The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 24, 1868, Image 8

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Daily Prayer Meethrg—From 12 M. to
12:30 o'clock at thS Rooms of the Christian
Association, No. l 3 Fifth street.
The August-Special Term of the United
States Circuit Court, before Judge Mc-
Candless, commences to-day.
,snooks inquire:3'lf there is no ordirre
toprevent the Democrats from block- ead
ing Fifth street every evening? . '
Fire in Sharpsliurg.—The drug store of
- Mr. J. Pierce was destroyed by tire about
three o'clock Friday morning. Mr. Pierce's
less will amount to about five thousand
dollars, on which there is only a partial in
Larceny of a Revolver.—Saturday even
ing Chief Green recovered a revolver at
Deßoy's pawn broker shop which it ap
pears had been stolen from Frank ;Wei
gandt's saloon. The officers know who the
thief was and are on his track.
Alleged Larceny,—James Barney made
information before Justice Lindsay on
Saturday charging John Copeland with lar
ceny. , The accused was arrested yesterday
mon:ring and after a hearing was committed
to jail in defaultpf bail for his appearance
Surety of•the Peace.—Thomas Poll made
In before Justice Iteisel, Sattir
day, against his son, Andrew Poll, ,for
surety of the peace. The parties resil.del in
Lower St. Clair township. The young Poll
waearrested,, after which the difficulty was
amicably adjusted:
The Perfect Order obseived at the Re-
publican meeting in Birmingham on Satur
day evening, and also at the Democratic
- meeting at the same place on the evening
previous, was in the highest degree credi
table,. and we trust thig orderly dispo
"anion may prevail throughout the cam
Threatened His Wife.--Mary Phillips
made information. before Justice Helsel
t3atiirday, in which she alleges that her
-husband, Aldridge Phillips, threatened to
take her life. - A. warrant was issued fur
the arrest of Aldridge, who if arrested
will probably be held to bail for surety of
the peace.
Special Election.—A special election will
be held in Allegheny, on the first of Sep.
tember, to fill vacancies in the Common
Chuncil, occasioned by the I resignations of
William H. Dunham, of the Second ward,.
and Henry Beyer, of the Seventh ward. A
nroclamation ordering the election has been
Issued by Mayor Drum.
Assault and Battery.—Agnes Kane made
information before Alderman Taylor on
Saturday, charging John Moran with as
sault and battery. The accused resides at
15 Carson street, which it appears they
occupy jointly. They quarrelled about the
right to the entrance and wound up the
quarrel with a fight. A warrant was issued.
A Missing Man Found.--Several weeks
since we published an account of the mys
terioua disappearance of Jacob Lies, of
Allegheny, since when nothing had been
heard of him until Saturday evening when
he Made his appearance asunexpectedly as
was his depaature. It is not known defi
nitely where he has been sojourning during
his absence.
Fire in Washington County.—Wednes
day morning the steam grist and saw mills
in Prosperity, Washington county, we. e
totally destroyed by fire, involving a loss
to the owner, Mr. David Gantz, of about
83,000, upon which there is an insurance of
11,600. The fire was undoubtedly caused
by an incendiary, as it was first disdovered
in the third story of the minding, and
there had been no fire there for three weeks.
Suspicions are entertained which may lead
to the arrest of the guilty party.
• Hardware,Hardwae.—We refer our
readers to th .•
business card of Whitesides
A Drum in this day's paper. Their stock of
hardware is extensive and varied, embrac
ing especially almost every article of the
most approved brands required by house
builders. It has also the advantage of be
ing new, and purchased by the proprietors
directly from the manufacturers, both
'foreign and domestic. - The store is at 79
Federal street, Allegheny, but a few steps
from the several railway depots. Goods
bought at this establishment will be care
fully, and skilfully packed and promptly
forwarded as may be directed to any in
The Walking Match, of which we have
previously spok.en, was concluded Saturday
night at eleven o'clock 11 Keefer, Miles
having previonsly.withdrawn from the con
test, on the ground, as he alleges, that the
door' keeper was defrauding him. The
twitch was decided in Xeefer's favor, he
having walked the one hundred hours ac
oording to the stipulation of the agreement.
During the latter part of the evening he
seemed quite fatigued, and many thought
that he ,could not hold out. As the time
drew near for him to stop, the excitement
Increased. At a few minutes after eleven he
left the stand, and was placed in a carriage
and driven - home, amid the cheers of those
assembled. --- •
District Court—Judge Hampton.
SATURDAY, August M.—ln the case of J.
H. Foster's executors -vs. O'Neill Qs Rook,
on motion. of plaintiffs' solicitor, Thomas
Ewing, Esq., was appointed master to take
testimony sad report facts and form of de
A rule was granted on plaintiff in the
-case of Wm. Enler vs. C. Otto Hess and
Jacob Ziegler to show cause why the Judg
ment as to Jacob Ziegler should not be set
aside—the proceedings in the meantime to
be stayed.
In the case- of the Ardesoo Oil Company,
`vs. Fleming tic Co., Thomas Ewing,.,
- was appointed master to take general ac
count, etc.
Meetings To Be Held
Republican meetings will be held during
the present week as follows;
Monday Evening—At City Hall, Carl
schurz will speak iu German; at Mononga
hela House, after procession, in English.
Tuesday Evening—School House in the
- Eleventh ward. Speakers: J. F. Slagle and
McCune, Esqs.
Rams EoeningAt White Hall tavern in
Baldwin township. Speakers: C. W. R obb
and John S. :Amble, Esqs. J. W. 'Pope,
the campaign singer, will be present.
Same Evening—At Copper Works, Four
teenth ward (late Oakland). Speakers:
lion. Russell Errett and R. B. Parkinson,
Same Evening—At new Wigwam, Twenty
second ward. Speakers:,Thomas M. Mar
shall, 1 1 '41q.:and others. "
&fine - Evening—At South Pittsburgh.
Grant Club meeting. Speakers: Hon. Geo.
. "Wilson and E. A. Montooth, Esq.
Wednesday Evening—At John Sbaler's
tavern, in Ross township. Speakers: Gen.
• — Win. Blakely, S. P. Fulton and W. S. Mc-
Cune ' Esqs. _
• - lyttor•sday:Etiening-;-Brass meeting on Ly
on's lot, Southern end Monongahela bridge,
• in _ South Pittsburgh. Speakers. Hon.
James L. Graham and J. W. F. White. Esq.
Same Evening—At Finlay's Wigwam,
Twenty-drat ward. Speakers, Hon. J. P.
• .Tienny and R. B. Parkinson. Esq.
Friday Evening—At Hussey's 'hotel,
. 'Wood's Run. Speakers, C. S. Poorman,
_Esq., and others. - ,
Same Evening—Corner Fulton and Web
ster streets, Eleventh ward. Speakers, J.
M. • Kirkpatrick, A. M. Brown, John H.
ilamp:on, Esqs. - Pope, the campaign
-,.singer, will he nresent.• ,
Saturday Evening—Market Square, Birm
ingham. Addresses: by C. 8. Poorman,
Zsq., of
.Ohlo, and others.
RePublican Meetings.
Organization of the City Executive Com-
I The members of the newly appointed
Republican City Executive Committee
held a meeting for the purpose of perma
nently organizing on Saturday afternoon at
the office of W. C. Moreland,. Esq., Fifth
, , ,
street. There was a full attendance. The
following gentlemen were elected perms
' nent officers of the Committee : Chairman,
DaVid Holmes: Vice President, Joseph A.
Butlef; Secretary, Joseph Hartman; Fi
nance -Committee, Dr. Gilmore, David
Holmes, John W. Riddell, J. A. Butler.
A resolution offered by Mr. Riddell was
passed requesting the County Executive
Committee to make an appropriation to the
City Committee of funds to be used in the
municipal election campaign.
Mr. Butler moved that the time for hold
ink the primacy meetingd for the nomina:
ten of ward officers be determined and
designated by the respective represents
tiVes ot the several wards in the City Ex
ecutive Committee. Carried.
) A motion was made and carried recom
mending that said elections be conducted
in:the same manner'as that adopted . at the
recent municipal primary elections; also
providing, where any vacancy may occur
in' the Election Board, the representatives
of the ward where such vacancy shall oc
cur, or the County Republican Executive.
Conimittee, shall designate and appoint a'
successor to act at the primary meeting.
It was resolved that seven members shall
constitute a quorum for all meetings of the
Committee. •
An invitation havingbeen received for
the'Comnaittee to participate in the recep
tion of Gen. Schur; it was resolved to ac
cept the honor, and Dr. Gilmore and Mr.
Hartman were appointed to confer with the
German Committee on arrangements.
After passing a vote of thanks Co W. C.°
Moreland for the free use of his office and
the invitation to occupy it at , pleasure,
the Committee adjourned to meet again
on Friday nest, at 3 o'clock P. at., at the
City Hall,
Mass Meeting in Allegheny—Trentendpus
Outpouring of the IPeople—The Masses
Aroused. .
One of the largest and most enthusiastic
meetings of the campaign was held Satur
day evening, at the Hope Engine House,
First ward, Allegheny, under the auspices
of the Grant and Colfax Club of that ward.
the voteis.ef the ward turned out en Ind:me,
and there were quite . a number of ladies
present. After some excellent music by a
brass band, and a song by . Prof. Slack's
Glee Club,-the meeting was organized by
calling Mr. Henry Irwin to the chair and
appointing 'a number of Vice Presidents
and Secretaries.
The President, on taking the Chair, thank
ed the meeting for the honor conferred upon
him, and in a brief address introduced
Air. Blakely, after a few preliminary re
marks, entered into a lengthy land able
discussion of the financial question. His
remarks were forcible and argumentative,
and were attentively listened to by the au
The audience were then favored with
a song by the Quartette Club, and instru
mental music by the band, after which the
Chairman introduced ,
Mr. Marshall, who is a favorite in Alle
gheny, was enthusiastically received, and
his address was highly applauded by the
entire audience. After running over the
record of the two parties for the past ten
years, he turned his attention to_ the oppos
ing candidates for the Presidency, and
after dqwing a comparison, in which Sey
mour sank into insignificance, he eulogized
Grant iii most eloquent terms.
The Chairman then introduced Hon.
James L. Ginbarn, who entertained the
meeting ' with an able and eloquent address,
during which he urged , upon all good and
true meyk who loved their country to buckle
on their Arnfor and fight bravely until the
enemy was vanquished.
After Mr. Graham had concluded -the
meeting adjourned with three times three
for the National, State and' county Re
publican ticket.
Fourth Ward, Allegheny.
An interesting meeting of the Grant and
Colfax Club of the Fourth ward, Allegheny,
was held Saturday evening at the head
quarters, College Hall, corner Sandusky
and Lacoek streets:
The President, Mr. John Megraw, upon
taking the Chair, delivered a short but ef
fective speech, urging the members to re
newed exertions and reminding them that
"ceaselesa vigilance is the price of victory."
Upon the adoption of the minutes of the
preceding meeting, Mr. Megraw offered his
resignation as President of the Club, as,
grounds for his action reasons of
a private nature; which resignation was ac
cepted; when Mr. John D. Bally, by accla
mation, was elected to fill the vacancy.
The resignation, of Capt. J. E. B. Dalzell,
one of the Secretaries, offered because of
his expected absence from the city dating
the next month, was accepted and the va-.
cancy thus occasioned supplied by the unan
imous election of W, B. Rodgers, Esq.
Pending - the meeting of the Club the fol
lowing Committees were appointed :
Finance Committee—Joseph C. Patterson,
Alex. Postly, Joseph Shallenberger, John
Megraw, James Marshall.
I. Committee on Speakers, Meetings and
Doeumente—James Murray, John A.
Ayler,,W. B. Rodgers, Esc"
Committee on Auxiliary O , ganizdtiona—
Col. L. W. Smith, Citpt. Geo. W. Dawson,
Adjt. A. P. Callow, llobt. M. Blair, Samuel
Committee to Sub-divide Ward and .Ap
point Block Committees—A djt. A. P. callow,
Hugh McNeill, Col.! L. W. Smith, John
Megraw, Robt. M. Blair, William H. Falk
H. Sai
lion. _mini A. Ptirviance being present
adiressed the Club, hastily reviewing the
political Issues of the day, and urging the
necessity of au active, immediate and
On motion, it was] resolved to hold the
regular business meetings every Saturday
evening; and, further, during the next
week to have a ,public mass meeting at a
place to befixed by the Committee on Meet
Quite a number of new members came
forward and added their names to the,ros
ter of the Association, after which the Club
adjourned to meet at its headquarters on
Saturday evening next.
Saturday evening, pqrsnant to call, the
_Grant and Colfax Club of Birmingham held
a meeting sin Market Hall, Mr. D. C. Rip
ley, the President, presiding. The object
of the meeting was to make arrangements
for participation in the demonstration in
bonor of General Carl Schurz, the soldier
and patriot. - There was music on the occa
sion, and it , having been announced that
adveral speakers would be present, ny half
past seven o'clock the hail was crowded
with citizens. ,
President Ripley called the assemblage
to order, and having stated the business of
the Cldb, it was resolved that all, desirous
of participating in the reception of General
Schurz meet at the hall this evening at
half-past sevrn, and proceed thence in a
body to Republican head-quarters, City
On motion Mr. Martin &hearer was oho-
Zen Chief Marshal, and Duncan McClain,
William Weber, Fred. Albright and John
Zell selected as Aids. 7
The meating then adjourned to the Mar
ket Square, In front of Mr. J. E. f3oheafer'a
iavern, the crowd in the Hall being so great
as to render it decidedly uncomfortable.
Order having been restored, the Presi
dent of the Club introduced; W. •A, Leg
gate, Esq., who made a stirring address.
His remarks were brief, but pointed, and
their effect on the crowd was made mani
fest in hearty applause.
Mr. Ripley followed in a short speech, in
which he referred to the efforts of orators
of the opposition party to mislead the peo
ple from the true issue in the contest. He
bad faith in the intelligence of the people,
and believed these- efforts would fail of
their intended effect, and that the party
who had saved the country from destruc
tion by rebel hands would , triumph over
these same rebels and their sympathizers
through the ballot-box as they had through
the cartridge box.
The next speaker was J. la. Kerr, Esq.,
who entertained the assemblage for over an
hour, referring in eloquent terms to the
great fight, now progressing for the supre
macy of Republican principles. --- He traced
the doctrine of secession from its inception
to its final and complete overthrow under
the captain of the age, Gen. Grant, and tinder
whose leadership he predicted another
equally glorious triumph in November
When Mr. Kerr concluded, Mr. Ripley
announced that on next Saturday evening
a meeting would be held at the same place,
when an address would be delivered by C.
S. Poorman, Esq., of Ohio, specially inten
ded for the workingmen!
The meeting then adjourned. -
The following Committee has been -ap
pointed to preserve order at public meet
ings in the borough during the campaign:
S. A. Barr, Duncan MoDain, Wallace
Cready, James Brown, John Verner, Joe.
McDonald, Wm. Barr, D...Vanamcm, John
P. Snyder, Christian •Gedekoh, William
Weber, Fred. Albright, Charles H.. Meyer,
Martin Schaefer, John Elchly. '
That the Republicans of Beaver- county
are keenly alive to the great issues of the
hour. wastimply evictenciea By one of the
largest political, gatherings that ever as
sainbled•within its limits , on Friday: even
mg, in the town of Beaver. The people
turned out en masse and the meeting grew
to such massive proportions that the com
modious Court House was found 'eritirelY
too small for the occasion, and an adjourn
ment to the public grounds surrounding it
was rendere.d necessary. Messrs. Donley
and Thos. M. Marshall addressed the
meeting. The latter made one of the most
powerful speeches, of the campaign, mid
though his remarks filled two hours anda
half and extended beyond midnight, the
meeting cried, "go on ! " "go on! " as he
concluded his speech. The Republicans of
Beaver county will do their full "linty at
the approaching elections.
Grant Club Notices.
The members of the Second Ward Grant
Club, and all others desiring to fall into the
ranks in the torchlight procession in honor
of Carl Schurz, will meet to-nighf al-Wil
kins Hall, at half-past six o'clook, whore
torches and oil will bs on hand. Having
secured a brass band for tie occasion a cor
dial invitation is extended by the Second
Ward Club to all other Clubs not thorough
ly organized to join them in the procession.
Tne, members of the' Tanners Club of
Allegheny connty, will meet this evening
at Wilkins Hall, (headquarters of the Sec
ond Ward Grant Club) for the purpose 9f
forming into line to participate iq the Carl
Schnrz demonstration. prompt attendatice
is requested.
The Sixth ward Grant Club will meet
this evening at half-past six o'cloCk in the
Ann street School House, to form into line
of procession to participate in the Schurz
procession. As it is a matter of local pride,
all 'voters •of the ward should attend
promptly and swell the ranks representing
the old Eighth ward.
The Seventh and Eighth ward Grant
Club will forth for procession at the Frank
lin street School House.
The Grant Club of the Second ward, Alle
gheny, will form at half-past six o'clock at
the School House for procession.
Meeting, at Dunbar.
One of the largest and most enthusiastic
meetings ever held by the Republicans of
Fayette county was held on Saturday after
noon at Dunbar. There was a very goner•
al turn out and the greatest enthusiasm
prevailed. Able addresses were made by
Hon. John Covode andl other gentlemen.
Great disappointment was expressed that
Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., was not pres
ent. but as he was not advised beforehand
and bad made 'other arrangements, the
fault did not rest with him. The Republi
cans of Fayette county may be relied upon
for doing their full share in the glorious
work of electing Grant and Colfax.
At McKeesport.
A' rousing old-fashioned meeting was
held on Market square. McKeesport, on
Saturday night in the interest of Grant and
Colfax. The able speeches of the occasion
were listened to with marked attention,
and at times the wildest enthusiasm pre
vailed. The Second Ward Glee Club was
in attendance from this city, and rendered
several spirited campaign songs in very
fine style.
Union Township.
A very large and splendid meeting was
held at Banksville, in Union township, on
Saturday night. The people turned out in
their might, and never since the exciting
days of lBGO'has there been held a larger
or more enthusiastic meeting. The !speak
ers of the occasion ably discussed the • is
sues of the hour, and their remarks called
forth hearty bursts of applause.
McClure' Towuthip.
Several hundred persona assembled at
Francis' brick yard, In M'Clure township,
on Saturday night, to participate in the
erection of a magnificent Grant and Colfax
liberty pole and flag. Several speeches
weremade, and the affair passed off in the
most gratifying manner. The polo will not
be taken down or left without the proud
floating flag till Grant and Colfax shall be
irdulted Into the highest offices within
the gift of the people.
The Republicans in Etna are w:de awake.'
They had a grand turnout on Thursday
night last. Thelneeting was held Out of
doors and was one of the finest gatherings
of thei campaign. Excellent addresses
were made by B. F. Lucas,Miles Hum•
phries and J. S. 'iambi°, Ess., and every.
thing passed off finely. The campfires are
burning brightly in old Shaler.
South Fayette.
There was a splendid turn out t tho
Miller's Run School House, in South Fay
ette township, on Thursday night. Able
apaches were inside by S. P. Falco. and
W. S. McCune, Biqa., and tho RePu Wi
nans of that staunch old townsuip I were
aroused to new life and energy. Eveiy
thing looks well in that end of the county.
South Fayette, particularly, will give a
a good accoun t herself.
, There was a grand turn out in Temper
anceville on Friday night to boar General
Ncgley and J. F. Slagle, Req. '
both ofwbotil
addressed the meeting at considerable
lencth and to general aeceptanco. The
meeting was not only large but enthuslas-
CC, and the a irring Republicans of that
thrifty borough 'eve abundant tokens of
being indeed earnoat in their work.
Grant and Colfax mass meetings were
held in Elizabeth on . Saturday afternoon
and evening, and both were largely attend
ed. The people along the Monongahela
river are keenly awake to the great issue
of he-hoar, and will render a good account
of themselves in October and Noventber.
Meeting of the CoMmlttee of Arrangement
—The Progrmme aim Route of Procession.
Pursuant teen invitation :from the Ger
man Committee of Arrangement for the re
ception of Gen. Carl_Schurz, the great Ger
man exponent of Republican principles,who
will arrive in this city this evening, to the
different Grant Clubs to participate with the
German Clubs in a torch light procession,
a meeting of delegates from the - several
Clubs of the two cties was held at City Hap.
on Saturday evening, in order to ascertain
how many would participate in the recep
tion, and to perfect the arrangements for
the same.
The meeting was organized by Mr. Jos.
bel being called to the Chair, and Maj. Kil
re being chosen • s Secretary.
The Chairman br etly stated the object of
e Meeting, and celled upon Dr. Hardt
meyer. who had be .:n appointed Chief Mar
shal of the German forces, to report what
preliminary arrang :manta had been made.
Dr. Hardtmeyer eplied that no arrange
ments further than appointing his assistant
marshals had been•made, and could not be
made until he knew how many would
probably. participate in the procession.
The President then requested the dele
gates from the different Clubs to report to
the Secretary the number of men each
Club would muste , on the occasion, and
directed the Secretary to call over the list
of 'the Clubs, beginning with the First
Following are the numbers reported:
ri ! iv
First ward, 75; Sec nd ward, 50; Third and
Fifth wards, 50; . ourth ward, 60; Sixth
ward, 75; Seventh nd Eighth wards, 100;
Ninth ward, 100; elfth ward, 50. First
ward, Allegheny, 50; Second ward, 50;
Third ward, 50; Fourth ward, 60; Seventh
ward, 75; Central Tanners' Club, 100; to
tal, 926.
Mr. Patterson of the Sixth ward, said
that he had been consulting with Dr. Hardt
myer and at his suggestion would move
the appointment of Col. Joseph Brown as
Chief Marshal of the Grant Clubs, with
power to appoint his assistants. The TlM
tion was adopted.
Dr. Hardtmyer, Chief Marshal, then re
ported the following as the route of proces
The procession Will form on Market
street in the Diamond, with the right rest
ing on Fifth street, and wilt move along
Market to Liberty, thence by way of St.
Clair street to Penn, along Penn to Wayne
thence on Wayne to Liberty, down Liberty
to Smithfield, thence by Smithfild to the
Monongahela House.
The following programme hats been adopt
ed! by the - German Committee of arrange
Gen. Shurz will be received-upon - his ar
rival at the -Union — Depot by the
Second ward Grant Club, which will
escort him Ito his hotel, and after
wards to City Hall. _The meeting he is
to address will be called to order at precise
ly half past Oven o'clock. The meeting
will be continued until ten o'clock when
the procession will form and headed by a
band of music will march over the route
designated to the Monongahela House;
whore the General will be serenaded, to
which ho will respond in English.
The Grant and Colfax Clubs of the
twenty-three words of Pittsburgh will
form on Fourth street. the right resting on
the east side Market street. The Allegheny
County Tanners' Club will form in rear of
the Pittsburgh clubs. The delegations
from Allegheny will form on Fourth street
with the right resting on the west side of
Market street.' All delegations from the
south side of the rivers and country dis
tricts will form on Third street with the
right resting on Market.
All clubs are requested to be In line at a
quarter past nine o'clock.
The chairman stated that as the address
of Gen. Schurz at City Hall would be in
Gerinan, and consequently Uninteresting to
those not familiar with the language, the
English Clubs he hoped would not occupy
the hall, as it would doubtless be filled by
German citizens. Mr. T. W. Davis, from the
Seccond ward Grant club, therefore exten
ded aninvitation to all tho English clubs to
meet with the Second ward club at Wilkins'
Hall, Fourth street, .at nine o'clock. He
stated that the Second ward Glee club and
an excellent brass band would be iu attend
ance, and'he thought they could be pleas
antly entertained for an hour.
On motion, the ibvitation was accepted,
after which the meeting adjourned.
Row on Third Street
A disgraceful fight occurred yesterday
evening on Third street, near Smithfield,
between John Crisler and William Row.
It appears that the parties were both
drunk, and had been amusing --them
selves on Third street by upsetting boxes
and - barrels from the sidewalk into
the street. Crisler, when be could find
nothing else to tumble over, shoved Row
off the sidewalk, whereupon Row knocked
him down, and a general fight ensued in
which Row proved the better man. After
getting Crisler down and pounding him for
some time, during which he lost his shirt,
Row, fearing the police might get around
that way, left him and went up Third street.
Crisler, although Pretty badly beaten,
not satisfied and started /n pursuit of. Row.
At Smithfield street the parties again came
together with much the same'result as be
fore. An immense crowdd had assemble by
this time, and Chief preen seeing It started
in that direction, when both parties fled.
The Chief followed Row, and after a short
chase captured him and conducted him to
the lock , up. Crisler sucoaeded in Making
his escape and has not yet been arrested.
Larceny of a Hat.
Mr. J. J. Walker, while engaged at a
game of billiards, Saturday, at •the:Revero
House, hung his coat and hat on a hook,
and during the game some enterprising
young man picked up the bat, and, it is
allsged, took a pocket book out'of the coat
pocket, containing $4O. The fellow who ap
propriated the hat left the saloon, but it
appears only reached the side-walk in front
of the house, where he became involved in
&quarrel with a drunkeniman, and the two
were arrested for disorderly conduct and
taken before the Mayor, who committed
them for twenty-four hours. Shortly after
the officer had departed with them for the
jail Mr. Walker came in the office and made
known,hie loss, whereupon be was shown
a hat hich Thomas Johnson, one of the
parties just committed, had secreted under
his coat, and which had been taken from
him by the officer who arrested him.
Walker at once identified the hat, and made
information against Johnson charging him
with the larceny of the hat and money. A
commitment was lodged against him to
answer the charge at Court. ,
We dropped in at the Rink on Saturday
and found workmen busy in preparing a
large fountain In the centre of the exten
sive floor. From this fountain jets of water
and spray, illuminated by - a multitude of
gas-lights, cannot fail to elicit the admira
tion of the thousands who will attend the
great exhibition. The fountain will be
'ringed by a rustle border of moss covered
stones. Numbers of large basket boqueta
pendant from the ceilings, and numerous
singing birds, will be among the charming
features of the coming feast. That every
thing suggested by good taste and ample
means will be done for the decoration of the
Rink, is Assured by the Met that the well
known floriculturists'and seed merchants,
Messrs. Elliott Brothers, 116 Marketstreet,
have undertaken the Job. '
Fatal Accident on the. Allegheny Valley
We published in Saturday's GAZETTE a
brief account of a collision on the Alleghe
ny Valley Railroad, near Rollston Station,
about thirty-nine miles north of this city,
since when we have obtained the following
details: At 11:27 A. I. a regular freight
train bound north, drawn by engine No.
13, approached the curve on time, when it
met a special train, consisting of the pay
master's car and a baggage car, drawn by
engine No. 21, - bound south. Both trains
- were moving rapidly, and when the en
gineers discovered the danger the locenio
tives Were so near together that it was im
possible to avoid a collision. Every effort
was made, but the locomotives came to
gether with heavy force, and both were
thrown from the track. The fu eman of
No. 13, named Hardy, was caught between
the locomotive and tender, and a long time
elapsed before he could be rescued. He
suffered intensely and prayed his friends
to kill him and put him out of his agony.
'At last he was released and removed to
Kittanning,where he expired Friday even
ing at seven o'clock. He resided in the
Fifteenth ward of this city, and his remains
were brought home on Saturday last. The
engineer, Mr. Walters, was also injured,
bat it is thought he will recover. The lo
comotives were both more or less damag
ed. Some of the officers of the road, we
are informed, were in the paymaster's car,
but escaped unhurt.
If our information in regard to the affair
is correct, it is quite evident that the ac
cident was the result of carelessness on the
part of Some one, whether the party in
charge of the special train, or the engineer
of the regular train, we are unable to say.
It Is alleged that the special train was run
ning on the time of the regular train, and
that it had not been announced, which, if
so, is not only culpable carelessness but
highly criminal, as a collision would be the
naturalzeonsequence of such carelessness.
A Home Educational Institute and Who
Recommend Its Faculty.
The first session of the Pittsburgh Male
and Female Seminary, Nos. 22 and 24 Fifth
'street, will open on Monday, September
7th. - The course of study will be exten
sive, and - will" embrace all the English
branches, German, French, Book Keeping,
etc. Special attention will be given to the
English branches, as they are the founda
tion of a solid education. and in this depart
ment able and experienced instructors
have been employed. The Principal, Prof.
L Gourley, will spare no efforts to make
the school second to none in the State, and
his former success leaves no doubt of the
result. The male and female departments,
it may be proper to say, will be separate.
The Principal can be seen daily at the
rooms on Fifth street. Few gentlemen of
this community could secure such hearty
and unqualified endorsement as the fol
lowing from our leading educators and
Knowing Prof. H. I. Gourley to be an
earnest, energetic and suzcessful teacher, as
well as a gentleman and scholar, we heart
ily commend him, and the seminary which
he is about to open, to the favor and patron
age of the people:
George J. Luckey, Superintendent of the
Pittsburgh Public Schools. Principles of
City Schools—C}. N. Moore, First ward; J:
N. Stephenson, Third and Tenth wards; J.
M. Logan, Fourth ward; Andrew Burtt,
Fifth ward; L. H, Eaton, Eighth ward; R.
H. Kelly, Thirteenth ward; J. P. Andrews,
Fourteenth ward; L. R. Groves, Twenty
second ward; J. B. Irvine, Twenty-third
ward; James B. D. Meads, Second ward;
David Dennison, (formerly) Third ward; J.
A. Snodgritss, Hebrew School, Pittsburgh;
R. M. Sloan, Editor of the School Casket,
Pittsburgh ; Fulton Phillips, Principal
Fourth Ward Public Schools, Allegheny;
James E. Stevenson, (former) Principal
Second ward Publ;c Schools, Allegheny;
and the following well known Attorneys :
T. Ewing, Robt. Woods, Thos. Leazer, E.
H. Russell, W. D' Moore, Thos. McKelvey,
H. 1H McCormick, J. 11. Miller, A. M.
Brown, E. A. Montooth, G. A. Cochran,
John M. Kirkpatrick, S. Fulton, Col. Alex.
Hilands. •
The Benniughoff Robbery Four More
The Titusville Het aid says: The-interest
in the I3enninghoff robbery, upon which so
much has been said and written, has by no
means subsided in this section; but, on the
contrary, it has been kept in a very lively
state by occasional rumors of new "strikes"
by the police - and detectives, and by re
ports about the condition, prospects and
intentions of the robbers who are in dur
ance vile at Franklin. Reports have been
circulated within a week or two to the effect
that the police were about to secure parties
implicated in the robbery, about whom the
public had heard nothing, and the move
ments of certain officers who were thought
to be working up a new case were watched
closely. Yesterday these rumors took de
finite shape, three men who have been
working as engineers in the vicinity of
Bull Run having been arrested on the
charge of having participated in the rob
bery. It appears that some time since De
puty Sheriff Kinney, of Petroleum Centre,
got hold of a clue to what is alleged to be the
gang which perpetrated the robbery,
which is wholly unconnected with that
which was led by Jim Sager, of Sieger
town. From time to urns Mr. Kinney has
succeeded in obtaining the information
which led to the arrest above mentioned.
The names of the parties are suppressed at
the request of their friends. The full par
ticulars attending the implication and ar
rest have not yet transpired.
Beligerant' Barbers
Edward Inger made information before
Mayo. Drum, Saturday morning, charging
Henry Blackmer° with aggravated assault
and battery. The parties are colored bar
bers and reside in Temperanceville.
Bluckmore was arrested and had a partial
hearing before the 'Mayor_ He states that
he had been left in charge of a barber shop
in 'Demperanceville, • belonging to his son
invlaw. Inger was employed in the shop,
but yesterday he came to work consider
ably intoxicated. He was ordered out of
the shop, and upon refusing to obey, "suf
ficient force" to eject him was used. Inger
was badly beaten , about the _face, an ugly
cut being apparent on the chin„while both
eyes wero swollen so much as-to seriously
interfere with his facultyof seeing. Black
more denied having inflicted the injuries,
and asserted that Inger must have been in
another difficulty. Blackmer° was held
for a a further hearing.
In new Quarters.
The Delifield Mission Sabbath School
yesterday was opened for the first
time in. the now and elegant church
edifice recently erected. `The scholars wore
much delighted with the change from the
humble quarters they had left. A number
of zealous christian ministers and laymen
made short addresses to the scholars pre
paratory to the re-organization of the
classes. The school now. numbers about
one hundred and fifty as brig , ‘t-eyed and
Intelligent children as can be mustered to
gether in the city, and under the tuition
and care of such philanthropic gentlemen
as Messrs. Dilison, Carlisle, Loyd, McMas-
ter, Lawton and others, the pupils cannot
fail to grow up worthy ornaments to society
and religion.
Grunt Tanner Club—Ten new styles of
caps and capes, at Pittock's, oprosite P. 0.
Illuminate To-Nlght.—Torehes and Chi
nese lanterns by the dozen, hundred or
thousand, at Pittock's, opposite P. 0.
Hydraulic Cow Milker s —A complete enc.
sees. Bee advertisement in mother coolumn.
The-Greatest Bargains.
Go to 82 M - arket street , and satisfy your
self that you can buy the cheapest goods in
this city. As all goods are warranted as
represented, or money refunded, no Arson
runs any risk in buying goods at this house.
All piece goods will be cut free of charge if
desired. Go to 82 Market street 'and look
at the greatest variety of
. goods ever
brought to this market. Cassumeres from
65 cents up, Beaver from $2,00 up. Ready
made winter suits from s7,ooup. A very
large lot of military overcoats, pants and
blouses; also boys clothing and gents fur
nishing goods at astonishingly low prices.
Call and examine for yourself. We make
no charge for showing goods, but go there
before purchasing elsewhere, as you will
q'save from twenty to thirty per cent. by
baying here. Don't forget the number, 112
Market street. . B. OPPENHEIMER.
Grant Tanner .Club—Ten new styles of
caps and capes, at Pittock's, opposite P. 0.
Mumluate To-Night.—Torches and Chi
nese lanterns by the dozen, hundred or
thousand, at Pittock's, opposite P. 0.
Hydraulic Cow 1111lker.—A complete sno-
Cess. See advertisement hi anotfier colmnn.
The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver 011
lin the world, manufactured from fresh,
!healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is per-
fectly pure and sweet. Patients who have
once taken it can, take none other. Ask
for "Hazard and CaswelPs , Cod Liver Oil,"
manufactured by Caswell, Hazard dc Co.,
New York. Sold by all druggists. la
New Treatment.—Por chronic diseas'ei el
the eye, ear,. head, throat, lungs, heart,
stomach, liver, &c., at Dr. Aborn's Medical
and Surgical R00m5,134 - Smithfield street,
half a square from the Postoffice. No charge
for consultation. tf
Grant Tanner Club—Ten new styles of
caps and capes, at Pittock's, opposite P. 0.
Illuminate To-Night.—Torches and Chi
nese lanterns by the dozen, hundred or
thousand, at Pittock's, opposite P. 0.
The place to get White Lime, Calcined
Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at Ecker di
Caskey's, 167 First street.
Hydraulic Cow Idilker.—A complete sins;
cess See advertisement in another column.
STEWART—On Faturday morning, August 22, at
7 o'clock, CIIAIti.F.SSNYLPF.I2, infant son ofAlleA
and Margaret Stewart.
HUFF—L=aturday morning, at 4. o'clock, EDWLNI ;
II 01 , F, In the 43d year of his age.
McEEAN—On Sabbath morning, 23d inst., at 3.
o'clock, ROBERT NeKEAN, In the 61st Tear or
his age.
The funeral will take place from hlslat e residence,
No. 73 Centre avenue, on TCEBDAY, 25th met., at
2 o'clock r. i.
Whamberaburg, Pa., and Port Wayne, ' Intl„
papers, please copy.]
No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
FINS of all kinds, CR G
APES, LOVES, and ev.
ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods fur.
nished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
Iturutuotcus—Rev. David Kerr, D. D., Rev. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H.
Miller, Eat.
Allegheny City:..where their COI. ;IN ROOMS are
constantly supplied with real and imitation Rose
-wood, Mahogany and Walnut* Collins, at prices va
rying from $4 to *lOO. Bodies prepared for inter
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished; also, all
6.lnd sof Mourning tioudS, if required. °Moe open
at all hours. day and night.
hT EBT, Allegheny, keeps cot stantly on band a.
large assortment of ready•made Coffins of the fol
lowing kinds: First. the celebrated American Bu
rial Cases, Metallic Self-sealing Air-tight Cases
and Caskete, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood
Imitation Curdus. Walnut Collins 'ruin $25 up
w:trds. Rosewood Imltatiort C. Irina from $5 up
wards, and no palni will he spared to give entire
satisfaction. Crape and Gloves furnished free of
charge. Best Hearses and Carriages furnished on
short n °LI et . Carriages furnished to funerals. $4-
PETER SQUIRE, 277 Oxford street' London
This Soap hag been, by a peculiar process, freed
from the excess of alkali aLoost invariably found
even in the purest Soaps. and at the same time it Is
made to take up a large quantity of Glycerine (40 -
per cent. It is to tats latter substance that it
chiefly owes its soothing quality—softening the skin,
preserving the complexion, preventing chapping
and the untileas.nt roughness experienced itt cold
weather. It Is found must useful in alleviating the
irritation produced by dryness of the skin. On ac
count of its great purity it recommends itself to all
persons that suffer from the use of common Soaps;
for delicate skins it is toe only leoap that can be tol
erated. it Is pntrticularly useful for cleansing db.-
eased skins, where the Irritation produced ti] ordi
nary Soap' causes so much Inconvenience. It is the
m st agreeable Shaving noap that can be used, leav
ing the skin sot t and comfortable. he boapa usually
sold as Glycerine soaps contain little or nu Ottcer
ine. It is only necessary to apply the tongue to the
surface and the genuine will be distinguished by the
sweet taste. Agent, -
SIMON J - 01:11VST ON,
Zorner Smithfield and Fourth Streets.
SOAP. anls:rra
'to tmilik,fl
Corner of Penn and St Clair Streeto.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods.
AT COST, to make room zur FALL GOODPO
H. SMITH, Merck ant
No. 98 WYLIE ST.. eor. Fedora.
Ho. 50 St.. Clair Street, Pittsburgh.
Constantiy on band, a full usortment of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting's,
And a ere .t variety of other faiationa We goods, for
Men and Boye' Wear.