D ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE OF THE I PITTSBITROIT GAZETTE, MONDAY, August 2,1, IEBB. CATTLE. There was again a full supply of cattle on sale to-day, the whole number on sale be ing fully up to the average of the past weeks, and while the market was by no. 'means brisk, it was nevertheless, as good as cculd have been expected under exist ing circumstances.' - Notwithstanding, as we have already stated, there was a full supply, the number of prime fat cattle was and as a consequence, this grade of stock was in demand, and those who were !Ortunate enough to have good cattle, ex .?erienced no difficulty in selling, and that, •00, at full prices. There was also, a very 'air demand for medium butcher's stock and good' stock steers, and these grades, slthough they did not go off like prime fat tittle, sold very well, 'taking everything into consideration. There wore quite a number• of foreign buyers in attendance, And had it not been for their timely pres ence, the market. particularly for common ,lsh stock, would have been much harder Vein it was. 7 As will be seen ).)- reference to report of sales, prime to extra retailing cattle sold at from 7.10 7,75 though the sales at the out side quotations wore small. Medium butchers stock sold at from 6 to GM, and common to prime stockers at 4 to WA. There was a fair number of bulls on sale, which we presume would clihnge hands at prices ranging from 2y, to 3x.. The great proportion of the cattle on sale were from Ohio and Pennsylvania, only One drove - from lowa and so far as we could learn, none from Indiana or Illinois. It is really astonishing the number of cattle • that are being brought in every week, from Washington Green Butler, and other ad joining counties , and it is said that there are plenty left. In regard to quality, some of the finest cattle on sale to-day, were from Washington County; as a general thing 'Butler. County sends more "scalatifigs," to market than any other County in Western Pennsylvania; occasionally we hear of some good cattle coming from .that Comity, but it is a rare - thing—an exception to the gen. eral The fallowing is a pretty full report of the sales. Hazlewood War stock sold 57 head Morgan Co. Ohio "iscalawags," for Foster, at 4 to 5,75; 9 for Davis at 5.50 -to 6.60; 9 for is Johns at 4 to 5,50; and 9 for Roster at 4 to 0. Stakely.it,Bro x sold. 32 head' of Mercer Co. heifers and steers at 4 to grind 9 head from Lawrence Co. - at 3to 5, It. C. Crum sold 20 head of mixed Butler Co. stock for VIA At CO,, to Fiehl at 3,75; ' and 2to another 13arty at 4. Linn sold 20 head of small but fleshy Bel ' mord ,(Ohio) steers at $6O per head. • Garwin & Co., 19 head of common Butler Co. heifers and steers; held at 4 to 4,50. - L. Rothchilds .22 head Washington Co. steers at .5 to 7,50. 0, S. Marki dr. Bro. 74 Ohio steers at 5'50 7,25. Verner & Co, .32 head Washington Co. steers at 6 to 6,75. E. Katz 2(1 head of common Tuscarawas • Co. stock. 2,50 to 5,50; and 34 from same place, on his own account, at 3,50 to 6,50. Kraus it Haas 64 head Ohio "stock at 5,50 to 7. 0 • Keefer sold 24 head common Washing : ton Co. steers and heifers at 4 to 5. Peter Hartman 36 head Green Co. heifers and steers at 4,75 to 7,25. Trainman & Lobman 75 head Washing ton Co. steers; partially sold at 5,25 to 7,75. Emerick & Co. 14 head mixed stock at 3,25 to 5,50. . Myers & Neely report 88 head Ohici and Penna. stocs at 5,50 to 7,50. Flintier &t Sheitemantel 16 head common Butler county steers and heifers at 4 to 5,50. Greenwald & Kahn 86 head prime to ex .l* tra Ohio steers at 7 to 7,75; 27 common to good, .from- Trumbull county, at 4,75 to 6,25, and 7 for Powers at 5 to 6,25. Holmes, Lafferty Ca report 34 head mixed stock at 4,35 to 6,25. - Nicholas Carr sold 'lB head of Western Reserve stock for Thayer, at 5 td 6,25. Rothchilds wholesaled 25 head: scalwag steers to Moses & CO. at about 4. James McAllister sold 47 head of Ohio and Pennsylvania cattle, on commission, , at 5 to 6.' Hedges & Tayler sold 40 head common. IsSwa cows and heifers at 4 to 5. Tv & J. Shamberg 32 head of Washington county stock at 5,50 to B,so—one extra steer, at the - outside price.' Scott wholesaled 18 head to 'Kerwin at 846 per head The whole number of Cattle reported sold this week reaches 958 bead. Now add to this 100 „ head .unsold, and we have.l,osB of Cattle en sale; and we have eyeri reason to believe that there. as that number. ,PIEBR PA 31:68* As haab r eei r ailM case for some_ time , past. the supply wasi-again -very large, and mostly common iii quality, and. in: poor condition: Prithelat Sheep, of - vihich the supply was lig*, were in_good demand, and sold - ,readily at fulf-Prices i tihile com mon and'inferior were. exceedingly dull, with a supply largely excess . of the 'de mand. Some two .or three droves were • taken for ehiprnent, and More would have been taken had it have beenthat _they were, not - good enanghlbrl the'eastein markets, lomattarhowelle4 here. As will be seen • y refer duce+ to sales, good retailing Sheep 31d at from $3,50 to $4,50. per head, and some few -extra brought 5c per pound. . Lambs may be quoted at , from $1 to $4 per head, as to' qualitylimd condition. - ! • Neely wholesaled. 121 head to Deltrich, weighing 10,425, at 3q. Garwin 6t Co. wholesaled 160 head, laver , aging about 100, to Ault &, Myers, at 3%. 1 Beeler 90 head at 40 for Sheep, and $1 to #2Y,501i for Lambs. • ' nner & Sheitemantel 170 at $1 to $2,25 ler Sheep, and to $1 , 0 for Lambs. Davis & Maegi 156 - at $2 to $4,25 for Sheep, at $1 to $4 for Lambs. Stakely & Bro. 151 1 at $1 to $2,25 for ' Lambs, and $2 to $3 for Sheep. ' M. Humes 100 at $1,25 to $2,50. - Adam Eckert 214 4 $1,50 to $3,50 for 'I -Sheep, and $1,12 to $3.37 for Lambs. • Emmell & Ct.i 250 at #1,50 to $2,50 for 1 Lambs, and $2,50 to $3 for Sheep. Seymour & Co. 150, at an average Of $1,50 per head; 100 unsold. i Bannon sold 96 Sheep - for Campbell at 1 $2,37 to $3. Woddle 100 Sheep and Lambs, at an average of $1,62 per head. : ! Garwin & Rothcbilds 59 Sheep at $1 to ;2,50. Duncan 71 head of Ohio Sheep at,sl to !,; Clark 136 head from Lawrence county, i unsold. " Ben. Butler sold 500 head of good Sheep, V) be delivered next Saturday to John Me ' I Allister,.at $2,50 per head. 1 Wick & Co. 10Q Sheep at $1 to $2,25. .1 Bradley sold 154, at an average of $1,75 for Lambs, and $2,60 for Sheep. t Emery 80 Sheep at $1,660 to $3,25. . McMillan & Kerr 98; sold 10 Sheep at sc; balance held at 3,40. ' Emertek & Co. sold 26 head of extra fat ' Sheep atly. - - • HOGS. ; There is a slightly improved demand,for Bogs, in a retail way, and the demand would be'much better were it not for the extravagant prices now Prevailing. Butch ers do not seem disposed to. invest very deeply In Hogs at 10 to 11c, when they can buy Sheep at 3 to 5, and Cattle at 5 to 7,50. It isnot probable, however, that these prises • (for Hogs) 'will long be maintained. Detroit Market. Mr Telegraph to the PlApaberzti Gazette., %tram, Aug. 24: - --1 4 1our is dull and nominal at $11a11,75 for superior. • Wheat; receipts, 32,000 bush, the market demoral ized; the sales showing a. decline of sa7e; No. 1 white is held at U,13a2,15; No.'2 white at ',52,04a2,05. Si. Louis Cattlo Market. Telearaoh to the-Plttsboroh Onzetto.l ST. Louis. August tit —Cattle—the de mand is light and prices range at 24a5V i c for inferior. Sheep and Lambs remain un changed. Financial Matters in New York. Gold Closed a1.144,6@1,15% [ByTilegraph to the rittaborgh Gazette..l NEW YORK, August 24, 1868 MONEY AND GOLD. Money has a hardening tendency, with call loans at 4@5 per cent. The banks are calling in outstanding bills at 3 per cent. Two small stock brokers failed to-day and a great many have been weakened by the recent depression in values, and further, an injunction was granted to-day.by Judge Barnard against the ,Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad in favor of the Milwaukee in' the Minnesota Company, and the bond holders of the old La Crosse Company and creditors. • The St. Paul Directors are re strained from paying or consolidating with any other road, or doing any other act as directors. Jas. W. Sweeny is placed as re ceiver in charge of the Company's assets, and of course he can only take possession of the books and assets here. The St. Paul Company is , holding its charter from the State of Wisconsin. Rumor to-day says the' Erie Company is to lay a third rail to make the road a narrow guage, so that the Western roads can run to' Jersey City, Hints of low rates of freight and fare, and further issues of common stock and-of the passage of dividend on pre ferred stock are afloat, but whether true or false is not yet apparent. , Sterling doll at 9@9X. Gold firmer; opening at 144 N, and closing at 145N@145.i. GOVERNMENTS Governments weak and lower. Coupons of 1881, 113. 1 4@)113,1; do. 1862, 113%@114‘; do. '64, 108 1 ,01011.094; do. '65,1103,1@l11; do. new, 107%©107%; do. '671063,1(0107X; d0,'68, 10734@10734; Ten-FordeS, 108%® 103 i. SHTPMF.XTS The shipments to Europe for July and August 'will probably aggregate twenty seven to thirty millions of dollars. -State bonds dull; Miasouris, 92X; Tennes sees, new 6210g6234. MNI! Stocks dull except - Erie, which has been active and fluctuated considerably; after ad vancing to 51, fell to ' and closed at 493(@49%. • The market was generally steady at close. 5:30 PRICES: Cant0n, 1 45%@46%; Cumber land, 281531; Wells Express, 2734@28; American, 41@@42; lAdams, 47(4,4734; United States,42W,@42%; . Merchants' Union, 21®21%; Quicksilver.l2o@26; Mariposa, 3%; preferred, 7(4)8; Facitic, Mail, 1003;® 101; Westerns Union Telegraph, MX@ 337; ,New York Central, 120;®124; Erie, 491©49%; do. preferred,' 79@71; Hudson River, 135%@136; Harlem, ,116© 120;-Reading, 90®914‘; Ohio and Mississip pi, 29©281‘; Wabash, 52@5234; St. Paul, 6914©6934; do. preferred, 79 1 ,1®7934; Chi cago &Alton, 138; MiChigan' Central, 119; Michigan Soul hern,82j 4 1@823,,• Illinois Cen tral, 42%; Pittsburgh, 85 1 4(485;g; Toledo, 9834@99; Rock Island, 98%@983;; North western, 803.1©81; do. `preferred, 8034®803./0 Fort Wayne, 1001A@1065 , ‘; Hartford. Erie, 213 @34; Ashbibul49B. MINING SHARNS. Mining shares dull and lower.' Gregory, 380; Smith Parmelee, 39; Diyhlson, 40; New York, 125. Iteceipts,i 3,77s,s6s;'payments, 2;447,864; balance, 87,268,693. New York PrOduce Market. )13yTelegraph to the Pitt l sbuzeh Gazette.] Nap YORK, AuguA 24.—Cotton opened firm but closed rather;quiet; sales 1400 bales at 3ua3oN for middling uplands. Flour; receipts 13,532 barrels; market dull and heavy at 158206 lower, sales 5,900 barrels at $6,85a7,75 for superfine state and western, 57,75a9,00 for extra State, $7,80a9,80 for ex tra western, 510,00a12,35 for white ex tra, 58,55a12,40 for R. H. 0., 510,00a11,25 for extra St. Louis, 511,50a14,00 for„ gnod to choice do., closing quiet; California dull and heavy; sales 500 sacks at 510a12. Rye Flour in moderate request; sales 260 barrels at 57,25a9,75 and 510,0040,25 for very choice. Corn Meal a shade easier; sales 600 barrels at 56,00a7,00. Whisky quiet; sales 50 bar rels in bond at 71c. Receipts Wheat, 6,161 bushels; market dull and 2a30 lower; sales 26,000. bushels at 51,98 for No. 2 Spring de livered, 52,35a2,50 for new white Michigan; 52,71 for new white Genessee, 52,25 for new red Indiana. Ryequiet and drooping: sales 250 bushels' at 51,40 for Southern and 51,67 for. very. choice Michigan. s Barley dull. Barley Malt quiet; Reetap Corn, 46,861 bushels; market •without, decided change and closing steady; sales 72,000 bushels at 51,14a1,19 for unsound and $1,20a12234 for, sound mixed western afloat: lie ceipts Oats 3,471 bushels. ' market dull and la2o, lower; sales 39,400 bushels at 76a763 for western in store and 7834a130 do afloat, the latter an extreme. Grain in siarehOuSe. Aug. l 24th; 1868: Wheat, 353,139 bus; corn, ‘l,- 004,686 ,litile Oats, 416,110 bus; barley. 575 bus; ina1t,..110,300 bus; peas, 438,142 bus. Rice dull and unchanged. Coffee quiet and firm: Su.gar . in. fair demand; but, heavy; sales 6,5 K bus Cuba at logaiox i c; 1,000 has Havana on private twins: Molasses 'quiet at 380 for clayed, and" 40d for Masitovado. Hops quiet at likt3oe for American. Petro leum dull and irregular at , 11No for and°, and 32a32N0 for refined bonded. Pork and quiet shade firmer; sales 1,830 bbls at 528,50a28,4 for mess, closing at 528,62 cash; 528,75 for old do.; 523,50a25,00 for prime; and 525,7 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales 170 bls at 1115,00a20,50 for new plain mess; 523. a 24.75 for extra mess. Tierce Beef dull at 521.0043,00 for prime mess, and 530,00 ,00 for India mess . Beef Hams dull at $ 00a32,00. Cut Meats firm and quiet; sales 160 pkgs at 13/0140 for shoul ders, and 16a19M0 for hams; middles firm; sales 300 bxs short clear to arrive on pr.i vate terms. Lard a shade limier and in moderate demand; sales 850 tierces at 18a 190 for steam, and -19a19%c for kettle ren dered; also 250 tierces pima steam, seller September, at 183,e. Butter steady at 31a37c for Ohio, and 36a45e for State. Cheese dull at 14a1.7%e. Freights to. Liv erpool a shade firmer, with engagements per steamer of ten thousand bushels of wheat at sd. LATEST.—FIour Closed quiet and 10a15c lower; holders generally disposed to real ize.:" Wheat nominal and la2c lower, with a limited export and milling demand. Rye dull and heavy, at 51,60 for western. Oats dull and heavy , at 7Ge in store, and 700 afloat for old western, and 73a75e for new western at railroad depot. Corn steady, at 51,14a1,19 for unsound, and 51,20a1,22 for sound new mixed western afloat. Pork quiet; mess; sellers offer $28,75, and buyers ask 528,60, regular. Beef quiet and on changed. Cut Meats nominal. flacon firm witu a small supply and fair demand. Lard steady at 18.3ia19e for fair to priirie steam. Eggs quiet at 21a220. 1 Milwaukee Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l MILWAUKEE, Auguk 24.--11 4 1 our dull and •nominally lower. Wheat lower at $1,66 for No 1, and $1,56 for No 2. Oats quiet at 530 for No 2. Corn entirely nominal. Re ceipts-1000 bbls flour, 51,006 bush wheat, 2000 bush oats, 1000 bush corn. Shipments 6,000 bbls flour, > 4,000 bush wheat, 100 bush oats, 100 bush corn. Baltimore Market. iBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Clatette.l BAurrstons, Atoust 24.—Flour dull and weak; woste , n superfine $8,00a8,75; extra 1it',25a11,25. Wheat steady and nnchanxed. (torn firm, white $42331,25. Rye nominal ly $1,40a1,45. Mess Pork $30,60. 'Bacon firm; rib sides 17V017Me, clear d0...1Na IMc, shoulders 14%c; hams 22a2-3c. 'Litt quiet at 19c. , Louisville Market. (By Telegraph to tbo Plitaburgh thicotte.l Louisvimal, August 24.—Tobacco firmer at $7,25:115,25 for leaf. Wheat $2a2,10. Flour; superfine $6,75a7,00; family $11,50a 12,00. Corn 90c. Oats 45a50e. Rye $1,25a 1,30. Mess Pork $29. Lard 10%0. Bacon —shoulders 13%c; clear rib sides 16%e; clear sides 17yc. Whisky; raw free $1,25. 3 PriTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY', AUGUST 2,5 ::1.568 ` Chicago Market. illy Telegraph to the PlttaburghGazette CafeAoo, August 24.—Flour dull and nominally 124a25c lower; spring extras $8 a59,375i. Wheat in better demand; No. 1 declined la3c, and No: 2 declined 3a4c; sale 4 of No.' 1. at $1,69a1,70, No. 2 at $1,58a 1,59; sales this afternoon at $1,58M for No. 2. Corn active; sales No. 1 at 973;,a981, No. 2 at 97a9734, and rejected at 96; since 'Change No. 1 is firm at 98c. Oats active and IV,a2c lower; closing at .51 1 ,4a51%c. Rye modorately active, closing at $l,2BMa 1,29 for No. lin store. BV.py 7aBc lower; sales at $1,48301,52 for No. 2. and $1,40a1.43 for rejected, closing at $l, . 3a1,52 for No. 2. Uighwines unsettled and nominal, at 70 aroc for bonded. Provisions more active and unchanged. Mess Pork $29,50. Lard 18a18 ,c. Freights 134a2c higher; 10c on wheat, 9c on rye, 834a9c on corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past forty-eight hours -3,465 bbls'llour, 161,699 bush wheat, 209,325 bush corn, 156,015 bush oats, 2,118 hogs. Shipments-5,877 bbls flour. 7,47,540 bush wheat, 204,465 bush corn, 224,680 bush oats, 1,693 hogs. Toledo Market [By Telegraph - to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l - Totnno, August 24.—Rectipts for the past week-27,678 ibbls flour, 29,302 bush wheat, 131,307 bush corn, 13,400 bush oats, 14,110 bush rye, 300 barley. Shipments -21,806 bbLs flour, 219,428 bush wheat, 51,270 bush corn, 95,071 bush oats 2,113 bush rye, 400 bush barley. Flour is !dull and droop ing. Wheat la2c lower, with sales white Wabash at $2,58; white MiChigan at $2,10; amber' Illinois at $2,12 1 ,4; amber Michigan ,at $2,02a2,03; No. 1 red at 82; No. 2 do, at 11,87; No. 3 do, at $1,75; No. 2 spring at 81,62 M; amber, seller for August, at $2,02a 2,03; do, seller for September, at 12. Corn opened 10c lower, but finally recovered the decline; No. 1 sold at $1,02a1,03; No. 1 white at 81,03; yellow at $1,03. Oats la2c lower; with No. 1 at 56Ma57c, and No. 5 at 55a55%e. Rye lower, with No. 2 at $1,30. Barley at 01,60 for State. Lake freights at 6c on wheat to Buffalo, and 10c to Oswego. New York Dry Goode Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazgtte.) NEW YORK, August 24.i---The dry goods market, is steady and firm for cotton and woolens generally, the only exception be ing a reduction in the price of Briggsit Co'Erprints to.dsy of 34c; they are now sell ing at 10;;C; other leading makes of prints bring 1334 c, and a few prominent brands 14c. Heavy brown sheetings are still sell ing at low rates, viz:` Rio for Stark A and Graniteville A C T; 16Mc for Lyman E and other good brands; 17a1735c foil Indian Head and Atlantic A; the 'latter is an ex treme figure. The demand for all classes of goods, both domestic and foreign is im proving, and the impression for the time being is that prices have found their le401 ) . wor New York Cattle Market. hUT Telegragh to Pittsburgh Gazette.] Nsw Yonx, August 24.—Receipts for the week, 5,583 BeeveS. 40,965. Sheep and Lambs and 18,739 Hogs. Beef market slow but pricea without material change , on last week's; prime to extra 15 1 ,01634; good fat steers and fat oxen 14a15 for medium to fair; steers 123014: POrk, fair to medium 10a12. Sheep and Lainibs in large supply and very dull and heavy, except for picked lots, which are a trifle higher; common to fair Sheep 3mas, good to prime 5a6, extra 637. Lambs 7alo. Hogs fairly active; prime heavy corn fed $10,35a11,65; medium V10,00a10,25; common 9a10; dressed 12 ;al3. Philadelphia Market BLTelegruoh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PHILADEILPIIA, Aug. 24.—Flour is dull and unchanged. Wheat dull; good and prime red is held at $2,30a2,40; white at $2,25. Rye is steady at $1,65a1,70. (torn quiet; yellow sold at $1,24a1,25; mixed western, $1,72a1,23. Oats steady at 70 71c for Penna and 65 for Southern. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. I.P/TTSBIIROII, CINCINNATI AND ST. TUB RAILROAD, August 24.-1 car wheat El liott & Smith; 6do do, J S Liggett .t Co; 1 do hay, A H Allerton; 59 .pkgs 'tobacco, Smith, Johnston dr. Co; 25 i bbls flour, John Porterfield ,it Co; 4 pkgs butter ' F G Craig head; 21'sks oats, W J Meek; 2bbis apples, W H Graff & Co; 150 doz brooms, H R Mc- Clelland; 4 bxs tools, Whitesides & Drum; 4 bbls linseed oil, J P Scott; 7- bbls apples, Ido eggs, Grail . & Reiter; 13 sks rn, Robb & Herron; 25 eke barler, JM Ca n; 70 sks oats, 27 do wheat', Meanor & ar per; 51 do oats, 12 do, wheat, F Schield; 28 1; do Wheat, 17 do oats,.Mcllenry & ood; 175 dozen brooms, McElroy & Co; 9 tons metal, J W Porter 2 cars j!vheat,F P ush; 224 eke barley, Thos Collins; 1 cars ves, M P Adams & Bro; 1 do do, W Hastings; 2 do drr, J Painter & Son; :23', bales oo ton Kennedy, Childs& Co; GO tea hams, Gel) Mitchell; 12 bxs 50ap,..1 K Smith; 5 bbls lard, oil, Dilworth, Porter dr. Co; 36 bales hay, J& W Fuirley; 8 caddies tobaceo, T I Blackbrnore;.,ls bales cotton, A H Childs &-Co; 50 bbls Wogs,. A B Mills; 10 . bbl po tatoes; Vangorder & Shepard; - 32 'caddies tobacco, Head & Metzgar; 10 bills frames, Pickersgill & Lyon. -- ' lerrissu ROB, FT. WAYNN AND ,CITIOAGO RAILROAD. - August 24.-0 , cars pig iron, Nimiok & - Co; 7 do do, Jas Wood Son & Co; 300 bbls flour, owner; 70 bbls apples, Wood worth it Davison;.ls bbls apples, H. Rea Jr; 2 cars staves, 121 ,Oil bbls, M P .A.datris & Bro; 22 bbla apples, Wll Graff. & Co; 100 WAS flour, 2 bbls apples, Culp &Shepard; 2 oars wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 48 ‘ tes hams. 1,105 pee do," 25 tee lard, F Sellers & Co; 248 bbla fertilizer, Seward __k Campbell; 67bales hay, 011 Allerton; 53 pkgs tobacco, W L Jones: 100 bbls flour. Seghmyer & Vos karnp; 1 car corn, .1 W Simpson; 100 Ws flour, H Knox; 50 aks oats, G Mcßride; 15 bills paper, lilcCullough, Smith & Co: 4 sks rags, 40 bills broom haedles, McElroy & Harrison: 2 bbls eggs, 3 ido onions. W J Steel & Bro: 5 rolls leather, G Hoff.stott; 241 boxes window glass, C Ihriasen N. Son; 60 boxes cheese, Watt, Lang .£ Co; 200 oil bbls 0 13 Jones; tear staves, C Lutz; 1 car barleY, Dlt Galway; 4do do. Spencer it McKay; 200 bbls flour, Dan Wallace; 100 do do, Mc- Clure it McKee; 16 pkgsscrap iron Mullen & Maloney; 1 car do, Tim Maloney; 100 bbls flour, McKay 6r, Bro. - , I.ILEVELAND AND PITTSBTTROR ' RAIL ROAD, August 24.-6 cars iron ore, Mc- Knight, Porter & Co; 3do do, Zug tirCo; 1 bbl tobacco, J M Sichel; 5 kgs do, 3 bbls eggs, Atwell & Leo; 0 bbls apples, Culp & Shepard; 42 bxs oil, H P Schwartz & Co; 67 sks bones, F W C Fold; 1 car, pig iron, Win D McGowan; 22 masses copper, P M Howe;. 1 keg tobacco, E McGraw & Co; 20 bxs cheese, F G Craighead; 18 bbls apples, 2 do dry peaches, 1 do eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 2 bales cotton, Carr, McCandless & Co; 50 sks oats, Scott drGisal: 25 sks wheat, 20 do rye, Voigt, Ortman & S; 17 bbls whisky, Schmidt & Friday; 1 car ft , e brick, Ander son, Cook &Co; 1 do do, Park, Bro & Co; 22 bbls apples, Vangorder & Shepard; 12 do do, Henry Rea Jr; 156 Wits chairs, Bedford Chair C0; , 157 sks oats, Robt Henderson; 1 bbl plums, W J Steel & Bro. ALLEOHENY VALLEY K. R., August 22. —1 car old metal, Martin Brickell & Co; 2 cars pig iron ' 2 casks load pipe, J ,Moor head; 108 oil bbls, CltizensDil Co; 53 rails. Pitts Gin &St Louis It It; 2 bales mdso, M'Crum &Glyde; 1 do do, Stewart StGarde nen 1 box dry goods, W Semple; 1 box do, W Barker & Co; 3 bxs woolengoods; Kir merdale &Co; 8 bales dq, '2 rolls leather, Shipton & Wallace; . 4 bbl eggs, J Andrews; 1 car stone, - D L Reynolds; 1 box , mdso, McElroy, Dickinson &Co; 14 cars limestone, Shoenberger& Blair; B L Fahnestock & CO; 4 bxs madse, W Verner; 1 car lire clay, S Kerr; 1 car stone, A J'Harbaugh; 1 Car pig iron, Lyon, Shorb & Co: 5 bbls flour, Rob inson & Co. - I A.LLEOLLENY STATION, August' 24.- 14 ears wheat.; R J Kennedy dcßro; l'do bar ley..l Rhodes dt, Co; .138 sks.oats, 57,d0 rye, It Knox (V, Son; 2 cars wheat, W McKee & co: 1 car limo, Gillespie & Co; 1 car oats, 100 bbls flour, Stewart •dr, Langenhoim; 2 cars flaxseed, M B Suydam; 1 car lime, C Lamb; 250 pigs lead, Ileyrrier, Bauman & Co; 500 do do, Pahnestock, H & Co; 1 car flaxseed, ltwer, Hamilton & Co ; 2 cars iron oro, Spank . Ch alfant & Co; VO green hides, Hays & Stewart; 20 bbls apples, J Norbert. RIVER NEWS. —The Sallie V. and Mollie Norton are plying the Evansville and Henderson trade in hot competition. Passage down to 50 cents. —The new cotton is moving lively. On the 17th, at New Orleans, sixthen bales were received by the Governor Allen, five by the Mittie Stevens and three by the Cleons. The Countess on the same-day took into Vicksburg three bales. Helena Montana, advises say , the steamer Success left Fort Benton on the 12th. Several boats wore reported at the rapids, unable to yet up. The Andrew Ackley arrived at Fort Benton on the IGth. The Only Chance, Lucia and Urilda,'are at Cow Island.. The Mackinaw boats left Fort Benton on the .17th. —Says the Cincinnati Gazette: Chas. B. Lewis, editor of a newspaper published some where in Michigan, has commenced suit in the Court of . Common Pleas of this county, against.the owners of the Magno lia, for injuries sustained by the explosion of that stopmer, on which ho was a passen ger at that time, Ho says ho has been crippled for Life, and has suffered much disfigurement besides. He estimates his damages at .$30,000. —The Atlantic ad Mississippi Steamship Company, and .du ide boats, which have for somo time bee running in common from St. Louis to ew Orleans under the name of the Com iromiso Lino, terminate, that arrangement on the Ist September. The outside boat —Bismarck, Great Re public. Mollie Ab e, Commonwealth and several others, will then form an opposi tion lino, called the Star Lino. This will reduce freight -am: passage, and, it is thought, increase trade. —The Louisville Journal is responsible for the following: A couple of good ,fol lows hailing from Bath Countyißentucky, were not long since traveling from Mays ville to Cincinnati on a steamboat. At din ner Jim got a mouthful of Mashed potatoes which was evidently too hot for comfort, for, after rolling the lump from side to aide for a while, ho quietly let it drop on the aide of his plate. This proceeding set the witnesses of it in a giggle, which was in creased to the most uproarious latighter, when Jim, after taking a "cooler„" turned to his partner a dryly .remarked: "I say, Joe; many a d—n fool would hate swallow ed that." Rivers :and Weather. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, August 24.—River falling with three end a half feet of water in the phannel. Weather cloudy and warm. ST. Louis, August 24.—Weather clear and warm: wr,tUMUBOATS. STEAMBOAT.AT AUCTION. The steamer IDA RF.KS No. 2, with all her tackle and outtlt, In good running order. will be sold at Public Auction, on the Allegheny Wharf, on SEP TEMBER. Ist, at Id o'clock P. x. aul9:u7s H. B. SMITHSON, Auctioneer. PROFESSIONAL. jOS: A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND . POLICE XAGISTRATE, Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFROH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages ' Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collettions, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. mlOhnO SAIIIVEL pIeMASTERS, Aff_a).EXt3:lA.L.N Ex-Ottielo Justice of the Peace and Polite Magts ttate. Odice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness . and dispatch. mhl6 EIISTACE S. MORROW, I\.LI)EII3I.Ii-Ni- lII.OPPICIO' JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds Mortiages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business ex utod with promptness and dispatch. Mrhi , A AIMMON, A• Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend ed to. m 11760 WILLIAM H. BARKER , • • JUSTICE °FINE PEACE, CONVEYANCER; &C., • Ocoee, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH., Business entrustett 'to, his care promptly attend ed j o S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, SZCOI4D FLOOR. Frtowr ROOK. • $p4:WlB BLAKELEY, .TTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 88 FIFTH STREET, apel:nPlk dal! JOHN W. RLDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW °Mee, Ile Diamond Street, (Omette the Court House,) rITTSBUR . GH,_PA v If A. LEWIS, • lE= ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 99 Diamond Street, mb6:uB T 1 L C. MACKRELL, .1 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO Grant Street. my24:VM JOHN A. STRAIN, ALDERMAN, - - - • `EX-OFFICIO JU I STICE OF TILE PEACE AND PORICE MAGISTRATE. Office,ll.3 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburghi l'a. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgmen a, Depositions and all Legal Busi ness executed with promptness and dispatch. MISCELLANEOUS TAxEs t TAXES The Tax Payers of the consolidated Clty of Pitts burgh, are her by notified that the Tax -Books are now In the hands of the City Treasurer, ready for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between. the Ist of JUNE and the lst of AUGUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT, And between AUDI UST Ist, and the 15th of SEP TEDIBER, at a DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. • From the 15th of SEPTEMBER to the Ist of CC TOB IC it, all taxes will be payable as assessed. After the Ist of OCTOBER, FIVE per cent. will be added; and on the lst of NoVEMRER, all ,unpald Taxes will be put. Into the hands of Oolleelota WITII THE uirretEß ADDITION, OF FIVE PER CERT., making a - differenee of FIFTEEN ' PER CENT, between those paying in July and those. paying in November. . SiirTbo, SPATE MERCANTILE LICENdES are noVr due, and should be old on or before the 1:4 of July,•to save cost and expense of suit. S. ALIANDER, Jel6:r6s City Treasurer. TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL ci,oTIL for Window Shades-superior in quality and lower in price thou the Hasfern manu facture. Another large supply of the different whithsJuat received from factory. • .1. 11. PHILLIPS jet.l4 s;t Olsalratro:•• - - 80DA ASH-100 casks in store 4,,10 for sato by .1. E. CANFIELD SON. ?LEATHER BELTING, the best quality ota Tanni34. , 'ways on bawl at the owes!, ratos. J. B H. PHILLI2B. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. - NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ON THE IST DAY OF AUGUST, LIEGE AID COMMODIOUS WADI:KOWA No. 45' Wood Street, Also, entrance on THIRD ST., Nos. 102 and 104 R. E. SELLERS & CO. THE GREATEST IBICAL DISCOYERY INI rr~ FOR THE CURE OF All Diseases Arising from an .Im pure State of the Blood, such as Together with all other disorders from an improper condition of the Circulatory system. As a general Tonic its effects are most benignant, and cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It is-purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters Into its composition, so that - while It invariably af fords relief, and effects tne most wonderful cures, no overdose could injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sellers' Cough Syrup; Sellers' Liver Pills and \Fermilnge; Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Boerhave's Holland Bitters; FOR SALE DT 'ALL DRUGGISTS. Jy9C:tBl MICH() SEWER An Infallible remedy for Sommer Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Votaltlng, Sour Stomach and Cholera Mortma. . . DR. MIS' CRIMP. CARD, A specific fir Cholera, Cramps and Pain . in the Stomach, ((female by ;HARRIS & Corner of LibertY and Wayne Streets, PURE WHITE LEAD, PITTSBURGH. PA McCOVS VERDITER GREEN, The only green , paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It wilt look better, last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint in the market. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This first class Hotel will open for the season on 51511). June. Terms, (t 3.10) per day; $.50 per week. Address H. IL THOSIPnON, Proprietor, (Formerly of Congress Halt, Cape Island, and Me tropolitan Lintel, ; Washington; 1). C.) N. B.—The music will be under the direction of Mr. CARL BENTZ. 'e2:2:rB7 PITTSBURGH, PA_ A NEW SUMMER RESORT. THE LAKE HOUSE, Stoneboro , (On the line of Jamestown Bd, Franklin Railroad, one hour's ride from Frankilp.) This house Is large, new and commodious, vvell furnished, has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered prome nades. --It is ou the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake in America, abounding in fish, and ad mirable for sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul phur surings, romantic scenery, ,tc. It is the best summer resort in the State. Address. S. T. KNlllNEDY,Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TEL LYON, _ dealer of Weights and Measnres, No. 5 FOURTH STREW', Order.; nmmntly attended to BLANK BOOKS, Always on hand and made, to'ordor BY W. S. HAVEN, Bank Book Manufacturer, Printer and Stationer Cnrnnr Wood and Third Streets. au22:u9ti TORE 11'111100SW SIiADEs, o r any color and Mae require:l, with border and lettere In uaaln or)rilt; also the plain Blue, for 'mine ne m front 3 to 7 teet e, at the ()II eloth ,W e ie ° ro 6 ems, Mb and st. blair attett. J. a H. I'IIILLIF4 WE REMOVED TO THE Directly Opposite St, Charles Rotel. KNOWN TO MAIT. IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General! Debility, Boils, Pimples on the. Face, Liter Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ifleers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF AGIENT'I3 , :-E't:Oß J. SCHOONMAKER & SON'S L AND HOTELS. (Between Liberty and Ferry streets. LEDGERS AND JOURNALS, DOCKETS, CASH AND DRAY BOORS, TUCK MEMORANDUM BOOKS. PASS BOOKS, BINDING. of every description. can be done in the best sty o of tile. art, by RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH and . CONNELLSVILLE On and after THURSDAY, Muth sth, 18£•S -trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, COrs ner of Orant and Water streets, as follows: .Deptirt: Arrive. Mall to and from Uniont'n. 7:00-A. M. 0:00 P. V. McKeesport Accomtuodt , n.ll:oo A. m. 2:051'. Ex. to s.nd from tintont'n. 3:00 P. 31. 10:00 A. ht. West Newton Accoruniotl'n 4:3lhr. m. 8:35 A. K. Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 r. M. 7:50 P. 31. Night Aoc. to McKeesport•lo:3o P. xr. 6:40 A. M. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. M.10:00 L. ft I For tickets applylt 3 Ne, AR J. B. mice, Agent. W.B. STOUT _ snperintendent. nahs eIIOIANGE'of ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. Ontand after WiIDNESDA.Y, 7:25 r. u. August 12th, 1868. TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave- PittOnrgh Station, corner Pike and Canal atreete, for Flranklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points In the Oil Htgions. ...... LRAVEI' ;ARRIVE IN' rirrsninterr. Mall 8:05 a mMall 4:50 p m Expre55......:,7:25 D int F.xpress.... .... 0:05 a tut Brady'6 3:95p ml ft-adys E'dAclo:2o a m Ist aodaWoiks ' :Ist Soda Works Accomod'n .. 11:00 am! A e 1.411101/ 11 • 7:50 a tn. 2d boda Works . ;•:oda Works Accomod'n .. 5:21) npj Accomods•n. 2:50 p m Mixed Way T'n 6:20 ami'd lava Wu3'l"ii 5:25 p Hutton Acc`n.. 6:20 a in; Hutton Acc - n.. 3:35 a in Armstrong Ac.. 6:20p 111 Church Train leave PHI binurith at 1:10 P, M. Ar rive in Pittsburg): at 9:50 A. Al. P.ssenicers taking exprc , i train' hart , but one change of ears bt to ecu l'lttiturgli. Buffalo awl 011 ltvglons. Atali and Express 'trains stop only st prlm•ipal points. 31Ixed NVay and - Accommodation tram:, stop at all tnilollS. _ TKonns At. KING, Ass't. upl. W. W FSTRP til.Pr... Tleket, Arent. .. . IDI TTSBURGI - 1.4.7:- , ---1 CINCINNATI AND ST. 1p LOUIS RAILWAY., PAN ILLNDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after SUNDAY, June Zist, .IS6B, trains will leave and arrire at the Tinton Depot, as follows, rittsburgh time: Depart. • Arrive. 'Mail Express m. :10 3. m. Fast Line • 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Fast Express 2:10 p. tn. 11:201. m. Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. McDonald's Acc`n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. m. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc'a, No. 2.. 5:25 p. m. 9:210 m. • SPECIAL NOTIC/L—Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 mornin , arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. Da. the next The 9: g 4O a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections-at Newark for Zanesville and points on. Sandusky, Mansfield Newark R. R. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. • W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. MUG . H POET- WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLBVALANDA PITTSBURGH R. R. From June 7th, 1868, trains will leave trona and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, elsy thee, as follows: Leary. . . Chicago Ex .... 2:03 a m !Chicago Ex... 2:08 aM. Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 am ; Cleveland Ex. 2:08 am. Erie t YgaM'l 7:28 a m !Chicago Ex.— 11:913 a m Cl. & 6:13 a m Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m Chicago Mail.. 6:58 am , St. - Louis Ex.. 3:33 p m Chic-wix,.. 9:43 a m Ct. & Wh`g Ex 4:38 pm Cl. &WlrgEx. I:43pm Erie It Yg nEx 6:13 pm Chicago Ex.... 1:58p in Chicago Ex.... 4:23 p Wb, &Erie Ex. 4:48 p Cl. & Wh'g Ez 7:08 pna Depart - from Allegheny.; Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a. m iN. Brigt'n Ac. I 03 ain Leetsdale " 10:13 ami N. ,13rigtm " 828 ant " 11:58 aml Wiellaviile ' 863 as Rochester " 2:23p ml New Castle "1013 a m Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43p miLee!.?dale " 913 &la Leetsdale Ace.. 4:13 pm I " 108 psis N.'Brigt'n " 5:33 p miN. Brigt`n " 243 p N. Bliigt'n . 6:28 p m Leetsdale "453 p m Leetsdale " . 10:43pm, " " 7 28 p M IQ' 1:58 p. m. Chicago. Express leaves daily. Alfir 11:23 a. m. Chicam Express arrives daily. F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. tENNSYLVAi CENTRAL ItAILRO. and after- June. 7th. rive at and depart from thi Washington and Liberty ix .4erfte. I Mall Train.... 