The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 20, 1868, Image 1

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Democratic Policy in
Texas and Virginia=ilepOrt of
a Treasury Agent—Commis
sioner Rollins—Appointment
of Supervisors—Gen. Rawlings
.Convalescent The Mexican
. Question.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19, 1868.
• A letter t just received from the chairman
of the committee of five appointed by the
Mississippi Constitutional Convention says
There is evidently a strong disposition on
the part of the Democratic party in the South
to make an issue on the question of the
right, in Mississippi and other excluded
States, to vote in the approaching election..
If the least encouragement is given by the
President in that direction, they will un
doubtedly hold au election, and it is feared
the bill passed by Congress is not sufficiently
explicit in all its 'eatures. He says the Re
publicans are anxiously expecting a re
assembling of Congress in September, as
their very existence as a party and as indi
viduals depends upon some prompt and
decisive measure for their relief. The pro
ceedings of a Democratic Executive Com
mittee of that State, at a recent meeting
held in, the Senate Chamber at Jackson,
included a resolution to proceed at once
to nominate candidates for electors. which
was rejected and the following adopted in
its stead: -
• ‘Resoived, That this committee deem it
inexpedient at this time to nominate an
electoral ticket for the State, but will defer
a further consideration of that subject to
•an adjourned meeting of this bodY to be
hold in this chamber on Thursdan.the 2.2 d
day of September next.
"Resolved, That in the opinion of this
Committee the act of Congress above re
ferred to, excluding the State of Mississippi
from her right to vote in the Presidential
election, is in contravention of the Consti
tution of the United States and the rights of
the States thereunder."
Other resolutions were adopted - declaring
that the expulsion of Gov. Humphreys
from the Executive 'Mansion by the mili
tary forces under General Grant to be with
out the authority of the law, and appointing
a committee to correspond with General .
Grant and the President on the subject: -
- .that representative men of Southern Dem
ocratic sentimentle requested to represent
the South on the &them linstings in the
present canvass, and that "a committee of
correspondence he appointed to bring this
subject to the attention of the Democratic
Committee and leading members of the'
party North.- A. committee was also ap
,-pointed to prepare an address to the De
mocracy of the Northern States.
A Treasury agent who has just riturnea
from France has made ; a report of his ob
servations in the management of the
French popular loans to Secretary McCul
loch. Re rinds these loans have beep suc
cessfully negotiated without any of the
-watering our debt has had to sustain; witex
•out the aid of brokers, and without the
Dense of one per cent. commission, which,
in the case of our debt, has enriched Messrs.
. Jay Cooke k Co., the Treasury agents, and
officers here, and hundreds of others. All
this is explained by a note from the Dae
' . or, who says that he was for ten years en
gag ged in dismissing and punishing corrupt
'Treasury; officials. Twenty years would
- not rid us of corruption in the Department.
From informationwhich has reached
here from Virginia and Texas it is believed
that the. Democrats of these States are pur
suing the same policy with those in Mis
aissippi, (*waiting until after the Septem
ber session of Congress before putting their
electoral tickets in the field. The full de
velopment the plan contemplated in
', • South Carolina and other States where the
\ Democrats de not expect to be able to over
comel the Radical majorities, of holding a
(separate eleetion for white voters under the
Johneon Provisional GOVerDthents, is also
believed to be held in - abeyance until the
last of September for like reasons.
According to the testimony of numerous'
Democrats here, the Preshipt , has deter
mined to reinove Commissioner Rollins
and prefer charges against im; but it
will is
now thought this purpose, i h f formed,
•• ' not be executed until after the question of
a September session of Congress is settled.
The Washington Fire Department has
been eorganized by the Fire Commission
ers, and is now composed of white, men,
the blacks, who were employed on the
coming in of the present city adnunistra
.tion, haying been dismissed.
General Rawlings. who bat' a severe at
tack of hemorrhage two or threo days
ago, bas recovered sufficiently to be out,
and was at the Army ileadquarters for a
short time this morning.
The apPointment of Supervisors is still
pending, none having been made. Com
missioner Rollins intends sending over
nominations for the remaining districts
Among the visitors at the White House
thish morning were Generals. Hancock and
• Rossean, both having interews with the
- President; .
The work of removing the office of the
Agricultural Department to the new build
ing in South Washington se progressing
quite rapidly. The library and
by next
have already been reoved, and
" week the Commissioner and most of the
.officers of the Department will have become
located in the new quarters.
BRUM% that our Government content
'plates a Protectorate over Mexico are pro
nounced in responsible quarters to be with
' suedodao The policy Twillpu toWards that republio be eon
Chief Justice Chase has returned to Wash .
ington from Parkersburg. ,
Bac Ball Match.
(Sy Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LOUISVILLE, AUVIBt 19.—A * s e b a il
match was played this afternoon at Oadar
Bill Park, between the liiiidn Club, of
Morisiana, N. Y., and the Louisville Club,
of this city, resulting in an easy victory
[By Telegraph to therltt6burgh Gazette.)
NEW Vont:, Aug. 19.--The ocean sweep-
Stakes Of the yacht squadron at New Bed
ford, for $40,000, was sailed yesterday, but
owing to the condition that the race should
,be made in five hours, it was declared off.
The Palmer came home first, but not until
long aftbr the prescribed time. The epurse
was foie miles long, as sailed, with the ne
cessary tacking. The squadron will proba
bly disband to-day.
Early yesterday morning officer Critten
den was assaulted by a gang of rowdies at
the corner of Prince and Mercer streets,
and on his being reinforced_a sharp
. fight
ensued. The policemen drove off their .op
ponents, who were led by three members
of the Allen family into the St. Bernard
House, where they opened out upon the
officers with revolvers. Some three or
four shots were tired between the parties,
but no one is known Jo have been serious
ly injured. Wesley Allen and Win. Scott.
two of the assailants, were carried off to
the station house, and were released on bail
durhig the day. Allen took a solemn oath
before leaving the court that he would kill
The Supreme Court yesterday issued -an
attachment against all the members of the
Bard of Councilmen requiring the Sheriff
to o arrest them and bring them before the
Court this morning for contempt in not
obeying the mandantits;directing that Ivans,
Perley, O'Brien, Lamb and tlenrich be
admitted to seats as members of the Board-
NEW YORK, August i9.—Several brick
layers have been arrested by the master
masons in order to test the law against
A meeting of master employers was held
yesterday, haVing for its object an eXpres
siOn of sympathy - and a desire to co-operate
with the master masons in the contest with
their former employers. Very little was
The trotting horse "Red Rover" won the
sweepstakes for which five horses were en
tered, on the Fashion Course, Long Island,
yestet day. Three straight heats were
trotted in 2:57 1 4, 2:51;4 and 2:49t4.
The steamer Narragansett, of the Stoning
ton line, sunk, a canal boat in Hell Gate
this morning. Four persons were aboard
and- it is not known whether they were
Twenty-five experts, of Canada, in the
game of "Lacrosse" are expected here front
Montreal next. Week to play exhibition'
Mr. Tenho in pel, connected with the Stoats
/Ic:Jung, has mysteriously disappeared:
Foul play is feared.
The Board of Health officers to-day re
ceived infortivition that four head of dis
eased cattle arrived in the, neighborhood of
the city, only one of which has yet reached
New - York. Measures were immediately
taken to quarantine the infected cattle.
Judge, B. W. Bonney; of the Supreme
Court, died to-day, aged sixty-six.
The—funeral of Mrs. Vanderbilt was
largely .attended to-day. A number of
distinguished citizens, includin ilOrae,o
Greeley, officiated as pall bearers.g
Gale on the Lake—The Diocese - of, West d
ern Nevr York—Alleged Heavy Frau
on the Government.
lßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.i
BUFFALO, August 19.—The schooner
Mount Blanc of Detroit, with a cargo of
grain from Chicago, entering the harbor
during a heavy gale. wont ashore on the
Breakwater at one o'clock this morning..
The schooner is thumping heavily but will
be got off without much damage. Several
collisions occurred on the Lake during the
gale. .1
The 31st Anneal Convention of the Dio
cese of Western New York:*as opened in
St. Paul's church this morning, Bishop
Cox presiding. There were ono hundred
1 and thirty-four clergymen present.
The community were startled this after
noon by she publication of an alleged fraud
c-n the Government of a quarter of
lion of dollars by a publishing house in
this — city. The matter has been ru
mored for a week past, and strenu
ous efforts were made to conceal
the facts. It is alleged that Messrv. Thom
as, Howard k Johnson, w holesale a
dealers, publishers, dm., held
tract to furnish printed blanks, en
velopes, dm., to the Postoffice Depart
ment, and through collusion with
A. F. Lee, late chief clerk of the
Postoffice, have obtained receipts for a
quarter of a million for goods furnished.
Calven F. S. Thomas and James M. John
son, of Thomas, Howard dr, Johnson, and
A. F. Lee have been arrested and held to
bail in the sum of $lO,OOO each. A civil
snit has also been commenced.
(By Telegeanh to the Pittsburgh Ossette.i
FHILADELPIIIA, August 19.—Thaddens
Stevens' will has been admitted to probate.
It is an autograph document, and contains
the following bequests: To Juvenile Library
Association, of Caledonia County Academy,
at Peacherri. "Vt., S 1.000; to Trustees of
grave yard in same town, the , burial place
of his parents, $500; various sums given as
legacies to housekeeper and relatives, and
of the residue of his estate. anaountin be g
to about $50,000, $20,000 is to
expended by. his Trustees in et eating in
Lancaster, conditionally; of in ° Columbia,
a suitable bui ding for an Orphan Asylum
for Indigent Orphans, without distinction
of race or Color. Thdi will Is dated July
30th, 180, and names 0. J. Dickey and
Edward McPherson Executors and Trus
toes. •
A codicil gives the Baptist Brethren
;LOOS, conditionally, and til,ooo_to Pennsyl
vania College at Gettysburg.
The Chinese Embassy.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.:
SPRINGFIELD, MASH., Aug. 19.—The Chi
nese Embassy arrived here from Albany? at '2.
A. a. and proceeded,after a brief stay,to Wor
cester, where they spend the night. They
were met here by k Committee of the Bos
ton City Council and sixteen Chinese atten
dants from New York. The Embassy
leave _Worcester for Boston to-morrow
WOROESTHIT, Mass., August 19.—The Chi
nese Embassy arrived here on the after
noon express train from Albany and wore
met at the depot by a Committee from the
Boston City Councils and an immense
crowd of people. Tho party wore trans
ferred to the Bay State Flotef in carriages,
followed through the entire route by a groat
c rowd of spectators. The compliments of
Gov. Bullock were tendered through Cols.
Washburn° and Bullock, of his staff.
Double Team Trotting Match.
cwi Telegraph to the - Pittliburgh Gazette.l
Bob-r 01.7, August 19.—The double team
trotting race at Riverside Park Fair this
afternownwas woHne byy BAen. .
HFrall n , winning
the last three of the four heats. The sec
ond heat was trotted In ;11V„ the best
time ever made over, a half Mile track.
FOUR o , c - x.ocn. A. M.
Crisis in the Spanish Govern
ment—Apprehensions of a Big
' ing in Bulgaria Against Turk
Rule—Change of Ministers
it France—Demonstration in
l'avo• of Peace at Marseilles —
Cotton Crop in India—Advices
from China. 1
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
LONDON, Auglist 19.—Bispatches from
Madrid state that a crisis has taken place
in the Spanish Government. The Minister
of War has withdrawn from the'Cabinet
and the Captain Generals of Madrid and
Barcelona have resigned.
PVIIIS, August 19.—The Marquis De
Bonneville; the present French Minister to
Switzerland, has been appointed Ambassa
dor to. Rome, to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the appointment of Count Do Sartiges
to a seat in the Senate. M. Gonnonero has
been appointed Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of France to Bel
gium, in place of Count :De Conaninques
Guitland, recalled.
The Corps Legislatif will reassemble in
The remaining supplementary elections
for members of the Corps Legislatif have
been postponed until next year.
At a review of the troops at Marseilles,
yesterday, which attracted an immense ,
mass of citizens, a popular demonstration
was made ih favor of peace. Loud cries
were rsised for peace and against war. The
crowd was orderly and there was no inter
ference on the part of the police: •
VtENNA.,_August 19.—A.pprehensions are
entertained that the recent attempt at ris
mg against Turkish authority in Bulgaria
will be renewed. Accounts from that quar
ter represent that the country remains in
an unsettled condition, 'and though insur
rectionary bands have disappeared, or been
dispersed, the indications are ,that secret
preparations of a forMidable chagaeter are
being made for a more extensive outbreak.
The attention of the Austrian Govern
meat has been called to this threatening .
strait bY the unusuai demand fur fire arms
from the other side of the Danune, and an
order has been issued prohibiting the ex
portation of-arms or ammunition from Aus
trian territory into Danubian principalities.
czLotgriolr, Auzust 10.—Crop reports from
Calcutta to the, 23d of July have been re
ceived. They state that cotton in the
-Northwestern district of India has suffered
from heavy rains and the yield in that part
of the country will fall below the estimates
of planters.
Advices from Hong Kong Jo July 10th
have reached England via Calcutta. At
Hong Kong a commission appointed to con
sider the subject reported against the grant
ing by the Colonial Government of licenses
for gambling. To this the Governor of
Hong Kong made a hostile reply, which
gave great offence to merchants of the
Colony. 1
Lownoss, August 19, 5 r. m.=-Consols
closed at 93% for money; 94 for: account.•
5-20's at 71%. Erie at 31!...1. Illinois Cen
tral at 91. Atlantic and. Great Western
Bonds at 39.
.LIVERPOOL, August 19, 5 P. at.—Cotton
closed easier and at a decline of , li/d.; Mid
ling . Uplands at 10%; Midling O B rlearni fi
ling Uplands
sales to'-day amount to 10,000 bales.
Breadstuffs closed generally unchanged.
Flour has a declinin but is un
changed- Prwilsiong
s tendency
are without further
change. Rosin has advanced 3d, and at
the close common N. ,C., was quoted at
LoNnoN, August 19—Evening.—Clover
seed declined to 52.4 per cwt. for American:
rod. Sugar declined to 35s 6d per cwt for
No 12 Dutch standard. Petroleum Spirits
declined to Mid per gallon. .
ANTWERP, August 19—Flucning.—Petro
leum declined to 52 francs for standard
_ _ o ___ •
, National Life Insurance Chamber,
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
Snavroon, N. Y., August 19.—The Na
tional Chamber of Life Insurance held itt
quarterly session , at Congress Ball
to-day. Letters were read from St.
Louis asking for a copy of forms
of local organizations; also from the
Irwin Germania Life Insurance Com
pany asking the Chamber to indemnify
it against expenses of suit to test the valid
ity of certain laws. ; The Pennsylvania Na
tional Capital and Metropolitan Companies
' of New York wore admitted, but not rop
resented. 1
Rules and regulations of the Corninittoo
appointed at last meeting regarding, Acta.
arial Board were passed as follows:
First—Every company in the Chamber
shall report its condition to the Actuarial
Board annually on the first day of Janu
ary or within sixty days thereafter, in such,
forms as are.required by the third section
of the second article of the Constitution of
said Ihiltrd. • ,
d'econd—The valuation of every company's
business shall be in not, except whore
premiums receivable are below net sales,
when such valuation shall be in gross.
Third—The rate of interest • and table of
-mortality shall be those established by the
Chamber Committee.
It was resolved that every Company now
a 'Member, or likely to ,beeome a men;iber,
be required to Sign' , the Constitutioti by
their President 'or Secr y
and J.etar,
Stanberry, D. P. 'Felker Edie were
appointi3d a Committee to carry the resolu
tion into effect. The Chamber then ad
journed to meet in Now York IleittlioVOLll
N a ti o nal Teachers' Association.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (Indus.'
NASHVILLE, Aug. 19.—The meeting of
the Teachers' National' Association to-day
was deeply interesting. An address of
woiconie was made by lion. Neill B. Brown,
of this city, and responded to by Hon. J.
M. Gregory, President of the Association.
A report on the study 'of Classics in Col
leges was read by President Andrews, of
Marietta, Ohio, and to-night lir. Gregory
made an entertaining oration on the sub
ject or Education.
Much interest is manifested in the meet
ing by the citizens.
Serious Disturban+—The Pollee Attacked
' •By Negroestrire-Arms Used.
(By Telegraph to the ilttsburgh Gazette.]
ATLANTA, August 19.—The Republican
Mobration yesterday closed with a torch
light procession. ' Between ten and eleven
o'clock in the evenings drunken and iniru
ly negro was arre r 4ted by two policemen in
front of the National Hotel. The police
were proceeding to the guard-house
when . a mob of negroes pursued and
attempted a roue. The olice resisted
and the negroecollected, and using clubs
the police were ) nocked down and the pris
oner escaped. t this time some person in
the mob gave the word to ''fire," and the ne
groes did so, wounding a policeman. The
,tire was returned by the police, the dischar •
ges ibllowing in rapid succession. One negro
was killed and two wounded, when the ne
groes fled. But they rallied again near the
guard-house, and again moved forward to'
attack the police. By this time the whole
police force and a largo number of citizens
were on the ground prepared for the conflict.
When the negroes saw the determination to
protect the lawful authorities, they rapidly
dispersed. At one time apprehensions of a
riot were quite serious.
Gen. 0. 0. Howard, Commissioner of the
Freedmen's Bureau, left here last night for
Democratic Congressional Nominations—
. Damage to a nearing by Fire.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
ST. Louis, August 19.—The Democrats
held Congressional Conventions through
out the State to -day, except in the Second
District. In the Fourth District J.P.
was nominated for the regular term, ft , .d
Judge J. P. Ross for the vacanay caused by
the resignation of Col. M'Clurg. In the Fifth
District no report has been received, but
all the county delegations were instructed
for Judge Wadill. In the Sixth District
General James Shields was nominated. In
the Seventh District !lon. M. Oliver was
nominated. In the Eighth District John
P. Williams was nominated. In the Ninth
District W. F. Switzler was nominated.
The -Third District has not been heard from.
The flouring mill of Smicker Stuever..
Eighth street, was partially destroyed by
fire to-day and a lar g e lot of flour, wheat,
tte., badly damaged. Loss about itIti0,000;
fully insured in St. Louis offices.
Pruccedimzs of. the Legislature.
Krri.ll to
C/LA 111411,T0N, C.. August the
Legislature, to-day, resolutions were intro
duced providing.that hereafter all incorpo
rated towns shall make no discrimination
as to race 'or color in the appointment of
An attempt was made to turn 2,111 the
schools •in the State over to the Negro
School Committee.• 'rho subject was refer
i-ed to a 7,emaiittee.
A bill passed the House repudiating for
eign claims against the-Bank of the State
represented by Baring Brothers, anti au
thorizing the Governor tai take possession
of the assets. The - currency of the bank is
to be redeemed by bonds. --
The members are not yet paid, no means
having been raised, and great dissatisfac
tion exists.
Large Default In an Iron Establishment.
tity'relegraph to the rittshurgh Ortzette.l
PuTLAmitrut,A. August 'l9.—lt was re
ported this afternoon that Mr. Cabot,
connected with an iron establishment in
this city, will prove defaulter to the
amount of $60,000 to *200,000. It appears
• that a statement of the workings of the
comp i any had been ordered to be made at
a meeting for that purpose on Monday
night, but owing to the absence of Mr.
Cabot it Wasprevented. The books of the
establishment w ere then examined when
the defanlt was discovered.
- -
ew Hampshire Horse Fair. •
(Ry:Telegranh to the Elt4burgh Gazette.)
MANCHESTER, August 19.—At the horse
fair to-day the racing match was won by
Pegassus, who took the first• third and
fourth heats—time' 2:39, 2:38 and 2:40. The
second was a dead heat.
The trot for horses that never trotted in
side of 2:40 was won by White Stocking,
whe took the first,second and fourth heats.
Time-2:40, 2:4114 and 2:44%. Mountain
Girl won the third heat in 2:40. Attend
ance good.
Great W eking Match.
(Ry. Telegraph to the llttbburgh Gazette.]
TnoY, N. Y., Aug. 19.—Considerable ex
citement exists in relation to the walking
match between Weston and young Piyne,
the Albany, pedestrian, .which takes place
inßonssalaer park on Friday and Satur
day. The Park offers a mine of $l,OOO to
the one who first a& vided it moptisishes
done within
one hun
dred miles, pro
twenty-four hours.
The Cattle Disease in Canada.
lity Telegraph to the r Ittsburg. linzette. )
TORONTO, Anaust 19.—The Board of A
culture appointed a Gornmatee to examine
the cattle disease. The committee will
proceed to Illinois and make the necessary
nquiries. The disease has appeared at
Paris and Dundas, and is supposed to have
Jieen communicated by diseased cattle con
voyed over the Great Western Railway
from the Western States to New York.
University of Virginia Damaged by Fire.
By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.)
( ALEXANDRIA, VA., August 19.—A, special
dispatch to the Gazette says that the rotunda
of the University of Virgini and
a took fire
dentally to-day, and the building
library considerably damaged. A train
from Charlotteville took down some per
sons who put out the tire.. Loss not known.
New Orleans Market.
N . Nw Out:GANS, August 19.--Cotton quiet
and irregular, with diddling at 29a30e;
sales of eighteen bales; receipts of twe
"'sl nty
one bales. Sterling unchanged. ew
York Sight one-half premium. Gold 144 X.
Sugar and Molasses steady and unchanged.
Flour dull with superfine at $8,25, treble
extra at $9,50810,00, and choice at sllal4.
Corn dull and declined; sales at $1,05a.
1,10.:. Oats tilehanged. Hay; choice 528,50
on landing, took light. Bran $1,22a1,25.
Mess Pork steady. at $3l. Bacon steaoy,
with shedders at 14e, and clear sides' at
-18 e., Lard; tierce 19 1 4 4 e; keg 21Xe.
New York Cattle. Market. .
Nviv Yoßit ' Ang.-10The market for
beof cattle is dull and: heavy to-day; and
'prices are fully Me lower and even more
on the rammis Ip/015 1 1010c. Hogs steady
at 91/01014. Receipts; 2,538 head cattle
and about 3,000 head of hogs.
Elver and Weather.
Loutsvmuu, Auguht Ill.—River swelling
with four feet one Inoh In the canal•
Weather clear and warm.
ST. 1A)U18, August 19.—Weather clear
and warm.
[Correspondence Pittsburgh Uarette.)
WALT. STREET, 011.1)0 11 ,
August 18, 1353.
One who had, six years ago, toiled through
the mud and ooze of the oil valley, been
jostled by the crowding trains of greasy
wagons, forded "the creek," then full of
barges, drawn up by ragged looking teams
of half-starved horses, to be floated down
on the next pond fresh, and thils formed his
ideas of oildom, would be lest here now.
For the teams and their swagging drivers
have disappeared, the barges are ashes, and
pond freshets a tradition.
So much. have railroads and pipe compa
nies changed the scene. Pipe companies?
Yes. But these pipes are neither in the
tobacco or smoke- way; but, buried in tne
ground, they connect reservoirs at the
wells with- others at the railroads, and si-.
lently flowing, or urged-by a modest look
ing steam pump, thousands of barrels. of
oil travel miles hourly, unseen, to their
train. -
Now one can leave Pittsburgh in the
evening, and through a pleasant rest in the
new sleeping ears of the Allegheny Valley
Railroad, come at daylight to Oil City, mak
ing connection with the Oil Creek and A: V.
Railroad, and so breakfast in Titusville;
or, if leisurely disposed, one can stop at the
well-appointed Duncan House, overlooking
the cast-side depot and business houses of
Oil City, and come to Titusville for dinner.
The four train loads of passengers which
daily reach Titusville, seeking relief from
their raging (oil) fever, have choice of
some thirty coaches in which to make the
pleasant trip to this place; six miles of line
plank road, whose only drawback is the
finely pulverized dust of the hundreds of
teams lining the route.
Here the play of "Pitholli City" is being
daily re-enacted amid great furore, with
the - role
. of Fithole omitted. In fact, Pit
hole itself is being bodily transported
hither, hotels and all. A score of fine stores
have sprung into existence, with large and
varied stocks, and the streets are thronged
by eager oil men.
Many well known Pittsburghers are here,
and very successful they seem to be. Some
thirty wells, ranging from twenty-five to
one hundred and fifty barrels daily, have
been struck here. without a single failure.
This last is so lintisually attractive a pecu
liarity of this territory, that leases com
mand one half royalty, and handsome
bonuses are frequent, while more than two
huedred wells are going down in the im
mediate vicinity. As they all strike oil below the third sand rock, at about
eight hundred and fifty feet, the probabili
ty is conceded that they all tap the same
reservoir; in which case it becomes an in
tercstiwz. problem as to how long the de
posit will last, probably not more than a
year or two.
This oil is delivered by/pipe in Titusville,
whence it is shipped east, west and north
py rail, Titusville being eonnected with the
western market by the A. (tr. G. W. R. R.,
northern by the Cut Off and Lake Shore
and eastward or Philadelphia and Now
York by the very deservedly and popular
Philadelphia and Erie railroad, which
forms the best route to oildom from most
eastern points, as 1 1 found by experiment
in a recent eastern trip. -
Southward from Oildom the connection is
broken for leak of a bridge at Oil City, so
that Pittsburgh after all lacks oil freight
connection witix.this rich territory—her
natural p?ovince—and there is not even a
pipe from these rich districts to Venango
City, the terminus of the Allegheny Va l
Railroad, though the cost" of such con
nection would, be repaid by the increased
oil trade in a Single month, to-say nothing
of the expansion of the manufactur
ing trade of Pittsburgh, which; by reciproc
ity of Commerce' would surely follow.
Let the Pittsburgh oil men investigate
the grave charge here made of neglect, apd
'when found make a note on't."
Always yours,
—Dr. Bellows has arrived in New York
from Europe.
—George U. Pendleton was in Boston yes
terday on his way to Maine.
—The steamer Denmark, from Liverpool,
arrived at New York yesterday.
—Eleven of "All England Cricketers"
will play the Philadelphia Clubs next
-The Democracy of the First District
of Missouri, have nominated Erastus Wells
for Congress.
—The steamer Berlin, from Bremen, ar
rived at Baltimore yesterday with five hun
dred emigrants.
—The Democracy of Alabama met at
Montgomery, yesterday, and resolved to
select an electoral ticket.
—The corner atone of a new German Re
formed Church at Port Jervis, N. Y., was
laid on Thursday with appropriate ceremce
—ln New York general trade is begin
ning to show signs of life, and the regular
fall business is expected to open in about
ten days.
—The Republicans of the 10th "Ohio dis
trict, in convention at Napoleon,* yesterday
renominated J. M. Ashley for election to
Congress by acclamation.
—o'B:tide:in, the Irish giant, hm: chal
lenged the English champion prick:Tighter,
Joe Wambold, to a combat for a purse of
tilo,ooo. The latter has just arrived in New
—Felix Merino - , a native of Madrid, and
for any years Professor of Languages at
the Pennsylvania Institute, and Consul at
Philadelphia for the Mexican Republic,
died on Tuesday.
—lt has been officially decided that the
cattle disease is deadly; that it is the result
of hard driving for long distances; that it is
not contagious, and that it, is rapidly de
creasing at Now York.
—Captain Dennis was found in the Cho
wan river, Virginia, Thursday last, with
bis throat cut a nd his vessel in a neighbor
ing creek. Re had been robbed of one
thousand dollars and murdered.
—The office, effects, cars, engines, 6a; of
the Washington, Alexandria and George
town Railroad Company have been taken
possession of by a Receiver, under order
of the Circuit Court at Alexandria, Va.
—James Keating,
Lawrence Tobin are in custody, being the
John Carrigan and
principals in the murderous assault on poi
Jackman Carnac and other officers, in Pbila
dolphin, last night. Camas is in a critical
condition. ,
—An insane offAniel MoLangblin,
residing near Pomerbyti West Virginia, a
day or two since cro!sit 0, the Potomac from
his father's residetide 4, the—farm of Mrs.
Myersind there beit_lodeath with a fenc.e
rail an old man narelpilt crassly N. Rector.
—Thrpugh the effortl•of Gov. hamber
lain, $127,000 of the reinaining unsettled
elalms of the state of Niaine against tho
government have' been allowed. These
claims were rejected at the previous set
tlement, and on re-examination have been
Leetsdale Camp Meeting.
This beautiful grove is in the neighbor
hood of Sewickley, about one and a half •
miles from Leetsdale Station. It is located
on an elevated plateau of ground, and very -
well shaded. Its proximity to the cos,
town of Sewickley, one of the delightful
places which lie near our city, has - helped
to secell the tide of humanity ( which have
been attracted to the 'tented grove." His
surprising how much order and comfort is •
secured in a short time at these places. So
great is the transformation that persons are
unable to realize the fact at first sight.
The strict discipline enforced,- and order
and system adopted, is thesecret of the auc- .
cess attained in harmonizing so many ele
ments existing at these gatherings. • .
The Camp Meeting commenced on Mon
day, the 12th, and the first public service
was held that evening. Public services,
'principally in hearing sermons, have beerh
conducted day and night from that time
until last evening; usually four daily er
vices were held. Nearly two score of min
isters have been presentat the different
stages of the meeting. The following min
isters have preached: Rev. Dr. J. Williams, "
Presiding Elder of the district; Rev. J.-
Horner, Sewickley; Rey. J. M. Swan;Free
doin; Rev. J. W. Baker, Allegheny; Rev-
E. B. Snyder, Allegheny; Rev. W. B. Wat
kins, Presiding Elder of Steubenville dis
trict; Rev. J. R. Mills, New Brighton; Rev.
W. H. Locke, Pittsburgh; ReV. Z. S. Wel
ler, of Missouri; Rey. SAM. Hickman, Alle
gheny; Rev. J. J. Mcllyar, Rev. R. Hamil
ton, Tarentuure Rev. S. Bnrt, Pittsburgh;
Rev. J. M. Carr, New Philadelphia, Ohio;
son, Allegheny
Paine, Freedom; Rev. W. John
son, Allegheny circuit; Rev. James Hollings
head, Beaver;!and Rev. S. Y. Kennedy,
The following ministers 'were present,
part of whom may preach before the meet
ing ; closes, if; it is necessary : Rev. Dr.
Nesbit, of Pittsburgh Christian Advocate;
Rev. A. L. Petty, P. E. of West Pittsburgh.
District; Rev. N. P. Kerr, Pine Creek; Rev.
D. Hartman, of Baltimore; Rev. J. Mc-
Coshin Rev. W. Darby, Rev. J. Webster,
Rev. W. Smith, Sharpsburg; Rev. R. Mor
row, Bridgwater; Rev. K. Miller, Beaver,
and Rev. B. F. Sawhill, Bridgewater. and
There are between fifty and sixty tents, .
as follows: sixteen from Sewickley. nine
from Manchester, eleven from New Brigh
ton, four from Freedom, four from Alleghe
ny, and four from other points. His esti
' mated that from seventy to eighty persons
professed to be converted. It is believed
several thousand -people were present on
Sabbath. Good order prevailed generally.
The nicotine . clOses this morning. Great
good has been accomplished. It is likely
that a grove will be bought at a little point
below Economy to accommodate the grow
ing belief in camp meetings.
The Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr: J. Wil
liams, is entitled to much credit for the ex
cellent manner in which he conducted the
meeting. The Doctor is a man of 4reat
physical endurance as- well as of Eintal
power. He is a fine theologian and of ex
cellent pulpit' parts. During these meet
ings he labored incessantly day and night.
Rev. J. Horner, pastor of theM. E. Church,
Sewickley, aided largely in starting the
meeting and during its continuance, and is
entitled to credit.
Quite a number of gentlemen well known
in business and professional circles were'!
constantly in attendance, and in "labors
abundant," among whom we noticed John'
F. Bravo, Esq., and J. W. F. White, Esck.,
both well and favorably known in this
county, and. also, D, N. White, Esq./ of
Sewickley, Mr. Benny, of Pratt et Benny,
Allegheny. Mr. Johnston, of Sewickley,
Col. J. P. tKramer, of the First National -
Bnnokw n o bf
oa A t l lbeuhedney,
at M Freedom the
excellent son, of the same place.
- The grand finale comes off to-day. The
meeting winds up under the most favorable
circumstances, and it is believed much
good has been done.
• Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were filed of record •
before H. Snively, Rig., Itecorder, August.
19th, 1868:
. •
Richard J. McCaffrey to Robert Fain. August lg.
1568: lot in Second ward, Allegheny City, Federal
lane. 24 by 108 feet ' g' o )
W. J, Means to Lottie Bengough, February 19. 1658;
two lots on Federal lane, 40 by 191 feet., and six
lots 120 by 169 feet, and also three other lots 96 by'
103 * ft et 40.&30
W. A. 41,s,,y1tiatttFiliza, R, Newell, August 19, 16 68 :
lot In Second ward, Allefflieny. Webster street, 60
by 2,5 .eetust 1, *2-00 01868;
Wm. Linton to Albert Oelsrmsn; Aug
lot In ssme ward. Jefferson street, Tby 64 feet.lll7s
Wm. J. Anderson to Joseph S. Finch A Co.. August
9, 1868; lot in-South Pittsburgh, Chestnut street.. .
180 by 1811 f feet VS.OX,
Heirs of Joseph Allen to Arntis B. Frisbee, Novem
ber 2, 1867; t Ight lots in Lower St. Clair township
• 4,200
CRY of Allegheny to Thomas Ballenttne. October 1.
• 1807; three lots in Slimier township, (Ross farm)
Thomas Ballenilne to D. Leech. August 1, 1868; lot
east side Sandusky street, Allegheny. 20 by 90 feet.
• 111.700
W. C. Dunn to Mary E. Meek. August 17, 1868: live
lots In Sewickley township . .. ~ .. .. ..... .. 16, 6 1fi
Catharine Linder to James W Maeltrell, Januar/
12: 1868; lot in old Ninth ward, Smallman street. t
by 120 feet ....... .... 760
There were ten mortgages left for record the same
• Summer Resort Beauties.
The Altoona Vindicator hits the following
hard slap at the young ladies stopping 'at
Cresson: Newspaper correspondents at
seaside and mountain resorts and
e 'giro
wild about "sylph like forms,
nificent nymphs," and although corres
pondeutsiare as a general thing to be cred
-1 ited—or at least succeed in getting credit
with the• landlo ds—we do not place much
credence in their stories. We visited Cres
son the other day and must confess that all
the "angels" -NO saw were artificially
painted ones„and as to "sylph like forms"
there appeared to be a scarcity of the com
modity. They are mat re compared with
the mountain girls whoide in the vicin
ity, and doubtless many of the city ladies
would sacrifice all their wealth to be able to
boast of the iIICK3 complexion and robust
forms of our mountain maidens. .
While heartily endorsing, we omit the
writer's closing paragrap
A Leap in the Dark.
ar. Thomas Neville, from Morris, Grun
dy county, Illinois, was riding in a coal
train on the Pan Handle Railroad, which
arrived in the city late on Tuesday night.
The train stopped for a short btime onand the
south end of the Monongahela ridge,
Neville, thinking it was on the ground level,
jumped off and fell through the trestle
work to the ground' below. He lay until
some workmen found him. esterday morn
trig_and conveyed of
to the hospital. Dr.
.1. H. M'Clelland, of the Surgical Staff, was
sent for; and found the patient suffering
from internal injuries of the chest. The
mania been spitting considerable blood.
and the breathing WO quite labored. The
back was bruised and painful, but no bones
were broken. It is thought he will secover.
—At Philadelphia Tuesday evening, on
the Walnut street wharf, a party of roughs
assaulted a Gallia% and an ofdcsr who
went his assistance was most lintn er6 "
fully beaten, stabbed in the stornich and
his nose bitten off. The officer .was not.
expected to survive. His askillanta wk.!.