. • P/ITSB ... • • • Orrice ovnimPfrres. unGTE GazEnTit, TntriumAir, August 20, 1868. . ' 'The general markets era in. a very com . plicated and Unsettled condition, which is . , 4 , *Wing mainly to the uncertainty in regard to values, and no improveinent can resona bly lie expected in, business until there is !, some uniformity in prices. We can report ! •a fair local demand for most of the leading * commodities, but there is an almost entire absence of anything like a speculative feel . • ing, and buyers generally are restricting . their purchases as much as possible, being apprehensive, that it is not very safe to keep big stocks. BUTTER—We can report a good , demand and regular sales of prime to choice at 33 to 25c4ene firm quoted at 36. (We can see no cause for butter being sold tit 60 cents in , „market.) - • • EGGS—Continue exceedingly dull, and we can report - a still further decline, sales ""!" having been made to-day at 14 cts'for fresh „packed. ' - CIIEESE=Is quiet though firm at the recent' advance-14 to for Wes tern Re serve and Hamburg; 16 to 17 for Factory and.J.9 to 20 for Sweitzer, • GREEN -APPLES--Are coming,in very freely - and the 'market is dull—Completely glutted; we quote nominally at 52, to $3,50 to 11; as toquality. POTATOES--Quiet but' - steady at . 53 to $3,50 Der bbl, as to quality; receipts light. GRAIN- - - . -Wheat is steady, with a supply equal demand, and prices are un changed; the mills continue to pay $2.10 to s2,ls'forlled, and $2,15 to $2,20 for White; saletif 2 cars prime Red; to dealers, to be • shipped Out.of this market, at s2yMwhich is two cents a per binsh more than any of the Mills woulitibY', *el Ear Corn is scarce and in demand; sale of 200 bushe at /1,14, and 1 ear_doat $1,16; Shelled . may be quo ted at . • 51,06 to sl,l2 fr for mixed to prime Yellow. New-Oatsare.finctiating between 80 to 65c—some dealers are . not inclined to pay - above 55c, while tothersmallege that they 'will take all they can get at 60 cents. Rye—pew- : crop. is . ; in - de mantrat $1,35, and but little arriving, as yet. Prime No. 1 Spring - .Barley is quoted _ at MILLSI7O to 8475 FEED---is in steady deniand but unchanged. The mills still quote: Bran, • $1,10;-Sereeningsi$1;. Ship.stufili; $1;30, and Middlings. 2,20 • ' IL&Y—Is still quoted at $2O to $2O fioM country .wagons as ttr quality : LARD 011,--Is 'quoted at an advance; sl,2ofor'No. 2, , and $1,50 for.No i . 1. • - • SEEDS—FEnceeed la in' demand at $2,25; and but little offering, as yet.i No move-. ment-in Clover et' Tithothy Seads. - - - PEACHES= -Are coming in pretty freely, and prices are barely maintained at $3,50 to 1,1 per b6x; forgood to prime. . ' PROVISIONS—Bacon - is firm, with a good jobbing demand at - 14c. or Shoulders; 16X to 16Xc for Ribbed, and 18% to 18Xc for. Cleat, Sides;and 22 te 22Xc for Sugar Cared_Hams. Prime kettle rendered Lard, . 13x 6193,c. Dried Beef, 21 to 2136 c. Mess . Pork; $3O-to 130,50. SALT—Is quiet and unchanged at $1,75 to $l,BO to the trade, and in a retail ivay. • FLOUR—The Flour market is firmer, and the demand seems to have improved ,• someivhat.l having sol ,!. - .3oobbls of cho i ce Winter po Wheat, to go of this market, at $ll. Choice fold spring Wheat brands. are still heldi . firrnly at 4510,75.t0 $ll, while good new Spring Wheat can be sold at $lO to $10,25. The mills have advanced, prices 30c per bbl. We . quote •:, as follows; Double Extra, wholesale in 1 . • barrels, $11,50, and retail, $11,80; wholesale' in sacks by the barrel, $ll, and .retail per ', sack, $2,95; Extra Family Flour in barrels,' $lO,BO, and retail, $11,30; wholesale in sacks by the - barrel, $10,50, and retail, $2,80 per New York Produce Market. (By Telegraph to the Iltzebtrrah Gazette.] NEW l'oltr.„-4.11.3u5t M.-Cotton is a shade lower; sales sa,o holes at 293030 c for mid .: dling uniatid3our receipts'amount to 11,563 bbis; market dull and hest'' , and 15a 25e lower; sales of 6,300 bbis at raB for • stiperfini9 State; $8,15a8,20 for extra west. . ern; 110,30a12,75 for white wheat extra. , $8,70a12,*i 'for Round Hoop Ohio; $lOaU;25 • for extra Bt. 1 LOuis; $1,50a14,25 ler good sales , eholoe,',-cigming;, also_ of 500 sacks `Califiirnia 4,10,412,25. .B.ye .flour is dull; wales 300 bbla a t 57.,60a10,25, .Corn Meal is .o , ln fairdaand, Sales 600 bbls at $5,85 for Jersey; '..56 for western, 10,25 for :Marsh's Caloric. Whisky is firmer; sales 400 Weds •• at 69a7,119 - ;in 'bond; 26c freei.! Receipts Wheati,97o bbls and is dull,. heavyand lower; winter' isAiiiet and Without ohange; • sPring,jklies,..of.2ll,6oo.buaatsl,o936 for No. . 2 delivered; $2,10 for"No.l. delivered; $2,03 NO. 1 and 2 mixed; 52,38 now - Ohio; $.2,60 it 2,65 nets white Michigan .; Rya ja 'Owen. Sales 3, , bushat $1,60a1,70 for Southern,. and $l,BO , for Western. Barley nominal. • Barley malt quiet.; Receipts of corn 205,996 . 1 bush, active iand le be !with sales 152,000 bushedtter, $1,19a1,20 closing' fo quietr tin . pound; 41,21a1,2310r sound mixed ' - western -.:afloat; $1,21 :for 'old. mixed western in store, , end $1,24a1,25 for western yellow 'afloat. Receipts of Oats 2,630 biish; oats dull and tc .fiesory; sales - 27,000 bush at 810 for _western .n store; 62N0 for do afloat; 70a793,0 for new , 5a1e5,25,000 bush western to seller :or all of, Sep ember at 12c. Coffee dull; I •', 'ales 600 bags Rio at private terms. Sugar fair request; sales 650 hhds Cuba at . 1 y6a 1 23, - 4colasses dull. • flops very • iuiet at 10a30e. aimeridaiti - petroleum-dull 15y,,a160 .for crude,• and 333;a34c_ for • :refined - - bonded. POil quiet and heavy; _ales of 2,300 bbls at $28,50;28,75 for moss, .losing at : $28,56 cash, $28,75 for old do., 23,25a23,87. for, prime; and $25,00a25.25 for owne mess. Beef steady; sales of 150 bble. Seer Hama dull at f25a32. Cut Meats firm; " ales of '225 pkgs at.13y,a140 ferAlhoulders, ,•13a19%d for hains;; middles firm and 9ulet. aid qUiet and steady; sales of 590 tierces -: 18xa19e ,for steam, 19a1930 for kettle - endereif,' : • Batter' firm at'3la36o for Obis, "! - la94c for State. Cheese quiet and heavy t 14a1843.- - Preights•to Liverixxil' dull and eavy, with -engagementa per - steam for ),000 bus wheat and corn at 3d. Layitsr-...,F10ur closed dull and ' 10e low %-g', the demand being. chiefly for pressing ,;(ants 'dear trade. Wheat dull and - ;pry heavyfor winter, - and quietand stea v for spring. • Bye dull and lower atili;6o :470 forßouthtiph and 81,750100 for west- Oatitßilavk artiOaftlein -store; Blus , iNe alloq for - old'westein," and 7€4800 - fOr ew at the railroad :depot, and 72e sellers ' all September. " Cora dull at '8 1 ,15ii1,19. .1r unsound, and - #1,20a1,22 for sound new Jized western afloat. Pork nominal; $28,50. t 8,624 for.mess,•!casb and regular. - Beef and:without, decided, change. Cut: ',eats scarce.and firm... Bacon firm. Lard ill and heaiy :for , fair' to rime steam. ,Eggs dull and heavy at 21a clbeinniu marßet. ty Teleszt#l yi Ibepitintrus4 tilaselts.T " _:e'. •CINCINNiTiv Augalg2o.—Flotur dbll • but . ot lower;, faith i IY,i 10.76a10,25. 'Wheat doll;, ' F) , 1 red $2, N + 2;:;$1;96, receipts , biro.' rn dull at 93a1140 tor oozy shelledlbeid.al 1a1360, but tli@ro'is.rip demand for 11..'-'01413 , all at 664 ;for Nik I. , ;Rye, ,, $l,BO. Csiton -, ll a t 29%e. Tobacco in fair - demand:" Res of 160 hbds.' Whisky quiet ;- at 666 In nd. Provisions funobangecrandlittnly Id but theitletiiol4_lB 11 6 11 t1 , ' , there-hi - no miry for ' Mess::Poirk or - Lard.--Bulk eats held - at 12% sod-1.140 Jot: shoulders ol aides. 9101wre Is a fair, iemand for Ha= n, at isgarap`t . for: Plit.ntiden; '' ind they e not ottenVti tookt - at.thege 7 rates; mostly pd at limiizolear -sides .SoldotO hihnitect: 'y.tent at Exispereill'n6 et nrninclltii:',.9, 3 o, b; Sugar' tliridThrunk - ,40:44, Pricei tootling at 20a21%0, the4bolOwnge. But- . Ldull fors7racil. ir , 11,VITVoei it wantexibt jiteA. , ,ir d Oil libletti rr, 14. W gll.l Itytii A ' 'ilk rtes steady. Hay very dull. st, 111014 i snlval. Gold 144 buying. - . • i lEil y;",'"t`-~~';~.:~:~y~~i.--~i.*.ai:~..:.~,~ay,~eF..-na•.~..tc;adi:.c,..str.,.,~.r: _ ~ I= BORDER STATE BONDS. Border State Bonds quiet. Missouris, 9235;.' old Tennessees, 65; new do., 63; old North Carolina, 7034)572; old Virginias, 56; new do., 55. RAILWAY. MARKET. • The Railroad market is disturbed by movements in Erie,' which has fluctuated between 444a44,. The transfer; books were really closed yesterdayj and reports to-day say the directors have' bought four lines of the' Long 'lsland igonnd steamers and leased or purchased the Boston and Providence Railroad, with the Object of diverting' traffic between Baston and the West to tho Erie. road. ' Rumor adds' that for the purpose of effecting these purchases the Company has issued six millions of convertible bonds. 'Now York Central has been active • and variable, selling between 122 and 126 X: The rest of the list is steady and on some stocks firm, and at the close the market was strong. Express shares a shade:firmer. • 5:30 PRICES: Canton, 45046; Cumberland, 281530kWells Ex., 25%©26; American, 3934 ®4O; Adams,. 4734,548 X; United States, 4134 !@42v Merchants' Union, 20©2034; Quick silver, 2134©213;; Pacific Mail, 9934@99x; Western Union Telegraph,- 34 X©34y,: New, York Cintral; 12534©126; Erie, 4534©4534;- do. preferred, 6834©69; Hudson River, 1353( ©136; Reading, 89©88x; Ohio and Mlssis sipPit - 2 . 9 ,1@2874; Wabash, 50341551; do pre ferred, 71; St. Paul, 70©70g; do. preferred, 715341578 X; Michigan, Centra1,11834,5119; Michigan Southern, 8345883;; Illinois Cen tral, 1410143; - Pittsburgh, 85X©8634;: To ledo, 983;©99; Rocky Island, 9935 ©99X; Northwestern, -' 803;©130,74; do. preferred, 8030580 X; . .Fort Wayne, 1 0 64©106.34; Hart ford tit Erie, 213415213;; Ashtabula, 97X; Burlington it Q,nincy, 170; St. Joseph, 84; ''lticago it Alton, 130. , Exports of specie to Havana to-clay $175 81TB-TREASUBY 'ZATTARS. The receipts at the Sub-Treasury to-day were $1,365,659._ • Payments, $631,052; Bal ance, $84,984,385. Chicago Market. ,Cnv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oatette. CHICAGO, Aug. 20.—Flour is more active white winter extra sold at $11a12,25; spring extra from old wheat, $111a10,25, and from new wheat, $7,50a8,75 with a good shipping inquiry for wheat; owing to liberal receipts prices - declined 4a43tc per bush. closing at $1,6854a1,69 for No. 2 spring; the sales ranged from $1,70a1,78 for No. 1 spring; $1,68a1,74 for No. 2. There is an active in quiry for corn, principally" for shipment; market steady at an advance of per bush; No. 1 in store at S1a1,01; No. 2 at' 990. Canal corn is tolerably active at 11,0134 for No. 1. Oats have advanced Ma.%c per bu. closing at - 543ia54,4e; about 18,000 bushels changed hands at 5434 c per bushel for Nos. 1 and 2. Rye is firmer and active; sales of No.' 1 at $1,30a1,1,32 and No: 2at $1,25a1,27, closing at $1,25 for No. I 1 and at $1,25a1,26 for No. 2. Barley quiet and a shade easier; sales of No. 2 at $1,55a 1,60, closing at the inside quotations. The market_for provnsions was dull and almost entirely nominal. Mess Pork quotable at $29a22,50. Lard 18a19c. Sugar Pickled Hams, summer packing, sold at 1734 c. Lake freights active_ and steady; charters at 10e for • wheat _by steam and 7c for corn by sail to Buffalo, and 11c for corn and 12c for wheat by, sail to Oswego. Receipts-- 52;391 bbls flour; 116,250 bush wheat; 209,- 544. bush corn; 140,955 bush oats; 2,500 head ogs. Shipments-2,747 bbls flour; 112,586 bush wheat; 175,400 bush corn; 173,900 bush oatts.-_ By Telegraph tali° i'lttiburgh Gszeite. , Su. Louis, August 20.—Tobacco at lull prfees. Cotten; , nothing doing. Hemp dull at $1,40aa1,60 for undressed. Flour firm but quiet at $6,25a7,00 for superfine, 87,5038;25 for extra, $6,50a9,00 for double ex tra and $10,50a13,00 for treble extra to fancy. Wheat quiet and unchanged at 82,00a2,30 for, prime to fancy rea fall, $2,25a2,34 for choice white. Corn. firm at 90a96. Oats firmer at 51a55. Barley . sold , at $1,70; for choice spring, 62,05 for choice fall. Rye heavy at $1,15 for prima and $1,18a1,20 for choice and fancy. Pork dull and round lots could be sold at lower rates; jobbing lots sold at 829,75. Bacon dull, heavy and irregular; Shoulders-sold in a small way at 13a133.6 for clear sides and 17a17y for lapse; plain Hams .1.6 g. Lard dull and weak with no sales. Whisky lower at $1,2734. Ife celpts—Flou 3.009 barrels; Wheat, 35,000 ;:bushels; Corn, ...2,700 bushels; - Oats, 12,000 bushels: thiShels.----=` Rye; 1,600 bushels; Barley, 1,400 [By, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] TOimio, August 20:—Receipts--4,845 bbls, limit., 60,071 this wheat, 25,857 bus corn, 23,- 350 bus oats; 1,080 bus Rye. Flour quiet. Wheat, white Michigan, lower. ' Other grain without material change,';scarcity of ves sels restricting transactions. Sales of white Michigan at $2,15®2,18; amber Michigan at $2,08;- amber Illinois at $2,15; No. I red at 2,08,- amber. seller; • August, 12,05, do September; $2,05: Corn steady $1,04 for No. :1, .Michigan; 51,05, fOr 'No.I white. Oats le better, 'No. 1 '5B, ' No. 2 58X to 57. Rye lo lower, N0..1 at 51,45, No. 2at 51,35. Lake freights firm at 5X to 8 on wheat to Buffalo; 10 to Oswego. • „ , • Market. • - By Tele griph tottio.Plttisburitt Gagetge.) • , PirrnerpaLrilia,,, Aug. 20.—Clover seed 41f1,2,4118,75. 'FlaA.gteed, $2.60a2,70. Petrole: urn unsettled ; crude in bulk active; refined nominal lit 111%ii. Flour very quiet. Wheat quiet; inferior declined bc; sales .2,000 bu choice ainberati)2.so; fair to good red 52,80 Rye unchanged. Corn-declined.lie; salmi 1.500 bu yellow at 1,1,25. Oats - dull: sales 3,000 new. at 0ba750. Groceries and , Provisions 'unchanged.' Wheat'in bond 700.1 Baltimore Marttet. [By Telegittiti thePitisliarghGaict Mufti:dons,' August , 20.—Flour fairly ac tivel;but unc hanged: Wheat--Prime firm and tinchebged ,at $2,66a2,65; low grades , deolinpd. Coin dull; prime , white,; Oats dull; prime, 7507c6 RP) dull at $1,45 Pork "firm; mess,, Bacon firrnf ielear d0,17%a shoulders, 14,fialbp; hams, 2a23c. Lard quiet at h)d.,.. . • ; 14 11Waake n blarket. CBr.Teleitsoto _We /1 4 1 1: 2 rab 0 azette.) MI . ' iir;WATMIREaLug. 2 0.—Plour dull, prioes unchanged. Wheat active and easier at 54 55 . forlf4. /sand 8478% for No. 2. _ Oats. , dull a ud weak ut 55e tor N0..2. • Com firmer at sl,olfor NtLi2.; 'Rewards—Sour 800 -bbhi; , w bb - at 27,00(h, corn, I . oo orbush. - - .ohiproents —dour 609 bbla; wheat .27,000;. oornl,ooo bashels.; , ; „, , • : 44 11 gagt • lothtirlitifterirtawat io , , ,obste4oo, August 20.--There has tArrittl Otivesletnand for hogs of the bettieelssits fluora ruled lo a m higher. with sales at flea 1425; ULM 108401,1 as Pa 8,19. Financial /attars in New York ," Gold Closed "at 143X®11 . 11, (Si Telegraph to the Plttaburati Gazette.) Yoni, August 20. NONNI' AND aCt.To. • Money 0 Per cent. oncall; offerings rather more liberal, and there wera exceptions at 3 per cent.;. prime discounts, 7; per cent._ Sterling dull at..109@109%. 'Gold lower; opened at 144 X, fell to 143.31, and closed at 143X@)144. GOVEIINMENTS. Governments steady, with a somewhat improved demand, especiallyifor '6Bs. Cou pons of 1881, 113; do. 1862, 03@103%; do., '64, 10 8;04109; do. qz, 111@)111%; do. new, 10 73,;®108; do. '67, 1073‘©107M; do, '6B, 10 7X®108; 1040 s, 108%1081. The' ship meat of currency to Elle Wear this week is likely to be about ;55,000,000. , EXPORTS. ,St,)Laata Market. Toledo Market. —Trfergitritiirr FRIDAY ; , AUGUST 21 1868. , Cleveland Markot. • ; cHy Telegraph to the Pittsbarsta Hasette.i , -'O,-"•••••,'""*" ;;;.C.t,HvErs.sri, Auguat 20 . — Flour;the re- QTEARIBOAT ceipts hy ran are increasing, - but• taarket is NJ - AT AU CTION: steady at 1110.00a10,50 for XX sprinbrands"loo a 11,50 tor XX red whlter;. count 7 The steamer IDA RILiS No. Z. with all her tackle are quiet at $9,00a10,00 for XX spring; 1,9,50 And oullit4 i n good t r h u e nr , )it i f .tr e d n e v reislll r r o r AI!! 510,50 for XX red winter, and 112,00813,00 n i r t 4 l ll4 l 4 ler iti% o'clock for XX white. ,Wheat; ages 3 cars No, .0 asionat • . red at $2,10; 4 cars No. 2 do. at 11,98. Corn; H. B sttiTHsoN, Auctioneer sales 2'cars ear on track at $1,65. Oats; sales of 5 cars at 95c. Prtroleum; ' market firm and unchanged at 30a31c for standard white; 28a29c for prlmelight; straw to white lots sell 2a3c higher. lIMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUROR RAIL ROAD, August 20.-11 cars pig iron, Nimick & Co; 6 cars iron ore, Everson, Preston & Co: 6do do, 1 car iron, Zug & Lx.);' 10 bits starch, S P Shriver & Co; 5 bbls dryers, T H Nevin & Co; 1 car stone, P Wolfe; Ido do, J L L Knox; 25 bbls lime, S Davidson; 10 bbls tobacco, Atwell, Lee & Co; 24 bxs oil, R E Sellers , Co; 4 cases gum. Rey mer & Bro; 50 bits starch, J S Dilworth & Co; 50 do do, E Baezleton; 10 do do, Hahn & Hadley; 10 do do, 10 crates do, J A Ren- - , 'shaw; 50 bxs do, 25 bxs cheese, 50 kgs pearl barley, Watt, Lang & Co; 18 sks wool, Wm Barker Jr & Co; .40 bbls green apples, Voigt, Mahqod & Co; 51 sks oats, 9 do rye, Bricker & Co; 1 car wheat, 100 bbls flour, Culp & Shepard; 1 car wheat, Scott de Gisal; 39 aka - oats, W H Hagan* ' 1 caddie tobacco, Head &, Metzger; 7 ( bb ls apples; 104 eke oats, Graff & Co; 24 bxs paper, W B Lup ton & Co; 1, car fire brick, C G Hussey & Co: 9 bbls apples, 24 hf bola do, H Riddle; 1 car wheat, Hitchcock, McCreerv - dc Co; 25 .bbls • apples, dt 2do beans, Vangorder Shepard; 20bxs cheese, N J Braden. rITTSBDROH, FT. WAYSE AND.CHICAGO RAILROAD. August 20.-324 Dig lead, B F Fahnestock &Co 12 crates, 8 pieces,iron 8 bals do, 1 hhd do, Mullin & Maloney, ' 5O bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 5 kegs nails; Mar tin, Brickle & Co; 95 bbls flour, D Wallace; 4 cars wheat, J S Liggett; 10 1 bbls onions, ,1 keg butter, 37 bbls apples, 1 bdl sheep pelts, 6 bbls apples, 3 bbls pears, Voigt; Mahood & Co; 38 bdis spokes; Thos Hare& Bro; '5 bbls eggs, 1 bbl syrup, H Reed & Co; 16 half doz brooms, A Slade; 35 sheets iron, Hutchison, Glass & CO; 4 eke wool, S Harbaugh & Co; 10 bbls apples, 2 kegs- lard, H Rea Jr; 13 sks rye, 40 do 'wheat. Scat, Gisal & Co; 7 bbls eggs, 1 do onions, W J Steel & Bro; 7 bdls knobs, Adarias McKee & Co 4 rolls leather, , R Albert; 5 box hard ware, Phillips & Cluly; 200 doz s handles, Meyers, Amon; 50 boxs cheese, Woodworth & Co; 30 do do, N J Braden. • PITUSBURGH,Cmoirmart AND ST. Limns RAILROAD, August tea hams, 60 ,do lard, J H Parker; 25 bbls whisky, Jos S Finch .& Co; 4 bbls apples; 1-'do eggs, Robb & Herron; 10 bxa soap, EH 31,yers it Co; 25 bbls bungs, A B Mills; 15 tea hams, 20 bbls lard oil,, Watt, Lang 6; Co; 7 bxs medicine, Y Fleming: 6 bales tow, J Woodwell & Son; 2 cases flags, J G Lauer it Bro;l lot machinery, Meanor & Harper; 1 hhd to bacco, Floarsheim & Elrich; 25 bbls lard oil. J Dalzell & Son; 10 do potatoes, Van gorder it Shepard; 60 bbla bone dust, Seward & Campbell; 1 ear middlings, Bricker &Co; 1 do oats, Brown & Williams; 1 do staves, J Painter & Son; 2 tcs hams, Clarke Bro; 3 do do, J Lippincott; sdo do, Mitchell; 9do do, Carter, McGrew & Co; 5 do do, J H Wilson; 1 car wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co; 50 bbls spirits, Hostetter &Smith. I ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R., Attempt 20. —5 bbls onions, 2 sits do, I bbl eggs, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; I car metal, 2 carp fire clay, Rees, Graff it Dull; I ear lime, James Reno; 1 car metal, Lyon, Shorb it Co; 140 sks oats, Kell .t Ritchart; I car old iron, J Love; 1 car tire clay, Kier, Glover it Co; 12 cars limestone, Shoeneerger & Blair; 100oi1 bbls, Lockhart, Frew & CO. ALLEGHENY STATION, August 20.-- 3 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro. 1 do do, W McKee & Co; 7 hides; J Luckcampt; 9 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 2 oars metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 35 aka wool, S Bradley & Son; 2 cars flaxseed, AI B Suydam; 1 car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 1 car lumber,. Taggart & Wilson; 17 bbls ap ple% .1 Herbert; Bdo do, F Owens; 1 car flour and feed, Hippley it PITTSBURGH AND Cos - sEntSvrtrat RAILROAD, August 20.-2 cars metal, Youghiogheny, Iron & Coal Co; 42 bbls whisky,' Dillinger & Stevenson; 2 cars tan bark, Lappe & Weise; 33 . rollsleather, Anderson; 8 do do, M Delange; 14, bundles tanner scraps, 4 do sheep peltaiti Pilaw; 1 pkg tobacco, J Megraw. RIVER-NEWS If yesterday can be taken as an index, another wet spell has set in; we had several heavy showers of rain early in the,morn ing, and considerable rain fell during the day, and the indications in the.evening were favorable for more during the night. Of course, these rams have not, as yet, had any effect or. • the river, but, in case they should conttnue for a few days, a rise would doubtless be the result, As will be seen by reference to adver tisement, the steamer Ida Rees No. 2 is offered for sale at publio auction. —The wrecking boat Underwriter ha s ta ken the boilers and machinery out of the Mettle Burns. • —The little steamer Dexter, lately sunk opposite Catlettsburg, has been raised, and id now on the docks at Middleport undergo ing repairs. —The. Emma No. 3 loft Cincinnati for New Orleans on Tuesday. She was draw r ing 4 feet, and her barge 2 feet, and had OD gagements below, including 60 or 70 barrels whisky at Aurora ' and all the hay she could take, and a lot of freight from Madi son. he had about4o fiassengerm. Pilots Dan. Weaver and Jos. McCarnmott. —We find the following in the Loultivill Courier of yesterday : An old lady on a steamboat observed two men pumping up water to wash the deck, and the Captain being near by she accosted him as follows: "Well, Captain. got a wellaboard, ehr , "Yes ma'am; always carry ono," said the polite Captain. "Welt, that's clever.'' always distiked this nasty river water, especially in dog days," We learn flow the Omaha Herald, of the 13tli, that a - pleasant surprise overtook Captain Bartell, clerk Miltenberger, and Mr. Rea, mate of the Menntaineet They, were' taking a walk through the town, and looking at, the eights, when they were met by a German who "supposed' they were• Mayor Rice and two others of the Chicago delegation of visitors. The Jolly boatmen wore carried to the house Of the citizen, and treated with great consider& Lion, and to the best In the house. St. Louis dispatch, under . date -of Tuesday, says: River still failing, with 7. 1 4 feet water to;Cairo, and to 'Keokuk. Cloudy and damp. Heavy rains fell , tween midnight and daylight this morn ing-, Business' good. Tannage on the . Upper Mississippi and Missourliiiad a q n u d at a e for the business; offering., All the ware- houses ire ; reported full of freight , large amount of grain is lying' on the river bank awaiting :shipment. The Shark, en route from Now, Orleans,, ; has, aoo, pieces. lignum vitae wood for Cincinnati. , —We Clip the'fOlfowing from an Hvafis: , villa paper: The Quickstep did not get up till 11 o'clock, having - been delayed - by a alight acCident.' She toweita bargtito Hen derson, And , , landed- it below:the Molli e ITorton: while drawimf up to t he wharipoutr and runiiinei , iiry' slaw; she picked': up a snag' which rotaiNitiet , aft ' of J the - larboard. wheel, and tore Ilia waY, AP, 'Throu gh , the splash room, the cabin guara, and the hur n cane rocid.'tetitingont - the , hog `Chain bee aft of. the wheelif:buCLfortutiately , •waly • moving sq., , slowly that the. beam ; biOnd ths shook, Mid stopped the, .14:at, " Had the blot been taltleadtraY. - the .1-dafriage might basichitenvvero.4lralit i tind. MighVhave involved humwilttscaslier l; , iiiitieweire on guard at lifetime ' who barelj , escaped injury. She will be all right to day, sat will /*aye promptly on Um. . 'AUCTION SALES. BY SMITHSON VANHOOX ffi cffair, BUILDING,!SITES • AT BELLY, WI/ AT AUC.TION. On Saturdag, August 22d, 1808, On the premises; will bekold by auction, Three One Acre and Five Half Acre Lots of Gronnd situated in the Borough of Bellvlew, adjoining property of J. M. Burchfield , Esq , and opposite - grounds of W. Roseburg, pct., 3 1 { miles from Allegheny City. liveminutes't on the New Brighton road. within walk of Neville Station, P. F. W. a C. R. it., (at which sixteen Accommodation Trains stop dallyo only ten minutes ride from the city. These lots are b. autlfully situated, commanding a one view of surroundlngicountry. Parties desiring drat class country sites should by all means examine this property, as it will be sold logether if desired. ! Train leaves Allegheny Depot a 21:15. SMITHSON, VANHOOK & I cOLELLAND, aul7 Auctioneers. t ' BY PALMBB & P ALMEB & PRILLL AI7CTADNEERS And commission lrerchants, ERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS No. 60Pifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • OTS, SHOES, CARPETS Dry Goods and Notions, TPRIVA.TE BALE DAY AND EVEMLNG. co US nsignments Solicited. Prompt Ile. fzill &i a{ elipi Grodeffroy Braneker & Co., 42 EXCHANGE PLACE. limy . YOBX, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the. United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Co., of Pittsburg, WeStphalla, to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Phila delphia) the celebrate! • V. H. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free 'him Sulphur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The above are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive, STEEL_ RAIT.S - • Manufactured by G. ARNDT et CO., of Dortmund, for which latter arm theyalso have the Sole Agency in the United States. . Pull particulars, samples. prices - or chemical an alysts will be promptly forwarded on application. aumuM ELECTIC SII3IIIER CORDIAL, An Infallible remedy for Sumner Complaint, Dar aroal4e raDlsl:rnguirY' yomlting, Sour Stomach and DR. 'RABBIS' CRIMP CRIE, A Stomach 'penile. for s for ale b Chol y era, Cramps and Pain in the . MUMS & EWING , Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR, • J. SOHOONTIIAICER & SON'S • PURE WHITE LEAD, McC O IOB_VERDITEtt GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by eaDosure. It will look better, last longer and igive more perfect satisfaction. than any paint In the market. TAXES! TAXES!! The Tax Payers of the consolidated City of Pitts burgh, are ker. by wattled that the Tax Books are now In the hands of the City Treasurer, ready for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between the let of JUNE and the lstof AUGUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. Andbetween AUOUST lst, and the 111th of SEP TEMBER at a DISCOUNT OP TWO PER CENT. Prom the I.sth of SEPTEMBER t assessed. t of OC TOBER, all taxes will be payable as After the tot of OCTOBER, FlVE'per cent. will be added; and on the Ist of NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put Into the handf of Collectors WITII THE rURTHEIL ADDITION OF FIVE PER C ENT., making a difference of FIFTEENd PER CENT, between those paying In July and %Dose paying In November. atirThe STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due.•and suould be pad on or before the Ist of July, to save cost and expense of suit. ' S. ALLIITDER, City Treasurer. jelo:r6s ~~LALIi SILK BACQUEB. Lama Lace Pointe, Summer Shawls, FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES, BY WHITE, ORR' & CO., C==l OIL WELL • Steani Engines for Sale. oRPE7I.III,' second-hind rrlo" And inch stroke, with all the fixtures FOR BORING OIL WELLS. Address ' HUGH IL BOLE & 00., • Diureesne %Vay. Pittsburih, OFFICE Or CITY ENGINEER AND MrRVEYOR, NOTICEPTO C ON TRA CTORS. Aust 7 1868. Grading Paving and Curbing ST. MARY'S AVENUE. t ontßutler street to the Allegheny. Valley Railroad. LONG Abbe:lr, from LUiril alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. And also bar GRADING PA}RVIEW ALLEY, Will be received' at thlsialliee until r ATURDAT. August Mall,'lB6ti. . - Sueelleattons catr be !rad at - this oMee. • The Cotuntlitee reserve the right to relent any or all bids. • ' ' H. aalluoßE. i5U4:1:157 . ' • . City Englneer.' - • MANHOOD: 110 W• LOST ROW Ayx nzwrottain Jitsrpnbilinted sealsS amok WPTUPIIPIet ITEM T RU Prallu7 l4 3 • f ornditornicea, or 'Bed:dual weaktietny lovoluntuy Einissiona,-SexUal Debility and impediments to Mar riage 'generally.* _Nervonenout, 'Oonstimption 'Fag" lotto and Fits; Montatand,Physlcal Ineaparit., re-: salting from Self Abuse, Ac., by ktubt. J. Oliva. well. M. H. author ofilie "Orton nook'" jtc. BOON TO THOUSANDS Or SUFFERERS," sent tin td. bn receipt of alz der seal, :n a plain envelo at pe * to any kuldross, post 4.!,:°I.VIE;VtBEIT&N, HEW YORK, POSTOFFICIC BOA 4386.' Also Di. etilverwell's intropAr T. " Marriage Outdo,• price RN Gents* ly , .. . • • ..4 A.N LI 0 OD. IL- Another New IdEDIOAL PAM Plil ET, :to:meths hen of Lat. UHT'S. The 4tfeatcal Mies % says ofthls work: "Thu Taitiabld treatise on OW Cue 'and cute of pretnature 'uecline, :shows how health Is impaired .thimuith sacred. abllsesof yuath and manhood, Int eIOW easily regained. It glees a clear symmele of • the I nihedinienta tb Marriage: she run aad effects - of nervous debility. rad the,re towhee therefor . '/ A tecket . ethtloo. 4 :litho:above will be 4 O warded on recei o: 115 cents, by addr *sink Doctor CUR-, TIP.' N o. 38 './dorth Charloa rst;eet,llhilthoore, Md. 911:t1 0 'Nolo, Cirt Extitariaciewriti Sitiiiiii , 64, , ,_LI Plttalairah..Auitiltt M IMIC, .1. - X li;E.—Thp Msesiquesit..Aor, , Gilding , and Paving HiffettAller; ' i t now r. 47 ... for 4 , ....a.ati. 4 - snit eitb be seen at it'ddica with 211.F.cili Alt, Aiimitt ,iitiith i /SAC Whale it will' fbii iettirtio',.l WI - tray City Tr, eau - run. Otllaa for collection. • u."zri." iltilikei. PROPEEISIOLTAL TOB A.BI7TLEB - a * AIDERNAT AND PO/40:8 MAGIB7RATE. Office, 120 WTLIE STREET, near liVas.Nlngton, PITTSBPIEGH, PA. Deeds Bonds,:rlSturticages, Acknewledgn ante, Depositions, Collections, and , all other legttivate business executed promptly.. mh3): 09 SAEL IncILISTERS, AI.D.ERWT, Ex-Efficlo Justice of the Peace and Police lines trate. OtIiceRRA.NT STREET, opposite the,Ca thedral, PITTSBURGI7, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. • mbl6 EUSTACE S. MORROW, A_ma3mxtaz.f%.iv, EX-OFFICIO 417STICE'OF THE PEACE, AND FOLICX MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA.-AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, Ph. Heeds, Bonds MortgasN Acknowledgments, Depositioneand'all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. AMMON, A. Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE di INSURANCE AST CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents - solicited and p romptly attend, ed to. my3:700 WILLIAM IL BARKEB, • JUSTICE OF THE. PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C.,. Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Rallrruy Depot, SOUTH PI7TSBURI.IS. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend. ed to. znyl:l6l D ANIEL McMEAL, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 59 Grant St., nefirUgh. sp2o:x.n J . S. FRGVSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. No. S 7 Fifth Street, SECOND FLOOLFROAT Room JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, 110 Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court Houma rels:t44 W e A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY.4T-LAW, No. Dianiond Street. mhdati 1 H. 111 c. lACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO Grant Street, mrbl:b2s RCHIBALD BLAKELEY, A A:TTOIVIVE3r..AT-14.A.W, No. 98 FIFTH STREET, apfsingo:dar - JOIELN A. STRAIN, A- 1, 1 1 r.r1.3.1..A_N„ EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AND POLICE AIAGISTRATE. 0111ce,112 FIFTH STREET, eppaslte the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Iftisi nese executed with promptness and dispatch. JOHN C..-111cCOM118, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Pensions, Bounties sad Arrears of Pay promptly Collected. n0:ff,039 PROPOSALS. E TO CONTRACTORS. • The Sewerage Commission of Allegheny City are prepared to receive ptopo.als for the construc tion of the fohowlug Sewers, CONTRACT No. 1. Comprising a length of about 4.700 feet of itewers, of from 3 to Si feet In diameter, on Montgomery Avenue and West common. CONTRACT No. 2, Comprising a length of about 1,250 feet of Sewer of 213‘, feet diameter, on Federal street. CONTRACT No. 3. • Comprising a ngth of about 3,430 feet of Sewer, of trom a to 5) feet diameter. on nedgvricit street and line of P. gt. & U. b. Drawing' and speclacations can be seen and full .particulars obtained at Kngineer's niece, City Bids must. be endorsed "wer Prop. be Con tract No. 1." (or other. as the ems., may be,land livered on or before 3 P. 8.. TUEnDAL the Abth day of A4/lust. .Forms of proposal ton which forms alone the bids will be recelvedo can be obtained at the Engineer's. Office. Tbo Commission do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission. auM:uss ChAb. DAVIS, City En : !neer. CUT Or ALtr C n O a N r T c L Au ,8 O/F4FCIZ gust , i 69. I SEALED, PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. U. on FRIDAY, 91st instant, for OrtADINCi-AND PA.VING WARD'S ALLEY, from Allegheny avenue to Sedg wick street• ISABELLA COURT. from Robinson to Eillimek St: AI.), for tsrading FOUNTAIN STItEET, from Henderson sire, t to Middle rtreet. Profiles and apeeltie.atious can be seen In the office of the fifty Engineer, • IL a FRANCIS, an14:1147 City Controller. . 8 TALE D PROPOSALS FOR MEDICAL UrTZTllt,ial VA I-I. J. .11X00.11.133. our asswu► CHANGE OP TIVIC.—On and a ft er OUND.A.Y. June 21st, 1868, traiws will leaye and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. • Mail Express 2:13 a. m..12:14:115.nt. Nast Line I 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. Fast Express I 2:10 p. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way : 16: 10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. . McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. na. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n.. 3:55 p. in. 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:25 p. m, . 11:20 a. m. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 p. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the next morning. The 9:44 a: m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections a: Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield lc. Newark SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Supt, Steubenville.. 44:w73 AI dB IGRA HOST W. AND CLEVELAND Prom J.rome7th, /868 and arrive at the Duran time, al, follow: • Leave: • Chicago SI :03 a m; Cleve Land Ex.. 2:03 a m Erie& irgnll , l 7:2Bam' CI. &Wh`g.li'l 6:l3am Chicago Wall.. 6:58 a, M Chicago Ex—. 9:43 a m Cl. & Wit• Ex. 1:43p in Chicago m o Ex g .... /:58 p m %%Erie Ex. 4:48 p art from Alkpheny. N. Brigi'n Ac. • 8:58 am Leet!ciale • ", 10:13 a m " a Rochester 11:58 2:23 p m m Wellyre Ace.. 3:43p m Leetsdale II c c:. 4:13 p m N. Brigt'n • . 5:33 p m N. Brigt'n " . 6:2Bpm Leetsdale •• .10:43pm Air 1:56 p. m. Chicago 11:03 a. in. Chicag Jet • F. R. MYERS. PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH, PA PIT TSBITROH •tENNSYLVA CENTRAL RAILII.I and after June 7tl rive at and depart from tl Washington and Liberty Hall Train.... 1:15 am! Fast Line .. . .. 1:40 am! Wail's No. 1.. 8:90 ami 1 Latrobe Ace's 7:50 am I Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 p m Wall's No. 7.-.. 2.15 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 p m Wall's No- 4. 7:ls'p m Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant - Train . . .. . . . 9:30 pin The Ch u rch ' Train leaves -WalPis Station every Sunday 4)9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returing, leaves Pittiburgh at 15:50 and 2:00p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves dilly. All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to • 'W. H. BECEHTfH, Agent. . The Penneylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. ~ Alt Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner , Un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS General Suptrimendent, Altoona, Fa. PITTSBURGH. PA WESTERN PENNiazimmia — SYLVAIIIA BAIL RoAD.—On and after May r 10th, 1665, the Pas. Denser Trains on, the Western- Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal \ Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. Depa rt . _ Snringd 'e No I 6:35 a m ;Mail • 5:15 aat Freeport No. I 13:15 am I Freeport No. I 9:10 ant Express 10:15 a in tSharpb'g No.111:20 a in SharplYg Nal:2s p m Express 1:50 pug Freeport No. 2 4:10 p m SprlngePe No I 350 pea Mall 5:50 p m F r reeport No. 2 605 p Sprin'e No 2 710 p M Sraind'e No 2 7:30 pea Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junct. everr Sunday at 7:40 a. m.,reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returni ng, leaves Allegheny Iciq at 1:SO p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. asll:4s • P. In. ConnrrArtort.Trartals-7or sale In packs/m et. , og: Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut s Herr's Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and go od only on the trains stopping at Stations ape' dried on tickets. • The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:13 and 1:50 r. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker't ofStages for Butler tad Hannan town. Through tickets ma) be purchased at the Deice, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For Bather information apply to • - JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent, Feder*/ Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any tisk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel. and limit theL responsibilityto _ ex cee d Handset Dollars In value. All baggage ing this amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, lan teas taken byspeclal contract..EDWAßD H.' WIL ftnnerintendent. MI S RittoW HiLL RION PACIFIG 11111,1 WAY; The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE BOMB' from the East to all polnta In Colorado, California, _ Utah,' Arizona, Washington, Ne Mexico, Idaho, Oregon.. Two Train ' s leave State Line and Leavenworik daily. (Scuulaya excepted.) on the arrival or tcakui of Piscine Railroad from St. Louis, and mad St. Jo Railroad from (Olney, ;cermet:din. at Law rem*, Topeka and Wamego witb •sta o ca for la, ,points I'l'lElin/we. • At• end of track west of ERR worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS Cu..ia PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVISJILAND /1-Nll E.XPRIMS COACHES FOR • - • DEN VEER; J sa_x:r r.A.R33; And all . Points hi the Territories, And with HANDERNUNILTRI-WEEICI.Y LINE of 00ACHES'fbr Fort. Union, Vent's Fort, Pass, Alba. nneroue, Santa Fe. and all _points in, Arizona Ind New Mexico. With th e recent additions of rolling • stook and s-il— u inm e nt. and t e arrangements made with.re oande overland Tninspoli Lines from BS western terminus, this road nowtoffers unequalled mam as for the transtohislon of freight to the West. Prickets for eale at all the principal, oideea In the ;g States and - Canadas. • .• Be sure-and ask for tickets via THE fild_QHT HILL HOU PACIFIC Ranwers ICAnitHN.DIVINION. • • - TO : LIIIFEAPOOVANDsaIIi i ' - `QT.T.gENSTOWN XBB ; wpwr. men . irrimuinuir s Itloptberleisticeen first-slam veesele.;ismtnag then: the celebrated 'CITY Or PAM(/y, CITY DirAblIklYBPP_L CryTY OP HOsTON.,_ CITY OF ReI..TIMOMAr. ;CITY OF F.ONIHIM,; - : atalltn&AVEßY SATURDAY, from Oar 441, Nor* Ititrer. , New•Yark. 1 1. 0.• pililisirr or thriller infbracie. ilea apply to BINMIAII 4 Jr" .TO ?Mtn RTBRIIT_, dtibimuleie Roll.pser /pert, opposite rset, tees,rtsusatni. RAILROADS IanTSBURGH CONNELLSVILLE B. On and after TWURSDAY, Mara! sth, 46617. trains will arrive at and depart from the Depat, car. ner of Grant and Water streets, &stators: Depctrt. Arrift. Mall to and from Trntont'n. 7:00 A. jr. 6:00 P. V. McKeesport Accommodt'n/00 A. . 2:05 P. Y. Ex. to and from Onlont'n. 3:00 P. 11.10:00 A„ 4 West Norton Accommod'n 4:30(e. ix., 8:35 a. ss. Braddock's Accomtnodarn 6:15 P, Dr. 7:50 P. X s Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. X. 6:40 A. Ir. Sunday Church Train to and from 'West Newton .. ....... 1:00 P. 11. 10:00 A. 11l For tickets apply W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. BIND, Agent. nLf QHANGE.of TIMEMN3 ,/ LEGEZINY VALLEY Railatoen. On and after WEDNESDAY., au u st. 7:25 P. Agu .glith, 1888. TWO TRAINS DAILY will lease Pittsburgh Station. corner Plke and Canal streete, for Oil Otegf lons. lin, Oil City, buffalo, and all points In the MnravErrrxencriosti. !ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH..., a 11............. 8:05 ain 118311 ...... . ..... 4:50 pm Expres.s ..... ... 7:25D m ' Express . ... . . 8:05 ano Brady's 11 , 5 Ac 3:25.p mi 8 - adys It'd A.C.lo:2oamt Ist Soda Works ilst Soda Works 2d S Acconiod'n. 11:00 ami Acconinda'n. 7:50 amt 'Soda Work's— 4tl Soda Works Acconvid'n .. 5:20p m Accomod rk ath. 2:50 p ytt , Mixed WavT'n 8:20 a m ArlxedWas T'n 8:25 p no BultonAcC'n.. 6:20 a in Huston Atm n.. 8:35 a us ' • Armstrong Ac. 4 5:20p DI Church Train beave Pittsburgh et 1:10 P. st. Ar- rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50A. B. Passengers k express train have but one change of cars b e twe en Pittsburgh, Buffalo and 04 Regions. po ints . Express Trains stop only at. petncloal Mixed Way and Accommodation. trains stop at all stations. • THOMAS &f.. ICING, Ass't. Snp't. W. FOSTER HOPE. Ticket Arent. aull 1 TTlii 47 - 0, CINCINNATI AND ST. DU RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROME. fr... a4gaMi - AYNE & CHICAGO B. Plains TTSB will URG le H ave ILfre_ , • tr zet Depot, north side, ctlr Arrive. ;Cktnago Ex... 2:08 ata ICleveland Ex. 2:08 ain W Chcag lin E E —. 1 :2 8 3 a x St. LoWs Ex:. 3:33 pm 01. Wh`g Ex 4:3ltplis Erle & Tg'n 6:13 pm Chicago4:23 p .d Cl. & 'Ex 7:08 pm rvive (fl N. MEV/rep 7:03s Jut N. Brigs's' " Il 8 i53 a2B a sotus New Castle " 10:13 aIX Lettfdale - " 9:13 aln " 1:08 pm N. Brig. t'n " 2:43 pat " • Leetsdale " 4:53 p m Express leaves d a i ly . pm irExpress arrives daily. . ereneral Ticket Agent. an. 4 WASNFMIB DRIB. Trains will ar c Union Depot., corner of treats. as follows: rt. !Day Express. Depa . 2:251 Wall's No, 1.. 6:30 aDi 111 all Train.. ,„ 7:50 a m l o Ginelnnatlx 11:4-0 a m Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:03 pm Bra ddocks Nol 4:00 pm Expres. 4:30 p I Wall's N 0.2.. 5:10 pta Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm . Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Acc'n 13:50 p p 'Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 m Eastern. Division. Nevada, • IL ANDE - 118024 . • General Supertiteldent: • jr. - H. WEESTF:a. Genera I?reignt ind Ttenet Agent. , STELAJNIERUPS. :.:;;,.; Q