inithms CI _ . - - - - CHEAP OURS- FOR THE ma'am— Flit GREAT WESTERN GUY WORKS have Omni removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STRERT, where gem always bejaumft the most complete adeoriineni Of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Spit. Material, in tee city. Alt kind* Gu n s and Pistols carefully repotred. Cash paid for ASHY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send slt?mp for. llustrated Circular. Attents wanted in every town in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN STON. 179 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. JOHN N. PUR.i-I-ANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 23d District. 021ce, 11 U•FEDEEAL BTHEET, ALLEGHENY °Mae hours—DA. to SP. M 'DESIRABLE SITE for a Dwell lu a good nelghbortio..d, 5 minutes walk from 'Woods Run Station; about acres of ground. Price $3,000, Terms eai-y. Nor sale by S. oNs, CIITHR KILT 3 is 83 tbnitbfield street. QM TO -LET OR FOR SALE. SIX NEW BRICK HOUSES In Secdnd ward, Allegheny. Reasonable terms Inquire or 45 Ohio street. WARM FOR SALE.-1 will sell ma: my • Farm in South Fayette Township, Allegheny county, Pa., 1 mile south of Noblestown, containing 124 acre; In good repair. For further particulars inquire on the premises. J. FL .11XoElli-E,DT. au14:1145-F AGENTS WANTED. LIGHTS & SHADOWS OF THE GREAT REBELLION, Containing Thrilling Adventures, Daring Deco* btartling r.xploits and Marvelous Escapes of Spies, Scouta.and Detvctives. The chtapest, most com plete and lutenselLinteresting v ar book yet pub lished, containing over 500 pages and numerous entgravings. rrice only FAMILY QUARTO for circular and terms. Also, FAMILY QUARTO BIBLES, best edition published. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher, No. 26 IL SEVENTH, Philadelphia, Pa. aul4:4tV BLACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, Summer FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES, BY WHITE, ORR & CO., • 25 Fifth Street, - CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, CITY OF ALLEGHENY, August 14, 1868. REALER PROPOSALS will be received at this OHlee Until 3 o'clock P. N. on ' ,PEIDAY, 21st instant, for GRADING AND PAVING. WARD'S Atree L EY, from Allegheny avenue to Sedg trlekst; ISABELLA COVET, from Robinson to Rlllbuck St; .Also, for tirading FOITNTAIN STREET, from Henderson street to Middle street. • Profiles aiid specifications can be seen in the ollice of the City Engineer. aal4:u47 F I ? R SALE. B&NIERIIPT 814/INK9. DEEDS AND MORTDAGES, LEDGERS AND JOURNALS, DOCKETS .A.ND RECORD ROOKS FRENCH AND ARNULD•S iffilli COPYING INN% S. HAVEN, • Corner Wood and Third Streets HYDRAULIC COW-MILKER Wanted immediately. all whom* looking for test . " • •'-' noes to call and examine the HYDRAULIC COW' .. MILKER-- , • a sure cure for acheing hands and kick .. Itifumi47s' the ts ti r e a th s urteate st o o f a cow at once; t and stops drawing to ' , • , It ' ,• I swallow; It Will milk any cow perfectly dry In three minutes; It is operated by hand, dog, horse or other power. One man can attend several machines, .. ~• milking as many cows at once. It is simple, durable '- • ; and self-adjusting: will tit any cow; milks three . •.,,,, teat cows as well as any; easily worked;.not liable ' :.‘ t i t reetzEt(Tieofu order, ande lh a e 3 c p o r ir thinqui e nrga W a r: ;;;-• .. A rare nppoitunity is-now offered to enterprising men,eitner to travel or locate In city or country. '•• Illallitnd examine for yourselves. • i HYAOtAIIiAC COW•MILKER MANMFACTIM ,j MG COMPANY, No. 10 St. Clair St. .. aull.ulS • ••• _ ; •:I DRY OAK. LIIIIIIIEIEL . . . ,•:. A. CHOICE ;LOT. OF BUTT-CUT PLANK, ASSORTED THI6XNESSE.§. Also, FLAMING and 'COAL PITT BAIL, In Yard below Suspension Bridge, Allegheny elde. M. P. BOMBS A, 1380. OFFicz—Perres Bnildinl , ‘, • aul4:il2ll HANCOCK ST SECOND-HAND ENGINES WANTE.D. '•5 One Horizontal Engine, of 20 horsepower. - One ••Nigger" Engine, without reverse valve. Also, ^medium sized DRILL PREMS. • • Terms cash. Address, with description and price JOSIAH COPLEY, Jr., 66 River Avenue, Allegheny au7:uB ....-.... • ANTED. = - ~ v v 50.000 bush. prime WHEAT • . 50,000 " " Fall and &Alba , BARLEY And 25 , 000 .. RYE: Bp ring _______ For which we pay the highest prize In cash . HITOIIOOOIC, IerWIREZY dr, 00, aundir IGHTNING APPLE PAIREBIL-- • t I have lust received a large stock of the above • t , X4er. They have been fully tested for the bet ^•, three years, and have roved themselves to be the ..- best ever Invented. They pare faster, better, and • A do their work much cleaner than any other Apple .-.t Parer' known. For sale wholesa. ad retail. by . r • ,I • JAKE* SOWN, ‘,. 136 Wood awl truF street . ..... poUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS. s --I have In store a very superior lo t ofj , ouble2 . I erre( Spot gnus, breeph.apd Animate'- - ........... . ~, „,„___ __.A muzzle 10 - ailini.Ol my ows - liipoitation, wilful pitll sell as low as any • .i• house in the country. I exnone. AU I ask fa ..• "! Co call and examine and be convinced of the same. ..."! For sale by ' - JAMES BOWS, ; tau4:7o7 ' Y /38 Wood street. i B °RI ETRING NEW.—Deslceated -; doom! equal to 1 tour Fog: l a:1 8 S raw fl a tr Y tt u t s : ; ffefelt 0.. poimi , D D i Piper boxes', with recipes tor coottort to *variety, : oustilea. Price 35. cents' nes pound. For ask, • wholesale and reta - il, at theJOHN Fatally GrßleNti oiterj Slime of • . HAW, riot. Lthertvand Hind street*. !-I gall , §HOT! SHOT.S---just received, a full assortment of New Yolk Patent Obot, In ; and 0 pound bags. assorted .numbers from 3B to No. 10. Per sale by JAMES 1101IkN, . 138 Wax' street.: ani:IVP --- 1 APPLICATION TO 'SELL •11A QUOBB, Alain the glerk , eoteee:' , HERBY YOLLIT, eating house, Binsdrlasza• ; The Llcenee Board ern: tr-ar the' above opPlies' ; tloa on bAT IJUDAYnugget JIM. WO& " " o'clock A. m. . . • • atimaxr a a anowN. Cr/Mu.- jefilOlCE JAPAIt TlEA«•;;.iiist :re- IL/ caved, a fresh Invoice of extra qualltk Awed Tapers Tea, for sale hy_the pounif or hallehest by aNO. atm corner Llhertv.srei Hand atzena.., a , IC EIW AH.BOARDS-4,000 - feet In t ono*, sa,lo by. • T, , • • 4014 Malan, - ThICEZ CO*. F . EATNIERS-0-8 itagaPnow kaririv-7 1 lagrOpraste, , by -vJ , . , IWARD/ORZY 01,00 IiSEN6I7-1001bs; nu , sale by ' mut Tamen DICKZU* CE AM' AM.' CHESTS-5 In store, tor • saw bY • ' TEIAIAII'D/OICKya CO. LAR4II OUL CASKS • , •2 . 0 in stare tormuips mare a vo.. W. B. TAYLOR Godeffroy r & Co., 42 EXORAECIE PLACE, NEW TOM, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussia? Mining and Iron Co., of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Phila delphia) the celebrate) V. H. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron Is free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The above are also ready to contract for, or sell to arrive, STEEL RAILS Manufactured-by . , • G. ARNDT dc CO., 411pRitmund, for which latter firm they also have theSoleAgettcy in the United States. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical an alysts will be promptly forwarded on application. alma= REMOVAL. a a FRANCIS, City Controller The Peoples. National Bank of Pittsburg SAMUEL REA GEORGE BLACK F. M. GORDON The above Institution will occupy their NEW BUILDING, No. 75 Wood Street, atom Fourth Street, • On MONDAY,' August 3d, where in fitture their business will be transacted. auS:ts2 I VALUABLE • r COAL FOR SALE'. Will be sold positively_ at - the COURT HOUSE, in Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY, August, 13, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M., TWENTY-I%IISE ACRES andl SEVENTEEN PERCHES OP COAL, adjoin ing !or near Coal of Pittsburgh CoaL_Company, In Lower St. Clair township,-Iying 'under the land of James Carothrrs, together with a reservation of Fifteen Perches of land for a Coal Pit or entrance. Plot of the same will be exhibited on the day cf sale or can be seen at SO Fourth street, prior to Midday. ?• B. F. VON BONNNORST, Administrator de bouts nom, etc., of George Mil tenberger. deceased; AT EATON'S, EIS F°R . • • CROCERY STORE. . . A Wholesale and Retail' Grocery Store, Doing a_good business, and situated in a good place In .11testier's , City. will,he sold at &reasonable price. The store house has a lease on It for five years, and will be sold with store. • • • ' tar terms and location addrees N. fl., Hat H, GAZIITTZ Orrice; Giving full name and where an Interviewu can be bad. au6:o3 OIL WELL Steam Engines for , Sale. I r an nom an # 1 second.hand* TAM !N- ( z 6-7, 8 and ,Incp cyiladers,,Ao and lac stroke, wi th tbe Jointures • FOR BORyJr IL WELLS. gUall IL BOLE ot Address odds, eTO -- 10 - 111 - 11 -- ~r E-ANTI , , .11464141104011- n artiMlZl ' ' ~.___A__ . .14111II1110D ir aspeed or our le visitant TIMM irittypOtle ni: 6o reel, 60 roe *bole low weteri. . it w u m i x t $ eywneentrin • •_flarricande, son Ike rineelOsdna.trll7 wpi poi rum -limit' u w , l sawarr en Itte X { , o .Jane ,46, A lao4lo. Abel mil eibitet4 an litVe epeeinalt l on On Se seineiplea to All PaarO woo , t,,k a .ma um ., in .IM4fir WPWIl l " - • leini :rictigie7 7 ' . jop :Mils M 0 Ibilut • tis t 't; _....... . NEW ADIr _IIRTISEMENTS. HOIJSB ESTABLISHED 1824. JACOB B. 111713 . LEY, Nos, 27 & 29 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, Of superior French and Amerfean make, Wholesale and 'total'. and pure 10g CREAMS and WATER ICES. FOREIGN FRUITS, oral! kinds, JELLIES and rare delicacies. In season. Weddings, Parties. Festivals and Select Compa• flies sujiplied promptly, and equal in style to any. other establishment in the country: silver and China Ware supplied, and also carefhl waiters. 451- Elegant apartments provided for meals, corn priring the dells, cies of the season. Ladles and families can enjoy a quiet, retired place to dine. anl4:u49 - CAMP MEETING:- AN EXTRA TRAIN DEP Will leave o the PITTSBURGH & CONNELL SVILLE uT, SUNDAY MORNING, AT S O • CLOCK FOR THE CAMP MEETING, NEAR 3IcKEESPORT Returning, leave McKeesport at 6 o'clock. EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued aul4;n3B TO RIILIVAY THE, GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING of the following enumer- ated sections of the Pittsburgh & Cohnellsville Railroad, Are advertised for contract, and proposals for the same will! be received at the Company's Office, in Pitsbargh, up to the 15TH OF SEPTEMBER, Inclusive, ComMencing at the Union • town Branch. Junction, about smile east of Connellsville, Sections 59 to 64 inclusive. Then Sections 65, 73, 74, 76, 80, 81, . 82, 83, 84:85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 106, 110, 112, 115, 116,, 117, 118, 119, 122, 128, 129, 130, 133, 140. AB of these Sections are in the valley of the Youghiogheny river, up to Section 112 inclusive. Sections! 115, 116, 117 are on the Summit, and embrace the Sand Patch Tunnel; and the remainder are In the valley of Wills Creek, Section 140 being about 5 miles from Cumberland. Specifications of the work on the above f ect:ons will be ready for delivery hit the-610th of August, at the ottlees of the CompanT, at Pittsburgh and Cum berland, where contractoss will obtain all necessary Informatton to enable thernto examine the line. The Company reseivesl e right to reject all or a part of each bid. • El 11..lciliTROBE, August 10th, 166 S Cap ,:: : : 81,000,000. No. 1.7 Firth Streei. GREAT BARGAINS IN Straw Goods; Indies' and Children 9 B Hate; Sundownt ? Etc. IE2 tif!ne Wr Pllttibar PITIEBURGIr GAZETTE AUGli§r.-14,1'18(18. AT WMLUut SEMPLE'S, QM NOTICE OF REMOV QIiIL ENarxEr.E. aul4:u39 ON. THE IST DAY OF AUGUST LAME AND COMMODIOUS WARENOU No. 45 Wood Stree Also, entracte on THIRD ST., Nos. 102 and 104, R. E. SELLERS & CO THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY I-. I .1V 31D IE3 BLOOD SEARCHER, President All Diseases Arising from an im pure State of the Blood, such as Vic* Pies!dent Cashier Scrofula, Dyspepsla, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, lloils,, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Together with all other disorders from an Improper Condition of the Circulatory System. As a general Tonic its. effects are most benignant, and cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of mineral poison enters Into Its CoMlX , BitiOn, so that while It invariably af fords relief, and effects the most woriderfel cures, no overdose could injure the,most tender Infant. R. E. SELLERS & ca, PITTSOURGH, PA. Sellers' Cough Syrup; Sellers' Liver Pills and Vermiluge; Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Boerhave's Holland Bitters. ' FOR SALE DT ALL DRUGGISTS. jravdm F W. c. FELD & CO., . DEALEBBIN GLUE,•cunzamp Wig, ` Scraps,- Ceroons, pdtle 'Tans, --.' BONES. NEAPS FOOT OIL .: 31 p ro „ or ve .,,,„;1,„, No. 335 LIBERTY sT., om ' pA. DRAIN PIPE.--HALL &ADAM" SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP ' • DRAIN- PIPE, to itlsei,fircim one to twenty-l Oct lecher at VIM ON KELLY'S, agents rot Mantillialarera, i*v God Mum between VIM sad tilFth streets:. - MS • I , EATHEiI lit% the best vfilllty Tianika t 'WsiltAi r lfab j e he owspi MN. j. a —...fe r AT WILLIAM SEMPLVS, TBO & 182, Federal St., Allegheny NEW PRINTS, NEW DELAINES, NEW. DRESS GOODS, NEW CASSIMERES, HEAVY PLAID FLANNELS, yd. wide FINE SHIRTING FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, PILLOW CASE MUSLIN SHIRTING CHECK, Larrziv, SHIRT FRONTS HONEY COMB iQUIL TS. &c.. A FULL STOCK, Wholesale and Retail, 180 and 182 Federal St, Allegheny. WE REMOVED TO THE Directly Opposite St. Charles Hole, KNOWN TO MAN. IMPROVED FOR THE CURE OF Sole Proprletcires ALSO. PROPRIETORS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 70a MILES Mil UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and in operation. 160 miles of 1,1) track have been laid this spring, and the work along the whole line etween the Atlantic and Pacific States Is being nailed forward more rapidly than ever before. BI re than twenty thousand men are employed, and . l is not Impossible that the entire track, from On ha to Sacramento, will be finished in 1869 instead of 1810. The means provided are ample, and all hat energy, men and money can do to secure the completion of this 1 GREAT NATIONAL WORK, =Hest possible day, will be done The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY receive: i l .I.—A GOVER lENT GRANT of the right of way, • and all nec ssary timber and other materials 1,,, i found alon 0 line of its operations. lI.—A GOVER SIERT GRANT of 12,800 acres of land to th mile, takeit In alternate sections on each side o its road. This is an absolute do nation, and w II be a source of large revenue in the future. 1 111. —A. GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to $45,000 per mile; according to the ditilcul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. The Government takes a second mort• gage as security, and it is expected that not only • the interest,, but the nrlncipal amount may be oald in services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, malls. etc. The intersst is now much more than paid in this way, besides Securing a great saving In time and money to the Government. . IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to Issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid In building the road, to the same amount as the U. S. BMWs, issued for the same purpose, and no more. The Government permits the • Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to' the Company only as the road is completed, and after It has been examin ed by United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be In all respects a first-class Rail road, laid with a heavy T rail, and completely supplied with depots, stations, turnouts, car shops, locomotives, cars, &c. V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT MIL LION DOLLARS-bate been mild in upon the work already done, and which will be increased as the wants of the Company require. VT.—NET CA.SII EARNINGS on its Way Business, that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN TEREST on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no indication of the vast through tragic that:Must follow the opening of the Line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that FIRST, MORTCACE BONDS upon sttil a property, costing nearly three times their amount, ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are for $l,OOO each, and have coupons attacThed. They bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January and July, at the - Company's Oface.,ln the City of New York. at the rate of six per cent. in gold, The Principal Is payable In gold at maturity. The price Is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal Income on their cost. The Company believe that these Bonds, at the present rate, are the cheapest in the market, and reserve the right to advance the price at any time. Subscriptions will be received In Pittsburgh by JAMES T. BRADY & Co., corner of Wood and Fourth Streets; HART, CAUGHEY & Co., corner of Wood and Third Streets; S. McCLEAN &. CO., 75 Fourth Street; PH. R. MERTZ, corner sth and Wood Sta.; ROBINSON BROS., 78 Fourth street; AND IN NEW YORK At the . Company's Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, and by JOHN J. CISCO di SON, Bankers, No. 59 Wall Street, and by the Company's advertised agents throughout the United States. 'Remlttancesshould be made In drafts or other hinds par lu New York, and the Bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties sub scribing through local 'agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOR .18813 has Just been published by the Company, giving fuller in formation than Is possible In an advertisement, re specting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on appilcittion at the Company's codices, or to any of the advertised agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, LECTIC SLIMIER CORDIIIi, An infallible remedy for. Summer. Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour Stomach and Cholera Mochas. DR. HMO' CRIMP CURE, • A speclllc for Cholera, Cramps and ,Paln In the Stomach, for sale by HARRIS ife. EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FUR J. SOHOONMAKER & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, McCOVS VERDITER The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure: It will look better, last longer and give more et. perfect satisfaction than any paint in the mark TAxE s! TAXES I ! The Tax Payers of the Consolidated City of Pitts-- burgh, are notified that the Tax Books are now In the hands of the City-Treasurer, ready for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Ist of RINE and the 'lst of:O3OMT. will be received at • " DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. - And between AUOUST LM, and the 14th of SEP TEMBER,' at a DIAOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. _Frota the littliof SEPTEMBER to the Ist of OC TOBER, all taxes will bepayable as assessed. After the Ist of OCTOBER, FIVE per cont. will be added; and on the let of NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put into the hands of Colleetors WITH THE FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT. Mang a difference of FIFTEEN PERCENT,, making between those paying la July and those paying. In November. .q -The STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, and should be paid ou or befoce the Ist of July to save cost and expense of MIL - S. ALLINDER, 'CRT Treasurer. I, =1 §THAYED—From the premises of the subouriber, adJoiniug the GentranStock ards,East Liberty. • . • PRESS COW, Wlth - a piece brolien'oli pue hOrn; ,white color, wi th dark vote, and red ears. Aur fluorination le ading. to her recovery Will be liberally rewarded. WM. J. LAP.PiCUTY. At the Cimino.' Stock Ye ci q• ' I= rrillA NS P ARENT GREEN. On CLOTEL:'hir. 'Window- Sh ades — superior 'ln quality and lower In price than the Eastern Pllllll. facture. Another latztallnrs: otthldti:eren; widthsjust received from factory. . 4 b' P.FIIL s, ACE, LEATHE U,„Ai-at e/4,10r axle wholesale and retail, at ide And Chtis drat*. gori ate. •GOSREX, FACTORY t,-sa J a itAilntlitGo/01Y/ 11,01 itUt ii i 61 ,18 . 8. 4,841N. -* .; illtl First, btroet. Mit . OF THE NEW YORK AND SMEAR" CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN tiA.RBVTRIAL In New York and oth. er Eastern cities has moved a complete mem. „ I S ADVANIyA9EaIt • ed. lat—Yading and Shrinkage are completely avoid ai-No ripping apart neeeseal7. • d*When frgAti from dust, motna new eir isms. the Carpet , looks nearly as good as any the natural fading from wear. lon *Bi--When perfectly glean, 'a Carpet will inn" as g again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to lay nothing or looks ALL ORDERS pm AT ntic °Fritz No. 179 _Liberty , Street' ' Or,addressed to P. 0. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. .0E0;1.. , • .PHOPRITITOR: tilhlo GOOD CANNED 'EAONEB, PLUMB AND ItAtiPBEERIES, lIM rgrNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that BUOILS JOlt SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the Corgioany to erect a Bride over ' the Allegheny River, from Ewalt street, In the City of Pittsburgh, In the County of Allegheny, to ti,e. Allegheny and Butler Plank Road, at or near the Mouth of Glrty's Ruu, Incorporated by an Act of the Gent ral Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1868, will be opened at the oM ce of :ILL & SHUTTERLY. on Butler street, in the Seventeenth Ward of said City of rittsburgh, on the TENTH DAY OF SEP. TEM BER NEXT. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, John W. Riddell, 5, J. Wainwright, .1. J. Shutterly, James Ben"ett• T. It. sill, J. B. Poor, T. B. Stewart, D. Dempsey, M. McCullough, Jr., H. Sample , E. S. Hanna, I..Pellbangh, W. T. Purviance, K. Coates, Win• W. Young, J. U. Barr. Win. Reardon, Wm. Mcconnell, Israel C. Pershing - , John J. Williams, N. P. Reed, Commissioners. Pittsburgh, August Bth, 1868. aulO:u2l OFFICE OF UNION P.A.I LCIPIC RAILWAY-CO.. ..astern Division. PHILADELPHIA. July 27th, VMS. iIiT`THE INTEREST IN GOLD, FIRST MORTCACE BONDS, OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, EASTERN DIVISION, Due August Ist, 1868, will be paid on presentation of the Coupons therefor. at .the Banking House of 33 A13N.E.32 - , 31011CrADT & CO., 53 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK, On and after that date , WTI. J. PALIPIER, Treasurer. jrZ:t7a-wym • CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS! CARPETS! MANUFACTURERS HEREand in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low• est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur chased this Fall. McCALLUM BROS., J . 51- IFTR STREET. Jyl7: C RPM'S. NOTWITHSTANDING} THE - Idanufacturers' recent advance in' - prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal .Axminster. OLIVER 111'CLINTOCK & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street- SUMMER STOCK OF ( CARPETS ! White, Red, necked, Striped and Fancy .3X rr _I I\l S, IN GREAT VARIETY. Oil ClOthEl l Window Shades. &e. BOVARD, ROSE ifk. CO., 21 FIFTH STREer. .I.29:d&wp NEW CARPETS AT POPULAR PRICES. M'FAILILAND & COLLINS. OFFER THE NeWeld and Best Patterns AT; THE LOWEST PRICES. LACE AND NOTTIpiGUADI CURTAINS AND . CORNICES. Ha/BLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next Eultding to U. 8. Custom House a Postollice. aulO:ltIVP • Sellttig at very low prices, at GrEIORGEI 11116,1rnitli. 11N11 radars! street; Analbeaq. NOTICES. ON THE Of the old TENTH WARD, Is a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of voters at the Republican P mary Election. iIr•FOR CITY TREASURER. • Of the FOURTH WARD, Is; a candidate fof City Treasurer, subject to - theAecision of the voters at the Republican Primary Ritction. iY22:t.S4 'FOR CITY TREASURER. Of the oIdWINTR WARD, la a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election. jr—',:t4fil ------------ IW - FOR CITY. CONTIIOLLER. Of the SECOND WARD, is. a candidate for City Controller, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election Jr.,2351 Of the old FIFTH WARD, Ls a candidate for City Controller, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election. The Republicans of the City of Pittsburgh are hereby invited to attend Primary Meetings in their respective Wards on SATURDA_Y, Auguat 15th 1868, Between the hours of 3 and 7 P. M.. and there vote for candidates to be placed In nomination for the several cityoffices, viz: • One person for Mayor of said city. • One person for Controller of said city. One person for Treasurer of said city. The voting at said meetings will be by printed or written baron, containing the names of the candi dates voted for, each office on a ticket by itself, and the elections, aster as practicable, w usages onduct- s ed in accordance with the laws and Terns ting State, county and city elections, the officers taking care - to keep a correct list of all persons voting thereat.- The etections will be conducted, wherever it can be done, by the Republican election officers chosen. at the last city election: main a arils where no such officers were chosen, the officers to conduct the elec tion have been designated, as hereinafter rucuitiolle,„,, t TheCo City Committee. • Committee suggest that the officers thus des ignated to hold this election shall voluntarily take ' tee usual affidavit administered to, election officers under the laws of the State, ao as •to shut out all cane of complaint. • • • The election in the First and cond - Wards will be held at the Public School Hou ß s e es in said wards. lln the Third Ward at the Public School-House. - n the Fourth Ward thee Public School House. • the Fifth Ward in office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, at the Court House, under the se- pervision of W. B. Keeper, George Glass and R. J. Smith, who are appointe the Board, to hold said . ; ' election. - In the Sixth Ward at the Public School House: In the Seventh Ward at the Public School House. In the Eighth Ward at the house of Henry Witsee. In the Ninth Ward at the Peelle - School House: ' - In the Tenth. ard at the house of Wm. Brown, at the corner of Penn and Mechanics streets. In the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth:. Fifteenth. and Seventeenth : Wards , Sat the USD " places of holding elections In said wards. In the Sixteenth Ward at the Wigwam. corner t_.:l • Pearl al. d Main streets, under the supervision -Noah 0 . Craig. Roland Smith and John C. Stewart. in the Eighteenth Ward at the place , of holding , elections for what • was, heretofore known as the lid precinct of Collins township, under the suwvla lola or David Jones, David Holmes and David-Hire . _ In the Nineteenth. Ward sit'JotePti Runster'n house on the Greenberg turnpike,' und,...„_,,r the In: pervision of Jobb N. Berlin Wm...elt Mo rriso n and - ' James Joyce.' - - In the Twentieth Ward at Beitier's School House, under the aupervision of H.- Denniaton - , Geo. F. Rates user and John 11. Basun. iln the rwenty.first Ward at Wigwam (now buut ) In said ward, on thesland of ( lenge-near saint wash, on the corner of Sprittg - street antl the Pu'kerty road, under the supervision of A. - IVoolslayer, S. B. Renaud B. W. Morgan. in the isnenty4iboad-Ward at Irwine School House, under the supervision of John U. Merdock. William Irwin and handal-Meirton.. ... • In the Twenty-third ward at the usual place for holding eleetions in late Peebles townihipLunder the supervision of Joseph Bottle; James B. Palmer ;• and Jones McKibben. Every supporter of GRANT and COLFAX and the dry-nominees is arnestiv invited to take pert In said election and nous other:. and the electing officers are hereby respectfully urged to use ail pos sible diligence to preserve the purity of the ballot box and secure a fair return of the votes east. The election office.n, after the votes are counted. Intl make np deplicate.returns thereof; one coif which, with the list of voters, shall be placed In the ballot boxes ,_ and the other taken ponession of by 'the Return Judge.; and the Return Judges a the -- several wards Shall present the seine at a meeting of R. tutu Judgee:lebe held :Ultra Coutteen Conn- dl Chamber, ou TUI..SDAY, August 15th, at 10 o'clock A. M., when they shall cause the same to be • . added together, and declare the Melt. the Fa w n receiving the higbest.tco tor Samuel°. to ne de clared the nominee. The littera Judges, at their meetier, will eFnuiet. the City Executive Committee to sena tor me r Being Year. • ' • a t tention of the - The Commlttni desire, to call the . c _ Election Boards to the following resolution, writ Is wig u tU t te , d4 , i t t the at WtLte.meetimortothtekeCoomm_meeltriteeoi the primary. Election the enforcement of all legal rules respecting the rinalificatlon of voters at gen end elections. In addition to the requirement 'tbe voter shall ne A b l own seeeeeee o r the u ttloa Republican Party. the . A resolution was also putsr-d - . rulthrirbill a t h iL Election Boards to ell ail vacant-lei OCClMinif officers of their respective distriets. .„ Bur A. L. t MAROON, Secretary. sraitSb , POLITICAZ nrGRANT & COLFAX MA U*, The lat, 3d and sth Ward Clubs Will meet In the CITY HALL This (Friday') Evening" at 7)4'! , Speakers will he present. . aul4:u46 By order of THEI 00.1114ITTEE._ 'GRANT AND COLFAX-CLUB.. THE FRIENDS.OF GRANT AND .COLPA:X, or the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, Are requested to:Meetit No. 261 Chestnut St., on. SATURDAY EVENING; Aug. /sth, For the purpose of Organizing. a GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB. Let there be a full attendance of all the Union Republicans of the ward . aOl3 --BY REQUEST OF A. NEIII. BER OF UNION 'REPUBLICAN I, I I TERS ... of East Liberty arch 'vicinity, Irregardless of ward flues, the Union itepuolleatt voteih of - EAST LIBERTY AND vicitary - ! , win please meet at BEITLSR•S SCHOOL HOUSE, On Monday, ,dugust nth,' .M6B, AT Vi O'CLOCK P. M., For the purpose of prgagizatlon aouN lc STEWART. an 1.3:u37 MASS MEETING, DIAMOND, BIRNIINCHAM, Fridai Evening, August 14th, AT 7% O'CLOCK. . F. B. PENIVINAN, Esq.. W. C. MORELAND, Esq., R. J. POWERS, Esq., Wtll address the mee' hag. Mr. J. W. POPE will be present. By order. au1.3:u4.3 T COY. ON MEETINGS 4E' SALAXERS. MAYO IFOR MAYOR. - JAMES ROBB, Of the old SEVENTH WARD,' Is a candidate for Mayor. subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election 1. - MAYOR. JARED M. 'BRUSH, Of the old arm WARD, is a candidate for Mayor. subject to the decision of the voters at the Republi— can Primary Election. jraitSl la r- FOR_MAYOR. CHARLES JEREMY, Of the oIdiEILICTD WARD. is a candidate for 'Mayor, subject to the decision of the Voters at the Republi can Primary Election. . jni:ts4l CITY TREASURER. min FOR CITY TREA S U RE — R. SAMUEL ALLINDER Is a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the de— cision of the voters at the . Itepubliean Primary Election. FOR CITY TREASURER. WILLIAM LITTLE. WM. A. TOMLINSON. A. J. COCHRAN, crrir cOIiIiBOLLE THOMAS STEEL, Ft) iirrnoLLEti. ROBERT J. McGOIVAN. REPUBLICAN, CITY CONVENTION. B`. ,