The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 22, 1868, Image 3

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FRIDAY: August 21, 1868.
The general markets present but little
that is new or important. We can report
a fair demand for most of the leading ar
ticles, and with a fair volume of business,
in the aggregate, prices have, undergone no
important changes. ,
BUTTER—There is a steady demand,
and we can report regular sales of prime to
choice fresh packed at 33 to 35c. •
' EGGS—Continue
,dull and unsettled,
with sales reported at 10 to 14c, according
to condition—the outside figure. for fresh
figure for
packed. .
CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged at 14 .
to 15c for Western Reserve and Hamburg;'
16 to 17c for Factory, and 19 to 200 for
Sweitzer. . ,
HAY—Sales at Allegheny ' Diamond
Scales of 39 loads at $2O to 330, as to qual
ity—all new • - ,
SEEDS—Stnall sales of Flaxseed et $2.25,
at which figure It is in demand: No change,
and but little doing in either Timothy or
Clover Seeds.—
SALT—Is quiet and unchanged; sales of
Allegheny River brands at $1,75 to 31,80,
to the trade, and 32 for small lots in store.
GRAlN—Wheat is good demand , and
Steady but unchanged; the mills continue'
to pay 32 1 10 fo 32,15 for NO. 1 Red and 32,15
to $2,20 for White. New Oats in demand
at 60 in first hands, and 63 to 65 for small
lots in store. Ear Corn is scarce and in de
in—and.with small sales reported at 31,14 to
to $1,16. Shelled is unchanged at 31,06 to
31,12, for mixed and prime Yellow. NeW
Rye is scarce and dealers and distillers are
offering $1,35 for new. In Barley thero is
not enough doing to establish quotations;
dealers are offering $1,70 to $1,75 for prime
GREEN APPLESContinue to arrive
very freely and the market is dull , and
i pricee are weak and drooping; we continue
zlto quote at 33 to $4 per bbl.
to' POTATOES—The arrivals have fallen off
' nsiderably, ind with a slightly improved
;,, emend, the marketis'firmer and we new
equote at 33,50 to 33,75 per bbl.
y PROVISIONS =Macon is fitm,threagh un
'changed - at 14 to 14V, for Shoulders;,l6X to
163; for Ribbed and •18M tri• 18% for Clear
Sides; and. 22 to 22 1 / far Sugar Cured Sams:
Lard 19% to 20, for prime - kettle rendered;
Mess Bork $30.54) to 331.'
LARD OIL—Is .firm but unchanged at
31,20 for No. 2 and' $1,30 for No. L
FLODR—The &Matta is fair and the
market . steady, though , prices are ,un
changed. We continne, to - quste at'310,50
to $ll for.nrlng Wheat; $ll to; 5.11,25 for
Winter Wheat. The mill Prices remain
unchanged, at the recent ,advance. Rye
F10m...49,25,4w old. , , , ,
Rew York rtoduie Market.
tßy Telegraph to ;he .I . 'lttOau:rat! Gazette.?
NE* YORK, Auguit 2 1.-Cotton quiet
card firm; sales of 85 bales at 29Ma30c.
Flour; receipts 12,044 bbls; market dull and
• 10a20c lower; sales 6,500 bbls, ras for su
perfine State and western; $B.BlO for extra
western; $10,25a12,60 few white Wheat extra;
$8,60a12,75 for round' hoop _Ohio; $10a11,25
for St. Loula. and $11,5614,25 for choice,
closing heavy. California flour sales
of 380 sacks, at $10a12,15. Rye flour lower;
sales of 200 bbls, at ,$9,50a10,00. Whisky
firm at 70e m bond. Wheat; receipts of
10,267 bush; market quiet and steady;
for spring, and dull, heavy and declining
for winter; sales 2,250 bush, at $2,00 for No.
2 spring delivered; $2,10 for No.l do; $2,40a
a 2,43 for new amber Michigan; - $2,50 for
new white - Tennessee; $2,55 for new white
Michigan. and $2,56 'for very choice new
amberlndiana. • Rye dull and lower; sales
of 2,500 bush, at $1,40a1,60 for Southern and
-$1,75 for, western. 'Barley nominal. Bar
ley. Malt dull and heavy. Corn; receipts
71,620 bush; market opened lc better, but
closed dull with the advance lost; sales of
68,000 bush, at $1,15a1,21 for unsound; $1,22
a 1,24 tor sound mixed western afloat, and
$1,24 for old, do in store. Oats; receipts
375 bush; market lower. and' more active;
sales of 68,000 bush, at 80b for western in
store; 82;4c afloat, and 75a78c for new west
ern. Coffee more active; sales of a cargo
•of Rio ,on private terms. Sugar quiet:
sales 400 hlids at 12aL?.14c for Cuba, and 12a
140 Porto for Poo RiCO: `Aiolames'dull. Sons ;
quiet. Petroleum quiet; 15 1 4 c for crude,
and 3383.34'c'.f0r refined' -bonded. Pork
- quiet and Steady; sales 1,150 bbls at $28,50a
28,62 for metis, closing at =6O for regular;
427,75 for old do.; $23,25a23,87 for prime.
$25,00a2.5,50 for prime Mess; also imo blde:
mess, seller October, at. 527,75. Beef steady;
sales 150 bbls. Beef Hams dull at $25,00a'
32,00. Cut Meats steady; sales 180 packages
at 13 3 / 4 al4c for. shoulder, and 16a19340 rot_
hams; middles firm and quiet.. Lard dull
and heavy; , sales 480 tcs at' 18a1.8ge for:
steam,,hiefly at' 15•Nal87;c, and 19a19 1 ,,Cc
for kettle rendered. Butter firm at 31a37e
for Ohio,' and 37a45c for State. Cheek) quiet
at 14a113c. Freightsito Liverpool dull and
declining. . • • :• ,
LATEET.—FIour closed: and SatOc
lower. Wheat quiet with a strong down
ward tendency for winter Spring nom
inally unchanged. Rye dull and heavy at
$1,65a1,70f0t western. ',Oats dull and 'heavy
at 7914 c for western in store, and 82c afloat;
75a77c for new western at railroad depot.
Corn quiet at $1,15a1.19 for unsound, and
',51,20a1;22 for sound . new mixed western
afloat. Pork dull with sellers then at
15 28 , 50 ; regular and buyers it $28,50. Beef
quiet and -unchanged. Cut meats scarce
and firm. Bacon very firm, „ Lard dull at
i 18y,a18gc for fair to prime steam. Eggs
, dull at 21a23e... - • ' -
Chicago ;Market•
; {By Tele,,,graph to the Pitttburgh (.losette4
CIII6AGO, Aiigust 21.—Flour quiet: sales
of spring extras at $7,87%a9,35. Wheat
weak and unsettled and , 4asc lower; -sales
of No. lat 81,73a1,76 No. 2at 81,64a1,66,
closing at $1,64a1,65; No. 2 is unchanged
,this P. M. Corn active and y,a%c lower.
0 13 ales of No. 1 at 9914ca31,00X, No. 2 at 98v,
: , ..a99;4c,' and rejected at 95%a960,- - -cloiing
.:-cluiet at 99. x; No. 1 sales were made since
, change at 99y,c. Oats active and y, a c
iloiver; sales at 53y, a5414c, closing at 533! ‘ a
• •.. •54c. Rye more active, and 1a2.3 lower, cies
weak at $1,29 1 ,4a1,30 for No. 1. Barley
,firmer;, sales of No. 2 at $1,52a158, ,and re
, jected at 81.3231.40, closing at ontsid6
; prices. Highwines 2%a5c higher, closing
~with buyers at 67%c and sellers at 79c for
- - -'btinded. Provisions dull. Mess Pork al
;moat nominal at 829,25a29,50. 'Lard quiet
at 18a18qc. Bulk Meats neglected. Re
"pelpts: Sour, 8,506 bush; wheat, 198,186;
loorn, 174,028 bush, oats, 170,178 bush; hogs,
:2,765 head. Shipments: Flour, 6,892 bush,
;:wheat, 105,297 , 'bush; corn, 44,964 bush
'oats, 78,417 bush, Logs, 4,739 head. Freights
• : VP/a61,0 '
for• corn, and 7Mc` for wheat to!
Few York Dry Goode Market.
Bi_Telegrapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NEw,Yonx. August 21.—There has been
•' • ,ti more general break in prices •of Printed
' • '7alicos. which has imparted more anima
' don to the market; Americans, i. Aliens,
aichmonds, Gloucester. and Narragansetta
'lave all been - reduced, to 13%o; Arnolds
Freemans "Brag at 11 1 Ac;, Briggs at
.le. The Pacific.and Cocheco are steady;at
.4o while Spragues and Merrimac - ere held
4 143 o and are likely to remain at these.
igures.. The break in heavy "Brown Sheet
- ~ tags is not conceded by, agents and the
• ' • pods must advance soon, most. ap,suredly
.herefore,, country buyers - had better
, rder goods by telegraph atone% In other
;otton fabrics there particular change,
o observe and a good trade is, expected
oon. Woolen goods are more animated:
„ nd prices rule steady. Bilk ribbedin nar
\,- ow widths are also in active request and
trm, with only a small stock offering,
Olerapbler Market.
3r Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.'
MEuriiis t Aug. 21.--Cotton no sales; re.
eipts Of exports 19 bales. Plour dull.
ugar is held at 7aBo per lb. 'Wheat is
_Corn in store sold at 9Qe. o ats Goo
I store: Bay is scarce. Bran is held at
le. Lard at 1914a21c. Bacon dull; should
rs, 14o; clear sides 1754519. •
. _
' Toledo Market •
Financial Matters in New - York: 1 • - • •
1 LEy Telegraph to the Pinot:ninth Gazette.l •
TOLEDO, Aug. 21.--Receipts--tiour 3,960
bbls; wheat 47,188; corn 22,660; Oats 18,600;
ry (12 4 500 bush. Shipments—fiour 4,300 bbls;
wheat 35,000; . corn 5,000; • oats 4,800 bush.
Flour quiet. White Wheat a shade better;
red unchanged, 'Closing Weak; at '82,16 for
white Michigan; $2,16 for No. 2 white Wa
hash; $2OB for , amber Michigan; $1,96 for
No. 2 red; $2,70 for NO. 2 spring; $2,05 am
-heraeller August,'and $2,63a2,05 seller Sep
[ember. .43orn advanced lc and closed with
tbe.:advance lost. at.. $1,04a1,05 for No. 1; •
$1,05 buyer tile Month. Oats lc better at
58a59c ibr No.' 1. Rye at $4,45' 'for No. T.
Lake freightsfirmal sMa6c to Buffalo and
10c to Oswego. ,
Goltt Closed at 143%@1433.,1.
ClisTellgraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.l -
NEW Yonx, August 241868.
Money in moderate demand at 4@5 per;
cent. on call. Sterling dull at 9@9M. Gold
unsettled; opened at 143%, advanced to
144%and closed at 143%@1.433(i.
Governments barely steady; the' <thief.
transactions wore for outside speculative
accOunt; the_feeling among dealers mainly
favors `.Selling. Coupons of 1881, 11314
,113%; do. 1862, 113y„ 0113!/; d0.'64, 108%(a
109; do. '65, 111®11134; do.. new, 107%
107%; do:' '67, 107%@)107;‘; do; '6B, lON@
107%r 10-40 s, 1081/AlOB%. '.
• nortnEn STATE BONDS. '
Border State Bonds dull. Missourb,
93; old Tennessees, 64%; new do., 62%@
63%; old North Carolina, 71©72; 'Virginias,
The market opehed firmer and higher
but subsequently receded•to partial extent,
closing dull and heavy; Erie is-still the
great featUre and is very unsettled. • Re- .
ported purchase of sound steamers is gen
erally believed passenger fare thereon had
been materially adyanced. Express shares
are stronger. MiscellaneOus dull.
6:30 ruicEs: Canton,
45.56@)46: Cumber
land, 28%®26%;'WellsExtuless, 25. , , E 1ig26V t ;
American, 4230g043%; Adams, 50%@59X;
United States, 43©443;; Merchants' Union,
22y,@223,; QuiCkSilver, 203, ®2l; Patitic
Mail, 993(A1000; Western Union Tele
graph, 34y,@343f; New York Central, 1241''
(0124;(; Erie, 46K@46%'; do. preferre d , ,
09;4g69; Hudson River, 134%@136; Read
ing, 6,95®89gf Ohio and Mississippi,
2.8X@29; Wabash, 513"@,51g; do. preferred,
72@)73; St. Paul, 6914@698; do. preferred'
78%®783; Michigan Central, 119; Terre
Haute, 37a42;.d0. preferred, 60@66; Chicago
&Alton, 136; Michigan Sonthern, 83f(g183 1 /,;
Illinois Central, 1.43@1.16;' Pittsburgh, 851 x,
@)85%; Toledo, A834@9934; Rock • Island,
1,07 . qa499; Northwestern, 8031;®803.;; do. pre
~ 80g@SO : Fort Wayne, 103V,,@
106;;Ii.artford (Sr, Erie, 21 3 / 4 (3)M. ‘„,
. mixtxo SHARES- , •
Mining shards
1: •
Receipts at -the Siab•Treasury, t 1,876,542;
payments, V 1, 1 1.07,748. Balevee, $55,653, iso.
St. Louis Market.
By TeltErapb to Ctte;Plttabtirgh Gazette.)
ST— LOUIS, 20.—Tobacco .actiye
and uncharged at 3,00a10,50 for lugs; $9.50a
-13,00 for dark leaf and .$15;00145,40 for
dium-and bright do. Hemp-dull
1;85 for undresped., :! Cotten; nothing doing.
Flour firmer and unchanged at 31,2.5a7;b0,
for superfine, 37.50a8,25 for extra, 38,50a9,00"
for double extra; f10,541a1,3,00 .for trebleex
tra to fancy. Wheatt,faney_ i " fall brought
full prices, but Other . .grades :are lower;
strictly prime 'and chofce red $2,10a2,23,
fancy red and choice W hit e 32,25a2,35,' prithe
and choice sluing $1,50a1,57. earn dnll and'
drooping at 91a98,, the: latter very :choice ,
'lots. Oats dull, lower, and unsettled at 49a
54. Barley unsettled at 31,60a1,80 for spring.
Rye steady at 31,15417. Pork sold from
329,25a30,00. Bacon firmer; Shoulders sold
at 1334; clear 'Sides' 1714 - . Lard very dull;
round lots offered' at 181‘a19; retail lotssell
a little higher. ' Whisky dull and lower it
*1,2 . 234a1,25. Receipts—Flour, 3,200 barrels,
Wheat, 34,000 bushels; Corn, 3,500 do.;.
Oats, 7.500 do.; Rye, 2,600 do.; Barley,
2,000 do.
Cincinnati Market
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.:
CINCINNATI, August 21.—Flour dull and
in light demand: family, $16.110,25.- Wheat
quiet; •No. :I held at $2,03a2,05; but none
saleable at better than $2 to any extent.
Corn dull at 03a94c,' but held - with great
firmness. Oats excitd at the close and No.
1 not . to be had below 60c. , ,' Barlepin
demand; slileibf No. lspring at $2,15., , Bye.
quiet at $1,30. COLton nominally unchanged;
thew-hole amount here does not exceed 600 ;
bales. Tobaced unchanged - and quiet.
Whisky-85c in bond; and demand light.
Provisions quiet Mess Pork held at $28,75..
Lard can be bought at' 18;ga18%;.and no
ennuiry for either. There is a fair demand
for bulk shoulders from smokers; sale .of,
200,000 pounds' at IWe loose and 'l2 ic
packed; sides held at 14%6 ; no demand:
n shoulders in, fair demand at 144 c,
but' they are held at gal/,‘,lllgheri small
sales clear sides at 17 1 ,c: Butter dull at 33
a3sc. • Eggs 15a16c. Linseed oil quiet - at
$l, t 4. Gold 143% buying. - •
Jtigrakt Mike*. • ,
City .Telegratth to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
Btamtto, August 21.--Receipts-wheat,
34,000 bush; corn, 3,000 bnsh; 'oats, 30,000
bush; flour, 0,500 bbls. Shipments-wheati .
21,000 bush; corn ' 97,000 bush; oats; 40,000
Nish. Freights, 14c on wheat, 113 c on
corn, and 7%c on-oats to New York. Flour
steady; stock =-very light; , demand light'
Wheat, spring nominally, at §1,90 for No
2; new, no bullet% at that figure; sales of
7,300 btsh red Ohio at $2,16; 2,500 bu amber'
Michigan at $2,22.12,25. corn' OPened
dosing dull' nd drooPing; • sales of 44,000
bush Ni'. 1 Mixed western and Ohio at'
$1,12; - _ and'thia- affernoon: at 11,11. Oats
dull; sales of 600 bush old western at 74c,
13,0u0 bush'at 67c, 36,000 bush Ohio , to ar
rive at 67c,.ann 64,000 bruslk western., at, set,
lers option, for September, 'at 63c; Rye:
sales of 15,000 bush No.l western at $1,50.
Other articles unchanged.
Cleveland Market.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.f
CLavnwain, August 2L—plour steady at
$10,00:110,50 for double extra spring; sll,ooa
11,50 for double red winter; country hrands
are quiet at $9,00a10,00 for ,double extra
spring; t;9,50a10,50 for, double extra red win
ter; $12,00a13,00 for double extra white.
Wheat; sales Scars No. 2 red at $1,98; Tears
No. 1 white at $2,10; 2,000. bus No. 1 white
delivered in September, at $2,07. Corn held
at $1.05. Oats; sales of 15,000 bua delivered
in September at 57c. Petroleum; market
weaker; crude closed nominal; 29a30e for
standard white, and 28a29e for prime light
straw to white. •
Phpadelphia Maiket
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
PHILADELPHIA, August 21.—Petroleum -
unsettled and prices irregular; crude, 15mc;
refined, 31;032a; Flour dull; Northwestern
extra family, 119,50a10,50; Ohio, 110a10,25.
Wheat dull and declined Sc; sales of red
Rye stead at 01a170. Corn
du1 3 1;ye 40 0w,41,25; m i xed wes te rn, 01 0 22 a
1,23. Oats more active; new , Ohio, 70. Ciro
' cerise flat. Provisions unchanged.
Milwaukee Market.
tilr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l '
MlLWAnwsn, - -August 21.—Flour dull,'
prices unchanged. • Wheat unsettled, and•
lower at 31,82 for NC, 1, and 31,68 for No. 2.
