it ht VittsbutO Gairttt, A NEW BEN ADHEM._ Horatio Seymour (may his troubleis cease,) Awoke olae night. f. om dreams of fear, not peace; • And saw within the shadow of his room, AlUdeep and dark with murky gloom. An angel, Ivritlng, in a book of brass, Of things that were to Caine to pass. 80. CO the angel in his room he said:. , "'What writesr thou?" The angel raised hiS head, And with a marvelous look ot prophecy, Said: "The names of Presidents to be." "And Is mine one?" asked Seymour. so," The angel said. Then Seymour 'ban to blow, And rudelysaidi ; pray thee, then, 'Write ine as one who'll never run again!' The angel wrote and vanished. The best night Be came with an all-dazzling light, '- And showed the names. the people's voices/tad /lest, And, lot Gaiurrs name led all the rest. CLAMS, SWEEP CLAMS N'Tall A StA PORT. I. - With salmon or hitlibct though we may cram. If it's only a native there's naught like the clam. A flavor delicious e find In them here, While those of our neighbors are tasteless and dear. Clams! Clams! sw et, sweet clams! • If oftlY.theY're nat ve, there's nothing like clams. . of • Deprived our cla 8.; pleasure dazzles in Oh, give us our 10, ely old clam-bakes again, With clam-disgersifreely supplying miscall. %And - give us that flavor that's dearer than all. • Clamorous chorus— Clams! Clams! sweet, sweet clams, - There are no clams like our clams. and nothing irks clans. EPHEMERIS. —Henry Raymond is in Germany. =Judy says that much of the talk about 'the can-can is ant. —Prince Napoleon spent 4 45,000 a day in Pesth. Pestiferousi_ - lady - lost $5OO worth of diamonds in the woods near St. Albans, Vt. —.Loni . Napier, of .Ifagdala, has sent ail Abyssinian Bible to Geniral Grant. 1 , 1 —Judy wants to know "Does a Bishop overplay croquet on his own lawn?" —:-White linen breakfast coats are fash ionable at Newport. They save napkins. • Window curtains are relished as an article of food by the Utah - grass hoppers. -- - -Dickens has one redeeming quality, he is very fond of American oysters and terra-. pin: Jacksonville, Fla., is trying to get a line of steamers between that town and New York. —Judy, poor soul, is anxious to know if the first waiter was born in the days of Cheops. - 7—Queen Victoria spends $25,000 a year on her kitchen.. What a dresser that kitchen - must have. reigning belles are reported at Newport. What a pluvial peal of laughter they must make! '—Ten thousand persona are divorced yearli in Indiana; this makes about 5,000 pain; of dividers. 1 -- =-The new Russian bride that has been found for the, King of! , Bavaria is not yet • sixteen years of age. —Report says that Edwin Forrest, the gey-rate tr-r-r-ragedian,l can pronounce child in fourteen syllables. —The four-in-hands at Newport are dis gusted because of a New Yorker named Grey, who drives a six-in-hand. —Mrs. Lander has a new translation of Marie Antoinette; she evidently intends to Restore (i) the legitimate drama. t - , -Paris has concluded not to come the dromedary over the rest of the world, and las, therefore, abandoned panniers. —Bergh evidently doesn't like horse flesh, for he says "rare meat" turns his stomach. (This is a little by-play on'the word rear.) —The Lowell Courier says the best time lo go to the beech is when the nuts are ripe. WhiCh is the best time to go to the Beechei. - 2 Dickens was arrested as a Fenian, in lreb*, and Dolby had to become profane and swear him. out of the hands of the po lice.' —A new race has been. discovered in New York; the attention of geologists and anti quariesis directed to it.; Horse tars race there now. - —Commodore Stevens left twenty mil lions of dollars behind him to be divided among his bereaved WidoW and eight be reaved orphans. --Offhnbach has at length found a rival In FlotOw, who has written anew ppera called ovona, which is to be brought out at the Opera Comigue at Paris. —Hepworth„Dixon endorses the new 3ifiltmibm poem. He , also endorses Brigham Yourig, but even Hep, Can't be gotten to cadorse Sir Morton Peto's paper. —lf any person would invent a joke to lake the -place of Base Bawl in the ,National Game joke lmok he 'would deserve a moroc co medal from a grateful country. —Necessity is the Mother of invention, and so Chicago has coined a new word. 