing, Machine. It at once carried off the
palm without any ceremony about it, and
left its competitors the question to settle
among themselves as to which is the next
best. In this secondary question the public
will feel but little interest so long as they
can be supplied with the latest and best and
also the cheapest in the market. Chas. C.
Balsley is the agent for this splendid ma
chine Rind will be pleased to exhibit it to
all who will call at the rooms, corner of
Fifthiand Market streets, second floor, over
H Richardson & Co.'s jewelry store. No
lady should fail to examine them.
Most Bitters of the present day that are
loudly puffed through the newspapers as
having great curative properties are vile
compounds and base impositions, contain
ing no medicinal virtues whatever, and are
really very poor whisky beverages, and;
instead of acting as a stimulant and tonic,
have a tendency to weaken the stomach by
entirely destroying the elating. The public
should therefore be very cautious and pur-.
chase none but Boback's Stomach Bitters,
which have stood the test as a remedial
agent fox many years, and are really as
their name indicates, a stomach bitters and
not a beverage. They combine the broper
ties of the best tonic and a stimulant—a
laxative, an efficient and anti-bilious agent
and the best stomachic known to the world,
and when taken in conjunction with
back's Blood Pats, are the safest and surest
preventive against all bilious derangements,
thoroughly regulating the whole system
and giving tone to the digestive organs.
They are highly recommended as an in
vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing,
increasing the flow of milk, and for conva
lescents, to restore the prostration which
always follows long-continued sickness,
they are unsurpassed. No household
should consider themselves safe from the
ordinary maladies Without theseinvaluable
medicines. They can be obtained of any
druggist. rreF
The frequent inquiry is - made as to
whether Dr. Harris' cramp cure and sum
mer cordial are the same thing.- We reply
that they are two separate preparations of
wonderful curative abilities for cramp,
cholera. vomiting and similar complaints,
although the latter is intended for chil
dren and infants and the former for adults.
Those medicines are destined to become
popular in all sections of the country.
la noticing the elaborate ft - oral decora
tions of the Turners' Hall. preparatory to
the, occasion of the Saingerfest societies, we
improperly credited the work to Elliot &
Sons instead of Capt. Elliot, who is not con
nected with the firm. - •
No. 41Fifth Street is the place wherean
immense stock of dress goods and every
variety of dry goods is offered_ to the pub
lic at such reasonable prices.
Cure for Summer' Complaint: Dr. ,Har
ris's Eclectic Summer Cordial is an infalli
ble remedy for this disease, and all dis
eases of the stomach and Vowels".
For sale by Harris & Ewing, Pittsburgh;
and by druggists generally.
It is a luxury and a comfort to bathe,
shave, or have your hair cut or dressed at
the elegant estabilAhment of -H. B. William
son, No. 190 Federal street, - Allegheny.
Try it. • T
For bridal tours,Liebler'No. 104 Wood
street, manufactures the best trunks to be
obtained in the city, and at Sue most rea—
sonable prices.
Drugs and Patent ' Medicines.—Drug
gists and country storekeeps will &melt to
send to Messis. Monis & Ewing for their
list of prices before purchasing elsewhere.
This is a new and enterprising firm and
worthy of a libeial patronage. . .
Paints_and Otle.—Messrs. Harris & Ewing
offer to the trade special inducements on
every variety of Paints and Painting ma
terial. Those -interested will do well to
call and examine their.stock.
There is a splendid stock of dress goods
Just opened at Bates & Bell's, No. 21 Fifth
street. Call and see them.
Wonderful.—The effect produced by 3
dose or two of Dr. Harris's Eclectic Sum
mer Cordial is truly wonderful.
It acts like a charm in all diseases of the
stomach and bowels.
Call and see the new style of trunks at
Liobler's premium trunk factory, No. 11:4
Wood street.
SPRUNG—At the restdimee of her eon. Charles
Sprung. of Chanters township • near Temperance
vine. Sunday, August N 13.1. 1%8, •at midnight,
FRKI)EItICA., wire of Frederick sprung, Sr., In .
the 7311 year of her age.
The funeral will take placero-uottitow (Tuesday)
at 10 o'clock, to proceed to Troy Hill., Tfie friends,
of the family are respectfully Invited to attend.
COX-Lin Sunday plight, Au kust 23d. at 11:40,
o'clock, in the 23d year of his age. URGROE .C)GX.
Train will leave depot of aonnellivilla Railroad at•
12 o'clock á., on TUESDAY: for the residence of his
thther, - at Glenwood, and return at 140, Carriages
will be at Use depot at the latter hoer. Friends of
the family are Invited to *tined.
oßitijg—On Monday. August 214th, at 4 o'clock
x., HENP.Y Oltiallf., aged 33 years.
The funeral will take place from his late reel
donee. No. . 5 Clark street: Pitts uurgh, on wapktga-
DAT. the 90th inst.; at 1 o'clock- p. 14. The friends
of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
IitcREAN-Ori Raboath morning. 43d lasi., ats
ROBERT - IicEEAN., ht the blot year of
The funeralmill take place from htelate re/advice.
No. 73 Centreavenue, on TuseDATi.2sth Last.. et
A o'clock r. m.
IChambersbunr, Pa.. and Fort Wayne. Ind
papers, please copy:3
MCDONALD-On Monday evening, at 9 o'oloct.
W. or. IdeDONA.* D, on of Robert, and Ann Marla
McDonald, aged 1 3 tars, 4 months and 10 dale!
7he Amend wilt take place TODAY, at 9 o'clock,
from the residence of his par -Ate, ,NO. 50 Fonntaln
street, Pittsburgh. The friends of the family are
respectfully Invited to attend. • -
PATTERSON —On Monday morning, August
514th, at 11 o'clock. ISa RELI,.A it.. youngest
daughter of James: R. and binrgszet Patterson,
aged one year and three months.
The funeral will take place from the residents of
her parents, No. 31 Morgan street, Allegheny City,
rute`AJTEnAoo.3tat.lo•clock. l'he friends of the
family pre respectfull y invited io Rend. Puneral
to protieed to Uniondale Citnetery, -
Worthy of
,Conshieratlon.—lt is a fac'
worthy of consideration that Dr. Harris's
Cramp Cuie hainever failed to give relief
in a single instance.
The most excruciating pains are relieved
by it sitgrje dose. , -
For sale by Harris & Ewing, Pittsburgh,
and by Druggists generally.
New Treatment.—For chronic diseases of
the eye, ear, hoad, throat; lungs, - heart,
stomach, liver, at Dr. Abern's Medical
and Surgical Rooms, 134 Smithfield street,
half a square from the Postoffice. No charge
for consultation. tf
Cure 'for Cholera.—Dr. Harris's Cramp
Cure is a certain, safe and speedy cure for
this disease.
For, sale by Harris & Ewing, Wholesale
Druggists, corner of Liberty •and Wayne
sts., Pittsburgh. -
The place to get White Lime, Calcined
Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at Ecker &
Casicey's, 167 First street.
No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
k FINS of all kinds, CRAPES, IikOVES, and ev
ery' descriptiip of Funeral Furnishing' Goods fur
nished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
REFER/a:CRS—Rev. David Kerr, D. D., Rev. 31.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H.
Miller. Esa. • --
Allegheny CitY.yarerti . thely C1)1. PIN ROOMS ars
conatantlyy sor;ksled with real and -Imitation Rose-
wood, Mahog_any and Walnut CoVlas, at prices ye.-
17ing trout to *lOO. Bodies prepared - for inter-
Wiens. neuron and Carriages furnished; also. all
rinds of Mourning CloodS, if required. Office open
• at all hours. day and night.
STREET, Allegheny, keeps constantly on hand a
large assortment of readyqvnatle Coffins of the fol
lowing kinds: First, — the celebrated American Bu-1
rial Cases, Metallic. Self-sealing Air-tight Cases
and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood
Imitation Cuffing., Walnut Coding from $25 up
wards. Rosewood Imitation C, :Tins from $5 up
wards, and no pain: will be spared to give entire
satisfaction: Crape and Gloves furnished free of
charge. Best Hearses and Carrie es furnished on
short notice. Carriages furnished to funerals. $4.
ing at la cents per lb.
NUT, the most .delicate preparation aver -
used for Ples, , Puciding Cakes, &c.
by Prof. Blot. and all epicures in the cone
try Sol:mop is the origlnal'inventor of this
delicacy. His article alone is genuine—alt
others arelmitatlowl.
TON HAMS, equal to the finest flavored
Dried Beef. Retailing at 15 cents per lb.
The ch.apcst Meat In Pittsbur
SHAKER HOMINY GRITS, in - 5 noun packages.
A plain but nutritious article a r b oCkireakfast
034141 11 1: 3 0: 4 a) a-11
25 CASES SARDINES, in quarter, half and
whole boxes. The brand Is among the
clwirest imported, of that delicate and nigh
ly prized If tett.
per box.
VINEGAR, warranted full strength, at 90c -
per gallon.
114 SMITHFIELD ST., opp. Fast Office
PETER SQUIRE, 5177 Oxford street' London
This Soap has been, by a peculiar prances free' -
from the excess of alkali' ahnost invariably ' fount
even in tbe purestSoaPs. and at* the same time it II
made to take up a large quantity,of Glycerine (44,
per cent , " I( 1s to tnis Atter shlystance that
ehlellyow es its soothing quality—softening the skill
preserving the ccumplexion. preventing chappin.
and the - unpleasant roughness experienced in col
weather. It is found most useful in alleviating th
irritation produced by dryness of the skin. On at;
count of it , great purity It recommends itself to a :
persons that suffer from the use of common Soars
for delicate skins it is the only Soap that can be to.
crated. It is particularly useful for cleansing die
• eased skins, where the irritation produced by ord!
nail Soaps causes so much Inconvenience. It is Us.
m st agreeable Shaving Soap that can be used, lest
log the skin dolt and comfortable. I he Soaps usual!
sold as Gly certne soaps contain little or no Glyce
Inc. It is only necessary to apply the tongne to tr
surface and the genuine will be distinguished by tr
sweet taste. Agent,
corner Smithfield and Fourth Street
61ao. agent for 'MEG'S VIENNA GLYCERIN
u t pt il d to a z IFLBST CLASS 39ERCHANT TAW
Corner ofPennand St. Clair Storni
THE B et.A.wor. of OUR
Gentlemen ' s Furnishing Goo --
AT coBT, to make room tor 'FALL GOODE
" H. SMlTH;Alorchant Tailor
No. 98 WYLIE ST., wt. Pedar'
No. 60 St. Moir Street, 'Pittsbur
Constantly on band s a fall assortment of
Cloths, CastAmer6e, Veettn
And a dreqvarty of othur failloriablOgoodi
Moo and-Boys. Wear,