El Egi ~.t frur ~,,....-.4-......e.„.„.....:-..,.. •-t-{,a,w . -.4.....,..---. P { -# 1 4 5 r '-i airtft, LETTER FRO" cotonDo. Correspondence 'of the Pittstinrgh Gazette. DmiyEa.,.Cor.oneito, Aug. 13,1868. _ I The plains, all the way from Monumen t to Denver, are rolling or undulating, and rise in altitude imperceptibly to the base , of . . • ,'the mountain. Xange. The climate • of this `region is very pejmliar, owing to Its altitude, its remoteness frrim large bodies of water, ,the cOnipOsitiOn,alta soil, and, its proxim, Ity to the-great -mountain range. : . It rains bat seldota; occasional stiewere fall inlhe, winter' and spring ; the sampler ,days are ;hot, the thermometer often rising to - 100 de. great; -the-nightsare always - cool and 'dew less. The great climate • characteristic is, intense sunshine and ableneo of moisture. There are a few, small, running streams, the bottom lands on which are fertile'; and ; produce spontaneously luxuriant • crops of -grain, and where cultivated yield , im-• 'noise quantities of small grain; hay • and" vegetables. The uplands have a rich, warm,: sandy and 'gravelly loam, and when irri gated produce even more abundantly than • the bottom lands. • The plains are every .;',where covered with Buffalo and Gramma grass. Innumerable herds of buffalo, elk, deer, and antelope have subsisted from time immemorial on:the rioh — grasses which af „ford the best - pasturage in the world, sum.: mer and winter. 'Oa the &stem side ()Mho plains are many high bluffs composed chiefly :of sokyellow, marl. As 'you go Westward the bluffs gradually disappear until they' I• are entirely lost, and then there are fOrtriore than a hiindred miles” big rolling ridges, smooth'and nbroken, and covered with i. , short, stunted, but very •nutritious Buffalo About,five.o'plock in the.;a ft erneon ..the - . coach arrived at- Fort ;Wallace.Here we -were told that the Cheyenne Indians , dis , ,satistiedWitb.tlie refuge,' Oftlie Government to 'distribute arms,. had , -broken up their camp anrcihreie moving - North on the war path, and that we were likely to encounter some of their brave:Nag the stage route pass ed. directly 'through their chosen battle ground. An officer front the Fort L 'entered the coach with orders the troops along the route to keep a sharp lookout for the red skin warriors. He was armed with a Spr nglieldrifie,two Colt's navy revolvers, a huge knife, three bottles of whisky, and 'written orders from his superior officer. •He 'took his seat in the coach, leaned back in truly - heroic style, deposited his arms, Whisky and. all between hisfeet on the bot tom of the coach, and swore he would have need of "them all before moneing." He - traveled with ns about a hundred and fifty miles, and loaded himself frequently from his whisks bottles, and nearly all the passran gers with his abuse. He often isstiedorders to bafollowed in case of an attack. Those unarmed were to get out of the coach 'and run for their livea, while he would "pep Per • the d- 7 nt redskins" and cover the re --treat. I had no deetre to meet with a hostile band of savages, yet I often found , myself wishing to hear the war•hoop, that I might have the fun' of seeing the officer leap out of the stageand run for his life, as I was sure he would do, notwithstanding all his boasting, of his nerve and heroism. - The permanrnt buildings of Fort Wallace are con-truered of blocks of the yellow marl -aloe mentioned, equerry of which has been • opened in the 'bluffs South of the Snioky. ' 'lbis stone _is uniform in its texture, -•• fine grained, and co soft 'as to be easily a worked with carpenters' tools. It grows very hard on exposure to the infln enote of the atmosphere. on aecoent of the magnesia which it contains. '1 lir -"blocks are of.various eolora, white, red and yeltow,.which i,ives the building a variegit - ted and beautiful appearance. The soil tier miles, both emit and west of the Fort, pre. • seats a sunhUrnt - and very barren appear ance, but it is altogether very probable that with irrigation by Artesian wells, or from streams, if practicable, that large crops of vegetable and the- smaller and the hardier grains might be produced. From fifty miles east of Abilitir to the Rocky. Moun tains corn will never be a profitable crop, ; pa account, of the -shortnees of• the, season and the.uoldness at the nights. • . Pond Creek Station, Some sir miles west' of Fort Wallace, is , a town of five or six', plank houses, and some fifty cotton tent ' shanties. Why there should be a "city" in snefi a tilicerableldetilf,',l Fald,dry, ,sunbUrnt, ° barren more thaii I could disc Over. What the people were doing-and why they were there is "a i mystery. . . alogked keenly around. 'but "'could • diedovei' no "visible means of support" , for the inhabitants. ...,.One,of the pecnliaritiesof- all the "cities" fora only? recinir r es a grog shop, egrOJery and an eating house to constitute a city of "Veal exPeetatimes" , on. the Plains 7 -4rom Fort days to 'Pond Creek, which is the last "city" one passes till he reaches rien ver, is, that there are no efforts madir_by the inhabitants to cultivate even a gar den spot.• mot. This may arise from two causes: One, thitt,the inhabitants are not permenent citizens. , They are constantly on the - wing. They remain at a place for while, till they pick up a few dollars and then they are up and off for another The other cause le, douhtlais, - thri want of rain. At some points water is very scarce. When I "MAO Monument It:was selling at onexiol lar per barrel and brought by rail from a great'llistanitie. • - I was much amused at the next station on the route after leaving Pond Creek. • This • station, the name of which 1..d0 not remem ber, in somewhat peculiar; front the feet • that the buildings, stable and all ore entire ly undergrnund,.excavatedl e the sand and gravel. In these underground burrows were a few soldiers, two hustlers and about a dozen horses. Upon our arrival there front the "Fort," out came tear or rive sal diem whose duty ,it is to prott et r the pest • against the depredutions of the Indians. One of the soldiers, a gi mine son of the Emerald Iskvas soon as our valiant °Meet: had read to them his orders to be du the lookout Ihr Indians, addressed the redoubt. able Captain thus: "Mlither, Liftinant, kin ye be so kind and send ns some inilliche r to pizen the ettlielsnahes intirely., Sure and thie mornin'al 'w us sleepiu in- uty and I Tilt numthin *mild lyin serest toy lig, and I jump out eta as blazes, and it wus a d•v ish big rafhleenake. ;Thin I. , wint 'till; Put:fill my eline, an I thought 'Wilt a bit, hi yy -like,. an I turned It down'an I give tot ehaite,r,an out runs anither of the ugly devils. Thera o' , them-'down there 'in the Fort sglee jar honor,,toa,9olW/ OVF,,Us wpin ws i re . " ° • - ' ' • The •"linineut!'--proMised tu•send. the ; pOl - and giae the 13iAllefa each clihrge of b enz i ne reeia:pne of hishettlee. We all turn, hualuto tiaorincli and set buffer Cheyenne Wells. 'At this point there' id' Pretty' good 'water, and w.as, told , v5rY •fine : though I saw neither inure water nor grass that' are to t, e ,f enu d, ileimanputher .pluces en - the Mina. It is here tic:{* the reed turns Booth! west to Santa Fe; 'New/Mash:6:- Tearonte to Denxer runs in an ethnoet , due Neitthly Tithe is tfit• piping direetionktividethis to which it, is pr posed, in Cr.)9:grealsiri ex , e tonittlierititi;sidy 'of th'd Eastern It le urgo,:t tralievee thet.rta..„lle road Ith"ntit be *inert. ted tiliVetkilerilliktiNenVil_S, OVUIP Vita unTgraiti witiat are iiala to ~,1 1111 'l, 1 At% . 11 f• SA , abound in this locallty, and becatifie the trains for Noir Meitico 'and COliitado tire wade -up here. • 7 There is no doubt 'both water and grass in limited; quantities, but what trains are made up here, or what they are made out of, wouldpuzzle one to disco ver. Trains may sometimes stop here for water, they may have sometimes found in differently good grating' but there is 'loth. big within one hundred and fifty miles of the place out of which to "make/Tab-sin." Ch l e if fennq Wells consists of aboard stable ch.thestage pules *ePt, :a -small log hut where fen; soldiers play cards and watch for end another; larger hilt inhabited - by a sour looking:oman: and ' a maChAtire Seat 'dotting man who break list the passengeafpn bad liiid, , rancid ba= con:and an . execrable ; decoction they: call Coffigibr theemall sum of; one dollar and fifty cents each meal.. • 'L The fact is that the money expended lily Government and by private - . individuals' in the :construction •or the ' Eastern 'Allston Railroad lir* total lose nnleselt, is eitended' to:theßeckY Mountains, unlesti It is Made td reach Denver or some good pautla,Col orado.or New Ideate°, and finally extended to the PacitlO,lt will never be worth the ties on which the iron is laid. It will, if it stop at its present terminus, or even if construe./ ed to Cheyenne Wells and terminate, be nothing more than a huge elephant'on the hands of its stockholders. I say this,- because from Junction City, in gansas, 'as) far west as within seventy-five pile's of tbe' mountains, a distance ' - of overthree, bun. dred miles, there is nothing, and„ihere will be not hing,for a whole ..generation to come ,te build up'buiinea4 for a lined; It 'musk reach into the rich mineral and agricultural regions of , Nevi Mexico, or be extended to' the mines in COloradoi:or it is Worse than a, useless specalation. • Tours' I_ R. HANSA& Notes 'of teorrespontrine:i of the Pittsburgh Gazette-7 The summer of 1868 will be memorable in time to come for the long and excessively heated term. The effectsiof the great heat are various and serious. Many deaths have Occurred from it all over the world, and the universal stagnation in:business is owing to it in great This is the hottest summer ever known in Kansas. The thermometer stood from 120 to 140 in the sun, and yet, notwith standing the great heat, no deaths from sunstroke are reported, owing, doubtless, to the constant breeze and pleasant 'nights. •The small grain 9 crop has been telly up to the average, and wheat above the average, many fields yielding over thirty bushels , to the acre. - The corn crops looked very promising until the middle of July, when the great heat appeared to, scorch , it, and in some localities it will be almost an entire failure. In this connection I wish to make several points very distinctly. 