1447#14 , ej viziN J 1 lak fif FizA CHEAP. OCRS FOR THE PEOPLE...* TAe GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where wit/ always be found the most complete assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Inn Material, Ac., in tee city. All kinds olGuns and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash -paid for ARMY RIFLES and R u vOLYERS. Send stMip for illustrated Circular. rAgents wanted in event town in the United States. Addroes, J. H. JOHN STON. 179 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. *JOHN N.-PURVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for Nd District. Office, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENT. air 0111ie hours-9 A. N. to SP. m I,PROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADENy, PHILO HALL, No. 75 Third street, will opeit for the reception or pupils September Ist. 1868. Class days and hours—Por Ladles, Masters and Misses, Wednesday and Saturday, at 23¢ o'clock at. For Gentlemen—Tuesday and Friday Evenings, lit s o'c.ock. Private lessons given when not en:go with classes. Circulars can be had at the AI sic Stores ano at the Academy.to let t. Se. lect Parties. S lA LOTS FOR SALE.—On 111 n -x DAY, August alst, 11365, at lo'clock wilt De offered at Public Sale, on the premises. I 1 LOTS,.of various ' sizes, situate within a few rods of West Mansfield btatien, on the, Panhandle It, and fronting on the Temperantriville and Nobles. town prank road, in Robinson township. This Is a first rate chance to purchase desirable lots, or to make money by buying to sell again. Terms easy. which ,will be made known and plot exhlbittd at time of sale. au= bff Et. F . J. T. Mc-KNIGHT. STRAY COW, Taken up by the Police, on the 17th day of Au gust, 1869, a MULAY COW/ Red color, with white spots on back and sides. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property and pay charges, or she will De sold on MONDAY, the 24th day of August, At 2 o'clock p. x., at Patten on's Stable, on Fourth street. XATTICEIN J. GREESE, an2o:u74 Chief of Police. Vodeffroy Braneket & Co; 42 FiXOHANGB PLACE NEW TORK, Are prepared, as Sole Altents the United States for the PrII6IIIIILI Mfg; and Iron Co., of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or Bell In outintities to suit parchaaers, (delivered in either'New York or T'hila delphia) the celebrate 1 • V. H. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The above are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive. STEEL /RAILS Manufactured by O. ARNDT A. CO., of Dortmund, for which latter firm they also have the Sole Agency in the United States. Full yarticulars, samples, prices or chemical an alysis will be promptly forwarded on application. aula:u2o REmovAL. The Peoples National Bank of Pittsburgh. Capital, :: : $1,000,000. SARVEL REA GEORGE BLACK Vice President. F. 31. GORD6N The above Institution will occupy ',lief HEW BIFILDD/G, Ito. 75 Wood Street, above Fourth Street, On MONDAY; August 3d, where-in future their business will be transacted. ans:tB2 11OUSE ESTABLISHED • 1824. JACOB. B. HIIIILEY 9 Nos. 27 & 29 Fourth St Pittsburgh. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY Of superior French and American make, Wholesale lind Retail, and. pure ICE CREAMS and WATER ICES.. FOREIGN FRUITS, of all kinds, JELLIES and rare delicacies, In season. Weddings. Parties. Festivals and Select Comps, nies supplied promptly, and equal in style to any other establishment in the country. Silver, and China Ware supplied. and also careful waiters: ARP-Elegant apartments provided for Meals, com prising the delicacies of the season. Ladles and families can enjoy a quiet, retired place to dine. BLACH SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, POE BALE AT LOW PRICES, BY WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fifth Street, DRY OAK LUMBER. CHOICE LOT OR • BUTT-CUT PLANK, ASSORTED THICKNESSES. • Also, FLOORING and COAL PITT RAIL, In Yard below Suspension Bridge. Allegheny side. M. P. ADAMS & BRO. OrrlCE,—Perrril Building, aukladii HANCOCK Sr., PITTSBWIDIL KNABIE CAW'S _ AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly payments CELARLOTTE SLIME, auto • 43 Firth street; Sole Agent TO -LET OR FOR SALE. SIN NEW BEIGE ROUSES, In :Second ward, Allegheny. Reasonable terms. Inquire or W. S. TAYLOR,. Grp _CANNED , EAOHES, pLinkts AND EABranturgs, Belling •t verylow prices, at GEORGE HEAVEN'S. US Federal street. Allegbe GOD NEWS G • °HEAP BREAD IN MAU TINES Mogul/aro 'for WAII,D'S :Urea& • - - Thelargest and belt. The' inithas .44ir, on e'er) , loaf. Take done else. • ati4:71.8 WANTED. 0,000 bush. Plum Wtig&T ; 1 And 28.3811 E F . all and Spring BARLEY Fee which we will-pay the highest price in oaah. HITONOOGIC, WOREERY ali7:d&F §TODE WINDOW SHADES,-of any color and Ate required, 'with border and • ettere plain or gilt, .* also the plain Blue, for same I %rPose, rrom 3 to.i7=reet wide, at the 011 Cloth arerOMMI, *0 and 518 St. (Moir street. el ' /e H. PHILLLDa 4 - • _ NEW .ADVERTISEBIEN7`S. B F. DAIIBITWEI HERB LIQUOR. DB. I:4LK tf CO., Importers, • 76S Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. This great HERB LIQUOR has gained wide ccieb ritx la all Europe :rum its marvellous efficacy in curing all hemorrhoidal complaints and diseases of the stomach. We earnestly invite the attention of the amicted to this great remedy, and offer gratis the circulars, giving directions for nse, together with the certificates of eminent authorities regard ing Its curative merits. . • • ART Bold in all Drug Stores. au2otu79 Dit. FALK & CO.. Importer:. JUST RECEIVED, AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Street. A great assortment of TWELFTH LIST. IS6S.- - -LIST OF APPLICATIONS TO SELL LIQUORS, filed le the Clerk's Office. Pittsburgh. • Jos. Siebert, eating house, 3d ward. Thos. Kingston, Inner goods, 3d ward. M. Mullen, other goods, 3d ward. John Steel:). tavern, old 6th wa d. Owen McGovern eating house. old 9th ward: M. F. Kelly, eating house, old 10th ward. Samuel Fry, eating' house, old Conine District George Johnston, tavern, old Pitt District. Allegheny. Chas. Boehrig, eating house, 3d ward. A. Boedelhelm, other goods, 3d ward. Boroughs.• Jacob Helsel, other goods, East Birmingham. Geo. Werner, eating house, Mt. Washington Townships.— Jos. Wal ten, eating house, Chartiere Geo. Hagele, eating douse, Harrison Thos. Foley, tavern, McClure. M. Lippert, tavern Lower Bt. B. Hang!, tavern, Harrison. The Lteense—Board will sit on SATURDAY. the 29th inst., at 9 o'clock A. X. for hearing the above applications. auanu - JOHN G:HROWN, Clerk. EW BOOKS! .NEW BOOKSN FIGUIER'S beautiful volumes— THE,INSECT WORLD. ' THE. VEGETABLE WORLD. . THE OCEAN WORI.D. THE.•ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD. Splendidly illustrateii, London Ed .. each... 0.00 7HE MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORI OF THE REBELLION. By W. J. Tenny, editor of the "American Annual of Cycle,. \ pedia." one large volume, complete 6.00 BROTHER BESTIR, in the Fields and Flow• •er Bed s beautifully beautifully illustrated 2.75 WHAT MAKES ME GROW ? or Walks and • Talks with Amy Dudley 2.25 OUR STANDARD BEARER; or, the Life of Gen. U. S. Grant. By Oliver Optic 1.50 THE LIFE OF GRANT AND COLFAX. By 1.00 Charles A. Phelps, (paper, 50c.) THE NEW TESTAMENT HISTuRY. By Dr. William Smith. L.L.D.. 2.00 THE HERMITS. By Rev. Ch's§. Kingsley— 2.00 ADVICE TO A WIVE ON THE MANAGE MENT OF HER OWN HEALTH, &c. By Pye Henry Übevasee 1.50 THE MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF IN FANCY. Forth° use of Parenm. By F. H. tirtcbell, M. D 75 For sale by ROBERT S. DAVIS, ata):o6-wrs - 93 Wood street. Gel ai =,, c t,2, 1 3 ' ;=. 4 A b. 1 '4= V "" & .4 c r.,, 1:4 •cf •-S -a• ... 0 C 6) g1:1 . fr 4 ^0 0 '72 Og 0 .g "tt E. p:4 0,2 = Z Z " 0 .E 0 ra ... • , m 1;„ 0 , r . / = ..... P-i i •••• on .4 g .. .' w E•••• 1 xt .- ' "a 1. = " • g - il cr. c" pE r''. -.„ ~. , ~. E. *, =, . .., . .. 1 = 2 l i ' = '-'= L:) m a 0 SI ..a . Gs gi L r. 74 R r- •• = . ~...Pritaldent. Cashier. TO RIILIVIY CONTILICTORS. TILE GRADUAIION , MASONRY •• AND BALLASTING of the following enumir ated sections of the Pittsburgh . & Connellsville Railroad, Are advertised for contract, and proposals for the \ Stan oewl . .1 11 1 6 90 . ie r eived at the Company's Unice, In Plt.sbn , to the' 20TH OF SEPTEMBER, inelusive, Cammencing at the Uniontown Branch ducction, about a mile east of Connellsville, Sections 59 to 04 inclusive. Then Sections 05,=73, 74, 76, 80, 81, OA, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. 01, 99. 300. 110. 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, .119,122, 198, 129, 1311, 133, 140. All of these Sections are in the valley of , the Youghiogheny river, up to Section 112 Lnclusive. Sections 115, 116. 117 are on the Summit, and embrace the Sand Patch Tunnel; and the remainder are in the valley of Wills Creek, Section 140 being 'about 5 miles from Cumberland. Specifications of the work on the above t ect!ons Will oe ready for delivery on the Ist of September, at the offices of the Company, at Pittsburgh and Cum berland, where contractors wall obtain all necessary information to enable them to examine the line. The Company reserves the right to reject all or a part of each bid. B. B. LATROBE, - August 10th, 1988 ASSESSMENT. NATURALIZATION. The UNION REPUBLICANS of Allegheny coma ty are requested to call upon either of the under signed, members of the Union P.. publican Natural. 'ration Committee, in refereive to the asse>sment of voters and the naturalization of such parties, aliens, friendly to the Union Republican cause as gray be entitled to the same, when necessary infor mation and assistance will be rendered. It is ex pected that the Vigilance Committees of the differ ent election districts will take the necessary.steps to insure in their reepecitve district■ prover assess ment ' and naturalization of all parties friendly to the Union Republican cause, and the Union Renutt- Bean voters throughout the county are also invited to aid the Vigilance Committees In their work by reporting names, &c., of any persona friendly to the cause, who maybe entitled to be, but are not y . ct naturalized or assessed. • The persons entitled to naturalization under the laws of the United States, are as follows: Ist.. Any free white alien over twenty-one years of age, who has resided . in the United States for five years and In this State for one year, and who, shall have at least two 3 ears preceding his applica tion for second papers, made the necessary decla- ration of intentions, and taken out his brat papers, Is entitled, upon woof of such residence and ducts ration of Intention, to his final naturalization pa- DEM 4-5;01110 street • Sid. Any free white alien who arrived in this coun try under twenty.oneyears. and who has resided in It for five years. (three o , which shall next indeed his arrival at the are of twebty.one years, ; Is (Intl tied to his anal naturalization papers. 3d. And all aliens of the age of twenty-one years. and upwards who have resided within the United States for one year, and who shall have enlisted in and been honorably discharged from the armies of the United btatts, are entitled to final papers of naturalization. • w. S. PURVIANCE, 1.1.4 Fifth St., Pittsburgh p. JON ZS. 84 grant Street Pittsburgh. J. ERASTUH hicKF.LVIr, 010 rant Bt., Pittsteg B.F. A. VAITLIIABP.M. Allegheuy. CUT. DAVID REEsE, Pittsburgh. JOHN FIANN, Pittsburgh. • TTENSWL, Eaat Birm ingham. Jun .litraiE , U. JOSIAH CUTIFIL, US Fifth at., Plttaburgh lIENBT, ,MEIFITEENZLD, Birmingham. HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, VANDYKE LACES AND EDGINGS GENUINE. JOUVIN RID GLOVES, NEW SHADES IN RIBBONS, SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, REAL LACES, &to . _ CIJ CiviL ExazNEKII. IWO:09 NOTICE. lag In641:1&P I .x THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1869. POLITICAL. 10 - EAST BIRMINGHAM, ATTENTION There will be held a GRANT AND COLFAX MASS Mr ETING, at the corner. of Railroad and Carson streets, East Birmingham. THIS EVENING,. at 7 1.2 o'clock. Able speakers will be In attendance. All are In vited to attend: Ve c 'REPUBLICAN MEETING, I ,On FRIDAY EVENING, August 21, 1868,1 At the corner of Locust and Beaver stri ets, ALLEGHENY CITY. A. M. BROWN. TAM. M. BAYNE and L. P. wroNE. Esqs., will sddress the fleeting. auW:u7s • COIL ON SPEAKIMB & MESTING6. *REPUBLICAN MEETING, AT ETNA, Shaler Township, On Thursday Evening, August 20, 1 B. F. LUCAS and MILES HUMPHREYS will dress the meeting. aul9:u7l COM. ON SPEAKERS AND MEETING MASS MEETING. TANNER CLUB. auto All the young and active Republicans of the co ty are requested to meet AT CITY HALL, On Thursday Evening, at 7 1.2 O'Clock, For completing the organization of a TANNER CLUB, similar to the old "Wide Awakes." The Roll Book la open ; enlist at once. By order. W. C. MORELAND, President. au19:1173 rar'THE REPUBLICANS of Fay , ETTE COUNTY. will hold a Mass Meeting at Dunbar Station, On P. & C. R. R.. three tulles beyond Connellevllle, On Saturday, 22d instant, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. • I A Train will leave Pittsburgh at 7 o'clock A. and will -return same evening. Tickets for the round trip, $2l. T. H. MARSHALL, Esq., Hon. JOHN COVODE, And others will be there, igr'GILAND MASS MEETING, OF GERMAN REPUBLICANS, - . MONDAY, Angiist 24th---8 P. M., 40*.tNir ON WHICH. OCCASION HON. CARL SCHURZ, The eminent SPEANER and STATESMAN,_ will discuss the most Important political questions of this campaign. The undersigned would most earn estly Invite their fellow countrymen, Without die- Unction of party, to attend . Jos. Abel. J. G. Backofen, C. - F. Hauer. Louis Morgenstern, Wtn. Neeb, John Gangwisch, G. G. ilackofe,,, Gus' K-Idelter, A. Kreb+ H. I'. J. 11. litmmicr, Mich. Ncekettuan. Jul. F. mark, ' Th 11..Mertr, Casper Hsu K. Henry Knobel, Con st. Conrad. Chas. F. ilerrosee, C. F. Schultz, Col. Geo. Cierst, Chin. Lappe. Henry Gt r AFTER. THE MEETING A GRAND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION ! Will be arranged. to which tbe_different GRANT CLUBS or titteetty and vicinity aro meat cordially Invited. aut9:u7o BATES & BELL'S =PORTED GOODS. BATES & BELL'S DOMESTIC GOODS. BATES & BELL'S LOW IPDIOES, CHOICE GOODS, LARGE STORRS. , No. 21 FIFTH STREET. snI.3:ITA&T ELECTIC SUMMER CORDIAL, An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Diar rhea Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour Stomach and elders Morbus. DR. 1111111 V CRIMP CBE, A specific for Cholera, Cramps and Pain In the litomach, for sale by HARRLS & EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, A.GMDIT'S FOll J. SG'HOONMAKEZA SONS PURE WHIT] .LEAD, PIcCOVS VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It will look better. hot longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the aLricet. - • OFPICZ 01 CITY EtiGINICKIt AND SIIIVY.YOU, August 17, 1808. NOTICE TO 'CONTRACTORS. STALED PIit:IPOSALB 808 Grading Paving and Curbing EIT.IIfARYI3 AV'Eh'illß r,om Butler Street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. LONG from bowls alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. I And aloe for URA DING F.A.111,V lEW ALLEY. Will be l'CritiVC , i at this Oleo until ATURDAr. Augu3t 22 1, 1808. tlf.eel , eatlons ran be bad at Mb. (Allen. The Commit teo rusetvu the right to releet any or all bids. ' I 11. J. MOORE. aur7:llr7 Ultv Eng,ileer. ACE LEATHER, Page's 'Pat ent,. 10r sate wltattaale and ratan, at WS and . Clam street. 101 1. & H. 1.1111.1.1 PS I ' anl9:u63 Gottleib Wettath, Wm. Mittenawel, August Ammon, Jac. Keil. John Nusser, Ileurr Anshutz. Geo. Mengel, Win: Bader. C. C. Smith, Henry tierwig, Sr., Ad. Uroetzinger. Adam Weise, Aug. Ah!born, Benj. Schmidt, Fred. Be'Wein, John Mussier, Chas. Hartmann. Cap t. Muntshelmer, John Grlpp. Aug. Kleher, Henri Sieber, And others- FOR lEIE NEW FALL 11YEIJESS GOODS, 11 ) :1 In the L test Styles and Fabrics, JUST. OPENED AT . SA'LE'S, 180 and 82 Federal St., Allegheny. NEW CALICOES, NEW MUSLINS, NEW FLANNELS, NEW OASOIDIERES, AT POPULAR PRICES. WM. SEDIPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny. M NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ON THE IST DAY OF 'AUGUST, WE REMOVED TO THE LARGE AND OOMMODIOUB WARE:ROSE, No. 45 Wood Street, Directly Opposite St. Charles Hotel. Alto, entrance on THIRD ST., Nos. 102 and 104 R. E. SELLER & CO. TILE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY *A'll' ti Ma 7Ze Si M"E"1631 maawl 4 LaA BLOOD SEARCHER, FOR TILE CURE OF AU Diseases Arising from an Int pare State of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Read, Tetter Affections, r. l Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn-Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Together with all other disorders from an impioper condition of the Circulatory System. As a gencrill Tonic Its effects are most benignant, and cannot fail to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters itilo its i•ommetition, so that while it invariably af fords relief, and effects the most wonderftil cures, no overdose could injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLERS & CO., El oie Proprietors, PITTSBURGII, I •PA._ ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF Sellers' Cough Syrup; Sellers" Liver Pills and Vermillion; Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Boerhave's Holland Bitters. FOR SALE, BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FEZE3 OIL WELL • Steam Engines for Sale. Superior new and second-hand STEAK Eli- GTNES—T, 8 ani 10 Inch cylinders, AO and 114 inch stroke, with all the fixtures FOR BORING OIL WELLS. Address , HUGH N. BOLE & CO., au6301 Duquesne WaY, Pittsburgh, Pa. L,7 CI IDF 01H, fdr family use; one pound equal to four pounds of raw Ilan; put up In no it one pound paper boxes, with recipes for cooking In a variety of styles. Price 35 cents tawimund. For sale. wholesale and retail, at the Family llroceryy store of JOH A. It itNnidANY, cull fine. Id ,nrt• and Hand .trpon. Cl/101 E JAPAN TEA.—Just re calved, a frOhlt 'neutral of extra quality uncol ored Tapau Tea, for sale by . the pound or oat etwet by JNO. ItENtlll AW. Sernor WWII/ .tri4 Watt *trouts. • a 4 y 3• EIGS WM. SEMPLE, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal St., • ALLEGHENY, NOW OFFEIIS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW FALL - DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, RETAIL, TO WHICH DAILY ADDITIONN WILL BE MADE, - . DIMING THE SEASON. Val CO ti al ti(e) 1# 12= EILLINGER STEVENSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally. Also, - LIQUORS, WINES, ER/INDIES, ite. No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. .ii 'LIBERAL ADVANCES made on consign ments. jy31178 J. U. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. II• IL CANFIELD & SON, COM.. • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale alers In Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. B. Cheese, Sutter. Lard .Poik, Bacon, Flour, Flab, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead Pot, Pearl and Ee.da Ashes.. Vs bite Lime. ,Linseed: Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. WATT, LANG & CO., IniotaseLr. DEALERS IX Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro. %loam's, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil. ace., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET. near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. n08:n55 N. !MERLE Air STEELE & SON, Commission Aferchants, • •ND DTALSIO3 Tic FrILIOTTJR, GatAIN, FEET). ar.O. No. 95 OHIO STREE'I near Ealst Common, . r ; • Non' =MM= MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE commussiorr mmitcHArTurs 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Conelran:lents solicited. RITERINCES—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics• National Baia; J. B. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ' ja21:124 PICT= lICILIL .JAB. 7. SICELL/12. KEUe & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AxD DIALZBB IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, KILL FEED,. ac., 349 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, zny24:b37 T J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, -.-- No. 396 PENN STREET. aplB:xB9 ZMMI ALIEC. 311 MenAIVE & ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14* WATER STREET, , Above Smithfield, Pittsburgn. ETZER & ARMSTRONG, F FOBWABDIEG AHD OONEISSIONNBAOHAITB, For the sale of Flour, Drabs, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. le MARKET STREET, coruer otFirst, Pittsburgh. - tentua JOHN I. HOUSK.....E.DW. HOUSE WU. H. HOUSE. OHN I. HOUSE & BROS. Suc cessors to JOHN L HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rovers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. - RIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer c ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Urocerles and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cult ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gen erally. au2l ROUT. KNOX AlmaEy? KNOX. 4 KNOX & SON, COMMISSION •MERC II ANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN I I L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Nn. 79 DIAMOND, opposite Clty Hall, Allegheny City. jaG;r37 IIITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON,• Wholesale Orocere, Commission Merchants and' lers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish.. Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 1151 and 114 SECOND - STREET, Pittsburgh. JOAN SUIPTON A WALLACE roUPTON &WALLACE,WHOLE SALE ROCERS AND PRODUCE - DEALERS . 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. Isi2:rsB NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Sewerage Commission of Allegheny City arc prepared to receive proposals for the construc tion of the foliowing Sewers, viz: CONTRACT No. 1, Comprising a length of about 4,700 feet of Sewers, of from 3 to 534 feet In diameter, on Montgomery Avenue and 'West Common. CONTRACT No. 2, o f Sewer, Comprising a length of about 1,250 feet of 2,1 feet diameter, on Federal street. CONTRACT . m e t N 3. of Sewer ' Comprising a length of about .11. 4.30 of from 3 to 3,46 feet diameter. on dedgwiek street anti Hue of P. Kt. W. A U. B. It. Drawings and specifications can be seen and full particulars obtained at Anglncees (i , Mco, City Hall. Bids touch bo endorsed ••riewer 1 rop , Ws. Con tract No. 1." (or other. as the ei n,.....51.my _lle,)an3 . d( l7, livered on or before 3r. K., TUr. Ol- ' A I, t h e jt, which for a m i e t h al e o E rte n g ai t n e e b e i r d a s day of August..., Porms of rosal ton will be received , ) Can be obtained Ind themselves to acce t °Mee. Tlio rommisslonbtildo.not b P the lowest "rS I By order of tL C n AS s DAS . I9, Cllr Engineer. INDIA m4IOEII BELTING ANI) STEAM i•AtILINti.—A full mock on hand at all and of the best quality. parties, wishi n g wee. Cud p our or shops where be is rejlltirvd, our price° as Low as can be ha In h e Efts ; and tufght pared. J. & 11. prut,Lii , t3 At , • Aci and As, st. Clair tartlet. .. - NEW STOCK OF HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, AT WE SEMPLE'S, 180 and 1g " .., Federal St., Allegheny' BARGAINS IN LINEN ELOMTLERCEIDIES ' 1 LINEN SEDEE PEON*, LADIES' STOCKINGS, MEN'S SUIE4S, AT SEDIPLE'S, 180 and ,182 Federal St., Allegheny =TIM NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN • that BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION the Capital Stock of the Company to erect a Britle over the Allegheny River, from Ewalt street, in the City of Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler Plank Road, at or near the mouth of Oirty's Bun, Incorporated by an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 18438, will be opened at the office of BILL & SHUTTERLY. on Butler etrset, in the Seventeenth Ward of said City of Pittsburgh, on the TENTH DAY OP SEP TEMBER NEXT, - st 10 o'clock A. X. of sale illy. John W. Riddell, -1 S. J. Wainwright. J. J. Shntterly, I James I. Bennett, T. R. Sill, J. B. Poor, T. B. Stewart, D. Dempsey, M. McCullough, Jr., H. Sample, I E. S. Hanna. L. Feilbangh, W. T. Purclance, E. Coates, Wm. W. Young, I J. U. Barr. Wm. Reardon, I Wm. McConnell, Israel C. Pershing. I John J. Williams, N. P. Reed, I Commissioners. Pittsburgh, August Bth. 1868. SultuuM itgrTIIE APPETITE FOR Tobacco Destroyed Lease off Chewing and. Smoking the M= One box of ORTON'S PREPARATION is walt z:AN-TED to destroy the appetite for tobacco in any person, no matter bow strong, the habit may be, W IP IT FAILS IN ART CASE THE ROART WILL BE BEFUNDIE. It Is almost impossible to break - off from the use of tobacco by the mere exercise of the will. Something is needed to assist nature in over coming a Wit so firmly rooted: with the help of the preparation there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have need it who are willing to bear witness to the fact that ORTON'S PREPARATION com pletely destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the perpon as tree from any desire for it as, before be commenced its use. It is perfectly safe and harmless in all cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and secretions affected by tu bocco, and through these upon the blood, itorough ly cleansing the poison of tobacco from the system, and thus allaying the =lateral cravings Of ipbacco. No Mons HANKER MG FOR TOBACCO AFTRi usixta `ORTON'S PREPARATION! ' RECOLLECT IT IR ITARRANTRD• BIWABE • COUNTERTZITSI The following are a few selected from the mititt— thole of recommendations in our possession: . (From W. P. Heald, Esq„ Bangor, Me.l • BAiscon, Me., April 24. 1868. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for thir ty years past, and for the last fifteen, yt are I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leave off at different times. I have left oil one year at a time, but always cdntinue.d to banker for It until I used Orton's Prtparation, which has COM. , pi, tel recommend of the appetite for tobacco. I would all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation ' which will cer tainly cure it If the directions are W folloed. . P. w HEALD. [From E. W. Adkins. Knoxville. Tenn.] KNOXVILLE, Tenn., August 5, 1867. This is to certify that I had need 'tobacco to such an extent that my h. alth had become greatly Im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In Juue. 1867, 1 purchases one box of Or ton"s Preparation, and after using It 1 found that I was completely cured. I have not had any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since using t he preparation. I believe it to be all that it is recommended, and I would advise all who wish to quit the tt.e of tobacco to try one box of Orton's Preparation. E. W. ADKLIS. [From John Morrill. Bangor, Me. BANGOR, Me., 31arch 24, 1868. This is to certify that I have nice tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to.leate off. but have sneered so much from a el:shwas - in my head, and gnawing at my stomach, tlhat I base soon given up the trial. A abort time since a friend In duced me to try Orton's Preparation farad by you.) I have done so. and am completelyenied. I did not in the leant hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew, after 1 began to use the PrPnaration. • JOHN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Two Dollan per box. forwarded - to any part of tile_co nutty,st paid. on receipt of price. Money sent by ma ltat our risk. Address, C. B. COTTON, Proprietor, Box L 748. Portland, Maine. NElettliENCE. - We. the undersigned, nave had peraonal dealings with C. B. COrTuN. and nave round him a reliable and fair dealing man, and nelirce his statements deserving the conlidence Of the public: S. B. itichardsun. Itev. J, B. Breen, Dr. 8. B. Gowen, Portland, Me.; Charles 11. Morrill, Bidde ford, Me.; A. II- Boyle, Attorney. Belfant, Me • Alonzo Barnard. Bangor, Me.; `w in . swee K. Esq., West Mansfield. Mass.; u tspynton. East Acworth. N. II.; al, Quimby, et. Johnsyille, N. Y. auf7m6o CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, • CITY OF ALLEGITENT, August 11, LV63. I SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. R. on FRIDAY, 21st instant, for GItA33I2VG- AND PAVING WARD'S ALLEY, from Allegheny avenue to Bedg wick street; ISABELLA couRT, from Robinson to Minya St: AP*, for Urading FOUNTAIN STILEICT. from 'Henderson street to Ididdle street. Profiles and specification's can be seen In the l offico of the City Engineer. - a a FRANCIS; anl4:tt-t7 ECOATif.pAND ENGINES WA.NP.V.I3. One Horizontal Engine, of 20 horse power. One ••Nigger•• Engine, without reverao valve. Also, a medium pixel, OttILL Terms cash. Address, with description and prim'. kalmB X4EATIIEII. .BELTIA Lilo boa quality Oak Tsunoda ivraya on baud at WI °west tatta. J. t H. ratmars. - NOTICES. Poisonous Weed, Tobacco. RECOMMENDATIONS. City Controller JOSILB. COPLEY. Jr.. 66 River Avenue. Allegheny @