'ln - the Illinois patois, bloviate means to puff - ird , one'elf and all Clumgcese are adepts in tbe art. —When the Chinese go to Prussia they meet a fitting rival in Bismsrck. who knoWa the. Berlin-game as well'as they do; 'wlScirlis more than can be said of Louis Napoleon. - --oltlirstadt has taken a studio at Paris. Be is sip poll at painting mountains., that -- we May reasonably hope he will paint some good,pletures of the high old times he will lave there. --Otte of.Bur-lin-game's Chiuese had a nice little flirtation with an Auburn- , - (not leaded) g irl, until Burlingame found it out and then they went to Washington leaving the Aubitrir maiden behind. 7 .:.lifortesty is the best policy, but it is well . Itherels.wickedneta someplace in the world, ss otherwise all men would be honest and, all ccialdn't get the best of it—in which case It .woulfitu hard with the women. • ;wretch' 'sprinkled small torpedoea .over muslin-covered floor of a Wash . beau :ball room recently and created great excitement..The' first lady who trade on ,one, 00,ti bout torpedoes and thought of the crick of doom. ' —Manager Hess has managed to make Idmself very poPtilar °titan Chicago, and " I " / to ii !4 o, 10,0 a, rousing,: PoPtilart ,complimentary 'benefit, :which we _under _stand did net him some money, and waive it was a great! deal.: —The postOrt Poet s a ys that Now York Anne majurityof Iwo hundred; thousand. 'The B. P. 4rl ;;-,; f. • , , F4•:•-• -• • was a funny paper, and hi this, joke we think Quilp has capped the climax and out done himself at last. —Louis Napoleon, with his small family, spends just about three times as much, year ly, as did Louis Philippe, which shows how much more anEmperor is worth than a cit izen King, and yet at the bourse onelouis is considered as good as another. —The spirit of imitation is strong, even with Presidential candidates. It is said that when the intelligence reached t t3t. Joseph, Mo., that Seymour was last seen on his farm putting in new hay, Blair, who was in the place, immediately tint in a little old rye. —Hartford Poet. - `Nay. no —The two Alexandres Dames, father and son, are competitors for the seat in the French Academy vacated .by the death of Vienna. If either one of them succeeds in securing it, it will, we believe, be the first instance on record where a man with negro blood'ln hit veins has sat amongst the im mortal fortY. ( —Fashionable young Londoners ply croquet in the West End Parks, and have admiring audiences about them, composed of rag tag and bobtail. Pittsburghers can look.on this lack of modesty in young Lou tion with- all the horror they are capable of, as tliere is no immediate danger • of any of us following their example, unless indeed some enthusiasts should try a game on the Second street park. .1 —At Ems, in Germany, a speeial pavil ion has been built for those patients suffer ing_froni chronic catarrh of the air passa ges. In this pavilion they sit and breathe the air mixed with carbonic acid. The gas is obtained by means of a steam engine, which is'constantly throwing it up from a jet of mineral —water at the side, which is immediately converted into spray. --The' way of looping up dresses varies. You can, for instance, form folds at the sides and behind, if you have a short dress or a tunic, or at the sides only, if intended for a cassock open in front; on these plaits you fasten a knot of the same material as the skirt i , andyou have what is called a samargo costumed Other dresses are looped up below the waist, behind, by buttcps and small buckles; but the dress which has to be looped up that way must not be very wide; the front is flat, the, dress becomes gradually fuller at the sides, and concen trates its whole volume at the back.