The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 22, 1868, Image 1

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The Naval Practice Squadron—
Eastern District U. S. DistriCt
Attorney—The Riot Case—Pick
ed up at Sea—Land Survey in
tßy Telegraph to the.rlttsborgh Gazette. 3
WASITINGToN, D. C., Aug. 18, 1868
Brevet Lient. Col. James M. Caldwell, re,
tired, has, by direction of the President,
and in accordance with . the act of Congress
Of July 28th, 1888,been detailed as Profe3sor
of Military Science at Kentucky. University
at Lexington.
Major E. W. Denali, .Tadgii,q4.lltrociite,
Ilan been ordered to report withmit'delay
to Lieut. gen. Sherman.
_lntelligence Mu; been recely,e4 here ofthe
arrival Or the UnitestStatelksiteamer Mace
donian, of
.the practictaquadron at
yesterday afternoon,- after a
passage of , twenty-six daysirom Funchal,
Madeira, all - Well; •-•- -
Attorney General warts sulimitted to
the Cabinet to-day :his opinion in the, mat-
ter of the United States District Attorney
'ship ofrlikoiteruPennsylvarda,:r Mr. trarts
4.lecideethitt.the office is,:ve&nt and the
President can appoint a successor to Mr.
Gilpin, the present incumbent. It is under
stood.that the President will appoint Mr.
, 20'Neill; who wag nominated , for that'Offide
during the session of the Senate, but whose
. - -nomlnittirdltras - not acted - upon` before the
.adjournment of the Senate.
LAND ; 017.1c7..-
'TheCompl*hateg. 'of the General Land
Office has received returns of the survey of
one additional township in Lewis and
Montana, just
O'erli county in -Montana, just north of
Helena, embracing, an area of twenty-two
thbusand ,nine--lusdied and> Seventy-two
acre& _ The soil is well adapted to agricul
lure and - grating pen:oases. Nearly all
the land in the southern, part of the tract is
.obtained by actual ,settlers._There are no
indications or minerals obsrved • in the
The following appointments of gangers
under-the Internal Ravenna' Law were
made today : Charles E. Dunham, Boston;
Merritz Augerstein, New:York City; Ches
ter J. Moore; - Rochester.'
The following_ appointments of store
keepers were made : Sohn T. Slater, Fifth
District of Maryland, and Geo.. A:Everett,
First District of Maryland. ; -
Thgtexamination of Colored Zouavea for
rioting a week ago, while a company - of
them from Georgetown were on their way
to the Capitol to relievethe.guard over the
remains of Thaddeus Stevens, has been
concluded. Three - Wine fined for disorderly
oondoct,-and sixteen others were-required
to give from three to five hundred donors
bail for. a further hearing at the court.
• The United States Consul at Lonffion re
ports that John Munson, of Calais,
Maine, and John -o'Cofiner;of - Brooklyn,
Mew York, have been brought to-that port,
having beenpfelied up at• sea abotit 'forty
miles southwest of. the Island , of
Nevis, :Thefrvataiel, the Squinei, of-Port
Washington,, as. W lost on the, coral reefs
near 13ertuttii4.
By direction of the Secretary of War, a
- board of officers will assemble at the Wash
ington Arsenal on the first day of Septem
ber next, or as soon thereafter as practice=
for,the EnuTocee oftesting the-BeanprO
syst ! eraln the ponstrnetiou of esamon.
Receipts 42 . 11. • custoPlittrOM Aug,tutt 10th to
/4tlt Inclusive were *3 660 362. ' •
• Assemblage of Distinguished Personages
Meeting between Generals Rosecrans and
Robert E. Lee.
Eisy;rsisarranb uo stk rituninreb 6szette.l
SPRINGS, August 21, 1868.
General Robert E. Lee arrived and was
received with great enthusiasm Gover
nor Pickings, Governor Letcher, Ex-Secre
taiTof Op 'lnterior Sttuirt,GenertilipEekols,
'CL R. ' l A:riders:on; Linton - lira Ste - penii - are
among the late arrivals. Secretary Brown.;
ring has engaged'a Cottage and will arrive
-on Saturday. Generals 'Ewell and Long.
street will arrive to-morrow night. A
great number- of railroad, officials and
directors are -here,. among-theta General
G. T. 13eauregard, 'President of the New
-Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern
road, discussing railroad matters.
Gendral Rosecrans, Minister to Mexico;
is at Ropir_Bdcigg Aliam Elpringe. Re _will
inVitc." - niglit: Vim prpOyyjuottillygrider J
stoodlEit the Meeting of Generals Lee and
• Rosecmns has in it inatters of great im
portance to the country. General Rose
crane was ontanolien on the cars in
gard to hisr_inissiom &grand-masquerade
ball will be given on Tuesday next in honor
-of the nistingnished visitor.
Banquet to Chinese Embassy at Boston. ,:
:CVAitk COPAti We rinse ran Giupette.3, , ,
Hoe:row', Auguit 24.—The baequet given
to the Chinese Embassk at St. mates
Hotel to-nightby members of the eity,gov.
.ernment, was an elegant and interesting
affair. Mayor Shurtleff presided. Governor
Bullgek 4%010 ,oil the part of the-State.
Hon.iCtfial Sumner spoke at-Oontiderable
length, pronouncing a warm eulogy upon
Hr. Burlingame. -
Mmars. E. P. Whipple, Charlesil Nazra
.and others made addresses.
ißy Telegraph to the Putatrargh Gazette.
POIIGIIKEEPSIE, August 21,1—About three
-o'clock this morning the extra freight train
bound North, and the through freight train
bound South on the 'Hudson River Railroad
pollided Ist:-Fort , Montgomery,- #itootuie-
Oteetihattfoitirdspbiked*Witiah; Thelocomo..
live of the extra train was a total wreck,
two cars were upset and three demolished.
One man was badly out in the legs.
674eleittaph tO'the Pltiebarkli4
SAN Fnasenioo, Aktiat 21:—The U. S.
sub-treasurer shipped half a million coin to
York tristqil47:by Ate :Opposition
a trier, making a total since January , let
of seven millions, an excess of: a million
and a half over total thus shipped in 1.887:
tBY Telpgravb toper,Fittabarzth Gazette.]
• VEY( YOnlc, August 21; 1
The New York State line cut Tobacco
MattufaCturers' Association yesterday adop
ted the following resolutions after our re-
Port closed;
Rosotoed, That the prices of the four
t grades of cheiking tobacco shall not be less
at the following rates, respectively:
81,20, 90 cents and 80 cents.
....Resolved, That in the opinion of this Con
.venthinMo tobacco that was marittraCtured
'before or offer the 29th . of iTiflY can be sold
other than in the original packages and
properly inspected. e*cePt by retailers 'to
consumers. - • - •
7 Eighteen infected -cattle reasbed
eitv yesterday by the llarlenirailroad; thelr
whereabouts is not yet ascertained. Four
of the same drove died at Millerton, New
Irprk,itnd twenty-three;tnore are in quar
antine there, while still others are at Co
peke, All came from. Albany.. , Three deaths
of westerieatttle have occurred at Chappa
qttaes, Sing Sing.
The Newark Courier reports a new cattle
disease in Union county, N. J., which ter
minates fatally in a short time. The dis
ease is mainly confined to the head, and is
pronounced by some brain fever. A large
number are sick - and at least a dozen
deaths have occurred.
The Hartford, Conn., Live•stock Insur
ance Company has been suspended, having
lost $410,000 within the last twenty-two
months. The Treasurer of !Connecticut
hold $lOO,OOO of the capital of the Company
which will be used for paying losses. The
Superintendent of the Insurance Depart
ment, at Albany, has notified the agents of
tne Company in this State to take' no more
The . Steamer - Arizona. - from:Aspinwall,
brings 8844,000 In treasure. The state of
war in Panama is at an end, all parties'
: submitted( to jhe provisional ;gov
ernment. A Constitutional Convention p
convoked to meet in October. A tremen
dous thunder and lightning storm on the
Isthniiis occasioned considerable damage
to the railroad wharf and bther buildings.-
Two females named Poer, Mother and
daughter, are under arrest charged with
swindling the Messerole and Liberty Pa
per Collar manufactory, with which they
were connected as forewomen, out of $20,000
to fe40,000.
It is stated that the First National Bank
of Jersey City, the National City Bank of
Lynn; Massachifsetts, and others have
within the past three years lost $17,000 by
abstraction of the bills from the Comptrol
ler:a office at Washington.
Only twelve bags , of newspapers were
injured by the tire on the New York Con-
No letters .were destroyed.
Most of the papers injured will-be re-dlree
ted and sent to their . destination
. .by the
Postal:lee anteorities.-
The printing _establishment- , connected
with Dr. Brandreth's pill factor, at Sing
Sing was burnt • last night. 'The main
building was saved. Fully. insured.
A death • from cholera occurred to-day
in Bellevue Hospital. The patient was
picked up in the,street, and died in half
Elliott, the great portrajt painter,ls re
reported at the point of death at Alb any.
* QQ X
. ; Maryland Soheutzenfolt
meows at-Ba , p.imore on Monday:-
—The plans for a bridge , over the Dela
ware, at gidindelphia,'have been accepted.
—At New York, Polladelphia and I B
more heavy thunderstorms prevailed on
Thursday-evening. • ;
—William Mann; a tavern' keeper ' in
New York city, committed suicide by
haaging,ou Thursday.
—Srialth's silk button factory, In Brook
lyn, Y. Y., was robbed on Thureday of
12;000 worth of property. • ••
—Homer Lane was badly beaten in a
wrestling match with Lewis Thompson, at
- Harrisburg, on Thursday.
—lnternal Revenue collections In Saint
Louis county, Mo., for the fiscal year end
ing June SO, were three and a half millions.
—A, monument erected to the memory of
the Vermont soldiers killed in the late war
was unveiled on Thursday at St. Johnsburg.
—At the - Brooklyn Navy Yar d, on Thurs
day, two men while under the river in 'a
diving bell were suffocated by the air be
coming ; choked. ;, •
—The remains of Mrs. Senator Trumbull
were interred- at "Oak-.-Ridge„ Springfield,
ill., on Tatirality. She was the first child
,burn Spriuglield.
—Solicitor Binckley decides that the law
preventing distilleries front 'being operated
within six hundred feet of each other is
valid. and must be enforced.,„-
yacht Challenge of New York was
lost on the shoals near Bera, South Amer
-icarJuly 20th. The crew were picked up
and tuave - retughd to New York.., - _
boiler, in the, Globe Rolling Mills,
Cincinnati, exploded Yesterday, destroying
nearly the entire building. One man was
seriously injured. Loss auout $15,000.
barrelsof whisky; from Memphis,
were seized on the at SC Louis yes-,
terdev by the Government tor alleged in=
formality .in' connection with the revenue
, —Nothing haibeen - heard of the where
abouts of Mr. Cabot, the defaulting Presi
dent of the Allentown Rolling Mill Com
pony. The'defalcation amounts to nearly
—There was a report in circulation at
Nashville yesterday of another tragical af
fair at Waynesboro resulting in the death.
-of the county , Sheriff; bait could be traced
to no reliable source.
Mason's Island, near Stoniton,
Coin., yesterday, a aampany of tbe
ordef and their friends, to the number of
about two, thousand; devoured two hund
red gallons of
• —Gen. rant has not teleg that a
sfould tin 1n Witshingtorion the, fifth of)3qp,
ternber: Whenlastkeaid. from he west' at
(Jolene, where he expected to, stay nearly
the whole Motith - ilf September'.'
—d bill, intritldaced. inthe Georgia some
„ofßepresentatives to''.exempt from,taxa4
tion foreign Capita l invested • tha.,mann-;
flu:Lure , of woolen and cotton goods and ,
other fibrous material for five years, was,
e:Savannah Republican says , tiv,d,
s t et unids; natned, Savannah and tilltillo;ate•
now 'Course of construction tho Clyde,
and will to finished in season to take their,
plane upon the tine between Liverpool and
Savannah in November.
PITrSETTErjrII4 . : tgAT li RPAY, ".‘rAitt-0vr.,:,0', , 18E8.
SECOAD Elllllo'
• rrible Railroad Accident in"
WaleS—Seven Persons Killed
Outright and Eighteen Burned,
Alive to Ashes—Discovery of a
Plot to Assassinate Queen Vic
tokia in Switzerland—Arrest of
the Wczsld-be Fenian Assassin.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
LONDON, Aug. 21.—Dispatches were re
ceived to-day giying the particulars of a
heart rending calamity in North Wales
yesterday afternoon, whereby twenty-ft
lives. persons lost their A train of cats
from Holyhead, containingpasseng rit and
mails from Ireland, which was proceeding
towards Liverpool <at the Uinta rate of
speed, met , with .a sad accident to-day at
the town 'of -A-bergele, Denolgha county.
A long train of loaded ,petroleum trucks
had just been switched oil on a siding to
make way for the 'Dish mail, but the
switchman had neglected to, replace the
switch.. A dreadful collision was the con
sequence' SeVen persons,' all passengers
in the Irish mail train,were killed outright
and many others badly injured. The cars
in both trains were reduced • tO a shapeless
mass by the concussion produced by the
explosion of petroleum, which instantly
enveloped both trains in flames. . Before
the fire could be subdued mighteen -per-
I sons had been 'literally burned alive to
LUCERNE, August having recently
become known to the Swiss autherities that
an attempt was intended to have been made
on the life of the . Queen of !England during
her recent sojourn in this place, a strict
search was made by the police for parties
concerned in the diabolical plot. To-day a
man, whose name is not given, but who, it
has been ascertained, is a Fenian, Was ar
rested, and upon° examination made such
statements as leave no doubts that it was
his deliberate design' to assassinate Queen
Victoria. He has been committed to prison
to await a requisition from the British au
PARIS, August 21.—The Messrs. Amnon,
of Bordeaux', who constructed certain iron
clads for the Confederate government, and
against whom the United Stares recently
obtained judgment in • the , French High
Court of Appeal, have been adjudged bank
. . .
LoNte.NrAtlgnat 21-...-Consols.—Co .
sag for nonoy suad accounts., Bonds 71x.
Illinois Central 91; Erie 31; Great Wes
tern 37%. •
FRAlnarPonr,August 21—Evening—Bonds
LIVE/U.00T., .Atlgll,Bt 21 7 -Evening.—Cot:
ton t buoyant; sales, of 20,1)00.. bales. mid-
AlingUplands at 103( 4 d. Breadstuffs quiet..
Other articles unchanged. Linseed. 011
2s - Bff. • . •
LIVERPOOt; - August - 21.1,000 - sacks of,
wheat arrived for Liverpool and New
Castle. Flour $5,50a6,50. Wheat $1,75e
1,84. Legal Tenderslo%. • •:"
- I
Base Ball Matches.
(By Telegraph to the Pltt burgh G4sette.]
• :4:haprzwairD; Auiust 21.=:A. game of ilase
ball between the Independents, of Mans
field and Forest City, Cleveland, to-dry,
resulted in the defeat of the former. Score,
40 to .00. —, • - '
Crops in Alabama.
By. TelesTpkpb to the rittebursh Casette.].,
; itugust' 21.—Therp is no im
provement to notice in the crops. Ac
counts from tho country continue bad.
—At Canton, New York, on Thursday.
John Kenniidy was executed for the mur
der of Thomas Hind, in August. 1867. __He
met his fate.with 'apparent indifferenoe. He
was condemned to be hung in.Ncvember
last, but on the morninprof the Ito a stay
of proceedings was served upon • the i;lher
ie. and he' was further. resulted. Hand,
who was murdered, lived for many -years
in drea.d of death ,by vioience, and admitted
no one even to anaoquaintance exceptlien
nedy.Alle had a sum of:Money in his pos
session, butlived in a miserable manner in
order to avoid giving any one. any induce
' ment to murder him. - •
—One of the Grant and Colfax. electors
for Alabama, and . a distingut 4 h ed rebel
ocer during the war,-writes thatthe
Demobrats will make despei at") eiforta -to
carry-that Slate, and that the election Will
Cost a thousand lives. Dieetingi haveln3en
held in bis locality, and resautions passe
ed.ostraelsing himself and other Republi
cans, and prescription is carried so far that
the rebel druggis s refuse to sell them med
icines arid grocers to sell them food
Nevertheletis; ha thinks they will nary the
the State by a handsome majority.
The new_ fraud of putting false beads In
whisky barrels;bouf been discovered by; the
...teriud -Revenue officers in New York-and
other cities, and will be ' - suppressed. Thq
Government, has been cheated out of a great
deal Of tax money in this way, as - the same
false heads with the , stamps on It could be
used cmlusdreds of barrels.
New Orleans Market.
(Br Toteraph to the, Pittsburgh.Gazette.]
NSW ORLEANS, August 21.—The Cottob
market As quiet and stead y ;, sales 30 bales
Upland "Middlings at 30c; receipts amount
,218 bola; exports, -iione; Baths "few the
week amount to 168; ~r eceipts for the week ;
osahoies; 'export for the week. 26 5 ,bales to
New York; stook on hand, 925 bales. Seer
ling,'.letal3Pr4. NOW York sight. exahangei
Mopromluirt; .Gold, e l43X._ Sugar arid Mo.,
lissesire'nomitial.- - Flotwili dull and suer.
petting , at $B. Corn is dull.* $14,02w.
Osti.arti at 80502%e. * Hay is firmlitll26
10,0 0 50. Bran at $1,20, Dirk is - dull at 1180 i;
Bacon is.steady; shoulders at bigot
'clear sides at, M. 3 is firm, tierce at
litlic; keg at gaXe• '
patron Market.
LBY Telegragh to Pittsburgh tihsettea I
DsruOrri ;Aug. steaay at sl.lli
12 for -sriperiori - with 4 - good demand:
Wheat • is -fairly active fat '',loriicir. rates;
*trite 'amid iit4iett'at 112,23;:N0..,2
close d a rmor , Ast,ib.7 - ... cirrn;ialei;attio, 2
at $1;10.. Osts firm. nt
,Lotilm Cattl el Market.
Sr. 'Lours,' August 20: Cattle iZniet end
unchanged at prices ranging from 2a5X
groan for inferior to choice.
Mass , Meeting - int 06 1 810 h Ward, Alice
glueiy-4remendous, Outpouring of 'the
geople—Ablo - Addreises by L. ,P. Stone;
Etq.; Maj. A..M.`tirown and rthreas,lll.,
Bayne P. Ede • ' • '
, • "
Neverbefere before' we sieeri sne.h. a tre
menclona out oaring of the loyal masses at.
a,:werdineet gas there wasat the meeting.
of the Repub sof the Sixth ward,
, gliuny, at the ornor of Loon& street and.
Beaver 'even , last evening. There' were,
young men an old, rich and poer;frem the
counting room and rpm the work-ehow,
and not only waueveunlass seicletyruP.:
resented - by men whose votes will be count
ed -in Noveuiber next' with the. Millions
which will be east.kit' thiixistion's favorite,
General Grant, but there were a number of
ladies present, which- 'always a 'credit id'
a political meeting. The Germania Turner
Band, which is one of the city .
and &eery member of which` will vote for
Grant, Colfax and the entire Republican
ticket, were in attendance and discoursed.
excellent music at the opening and close Of,
the meeting and during; the . intervals be- .
tween the speeches.
The meeting was called to order by Mr.
B. P. Jennings, who proposed the following'
gentlemen ale officers of the meeting
President—Hon. Jno. E. Park.
Vice Pregdents—W. F. Frimble, Louis
Peterson, Jr., Jas. A. Hutchinson, George
'6'eCretcirier—Cyrus Townsend, and J. E.
Judge-Park on taking the Chair thanked
the meeting tor the ,honor conferred even
him by calling him to preside. He then.
introduced Prof. Pope, who favored the
meeting with. a song entitled . "The U.
S. Raoe," -which - was enthasiatitically
received by the immense crowd.
L. P. STONE, •P.SCi.
The Chairman then introduced,L. P.
Stone. Esq., who addressed the meeting at
considerable length. He was pleased to
see so many persons present, wished ,
to say, however, that our success did net.
depend so much upon speeches and meet
ings as upon personal responsibility_ and: .
local organization, and he was happy to in
form the audienee that the ward organiza
tions were being perfected rapidly. The'
speaker referred to the object for'which the
;meeting had assembled, and said that do
doubt the desire of every man present was ,
to elect General Grant to the Presidency,
but it was quite evident that his election
would not be satisfactory to the Democrats
and rebels. It was the dissatisfaction at
the election of Lincoln, the best <man who
ever eccunied the Presidential chair,
that produced the late rebellion.
The- rebels desired the election of
Seymour, andif he *as fairly and honestly
elected he wished the_ people to, remember
that if was their duty to quietly submit.
If such a Misfortune should befall the
country, which the *speaker 'thought very
improbable, if we could take-Frank
letter as an indication_ of the intentions of
the rebels acid Denocrats, we might ex
pect them to atte turn OUL a loyal
C,ongress -and fill t i oar places with rebels
whose hands were red "with ':the blood Of .
Northern men. , Theepeaker continued fqr
some time and his remarks were listened
to with marked attention by the audience.
- At,the close of .his remarks, Prof. Pope was
_called upon and entertained the meeting
with a song entitled "A Democrat in Search
L" Votes.'• . ;
The Chairman then introduced Maj,
M. Brown, who said; .
•The same blooti-stained rebels who as
• sembled at New York on the 4th of July
last, were the men who were arrayed
against the Government during the rebel
lion, and their hands weed. still reeking
with the blood of the sons, brothers and
fathers of the North. The questicin befoe
- the people in this campaign was whether
the red-handed, blood-stained rebels, who
had murdered Northern men. during the
War,. theuld rule the Government, and
those' Wini had stood' by theGeverument in
her _peril, should be cast aside as auworthy
the confidence of the' American people. No
man had ever received a nomination like
that of Gen. Grant, not even Lincoln him.'
self.lThere was not even 'a voice raised
against him. He had the honor to ,rep•
:went the - Twenty-see,ond ~District in
that Convention; and he had there met men,
from the South who, if their arms were off;
'were not plot off with union bullets, but
but looYal UnioiC soldiers from ;the - South
whose arms were shot off with rebel bullets,
and all sent np a united voice for Grant.
Ho• was it at New York, with, that set of
ma who desecrated theiourth of July, the
natal day of the nation's independence, by
assembling in Tammany Hall. There was
Forrest, 'Bonham, Wade Hampton, Yellendigham, and othereof that character. New
York was the paradise of rebeldom, and
they had nominated there a traitor 115 a can
didate for the Presidency.. While rebel
cannon balls were ploughing up the earth
in Pennsylvania, this traitor was inciting_
a mob in New York to rebel against the
laws of the nation. The speaker then
turned his attention to the 'financial ques
tion, and disposed of it in a most admirable
manner. He then took up the labor clues . -
tion, which he said was all a clap trap to
catch votes. The men who were making
the most noise about.the matter were men
who were lifter a fat office. Prof. Burt, he
said, had never troubled himself about la
boring men until he became' an aspirant for
office. The speaker closed after is - beautiful
peroration, urging upon all to go to the
polls and vote and see that their neighbors
did likewise.
Prof. Pope was again called•imon and fa
vored the audience with another song.
,I, • I col. T. If. BAYNE;
The Chairman then introduced Colonel
Themes:lßL BaYne, who- addressed the
meeting in an able and eloquent manner.
The speaker said. he, was. glad to see so
many ladies present.. It was indicative of
an orderly meeting. He had just been' p
street to the rebel meeting; there was no
ladies there, and the crowd was very. dis
orderly.- He then took the questions at -is
sue between the Republican party and the
rebels, and handled them in, a very able
uninner. said , therewere no new Issues
before the people: There might he nide b
anes, but;he, was not afraid to . .lneet. thorn
fairly. The great issue was the same.whleh
bad been tlecided!by the' ballot iri'lB6.l and
by tho bayonot in 1885. All .peape toying,
law.nbiding and orderly dliposed people
Zepedthatthey hadliean settled, but they
Were again calledopon toonco mote decide
them at - ' the approaching election. It was
not ,Northern.-Democrate,who nominated
- SeymourAnd 'Blair, but the rebel Generals
who led the traitorons,hoate against the
atarrirdiag during the :late' rebellidn, and
it was upon them he said the, party:,depend
ed forks Brains. The speaket watt listened
o thronghoukwith the greatest attention;'
and leudly'applindeit &the clime of his re.i
i trierke. • ; ; ~ •
After ,musle 1
by , the and" Pope;
whose otunpalgrt songs are or the 'verybest;
was again called upon and 'rendered "The
Two Copperheada,l' whiehwas enthusiasti
cally received and applauded.
0411 P . '
The Chairman of the meeting then an
nounced that a meeting of the Repubil-
cans. would be held et the School House
this.estening for the purpose -of-perfecting
the organization of the Grant . and Colfax
Club. ;
The meeting then adjourned with three
kheere for Graut and Colfax and Lila: whole
Republican ticket.
Interesting, ;Experiment—Testing a Cast
, Wnel Boiler.
'A few -Weeks ago. we-published tabular
statements of the strength specimeni of
boiler plate; made by Pittsburgh manufac
turers,aslleteintirfed 'by , Mt. Benjamin
Crawl:hit . ..Special:Agent of 'the Treasury
ilepartnaent.,..m. the WaShlngtou, Navy
Yard. ,One,of these:, 'ateel , plate of. the
_ .
grade denominatedsthomegoneons'metal,"- ,
. ,
made by Park, Brother - ilt Co., showed. a
. .
tensile strength of over 'riiitatY-one thou-
Sand . pounda—flearly one-half more than
any iron plates In Com Petition with it, and
its fllanging properties were also pronounced
superior: • The 'best :competing specimen
was called Iron, butinis • really_ a low grade,
of steel..
To prove still further the superiority of
thele steel' for .. boiler making, . Messrs.
Park Bros. di Co. deterinined tof f test one •
of their boilers a i'ostranoi. by uarrying up •
the usual hydraulic test to, the- bursting
point. A boiler , - made by Caren it Sny
der was inbrisitted to this .test,, yesterday
afternoon, at' their yards, in the presence
of a large ;concourse of engineers and
others, who evinced a deep interest in the
experiment..., The boiler was •of medium
diameteri--thirtyfeight inches—and made
of quarter-inch platea, double riveted with
steel rivets. To o it were attached one of. A.
.Pultori Sons pressure gauges and a force
pump by which water was injected intothe
already filled boiler, se that a Pressure of
several hundred , pounds was quickly
'reached: Afr the gatigei approached six
hundred manila, the- . gasket, or leaden
joint, by which the Manhole is stopped; be
gan to leaktreely, and water also spurte'll
in the form of spray from the seams, until
it was found impossible to maintain the
pressure. The circumference of the boiler
was now found to have increased an inch
'and a quarter by the stretchingof the plates.
The leaks' mentioned having been par
.tially stopped three inure trials were made,
thus more severely testing the boiler by
their 'repetition. By the lath of these a
pressure of 665 pounds. was 'reached with
out producing any further effect' than to
cause the boiler to swell in a manner that
strikingly exemplified the ductility of the
material of which it was& made, it being
now expanded two and a half inches in,
circumference. There were no signs of ; the
plates giving way at tliciAi vet holes,
where they are necessarily weaker than
any other part, the whole strain
being thrown upon the part remaining :
between the holes. Making alloWance for
this the tensile strain on each squire inch
of steel was 67,386 pounds. How • intiCh
more it may stand•can only be 'aSeicitained'
by farther _trials. These are 'to bumada
soon, when.another force pump trill be used •
which,. it Is l thought,
tt: 6 611 0** :4 0 41 3 r.PYPr calve*:
'hipiflaysitiere else.: ilkovg suohr•bOwu
explode it. Willonly - biahrough the crimi:
nal carelessness of those, having them in.
charge.' Their use is a near approach to'
'at s _Ante security. •
) Our Model Pollee System.
EDITORS GAZETTE : Permit Me to call the
attention of the Gas Company and also the .
tax payers of this eity.,to the ~manner
which our present 154:diceattend to lighting ,
up their beats. The writer has noticed that
since the'present administration came into
power there has been scarcely one night in ,
the mouth that all the city l amps have been
. •
lighted; and on many occasions there are
from fifty to a hundred throughout the city
not lit up, but for which• the city is taxed..
Yet I do not know that the Gas Company
save much by these Lampe not•buroing,• for
the reason that a number of beata are often
lit up on hour before titne. I-would not
mention this matter, were it not that 'I see.
the negligence of the police is .increasing
daily. - '
On Thursday eveningaboy of about four
teen years, ndertook to light.up the beat
-which runs from Mechanic streetto Carson
in the Tenth ward, but although he com
menced at n quarter before' seven; (by the"
way, about one hour too soon,) at - eight
o'clock half of the beat was in darkness.
The boy was drunk, and after 'turning on
the gas .in, several of the lamps without
being able to light them, he gave it up.
Between eight and nine o'clock'some small
boys climbed the posts and lit the lamps. I.
have on more than one occasion seen beats,
where the officer did not , go on, duty, that
night, in total darkness until nearly ten
o'clock, when the Sub. whO was put on it
would light up. Is there no remdy? or
will we put up with this until Feb
cruarfnext ? , .. • Crrizzw.
United St,tes Distrlet . Gout.-4 - udge
lirceandleti • ~ '
. this Ceurt yasterday morning the ar
gument for a new trial in the.. case of the
United States•va. the Vinegar Manufactory,
et al.,'of Arthuißallou, which was to have
taken place yitsterdiiy, was again piist
poned until Saturday, Dv request of the
counsel. ' •
, ' , Messrs. McClure, Thinker and. Haileton,
who.were appoint to appraise the' value of
a lot of nutmegs now intnstody of the Sur
veyor of , this port, and claimed by William
Saddens and ft. Carson sumitted .a : report
yesterdsy. The claim antsi filed bond,
and the'property was released, by order of
- -
'ln the bankruptcy_ branch, final 'dis
charges; were granted and . 'certificates
awarded to John F'aront,' , Of Bliaquehanna
county; Levi S. BtirroWs, 'Clinton county;
John B. Herb, Clinton county; Wm. •L.
Musaer, Center county; John Grandrum,
Clinton oqunty;.,:John Sweely, . Wil
lianagicirt, Clinton : county; Thomas J. Kem
per. Ceuter'ciunty.
Petitions for final disoliarge Were filed by
Ralph Morse,'Warren county;' C. B: Clark,
Erie county; Y.' A: Blair, Erie county; Ste
phen Critchlew, _Warren 'county; David
Dinswoor • Warren county; T:
City. Mortality. ,
Dr. A. G. MoQandiess, Physician 'to the
Board of Health, reports the following•in
terments in , ; the 4 City of Pittsburgh from
~k.ugrist,4l-to4Angust 16,1808:
Adults--Cionsnraption, 2; Paralysis, 2;
Accident, 2; Erysipelas, 1; Congestive
Fever, 1; Disease of Heart, Tuberculosis,
1; Pleurisy; 1. k - • '•
•;,Children—Cholers Infaxitum. 15;4.Diseaae
i of,Brain, 3; Croup, 2; Spamis, 2; Marasmus;
2; Meningitis, 1; ebility, 1; Hydrocoplia
C lus if the above there were: Under one
year, 20; from ono to two. 8;. from two to
tiva, 1; frotrrtwenty to thirty, 3; from thirty
to forty, 3; from forty to fifty, 2; from • fill
slaty, 1; from,frotri seventy tcr eikbty,
Ma 1 0.6. gl white_... . . 37 ? To t a l... 28
FemaleS ....17 $ Colore__ $
NUMBER 20 t .
A Conversation about Bonds and
'banks, •
The following, from the Norwich Bulle
tin relates a bit of true historY, midis inter
esting in more ways than one:
"The following conversation took place
in the counting-room of one , of our friends
a few days since. A prominent Democrat,
a man of strict hie prliate life,
has just put the following question, some
discussion having preceded it:
"Well s Mr. A. let us drop all political
antagonism and argue this question on
its merits: Upen what ground can you
maintain. that ens' hundred` •golddollare
shall be paid Upon a lona .for • which the
government received only fifty, unless the
exact letter of the law-demands such pay
m ent?' , , •
"Mr.- A.-='That' question' is easily an
swered, and I will giveyou a case in , point. _
Yon know old Mrs. C., our neighbor, whose
husband died in 1,859, and for whom I: -yam
trustee. Her husband lett her the house
she occupies And about 410,000 in motley,
the 'income of which is all she has for the ,
eupport of herself and • her,sipk,daughter,
who is now dying of consumPtion. As
soon as I I could-collect.the stints - due s Ther
. husband I invested , the :whole ;_in a mort
gage at seven pet cent, interest, due in five
yearg ,The notes became due in 1884; when
.the,priee of gold was .190., and I was foreed
to take my my pay in I,gal-tender _notes, •
and' r again bad to look around for an in
vestment. The , interest on the •niertgage
having been, paid in Currency. this old lady
hid been very much straitened for the past
year, and I concluded - that in'cadeitci meet ,
expences 'she must!. have her intetesVin
goid, and that even-then she weuld rose, as
I had lent money before the war at i3f3V.-
en par bent; and couldnow only get' six
per, cent. on the Five-twenty bonds, bat I
took .them.'
"Yes,' said the Democrat, 'but you took
them at leis . than sixty in gold value,'
A.'on the contrary, Mr. D.,. the
government borrowed old Milli.
thousand gold - dollars by force,when it
forced Me to take its demand notes in ee
tlement of the mortgage on which •I had
lent the gold, and these demand notee bear
ing no interest, and although due on-de
mand, being nothing more nor - less. than
failed paper, I gave the government an ex
tension by subscribing them:, for Five
twenty bonds. Igot ten thousand dollars
of the b - onds, and by so doing I got no
more and no less than the original capital,
and when I ask the goVernment to pay me
ten thonsitnd dollars in gold, I ask no more
than the payment of what I had in 1859,
If you now force - me to take greenbaciks.
which are worth only 70 cents in gold, for
my bonds, _I shall get $7,000 and .the gov
ernment will have tiontiscated $3,000 of old
Mrs. Cis property.' • _
"'l'Well, 4 said the Democrat., ‘ am not
iesPoniiblefor the ;legal tender ,l.
act; your
Republic-sir Congress made the law .and
forced Mra: l o. and me toJake the notes.'
: "Mr. A --'Yes, you and party are Aspen- •
sible; you refusea to subscribe forthebonds
you impeded the government, yeti render- .
ed aid and comfort to the rebels in every
Way that yon knew bow to, without risk--
Aim_ your, necks—your mob leader, Sey--
thet he never. subscribed a.
;didlar l tit'a loan and. never owned a bond—
YOu made it and;
for the gov--
'dointdentrth dollect a forced loan drgiveup
'tcr the rebels' '
"'Welt,' said the Democrat, attempting
to dodge, .' Mrs. o.'s case is only a - solitary •
one; .most of the bends were subscribe& for
bY men who made their money in the rise
-in prices-shoddy men and such.'
"Mr. A.—‘lndeei,are_the active business ,
men among • your acquaintances large own
ers of bonds or were they subscribers?
You know better. You. know that your -
savings banks hold a large amount, you.
know that your insurance office has its
funds .n bonds, and yon know that the men
in active business,' the shoddy men least of
all could not spare their money trorntheir
business, except a few like our neighbors
-H. dr. Co., who made it.a•point of honor to
subscribe for every loan.'
"The Democrat.= Why don't you sgo. toe
"work and take up your greenbacks; your
failed paper as you call it.'
"Mr. A. l Thatja what
--we mesa to do:
We know that greenbacks are the people's
:money, and when we have elected ,- Grant,
we mean to make them as good as gold, and
we, intend to do that by burying your rebel
repudiators and mob leaders out of sight
and hearing.' • •
"Here theconversatiOn ended.":
. . „,„
A WAAIIINGTON teiegrarri says : The ne
gotiations of Seymour men, resulting in a.
partial promise from the President to sup
port the Democratic nominations, were man
aged by ' , Col. Tan Buren, of Nets York,
and another entleman from, ;'he same city,
whose name has not yet" tisnspired. One
of the Presidextt'S strongest Democratic sup
porters in the Convention with persona of
his own party, to-day asserted that no de
pendence could be placed in Mr. Johnson's
late , promises of support to 'Seymour, and.
that he had no real desire or intention to aid
the party.
SAMBO 'AND ars Damocis.Txd Fureaps.—
While the-Denticrailccandidate,for the Vice
Presidency, goee about - the North, berating
the freedmen as- "senkbarbarmis blacks,"
"idle vagabonds," "degraded beings," and
an "alien race of semi-barbarous men," the
Richmond -.Enlitifrer, Charleston MACS,
Charleston Merettry, Mobile Advertiser,
Macon TeZegraphsnd other'ietiel . stiee*are
filled with appeals to the emancipated
skves•to support the -Democratic Party ost
the ground that'll, "is their best friend.', l
'`r - •
TERRE Is in the whole: State. of Indium
not a Republican who supported President
Johnson in 1860 who has not now turned
his back in the most emphatic manner on.
the Democratic party. If the itepoblicans
without, their aid 'carried .Indianaiwo years
ago -by fourteen , thousand majority, how
can the Democrats, now that the
and Radical Republicans are thoroughly
united and fighting the. common ftw' with.
the utmost enthusitunit, expectanvthing but
an overwhelming'defeat tbat State.-
—The Central Facile hasten
completed two hundred and •tdity•eight
miles east of Sacramento river,efthforata-
Six miles' . of track weittiald on the - 1444
and. the Company promises - to lay seven.
miles a -day'', necessary, to' oalstriP
Unhin PaeltiO way to Salt Lake:
•••-lgitil,fidvices from , Hari confirm cable
dispatches to the efrect that Cape BaYtiew
was anrrounded by. the reiolutionista Awl
communication with , the , interior • cat oft
The'insorgents intended to blockade Port,
.ett:Prineo with the captured steam,
--_ .
Two.wooleu and,w,bor were thrown
from;ntarriagy Tburgisy, stern=a
drivingifgnoxFoirviiio to Ashland,-)Wee
;nintsettS. Katy Dyorladminennkyslol43
wee instantly killed an the*ottir Wzgr?
! `stiribilitly irdured. 'The
1 heti. • • - ' , .
-An teronauinarred---• Ligittri—ad neeiday. an ap,
cension i ro n Harrisburg on - C
rush about,
afternoon and came down witty
ten o'clo
ck• in the evening, enty miles
north of that-atty. No one was injured.