Corn firmer at 31,08 for No. 2. Oats dull;
prices unchanged. Receipts :1,003 bbls
flour; 82,000 .bus wheat; 2,000.. bus corn;
2,000 bus oats. .Shlpments:•B,ooo bbls flour;
200 bus wheat;•2,ooolbus corn; 1,000 oats: -
Baltimore Market. ' ,
Cky Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.l '
Platantotrz, Angtist 21:—PlourtlITIY ac
tive, 1 ss firm and - nnehlitigtid. 'Vir eatAtill
with prime to ehtdee $2,69a2,7; and goo
total 412 1 ,4032,50. Cord'active ' ; with' prime
white at lilMi. Oats 'dull, with ' prime at
70a780, and ordinary 'soa6se. Bye, dull at
1,40a1,45. 'ProVisions, steady and un
ehanged. . , - • . • •
Lordaville Market.
(By fielegraph tp the Pittshargh Gazette .1 ,
LouISVI wx, August 21.—Sales of 6,5 hhds
tobacco, lugs to eoinrnon leaf at $7,75a13,50.
Flour--enperfine, $6,75a7. Wheat, $2,20,
Corn, 00a93e., Oats, 43a48e. Rye, 1,36.
Mess pork. $2O. —Lard iBy 4 o. Bacon—
shoulders 18ge; olear sides, 17Ne Bulk
shoulders, at 12%e. Whiskey, $1,26 for
• Cambridge Cattle Market.
LBy Telegraph to he Pittsburgh Quetta,)
CAUBRIDGE, August 21.—Beel Cattle, re
eeipts:6o2 head; market inactive and not
much 'change in prices; sales extra at $121113
fordist quality; $11,00a11,50 for second
,quality - ,. and $10,00a10,60 for third quality;
$9,00a9,50 for Shee'p:atidiLiimbs. Receipts,
7,014, Owing to the fallinV off" n the sup
ply the. 'market has been, more active;
prices $2 to $4 per head. - .
Chicago Cattle Market.
Telegriph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
• Cnrch.oo, August 21.--Cattlo dull and
uncnanged. Hogs firm at Z8,40a8,75 for
light, and §9a9.65 for medium, and $9,90a
10,12 for good to choice.
.RAILROAD. August 21.-2 cars metal, Jag
Wood, 'Son & Co; 3 dodo, Bryan &Caughey;
6 do do, Nimick et Co; 5 do do, Rees, Graff
& Dull; 100 bbls flour owner; 7 bbls scrap
iron, .1 Jones; 70 bbls apples Voigt, Nlahood
& Co; 6 do do. 2 kegs lard,l H Rea Jr; 200
bbls flour. Culp & Shepard; 6 cars old car
Wtheels, Union Iron Worl,as; 153 sks rags,
Christy & Benham; 5 rolls leather, G N
Hoffstott;'2l boxes cheese, N 11 Kirkpat,
rick & Co; 4 kegs' ails, Dithridge & Son; 25
boxes.theese, E Heazleton- 11 bbls spples,
.Woodworth, & Dawson; lf pkg leather, M
- Delange & Co; 2 bxs cheese G Meyers; 7 sks
rags, MeElvv . Hatnbon; (1' bbls' apples, H
Riddle; - .1 to 'nuns, JP , Htitina 4t CO; 15 bbls
apples Graff & eller; 1 'car flour and feed,*
J W'FairleY; 200 bbls flour owner; 50 Ibisflour,
flour 4 W "Mentioning; 142 ks corn, Brown
&t Williams; 4 bathos tobacco, head Alt Metz.
,gar; 6 Idyls tobacco. .T M Mutland; 1 car
wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & CO; 12 bbls
apples, 11 Rea Jr; 5 bfircaridles,"lo do soap,
.Munhall & Megrim; 45 do A:rbuckles &
Co; 5,11b1s Tinegar, Head eti Motagar; 47 bgs
bOnes, 0 B.Mills; 106 bbls flour, John Grier
Co;.100 de do, P C Senkins;'l car barley,
DR Gal Way; 2 cars bats; WM: Bingham; 1
'ear barley, Pier. Daniels
- CLEVELAND AND :PirrantrAteux
ROAD; August 21.=2 cars Troll, Nimick
& Co; 1 iron' ' ore; Brown Lb; 1 car
lumber, G A Mundorf; 1 do do. I,bbl oil, 13
Schmidt; 1 car lime, A J Hagan; 1 do stone,
J L L Knox; 2 cars Spearrl do dQ, W
J Glenn: 5 bbls gte:evi applet, I.l.llr&Sher
ard, 1 hhd old copper, V
„Ws. brass, Park,
McCurdy. dr. Co; 39.. bxs soap, S,Patrich; 1
mall, 2 `cntters, 2 heel,' Spratt, Jones &
Co; 90% bdls chairs, 2 do rockers, Bedford
Chair Co; 114 sks bats, Bingham _& Laing;
20 bxs oil, Harris' & • ENVIDg; '10" . bbls oil,
Herdroan,& Keefer; 10 do dcr, J M'Lippin
cott; sks oats, Scott & Gisal; 2 cars fire
bilck; Coleman, Rohm & Co; 3 bxs cigars,
N Siegel; 7 bbls apples, 47 sks oats, W H
Graff .l Cu; 16 bbls apples, M Kelley; 6do
.do, H Rea Jr; 9 dodo,.4,bGls beaus, Van
gorder & Shepard; 13 sks rags, Dillinger &
Stevenson: 1 'bbl plums, 12 do apples, W J
Steel; 19 do apples, Head & Metzga - r; 2 do
eggs, Aabuckles & Co; 32.bbls apples, 3 do
eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 3 'do eggs, C
Schlegel; 2 tubs obsess, S Daub; 2 kgs bat
ter, Morrison & Devol; 25 bxs crackers,
Reymer & Bro; 1 car staves, Win Hastings;
21 obis rye. flour, 35 sks 'oats, Brown &
RAILROAD, ..August cars-wheat, J S
Liggett & Co; 18 bales cotton; A H Childs
&t Co; lot .-carriage' 'carriage hard Ware, Herd Marr:&
Son; 100 bbls flour, owner; 25 bbl. , vinegar,
RlRobinson & Co; .1 car • millfeed, J , & W
Fairley; 25 tcs hams, Jas HcParker; 2 pkgs
tobacco, C C Bauer; 1 bacon,. W 11
Wilson; 2 bales dry goods, McCandless,
Jettison 43t - Co; do lio,'Ketifirtan & Co; 1
do 'do, McLain, iA.ndry de Co; 'l' Klee; 20
bbls onione, Woodworth dr Davison;'lo do
spirits, S Evert At; Co; 6 pkgs tobacco, RA*
W Jenkindon; 20bbls potatoes; Vangorder •
dr. Shepard; 10 bbls„oil; Isaiah Dickey &
CO; 25 sks Wheat, .McHenry & "Hood: il4 bbls
apples, W. Ir Graff Co; Bdo do,. F .G,
Craighead; 8 do do, Graff & Reiter; 14 b r im
pears, rfo A 'Wells: 50 slia'oats, Robb & Her
ron; 25 do barley, Franenheim, &
Co; 1 car staves, Ralya & Robertson; 1 car
;corn. DE. Herron.' • I ,
3 cars limestone, Superior Iron CO; 164 bgs!
