The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 17, 1868, Image 5
RI El NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP GUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.... . 17u GREAT WESTERN GGN woPss ham Peen removal to " 179 SMITHFIELD STREET, Where ai wa y,, be found the most complete assortment sif Gnus, Pistols, Ammunition and Snort. M aterial, tn &gray. 4 i It ki nd , o. iro nna mid Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and NE VOL V.BBB. Sena sta7np for:Glue:rated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the .Unitect States. eladreSs. J. U. JOHN STON. 179 Smithgeld Street. Pittsburgh. .!O.IIN N. PURYIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 13d District. Once, 110 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY Mr 0 tlice hours-9 P l . Y . to SP. H. WPITTSBURGH SAENGE4F.gST! August 31st and September Ist; 2d and 3d. MONDAY, Reception of the _Guests. Procession to the Keystone Rink. Addresses by Goy. Geary and , other promiseut speakers. To conclude with a Concert by the resident, Singers sad Orchestra. TUESDAY. GRAND CONVERT at the Rink by 500 Biggers and an Orchestra of 50 Performers. I • WEDNESDAY.( fIEOONIY:OR&ND CONCERT, at Turner Han, by She Visiting Societies. TiiURsDAY. °BAND PIC-ItIC at the Iron City. Park. In the Evening the Festivities will close with GRAND BALL AT TURNER HALL PRICE Or ADMISSION *cop= Concert . Grand Concsrt Secured Seats %S cents extra. Second Grand Concert Pie-Nic, for every person Ball 3417:1161 WTHE APPETITE FOR Tobacco bestroyed Leave of Chewing and' Smoking the Poisonous Weed, Tobacco. One box of ORTON'S PREPARATION is WAR RANTED to destroy the appetite , for tobacco in any t person, no matter bow strong the habit may be, .ff IF IT FAILS IN ANY CASE TILE MONEY WILL BE . nartricoax. It Is almost impossible to break off from the use of tobacco by the mere exerelse-of the will. Something is needed to assist nature in over coming a habit so firmly rooted: with the help of the preparation there is not the least trouble. Hun dreds have used It who are willing to bear witness tolhe fact that ORTON'S PREPARATION com-' plater destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the person ai free froth any desire for it as before he'oombi.nced Its use. It is perfectly safe and harmless in all cases. The Preparation acts directly upon the same glands and Secretions affected by to bow, arid through these upon the blood, thorough ly cleansing the poison of tobacco from the syst4 and thus allaying the unnatural cravings of tobacco. NOMOILE HAREM .INGFOR TOBACCO AFTER USING ORTON'S PREFARATIONI RECOLLECT IT IS WAE.RANTED. B IMAM: OF . . COUNTERFEITS I • RECONMENDATIONS. — The following are a few selected from the multi Cede of recommendations in oar possession: (From W. P. Heald, Esg,, Bangor, He.l BANGOR, life., April 24. 1968. I hereby certify that I have used tobacco for tnir• ty years past, and for the last fifteen years I have used two pounds per month. I have made attempts to leave car at dlu'erent times. 1 have left on one year at a time. but always continued to hanker for It until I used Orion's PriparAtion, which has com pletely cured me of the appetite fur tobacco. I woted recommend all who are affected with this ter rible habit to try the preparation; which will cer tainly cure It it the directions are followed. W. P. HEALD. (From E. W. Adkins, Knoxville. Tenn.) „ . Kifoxemux. Tenn., August 5. ISB7. This is to cer, try that I bad used tobacco to ouch an extent that my lir alth had become greatly Im paired, and my whole system deranged and broken down. In June. 1557, I purchased one,box of ur tonis Preparation, and after using it 1 found that I was comp] etely gored. L have not had any hanker ing or desire for tobacco since usingt he preparation. 1 believe It to be all that it is recommended, and .1 would advise all who'wish to quit the use of tobacco to try one box of Orton 's Preparation. • [Prom John Morrill, Bangor, Me. BANGOR, Me., March 24, 1888. This 'is to certify that I have need - tobacco for eighteen years; have tried many times to leave off,' but have antlered so .much from • a airainemi in my' head; and gnawing at my stomach, that I have soon. given up the trial. snort time since a friend in duced rue to try Orton's Prep ,ration 4 sold by you.) I have done so. and am completely cured. I did not la the least hanker after tobacco, either to smoke or chew; after 1 began to use the Preparittion., . • JOHN MORRILL. Price of ORTON'S PREPARATION Twcitollars per box, forwaraed to any part of the count y , post paid ; on receipt of price. gene) , sent by ail at eur rink. Address, C. B. COTTON, Proprietor, Box 1.748. Portland, Maine. REFERENCE.. . . , We.' the undersigned. hive had personal dealings pith C. B. COTTON. and have found him a reliable And fair dealing man, and believe his statements .deserving the confidence of the public: • - B. B. icichardson. Rev. J. 8. Green, Dr. 8. B. {towel_ ,l Portland, Me.; Charles H. Morrill, Bldde for4.lle.; A. H. Boyle. eatortiev.. Belfant, Me.; Alonzo Barnard. Bangor, M..; Wm. u Sweet. Bag.; West Mansfield, Masi.; H. M. nornton. last Acworth. N. H.; MAnimby, Johnsville, N.Y. aul7;u6o T LST OF -LA uncalled to Anima 1: e A Adams WS ETTEBS It nt BUCHAN Finrrell Richard Hughes Chas J Henry Louts ' Hackett Juhn J &phi:Lion W lunes W Bowlegs Johnny Boyd W Bishop Geo Black Ataxy Beebe Edz Barnett Slagle E Bahl Maggie Craney Edward .Coleman Jenkins Thos Kennedy John uindankilam T Murphy James . Millard Jos Mathew P trooihim John fulk Louisa Mint. Anirevr Prank Albert ?armor Emma /Linn , James- Miller enlist Slllier Frank 3,1111er8 11 r !Tiller Jaseeso Me I Nallay atephea MeMberon Lt 13cDonaldLisaie 0 O'Leary Anna ERNEST 0. IC • G 43albriath llillmdre Ells 4.10110i11y Frank ilaucy • HOUSE ISTABLISHED JACOB B. HITBLEY, • rios.;27 & 29 Fotirth St.; Pittgburgh. ` CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, Of superiorlsrench and American make, Wholesale and bLetall. and pure IC s. VRICAMS and WAT Pat IQEq.YOI3PIGN FRUI2I3. oral' kinds, JELLIES And rise denudes. in season. _ • Weddings, Parttes./Yestivals and 13e1rct' Comps • _ . es alPsPoed. promptly, and equal in style to any other establishment in the country. • ellver and Chins Ware supplied. and also careful waiter*. Sir Elegant apartments provided for L a dle s M, prhing the dello. deo of the season. and famines can enjOT & quiet, retired place to dine. 7 AN , EXTRA TRAIN y ir leave:lieu PITTI3BCIIOII. CONNFLLSVILLX , , I - 1811T3DAY 1110B8(11144: AT $ CLOCK,,, Fllll - ,111E. , CAMP MEE ING NEAR NaIIICESPORT. ' Iletuisikkg," leave Na/reeaport, at No , o/acik. EXCURSION. TICKETS will be loltfa0; W. B. B 'rolit'.4inip . it • • MATH lousy 0 me& BELTING, the best IX Tinned, 'ways oh band at the ( J. AIL PHILLIPS. 'NEW ADViiIRTISEMENTEr. pi L T E ignuaGn - FEMALE COL:- REV. L C. PERSHING, D.D., DIRECIVB. In buildings, facility, patronage and all the iths ior securing a. thorougla, solid and ornamental education the leading lad tes school lathe !Stale, and one of the first in the Union. Twenty-two able and. accocurillshed Teachers, su perb buntlines, which havejust boon repainted, car peted and Improved at a heavy outlay. Thorough conr3e of study. Unsurpassed facilities in ail tue ornamental branches, especially music• Fall form comm. noes sell' t EMBER. A. Arplica tions can be made at any time, either in per-on or by ktter, aul7 OFFICE OP CItT EN GINNER AND NCRVRYOR, Pittsburgh, August 17, 1868. NOTICE.—The Assessment for Grading, , Paving ,and Curbing Craw- Is now ready for examination, and can be seen at this olflce until THURSDAY, August a2J, • VMS. when it will be returned :o the City Treasurer's . °dice fur collection. _ _ anr 7: arl3 oprzcs OF CITY ENGINZEU AND NuDyrgyog, . Pittsburgh, August 17, 1888. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Grading Paving and Curbing BT. MARY'S AVENUE. from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. LONG ALLEY, from Lewis alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. And also for UIIADINO FAIRVIEW ALLEY, Will be received at this office until ATURDAY, August land, 1868. ' Seecincatiotui can be bad at this office. • The Committee reset ve the right to relent any or all bids. H. J. MOORE, sur7:n/17 - Cite Engineer. JUST RECEIVED, A great assortment of 50 cents *1 00 • NEW SHADES IN RIBBONS, EIII 50 cents 150.. r THE COMMITTEE. - TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WESi- LAN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SAMUEL J. RAN K, a bankfuto under the act of. Congress of March Ed 1867,' having appealed for a discharge frym all his debts. and other claims favorable uqder said. Act, by order of the Court, notice Is bcretty given, to all persons who have proved their debts. and other. perso TE ns 'inte re,ted,B6B, to appear on the sth day of SETMBER, 1 at 2 o'cloak P. before JOHN A. PERVIANCE, Esq., Beglster , rt his -*Moe, No. 116. Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa. to show cause, If any they have, why a discharge sboeld not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice Is hereby given that the Second and Third meetings of 0+ , 11., itors o tne said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk - of U. S. District Court for said District. aul7 • • ceS4 . = O - ' - 0 . as ..• 3 • 7 ..' E-i ce2 a 'ZES e d = Pr 4., 41 csil t. ..". E..i - • = •bQ p l 4 r ., 1 ..= . = „.‘ 4: o ff ~ = = , 4. &-, •Q p ceS u ~., .m = wo wieel = 0 Z w 14 c g .... a ; 7:s - r 4 cm - • . 4 im... - "fi xi •= L'' E•nof es 1 1 t 4 CIJ i-• =,,,, 14 j e 4 FQ• M ca -u ..-. . ,_ 71 PQ J. 4 •-• E..% lc • @ i• .".. A P r A Di i 4S' = 11. 4) , ..- ' I Cv = = ;711 ne. 6 BUILDING SITES AT BELLVIEW 9 • . NT AUCTIO'N. • On Saturday, August 22d, 1868* an the premlies, will be sold bV auction, Three One Acre and Five Hatt Acre Lots of around situated In the Borough of liellvlew, adjoining property of .1. Id. Burchfield, Esq., , and opposite grounds of W. Roseburg, Esq., 34 miles from Allegheny City. The lots. front on the New Brighton road within live minutes , walk of Neville elation, P. F. W. & C. R.K., (at which sixteen Accommodation Trains stop:daily.) only ten minutes , ride from the city. These tots are b.stutifully situated, commanding a fine view of sufroundingkountry. . • Parties desiring first class country sites should by all means examine this property , • a. it will be sold together If desired. - Triln leaves Allegheny Depot a 2:15. SMITHSON, VA.NHOOK a McCLELLAND, . 'surf , Auctioneers. EmovAL. R The Peoples National Bank of Pittsburgh SAMUEL REA GEORGE BLAC K..... F. 81. GORDON The above institution will occupy their '_NEW BUILDING, - No. 75 Wood Street, above Fourth Street, On MONDAY, August 3d, where in future their business will be transacted.. attli,tbt EMAINDIG YOSTOVFICE. NOTICE • TO CONTRACTORS. The , Bewerage Commission of Allegheny City are prepared to receive proposals for the ton.truc , Bon of the foto:wing Sewers, via: CONTRACT 810. 1 Comprising a leneth of about 4.700 feet of KewerP. of train 3 to-5 feet la diameter, on Montgomery Avenue and We.t owmoa.. • 'CONTRACT 110. Comprising a length' of abont 1,250 feet of Sewer, of 24. feet diameter, on Vedersti t t reel. CISNTRACT,No. 3. . • . Comprising leng th ofabout 2,430 feet of Sewer, of troin 3 ro 58, fees diameter. oh Sedgerlek street and line of P. t. t. W.' & vrawings and speillOcatiolll tau be seen and Bill particulars obtained at P nsineer's °Mee, City Hail. Bids must be eadorsed ••cencr Prop Bala: eon tract No. 1. , 7 (or other. as the easemay be,) and de livered on orbefore 3 P. .It., TOEBLIAIf,( the Bath day of Atigust. • • Forms of proposal (on which forms alone the bide -will helm:laved.) can be ob:alnedsitbe linnlneweit The romnitsidon do not biridthemeelvei to accept' the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission. • att26:u15.5 0 Ad. DA7Ig, Cit; Oppermmt John Proudlock Susan Penn Mary Reed Jrase Kees U Ray Samuel Ritchie ti J Healey Ell Roberts D Kirby Ann • ilea linty . Saddler. Ann Stuckert Aunts. Stevens 'Mrs Suillvan J Smith Thom . TarrLevt Taylor Abraham Titus Jane Watt Nancy Winker And'w ' EIIAN, P. Mb Gkmieffroy Brme,ker & Co., 42 LIM:LANGE MOE JAW SOB!, Are prepared, a Bole Agents In the r tilted States for the Prnentan Inning and Iron Co., of Duisburg, inslgintia, to Contract or .ell In quantl nom to snit. purehaiers, (dellyered In either New York or Phila- delphla) Um celebrate I V. 11. SPIEGELEISEN ieedeo extensively fer the thinafeeturing of 2111 Iron is nee from Holottur ootnollPhoruss and coatakti's heal percentage Itanginesi. 'The above are Mao 'emir totentrad fin, or sell kiavrtva ,Dorteatads ter r ythtett teller arta they oleo hive the 13t;le Agency Ili the Vel:tea PirOculinh. l l=Plee. Priora or. 'chemical au alyek winbs atomPtl7lbtwirilid oo iiipllostlol6' (- ' B= 'Bt. SIMPSON, Pres, Trustees ford Street. IL J. 310011,E. SEALED PROPOSALS POE AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Street. HAMBURG EMBUOIDERIES, VANDYXE LACES AND EDGINGS, GENUINE JOUVIN KID GLOVES, SEA SIDE SUAWLS. REAL LACES, ittc atpitai, : : : : $1,000,000. Vica President BIESSEMER'STEEL STEEL -: BAITS IltanufFlund 07„, „ . r• - • w t f• 1 ' A "11. 11 G 11 '' . 442 - BITE .. OND,At 'AUGUST L'lB6lT-' carNOTICE Is HEREBY G that BOOKS FOR.BUBSCRIPTIO= Capital Stock Otthe Conipiny to erect s Bride ovet the Allegheny River, from Ewalt street, in the cur or Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny.; to kt,e Allegheny and. Bailer Plank Road,' at or' near the_ mouth of tilrty's Ruu, incorporated by an -Aet of the Gen. ral 'Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the tweney-sixth dayof March, A. D. 1888, will be opened at the office of SILL A. SHUTTERLY. on Butler street, in the Seyenteenth Ward of Old City of Pittsburgh, on the TENTH DAY OF SEP TEMBER NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. ( .Tokn W. Riddell. 8.. f. Wainwright, James I. Bennett. J. B. Poor, D. Dempsey, H. Sample, ' L. Fellbaugh, F. Coates, J. U. Barr. Wm. hicronnell, John J. Wilitams, 1888. Commissioners. ! 'attlettffil . n• utterly, T.,A3. Stewart, M. McCullough, Jr., E. S. Hanna, W: T. Purviance, Wm._W. Young, Wm. Reardon, Israel C. Pershing, N. IP. Reed, Pittsburgh, August Bth OFFICY OF UNION PACIFIC ft • Eastern 1) PinLADSLPEILA.. Jnly2 Egr'THE IN Cite Mutineer FIRST MORTCACE BONDS, lINIps . PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, - EASTERN DIVISION, Due August Ist, 1808, will be paid on presentatioli of the Coupons therefor. at the Banking House of DABNEY, MORGAN at CO'., 53 EXCHANGE, PLACE. NEWIXO#H. On and after that date. ( WM. J. PALMER, Treeaurer. jra:t76-wim agrbßY REQUEST OF A NUM . NERVE UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of East Liberty and vicinity, Irregardless of ward lines, Use Union Repuullean vote/ of EAST LIBERTY AND VICINITY, Will piesue meet at DEITLER'S SCHOOL HOUSE, On Monday, August 17th, 1868, / AT 453 O'CLOCK P. M For the porpoise of Organ!entitle QM ISM WE, the 'undersigned, LIVERY MEN I', LITTSBUStiIIi, AL LEEIIIICNY, and vicinity. do subscribe to and agree to sustain the following BILL 6F PRICES Cal ll ag, t7 " llllrday uo r ncert, city •• Pattl, , • Country Depot • per hour Darouche, and pair, ptr r d h az . ir day lingp ruldPair, per day per half day . ... '• and horse: per day. per Jay Evening Horse and Saddle, per day Der half day .. Ladles' and Gent sfilvisk Carriage. c i ty trips Hearse, - . .. ....... .... .. ....... Carriage from Wools' hon, oak land. Cop pre' Works, Temperanceyffle and Browne town to Allegheny h St. Mary`a Cemetery 800 fb area for same 7 00 Carrtrige from Ea-t I I nerty. (41rn wood, r alanotleld, Bock'; Run and sharpsburg.... 700 Hear e for same Ti 00 Carriage, per day 10 00 per half day , 7 00 Hearse, per env 10 00 per half day SI 00 Buggy and liorec 3 00 LIVERY. Horse and buggy, per week. Horse, per week horse and buggy, day Hor.e and buggy, over night Buggy, per week Single feed All vehicles without John McKeon, Body Patterson, Jr., Thomas 'lain. Spencer & Whitson, Andrew Jackman, B. F. Mercy, Edward Csarnieckl, Miller & Bradley, onm a. Bros., Wtble & Co., Jacob Welker, Robert Young. L. Stewart. August 15th, 1889 TO IBILIVIY i CONTBICTORS. THE GRADUATION, MASONRY AND 13ALLASTINElof the following enumer- sled sections bf the Pittsburgh & Connelliville Railroad, Are advertised for contract, and proposals for the same will be received at the Company's Office, in Plt.aburith, up to the • 20TH OF SEPTEMBER, inelnelve, Commencing et the Uniontown Branch ducction, about a mile east of Conne Isville, Sections 59 to 8 , 1 inclusive. Then Sections 83, 73, 74., 78, 80, 81, 89, 83, 84, 85, 813, 87, 88, 89, 00791, 92. 105, 110, 119, 118, 118, 117, 118, 119, 122, 7.98, 199, ISo, 133, 140. An of these Sections are in the valley of the Youghlopheny river, op to Section 11/I inclusive. Sections 115, 116, 117 are on the Summit, and embrace the Sand Patch Tunnel; and the remilnder are in the valley of Wills Creek. Section 140 being about 5 mllea freer Cumberland. Pcocettleations of the work on the above ect'ons will be ready for delivery on the Ist of September, at the offices of the Company, at Pittsburgh and Ca m beriand, where contraCtors wall obtain all necessary information to enable them to examine the line. President Cashier The Company reserves the right to reject all or a parlor each uld. 8. EL LATROBE, August 10th, ItBB F OR SALE.' DANE.iturr BIANTSB. DEEDS AND MORTGAGES, LEDGERS Aisrn JOURNALS; DOCKETS /IND RECORD BOOBS, 4 FRENCH miti'aa,lttneD'a s • COPYING INKB., BY W. SI +HAVEN, Corner Wood' and Third' Streets. sal& _ . Engineer DRY OAK .LUBIBEIL A 011_14011 LOT OP - BUTT-CUT PLANK, • ASSORTED TBIOHNILSSICII. • ' '4§o, PLOORIBO and jCOAL PITT RAIL, !a Yard below Stuipension r Bridge. ABelibeli7 old& ADAMS & BRO. , I Ointion—Perryos 131i11d1 up, atilt n24 ' -' PITTSBURGH. TILACK BILK sAcquEs. Lania Lace Pointy • ' Summer Shawls ) iron iaicriuoss, sit t '• WHITE, ORR le: CO, , 244, hiAthreeltv* IBM tur i tt rowelA rmaAa a rig Ostso 'd, lisle ws k • V_ao_j_to jinn Bpottos; abput 11,4 Ages W PRIM*. Tripe lINAJW. Toros sperovirst s e, • _ id,etrodeen P, `z 4 sa Est za mob • NVTIcES. AMWAY CO.. t j7th, 1868. 5 lIN GOLD, ON THE OF THE POLITICAL. JOHN M. STEWART. ......... .es half %fee. blcoelan ratnpbell &. Aiken, Harper dr. Co.. Charlre a Peebles, ralrman k White, Shafer &. Floyd, H. B. Miler, McNulty It Samson, S. Kocher, Mel:shin Bros., McClurg Bens.. T. Hershberger. I=9 Ctin. ENOutrarat. au14:030 NEW 'ALL DRESS Gf!CO€IOI2OS, to the Latest Styles and Fabrics, JUST OPENED AT W / M. SEMPLE'S, I ( 180- and 182 Federal St., Allegheny N EW CALICOES, NEW M:MMS, PfEW FLANNELS, NEW CASSIMERES, AT , POPULAR PRICES. WM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny. 1110 00 00 8 5 0000 7 L 0 VI 00 3 00 10 00 IXARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS ! CABPETSI 766 866 6 00 6 016 566 466 3 00 2 00 5 00 MANIIFACTITHERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW, AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous ( to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur chased this Fall. - 500 000 600 5 00 3 00 1 00 100 50 McCALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPETS. - NOTWITHSTANDING THE kanufacturene recent advance in prices, we will oontinue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVBR II'CLINTOCK & CO., N 0.23 Fltth Street. NEW CARPETS ! AT POPULAR PRICES. IitTFARLAND & commis OFFER THE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PRICES. LADE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND CORNICES. McFARLAND & COLLINS, n and 73 Fifth Street. Next Building to H. S. Custom House I Postornee. auIO:MW SUMMER STOCK OF CARPETS White, Red, Beaked, Striped and Fairy Itit T r ir 45t . ti 4; IN GIVELILT 1 TARIM:TX% Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &e. BOVARD, ROSE . :& C 0. ,: 21 virra spin 07110107 CITY E/0111173eA111 MYR VITOB, 1 rittsburatu,d+agafiirs, B. , VllTl—aig" =—Tiie' t Assessme nt for' Am Grading agd . PavingHasitit Alley (LAWRENCEVILI.3,) h . rpattiOr'etiusilisttins. !iiid' an 'be fieen'id. thi s 0 4itotti,*(ißlvD4T;Au s iiss sour; leas,. when s will MI , iret imipkgtutii, citrisatirer.a Case 1 City istinc. ',.iii i i . . T . 0!...,5 , ... 0,.u.• WM. SEMPLE, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal St.,( ALLEGHENY, NOW OPPEIDS , A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW ''ALL DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE & RE'T'AIL, TO WHICH DAILY ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE, DURING T.H.E BRAWN COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 DILLINGER & STEVENSON NI ... WARDING AND ( - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally. Also, LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, &e No. 87 Second Street, Plttt.burgh, Pa Oil - LIBERAL ADVANCES made on °ensign ments. Jy3l:t7B J. B. CANFIELD A. 2. CANFIELD. diß. CANFIELD & SON, COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale riders In Goshen ' y: Factor Hamburg and W. R. Cheese. Butter,Lard, Po:k, Bacon, Flour, Fish; Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig i.e,ad Pot, Pearl and S da Ashes. 11 hite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils, No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. WATT, LANG & CO., , • wilopcsALE DEALERS IX Groceries, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon OIL eke., Noe. 172 and 174 WOOD STRZET, neaiLlberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. u08:n56 M. STEALS J. A. STEELL M STEELE & SON, Commission Merchantit, AND DiALI4/18 IN ETIA31:111, Gi ateibr. v3aErD. &c. No. 95 OHIO STREET, near East Connnoa, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. 117./..NOU /05; z , MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS 3AO LIBERTY STREET, 'PITTSBURGH. Consigninente solicited. . Rays.usxcies—J.'l3. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. B. Dilwortlil Co., B. T. Ken nedy L Brow ' ja3l:Ll4 Prnift EVIL' JAB. F. =CRUM KED' & EMHART, • - COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' • 'l=s uarts FLOUR, GRAIN, R MILL FEED, U., ac., 349 Liberty 84:;P:ittaburgh, say44;b37 ' TJ.. BLANCHAIID, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET. sp18::139 ALEX. H • BA2'E. J. B. ANIZZI. McBANE & ANJEB, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Dealers Rs FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE IiEN REALLY, No. 14s. WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. MIETZER & ARMSTRONG, POBWARDING AND 00}1XIBSION MU MAMAS, For the sale of Flour, Grain,Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Pr o duce generally, No. IR MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. ' fe=tud JOHN I. HOWE. ....EDW. HOUSE WY. ROOM ME ON I. HOUSE & BROS; Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., holeaale rivers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Htreets. Pittsburgh, Pa. RIDDLE, N0..1143 LIBERTY STREET...Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission lifer ant and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Urooeries and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid tor Produce gen erally. ROOT. KNOX ANDREW KNOX. IitKNOX & SON, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN FRED and PRODUCE-ORNERALLY,. No. TO DIAMOND, oppoalte City MU, Allegheny City. ' ja11:117 , ITTLE; BAIRD ~ a s, PATTON," Wholesale QCommtutori Merchants and kers In Produoe, Flour, Avon, Cheese, 'Fish, Canon and. Lard 011, -Iron, Nails, 'Wass, Cotton Tligna and all Pittsburgh hishursetures generiilly; 11* and no SICOND STUMM% Pittsburgh: - - " JOHN A WALLACS. 1111 PTON&WALLAVEWIIIOLE. SALE U UDDERS AND PROM:WE DEALERS, . 6 METH STREET. Pittsburgh. -- 1512:r58 W. C. FELD & CO., • DVALERS LW *GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Serape, Ceroonai Cattle TWIN BONES' NEAT'S FOOT OIL I 4C. z afflne and Warehowie,'Wo. 335 LIBERTY ST., 4c) t r ? .ci l ! l T a r ne '`. ( Ptivasynos, P A. ,SEPONDIPHAND ENGINES w,lkwwv.L.. One ilorlson , al .letie Ine,. of 90 horse Dower. One f 'Nigger , * 7nglue, without reversayalee. Also i a medium stied DRILL PRIM: Terms ousn• . Address , with description and prioet . JOIIIIATIL COPLEY, Jr., tia River Avenue, Allegheny.. vania • min. Aa . *lows' INDIA , RUBBER BELTING SWUM PAOKING.—A NU stock on hand at all mesiand of the best quality. Parties wisblee to 41 up ills or shops where ,Belting is sego ireill Ind o criees as low mean be bad in the Na st,s and ' sebibli wad., • ,1 - ,1 .r ., — - ''- : I ''' l 4.4 . ii. PlitT.LIPs. ' .. 4142 SG sad Sid St. OW street. NEW STOCK HOUSEKEEPING . GOODS 180 and 182 Federal 81, Allegheny BAUGAIIVS IN 180_ and -182 7 Federal St., Allq,heny GROCERIES. WV. NIILLEII, .....s. l:l3Tzyizrsox Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, SIINIIBIES. • • 400 bus Prime Yellow Ear Corn. 300 bus do, do - Shelled do. 50 bits Piime Barley. '3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 500 lbs. Dried Peaches. _ 25.bbls. Sorghum Molasses. 10 bbls. Sweet Cider. 50 doz. Corn Brooms, In store and for sale by FETZER do ARMSYRONG, je4• 16 Market street, corner CHOICE JAPAN .TEA.—Just re— celved~ Invoice of extra quality uncol— ored Tapan Tea, for sale by the pound or half cheat. by JNO. A. - RENSHAW. . anll - turner Liberty and Hand ctreeti. 911(1 BI B. T fo O r 4" ‘ " ‘ j 4nd 44 713 1 M I SIVRea le at Plot street. IA HITE LIME-200 bbis. best White Lime, for sale.bp CANTIELD & SON. C EMENT ---.10 bbls. Louisville Hydraulic Camera.: for side by au6 J. B. CANFIELD &BON. iii lUE CLAY-500.bbls, Missouri 1 Fire-awl Pot Clay,ltor sale by. , sa6 J. B. CANFIELD & BON. SODA ASH—iOO. casks in Store and for silo ny .1. B. CANFIELD & BON.- 'IOIEARL ASH-25 casks for sale I. by J. B. CAN FIELD St BON. pOT ASH-10_easks for sale by:. JOHN B. CANFIELD &BON. DIG LEAD-500 pigs Soft Galena A. Lead, for sale by J. B. CAN VI E.LD & SON. S TEAM CARPET BEATING • ESTABLISHMENT. Witch TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and (Alp er Eastern cities has Droved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: , ed lst-Fading and Shrinkage arcsompletely avoid . lild-No ripping apart necessary. • - 3d-When need from dust, motile or theirlarvaa. the Carpet looks nearly as good as new, IWO the- natural fading from wear. 4th-When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again. * desirable matter- as a mere pointer economy, ta, , sty,nothing oflocks. . _ ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE, , No. 1.79 -L bertyweer. - Or addressed to P. o.Doit 423, will reoelve prompt attention. on. L. 'Lemma, mhio itsortatTos. W4,IIITED. h 0 000 bush. prime WHEAT' so,uois •• .• _ran sad Spring BAILLILIC And Y 5,000 BYE; . _ B 9 1. which we.will psy the blithest price in cash. ' aroma, MEM & _ • lita:d&EP CI.OOD CANNED 161 1 : EA0EIS9, PLUMB AND ItASPBX3IMM . s e mis u fiery low ptieee, at GEORGE BEAVER'S. :014 ‘' 112 " LET OR FOR SALE. 'SIX T O- NE - BRICK notistis, Inl3eond Iteasonable,ternas. Inquire or W. 8. TAYLOR. D*Lux EGADAIPPP 40141111011. ARTIOLS OP ' AKells' elk _front one to twenty-ftkur inches e& VEY.- DON & KELLY'S, meats ibr manntlietateri, Wood !street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Int SOMETUVIG ,NEWarrDeigetatisl MID? faintly use; one pound equal is - four pounds of raw 119 u t.put up la 0941 one pout& paper boxes,_ with olpds- tor MOM*/ la P a r of atylipe. Prlde 3 b Dents par pound.. . sato, whpleatle aid ratans WM* fisMIT Or9Oarf aloft NE' JOnf' ReallifiAW • 1.4 par. LI wry sad, RNA - WM.- SOIPLE'S, LINED! NANDICEROMEPS I LIEN, SHIRT FRONTS, LADIES' STOCKINGS, MEN'S SHIRTS, ,WM. SEMPLE'S, (Late Miller & Ricketson,)— Nos. 221 AND 223, Offer to the trade at Low Figures 150 pkgs. of NEW MACKEREL, In ( barrels, halves, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN* and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 25 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. . 75 bbls. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bbls. S 1 RUP„cholce brands. 100 bbls. - -N. 0. MOLASSES. 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 200 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 htht s.NARA P SUGA ORT ORS.CO, CUBA and EMS: RI 200 bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bags JAVA and LAGUAYEA COFFEES. 100 cases IMPORTED CLARET. 250 cases MO ET & NDON'S CRAM.- PAU NE WINES. SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORT= con— stantly on hand. •IDBAIN PIPE, El /.~ VI ENE 45 Obi* street.