0 littslntrgij Gapttt, EPHEIORL% --Revenue stamps are en route to Ali ask& —The spice of a policeman's life—his —A pleasant intoxication—to get green vorned.—Ex, —One hundred thieves were arrested in Chicago one night last week. —There are seven large cotton-mills in Pennsylvania. =Shooting matches are popular vtichithe. ladies at Virginia watering places. —Ole Ball has a daughter whets tomarty a young Northman from Chiistiania. llasen = can't get $54000 a week for singing, and so won't sing in Vienna. - —Fanny Kemble begins another tour, of reading at tie , w Haven on: the first prax. Steutenville—Grant 'Guards had a torchlight procession on Tuesday night. Wilkie Collins expects to realize $40,000 • out of his new novel "The Moonstone." —A monument to the great Mendelssobn la to be erected in Leipzig, the City . of Books. --Threatening attitudes that , ncrver excite .lottinalists ire--Raising clubs for Itasca - papers. '1 —Alady and her husband ascended to the summit of Mount Hood, in Oregon, this summer —As a pall-bearer, laoracel . Greeley seems to be baying aboutas much ea he can do Just now. --Never call on women when they are abientfrom home; for they can,t bear to be timid out. • :--Owen Meredith is threatened with con gumption, and his physicians have sent him e in Italy. —There is a Judge at Saratoga who takes glasses of Cortgrefra water dallY, '.-before,breakfast. -pemocratic papers are beginning totay they don't care whether . Secretary Seward ,endorset Grant or not. —New York burglars are having.a line Isrvest now when the up-town houses are many of them empty. —A Boston rpaper says that the fall and -winter season at the fashionable churches Ipmniffes to be very successful. 7 -Parke Godwin went to swim in the . Avon and was terribly .shocked when two "boat loads Of. women came by. =The Pope receives one hundred visitors' day, and treats them with the gentle cour tlier for which he is so renowned. —Louis Napoleon is writing thcz lily of Charlemagne, •the great last of the Caesarstefore ;qap. I. appeared. —Baron Hausman is said to be worth 480,000,000, all of which he has made. dur ing his untiring public devotion: -The. Bavarian nobility are down on Wagner because he bowed acknewledgment 'Co the audience fro* 4101.112 g% box. —"Blanchette told some family secrets in a "SAD:kind:de boarding house the other day, .and a row was the immediate result. —Mrs. Gaines has only succeeded in get ting $ll,OOO of her $5,000,000 estate, and anpeeta to have, still farther law troubles. —Senator Hendricks and Governor Baker ;.are to make a "joint canvass" of. Indiana. • after the manner of Douglas and Lincoln. —Hay-making in Watteau costumes is a novel amusement at Saratoga. Feeding sheep would be still more Watteau•esgne. —High combs and the hair in loops on top of the head in the style once affected by our -grandmothers, are now ligain fashionable in ; —One of General Butler's counsel in the ACimberly suit is a certain Mr. Bligh, 'which is an excellent name for a good at- _ —The King of . Denmark• has invented a sew process for refthlng petroleum, for full particulars apply to the Christianborg .ICjo3benhavn. —A Texas negro named Gilmore sent the Brat bale of cotton to the Galveston market ihis year and thus won t the prize of a silver , ; pitcher and goblets. ' . —14,000 criminals are sent by the_ Rus .sianGovernment on foot to Siberia every As the'distance is 2,600 miles about :One-fifthof them die on the way. • Flesh-colored gaiters, with the toes 'stiched with black to look as if the foot were Imre, are now the newest mode.-• They are said to have a shocliingly natural effect. • :--The . cook of a Nashville 'hotel has seen liceePing a boarding house;, the table of (which was furnished from* the 'pickings and ',4ealings which she was Able to smuggle off 'in her crinoline. 7 -, A soldier, pursued. by the man with* a . .poker, flung himself from the heights of lAbratuint, and after falling 180 feetstopped, ;Wnt, heothen drowned himself in the rap .ids of St. Lawrence. • L--Gov. Oglesby Is actively cativassing 1111- '2106 for, the" Republicans. He was an nounced 4,0 quake twenty-two speeched at various points beiween4ba 12th of August and the 29th of September: "—Hear the words of Wells as written Philadelphia Wtsfietia ; , : A student of • ;Bonn awatn eight miles on the Rhine in an - tour and ttree quarters. ! It was a case of, "Jenny, I:191'n in the . Rhine.. • .—San Francisco has contributed $ l O O towards a ormumentlo F.tz Green Halleek. Ifevery city. would contribute a propertl m att+ snip, we might have a auitab'e memorial r:i,otte or the sweetest or our dead poets. —An exchange, in speaking of the fall In - - the Iturbide fortunes, says "it is better to a beet shop in Paris than to• rule — lfexico," or, as TenlYson has it, "better .fifty years of _Europe than a cycle of (-, A443ntokers beware of 'imported cigars which do not bear the; ivenue stamps, t'r a isiorite'way with the evaders or the law it sinuggle,tlientinW4 corpses (often yel 4iiii.(eier victims) from Ilavana and other illiatilph possessions. =Although' the artetlan, well which is going,. n diremion pfSt. Louis 1113eotirii 'obtahAxl kdegth of • •;•••••c; gt • • ' "-- -^" ' •. • • _._ _ -- 1 3,300 feet, considerably more than half a mile, but a small quantity of water has yet bepn obtained. They are boring for Hong Kong now. —ln Switzerland is now manufactured a watch, which. it is aid, is wound up by opening and shutting the case six times, or for four hours by each time it is opened an(' closed. When the watch is wound up it May be opened and closed an indefinite limber of times without effect. —Rev. Albert N. Fisher, formerly of Chenango - eAnanty, N. a Gientild, lately preached in Brigham Young's Taber nacle, at Balt, litilte t toe t ight thousayd saints. He is the 111'4, (Gentile who ever preached there by invitation of Brigham. His sub ject was the "Divlmty of Christ" . I Frequency, ef Divorces in New Engl and. In the . State of, Vermont, for six years after 18¢k there was on an average, one divorce annually to every twenty-one and a'. - half; marriages: In Massachusetts, dur ing four years , ' of the same period, one 'divorce 'to about' forty-four and a half (44.4) marriages was the ratio. In Ohio it was one divorce to twenty-five marriages. in Prussia—among the Protestant pOpula tion—the ratio of divorces in 1855 to the marriages-of that year was as one lib nine teen. At the foot of this bad-looking list, Connecticut-must be placed; there, in the period betweenlB6o and 1867,,the ratio tins mione taeleven and four-tenths. Deduct .from the whole number of Marriages of persons of• foreign birth as being marri ages of Catholics, .who rarely -or: never petition fora divorce, and this ratio be- - comes still more Unsatisfactory; we have one divorce to tight 'fund a half marriages, Tried by other measures, ' the result is_the same; Connecticut makes a' worse show than any other State of the Union or of Christendom—mileas we are to except Indi ana, which seems to be afraid to collect the statistics of the subject. In that other Con necticut, the Western Jlesrve of Ohio,- the case is about as bad; the counties constitu ting the district, so-called, furnish much more than their'dne proportion of the divorced while - the southern counties in — which, by the Way, Catholics abound, fall bel-Ow 'the average in' the number 'cif petitlons. In the Judi 'cid • District of Berlin in 1888-40 there were fifty-seven divorces to every 100,000 inhabitants; in that of- Frankfort there were thirty; in that of Magdeburg there. were tlairtpfive; in Rhenish Prussia, under the , less lax Code Napoleon. there were but four divorces to each 100,000 peo ple. Now in Vermont, out of the same number of inhabitants (100,000) there are annually thirty-three divorces; in Massa chusetts—we speak of the present decade— there are 20 4-10; In; Ohio there are about 23 3-10, and in Connecticut, even if we do not count out the Catholic population, every hundred thousand of the people have .amongst them yearly eighty newly divorced ' couples ! There can be no doubt—the sta tistics though they may prove a good deal Bees than Catholic controvertists would infer from them, conclusively prove it—that so -ciety in Connecticut is in a dangerously corrupt condition; and these figures ought , to make Connecticut legislators look to their divorce laws and study the history of the effect which such relaxation of the law has bad on the perms-nance of Connecticut mar riage& The. `'omnibus clause" of the present law—the clause that relates to in compatibility of temper, and seems to sup pose that one human being can make an .other perennially happy -could never haVe good resului in so hasty and ilttempered a `world as this one, even if everybody were perfectly honest; to the dishonest it affordi every facility for unclean living.--The Von. A letter from Fort Lamed to the Leaven worth, Timm tells the followmg: A most fearful and appalling circumstance trans pired at the fort last evening. While a party of ladies and gentlemen were sitting in front of the beautiful quarters of Col. Ed. Wyncoop, Indian Superintendent or Agent of several warlike tribes, the entire party commenced a beautiful song. While the melody was ringitig in the night air, a moastrous, shaggy and rabid wolf dashed madly into the midst of the party, first at tacking Lieutenant Thompion, Third United States Ihfantry, tearing and lacerating his limbs In a most frightful manner. The monster broke away, pursued by . Col. Wyn koop and his chief scout; Jas. Morrison. who had lost no time in procuring. proper arms. Before either of these fearless gen tlemen, however, could overtake him, the wolf had attacked. the sentry at the guard house, whom he also bit eavagely, the Gen: tinel having fired, but, most unfortunately. missed his aim. From the guard.house the wolfnext dashed over to the hospital, and mad 3 an assault upon one of the men there stationed, almost tearing his right arm from his body. after first taking off a finger en tire. Hethen attacked and mutilated a.col ored soldier of the Tenth Cavalry, and sub sequently entered the quarters of the laun dress, while she was in bed, but, owing to the thickness of the bed-clothes, fortunately failed to inflict any serious Injury on the poor woman. The maddened creature next caught sight of the sentinel at the haystacke. who, almost providentially shot him dead. Beside Lieut. Thompson, there ate three perions badly bitten and mutilated by this monster. Tug. suinIILAR SPECTACLE is.presented in Austria or an Empire, ruled by a devoted son of the Church, metriber or a tradition= ally :Catholic family. with a people' 'thor oughly and strongly attached to the Romlish faith, suffering under `the denund,tion- of the H ily Father... Baron Banat, the Prime Minister, is a Pmtestant, but that fact does not account for the boldness with which the .excessive privileges of the Church have been cut - off, or the detertnination .with which the refovns are sustained. It is Aus tria, -lilted . from a despotism to a constitu tional monarchy, that bus done this, and it is the new, strength of . the nation that sus 'tains Beast in his position. His reply to, the Papal - - allocution 'is not much as an ar gument, a decided disagreement as to the premisa prove wing the - controversy from taking that' form.- -He simply protests against an invidious distinction against Austria, while:France, and notably Italy,' are living under laws "quite as abominik. ble." But the gist of his reply is amtained in tae short sentence, "We shall none the' less persevere in the 'way we'have begun." This IS 'certainly: :outspoken and plain enough to. settle. theinatter; - tin t . without doub!. the Papal authorities will easily ae• cammodate themselves. to lbe jam cape. cially el i/C4 Pi.me of their material rights are interferedvith: • • : • • ROW TO TELL:DISEASED MEAT.--Healthy. meat is tirm and elastic to the touch. and hardly moi o tenn the fingers. Diseased meat is soft and wet,, , and. scrum. often rune from it. Gaol meat inuebut little odor, and that by no means disagreeable. DisPased meat has a faint and culaverotts'smelt.4 This to best obttervcd by ma iing it and smelling the knife, Or. fa:taring - a Mile ivarnr,water over it when ;bopped % lose*, •also, , ;ten per cent. mum woght ; : in cqoking 'than When Vara *build -he taken • to have meat most nmronighirimoited., if consnmeri with to, Avtittl4ll volialbility of ado:Weals; MEM A Fearful Incident. PITTAIIIIRGII Gann: 'FRIDAY, AVM'? 21,1.868. r irrgTIEUrLTRACTED IRTME(0171" ! *0 CHARM: KAMP. WHIM ABTEIPIOTAL TEETH ARa ORDERED. A BET YOB VI. AT. DL SCOTS. $lB nagir, annum ab DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORN WARRANT Ip AND FIE. VINSIMMXIIM:O3I' Unit: snykdAT GAS FIXTIIRES. CEMENT, SO HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PRE. Bar est s i nAte i st u DEZn e t , he nisaek r R. B. & O. A. S&0011Inle & 00. Med and. Mandbmdcorl - 5 40 . REBECCA . 81".. Allegheny. 'ST Orders by ma ll promptly; ttended Allegheny. e.2lPrga - MERCHANT TAILORS. SUMMER GOODS. IrozittOs and Chtldren.s summits cemttessz Burrs, LINEN SUITS. • DUCK SITITS. FLANNEL SUITS. A.LPACCA JACKETS. In every style. of the greatest variety, suitable for the present reason. kienttetnen wilt end c nne as sortmew of WHI OD •nd BROWN DUCK BUI re, ALPACOA and FLANNEL COATS, Le., every gars:lent being specially msde tor, ea by the, best Eastern houses.'Cdr Dried' are as low as good goods can be sold at by any Arm East or West GRAY HENRY METER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Na 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps, Constantly on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHE. OASSIXERES. VESTINGS, /cc. FLOUR. PEARL MILL • - FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL?SILL BLUR BRAND, equal to the best Bt. Loaf. brands. PEARL tdILL D BRAND. as good as the uc-t Dblo brands. is fIiTE MAN FLOIIIt and CORA Mela.L. air liee that all /ICU are seated and dated. It T. KENNEDY & 13 . 110., ad7o4tl rtainl. MILL. WE WOULD INVITE THE AT• Tr.NTL,I4 of the r lour - trade to the supe riority or our - SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are manufacturing from the best select ed Southern Illinois and Teunessee Wheat'. Prima as low as any in the ma, het. J. x...xocvErra. Jr. CO., jy3l:t72 Pittsburgh t: ity ?dills. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. I U DEJLLEIL IN eta,. 11314D1 . 1 or MAW) AND SEQUIN . so 8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com. nem Banding.) PITTSBURGH, PAL. Sranch.of 172 Water street, N. Y. DANIEL P. DINAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. 41b W. .11 - ENIKIIVSON. - • Hanufecturers and Dealers h 2 'nano, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes. &n.. Ho 6 IPEDZILAL ST.. ALL/WHINY* va• hAF tile) , JaiallitOkia); 01 iiENR7 W.llo,ltatcn, Confectionery and Bakery No. 800 SMITHFIELD STEBET, Between Seventh and Mehl. SEPLADIES , OYSTER SALOON attached GEO. SCI:FT:RT-IRIEW, FBllO Cake Baker & Confectioner, /AD • DISALLII Ut FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS d NUTS, • No. 40, corner Federal and . Robinson streets, Alle gheny.' air Constar!' y on hand, IeIC CREAM, of various flavors. . . BILLIARD TABLES. STANDARD ' AiIIERICAN 'BILLIARD TABLES, MID COMBINATION 01181L10N8.... Undtsputabti the beet In 'few. NNW 111 PROVE )(ENT.. Pateuttsl 24.. v. 115th, .11501. • end &pill 51.4,1465. hveryttdels reiettee to bit bulls er the blestyueally . stnel lowest always On nand. • Our NE a I UK TittAINEK, • Patentei Mei sth, 1666, prim ss.so—s great suotes . taesitzetee price flats sant ea spylloikton. Address • SAN & CIOLLENDEIL 63. 65. 67 and 69 -6R0048Y ST.. New York City iyi.sta;rWst HAIR AND PERFUMERY. ()HIV PIM is.. , . Orausineu tad Hain WI HAIR DMER 'AND; PERFLIMEN: Nu. 133 Third street. near Smithfield. Piitahurgh. Alwayr uu hand, a generai aterortnient of Ladies' WlOB. BAN - Lhi, - CURLS: UattiDeruen'a iViGe.,- TO. PEKV:AL PS,(WARD (MAINS, DitAOEitETS, /Cc. A good Price In cash will be given for RAW Alit.. ' Ladies' and lientlaieen'a Hair Putting dunei the neatest manner. ' ,Yollt2,:uil LITHO( RAPERS a lOW AWI N eiNuARLI rI I ILI P VLinB. ftaINGERLIV N. CLOlB,.lkliccesiaors; ka to ow,. K. seiluotimArd & t:".. • PKACTICA ex7'letit3ttikpeii rbe Lowy etemh Littu'rgraptiic PALISIIIII,I I I I .ICIII. Wen dtithe Stountslus. nominee. rardr, Letter' Heads. Bunch. Labels, (droulitra. dhow Uards. DI Wu:nab. Fortraltd, Views. Cortliiontes or Ilepoolta, Myna. " 00 01,41 4 dr.c * 3 Nos. VI. end .74 Third street Plttahnrwh. • CORNMEAL, RYE ii.LOUR, &C. WASHINGTON HILIA, • , WASHINGTON' :MEET. lies: Pittsburgh Grath C eVat°l NV. NV. ..A.N . 13 - Ergre 3 ° N9 • Xanarse,turer of OtlliN MEAL. BYE /LOUR and 00 0H rn oPl sh :1 ,4 ) ..leilvertt!:l7 either 0.14 tee or charke. grain of all kinds ehopPoll. 501; ARCHITECTS. BARR 64..ev1ri A.lte II 1 iriKars, IPBUTrBOI7IIII4 e,:4l.4l4.l„vri t iv Na, land 4 • 45c.0hi1e street, pi t uhuria. re: "4114inuun' glee!, to the' thehielLig hiitetios annum vt , flusts atis rtietituisu ,•: . • NEW ins: L BIRCHFELD & Cirk STONE 47 ST. GLAIR STREET ap20;o80 IME No. 52 St. Glair St. ' PRINTII, IC B M GINGHAIES, 7 )ciilii NEW DE ' NES,- - ALL W( L BLACK And WHITE PLAIDS, for 95 -worth 50. --WHITE RO UND - PRINTS. black dgure; &Tail 1718A".. 5 .t......c 42 4.., do; ..... SLAM DOESKIN UASO.I3I - ZZI.6,D; - -BLACK AND BLusourrat. - ., ~ , ~., --, - BLICAUEED illatiLlNS, DUNE LINENS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. 0 A /TILL MSORTIigIiT OF GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY NEW zr Memel:atter the: place; 2 St. Clair liftreet, Na an 7 Near Liberty, west side RIMS' STREET. gtry .c..) I • 87. REDUCTION GREA IN PRICES 1 CLOSIM STOCK OW TO 1 DRESS GH304:301;05. 87 ILI.ABILET BTRE.ET. THEODORE P. PHILLIPS. Jew: Ernizrr....sc ****** NEW.GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW 11101L1111. BLACK SILKS. • HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SWIEVEJCV"; :sr Na 168 Wylie Street...fig , 168. 16S. • rapao:n4o) CARR, McCANDLESS b. CO., lJ (Late Wilson, Carr & (b..) WHOIZSALIC DE A T.TrPS Foteign and Domestic Dry Goods, - No. 94 WOOD BUIE= Third door above Diamond p3ley, PITTSBURGH. PA. PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. BOY' THE BEST AND CHEAP.- EST PIANO AND OBGAN. Schomacker's Gold Halal Plano, AND ESTEY'S. COTTAGE ORGAN. The SOHONLACHER PIANO eombines all the latest valuable Improvements known In the• con struction of a first class lastrument, and.bits always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hltdted. Its tone Is MIL sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for ddrabllity and beauty, surpass an others. Prices from $3O to 6150, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTAgE OMAN Stands at the bead of all reed instruments, in pro ducing the moat perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It to atm ple and compact in ,eonatruction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" la only to be found in this Organ. Price fromllloo 141450. AU, guaranteed for Ave year.. BARR Y SNAKE & BUETTL )1 No. 15i ST. CLAIR STREET. Zrat9 MATS AND CAPS. CLOSING OUT SALE! OF STRAW I:ILALTS, AT REDUCED .PRICES, • AT DTCORD & CO.'S, jyl7 131 WOOD STREET. MART/N. LIEBLER, I= HATS►' C.A.PE3 AND Fyne, Also MAnuhicturer. Nfiuleaalp mad Beta Leah/ In TRUNKS, VALISES. &a., No. , tas 810111. FIELD STREET, 11W/build'. rs. Orders nrorantiv tlllM.unit Astlahntlon istitranteat GLASS, CEINit., CUTLERY. 100 WOOD tiT}LEFT. OBECitGltaiiriND QUEENS*ARE, DELVER PLATED WARE, PARIAN STA.TTJWMC% BOMMAN GLASS, And other STAPLE AND PANOir. GOODS, a great variety. 3.04) WOOD lITREET RICHARD E. BREED & co mhz, 100, Wi WI) ATItHET. SEWING MACHINES. rirMica GREAT A MERICAN COM- A BINATIoN., BPTTIM•ROLEAAVISEMIgifii 'AND'. SEWING 111 - AbILINE. • : ITAMAN - NO EQUAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE ,BEST. FAMILY MACHINE. IN THE WOHUIL AND I.N. THINSIOALLY THE CH EAPEAT. Ws-Agents wanted to sell AHD Machine. , . CHAS. C. L1.A..E..5iq..35rr0, • • "'Arent mi. Western: reintsvivanic ,Corner FIFTH ND MAKKE7STILIEETIS." over RiC4 l . lll l, ; mrastom; ,:',WALL PAPER. • • 7.,'',ArAgOIOO.O)::•PRICES.. ATTER4IaIeY Weirilloffeloor ptioant stock of Wall , PaperB at Greatly , ltalueed PACO& A isiva espoesmestof 6,41,T1Nf PAPZES, toe balli4 Opt!ii,.9 , ollnact da. ap,- ;; ITC Al* tot plo,oketmtti44,i , *104: =I ' :34,1; NUS AND NOTIONS. AT MACRIIM, GLYDE & COA, ` f. 78 and 80 Market Street. MOSQUITO NETS, MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SPUITLAND SHAWLS,- ' LADIES' WHITE uxrizuvrEss; • fall llne of HOSIERY; MORRISON STAR SHIRTS, - —GENT'S PAPER COLLARS, LADIEB ,-- Do. AND CUP PS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, A full line of JET SETS, SLIAL 1t BULLION...TBINup, BILE k SATIN Bik`TliNS, olloolors. . . A Complete Asortment of White Goats, SWISS, VPOTOBIA, LAWN, LINEN, CAMBRIC, &L HOOP SHIRTS, in all the Newest Styles. KID GLOVES, at on prices; GENT'S /I,ADIES , SUMMEBLINDIM , KEN'S JEAN DRAWEES: 1,000 Doz. BALMORAL HOSE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN alrSpeetalltates to Jobbers. mamari,.CLYDE & co., 18 and 80 Market Street. foItICES MARKED DOWN! BIACILUbI & CA 3 P TALE'S, No. 19 Filth Street. ALL - GOODS 'GREATLY REDUCED I ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP strias. (Ladies•.) for 4)033218. (Beat Preneha 100 LErricii 131A.NOSXRCEIZES, 3 f0r...... . SID 0L0V125,- (waniated,) LOO PAPER OOLL4BB ZOO Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POOKETBOOKB, worth 50c MIEN'S BUNKER EINDEIZEIHIRTB MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT BARGAINS! IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS. Special Rates to Nere.hauts et Dealers. OL9CIIME & 12913 EXCURSIQNS. 8 - 091 !LEXCURSIONS. TEMPENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL .ROAD COMPANY hire on sale at their Oflice, Union Depot, Pittabanh, ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS 'TO ATLANTIC CITY HD CAPE NAY, Enabling parties to visit these popular bathing re sorts, and return home at a moderate cost. ' CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can purchase Tickets to go and return by ail hallrosa. or they can arrange to take :Ammer In either direction, betwee delphia ass Cape May. • ' " EXCURSION Tic:NETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NI/WAAL% PALLS, TUE OIL RE. °IONS, ti ETTYeIi ORO, AO, numerous points In Penn/Pewits and Sew York:, w PAMPHLETS, containing Mil deeenptligus of the willow. ExcarAon Routes by this 'Load, can be had on application at Vie Ticket °Moe, In the Union Depot, . W.ILSECHWITII • 171:8119 TICKET AGENT: CRAWLER .13.11.KERIES. SHIEI , II.IIIIIPS • • • STEAM CRACKER BAKEIIII, 817 Liberty Street.' •• Oar Crackers Me baked upon the OVEN BOT. TOM, and are rupertor to any baked by hot air co any other proms. W TAY THEM.II3I . _ . . .._. ,• ;... . ~..t. t..,; ,, ~.: ..0. - k...;. • • • ~3.- ,; -: ••••••::' , : l -, :-.1,.-..y:.,...r0 g * , i . 6 , :i f~ A i.z . ::-1 ,, , C : •,-.., „II ': :.- r'''• -• .'' . : .. ''-:::-.'" . .. . ... . ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS OFFERED IN TIM CITY. WINK, BOSTON, sonA., mem PERRON, WATER BUTTER . SUGAR and SODA CRACK. Ems: scurou and MILK BISCUIT. For Sale by ,Every Grocer - in the City. Bakery, N 0.91 Liberty St . Ndkraa • ' FERTILIZERS. TO WHEAT GROWER& ' • EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE,. SUPEIPHOMIATE OF .MIIE, IItANUIAO7.ICIRED BY The Allegheny FertilizerA. SEWARD & CAMPBELL, • r*vpiumircausi, , Office, e 56 Penn Street, Plttabluiti4 The beit liortiltrer in use and ieettlied irinhinn who nave given to the Mind , ardlor raising Oli„ heat, Igyti e i L tt corn. Pots tow A. 0. u r ge : nave publltheit for • nous eirealetion paninitlet• containing Int tail and vatuableetatemente of this Vertiliser k Ogled, which will'be Sent rise to env sending us theirsO• Amu. , - ICE! ivEL Wit. KREBS, lee - Dealer, N. tfs niAnoPm, AIJ EY lOstabufwb• aile r = t ireita li : 4 l l 4 llll44 aw =eint l +- 11*; ,- alhajtellum.. vis9 l l 115,7 ,f,..>1‘ , , , • t • l!;', _ _~- ,CARETS ,CIUIPETS MANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD ITALNCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH. RATES of the paid season. Having made all our Contrt:ictspvions'to any ad vance, and invariably for cash; we are.' enabled to fell lower *tuns they can be pur chased this Pall. " MCCALLUM BROS., 51 rirril STREET. JYI7: CARPETS. - . . OTWITHSTANDINI4 THE B~an ufacturene adv ance .in prices,we will continue tooffer:the Largest, stock of BinSseli, 'Velvets Sand Ingrain Carpets in•the city, at the lowesfiricei reamed sis son. Jost received, 'at's* pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Aiadniter, OLIVER:II 4 CLINTOCK, & CO • 7 Pito. 23 Fifth Street. S 8 sTooK .r 500 White, Red, fledced, Striped and Fancy MAL 7CT.I TV ,S 1 Oil Cloths, Window Shades.. &e. &e. BOVARD, ROSE Sc. CO., 21 .t'u4Nrit STRM. le29:d6twt • 19 YIYTH STREET. NEW CARPETS ! AT POPULAR PRICES. vriumAND & COLLINS OFFER TEM ' Newest and Beet Patterns .. F r THE LOWEST PRICES. LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND CORNICES. MCFARLAND -& COLLINS 71 and 78 Fifth St.reet. Next Banding to tr. B. Custom House lii_PostA;llloe. artiOntWr EMI STEAM ' • CARPET BEATING . - :ESTABLISHMENT. Which sirs yzesup TBL&L in New York anfi oth er Eastern cities has Droved a complete success, .• ITS faIVANTAGEBt . , . ed Ist-lading and Shrinkage are eompletedi avoid. fid ll4l-When- a =a; or awls larvae.. the Carpet looks nearly as good ai new, . sus the natural fading from wear. - " t • - 4th--W ben perfectly . clean, a Carpet will wear as long again. a desirable matter u smere , point of -economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE MICE, No: . 179 liitx3rty . streeits, • Or addressed to P. O. Box 473, will receive prompt ' GE0.:14. MeCLINTOCIL naltlfk - - PROPRIETY/ p I . alopies or THE VARIOUS RINDS OF GUNPOWDER, irtunD POWDER COMPANY Mice, No. 289 Liberty Street; • . , , . ... , Itlecirlo, Nos. I, ft, a . , 4 and 5 , grahh In Squat,' Canlsters.l.lb.'each. • American Bporting, to Oval Canisters of I lb. • • • Lime .., dhuotlng, Nos.. 2 . 2 And, 4 gcaln, , tts ..,- .Cantster each -•- • - ~ Indian KUltte In OvalVanlstersot . l llt. coals."' -,-. : , Kentucky Mlle, huOval Continent of lb. - each.'. . Kentuckytt Idle, In Oral CantatCrs of )4 1 1b:.elteb .. ,05 one lb: end Canisters Itt a case.); . 1 • - . 150 half lb. do. -- ; do. ~.., • ,-: do.) gedtdeg !WI% P rrd_ 3 *- add, " 1, 64 Shea*. lag" legs. 03 los 1. .. . geutpay psis, sttS. and.'"nraillotit.• isg se, lake:m.l2g, lbs i• Kentucky Wile, PPP% sso, and "Sea Chugg ing" re. In talcs,: .. Deer Powde in kegs. lbs ... • mil 11 1 %100114 pOwd; litat;;i . _.ti trrsr,,,Elet cask. le kegs:rob e . ; nartly rase for uutatins, or superior us/ It. lb ticcluntel or 60 thetignd Over. "•* l/eltverts4 free ul" cumuli( Olt bora ot 119/4 on In retain:lra or 411ethrny. 4.. . ; rJeIYZFOCIPAPP-. • ,) 111M1 ' .• : ,7 7 =:; • . 7 ' • V.? 7 - • " ' - lIM ;sr, CARPETS_, IN Gar..watT VAREFIT3r. POWDER. Iwo:fluorin.= BY• .rgm ARTHUR KIRK, •Agent; FTTT513173143111, PAL iioNummt; 1,Km4;1-_ PONVDEIi. Ig En S =9 ME i ,