D c Rittobittgt Gayitt. Last Moments of Thaddeus 'Stevens. About nine o'clock two colored clergy -men, the Rev. Mr. Hall and the Rev. Mr. Reed, both of the Israel Methodist Church, arrived, and requested permission to see Mr. Stevens and pray with him. It is a curious coincidence one of them stood by the bedside of John Quincy Adams, and prayed with him in his last illness. Mr. Stevens was asked whether they shduldr.be admitted. He replied (and these were prob ably the last connected words that he utter , ed): "Certainly, certainly." They entered the room. He turned on his side and reach- ed his hand to one of them. A hymn was sung and a few prayers were offered ; after which they departed, at about 8 o'clock. At about 9 o'clock Dr. Young again called, and bad a brief interview with his patient. The M Doctor pronounced him dying, and so told • him. r. Stevens looked at hirn and nodded his head. but made no reply. Dr, Young informed the household that his patient would in all probability die be fore morning. Sisters Loretta and Gene vieve, of Providence Hospital, entered the room at about 10 o'clock., It was now evi dent that death was not far distant. Mr. Stevens became weaker and weaker. The Sisters of Charity knelt by the bed and.be gan to pray. Mr. Stevens reached his hand .to'one twin and she held it several min utes. After they had finished praying, Mr. Stevens took more ice, and small pieces were put in his mouth once or twice after that. - Thaddeus Stevens. Jr.. Simon. Ste vens, Mrs. 'Smith, the Sisters of Charity, 31r.,4, Scott Patterson, of the Interior De partment, and the servants of the house, were in the room at the time. The Sisters of Charity had learned through some chan nel thit Mr- Stevens had never been bap tised, and requested his permission to per form the ceremony. He said that he had no objections, :and 'one of the sister's took a glass of, water, and pouring it on his ,head, pronounced the words "I baptize thee, Thaddeus Stevens,in the name'of the Father, and Of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen." _ Mr. Stevens expired precisely at twelve o'clock, about ten minutes after his baptism. He opened his eyes once or twice, and then eloßd 'them for ever. The persons above mentioned were the only ones present - at the death-scene. The Sisters of Charity imme diately began to recite the prayers for the dead, which were soon finished. Hin death was so quiet that thoie in the room, especiaLy the women, 'could not believe that he' was really dead ; but it was so. His features remain natural, and his face *ears the same eahn; earnest expression which was stamped on it in life. The intelligende was speedily telegraphed all over the country.— Wash. Cor. Y. Tribune. Bursting of a Glacier. A correspondent of the London papers gives the following account of a smgular occurrence at Chamounix, Savoy, on July, 23: "At ten minutes to five a dark cloud oveishadowed the valley of Chtunounix, a peal of thunder - was heard, and then a con tinuous roar that awakened every soul in the village, caused every ,eye tb strain itself in the direction of the Aiguille Blaitiere. At this moment no sign could be seen of the cause of so much commotion. Presently a puff of smoke, as it so appeared on the crest of the mountain rhat supports the Clacier des Pelerins. raised the cry that the glacier hid burst, bringing with it part of the ma-I rain that had kept it within bounds. "The peasants of the valley were rushing to and fro, driving the cattle into safe qua* ters, and then all eyes were watching one of the most glorious and overwhelming sights the visitors to Chamonnix could de: sire to see. My pen is too weak to describe the commotion this mighty avalanche cre ated, every moment adding fnelto its coarse, tossing up clouds of spray; bringing with it pine trees, huge boulders, rude bridges, and deserted chalets i until it reached the pretty Casoade dtiDard, when the noise was most deafening. The falling masses here, filling the gully and gaining'speed at every exer tion, left the course which the stream, usually takes, and tearing down ping trees opened an immense track and overflowed the meadows and gardens of the Hotel Royal, destroying whole fields of barley and potatoes, and, after spending its fury for twenty minutes on meadow and peasant land, this muddy mass formed itself into a large lake, which will remain some time to be regarded by tourists as an event which is very rare in the valley of the Cha mounix.'7 El Safeide of a Brilliant Frenchman. • (Prom the New Orleans Picayune.] Much interest is being manifested among the old residents in regard to the recent sal cige of •Mr. A. Caussaur. For more than twenty years he his been a resident of New Orleans, and during the most of that period has occupied a prominent place in society. Lately he bad fallen into evil courses and great poverty, but maintained his footing in good society. He was the son of a Colonel of Cuirassiers in the armies of Napoleon 1., and was born in the Island of Martinique, during a mission ofhis father to that colony, but he was raised in Yrance, and received an education of the highest order. -He has always been recognized as a man of culture and daring the latter part of his life was cor respondent of the 'Courier des Etats Units, from this city. He was at one time tinga ged in the labor of making sugar, and in granulating was regarded as the most skill ful man in the State. He was subsequently employed in the French Consul's office at the time of the seizure of the $BOO,OOO by Gen. Butler, belonging to. the Citizen's Bank, but in consequence of some transac tions growing out of that event he has lost his estate, and the favor of his friends was withdrawn. He sank into poverty, but somehew contrived always to be elegantly. dressed. The immediate cause of his death was the refusal of bis landlord to extend him further credit. A brilliant man of the world, he now fills a pauper's grave. • OP BONNETS, a foreign fashion in re inarks:—"Straw hats are greatly n vogue. 801110 are surrounded by a black 'lace scarf, and trimmed with a tuft of flowers and a drooping garland. Others, in black straw, are bound round the edges with satin of the same color; the crown being ornamented with a row 'of satin bobs right across it, end a large tuft_ of mingled :flowers and featlthrs. Plainer ones in English straw, ! with j narrow Wreath of flowers around the ; crow n, and a little floating tulle searf, are the -Usual accompaniment of morning cos tume. Bonnets have not - increased in size, though some slight. modifications in shape • have taken place.V Black lace is the general ground-work; a a large crimson or yellow rose, with a han ging garland on one side, the principal ornaments.. The lace strings are usually - fastened in front by a rose to match. The latest .styletlii the Okapeati Bourbeanficise, which is ttillied up in iront and behind so as to' . display' the lining of tbright-colored:sattiL IN a school _of..yofing ladies it rrauce they ;studied phikiology: The Professor was ex plaining the theory, according to which the. body isentrrely renewed every, six years ,"Thus, ltiademoiAF. lle " said he, ,address lag ajolly 'Monde with d'wlde ' awake' Moe, Nu six yeara you will be no,. longer Made- Inoiselle F." "I hope so," replied the un- Do P l ustiattgl,:citsting down he r eyes. A Vettei Prom Daidell_Wetistei:tollla Sem A correspondent of the Boston Travei/ei gives. extracts from a letter written by Daniel Webster to his son Edward, about the time. the latter commenced' his studies at Phillips' Exeter Academy, which school he himself at one time attended: WASHINGTON, June 23, 1834. MT DEAR B oN:—Fletcher wrote me from _Exeter the next day after your arrival, and informed me that you had been so fortunate as to be received at Col. Chadwick's, and was . commencing your studies. You are at a most important period of life, my dear son, soon growing up to be a young man, and a boy no longer, and I feel great anxie ty for your success. I beseech you to be attentive to all _your duties, and to fulfill every obligation with cheerfulness and Punctuality. Above all, remember your moral and religious concerns. Be constant at church and prayer and every appointment for worship. There can be no solid chime. ter and no true happiness which are not founded on a sense of religious duty. Avoid all evil coinpany, and every temptation, and consider that you have now left your father's house and- gone forth to improve your own character!, and prepare your mind for the part you are to actin life. - All that can be done for you by others will amount to nothing, unless you do much for yourself. Cherish all the good counsel which your dear mother used to give you, and let those of 'us who are yet 'alive have the pleasure of seeing you come forward as one who gives promise of virtue, usefulness and distinc tion. 'I fervently commend you to the blessings of our Heavenly father. Your affectionate lather, Dam. Wansma. EDWARD WEBSTER. Sherman and the, Mormons. Lieutenant General Sherman is reported as characterizing the Mormons as a set of religious. fanatics. He asserts that what they have accomplished in Utah, settling in the most wretched of deserts, on the shores of a salt lake, In the distant interior of a vast and almost trackless continent—and there, by the sheer forcd of will, industry, sagacity, temperance, admirable regulation and indomitable perseverence making a garden of the desert and fertile fields of the wilderness—could have been achieved by no other earthly motive power but religious fanaticism. Then, the fact that they were led to use this tremendous force in creating a region of fertility in the precise spot where the advancing course of. Christianity and civilization would need it, and is now about to benefit by it, he cannot help re garding as a direct act of Divine Provi- dence, bring His good out of man's evil do ings. This being granted, it seems to him the best thing to do with the Mormons is to treat them like other people—not encour aging their institutions by admitting Utah as a State, but governing their Territory and ignoring their peculiarities. Persecu tions always intensifies fanaticisms. Why should this be an exception? Let them alone; push on the Pacific Railroad; fill their Territory with active young Gentiles, and poligamy with die a natural death, while their civil theocracy will -be overwhelmed and outvoted by the swarming incomers. THE sheds built by the Pacific_ Railroad to protect their track from the deep snrS of the Sierra Nevada mountains - were crushed by the weight of snow that fell upon them last winter and it was ieported that some other method of protection would -have to be devised. This plan, however, has not be en abandoned. The company, it is stated, are now engaged in erecting sheds over the cuttings and exposed poirta. They are of heavy timber framework, with pointed gable roofs, and look as if they could withstand almost any pressure of snow. Nearly 40 miles of track .1411 have to be thus covered and the quantity of dm beirequired will be. enormous. Not less than 22 sawmills, most of them worked by steam, are run night and day, ,employing nearly 2000 men, and yet they do not work up to the needs of the company. In a few weeks 28 mills will be running. It is estl l mated that it will require no less than 800,- 000 feet of lumber to construct a mile - of sheds. So great is the demand that the forests on both sides of the track are being rapidly cut down. A " RESP.tRATOIIy•ADVEUTIfitNO 4ppa ti n tus for precipitate inhumations," or a co to notify the world that you are buried ve, has appeared in Paris. It is a coffin i ith a communicating tube and mouth 'piece, and a letter writer says if this inge nious invention comes into general use, the people who select the cemeteries as a place of resort, must not be surprised hereafter at hearing queer sounds from time to time pro ceeding from the earth around them. Imagine the surprised promenader exclaim ing to a guardian; ~ t.What I you allow people to play the trombone here ?' and the guar dian replying, "That's no tromWne. It's the old fellow of yesterday—down there— the seventh to the left—who demands change of lase 1" LEO' FAucnicn says, in a recent pamph let entitled "Sovereign Power:" "The President of the United States, even bound as his hands are by the Senate, has at his disposal three times as much as the King of Prussia or the Emperor of Austria, five times much as the King of Italy, and twice as much as the Emperor of the French. The Emperor of Russia has more alms at his disposal, but the patronage of the Presi dent of the United States is far more valu able. A MOIIMON missionary, charged with preaching immoral doctrines, has been ar -rested in Stettin, and will probably be sen tenced to six months' imprisonment and then sent out of the country, with the warn ing that, in case he should • return s much heavier punishment would be Inflicted on him. The North German governments are firmly determined to put down the Mormon emissaries infesting that part of the country. SPECIAL NOTICES .... ror - PnA.LoNls I . . L. ~, . "PARTIZAN : LOTION " 1 r• FOR BEAUTIFYING-THE BEM ANY) COM PLEXION. liemoves all ; Eruptbina, Freckle Pimples, Moth Elotchee. Tan, etc., and renders th e ri Skin so , t, lair and Moo lng. For Ladles m the Nursery.lt - Is.. invaluable. For Gent lemon. after sharing, It has Alt equal. .VAPH/AN LOTI O N” Is the only reliable reined for diseases and. blem ishes of the skin. - ..,. ............ P/LILODPS "PgpIUAN SOAP" For the Toilet Xursery and. Bath; will not chap the skin. Price, 25 canceller cake. - "PLC/R DE /NATO," - A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite, delicate, lasting fragrance. ; bold by *II Druggists. . PIIIALON- Ile NON, New York.. Janie-ewe WDATODELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye ls the best in the world; the only true and perfect. Dye; harmless, reliable. instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies - the 'in effects of bad dyes; invigo, rates and leaves the Hair , soft and beautiful. black sem by ail Druggists and Perfumers; and proper lyd.sUro applied at Batchelor's Wig Facia No. 16 tienet. New York. fgrOVIDE TO Ardung. Men , s Guide 'to Happy Marriage and Con Agra! Felty. The humane views or benev olent ' , Evildoing, on the Breves and &buses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In healed letter envelopes, free of Ogre. Address HOWARD AS 130QUTION, Box P., PhihntelPhht, Pa. saylB:4B6T • Beizedi and taken as the property of GEORGE GOY Eft and J. J. Reston. tit-the snit of the United States. 'Mon, A. ItiIWLNY, IJ. IS. Marshal. M.arshal's °Mee. Aug. It .14843 b. aul2;u:O REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 115. FOURTH ST. 11 M AK,* JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO. , STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND earenpNEEss, Are prepared to s SEC T Auction STOCKS,BONDS, and all kinds ofRITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Be., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. I Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. I Office. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. Jy6:864 $lO4OOO TO LOAN, myllS Real latate Agent, 60 Smithfield Street. EXCURSIONS. SUMMER EXCURkOSS. . --_ rrnlE i'ENNSTLVANIA CENTRAL -&-•RAILROAD COMPANY have on sale setheir Office, Union Depot, Pittsburgh, ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS, / . TO ATLANTIC CITY .AND CAPE MAY, Enabling parties to visit these' popular bathing re sorts, and retufrihome at a moderate oost. _. . CAPE MAY , PASSENGERS can purchase Tleketa to go and return bye!! Railroad, or they can arisuge. to take steamer In either direction, betwee Phila. dalphis and Cape May. , . EXCURSION TICRETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL! RE. MONS, GETTYSBURG, and numerous point s in Pennsylvania and hew York. Air PAMPHLETS, containing ftill ducalo Of the various Excursion Routes by this lioad can be had on application at the Ticket . Mice,the Linton Depot. ' • we IL - BECKWITH ilf 9 jvits2B 'TWEET AGENT. WEIGHTS AND DILEABURgt3 a B. LYON, iealer of Weights arid Meaaajea, e.'B "FOURTH STREET, I#dwedf! Liberty, sad ferrritreeta. Oadoal Droa444 attended to. . • GAZ, . 7141 (iNDAYT ---- A - 110 - ETST-1-7-; - 7-1138fir: _ _ , POUND. That after repeated trials of other remedies,' 80. back's Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier aild Blood Pills are the beat medicines extant to cure the die eaaee for which they are recommended. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. PILES. There is no/medicine In use so efileaeons SS Dr. Bobaek's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills for the permanent euie of Blind or Bleeding Piles: they strike at the root - of disease, thereby removing the cause. 1 Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. TEMPERANCE. There is, perhaps, no one thing that has done so much to promote the cause of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic. Itohack'siltomach Bitters: they strengthen and Invigorate without producing the ill effects of alcoholic stimulants. Bald by all Diuggists Everywhere. LIVER PILLS Are Pills that have a direct and powerfhl action the liver, and relieve any inactivity or congests state of that all important organ upon which de bed& the.whole process of digestion. The Import ance, then, of procuring a Pill that shall have such direct action without the 111 effects of mercury, is manifest to every one; such Pills are llobact , s Blood Pills; they are Warranted purely vegetable, and can with certainty be relied upon, and are safe at all times. Bold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIdiretSTION Is but another trame,for Dyripeneda; and the parent of many ills. Baback's Stomach Bitters taken in wine-glass-fall doses,' directly after each meal. will surely effect a permanent cure. Do not take our word for it, but try them. Sold by all DVggists Everywhere.. NIGHT RUES. Is one of the many diseases of which Dyspepsia to the parent. To effect a core persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine-glass-full of Roback's Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. RENOVATE. During the Spring months it is one of the regular household duties to renovate, add. In ih? Inultirin eity of other duties one's own self is, in a great measure, overlooked; thousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves by thoroughlV - renovating the system with Dr. Boback's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. Sold by all Druggists Dverywhere. 313ILANCIELOLY Is one of tie many disorders of the nervous system, arising from a low state of the constitutional health or severe prostration after long continued sickness, and requiies Invlgoratffig remedies like Boback's Stomach Bitters to restore the nerves to their natu ral vitality: I Bold bj all Druggists Everywhere. WHO SELLS THE 111? The Agents for the sale of ROBACHIS BLOOD PILLS, STOMACH BITTERS and BLOOD PURI FIER are all Drunteta everywhere. 11. S. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE CO., PROPRIETORS, CINCINNATI, 0. jernmwr-r MARSHAL'S SALES. Ti n:4 r ti By 'virtue e ta writ of,vend Mont &mesas isr stied out of the District Court of the United states, for the. Western Instriet of i corm leant*, and to me direeted, 1 will expose to Pubtt rale. at the custom House, Plusher:ere Pa., on MONDAY. the 17th day of Angus , Itl6B, the following desct lied property, to wit: A part of a barrel of Whiskey; Two ‘2l) Copper ettils; Two (X Cooper Worms; Thirteen 113) casks. I Seized and taken an the property of GIDEON ' 0111tsW. at tne suit of the United states. THOS. AugO WI.Mlf. U. ii. Marshal Marsh sl's Oftlee, 11.18613. a' AIARSHAL:7B SALE. out of of a lwrit of vendiffoni /avow, LIT sued out of the District. Court of We Uuittd mates. for the Western District of Penneybania, and to me directed, I will t 'pose_ to Public Sate. at the tiUsT.im HOUSE, Pittaburgh, Da., on IIIINDAY, the 17th day of August. 114613, at 10 o'olock the folios. lug described property, to rift: Seven thousand (T. 000) pounds Flue Cut Shorts' Tobacco. ON •ROMD AND MORTGAGE. Guiao. M. xpvirrY. . .AUCTION SALES. . ..,. 'ST. L laithiTE - RESID....._ ENCE AND LOTS AT WOODS' BUN—TUESDAY. August 18th, at 2:30 P. Y. . The Lots are so situated and combine both city and country adva.tages, offer the following Inducements to purchasers, viz: They have gas pipes laid In front of them all. • They have each a frontage of twenty-five feet on the Beaver road.- They are wi t h in ve nittintes' ride of the city. • They are 200 yards of the Railway Sta.: tion, (at which a teen accommodation V nine stopi daily.) They haw all a choice lot of fruit trees on them In Cull beating, & .., Ac. The home is th splendid residenL at present occupied by Ito rt .R. Jklorris, . Etii.. containing eight large roo s, with all the modern improve ments, papered nd finished throughout. LOttOn- Mita abi ut hislf an acre of ground. covered with choice ()ear, apple, each and cherry trees, shrub berg, ftc., and slaving. in fact, all the city advan tages. with cotmtry privileges. Sale positive; Tern:a—One-1 bird catlh, balance in one, two and these years. . , A. ',EGG ATF., Auctioneer, sui3 No. 150 Federal Street, Allegheny. BY BMITHBON, VANIIOOX & M'GLELT.AITD, BANIiIIEPT SALE OF • • GROCERIES AND SUNDRIES. --, On WEDNESDAY,-August 261 h. at 10 o'clock A. 2. on the prerntses, .sio. 23 Diamond, will be sold b'y auction, the entire stock of the wholesale Grocery House of J. D. Drano, (bankrupt, ) consist ing of Coffees, Sugars, Teas. Syrups.. Molasses Fish, Soaps, Starch, Canned Fruits, •., obacco. Salt', Oils, BucKets, r be, kn.; Store and Office Furni ture, Also, Barni. che,,Buggy. 3 Wagons. 4 Horses, Harness, Saddles, e. 'By order of - Reuben Miller, Jr., and Geo. A. Armstrong, Assignees of J. D. bra:to, in Bankru tcy. • • SMITHSON, NANIIOOE k MCCLELL - AHD. lt aula Auctloneeis. BY PLUMB d; PHILLIPS, ____. PALMER & P HILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And COmatission .liferchanto. OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh,- Po. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE BILE DAY AND EvErnare. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re. turns. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. In the District Court Of the 'United States, for the Western Distrlct of Pennsylvania. In the matter of C. W. PORTERFIELD, Bankrupt. TO WIIOX IT ICUS' 00XCLIM The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of C. W. PORTERFIELD, of Harrison township, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has bean adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Pittsburgh, Pa., the 18th day of July. A. D. 1868. J. W. RIMIER" Asnignee, ribett4s-x AUorney-at-Law, 87 Fifth street. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE WEST- Litbi DISTRICT OF - PENNSYLVANIA. • JOHN W. WID,IEN and WILLII.It If. - STIMPI,N, of the firm of 0' Ii lrn. Stjmple & Co., Bank rupts under the Act of Congress or March, 2d, 1867. harlot:applied for a dhcharge from all their debts, and other claims provable under said act, by order whohe Court, notice Is hereby given to all creditors have proved their debts, and other per in terested. to appearon the 15th day of rep temper, 1868, at 19 o'clock 51., before rA It UEL HARPER. Esq., Register, at his oflice, No. 93 Diamond street, Plusbura h. Pa., to show cause, if any teeth e aVei why dischaarge should not be granted saki bankrupts. And turther, notire I hereby given that the Ferond anu Third Met Vogl of creultors of the said bt.nkrupt, required by tie 2 iitb and 28th sections of said act. will be had before the said it at the same time and Ware, 1010:02.1-kt S. C. IicCANDLESS, Clerk of said Court. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENNw bY LVA NIA. es. At Putebu rgh, July 18th, A. D. 1888. TO wuox it )(CY tONCIIIN: The underelgued hereby gives notice of his ap pointmt nt as Assignee or SAMUEL J. It 414K1N, of the Borough of uewickley, in the ',minty of A Ile giteny and Mate b eenensylvania, within, said ho has adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court or said District .I.AMEji W. MURRAY. Assignee. jrli:t3s-w Attorney -at -Law. 116 Flftu street. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA, SS. •At Pittsburgh. the ZUld day of Jnne. A. D. 18611. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap polutment as Assignee of JoSP.PEI R. ritlexe, of Pittsburgh, In- the oounty of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by Uto District Court of said district. JOIIN U. BA I LEy,Asslgnee, Attorney -at-law. 81) Grant sr = 7WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA. se. At Pittsburgh, July 18th, A. D. 18138. To WHOP IT MAY CDXC*UR: The !undersigned hereby glees notice, of We apt pointment a n dAaig ol NOLIERT andUON, of th e city county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania,, who has been aadj u dged bankrupt u n w ri ti la own yr s t l z Val:11M , " ) I:: lg rt n o e f e, satd 2Uet37. St At torney.at. Law. 110 Fir. la stra.- WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA, t Pittsburgh. the 18th dayofJuiy. A. D. wentndrsign hereby gives notice of his appoint. as Assignee' of teEORGE W. McGRAW, of thp city and county, •of -Altegheny, and State of within said District, who — litas been adjudirod a Bankrupt upon bit own petition by the District Court of geld liistriet. ' JOHN H. BAILEY, Assignee. 1,20:t39. Att'y-at-Law. 89 Grant street: WESTERN DISTRICT Of PENN SYLVANIA, se. At Yittanurgh, July 1815, A. D. 1889. TO WHOM IT 'MAT CONCEHN: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of SILAS J. kicOINNIS, of the city and county of Allegheny, cud State of leenneYlvanis, within said Di - stria, who has been adJungod bankrupt upon his own petition, by the' District Court or said District. - JAMES W. MURRAY. Assignee, JIM: 311 Attorney -at-Law, 118 Fifth street. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Eifil. lu the Court of Common Pleas, /To. 128, Septein ber term 1868,* in the matter of the petition for the division of Itobinsoff Township into two Elec tion Precincts. And now, August Ist, 1868, petition presented In Open court, whereupon the Court direct that no tice of the presentation of said petition be given by phi:l'm:lion, once each week, for three weeks, is the ••Pittsburgn Gazette," anu that addition:4 notice be given by at leaat ten hand-bilis. pooled In con. spicuous places ' ,in said Townshi p, and that said petition whi be acted on•by said Court on IFIATIJR HAY, August :42d,1868. BY TIM 'COURT. am J ACOB 11 WALTER, Prothonotary augtOoe TN THE MATTEIt' OF THE -a- VISION OF SCOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ELEC PION PEECINOTS. In the Court of Com mon fleas of Allegheny coot ty, No. SSA, Septem ber Term, ISGS. Notice Is hereby given that on SitirdaY, July 28, 1888, a petition war presented praying the ulvision of said. ToWnship - into - two Election Precincts,— whereupon, the Court 'ordered notice thereof to be given, and that the same would be finally noted upon by said Court on SATURDAY, August 29d,1888, at which time all persohs interested will be heard. ISORELAND, MOORE & HERR, Attornevifor Petitioners. IM:t73 ,Pursuance of an 111 ardor of the District Court or Allegheny emintY. Made the leitti day of July, 1887. notice Is 'hereby gluon to the late authorities it the several Districts or, Pittsburgh, consolidated by on of"As t Reports o e t a b c i e v r , ot e ar p iczi p , o r ° l i en : ta d , : A cit u ! bn r ot i e l p dB : R t e n pa Dt value by that r th a p ttl. Court ye, Ox athe _separate indebtedness of said distriota, and Ox rate' of sptclal tax for the payment tiaereof, in compilance u ith the nrcrelsions 'or the before men tioned act, will, on the 8 it DALtliiitlf AMIDST, be Bonet mod abso l utely , u unloose ctlon be made to the ra de c reepecial tax fixed Ire - kid and a outdo accordingly., , : . • • JACOB B. WALTER, • prothonotary. 11V3: tb9 . Vel'lC—;Alt pe rs on s `lndebted .L to of hivring elikhhe.agattiot the EIS';'ATE.OIr' JACOB 1 1 : , f4TRAIII4. ne f od t . late op No. to Cticlitiiiit gitieet, ititekhear bay. *in. totaeo eattytkielandeef:xned, Au hkeu them ad— juetesd.l - - .- f , NAINIA.Ite. , tfrlteit) ti: • .. : .- _,L;- ~.. ~,.... ..! AdmlnletrateliV; Allegbellr. Angneg J , ...1005* • ~. ... 111146:491 , , s4nittE.—Letters Testainentart bavlnit been arsiute4 EU: on th e tEst'PATE 0 ARV IsA KODIEY Ent ( MOP V I Ali persons Itsv• mlug olefins 'aitainscher state pr, qt .nt !b um t o ee t out, authenticated, Auld All pereene owing euid estate still. guilts - IsMnenk,„ti ez 01:307 attostish' JOHN w.:Txrunt Kg. YU Grunt strett. JIANtian,YER. int) p 4 mum.. IWO* IN BANKRUPTCY, N 0.931 LEGAL. WINES, LIQUORS, Bzo PITTSBURGff. lIIPORTL%G HOUSE. • ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY , IMPOUTERS OF FOREIGN WINES -AND LIQUORS , . • • No. 409 Penn Street, Pittatiitrgh, Would direct the attention of the public to the fact that, po seeming super sor facilities through severe large Wine and Liquor Douses In Europe, and malting their importations direct, the_y_ are enabled to offer the various grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices lees than Eastern rates. Ex aminations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully Solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD BYE WYDE KEY constantly on hand 17iT.MEgEL, CLARET, MUTE AID SPADIUSG, Chateau Lafitte, Chateau lifamux, Chateau La Bt. 'J ullgu, WHITE wirms: St=lit t :e %.131anche Ht. Bauternea. Chateau klauterus. HOCK WINMES, ii r tzlei e L SPAIMMING- 'ONES. Moue Muscatel. I 13etg, klochheimer's superioi quality. Laubenhelmer, CHAMPAGNE. Most af dbandon, .----. a:iambs:tine, Imperial, Itpernay, Vernmay,- Weldsleck. • Chamblis, --and other brands. _ Also, a bilge assortment of 8 RANDLE,B,.W HIS HIES and WlNlttli, of all descriptions, constantly on head, at WM. =MEWS, (LATE MILLER A RICEETSON,) 221 and 228 !Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. imam. JOSEPH S. PINCH & CO., Nos. 185, 187, 189, 191, 199 and 195, FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, ir.AßrrAcTuzures Or C,epper Distilled Pure Rye Whiskey. Also, dealers in FORBIGN WINES and LI • 1:10119, HOPS, &e. PURE NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of onr own growing. Also, the best brands of CHAMPAUNE, CLARET, 'SHERRY and PORT WINES. "Vine Growers' Company BRAN- V, pint flasks lust the thing for traveler's. N. 6.—Parth;dar attention paid toy ataylltit families A. MAMA , jryZ3:t67 No. 4 Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. COAL AND COKE. OSCAR F. LANAI A. CO. COAL AND COKE. MU., Sandusky Street and P. P. W. & C. R. Ref Allegheny City. SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal and Connellsville Coke, AT LOWEST MARECIET BATES. lEill" Orden; romptly attended to. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO Having removed their Mice to NO, 567 LIBERTY STREET, .(Lately City Blow 33111)8=0ND ELOOR./ Are now prepkred to Runtish good YOUGHI&IHER NY LUMP, NUT COAL OR BLACK, at the lowa morket price. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them throne' the mall, will be attended to promptly. __ myln:bZ =! CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, TOUCHCIOGLINY AID 00: ::+ And Manufaciurers of 00A.EV BLACK ILND DESITIREIMIZED COKE. Office and Yard—CORNER OF BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS.'trot yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No.. L, _Pittsburgh, Ps. Families and.-Nanufacturers supplied with the ben article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their offices will receive rout • t attention. 113213 RDISTRONG & 1111TCHEITSON, ' l l= all../LDICLPLOA AriD YouoliagnanT COAL CO, MINERS lIIIIPPERS AND DEALERS t BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, of superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. 'olDoe and Yard—TOOT OA TRY STREET, near the Om Worts.. • , SAFETY FIRE JACKET. SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR UNE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. • . • . • J. B 1 RBBIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, • Car Meister and Moderator,. For 81110 HE AND HOT AIR FIXES, dispensing with the. use of Stoves and Fires In or abort the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heal to any temperature that may be desired without the possibility of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent fur a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be adplied to it la the position and purpose for which it Is Intended. It lea sure protection from aceidents by Sr.,origi nating from defective dues, or where iron pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat. It Is sprit- Plicable to all piping that may become overheated, wood warranted to give perfect satisfaction where or other combustible material may be placed inclose proxemity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my invention. to stores, ,dtreillitge, 'facteries, ships, steambohts, railroad ears, & c., wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and security desiseth I will sell, on ap plication, rights to manufacture or to ale the above invention; also, ternitorial rights, to.sneh as 'may wish to engage In selling privegesi either by State B. ELiERIS. JlRrOffice at the ' "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS,' corner of Morris street, and the t 4 Alleghe nyr Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. i: 0 0 • • SE=TINGS AND BATTING. , FIOILICES, BELL lc CO", - ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, errweinarton. Kano dareca of HEAVY, MEDIUM and LIGHT ANOBIOR AND' NAGINOLIA SHEETINGS AND BATTING. PAINTERS. ,WIII.L. S. TA IfLOl1 1 . • P = No. 45 Oat() STREET Alleirben7 ,Ttututfttllbegbe former very liberal patronage be. - stewd evelkfleis Laikeure MY: friend* and the publie ittnerallreutir. - ilf the future es la tho past, shalt endesvde' diligently to merit a continuance of the game, and. will be always At the shop fry'' , T to 9 1/1. and tram 1 to 3 P. M. N/72/:414 ll= I•'.ttc CLARET. Medec, Margaux, St..tsattie4, Panthae. C. DAVIS myti DKALXII TN GOAL, INSURANCE, BEN FHALNKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF A.LLEbflp - Y, PA. Mee, in Franklin Salitlgs Biuik Baildingss No. 43 Ohio -St.. A HOME COMPANY, managed brDirevitoiliired known to the community, who ;trust by fkirdeibig• • to merit a share of your Patronage. HENRY IRWIN.: GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS:. Henry Irwin ID. L. Patterson; 'Henry Ger.*, • Geo. RDRiru. ddle, , Jacob Frans Goitialb Fans. Simon m, I J, R. Smith, Jacob Raab, W. H. Stewart; ICb. P. Whlstou,lJoeeph Craig; Joe. Lautner, H. J. TJakand, IJecolutah,Koft„, aplOton VATIONAL 11181FRANcE CO., OP THE ()ITT or ALLroaßlrY. - _ Ocoee, in ALLEGHENY TROST COMPANY'S ITER INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, Pfealdent JAB. E. STEVENSON. S6cretary. DIREC70118: A. H. English 10.H.P.W11I1cmslJno. ThoMpace Jno. A. Myler, ,7as, Lockhart, Jos. Jas. L. Graham, Robt, Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, At. Geo. Gent, Jacob ICD7D. IyESTERN INSURANCE. COI& PANT OP PITTSBURGH: LENARD Ekt NIMICH„ President. WM. P. HERBERT Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE IiEELD_, General Agent. Office, 92 Water street, Spang a Coos Wise house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. • • Will ir.:ure against all kinds of Fire and Ma nse. Kiska. A home Institution, managed by Inseam.. - . who are well known to the community, and Who lee determined by promptness and libera lity tp *Ur tain the character which they have assumed, as of. tering the best protectibn to those who desire to - be Insued. DZBECTOSB: - Alexander Nimick, Jonn IL MCCMne, B. Miller, Jr., -Chaa. J. Clarke, James McAuley, WilllamS.'Evana, Alexander Speer, dosepb - /Litkpa, AndrewAckleu,!lip 'Replier, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison. D. ' . nat • INSURANCE COMPANY OF .PIMSBUR6III OFFICE, No. 1.67 X WOOD STREET; 'BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. Tbis is a Home Company, and Insuresmcaingt loan by Fire exclusivelc. LEONARD WALTER, President. 0. C. - BOYLE, Vice President. .ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. 'HUGH McELHENY, Secretary. DEFLECTORS: Leonard Walter, George Wiison, C. C. Boyle, (leo. - IV. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Plainer, • Josiah Kin. John egtley. Jas. IL Hop g kins, A. Amm Vo on. Henry Spronl, INDEX AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. onizcz, 435 a 437 CHESTNUT ST., Klux bur DIRECTORS. . Charles V. Rancher, I Mordecai H. Loafs' ) Tobias Wagner, • David S . Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Les, Jacob R. Smith, - Edward C. Dale, • Feorge W. Richards, George Palea. t CHARLES G. BAN HER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. _ W. C. STEELE. Secretary, pro tem. ' J. GARDNER COFFIN, Atmrs, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mhZ:wl.s A LLEGALEN - T INSIIIELOVCE COW PANY OF PITTSBURGH. - OFFICE, No. 37 ETFTH STREET,: BANK BLOCK Insures against all kinds of Fire add Marine Risks. JOHN Jn., President. JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice Prmident. 0. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WI!. DEAN, General Agent. Disncrons: Crpt. Wm. Demn; B. L. Falnieetock W. H. Everaono Robert H. Dasia, Francis Sellers ; Capt. J T. Stoekdale. John Irwin, Jx., John D. McCord,' C. I. Htu3sey, Harvey Childs, T. J. Hoskinson, Charles Hays, .1: 1 0.1 1. 9LEW • INSVRANpE CON.. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD , i, FIFTH STS. A- Rome Company, taking Flre and Marine Maim DIRECTORS Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parts, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner JOHNPHILLIPS, I": 1 JOHN WATT, Vice W. F. GARDNER CAPT. JAS. GORISI Capt. John L. Rhoads, Samuel P. &ulcer, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush, Win. F. Lang, Samuel MoCrickart. resident. President. Secretary. N. General Azent- • POWDER. PRICES OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, MANUFACTURED BY TUB HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent Office, No. 289 Liberty Street, prrTsmnion, PA. CI‘,.BiJESTEXt PCVIPPDVII, Electric Nos. 1. 2,3, 4 and 5 grabs, In Square Canisters:l lb. each American B:porting, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. ' each Dusk Shooting, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 grain, in. Oval Caniste Oval Indian Ride, I Ca n isters of 1 lb: each.... Kentucky Rifle, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckyß Isle In Oval Canisteia of); lb. each . (23 one lb. Oval Canisters in a case.)l (60 half lb. do. do. do.) K'EG POWDER. Kentucky Tithe, Priv, Fro, and " Sea Shoot lolt" fro, In kegs, lbs Kentucky lade, PPFG, vro, and "Sea Shoot- Ins" FG,_ , ,in kegs, 1.2,.4 lbs Kentucky Itlee , ryro Fro and •, Sea Shoot- ing" FR. in kegs, sM lbs Deer Powder, In kegs, 25 lbs kilning and Shipplup Powder, Mining F, FF, and FFF grain net cash, in kegs, 25 lbs Safety Fuse for 'Blasting, of superior quality, in packages of 60 feet and over Delivered free of exr,ense on board of Boat CC Railroad, in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. . mrv:mwia p SLATE. SLATE. . . rrille,TWES VITT . SLATE CO.,' ilasaliractute .superior ankle of , • MX:MTNO • 19.1.A'1 1 M, t'• 48 Seventh St., PltpthurghiPiii J.S. NEWMEYER, Pies't raYsv64 ' . ' STONE: WEST `COMIIIIIOI# lifachirio'Ntotte worics.. Northwest corner of West Common. - Ails:OF:Pk . FREDIK ATVATICIII & ugh , Have on hand or prepare on anon uotlm Hearth and Step B:ones, Iriajp . for Sidewalks, oreorry Vann+, ac. Head and Tomb Stones, R. !avian promptly executed. Prieto esasessado 111 ? 4 ~-~~ —.Secretary. =9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers