The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 17, 1868, Image 3
Financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed at 140gQ147. (My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW YORK, August 15, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. Money rather more, active at 4Q5 per qrsent..on call loani. There is a general feel ing in favor of putting up the rate 1 per cent., which will likely be tarried into ef fect the beginning of next week. Sterling dull at 109Q109g, Gold firmer and opened at 146, declined to 146%, and closed at 1467©147. The export to-day was $24,450; for the week. $653,398. Governments heavy and lower. The fact - that the gold loans are not considered closed by the Treasury Denartment tends to weaken the Govern 'nient bond market. - There is growing a fear of further roles in case the Department should want more currency. ;Coupons 1881, 114gQ115; do. 1862, 113MQ 1133( 3 ; do. '64, 109gQ109 3 / 4 : do. '65, 111.54Q* 11134; do. new 108Q1088; do. '67, 1073;W 107 X; do. '6B, 107 7 ,Q108; do. 10-405, ' 108% 41083‘. The shipments of currency to the: 'West for the week aggregates eleven mil lions, of dollars. The bank statement is unfavorable; loans, 1277,808;620; decrease. 11,041'066; @peels, V 22.953,850; decrease, ;1,830,577; .in circulation, $34,114,087; in crease; /39,714; deposits. $224,581,067; de crease, /8,155,407; legal tenders, $72,935,481; decrease, $1,116,067. The stock market is irregular and , generally weak.. In addition to the operations in Erie connected with election movements, there has been a strong bear movement inaugurated,{ under which the wtole market is yielding; the tendency towards„ a more active money market alsd encourages sales. Considera ble amount of short sates have been made, `which may prove the occasion of an early •turn upwards. Erie sold down to 51gstad from that advanced to The market was heavy and lower at the close, especially on Erie and New York Central. There is Very little disposition to buy stock, in the face of a heavy currency movement to the 5:30 ' , mass: Canton, 463 Q 46%; Cimbsr land; 80Q33; Wells Express, 25Q2534; Amer ken, 40g; Adams, 47 gQ47%; United States, 41.gQ41 1 4.; , Merchants' Union, 22y 4 Q22g; Quicksilver, 21 1 gQ21.g; Pacifie Mail, 102 g; Western Telegraph, 33Q33g; New York Central,•l26gQl26g; Erie, 53'4@53,3i; do. preferred , 70Q71;;Hudson River, l36g (4137 g; Harlem 123; -Reading, 90gQ90%; Ohio and Mi ssissippi; ;2914; Toledo and Wabash,-503.6Q50%; - St. Paul, 53gQ53g; de. preferred, 81g; Michigan Central, 119.4 0121; Michigan Southern. 84, , ,§84X; nois Central, 146Q149; Toledo, 99V Q 100; Northwestern; 82%; pieferred, 811,54 g; -MN: Fort Wayne, Il17g4107%; Hartford Fzie, 21gQ21%; Colt:Mims, 85 3 / 4 ; Ash tabula, 98%; -Chicago and Alton, 13935 Q 140 g; - Terre Haute, 68. BORDER STATE BONDS Quiet; Old Tennessees, 653 ; new, 63(436 , 1g; old • North Carolina, 7214(4)74; hew, 71g; - old Virginias, 56; new, 26. MINING SHARrg Mining Shares dull; Gregory, 400; Quartz EMI, 105; New York; 150. EXPORTS FOR TBE WEEK._ DrY goods. $1,933,412; general merchan chandize; /2;579,486. • SITB-TREAFRIRY MATTERS. Receipts at the Sub-Treasury„ $822;524; for.the week, $19,638,369; payments tezday, $474,722; for the week, $14,336,420; balance; 134,590,221. - :New York Produce Market. _Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Ifsw YORK, Augtu3t 15.--Cotton firm; sales of 1,200 bales at 293413 for middling -uplands. Flour; receipts, 14.421 bbls; dull and SalOn lower; sales of 6,100 bbls at 87,30 118,25 for superfine State and western, 18,50 -a9,65 for extra State, $8,60a10,75 for extra western, 810,90aL120 for white wheat extra 58,902,13,50 for R. H. 0., - 810a12 for common to fair extra St. Louis, 512,541114,75 for good to choice do.; market closing quiet; Cali fornia dull and heavy, with sales of 301) sks *810,40:112,40. Rye Flour lower; sales of Iso,bbls at 57,90a10,55. Corn Meal quiet; .sales of 100 Bbb3 .Brandywine at $6,75. Whisky active and firm; sales of 1,400 bbla at 67a67%cin bond. Wheat;44lllst"%B7o bus; dull and 2a3e lower; sales of 15,000 buslio, 2 enring at 12,0122,01% in store; mural lots of white western at' 12,50. Rye lower, with -sales of 800 bus new western at 11,82%; Barley nominal. Barley Malt ' quiet. Canada Peas firm, with sales- of I,soobus "atsl,Bo fer fail. • Corn; receipts, 104,342 bus; dull and la2c lower; sales of 485 bus` t 11,13a1,17 for unsound, $1,18a1,20 for sound mixed western afloat; the latter an etireiiief 11,20 for old' do in store. Oats; no receipts; scarce and-in.demand at an advance of le; saleis of 685 bus at BUM for - western afloat,. and 'B2c in store. Rico dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar; market dull; 400 hhds Cuba sold at 113ya12e.• Mo :I hissed 'dilll: - Hops`quiet"any 10s30o for *•: American.' Petroleum dull at 16%a16Mc; for crude - 36%33%c fors-refined _bonded. Coal quiet. Leather hemlock sole steady *-1 at 27a29c for light - and middle do. • Wool , 1 is-actiYe . and firmer; 1,700,000 pounds sold at 41a52c for domestic fleece; 62a68c for pioklikkii;soasB6 for Canada combings;ll,4o 3443 for pulled;: and 48a49c for tubbed. :1 Pairk - is qtaet and steady; 3,800 bbls sold at I, /21,50a28„62 for new,mess, closing at 148,60 regular- ' 28,62a28,75 for old do; $23,25a . .. f0r. .2476. irime;24,25a24,10 for prime mess. Beef is steady and tirichanged; eale's 175 bbls. Beef hams quiet; sales 25 - bbls at 125a32,50. li Cut meats lirm; 214'" packages sold 13a1310 : for shoulders; 1634a19%c ibr hams. middles 'ti Arm and quiet. Lard steady; 750 tierces ;',.. sold at; ItialliMo for steam rendered ;' 10c for : •oholite do ,s2 121119%c for kettle rendered. Butter firm at 30a33e for Ohio. Cheese .-7 steady nt 12}11703. Freights to ,Liverpool :::: firmer; engagements . per Steamer 20,000 bush corn at 4 1 %c. • ~: Lerser.--Flour closed dull and saloc : • lower. _ Wheat dull and 10a12alower, with 1 : only 2 trilling milling Inquiry. . Rye lower -Iliad Mill at $1,80a1,85. -- Oats scarce and firm ',..7 at 82c in store; and 63a83%c afloat. Cora .- dull and - heavy at 11,12a1,16 for - unsound, ^i and 11,17a1,18% for sound new mixed wes ,:, tern afloat, 1,1,19a1,19% for old mixed wes tern' Matta*: ' Pork heavy, with Sales of 100 bblatthem at 128,50 regular, closing with ' .:-buyersatl2B,so, and sellers at $28,60 4rega . : tar. Beet drill'abd slightly in'. buyeis' ,fa- Tor. ,Ctit- Meats -hi good :inquiry at' full prim; - Bacou firin add quiet, and a' light ' • 1113914y.',,d. ton at 18011903/or kir to ^ . prime steam.rendered:, Eggs dull at 22a24c. !Itarket. , . cs,Telognao t o t he fitttabarab Garotte:7 • ' ci*N 2 kkg , 4uiust(ls:- . -•FlcCu'r drill and /250 lower; fatal ly•1110a10,25.; Wheat eaaier, , • owing, to die large reeelpts; piiole&p,ocw. 2,10. white 42,36a2,40. ' Corn; 93040 for ear. , 1 Oats; 0.5a5s fur . choloo•Vo;'1. t :Itye -dull andmotatalealde at:•bettler-ttianliE,2s. • Cotton and Tobacco wominal unehangStV • Whisky:Mgt at 70ir bl•bOod. Provisfobs rathef #611: ';•SfetaffPork can :be bonglit••at • 122,76 1 Lard 18340. Balk Meats 12q,,a14 . Bacorit Shoulden; firm because or the light - supply; and.helct at 13 o; aides easier; clear rib 163011354 c; clear sides 1707;0. Sugar . Cureci•Hatnif-211i22o.•••"Butter lerity and • lowenfresh &taints. Cheetie, tiro:i t - at 14340 for western reserve • and faCtory. iApples '.plenty and dull at 112a4 per •bbi. - Peaches • ..'plenty and , dull at l sl,lsoso,ou par bbl.; Hay! very dull, Litiieed 94.-ad.v4goed to $ 1 0.4 1,12. 'MO 1.4834: ' • ' • : :Lenin:llle -Viarket. • ID/ 1 4 F.1 ° P Tel t° th e ' Pittaaiaaiti 04 sta. •- ' •,' Kok* ls pos hhda atilald for Inge.. to • mediunCleaf,- - and L0,60a17 for cutting. Flour ail? for -superfine.-- WheitritlaClE 4 :V/0 1610- red7 . sand $1,20 for wbite::-/Cein tiitAtw. lit bulk. ° A t til a-a t /Ago; - -mesa ; pork *OW „Lsrd'al • lf•If 11 1 31: 1 ! TPA stioill4era it'fae/M: clear at)7i7h14.1.10a4ti17444 44 11 ishok dens at , l2Me; chiariidet'tl64Wi :._ , , lit 11,250,30.. Cotton at 118340 for middling. Chicago Market. TB, Telegraph to the Pittehurgh Gazette. CHICAGO, Aug. 15.—Flour dull at $9,75a 11,75 for spring extras: Wheat fairly ac tive and 116a2c higher; sales No. 1 at $1,85a 1,88; No. 2 $1:76a1,77 1 4, closing at $1,77 for No. 2; unchanged since noon board. Corn active 'and le lower; sales. No. 1 at 99ca$1; No. 2 98a983.1e; rejected 93a95%c, closing at 99e for No. 1-in stare; unchanged this after noon. 'Oats moderately active at •;419! ‘ c lower; sales at 53,354;0, closing at 53a5334c. Rye 2a234c lower; sales No. lilt $1,34a1,35; No. 2 $1,32a1,83, closing at the inside fig ures. Barlpy unsettled, irregular arid closed at $1,50 for No. 2in store. Provis ions dull; in store active. Nfess pork nom inal at $29,25a29,50. Lard 173;a18c. Stigar pickled hams and bulk .meats inactive. Highwines inactive and nominal at 60c for bonded. Freights ly,c higher at 6a6Me on corn to Buffalo. Receipts-8,017 bbls flour, 83,666 bu wheat, 189,056 bu corn, 127,274 bu oats, 3,419: hogs. Shipments-7,781 bbls flour, 63,381 bu wheat, 125,060 bu corn, 44,027 bu oats. St. Louis Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Clarette.l ST. Louis, August 15.-Tobacco is active and unchangedi% Ri t our is unchanged; sales superior at $6,2.18,75; extra at $7,25a8,25 double extra tits9all); treble extra to fancy at $1.1,25a18.. :Wheat dull and heavy; prime to fancy red fall rangeslrom $1,85 to $2,35; choice white sold at $2,35. Corn, but very little demand„ white sold at 92a96c. Oats dull and lower; sales at 50a53c. Rye, there was nothing done; butchers only of !erred $1,1521,20. Pork is firm, with sales at $29,75a30,50. Bacon, packers - -are gener ally paying .1.734 c for new shoulders , and clear sides, but sales were made at %0 less; old clearsides• could not be had for 17c; clear `rib tildes sold at 16,6 c. Lard; choice tierce is held at 1835 c. Cattle is abundant at $3a5,50, grmis, for common to choice. Cleveland Matket. ,By Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, August 15.—Flour quiet at 510a10,50 for double extra spring, and slla 11,50 for double extra red winter; country brands quiet at $0a9,10 *for double extra spring, $9,50a10,50 for double extra red winter, and $12a13,00 for double extra white.. Wheat: sales of ,4 cars No. 1 red at $2,12; 4 cars(No. - 2 at "$2, and 2,500 buSh sellers fur August at 12. ' Corn is held at $l,lO. , Oafs: salesof 1 car at 58c. Rye: the market is dull and inactive, but is held at $1,75a1,80 for No. 1. Barley: market dull and nominal., Petroleum dull and un changed at 30a31c for standard white, and 28a29c for prime light straw to white. ( ' Toledo 'Merkel. By. Telegraph to the Plttishargh Gazette.] TOLEDO, August 15.—Receipts--.4,618 bbls flour, 25,430 bus wheat,' 3,666 bus corn, 4,050 bus oats. Shipments-4', 726 bbls flour, 1,865 bus wheat, 1,700 bus c0rn;28,200 . bus oats. Flour quiet. Wheat; white a shade lower; amber 3a4c lower; sales white'Michigan at $9,231 amber' Michigan, $2,14a2,15; amber Illinois, $2,25; No. I red,. $2,053ia2,06; No. 1 spring, $2,00; No. 2 do. $1,80; amber, seller August, $2,10a2,L1. Corn dull and lower; No. 1;51,62. Oats a shade lower, but ac tive; sales No. 1 at 5635a57e. Rye - un changed, $1,50 for . No. 1. Lake Freights firm;- 4 asc, by sail to Buffalo, and Dc to Oswego. Buffalo Mai ket. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ciazette.) BUFFALO, August 15.—Receipts—Wheat, 60,000 buShi corn, 195,000 do; oats, 12,000 do; flour, 8,000 bbls. Shipments—Wheat, 8,000 bush; corn : 164,000 do; oats, 42,000 do. Freights, 12c on corn, and 8c on oats to New York. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull; spring , nominal. -- Corn quiet and lower; sales 80,000 bush mixed western, part to arrive, at 11,08a1,10, ss to quality. Oats dull; sates 1 car new at i 65c on track. Rye nominal. Barley—Sales 1 car Canada new at $1,75, first quotations of the season. Mess pork, 130. Lard, 18a18%c. Seeds firm. New Orleans Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ehreUe.) Nnw °nix/Lys, August 15.--Cotton quiet; middlings nominal at 27c; no sales or ex ports;. receipts, 87c bales. Sterling Ex change 159'4a163. New York sight lycc premium. G01d•14634. Sugar and molas ses steady, but dull and unchanged. Flour quiet; sales of superfine at 18.50, treble ex tra $9,50a10,50, choice $11a14,00. Corn dull at $1.1031,15, stack light. Oats quiet at 65a 67c. Hay, none on the - lading; sales at $26a27,00 from store. Bran; 81.25. Pork steady at $31,00. Bacon Shoulders 14c. Clear sides 17%c. Lard steady at 19a21c. San FnUlcbco blarket. I,lli Telegraph to the rittsbi;rgik Gazette.] SAMFgAzzonico, August - 15.—Flour quiet at • 85,50a6,50. Wheat 11,70a1,80. Legal Tenders 69%. Mining Stocks—Alpha 47; Belcher 115; BiUlion 15; Chollar 139; Confi dence 35; Crown Point 80; Empire Mill 115; Gould Curry 83; Holenorcross 74; Imperial 108; Kentuck 387; Ophlr, 19; Overman • 82; Savage 110; Sierra Nevada 35; Yellow Jack et 11,32.. Milwaukee Market. (By Telegraph to the Plitsburch Gezette.] MiLwAutt.EE, Aug. 15.--Flonr dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat declined to' 11,87% for No. 1; $1,16 for No. 2. Oats en tirely nominal. Corn irregular at $1,02 for No. 2. Receipts-1,000 bbls flour, 10,000 bu wheat, 2,000 - bu oats, 1,000 'btt corn. Ship ments-400 bbls Sour, 300 bu wheat. ; Baftimore Market. (. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l ItALTIMORE, August 15.—Flour quiet and scarcely so firm. Wheat dull; prune de. clined epc; sales at 52,05112,72. Corn dull; whale, $1,18a1,20. Oats dull; prime, 80a8543; low grades, 70a75c. •llye steady at .1 4 60 a 1,70. Provisions firm and unchanged. Dstrolt Market. (Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) DETROIT, Alug. 15.—Flour —arrivals, 415 bbis; •choice •brands firmer, salei , being :Made at $11,50a12„ Wheat=Aeeipts, 80,000 bush; No 1 white at 52,30; No 2 do at 12,19 a 2,22; No 1 amber , at - e 2,12. • • • Chicago CatUe -Market. , . , [By Telegnpii to rlttsbarah,OiLzette.) CHU:W(Ip, Ang, 1 15.—Cattle 'awl and ttn ehanked, Hopp del at . AgSap,cip tor Ilight• togood'gfatlba IMPORTS Olt RAILROAD: PiTT*4 lo # o trfr , WA*AB AUSD P4PaitQA RA/LUOAD. August 15. 7 -1, car etayes, W. Hastings; 1 do do ,Ws, tt• ItobertsoM 2.5 tea hams, , 1 do fia;:tna& Co; 29 bids ,Wblak3'l, 4 Selfreth & Co; sdo do, Isaac Stien; 1 ear Mlllfeed,_l it =W -Esirley;;l3 bble apPles,i 'Who, MahOod Qt Co; 0 bgs coffee, Rine hart &Steirens;' a Wild paper; Pittsburgh Piper, Co; 148 " , skoleatsl,.lo wheat,,Mo 'Maury it Rood; 59 sks oats, Robb it. Her.' ron;b sks rags, McCullough, SU - 4th 4S; Co; 10 bur `stareh,' J'A Ren shaw, 5 tes beef. X Peigter; :5 do da,,10,d6 ars, a•Rayli• Son ; 4 dr. beet;; Moon & 10 bbla Rota- ;, -Wes: Vangoider & Shepard; s'hhes Unlace% M 100 bbiellOur,,'Wott,'Lapg, it Co; 13 tea" 13,ams,, J • l i ipphiumtt; 1 car, *heat,. - HitehOrockOticOreery,& Co; 12 apples,: F Craighead; M iks' hirlel,:Copott. ,Par-, lingion,&Co; car'tiats, n alagtutu dtiLfiort, 1 " 0 " 430 X 1 4. 1 ' caino4lll; 44ss 49.0 1 , Cooperrjo pit) do, E neavetpal cut W 4864, ,J S LiggetiA C0; 13 6 b3o l l. 7 99rAisfill,liku4tate. StewartLioXe4; l l4ll4::l , oar :9 2, 4 1 1 14 / 2 8 2 Godfrey di Rico. craws:Wm , AND Prrresonosr.: , &up+ nUAliorrAtlEost 1 6..46 oars trom,Nlndok p0;.41.d0.d0i, Melntosh , &.(*ll doiron ore . Moßtdelt it Co; 411 uoto. , •ReesyGraff.&:Cor 'foss oats. Culp & Shepard ;i dal edl,t John. -804rp£12naddies tobacco, Earle. & Cor 160 Dio iron, JonesAtiangtsurgirniblisi-sodesii van' d er arliffiePatd; 84 141a-papbr. 'WS; eav npl2 bblalaPPles, & Co; 4 ears melons: F Craft; Salo ',do; g Campbell; 4 tabs cheesiklepou% kg butter s 2 bbls Sggs. Reid it Wraps{ 10 • „PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: - , MONDA.Y, AUGUST_ Id, 1868. bbls apples, 10 do potaties, 2 do eggs,-.Mor rlson & Co; 44 bbla apples, W J Steel, Bro; 12 do do, H Rea' Jr; 9 do do;11 Riddle; sdo eggs, 54 sks oats, 25 bxs cheese, Ord! & Reiter: 2 oars oil, W J Glenn; 2 kgs but ter, 1 bbl eggs, W H Kirkpatrick; 1 barrel sugar, Carter, McGrew. At Co; 1 car oats, F Sellers & Co; 4 bbls eggs, Atwell, Lee & Co; 4 bra cheese, N J Braden; 1 keg sugar, S P • Shriver; -bdls chairs, Hammer & Battler. _ P/TTSBITRON, CEPOMNATI AND ST. LOMB RAILROAD, August 15.-200 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 5 bbls spirits, S H Watson; 82 bbls glass,MoCulley & Co; 3 organs, Kleber & Bro; 1 car bran, Kiel & Ritchart; 20 bags seed, H R McClelland At Co; 84 hides, J Callery; 40 sheets iron, Everson, Preston & Co; 3 cars scrap ironiT Maloney; 7 rolls leather, G N lioffstott; 38 bats cheese, Woodworth & D;•43 doz brooms, S Ewart & Co; 25 ball cheese, E Heazleton; 30 do do, IK W Rankin; 15 bbls oil, B L Pahnestock; 15 bbls beans, 10 do apples, Graff & Reiter; 200 oil bbls, E B Jones: 10 bxs cheese, R ( f .Robison & C , 2 bxstobacco, J Murphy; 50 bbls flour, irkpatrick & Co; 8 bets rags, McElroy & o; 1 box soap, W W Wallace. ALLEGHENY VALLEY'R. R., August 15.-1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 1 car metal, Cole.' man Balm & Co; 1 do do Graff Bennett & Co 1 do stone Harrison & Co; 1 do do Thomas Burns; 1 car metal, Loomis Collard; 4 bbls eggs, 14 kegs butter, A Gallagher; 7 sacks wool, S Bradley & Son; 5 bbls onions, Vtiigt Mahood dr, Co; 1 car Metal, Lyon Fihorb & CO do do McKnight, Porter & Co; ALLEGHENY STATION, August 15.-6 bbls apples, F Owens; 3 bbls onions, Rose Jr Ewing; 10 bbla crackers, Kalum tft. Bro; 4 do do S Dyer: 4 1 cars wheat, R J Kennedy &, Bra; 2 dotflax seed Ewer Hamilton & Co; 110 sacks bran, Stewart & Langenhum 200 green hides, Wattach & Co; 10 bbls flour 10 boxes soap, Mercer & Robinson; 300 bags barley, M Weil; I car feed a Miller; 10 sks wool, Bradley ca ' Son; 500 pigs lead, Rey mer Bawman & Co: PITTSBURGH AND Coremr.r.sviLLl; RAILROAD, August 15.-78 sacks wheel, Dillinger & Stevenson 25 do do J S Leggett & Co; 6 bbls charcoal, J Adler & Co; 1 bbl eider, S Ewart & Co. ( RIVER NEWS —The Kate Robinson has given up her trip from Cincinnati to Memphis in conse quence of low water. —The St. Nicholas has been withdrawn froin Red River, and the Annie Wagley chartered in her place. a—The low-pressure Richmond is having more staterooms put in her for the. accom modation of passengers. —The Underwriters of St. Lotds have ad vanced-rates of insurance on the rivers to the ftgures adopted last January, —The snag boat Petrone has succeeded in moving the log at Hurricane, which has so long . been a trouble and terror to steam boatmen. —The Allen. May. Capt. Jacob Frickor, is now a semi-weekly Pittsburgh and Par kersburg packet. She was formerly the. petroleum-burning Fire King. —A large number of leading merchants and citizens of New Orleans have signed and published a card endorsing Capt. D. DeHaven and his steamboat enterprise. —The Pickett, noticed in some of the morning l papers two or three days ago as having broken her shaft, was not the T. J. Pickett, as stated, but the Pittsburgh tow boat Picket. —Mr. James McConnell, a clerk of the. Emma No. $. is ill. His complaint is sup posed to be billious fever. 4 Mr. Walter Maratta, of the John H. Groesbeck, is fill ing his place. —The Cincinnati Chronicle Is responsible for the following: It is understoodin steam boat circlps in St.. Louis that bids would be entertained for the steamer Great . Repub. lie: The highest price offered was $75,000. —The steamer St. Marys Capt. Svvskrzny will enter the Wheeling and Cincinnati every Friday evening, as soon as there is sufficient water, and will remain perma nently in the trade She will make an ex cellent packet. —Chief Justice Breese, of the Supreme Court of the State oflast week de cided that under the act - of 1857, liens for supplies on boats and vessels navigating waters within the limits of a State must be enforced in the said Courts. —The officers of the C. J. Caffrey assert that they will have four feet water over the bars be wean Dubuqe and St. Paul through 's the n. The Montana also goes to work this we k, below the scene of the Caffrey's operations: ' Large, vessels are now going through. , —The Vicennes Gazette says: "The law, in r e g rd to Steamboats was, tested in the "Mate Case". This boat was levied upon for debt, and tietained until the trial, bast Tuesday.. It was decided that steamboat can "not be held by a shetLif Or constable at any river town, except such as are denom inated as ports of entry, and that such seiz ure must be made be made by a' Govern ment officer. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Grizette of Friday: The funeral of Capt. Geo. D. Hoople, at Newport, yester day, was well 'attended. The Methodist funeral ceremony WIIFI performed' by Rev. W. T. Spruell. Capt,Lew .Rates and En gene•Bawers, and Messrs J. Wilson John ston and John Raipe, acted as pall-bearers. As the funeral procesilon wag' poising over the Licking briuge, the bells of the Mem phis Packet Cowpany'e steamers Darling, GolderiCagle, SilVer Moon and Alice Dean, lying,in the vicinity, were tolled. River and Weather. (U Telegraph to the Pittsburgh oatette.) Lounivir,Lx, Aug. 15.--Itiver falling, 4 feet 3 inohes in canal. Weather clear and pleasant. ' ST. Louie, Ang. 15.—Weather clear and warm. - - • PROPOSALS. Cterto,?rt?s irzon crryorALTrourxrA g susiLli i es. QE4pipo PROPOSALS •,11Will be. ki received at Ibis onto° until 3 olelook. P. is. on TBIDAir, bit'instant; Kir • . CritA.DlN 4 l:3i . 1‘,110) PAVING WARD'S ,ALLEX, ,fTom A ilegiteuy avennepEtedr wiek stret,- • • • ISABELLA COIT.RT, trans Itobinson to ~ ltillhatk Pk: - Also, for rad Int 'FOUNT aIN -tiritE ET, from Banderols street to Mlddla /street, Prettied and speeilleations can be seen in the office of the o,B77BsllWber. • • r , • stile:WS • . •• • ; 401t7 Controller. 'Ol/PI9ZOT N7IIOLI•i6 Or ALL2OIIZNY 0, t vpniNuouss. , Animas Ste, 10138.- NOTICE, TO COAL ; DEAJLERS. SEALED TBOPOSA win be reoetve4 at this bake until 17th Inst., - Lneltudye, •for furnishing to VietileßY OSSultrz ; ! • r ; . 10,00.0 Bnsb. good ketchantable It 1 ,free trona slack and dirt, to -be Weighed ton Abe dilly 'Scale', nod delivered at:the entrance, to the Court Moose emit plaLt;fonffiflb end/lose etrifeta.Xn gum 41tler, of. Mt hundred budiem per, dap, until( the whole ledellyererl. • ; • _ ..• . '' 'Payment will be me bv W&rr a nt e drawr on the, ,Codtttyftraitimer,* n the ollotraot le -completed., .11, direction of Clotintypommia.doperc .44E*'1 1 r f Xf4•llPl33ilTV*, • Skind • . ' ; • Costfollet. r i Fir, cum sytisrwaga glgaviTou, / . %•(, . ' • ' Prrrescrit Ir. August ii. OW i :141"1)TICE. IrO.4)IWriIIACTORS. ,1 Mit „ L , ED PI . 014 U P, TOR tE , ! . : ~,, , Og . rte . t .IVI - q . r ittl itr invi : .wrxixivz. , rop. goon, 0.0 si.K.l, Akttlii2CBTEEZtidibut •MairPLUEXcotar t "AtilaillffaTGLßßlSTlt gratto tesotrolffi . 'M e l7,lri:uO i i nwirso6nerts ANLNIIN. from Kirkpotetak street to Miner ' c ';"street, (isluereville,) . ' 'WM tie g r ui llit. 144011.001014 eliftnokircitt gust l• , ........ vrnal •,. 1V:1' • NM's* _ ' - Cii, LOAM, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL ON THE IST DAT OF AUGUST, WE REMOVED THE UWE AND COMMODIO 13 WAREHOUSE, No. 45 Wood Street, Directly Opposite St. Charles Hotel. Also, entrance on THERD ST„ Nos. 102 and 104 R. E. SELLE 6 & CO. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY KNOWN TO MAN. 1.47 151 -'I7"SS IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, ( FOR THE WEE OF AU Diseases Arising from. an Im pure State of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Boils, Pimples on the. Face, Liver Complaint, f Sore Eyes, Scald Read, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomachi Old• and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, • Female Complaints, Together-with all other disorders from an improper condition of the Clrchlatory System. As a general Tonle' Its effects are most benignant, and cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters into its composition, so that while it invariably af fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cures, no overdose could injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLERS. & CO., Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF Sellers' Cough Syrup; Sellers' Liver Pills and Vermifugm Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Roerbave's Holland Sitters. FOR SALE 1311' f . ALL DRUGGISTS. JyXASI ELECTIC SUMMER CORDIAL, An infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, s Diar: r e h ae r Vomiting, Hoar Stomac h DR. 1111111IS' CRAMP CORE A epecifle fbr Cholera, Cramps and Pain in the . Stomach, for sale by, HARRIS dr, MO:NG, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streels, 'AGVENTgi FOR J. SCHOONMKEIR.& SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, • A . ND- McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN, e T goTti l r y e. gr nlYt a W h e„Tlfrlo d n e g t g i tri te gi l vl to k raerfect satisfaction than any paint in the ORA.OKER BAKERIES. sitEmonDls STEAM CRACKERMERY, 811 Liberty Street. t_clur Chicken are baked up•ou the ' OPEN BOT TOM, and . are, superior to any baked .by hot air or obi other prooess. ' MS - Mitti" 71MM:it: • i . k CRAG HERS: ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS '. g OFFERED IN PITT. ( _WINE; PMITONi SODA, BRENtIII, ITEl4 7. Bo%o l 7l;grai l l i tt it Iu ISOVIE IS° . D C"CIX. - . . For Saks EveTy .Grocer in the City. Btiktn, lt4i. 91 Liperty St. BAY, RAKE. To FEBB . 'THE,, HAY:RA.I4 !`iVEGINE." xxrzrzro 1186 AND MT. Lipka _,%wt Nalc , v/I r_ .111 Titi 4 t i like&Tfilr *My Ir Witter. losa *nu *Mu.. Itte esuer Mae any Oli t imgskik , iteittiouctiPutp 110114 of aid can do tho work of a foil Liana. nondreds of Oetthl**feltadd Irrret 1867. us bark.paViritamosi i ?uvulae, 61,401 m. Tafred by allsoe_,, rlttobtargb, pa., and eta. •fiotaten - 4111 to feruters. , lll tit/robd In UAL arid b o on !LIT i s i . L . eas7 on, an lind,hortiens a complete oda*, .stueot id impte 113' ocestradtioti 0 74 g ke Pt i P P A' FT:osk P A itmAt i no. .411 orders ta rp; Ao , 49. 4 ,11 ett2 litroot4 Mir ;burgh. urlit'tbowwgl4in uo — Autibtaha, , Ohlo, 92 Ffit t !!) O t AtiVfl . A 6 : 1 : 1r 4V ") . ) -ra t e 7 Ikatt ordeals early, a rupplg I Illnkilier ~a~.+a~.t4:x'r~::-~a?~;,s.Y:.f ~~: i -Tr ,nt,~.zs~:,c.~,~:=, Y=vn -r~~~a UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. 700 MILES OF TEM UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are nowlinishea and in operation. 160 miles of track havebeen laid this spring, and the work along the whole line between the Atlantic and Pacific Stites is being pushed forward more rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thousand men are emploved,i and it is not impossible that the entire track, froln Omaha to. Sacramento, will be finished in 1869 instead of 1870. The means provided are ample, and all that energy, men and money can do to secure the completion of this . GREAT NATIONAL WORK, At . the earliest possible day, will be done. The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY receive I.—A tiII7EIII.II.IENT GRANT of tbe right of way, and all necessary timber and other materlale found along the line of Its operations. n. —.A. GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, taken in alternate sections on each side of its road. This is an absolute do nation, and will be slionree of large revenue in the future. GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $lO,OOO to {48,000 per tulle, according to . the difficul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. The Government takes a second mort gage as security, and It is expected that not only the interest, but the principal amount -may be paid in services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, mails, &c. The interitt is now much more than paid in this way, besides securing a great saving in time and money to the Government. IV. GOVERNMENT GRANT of the rfeht to Issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid in building the road, to the same amount as the 11. S. Bonds. issued for the same Purpose, and no snore. The Government . Permits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only as the road is completed, and after It has been examin ed by United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be in all respects a first-class Rail road, laid with a heavy T rail, and completely supplied. with depots, stations, turnouts, err shops, locomotives, cars, Cc. . V.-A CAPITAL. STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT MIL .LION DOLLARS have been bald In upon the work already done, and which will be increased as the Manta of the Company require. VI.--NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Bushiess, that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN TEREST on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no Indication. of the vast through tradic that must follow the opening' of the line to the i'actfic, but they certainly prove that FIRST MORTCACE BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly three - times their amount, ARE SECURE .BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are for $l,OOO, and have coupons attached. They bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January and Jbly; at the Company's Office. In the City of New York. at the rate of six per cent. In gold. The Principal Is payable In gold at maturity. The price is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal Income on their cost. The Company believe that these- Bonds, at the present rate, are the cheapest In the market, and reserve theilght to advance the price at any time. Subscriptions will be received In Pittsburgh by JAMES T. BRADY & earlier of Wood and Fourth Streets: HART, CAUGHEY & Co., corner of Wood and Third Streets; B. McCLEAN & CO., 75 Fourth Street; PH. R. MERTZ. corner sth and Wood Sta.; ROBINSON BROS., 78 Fourth street; AND IN NEW YORK At the Company's °Mee, No. 530 Nassau Street, sad by JOHN J. CISCO As SON, Rankers, No. 59 Wall Street. and by the Compeers advertised agents throughout the Culted-States. Remittances should be made in drafts or other funds par In New York. and the Bonds will he sent free of charge by return express.. Parties sub scribing through local agents, willlook tothem for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET ANT) MAP FOE 1868 has jest been published by. the Company. 'giving fbUer in formation than Ls possible ih an advertisement, re specting the Progress of the Work, the Resources •f the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company,'S offices, or to any of the ado rased agents. JOHN. J. CISCO, Treasurer, FERTILIZERS. TO WHEAT GROWERS. • PUMA 11HIONLITED BONE, • SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LI131; • MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. ' SEWARD cb CAMPBELL, l'1101"11ZETORS. Office, 356 Peun Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The beet Rertilizer In use, and recognized Farmers who have given lea trial,(tor the stand ard for raising Large crops of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Pete toes, sc. We have published for grata item' circulation I pamphlet oontaining interesting and - valuable statement* of this Fertilizer, copies of wbioh wilt be sent free to any sending us their ad- MEDICAL. ANWOODI' HOW LOsT HOW ITA _Resrousut 'Jeer pubitallied.hossisted *nest- Prfo,_eLn. cogs. A LERTSTUC ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. end Bedfast Cote et flperrnatarrlune, or Seminal Weakness. involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility tad Impediments tO Mar riage genvallyL.Nervousnesa r lgoisumpt.loll. , • Levey and Ffts;.Mental and Physical Ineapszls• tuning. trot% Self Attu*, - ;by itobt. 41. Ott.. er. well, M. D. author of the "Green Book'," to. "A BOON TO TBOUBANDS OP. SUFFERERS," out under seal, Ina plain envelope, to any address. pc.* k i r V P A C. P iCLlN e lt a fl .) . ! . ? „ 1" 17 . ;7841.11' NEW YORK, POSTOFFICE BOA 4585. AlsoDr: onlverwell , s "Marriage Bulde..• once SS crania. . -4 1Vr A N 001). 90 —Another' New tdfilliOAL PA M Fill ET, trout the yen of Die. curing. The Me. scut Times ear. Of this work: -"This valuable trcathw gos the can ar and cure of Ipremature• Acme how health it; Impaired through secret abuses of youth sad tuanhood, and bow easily 'rvgal fled. - "It - glees a clear syn.'..psis of the.lmpedlments to marriage. the • soya sad erects 'of nervous deuillty. sfidthe t spoedles therefor.' A Docket , o itio of th..4bove will be ,o.warded OD rectipt o+ - !i8 eeota, addr. suing_ Doetor,CUK- No. 58 4ortliCharlei estrutit. tialtAmorg. ..1711.31- HOTELS SURE 11101118 E, th:l 4 /0 10 CITY. PL 71. , Thl. Brat elem. Motel "rill open for he 1110111011 en •51h Jaen.' • Terms; $3.50 iper may; VP Lwr weep. . address, tt. 3-10.111'$)14* i PrtCior (ironnerly of ounirread Itart, vape,t•Pn • n trnpolltan Hulet t ""` if N. 11,: —.The matte ll' Under the etc on Idr.,tl/4.111. rie;NTZ. A NEW SENN sink.RDWIRT. - THE LAIEE'II" 011§E;Stoneboit pu. • ,041 e thauvra•Ade ..(tvat fraallll44l,-Thia, h,wxu •ii ".laric l e. la.* • and thinahalihtia, welt fltstalsti4.4l, hat tl lattt natant, atallvya Itittl" *Mar.' mile N. - It 'ls di the Tiaitko at theintatahassu 1Ak4' , 1112 . .._'. 4 1 11 1 111 1 ,11 a7: 111 ash. nallttd.. - 4fihrahhe lat•pollait ttarttust.s, surraundtst with 14411• ptm rofn liktlioctest slimmer reaurt In omithte. &atria.. • . A. T. KENSiADV, Pro prtesor. •Au- Pt72.lZVIlt an d l I .1 • On and after THURSDAY, March sth, nor.. trains will arrive at and depart. from the Depot, cot. ner of Grant and Water streets, a follows: Depart. Amiss. Mart to and from tralcnt'n. 7.:00 A. M. 0:00 P. M.. McKeesport Accommodrn.ll:oo A. X. 2:05 P. M. Et. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 P. X. 10:00 A. X. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30.P. M. 5:35 A. y. Braddock's Accorornodarn 6:15 1:50 P. M. Night Ace. to Mclieesport.lo:3o P. M. 6:40 A. X. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. X. 10:00 A. M For tickets apply. to . R. KING. Agent. W. B. STOUT. Sullerinteroint. mbir, CHANGE of TilliktaZT33k4-4 • ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. On and atter WEDNESriaY, 7:25 P. Ii Auguit 12th, ISOS. TWO Tit.i.lisS DMUS( will leave Pittsburgh Station. corner ('lke and Cenal etreete, for Frankild, 011 Clty, tiuffslo, and all points In the Olt LEAVE PITI'SDURGIL ARRIVE IN PITTREuRam. Math.— 8.05 am 31.11 ."..... 4:50 p Express ' 7:25 p rn. 6:05 a m Brady's 3.26 p m B , Adys B'd Ao10:20 aat Ist scKtaWbrks Ist Soda Works • Aeoomod'n.. 11.00 a m Acconydda'n. 7:50 a m 2d !Soda Works ' 2d Sod a•Works AccomoVt: .. 5:20p m Accomoda'n. 2:50p la Mixed Way T'a 6:20 a m Mixed Way VD 8:25 p HultonAcOn.. 6:20 am Bolton Ace n.. 8:35 a sa: Armstrong Ac. 0:20p nit Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M. Ar— rive ID Pitteburgh at 9:50 A. M. Psssengers taking express train have but one .' 'change of care tween Pittsbursh, Buffslo and Olt Regions. Mail and Express Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accominodatioa (( trains stop at all stations. INAS W. RING, AWL Bup3. W. FOSTER titiPr.r. - Ticket Ascot.. aur2 ITA'SBURGII,O4MM -- CINCINNATI AND ST. I MS RAILWAY. - - CHANGE• OF TIME.- On and after SUNDAY, June 21st, .1808, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as fbilows, Pittsburgh time; Depart. Arrive. Mail Express. 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a, m, Fast Line 9:40 a. m. - 1:15 p. m. Fast Express 2:10 p. m. 11:20 a. in. Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. 7.05 . p. m. McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. m. "3:05 p. m. Steubenville Accommcal'u. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:25 p. M. 9:20 a. Ed. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 P. M. arriving In Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the nest morning. 'be 9:40 a. m. Train leates Sundays ex cepted, and makes close connections at Newark for Zanesville land points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark it. it. _ . S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. tiI.QII:GH A FORT . AND CLEVELAND From June 7t14 ISOS and arrive at the Union time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex.... 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m I Erie & Ygn M'l 1:5118 a m Cl. & Wh'g7ll , l 6:13 am Chicago Nail.. 6:58 a m Chicago 0:43 a m Cl. &WhgEx. I:43pm Chicago Ex.... 1:58 p m Wh. & Erie Ex. 4:48 pa Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a m Leetsdale " 10:13 a tm " 11:58a‘at Rochester " 2:23 pm Wellsv'eAcc.. 3:43pm Leetsdale Acc. 4:13 pm N. Brigt'n " . 5:33 p m N. Brigt'n " . 0:28 p m Leetsdale ".10:43 pm Sir 1:58 p. m. Chicago ARP 11:23 a. m. Chic. • jes F. It. MYERS VrIENNTLVANIA.Vign CENTRAL KAILROAD. and after Jime 7th, 1668, Trains will ar rive at and depart from the. Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets. as follows: Arrive. . i Depart. Mall Train—. (138 a m Day Express.. 2:26 aai Fast Line 1:41Ia m Wall's No. 1.. 6:110 ant Wall's - No. 1.. 6:20 a m 'Mali Train 7:60 am. Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 ain Johnstown Ac. 10:35 • m Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant; I Train - 9:30 p !al The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sanday,st 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 m. Returnin, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50.p. m. and arrii es at "Grail's Station at 2:00 p. m. . *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other train, daily except Sunday. ' For further Information apply to • W. ii. 13E01141TH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not at same a n dask for Baggage, except for. wearing sp.. parel, imit their responsibility to - One Hundred: Dollars. In value.; All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD R. WILLIAMS leB General Superintendent, Altoona, ie. YVESTERN PENN-agsgliNAlN A.D.LOn and ‘laltr A -1 11 A 4 L i.Oth, 1868, the Pas tze;ins on the I;:sprtllortetedera Street Depot, City, as foris lA k oringd'e No 1 6:35 arn!Mall - - 6:13 aft' • Freeport NO. 1, 8:15 am; Freeport No 1 9:10 ala Express 10:15 a m Sharpb'g No.111:20 ailt Shari:ll'g No,l .1:95 pm Elpress ' 1:50 pm' - Freeport No. 2 4:10 pm Springd'e No 1 3:50 pas _ , Mall 5:5411 p m vreeport-No. 2 6:ospie - - springd'e No 2 1:10p p m Snringcl'e No I 7:30 pre , Aboye, trains run dally except Sunday. . The /Church Train leaves Allegheny-dtinct. every' Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching All e reny Cst , 9:50 4. .m.. Returning, leaves- • A1 eny City It 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny met. at.9:45 p. m. • OOMMIITATION TICKIII3-For sale in paekat a ot Twenty, between ,Allegheny City, Chestnut 5 t. ' Herr's,. Bennett, Pine Creek', Etna and Sharpsburg. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe-. oiled on tickets. . . NEW YORK. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 and 1:50 r. X: make direct connection it Freeport with Walkers' line ofStages for Butler and Hannah.- town. Through tickets may be purchased at thee Dice, No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Sruspension. Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny, For further Inform/Hon apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, • f Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not u some any risk for Baggage,-except 'for wearing 'ap parel, and limit thel. sponsibility to pne Hundsed Dollars in value. AU baggage exceeding , tblit amount In iwlue will be at the risk of the owner, un teas taken by special contnict. • EDWARD H. WILLLA2dB ben.-al Superintendent. Altoona. lii. • mpli SMOKY HILL ; ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY ,.: Eastern Division. The SHOUTIMEST AND MOST ERT.Timar, goriTar teem the East to all points in Coiorado, Nevada, California, ITtali, Arizona, WaslAington, New'Mesico, Idaho, Oregon. Li Two Trains leave State Lino and . Ledvanwortb daily, (Sundays excepted,' on thd arrival of trains of Paean liallroad . from Sr. Louis. and 9...nnitoai and M. Jo Nallrotd. fr om .• qui ney, 'connect/Dv lit Law— rence, Tope_ ka and Wamego with ;14..4 for AR points An KIXISII/1.: At end of track west , of-Itils— worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS CON.. ZANY'S DAILY 'LINE OT ,ovsoadaro - ltAire EXPAND atao - ooACWOI FOE .131=4 VElltg EIALT LA-Mai And,oll.lPoints in-the Territories, And with SANDERSoNI3 TRI-WEEKLY LINE Wit COACHES for Fort Union. Sent*s Fort. Pass; Alpo, cirne4Lme,xiirta Fe, and all points la With the recent additions of rUllinte swejr,, sz i a equipment, and the artanimments - , mWq: with, rew sponslble overisnd Transportation Lines from ha western terminus, this ,road now offers - unequalled, petioles teethe transmission of freight to 'tan ISM West. Tickets far West all the-pritielpal daces in' ea United SUMS and Canadas. Besure and ask for tickets via - .21117. smosir. HILL HOU r ONION ItASTEIVI DIVISion K.°/:IIIO....RAILWAY. ME „ SlZErhEiNkrOlirt4. „; Tail-'roux MAIla•-iTIMMOUPI4I: oda& Numiertse sixteen first-Aug ritesel...--- 1 4 • ' Lbereirtirstril - CITY OF, rAttilk_ CLTY Upp ANTWETru, OTT . ts.TAIT- ROSTON, IciTY_DY Beig MON” • • CITY ur .115 V ICRY:BATLI RDA,. flola "er Meer, New York. For passage or:lather IeRNTIt esSIPISTNI • - • ' •• - • - 813611 1 A1t - 1 TO IPTRTTI sITRIZIVT. Nosey opposite Post (mak pi RAILROADS. PAN HANDLE Rom. • AYNE & CHICAGO B. PITTSBURGH R. R. trains will deave from Depot, north aide, oily 1!= Chicago Ex... 2:08 ain !Cleveland Ex. 2:08 ain Chicago Ex.... 11:`23 a m Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a nt St. Louis Er.. 3:33 p m , Cl. Wh' gEx 4 :38 pna Erie A Yg'n Ex 0:13 pm Chicago Ex.... 4:23 p Cl. AWb 7 g EX .7:08 pm Arvind Sn A/Legheng. N. Brigt'n Ac. , 7:03 a m N. Brigt'n " '8:218 ant Wellsville '" 8:53 ava New Castle " 10:13 a nit Leetsdale " 9:13 ala 1.4 /:08 p m N. Erigt`n " 2:43 Leetsdale " 4:53 pra • .• • 7:28 pa : Express leaves daily. • Express arrives daily. ~, General Ticket Agent. . . . •Cincinnati Ex 11:40 a m Wall's No. 2..11:51 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm [haddocks Nol 4:00 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 PM Wall's Ho. 4.. 0:15 pm Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Aoc'n 8:50 pm. ISwlseiwale Ac'n /0:50,pm A. AN pERNOIG • B elier 4ll36 P oll i 4l3 4 eat.. . XL W.15.112Vna11. aigagrallPrelsia , and Ticket Agent. STE4►MSHI,PS. Ell