Matters in New -York. Gold Closed at ita 7 ®ll-734. • (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] - Nmv Yobs', August 14. 1869. MONEY AND GOLD. • The movement of currelitty to the West continues and is in more demand from merchants for money in anticipation of the fail trade. The confidence of bank officers has been somewhat shaken by the sudden ;fall in Governments and the breaks in Erie and Express stocks. Call loans 4 per cent._ on Governments and 5 per cent. on stocks. Collaterals and discounts firmer and very little doing under 7 per cent. for prime pa per. Sterling dull at 109010934, with money and best bills at 1093‘. Gold lower and opened at 198, and declined to 1411 x - under the pressure of sales, but was im proving late in the day with an increased demand to 197®147X. GOVERNMENTS :Unsettled and lower. having been freely iammered by-bears. Coupons 1881, izsmg ;%; do. 1862, 114X®114%; do. '64, 11034® 110 X; do. '65, 11831®1124‘; do. new 108x® 10834; do. '67, 108X®10834; do. '65,10834® 10834; do. 10-,405, 108%( n}109. The invest .nent demand has ceased to a great extent, 'lnd some banks were free sellers. The mspensionef a large banker's and broker's arm, at open board, with western wanes. • ions, is announced. BORDER STATE BONDS Dull; Missouris, 93; Old Tenns., 65; New,_ am@6l34; New North Carolinas, 72. RAILROAD MARKET .31m experienced a heavy break in Erie and - - :ventral, which demoralized the whole list. "he market closed excited and weak. Balls were unable to resist the downward move r-rent Northwest shares have been quite extensively dealt in, the manipulation par ,l. offering to sell for I per cent., with the ;rivilege of delivering the stock preferred r common, at 81 for thirty days, Express ;hares are off 2 per cent -on the report that liviclentla will all be passed. Miseellane • Init shares' dull. 5:30 PRICES Canton, 463;®47: Cumber wd. 30®83; Wells Exgr u es ru s 4 2534®253‘; ‘,.znerlean, 403; ®4l; A - 4 834®4830 !Tnited States, ;11®4134; Merchants' Uninn, Quicksilver. 21 X®2134r Pacific ; 421, 102X®102; New York. Central, 122 X 1 - &127; Erie, . 62®52y,;-do. - prefered, 6934® a; Western • Union Telegraph, 32.34® Hudson, / 36 X®/3734; Harlem 120 1123: Reading, 90®9034; Ohio and Minis ' ;WI 29 @ 2 9'/ ; Wabash, bOxiSso%; do. • 'referred, 68; Chicago and Alton preferred, 119a120; Terre Haute preferred, 68; St. Paul, 1:39@73X:,d0, preferred,'Bo34 ® 80X; Mich - tau Centr!li:ll939@l2l: Michigan South i'n. 8374; Illinois Central. 147®148; Pitts -85x®88; Toledo, 9931; Rock laland, 111y0 Northwestern, 82®823.0 do.pre -- .ed, 8154®813.0 Port Wayne, 105y,pAsh bula, 9930 Hartford & Erie, 22a2,2%. • • (. "M.TITENG SNARE& Quartz Hill, 110; Benton, 80: New 'York old, 150; Smith Parmelee e 455;- Gregory, • :5®390. SITB-TREASURY MATTERS The receipts at the Bab-Treasury were, ,?,367,565 ; 'payments, 4,764,260 ; balance, i 43.947,941. • ' • New York Produce Market. it,kzeograph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., "B Yonk, August 14.—Cotton less ao t.•. w. and unchanged in figures; 850 bales at • :IN° for middling uplands. Flour steady • unchanged with a moderate basinetts •;,• . :ping; receipts 9,044; sales 8,500 bbls.. Rye steady; 200 bbls at $8a16,25. Corn . , quiet. - Whisky Wheat easier; 500 ails in bond at t36a67c. dull and de , -.Ming; receipts 945; sales 26,000 bush at blofor No 1 and 2 spring mixed; $2,12a 1;•' 3.5 for No. do; $2.40 for amber Ohio and ;.. idiana. $2,4534a2,50 for white Canada; • • • L9O for white California; $2,75a3 for white hte. Rye dull; 500 buil' new Ohio at Barley nominal. IBarley malt is in • txierate request; 2,700 bush"at a 2,30: Corn dive and 10 better, closing quiet with the 'vane lost; receipts 106,822; sales 116,009 ' ••• :ish at $1,14a1,183; for unsound, and $1,19 -; :121 for , sound -mixed western afloat; 122 for high mixed nearly yelfow, - $1,22 • ';-.• old mixed western in store, and $1,25 1 white western. Oats,-receipts, 945 bash lull and declining; sales 38,000 bush at 1 . 4 for western 3n store, 820341 for do. ••• '-pat, and 790 for 'new Ohlo E , Rice dull. • title quiet. Bugar quiet; sales 880 hhds ~ba at---11W,a12c. Molasses dull. -Hops ' let at 10a300 1r American. : Petrolenim at 163.0 for, crude and 8334 c for refined ' tided.. Pork lower; sales 2,500 bbls at 4 ~ 50a28,75,• for new mesa, Closing at $28,50; 1,75 for olddo., 523a23,75 for prime, 12425 1.: 1,50 for prime mess. Beef steady and ••-! changed; sales 140 bbls. .• Beef hams dull. • t meats steidy;.sales 170 paokageti at 13a for shoulders, 15a1936 for hams. 'Mid .: a quiet and 'AIM; sales 150' boxesshort bed to scarcely, pkivate 'terms. Lard • , '.et and solirm; Sales 850 ties 18a1834 for steam, and 19111.9 x for kettle 'tiered: gutter steady, at 304350t0r Ohio. iese Malik". Freights to Liverpool lower' •, • Jagements : per steamer for 25,000 bush ••• •:1 , .n. at 4Md. • . • ' - t.takar.—FlOur closed dull and heavy medium grades, and steady for :other . ds. Wheat heavy and dull for spring, -• quiet and 'steady for winter. Rve dull • • 1,081,87.• Oats dull and heavy at 81)40 14ore, and 82dailoat for old, and 79a80Mc sinew western: 4 Corn dull at $1,14a1,18 '• !unsound, and $1,19a1,20 for sound new • ed western afidat. Pork very quiet at ',50a28,64 for mess, cash and regular. quiet and unchanged. Cut meats • 0, with a fair demand. •Bacon steady, in fair reanest. Lard dull atlB,.falBX,o • ifair to prime steam rendered. Eggs ; and unsettled at. 1842,3 c. _ . _ 'Cineinruati Market. .. ; - lrelegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NCINNAT; August 14.—Flour is firm; ..'"ily $10,00a10,25. Wheat in light supply. I priine to choice firm 'at 5-2,60410. - p firm; ear 93a4e, shelled 96a07e. . Oats ••• • /er; No. 1 hela at' 60e, with' 'buyers at 7e. Rye unchanged and guiet.• Cot .--mnebanged; Tobacco in fair. demand, s of 164 blurs trash' and lugs at $6,60a '.'.`,10, leaf $10,70at7„80.. Whisky unchan g . ,held at 70c hibond, , with small sales. ••.: visions cpliet and unchanged. ; Mess '•...' 1 .1t 11 8 , 7 6a29,0% Bulk. , Meals 1 2 / a 14% e. ?n; 1 336a13Ne for shoulders' and -16%a ,•,,le for clear silles.,• Lard is held at 18Xa ; i but there iti not mach' demand. Sugar , :'..15%ti for raw, and in l fair , (I..utand. .. e 22a36%C. Clover Seed is held. at $l4. hy in _demand at $2,90a3,00. Cheese. Cigber; Western Reserve' 14a1434e, fee t 16a16Me. Butter 'steady et. Wane:. •ice 40e. Linseed 011 $1,68,. ant 'market strong. Lard Qll $1„,40a1,45. • ..-1 147 buying. The; ninziey:inarket .Is. ..f at 6 per cent. I , , ,-• • . Chicago -Market. *.'efe'graph to qte flttebprgb Gazette.) • —ncemo, Aisging...l4.—Flour quiet and ' ianged. Wheat active and 2a3c lowert No 1 quiet. nt„. 1439; sales now No 2 •at' closing with , tiuyers at 11,76; a change salee No 2at 68c,., seller, 'Au-' Corn in fair request • and 2o lower; I No 1 at 51a1,0134, No 2 at 99a92ge, and' 3ted at 94a9534c; this afternoon sal& at 11. Oata iii7n inderateldematid and ,tr, opening at 5.3 c, advancin • g to 5430 F 'nlosing at MXO., • ltye golid.demend .lea at 11.3551,36 for No and 11,33, 3 484 , go 2. BarleY quiet:. sales in 1,57 for 4 closing at Highwin l cs at 60 cints;`*;' , :beide& -du es ; quiet atd.;:`steady, :127,z5a29,50. I 4 firmer at=lo3alB)4eP l- 13nIk *eats, n o h. doing. Receipts : : Flour , " 6 1 760 At 75,980 Inibliileorh '224.23 1 i 3 bush: h '0p,f4,1203 Ship:gm :l w; 816 bbliq wheat; 53;610 'bush; com, • 19 bush; 0ata,,,37,6034Pgq. VII. 'bead. ghts actives - ,43,13 tor. corn, 10..1/4/5i10., I St. L•Sille - Cattle - Market. elegraph to the 11,ttalsurgh'flizettell )Lours, Augqatd l ; 7 .l3accreattle droop ? . , at not quotably lower, ) ra , 7 4•Z iiiM==== New, Torii. Dry ;Goods; Market.. . .-'• " New, - Crtv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; NEW YOnK, August 14.-,-The market for cotton goods remains a; little quiet, _yet steady, a general thing, but woolen goods are selling to a fair extent, and the ten dency is rather upward than ottierwise, in sympathy withto it. Themost n:teablgadvanceh ovevrinrpetsi g oug all imported fabrics feel the effect. of the re cent advance in the price, of gold. Cross lyn's best velvets, in .3 widths, have risen from 53,10 to $3,35; do. A. 1 have advanced to $3,10; do. patent to $2,90; Bigelow's body Brussels.and Hartford now bring 52,50; CrOsslyn's tapestry Brussels command $1,70, and Lowell medium and superfine Hartford have risen from 51,17' to $l,). St. Louie Market. - By Telegraph to the Plttaintrgh Gazette:; - Sr. Loing, August 14.—Tobacco steady, firm and unchanged. , Cotton; nothing do. ing. Hemp unchanged. Flour very quiet, at 5 6 ,2%7,00 for superfine and $7,50a8,25 for extra. Wheat dull and heavy, at 12,26 a 2,35 for fancy red and white; $2,00a2,30 for prime to choice do; spring unchanged. Corn held firmly but inactive, at 92a93c, for mixed and yellow and 90a92c for white. Oats easier at 54a57c. Rye buoyant and higher at 11,30a1,35. Pork Quiet and held firmly at $3O. Bulk Meats sold at 15y,c for dry salted clear sides. Bacon; more doing and`prices rather easier, at 13y(a1330 for shoulders; li3 a163;0 for , clear rib sides, and 17 1 4 c for clear aides. Lard quiet, at 19;ia20c for keg.. Whisky heavy at $1,35. bush; R eceifts—Plour, 2,300 bbls: wheat, 2,900 9 corn 1 500 bush; oa t s, 15,000'buab. I Toledo Market. ray Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., TOLEDO, Angtlet IL—Receipts: 3,000 bble flour; 80,000 bus wheat, 2,000 bus 'corn, 15,- 000 bus oats: Shipments: 3,150 bbls flour, 38,400 bus wheat, 800 bus corn, 15,000 bus oats. Flour; sales XX from -old spring wheat; white a shade better; amber and red lower; sales No. 1 white Wabash at $2,52: white Michigan, $2,23. amber Illinois, $2,22; 41 amber Michigan, $2,18a2,17; No. 1 red, 2,1234; No: 2 spring, $l,BO, amber, seller An 3S; $2,11a2,12; seller September; $2,10. Cor Mich lower; sales No. 1 at $1,05a1,05i4; igan, 01,05; yellow, $1.07. Oats 100 lower; sales No. lat 573ica580; No. 2, 566. R'Sre 2o bettor; sales No. lat $1,50. Barley; No. 1 State, $1,40. Lake Freights 5a5J40 on wheat to Buffalo. Cleveland Market. [By Tegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.' CLEVELAND, Aug. 14.—Flour is quiet at 510a10,50 for. XX spring, $11a11,50 for, XX red winter; country brands quiet at sBalo for XX "spring; $9,50a10,50 for XX red win ter; $12a13 for. XX white wheat; sales two cars No. 1 red at 12,15; twelve cars No. 1 do at V.,16; two cars No 2 at $2,15; tWo cars No. 2at $2;04. Corn; sales' three cars'at $l,lO. Oats; sales one car at 60c; one car at 59c; 200 bush. sold at 50c per bush. Aye; market dull and inactive and is held at 51,75a1,80 for No 1. Barley; market nominal. Petro leum; market quiet and unchanged at 30a :31c for standard white; 28a29c for prime light straw to white. Philadelphia Market. (By Telegranh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] PHILADELPHIA, August 14.—Petroleum is unsettled. Seeds unchanged. Flour is dull; north-western, extra familyelling at $9,50a11,50; Ohio do at $11a12,50. Wheat is steady and in demand for prime, others dull; sales 2,000 bus good to prime red at $2,35450; white at $2,68. Ayala steady at $1,60a1,65. Corn Is quiet: sales 1,000 bus new yellow at $1,30; mixed western at $1,25. Oats dull and lovier; new at 80c; old at 85c. r clroceries and provisions are un changed. Whisky active; common In bond at 70c. Milwaukee Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasetted MILWAUKEE, August 14.—Flour dull, nominal and unchanged. Wheat higher; 51,90 for No. 1, 51,79 for No. 2. Ozitsfirmer, at 560 for No. 2. Corn unsettled, at 51,19 for No. 2. Recelpts-300 bbla flour, 7,000 bush wheat, 1.000 bush of oats, 1,000 bash of Corn. Shipments-4,000 bblii flour, 800 bush wheat, 100 bush oats, 200 bush corn. Cincinnati Cattle Market. Telesrnieh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l CUMIN - NATI, August 14.—Beet Cattle are dull and prices of lower grades declined 25c. Sheep; butchers $ 2 , 75 a3,75, shipping Pa; Sheep unchanged and selling at 12,50 a 4,00 per cwt. all Dross; Lambs-11,2583,50. Hogs in better supply and less firm at .7,50 alo,oo the whole range. Memphis Market. Mg Telegraph to the Plttaborith Guette.l MEMPHIS, August 14. -7-Cotton nominal; receipts to-day one bale; weeks receipts 57; week exports 39; stock 32. Flour.duik su. t er SUS. ' Corn We. °ats 57°..iraY scarce. ran 20a2 1 e. Corn Meal 14,40a4,60. Pork /30,51). :Lard 9aloc. Bacon quiet. Shoul ders 14c. 'Clear Sides ltki. 1 " Chicago Cattle Market. airTeieirrapti to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CiLiOAGO, Angagt /I.—Beef Cattle' very dull; extra fat steers nominal at #6,25a650; good butchers' #4,75a5,00. Hogs; Com mon dull and lower, sales at $8,76a9,00; good in limited demand at 119,50a9,80; choice heavy scarce and nominal at $10a10,20. Baltimore Market. !Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oarette.3 BALTIMORE, August IC—Plonr quiet and firm. Wheat—Prime firm; red sold at $2,70 82,77. ' Corn firm; white, $1,15a1.20. 'Oats, 85a90e. Rye firm at 11,60. Provisions firm and unchanged. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. ..AND AND Pirrsßultail RAiL ROAD, 'August 14.-2 cars ptg iron, Nimick & Co; 1 ear iron ore,Chess, Smythe & Co.; 2 care do do, Reese, Graff & Dull; leer lum ber, hfeKnight & Co; 2 cars stone, Jas Mc. Masters; l'car, files, J L L Knox; 49 bbls oil, Bissell & Co; 65 aks malt, Pier, Dannals & Co; 20 bbls white lime, L I/Carlisle; 2 eider mills, 2 *heels. Beckman & Long; 2 do do, 2 do, White Bros &. Co; 23 cases matches, 25 bxs cheese, Watt, Lang & - Co; 53 • bbls oar ,bon oil, •Wm McCutcheon; 1 bbl oil, Ilarris & Ewing;'42 eke wool, Wm Barker Jr& Co; 29 bbls apples, .25 bas cheese, Volgt, • Ma. hood del.o; 12 bdis chairs, 3 do rockers, Bedford -Chair Co;• 9 .do , do i 1 do do. Lemon &, Weise; :8 eke rags; Dillinger & Stevenson,; 20 ban cheese, W Grail & Co; 14 bbls apples ' Graff & Reiterp2 earsA)lg Iron, Union Iron Mills; 1 car• do do; Win Smith; 20 Wis. , crackers, & ~ Brof 7 cars metal;J.MNrhead; 30 bbls lub 014- A. W D'Kraf; it Co; 100 empty 'bbls;.Thos Musgravel-106sks oats, 31 do_rye,JMoßane & Anger; 1 bait bbl butter, 2- bbls eggs >2 do apples H Riddle. 18 bbls • apples, W J 'Steel ,& Bros; 22 ale bows; 64 MoWhin. ny • & Co; 9 do do, 2 kegs butter Morri son & Co; 15 bureaus, Lemon t & Wise; 1-cOirf Wheat, Hitchcock, McCreary Co; 1 bbl Apples,.l keg butter, M. Martin; 4. bas Mite , ter, Windier & Co; 3 cads tobaeco, , W & D Rinehart; 5 bbls apples,lo Barnett; 201bere „cheese JlPettit; 1 oar pig. iron,' Mackin- , rlTTalruf/401, 'Weinni: AND Catektac RAILaOAD August 14.--7 'airs metal, 7,11m lolcACo; 2 dodo, Rees, Graff & Duff; 8 de do, , Bryam& Cangbey;' 100 bbli' flour, Culp :,t Sheparcli!loo dodo; McClure McKee:: 100 do do, ownei; 100'dd do,' Watt, Lan tit 40p250(pigs lead, I : ll tbrldke`& 'Sot' 59 b Is apples, 20 do_peatil 16 do pears ,' n'Ttea Jr, 25 tell hami; Bet- Jo bids HoUr,ttroWn 'Williania;`' .1 car L•tge, Scott Gisal; reasic dry Wet; E Itiffiers di Coil hbds tobacco, BeyloA Co; 20 . bb la tallow, renna It; It; 20 - dee `2' do tutrg,'''g Atyprafile, Co; 4 lixeAsndleS, cia n ott a Eo9 ad ciciaO,'JVitikenatfetir 11 do 1 do, .1 , 130111;i10 dodo-814ton . 4 Ny,ii i ii ce i os do do r l &Dilworth & Co; 16 son et co; 17 Ilia Wadies, itaagleton; do do, J K Smith ; .00140 Meekt' I "25.1iicies,f3elbOt 'BenGl,4,tools.,apples,'ol do Nara, our,* Bigler; 4 -rolls leather q •_. MEM ::Rim ana Weathir. tit' Telegraphto : the Pittsburgh Gazette.), Loursinr.t.r:, August 14.--Itivor is falling fast, with 4 feet and 8 inches in the canal. Weather clear and pleasant. Sr.-. Loutg, August 1 4.—Weather clear and pledsant. maxi muttOgeinjxgr, , . SUPEXP#OSPRA,TE OF LINE • ',IfABBPACrIBRICTIIs Y :' i. . , '7; . .• I 1 . - The,Alleghent Fertilizer Co. . Td..RD cAltritizz, . , 854 ". Pi ttSbUrgit, Oet Pena 'Streeti. 'Pai 1, ::` ' jr 'Xbebet Iteetmeei 1111 use, and repoolsed y he rneeri Who have giverr It a hial.4o qe the' In and . ' gra:ford nil/dug large mope of .W 1 ,41 ,p,ye, " 14 '. Olrh.' Mt/trees, C. •We 'have pettier er'gratu. ,tteue,e elation aDaraphlet , eantatateg I Pter.filMlag. and valdahle literate eats thht Fertinzer, copied OF Ith Leb wul be eenVesolo tu?7 : eluding ( Ws the4ir Id• ;4neae., En I=l ISEEEIZZIE PITT§BIIRGJI GAZETTE; §4.r.r, .P4LY. , . , AuGITAT 1 5,4508, 1 ICHoffstett; - 38 irks 'Cheese; &tubs butter, H Riddle; 53 bxs cheese, ,li Jtßraden; 10. do do do, A J Kerr; 40 do do, Arbnekles & Co; 25 bis candles. J S Dilworth it Co; 10 bales hops, J M Carson; 5 cars wheat, J S Lig- gett it Co; 1 car oats, II Rea Jr. PITTSBIIRGH; CINCINNATI AND. ST. LOllll3 RArrirtoin. August 14.-1 ear staves, J Painter & Son; 25 tcs lard, 25 tcs barns, 5 do beef, Jas P Hanna & Co; 21 bbls black. Seward & Campbell; . 9 bbls green apples, 2 do dry apples, 5 do eggs, Graff & Reiter; 44 skis seed, Beexharn &Long; 9 rolls leather, G XHoffstott; 100 bbls whisky, Shipton & Wallace;,; car oats, Hitchcock, MeCreery Co; 10 bbls oil, Jas Lippincott; 10 tes hams, E Bro;eazleton; 4 hhds tobacco, man H 2 cars millfeed, J it W Fairl Wey ey; 19 aka de , 7 tes hams, P L Baker; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett &Co; 1 car lumber; J &M Seibert; Ido staves, Ralya & Robertson; 1 do do, Wm Hastings; Amato/um VA.LLICT R. H. , August 14.- 4 bbls eggs, 14 pkgs butter, A Gallaghe; 3 cars old metal, Coleman, Rahrn it Co; odo limestone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 do time, J Reno; 2 bbls eggs, 2 pkgs butter, II Rid dle; 5 pkgs eggs, 4 do butter, A W Beer; 7 do do, 5 do eggs, J C Stewart; 5 cars metal, J Moorhead; 13 eke raga, McCullough, Smith '& Ccu 1 car ruetal.Lyon, Shorb'& Co; 2 bales wool, Win Barker Jr it Co; 2 cars metal, H Woodsides; 2do do, McKnight, Porter it Co; 1 do do, Everson, Preston & Co. ALLEarurrg STATION, August 14.-187 sks oats, I so do corn,- Stewart & Langen helm; 3 cars flaxseed, Ewer & Hamilton; 10 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 30 barrel s apples, F Owens; : 1 car corn,R Knox & Son; 2 cars lumber, W H Walker; 1 car wheat, W McKee it Co; 8 hides, JLouckcambt; 338 gallons stoneware, C Kennedy; 17 sks wool S Bradley& Son; 30 sirs oats, J B McKee, 1 bbl eggs, R& A Carson; 1 car millfeed, A Miller & Co; 1 car flaxseed, M B Suydam; 1 car metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell: RIVER .NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily at thlt point, with inches according the metal mark here, and twenty-nine inches reported at Brunet. Now if there are twenty-nine inches at the latter place we have no hesitation in saying that there are more than seventeen inches here. It is true, as navigation la virtuallr suspended, it is a matter of no great importance. just , now, but as a nubile matter, and for the convenience and accommodation of the public in general, and steamboatmen in particular,-the`marks here I should be correct. We. are cognizant Of quite ,a Pulistic encounter; _having occurred at a a pi e nic at Elm Grove the other day, between a couple of steilmboatmen. A Icorrespond ent says one of the parties was knocked out of time, falling over a seven rail fence, 'and bisaking three of his wheel arms. —Captain De Haven is on his way to Lou isville from New Orleans. —Geo.-L. Johnston at, Co. of Cincinnati, want to buy a 500-tun stern wheeler. —The Mayflower takes the place of Com mernialin the Memphis and White River trade. —The J. N. McCullough arrived at Cin cinnati on Wednesday, and has laid up there for the present. —Mr. C. D. Millar, of the Cincinnati Com mercial, has returned home after a visit of some three weeks co the Lakes. --Capt. Dan. Clak, Jr., has boug the Mary E. Forsyth, r at St. Louis, f or the Nashville and New Orleans trade. —Captain Harvey H. Heath, of New Or leans, died in St. Louis last Monday. He was identified for'a long series of years with the Red River trade. —The Dubuque Herald. says that Mr. E. R. Paul, the Sc. Louis Secretary of the Northwestern Union Packet Company is an ox-editor, and that a better appointment could not be made. —Capt Isoac M. Mason of tbe Northern Line Packet Co. , was relieved of his 'tine gold watch and purse, containing twenty dollars, by a miscreant who entered his res deuce at St. Louis the other night. —A St. Louis telegram says: The St. T P h u ewckb a re doing a good business. vigorous light between the competing lines the coming season. The Northern Line Company will build several new steamers. —The steamer TennesSee, bound from Loxisville to St. 'Louis, with scars." of 2,200 bbls cement, struck a rock, at the chain in the Mississippi ..River, twenty-two miles above Cairo, anteing her to leak so bidly as to necessitate throwing overboard the greater portion of her cargo. Her bOw was then bulk - headed, and the boat returned to Cairo for repairs. • —The following - named towboats have reached Louisville with towa of coal taken on theecent,rise : Sam Roberts,. Leader, Mary Ann, Stella , V. F. Wilson ' N. J. Big ley, Tom Rem; Brilliant; Eagle, Keystone, J. S. Neal; Hercules. , The receipts'of these boats footed up 850.000 bushels coal, 24,000 bushels nut coal, and 1000 bushels coke. Owing to the low stage of 'water, there was no trnshipinent of coal further South, and it all remains in that market: , • —The Dubuque Heratd of the Bth says The Pilots' Association, • of Dubn9ue, con sisting of the very best on the Upper. Arts- Issippi, still hold out, and so does the Northwestern' Unfelt Packet ' Line. The pilots will; in all probability, accomplish their object, that being an increase of sala ry from 875 to 8160 per month. The coin pany, have had such experience with info rior pilots, that they will probably employ men whose knowledge ot the river and their, profession insure safety to boats from snags, sandbars &c. —We clip the following from the Cincin nati Cbmmercial of Thursday : The funeral of the late lamented Capt. Geo. D. ,Hoo p will take place to-clay at 2r. m., from his late residencein Newport, is our sad and melancholy duty to record, the death of Capt. Wm. B. Dodson, command er of the U.S. snag.l3oat J. T. ' Abort. He died at Cairo, on Tuesday night at 9 o'clock. The deceased was an old resident of this city, and a pioneer steaniboatrnan. Was a man of striet integrity, enjoying the cOnildence and , esteem of all who liner! blm. Thos. Trunnell, pilot, and Mr. Geo. Shield, of the engineer department Df the , same steamer, returned home yesterday,'' having also been afflicted ,with billions fever..' FERwzuzEßs 0 GROWERS. P''ROPREMVORS I= ;., .ci.ct I .li:tri R. E. SELLERS & CO. THE.GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY _ICJ 11\T ICP M"SrIS All Diseases Arising from an I pure. State of the Blood;such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, liercuirial Diseases, General Debility, 'lolls, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Read, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Coinplaints, • Together with all'other disorders from an improper condition of the Circulatory. Bystem. As a general Tonic its effects are most benignant, and cannot fail to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It Is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters into itacomix.sition, so that while It invariably af fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cures no overdose could Injure the most tender infant. , R. E. SELLERS & CO., PITTSBURGH,: PA Sellers , Cough Syrup; Sellers' Liver Pills and Perm Mute; Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And lioerhave's Holland Sitters. Fon BALE BY ALL DEttracasTa C: 181 FIECTIC. SIIIIUR CORDIAL,' An inthllible remedy_for en, D ise Ch Sommer Complaint, th ntet7, Vomiting, Soar Stomach and olera °thus. DR. HARRIS' ORB? CORE, A specific for Cholera, Crimps and Pala la the Stomach, for sale by EAR= ar. ENUNG, Corner of I,lborty and Wayne Streets, SOHOONMAKR, & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, McCOY'S TERDITER GREEN, The °DIY Crean paint tbat will not deteriorate by exposure. It will took better. last longer and give more et perfect satisfaction than any paint In the mark. IW4t i ml- , -i•11711 siEwparA ß Ep s • STEAM CRACKER BAKERY fp. • 817' Llbeity Btreei. Our TOM, ',l;itiitZli are superiorkiod alinc3laheed OV gam, Any 9ther prc!cess. ; • /11/P TRY THE3I.4IOII:k i Ail 6 . A -.., ..iiftv•q,..., . -,.. 4 , ' • 9 .* ,f, . :'4' Alr• 1 ~ .- .. :,,,....- ~ .;'. . ..l;:q*Ye• 4.4 1f,..1! . .', ,, 0-z.. .....,,.. , . • a •i '. . ~. .:t'" ' 1;t . 4 '. %. .f , ~.., cp, t (1, , E; -„,-,,,,,, '. . .. 6...„ , ARIL StililatiOß I ±o l . Aft) ttntlis = OFFERED..I2iIII72 our. 11.0.11.T0N. 89D41,: CREAM': PRE NOR, zat c aairark and, rf ~,,,AO For Sale , by Every Grocer rin ,the City. nokory, pro. 91 Liberty st. =RI QIIIFtIr HOUSE, , , • ATLOTTXO arrr. N I •,' This Olvt.class 'Hotel will open for Ileac' ttm On Stith Jane. Tertneata.Ea Par dal . ; 1 2 0 Per wrek. ddress .. t U. E. THOmPtiOrs. rroprletor, IFormerly of Vonerras Hall. , Cane - Isla n d, , and Me j 4o_politan Hotel, Washinirton,D. ' 'music Will ice ender the direction of '7 1 11 . ..1_1111. BENTZ. ''e2e:rtlr • A NEW SV THE LAKE HOUSE, Statelitat,la: ibe 11141 ut Jamestowti 'fa 'Frelklin ail one hour's Milo from Franklin.) This house Its large'. 'nen- and commodious, welt' furnished, • MIS hllllart Nonni, tonvln alleys and Covered' promo, Is 'on tho 'banks of the roost charming ,air 7 Lotto in America. abounding In fish, and id. inlrahlo for sailing purposes, surrounded with SW- IdiUr enrlngin:ronotntic, scenery. Stc..• it lathe bell summer retiort the State. Addreat. • S. T. ICENNEIbIe. Proprie t or . . :•••';.,,,•; • • NOTICE OF REMOVAL THE IST DAY OF AUGUST, WE EEMOYED TO THE LARGE AND CO ODIOUS W . ; ,7. =I}IOI7SS, 1 No. 45 ood Street, Directly Opposite St, Charles Hotel. Also, entrance on TIMID ST., Nos. 102 and 104 EMI IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCH:ER, FOR THE CURE OF Sole 3Proprletors, AbSO, PROPRIETORS OP AlaM;lNTiss FOR AND MOTELS. J. I. DILLINGEII n. arlitvgtiso:.7. BILLINGER &MUNSON, FORWARDING . AND I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE .generally. Also, LIQUORS, maims, BRANDIES, Etc. No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa: 41?-LIBERAL ADVANCES made' on consign ments. Jy31378 J. B. CAITTIELD_ ... T.A:ISFIXLD. D. CANFIELD & SON , CON! MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale, resters ln Boshen, Factory , Hamburg Flour, Cheese,: Butter, Lard, Polk, Bacon, -Flour,Fi s h, Dried Fruit, Grain. Pia Lead, Pot. Pearl and 8 , 41 a Ashes. White Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon No. /41 First street. Pittsburgh, Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro. visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil. &c., Noe. 172 and i 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa; nab= STEICLIC STEELE & SON, 1.11.• NAN. Commission .3ferchants, AND DICALZDS IN ViA,3ITII, GatetiN, No. 95 OHIO STREW/. near Ewa Corannon, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA: J. 11.11188 B. MEJLIZOR .EANOR & HARPER., JOB. ELLBECB • FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE •coax.wassxorr rereatc.R.A.Drre 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. , Rsynnzitnze—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja81:124 REM .. KEIL . aAI3. r. RICILLIVI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DICAL/Ull3 IN IiLOUR, GRAM, SEEDS, MILL PEED, ft., Et., vim:, 849 Liberty,tlL, Pittsburgh, • L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail*6l3e7r, aris:xB9 No. 396 PENN STREET. ALEX. WE&YE ........... J. B. - COMM ISSION'MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, Fro. Fla WATlrar. STREET, above Pittebnrett. - leS F EII & MU/"T/WNG, FORWARDING AIM 0 0XIE0313ION IdNINDLumi, _ Boy the sale of Pinar. Grail& Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit , and Produce generally, No. lel KARIM STREET, corner ofFirst, Pittsburgh. e=:uS 'JOHN I. HOI7BZ. -Etotrez.....lrm. s. . HOt7BE, 4 - 01111 1. HOUSE & 111101:81110.• censors to , JOHN I. HOUSE & C 0... wbolesale sneers and- Commission Merchantd; .rner of •Bmitbileld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. P&. LE RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pe., Domnilsalon Mee t and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittaborgh Manufactures. Cub ad vanced On Conaignmenis, and paid fir Produce gen erally. an= nom _rtsw Narox. 711 KNOX & SON, COMMISSION lIERCHA NTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN L 'PEED and PRODUCE ORNERALLY, No. 79 AM DIOND, opposite City Rail, Allegheny City.. jaNtrZt - JrrTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, ~ Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merch.ants and eaten In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese. Fish, Carbon and Lard 011 iron, Balls, Glass, - COM% Yarns and all Pirtsbuitth Manufactures genera ll y, 1.151 and 114 SECOND TREBT. Pittsburgh. ...A WALLACH. JOHN 81HPTON 1'5IIIIPTON& WALLACE, IVHOLE SALE 9 ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 4 8 SIXTH STREET. PlOaburrth. 1102:169 comraotirave CITY or ALLEGIINNY, Atagast 14, 1n153.4 SEALED. PROPOSALS will be received at this °else' until 3 o'clock P. it. on. PRLDAY, ldlet instant, tor • . GRADING- AND P.A.Nrirro welock arrs A.LLEP, from Allegheny avenue to Fiedg street; - IBABSLLA COURT, horn Robinson to Klllbnek St; Alan, for 'Oradlng : Four/Tem STREET, from Henderson street to Middle oreet. - Profiles and stieelfleolons eau be Nei in the°Mee' of the City Engineer. aals:uil • 8. - 11. PRANCE% . City • Orricz or Correohura or ALracciazny I!ITSSIIVIIGH: Anglin Sth. 1048. Co., I i NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS.. _, ._ , BEALSD rIgIPOSALB will he received id thlr ogle° untll.l7th Inst.; Inclusive, for ruralshint So Allegheny Countr 10,000 Baah. good- Ifferchantable Coal, • free from slack and dirt, •to be welshed on 'the City House a nd 'delired at toe entrance to th Court House and Jail, on Fifth and Ross arreets. i n quan tities of six hundresti bushels per: day, until the whole Is delivered: Payment will be made the Warrants wn an the County Treasurer when eontract fareompleted. By direction of County Commissioner,,• 2EZE= ao7:d&F orrzac crrr ENauczta AND scravzroa, PITTSBURGH, August 11. Ibol3. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR& • . . . SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE Grading, Paving and. Curbing .of ROBERTS STREET, from Centrenvenue to Reed SMA • 17111 . AN STREET, from Morris to Morton end Rradlo6R MILLER STREET I from Centre nv „,tatiret?AktdesitrSlVlDEß WALE on CENTRE A VBNTJE.DITom Kirkpatrick street to Muer, . street, tnlinereville.l Will be received at this ottloe until MONDAY, Au gust 17to, 1888. atIII:U28 . , __- .................. IA r ANHOOD: HOW LOST ! HOW AI& RESTORED! .fuetpubLislied ill Sealed 111194t cps. Price, eta- mite.. A. LECTURE ON TRIO NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical Cure el Sperniatorrinna, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary- Emissions, Sexual Debility and lmpedbuents tollar- . 4 1 / 1 136 lunerally,_• Nerrousnes6, Consumption, Bpi-, I _.!PY and F1 V 1 ; Mental : and Physical Incapaclif Mir. mu nglro:SelTAbulie, Re., by Robt. J: Otu, er well. 11. 11.. author of the . ..Green Roo .1c "Au. "A. BOON TO , THOUSANDS OP SUFFERERS," Sent under seal, ln a plain epeicope, ill anyiuldrein, post paid, on ruceipt or six cents, or oropostaire stalinLis, , to CHAS.' J. C. H.I.INN *gif .1017, ,ZONVE,II, NEWYORK', POSTOPPICIC BOX 4380. Also Dr. Onlverwell'e,‘Wflrthlge enidee i Dnee X 3 tent& ! -nil% avtir'7, „ . tiur 0 11): 0 -,Anot er -New "MEDIOAL PAMPHLET, frets tho'neh un. Minns. The Neatest TitriesaNya of thieworkv Wigs. valuable 'treatise on the . eau4e and cure of u . Eremature decline, shelve hew health is Ilrbikalrect f broush 'secret abnael. of youlh and manhood and ow easily. regained. At .g iv ekle.tilear.eyaugilis of. the Impediments latlarriage,.tne 'ranee and effects of nervous,, remedles.therefOro.•A Docket edlthin Of the above will be 10 warded on 718tireceipt or• Bil cente,Lby: addreasint potter CUR. ttli :ti North Cherie& Btruat, Baltimore, Jy 0mam2____..,....._. M1Mnim•im........-- To l rAlutvgix; , , TILE HAY "VELCONR" PAUNTND 18tyl AND 1867. . . . . , - Is thabertitate made. It will rake beavler hey, eatry lo'fisrther, load and unload itself easier than • any other rake.: It le solf-orieratingt a child eyear. 0/ct can do the work of a full hand. Hundreds of certificates couht width to Oven, one of wid ta below:.. “GtnAttn, Erie .July ft. 1687. ' "I nave toted. the Welcome HAY Hake,. manufso. tared by W. W. WaUseei,Pittaburgh, anti rep:, ommend It to Tanners: It lit ga] in light and hear*' hay: Is easy on man and horse: la a complete g i ftn . sr gram and stessbt ; s imple in oonsp. uption . and easily kepi to order. • All orders directed to:318 Llberty ,etre tt , p ut ,: burgh, Pa. or at - the Werke In Columbiana, owe, ' p rompt ly tarendodtei Child Wholesale lald w. w. wALLacx. I 13en4 orders fri early o aszUPPr7 aliort.l. • • ATT., LANG C & WIIOLUALZ DEALZ4tB Ix PROPOSALS Contrcdler Controller. H. City Engitieu. tOnSida,T - _ pr I ZTSBURGHand CON NELLSVILLE I. R. On and atUr THURSDAY,. March sth, I.BsF trains wlo arrive at And depart frern the Depot, co:, ner of Grant and Water streets, follows: , -Depart. -11rrItY• Mall to and front Oniont'n. 7:00 A..w 8:00 P McKeesport Ac eommodOn..l.loo . at. . 2:05P.. E. Resto and from Uttiont`n. 3:00 v. 10:00 A. M. Newton Aroomnacarn 30. r. Drat/dock's Accommodat'n 4-: 6:15 M. 7:5 8:35 P. Y, O A. sr. M Night Ace, to elieesport.lo: Sunday Church Train to P. /1. and : 4o A. Y. 30 from West Newton ...... For tickets apply to r• 1:00 P. X. 10:00 A. X W. B J. R. RING. Agent. ,13T017T, Seperintendent. tuba A c al itA.: . G , E tt o y f T t7 ll .air..E .k: rt - ai:iioaD. On daft an r WEDNESDY, 7 : 25 P. M. August 12th; 1. 'MO TitAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner Pike an streete. -- for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points In the OURegions. L ll n3IAIDt Firrimturr. lAnnitt IN Pyrrsininaff. mi 805 a m Mall ...... . ... 4:50 p m Express 7:25 p m Express.-- .. 6:05 ata Brady's 8 , 41 Ac 3:2 pm tiradys E xpress....... am /st 80da Works ' Ist Soda Works - Accomod'n.. 11:00 a m Accom de . 7:50 a Ell '9 d Sods Works 2d Soda Works AecomorPn .. 5:20 pin Accomodwn. 2:50 p m Mixed WaYT'n 6:20 a m 'Mixed Way T , n 8:25 p m 1 Halton Aec'n.. 6:29 atn Halton Acmn.. 835 a Armstrong Am 6:20p m Church Train lemiii Pittsburgh at Lao P. K. Ar rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A.. 11. • Passengers taking e xpress train have but one change of care hi, tureen . Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mall and Express Trams stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Accommodation trains atop at all stations. - _ THOMAS M. ICING, Ass,t,Sup't. W. FOB PER Hopis. 'Ticket ANent. aul2 J. d. 84:11CY I IT TSBURGII, CINCINNATI AND ST. Uld • BauLwAr. PAN RAiiipLE ROUTE. CHANGE OP TTME.—On and after SUNDAY, June Hist, IS6S, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Plttaburgli time: Mai Express ..... Fast Line. ........... Fast Express ........ . ..... Mixed Way ............... . . McDonald , s Ace , n, No. L . Steubenville Ancomznod`n, 3 3 1cDonald'a Acc'n, No. 2.. 5 SPECIAL NOxicx.—Sundayßxpress leaves at 2:10 p. in., arriving In Cinciniuttl at 8:00 a. m. the next morning. • The SAO a. 11. Train leaves daily; Sundays ex cepted, snd makes close connections al Newark tbr Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield 4t Newark IL B. • W. W.. CARD; 8. P. BCIILL, General Ticket Agent , Sup,t. Steubenville. -- - • . . 4 0 b i t e •• H, PORT W. AND CLEVELAND t. Frain June 7th, 1808, and arrive at the Union time, aa follows: os Chicago Ex Zea ... . 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a mi Erie it.ificalill 7:28 a mi Cl. & Wh" 1 g1111 i cag W_. 6:13 a m C Ch hi cag o o Ex i .. 6 43 am l CI. ds Wh l x Ex. 1:43p rn Chicago 1:58 p m Wh. kErie Ex. 448 pm. Depart from Allegheny. R. Brigt!ndc. 8:58a m Leetadale " 10:13 a m "" 11:58 am Rochester 2:23 pm We 'e Ace.. 3:43pm Leetsdale Aec. 4:13 pm N. Brigt'n-•. 5:33 p m N. " . o:2Bpm Leete 11 . 10:43pm 1:58p. m. Chicago lea_sip 11:93 m. Chicaet - I' R. MYERS. kerIiTRAL and after June 7th. Tree at and depart from the Washington and Liberty I Arrive.. Mall 'Train-- 1:15 a m Past Line .. . . . - 1:40 a m ' Wall'a No. 1.. 6:20 a m Latrobe Acc'n . 7:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m p Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac . . 10:35 a m Baltimore Ex 1:00 m Phila. Express 818 p m WalPs No. 3... :IS put BraddocksNol 5:50 p m Altoona min ` 7:15 p m and Emigrant Train 9:30 pa.' • _ - The Ch urch Train leaves WalPs Station every Bunday_nt 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:06 a. M. Betarning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Wall's Station at 2:00p. m. daily ex Ohninnett Expre ay ss leaves daily . All other trains cept Sund. Per further informauon app_y to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. any risk for Baggage, except .for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One lituidred Dollars la alue. All Baggage exceeding-that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. • EDWARD IL-WILLYmu General Superintendent, Altoo na , p a. PEN - 1r - BT V •.-- SYLVANIA ..RAIL-IMlNi,____ .—On. and after may 10th, 11366. the Pas senger-Trains on: the Western Pennsylvania Rail road . will arrive at and depart trom the Seders!! Street Dep Allegheny City, , ad rblicrws: •-. kri. ...drrive, . . . Deport. • • ngd i4 e No 1 • 6:35 a ail Mail .. '.. --. .. . 6:15 s M eeipart No,. 1 S:l5 ain Freeport:No. I 0:10 aas • Rirpretsr........ 10:18 a in Shitrpb'g NO.111:20 a ni 1 kiharpb'ir No. 1 . 1:35p m Ex - m:mis .. .• . . . - 1:50 pin IfreeporT No. g '4:10 pm iiiningcre ..... 3:50 pat Ra 11....: .:,..; .s:6o:pm Sreeport No.* 6:05 p m , Springd'eNo 2 'YtIOP in Soringd'e Nog 7:30 pin " A bole trains run.dally except, Sundtry. ' • - . The - Church__Trairt leaves Alleghen.innet. every Sunday a& lisair. a. M. !reaching All egheny City at • 0:50 a. nu Returning, leaved Alleg eny City at 1:20 p; in. and argire at Allegheny , Tunct. at U 145 • D M. Colosonglost;. Tracerg—Par'sile In 'packages:it - - Twen ty , _betweenAllegheny City, Chestnut street, . Herr's, mennett, rineureet, Mau and - Shorpshurg, ' ' tidanli good old) on the trains s!opping at 'Stations age- - - ed on mutt. . • .. • - -- • '- - • The trains leaving Allegheny 'City at. 6:15 a..hs. -• and 1:50 P:II. make-direct connection at Freeport • ,with Walker's line orStages forßutleraisd llsruisha town. Through tickets may be• purchased •at .the Office, No. 3 St. . Clair street, near the Sniper:Sion Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, ' Allegheny; Por Anther information apply to -- . JAMES LLPPEIirs, t. Federal Stree t-Depot. The 'Western Pennsylvania Railrbad az- - same any ritiltfor Baggage. except for rea r ingsp- ' peed, and limit thel. responsibility to One litutdsed . Dollars In value. - Ail . baggage exceeding s amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, u 4 Nts taken by special contract. , ' :- . . EDWARD R. W Gen—ad Superintendent, Altoona. - - SQMOIi HILL ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC. RAILWAY Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROHTZ from the Haat to utl points in Colorado, Nevada, California, Vial, Arizona, New Itteilco, Idaho, • . • . , ~. . . _ ... Cireion.' • . Two Tridna leave State, Line And Leavenworth daily,. fßandaVe excepted ; ) the arrival of trains of acitic Railroad from St. tilti and Munro -and' ht.:Jo Railroad from go lacy.. connection at Lan-. rence, 'Topeka and: Waraciwitli44'o4. 1:00 1 / 1 b1 ill Kansas. At end or trac k weec.oE l la worth with the UNITED /Il EiTATEB.IsIXPRESSMI-' PAN T'S DAILY LINE .Or ,OVERLA.ND .Wil. U. #I , ID EXPRESS COAOHEE'POR • • • • ' ' - DE.NvEr ti • . And all Points in_thaTerritoileir, And with BANDRIIfIONYEI et COAt'RES for Fort UnOnt•BenViaGrti Paw, • ? r u e e w rci , u f e e , x gritaye, and all points to A!1.101111 and' With. the ,recent'sdititioni cilf stock and 'equipment, and the arrangements Ansdet 'with re-.• liPunsible• Overland 'Traxisportstio'n Liget Its western terminus, this lood nog , offers ime nulled • fixr the trankrmbisloirorftelglat to ell'ar west: LTiotetiftir sale at all the In the united dilates and Canadair. - - - • lMelrOtlird.cllllo)4l26l/40 TiiE 83R)ItIT RILILWA. ZAJEITZRZE 1 , 1 • r - •!'! • v?, 41. 1 ANDEnson - - ' • r_..l 6,"4-7 ziliTi44., nt. ice A P . ii)llBilitiPTe!g" and STEAMSHIPSJ , T o I. I,rEittPoo L .41Pillsga • ••••.. QUEENSTOWN: Tait •211alikrit . 611114DISHIPS, . Numberinngited sixteen firstrelass..xessels,smonOgeni the eeleb '' ' • " - • CITY OF PARIS, CITY OP CITY•OP BOSTON- ' CITY OP BAT...T-T • CITON LONDON, • ' :44 , • smith, EvERY !WAY; from Pier 45: rrotik, River, ,New York. For pessage on furtlrer I utbrm*r.; • tlon apply to • . ;WILLIAM. BDIELHAN, • , • • , . , 70 PiPTIT STItgET. fCbroisfefe Vlnthilmlll Nom a) oppoMterosi. 018e14 rittsbur "r , Eg Depart. Arrive: 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a. M. 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. 2:10 p. ta. 11:20 a. la. 9:10 a. at. 7.05 p. rcio :40 a. m. 3:05 p. M. 55 p. 9:30 a. m. 45 P. m. 8:20 a. lids T AYN alliglffi4 / 1 1 E & CHICAGO B. PITTSBURGH IL R. M eains will 'leave from, Po t, north side, 01W Ar. Chicago E.i ri .. ve , 2:08 a m i Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a tn. chicago Ex.... 11:23 a to. 'Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a mSt: Louis Ex.. 3:33 pre Cl. & Wit'a Ex -4:38 pm Erie ..t. YrnEx 6:13 p m Chicagp Ex.... 4613 p la Cl. 6: wit,a Ex le 7:08 p m Arrive in Algheny. i 1:... Lift s , , ii i Ac. main Wellsville. ". 2;532: elfdale New Castle " /0:12 atm Le :l3 m " 1:08p m N. Briet , a " 2i:43p m Leetsd-ale ‘• 4:53 pat ." ." 728 m Ex_presi leaves daily. re p Express arrives daily. General Ticket Ascent. 1305, Trains will ar ia Union Depot, corner Of, attests, as follows: , Depart. Day Express.. 5am . 54:51 Walla No. 6:30 am Mall Train . 7:50 a M * CineinnatlEx 140 a m Wall's No. 2.. 11:51a at Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pnx Braddocks No I 4:00 pnx Phila.‘Expres. 4:50 pm Walt's No. 3.. 5:.10 pat Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Fast Eine ..... . 7:30 pm Latrobe ,Ace'n 8:50 p m Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pm WadthigtOZl =ME II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers