B. IRON WORKS. 41. 'V rattitat, Pres,6 IT/SBERGH FORGE AND IRON Co., lIIASUFACTIIMMS or Bar Iron; - 31 road Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car - *mien Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Fratc.es; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; - Yokes, Straps; Piston. Reads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; • Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, ate. . Offloe, Nci. 177 _PENN STREET, =I ICIRAFF, BYERS Sr. CO., N-A - MANUFACTUEEE9 GP Bar, loop - and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, Iran Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, - Water, &c. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. _ _ - Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streets., ' PITTSBURGH, Pa. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO.;‘ , . .. ~ Pennsylvania Iron Works.. - Warehouse, Nos: 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, 11)ppoolte Monongahela House, ar.24:dB • PITTSBURGH. STEEL' WORKS. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ESSTABIORED IN 1845.3 ' • ANDERSON it WOODS,. ORICCESSORS TO ANDERSON, COOK a CO.,)' Manufacturers of every description of • • • STEEL.' BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. Mill, ldulay, Circular, Bang and Cross Cut )921..W PLATES. Spring, Cut and German Plow and Blister Steel. Shovel. 'Floe, Fork, take and Toe valk steel. Itallroad Spring Steel and Frog Points, Cast Steel singer Liars, rickle Steel, spring Steel Tyre, Plow Wings Wings, etc.; Oil Drill steel. . . , and Works—eorner FIRST MFG ROSS STS., Pittsburgn, Pa jvM:ds SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, & CO., PITTSIKIRGEL suL, Manufacturers of every deseriptioo. of CAST ,AND CERMAN STEEL, 1 w 1 ,4,7 6 1, 8 ,P,P1Ytt - t'll. Timm! smote% ac.. at. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 Brut Ste. 31ILLE11, BABB EiPAIUM. Gianmem r.urrriacs: . =COALE', I REUBEN MILLER, OZO. W. BARR, OHM,. PARKIN. BYRCIAL lake. CRESCENT . STEEi. irirdniKsj. 211.11 i, MIAMI( dr.P.A.Var-iN, , Office, No. 339 ,Liberty PITTSBVJWB, PA. ftl4:d4B BLACK DLABIOND STEELWORKS. Ifiumfiiistirrers of alideickptions of • SS I TNEW 0 tan and Warehonse_cl2o‘ ISA ALICCOIP and 119 and UM FIRST 9TBSETB, - "' • • - STOVES, CASTINGS, eco. %_) d - 1001 i STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL affir, CO.'S TitIIIMPH, FOB BITUMINO US FOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as :well as any. other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. `Also on nand and for see. PARLOR STOVES • RITA:TING lyrovp2, GRATE FRONS,RANGES BENDERS. COOKING de. Mir NOVELTY WORIC.S. yorrrimusGu - NOVELTY WORKS. .11.D.A*01,,VIEEE & CO., .1 FaICIITACTIIItxn OF Ili epsilon° Sta and I:puntndard.. Patent er Jrlatterm • SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door Loclo and Latches riaN T A wn VFEE MILLS. _ mALLx,ABLE IRON. &C. ' 7 • Conier` of - Grant and First Streets, -PlTTOistrllol3. ans: o 4 Pte• , . . . . . , 1011ITTSBURGIt PAPER MANU.; A. FACTUBII4O COMPANY, IdoinufmAurere of PRINTING AND" WRAPPING : PAPERS, 'CLINTON MILL—STEURENVILLK. 0010. BNIGITITON MILE.—NEW Bsioirro*trA. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, • 50.52 Third Street, Pittsburgh, P 4. 're t , B Tre el a i siirer. - SASltrub.fan 11 LE. hn Secr e Atwe l tary. l, S. II DIRECTORS—Augyst " Banjo, Jo 3Hartman, John R. Lir tngton. Caeltpaid for rater Stock. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. W. P. FORTY% SUp't. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER President. These Works are among the largest and Moat zompldte establishment - flu the West, and art now prepared to furnish • noq:ne9 NA.TIONA.L FOUNDRY AND PIPE WQRICS. Corner Carroll and SalaOman Streets, (NINTII WARD,) Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, My Pipes are all cast invariably In Pits; in dry sand, and LI feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. L. 0. LIVINGESTON.W. 11. BURT.W. O. 11.0.10.N80.17.321. IVINGSTON & CO., L IRON . 1 1 01:INDERS; MANIIPACTGPintiIOF FINE LlG.gr.c..4,.sp - rrisrn, • • AM descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas iritt_e_r4; A_g- Ilealturallmplements, Cotton and Woolen Mild NA- All7ObWOrt•Pritmirilialtended to. (Mee and - , Works—WAGHTNGTOii AVnIVE, near Onter Delsot.- , AltegUerry City. P. • - • R OIMSON, REA bi C 0.,. . . • , SuceesisOrs tOROBTRBOrr, MINIS & mirszss, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and stattonary Stearn En gines, Blast Engines, 11111 Machinery, .Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all deacriptione; 011 Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet, Iron Work. Office, No. 12. corner rirst and SratthfleldStreets. Agents for QIEFABD , S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Balm. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Itoßing Mill and Bridge Castings, MIME PZIR'~SIIIi6H: Ja2310 1 3 8 PITTBBunGS Engines, of every description. Boiler's, Oil TiEr Sheet Iron. Work. Rail road CAC , t 1 nal% lettetingt. Engine Casting. Machine , Castinga. General Cantinwi. ORDERS SOLICITED .1 3 arrrS1311J11 , Grl3, Pd. IVM. SMITH; FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS (Opposite Union lion MIAs,) THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE.BOXES, MACHINERY AND CAECTIIiGS GENERALLY .IMirs promptly and oareltdly executed. • Charges ble. •• • EBEIritT - 1k MAMMA oc115:1D3 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRIDE & RIMS. , omee and Wara!tense. 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep eonstaut4Un hand Thimble, Sis.ebi and Pipe Boxes, WAGON- 8073, OS IRONS. istraki. KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE M2!!!E=M - - SOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward lipluulty Dlethi!plirorki, • BAKUUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., lianuracturers of Steam Engines, !Work Oses, Pul leys Shafting, Grist-and Saw Mill Rolling Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, 4e. Build to order and have on hantrEngines o 1 all _ 51Y1445" CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. WREILINI BOYD & BAGALEY , Chill licii;:wili Eiiirtinis,; Soli Lathe., Z,JLTON BiACHINE WORKS.' r ESTABLISH= IN 1830. of story of STEAM ENGINES, of all Nisei and of the most approved patterns. for stationary purposes ; STEAMBOATS and STEAM PERRY BOATS. • A variety of 10, MI and 16 horse power .ENG s INES, which will, be -*old st.very : seduced price .. . . • P. F. OEISIIE. Wellwilliei; 0 Fifty tulles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. I P. R. no9:h2 LUMBER. URIBEI I ` IJIIISER i LIIMBIEDI A I LEZANDER PADI'EnSON, Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOIL SALE: 500,000 feet Dry Ptne Boards: 30,000 feet Dry - Oak, 1 and 2 inch: 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2,2) and 3 inch; 200,000 fret litmlotitt 1,000,000 No. I IS-lheb Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 1 VG Inch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 116-inch Shingles.isved;" 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, V/ an d feet; 300 Cedar Posts. Aiao, Flre Brick, The and Clay, in large or small quantities; , • ; YARDS No. 86 PREBLE STREET formerly Maucbe,..ter, and 157 REBECCA. STREET. oppo- Bite the Gas Works, fly Cit y . 33,22;173 FORT PITT lAUDHIM,COiIPAINIi - - $125,000. PrIZIEDNTAK ICT— Y—TEDWA.-21. WIIDRIGHT.DITHRIDGE BECR burzumTzarDExer—EDW. DAVD3O.24. DinaCTORB L. : F. Duncan, Edward Davison, John Meintn. I E. D. 'Atlantan, M. L. Malone, Ono. Dithrl 16: - H. Johnston. LUMBER YARD—Corner of BUTLER and LIM ERIC STREETS, Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash Ington Street. ia2e:jas GAB; AND STEAM. FITTING. JOHN N. cborza.._ JOB. KAYE lAMBI' Aura. JOHN Di. COOPER & CO., BRASS XVIINDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of PITNPS AND BRAN WONK Steg i. in GAB FIXTIDIES CorierigTike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGJI. my15:41 IRON 'BROKERS. SAMUEL m. lywiingsakm, IRON BETEER, 124 , First Street, Pittsbwgh, Pa. . Agent for the sale of Cornwall. Dough re Jo sephine, Duncannon, t3tanhope, titendon, and other, brat de of -Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and C t IS. Charcoal . • . utcr, NS. Cionslgninenta and orders rebentftdlYlied. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1868. ENGINES, BOILERS, &cc FORT PITT MOILER, STILL Mali TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, 'FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER. STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANS AND CON- DENSER:3; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; rmsox DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °trice and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Jar Orders sent to the shove address swill be promptly attended to. tah7:18.9 BARNHILL I:. CO., BOILER MAKERS • ANn SHEET IRON WORKERS, -.ICOS. 20, 22, 22-AND 25 PENN ST , • Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of 1101LE1.S in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pane, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron , Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done ou the shortest notice. 1a5:e21 JAMES M. RITER, , Nafi. 55 and 56 Water Streel,l IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE., BOLLING MILL STACKS; JAM= Y. Etsusa EDMUND D. BUUSH. 'TARED M. BRUSH & SON, itANDVACTITIIMIS OP. Steam Boilers, Oil Stills; Tanks. SHEET IRON. WORE. &O. 61 :Perni Street, Pittsburgh,; Pa. • WARING AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers in Petroleum an& its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, -•- WARING, KING & CO., PITTSBITEGH. TACK . BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Asp DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittssargh Office—DLLRELL , BUILDING, cor ner 44 Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Phila d elphia Office-UM WALNUT ST. apL_ H N. LONG & C 0.,. MAITIIPACTIIRESS op PURE wnlu BURNING OIL, Brand—"L 77C/FEB.” Office, No. 2 Duque Way, Moburgh. 6":&7 NEW HARDWAILE HOUSE. :LINDSEY, STERRIT & EIMER, • I re Matuffacturerl aindjTagrctrters of II AL RAJ WA_ IE, 337 LIBERTY STREET, eonmsn OF Iceafas; One Square Below Union Depot, AimptiI9r,IPAUIBAN4O , SCAWM. GLL4BS, 6EU.NA. CUTLERY. INA GLASS AND - • • - QUEENSwARE, E.; • SILVER PLATED WARE, l a' " PARIAN STATUETTES, 6 5 , BOHEMIAN GLASOI •ce m And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a great variety. 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO. . h'r • • 118. PRACTICAL 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS , WHOLESALE ANA RETAIL, LEMON & WEISE, • *o. us vorrfi - iirrinamm. . Constantly on hand every variety of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with a com plete assortment of common Furniture at reduced prices. - Those In want of anything In our line are cordially Invited to call before purchasing. Work guaranteed. talt2l:nl4 LEMON. & WEISE. • WALL rAPER. ,, WALL PAPEII, AT REDUCED PRICES. We *in over mar present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. • A largo assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for balls rooms, ceilings, &c., at . • N 0.107 Market , Street,near Fifth. wamrs. ILANUFACTORSILS OP PITTSBURGH, Pa PITTSBURGH, PA.,. DIANUFACTERIXII Or And SHE= IRON WORK, . For"Stetadbosts. OILS. 127 Walnut Street. HARDWARE. .--CUTLERY, etC. PITTSBURGH. 100 WOOD STREET. 100 WOOD BTREF,T FURNITURE. AFTER JULY ler, JOS: R. HUGHES & BRO. FINAN FORT PITT BANK No. 169 Woi CA ITA.I(-: 'STOCKHOLDERS IND DEALE GOVERNMENT AND C INTEREST ALLOWED Collections made on all lJnited States and Canadas DIRECT, D. flostetter, Jarties Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, SA,II'L. rileC D. LEE'S V ,SON, Cashier, KESYMIIVNIE BARTJE-, 293 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGII, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : V2C0,000. DIRECTORS. Win. IT. Ham Mom, Henry Bock tone, (Ito. T. Van Deren, H. J. Lynch, John Murdoch, Jr., I,l' fill= Espy Samuel Banktcy, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. 11.4. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. CAF DOREN. eashl•r. t :EillAr 0)1 t , lllZi WI • 81811.1 6fr 1,130:# PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, Pla" - ES33l7llGrli. C,!,611 CAPITAL Presid ent—HENBY LLOYD. Vice President..WlLLlAll BSA. TECISTRES: ' = '— Henry T.loyd, 'Hon. Thos. Mellon, 'E. P. Jones, Tb. \\'ightmanl Geo. W. Hallman, IWm. Rea, 41. B. Hartley, ',Edward Gregg, ,Hlram Stowe. • Secretary & Treaa'r—S. F. TON BONNHORST; . SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposttsmar'e on or before August 151 h will bear interest from _bat date. Interest eomnated on -Ist November and Ist May. .y3l:t7t) NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cot. of Wood and Sixtli, Sts • A. PATTERSON President. .TOS. H. RILL . Caahler. CAPITAL, : : : 000,000. - Dinzaroßs: r George W, Cass. James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed:, A. 'PattersOn. Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart., Allen Kirkpatrick. W. S. Haven, DISCOVNTS DAIL HART, CAUGHEy & CO. ?, 'BANKERS AND. BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood . Streets, PIPTS131711611; (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART a C 0.,) , • liaLl.zati , Exchange, Coin, Conpons t And particular att9ntlon paid . to he pi:imbue and sale al COVERIVNIENT, BONDS. sight Drafts on London. my1:012 N• 57-Market Street, anT"InCS131:11101 3 , 1:',6,... Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canwiaa. Stocks, Bonds and other Secniities. BOUGHT AND BOLD ON CONNID3SION. Partite'Jae attentloa paid to the raunhase and sale of United States Securities. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTMIED 1866. Interest paid on•rnne Deposits ANY I:5lrM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Ddly at 12 o'clock. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A. M. MARSHALL. DIRZCT0118: THOMPSON BELL, A. M. MARSHALL, J JOS J . . G DIIL LELWORTH SPIE. JOB. ALBUM.. . , - Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Willis Dalzell, D. W. C. Bidwell, E. 31. Felton. COPPER. LAK }I .8 UPERIOR COPPER MILL AND MELTING WOBII3, PITTSBURGH. PARK, licatiltiri & Bot toms, Speiter. Solder. Also, • Manufabturers of Sheathing, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Presled Copper .Bottoms. Raised Still Sat in, Metal, TIM .Plate, Sheet 'tea,- WIN, , go: -Con- SECOND STREET,ylttshere lm h. P°‘..."" mole. stantly on hand Tinners• Machines a,.d 'it'. d Dealers • Warehouse, Wo, 140 FIRST STREAT and DSO Special orders of Copper, out to any desired Vat tern. mvii•rasulwT „ MECH pERCETAL BECKET T ' • ramOELAMOAL ENGIENEBIL - And - Solicitor oir patents' (Late of P. F. W. it O. Railway.) °Mee, No. 79 FEDERAL STREET, Room No. ii tip stairs. P. B ox 00, Aj.I:EGIIENY CITY. 3IACH INERT, of all descriptions desig ned. BLAIiT FURNACE and ROLLING 'MILL DRAW INGd Particular attention paid to de signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVF.S. Patenta con fldentially solicited. afar An EVENING DRAW ING C T LASS fur mechanics over/ WEDN,ESDAY isms I'll. 3Et-. 3.ll3alarEZ, 2 El YG COIIPANY, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. d, Street. : : $200,000. lIDUALLY LIABLE, GOTEB.MIENT AND PACIFIC B. %BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TEES OF CREDIT,and DRAFTS a :liable in any part of Europe: DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. , SECUR I PTIES, • LD. JANES T 1 BRADY Bra CO., N TIME DEPOSITS. essiblz points in the I no. C. Risher, tobt. H. King, ndrew Miller, I lines 3S. Batley 11,111 LAN, Pres't. 2E3 ".LV pia, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AIV - Money loaned on Government Bonds at low eqt market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. Ott littzintglj Gaiittt. $lOO,OOO The gold market opened strong this morning at 144%, an advance of one per cent. of the average quotations of the latter part of the week; the' noon quotations were 145 g, firm; afterwards weak at 145; closing strong and excited at 145 g large short contracts are outstanding, uncovered ranging from 1448 to 145 g, made on pre sumption that gold would touch a price ap proaching the forties a desparate effort will be made by the bull clique to unload on the public the large amounts of gold bought up to 149 to sustain the market and the loss of the banks reserve of three millions during the past week will favor higher quotations, despite the low rate of exchange. The re ports of shipments" of coin from Europe prove to be small and ,only intransit to Cubit Government bonds although firm are pointing towards lower quotations, espe cially 1865 s old 1862, and the issue of ten forties. Some purchases are made by par ties who had sold before July at about 114 are now covering again. There is nothing to sustain the present price but the short contracts. Ir, AT u A. 1ff..1,9:0= though the market. may experince violent fluctuations during the next fortnight. The North Western shares are the only ones that have not suffered by the recent general decline; it might prove ruinous, .however, to sell the stock without knowing where to.get It; the parties who have the. control of it might run up the stock to al most anything they please. Erie seems to be on the rise, but if the balance of the market should be sold down, Erie, like wise, would suffer a &value. The weakest. stocks are New York Central, Fort Wayne," Cleveland & Pittsburgh; Old Southern and .RoCk Island are well sustained. Hininq shams are.tiat again, , and Express' stocks favor higher prices; the recent de cline was too sudden,- and the dealings in ihem being IciOrtfined `to-but a few hotisee, , they have the Inside track. Adams and Merchants Union, are reported cheap at present quotations. • "The opening up of the fall business will revive dealings again in _these kind of, eel curities. Business is dull here, but money Is getting scarcer. The New York Stock quotatienslo.day as received by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as, follows: Gold 145%; 1881's, 113%; 5-20's, 1862, 113%; do 1864, 108%; do 1865,110%; do new, 107%; do 1867,_ 107; 10-40's, 108%; Cleveland & Pittsburgh' 95r Fort Wayne; 106%; Western Union ~ .Telegraph 34; Adams Express, 40; Erie, 48%; New'.Yerk Central, 123%. Reading, 90; Michigan Southern, 82%; ' Chicago & Rock Island, 98%; Chicago & North Western, 80%; do Preferred, 80%. , —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady &Co.: Gold, 145%; U. S. 6's, 1881's, 113%; 5-W's, 1862, 113%; 5-20's, 1864, 108%; 5-20's, 1865, 111%; 10-40's, 108%; 5-20's, January and July, '65, 107%; 6.20'5, January and July, '67 107%;•'68, 107%; June 7-30's; par less %; July 7.30'5, do %; August 118%; Sept; 118% Oct. 118; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. E2l note reference• Joseph Dilworth, Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, A. hi. Brown, - Thomas Ewiror. M:= BANKER, (Successors to S. JONES &:.0.•) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BLY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP GOLD, SIL' LE AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORAL'LE TERMS tS"'"luterest Allowed on Deposits. JAMES. T. BRADY & CO. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,' MONDAY, August 24, 1888. In stocks lower prices will prevail, al- Cincinnati Market. Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.'. ' CINCENNA.TI, August 24.—Flour dull; family, $9,76a10. Wheat dull; No. I, $2; buyers were not offering more than $1,95 at the close. Corn in limited demand; ear, -92a93e. Oats steady at 55e for No. 1. Rye cull at $1;28a1,30. Barley, $2,15a2,25. Hay, dull and the market is overstocked at slla 13 for prime timothy. Cotton unchanged; the first bale of new cotton of the seaso n received in this city sold on change. to-day by J. 11. Goodhart Sr Co. for 56e per lb; the quality was good middling. No change in tobacco and market quiet. Whisky is hold at 65e in bond, but the demand is light. Provisions quiet and " unchanged. Mess pork in moderato demand at $28,75; 2110 bbls sold at.s29 and it was .difficult to buy below this rate. Lard neglected and prices nominal; it can bought, at 18%0. Bulk meats firm, but quiet at 12 1 4a14 1 ,4c:* Bacon in moderate demand at 13:1017,0 for slioul *den; and clear sides . . 'Sugar cured hams dull at 21a22c for city,' Mid 20e . for -Louis. villo and . St. Louis 'cured,. which are still .pressing on the Market. Butter drill at Mak?. Eggs, 16c.,Seed unchanged. Gold, 145 buying, Cleveland Market. CBI Telegraph to the Plttzbargh Gazette.) CLEVETAND, August V.—Flour: city made is held at $10a1.0,50 for double extra spring, $11a11,50 for double extra red win ter; country brands quiet at $9a10,00 for double extra spring, , $9,50310,50 for double extra red wintor, and $12a13,00 for double extra white. Wheat: sales of 8 cars-No.l red winter at $2,04, and 9 cars No. 2 do. at $1,92. Corn is held at $1,07a1,08. Oats: sales of 7 cars at 57 , Ac. Rye quiet at $4 44 for No. 1 State. Barley nominal. Petro leum in active demand for western trade and firm anu steady at 28:1290 for prime light straw to valite and 2 1 1130cforstauda rd White. • PITTSBURGH MARKETS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, Atigr.St 24, 186 S. 'The market, in a general way, continue dull, and devoid of any new or important features worthy of special notice. Not withstanding there has been'quite a panic .in the Chicago Wheat market for several days, during which time pyices have de clined about 20c per bushel, our mills here continue to take all the Winter Wheat that offers at former prices„ Flour is dull, but old is unchanged, and the same is true s of choice grades of new. Provisions firm, with a steady business. BUTTER—There is a steady demand, and we can report regular sales of prime to choice fresh packed at 33 to 36c. EGGS-1n good supply and dull but un unchanged at 14 to 15c. . CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged at 14 to 15c for Western Reserve and Hamburg; 16 to 17c for Factory, and 19 to 20c for Sweitzer. HAY—Is unchanged; sales from country wagons at *2O to i! , 30, as to quality. GREEN A PPLEs—Continue dull with a supply largely in excess of the demand; sales at from 2.t0 *l per bbl for common to prime. POTATOES—Counti nue to. rile steady tinder the influence of limited receipts, and prices arc maintained, ranging front 53,50 to 53,15 per, bbl. GRAlN—Winter Wheat still commands $2,10 to *2,15 for, prime to enoice Red, not ,withstanding the decline at other points. Oats quiet and unchanged at GU iu first hands end 63 to 65, for small lots in store. Cornis still quoted at *1,06 to 51,12, for mixed to prime Yellow. New Rye is in demand at *1,30 to 51,36 with little or none offering. There has been little or nothing done in Barley, as yet and no prices have yet been established; we understand that brewers and !palters are willing to contract for No. 1 Spring at $1,75 to $l,BO. SALT—Is dull andunchanged at $1,75 to 51,80, to the trade, .for Allegheny River brands and 52 for small lots in store. MILL FEED—The mill prices are un-. changed, as follows;. Screenings 51; Bran 51,10; Shipstuffs $1,30; and Middlings, 52,20. FLOURChoice brands ' of Old - . Spring Wheat Flour are still held at 510,75 to $ll, while Wier Wheat cannot= be quoted above 511 to 511,25. New Spring Wheat May be- quoted ' at 59,60 . 510,50, as to quality. Jrh6 city : mills quote as follows: Red Wheat, 510,80, in bbls, and 510,50, in sacks. Are F10ur,59,25, for old. .LARD OIL—Is irm but unchanged at $1 20 for No. 2, and 51,50 fer No. 1. PROVISIONS-Bacon, is 'in steady de anarid and - firm, - but wit the exception of Shoulders.. which: are 'a shade laigher, prices remain unchanged; we now quote at at 14% to 14% for Shoulders;. 16% to 1634 for Ribbed and 18% to 1834 for Clear Sides; and 22 to 223 for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 19% to 20, for prime kettle'rendered: Mess Pork, 530 to 530.50.' • PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSECOH GAZETTE, / MONDAY, August Z 4, IS6B. CRUDE—The Crude market continues dull and panicky, and, compared with Sat urday, prices have still further declined. We can report 1,000 bbls, to be delivered within fifteen days, seller's option, at 12M; 1,500 for October, seller, at 1234 c, and 1,500 November, same option and price. As will be seen from the above, spot oil cannot fairly be quoted above 123 c, though Sep tember, as yet, could hardly be bought be low 13 or 12.3ic. Teleg ems- from Oil City report the market very dull,both there and on the creek, with offers to sell there at 44,75 to $4,80, and on the;creek at $4,50. REFI,NED--The Refined market is also very duly and panicky, with a drooping tendency, and as is generally the case, on a decline market there are but very few • buyers, unless considerably below asking quotations. We can report a line of 2,000- 1 500 each from. September to December, orr priyate terms; 500 each September to De cember, on private terms; 500 each Septem ber to December at 32; and 500 for October, at 32. August, is nominal at. 31' to 3134. and September to March was offered at 3L Private advices from Philadelphia, under data of Saturday, report a very.sickly mar 'ket, end the great proportiOn of the sales for some days past are - reported as having been made to Pittsbiargh bfiyere. Extiart ers, it is said, are taking-hold very sparing.; ly,, which is not regarded as a favorable in dication at this season of the year. BECEWXS OF CRUDE OIL Jageman 480 P. Weisenb'g'r... 400 -LOck I hart & F... 480 13uillxi & X 24 Leech . & Wood.. 320 Morgan & Co 440 I McKee & H 160 Fisher & Bro 80 Total OIL SHIPPED EA ST EY A. Y..A. Citizens lef. C0.,208 bbls refined to F. A. Dilworth it, Co., Philadelphia. • IT. Koehler, 300 do do to C. B. Holbrook; Philadelphie. , • • Braun & Wagner, 400 do do to Waring, King t Co., Philadelphia.. Forsyth, Bro. & Co., 255 do do to Warden, Frew & Co, Philadelphia. Lockhart. Frew & Co.. 335 do do to War slen, Frew & Co:, Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. &. St.C,o., 400 do do to F. A. Dilworth dc Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale. 200 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Clark & Sumner. 808 do do to P. Wright & Sons, Philadelphia. JMcCreery &. Beaumont, 447 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. E. Jageman & Co., 150 do benzo]e to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPMENTS PROM DUQUESNE* DEPOT. Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 226 do do to,W. P. Logan ?c Bro., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship &. Co., 171 do do-to War ing, King & Co., Philadelphia. Brooks. Ballentine & Co., 96 do ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. H. W. Tweddle, 8 do lubricating to J. B. Bartlett, Boston. M. Louts hiarket. tßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Sr. Louts, August 24.—Tobacco steady at full prices. Flour very dull and weak, with only a small local demand; suPerdne sold at s6a7; extra at $7,25; double extra at $8a10,25; treblo extra to fancy at $11,25a13. Wheat —fancy lots and common at full prices but other grades 5c lower; prime to choice red fall ranged at $1,80a2,20; fancy red and white, $2,22a2,40; spring wheat dull at $1,55a1,60; latter pr ce for choice. Corn very dull at 94a950 for white mixed; yellow entirely neglected. Oats heavy at 50a52Mc. Barley, mixed; 11,65. Rye dull; sales at $1,12a1,15. Pork very quiet; small sales at $29,25,75. BICOII Inactive at 13V,,a1335e for shoulders; 17a z ial73so for clear sides; 20e for sugar cured hams. Lard; choice held at 18wal814c. Whiskey dull at $1,25. Re. ccipts—flour, 4,000 barrels; wheat, 5,900. bushels; corn, 1,800 bushels;• oats, 22,000 b us h e ls; • rye, 1,900 bushels;.barley, 1,700 bushels. Cluetuna Cattle Blarket. [Sp Telegraph to the Plt.taburgh Gazette.) Cmcrriisra.Tr,AUgust 24.—Iteercattle vet" dull and, hardly saleable, owing .. to the cat tle disease, which has broken' out in tide vicinity., about thirty having died in tht last day or so. Hogs lirm and in demand a t, $8a10,25 gross. Sheep unchanged ant quiet. Memphis Market I By Telegripb to the 'Pittsburgh (3asette.l MEmems, Aug 24.—Cotton nominal; re ceipts 3 bales, no exports. Flour is quiet. Wheat at $2a2,05. Corn at 00e. Oats at 60e. Hay at $23. Bran at 22e. Corn Meal at st,6o. Pork at $3l. Lard at 1915a20%e. Baron .firm; 'shoulders at 14c, and clew sides at 17%c.