EI littsintrO attitttt. CROQUET. A painter must that poet be. And lay with brightest hues his pallet, Who'd be the bard of Croquet'rie. And sing the Joys of hoop and mallet. Given a level lawn in June, And six or eight enthuslastle, Who never mi-a their hoops ur spoon, -And are on duffers moat sarcastic; _ Given the girl whom you adore— - • And given, too, that she's your aide on; 'Given ' a gmne not too soon o'er. And ne'er.a bore the lawn espied on; 'Given a claret cup as coo • , As ample Wenham Ice can make It; Given a code whose every rule , Is so defined that none can break it; Given a very fragrant weed— • Given she doesn't mind your smoking; - Given the players take no heed. And most densetly keep from joking; Given all these—and I proclaim, Be' fortune friendly or capricious— Whether,yon win or losethe game•- ' You•ll fine that Croquet is delicious. UNCLE BUNCE. "Be shall never have a penny," stormed *Uncle Bunce ; "I will cut him off with a shilling." . tthly. dear Bunce," said I, "you have alread) contradicted yourself, in first deny ing him a penny, and then promising him twelve. I never heard you contradict your: self (although often other people) except when in a passion, and that is not the frizne of mind in which to sit down to alter your "Mind your own business, sir, And leave me to mh‘e,' : ' was the prompt and severe' rejoinder. • • "YoUr business is mine, Nicholas," con tinned I, quietly, "since we are partners. 'We have been friends, boy and man, for these forty - yeara,-and I am not going to per mit you to quarrel with me." "Who wants to quarrel ?" said Uncle Bunce, peevishly. ' "Well, .1 don't; bit I would rather even that should happen; than that my old friend should do himself such an injustice as:to condemn a young fellow, who has no other relation In the:world, unheard : Your own Sister's son, George .I I sin ashameti of you!" "Unheard ? Pack of nonsense," sputtered the'ld fellow.‘ "The thing's as plain as the nose on your thee." "Thank you," said I = "However, you may say as offensive things as you please about my nose, only don't be unjust to Maley." • • „ - :"I am not unjust:' The facti are' these. I had adopted that boy, and meant to treat him as my own , son. He has disgraced hirimelf by betting, on a public race course, a sum he , had no honest means of paying if he lost,—a gambler, sir, and a cheat, that's what he proved himself; and I'll have noth . ing more to do with him." "Yon had better inquire into the matter a little further,. Mr.' Bunce," said I, with some distlactmeas ,of 'Manner; for I liked ' Charley ution his Cowa account, as well as because he : was the ,only relative of my friend and partner, one of the -most ' sound hearted and grossly prejudiced men within smile of the Royal Exchange. "There is nothing to be inquired' about, 31r. Coe. Even" if my late nephew" [lt was just like what his, flatterers called his "stern determination" . to use that phrase; net like his "Infernal obstinacy,', /say] sure be had not, I would disinherit him for betting; and even if he didn't bet, he was onthe race come, and that is a place no nephew of mine should showilis face and remain my heir. There is a letter from oar Vienna correspondent Which requires your *mediate attention; Mr.. Coe." And with That, Uncle Bence withdrew himself into I the glass case 'that is his peculiar sanctum at -oar office, and slammed the door behind Our firm was Bunco and Coe, and there had been no other member of it, save us, two, for , five-and-twenty years. We were no relatives (though perhaps` not less fast friends upen that account) but I called him uncle Bunce beeause Charley did, who, un til that unlucky Derby. day, had been •as great a favorite of his as-of mine; and here were the young fellow's prdspects blighted, andrthe old man's affections left without any. human trellis-work te cling to, all because '.some ill-natured:, tsybody, who knew Nicholas Bunco's hatred' cif the turf, had told him that Charley ',Morton had bet fifty pounds to ten against-Paimyra for the Der by, on Epsom Downs. • I had no greater love for Racing, nor per haps for Charley; than Nicholas bad, but I = could makaa little more allowance for the follies of yo uth ; p and When found