• r • V--\\ ;1 1 -1 '• - • ' v a) ) [ 1 , 21.11 . " • \ 112 0 Pir..... 444 " - ` 3 " .--a> • •'• • • • s '.•3 ' • . - voLvkE - Lxxxm. FIRST EDITION. TWFLZ'F• 0' TILE CAPITAL. The Naval Practice Squadron— < Eastern District U. S. DistriCt Attorney—The Riot Case—Pick ed up at Sea—Land Survey in Montana. tßy Telegraph to the.rlttsborgh Gazette. 3 WASITINGToN, D. C., Aug. 18, 1868 MILITARY AND NAVAL. Brevet Lient. Col. James M. Caldwell, re, tired, has, by direction of the President, and in accordance with . the act of Congress Of July 28th, 1888,been detailed as Profe3sor of Military Science at Kentucky. University at Lexington. Major E. W. Denali, .Tadgii,q4.lltrociite, Ilan been ordered to report withmit'delay to Lieut. gen. Sherman. _lntelligence Mu; been recely,e4 here ofthe arrival Or the UnitestStatelksiteamer Mace donian, of .the practictaquadron at yesterday afternoon,- after a passage of , twenty-six daysirom Funchal, Madeira, all - Well; •-•- - DISTRICT . ATTORYETSEID, Attorney General warts sulimitted to the Cabinet to-day :his opinion in the, mat- ter of the United States District Attorney 'ship ofrlikoiteruPennsylvarda,:r Mr. trarts 4.lecideethitt.the office is,:ve&nt and the President can appoint a successor to Mr. Gilpin, the present incumbent. It is under stood.that the President will appoint Mr. , 20'Neill; who wag nominated , for that'Offide during the session of the Senate, but whose . - -nomlnittirdltras - not acted - upon` before the .adjournment of the Senate. LAND ; 017.1c7..- 'TheCompl*hateg. 'of the General Land Office has received returns of the survey of one additional township in Lewis and Montana, just O'erli county in -Montana, just north of Helena, embracing, an area of twenty-two thbusand ,nine--lusdied and> Seventy-two acre& _ The soil is well adapted to agricul lure and - grating pen:oases. Nearly all the land in the southern, part of the tract is .obtained by actual ,settlers._There are no indications or minerals obsrved • in the IiAIJaLI3I.3I BT9IIEEEEIRIF9 The following appointments of gangers under-the Internal Ravenna' Law were made today : Charles E. Dunham, Boston; Merritz Augerstein, New:York City; Ches ter J. Moore; - Rochester.' The The following_ appointments of store keepers were made : Sohn T. Slater, Fifth District of Maryland, and Geo.. A:Everett, First District of Maryland. ; - • • THE. RIODCAECE: - Thgtexamination of Colored Zouavea for rioting a week ago, while a company - of , them from Georgetown were on their way to the Capitol to relievethe.guard over the remains of Thaddeus Stevens, has been concluded. Three - Wine fined for disorderly oondoct,-and sixteen others were-required to give from three to five hundred donors bail for. a further hearing at the court. PICKED UP AT BEA. • The United States Consul at Lonffion re ports that John Munson, of Calais, Maine, and John -o'Cofiner;of - Brooklyn, Mew York, have been brought to-that port, having beenpfelied up at• sea abotit 'forty miles southwest of. the Island , of Nevis, :Thefrvataiel, the Squinei, of-Port Washington,, as. W lost on the, coral reefs near 13ertuttii4. BEAURRE SYSTEM. By direction of the Secretary of War, a - board of officers will assemble at the Wash ington Arsenal on the first day of Septem ber next, or as soon thereafter as practice= for,the EnuTocee oftesting the-BeanprO syst ! eraln the ponstrnetiou of esamon. ctrwroms. Receipts 42 . 11. • custoPlittrOM Aug,tutt 10th to /4tlt Inclusive were *3 660 362. ' • ...... WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. • Assemblage of Distinguished Personages Meeting between Generals Rosecrans and Robert E. Lee. Eisy;rsisarranb uo stk rituninreb 6szette.l GREEN BELIA.II, WIIITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, August 21, 1868. General Robert E. Lee arrived and was received with great enthusiasm Gover nor Pickings, Governor Letcher, Ex-Secre taiTof Op 'lnterior Sttuirt,GenertilipEekols, 'CL R. ' l A:riders:on; Linton - lira Ste - penii - are among the late arrivals. Secretary Brown.; ring has engaged'a Cottage and will arrive -on Saturday. Generals 'Ewell and Long. street will arrive to-morrow night. A great number- of railroad, officials and directors are -here,. among-theta General G. T. 13eauregard, 'President of the New -Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern road, discussing railroad matters. Gendral Rosecrans, Minister to Mexico; is at Ropir_Bdcigg Aliam Elpringe. Re _will inVitc." - niglit: Vim prpOyyjuottillygrider J stoodlEit the Meeting of Generals Lee and • Rosecmns has in it inatters of great im portance to the country. General Rose crane was ontanolien on the cars in gard to hisr_inissiom &grand-masquerade ball will be given on Tuesday next in honor -of the nistingnished visitor. Banquet to Chinese Embassy at Boston. ,: :CVAitk COPAti We rinse ran Giupette.3, , , Hoe:row', Auguit 24.—The baequet given to the Chinese Embassk at St. mates Hotel to-nightby members of the eity,gov. .ernment, was an elegant and interesting affair. Mayor Shurtleff presided. Governor Bullgek 4%010 ,oil the part of the-State. Hon.iCtfial Sumner spoke at-Oontiderable length, pronouncing a warm eulogy upon Hr. Burlingame. - Mmars. E. P. Whipple, Charlesil Nazra .and others made addresses. !`.oEUlidiiteif"Bridititt!Tridistd ißy Telegraph to the Putatrargh Gazette. POIIGIIKEEPSIE, August 21,1—About three -o'clock this morning the extra freight train bound North, and the through freight train bound South on the 'Hudson River Railroad pollided Ist:-Fort , Montgomery,- #itootuie- Oteetihattfoitirdspbiked*Witiah; Thelocomo.. live of the extra train was a total wreck, two cars were upset and three demolished. One man was badly out in the legs. IFURRedfrozn-Caltfaulaz. 674eleittaph tO'the Pltiebarkli4 SAN Fnasenioo, Aktiat 21:—The U. S. sub-treasurer shipped half a million coin to York tristqil47:by Ate :Opposition a trier, making a total since January , let of seven millions, an excess of: a million and a half over total thus shipped in 1.887: r • NEW YORK CITY, tBY Telpgravb toper,Fittabarzth Gazette.] • VEY( YOnlc, August 21; 1 TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS' CONVENTION. The New York State line cut Tobacco MattufaCturers' Association yesterday adop ted the following resolutions after our re- Port closed; 31. Rosotoed, That the prices of the four t grades of cheiking tobacco shall not be less at the following rates, respectively: 81,20, 90 cents and 80 cents. ....Resolved, That in the opinion of this Con .venthinMo tobacco that was marittraCtured 'before or offer the 29th . of iTiflY can be sold other than in the original packages and properly inspected. e*cePt by retailers 'to consumers. - • - • MORE INFECTED CATTLE—NEW DISEASE. 7 Eighteen infected -cattle reasbed eitv yesterday by the llarlenirailroad; thelr whereabouts is not yet ascertained. Four of the same drove died at Millerton, New Irprk,itnd twenty-three;tnore are in quar antine there, while still others are at Co peke, All came from. Albany.. , Three deaths of westerieatttle have occurred at Chappa qttaes, Sing Sing. The Newark Courier reports a new cattle disease in Union county, N. J., which ter minates fatally in a short time. The dis ease is mainly confined to the head, and is pronounced by some brain fever. A large number are sick - and at least a dozen deaths have occurred. INSURANCE SUSPENSION The Hartford, Conn., Live•stock Insur ance Company has been suspended, having lost $410,000 within the last twenty-two months. The Treasurer of !Connecticut hold $lOO,OOO of the capital of the Company which will be used for paying losses. The Superintendent of the Insurance Depart ment, at Albany, has notified the agents of tne Company in this State to take' no more policies. The . Steamer - Arizona. - from:Aspinwall, brings 8844,000 In treasure. The state of war in Panama is at an end, all parties' having : submitted( to jhe provisional ;gov ernment. A Constitutional Convention p convoked to meet in October. A tremen dous thunder and lightning storm on the Isthniiis occasioned considerable damage to the railroad wharf and bther buildings.- FEMALE SWINDLE 18. Two females named Poer, Mother and daughter, are under arrest charged with swindling the Messerole and Liberty Pa per Collar manufactory, with which they were connected as forewomen, out of $20,000 to fe40,000. It is stated that the First National Bank of Jersey City, the National City Bank of Lynn; Massachifsetts, and others have within the past three years lost $17,000 by abstraction of the bills from the Comptrol ler:a office at Washington. DAMAdE TO NAIL MATTER. • Only twelve bags , of newspapers were injured by the tire on the New York Con- No letters .were destroyed. Most of the papers injured will-be re-dlree ted and sent to their . destination . .by the Postal:lee anteorities.- PRINTING ESTAIILD3ITMENT BtTESED. The printing _establishment- , connected with Dr. Brandreth's pill factor, at Sing Sing was burnt • last night. 'The main building was saved. Fully. insured. A death • from cholera occurred to-day in Bellevue Hospital. The patient was picked up in the,street, and died in half AT THE POINT OP DEATH. Elliott, the great portrajt painter,ls re reported at the point of death at Alb any. BKI * QQ X QQ . ; Maryland Soheutzenfolt meows at-Ba , p.imore on Monday:- —The plans for a bridge , over the Dela ware, at gidindelphia,'have been accepted. —At New York, Polladelphia and I B more heavy thunderstorms prevailed on Thursday-evening. • ; —William Mann; a tavern' keeper ' in New York city, committed suicide by haaging,ou Thursday. —Srialth's silk button factory, In Brook lyn, Y. Y., was robbed on Thureday of 12;000 worth of property. • •• —Homer Lane was badly beaten in a wrestling match with Lewis Thompson, at - Harrisburg, on Thursday. —lnternal Revenue collections In Saint Louis county, Mo., for the fiscal year end ing June SO, were three and a half millions. —A, monument erected to the memory of the Vermont soldiers killed in the late war was unveiled on Thursday at St. Johnsburg. —At the - Brooklyn Navy Yar d, on Thurs day, two men while under the river in 'a diving bell were suffocated by the air be coming ; choked. ;, • —The remains of Mrs. Senator Trumbull were interred- at "Oak-.-Ridge„ Springfield, ill., on Tatirality. She was the first child ,burn Spriuglield. —Solicitor Binckley decides that the law preventing distilleries front 'being operated within six hundred feet of each other is valid. and must be enforced.,„- yacht Challenge of New York was lost on the shoals near Bera, South Amer -icarJuly 20th. The crew were picked up and tuave - retughd to New York.., - _ boiler, in the, Globe Rolling Mills, Cincinnati, exploded Yesterday, destroying nearly the entire building. One man was seriously injured. Loss auout $15,000. barrelsof whisky; from Memphis, were seized on the at SC Louis yes-, terdev by the Government tor alleged in= formality .in' connection with the revenue laws. , —Nothing haibeen - heard of the where abouts of Mr. Cabot, the defaulting Presi dent of the Allentown Rolling Mill Com pony. The'defalcation amounts to nearly WO,OOO. —There was a report in circulation at Nashville yesterday of another tragical af fair at Waynesboro resulting in the death. -of the county , Sheriff; bait could be traced to no reliable source. Mason's Island, near Stoniton, Coin., yesterday, a aampany of tbe ordef and their friends, to the number of about two, thousand; devoured two hund red gallons of raphed • —Gen. rant has not teleg that a p sfould tin 1n Witshingtorion the, fifth of)3qp, ternber: Whenlastkeaid. from he west' at (Jolene, where he expected to, stay nearly the whole Motith - ilf September'.' —d bill, intritldaced. inthe Georgia some „ofßepresentatives to''.exempt from,taxa4 tion foreign Capita l invested • tha.,mann-; flu:Lure , of woolen and cotton goods and , other fibrous material for five years, was, defeated. e:Savannah Republican says , tiv,d, s t et unids; natned, Savannah and tilltillo;ate• now 'Course of construction tho Clyde, and will to finished in season to take their, plane upon the tine between Liverpool and Savannah in November. PROM PANAMA. BANE. LOSSES CHOLEBA. PITrSETTErjrII4 . : tgAT li RPAY, ".‘rAitt-0vr.,:,0', , 18E8. SECOAD Elllllo' POUR , O'CLOCK A. M. FROM EUROPE. • rrible Railroad Accident in" WaleS—Seven Persons Killed Outright and Eighteen Burned, Alive to Ashes—Discovery of a Plot to Assassinate Queen Vic tokia in Switzerland—Arrest of the Wczsld-be Fenian Assassin. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, Aug. 21.—Dispatches were re ceived to-day giying the particulars of a heart rending calamity in North Wales yesterday afternoon, whereby twenty-ft persons lives. persons lost their A train of cats from Holyhead, containingpasseng rit and mails from Ireland, which was proceeding towards Liverpool