flaxseed,:Suydam; 2 bbls &
A Carson; 7 dor. brooms, Hahn & Hadley; 1
car barley, J Rhodes; 1 car wheat, W Mc-
ICee & Cu;' car'. barley, Goo Ober, 1 car
millfeed, R• . `Knos '& Son;/00. hides, A J
.Groetzinger; 1 car flaxseed; Ewer & Handl
ton; 50 bble flour, Voeghtly' & Kopp; 2 bbls
wine, .1 A Hirt; 2 cars wheat, Kennedy It
.Bro; 40 bbls lime, Jos Craig; 100 bbls' flour,
Stewart & Langenheimi "';2 "cars lumber,
Taggart dt Wilson; 8 bbls apples, F
Owens. -
RAILROAD, August 21.-50 oil_bbls, 151
coils rope. Fulton Boiltnan & Co; 75 bbls,
cement, C B Leech;' 2 ears metal, Yongh
Iron t Coal.Cov4o bbls whisky, Dillinger
Stevenson; 17,bdIs sheet iron, W P Arm
strong; 20 Obis cement, N W Wallace; 240
bdls straw paper, W A McClurg.
--49 green hides,W C Bayer & 'Co; 1 car
metal, Loomis& Collard; 10 cars limestone,
Shoenbeirger & Blair; 1 car metal, Graff,
Bennett & Co; 1 ear lumber, C Reiter; 68
sks oats, Elia rye, Scott At Gisal; 5 bgs ram
Pitts Paper Co: 19 bgs oats, Keil & Bitch
art;,B do do, C Yeager.
August 21.-2 half bbls whisky, R Watson
49 sks oats, 06 do wheat, Dillenger dr. Ste
yenson; ,1 peg eggs, 1 do onions, 1., J
Blanchtuti; 8 sks oats, E H. Myers & Co; 2
pkgs cigars, It dr. W Jenkerison.
Pirrsiluncin. August 21/th, MS.
SEALED PROPOSALS *ill be received at this
offlne until 27T0 INST., inclusive, for furnishing
for use of Court Honey: • -
eter. 16 feet long, to be built. Alf Lyor.. Idnorb &
Co.'s O. H.' No. l'Efoller nate. 34 limb Click.
ONE FIRE4tED. N'o' 15 'Sheet Iron, with all ne;
- eessary smith work, • • , •
Also, ONE ,STEAM DRUM, 16 ladles- diameter,
36 Inches long.
ONE STAND PIPE, g Inches diametei, 00 inches
Bidders to state what will be allowed for of Boller
and small Engine heretofore in use. All rn olsft to
be removed at expense of contractor.
By *direction of CountY Commissioners.
• • ,
an2l:uB,l' '
TWELFTH . 1868 — LIST'.
n gaidthevierk , • paled.. • •, •
Jos. 131ebert, eating house .3d ward.
Thos. Kingston, otner goeds,ld ward."
M. Mullen, other goods, 3d ward. " . • •
3 1ohmSteeb. tavern; old tith W 3 d.
Owen Mai overn, eating house, o A Oth
ward. •
M. F. Kelly; eating hpuse, old 10th ward.
Manuel FrY, eatlng house, old Collins District.
Oeur,Te Johnston, tavern. 4':A Pitt District.
Chas. liorlirls, eating house,-3d ward.
A. lioedeilielm other gobds 3d ward.
Boroughs. .
Jacob HMSO, other Roods, East Birmingham.
Gen. Wernen eating hon-e, Mt. Washington.
• Townships.
Jos. Walton. eat` ng house,-Chartlers.
Deo. Hagen!, t av ern , ho, Harrison.
Thos. Voley, McClure.
M. Lippert, tavern, Lower N. Clair.
K. liangl, tavern. garrison.
The License Board will sit on SATURDAY. the
519t1i lest., at 9 o'clock a. at. for hearing the above
slam JOHN O. BROWN, work.
AURDY AUGUST 22, 1868.
There is nothing new id'
river matters at
this point, nor is it likely that there will be
nntilnavigation has been resumed again,
of which there is but little prospect at
-John` - Robinson, jun., advertises the
circus boat Codas for sale in the New York
Clipper. . . • . r
The R.C. Gray is loading - at Cincinnati
for St. Louis, and 't e Maggie ;Hays is up
at the same place f rNew Orleans.
—Captain Ben C *pley, in former days
apopular "boatman in the Illinois River
trade, bat for some time past diSconnected
with river ,lnteresthas returned to his
first love, andh teen assigned to the com
'mend of the Naples racket Big Horn.
—The Dubuque Trald, of the 10th, save:
A fleet of 700,000 et of lumber arrived•
here, yesterday for Ingram, Kennedy cir,
Day,• in four days' tme, from the foot of
Lake epin.: Th raft liftWabashaw
4 i
Tuesday morning, l ndxeached here yester•
day forenoon. it mi, s piloted down ey Jack
M cCaffrey, and ma e the quickest time on
record. ,
D, . . . ,
—The Board of rectors of the Missis
sippi Valley Navigation Company were to
meet, the . Louisville Hotel,
Louisville. Members from, New Orleans,
Memphis, Chicligo,,dt. Louis, Madison, Jef
fersonville and Lou aville were to be in at
tendance, the mosof : whom arrived on
uesday. 'The o,ffic rs of the Company are:
Ed; Montgemory President; Newton S.
Otis; Secretary; James Bridgeford, Tree=
surer; D. DoHaven, Superintendent; John
B. Davies, Chief Engineer.
—A St. Louis telegram under date of
Wednesday says: The river continues to
decline. Freight is abundant on the Mis
souri, and the tonnage unequal to the de-;
uiand. There are fifteen thousand sacks
of grain on the banks of the Mississippi,
and the warehouse full, awaiting transpor
tation to St. Louis. The Commonwealth
left for New Orleans this morning: The
;Kellogg, with three barges, containing, 100
tuns grain, &c.. left for Now Orleans last
night. No other departures or arrivals
outside the regular packets. The City of
Alton leaVes to-day, for Memphis; the Julia
for Vicksburg.
.-.The Paymaster of the Kentucky im
provement Company, who had been out on
the road from Greensburg, Ky., known as.
Hudson Ville read, 'to pay the laborers, was
attackedrby foor men on Saturday last,'
'who demanded his money. Ho answered
their deinand by pulling his revolyer, and
firing; the biliiitilking one of thit" rebbers
in the hand.. The others set on himilieat
him badly, and after securing'about 41,500,
fled. 'The robbers were persuedia short
time after, and two of them .captured, one
of whom confessed after pulling' hemp a
short iime..The others were surrounded,
and are probably in limbo 'by this time.
The Paymaster was badly hurt, butts able
to attend tolls dulies.: , - • • ,
—Com. W. J. Reuntz has ci - Mtracted
with Wllliam'Satta, of Elizabeth, for anew
'stern-Wheel steamer of the .following di
mensions; length`of 40,175 feet; length on
deck, 100 feet; beam, 40 feet; hold 4% feet.
The machinery will be of. Rartipee & Co's.
Patent Wodvatar. Condensing Engines on
the plan of the,ateamer,Dictator, Quekstep
and Great Repnblic;.the small engines 12
In diardeter, and the large ones 26 in
diameter, 5 feet stroke; 2-38 in doublefine.
Boilers 24 feet long. The rnachinerY will
contain the latest and best improvements:
She will he built tinder the superintendtsace
of the Comniodiare, who has had large ex
perience, in that. department, having con
stricted a number of the most successful
boats'on our western waters. She is built
expressly for, a mountain steamer, and
will be ready for service on the opening of
navigation 'in the spring.
—We (dip the following from the Cincin
nati Ga.:eye,. of Thursday: Capt. Frazier,
of the Nightingale, yesterday signed . the
contract organizing the Express 'Line for
St. Louis for the coming season's huainess.
This contract will, go into effect .so soon as
I there is a good stage of water in the Ohio
river, and has now received the signatures
of the Captains of nil the boats in the line.
viz:. Idelnotte, Capt. James Keniston;
Nightingale, Capt. J. Alex. Frazier Cham
pion, Capt. W..A.:, Gregg; Annail , Capt. 0.
P. Shinkle; Shamrock, Capt. .Geo. , W. Cul
lom. Besides the provisions, heretofore.
published •by , us, it designates ',that the
days of departure from Louisville hall be.
Wednesdays and SaturdaVs, which ' w ill':
put the boats out of Evansville on Mohilaird
,and Thursdays of each week. 'Rates - Mir'
tolie the same as those fixed by - OPpoidtion
boats, when there are any receiving.
line has, also concluded an arrangement .
with some qt ,the .Wheeling packeta lito
prorate freight through to St. Louis from
'that point. • , . • •
—The same paper also Says: .We heard .
last eveninformerhat the torer owners of the
, the P.stonittnhad purchased of 'the 'United
States Mail Line the splehdid'steamer Ma
jor Anderson, 'to. take the place 'of the
former eteamerin the Wheeling trade. No
particulars have transpired.
River atul , ,ireatlier,
[By Telegraph to tho PittOorigt Oszette.l
Laulavii.T.E.tAntnat 21k—The weather is
clear and, wenn- River : falling, with 4. feet
1 bleb In cariaL
gr. Louis August 21.—Weather clear and
pleasant. '•
P `'
'The steamer IDA TREES No. 2, with all her tackle
und•omilt, In gecal running order, ' wilt be sold at
Public Auction, on the Allegheny Wharf, on SEP
TEMBER Ist, at 2 e'elocle , P. M. _
anib:u7s • - B. SMITHSON. Auctioneer.
On Saturday, August 22d, 1868,
On the premises, will be sold by auction, Three One
Acre and Five Half Acre Lots Of Ground situated In
the Borough of neliview, adJoinlng property of J.
M. Burehi Es , and opposite grounds of W.
Roseburg, - Esq., .3 . . a miles from Allegheny City-,
The lots front on the New Brighton road, within
live minutes' walk of Neville htlitiOn. 1. W. &
C. N. It., (at which sixteen Accommodation Trains
stop daily.) only ten minutes' ride from the city.
hose lots are b. autiftil I y situated, commanding a
llue view of surroundlngleoun try.
Pkrtles desiring first class country sites should by
all means examine this property, Sc it will be sold
together if desired.
Train leaves Allegheny Depot s . •
And C0MM4981622 , .111
,1 •
No. 6 0 FM Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dry Goods and Notions,
ConOiinMentit Solicited. Prompt Ite:
" 7 "" F itV,ltra n '
N OTICEe-;The Assessment tor
Grading and Paving Haslett' Alley, '
Is now repdy for extuntuatihn, and Can be seen et
this ales until TUESDAY, August 95th, 1809.•
when It will be setts:n(llU the City Trs a/user's
Ornee for collection; ' • •
No. 45 ' Wood Street,
Directly Opposite St, Clutrles Hotel.
Alto, entrance ou THIRD ST., Woe. 102 and 104.
Li X IW 30ir''‘e'9.1e;
AB Diseases. Arising from an Im
pure State of the Blood, such as
Scrofula, Dyspepsia,
poitiveness, Jaun!licet t"
Canceroui Formations,
Cutaneous Diseases, . .. ..
Salt Rheum, Erysipelas;
itiercurial Diseases, •
General Debility, Boils,
Pimples on the raee,
Liver Complaint,
Sore Eyes, Scal# Read,
Tettei Affections',
Loss'of ApPetite,
Low Spirits,
Foul Stomach, ~
Old and StubbornElcers,
Rheumatic Disorders,
Female Complaints,
Together with all other disorders from an improper
condition of 'the Circulatory. System. As a general
Tonic Its effectiare most benignant, and cannot
fail to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord-
ing to directions, It is purely ; a vegetable propara..
tion—mot A single . grain of mineral poison enters
into lts composition, so that while it itivariably af
fords relief, and effects the most. wonder Pal cures,
no overdose Could injure the most tender infant.
R. E. , SELLERS & CO.,
Sole Proprletora,
ALSO, i.uorrarrpus OF
Sellers' Cough Syrup; • ,
Sellers' Liver Pills and VermHuge;
Johnson's Simi"matte Compound; .
And Boerhave's Holland Bitters.
An n Ltfailible remi:4s - for Summer Complaint, Dlar
. rhea, Dysentery, - Vomiting; Sour Stomach and
-Cholera hlorbus.'
Di. IRRIS' CROP cop,
£S ipecinc. for Cholera, Crimps and Pain in. the
mach, for sale by •
Corner of Liberty and Wayne, Streets
The only green paint thst - will• not deteriorate by
exr osure. It will look better, last longer and give
more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the
F Tii
No. 103 Fifth Street. ,
ICISSINGEN—On Draught.—Pßorzwriza:
Aperient, Alterative and Teak, serviceable in
almost all Chronic Derangements of the Liver
anti Disonsca conneeteti therewith.
VICHT - OvcDraught.-PROriii MR. ; St
l i t y A o l f k l e tt li e n b e io n m tfor b iling immediate relief in not
&INGRESS - Pint Bottles.—Pitoritnnst 3
Ap rient,,Alterative, Diuretic end Tonic.
HUM ROCK—Pint- Bottles.—ruorzavgaz
as Cotmiess.
EMIPIREPInt: Bottles.—Puorannas: Same
- as Congeal's. •
GEtTYSIIIIRG--quart '•Bottlesv—PnOritn-
WES: Remedy lu Dyspepsia, ItheumatLstn, Dont,
Gravel, Diabetes, and other Kidney and Urin
ary diseases. (Call for a Circular.)
on draught,
made from
matorlala an 4
Barred with Syrups nnacto from mum. •
I can furnish Pip_hon Bottles to persons desiring
etthor Kisslngen, Vichy or eotht IVater on draught
at their homes. Waters retaining saute btrength
and purity as at the store. Pan
WV Engineer
On and atter THUMDAT, March .6th, 1869. ,
trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor e
ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows:-
, Dcialrt. - &rim.
Matt to and PIOM Unto:lt'll • 7.00 "A.6: 00 P..Y.
McKeesport Accommodt . n.ll:oo.a. IC 511:05 P. N.
Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 P. M. 10:00 A. Y.
West Newton Aecommod'n 4:301p. N. g:35 A. Ito
Braddock's Accommodat'n 615
Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3op.N.l 0:40
Sunday Church Train to and
from West Newton 1:00 P. N. 19:00 A.
For tickets apply V)
J. B. H.DiG, Agent."
W. B. S'avlTT, Superintendent.
• On and after WEDNESDAY, 7:25 P.M. August
12th, 1868. TWO TitAlls.S DAII,Y will leave
Pittsburgh Station. corner Pike and Canal streete.
fir Franklin, 011 City, Buffalo, and all in,inta in the
011 Regions. • . , •
' 8 :05 , a ..... 4:50 Ole -.-
Express 7:26 Exprt.,Bs..... 6:05 TM
Brady's 11'd Ac B - adys kOd Ac10:20 ant-
Ist soda Works --
,let Soda Works
Accornod'n .. 11:00 anr Accomoda'n. 7:50 aat
2d Soda Works 12d Panto, Werke.
Accono•Pn .. 6:20 pni Accomoda'n. 2:sopltt
311xed.Way Tl'a 6:20 am fixed WID T`u 8:25 p tut
klultonAcc'n.. 6:20 a rullulton Aeon.. 8:35a nx
Armstrong Ac. 6:20 p nt.
Oharch TAin leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. at. Ar—
rive in Pittsburgh at 0:50 A. M. 'l ,
Passengers taking express train have but one
change of cars bt Mann Pittsburgh, Buffalo and 011
Regions. Mall and. Express Trains stop only at
principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation
trains stop at all stations.
• 711011 AS W. RING, Ass't._Supl..
' W. FOSTER 11.0PF.1.Tleker. anl2
Juue 21et, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the
Union Depot, as foLloiva, rittebtligh,time:
Etall Express ; 2:15 a. m.;12:10 a. M.
Fast Line • ;- 11:40 a. m: 7:15 p: m.
Fast Ex press 2:lo_p ; m. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way '6:10 7.05 p. m.
MeDonald's Ace' n,-.No. 1...11:40 a. 114' , 3505 p. m.
Steubenville Accommocr 3:55 p.m.. 0:30 a. m.
Ble:Douald'a Acc'n, O. 2.. 1 5:45 p. m. 8:20 a. m.
• • SPECIAL NOTICE. —Supidsy Express leaves at 2:10
p. m.• arriving in pinclunati at.6:20 a. ru. themext
• The 0:40 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex
cepted, and:makes ,clognecnn . ections.a: lie:kart:lde
Zanesville and gptlit, Cn ; Sandusi:y„ Mansfield ,
•Ncwark R. R. -
S. F - ..scura; oeneral Ticket dEent. -
W. W. CARD, Sap't., Ste , benyllie. . ;. •
ITl'Sli it FY ioiii..*.A..ysK &a iciuo B. ,
' Brum June 7th, I.BISB, trains 'will leave frims. ".
and arrive at. the. pth .on ReP9t, .north. 440, city . 4
time, as folldws: , • i''
Leave. I Arrive. -
'Chicaio Ex—. 2:03 a m;Chicago Ex... 2:08 a. m
Cleveland Ex.. 2:03-a m 'Cleveland. Ex. ! 8:08 a na.
Erie & Ign MI 7:28 a mlrlhlca/toEx... '11:23 a us.
Ci. A Wleg MA. .6:13 a ml Wheeling E'Xt .11:08 a in
Chcago Mail_ 6:58 di m .51.1;Louls ..E.x.:. -3:33 p in.• • -
c Ex.— 9:43 iti . 4 el .. W he i E 7. 4:38 pm.
C hi ca go l:NM' g Ex. - 1:43 p Eft 4Y Mt 6113 pm
1 .
Chicago Ex..— 1:58 pru chlcogo x....•4:111,3 via .11
Wb. EL Erie Ex. : 4:48 pm CLI&WIt'g Ex . 7 iOB p m
D4ParAf rem Allegheny. . 44rteltle 911411egliesty. -.rail,
- N. Brlgt'u Ac. - 8:58 a m N. Brigt`n Ac• .7f03 aM.
LentsdalSo " -10.11.3 a m.1.1 1, - I , ll t iPit • "--- B:2Bakrt C' '
• •. • "" 11:58 am Wellsville, " . 13 : 53,111 91%.
, Rochester " 2:23 pm New Castle .".1.1):1311 nz
Vrellev'e Acc.. 3:4-3pm . 01.1141:..--.A 1 - 9:13 ain
Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 pm
. r ." • " 1:08 pm •
N. Brien " ~ 0:33 pm MBrig , tsii ,". 2:43 p m
N. Brigrn " . 0:213p m Leetsdale - ". 4-:53 pix , .
Leetsdale " ....10:43 pm - "-- • " - 7:28 pm
: Aar 1.-.58_ p. m. Chicago. Express leaves daily.
1.1.:23 a. in, Chicagr !Express arrives daily.
Jes P.-R. IifYIERS; General Ticket Agent. -
DEN N fil,Y,LVANlA.agliggin
n and after June • 7th„ 1868, Trainer.',will; Ai:.
rive at and depart from the Union. Depot, corner of
Washington and Liberty streets. as Sod - owes.
Arrive:. - Depart.
Mail Train.... 1:15 aml Day Express,. .9:95.5. 111
Fast Line ....
: . - . 1:40 a tniWall's o: 1.. 6:30 a m
Wall's No. . .., 6:20 a ntplail.Train . - 7:50 a ist
Latrobe Area' 7:50 - a m *Cincinnati Ex 11:40 a m
Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am . Wail's No. 2...11:51 a m
Cincinnati E. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:ospm
Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Braddocks No - 1 4:00 pin.
Baltimore Ex. 1:90p m Phila. Expres. 41511 p ns.
Phila. Express 1:20 p m Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 p m
Wall's No. 3... 2.15 p miWall'a' No. 9.. 6:15 p ut.
Braddocks No 1 5:50 p m Fast Line 7:30 p m
Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Latrobe Acen 8:50 pm
Altoona .4401 'Swissvale Ac'1110:50 pm
and Emigrant • . .
Train 9:30 pm
The Church Train leaves WalPs Station ever
Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05
a. m. .11eturninir, leaves Pittsburgh at 1.21:50 p.M.,
and earls es at 9 all's Station at 2:00 pi. m.
`Cincinnati Ex press leaves daily; All otherlralenil
daily except Sunday. . .
For furtner.informaiaon apply to
_._. l
- ' . -_Ol.- . - • .
. - W. H. BECKWTH, Agent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad CoMpany will not as
sume ant . risk. for 'Baggage, except,lbr. wearing. ap
parel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred
Dollars in value. All 13aggage ..vexceedlngt.that
amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un
less takenby apecial contract. . ,„ i ,- .
jee ''',l. Gene - sad Superintendent Alt6onai Pia:
- - - ----
'P. D.—On and after Mayloth, 1868; the'Pae
-senger Trains on the Wester* Pelll3s3Elxarlia Rail
road will arrive at and depart 'from ; tile, Federal
iiitteet Depot Allegheny Cityosii liciliciWin • ' -- '
• ' Artlve. i ,
~ Deptrrt, : •
ringd'e Not. I 6:35.a.m Mall ' • • 5:15 au -
Freeport No. 1 8:15 a ralFreeport No. 1 8:50 am
Express..l.:. - ...10015's m intarptvg No. 111i20 a m
Sharpb'g No. I . 1:15 psi Exprese.......• - 2:25 p Ut• .
• Freeport Nei 1 -4 `. 10 rim ••Oringtre Nth' 3:50' pnt
Mail.. .. . ~... _5:50 pm Freeport N 0.2. 6:05 p a i.
Sprififidte ' No - 2 *T:lo.l3ta Soringd'e No '1- '9 ils pm
. Aboye trains run daily except bunday.• • •
- •The Church Traits leaves AllegtiOny Junet. every .
Sunday at '1:40 - a. m,, rewehing Allegheny :City at
9:50 a. m. - Returning, leaves Allegheny City at
,1:80:p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Sunet. at 9:411
p. m. ....__
COMMUTATION Ticiacvs—Fer silo he likekages et
Twenty, between,Allughen_y• City, Chestnut sn'eet, :
Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna andSharpsburg.
and goodonly onahe trains stopping:at Stations ape-.
ailed on tldkets. - .
The trains leaving Alleghelir GUY •at 6:15 a- m.
andl:so P. M. make direct connection,at Freeport
with,Welker , * line ofStages for Butler:and Hannah.-
;town. Through tickets may be purchased at the ,
Office,. No. - 3 - St. Clair street, near the Busperittion
Bridge _Pittsburgh. and at the Depot, Aileghpny. -
ror further Informaticrn apply to - • • - -
, • r . r r jAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent,
. ; ,•• ••• • Federal Street Depot.
The Western Pennsylyania Railroad will, not. as
sume any risk for Baggage: except for wearing ap
parel, and limit thel. t esponsibllity to One Hundred
Dollars in value: All baggage - exceeding this
amount In value will be at the risk of the 91rneroui
tess taken by special contract. -
• myll • - Getv•ral Suneriutendent, Altoona. Fa.
. .
Sla I r I E T . HILL
- - - - _
. Eastern Division.
froth itie East tp all points in
olorado, Nevada,
California, Utah,
Nemilllexico, Idaho,
Two Trains leave State, Line and Leavenwortk
daily, (Sundays excepted,) on the arrival of trains of
Pacillc Railroad from St. LOU* and "I....nnibal and
St. ISo Railroad from Quincy, connecting at Law
rence, Topeka and Wamego with st,s,s for all
points in Kansas. At end Of track west of -Ells
DENVER; BALI t4.A..1m7
And all Pointe in the Territoriet,
• -
COACHES for Fort. Union,
Fort, Pass, Albn
q_uerwte, Santa - Fe, and all points In Arizona and.
New Mexico. ' • -
With the recent additions of, rolling stock and
equipment, and the arrangement! made with re
sponsible Overland Transportation Lines from Its
western terminus, this road-now offers unequalled
facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far
Tickets for sale at el the principal offices in the
'united States and Canadits.
Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SMOKY
iir:Ha WEBSTER, .
fieneral Freight:and Ticket Agent.
- - sTE-Amswps.
TUE mum:
NumberinHE sixteen gret-eless Testielse-innong.thetta
the celebrsted -
crry Losnox,
ExEny SATURDAY. front Pier 43, North.
Rives., New York. For passage or further inform*.
. -
70 FIFTH STRIVIZT.(Chronice.
Nearly opposite Post Oflic, Plttsbnel(!',
Gerienkl Baperin.,tenden4