1. It is seven years since the corn was even slightly injured in any way. 2.. •The injury done this year is not 'done by drouth but by heat. 3. The injury done is in spots and streaks and more' extensive in the West, while in many localities large crops are being raised. 4. The heavy rain now falling (middle of August,) and cooling the atmosphere vt ill probably bring out the late corn. 5. The most favorable time yet to emi grate to Kansas will be between now and the first of next May. . ' A Tanztaut scene occurred ref clay at the Paris Odeon. An •actor on uie stage had to fire a pistol ; some ;villain must have put a bullet into the pistol, and the conse quence was that when the shot was tired, c the bullet shattered the leg of a ballet girl standing behind' the scenes. The doctors who were sent far ' declared the leg must be amputated. Thhi drove the-poor girl, to de spair. "Oh I" she cried again, "It is not the pain that I am afraid of! But what is to become of me,and my mother.?" All her colleagues surrounded her, weeping; rand trying to calm her,_but her buret forth again and again. 'Finally,. the manager hastened to her side, gave her a thousand franc note, and told her that lie would give. ,her a benefit inlthe :course , of.a few days. _Thisleassured ber a little, and :her, leg was then amputated, while she convulsively Clutched the banknote. The actor who had fired : the shot- was almost as distracted as. ,the poor ballet girl. Be knelt weeping be -side. her, and begged cher to forgive' bittt. Such a scene bad never bFfore beeffivlt -nestied at the'Odeon. The perforniaree was at once Intert . tipted, the manager explaining to the audience What lad happened. . WIZ find the following is an English pa. Per: 4 , -The overseers of Salford have placed twelve hundred and night. women on the register,of electors for that bortiugh. Aboht five thousandwomen ratipayeris have sent In claims to vote for the city orldanchester. At Alton, in Staffordshire the overseers have put the names, of the ; female ratepayers as dab:unto of votes on thu church, (Ivor " ~~ ~ ° ~"~ W'PfLl!,LOyil PAP JEIMM LOTION' . Fon ..BE.A.IITIPVING , TITIS' Sing. AN!) CM ri.g...xio ,• A moves. all ftruptenai , Freck'es, Pimples, Moth niutches. Tan, etc. aod renders .he Skin so t,' lair ami elowninig. ,P r Ladles M . Lusg, Nursery /14 le Inialuable. For GlOntleith.n. after Phasing, It has nu equal , "P si'HIAN LA/ Ili, i,' , lathe enly .-enable remedy for &seam! and ble-m -times of the skin. . ' ' - ' • . ' ' PIII+ON'SmPAPHIAN SOAP" Poe the Toliei ' 4 ursery and 11tbi pill akin. erhie, 413 cents per cak e. 31".abaP the • "PLOD 'DE' MAYO? - A new Perfume for timAlandkerchlef. Exqufeltis dellcnte, jastang Fnigraucn bold by4ll ll.rnitg.st6. • .1 * Ot • i9•Disvp• • • , PIIALON •Ilt. SON, Alegi Ygrk. 11,..61": BATCHELOR'S kid lit DI E. This t.plendid Dye la the- beet iu the world: libb old)" true and peffeet• ilyee baruiless, Instantaneous; nc disappointment; no ridiculous n t 21; remed le s, th e LH eifeota .of , bad ilyea;. Invigo rates tend leiteea the Hair stilt and beautiful. biout or brows: &jld try,Ml Ltrusitists and Pairfuniere and VflurteunS tTre d g. 4 N a e t it tl Y!: l r i r. 19r.'kWIIE jrac i t =;l l 4 °.. ; ARR I A 116 101 - YOilhg '111.4,1 to. Nappy Marriage, andtkikingai iirebeityi The - immune Views of benev olent Physiels Krrura ati.l Abuses incident id Youth and r . arlyHan bowl. sent in sealed letter envelb a e4, free of char g e. A dderim }1( I WAIL I) Art. SW:IA riop.i. Jinx 1%, nh ht. Pa. mvlibutiVr ROT CALF ArLINTIo CUT. M. 4. Thk dna these- Hotel will etied Ter the seam; en' $1:1111-44. U. Tr rn, ‘ , 43 60 Address 6 ; 1 1. .i n , &kg laj ; 11110 per We (Yoram'', et ueeer....sH6j,!,, Al) • • r " Priett '. teoeuilLan tteteiiiir 446 1 ' 4 ' 41 PI I4II I. CV/ mteile W ei L 11 ° 3 2- 114 I . - •• CARL likwrz APuelti inll4lrectimiot A NEW I4EINDIER UT. ..,!--, THE LA/11..11008A st one b oro. p iti; io n ;ha •Mc or J4W, "WWI, V1'44111111 eldt ki.)