1:15 aml Fast Line ' 1:40 aml No. 1.. 6:20 a ra; Latrobe_._4.cc'n 7:50 a m Wall's No. ".. 8:50 am. Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 ami Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Baltimore. Ex. 1:00 p Express 1:20 pm Wall's N0."3... 2.15 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 p to Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train 9:30 p m I The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. as., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:09 a. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and sixties at Wall's Station at' 2:00 p. m. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains, daily except Sunday. For further information apply to , W. 11. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One,linndred Dollars in value. All ,Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, leas taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. jeB - General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. • ESTERN PENN I KIMMX SYLVANLA. RAIL- B AD.--On and atter.May 10th, 1868, the- Pee— senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will -arrive at -and depart from the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: -- .‘ • • • Splingd'e ND 1 6:35 iniMall Depart. - 6:15 nal Freeport Ne. 1 • B:ls'a miFteeport No. 1 8:30 a m Express 10:15 a tutSharplrg No.111:20 a sa SharplYg No.l 1:25 m 'Express ' 2:20 pat Freeport lie. 2 4:10p ittlBpringd'e No l: -3:50-pm Mall • 5:50 p m Freeport No. 2 '6:081p .m • Springd'e No 2 ; 1;10 p m Springd , e No 2 0:15 pan Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train, leaves Allegheny Junct;: avail Sunday at 1:40 a. reaching Allegheny City at 9:50. a. m. Returning, leaves'Alleg - heny - City at 1:20 m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 9:05 , . p,•m. , *ColortrrATiOtt :Ticnisra—Yer sale in , packages of Tiventy,between, Allegheny City:Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharp:burg.: and rod only on the trains stopping at Stations spe . The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 a:.m. and 1:50 P.Y. make dlrect connection at Freeport with -Walker') line ofS tages for Butler and Hannahs town. Through tickets may be purchased at - the Office, :No. .3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, . and - ot the Depot, Allegheny. Yoe hiker information apply to • JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent.'' • • Federal-Street Depot. The. Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not,as.. Inane any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and t thel. responsity to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in Value will be at the risk of the owner, 11.11 , Less taken by special contract. . EDWARD B. Gerg.-al Sunerintendent, Altoona. Pa. myll QMOKIE HlLLa t tamm ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROME from the East to all points In Colorado, ealifornii, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Line and Leavenworth daily, (Sundays excepted.) on the arrival of trains of Pacific Railroad from St. Louis, and and St. Jo Railroad front Quincy, connectincr at Law rence, Topeka and %Vatnego with st4,s for all points in Kansas. At eud of track west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND EXPRESS COACRES FOR 33E111 ATER; SALT T. A TrARt And all Points in the Territoriet, And with SANDERSON'S kitILWEEKI , Y LINE of COACHES for Fort. Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Albu rersq, km, Mexico. Santa Fe ! and all points in Arizona and New With the recent additions of rolling !stock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re sponsible Overland Transportation Lines from Its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far . West. Tickets for sale at all the principal Maces in the United States and Canada,. Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SMOKY HILL BOUT4,_ UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. EASTERN DIVISION. MEM General Freight andTleliet Agent. STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN - . TEM INIIAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering sixteen flrst-class vessels, among them the celebrated CITY OF PARIS,__ CITY OF ANTWEPP. CITY OF BOSTON , CITY OF BALTIMORE. CITY OF LONDON, Bailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, .North River, Neu* York. For passage or further Inforent• - Hon apply to WILLIAM' DINGMAN, Jr., 70 FIFTY( STRF.ET: (Chronicle N Euil.tinfit early oppanitc POSt 011 ice, EUTAW* . J 13 tEI3 Arrive ~: ~'^_ ! 1808, Tralne will ix- Union Depot, ,corner -treete, as follows: • . . . Depart. Day Express.. 14:25 a m Wall's No. 1.. 0:30 ala Mail Train... . 7:50 a ra. Exl `Cincinnati . 11:40 ain Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 am Johnstown Ac. 3:05 p m Braddocks Nol 4:00 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 p Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 p m Wall'a No. 4.. 6:15 p m Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Acc'n B:50 p SwLssralelte'n 10:50 p in Nevada, Washington, ' A. ANDEBSON, General Snferlntendont, J. H. WEBSTER,