I. Cljt Cra;ittt. PUBLISEBD DAILY, BY PINNIKAIJ I REED & CO., Proprietors. ~. F. IL PENNIMAN. JOSIAH RING, T. P. HOUSTON, _ N. P. REED. Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plttspargh, Allegheny and Allegheny • r County. Terms—Dail . ' Semi-Weekly.f WeSlely. , o ne y,r t r.... Is CO one year.V.soiSinglecoliy....sl.+so One moot . ',.;, Six tilos . I.N) , 5 coples, each. 1.25 .1 the week ' 1 Three mos 75110 " .• 1.15 (fromo ca rer.) —undone to Agent: ; . MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 188 N tional Union Republican Ticket. • ' • NATIONAL. PrsidentL—lTLY§SES S. GRANT • Vice President--SCHUYLER COLFAX. . - PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. AT LARGE. G. hiORRISO COATES. of Philadelphia. THOS. M. lISHALL, of,Pittaburgtt. 'District. I. W. H. BARNES, Jl3. SAMUEL SNOW, 2. W. J. POLLOCK, 114. B. F. WAGONSELLEn. 2. RicuARD WILDEr. 115. CIIAS. H. MILLER, 4. G. W. HILL, •16. JOHN STEWASIT, 6. WATSON P. MCGILL, 117. GEORGE W. ELSLID, 6. J. 11. BRINGIRTRST, IS. A. G. IIL3IBTEAD, - 7. FRANK C. HEATuN, !19. JANES SILL, • 8. ISAAC ECKEHT, ; 20 . R. C. J O IINSON; , - 8. MORRIS HOOPER, 21..1. /I• 10. DAVID bi. RANK, - GYM. FREW, • .11_ Was. DAVIS, !'.13. A. W.' CRAWFORD, 72. W. W. RETCHIDJ, 121. J. S. RLITA.N. STATE. Auditor General-4. F. lIARTRANFT. ASurveyor General—J. M. CAMPBELL. DISTRICT. Congress, 22d Dist.—JAS. S. NEGLEy. 23d Dist.—DARWIN PHELPS. COUNTY. State Senate—JAMES L. GRAHAM SEMBLY. GEORGE WILS AS ON,' M. S. HUMPHREYS, qEO. F. MORGAN, VINCENT.MILLER, JAMES TAYLOR, (SAMUEL KERR. District Attorney—A. L. PEARSON. Ass't District Attorney—J. B. FLACK.. .Controtier—HENßY LAMBERT. Cominissioner--JONA.THAN NEELY. Surveyor—H. L. MoCULLY. County Hoine Director—J. G. MURRAY. CITY. Mayor—JARED M. BRUSH. Ccmtrotter—ROßT. J. McGOWAN. Treasurer—A. J. COCHRAN. Headquarters Republican County Com mittee, City Hill, Market Street. Open every day. County Committee meets every Wednesday, at 2 P. M. EVE rich r on the inside pages of this morning's GAZETTE—Second Page: Ephem eris. Third and Sixth Pages, Financial, Produce and ather Markets, Rtver Hews, §-c. Seventh Page: Ladies Forty Years Ago, The Morn and the Weather, Cattle . Diseasein Neto York, Trans-Atlantic Gossip. GOLD closed in New York Saturday at 144 i. • VALLANDIGIUM is repudiated by the hon est, Union-loving Democracy of his dis trict. Gen. VANDEVEER and hundreds of others have promptly repudiated the traitor, and announce their intention to "vote as they shot"—against rebels in every guise,, now and hereafter for all time to come. 11 3.loxsTmt 31Ass ATP.Prnio of the "Boys in Blue" is designed to be held, probably at Philadelphia, about the Ist of October. It is said to be the intention "to make this !demonstration the largest and grandest assemblage of veterans since the famous review in Washington at the close of the war." THE Ebensburg Alitighenian, after a brief suspension, has resumed publication and comes to us as bright and smiling as ever. J. TODD HUTCH:M/30N, its former editor, and ED. JA-AIES, haye assumed the editorial duties, and they will undoubtedly sustain the high reputation the Alleghenian has ever enjoyed.. We wish the pager long life and prosperity. ISRAEL/TES, who are entreated by the Democracy to vote against General GRA.) iT, upon the talk charge against him of the proscription,of their race, will do well to re member that - the Tennessee Democracy killed one of their brethren, Mr. BIERFIELD, at Franklin, the other day because he was a Union-man, and that a leading Democrat ic paper at Nashville justifies his murder on Scriptural grounds: VEILY FEW of the stump -orators battling for the success of the Democratic party care to enter into any argument on what they style in general terms the "bond question." They skim the surface, cover' difficult problems with high sounding phrases and cleverly rounded periods, but never once reach the heart of the subject. The in stincts of men are honest, and these orators -- fear to go into the truth of the questions which enter the canvass. THE cattle-disease has broken out, with fatal virulence, in the vicinity of Cincin nati, one daify-man having Most his entiFe stock of, cows, and its early development among the native stock at many Eastern points is anticipated.. The farmers of Illi nois, who have been sufferers in this way, intend to proceed against the railway com panies for the violation rof an express law of that State, which prohibits the transpor tation of such cattle. They have also taken measures to hold the importers of the Texas cattle responsible, and have succeeded already in recovering $5,000 from one dealer at Kankakee. • • VE-astonT holds her _election on. Septem -ber Ist, one week 'from to-morrow. State officers and Congressmen are to be chosen. Gov. Pam; who Is to be re-elected, had 20,184 majority hust year- It will swell next week to the even twentY-five thousand.. California holds her Congressional election on the Bth, one week later; , of the three present members; but one is a Republican; 'bat there is reason to hope for the election of two this year. - Three weeks from to-day, September 14the _Vain chooses .• p. i "P I 4F 1 , * 6 - _ • ! Fi":e: " 1. 2. I 1.5X26 3. I 1.5.X2*S 4. 1.5X28 It. I Mean. The flanging qualities of this plate were tested and proved to he very superior. BENJAMIN ritAwForta; Special Agent Treasury Department. How a Veteran will Vote. _ At the meeting of the First Ward Grant Club, Allegheny city, on Friday night last, a veteran gentleman, aged seventy five years, came forward and said he want ed to join the Grant and Colfax Club. He had been a Democrat all his life; had never voted any other ticket; but he could not now, in the hour of the nation's ex tremity, vote the tickets of the enemies of his country. His mime is Cornelius—a name well known in this county, and hon ored by all who know it. • IS YOUR DISEASE RHEUMATISM Many persons. supposing they are suffering front thl2 dl•ease. have apriled Linaments, Plasters and other Rheumatic Remedies without obtaining any relief, when In fact the cause of pain is a derange ment of the Kidneys. These are small organs. but very Important, and anyobstruction or Interference with Its functions are indicated by pain In the back awl loins, languor and weakness. dinlculty In avoid ing and unnatural color of the urine. A Diuretic should t once be resorted to. pit. - SABGENT'S Liuretic or Backache Pills Can be relied on for these purposes: they bare a direct Influence on the cells of the - kidneys, assists nature In relieving them of any foreign particles, and mutates them to a healthy and vigorous ac tion Dr. Sargent's Backache Pills Contain nothing Injurious, being composed of en tirely Tegetable remedies: they do not sicken nor gripe—on the contrary they act as a gentle tonic and restores tone to the system, They are recommended by all who who hare tried them. Pries 50 Cents Per Box. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Sole proprietor, 61EORGE A. KELLY, Wholesale 'Druggist, 37 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH THE - BODY RENEWED. According to Physiologists, the human body Is renewed once In 'seven years. Every dal, every hour, every moment, the flesh, the cartilage, bone and muscle of the frame are wasting away, and be ing Imperceptibly replaced by new material. Health depends upon the nature of that material, and whether it shall be pure or diseased, full of vitality and elasticity„or feeble and flaccid, depends mainly upon Sloe action of the stomach. In warm weather the waste' f the system is very rapid, and If It is not no rapidly repaired by the great sustain inz organ, the consequence is debility, emaciation and decay. It Is. therefore, of paramount import ante that the stomach be kept In a vigorous condi tion at this trying Season. and the safest, surest and best tor lc that can be employed for that purpose is HOSTET f ER'S BITTERS. This incomparable vegetable stomachic gives unwon.ed energy to the digestive powers, promotes the conversion of the food Into healthful blood, (ishtails, so to speak, the raw Material of all the solid portions of the bttdy,) and thereby puts the system In the , best possible state of defence against epidemic or other diseases. The strong require it to keep up their strength; the weak, to re-Invigorate them. It consists of the pu rest of all diffusive stimulants, charged with the Juices and extracts of the most genial roots and herbs, and is a - permanent restorative—not a mere temporary excitant. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the bowels and the liver, and Is the best known remedy for d3spepsia, biliousness, cos tiveness and general debility. CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE EAR. In observations and notes taken by Dr. KEYSER, of this city, on the various diseases of the ear, he saya that nine out of ton cases could be cured in their inciplencir if application were made to some responsible and competent aural surgeon. The Doctor quotes frem the opinion of Wilde, a well known aural surgeon, who slips: "I fear not to re. terate the assertion which I made on several for- mer occasions, that If the disease of the ear were as well studied or understood by the generality of practitioners, and as early attended to as those of the eye, it, would be found that they were last as much within the pale'of scientidelreatment. a Deafness is in coalition and ad - distressing an in firmity, and when of long standing so incurable, that we cannot too strongly tkrgt*.all medical practi tioners to make themse yes fainfilar with the treat ment of the diseases of the ear. * The Doctor says that nearly all annoying Dis charges, Buzzings and Morbid Growths peculiar to the organ of the hearing, some of which had lin gered through a score or two of years, can be cured or ameliorated by proper treatment. DR. KEYSER'S ktErsIDE NT OFFICE for LUNG' EXAMINATIONS AND THE TREATMENT or OBSTINATE CHRONIC DISEASES, 190 PENN STREET — . PITTSBURGH, PA. (MOO !sours iron 9A. UNTIL 3r. is. Augutls9t. UM. tilM 39 I 35,700 35 35 85) 35 36 V 2.5 39 343,575 : 10 ; DUO 35 f 38.000 I 91,538 91,933 94.679 93 . 7112 54,615 197,435 .. 93 9,6 ANTesa ED- MEN seeking bAi l sji. s • P RI , C H see tig m HOLLOW LASH A I n u tea, - make a fourth mure butter, and of l a better quality, than by the old process. Live men,t having.42o to Invest, can make a good arrangt meat by calling soon J. C. TILTON, No. 10;6 ST. CLAIR ST. WANTED—AII who are friend ly to the Medical Treatnens- of A. FALCO NER. to call at once at the old Medical 011 Ice, Law,. ren , eville Oros , Store, established 13 years. NIV A 11 TED—PURCHASER—For an Interest in an established business on Fifth street. Terms- $5OO cash. $5OO In tour and $5OO In six months. Address BUS 11, this office. 910 LET--TWO FRAME DWEL LINGS, of fire rooms each. haR arid attic, :.ituate on thecorner of• Manhattan and Pay etfe strt ets. sth Ward, Allegheny City Enquire of ;ti. D. -ROTH r.IO.IEL, Attorney-at-Law. No. 114 _ Fifth street. Pittsburgh. (Mee hunts 10 to 1* A. M. and 2 to I- T. M. TO LET — DWELLING.—A very desirable Dwelling, nearly new. containing seven rooms and finished attic. with all modern Im provements. Rent reasonable. Apply to WM. WALKER, 66 Bc:w le street, Allegheny. • LET—ROOM.—A very desira i_ ble FRONT ROOM. for .gentlemen's sleeping room. with or without boarding. at No. 34 RAND S first door from blonde Works. Terms moderate. TLET= . DWELLING---Contain y ing hall and nine rooms. at low rent of $350 per annum. Located on Second street, near Grant. Enquire of A. C. PATTERSON, 73 Grant street. TBT F _ OR SALE—BUSINES.S.—A wel l established and paying business, on one ofthe best business streets of Pittsburgh. Easily man aged, with a moderate capital. Oood reasons for selling. Address BOX 2154, Pittsburgh P. tt. FOR SALE—AT HOBOKEN STA— TioN.—Lot s for sale at this very dessrable location. Persons desiring Sr., secure a home for themselves would do well to examine this property before purchasing any place else . You can do so by R calling at the office of . ROBINSON. 25 Federal street, Alletn, ny City, who will take any person to examine thr property free of charge. FOR SALE-RARE CHANCE._ PLUMBING AND,DAS LING ESTAB LISHMENTI—A: • good - stand and store. together with fixtures, good will, de,. of a PLUMBING and OAS FirriNti EsTABLISLIMEza. doing a good business, Is offend for sale. The above Is situated to a good place for business. Having engaged In other business. tile proprlctor'offers this establish rnent at a bargain. For particulars, &c., Call at No. 105 WOOD brBBF.T, Pittsburgh, Pa FOR SALE—A Beautilul Build- ING LOT. containing 4 . acres. with the priv ies° of 6 acres. situated on Mount Hope, at V Run Station, P. Ft. W. &C. It. adjoining proper ty or Alex. Taylor, Wtn. Nelson, V. in. Itlchardson and oth rs. This Is one of .the most commanding views In the vicinity of the two cities, and within 3 minutes , walk f the station. Enquire at 361 Lib erty street, or at-the residence of Air. ALEX. TA.Y. LOlt, near the premises. FOR SALE.—HORSES.—At HOW- /Liar • s LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, one Sue MIL' HORSE Bay); three DAPPLE GREY HORSES: one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE,* three BLACK MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET. near Monongahela Honae. Horses bought. and wild on comm lesion. VOR SALE - -WAGONS.—One La covered;i!s Wagoni,one 2 horse Peddler Wagon, One 1.-horse liougn Wagon, with barrel rect. Apply to J.ll-1N DYkR, Jr.. corner Ridge, street and Allegheny avenue, Allegheny. O LOAN.—S4,OOO to Loan on Bowl and Mortg4ge Apply to or addro3ll P. X., No. 83 rlith street. B` NO TICES—" To Let," • 'For Sale, ,, "Lott,' "Want!," ''Found, ,, "Boarding," he., not ex. e ading FO UR LINES each wit{ be Welled in Meat crotumras once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each additionat Use FIVE CENTS. WANTE§iTUATIONS. XATANTED—S ITUA TiON—By a V young man as Porter or Watchman in a hotel or store, who can come well recommended.. Adaress T. S. McCUE, this office. . _ WT D—S ITU AT 10 N.—A young man who has had several years' ex perience in site dry goods business would like boob tain a situation where he can make himself .usettd. Can wive good reference. Address lila' D, GA.• ZETTE OFFICE. WANTED---HELP IV AN TED — BLACKSMITHS. , Two good Blacksmith-, to go to Chicaro, io work on Tools. Inquire at No. 264 JACKSON STREET,' Allegheny. 87 - A 7 ,,, . • - S , — ll — a . bleglrl. to ' d it o general ho g u, o , w o o d rz, re -1 -a stna l fatuity, who e thy keep but one girl. Prot estant preferred. Inquire at 53 WEBSTER ST., Al , egheny City. ANTED-MOUL medlately, at Fourth Ward Foundry and Mae ne Works,. three good MACHINE 310IJL HEIM WANTED — HONESTLIETo.hire sell theten men a L t OW a Ia DAS f H 15ATipMerO S m H nt E h ß , I t C o CHURN, ani; transact an agency business for men, but will employ no man unless he Is willing to work a few (lays on a commission, or can otherwise fur nish satisfactory evidence of ability and integrity. Employment steady. J. C. TILTON, 10% St. Clair street. • 'WANTED—HELP—It Employ ment Oille. No. Clair Street, BOYS. GIRLS and •MEN, tor different kinds of employ., went. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. ANTED -BOARDERS WANTED—BOARD E RS--PI ea s— auCfurnished rooms to let, with boarding, at 167 THIRD STREET. WANTED—B 0 A RDERS.—Gen . .- tlemen boarders can be accommodated with good board and lodging at No. 25 FERRY ST. WANTED — BOARDERS.--A gen tleman and wife, or two single gentlemen, can tie accommodated with first class boarding at No. 18 WYLIE STREET. Room is a front one, on second Boor, and opens out on balcony. TED--,-AGENTS WAN TED-20,000 AGENTS.- A sample sent free, with tarms, for any one to clear $25 daily, in three hours. Business entire ly new, light and desirable. Can tie mane at home or traveling, by both male and , emale. No gift en terprise or humbug. Address W. H. CIIIDESTER, 266 Broadway. New York. • WANTE D—AGENTS--For Na- TIONAL CAMPAIGN GOODS.-13x10 Steel Engravings of GRANT and COLFAX, with or with out frames. One agent took 60 orders in one day. Also, National Campaign Biographies of both. 25 cents. . Pins. Badges. Medals and Photos for Dem ocrats and Republicans. Agents make 100 per ct. Sample packages sent post-paid for 12. Send at once and get the start. Address GOODSPEED & CO.. 37 Park Row. N. F.. or Chicago, 111. d&F WA 1V T ED74BIBIEDIATELY-- Two live and energetic men, to solicit for a first-class Life Insurance Company. Apply at the office or the ATLANTIC MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, IUB Smithfield street, second floor. IW. .. ANTED—AGENT.—As Tray &LING AGEN T , a man "wall acquainted wth tne Queensware and Glass business. None other need apply. Address P. 0. Lock Box 197. Communications confidential. WANTS. WANTED -LAND AND REAL ESTATE—In exchange for LIQUORS IN MIND. Address IMPORTE“, Box 2196 0., Philadelphia. WANTED -BUSINESS AGENT.- By a first class New "York Life Insurance Company. with the most liberal features to policy holders, aGeneral A gen t for Western Pennsylvania. Address, enclosing references, P. 0. Box 1839. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED INFORMATION—Of FRANCIS 31. WEBB. When last beard fr, m was stopping at "Gottman's Exchange." fit the Diamond - , (In May, 1860,) In the City of Pitts burgn. Any person who may chance to read this notice, and know of the whereabouts of the said FRANCIS 31: WEBB. will confer gr addressingn his mother. 31.5. It. FRA.NEL IN, by a letter to J. C. FRANKLIN, bleadowville, Umatilla Count,Oregon. xx 7 - ANTED — IMMEDIATELY, all who are looking for business to call and exam- Inc the. HYDRAULIC COW-311LE. r R., patented June 30, 1.80 1 3—" a sure cure for aeheing bands and kicking cows.'' It milks the four teats of a cow at once; it Imitates the calf, draws and stops drawing , toswallow; it will milk anycow perlectly dry in three minutes: , tt is operated by hand, dog, horse or other power. One man can attend' s e veral machines, milking as many cows at once. It Is simple, durable and self-adjusttng: wilt llt any cow; milks three teat cows as well as any; easily worked; not liable to get out. of order, and has proven by practical use to be more agreeable to the cow than hand-milking. A. rare oppot [unity Is 'now offered to enterprising men, either to travel or locate in city or country. ' Call and examine for yourselves. HYDRAULIC COW MILKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 10 St. Clair Street. IiptiIiNTED—PARTNER...—A Part , ner that will devote Ms time to sales and collections, and who can Fifteen to Twenty live Thousand Dollars. in an old established manu factory. Address K, with full name, at GAZZTTZ OFFI4 IC. None need apply except an active b..si ness man.,capable to attend to hostiles. generally. FOR RENT. FOR. SALE MONEY -