myielf crossed, or even' disobeyed, allthe,milk of human kindneas within me did not instant: , ' ly turn sour, as It had done in Uncle Bunce's dairy, with the sad effect Lhave described. He had gone straight to , Charley upon the information -received,' and said:. ,"Did yen •• go down to 'Epsom Downs ,' sir, Ara betnity pounds to-ten pounds against_a rate-horse Answer me, 'Yes,' or " 'And Charley •L-for the boy could. not have told a lie if he bad tried—had answered: "Yes, llncie;" - end there the matter.had.ended. So, riow„beingWell convinced that Lin , clO Bunt* Was, as inflexible as the, iron in , which we dealt, in his resolve .to make no further inquiry into the matter, I determin , ed to make it myself for both their sakes. I was not very hopeful as. to the result, of the investigatton, but still I thought there might be some mitigating circumstances , — for the fact as it stood looked blacker, it seemed to me, than it 'aright to do, from, - what I knew of the young fellow.' He was, not the sort of lad to leave his duties (he was Ek clerk in a gevernment office„) for a scene Which heltnew was especially dist:ate fta tolls: wide and guardian, and , there . risk upon a tingle event a sum that was quite 'equal , to .::a third of liar whole in . come. • Urals Bunco and• I; it was true; per; illed, a great deal more than that proportion of 'our property in ,'"operations".• iron, but that was in the way of business, and it was upon businesi habits that the old gentlemen: prided. himself, and for which - he,looked first Hof all,,in others., That Charley should , harialiirked his • work , at: , :tita!, Sword and Gun. (Mee. for ,pleasure-was;a sin . Titself almost inexpiable in; - his uncle's eyes; 2; but that he should havespedt= that day on* , . race-course,and there betted fifty , pound— s.-• the more I looked at the whole ',Metier, in .fact; the worse it; for' .my,Yninill , friend and client, and thelessdid I,wonder • l at j the Untie 410p.'",17ncle;,P(sisa,'S forehead. ,40. his na - means as cool .qgctimbez-F.--antianspped the clerks up So.sharp that they trembled to, nach hia den,: • -; &Pe . • lien. he left tho eifleeicor. the day; as he: r Acne, NMed do an hour or before his junior,: .did venture-to remark: 4 .110M4 Bance,. you *lllatleast not be in a ,hairy about ; this matter iffipecir .;.{ - ;. , `lgntispieFlnay have to tell • yon isimething • ) abditt itlb-morieW which - may' cause, you e- , ltd ihtiik differently; Of "You mean well, Coe, and I thank y0u, 1 7. said he,grevelye 'But I shall see my law-, and give him such instnic, ; Ilona at all eveats, prevcnt.my Pre' after my decease, into the P" Asada at ,tko betting,rixig." _ o , , Lf fl Stern I- had often /Been Alfieholas 13nzieo but bitter never. •Fl,4iiii tied' to see him bitter, for it was proof that he had been wounded, sore, - dui unless he had dearly loved the lad, Charley's conduct would not have had the power to wound him. Now, where there has once been Love, there:ls alwaYs room for Reconciliation,. and as soon as Uncle Bunco was round the corner I took a hansom to .the Sword and Clun 'office., ' It had been arranged long ago that, on the next evening, my partner and I should dine together at the former's house, and we did so. At one time, Charley-had -been asked, but that was all over now, of course. Uncle Bunce had not come to the city that day, and it was evident, by his : earied and mel ancholy manner, thathe had been occupied in something distressing and- disagreeable; indeed, I have no doubt 'that he had been re-making. his — will. I- was not one whit afritia of . the oldgentleman, , bat I was re solved to put a g ood face upon the matter. li , " 'our good , ealth, Nicholas," said I, as he. ushed the claret to me. after dinner, an Chariers good health." ncle Bunce started as Al he had been stun g. - "I do not wish to have that young man's name mentioned in my hearing," observed ha. • "After to-night you shall not hear it, un less you please," said I; "but I must have my say for this once. I told you I should do so yesterday, and I promised him the same last night. Then I shall have dis charged my conscience; and if you choose to let your nephew Fo to the dogs, it will be through no omission of mine. I have neither extenuation nor apology to make for him"— "I should think not," interposed Uncle Bunco. "Your thought is founded, however, upon wrong premises, Nicholas. I . have neither 'to make f or him; simply because he. needs none:" — • ' • . "Needs none!" echoed the old, man, and although hie tone was meant to be contemp— tuous. I thought I detected in it an accent of, hope. "I mean what I assert, old friend," re plied I, quietly. TKO lad has behaved, I will not say 'as any other young man would have behaved in the like circumstances,'; for that phrase is often used to (lame an Ind's cre, tion, but I will'aay this, and then have done with it: He hart behaved as a true gentleman, and (especially)'as a good man of business in the whole matter." I held up the wineglass between my eye and the light, and smacked my lips like one who, havlng relieved his mind, may now afford to enjoy himself. , . Uncle "'knee seemed to gasp for air: "What the deucel—why, you're making a fool of me," exclaimed he savagely. "Do you mean to tell me he did not go down to the Derby?', "Of course he did. The government sent him." ' "The—government—sent him:" repeated my respected partner like one in a dream. "Just so," said L "But don't let me trouble you with the particulars of a subject which I see is distasteful to you, and about which you have quite made up your mind. I have now performed my duty in the mat ter, and there is an end of it. This isgood wine. If it's no; secret, may I ask what did you give for it a dozen ?" "Fifty pounds, Fifty pounds to ten against PalmyOa," muttered the old man. Then : "It's all a lie, Coe, " cried he, sud denly. "How dare you elk to me about the government—". "Mr. Bunce," interrupt —I will not endure such language. To les % m e 7 0 • " 0 EgArivinPsciallnot bully me. lam not in,the habit of telling lies. The fact is this ( i f yon really wish to hear the fact, and not merely to flatter your own preconceivedopinion), Charley Thorn ton could not have avoided—but stop; first answer me one thing. If Messrs. Bar and Bullion bad offered you a holiday on the Derby day, when you were a clerk in their office, upon the condition that you would go and see the Race, would you have ac cepted it, or would yen not?" "Well, I suppose I should," said Uncle Bunce, reluctantly. "No. you don't; you are' sure you would; you'd have gone like a shot. 'Well, that being granted, you and yciur nephew are in. the same 'boat The government 'gave a holiday on thezDerhy day to the clerks in the Sword and Gun Office r upon the cond„l - I have mentioned; and all those who availed theinselves of the offer, pledged their words:to use the Opportunity as it was intended to be used. If. Charley, having obtained his day's leave, had not gone to Epsom Downs. he would have behaved un like a gentleman: Theo clear, I hope." "The government ought to be ashamed of themselves!" observed Uncle Bum. "Very likely: but your nephew is not the government, and 'although I hear from the chief of his department inmost excellent ac count of the young fellow, it is not likely he ever will be. Thus, you see, 6 beginwith, so far from shirking his duties to go to the Derby; Charley only Obeyed' orders, —and, I have no doubt, with .great cheer fulness. This is certainly excellent wine."' "Did the government make him bet fifty pounds to ten pounds against. Palmyra?, ' : inquiredihe old gentleman grimly, after a long silence. • . "The Government didn't, but 'the bffice didi" said I, "in this way. There - wit , a -Derby sweep got up among the BWord and Gun-clerks, as is always the case , at every government office; and Charley put s in his, sovereign like the 'rest. Perhaps that, was Wrong of him; but if you never did, worse, friend Nicholas, when you were a, young man; all I can say is, you were too good to live, and r shouldn't fancy you. were ever likely to die of that complaint."• I rose, and goingto the window that looked out into, the quiet street, threw it up to ietin the summer air. ' "Oome, come; you'll forgive his putting into the sweep," said I. "I don't ask you to be generous, but to be just." , • • "I forgive hini That, of course, but for the bet I:will not forgive hini. How_ is it - pos sible that the Office could have bad any thing to do'with his Making a bet which, if he hail lost, he cold never pay?" "He won it;" said I, quietly; "and it Would 'have been a most unbusiness-like transaction If he had not laid the money. Yes, Mr. Blume, you have been wrong throughout this matter hitherto, and you . are wrong now. -.I : say" that Charley'would I have shown himself unworthy of beingyoUr 'relative if - he had . not laid the 'odds against 'Palinyral.'ind proven. • The' case' was simply;this:..olhuleydrew Palmyra in this sovereign sween, - so.that,. If 'the mare had mon, he would have received (since*altnest 'sl4 the clerks subscribed , to' it) at least one Mildred pounds.' 1:110 obvious duty, theri;' CI a matt' Of business-=and not. :a .merely,. gambling ePeciata- - rW ' s to make Por tion titl honey , holafti Tfitherefare betted fifty Onnllis* ten Pounds against the mire; s h e h a d , wo.a f ha, would have cleared' fifty pound's by the transaction; and •as it was, although she,toiSt v llte*ute t young fellow Mailigot i toi;*Octlre Lcu,Psandst Walt" tite . Wiereign4 )l lo##Y-Tisli , I ..&h,-,that was .14-irite . sald'Uncle. 4ance,lookingr II must sar i most iineont:' monly foolish.' ~ .11owevinA yonmust ton.; fess that nppeatances were much against "Not tql" • ssid 4ioii*Y, very mach in hlS,,ioOr.,;;aciO3 to the - window here; nni1,..04/419rjorirselt; there he is at the tornei. yonder, waiting for PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: S , mato whistlefor hini. Does he look like one of your mining hang-dog Turittes,—, .such as you have - pictured him, or likely ta t grow into any such horrid shape? Unless hehappens to draw a favorite in a sweep a seamdtime,—which is not very likely,—l will answer for him that he will never make a betngain in his life;" and Uncle Bence did whistle, as cheerily as any blackbird; and as the young man ran up, he held his hantout through the oven window, to let him (know at once that all was explained and forgiven. And then he came indoors, -and something which I had caused IA be . privately_ hot fer himdown stairs-4Or Uncle Bruice ecookleVe,4l the . lad—ivati Brought up by way _ of dinner, and Uncle Bence and I - and Charley had a merry evening together after all. , 00 , :i10:1 1 4; 1 111 TEETH EXTRACTED TitrirrnOUT' PAM: NO ORANGE MADE WHEN ARTIMOUS. TEETH ARE ORDERED. PULL SET POE $B, AT DR. SCOTT'S. ' if 978 r x mum, liD DOOR ABOVE HAND ALL falaliz A rrii A APEßix CAL l T eV ik an ITE. myihddT GAS FIXTURES. GAS FLICYJUVREtiI AND ezxiclellers, FOR GAS AND one ag g i v ree,allen d ibtecu a r d and largest 11811"tinent • WELDON at KELLY, 14 WOOD tantErr, OOP.. VIROD ALLEY. Inh7A:nla to3)6O3)4OIzDTAJF*teRFAIT4 RYDRAIILIC CEMENT. - BOAT. STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPE. WATER PIPES. 5u16:070 11YDRARIC CEIIENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and beat Pipe In the market. Aim, RC BENDA.LE 11YDRAIILIC CEMENT for sale. E. B. C. A. BROCICEIT it CO. Ofllce and Manufactory-240 REBECCA BT., Allegheny. 461 - 0 r re , by mall promptly attended to. je2:: ritti MERCHANT TAILORS. SUMMER GOODS. Boy.•, Youth's and Children'. _ . strxitra cisannew. suns, • LINEN DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. • ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present mention. Gentlemen will find 14 tine as• sortmeal of Will rE nud BROWN DUCK strum ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATis, Sc., every garment being specially made tor tie by the best Eastern houses. Our oric.w are as low as good 11 can be sold at by any Arm East or West. 7 ' XACOGrA/"A, au7 • 41—er-cm-A-TRI3TREM— HENRY MEYER, • MIIIWZIANT TAILOR, No. 73 EINEPLIIIELD BTRENT, Pittsburgh, Pa. 9onatantly on band. s itin assortment of OLOTHIS, CASSIICEIRES. PE:STINGS. &e. • • ap70:0911 pEttitik i muLL.: FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, equal to the best Bt. Louts brands. PEARL MILL ItFD BRAND, as good as the best Ohio brands. WHITE CORN FLOUR and CORN MEAL. /Er Eiee that all basks are sealed and dated. 