! • Thip Wpm.. In- DNIIdI new ' 4 00 4, ‘" l igua!' hnh4: turuliihrol. par romitne eu sewn and 'euvrord' IlrntllP.' ;moles. .111 ; - 0 , 0 41",%luiski.ormit uht.t itharitino Rr'rif J.akr ia II•1Iori ad , for salltiw•inurtiosna...arrouadrd lot 01l !duo' sari ngb. rinutintle. lo 'utri, si • bc-lbr Tern 1 40 4 0 , Suitt • nmdellan i . • • • 14 go. KAMM /Pnroprtetnato., • TTSl3l37soll'44paffit IFIWINITIAUGITSTIII; 'lB6B. ALEX. STERRETT. Illaira Lin, Kan Eat/. TO FAIptIEIN. THE RAY RARE "IVELaINE." , . Is th e best Rake made. It *ill 'rake 'heavier hay, Carry lt farther. load and unload itself easter than any other rake. It is self-operating: a child ki Tear" 010 eau do the .work of a full hand.. Hundreds of oertHicates could be given, one of which Is below.: •• Gtitag. Erie Co. Pa., , Jely 8. 1881. "T hie used the re W. loons( , Hay Hake, inanufac illred W. W. Wallace, Pittsburgh' Pa., and rec. (unman It, to fanners. It Is good In light and heave' hay: is easy on man and, horse; to a Complete glean. sr of pro-n wad atubbi ;la . simple in corurtruction and easily kept In order. JUBILPH 4.1111170XL5. : 631' orders dlreored to 319 Liberty street. Pitts burgh, ra.: or at the works In Colombians, Ohio, Aromptly attended to. Bold wholesale and retell 91 W W WAL,LACIE. • Etrnid Orders In early, as supply is short.' WM. MILLER, Owner Liberty and Irwin Streetsi SUN , - 4WI bus Prime Yellow Ear Corn, 300 bus Au du • dtteUixt do, bus Prime Harley. • • 8,000 lbs. Dried Apples. ' • . . so d lb.. ',Hod l'esehes. • • • Siti Icicle, norghour Molaases; - ' 4 ' •' 10 hhls. Sweet cid e r. NV dos: Corn Browne, i • • • • In store and for sole by •I , • FIVAtER & ARUSTRONO • e 4 ••• ' le Mitritot L atrreit. corner rind: t 4.1 F Oil. r t fatally nee; .ope, bound rti oat to Nor pt.utrlr of row Ii.•; I.w. lo ele!.t• oho p , tin+ imper W On redoes lure ooklits In x rudely ut atyl .1) . o'rtua 3 5. cents Cr pound. Fur sale; • wholesale Batt rutall, at ilia kalnlly.tir, eery story 1.1,rt0 •11.• in niloslCE JAPAN 'IEAti—J last te- Nj crtv.qt. a Veva &ovule's of gixa'rii quality uncut= forn# Tolion Tea, AI aide the : ur Wiest br • bro. A. rtZ,Mill,A W... colt Purtoer 1.1.••• r • • t•o• 200 11X0. and.HAittimicitut thr Vale , bY • 0 7.. ". Ji oteli . • . Yln't .trovf. ribs •CILEAV--1100 aas rins•lima rot utsr.(or.vole Iw FigLn a ATIJULTEc LIME 200 best. killUsne• 61..1 v I • 4 on OEM. N obbh..:Cogkibvilite VII Hy* hum, c., ll I 4 Ut t..r by • N - 111,4404, I,ll.oseiN.: - P 4, Ul4 * • "j.elty 'lt. Si 1,4 =II P . rrksoinicil - I' MALE COL .•': • , , BEL - L G PERSHING, AD AIRECTOR. In buildings, faculty, patronage and all tha facil ities for securing's thorough, solid and ornamental education the leading ladies school In the Stale, and one of the first In the *Polon. : Twenty-two able and accomplished Teachers, en' perb buildings, Which .have Just been repainted, car peted and Improved at a heav outlay. Thorough' course of ,study., Unserpsesed laciUtlea in all tile , ornamental pranehwespeclally innate. Pall Tenn commineesSEPtEMßEß APPlica• goagoats :4 cati,be mode any ,titaisi.:elther n• pecm of ' anltt• sriapsom; Pres. 'Prefaces. MIUTARY ACADEM IA, CHESTER, ; Delaware .co., Penna . , . The . Serenth Annual Beigelon , of this Academy O/114b'Tli ll I dit i gteNtAn.t h ecenplete in all their appointments.... Partitallaratt'entlon given to the morale an r ionaltiblta eadeta. ' .! • • For ckeutara moral' to CHARLES H. PAULSON, 'FlsitibNilf7/3LTY‘l.baeaottrere,.ti•ir.!tsbrgh, o;itfta.. ~..... 11ENSSELILII • - • • . . • POLTTEcJaNIQ INSTITUTE, At TPO7,, N, Wry thorough initructton In, Civil. Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Chemistry and Natural Science.- Graduates obtain' most desirable ,posi. lions. Ee.opens wept.' 9tn..: For!the new Annual, Fte_glster,,n:lvinie full, in - forma, ion address Prof. DHAELEIVDBLVWNE, DLrector, Troy, N. : Y. Inn9:tee' • • - I ,• • • CHE444.IItAY I EN (Mica AND ?BENCH; . ..kon wourra. . BOARDINGnim DAY PUPIL S, lasurlina 1529. SPRUCE STREET, Philadelphia, Pe. will re-open on MONDAY, Sept. SEd. French lathe.language of the fanuly and Is constantly spoken he immariproravy jelS:reSquvrg • • - • TN THE MATTER :OF THE.in. y arrow, OF savrr . ;ovotsllo INTO TWO ELEorios PRECINCTS. In tle, Court of Com ruin Pleas of Alleghehy cow. ty, No. Septem ber Terin, 186 S. ' Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July ( 23, 1888, &petition was presented praying the olvlslon of - said Township' into two Election Precincts,— 'whereupon the Court ordered' - notice, thereof to be given, and that the same would be finally acted upon by said 04iiirt on SATURDAY, AutinstL22 d,, ;SOS, a; which time aU personi interested' wi 40 heard. MORELAND, MOORE ft. KERR, Attorneys for petitioners. Ir 9 : t 75 ETTERS of ADMINISTRATIO N L up. the . ESTATE OF ME& ' ESTHER STOCKTON, Late of Allegbenf City, deceased, having . liCen granted to the' undersigned, all persons having claims against said state will present them, prop erly authenticated for settlement, and 'those in debted to said estate will matte payinent to the un derstgned, &Vibe Manchester ravings Bank, No. 209 Beaver avenues AllegliCtry City. THOMAS B. II PDIRE, auTmill-tt -Administrator. NYrlCE.—Whereas. Lelter4 of ladm nlatratt.n to tne' Relate of WILLIAM ZEILTtIt, late Of ailleelteny City. decease, . have been granted to the 'unser' her. all persons in dent. d tattle said a tate are requested to ti-k• Ito mediate payment, and all those Ilarthir claims or demsnds ag , lnsi the rata e of the 451 d decedent will make known the sem. , wit hou delay to MAKTstA adm•x. No. 06 Western Avenue. d[6 ward, stliegbeny. -r NOTICE Io • HEREBY GIVEN that tee t Imited Cdpartnershlp heretofore existine between the undersigned, under the name of HMIL titIHALK, Is this Day Dissolved by Mutual Consent • ESI , I;SCHA CHAS. ',ENNIO. Pittsburgh sad rulladelpblik, July 1, A. H. 1868. )78:61.-► I\TOTICE.I-4111persons indebted „LI to or haring eta me againat toe ESTATE UR J OMB F. STRAUB, Deed, Late et utc. tt Chestnut street, Ail. ghee) , City. will phase call on tee undersigned, and have them &d -ictated. • 31.1.NUAlthT STRAUB. • Adteinistratrix. Alif4heny. Almost 1 /SO& 411534 . * pOTICE.--Letters Testamentary having been granted me on the EisTATH fIVANI3IIIF.Yiat, cleceaeed, all persons hav oc claims agaltut her estate will prreent them to me, dui. authenticated, and all beredne owing said estate will make payment to me or my attorney, JOHN W. TAYLOR, No. 73 Grunt street. • CHILISTOF PANUIL&YER. y.• :sal July Ad, MIL HAY RASE. PATENTED WM AND•IB6I. GROCERIES. (Late 11111er, & Illeketsono 221 AND' 22i3;'._ Oat, to the trade at Low Figures: /50 Pkgs. Or NP W MACKEREL" to barrels, twves,',lnarterei and • 100 - ehrsta' illulce YOUNG iryßtiNr, AO and IatPKR KA 11 4 TEAS. •. • • • NG4KIN RICE. %tti MS....holes CA KOI;IN A NICE. • 78 obis. Luau ImL N 1/.51( EDF. • 501.415. S HOF, cliplse brands. lOot 1 1101,Ar81:8 _ blds: fir. 11510.• 4 a , OUPLIter.S. • • PIMP bola. ; Its FINED Slit/AD. • • 151)K. PONT° RICO, ,01.155.. and DEKA! ••• II SI/OAItS.• POO basis HIO riFEE; • .8011400 JAVA and befit:l.7RAborrEn. M M 300 caues'llß rm., it:LA/LET. x3O Agars , •Mllicr qt, OHANDUN.B CHUM. s c ciit AUG and I.ONDOI 4 I:YORTirt, eon, stantly on hand: G LES I )-501rpigis gait 4.alena Lead, turiiakt !Pi As. VANsII4.IO Aissv4.• FOR BALE.-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ~ _ , ~ TW.O HOUSES AND LOT en Carroll street, • Alleghen. This property will be sold low, as the party is a bout leaving the city, and wishes to discos( of the property before removing. liot.W - ..,L, TWO DWELLING HCRTEMS_ , TWC BARNS, with od FARM, and about SOO acres timber I d. • This property will be sold low. Cast 11/I_, flue on time to suit buyer. FARILOP 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame botise and good b: 50 res the land clear: FARR .OF 1130 ACRES , , near line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements arg i red and su a gtantial;:loo acres of. the land In , Trarreirgltlr I . lr.—WM sell a good brick henss, containing !Iv rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and wOcad reb for the amount, in six yearsa • _..A -LARGIP OF GROUND, having a river irpnt,end v convenient of access. ANNERI, Convenient to the elq, and haying a Well establish d custom or local trade connicted therewith- a, d dwelling and forty acres of land. • FO I.) -hi Sharliviirg.. near Abe railroad; "trould m e"6food coal yard. . , 4 r HOTIELFO SAVE.—That dike Hotel property, ettuated ; at: .t e Blairsville Junction, • containing fourteen roc s and the necessary outbuildings, with three res of garden and fruit trees. This well located otel wilt be sold low, as the proprie tor wishesretire from .business. • ~ . One la rge . " .Fog EENT.. ouse, for Boarding House. tl f One new Brick House; B rooms. . One new Brick House of 4 rooms. • One new. Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. OneNouse cf 1 - rooms and lot 150 by 150. • Two new Brick Houses, /1 rooms , each. • One new Fratne House, 4 rooms. :Twet rusty Brick Houses, 3 root/Beach: - One new Frame House In Wilklnsburg, having six rooms and terve lot, well suited for garden. 7 acres that can be divided Into acre lots. . 5 Lots in Oakland. " - Bewer and a large Boom and Yard for, rent, In a good location.' Will be . rented for short or long FUR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, .Ninth Ward. • - thicWk A.NTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 41 inches . - - TO"LOAN—SSO 000 . , . IN SIIMS OP $5,0011 AND UPWARD. ' D. P, awn REAL ESTATE OFFICE Jest No. 91 Grant St., Pittobtuvh• pis' 2;000,000 AcjiEs., • . . CHOICE LANDS FOR: SALE, • BY THE • Union Pacijio Railroad Company, isesTErm DIVISION . Lying 'dour the line of their road,..al, 01,00 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on CREDIT OP FIVE YEARS. For !briber particulars, maps, &e., address - JOHN P. DEVE:REISX,„ Land Commissioner, Torts, Kansas. Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See , y, aul4: . Bt. Louts, Missouri. V ,tI.II3ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The tedereirned offers fur We NINE TRACTS OF LAND, • ,Bituate in township, Allegheny county, and Adams township. Butler coun' Y. Four of the trarts are situated about 3 miles west of Plankitnen's Hotel on the headwaters o Se vrickley. near David Dutra mill, about. 26 tulles from Pittsburgh. sive of the tracts an situate on and near the Per rysvide and Harmony Plank Road, about 12 to 20 miles from Pitts bursh this land Is all w. 11 adapted for waling and gra zing pu posse. Any information relative to saki faints, prioe'ind terms can hoot:leaned by calling en A. 111.1.A.NDS, at the Court House, Pittsburgh. mw:t96.dkT OR MALE. A dPLENDID CHANCE FOR A MAN-WITH A E.I.IALL CAPITAL. A good and very desirable BOOT AND SHOE 'HOUSE. Located within twent7•fve miles of the city, doing a llkge cash businesa. calisfactxtry roasons given for wanting To sell. Rook/ will be alto wit fur the amount of buslnes. done. Apaly at 10),I THiltill STREET, or autkult 133 Wood Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. N OPPORTUNITY for a GOOD INV ffeTatE T.—`tie offer for eale.3oo acres • oal. eltuate in Armstrong county. , uear the Weelern ra. It -IL. and about fitl mil e s. rut of Pitt•tlurib. The whole meet of coal te /3 fret thick. wi n d exerlient quality. and will Devoid at a low pr ou ens> terms. Tor further Informs. Mom call or. or ssoclress • • • • CUTHIVIRT &SONS. lib Smithfield street. MO rR BALE b. TO LE'r...itiouses i at l id Lots for sale in all 'parts of the City and m arts,. Also, several FAItMI3 In goad [orations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY t with 20 acres , of land, and good improvements, Which I will sell cheap and on reasonable 4entes. Business Houses. to let on good streets. Privet* Dwelling Houses for rent In both cities. For further partsrilars Inquire WILLIAM WARD 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. F°" SALE, A HOST DESIRABLE FARM, osr2s2d&T Near Rat .Welt.iPs. R. R conialnlng 130 A014n4, ivlth I that rt In utonl, noknowl .olKed ery alt conniutndlag tho anebt ibe ,AlTtli limy flyer. Term. easy. Vnqn re at • -• • • sul4:ulO•kswr- No. 340 LIREATY tITREET. • Ito 3,7% 51 , 31 wrfoo oast:To 115. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND AEA!. ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER , • . 'Are On:eared to sell at • Auction ST OCKS BONDS, ch and all hin. of SECURITI REAL ;ESTATE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ES, , &c., either on the premiseenr at te nti ons oar paid , Th Rooms. . Particular as heretofore. to th e sale of Real Estate at private sale. • • Sale/ of Real Estate lu the country attended. • office. No, 11.6 POoRTH STREET. .131:10 4 10.000 " ON BOND AND MORTG4O2. . • 0.1040. M. 1: 1 30.7"Xr e It!..llCatatit Ati'ent. 80 ' riza ' lihtleld street BUSINEII3B,ORANGES` DIS 80 1:11.11011:—The' Partner , ship heretuforia existing ,betvreen the stab; authors, under the arm ' " • ' • ANDEnSON, COOB &M t • .• , . . Ie this dsy dissolved by routes! consent. 'The host- De.s ci the e-Hrm will bo ' , pitied by oor succes sors, Meagre. AN I tb:its•at. , l & WOUDO, at the 'Ante of the Pittsburgh btoel Works. It: J.' AVDF:Itt ON; J W. Oa ,• • • WM. WOODS." 'The untlergtorie , having dlepow 01 or hie Intercom In the tate firm of ANDER:PIA. MOH .% co. t o llltsero. A NlLMtei IN a win 'DS, beg. le a " to k e. totimend his , ancresguia io the patronage or the cus towers the Cornier 'inn.w• 0 0( IK. Pltiaborgh, - JullY 28.414 1808. ' • . Ira ,CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. ILLJAIIII . J. DlCllii s CARPENTER AN.D RIIIL.DER, sich, 3,61-pENikierfLVglA AVENthe a nom Ito. Hi gh s t re et" inttaburich, Ps. Itcalgeanl. Hiatt attest. o. .171 Jqbbing duo° with 4ew11162° a wd dialostah orders PrcHnotlY. 3thlide l I ° ' al !d 101; ran coat. . .I,V • • , fiel#l34l iSto'ne , W or k s , it orthw ,„" un wr or .I.lVe" gotouttaa. atingheny. FM.* V-41. - E il • & CO/ ' ou Low y "...p ;own I turtle), Haan), slut ?Step Ittoner. 'l+ or,, YPtriyalltr. Itrewyr) Vatutty..ae.,%. H out ruff uw ahiloriesoy ar . ' - • Peden ~r emp uy amorttraal. man reasonably '- iiiiiiMii;lllllll=ll APPLY , AS E. G. DCTILIFT. CHARLES IL, E. HARIIOIVREI, FOURTH ST. 115. STONE, itnort 8r- WINES,'.. LIQUORS, 4gre • PiTTSBURGIF IMPORTIAG HOUSE, • ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, nzziewrzna OF FOREIGN • WINES AND. LIQUORS No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, • Would direct the attention of the public to tbefact that, po seining sumo sor facilities through several large Wine arid Liquor Houses in Europa, and making their importations direct, they are enabled to offer the .varions grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at 'prices fess the n' Eastern rates. Ex amaaticaa of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment Of pure OLD RYE WHIS KEY constantly on hand N767.1C1V3E15. CLARET, NIIITE AND SPARKLING CLARET. Chateau Laf!UN Chateau Margaux, Chateau La Rose, St. Ht. Sauternes, . Chateau Sauterne . Chateau Latour Blanche I Chateau Yquem. Hoc. WINES. Lautmamimer, Mosel Muscatel, I &hamburg, liochhelmeessuperior quality. • Most & Ctutadon, Chambertine, o ref= l 3%, figaria, Cbam oils, —and olJser orands. Also, a large assortment of BRANDIES, WHIS KIES and WINES, of all descriptions, constantly on hand at WM. MILLER'S, (LATE - MILLER It BIEETSOIT,) 221 and 228 Liberty Street, .Pittabargbia )311:592 J O SEPH S. FINCH & CO., . Nos. 185, 187, 189. 191, 193 and 196, HIRST STREET, PITTSBIJEGE, itAxo7ACTIMEHB Or Copper Distilled Pore' Bye Whiskey. Also, dealer In POBEIGII WINES and LIQUORS, BOPS. /to. toli^.B.nsB PURE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of bar own growing._ Also, the best brands or CHAMPAGN FS, CLARET,' S and PORT WINES. "Vine Growers"' C o m pany " of BRAN. IF, pint Basks, just the thing for travelers. N.. B.—Particular attention paid to supplying families. A. MARIAUX, /Y2S:ier No. 4-Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. COAL AND COKE OSCAR F. LAMM & CO. IXIET33 COAL. AND COKE. Seuedniky Street anti P. P. W. & C R. R., Allegheny City. • SUPERIOR • Youghiogllesy, Coal and Connellsville Cok AT LOWEST. MARECZT EATER. ST Orders promptly attended to O 0 41.1 COA.Lit COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their Office to NO, 567 Ma:BERT - St SITILMET, (Lately City Flour M 111) E1E001413 FLOOR. Are NY lifulPiTe347 . 4 taLri d attle l eatie i t oW3 morket price. . . • All orders left at their office, or sddressed to them through them/11, willbe attended to promptly. my25:l3Z • erwilmii H. monntorm, I!) YOIJOHIOGLENY AND OONMIGLEMILE 004 And Manufictitrere of COAL, MACK • AND D • Once and,. Tard--CORNER ,OF BUTLER AND MORTON iiTREETS. First:yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth-Ward. Ind on Second street, near Lock No. 1 _Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers, supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left IA any of their offices wi l receive . Tempt attention. • A HMSTRONO & lIIJTCHINSON, 8 sitrrAaLrrass ANn e l s :3 B arutirmir Cops. Co.. MINERS, SHIPPERS AND'DEALERS, BY RAH, ROAD -AND • BITEE, of superior Youghiogheny -., , • .., CAS: AND FAMILY . COAL. Office and Yard—iPpOT OF TRY STREET, new the eau Norku c • • SAFETY FIRE J4CKET. SECURITY &ND COMFORT FOB LINE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J 1 HARRIS', SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater and..Noderater , For SMOKY. AND ROT AIR. FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and •Flres In or abort the Passenger or Baggage Can, with the attaoliment to graduate the heat to any , Itemperature that is ay be desired without the posaibility firi the ear or cars to which the Jaoket may -be Le tters • ~11avIng obtained urine Unites) State, Pat ent fora Safely Jacket which is warranted to resist the must intense beat that may be ad piled to it: In the position and. permit:, for which. It. Is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by tire, oriel. noting from defectiv.e Auer. or w Iron pipes are used as uonducturs for annike or het . It le :writ Plicable to all piping that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect , satlsfaction where,. wood or other combustible material may be Wooed in Close proximity thereto. , I am now' ready to ap ply my Invention to stores, dwellings, factertes, ships, steambo:4 ,s • railroad cam &c., wherever pip hea t edctors are made dangerous by - being oveand _security dcabsed. will sell, en ap plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above invention: also; territorial tights, to such 'to may wish' to engage In seining priveget; either by State or county B. °Mee at the "NE - PL U S ULTRA PAINT WORKS," corner of Morris street and the Alleghe rayValley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittaburgh, Pa. feinneW ' - SHEETINGS AND BATTING. Houttcs, BELL & co., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS; errrsi3trnoxr. Haw 'Annus of HEAVY, =mum and LIGET ANCHOR , AND macarotas . SHEETINGS AND BATTING., WILI vLon, . PAINTER,. 80.4 OHIO NTRElM:Alleshany. Thankful riAi I,ne fanner. wen, Ilberill patronage` be. stowed upon unl, I abeure tuy and the generally taat. In the future as In the past,,f shall endeavor .1111mently to a' mutt nnanee• of the Ala% and be *Jiver, at! the.ebel, 4 runt g -t° g 46- ta. gums from to 3r. sorstAii Itedec, ft:laux,- ac-clues, Panlliac. WINES. Nursteln, I Hochheim 0 'WINES. AGEDTE. BEN FRANKLIN Mee in Franklin Sayings Bank Buildings, A HOME C o3l PARt.managed by Directors welt known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit , a shim of your patronage. HENRY . ..... GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, ID. L. Patterson, !Henry Gerwig, Geo. Riddle, !Jacob Franz, 'Dottielb Pass, Simon Drum,- B. Smith, Jacob Rush W. M. Stewart, Ch. I'. Whlston, Joseph Craig Joe. Lautner, IH. J. Ziaskand, !Jeremiah Ho - flea. __aplo:o3s, • NATIONAL LNSURANCE CO., • OF THE GITY OF ALLEGHENY. Office, In ALLEGHENY TROST COMPANY'S BVILDING. • - JAB. E. STEVENS O N . Secretary. W. MARTIN . , President DRECTORS: A - . H. En_ g lish 10.HI.P.Willtants;Jno. Thompson Jno. A. Myler, s, Lockhart, Jos.: Myers, Jas. L. Graham, Ro bt, i LC. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. [Geo. (lent, Idacob Ktmp. mitZm34 C. DA37113 IyESTERN INSURANCE COMA PA N Y OF PITTSBURGH. ENANDER NIMICH, President. P. HERBERT. Fieeretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent Office, 92 Water Street, Bpang •di Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. will inzure against all kinds of Fire and Marina Risks. A hotne Institution, managed wandirectors who are well known to the community, who are determined by promptness and liberality to main. tam the character which they have assumed, as of tering the best protection to those who desire to be mTZI DIRECTO.B.B: Alexander Musick,it JOllll . McCune; R. Miller, Jr., ' ' Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley,. S. Evan s , Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackien, PMlll pp Reymer, David M. Long, ' Wm.':Morrlson, D. Ihmsen. pENNSYLVANLti INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGW - OFFICE; No. 16714 WOOD STREET, BANK Mr COBLBLERcE BUILDING. This Is a Home Company, aid Insures-aialturt las by Firs exclusively. • • LEOEARLT WALTER, - Preatden. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBF,RT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH bierT RENY. Secretary. DIRZCTORB: George Wilson, Geo. IV. Evans, J. C.. Lappe, .I.'e. Fleiner, John Yoegtley. • A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King.. • , Jas., H. Hopkins, Henri Sproul, E=l NDEBINITT FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. MICE, 435 B,c 437 CELE&THIIT EVX.i Mean Gni Charles R. Baucker s Mordecai H. Lords Tobiaa Wagner, . David S. lirown, i Samuel Grant. Isaac Jacob R. Rinith, : : Edward 0: Dale, - c barge W. R.lchards, :• (ieorse Yates. 'CHARLES G. BAN &ER, PrwaidenL. , EDW. C. DALE , Vice Presid , .ent. ‘ .W. C. STEELE. Secretary.pw, tan: • • • •J. GARD,NER COFFIN, Acinitz North West corner 'Third and Wood Street*. A GLIM-MEWS LNSUitANCE CONN PANY OF ,PITTSBI7IIO H. • OFFICE. - No. 37 KIPPII STREET, BANE BLOCte _ Insures against all kinds aVire end JOHN IRWIN, &h. Preiddent.. _ JOIDI D. - tdeCORD, Vice President.' • • O. *l. ,DON NELL. Beaman , . - CAPP. W3l. DEAN. General Agent. DIBNCTeIIBr Crpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. Fahuent oocctk .11. Everson, Rohert Davls, Freer's Sellers, Capt. 4,1*. Btookdale.- John 1ra , 111,1 Ji. John 11. McCor il, 1). G. Elueeey, Harvey Chll,le, T..J. Hoekbison. Charles - Hays.. • p p E , ( k tr y ° l4lESl INSIJMINfIE COIN OFFICE, N. E. commit wool) a rummer& A Hom e ComPDF, taking Fire and marine allikk DERZCTOMS•. WM ' Pli nJIM Capt. John L. IthCrada„ John Watt, • Samuel P. John E. Parks, . Charier Arbuckle, Capt. James Stiller, • , Jam' Al. Brask, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner,. Ban Wi te l ; . 3l La rVii iig e , kart • WM. PHILLIPS, Preoldeut. • JOHN WATT, Vice Predwin. W. F. HA R11 1;11:1 Seerovirr• ,CAPT.•JAS:44 4 , I BI O nN. Gen . orat Agent, rr' TWIN •CITY sLATE altaliettire a al:wet:lor avlcle r ' • noopritedi • . • 1111111toe,48 s Merenth tit., Pittsburgh, Pa. , ;' • J. S. IIZIFIEEY R. F.iresit. DYER AND,. SCOURER, • J. LANCE, - DYER AND SCOURER. Tr0...8 ST. CLAIR-orktv.Err, And d'os. 185 and, 137 Taira street, FTITSB. DRUB. PA. EMIIII , AlkMandlEN • WPitTS SAENGERFESTt i August.3lst and September Ist, 2d and 84e I --- - 31.0 NI)A3r, . Reception of the Guests. . . ... Torchlight Pro Cession to the Keystone Rink._ Addressesspeakers. by Gor: Geary and other prominent • To conclude With a Concert by the resident Binged and Orchestra. , TrI : 7 EstIA.Y. GRA—VD C O I:CERT at the Rink by 500 Maitre and an Orchestra of 50 Eeriortners. IVEI3NESDAY. SECOND GRAND. COSTCERT, at Turner 13111,.b/ the Visiting Societies. !rll- TJRSIIO.A:V. GRAND PIC-NIC at the Iron City Park. In the Evening the Festivities will close with a GRAND. BALL AT TURNER HALL, PRICE OF ADMISSION : Reeeption Concert 50 cents. Grand Cone.rt 11 . 00 Seeured Seats 25 cents extra, Second Grand Concert Ple-Nic, for every person 8a11......, aut7:06.1 IWPROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE- DANCING ACI6 F 2 / 1 Y PHILO HALL, No. 75 Third' street, will open for the reception of pupils Sept ember let. 1888. Clam days and hours—For Ladles, .18asters and wows. W. dnesctay and Saturday, at 2.,5i o'clock P. M. ; For Oentlem•n—Tuesday and; Prlday-Nveulngs, at 8 o'c oak.* Private lessons green when not engaged with classes. I Circulars on, be had at the thisie Stores an.. at the Academy. fa - Hall to let to Se. lect Parties. auP:uu7B INSITELAIVOE INSURANCE COMPANY, • OF I ALLEGHENY, PA. No. 43 Ohio St., Allegheny. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. SLATE LATEI .07, 1 00 50 tents. 1.50 . THE COM.HITTEE. ..President. ..Secretary. ndl7