CHEAP OVINE FOB THE PEOPLE.... "as 9 / 1 6 . 4F1 WESTERN GUN WORKS have beam removed to N 0.179 BIUTEMELD STREET, where VW always be found the most complete assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport ing Material, itco., in tee city.. AU kinds qf China anff Pistols carefully repaired. S e nd for ditNY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. st"p for tllastratort Circular. Apentutocneted to even/ to in the United States. Address, A. H. JOHN ETON. 179 Sniff/Meld Street, Pitisburnh'. agg"•JOHN - N. PURVIAIICE, • - liegister in Bankruptcy for 23d District. _ _ Once. 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. /Or Office honrs-9 's. Y. to 5 P. R. it. 0. 0..k.-1 -The ineinbers of MOUNT NtOBIAN LODGE, NO. 360, Are hereby notified tha .the Lodge will meet at the 2iew Hair. Fourth atory f4ispatch Fttl.h EVENINO, at 75 o'clock. au/WM J. 8.-WILLIAMS, Seeretary.-.7' PAGIISBOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE. —A COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG lES.—No. 621 GRANT STREET. • The duties of this ncnom will be resumed on MON DAY, Septonber I.4th. 'The coarse of study in eludes the English Branches. Mathematics, ,Latin and Thawing. The Music Department is under the elirection of thd able Prof. asor,lL IiOLIBOCK. Both Day and Boarding Pepin' received. . , For Amber varticulars send for *Register. or ap ply to the Rector, .., ,- .. • ; au2l:eB3-swa Ray. It. J. CosTER, ‘ M. A. $5.500 . ., 1 74 1 4 1 6otifTRIC BEAT, A 3E co n - fmoing , ft acres, all under fence and cultivation. The Improvements are a cottage house, with stable .and other outbuildings; 200 bearing fruit trees, of best selections; watered 'by two never-falling springs. rituated Cattle.. from the ,citv, near to „McKee's lbaeks and . Chartiera Creek. From this place an extensive view can be had of Manchester, „Allegheny City and the rivers. Terms easy. Apply to ' • and McLAIN au2l Cor. Irotirth and Smithfieldstreets. VirETERN R ISTRIC'T of PENN BS'PLVANIA.. • 1.1/ pursuance of a monition and attachment issued out of the District Conn of the United States for „said District, and to me directed, notice Is thereby given to ail persons interest d to appear at a ses sion of said Court, to be holden' at ttsburgh, on the Slist day of. August, 1508. at 11 ciiciock A. M., and show cause, If any they,liave,'whY • • SIXTEEN CANS OP ALCOHOL, -Containing live gallons each, found in possession of B. L. Fah bestocit & 00., and.owned by Dickinson .& Lathrap, of New York. should not be condemned and forfeited to the 'United States for-the causes al legedm the inform& Son of the District Attorney died against the same. ukS. • 71108. L. ROWLEY, 11.. B. Marshal. .oPmez or CITY ENGIN - REIL AND SURVEYOR. t Pittsburgh, August 21. 1862. 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS FOB • Pairiqg SwOnfl ,Street with “Nicolson Payenien4 99 Prom . Womi to Smithfield street, will beiecelved at - thlit office until THURSDAY, juguit 27th, 1130. H..J. DICMYR,E, Ann; a9CI OPTICX CITY =GIBBER AND SURVEYOR, PITTSBURGH. August a 1 .11568. 5 N OTICE. ---The Assessmeni Grading Madison Street, Is now ready for . exaradation, and can be seen at - this ogee until SATIMDA.Y; -August 31st, 1868 when it will be returned .5" - the Cit\ 'Treasurer's •011lce for collection •11. J. 1114:204:311E. MEM OPTIOE OR CONTROLLIR OP A LLEGHILFIT CO., /. rrrrsuunatt, August 20th, 1088. s NOTICE . TO BOILER. MAILERS. SEALED PROPOSALS will in received at this -otlice until 27Th[ INST., Inclusive, for furnisking for use bf poOit House: ONE NEW CYLINDER BOILER. 38 inches diam eter. /6 feet long. • to be btalc of 1.70.. Shorb & Co.'s C.'ll. No. 1 Boller P.ate. ld inch thick. ONE FIRE-RED, No. 15 Shi et Iron, with all ne cessary.etnitit work. • • Also ONE STEAM DRUM, 10 Inches diameter. • • 36Anches long. • ONE STAND PIPE, S. inches diameter. 60 inches long. 4L/NE MUD AND CHECK VALVE.; Bidders to Mate what will be allowed for oldßoller and small Engine heretofore in use. All ruboish to be removed at expense of contest:tor. - . • By dbmetion of County Commisbioners. .lEMNWY .LIL.3!)/.II3ERP, stal:us3 . STRAY COW. Taken up by the Pollee, on tbe 17th day of An gust, 1868, a MU JAY COW, eolor:Wlth wbite spots on back and aides. The owner is "desired to come forward, prove property .and paretiaraca, or ebb will De bold on hipADAY, the 24 . th day of August; 12 O'clock r. st., at rattorton's Stable, on Fourth . I ' et. • *ATTBEW au2o:u74 R . r. DAUBITWEI HERB izquort,. DR. FALJt ,g 0 CO., Importers, 7E , M.Penii St., Pliktsbnrgh, Pa. , . This great HERB LIQUOR bee 'gained wide celeb rity le all Europe :rum its- marvellous .ellicacy in curing all hemorrhoidal complaints and diseases of the stomach. We earnestly invite the attention of the rdlicted to this great remedy. and offer gratis the circulars, giving directions for use,' together with the certillcates of eminent guthorities regard ing its curative merits. - mar Bold in all Dreg_Stores. att2Ottilli /JR. K & CO.—lmporter,. 71 JUST RECEIVED, C.. AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth street. .1 A great - assortment of HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, . . VANDYKE LACES AND EDGINGS, GENUINE JOUVIN RID HLOYES, NEW SHADES IN. RIBBONS, SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, REAL LACES, .t.t.c. 0 aim '.,TARP OAK LIIPIIIIEIL A CHOICE L41"./T. OF 1 1 . BUTT-CUT. PLANK , _ . ABBOBTBD Tnlesnicsints: (Also, FLOORING and 4304 PITT. 4in, Yard below i3uspenslon Bridge. Allegbany slde. V/. P; ADAMS di BRO. .IDrptcar—PorryFis HANCOCK. ST.. PUTTSB,Wani : sul4:u24 KNABE is'CO 9 S - AND HAINES ! BROS: - PIANOS. Far ssle,onmonthly and: quarterlY Velmenill• • , . CUA3I,O1 1 * MiFingt stag 43 Viitti ttre r et. Bole Agent: rllO-LVtOIII , ,FOIL BALE. •• . . 11 Si Armrnwqz HOUSES, . • Second vrsid, Allegheny: j!eggintriOg egrap 'Raqutre of W. &TAYLOR; . 45 Ohio street. - NO 2.. -LAUD , OIL 40 , bble; in store arid to arrive, , will bp, soul to conionners %M draier,at bargein c tot Bake or dosing the lot. awn . • idA IA ll' lituiczy-,a co. F low PEARL-ASH-!-19 store *sale ul • ... -• • - : • s at •••• • • f isAlAri : infarity & Off. - C. PITCII,2I/1 bbill!i *tore; Aot 4,, will be sold veil bi cleat elvnelgege L mt, IliAl.ol 111081 CY I 00. ARD 014,-10 -bb18:1 1 10.`1 Etri rive by rail, for :ale by: - • , WALAFQII WEATUEIIB7-60 inekslint I " "leg 4,40/49.1, yrirdir MVO, Zi31~4 A DJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE.... By virtue of a n order of the Orphans ' Court of Allegheny !minty, dated the 11th' day of -July, 1868, the Executor of ALOIS KIIMPF, deceased, will sell at . PUBLIC SALE, On the premises, In the City of Pittsbui gli, on . SATURDAY; AUGUST 29TH, 1868, AT 10 O'CLOCE A. M., 411 that certain Lot. of. Ground situate 'in the old Ninth Ward, ROUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the eastern corner of Lot No. 79, on Penn street; extending and funning thence east wartilv twelve (12 fee t to a noint equi distant from Lots Nos. 79 and 81, and running thence at right angles with Penn street - by a line equi distant from and parallel with the line of Lute Nue. 79 and SI. one hundred tent, to an alley; thence estwardly the distance of twelve feet-to lot number 79. and thence by the' line of said lot the distance of one hundred feet to Penn street, - the place of beginning. The conditions or the above sale are as follows: 2.000 cash, the balance in two annual payments, With interest. • ,For further particulars inquire of JOHN W. TAYLOR. Esa., No. 73 Urant :street. or • - 4111113 111. TAYLOR, Execatoi.. atentuSariew KAY dz . COMPANY, • BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND • BLANK BOOK . MANUFACTURERS, No. 65 Wood Street, .T.4lLvAlep.irrr - E. BUTT-MpENG-. •CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS; LEGAL AND LETTER ENVELOPES; COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY; FANCY STATIONERY; . - MERCANTILE BLANK BOOKS; CHECK BOOKS; ' • NOTE AND DRAFT BOORS: . • BILLAiIDBECEIPT BOOKS, . I LETTER COPYING BOOKS. - BLANK BOOKS, of .all kinds, manufactured t order. MERCANTILE PRINTING, executed In the best manner. Air Ordess bj mall promptly Attended to. , . • ateil:ra • City Engineer • FOMID. •That after repeited trials of other remedies, go back,s Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier and Blood Pills are the best medicines extant to cure the dis eases for which they are recommended. ' Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. City Engineer PILES. There Is no =edict:Lein use so efficacous as Dr. Roback'a Blood Purifier and' Blood Pills for the ,permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding Piles; they strike at the root of dLsease, thereby removing the cause. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • TEMPEILAIT' CE. There is, perhaps, no. one thing that has done so much to _promote the cause of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic. llobacktsStomach Bitters; they strengthen and invigorate' without producing the 11l effects of alcoholic stimulants. Sold by. all Druggists Everywhere. Controller Axe Pine that haves direct and powertil setion o the. liver, and relieve any inactivity or congeste Kate 9f that, all-important organ upon which de peddle the whole proeess of dieestion. The import anci, then, of prxicazing a Bill that shall have such direct action Without the lil itifeets of mercury, is manifest to every one: anal Pills-are /Whack's Blood Pills; they are warranted purely vegetable, and can:with certainty be relied upon, and are safe st all times. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. Chief of Police DIGESTION LI bat another name for DysOpsia, and the Parent : of many ills. Boback's &oafish Bitters taken In wine-plass-fall doses. directly after. each meal, will surely effect a permanent cure. Do not take our word for It, but try them. • Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. NIGHT RUMP _ . Is one of the many diseases of which Dyspepsia Is the parent. To effect a cure persons should &Told hearty food at night. and take a wineglass-lull of floback , s Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. RENOVATE. During the Spring months it is one of the regular ~b Ousetiold duties to renovate; and, in th, multipli city of other duties one's own self is, in a great measure, overlooked: thousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and saved frOM premature graves by thoroughly renovating the , system with Dr. itoback'S tilood Pule, Bcomich 'Miens and Blood' Purifier. ' - • • . Sold by all Driggids EverYwhere. . . DEMAIiTCHOLY • • • Is one of toe manrdigirders of the nervous svatem, arising from slow. State of the oonstitutitnial health or sefere nrostratloti Sfilir long continued sletness. and' Muth s illfigerating remedies like Robsokla Stomach Bitters, to restore the nerves , to their rata. ; , • • Sold by all Drussiala Zverywhera. WHO. SIXLIA TE EM t _ . , -The Agents for the isle of BODACK , B BLOOD PILLS, BTOMAOII BITTERS and -BLOOD 'Ptritr- PIER are all Druggists everywhere. • , • U. S. PROPRIETARY 'DiIIaiICINE CO., pitopiturroits. • crreircxprpreery-'o. .. ... 16 ' W ANTED. . :• r ,', - , . ' .... . APPLE PAIRERS.--;' ' , ' , . nave lust received a largo stoic Of the above . 50 till. prima Apar- -. They. lime b ee , i. ii • a .00 .usb.,WlEtitAPT t, 4 . r• • ''. j j three Yearit; Illti lin 4 P4 -- .-_ _. 4 1 4 T jestev. ref: Ult , 1, 1 14 '• ''i 00 000 _,., .• VaU and 13DrIng BARLEY naVe_p, :i:sea . themselves to be, the best o'er Invented. Tbey pare (dairy. better, awl So their work Mach cleaner than y other APP.'S r s op known, yot: ran wholes*.. uy. ; • .;-• .4AIIKEps HOW fts set ICt' "138 Wood street. inkOOBII,EIBARREL SHOTGUNS. bsve In stores very superloy lot of t 'Goble breerb d untesle , loadlog, tation,,,whieb Wll(settlis low as soy buOl" i n omeottetrr., t. except.: ask Is to odasnit examine and be convinced or the came,`. . For sale by .nowert soirrtrt -."` " ' 1 .3 1 6 woektinreiti • binOT r' 81110TI "' 411,11 t ricetted - ,•:si bit assortment of New Yes k t . st.atishot ' tn sa d 6 pound, PAIL duo, rtecuiabers frees id H. 't.p . No; AO. For P40 ; r7:.• • „ . 11411414 . ; warm, • • a r',Witcsi,street. • x. , 'ore 114.7.,, warm, :1!). ENIA P Y P B ,;EVI I ISPWW 4 ! LIVER PILLS -PITTEPZRGH,r.GAZ pownwm., Farr/1E ZIITIZEMif OF 17TR WARD - Will meet still° Lawrenceville iicaileto DAY EVEND'iti,' Auras% 21st, lor the FORKING-A GRANT -AND COLFAX au2l:utC I , FrGUANT , AND COLFAX CLUB, 'FIRST WARD,!Pittsburgh, Will meet THIS (Friday;) at 7 O'clock. IN THE SCHOOL HOUSE . . A full attendance Is r(quested., au3l IV. 13. HUNTER, Secretary REPUBLICAN MEETING, On FRIDAY EVENING. 'August 21, 1868, At the corner of Locust and Beaver str cts CITY. . -- A. M. BROWN. TROS. M. BAYNE and L. P. STONE. Emig., will addrewi the meeting. au2i:u7s Con. ON zrEAKEIIS .t IuZYTINGS. OrBIBMINGHAM GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB. _ . There will be a meeting of this Club on SAT I URDAY EVENING, August, 2 2 d, AT MARKET HALL, For the purpose of making arrangements to parti cipate lu the reception of Gen:X.:Alit. SOH URZ on Mondey evening next: :Tbe young men of the Bor • ough. German and English, are cordially invited to attend. Eloquent speakers will be present. au2l: OrMEETING OF COMMITTEE ON TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION. All those SOCIETIES and GRANT CLUBS who wish to take part In the Grand Torchlight Procession, On MONDAY EVENING, August 24th, 1868, in honor of. • • GEN. CARL SCENiEZ, Will send One or TWo Delegates to a meeting to be held In CITY HALL. on SAIVIWAY EVENING, at 25¢ o'clock, to complete arrangements. au21:07 THE COMMITTEE. NOTICE, . • There will be it meeting of the Sixth - Ward Grant and Colfax Club, On FRIDAY, August 21st, at TS P. at.. AT TEE SCHOOL HOC& ON ART STREET, For the purpose of forming a marching Company. All y..nng men are Invited to attend and enroll their names. The Chairmen of the Block Comnatteeitare requested to repOrt the same evenln if. • . S. S. WRIGHT, Chairman. J. H./ MILLER ' SecretarMs. C. R. Faustian, au2l:uB3 cTHE REPUBLICANS of Fay• ETIB COUNTY will holds Mass Meeting at Dunbar Station, On P. & C. RJR.. three miles beyond ConanDevine, On Saturdath 22d instant, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. 31. A Train will leave Pittsburgh at 7 o'clock A. U.. and will return same evening. Tickets for the round trip, $2. T. M. MARSHALL. Esq..' HOU. JOHN COVODE, And others will be there. ' aniS:yez ilgr GRAND MASS 'MEETING, GERMAN REPUBLICANS, MONDAY, August 2 tth--8 P. M., him Cites' h ail, ON ,WHICH OCCASION HON. CARL SCHURZ, The eminent SPEAKER and STATESMAN, -will discuss the most important political nue.tions of this campaign. The undersigned w•mia most earn estly invite their fellow countrymen, without dis tinction of party, to attend Jos. Abel. J. G. Backofen, C. F. Bauer. Louis Morgenstern, Wm. Neeti. . ' John Gerigwiseti, G. Q. Backorm , Gust hchleiter, A. Krebs, H. P. Mueller. J. H. Demmler. Mich. lieckermin, Jul. F. Start, Ph. R. Mertz, Casper Gang. • Henry Knobel. Colist. Conrad. ' Chas. F. Ilerrosee, C. F. Schultz, ' Col. Geo. Geist, Chlst. Lappe. Henry Ocrwig, AFTER THE MEETING A GRAND TORCHLIGHT. PROCESSION Will be arranged. to which the different GRANT CLUBS of thia city andvielnity are moat cordially havAted. ' • ant9m7o TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS. THE GRADUATION', .MASONRY AND BALLASTING of the following enumer- stet! sections of the Pittsburgh & Connellsville Railroad, Are advertised for contract, and proposals for the same will Mt received at the Company's Unice, in Vit.aburah, up to the ' • 20TH OF SEFTEMHEB. inclusive. Commencing et the Uniontown Branch Junction, about a mile east of-Conne !ovine. Sections Mita 04 inclusive. Then Sections 03, 73,, 74, 70, 80, Sl, 89. 83, 84. 85,'86, 87. SO, Sit,' SO. 91, "02..1110, 110. 112, ;15, 110, 117, 118, 119, 1019. 128, 129,.130. 33. 140. All of these Sections are in the valley of tite.Ycnighlop bony river, 0i.,t0 Section 119 inclusive. Sections 115, 110,1117 are on the Sumadt, and embraie thO Sand Patth Tunnel; and the remainder are in the , valley of Wills Creek, Section 140 being about 6 miles troth Cumberlartd. Specifications of the work .otythowboro, ect:qns, wllibe ready for deny/it:you tho lst of Senteniber, at , the offices of the Coronanyirst Pittsburgh and ei:m terland, where contractors snit obtain all necessary information to enable them to examine the line. Coni pony re/len:es the right . to reject all or pieta ouch Old. .a. 11.' LATROBE, At!ittist 10th, 1960. SECONDHAND ENGINES WAN'TIMEI. One Horizontal Entine; oC 20 hortie power. , tine 'l4lgaer ,, Puerto, without reverse valve., Aloe, a mi , dinm Claud MULL Pine d& • - . Tartu cash. nialress, with doscriptionmuipooe SOSILIX COIOLEY, ac7:uB SitverAvonne, Alletheni: , • , rot wkdob. We WAIL piy the highest peke fn cash rw 114?tintygoopt 410Q*Eggy & ' hh7dils GOOD CANNEDr,„ , . . . .-.... : A:' .. EiOEfEB, PLUNid AND ITAllPTililt!im, r. :,.13 . .; ii . 114 ;it very low'prictai;,n. , : , ~• ;, ~ ~..: /....‘. ~ ;“,--• ---13 / 3 4 1 1tht.. ' iiiAITENiii. ' _,•,; 1 ~, JTI4 i .. , 11SPedeial tteet, Allexhauf• Tt"ACE LEATHER Page's rat -1 twin , . gala , Viplowe 44 roam. at 1416 awl. Ili! . , 141 , =.4 i; TIM) NE* FALL • ' ' . DRESS Eit-C101:0S, s In the Latest Styles and Fabrics, JUST 0 ENED. AT WM. JULE'S, 180 and in Federal St., Allegheny. , on FRI . nipose of CLUB. AT POPULAR PRICES. 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. J . dr ONION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and in operation. 160 'miles of track have been laid this spring, and the work along the whole line between the Atlantic and Pacific States is being pushed forward more rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and It Is not Impossible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished in 1860 Instead of 1870. The means provided are ample, and all that energy, men and money can do to secure the completion of this . CREAT NATIONAL WORK, The UNION PACIFIC ..RAILROAD COMPANY receive: I.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way, and all necessary timber and other materials found along the line of its operations. lI.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, taken In alternate sections on each side of Its road. This Is an absolute do nation, and will be a source of large revenue In the future. GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting , to from $16,000 to 548,000 per mile, according to the difficul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. The Rovemment - takesst second mort gage as securitY. and It is expected that not only the Interest. but the orincipsk amount may be paid In services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, mails, de. The Interest is now much more than paid In hue way, besides securing a great saving in time and money to the Government; Hattielb Wettach, Win. Mlttenswel, August Ammon, Jac. Kell. John Nurser. - Henry Henry Anshutz. Geo. Stengel, Win. Bader. . C. C. Strath. Henry Herwlg, Sr., Ad. tiroetalnger. Adam Weise. Aug. Ahlborn, Beni. Schmidt., Fred. Kasten,. John Mussler. Chas. Hartmann, Cain. Pdontsbelmer. John (triton. Aug. 'Hleber, Iteury'Hleber. Arid others IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to issue Its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid In building the road, to the same automat at the U. B. Bonds, leaded for the ewe impose, and no more. The Government permits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only s 4 the road le completed, and after it bits been examin e() by United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be In all respects a grit-class Rail road, laid with a heavy T rail, and completely" supplied with depots. stations, turnouts, car shops, locomotives, cars, Ac. V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stockirildere, of which OVER EIGHT MIL LION DOLLARS hale been paid in upon the work already done, and which wilt be Increased as the wants of the CoMpany require. VI.—NET CASH EARNINGS on Its Way Business, that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN TEREST on the First Mortgage Bonds, These earnings are no Indication of the vast through tragic that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prose that FIRST MORTCACE BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly three times ' their amount, ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINIIENITY. The Onion Pacific Bends run thirty years, arc for $4900 each, and have coupons attached. They bear annual interest, Payible on the first days of January ep4 July, at the Company's Office. in the City of New York. at the rate of six per Cent. In 'gold.i The Principal is payable In gold at maturity. The price is IBA, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal Income on their cost. • The Company believe that these- Bonds, at the present rate, are the cheapest in the market, and reserve the right to advanowtho price at, any lilac. Subscrlptiorui will be received In l'ltteinrghbx, JANES T. BRADY . ds, Co., corner of Wood and Fourth Streets: • HART, 0/I.I7GIIEY & Co., corner of Wciod and Third' Streets; S. IIIoOLEA.N & CO., 1 115 FoUrth Street; Pll. R. MERTZ. corner Oth and, Wood Sta.; OBINSON 78 Fourth street; CIVIL Exairiziat. sulgttdB ANO IN NEW YORK, " At the Company's Office, No. SO Nassau Street, and by JOHN J. 01800 atc SON, Banters.' No. 69 Well Street, and •bi the Company's advertised agents througlwut the tatted States; • Retnittineea sbould be made In deans or !ottler funds parMlNevrs'erh, and the Bends Sent free of charge bi return express. Partles cub e:4lam though local agents, will look to *em 'fO;' their safe ' ApeAlipllLET AND MAP WIZ 1088 has just beeikinbilshed by the Company,* giving "roller 'id; tormation'than is possible In an adiertmemeet s r e. and the Value of the Bonds, winch Nmetingthe Progress of the Work, the Resources I,ef,tha Country traversed by the Dead, the Means oases, or to anyof the advertised agents. ; if ii i r u clais se tru n o t ti trec on, on ,appLication ht the mellows JOHN I. CISCO, T reasurer j , 3twr, 2 1. __ NEW YORK iunakit NDIA 'll, • LTIN4 AND J . ," zABI - pAnKINI3.—A full_stoek on band at ail the.bist quality.- Parties wishing to zams.or sholii where Bolting is required; win itnianne plias as Wm 58 ogn be had in ebb East,"and " 4813galed. . T. • sad 5118 Bt. ulaAr aired. - r 4 - T r co . k,,,, Auf .., u5T ,-;_i t , i go , , - AP44,lr-zz-,-*: CALICOES, NEW raugLiNs, NEW FLANNELS, NEW CASSIMERES, WDI. SEMPLE'S, 700 MILES OF THE At the earliest possible day, will be dane 'WM. SEMF'LE, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal St., ALLEGHENY, NOW OFFERS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW FALL DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PHIVES, WHOLESALE RETAIL, TO WHICR DAILY ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE, DURING THE SEASON. DRUGS AND CHE.MICALS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL, ON THE IST DAY OF AUGUST, WE RE3fOTED TO THE LARGE AND 00313101HOUS WAREHOUSE, No. 45 Wood Street, Directly Opposite M. Chutes Rotel. . a.c..nT• :1 'T R. E. SELLERS & CO. THE GREATEST ,MEDICAL DISCOVERY KNOWN TO MAN. La I IV 3ID 3E -12" IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, FOR THE CURE OF AU Diseases Arising from an im pure State of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, •Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheuin, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits,. Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, llhetunatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Together with all other disorders from an improper condition of the Circulatory System. Asa general Tonic its effects arc most benignant, and cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord lag to directions, . It is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters Into Its composition, so that while it.lnvariablv af fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cares, no overdose could injure the moat tender infant. • R. E. SELLERS &- CO,, Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA.' ALSO, PROPIIIETORS OF Sellors' Cough Syrup; . Planers' Liver Pills and Vermiragel Johnson's Rheum&UoCompoundl And:Doerhave's Holland Bitters. FOR MILE DT ALL DRUOCOSTS. jraC:tit - TWELFTH LIST. 1868.-LISTe. APPLICATIONti TO BELL ,LiQI79R B . Ogle°. Pittsburgh ' • JOS. Siefert, eating house, Ad Ward. Thos. K fe et, miler goods. Sd ward. . M. Bonen.. °, ad ward. • • Johajit_eeb. tavern, old Bth we d. iar d • Owen ateGovero eating house, d .th eers. . M. F. Kelly, eating house, old 10ta UM. nomad e. Fry, eat. as rous old Ootints trict. George Johnston, tavern, old pu_t " • . ALlogbdlMP Ward. Chas.ikiehrig, eating house. 34 Sid Ward. , A.".lloedelhelm, other good& . Boroughs . Jacob Helsel, other /QC" Mjilat BirmWas nintlahaTo• e t° . werue ,..,eagong two gton., • Tournahipa. .. Walton , earns house. ,o._h_arti r ars. • , ,• i Geo Gagele, esi big mop.. . • Ewer taverii. azoLluna. • %%of. ower St Clair K. kippert. ire rh , • • • tavern, ar o n. The •Lioensa Board will altos SAMIXRDAY. the Agth' Inst.i. at ireloOlt for heating the above sm ighiV4 .0 ••b naotinr, NEW STOCK ' HOUSEKEEPING 'GOODS WM. SEIVLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Alleghciny BARGAINS IN LINEN HANDKERCHIEF'S LINEN SKIRT FRONTS, LADLES' STOCKINGS, MEN'S SHIRTS, WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny NOTICES. NOTICE - I$ HEREBY GIVEN that BOORS FOR SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock e the Company to erect a Bride over the Allegheny River, from Ewalt street, in the City of Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler:Plank Road, at or near the mouth of Girty's Run,. incorporated by an Act of the General Assembly of this. Commonwealth, ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1868, will be opened at the office of SILL &SHUTTERLY„ on Butler street, In the Seventeenth Ward of said City of Pittsburgh, on the TENTH DAY OF SEP TEMBER NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. kie of Said day.. John W. Riddell, 8. J. Wainwright, J. J. Shutterly, James I. Bennett, T. R. sill, J. B. Poor, T. IL Stewart. i 1). Dempsey, M. McCullough, Jr.. H. Sample, E. S. Hanna. LTFellbaugh, W. T. rurviance, E. Coates, Wm.' W. Young, J. U. Barr. Wm. heardon, i Wm. Mcconnell, Israel C. Pershing, John J. Williams, " N. P. Reed, 18 . Commissioners. Bth. 68. Pittsburgh, August aulo:n2l Mff'THE APPETITE. FOB Tobacco Destroyed ! Leave off Chewing end Smoking the Pcdsonoaa Weed, Tobacco? One box of ORTON'S PREPARATION is wen.. RANTED to destroy the appetite for tobacco In any person, no matter how strong the habit may be. fiir IF IT FAILS IN ANY CASE 'ERE MONET WILL LIE REFUNDEIL It Is almost impossible to break oft. from the use of tobacco by the. mere exercise of the will. Something's needed to assist nature in over-. comings habit so firmly rooted; with the help of the preparation there Is not the least trouble. Han-I deeds have used it who are willing to bear witness to die fact ihat ORTON'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person as tree from any desire for it as before he commenced its use. It is perfectly safe and harmless In all cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by to boom, and through these upon thd blood, thorough• ly cleansing the poison of tobacco from the system. and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. NO MORE FIANKE MG FOR TOBACCO AFTER. USING ORTON'S WARRAN PRIPARATIONB IWARE 1 RSCOL OF LECT IT 18 TLD- COUNTERFEITS! • RECOMMEN DAMNS. The following are a few selected from the multi— tude of recommeudationa In our nossession: (Prom W. P. Heald. Esq„ Bangor, Me. BANGOR, Me., April 24. UGH. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for thir ty 3 ears past, and for the last fifteen ye ars I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leave oil" at dinerent times.' I have left off one year at a time, but always c,mtinned - to hanker for It until I used Orton's Preparation, which has corn pl. to y cured me of the appetite for ta,bacco. won cl recommend all who are affected witu this ter. rible habit to try the preparation, which will cer tainly cure it if the directions. are followed. [From E. W. Adkins. Knoxiiiie...Trisin:i KnoxVitax i Tenn., August 5. tBB7. - This is to cer. h` that had nstd lobster° to such an extent that my h. aith had become greatly im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In Julie. 1861, I purchased one box of Or ton's Preparation, and after using It I found that I was completely cured. ' .I have not had hanker ing or desire for tobacco since ustog ihe:pruparation. 1 believe It to he all that Ii la recommend. d, .and I would advise all wholwists to quit tile use of tobacco to try one box of Orton 'AI Preparation. E. 'V. APEINS. (From John Morrill, Bangor,Me. BANGOR., Me., March 24, 1868. This is to certify that I have urea tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave or. but have buttered so muchlwrin a tautness' in my. bead, and gnawing at my stomach, that I ha% e soon given up the trial. A snort time'since a friend In dived me to try Urton's Prep iration tsold by you., 1 nave don.. ao. and ant completely cured. I aid not In the lea, t banker after tabscco. either to smoke or clew, after I began to use tne Prupsration.. • JOHN D ion.. Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION,II/0 Dollars per box, forwaraed to any part of the 'country. post paid, on receipt of price. Zdtney, sent by Wall at our risk. Address, - ' C. B. corroN. Proprietor, • ltox 08! Portland, Maine. s pa ve his statements C. the undersigued. have had personal dealings with C. B. CO fTt/N. and nave found dial a reliable and tale dealing man. Charles E. Morrill. Eldde-* Belfant„ Me-- deserving the cunddence of the public: tt, B, wenardson. Nev. d. wrern, Dr, 8, B irlf o c ; l4 e. Attorney jtattr . or, at E A ° °f ford, I O W ; 11 0: a B P. :a r: Ar a r : ! t ar ta A una.; " 1 . .. ' M. gym. oy nto t i r r r e .as e Auworth . 8.. Cittintb7tgt. Johnsvlll N Y 4, •, •a• o i . a =7 '72 . 5 c...? = c•Z = Er - 2. 3 , ti cei 4 ;II • = - 'r ; 7 •4 a ~.. ~ &-, 4 C= , g . 9 =l 04 a it •D 44 ' , „ 93 . r s '*‘ fil ~ mes 1 E. pq n a 11 = 0 ri ... ,ga coic O, ts . „ ..a., r . e> ~,,-. w .7 2 . 4 ‘-' W'f I:=I cS Qo LI e ,... gazi ts - 124 - a A 'IS 42 ...... 1212 0 N iiii 14 §TOIII IE ° WINDOW as color and blze required, , with , border and etterzkaln or gilt' alai the plaln - Blue i lcor game &to T wide. aL the . t2U _pelt Se and filt e B. & street:* PHILLWIL Eil P. HEALD