1 • It ILINTEDY & BEO., . araugn • P.r.w. MILL. NY.E WOULD INVITE THE AT.. t TENTIUN of this klonr trade to the sope 4 rior yof our SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR.' Which we are manufacturing from the best select. ed Southern LUlnols and Tennessee Wheat. Prices as low as any in the market. J. 5. : x.113,43-mrz - reit co., jykittri Pittsburgh City Mills. TOBACCO'AND CIGARS. JULIAN . ALLEN, DatLEe at ALL Zama Or ULF TOBACCO AND MARS, ".to. B 811TH Etranrrs INatleaal Bank of Clow 111erce ) ; - prrnstmem, tranch of 172 Water street, N. Y. apt:n77 • DANIEL F. DINAN. pacELsion. wouss. a. w. .nrurrirm Mani Swearers and Dealers to :Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipets, &0., No viamtur. 6'r...wan:mum 42.h.101 CONFECTIONERIES. HEMPL HORUACH, Con and Baket'Y No. 9" BK"M = f l l= l sad LSDert7. LADIES' OYBlltii a&Loorr attached. (*Eq. SCELLELEIN, Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, , . AND DZALNIZ IN FOREIGN do DOMESTIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Facial find Robinson erreets, Alle gheny. Sir Oonstasely on band. /0E 0 1,3 * - 4 14 , of various flavors. DYEKAND , SCOURER, J. LANCE, DYER ARiiCOURER. Ito. 8 ST. CIA.II-IRB And fice• 188 , and 187: Third Street, X 01204 711/311.:,P5; I ) ' LITHOGRAPHERS, .11MIJAIME eilifentlitt,', ___' • ' ' MAW 0 1311 1.1 SiNGEVWFLISii , INICCTRiOn St ' •1 PRACTICAL - RIKABLAr Tke 01ISteam .I,ltimgeiphle . Estab li shment WAILot mmuum.ll "401.004.64JunumEw.0. rona t Labels, Oyeala,, filikr 1N . 415 2. . Elp= 1114041;:14 Vitl4 l . tieriA,llliZeet6,' "I4IN=AU4II, &a. WIUMINGTON VW, wastampros „.,,. Near Pittaborgh Or,tsi Zierator • W. ANiciEB,SONs .m Lof tosm , mitt ;ate fllin n i t MEED, l goobers it In eIVIer free Of charge. Grano of all (Is onoPPedi tola Corn al:Lolled, on short notice. HENRY H. COLLINS, $l5 Wood street. FLOUR. w)rg, TURDAY, All DRS' e • DS. NEW GOODS! AT J. i. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 52 St. Clair St. NEW PRINTS, _ NEW lIINGHAMS, NEW DELAINEB, ALL WOOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, for 95 cents,wo - - - " WHITE-ORO GROUND ITND P TEM PACC: Wait fi do; gure; WHITE S, • BLACK ALPACCAS A ' BLACK DOESKIN ASSINERES; BLACK AND BLII CLOTH, BLEACHED ,I SL 8, IRISH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NA %INS. A FULL ASSOR OF GOODS, ALL ENT RELY NEW. S;s- Remember the pltk<)e; No. 52 St. ; Clair Street, 87. REA IN PRICES! TO OX.A7NErE STOcIEC. DRESS - 87 MARKET STREET. THOM -.F. Je110: 87.... MARKE T STREET....ST, - 115 WOOD ST. 115 , ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 116 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., r . WhIOIAPASAMLIE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. 168. NEW GOODS. NEW AIWACCAS. NEW MORAM. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES F. SOUL, 168. tap3o:nlo3 CARRMoCANDLESS & CO., ' (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0.,) WHOLESAIX DEALERS rot eign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET. Third door &bare Diamond alley, Ric• 141*,[ElzW- AT MACRIU3L GLYDE & CO.'S. 78 and 80 Market Street. MOSQUITO NETS, • MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SHETLAND SHAWLS. LADIES' WHILE UNDERWEAR; Pallllnit of HOSIERY; MORRISON STAR HURTS. ;DENT'S PAPER COLLA.B2,' LADIES' Do. AND QUIPS, TRAVELING BA.TORELS„ A full line of JET SETS, BILE & BULLION le.RlNorii, 'SILICA SATIN BUTTONS, all colors. . A Complete Assortment of White Goods, SWISS, ViOTOILIA, LIMN, LINEN, CAMIlli10; HOOP WETS, in all the - Newest Styles. lUD GLOVES, It an prices; . GENT'S LADE'S. 81MMER. UNDERWEAR; HEN'S JEAN' DRAWEBB; 1.000 box. BALMORAL BORE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOL= YA.1155 air Special Rates to Jobbers. DILCILTIM, MIME 4 co., 78 and SO Market Street. pita:Es mAnsuen DOWN 4". AT ati t entrth & iz, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON AND AMER JULY um. HOOP SKIRTS. (ladiest,) itry • 1500 60/121CTB, (Real rreneb,>. SO minnußANDEmßolinnwitn,". - .» - m5 1111) 42 "" 11, (warriliatede)..— £OO , PAPEO OOLLAWS .i` $lOO Tdo proot. ocerTvzi, (good) _ POOSET BOOKS, worth 50c. .. .. :SUS rldie EIONKEIt trivaiunnwrs • Igo MOPS JILLVI DRAVICES A4;g4idg Batieb/andibita f it Cat ,CLEAT BARCAINa lac 3ramvps OF GFOODS. ' 4 :slo;tila .‘ lll44i . ' o " l4(exp ' DOdgers. BUQ1117111!/E'MU=CUB; Mat . . DOW. , 4311.A.DEEN of § i te "li tai n trplii: 2 o ll r d gi b t l ai r 2 u t f h_exiaJA .wirh ßlWO . " 4 ,...foi li aatne atid Plarlooae, rrorts .3ie Ist vrt e.631' t h b ClOtit wareroome, 5/16 and ME4 Bt. Clair street. le4 J. - & S. PEUIALLri GUST 15, 1868. 0011IIRCH SCHOOL, (Lambeth ll COLVEGno KITTANNING, PA. • 11031111 Y, PREPAIIATORY AHD ACADEMIC: Txturntss -- Iniige Eullol{ool3, J. Shoenberger, Gto. W. Cass, T. J. Brereton, E. Golden J. moagrove, J. W. Assiut; Benj. Grant, J. K.. Karcher. , VistTOBS, xsa.-urnmo—,,Rt. Rev. J. K; B. Ker ibot. and the Standing Committee. .Thts - "Institution commends itself especially to Chnrchmen • It is easy of access, and unsurpassed for healthfulness of location. tstudents may pursue an elective course. Boataing pupils are under the Rector's personal care. The year is divided inio three terms, of about thirteen weeks each. Neces sary expenses, Sexcluslv. of Music and Modern Languages,) $9O to $lOO per term. Christmas Term opens PePt.9 ol . za- Spesdal School for Girls,. under the same general supervis:on. For catalogue, Ate., rddress the Rector, • • Ger. J. K. KARCIIER. Kittanning. Pa. ItENSSEUkER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Very thorough Instruction in Civil. Meehanical and mining Engineering. Chemistry and Natural Pelence. Graduates obtain most deslrable posi tions. Re-opens Yet. Por the new Annual Register, ming full informati ddress Prof. CLEARLEDROWNE, Director, Troy, N. Y. au3:tc6 west side. ItIEiNSVINA NIA MILITARY ACADEMY,' CHESTER, Delaware Co., PentLa • 87. The Seventh Annual Session at this Academy °ll:ll7Zugis3Aa.tratirind "complete in all their appointments. • ' - Particular attention given to the morale and per sonal habits of cadets. For circulars apply to CHARLES H. PAULSON, Esa. No.. 73 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or to Col, THECP. HYATT, Chester, Pa. TION lOttrir THE BEST AND CHEAP. ..ILP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. - ... Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, .._. AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SOHOMACEEB PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvements known in the con struction of a first clue instrument, and ban always been awarded the' highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone le full, so po rous and sweet. Th e workmanship, for durabill and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5 C o $l5O, (according to t in style and Sabha cheaper allother so-caUed first class Piano. ESTEY'S CCVTTAfIE ORGAN . Stands at the bead of all reed instruments, in_pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United States. It Is sim ple and compact In construction, and not liable to get out 01 order. CARPENTER'S PATENT . VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Price front WO to $550. All guaranteed for Ave years. BARB, INANE & METTLER, - ming - No. 1R ST. CLAIR STREET. PHILLIPS. SECOND HAND MELODEONS AND ORGANS, In pegtmt, order. from $35 to $l3O. ---iss. PT" ITTTSRMIGIL. PA. MMMM EDUCATIONAL TIB:nI7.TT B At 'Troy, N, Y. PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. CHARLOTTE BLUME, mbl2 42 Filth et.. 2d door above Wood. HATS AND CAPS. CLOSING OUT SALE! OF STRAW HATS, - AT REDUCED PRIM, AT IitiVORD & CO.'S, jyrt 181 WOOD STREET. .111T131 LLEMER9 - srsli.LXV. IR yrAfxs, CAPE AND mes, Also. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TRUNKS, VALISES. Ac.•, No. 132 SMITH YIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly fined and satisfaction guaranteed. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, SILVER. PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN ULM% ' And other STAPLE AND FANCY • (MODS, a great variety. • - 100 WOOD STET= RICHARD E. BREED.A CO. 110 WOOD BTP.EIST. SEWING MACHINES. riIHE .GREAT .ABLEItIOAN COM- A. BINATION. .BITITON-HOLE OVERSEMEG AND szumbret makcarsrz: IT ILAS•NO EQUAL, , BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST PAXILY MACHINE IN TT/. THE CHE APEST. ' _AND IN TRINSICALL T : • H CHEAPEST. ajrAirente wanted to pea this Msehlne. CHAS.. Q. ii.A.I.ABLE3r. c= Agent 'for Western Pennsvivints. .00111,eZ FIFTH LEW MARKET !STREETS. over Itlehardeon`a Jewelry Store. - my26:01 BUSINESS CHANGES. SSO L U TI O N.—The Partn er- D*hip heretofore existing between the sub scribers, under. the Arm of „ , ANDERSON, DOOR & CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi ness of the late firm will be settled, by our succes sors, Messrs. ANDERSON 3 WOODS, at the odlce of she Pittsburgh Steel Works. • kt. W. J. ANDERS ON. ' 000 K. • WM. WOODS. The undersigned having disposed • of his interest In the late Arm of ANDERSON, COOK I CO., to Messrs. ANDERSON T )DS, hegs leave to rec ommend his suocessors the patronage of the cus tomers of the former u J. W. COOK. Pittsburgh, July Slath, 188 S. jy2S WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER, AT REDUCED PRICES. AFTER JIILY UT. We will offer our preeeit stook of . . Wall Papers at Greatly Prices. ./I.ll;geOsaortmerit of BAillir PAPERS; ffir rooms, ecUlniti, da., st• • • . .Na. 104 !Market. Street, near Fittk: ;• ' ' :.:‘.I.3ELLIARD: TABLES., sTmaxuu) ME AMERICAN ;Big : agtp TABLES, yTIVLFIIAPPA Uniisputably the beet In use: Firvi MITI:LOVE MENTK,_ Patented NOT. 26th, 2667, and A-Prit Everything biting to ottaarde or the beet quality and, torrestprleas stweye on bend. Our NF. V. Gun T 1112,222,, Parental Iday sth; 1668, Orteett . 4.so-N%gruat succes.P. ' ' Illustrated price lute suns ut t 6ppilatiO?. A ddreee . , : 86..65, 67 and 09 CROSBY ST.. Now York City _3)l3;hslaWi'lL FOR SAIM-REAU , ESTATE. FOIVISALE. TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party Is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose = of the property before rem:mini!, SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING HOMES, TWO BARNS, with This FARM, and- about SOO acres • timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash 01,500—balance on time to snit buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre.lmprovements comfortable frame l house and good bare; 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRM, near the line of:railroad: very well located for ralaleg stock; improvementa, - are a sood and substantial; 100 sores of the land pt me ow andgrain. • - • CITY PRO PERTY. — WiII sell a aood.brick house, containing Ire rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars,* and would - rent for the amount in six. years. A LARGE LOT. OF'GROMSD, having a , river ; front,and very convenient of access. TANNER], convenient to the city, and having s well established custom or , local trade connected'. therewith; a good dwelling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharps ourg, near the rallroad;! would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR BALE.—That flue .110e1 property, situated at the Bialrsville Junction, containing , fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This; well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. TOR RENT. •• One large House, for Boarding Honse. One new Brick House, B rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. - One new Brick liouse,of 3 rooms. One House oi 5 rooms and lot §s_l4, 140. "lane House cf 7 rooms and lot 150 UV 150. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms cads. One new Frame House, 4 rooms Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new 'Frame House in. Wilkinsburg, having six rooms arid large lot, well suited for garden:. 7 scree that can be divided Into acre lota. 5 Lots in Oakland. Power ands iate BOOM and Yard" for rent, in a: good location. Will be rented for short or long, tim FORe. LEASE OR BALE-3 Lots on Morton street Ninth T E ED-3,000WA feet of Flogging 3 to 4 !richer TO LOAN-$50,000, • IN BM OP $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE Dints No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. je29:pLS • ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By 'virtue of an order of the Orphans , Court edi Allegheny county, dated the 11th day of July, - -; 1868. the Executor of A.1..018 KIIMBF. deceni.ed;'' wlll sell at PUBLIC SALE, On the premises, in the City of Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19TEI, 1868 ` AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. All that certain Lot of Ground situated :5 in the old Ninth Ward, BOUNDED AND DEBCRIBED AB FOLLON Beginning at the eastern corner of Lot No. 79. on Penn !Areal -extending and running thence e &eV,. wardly twelve (12) feet to a poin. egut from Lots Nos. 79 and 81, and running thence all right angles with Penn street oy a line eau' distal*: from and parallel with - the Ilne of Lots Nos. 79 an&; 81, one hundred feet. to an alley; thence westward'; ly the diatarce of twelve feet to lot number 79 enc.'. thence by the line of said lot the distance of ont-?. hundred feet to Penn street, the place of beginning The conditions of the above sale are as follows:-', $2. 000 cash. the balance in two annual payments ` with interest. For further particulars inquire of JOHN W TAYLOR. Esq., Nu. 73 Gram street, or JANES M. TAYLOR, Executor. hz:t67-Trs 240009000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALR BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company: XASTMUY, Lying along the line of their road, al, $l,OO TO $5,00 PEE ACHE, And an a CREDIT OP FIVE FEARS. For ihrther particulars, tight, &a, address JOHN' P. DEVINELEUX, Land Commtudoeter, Topeka, Banes& Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Seer, sul4 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE , FOR. SALE. a The undersigned offers for saie - • NINE TRACTS OF Situate In Marshall township, AUeglieny-ccgintlq and Adams township, Butler courry. Four of the tracts are situated about 3 miles weal of Plankinton's Hotel- on the beadleeters o Set wickley, near David Dutra mill, about 16 mile!: from Pittsburgh. Five of the tracts an situate on and near the Per; rysville and Harmony Plank Bold, about 18 to SIC miles from Pittsburgh. This land is all well adapted for farming rind grk sing purposes. Any information nlative to said farms, itnoevanz,' terms can be obtained by calling on A. RILANDSQ at the Court House, Pittsburgh. E. G. DIITIILIL CRLUILIISB DETILH. sn4:t9B-d&T EXCHANGE. 8,000 Acres of Land, In: 1. In Wyoming county, West Virginia, being num berills, 110, 117, 133,134,.135, 136 and 166, , ', all In one tract, watered by branches of Twelv , 7l , (12) Pole Creek, and 'part of an original tract c 4-- 321,000 acres granted to James .Wilson, Cherie; winug, Barnard and Melee:lomq; Levi Bollingsl worth and Dorsey Peacoat. Taxes paid up to 111671 Title perfect. Will be =changed for Pittsburgl7 nianufactures or dry goods, at Market prices. Address. EXCHANGE; jy3m74 iiszarrn LIFTICP.: ~.4, FOR SALE. A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR A 'MAN WITH 11 ... SMALL CAPITAL. A good and very desirable BOOT ANDSNOE.- - NOUSE tt t , ' Located within twenty-live miles - of the city, dointi a large cash business. Satisfactory Peseta:is Oval; for wanting to sell. Book's will be shown for th< agoonnt of business done. 'APIA/ at 102 THIRD STREET, 'or . Hemnotras, ant 133: Wood' Street, Pittsburgh, pa, FOR SALE, • Ft A NOS'X'-DESIRABLE FARM, Near yfight'S Elation, West. Ts. R. R...-oontal i g n 6 130 AOltge, with I foot V. In "[foal; and aeknowt ,4 . 4 edged by all to commanding the guest view on thfl Allegheny river, Terms easy. Namibia at • ,14 aniSm*nwir No. 300 VlllighTl !STREET. Eanß SALE &. TO LET.--Rouseti d Lots for tale in all arts of the upland sti.., Also, seretni ft.n bLgood iocations4 Also, wall -WQOLEN PAC O:creel of land. and gOad im%rov,emetiii whiCh I will seLd cheep and on mums le terms. Business Houser", re let on good streets. - Private Dwelling Houses fotl rent in both cities. Tor further particulars inquin ' WILLIAM WARD jagi ' 110 Omit Meet. opposite Cathedral. FOR= 'RENT. ' rlll•RENT—Thle' , leasehold Sou a term or about lane yeara..or l'wEitnrl; l 4 mme DwelitusHOnse. at 'tom r of Union AveunC3 and WareratreetlWAllarbeny.' (fronting east Com mon)lbavLag rooms. %knells and lame bath room ee Znllent'range In Itteben; but and cold water up' stairs and' down: . good cellar. Covered norehig, trent and at aide or bons°. 'tirape arbor, UPC WAi by 80 test, Poll9oll.loZsoon. tr desired,. ,• • Tor terms apply to' B. AteL AIN _ CO4 par • • 170. _OB smitbdeid 'street. ARCEaTECTS. GABS &MOSER, - - .Astc.}lFTW.CTfil, •-• ' • pzo tort*443. sauxruiti St. Clair Street, Pituburgh, Pa. Spectia.g attention given to the designing and building eo untP StiUSES and PUBLIC'BUILDINU2. Bt. Louts. Iffissonzi. WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers