El Cljg gitirurgt Ott. EPHEMERIS• —Wm. Gillmore Simms is at Yonkers. —Troy, New York, has alVoman's club. —Some Philadelphia and Germantown ladies have a rifle club. • —Blacque Bey, to be in the fashion, has thken a cottage at Newport. —Gen. Harvey is said to have keen one of the Menken's first victims. —Miss Berner a New York blonde is spoken of as the belle of Kissinger. ,The Talmud, by Prof. Deutsch is an - nounced as forthcoming in London. --A bronze statue of Beecher is to be , ma4e, probably to leave to posterity. —The mackerel fishery in the Bay of St. Lawrence has - proved a failure this year. —Verminthai produced a tomatomeasur lug twenty and a half inches in circum ference. —The abdication of the Czar is spoken _of in European diplomatic circles as riot im probable. L—A Cincinnati merchant is said to have left $40,000 in the clutches of the "tiger" at Saratoga. W. Strader, has accepted the DeMn cratic nominatiion to Congress in the First Ohio District - --George Wilkes says that no one has ac cepted any of his bets on the election: Alas! poor George! —Tile retail trade of Boston has revived, but as a commercial city the hub- is not what it once ,was. -Disraeli is to have the gaiter; for the first time thaPband is to encircle thejimb of a descendent of Abraham. —John Stuart Mill says he should see the adoption of the ballot, in, any part of the United Kingdom, with regret. —Brick Pomeroy's new paper accuses the World of wanting to have made Grant the Democratic candidate for President. —One of the Itnrbide family, a brother of little Prince whom Maximilian adopted, is said to be ke6ping a café near Paris. —Two hundred English pickpockets are said to be en route to America. Such plea sant things come to us from merry England. —Charles Reade is accused of being the vainest man in England, and the other English Men are not lacking in the ince at all. —Nearly a dozen new books on Abyssin ia and the Abyssinian Campaign have ap peared in London since the fall of Magdala. —Sword fish swarm all along the coast of Maine, and are often caught. Cali this un usual quantity of natural swords be an omen of war ? —The first correct and unabridged edition of Pepy's Diary is announced in. London. , This edition will contain nearly 'a volume more than any former one. Experiments on the Canadian Grand • .Triank Railroad have proved that 3-18 pounds of peat are equivalent to 6-36 pounds of wood as fuel for locomotives. —Sidle. -Nillssen receives ten sous for every note she utters on the stage, just to • think of having a whole mouth full of ten cent notes,! any time one pleased. —The Richmond Examiner says that. Governor--Wise was never a secessionist. We think this will be news to every one, - and e.specially to the ex,Governor. —There are 800,000 inhabitants in the Grand Duchy of Hesse—Darmstardt, and twelve Generals on the retired list who draw $20,000 „adear from the public funds. —Sunday night was a very, cold one in New York, and the people who complained of the heat on Saturday were grumbling at the nece,sity of blankets on Sunday. —Thomas Carlyle is preparing a standard library edition of his own writings, which r ival soon appear in about' twenty-five vol umes. It will be published in this' country by Scribner. —The sardine crop has been so unusually large on some pants of the Spanish' . coasti thit the means for preserving them pl. - lived inadequate, and many of the little fish were used as manure. -The. Japan Gaeette says that a. crab was / recently brought to Yokahama which mats tired eleven feet eight inches from tip to tip, and was so heavy that two men could ' scarcely carry it. —The Rev. Phillips Brooks, of Philadel --phi% has been called to the Rectorship of Trinity Church, Boston. As Mr. Brooks is a native of Bciston and a graduate of Harvard, his Philadelphia admirers fear that he may accept. —One old English lady won one hun dred thousand florins, or about ten thou `l sand pounds, at Baden Baden, about the beginning of the season, and then, instend of losing it all again, went off to London with it as fast as she could. —English custom house officials are gal : slant and do not trouble ladies much by searching them. Our advice to Fenums then is that if they want to get into Ireland safely, thepleasantest way for them to do so is to put their arms about the ladies. —A young woman in Lewistown, Me., has become a raving maniac because she did not win the prizes at school. Accord ; ing to some logicians this young woman has become a lunatic from going to school, therefofe, schools should be übolishad. —Frederick Whymper, the well known member of the London Alpine Club, has in press a new work called "Travels and Ad ventnies iu Alaska and on the River Yu . kohn," a volume which should be interest big to those who love our whole country, even the new parts. -Patti is :to remain five years on' the stage after her marriage, and to retain her maiden name. on the bills. The Parisian sans.culottes would delight in bills with "Last appearance of Madame la Marquise de Caux, as Marguerite." —An editor in Germany has been heavily fined for selling space in his editorial columns to M. Blanc, of the Homburg gamblingtell M. Blanc has filled the space he bad bought with startling accounts of the heavy losses which the bank was reported to have sus tained; these accounts were, of course, en . tirely fictitious, and only destined to attract the gudgeons to Homburg. —During political campaigns the glorious old national banner flies from the windows or roof of every Republican newspaper office in the country, but no such emblem adorns the offices of the Democratic sheets. During the war it. was the same, and the Copperhead press never issued from under the stars and stripes. de Sartiges, the French Ambassador at Rome, has been obliged to ask a guard of French soldiers for his summer residence at F ra scati, so great is the insecurity of the environs of Rome. The French papers say: "Ire is a man capable of defending himself, for he lived long at Washington, the land of revolver shooting." —The Pope is said to be much interested in the queen of Spain and to desire an inter view. In the meantime, the 'gods seem to - wish to destroy that monarch, as she drinks her sherry and deports herself unbecoming ly on the brink of the yawningest gulf that threatens any living sovereign. In fact she is depreciating rapidly; and though now a sovereign, she bids fair to soon not be worth half a crown. —A. Virginia paper says : A sort of dis temper which has generally proved fatal to them in various portions of the State, has broken out among the foxes. In Stafford county, which was up to a few months ago nearly overrun with them, and where in consequence rabbits, partridges, and other small game were, nearly cleaned out, foxes have been found lying dead in the road find under bushes in large numbers. —At the - Erie railroad car shop is being built a passenger car of novel style and un- I usual capacity. It is sixty-seven feet in length, divided into three comparirnents; has a drawing room in the centre, sleeping apartments at the end and a regular day coach compartment at the other. It will cost twenty thousand dollars, and will be, it is claimed, the largest and•one of the most elegant passenger cars on any in this country. —The Warrensburg (Mo.) Journal com plains of frequent outrages committed in that town on Saturday's when parties armed with huge revolvers mount their horses, draw their weapons, form in lints, curse everybody, profanely defy the officers and having created general consternation, ride furiously home. On one of theseinca sions recently an inoffensive citizen was cruelly and inhumanly beaten. and no ar rests were made. --Tom Hood, editor of the London Fan, in a review of Saxe's new book of poems, praises the author as the mo-t excellent and the most English of American humorists; and another critic yields the palm among contemporary writers of rere de soefele to Yankee poets, in these words: "The two best living writers of lively, witty English verse, such as Prior and Praed excelled in, are Saxe and Holmes—two Americans and, to us, foreigners." --Henry Ward Beecher . ge4 $15,000 a year altogether and manages to put it all away, as it is proper for him to do, and it is a meat pity that some of our,other pastors don't have as much. When a man ( studies five years to be able to enter colleff ' e, four i years at college and two at his the logical seminary, he irvests eleven years of capital for which $3OO per annum can haVly be considered sufficient interest even though he be:neither as brilliant as a Beecher nor as profound as a Wayland. —The celebrated Professor Bock, f Leip zig, one of the greatest German ph ,sicians, wages an inexorable and highly stMeessful 1 war against all sorts of patent medicines and nostrums. Whenever a new panacea of this description makes its appearance in the market, Dr. Bock examines it, and then publishes the ingredients of which it is com posed, and what it costs the manufacturers to get it up. In this manner the sale of German patent medicines has lately much decreased. Why is there no American Professor Bock? —Sorrento is the name of a poem which Bayard Taylor has contributed to the Sep tember number of Lippincott's Magazine. This Magazine seems to have a happy faculty of getting the best new poems as they come . out. Only a few months since Swinburn's greatest effort and now Sorrento. But this number excels in prose and is really an ex cellent one; br rring an atrocious ennundritm in a chars cteristic article by Miss Kate Field, we - think there is nothing in it that will not prove acceptable to many readers. We are really glad that Pennsylvania can boast of the only dangerous rival which Putnam's Magazine has, and congratulate the greatest publishing house in the Keystone State on the success of its periodical. —A petroleum establishment in -Lelpsie, besides various forms of apparatus for refin ing petroleum and producing petroleum gas, advertises the following chemical products: Aicannino, for coloring fats and oils; Scarla tine, for dyeing wool and silk, as well as for color-printing of books and plates; Petro leum-ether, for therapeutic and technologi cal purposes; Reneine, of any degree of fluidity, clear as water and perfectly free from smell; Ligroin, for burning in sponge lamps; Artificial otlof turpentine, for waxed cloth and varnish fabrics, as well as for the cleansing of type and printers' forms; Re fined Petroleum, almost inodorous, and Pe troleum-resiclium, for gas making. —The Boston Post says: Radical intol erance is cropping out in one of its old and well-known forms at Biddeford, Me., where, as, the Portland .Argva says, Mr. McMuller, agent of the Saco Water Power Machine Co., declared his intention of discharging from his employ every man who voted against the Radical candidate for Congress. There is something peculiarly abominable in this style of coercion which disgusts every one possessed of the spirit of a free man." And yet the Boston Post thinks Southerners do perfectly right when they refuse to employ negroes who will vote the Radiall ticket, and 'applauds them to the echo. Surely consistency is a jewel which does not adorn the Copperhead's brow. PITTSBURGH G . AZEITE: THURSDAY,: AUGUST 20, 1868: DENTISTRY TEETH EXTRACTED WIT1301:72" PAIN 1;10 CHARGE MADE WHEN ABTEFICIAL TEETH ABE ORDERED. • • A Irina. SET FOR $B, . . _ AT DR. SCOTT'S. SITS PENN. STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. .1 ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE. TuripdiT GAS IXTURES_ kiltliTßES 4:o3aztrLa r ellers, FOR GAS AND OIL. ,Test received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COIL VIRGIN ALLEY. ral4A• GEMENT, SOAP STONE, 11YDRAULIC CEMENT. SOAP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLIINS,' ; ; anl6-070 25 Wood street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN . PIPE, Cheapest and best Plpe In the market. Also, 110- SENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. . R. B. dc C. A. BROCKETT dc CO. Once and Manufactory-240 REBECCA T. Allegheny. 4liir Orders by mall promptly attended to. le=trtki ll' , 0 3 abt cil iiii4b - krA OKO zizill SUMMER GOODS. Bois% Youth's and Children's SUMMER CASSTMERE SUITS, LIN EN SU ITS. DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style.' of the greatest variety. suitable for the-present season. tientiemen will find a tine as sif,rtmeni of WIII rE snd BROWN DUCK SUI ALI'ACCA and FLANNEL COATS, &c., every garment being specially made tor us by the best Eastern houses. Our prices are as low as good gbodssatt be sold at by any firm East or West. • 47 ST. CLAIRSTREET. HENRY MEYER., MERCHANT TAILOR, , No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pn Constantly on Dant', a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, &e. FLOUR, • pEAILL MILL FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLITE lIRAND, equal to the host St. Lout+ brandl. PEARL MILL lir good as tile best Ohio brands. A HATE COIN FLOUR and CORN MEAL. Cal -- See that all tacks are sealed and dated. B. T. KENNEDY & BED., ati7.:A2.l . Mom All I.L. E WOULD INVITE THE AT ,TENTIoN of the k lour trade to the supe: Monty of War , SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are manufacturing from the best aelect ed Southern tlllnola and Tennessee Wheat./ Prices as low as any in the market. J. S. I.J.G.C.IL'Inr Jy3137'.. Pittsburgh City Mills: TOBACCO AND CIGARS.' JULIAN ALLIELN, DEALIO.I pi ALL KINDS or r I LEAF TOBACCO AND SEARS, No. k SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com. acme PITTSBURGH, PA. Branch 0(172 Water street, N. Y. ap4:n77 DANIEL F. DINAN. Exixa.slion WORKS. K. elt W. ..TENICINSON, Manufacturers and Dealers in !apco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &c., 1.o; 6 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY' 132 CONFECTIONERIES HENAIif W. HORBACH, Confectionery and Bakery No. 5100 SMITHFIELD STERET, Between Seventh and Liberty. . 10r LA.DTES , OYSTER SALOON attaCbed,_ GEO. SCIELELEIN, Fancy Cake Baker lz Confectioner, AND DEALER IN FOREIGN* DOIIESTIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny. /Er Constap• y on band, ICE CREAM, of various flavors. BILLIARD TABLES STANDARD A)IERICAN BILLIARD TABLES, AND COMBINATION CUSHIONS Undhiptitably the twet In one. N'EW 1111'804"E -MENTS, Patented Nov. 26th, 1867. and Ain* il init, 1868. Everything relating to blidards orate bestqualltv and lowest prices always on nand. Our N I .AIE TRIMMER, l'etentel May 6th, 1868, price 82.66_a great success. illugiLrated price lists scut on application. Address PMMAN & FOLLENDEFt. 63. 65. 61 and 69 CIRY3IIY ST, New York City hdhard:rwro HAIR- AND PERFUMERY. _ D T ORN PECK, Oinamental Hail HAIR WORKER 'AN PERFI.IIIER, No. 133 ' turd street. near Smithfied, Pittsburgh. Always on hand, a genei . al assortment of Ladles' WIGS, BANDS, CURLS; Ainutletnen's WIGS, TO PEES, SCALPS., GUARD.CHAINS, BRACELETS, Sze, 419 r A good Prim) in math will be given for RAW HAIR. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Her Cutting donel the neatent manner. reh2tun LITHOGRAPHERS. PBILIr BENJAMIN SINGERLY CLRIS. QINGEILLY & CLEIS, Successors IIJJ to CittO. F. Bernie.MAAß dt Co.. - PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. BUPinetts Cards, Letter Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diploma/4 . Portraits, Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invita tion Cards, so.. Nos. 710 and Third street, Pittsburgh. CORN MEAL, Kit FLOUR, &c. WASHINGTON HILLS, WASHINGTON STREET, v . Near Pittsburgh Grain Elevator W. W. ..dL.N3:P3OIII3ON, Manufacturer of CORN MEAL, RYE FLOIIIrand CHOPPED FEED. 'Orders delivered in either city free of charge. Grain of all kinds chopped• and Corn shelled. on shore notice. 11Q . ARR & MOSER, " natcx-xrr-r,c-rs, rnurr HOUSE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nos. % and 4 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. :Special attention given to tite designing and building, o OtIULLT HOUSES and PIIttLICIBUILDINGe. AND 8; /JOG A I.NT ap:XI:oS6 ARCHITECTS. DRY GOODS. NEW GOODS: J. N. BURCHFIELD & No. .52 St. Clair St. Lt. . . • NEW /PRINTS, , NEW A-MN/MA-MS, NEW SDELAINES, ALL V. OOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, for 25 cents, worth 50. - e t WHIT GROUND PRINTS, black figure; WHIT GROUND ALPAOCAS, do; BL AC ALPACCAS, BLAC DOESKIN CASHMERES; BLA AND BLUE CLOTH,. BLEAL ED NIASLINS„ ( IRISH .LINENS, TABLE LINEN'S, TOWELS AND NAPKINS: A DM ASSORTATENT OF GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY SEW. /re Re enaberllie place; N . 52; St. Clair Street, FILET STREET. 87. 87. GREAT REDUCTION arc. IN PRICES TO CLOSE STOCK OF Dr - lESS 4GrI3OOODS. 87 MARKET STREET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. 87.... MARKET 9TREET....87 ie3o: _l6B. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW Mon-A.m. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. SCOU4D3r, DT' No. 168 Wylle Street. ~al 168. .168. (irm:n4o) CI ( 1 1 1 . ( t : e ( i1 , 12, 1 c; 1 51 t. ,(i3O" WHOLESALE DEALERS LN Foteign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 9* WOOD STREET, Third door above Dlarriond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. PIANOS. ORGANS, &C • BUY THE BE S T AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN . . I Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvements known In the con struction of a Arst class Instrument, and has always been awarded' the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its [ono is full. Sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for darability - and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from PUS to $1.30, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Piano. ESTEY'S COTTA'IE ORGAN Stands at the'head of all reed Instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction, and not Rable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO' is only to be found In this Organ. Price from 8100 to 1850. All guaranteed for dye years. BARR, ILNARE 84 1 BUETTLRR, mn9 No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. HATS AN.b CAPS. OLOSING OUT SALE I STRAW HL TS, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT M'CORD & CO.'S, 131 WOOI) STREET MARTIN LIEBLER, .r.i.ATS; CAPS AND ;E971179, Also. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS, VALISES. &e., No. 13M SMITH FIELD STREET. Pittsburgh, Fa. _ . Orders promptly filled and oatlefaetlon guaranteed GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET CHLYA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, 15 PARIAN STATUETTES, BOIIEMIAN 13JARS, And other STAPLE AND FANCY UUODS, a great variety. RICHARD E. BREED & CO mh27 100 WOOD STREET SEWING MACHINES. TILE GREAT AMERICAN COM BINATION. BUTTON.HOLEOVERSEVEENG AND SEWING MACHINE. IT HAS NO JEWLINI., BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN TRINSICALLY TIIE CHEAPEST. Agents wanted to sell this Machine. CHAS. C. 13AXAST4H1r, _ Agent for Western Pennsylvania. Horner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS over Richardson's Jewelry Store. WALL PAPER. WALL • PAPER ? - AT REDUCED PRICES. We wAloffer oar preeent stock of _ Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAP ERS, for bal i te, rooms, ettllngs, &a., at • • N 0.107 AlOsket Street,near Filth SOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. Near Liberty, west side --168. E281E3 lOU WOOD STREET. AFTER JULY 113.2% MINOS AND. NOTIONS. AT MACRUM, GLYDE & C 01.95, 78 and 80 Market Street. MOSQUITO NETS. • • MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRON'S.. SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES' WHITE UNDERWEAR; A full line of HOSIERY; MORRISON STAR SHIRTS, GENT'S PAPER COLLARS, • LADIES' Do. AND CU) F. TRAVELING SATCHELS, A full line of JET SETS. SILK & BULLION FRINUE_, & SATIN/BUTTON'S, all colors. A Complete Assortment of White Goods, SWISS, VTCTORIA, LAWN, LINEN, CAMBRIC, Sc HOOP SKIRTS, in all the Newest Styles. KID-GLOVES, at' all prices GENT'S &LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR; MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS; 1,000 Doz. DALMODAL HOSE 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN YABSS Speelsl Rates to Jobber 3. MACRITM, GLYDE & Co., '7B and 80 Market Street. aulo PRICER MARKED DOWN AT MACK UM & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ! ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladles%) f0r.... 'CORSETS, (Rea) French,) LINEN, HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for FD GLOVES, (warranted,) PAPER COLLARS 200 Yds. SPOOL L COTTON, (good) 5 POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c 25 KEN'S SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS 50 IdEN`S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at ' alf Cost GREAT BARGAINS! IN AI, L J XND B OF GOODS. Special Rates to Derchants d Dealers. MACRUM & CAELLSLIS, EMI EXCURSIONS (suiriviEß EXCURSIONS. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL & RAILROAD COMPANY have on sale at their °nice, Union Depot, Pittsfrgh, ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS, TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE NAY, Enabling parties to visit theie popular battling re sorts, and reurn home at a moderate cost. CAPE MA PASSENGERS can purchase Tickets to go and return by all Railroad, or they can arrange to take Steamer In either direction, betwee Phila delphia and Cape May. EXCURSION TICKETS are•also for gale at the above De pot to NIAOARA FALLS, TILE OIL RE GJONS. GETTYSKURO, and numerous points in Pennsylvania and :New York. Sir PAMPHLETS, containing full descnptiona of the various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be had on application at the Tioket Office, in the Union Depot. • W. H. BECH:WITH, ivl:6S3 CRACKER BAKERIES. SHE.PRALRIPS • STEAM CRACKER BAKERY , 31'! Liberty Street. Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT TOM', and are superior to any baked by hot air or any other prooess. air TRY THEM. ::m ~---.1 ", r 1 - ,..:, .... '' ; i- , . t 'lt.. . ,!,:. • ,1 ,- .:, :,..; ~ ,v, -. ,- • —h, A x-, w,.. ~,,,,`,. • .. '* N . .. '4V..1 .I:' -. '::'?•,.,:‘ .16' Ate -..',..Y, . •4! , - , .:,...- i ., ~ ~ ,z , „ ~.-....M.-• .. ... . ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS I OFFERED IN THIS CITY. . WINE, ROSTON, ESOD 4 k, , CREAM . FRENCH, 11 , 1 1TE s & 14811E d R ii nith a , n6I I 4ODA CRACK- For - Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. RS:I'3R FERTILIZERS TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUEEKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUPER-PHOSPILA.TEII LUX, biANUFACUTIRED - _ The Allegheny Fertilizer Ca SEWARD C CAMPBELL, • PROPRIETORS. Ogee, 856. Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. The bestEertiliser in use, and reoognlzed Farmers who have given it a trial, to be the stand ard for raising large crepe of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Pota toes, ac. We have published for grate .ltons circulation a pamphlet containing interesting And valuable statements of this Fertilizer, coPlea ,ol which will be sent free to any Bending us their ad drew ICE! ICE! ICE! Imo[. KREBS, Ice Dealer, No. 65 DLAIKOND ALLEY. rittaburgh crders left here or at Hand Street Bridge will re ceive prompt attention. Wagons runaing in Pitts burgh and Allegheny. apitoa dr, D OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS ! CARPETS! MANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer an kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season.Villg made an our contracts previous to any ad- vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lower than they can be. pur chased this Fall. McCALLUM BROS., kNOTWITHSTANDING THE kanufacturers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of . Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain . Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached thirea son. hilt received, a few piebes t of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CO., SITMMER_ STOCK 1.00 .It/l A. TT I NGS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &e. BOVARD s ROSE & CO., 19 FIFTH STREET. jeM:d.twF 71 'A,. I ZIT ES, TICKET A(i ENT ICE. PETS AN 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPETS. No. 23 Fifth Street. CARP,E.TS I White, Bed, Checked, striped and-Fancy 4 IN GREAT VARIETY. 21 FIFTIL STREET. NEW CAT{PETS, CORNICES WINDOW SHADES, WELL SEA.SORED FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. THE low GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. MGFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next Building to 11. S. Custom I3ouaa 1S Post ULsoa auSrrrstT srEAN. CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT, Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities has Droved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: Ist—Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid ed. Ad-No necessary. or their l arvae, aetn?ltirMlllll7ft'Ortrret". good as new, save the 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again a dealrable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE. • - No. 179 Liberty Street" Or addressed to F. 0. Box 473, win receive prompt attention? - • GEO. L. MoCIADITML nahlfn PROPRIETOR. DYER AND SCOURER, • EL J. .LAIKE, DYER AND SCOURER. SP. cxL AIR STREET% And sos. 135 and 137 Third Streets 'YITTSBITHEIZ, PA.. myieljal iil3