—Le .Follet. —The reoont fearful accident at a music hall in Manchester, Eng., reminds us that we have noticed this English peculiarity; whenever an alarm of fire breaks out in an English place of amusement, the audience becomes intensely excited, and nothing but escape from the building, or death, seems to allay it, while here in America the excite ment comes, but if the alarm be false, as it was in Manchester where twenty-five men were crushed to death, calmness settles on the audience as speedily as did the excitement, arid the instances of death at an American theatre when the alarm of fire was false, are either very rare or lacking al together. • ,1. Gypsom. l This mineral, which, under the name of plaster, forms so large a part of the exports of Nova Scotia to this country for agricul tural purposes, it is stated, has been discov ered in Smythe county, 'Virginia. The Itichmcmd Enquirer, directing the attention of the public to these deposits as one of the unfailing sources of wealth, if properly worked, says: "The main bed is situated in what is called, the Cove, on 'Cove creek, a branch of the North Fork of Holston - river, about 25 miles north of Wytheville, and 14 • miles east of Saltfille ' the present terminus of the branch of the Virginia and Tennes see Railroad. The route from thence to the Cove is up the Valley of the Holston, a most favorable line for a railroad—the grades would be about fifteen feet to the •mile—de scending with the export tonnage. The quailty of this plaster is superior to any now known on this Continent Such as have had a fair opportunity or testing it with the Nova Scotia, fix their relative value at fifty to one hundred per cent. in favor „of the Virginia—that is to say, one ton of the Virginia is epual to one and a half. to two of the Nova Scotia. In quanti ty it is enormous --it underlies hundreds of acres ins compact body. A well, or shaft, ten feet in diameter, has been sunk at one point. Within four feet from the surface, plaster was reached, and continued (with the exception of a few di minutive seams of clay) for the the depth of five hundred turd eighty-two feet, and operations suspended without reaching the bottom of the vein or deposit, so continuous was 'the plaster—no water came in—the plaster continuing of a uniform superior quality throughout. A Piece or History. We have been informed or an incident Which occurred at the New;York Conven tion. which is full of significance, and shows that from the first it was determined to force upon the party the adoption of Frank Blair's "wiping out" policy. We get our facts •from an, entirely reliable source, and their perfect authenticity may be depended upon, Aftei Pendleton's defeat became as sured, his, friends in the Convention took .counsel as to whom they should cast that votes for as a second choice. It was deter mined that all Western names should be ruled out, in order . to preserve Pendleton's chances in 1872. Various names were sug gested, and among the rest that of Reverdy Johnson. It was conceded that he would make a strong candidate --probably, the strongest that could •be put up. It was urged, however, as a fatal objection to him —not only by the Pendletomans, but by the rebel delegates that he had voted for the,' reconstruction bills in Congress, and that the party was pledged, to undo an that hcid been done under those laws. Reverdy ,johnson's name was dropped for that rea 'scin alone. Noquestion was raised but that was to be the lerding issue in the canvass. Subsequent events have proven that it is the ,real issue,- and that all others ' are subordinated to it. Southern leaders insist that i it shall be openly avowed,.and Northern Democrats are rapidly being forced to obey.—Buffale Cons. Ado. COUNTY Istsurtirtm.—At the late State Convention of 'County School Superinten dents, the State ,Superintendent requested Information of those in attendauce, as far as It could be given, of the 'time and place at which the next Institutes in the various Counties would be held, • Thus far therfol, lowing appointment's have been made for this section of the State; , 00,04. rtaci. < , • nearer Roc helter......'....ochlher ID. ()entre • Bellefonte ......Deo mber Os. 'Canon Chui./.4......,.....Janwu-slll., xrte . .. ..... . 011th 2 Crie..:..c..rhstbtwe 12. .. .. Ovemb r Tlogs AllaiuSe.d....."bepteanbar :Westmoreland - Urdemsburg October ,n.~ ... `T+. .is~'P3 ~ .~u~u~-fit ~~-. .i a~ ~..., ~2;.~.>_.1=....~ ~.. . -.. ate i .~ ~.~ ` ~.~t .. ~.ate i PITTSBURGH G DEINTJI3TRY TEETH EXTRACTED larrrixotrr t NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ABTIFILILL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A FULL BET FOR SE, AT DR. SCOTT'S. sTs PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND ALL WORE WARRANTED. CALL AND pra I wo: SPECIMENS OF GENUINE WO GAS GAS TIPREfii AND EA; $OllO2 6 8, FOR OAS AND OIL. - 'I Just received, the driest and largest assortment ever'opened in this city: I , WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD ISTRIZET, 00U. VIRGIN ALUM.- tram= CEMENT,'SOAP STONE, &C. TDRAIILIC CEMENT,. soar krroNz. PLABTIM, CHIMNEY 'POPS. WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, 25 Wood street. indlito7o HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PH. satrztal'ilrbietTlLlZaBhe market. B. B. & C. A. BBOIMETT * CO. Office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. LP Orders by mall promptly attended to. jezwie MERCHANT TAILOR. SUbIBIEU toys', Youth's and Children's SUMNER CASSIKEBE SUITS, LINEN SULTS. DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS: ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present Ferman. bentiemen wil tine as sortmeni of WHI Ynd BROWN DU C K SUL rs, ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATS, &c., every garment being specially made tor us by the best Eastern houses. Our prices are as low as good goods can be sold at by any firm East or West. GatAlr I 47 ST. CLAIR Sr HENRY MEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Coastantly, on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHS. CASSTMERES. VESTINGS, Str. aregkote FLOUR. PEARL NULL FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, equal to the best Bt. LOlll4 brands. PEARL MILL As D BEANO, as good as toe best Ohio brands. N BITE COHN rwurr. end CORN 3IIAL. Air see that all sacks are sealed and dated. B. T. ICERNEDY & 880., PEARL MILL. au7:4l WE WOULD INVA E THE AT TENTION of the Hour trade to the @ape rionty of our SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are manufacturing from the best select ed Southern Illinois and Tennessee Whets:. Prima as low as any In the market. J. S. .X.J.CriGrETIC G`O., jy31372 Plttaburgh city Milli TOBACCO JULIAN ALLEN, DIAL= IX ALL =cos or 4EAF TOBACCO AND NEOARS, 0. 8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com nerve Bullang,) PITTSKIRDH, PA. Branchof 172 Water street, N. Y. 1 apt:n77 DANIEL B. DIVAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. de. W. JENSINW3N s Manufacturers and Dealers In " Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &c., No 6 TEDIZILAL ST.. ALLZonizerys lil9 afq to ;I z* * HENRI w. ROBRACH, Confectionery and Bakery No. 200 'IP 1 Sir-LADIES , OYSTER SALOON attached GEO. SCITT:RT:FTN, Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DIAL= IN FOREIGN d: DOMESTIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny. 4ar Coastal.'on band, ICE CRRAM, of various flavors. " BILLIARD TABLES. STANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES , AND COMBINATION CUSHIONS. I:lndisputably the best In use. NNW IMPROVE. NEN Trr, Patented 'Nov. afith, 1887. and April Slat, 1888. Everything relating to bUdards of the beat quality and lowest prices always on nand. Our NEN OIIE 1t111111.119, Patented May 6th, 1808, price 811.80—a great success. Illustrated pride lusts sent on application. Address PEIELAN CIOLLENDEEL 63. 66, 67 end 69 CROSBY B'r., New York City EW;Et AND PERFUMERY. . , ON PECK., Ornamental flab HAIR WORKER AND PERFUMER, No. 133 bird street. neer Smithfield, • Pittsburgh. Always; on hand, a general assortment of Ladles' WIGS, BANDS _, CIIRL_,S• Gentlemen's WIGS, TO PERS SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRACELETS, au• ift A good Prism In cub will be given for Ladles' a. M . and Gentlemen's ix Cutting done{ tbe neatest manner. mhtitis +~~v:~ci:~~:~~;s:~ BYZIAMIN SIM:MELT PirirdP SZINGERLY, & CLEIS, Successors toDzo. F. BCIII7OIIMAII a PD. • PRACTICAL LITHCRiRAPHERR. Tbe ooly Steam Lithographic Betablishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards Letter •Heads. ,Bonds Labels, Circulars, Show Cards; Diplomas. P..ts Views. Certificates of Depostts,_ Invlw Pitts urns., on• turas., &C., Nog, 72 and T 4 Third street, urgh. - CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR, &O. AS/WIGTON MILLS, WASMNGTON *ll3.l3i i r ! , Near Matra:Obi:Ala INerator k W. Wit APCMCII4443N, ifenufnottirer of CORN MEAL, EYE YLOUB and CLIOPPISTEED.- Orders delivered in ' either city free of e• Gra th of Ainds ohoPPOd• and Corn sh e .on short notice. „ • Elatuopf•kill Bmm:Ak. mo!wat .gs.rt4maTmcwm, inztrrr itousicAssoownOil i3uirxtzies, *se aild 4 'owe, street, Pintail:n.o4lEl6 Binds' Wootton glien to the dealgulni and banditti ? 1 Monza NOM= and rtlptao innunsies«, • • : MONDAY, AITGUST 17, 1868: A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Artt, EATIRELY NEW. 87. II GREAT 12011,]E.'S GOODS. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. 100: 168. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SolUelr, 165 No. 168 Wylie Street. _al . rapao:nou 16S. CARR, ( .111 a LCAN21 . 1 C .ESZ Foreign and Domestic Dry , Goods, No. 94 'WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. kvzimo.ozolzirla pa usli to .:.t; AT 'SACRUM, GLIDE MOSQUITO NETS, RUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES' WHITE UNDERWEAR; A full line of HOSIERY; MORRISON STAR SHIRTS, GENT'S P OPER COLLARS; LADIES' Do. AND OW TRAVELING SATCHELS, A fall line of JET SETS, !ULNA BULLION FRINtrES, SILK & SATIN BUTTONS, all colors. D CIG A Complete Assortment of White Goods, ,BWISB, VICTORIA, LAWN, LINEN, CAMBRIC, Ac. HOOP SKIRTS, in all the Newest Styles. BID OLOi;W, at all prima; GENT & LADIES' BURNER UNDERWEAR; MACRO GLYDE & CO., 78 and SO Market Street. sub PRICES MARKED DOWN! _ AT *crams & CARLISLE'S, ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ! HOOP SKIRTS. (Lidice%) for 110 c OORBETS, (Real Freneh,) 80 LINEN HANDKEROMEFS, • 3 for 25 KID GLOVES, (warranted,). PAPER OOLLABB. AOO Yds. SPOOL OOTTIM, (good) POCKET BOORS, worth 50c-. MEN'S BUMMER UNDERSHIRTS MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS All kinds Bonnets and Rats at Half Cost CREAT BARCAINSI IN ALL IEINI3E3 O.IE I GOODS. Sjpeiiiiil Rates to Ifterehanto & Dealers. ME:2 DYER AND SCOURER, DYER AND SCOURER. 7r011.:8 errlmajanr And Re5..186 and 187 Third 81,94 nwlksi • ilmiMmQH. PA. CARPENTEM & I DERE! WILLL43II.I. • tAa t pizwrga-Amp BUILDER, No. 311 PENNSYGRA.R7A AVENUR, opoefte High street, Plitsburgb, pa. Residence, so. 1 , 13 flranetz"t. Jobbing do nejwltb beaiDEu and patea„. or d ers mummy attended So. and aatisnie on WIIZ. Da GOODS. NEW GOODS! J. DI. 11111 MELD & CO'S, No. 52 St. Mar St. NEW PRF I 1.74 W GI GRAMS, NEW DE EINES, ALL WI L BLA.CE and WHITE PLAIDS for 25 nto. worth 50. WHITE ROUND PRINTS. black flgiare; WHITE ROUND A/PACO/WS" do; BLACK LPACCA , I_, BLACK DOESKIN CASISIMERES: BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH, __— ELEM.:IIED idatiLlNS, IRISH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPE/NS. 11- Remember the place; St. Clair Street, No. Near Liberty. west skk. BRET STREET. Or t-. 7 • REDUCTION PRICES ! To I " - Ar b u s ilMilui ..2.6. =AL ti2a l 87 .MARKET BTEEET. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 78 and 80 Market Street. MEN'S JEAN DRAWEBB; 1,000 Doz. BALMORAL HOSE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN .YARNS air Special Estes to Jobbers. .1 No. 19 Fifth Street. ON AND AFTER JULY IST. 2L9ORDIIII & 19 FIFTH STREET. J. LANCE, N 157: EL L INSTITUTE, No. 267 Pent. Street. Mesars..l. R. NEwILL, !Messrs. R. NEWELL. J. ALLEN MCCRIIti. W. bLOAII, (late or Ca. W. A. BeRCIIFIELD. hanbla College.) R. JOHNSTON. ' A. DANSE., (French.) '‘.. — lifuttit.a, Merman.) Business will be resumed on TUESDAY, Ist day of September. Terms as before-1140 per session of five months. No extra charges.. Application for admission to either - Ladles' o Boyi , School will be received at the rooms during the last week In August, from 9 o'clock A. M. till 12 ium22-st ru RENSSELAER • POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Very thorough instruction in Civil. Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Chemistry and Natural licience. Graduates obtain most desirable post tions. .Re•opens Pept. 9tu. Nor the new Annual Regitter, giving full informa , lon. address Prof. CHAELIV3 aiititeo E DEOWN, Director, Troy. N. Y. put NS YLVA JVIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penna. The Seventh Annual Fl:ession of this Academy opens THURSDAY, berot.• 3d. The buildings are new and complete in all their appointments. k•articular attention given to the morals and per sonal habits of cadets. For ciretuars apply to CHARLES H. PAULSON, Esq., No. 73 Wood street, Pittsburgh. or to Col. THEO. HYATT.lChester, Pa. aniatri CIiEGAIRAY INSTITUTE • • ENULIbH AND FRENCH, FOR 'YOUNG LADIES. BOARDING AND DAY trpnia 1527 and 1529 SPRITOE STREET, Philadelphia, Pa., will reopen on MONDAY, kept. 22.14 French Is the lane of the famtl! and la hOnstaztly spoken in MAD A ME. WEENY) . Y, Principal. jels:rea.mwr • BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP. EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomaeker's Gold Medal Plana AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE 'ORGAN. The ECHOMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class Instrument, and has always been, awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is nu, soporourand sweet.% The workmanship, for darabilley and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $d to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEV'S COTTAri E ORGAN Stands at t he head o f reed instruments, its pro ducing the most perfect pipequility of tone of any similar instrument In the United States. It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to ge CARPENTER'S PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO. is only - to! be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to 1,5150. guaranteed for live years. -168. SECOND HAND In perfe:t order, from $35 to $l3O mhl2 rNEOSING OUT SALE! OP SMEit_A_W 13,4421'5, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT N'CORD &° CO.'S, 1717 131 WOOD EMMET. MARTEN LIEBILEBI DIAL= IN CAPS AIW V1:71113, Also, Manufacturer, Wholeaale and Retail Dealer in TRUNKS. VALISES. . ..„ No. In SMITH FIELD STREET, PitterrtVgli, Pa. Orders nminntiv Bif nd and satisfaction guaranteed. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. (IHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, MILVEB PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTES, 8 BOHEMIAN GELASS, I s And other STAPLE AND FARM" GOODS, s great variety. 100 WOOD STEXET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO. mh27 i'takZ4 lx° q..J THE GREAT AIIIERICAN COM BINATION. BUITON-ROLE OVEMEAMING AND SEWING DIACIIINE. IT HAS NO EIII7A.L, BEING ; ABS OLUTELY THE BEST F AM I LY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN _ TRINIMOALLY THE CHEAPEST. S - Agents wanted to sell this Machine. • • CHAS. C. 331 .M.18141E3r. Agent for Western Pennsylvania. corner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, over Richardson's Jewelry Store. mr.M:o64 BIISMESS CHANGES. 1.00 DISSO L UTION.--The Partner ship heretofore existing between the sub scribers; under the dna of ANDERSON, COOS & CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bust hese of Mu la ANDERSO N be WOODS , y our succes sors, Messrs. A at the office of the Pittsburgh Steel Works. It. J. ANDERSON, J. W. OWE. - • . WM. WOODS. 76 The late having disposed of his Intereet In the late firm of ANDERSoN, COOK & CO., to Messrs. AbillEittiON £ WOODd, begs leave to rec ommend his successors to the patronage of the cus tomers of the former ern. J. W. COOK. Pittsburgh, July Sithh, IlaBB.irjd n owywev erow 4 w,inre.ne4yenerewwwwereve......". WALL; PAPER, • - : AT REDUCED PRICES. We will offer our present stock of ' Wall Papers at Greatly 40d4ced Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAP ERS, f or WW I rams, oelliags, As., at No. ' lol Madiet JOS.' R..HUGHES & BRO. iNtMowmo.lairrmit. pEIRCEVikI i, DIE0111451110 4 i 1 2; - ENCillallER. ' - end Solicitor -of Patente es Mate of P. 7.-W: &b.' RalliMiya ` Ofiloe, No. 79 TZDERAL 9TRENT. Ewan Wm ' 91- 91 t Ialn• P.O. Box 50 1ALLIKIHNNif CITY. ' CHINERP(of MI ueserfilllonsh testroed. BLMIT, PURNAqCutd BOLLING MILL DRA W..: Mee furnished., ramloula attentlop paid .to de rl tigagi'iErl79lvltinfi'o'filltr4: G ° for Plechlusici wirer, WED NESDAY . ONT. ' op t 991 EDUCATIONAL. E32:1113 At Trby, PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. • BABE, EIfAXE & METTLER, No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. MELODEONS AND ORGANS, CHARLOTTE BLUME, 42 Fifth et., 2d door above Wood. HATS AND CAPS. CM 100 WOOD STREET. WALL PAPER AFTER JIJLY IT, BEM FOR . SALE--REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. - TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll ,street, Allegheny. This property wi ll be sold low; as, the party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing. SAW AULT.; TWO DWELLING HOITBSI4 Twc BARNS, withgood FARM, and about 500 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cast. $9 5500 on time to suit buyer. FARM OF 190 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. • Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 150 ACRES, near the line of railroad: very well located for raisin g stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell g ood brick house , containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would - rent for the amount in six years. - A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front and very convenient of access. TANNERI. convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling ...rid forty acres of land. LOTS FOUR L Sharpsburg, near the railroad; would make a good coal Yard. • HOTEL FOR SALE. That due Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the prowls:- tor wishes to retire from business. ' FOR SENT. One large House, for Boarding House. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick Hou re of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 53 byl4o. One House ct 7 rooms and lot 130 by 150. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new Frame House in Wilkinabovg, having six rooms and large lot, well suited for garden. 7 acres that can be divided into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oakland. Power and a large Room and Yard for radon a good location. Will be rented for short or long time. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots oriklorton street, Ninth Ward,, thick. WANTED-L. 3,300 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 Incibea TO LOAN--$60,000, IN BONS OP $5OOO AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. IGITCTS DEAL ESTATE OffiCii No. 91 Grant St.; Pittsburgh. Je29:PlB 2,000,000 'at's °lr CHOICE IMS FOR sAT,EI BY THE Union Pacific ikiiiroad Cbn&ponli, EASTERN Lying along the line of thetr road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PEE ACRE, And on a OWED= OF IfIVE TEAR& " For further particulars, maps, tt.C., address • JOHN P. DETTKREVX,( Land Commissioner, Topeka, Sanwa. Or CHAS. B. LALHBOBS, Seer, = VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TLe landerolgised offers for sale NINE TRACTS or LAND , Situate in. Marshall township, Allegheny county, and Adams townto•ip. Butler conn.y. Four of the tray ta are situated abonl 3 miles west of PlankLuton's Hotel on the headwaters o Se wickley. near David Duffs mill, !abort 18 mike from Pittsburgh. live of the tracts are situate on and near the Per rysville and Harmony Plank. Road, about 18 to 20 mites from Pittsburgh. ' Thia land is all will adapted - for farming and grat-, sing put poses. Aay Information relative to saki farms mem:4 terms can he obtained by calling on A. H at the Court House, Pittsburgh. E. G. BUTILH. CiIABLEB BETEL'S. aspittn.d&T WIZ= 8,000 Acres of Land, In Wyoming county, West Virginia, behig aura hers 115, 116, 117, 133, 134, 135, 1.111 and'ls4, all In ,one tract, watered by branches of Twelve (12) Pole Creek, and part of an original tract of 331,000 acres granked to James Wilson, Charlea Willing, Barnard and Michael Grey, Levi Hollings worth and Dorsey Peacoat. Taxes paid up to 1167. Title perfect. Will be exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures or dry goods, at market prices.. - Address, EXCHANGE.. jrZ:l74 IiAZY.TTZ OPP/CZ. VOW SALE. t _ _ A. SPLENDID CHANCE FOR A MAN WITH •EMALL CAPITAL. . A good and very desirable BOOT AND 7 SHOE,. HOUSE,: •Loms . ted - within twenti-five miles of the.eity, doing a large casn- business. batisfactory re ams given. for wanting to sell. Books' will be shown for Ule• amount of busine done. Apply at 10)1 T HIRD STREET, or B. 114, HARBOURS, suS:al6 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE, A MOST DESIRABLE FARM, • - - . Near Right's Station. West. Pa. R. 8.. containing 130 ACit&S, with 7 foot vi In urcoal, and acknowl- , edged hy all *a commanding the attest view on the Al lep/be hy river. Termsy. V 2cLal re at aal3.nlS-MINP O. 3 140LIBISKTY STREET.. OR_, SALE & TO LET.-4louses and Lots for sale in all_parts of the city sad - Ebe. Also, several FARMS in _good Iota:lona. , Aiscc- A small WOOLEN "FACTORY. with 20 acres of land, and good improvements, which -I win sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for tenth' both titles. For further particulars inquire " • WILLIAM WARD, JaM 110 Grant street. opposite cathedral. FOR RENT. ru•R RENT—The leasehold-for ' a term. of about nine years of a .Two-Story mune Dwelling Bons*, at corn. r of Union AYentie . and Water streets, Allegheny. (fronting gut Dom mon)lhating 7 rooms, 2 balls and .arge bathroom. Exceneut range in kitchen: but and cold water up _stairs and down; good cellar. .Covered porch ia front and at side of house. wane arbor. Lot 30• byoo lost. 'Possession soon. it desired. For terms apply - to B. McLAIN it 00., .1,17 -No. 66 Bmltbdeld street. FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE. A *holesale and Retail Grocery Store,' Doing a su:rod business and situated in a good pisoe in Allegheny City. wit? be sold at. a reasonable price.. The store heu..e has a lease on It for Ave yearn, cod will be sold with store. For terms and location sddrees N. rt., Box, H, GAzarrz Omas, Giving fhll name and w h ere an interview can be had. au5383 OIL WELL Steam Engines for Sale. Boperlor. DPW and second-hand. STEAM 'RN- OtNB4-7, 8 ani 10 Inch tyilnders, 510 and 54 Inch stroke, with all the tixtures ' ' . . FOR BORING, OIL ::WELLS. Address HUGH 3L BOLE C 0.,, aue:t9) none Wa VALUABLE _ ' COAL FOR SALE! Wilt be sold positive' et the COURT , RO, Pittsburgh: on' TatritguAY. augu s t 18, 188, I At' 10 o'clock:A.l'st.; TWENTY-iltEts At and_BEVEhrtEEN PitRCHEs OP COAL leg adjoin log or near - coal' cosi or Pittsburgh , Orli- O..mpany; L Lower St. elate townstnp, lying under the land Of 'denies. Carottvn together WWI s ratervatids• or Tit een Verehes land for a sal Pit or entreat:et. Thot or thesause wilt be exhibited on the day or say. areas be Seto& 80 Fourth turret, P r ior to last daF. • • D. F. VON.I3ONNEIOBBII,. . - A4lnhalitnit o r de bolds mom, etc., Goorgel4ll- kabdricr, deceased. - ' InalS • St. Lon Ls. Mlsso 2-' Ittaborib, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers