altkilt; Pavan W. P. roarza. Bui pITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., MASIIF.ICTG - 8111313 Or Bar Iron; ' P "Ilroad Fish Rare and lloltiq Railroad Car Ixles Rolled; Railroad Car. Axles Hammered; Locomotive; • LocomoSiyeprame ShSpes; Side Radii: •• • • Yokes, Straps; Pistan Heads; / Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; ' Pitman Jaws, Collaes, &c. °face, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. P GRAN4‘' BYERS & MANUFACTURERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT'IRON, Iran Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, - Pi. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BUCK, srtiNtTF . .A.OTUREIIB OF Best Conunon, Relined, Charcoal RTNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE, IRON. HOOP, BAND , T and ANGLE IRON.- BOILER. PLATE andBHKET IRON.. MOWER AND-REAFERMARB.- _ C YLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS, RIO and 10 lbs. to the yard. OR(IR WROUOH_T CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. , g itz RAlLS, N. P.unched. atut countersuhk. NAIL AND SPIKES. Warehouse and [,dice at . the._ Worts,. GREEN., 017191rFITREET: (a anithinauov of First street,) 'ad loining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. E VERSON, PRESTON & Pennsylvania Iron Works . - Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite Monongahela House, ittaltd6 PITTSBURGH. . . . STEEL WORKS. pITTSBURGH STEEL WOBllll3. CEBTABII3I3MD IN 1845.] ANDERSON & WOODS, CSUCCESSORS TO ANDERSON, COOK £ CO Manufacturers of every description of STEEL. , BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL Mill, Malay, Circular, Sang and Cioss Cut SAW' PLATES.' Spring, Cast and German Ploai and Blister Steel. / Bbovei, Roe, Pork, sake and Toe calk bleel. liallroad Spring , Steel and Frog Points, Cast Steel PLiger-Bars, rickle Steel, rpring Steel Tire, Plow Wings, etc.; Oil Drill steel. citu.e and Works7tirner FIRST AND BOSS Srs., littsbnrgn; Pa Ic'd3M9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK* SINGER, N I MICS & CO. PITTSBURGH, Pik., Manufacturers of every description of CAST. AND . CERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY BPFINGI YL , LI7. TIC 1-• ND 'pLATFoRm SPRINGS. STEEL TIRE, ic., b.c. Warehqnse, ifakT and .100 First Ms. M /41 :? 14'*41141 & P"MN* rAimnras WM:KAUAI.), I EICIIIIEI4 ozo; w. BARR, I CLUB. FARKIN. ''f3tirtaz. P.urrzrza-11. lIEB. CRESCENT STEEL woruss SELLASMIts BARR de, PAMEIN, ' , Offices ND. 339 Marty St, fet4id4B-, • j7r.113141J0H, JACK riLVROIND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & ( Manufacturers of all descrptlona of • Ei r JE r W I WI L r % 0 let sad Warehotute, IM!),_ 122, 124 ELECOND and 119 and 12121E2M STREETS, NOVELTY WORKS. JC rPITTSBUBGH NOVELTY WORKS. ADAM, -MERE & CO., UANUTACTOrift. •or Heystoitezt r azd o . Pate Platform SCALES: . Janne Faced Patent floor tocks FAINT AND C OEM MILLS. MALLEABLE IRON, ai. Corner' of Graht and First Streets, Pr= PrrTgisMlGH - NEW' HAIWIPFARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, .STERRIT 4 . EUWER, Manua;lama =4 4mm:ion of Er A xikp w A la n, MEE 44.971tERY. 887 LIBERTY STREET, 'sx, 04/iNSIVOT WittNlge • oddtsiogairmAloiev. *faits "" FITTPDA•Or r • -• • ••• : ilf•••, • .t • • • • ; :4 1 • ..,•• • '• •••,', • L,1T!....2 ' ' • Aifl o 4 tWigtII4:B4I.MES! SOAL/la K P f'l%;4,lif .t.,0 AlsTI) FULTON MACHINE WORKS. nanufactory E o ST S A E S A H M E E NGIN ES , of. all sizes and of tbe moat aroved 'patteres,_ for stationary p•rposee ; STEAMBOATS and STEAM FtIRRy ' EgdATS. A variety a f 10, DI and 1G boreepower ENGINES, which will be ' sold:at. -rely reduced prioes. P. P. OICISSE, Wellsville, 0. nay miles below Pittalutrgb, on the Qhlo river, and line of C. & P. R. • no9:h2 LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! Dealer in all Hinds of. Lumber ON HAND AND FOR SALE: 800.000 feet Dry Pine Boards; • 30,1.410 feet Dry Oak,. / aud 2 Inch; • 20,001/ feet ury Ash, 2, B 3 sod 3 inch; 200,000 fret Hemlock; 1,000,000 No. Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 116 locirShinelee, sawed; 100,000 No. 110-Inch shingles. slaved; • '5,000 Locust Posts, 7, 8 and 1A feet; 300 cedar Posts. Also, Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. YAnDES .No. 86 PREBLE STREET formerly lllatiche,ter, and 157 REBECCA STREET. oppo site the Gas Works, Alleles SyCl.y. ..425:011 PITTISIBURGH. FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Ca/Aka, $123,000.. PRSanzarr—MIWARD DrriIBEDOS. lisCrarrenT—T. A. • WRIGHT.' Sursalctio4DiNT—EDW. DAVISON. "'LUMBER YARD--Corner of, BfI:I7,ER andLUM" . , 'DER tiTBRETB,IBith Want, • "- - - .' +OFFICE A.T. PAT PITT BLASE, Wiatims, Wasb :lllgtonßtx.ept. • GAB AND STEAM: PITTING. . JOHN it: JOHN , 1w COO 'ER'6 Co., •, BRASS 170ITITIIRIELS RAS AND STEAM FrrfERS, Kananaturors of PUMPS AND BRASS WORK• o eztig Alr g rAt i tor4i, le t tit a ra s„ lti r Ap&B ,. , 111.73.1J1F3 . toner of Pike and , Walnut Streets; prrrspußGET. AlcbiallUEL 11114.-WIWKERSIFIABI6' 14. , . 124 Filst Stree4, - Pittsbuillh, Pa. MSG AFeht for the etle'er. thinterallAthezars, nka nine k ,„ , ,Ibistethethl.Ktoth laukpa 0t • • t a' Or AlllhraAlt6;' ' 11114 ./ 1 00111111iiii finllll,olllll3 ' • 17, , pjapt irtiogirteli j ` ''/Ornsibratnegtr ririmecublty r—r 14; 1,5 ATLAS /WORKS!' MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, prrrsnuncm. THOMAS N. MILLER. President: These Works are among the largest and most xanplete establishments in the West. , and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Batfroad Castings. B o iling dinl Castings. Engine Castings. Nachlpe Castings, General Castings. PitpaP SOLICITED no9:nes NATIONAL FOUNDRY . AND PIPE - WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smollmon St ' (NINTH WARD,) prx-rs]Esuman, PA. -. . WM. SMITH; . . -. Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL' PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER-WORKS. i. Bit i l fa ' , P i i tifl g lji ar fe feet i le e n a g i thni r l i g l rul i r ar i sgil i e i nto General Casthigs for Gas and Water Works. Pwoittld also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. feh3:tlo . L. 0. LINING&TON.W. 11. BITRT.W. A. ROBINSON. JR. LIVINGSTON & CO., " -IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF PINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All t1.. 1 descriptions, m pe n f e o n r , Plumbers cotn a a n n:ll 4 4 ., :or , e .i n t i t o chine &e. &e. All Job Work promptly attended to. 0111 es and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, SEA tic CO., Successors to ROBINsON, MIME; & BMLing, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PItTSBURGH, hlnnallicturers of Boat and StattownT - Stearn Bl ast wisekn A efthpaime.,,,, m teg i gl Tanks ar t in gf Stills, B o iler an Sheet Iron ir ork. °dice. No. 151, corner lirs: and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFA.RD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. MONT BLANC .FOUNDBY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Boning Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS DENZBALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. WEIBEEtT & IL‘CKUND 0c15:123 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE: & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Sired. • Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BORES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR SETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings general': & Co., Fourth 'Ward Foundry and Machine Works SANDI:MKT ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Mazualkettirers of Steam Engines 011 Presselt.,nl - Shafting, tirist and Saw Hill Work, _rafting Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, do. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. ' mvl4:q6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS r 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY lOhlll Rolls, KW ()satin:., Roll Lathes. ie. LUMBER. ALEXANDER PATTERSON, PWATO118: , Edward:Davison, L. P.' Dunces. John,Mellan s E. D. Dittuidge, (leo. Dithrlife. EVL. klalone, 'IRON BROKERS. MQN BECOVIM, MEM PITTSBURGH GA ZETTE : MONDAY, AUGUST 17 , 1868: FORT PITT STMEL AND TANK WOIRKS. CARROLL! & SNYDER, TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, PIER-, BOX AND. CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. . OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Wiles and Warehouse, Corner SeeOuth Third, Short and Liberty Streets, .Q` Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WAIL BARNHILL Si:CO:, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 26'PENN ST. Having secured a laige yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS 'ln the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Gondensers_, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole MAlM faciurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. ias:c2l JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS; COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING BULL STAC/Cat And STIZT /EON WORK, , , For Steam :Al= X. BUCBII EDMUND D. BRUSH _TARED A...BRUSH & SON, . . _ MAIMPACTUBERB or Steam Boilers , 011 Stills, Tanks. srmiTisoN worts. &a. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. STETTLEdt SONS & CO., It Ant FACTrittltB Of Steam • Boners, Oil Stilts, Tanks, And SHEET TROY 70RA, of el kind,. Lomat Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsbirgh. iyl9. ... • STOVES, CASTINGS, &e. OOH STOVES. CET. THE BEST. BISSELL it CO.'S PITTSBIJIIGH FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake r or Boast as well agony other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES HEATING STOVES, GRATE raoras, VENDERS, COOKING IRANOES, do. ETA CHEAPEST PLACE in the city . TO BUY THE ITRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Is st No. 146 GRANT biliFitT. id P. C. DUFFY. OILS. WARING AND • KING, Oomadadon Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, ,DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PFILLADELPERA ADDIII32, WARING, RING & 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, 1 • • COMMISSION MERCHANT S , AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Produtta. yittenargh unice—DALZELL* BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. PhUadelphla Offloe-127 WALNUT T. syd :WO JACOB WEA V ER, Jr. & CO., Oil Comesission Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUIDSNIC WAY; will buy and sell Crude and Refined Oils, Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and Cooperage. Our long experience In the Petroleum trs, enables as to Offer unusual facilitiand de- l e to operstort. As heretofore, are de termined to make it the Interest of w e e e sel lers to give n a ntedli Parties having Otis fat Mile apemdare cordially In to bring their samples. M.LONGsir co, mAiTursormiati or PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brtfrigg.L - UsgrAti,", /301013,' Nth 2 biquesifi Way, Pidsbiariii. :, ; FURNITURE. • PRACTICAL 11.8• FURNITURE'S MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • , LEMON` StWEiSE, Nom. us ximmira erruvairx.. cfiVer Ouhatiggi,vtgettarrP‘ilh/Alitgad slitteeitaaortment of common g arnitu re at reduced Thoim In w , aant of Inytilin — g pt cordially Waned to eall-before puretraellit. • • Wont guaranteed,WV/O mni LEMON di WEISE. I ..LA4KIc, OPPEIRMS. , , 9 : 41 , 11 :44 ,1 94PELT10re , To* , 1 7arraisicrulau. IPA K, vac 'thaw & dd.,' " ' i fiftwillocurera of Mauling " 'iiii;;h6giiitia B.!s ,7 92ppet L ftgr ou Vri i ikpit omat smu : , 4 1 i710 15 .944 .' Ti1f polo, alZlitrWlZ i an •41 71VOirellirrtgitatilssTaAV t fl ou Dk ir Mlwr i gsio sr o h . . A eregnertia% ai# desired_ mt. tank. 111114rolliorirr . I, .•L,.7acri:aqi vi,„) PITTSBURGH, Pa. PITTSBITIZGH, PA., IUL . M7'7A . prinMII 07 TRIUMPH, <3OP MIME FDWANM=: FORT Tll7l_ ;BARING - CORNY No. 169 Woo' Street. CAPITAL, $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS /INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN 7AND GOVER T SECURITIES, COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Caimans. DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Risher, - Robt. H. King, Andrew Miller, James H. Batley. BAWL. BIeCLITIMAN, Pres't. D. Hostetter,James Gordon, D. Wallace Z. Fawcett: X= STONE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (autholized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. Wm. H. Hami l ton, Honry Bockatoce, Geo. T. 'Van Doren. H. J. Lyirh, John u doch, Jr., William Espy, Samuel Buckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAR DOREN. Cashier. MIMTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK; OF PriPS.II3IIR,GIFI. CASH CAPITAL President—HENßY LLOYD. Vies Preaident—WlLLLlN REA. TIIUSTE.O3 • Henry Merl, ; Hon. Thos. Mellon, lE. P. Jones, Th. - Wl_ghtman'Geo. W. Hallman, Wm.. Rea,. R.ll. Hartley, I Edward Hregg, ;Hiram Stowe Secretary & Treas'r—•S. F. VON BONNIIORST. SiX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de bearpooDposts made on or before August 15th will interest from that date. Interest computed on lst. November and gat May. tyal:t7B NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTEMSON Jos. H. #l.l1 1 L • CAPITAL, : : 8500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown, James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL' CAUGHEY /A . CO" BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PrrTSI3CIIIG-11. PAL., OSUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART .1 C 0..) DRALZRB 12f Exchange, Coln, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he purchase and sale of COVERNNIEINT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. myintn N. Hol 4 tiEts & SONS, 57 Market Street, PrX"InCS33ICMGFEIL, PA. Colleottoae made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Casadaa. . Stocks, Bonds and other Seenrith3s BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMNIBENON. Part4cular attention paid to the purchase sad sale at 'United States Securities. WESTEIiN SAVINGS BANK, No. 1 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Intereet paid on Time Deposits ANY BUM BBOEIVED. 1111Klif. ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS OUBIZOT TO OEMOIr„ 'WITHOUT Dlscounta Dally at 12 o'clock. Preddent—THOMPSON BELL ( ree Preftiont—AtM WARSVSI4 THOMPSON BELIE -A. MARSHALL, JOIE. DILWORTH. JOEL SLIMIER. J. J. OILLESPDE, • • Make reference: Joseph Dilworth,. Rev. DavidKerr, Henry Lambert, A. Ar.llrOwn, t "Thomas Rwinr. _ • Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Woe Caldwell; Willis Dabe D. W. C. Bidwell, E. M. Fulton, ECHANIOP SAYINGS IiANIE, =INN EEO 14 famithiled Street, ,i.. .c.:,:::..:. - ...prrrentraati,. P..t.- INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY BTM. RECURNO PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De received subloith . loops Interest, A i JAMES BLACKMORE, President. GEO. D. TINDLN, Secre. and .Tr,easater.- JAMES H. HOPNINN 504 tors sz ( TRUS — TRES ' :!Jambe ' FJOidettii AVTlndle James Bown, W meals, W. Bradshaw, A. . Cabbage, itoberMukl. s`r ; John: vans: •.t • • BM ICIC 104, , t ICE I ICE I , l meals; WME., Kitp...maw -ee, . , - - 2.lte Ithiso i ' etuiretta*loooftircriW ILSON. Cashier, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGEGAZETTE, SATURDAY, August 15, 1868. S Gold remained Steady to-day at 146 M to 146%, with a moderate business. Most of the importers andspeculaters short in gold covered themselves, no doubt warned by the fate of the two large speculators who had failed the day previous. The line of shorts - being thus considerably reduced,. gold is quite plenty, and loans at three per cent, per annum. Unless a strong effort is made within the next few days to rally the market, lower rates may be established be fore a material advance can take place. Government securities are very dull and 'weak, and there seems to be no demand for investment but rather a strong pressure to sell by banks and private speculators: In the stock market the heavy fall of Erie could not fail to disturb the rest of the list. There 'are very few buyers, and if the cliques do not come in as such on Monday, a panic can scarcely be avoided. ' Men of limited means have recently been tempted to buy Erie, Michigan. Southern and Ohio and Mississippi certificates, en couraged by the success they met in the North Western shares and by the offices of middle men to cary their stocks at small , margins and force extra commission. If habitues of Broad street can not . sav'ethem-. selves on a declining market it would be much more difficult to •make money (by parties who have bought for a rise,) when 500 miles away from the markt. A timely warning was given to the small ring formed here some time ago on Cleveland and Pitts burghstock and those few who saved therti selVes endorsed the correeness of the reviews expressed in these columns. The same warning would have been given to the Erie speculators gratuftiously, if a com munication could have reached in time. There are but few brokers here who are thoroughly informed and who suffi cient firmness of character to reject all business of a speculative nature not found ed on fundamental principles: Scarcely more than one per cent out of the multitude • of speculators are finely successful in their operabons and even then they are unfit for regular business, the eagerness 'foi large. profits causing them overlook the small gains derived from,legitimate business. - —The New York Stock qtiotationsto-day as received by Mr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold 146%; 141's; 114%;.'5-20's, 1852, 113%; do 1864, . 1093.; do 1865, 11134; do new, 108%; do 1867, 107%; 10-40'8,108X; Cleveland Lt Pittsburgh 86; Fort Wayne, 108 X; ' Western Union. Telegraph 833(; Adams Express, 52; Erie, 533 y. —The statement of the approximate earn ings of the Pittsburgh, Fort. Wayne and Chicago Railway for tee month of July shows that the total receipts were $571,833, against ' $537,381 in correspondirig month last year; being an increase of 134,452. The expenses for the month were $2,964 less than in July, last year, the net earnings being 1206,956, an excess of $37,417 of the same item in July; 1867. The net earnings for the Raven months of 1868 were $1,563,- 926, and $ 471,008 more than the net earn- Inge in the same time, list year. —The New York . -Times says: “The Open Board of Brokers :this afternoon unani-, measly. expelled from membership . Samuel Strong, who last week, overdrew his bankaceount,, fraudulently tranferred part of the proceeds to his relativei, 'ond disappeared from the - street with the re mainder.m • - . • —The New York Tribune, of Friday, nye: The, reporta of .the crops published this morning are considered very favorit-' bly. West of the lakeCthe crop'is from SO tc. 50 per cent, greater than last year, and Western railway sharegare held with great' confidence bY'their friends, who are more sanguine than ever of the,valueof their property, and predict much 'higher prices, during. the Autumn, based upon heavy earnings to be made during the neat five months. The shipment of currency to move, the ,c.rop has already commeneed, and the amount shipped for the week will be fully. 12,500,000: As the banks start to meet the drain with $2,000,000 less green. becks and with $22,000,000 more deposits than at this timelast year, the bank, move ment will be watched with 'mutat - interest . both by meroltanto ,and stock jobbers. 8100,000 President. Y, AT 11 A. N. ap9:022 ra Dry, MOM' N ev i (BT Tele,b Gazette.: /MIDI' to the Pina Ni w .YourcorLugart-15.—The weather is delight4l and _trade Is fairly Active, esPe-, daily In seasonable' styles or worsted and woolen,gooda and silk-ribbons, • stilt a littleiqulet in cotton fabrics, bitt,prices are generally firm aiiiiiiNclorlrowri stand , and Meetings; 1434a140, for prints,. of best `makes; 12 35 0 for mouthing prints; 12a for brown standard drills 1./MG - tor ;Lancaster ginghams; 170 for Glasgows; 20c for de- Mines loading , ibakEs4 , Iffe for Bpragnesi ,,2l4lor Pitoltio Armitrask .28lio lor.klarvest ^A, 10enimal 800 fbr Otil A X A and : Carlton tdb;l3o-forsLonesdaleiniper Cambribi; , eltids 14 gb ibr „,;irAqi9F,Pl4 AP4 , ,qtEl l 4l§4W: &PA i i Lr- 1 3 9 U. R. 1 imarTZ, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC Ph B. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a aLlable In any part of Europe. / DEPOSITS reoelved subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED OW TIME DEPOSITS. JANES To BRADY & Co (Successors to 8. JONES A. - Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., • .1B AL 3&' I = tl3' BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. nr Interest Allowed on Deposits. Xiir Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. 61je Vitbintrgij Gayti. FINANCE., AND TRADE, PITTSBURGH OFFICE OI? THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY; August 15, 'lB6B. The general marketa during the past week have been moderately activevrith e slight increase in the volume of tautness, though there is still plenty of rootu icy im provement. Some few articles fa conse quence of a temporary scarcity, have ap preciated slightly, white others, for an ex actly opposite cause, have depreciated; but as a_ general thing, there have been no very, important changes, one way or the oilier. The demand for all of the leading articles continues to be restricted to sup plying the immediate wants. of the local trade, and there is a general absence of anything like a speculative feeling, which is:owing to the doubt. and uncertainty in regard to the future. Speculators, as a general thing, have been unfortunate du- ring the past year or two, and there has been so many failures, some of them very very bad ones, that. those who have, the means and disposition are afraid to "pitch in" for fear they might meet with a similar fate. BUTTER—Is coming in quite freely but as yet prices are maintained, good to primp bringing 30c to 33c. EGGS—Continue very dull, with a sup plylargely in excess of the 'demand; sales of common at 150 to 10c, and fresh packed at 17c to 18c. CHEESE—Is steady but uncbanged at 14c to 15c for Western Reserve and Harn.- burg; 16c to 17c for Factory; and 20c for Sweitzer. HAY—Is being sold from country wagons at NO to $2.8 per ton, as to quality. GREEN - APPLES—Are in good supply and drooping; we now quOte good to prime at t 4 to 15. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged at $3 to pow per bbl. SALT—Is quiet and unchanged at $1,75 to $l,BO to the trade, and $2 in a retail way. GRAIN—The receips of Wheat continue liberal, though the great proportion of the arrivals are consigned to the mills; deal ers are not doing much as the margin, if sold here, is light, and It wont beat ship ment to any.of the Eastern markets. The Western markets are dull and weak, with a declining tendency, and the Eastern mar kets are quiet and unchanged. We con tinue to quote prime Red at $2,10 to $2,15, and White at. 52,18 to $2,20. Prime Yellow Corn may be quoted at $1,12 and mixed from 3o to 5e less. New Oats cannot be quoted above 65e, while old - remain un changed. :New Rye is in demand at $1,30 to $1,35, to arrive; no old in market. No fixed price for Barley as yet. LARD firm but unchanged at 1,15 for No. 2, and $1,45 for No. 1. PROVISIONS—The panic caused by the cattle plague has considerably 'increased the demand for the hog product,and prices are firm at .the recent advance. We con-, tinue to quote' at 14 for Shoulders; 1634 to MN for Ribbed, and 1834 to 183; for Clear Sides, and 22 to 22 y, for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard 19% and Mess Pork $3O to $30,50. FLOUll—There is no improvement to note in the demand, and while the market Is quiet and dull, prices are without essen tial change. Buyers, both dealers and con sumers, take hold very sparingly in, antici pation of a still further deoline, - and,_as a consequence, the volume of business in the aggregate is light. The mills quote as fol lows: Double Extra, $ll In bbls,and 110,70 in sacks; Extra Family, $10,50 in bbls, and $10,20 in sacks. • Rye Flour, $9.25 to $9,50. PITTSBURGH PETR OLEUM-MARKET OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUGH GAZETTE. SA'FIIRDAY, August 16, 1868. CRUDE—The 'crude market has -been • unsettled and panicky throughout the en tire week, and the volume of business has been comparatively' light. To-day there was not a single sale reported, and we do not believe that there was a single one ef fected; there were some few buyers and sellers,and although at times they got very close tegother, yet about the time a trans action waa,being closed, something would are offers to sell spot oil at 13b, with 12X bid; later in the day there were offers to buy at 13a, but no sel lers. September, it was thought, could have heen bought at 1334 c, though so far as we could learn, there were no plump offers to sell. Indeed, as already noted, I the trade has been in a turbulent and unsettled con 'dition throughout the week; in nearly every case when an offer was made to sell no matter how low the figure,buyers would ask for a still further reduction; subse quently., finding that it was im'po.ssible to buy below that figure, the bayer would conclude to accept; then the seller would back water, andstate that his offer was Off. In this way, there was 'a large amount of dickering, and at the same_time but very little done. From Oil' City, there were of fers to sell at 55, but buyers in order to avoid risk, detention, etc.; etc., prefer buy ing delivered here. . During the week, sales were made all the way from 55,50' down to 55,10, with, as we have already stated, offers to sell to-day at the even 55. REPINED—The market was somewhat firmer to-day, and with considerable in nuiry and but few sellers, prlces, especially for the last half of August, ruled a shade higher. We can report 500 bbls spot, at 32a; 500 last half of August, at 33c; 500 Sep tember, at 3334 c; and 1000 each for Sentent- ber and October, at 334 c. At the close, there were additional offers for the last half of August at 333tc and no sellers, and nearly all of the oil ab ove noted was taken on Pittsburgh account. The shipments east continue large,averaging the last week between three- and four thousand barrels per day, and it is said that stocks are aiicci ululating both in New York and Philadel phia, and this, we presume, has something to do with the stagnation which has pre vailed for some time pasts It is thonzht by some, however, that the present dull spell wi ll be of very long dnration, and that it will be followed by a stronger mar ket and better prices. d RECEIPTS CRUDE OIL. , I Fisher t Bro BBO Lockhart & F.... 800 Weisenberger,.... 900 Latrerty it W.... 800 Fawcett, T.Lt S.. 240 D. M. Edlertort 80 .E'C. Kirkpatrick 80 0. B. Jona. ..... 900 H. Metagar 240 W. J. Glenn.— 100 J.'Spear 100 .W McCatcheon 50 Total, Receipti for the week. Receipks lait week Receipts since Jan. tat _ OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. R. R. Braun (t Wagner, 91:11) ref. -to Waring King & Co. Philadelphia. Lockhart:Frew & Co., 770 refined, to Warden Frew Philadelphia. • R. W. Burke 250 bbls ref. -to ( Warderi, Prow .t Co, Ph‘ladelphia. 0. B. Jones, 250 do ref. to C. B.,Hal brooir. Philadelphia. W. H. Chileoat, 226 dO do to E. 0, Frasel & C 0.4 Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan dc Co., 160 do do to War den,' Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. McKee & Hackett, 8011 - do benzoic to W. P. Logan & Bra , Philadelphia.. litontzbeimer, Hoebleu '& Co., 200 ref. Waring King & Co., Philadelp h ia. Citizens Rat Co., 158 bbis ret intid to F.A. Dilworth .& Co., Philadelphia. f phlynielpnis Market. - . - _ City tefekratis to the Pitieburiit ri*.esta.) Pll/LADELIIIPIi , August', 15:--Petreletra deelined; effide' menifnal - kV 160 In inilki . refined, 32a32 1 /0 _Flour in light demand; northwestern extra family, 59„5t1a 11,60' Ohio • do; - 11110a12,511; family. ii Malt" - Alt'hii tjn inoresletnand; salvt,of Mao bash red t 52,404,15. Rye steady at 111.65. , Corn I veriatilett yellow. - 5 1.27 a I ,30; -nii zed - '.6414t ti 1 kti1 211 41 26 .'..0. 1 11' 0 14 3 10; new, 8O -4 1 lie 3P59.. ,arrooirles..and .provfivions ww.: .than id r 1,2_ • , ."-; .:: . .t. 4270 21,419 17,484 680,722
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