Financial 'Litters in New York. , Gold Closed at 11-134 (ByTelegraph Ito the Pittsburgh Gazette.l • NEW YORK, August 22, 1868. RONEY AND GOLD. • The market closed very easy at from 3 to sper cent. for call loans,and 7 for' prime dis counts: ; The general trade of the city is improiing, and fall business will soonopen iu earnest, which will in ,crease the legitimate demand in the immediate future, which, in conned- tion with continued shipments of currency to the West, must soon have a hardening tendency on fates of interest. !Bank state ments are very unfavorable, and show a heavy loss in deposits and legal tenders, the result of an increased demand for money 'fitim the interior to move crops. The loss iu specie is owing chiefly to the demand for customs, and the decrease in loans show a gradual contraction on the "'part of banks. This contraction in loans and decrease in deposits and Legal Tenders is likely to continue until October, when the quarterly bank statement is made up. Loans, $275;245,781, decrease $2,562,837; specie, 018,768,671. decrease $3,185,160; cir culation, 534,137,627, decrease 511,590; de , posits, $126,435,405, decrease 57,125,682; Legal Tenders, $69,757,645, decrease $3,- 177,836. - FOREIGN EXCHANGE The foreign exchange market was quiet and firm, and some leading bankers are asking 10934, but the market can't be quoted over 109. for prime sterling and 109j4 for bond sterling. Gold firmer at close, owing to loss of specie by banks, and advanced to 14434. Loans were made at 3334; 2 per cent for carrying and flat for borrowing. GOVERN3IENTS. Governments dull and heavy at the close and round lots'could not be sold at quota tions: Bonds are beginning to return from Europe as usual in the latter nart of the year, and already $1,000,000 of 1862 s have been ordered back which had been sold here at 113 to 113 X; seller 30. The invest ment demand is very little and orders from the interior are chiefly to sell. Coupons of 1881, 113%@1133.“. do. 1862, 113 1 4®113,(0 do. '64, - 1085(109; do. '65, 111X@)1113{; do. new t 107%© A1 107%; do. '67, 107 ®107%; d0,'68, 107)6@l07%; Ten-Forties, 1083g© .10)4. • BORDER STATE BONDS Border State Bonds quiet and steady. P Old Tennessees. 64@65; new do., 63%®63y; old North Oarolinas; 7134@72; new do., 70 1372; old Virginias, 56; new, 52V@55. RAILWAY MATTERS. Railway market dull, except Erie; which has been active and variable; opened at 4634, advanced to 50%, fell, to 4734, and closed' at 483(4)481; large short interest was covered to-day. New York CeLtral heavy, and sold as low as 123 1 4, and rallied to 1241. The general list is dull and with : out much change. The sharp turn in Erie is said to nave been engineered by two I prominent operators, who took advantage - "of the stock being oversold, and frightened speculative sellers into covering. Express ;,,:shares opened higher, with an active bor t- rowing demand, nut closed lower.Miscel ;. Ilaneous shares dull. , " • 5:30 PRICES: Canton, 45%@47; Cumber :land, 29®30; Wells Express, 26@2634; American, 42@®4234; Adams, 4914@•193,1; --United States, 43113 1 / 4 ,; Merchants' Union, '"2,134®21%; Quicksilver. 2034(0)2134; Pacific Wail, 100(4100N; Western Union Tele graph, 34®34 1 4; New York Central, 123% z@123%; Erie, 48%®48%; do. preferred, 69@70; Hudson River, 135; Harlem, 124; Reading, g9,4®903(,; Ohio and. Mississippi, 28%©29; Wabash, 52@5234; St. Paul, 6934 , We; do. preferred, 79 . 35@80; Michigan • Central, 118@l19 ; Michigan Southern. 82% • r4B3;Blinois Central.l4234; Pittsburgh, 85% .",: f y'B6; Toledo, 99@99g; Rock - Island, )8011.98 1 X,; Northwestern, 805®80%; do. breferred, 8034@84.1%; Fort Wayne, 106@ :.061; Hartford & Erie, 21%@22; Burling lon & Quincy, 17; Terre Haute, 36®39; Chi , •`?.ago &Alton, 1313. • • 3171.1"..0 SHARES. Mining shares dull. Gregory, 4; Mon -2.5@55. IMPORTS Imports for the . week: Dry Goods, 2,897,131; general unerchandize, 0,747,159. SUB-TREABIIRY MATTERS. Receipts at the Sub-Treasury to-day, k 1,198,366; for, the week, ,511,420,460. Pay pents for to-dav, $974,854; for the week, .9,836,010. Balance, 585,876,692. EXPORTS The export• of gold to-day, §208,910; for -:fie week, 148,923. Hew York Produce Market. 3y Telegrspb to the Plttsbureh Gazette.] Nsw Yomr, Aug 22.—Ashes; pots firm $8,75a8,15714; pearls nominal. Cotton is eady; 900 bales at 300 for middling up ;rids. Flour dull, heavy and 10a30c lower; JceiPts 11,597; sales 8,100 bbls at 86,90a7,90 'r superfine State and western; $7,85a9,90 extra western; f10a12,50 for good choice • kite wheat extra; fit3,611a12,50 for Ohio; flO J. for ,St. Louis; $11,25a14 for good coice closing'dull and heavy; Californiafiour . ;iavy and declining; 4.0 ska at $10a12; f,ye flour lower; 150 bbls at $7,25a9,75. ,3ra meal in fair request; 1,000 bbls State ' about $5,6.5, and 20u bbla Brooklyn at $6. hisky firmer; 250 bbis in bond at 71c. - :heat very dull and nominally 2a3c lower; S::eints 770 bush; 5,500 bush - ai $2,26 for new f Indiana; $2,45 for new white Michigan; ii 50 for cheiee amber Southern. Rye is ver; 3,ooobush at $1,40a1,41. for Southern; ;58a1,60 for western; $1,75 for extra.choice ~ate. 'Utley arid Barley Malt dull add Mina). Corn dull and 1.20 lower; re :lots 32,300; sales 54,00 u bush at $1,141,19 unsound, and $1,19Ma1,22 for sound lied western afloat. Oats - heavy and aon receipts 15,185; sales 62,000 bush at ~..JL79c for western in store, and 80c afloat; '1179c, for new do. Sugar in fair demand; b h h ds Cuba at ilal2c. Hops quiet at 10 for. American. Petroleum quiet at 15a for crude, and 33a33 1 / 2 0 for refined in ;lad. Coal is quiet. Loather; hemlock f;a active and firm at - 27a2Eic for Buenos hativrareights:2 o a 3 oc for middle and ;at do; 29c for California light - weights; 4 talc for middle do; 27.128 c for heavy do. 1 . "..ol firm and in gociti demand; sales 1,128- ' ' . .!lbs at 40155 c for domestic fleece; 27a for unwashed; 41, 1 4 c for ahearings* Ma for combings; 23433 e for Texas, an d 28 -;,:c for California. Provisions Porkquiet • steady; sales '2,500 bbls at $28,5 0 a78.62 closing at 826,50 caeb; 028,75 for do; $22,25,121,87 for. urirrie; $25425,50 for -,lle mess; also 500 labia mess to seller for -,.itier; 827,80; 250 do to buyer fer Septem , ';at 1528,95. Beef steady; sales 135 bbls ',15a.20,59 for new,plain mess; $20,50824,75 knew extra °mess. Tierce beef dull at - .32 for prime mess; #30a26 for India Beef hams quiet at $2.5a32. Cut -Is firm: sales 2oopkgs at 13 1 / 4 e for ifiders. and 16a191Ac for hams.' Middles , • and quiet; sales 10u boxes short ribbed, ' 16qc Lard quiet and steady 500 demos at -18allyge fora steain, and . .9 1 4c for kettle rendered. Butter , firm for . „0,111o, and 37444 c for State. ?so dull at-44t18e. Frei zlite to. Liver .: dull and lower, with engagements per met' or 2000 bush corn at 2a2Xd.. fly at in+le ratea. • .TEirr—Flour dull and 10a15e lower. ;alt, very dull and nominally lower, buyers and sellers wide apart; ship out of the market'and millers; in 1 of the rapid decline in flour, insist a material reduction. itye lower at 31,60 for western.- Oats dull atfd heavy n in store, 79 1 ,4 c for old do afloat, and •to for new western at depot. Corn M. 61,140,1,19 for unsound, and $1,204 for.staund now mixed western afloat. dull, with sellers of mess at $28,60 ',vers at $2.8,511 regular.. Beef quiet. ;Meats quiet and steady. Baeon firm 'moderately 'active'. L'ird, dill tit 183,1 a the fair to' prime steain. Eggs quiet - 1230. ' Cincinnati Market. (Br Telegraph to the . Pittsburgh Gazette.: Cixerszia.rt, Aug. dull and 10a15e lower; extra fauiily sold at $9,75a 10,25; the latter an extreme rate. Wheat is dull and in limited demand at $2,00 per bushel for No. 1 rod. Corn is dull at 92a 93c for ear; no demand for shelled, it would not bring more than ear. Oats less firm; No. lis held at 55c. Rye is dull at 1,28 a 1,30. Cotton is nominally unchanged at ,c. Tobacco is unchanged and firm. Whisky is held at 65c without any demand. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Mess pork is held at $28,75. Lard at 18%c; but no demand of any consequence for either. Bulk meats firm but quiet at 12y,e 814%0 for shoulders and sides,wlth a gooa order demand for bacon shoulders at 13%a 18%c; clear sides at 17y,,c; sugar cured hams at 246a2114c. Butter dull for all- but choice which brings 35a36c. 'Cheese has ad vanced %ale. ' western Reserve at 15Mal6c; factory at 16 1 ,6a17c. Eggs firm at 15a16c. Apples are very scarce and wanted at ssa7 per bbl. Peaches are plenty at 81,50a4 per bush. Linseed oil is firm but quietat $1,44. Petroleum steady. Refined, 33a35c. Clover seed dull; small sales at. $l4. Timothy in demand at $2,90a3. Flaxseed at $2,25a2,30. Gold, 144 buying. • Chicago Market. lßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette Cnicaoo, August 22.—Flour dull and easier; spring extras, 483.9. Wheat less ac tive and 2a3c lower; sales of No. 1 at 41,70 a 1,72 and No. 2 at $1,60a1,62, closing at 41,62 for No. 2; no change since noon board. Corn active and, iti,6c lower; sales of No. .1 at 98%a98%c; No. 2at97a98%c, and rejected at 96c. Oats dull and %ale lower; sales at 61154 c, closing at 52%a53c. Rye firmer; sales at $1,28a1,30 for No. 1 and $1,20a1,25 for No. 2 In store, closing at 51,30 for No. 1 in store. Barley fairly active and lal3c higher; 'closing at ¢1,58a1,60 No.. 2 in store.. Highwines firmer; sales at 70c for bonded and 51,30 for free; closings with sellers at 75c for bonded. Provisions active and al most nominal. Mess Pork held firm at 429,50. Lard; 18al8ye for winter, and 17,i0 fqr summer rendered. Dry Salted Shoul ders firm, at 12c loose. Sugar Pickled Hams quiet and firm at 17a17%c. Freights firmer and quiet, nt 63;a7c for corn by sail, and 11c for .wheat and 10c for barley by steam to Buffalo. rteceipts-10,303 bbls flour; 147,820 bush wheat; 181,775 bush corn; 146,122 bush oats; 1,935 bend hogs. Ship ments-6.245 bbls flour; 127,867 bush wheat; 247,477 bush corn; 116,869 bush oats; 4,384 head hogs. , Toledo Market. LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l TOLEDO, August 22,—Receipts---5,177 bar rels flour, 55,134 bushels wheat, 26,480 bush els corn, 21,250 bushels oats, 2,370 bushels rye. Shipments--5,091 barrels flour, 89,541 bushels wheat, 1,525 bushels - 4;xlrn, 38,996 bushels•oats, 746 bushels rye, 400 bushels barley. Flour. ' sales of fancy white at $11,25. Wheat 3 to 4c lower except for choice white Wabash; sales at $2,50, and white Michigan at $2.11a2,12%; amber Michigan at $2,04a2,07; do Illinois $2,12%a 2,15. No 1 red at $2,02a2,03; amber, sellers for August at $2,0.3; sellers for September at $2,01. Corn lc lower; sales of 1,103 bush els No 1 white at $1,03; yellow at $1,04%. Oats le lower; sales of No 1 at 58c: No 2 at 56c. Rye 30 lower; sales of No lat $1,3734a L4O; No 9at $1,35. Barley; sales of State at $l,OO. Lake freights firm at 5)06c to Buf falo, and 40c to Osweco. St. Louis Market. CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Louis, August 22.—Tobacco active and firm. Cotton: nothing doing. Flour very dun; medium and lower grades weak and drooping; superfine sold at $5,25a6.75; extra, 67.00a7,75; double extra, $8.00:110,00. Wheat heavy at $2,20a2,30 for choice and fancy red: $2,20a2,35 for strictly prime to very choice white, and 81,50a1,60 for spring. Corn dull and 2t3c lower, at 90aflic. Oats; buyers stood off for lower prices; sales at 50a530, and fancy white at 54855 c. Rye slow at 41,10a1,16 for fair to choice. Bar ley; small sales choice spring at 11,80. Pork weak at t29,50a29,75. Bacon quiet and un changed; shoulders, 17 ga17 1 ,4c; clear sides, 1634 a 17 y c;, plain canvassed hama, 20c; sugar cured, 20c. Lard; choice tierce held at 18340; sales keg at 19Na20c. Whisky dull at e1,2214a1,25.,3oo bbis flour, 28.000 bus wheat, 1,500 bus corn, 18,000 bus oats, 1,800 bus rye. _ New Orleans Market. R• to the pl tut:remit Basette.l NEW ORLEANS, Aug 22.—Cotton is quiet and steady at - 29E40 for middling; sales 18, receipts 115, exports 6.56 bales. Sterling 57 859: New York sight drafts % premium. Sugar and Molasses steady and unchanged. Flour steady at 18 for superfine. • Corn at $1a1,024. Oats steady at 69%c. Bran un changed. Pork at $31,50 Bacon quiet at 140 f.,r shouldera, and lfio for clear sides. Larclfirm at 19%c for tierce, and 21%c for keg. - Milarankee Market [By Telegraph to the PltUbusigh Gazette.l MILWAUKEE, August 23.—Flour dull and lower. City XX, 59a9,50. Coun try do at 88,50a8.75. Extra at pa 8,25. Wheat lower, at $1,77a1,78; No. 1 $462, No- 2. . Oats dull and lower, at 5:1 1 ,4 No. 2. Corn dull and unchanged. Be ceipts I,oou bbls flour; 37,000 , bus wheat; 1,000 bus oats; 2,000 bus corn. Shipments, 2,000 bbls -flour; 36,000 bus wheat; 1,000 bus oats; 1,000 bus corn. Lontivllle Market. [By Telegraph to the Plt tsburgh Gazette.l LotTisyna.s, August 22.—Bales of Tobac coto-day amount to 63 hhds: lugs to medl ura leaf at 7qal4c. Flour, superfine at $6,75a7; fancy at $ 11,50a12. Wheat at $2,05 0,10. Corn at 85a90e. Oats at 45a50c. Rye at 11,25a1,30. - Mess pork at $29. ' Lard at lfiXe. Bacon shoulders at 1.33‘a14c; clear ribs at 12%c; clear sides at 174 e; hulk shoulders at 12%c. Whisky, free raw at $1,25af,30. Buffalo Mat 'et. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l BUFFALO, August 22.—Flour and Grain generally inactive, buyers holding ofF for lower prices, especially In Whea ; few sales made at yesterday's quotations. Receipt 4— Wheat, 44.000 bus; corn, none; oats, 1.000 bus; rve 20,000 bti; flour, 7,800 bus. Ship. menu—corn, 55.000 bus: oats, 112,000 bus. Mess Pork, Lard and Seeds unchanged. Memphis Market. V [l3v Tpleirranh kr The Pit tobnrgh iisxptte.l MErcruis, Rugust 22.—Ootton nominal; receipts tnree bales; ffir_ports one bale. Flour dull with Raper at $6,5 0 a7,0 0 . Wheat $2(2,05. Corn 95e. Oats 60e. Flay $23. Bran 22e. corn Meal $4,50. Pork $30,50a 31,00. Lard 105ta2le. Bacon weaker, with shoulders sl3y,c, and clear side's liNe. Baltimore Market. CBv Tolorraph to the l'ltt.rotrwh Gla7otte.l BAvrimong, Antrnst 22.—Flour active and unchanged. Wheat dull and uncbana , ed. Corn firm: white $1,23.4,24. Oats dull and unchanged. 'Rye unchanged. Mess Pork firm and unchanged. Bacon ateadV and unohanged..Lard quiet and unchanged. Pli9adelphla Market. By TrineraPh t. the Pittetnirsrh'flarett-..1 'PHILAD - LPIIIA, August 22. -Petroleum doll; crude 21e; refined 3114 e. Flour dull with northwestern at 1110,66412,M Wheat heavy with red at $2,30a2,70. Corn quiet,- with yellow- at 81,24a1.25; mixed 11,21. Oatfl steady; new 720: nide.Se. Detroit Market. EH, TolegrAph to the PittAhurvh Gazette., Augost 22.—Flour more quiet but without any important change; sales of superfine at - $111111,75. Wheat. lower; No. 1 white (limed with sellers et 51.20 i No. 2 white firm at $2,11, No. 1 amber quiet:at $2,a7. St. Louis Cattln (By Tr)eurtaph to the . Pittnhorgh nvitte. Sr. topIN, August V.—Cattle; butchorie in tiir rgiuest and steady; prices range at 2a50 grom. - ' - PITTSBURGH G A ZETTE : MONDAY; RIVER NEWS. HCapt. Haigh, one of the principal own ers of the Great Republic was in Cincinnati on Thursday. —Capt. Lew Vandergrift' of the Charmer left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday evening, on business connected with the Xrp,os y. '-The R. C. Gray has thrown up her St. Louis trip at Cincinnati, and will probably load in turn for New Orleans after the Maggie Hays. —The hulls and machinery of the boats recently burned at Cincinnati, were sold at AustiOn on Thursday: The wreck of the Ezra Porter was sold to C. T. Dumont foz $8.50; the Delaware to Wolf & McDonald for tine; the Potomac to C. T. Dumont for ( 1 650; and the Pine Grove to C. T. Dumont for #52,5. —The Mary Erwin reports the Wm. But ler out of the channel and hard aground at Buffington, nearly in the same place where i r the Ed burg stuck for three weeks. The. Erwin also reports the Camelia hard agrou don Carpenter's Bar. There was no prospect of either of these boats getting off soon, unless a rise came. ji —The Board of Inspectors have public the result of their investigation in regard to ii the co lision between tbaLeonora No. 2 and Lady race, which occured on the 18th of June ast, near Madison, Indiania. The Locallnspectors report that, from the tes timon • adduced, they find the unskillfull ness o Thomas M. Claxon, pilot of the Lady race, to have been the cause of the collision, "and they suspend his license for a period of sixty days." —The officers of the Mary Erwin report the following boats laid up at the is.inta designated, waiting for a rise: Hercules and V. P. Wilson, Coal Port; Eagle, Anti quity, Samson, Lotard; Simsou Horner, Sand Creek; Tom Rees, Ravenswood; and the Sam. Roberts, Niagara, Coal City, Bat tic;Coal Hill, Lake Erie, Leonard, Whale, Coal, Valley, Stella, Leader, Rigley, Little. Alps, Tigress, Hornet, Lioness, J. S. Neal, James Blackmore, Greenback. —We clip the following items from the St. Louis Democrat, of Friday: Captain Massev yesterday purchased one-fourth of the steamer Antelope at the rate of 824,000, and will assume command. The Itasca is at the bank up the river awaiting repairs to her machinery. She will probably be down to-morrow. Capt. Henry Switzer has bought, for the purpose of running her in Red river, the staunch, complete and new steamer Sully Mr. W. B. Russell, of this city, has sold his one-fourth interest in the George D. Palmer to Captain Abe Hutchinson for $3,000. Captain Ab. Shaw, formerly of the Mepham, Minnie, &c., arrived yesterday from Wheeling. His right hand bower A. C. McConnell, is now in Pittsburgh with his family. —A St. Louis correspontiOnt writes to the Cincinnati Commercial, as follows: There is nothing new here; times quite dull, and the boats are having a great deal of fun at somebody's expense—l suppose you will find out whose, before long. Competition is all the go. Honorable competition, van know, is necessary to the health and pros perity of the country, and is a benefit to all; but the cornpitition, going on at this time is not one that is beneficial to the country. It is one that is ruinous to all. And why so? you would ask. Because the competition is of a nature that is ruining the large interest, which has added so ninch to the commercial interest of' the country—the steamboat interest—an inter est that we can not do without; one that should be fostered by all business men in the country, but one that , is so universally condemned by the the unthinking. Tne fight here is, who can lose the most money, or, in other words, ..the longest pole knocks the persirnmons;"l and many a persimmon will fall be'fore tire fight Is over. It is a sad state of affairs, bat such is the fact. Would the steamboatrnen work half as hard for one another as they do to ruin one another, they would be a well-to-live set of mon, and be at least looked on as men of common sense. River and Weather. (By Telegrabh,tu the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LouisviLLE:, August' 22.—The weather is cloudy. Thermometer stands at 76 degrees. River is falling with 45 inches in canal. ST. Louts, August 21—Weather is clear and pleasant. ' IMPORTI BY -RAILROAD. CLEVRLARD AND PITO:WU ROll RAIL ROAD, August 22.-1 car lumber, Hamilton, Algeo & eo; 52 bbls copper, T M Howe; 2 cars ore, Hussey, Wells & Co; .6 do do, Mc Knight, Porter & Co; 6 bbls cullett. John son, EimithA,Co; 5 lige VJaacco, S Roedel helm; 10 bbls oatmeal, Rinehart & Stevens; 82 bdls spokes, Jae Hardman & Son; 20 Ws lime, D R Eckles; 76 in shingles, Mel lon dr. Bra; 4 bbls pears, H Rea Jr; 211 bxe cheese, T C Jenkins. 1 bbls eggs, J .l Pettit; 1 caddie tobacco, J Fullerton; 2 bbls eggs, J B Campbell; 8 bbls 'apples, Graff & Reiter; 1 box hauts,•F 'liars dr Co; 1 car water pipe r H H Collins; 76 bbls apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 40 eke oats ' F G Craighead; 46 do do, Jim Glenn: 2 tubs cheese, Gruff & Reiter; 10 bbls green apples, Head & Metzgar; 39 bgs oats, 1 bbl eggs, M,gßane & Anjer; 2,000 ft lumber, Slack & Shules; 341 bble ro,in. P Order; 36 eke scraps, Wm •Flaccus & Son; 100 bbls flour, Culp& Snep ard; 55 bbls oil, Win McCutcheon; 2 D big eggs, W H Kirkpatrick & Co. • P/TTRIM UDR, CINIJI N X ATI AR D ST. Louis Ranalown,August 22.-18 ske millfeed, R Knox ' & Son; 7 eke feathers, Joseph Craig; 9 tubs butter, 5 bbls eggs, 22 pkgs sundries, W li Graff et, Co; 4 care wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & Cu; 107 bbls, 2 Mills bone black, Sewardl& Campbell; H b.tles. ootton, A H . Childs & Co; 6 bbls apples, 46 skl4 wheat, 71 dio oats', Meanor ,t Harper; 13 eke rags, 4 !ibis apples, M W Rankin; 6 bills apples. I 0 Craighead; 55 eke oats, W Thomas; 44 R tanner scraps,'ll bales pelts. J Straus; 11bbl coffee, C 11 Morloge; 2 ithls apples, Graff& Roller; 2 cars stsveii, J Painter -it Son; 50 bbls oil, Sellers & Co; 5 tes hams, J E Gibson; 20 bblm nungs, A B Mills: 25 Wits oil, JO P.irkar; 61 bbls flour, 1) Wal lace; 22 mks wheat; 22 do este, McHenry & Hood; 6 sks rags, McCullough Smith & Co; 1 hhtl tobacco, W & 1) Rinehart; 100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang &Co; 10 bales hemp, H Ger Wig & Co; 200 pigs lead, Mansfleld St F; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett. etrrseuitOtt. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. August 22.-4 cars metal, Jas Woodson it Co; 6 do do,' Nimick & Co; 1 do do Brown & Co; 25 bids oil, B L Fahnes took & Co; 46 bills apples, H. Rea Jr: 200 sits millfet3d, 11 Campbell 50 bxs cheese, Haworth, McDonald at Co; 20 dodo, Pettit; 30do do, W M Goranly; 40 do do, J S Dilworth &Co; 25 do do , Arhunk les & Co; 30 do do,E Heazleton do Co; 53 do do, N J Braden; 25 bbls oil, Bomar Bauman & Co: 1 'car barley, Brinker t a; 1 dodo, W J Meek; 4 bbls eggs, Woodworth & Davison; bbls apples, 1 do . pears, li. Riddle; 11 do apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 do eggs, J Kennedy; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 1.0 doz brooms, J S Dilworth & Co; 9 dos brooms, 11 Gerwig,& Co; 100 bbls flour. John Grier & Co; Fear . barley 1) 11, Galway; 1 car middlings, F G Craighead; 100 bbls flour, J Bonnur; 250 pigs lead, B L Palms toek & Co; 100 bbls flour, Watt, 66 Wilson; . 100 do do, Dan Wallace. ALLEGHItNY STATION, August 22.- 320 bags flaxseed, M B Suydam; 1 car staves, J M. Hemphill; 1 car wheat, .W ;do_ Kee & Co; 13 skit wool, S Bradley 4 Son; 8 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 6 rolls leather, J Canary: 10 doz brooms, W Sed don; 20, bgs wheat, Jas Taggart; 2 oars oats, 100 bbis flour, Stewart & Luigenheito; 8 cars wheat, Kennedy it Bru; 1 car oats, Hippley & Co; 500 pigs lead, Fahnestock, Hazlett & Co; 1 car lumber, Mccordy & MeGinniss; 2 do do, Taggart de Wilson; 2 tubs cheese, B Jenny; 15 libla apples, F Owelist 31 bbls apples, 4 do pears, W Davison. ALLROHIINT VALLICY R. R.. Ault l l l 4 22. —146 bars and 9 bills iron, Martle, Briekell & Co; 30 81E8 rugs. McCullough, • Saab & Co; bgs turnips, Kell & Ititchart; 15 sits AUGUST 24, 1868 Diehl & Co; 3 bales mdse. Me- COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Crum &Glyde; 10 sks onions, Voigt, Ma hood & Co: 5 pkgs butter apd eggs, J Moorhead; 3 do do, J Arbuthnot; 2 do do, P Mcß.'ane; 3 do do, J D Stronse; 4 do do, J P Patterson; 11 do do, J Klingensmith; 6 do do, J Stlmple; 3 do do, L J Blanchard; 4 cars metal, H Woodsides; 26 bgs oats, 15 do rye, Scott & Gisal; 3 bbls eggs,lo do onions, W George, - PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, August 22.-165 sks wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co; 75 bbls cement, C B Leech; 43 bbls whisky, Dillinger & Stevenson; 13 bbls flour, Gay S. Welsh; IS bas window glass, Michaels, R & Co. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, August 21.-48 aka oats, Dillinger & Stev enson; 104 oil bbls, W Hastings; I bbl eggs, R Robinson & Co. . ST' STEAMBO. AT z fr d ptramer ou be ;nt.n g i n o l , Public A utalou, TEMBKR let, at sui9:os DRUGS rti 0113 NOTICE ON THE IST DAY OF AUGUST, WE REMOVED TO. THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WASEIIOUSE, No. 45 Wood Street, . Directly Opposite St. Charles Rotel. Alao, entrance on THIRD ST.; Nod. 102 and 104 R. E. SELLERS & CO. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY KNOWN TO MAN. maxiv . 3=l IS 301M7'9,15; IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCIIER, FOR TUE CURE OF AU Diseases Arising from an /in pure State of flip Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Boils, Pimplei on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Bead, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits. Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Together with all other disorders from an Improper condition of the Circulatory diatern. Asa general Tonic Its effects are most benignant, and esnriot fall to benefit, when used pensoveringiv and-secord the to directions. It Is purely a vegetable prelisr.- tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters Into Its composition, so that while it Inv st labfv af fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cures, no overdose could injure the Enrol tender intent. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole I'roprletore, PITTSBURGH, PA. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF Sellers' (lough Sy 'UPI Sellers' Liver Pills and Verrodhriirei Johnson's Ihbecimatie Conapoirtml; And Boerhave's *Rolland bigger". FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. 3y:if :WI BLUM SIMMER CORDIAL, An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, 'Vomiting, Sour Stomach and Cholera hiorbus. DR. lIAIIRIS' 11111 P A spec:Mc for Cholera, Cramps and P btomach, for sale by Pr A R.RTS; & EW Corner of Liberty and Wayne AGENTS FOR J. SOHOONMAKER & SO PURE WHITE LEAD, CM McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN, Thu only green paint that will MA deteriorate by exposure. It will look better. last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the market. . PAPER.I A.rrsßUlt(ill PAP Allll • FACTURING COMPANY, Ma of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS: CLINTON MILL--STEU BEN VIL Lb.; unto. BRIGHTON MILL.--NRIV BRIGHThN, r.. OFFICE AND WARSHOURR,. • N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, ONTMenIi—AUGUST HARTJE, Preatdeht.. •• I ,4l ) (tr i N r,z, Tr it tAanror. DIRSCSOUR—Augvet Halve, John Atwell. S. B Hartman, John B. I.tvluoon. Cult MK for Paner Stock. izr: WEIG - HTS AND MEASURES. L i B. LYON,' • . Aealer of Weights and Reascurtd i " No. 5 FOURTH .STICKer. 'Bowan) I.thert,i and Vern' etrooa- Orders Promptly tatimdetl to. nnt.Lx =I DEMUR 14 STEVENSON, • FORWARDENG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODIICE generally. Also, LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, &c No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa .114 - LIBEEAL ADVANCES made on conslttn molts. jy3l:t7B _ = .... . . B. CANFIELD A. SON, COM ej. MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. B. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Poi it, Bacon., Flour,Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and. S da Ashes. Pi• bite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. EM WATT, LANG & CO., lON. with all her tackle order, will be sold at ;limy Wharf, on SEP 'IIBOI,7, Auctioneer. Groceries. Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro visions, Fish; Cheese, Carbon OM dc., Nos. 172 and' 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa., notonss N. STSELE A. fintruLit. M STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, AND DEALEIta IN HEMICALS FLOUR, FEED, Ace. No. 95 01110 STREE'I near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. hIrEANOII JOS. lIAILL'ILE MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION .I%.I.V.R.CIIA.NTS 329 LIBERTY . STREET, rITTSBUROH. Consignments solicited Itarxiteascne—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. B. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja31:124 • PETLU KEIL. JAS. r. RICHAWL, KEIL & RICJELART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mr2A:b37 - T J. BLANCHARD, • Wholesale aad Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET, ALKX. III'EANZ aplS:xB9 McBANE & ANJER, COMMISSION (ERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN 'and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. I*/ WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgn.__les FETZERS7. ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONICEBOHAIITEI, For the sale or Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 115 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. _ fe22:uB JOHN I. DOUSE ZDW. HOUSE WM. H:11013131. tll TOHN I. HOUSE be BROS. Suc- CedliOTS to 30ti I. HOUSE. & CO., Wholesale rooers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield And Water Streets. Pittsbizrgh. Pa. tai- RIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY *STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Commission Mer e an t and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and, Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen erally. au.M ItONT. KNOX ANPREW KNOX. 11. KNOX & SON, COMMISSION *MERPHANTSand d..alers In FLOCK, GRAIN . I I . FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 71) DI AMOND. opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. JAIT:r37 , i • ITTLE, BAIRD Si. PATTON, W twletale tirovere, rollarlllsdlOU Merchants an te l lers in Produce, Flour, Baton, Cheese, Flsh, carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 1151 and 114 SECOND STREET. Pittsburgh. JOHN AMMON A WALLACE. _ - § HIPTON&WALLACE,WHOLE RALE li ROCEII.% AND PRODUCE DEALERS 0. 8 sIXTII STREET. Pittsburgh. lat2:rsB jOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE NAGII3tBATA °Mee, Ilia WYLIE STREET, near Washington,' PITTSBFROH, PA. - Deeds Bcrads,c Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collection,, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. mh2C:n9 SAMUEL. McIRASTERS,' lex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Unice, GRANT eiTREET. opposite the Ca. thedrat, PITTSIDISDIFI, PA. Deeds. Bootie, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. ' snide VUSTACE S. MORROW, j " • .s.i.a3mnmeav, EE OFFICIO JTJRTIOE 'Jr THE • PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. beeds, fonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Deposltkma and all Legal Business executed with promptness 111111 dispatch. mylsl Altimpx, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of RenLs solicited and promptly attend ed to. , • my3:y6o W ILLIAM U. BARKER, Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH I'ITTSBUROH. Realness entrusted to hie eare promptly attend ed to. myi:y6l D ~ ANtEL MeMEAL, M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, DBE, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Do Co: 51) (rant eit., near 41,20:1.71 tII FERGUSON, • S. o to the 88CX)ND FLUOR. FRONT 1200/4 ARC 1 1111!I A LI) lILAKELEY, = JOHN • W. RIDDELL, NV . A. LEWIS,, C. MACKRELL, • • . OIIN A. STRAIN, F.% UPFI(IIO 41.ISTIt Y. OF THE I'HACE AND POLUTE MAGISTRATE. Otrict,il:ll FIR ru STRICICT, opposite the Cattle deal, Pittsburgh. Ps. I)e,•d', 84 ' 108, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions Cud kl).Legs,l iu nd nest... wooled with iln•rupt nt•.p. and dispatch. • Numbering SLy.ttn vemeta among Ulm I.llLe relthritiZd • _CITY OF CITY OF A NTWEPP, -- - ✓CITY or nosTuN, itALTudouL.. (T D . (Try OF LONON„ F.VKRY SATO RDA V, from l'for 44, North Itlvor, New York. For onstage or further tofortm, t :LOWY to • WELILtiI RlNliti All. „ 0 1 14 P ' 6 ,..., 0d m°°r ` b . . , n ' unt344 aud hn ' ear° o r N V ProIrIPUT - so rim', writ," iebv.,l , le " 11 . 1 dinv,0 kft:oM Near): oppftlio Yon& I.XL.N3. FlifotPurF. t liiiifv — iifitirts =1 PROFESSIONAL. A.ZADERIWIAIV, Justice of the Peace, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER,- &C. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. No. S 7 'Filth Street, A"I'TUIiNEY-A :I`-L~ W. So. 0$ FIFTH STREET, PITTS6IIitGii. PA are nso:di P ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. °Mee, 118 Dininond Rtrett, (0 [Toed Loth° Court House,) fe16344 PITTSBUItUH, PA ATTOR, N EY-AT-LAW, No, 99 Diairiond Street, mh6:ali PITTSIitTICOH, PA ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR -AT LAW, No. MO Grant Street. PITTBI3I7I[OI I ._ PA ITEBEI ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, S:7 IFt th Strout. - 11DITTSBURGH and .A. CONN ELLSVILLE B. K. = On and after THMSDAY, starch sth, , 1661 r.. trains win arrive at and depart from the Depot, OM : ner of kraut and Water streets, a , follows: la art.p Atria. Mall to and from Bniont'n . 7:00 A. M. 0:001'. Y. Nlelteesport Accomno , lt'n.ll:oo A. N. 2:0.5 P. W. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 r. 0. 10:00 A. M. West Newton Accommod'n 4:3otr. N. M:35 A. M. Braildock's Accommodat'n 0:15 r. nt. '7:50 P. M.- Night Acc. to' McKeesport .10:30 P. 2d: 0:40 A. AG Sunday ehnrcli Train to and'-. - from West Newton 1:00 r. N. 10:00 For tickets apply t J. 11. RING, Agent. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. nab 6 !RANGE of TIME. A. T. C.kiktFIELD ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after' WEDS ESDAY, 7:23 r. at August. 12th, 1868, TWO .TitAl YS DAILY Will leave Pittsburgh Statton. corner Pike - and Canal streets, for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points In the Oil itegions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH.ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH. Mall 8:05 a rn , 31(11 4:50 p m Express 7:25n mi. 6:05 a m ßrady's B'dAc 3.25 p adys H'd ic:10:20 aal Ist 'odaWorks Ist Soda Works Accomod'n.. 11:09 am, Accomoden. 7:50 am 2d Soda Works Ad Soda Works Accomod'n .. 5:20 pm ; ACCOMO43'iI. 2:50 p m Mixed way I."n 6:20 a In! Mixed Way T'n 8:25 p ra Hutton Acen.. 6:20 a m, Hutton Acc n.. 8:35 a m A rmst rung Ac. 13:20 p m - Church Train leave Pittburgh at 1:10 r M. Ar rive in Pittsburgh at 9:30 A. M. Passengers taking express train have but one change of cars, b. twee n l'ittsburo, and Olt Regions. Mali and Express Trans st,,n only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at all stmt lons. Tilil.llAS tf. KING, Assn, W. FOSTER Hi . Ticket Ai,ent. aul2 ITTSBURGH,O t amm CINCINNATI AND ST. OUIS RAILWAY. CTIANGE OF TIME.—on and after SUNDAY, June 21st, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time; ,Mlll Expross Fast Ltne.... __ , Fast Express x:10 p. in. 11:X0 a. in. Mixed Way 0:10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. m. 3:05 p. in. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. in. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc`p, No. 2.. 5:25 p. in. 8:20 a. in. Spacim.Novica.—Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 P. in. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. in. the next morning. The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections in Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield t Newark R. R. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup's., Steubenville. . PII fBIIIfGHFORT WAYNE & CHICAGO B. W. AND CLEVELANDA PITTSBURGH S. B. From 1888, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, city time, u follows: Leans. Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 9:03 a m Chicago Ex.. 9:08 am Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a m Erie & Ygn MI 7:28 a MChicagoEx_.. .. 11:23 a m Cl. & Wh`g WI 6:13 ain ; Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m Chicago Mail.. 6:58 a m:St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 p Chicago Ex.... 9:43 a m :CI. it Wh`g Ex 4:38 pm Cl. & Wh'sEx. 1:43 p m Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13 pm Chicago Ex.... 1:58 p m ;Chicago x....E 4:23 p m Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:48 & Wh'g Ez 7:08 pm Depart from Allegheny. , Arrive in A ileglien_y. N. BrlgUn Ac. 8:58 a Ac. 7:03 am Leetsdale " 10:13 a ra; N. lirlgt'n " 8:28 a m " 11:58 a Wellsville " 8:53 ata Rochester " 9:23 pml New Castle " 10:13 am Wellscoe Ace.. 3:43_p I Leetsdale " 9:13a m Leetsdale Act. 4:13 pm " " 1:08 pm N. Brigt'n " . 5:33p m N. Ilrigni 21:43p m N. Brlgt'n " . 6:28 pm ! Leetsdale " 4:53 pm Leetsdale ".10:43 pre " " .7:28 pm "-' I:sB'p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. (Fir 1_1:23 a. m.' Chirac • Express arrives daily. Jai 101 E NN Y LIVANIAR4mAv e I CENTRAL It A ILK( /A D. On and after June 7th. 1868, Trains will ar rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner 04 Washington and Liberty streets. as follows: Arrive.. Depart. Mall ,1:15 a m Day Express.. 2:25"a ra Fast Line 1:40 a MWall'a N 0.1.. 6:30 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 am; Mall Train 7:50 aus Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a mi*Clucluriati Ex 11:10 a m p'all's No. 2.. 8:50 am: Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Cincinnati Ex. 0:10 a in , Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a iu! Rcaddocks No 1 4:00 pm Baltimore Ex. 1:00 pin Phila. Ex pres. 4:50 p m Phila. Express 1:20 pm ; Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pm Wail's No. 3... 2.15 p 111 I Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 pmtFast Line 7:30 p m Wail's No. 4. 7:15 pm. Latrobe Acc'n 8:50 p:a Altoona Acc'n Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pm and Emigrant Train 9:30 p The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. in. Returning, leases Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and anises at Wail's Station at 2:00,. p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The „Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk . for Baggage except fur wearing ap parel, and Mlt their resp onsibility to One Hundred Dollar. In value. All Baggage • exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. ' EDWARD H. WILLIAM% Jed General Superintendent, Altoana,'Pa. IyESTERN SYLVANIA RAM BO D.—On and after May 10th, 1868, the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. .Depart. t3pringd'e No 1 6:35 a mildall 6:15 a m Freeport No.l 8:15 ami Freeport No. 1 8:50 ain Express . 10:15 a. m Sharpla`g No.111:20 a m Sharpb`g No.l 1:25 p m Expre•••• 2:9opin Freeport N0..2 4:10 pm SpringtPe Not 3:54/ p Mall ' 5:50 p m Freeport No. 2 6:05 p Springd`e No: 7:10p m Suringd'e No Y 9:15 DM Aboye trains run.daily except Sunday. The Church Train - leaves Allegheny Janet: every . Sunday at 7:40 a. In., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. m. and arrive at. Allegheny Junct. at 9:45 COIIMIITATION TICZETS—ForsaIe in packs .ges of Twenty between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the traluistopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 a. to. and 1:50 P. Y. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker, line oNtages for Butler and liannahs town. Through tickets ma) be purchased at the Office, No. 3 'St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. Foe further lnformstlon apppply to JA2dES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. ' The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not sense any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap fliao Dollars n val ue . rlYal.aildilm ittliel. responsibility to One . Hundseil All baggage exceeding title amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, an teas taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAM B, Gerfr•-al Snnerintendent, Altoona. Pa. Q. MORI BAlLLagg i smis i. 5. 7 ROUTE. • UNION PACIFIC RikIIWAY E The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all points in Colorado,_ Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, arpi:w7/1 Two Trains leave state Line and Leavenworth daily. ' (Sundays excepted.) on the arrival of trains uf Pat.lnc Railroad from St. Louis and arrival and St. .lo Railroad from Quincy, ronneeiln. at Law rence, Topeka and Watneito with et.t e es for all points in Kansas. -At und oi track west of Ells, worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COY. PANT'S 'DAILY • LINE OF oVERLAND MAIL AND -EXPRESS COACHES FOR DEN VEIL; SALT T.A And all Points in the Territories, dud with SANDERSON'S TRI-WERELY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Albs q_uerque, Santa Fe. and all pointa in Arizona and New 31exico. With the recent additions or rolling stook and eitilinnent, and the arrangennenta made with re sponsible Overland Transportatinn 'Linea_ front rte western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the . Par Went.. • Tickets for sale at all the principal emcee In the United States and Canadas. pc- sure and ask for tickets tie THE SMOKY HILL ROU .C. UNIVN PACDnO itAiLWAY. EASTERN DIVISION. ' TO LI VIEILPOOL ANilsak - QUEENSTOWN. MAIL STEMSEEIPS, RAILROADS. PAN HANDLE Depart. Arrive. 2:15 a. m. 121:111 a. m. 9:40 a. m. p. m. Eastern Division. Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. A. ANDERSON,. GeneralSolwrintendk-ni. J. H. WEBSTER, General Freight and Ticket Ageft STEAMSHIPS, B.