The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 13, 1868, Image 8

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Daily Prayer Meeting—From 12 it: to
12:30 o'clock at the Rooms of the Christian
Ansoelation, No. 23 Fifth street. '
Subsiding.—The panic in the meat mar
ket is beginning to subside.
The State Central Republican Executive
Committee will hold a session at the hion-.,
ongahela House to-day.
Flourishing.—The bone boiling business;
in East Liberty. The cattle disease reviv
ed it., "It's an ill wind that blows nobody
any good."
Meets To-Night.--The Allegheny Coun
cils will hold a regular semi-monthly
meeting this evening at seven and a half
O'clock in their Chambers, City Building.
Attempted BurglarY.--Atun early hour
yestf3rday morning a burglar attempted to
force an entrance into a house on Rebecca
street, Allegheny, but was frightened off.
Imsrovement.,—The fence around the
yard of the Pan Handle Railroad on Grant'
street is receiving a coat of whitewash,
Which materially improves the appearance
of the affair. '
In another colurn will be found grouped
together the cards of the various candi
dates for municipal office, setting forth
that they will abide by the nominations to
be made next Saturday.
Kicked His Sen.—John McDermott made
information, yesterday, before Alderman
Taylor against William Mason for assault
and battery. McDermott alleges that. Ma
son kicked his son, who works with him as
__helper at McCulley's Glas Works. A war
rant was issued. .
Threatened to Whip Hlll3.—Lncius Zun
mer fears that N. Beiffer, who has taken a
dislike to him, will carry into execution a
threat to whip him. Alderman Taylor
issued a warrant for the arrest of the
threatener, and committed him for a hear
ing on an information for surety of the
peace preferred by Zimmer.
Grand Open Air Rally in Allegheny To-
Wight—To-night, on the Commons, front ;
ing the City Building, there will be held a
grand open air rally, at which all voters!
are invited to be present. Hon. Galusha
A. Grow, H. Bucher Swope and other dis
tingushed - speakers will 'positively be in
attendance. Let there be a general turn
Run Over.—Ellen Reed, residing near the
Point, was run over on 'Monday afternoon
by a market-wagon and injured to such an
extent as to render her recovery very
doubtful. It seems she, attempted to cross
Marbury street in advance of the wagon,
and was knocked down by the horses, with
the result as stated. , Dr.-Hamilton is in at
tendance upon her.
Man Run Ovcr.—On Monday afternoon a
man named Grayson, residing on Virgin
alley, in attempting to cross Smithfield
street, in front of an express wagon, was
knocked down and run over, the wheels of
:the wagon passingover his abdomen. The
accident occurred near Seventh street. The
injured man was conveyed to his resi
dence and a physician summoned.
Alleged False Pretence.—Andrew Knox
_made Information yesterday before Alder
man Strain against Alexander Taylor for
false pretence.' Knox, who stops at 413
Liberty_strcet, alleges that Taylor, residing
at No. 35 on the same street, obtainedirom
him'by false pretence seven hundred dol
lars. The accused was arrested and gave
bail n the sum of $1,544 for a hearing_
A Tanner Club.—A call will be found
elsewhere, addressed to the active young
Republicans of this ti.ighborhood for , a
meeting to-night at City Hall for the pur
pose Of organizing a Tanner's Club for the
campaign. such organizations have been
formed in all the large cities and Allegheny.
County should ;by all means place one in
the field. Let every young voter attend
and enroll his name.
tommenced.—The first service of the
camp meeting at Leetsdale took place last
evening. Quite a large number of people
are in attendance and it promises to be an
exceedingly interesting gathering. Ar
rangements have been made with the rail
road company by which all baggage going
to the grounds will be transported free of
charge. The meeting is in charge of Rev.
Dr. Williams and Rev. Joseph Horner, - of
Alleged Aggravated Assaillt.--Andrew
/Theban made information, yesterday, be
fore Alderman Strain against two police
men named Joseph Cupples and W. J.
Jordon for aggravated assault and battery.
/Theban alleges that the defendant's beat him
in the face with a mace, and otherwise in
jured him by placing nippers on his arms.
The offense is said to have occurred near
the 'Union Depot. The accused were ar
rested- and gave bail for a hearing.
An Intruder.—A young chap who resides
on Second street, has been in the habit of
sleeping on the housetop during the heated
term. Be was indulging in his usual
practice on Monday night when the rain
came and drove him in doors. In his haste
to get into the house he descended the
wrong scuttle and found himself in the
sleeping apartments of a young lady. The
young } lady screamed and called for help.
The young gentleinan reconnoitred and
quickly vamoosed.
• Forestalling the Market—Joseph Wrig
ley made information yesterday before
------Alderman Humbert against James Free
man for forestalling the market. Wrigley,
who is the market constable, anew-a that
- Freeman bought from a countryman thirty
seven pair of chickens for seventy-five cents
a pair, and sold them again during market
hours at a considerable. advance. The ac
cused was arrested and after a hearing
lined twenty dollars and costs, in default of
which he was committed to jail.
Serious Accident.—lsaac Printer, a brakes.
man in the employ of the Pennsylvania
railroad, met with a serious accident at the
Outer Depot about eight o'clock on Tues.
day evening. It seems he was engaged in
. coupling two Can( together, when by somei
mishap he fell between the bumpers. ilia
right arm was crushed in a shocking man•
ner, and it is probable that amputation will
be necessary. He was conveyed to his
home in the Fifth ward, where his injunes
were attended to by Dr.•llamilton.
Three Mmes.—Yesterday Arthur Cruik
shank was fortunate enpugh to arouse the
:ire of a merchant in - the pea-nut trade,
% whose establishment is lobated on the corn
er of Penn and Canal streets. Arthur suf
fered for 'his temerity, being bruised, ea
• .00rding to his own statement, three times '
by coming in contact with the pedal ex
tn3mity of the aforesaid merchant. This
eo insulted his dignity that he only found ,
relief in an information for assault and bat
tery before Alderman Taylor, who issued
t swarrant for the arrest of the belligerent
tradesman. , ,
An Asectlonate Child.--According to an
Information made before Alderman lie-
Master% Catherine 'McKean amused her
self and manifested her filial love by whip
ping her maternal parent the other day. ,
It' Is perhaps possible that Catherine, who
is a married child, was unaware of the fact !
that this. is one of the methods of exprea
shift love for parents which the la* pro
hibits, but she will understand it hereafter,'
as her ! father, George Utts, of East Deer'
township, had-her- arrested, and after a
bearing held for Court in the sum of. 000
to answer a charge of assanitand batten'.
On Monday evening last an adjourned
meeting of the Republicans of this district
was held at the public Shool House. A
large number were present and full of en
thusiasm. A constitution was adopted and
permanent officers elected, viz :
President—Robert Arthurs.
Vice Presidents—Jos. C. Dickson ' John
Harrison,obert Inder, George 'Ewart
Ed. T. ssiday.
Secretary—John F. Herron.
Assistant—Charles P. Duff.:
Second Second Assistant—Thos. W. Dickson.
Treasurer—James M. Hunter.
John Dalzell, E. P. Jones and J. S. Lam
bie were appointed a Committee on Speak
A resolution was adopted to meet every
Monday evening until the election. -
A Committee was also appointed to block
out the ward in view of enrolling all the
.The , following named persons wore ap
pointed a Vigilence Committee: James
Cassiday, Isaiah Dickey, James M. Hunter,
Robert Arthurs,
Wm. Cassiday, Samuel- ,
Ewart, Willis Boothe, E. P. Jones, Dr.
Thorn, Matthew Anderson,Thomas W.
Milne, John Dalzall, Esq. 'Vm. H. Robb,
F. T. Cassiday, George L awton Jac. Glos.
ser,.Geo. Lepton, Wm. Wandless, W. S.
Smith, Thos. S. Dickson John F. Herron,'
R. G. Herron, M. W. Lewis, Wm. Birch,
Jos. Crawford, J. A. Smith. W. A. Gilden
fenney, W. H. Singer, Wm. McConnell,
Wm. Davis, Alex. Mcßane, Geo. Evans,
A. Brackenridge, J. Campbell, R. Thomp
son, H. Leeman, P. Duff, John S. Lambie,
R. C. Duff, Dr. George Woods, W. C.
Friend, John Jones, Jos. liickline, Rich.
Sill, Samuel Belfore, W. R. Harrison, A. H.
Coe, A. Early, Jacob Ewart, W. J. Dick
son, Wm. Herron, George Pixley, William
Rigden, George - Robinson, Prof. Holmes,
S. Semple, E. J. Taylor, J. W. McMillen,
Alexander Mcßane, John Watt, J.
Lupton, James Harris, John Curry,
Samuel Hughes, Peter Milligan, Capt. Dar
ragh, John Verner, John Smith, Isaac Gard
ner, James Taylor, M. Gardner, Wm. Mar
shall, Andrew Martin, A. H. Miller, R. M.
McEldowny, A. Geßarnett, M. Kunz, Geo.
Kingsland; Alex. Herron. Otis Shepard. A.
B. Rutledge, J. J. Taggart, 4. W. McGin
nis, James Umbstaetter, T. C. Duff, John
Weaver, Ben. Watighter, John Goff, Kin
ney Goff, R. McNish, Richard Parker,
Frank Robinson, James Carnahan, Frank
McCuitcheon, J. H. Hillerman, Robert Indir,
W. M. Gormley, W. Burke, W. Moore, F.
H. Eaton, Thomas Bryson, Thomas Rush
ton, Wm. Rigden, Henry Lambert, Samuel
McCutcheon, Samuel Roberts, J. D. Wil
liams,.Robert Roy, John Reese, Wilson
The South Pittsburgh Grant and Colfax
Club held a meeting at the Public School
House, Tuesday evening, which was large
ly attended, and at the opening hour, the
President, William H. Barker, ascended:
the platform, and announced that the Club
had, in connection with the Republicans of
Monongahela borough, erected a stand at
the south end of the bridge, and that their
friends were there waiting on them. He put
the question whether the meeting would
adjourn to meet with their friends l a Mo
nongahela,when the meeting unanimously
voted aye, and, preceded by the Washing
ton Cornet Band, marched to a stand situ
ate near the aoute end of the Monogahela
Bridge, when, after music by the band, and
a song by the Glee Club, led by Prof. John
A. Jones, the Chair introduced Major. A.
M. Brown,' who - proceeded to address the
meeting in a most able and eloquent man
The Band then discoursed some excellent
music, which was followed by a song from
the Glee Club.
R. J. Powers, Esqillowed in an argu
mentative and telli speech, and 1
cluded in an earnest a peal to all to stand
by Grant and Colfax and the old flag.
John Glenn, of Kentucky, was next in
troduced. He had been sent to Kentucky
on recruiting duty, and because he had en
listed negroes he was ostracised by the
rebels there, and forced to leave the State.
The rebel sentiment pervaded all parts of
Kentucky, and of oourse the majority were
in full sympathy with Seymour and Blair.
The meeting was one of the largest ever
held in the borough, and - the greatest en
thusiasm was manifested. -- __-- • k
Elizabeth' and Vkalnity.
The Republicans of, Elizabeth and vicini
ty met on ve
Mondayaniirg in the room pre
. Colfaxared for a qrant - andf Club, and or
ganized 'by- callingJas. Maffett,Esq., as
temporary Chairman, and W. B. Sprague,
A committee was appointed on perma
nent organization, who reported the follow
ing officers:
President—Jas. Maffett,
Vice Presidents—Wm. H. Robinson, J.W.
Secretaries-LW. B. Sprague, 3. S. Taylor.
Treasurer—B. H. M'Clnre.
The question being put on the acceptance
of the report and adoption thereof, it was
unanimously carried.
Captain Sam. Kerr was then called upon
for a speech, who responded, in a few very
appropriate' remarks.
Short speeches were made by Captain
Houghton and others, after which there
were some business committees appointed
for the pUrpose of making a more thor
ough canvass than has ever been made in
Old Elizabeth. I
French. Corsets, all sizes—Bates ct Bell's.
The following very sensible paragraph
we take from the Monongahela Republi-
We are likely to have this road built at
last. Our readers may have noticed that
the Baltimore and Ohio Company pur
chased the Western section of this road
some time ago, and measures are now be
ing taken to get the releases between here
and Washington into a formal shape. We
are informed by a reliable correspondent
that the Efernpfield will be put under con
tract at a very early day. Should this be
so, and a connection be made with the Con
nellsville near West Newton, Pittsburgh
had better wake up to the importance of
building the Monongahela Valley road, or
their trade will suffer by being diverted to
Baltimore via the llemptleld and Connells
ville. Pittsburgh has hitherto done but
little In the way of building railroads, and
if this draining of all the trade of the upper
part of this valley in another direction, does
not, rouse them, then we think they would
not wink if lightning should strike them.
There seems now to be some prospect that
our town may be brought into commUnica-
Mon with the outward world, not so much
perhaps by our own energies, as by the en
terprising foresight of other people. Let us
attend the meeting. of the friends of the
Valley Road on. Saturday, August lath, and
give it all the aid in our power.
Linen Shirt Fronts—ltetes it Bell's.
Interesting tiurglcal Opeiation.
Matilda Crone and. Susan Humphreys
have had a little misunderstiuiding, and
Matilda allegesiticonseguence that 'Susan
threatens to remove from the inside to
the outside that portion of her internal or
ganism known as the heart. Notwithstand
-ing this interesting surgical operation was
to be performed free of charge, Matilda ob
jects, believing it ,to •be altogether unne
cessary, and fearinithat Susan,lin her sur
gical zeal, might make the' attempt, she
lodges an information against her for sur
ety of the peace before' Aldernis# Taylor.
That official dispatched a note aping for
the attendane of the Would-be ,tentuile sur
geon at his office, where she ca 't learn the
state of Susilles mind in regard; to the mat
ter. • . • . • - "
Thirteenth Ward.
South Pittsburgh
Hempfield Railroad.
PITTSETTEGfr .GAt....;...1ff.vii5,-;kt....;.:,1.110.i15*...ii'',
County Executive Committee.
Large Attendance—Membere Elected—
. Mass Meeting To-night—Resolutions in
Regard to the Death of Hon. Thadeus
:.At a meeting of the Union Republican
County Executive Committee, held yester
day afternoon, Hon. Russell Errett in the
chair, and polonel Stuart, Secretary.
There was a very large attendanee, and •
the reports from all parts of the country
were very encouraging.
On motion of Colonel. Hilands, Colone
Thomas M. Bayne was elected a member o
the Committee.
On motion of Colonel Cooper, John A.
Myler and John Heaih were appointed a
Committee of Arrangements for the meet
ing in Allegheny to-night.
Mr. Joseph Abel, Chairman of the Com
mittee of Germans, to make arrangements
fir the reception of the German orator,
General. Carl Schurz, who is to speak in
this city on the 20th inst., reported pro
A committee of three, consisting of J. H.
Baldwin, Captain W. B. Cook and John
Heath , were appointed to I confer with the
above committee.
E. A. Reed, of Millvale borough, in con
sequerfce of leaving the county, to reside
In Auburn, New York, resigned his posi
tion on the committee, and John G. Brown
was elected to fill the vacancy.
A communication was received from Mr.
John 4. McCormick h _presenting two mag
nificent steel engravings of Grant and Col
fax. On motion a vote of thanks was tend
ered to Mr. McCormick. The pictures are
to be hung above the stage in City Hall.
On motion, the matter of the organiza
tion of a Central Grant and Colfax Club
was referred to the separate - clubs of the
county for their consideration.
On motion of Mr. Cohen, the Chair ap
pointed a committee of five, consisting of
Josiah Cohen, Col. John M. Cooper, W. B.
Hunter. W. S. Purviance and A. Patter
son, to draft resolutions in regard to the
death of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens.
The committee reported the following
resolutions which f were unanimously
adopted :
WIIEREAS, We have this day learned
that at twelve o'clock last night at the seat
of Government, and in sight of the Naties
al Capitol, the scene of his greatest achieve
ments, Thaddeus Stevens, the great Com
moner, died in the harness of public life,
"passing away quietly and calmly without
a struggle as thongh falling asleep."
Resplved,_That in his death the country
at large has sustained the loss of a brilliant
statesman and a noble patriot, and the State
of Pennsylvania, indebted to him as she is
for the common schools which adorn her
cities, towns and villages, and upon whose
legislation for half a century, back the im
press of his great mind is imperishably
stamped, mourns for her ablest and great
est son.
.Resolved, That we regard the death of this
great champion of human rights and his ro
['loyal from the National Councils asa public
calamity, and that we shall ever consecrate
his name and fame with that of the bone
factors of our the lategt posterity as,
the great moral hero of his time; always
battling for the , right and for the oppressed
against the oppressors, :unawed by the
frowns of power and unmoved by the blan
dishments of political station or success.
Muslin. Prints and Ginghams at popular
prices—Bates dr, Bell's.
The Proposed City Park.
The Committee appointed by Councils to
select grounds for a City Park, have visited
several proposed sites, the. last of which
was their visit to the Winebiddle property,
on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg turn
pike.' The Committee were received and
entertained by Mr. Phillip Winebiddle, in a
very hospitable manner, and shown over
his farm, which covers the area of abou t
imb hundred acres, and adjoining property
to the extent of four hundred acres.
The Committee were well pleased with
the Winebiddle and adjoining property,
but of course could make no decision until
after visiting all the available localities in
the neighborhood..
They also visited the Schenley estate, ly
ing back of Oakland and the property of
D. H. French, between Oakland and the
Monongahela river, on Four Mile Ran,
Linden grove, the property ofJas. S. Craft,
all comprising about six hundred acres,
extending . from, the Greensburgh pike to
the Monongahela river. From portions of
this site magnificent views of the Monon
gahela Valley and the valley around East
Liberty can be obtained, as well as portions
of the old city. The site is undoubtedly
a favorable one, and the Committee are
well nleased with It.
The entire day was spent by the Com
mittee in the examination Of the grounds
above mentioned, and the! greatest diffi
culty they will have to encounter will not
be to find available grounds, but to make a
selection from the many excellent and
beautiful sites in the neighborhood.
They have received an invitation to visit
a tract cf land in the vicinity of Hazle
wood, on the Pittsburgh and Connelleville
Railroad, which till receive their attention_
Popular Prices, large stocks and fine
goods—Bates & Bell's. _
One Evening This Week
We met twenty-sevencaws and nine pigi
on. North Avenue, Allegheny. As they
were not in drOves, but quite undriven and
at liberty, we felt that they really took up
too much room. The next morning as we
were musing over this we met on Market
and Fifth streets seven wheelbarrows trun
dling along the sidewalks, and driving to
the right and left and covering with mud
and grease thasimple people who had fond
ly imagined that the sidewalks were for
the use and comfort of pedestrians. On
remonstrating with one. Celtic gentleman
for his wheelbarrow's conduct we were
greeted with "d—n you, keep ant of the
road, and to h—l with ye."l This remark
caused tie to look about to see if there were
any witnesses to our humiliation, when to
our shame we found four policemen walk
ing in the rear and evidently enjoying our
degradation. We could do nothing, for if
we had pitched into our Celt these police
men would, all tour, have nabbed us and
had a clear case of assault and battery, and
we could'nt appeal to the law, for it was
laughing at us out of the mouths of the
quartette of policemen. So we were forced
to do nothing but reflect that we rather
preferred the cattle plague of the Alleghe-,
nv streets to the wheelbarrow nuisance,
,and‘Supercilious inefficiency of some of the
,Pittsburgh police.
Mantles, very cheap, to close ont—Bates
& Bell's. .
A Question.
John McGrath on the. 10th Instant made
information before the Mayor, charging
Richard Best with keeping a ferocious dog,
and,at the hearing, which •took, place last
evening, a legal question was raised that
will probably have to be decided in the
Conti. Mr. Best disclaims any knowledge
of the whereabouts of the, dog at present,
andlurther alleges that the dog does not
belong to him, and never did. ;The prose
cutor allsges that the Accused hi bored the
dog, and ha done so fort'severidyeainii. It
appeus, however, that the dog is claimed
by a brother-in-law of Mr. Best, who resides
in the same house with him. The prose
cutor simply desires that th e dog shall be
killed, and Insists that the defendant shall
kill him. The question then is whether a
man is responsible for the actions of-a dog
tipon which he has- no claims?, His Honor
would not take the reSponsibility of, deelii
ing the point, and held the caso for Court.
The Sinclair 'Bawdy House Case.
Several prosecutions have originated out
of the Sinclair bawdy house case, an ao
count of which we published yesterday,
and the interest manifested in them by
men with pretentions to respectability is
truly remarkable. Yesterday morning a
bearing took place t in the surety case_
,Wilham Hartz, in which Maggie
McClarren, one of _the inmates of Mrs.
Sinclar's establishment, was prosecutrix i
and Hartz was held to bail in the sum of
three hundred dol ars for his appearance
_l4 Court. Hartz t en made information
charging Maggie cClarren with fornica
tion-, and Maggie waiving a hearing gave
4 ,
bail for her appearance at Court. The fair
but frail creatutepad not the slightest dif
ficulty in good and sufficient
bail., Several men who aspire to the posi
tion of gentlemen, were present, all anx
ious for the , honor of serving her in that
In many instances prosecutions of this
character are instituted through purely
personal motives,, either for the sake of
gain or of gratifying some personal feeling
of revenge and for aught we know this may
be one of them, but if,such is'the case, it
does not follow that gentlemen should be
so gallant as to deem it an honor to aid the
"persecuted," • in their hour of trouble.
Such, however, a pears to be the case. The
time has been in is city as in many others,
that a man maki any pretensions to re
spectability, woul scarcely visit a house of
that character, but if he did so far wander
from the, path of morality, he would en
deavor to conceal the fact instead of seek
ing opportunities to openly acknowledge
it. • If these gentlemen desire noto
riety of that character,
thty are welcOme
to it, and hereafter, so far as we are Con
cerned, they shall have it.' We will wake
it a rule to publish the names of all
young men' connected with cases of this
character, hereafter. ,
Nottingham Lace Curtains—Bates &
'lhe Rent Case and Its Sequel.'
In yesterday's GAZETTi :we published an
account of a case of alleged false pretence,
in which Henry Boin was prosecutor, and
Louis Segrist was defendant, and stated
that the accused had been arrested and
held for a hearing. It appears, as stated in
our previous notice of the case, that Bein
bad leased a tavern stand in McClure
township, and that subsequently Segrist
purchased the property of -the party from
whom Bein had leased, and the lease was
legally transferred to him. As was his
right, Segrist called upon Bein and collec
ted the rent, amounting to sixty-five dol
lars, stating that he had purchased the
lease, but after he bad , received and receipt
ed for the money, he left the premises, Bela
became impressed with the idea that he
had been defrauded out of the mon
ey, and resolVed to have his money back.
Tuesday evening, Bein, in company with
his bar keeper, John Sinurtz, were in the
city, and met Segrist, and without think
ing of the consequence seized upon him
and conducted nim to the Mayor's office,
where an information was made against
him, charging him with obtaining money
under false pretence. The case was called
up for a hearing, but the Attorney for the
prosecution, finding he had no case, the
charge was withdrawn, and the prosecutor
paid the costs. - The MSC did not terminate
here, however, as Segrist. not relishing the
treatment ho had received at the hands of
his captors, made information, charging
them with assault and battery. They were
arrested and held for a hearing, but the
case will probably be compromised.
Linen Table Damasks--Bates Sr. Bells
Earnings of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago Railway Company.
We are Indebtethoj. P.Tarley, Esq., Au
ditor of the Pittsburgh, Ft.Wayne - And Chi
cago_ Railway Company, for the follow
ing statement of the approiirriate earnings
of that Company during the month of
July, and of tbeearnings aad expenses
the first sevon,,months of the fiscal year,
as compared with k the same period of the
year 1867
.6= 51
159.8.51 09
18,451 50'
7 s it.'s (VI
7,051 33 1
11,000 00
188,147 G 9
8,669 99
7,&15 CO
Frora Fri et
Ex. Matter.
!tent of R ; i:
1.T21 'A
537.1E11 2.7 i
367.34: Ii
St et Earnra
January Ist
to July 31..
Expus from
January let
to July 31.. '
4.,088 121
2,700,159 71
2,EC4,8:7. 64
Net Earri,Ks
for 7 mon e
1,583.11 X. 4111,072,018 37!471,008 04
Fine French Corsets—Bates it Bell's
Alleged Delinquencies of a Husband
Arabella Meckill made information yes
terday against her husband, Wm. Meckill,
for assault and battery, larceny and aban
donment. According to the statement of
the prosecutrix, on Tuesday evening her
husband demanded seventy-five ,dollars
from her, which.- had been placed in her
hands for safe keeping by her father. She
refused to give him themoney, which
greatly enraged him, but before commenc
ing actual hostilities, he tried entreaties
and threats. Failing in these, he conclu
ded by knocking her down and- taking the
money Which was concealed in the boscim
of her dress. Since the time of this occur
rence Mrs. Meckill says she has seen noth
ing of him or heard - of his whereabouts,
and she is uneasy-lest he is gone never to
return. Sho promises to grant him full
pardon for his misdeeds and allow him to
keep the money if he returns, which is cer
tainly a fair proposition. In the meantime
the Alderman's police will see -,what they
can do in the way of turning him up.
Good Hoop Skirts for 50c—Bates & Bell's.
Bone Boiling Nubatten
The operation of converting into glue tho
brnes of the deceased diseased cattle, at
East Liberty, still continues to sorely an
noYNt:he inhabitants of that good locality.
They say the atmosphere is so charged
with the abominable and outrageous stench
(language fails toldescribe it) as to render
tho vicinity almost uninhabitable and
something must be done immediately to
abate this nuisance.
. . - . .
-It is rather provoxing when a person flees
from the heat and dirt and contaminated
air of a crOwded city in search of cooler
shades and more aromatic breezes, and
finds them; to have 2no of these establish
ments inaugurated afterwards, poisoning
the air all:around and rendering life in the
vicinity, a Positive burden instead of a
blessing. ,
A Smart Bey.
A small but in one sense a smart boy en
tered the confectionery establishment of
Mr. Gotham, on Ohio street, Alleghe
ny, yesterday evenigg, and asked the
lady, attendant . : if. sfie , eould wive him
change for a five dollar bill, put
ting his hand into his pocket at the same
time as if to draw out the bill; The lady
began to count out the change and had laid
down a two dollar bill on the counter when
the smart boy seized it and made off. The
Allegheny police were notified of the oc
currence and they commenced to search
for the chap, but have not succeeded in cap
turing him yet. He is a very smart boy,
and if he only continues as he has be
gun .hti stands a remarkably favorable
chance to exhibit his smartness in the Pen
befure he thee.
A Woman Missing—Foul Play Suspected—
The Matter to be Investigated.
Some six or seven weeks since Catharine
Hoon, a weak minded girl, residing at
Glendale station with Mr. C. Ritt, her
brother-in-law, disappeared from her home,
and her friends have been unable to obtain
any trace of her. It is alleged by the
brother-in-law that an undue intimacy ex
isted between her and John Bernhardt, and
that about the time of her departure he
(Bernhardt,) had promised to procure her.
a situation in the city. Bernhardt, it is al
leged, disappeared from the neighborhood
about the time the girl did, and although
her friends have made inouiry, were un
able to obtain information of either of them
until yesterday morning, when Mr. Ritt
met Bernhardt on Fifth street near
the old theatre: He at once accosted
him, and inquired as to the whereabouts
of the girl. Bernhardt denied any know
ledge of her, whereupon Mr. Ritt called
upon an officer to arrest him. As the offi
cer approached• Bernhardt retreated and
ran up Fifth street, with the officer in pur
suit. He turned down Smithfield street
but had proceeded but a short distance
when he was met by two gentlemen in
blue coats, who stopped his wild career.
He was taken to the lockup and furnished
with quarters, but he still insists , that he
does not know anything-about the girl.
An information was made against him by
Mr. Ritt, charging_ him with adultery,
upon which in default of bail he was com
mitted to jail for a hearing.
The Titusville Herald has the following :
A new well was struck on the Wood Farm
on Sa7turday last, and yesterday it was pro.
ducing at tho rate of ninety barrels per
day. It is owned by Messrs. M. Stewart
and Irwin.
. A new well is being tested 'on Charley
Run, near Oil City. Up to yesterday after
roon the prospect of its being a medium
producing well were slight.
It is reported that there are from,thirty
to forty thousand barrels of relined oil in
Cleveland of the second and third quali
The shipments by the Allegheny Valley
Railroad, from Venango City, Franklin and
Scrubb Grass, from August Ist to August
9th, reached 2.3,080 barrels; the shipments
from Tidioute by the Empire Line for the
same time, were 4,897 bwrels, and from
that place to Oil City by local lines, 2,400
A hearing took place yesterday in the
cage of John Hively, charged en oath of
Simon Schock, before the Mayor, with at
tempting to commit a rape. The princi
pal witness was the daughter of the prose
cutor, a little girl about thirteen years
of age. It did not appear, however, that
he had used any force, consequently the
charge of attempted rape could not be
Another information was made against
hirn, charging him with open lewdness,
upon which he will have a hearing to-day.
Notwithstanding the fact that the girl
told a•straightforward story, those inti
mately acquainted with the accused do not
believe him guilty.
John Robinson made information be
fore Alderman Strain yesterday, against
Enos Crew for fraud. Robinson says the
defendant obtained groceries from him to
the amount of thirty-seven dollars, and
that he is about to remove from the State,
without paying for the same, and that he
has also sold a portion of his personal pro
perty in pursuance of his design of remov
ing. The accused was arrested and com
mittted to jail for a haring in default of
$5OO bail. Tae same prosecutor brought a
similar charge against George and Henry
Crew, the amount being sixty-eight dollars.
Henry was arrested and in default of. $5OO
bail committed for a hearing. George has
not been arrested yet.
Yesterday morning a frame house in
Course of erection in the Thirteenth ward
fell down, burying under the ruins two of
the wrorkmen named Samuel Gillespie and
Jacob McCoombs. Both men were extrica
ted atter considerable trouble, when it was
found that McCoombs bad his head crushed
between two of the joists, injuring bim so
badly that his life is despaired of. Gilles
pie escaped with a few scratches. The cause
of the accident is said to be an attempt to
remove some bad sleepers in the founda
on. The structure, which will be rebuilt
immediately, was one and a half stories
high, and cost - about $l,OOO. It was the
property of Edward L. Allen.
Increase i from
over lAtl7f 11%7.
3.124 51
34 - 4 70
2.984 85
436,340 . 13
Last evening, about six o'clock, while
Mr. McCloskey, accompanied by a lady,
was driving up Fifth street in a buggy, the
horse attached to the vehicle became fright
ened and ran off. Turning off Fifth to
Smithfield street the affrighted animal con
tinued on its course a short distance when
the buggy came in contact with some ob
struction at the roadside and upset, throw
ing both the occupants violently to the
ground. The lady suffered no injuries be
yond a few slight bruises,but Mr. McCloskey
had two of his ribs broken and was other
wise severely bruised. The injured man
was conveyed to his residence and medi
cal attention summoned.
A slight accident occurred at Saltsburgh
on the Pittsburgh (t., Connellsville railroad
on Tuesday evening, by which throe cars
were badly damaged. The cars were being
shifted to a siding at the Salt Works, when
the check post at the end of the track
gave way. The forward car was precipi
tated over an embankment and broken to
pieces. The front trucks of the second car
fell on the too of the first car, and the rear
car, which was tilled with stone, came
against it with such a force as to throw it
up on its end. The middle car was con
structed of iron, but it was damaged to a
considerable extent.
Ens. GAZETTE: Should the Republican
nominees for Assembly answer the request
of the Alleghanians on consolidation as you
think “justice and honor demand," they
may have another request to answer, as I
was told this morning that should they
answer in the afirmative, a petition wilt be
presented to them from the citizens of the
five townships who were robbed of their
nght of franchise, and forced to consolidate,
asking them to pledge themselves to vote
for the Anti-Consolidation Bill, that Was
killed last winter in the House by trickery.
LIBERTY Tomoniir.
ARlag Joke.—Chstrley Adams and. Vin
oent Moore are boon companions, but a lit
tle joke passed lastween'them, yesterday,
which is likely to somewhat cool the
ardor of their friendship hereafter.
Charley alleges that he had a finger - ring
valued at seven dpllars, which his particu
lar friend, Vincent,' by some means pro
cured from him, and when asked to return
it, Vinoent, bantered him in ajoking man
ner for a while until Charley lost his pa
tience and temper ' and turned th e joke
into a reality by lodging an information
before Alderman Bailie againet his friend
for larceny. The accused was arrested, but
the matter was compromised by Vincent
paying for the ring and costs of pr9secution.
Win Paßs Through... Mike McCoolo, the
celebruled pugilist, is expected 'to pass
through the city to-day, ou his wedding
tour to Now York.
Petroleum Items.
The Rape Case.
Charged With Frnud
Fall of a Building.
A Runaway and Upset.
Freight Cara Wrecked.
f Corn= n Icatlon.)
Most Bitters of the present day that are
loudly puffed through the newspapers as
having great curative properties are vile
compounds and base impositions, contain
ing no medicinal virtues whatever, and are
really very poor whisky beverages, and,
instead of acting as a stimulant and tonic,
have a tendency to weaken the stomach by
entirely destroying the coating. Thepublic
should therefore be very cautious and pur
chase none but .Rgback's Stomach Bitters,
which lave stood the test as a remedial
agetit fox many years, and are really as
their name indicates, a stomach bitters and
not a_ beverage. They combine the roper
.ties of the best tonic and a stimu u
an efficient and anti-bilious agent
and the best stomachic known to the world,
and when taken in conjunction with Bo
back's Blood Pills, are the safest and surest
preventive against all bilious derangements,
thoroughly regulating the whole system
and giving tone to the digestive organs.
They are highly recommended as an in
vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing,
increasing the flow of milk, and for conva
lescents, to restore the prostration which
always follows long-continued sickness,
they are unsurpassed.' No household
should consider themselves safe from the
ordinary maladies without these invaluable
medicines. They can be obtained of any
druggist. TrsF
Hydraulic Cow Milker.—A Oomplete STEC
cess. See advertisement in another column.
• .
Chltters Blackstone, 2 voltimes,
Appleton's Dictionary of_ Mechanics, 2
Stephens on the English C4institution, 2
The Railroad Book of England.
Birmingham and the Midll%o.
Hardware District.
Gray's Anatomy, DescriptiVe and Sur
Dunglison's Medical Dictionary.
And all the standard English works. at
the well known book store of Col. T. D.
Egan, No. 41 Sixth street.
Hydraulic Cow Milker,—A complete sue.
cress. Soe advertisement in another column.
New Treatment.—.Por chronic diseases of
the eye, ear, head, throat, rungs, heart,
stomach, liver, etc., at Dr. Abdrn's Medical
and Surgical Rooms, 134 Smithfield street,
half a square from the Postoffice. No charge.
for consultation. tf
Asthma.—The New York Independent
published a letter from Rev. 4os. E. Roy,
setting forth the wonderful ;efficiency of
Jonas Whiteomb's Asthraa Reinedy.
Likeness of Grant.—Full-sized portrait of
Grant, on colored card boardilthe best and
cheapest likeness to be had, for twenty-five
cents, at No. 84 Fifth street. dew
Hydraulic Cow Milker.—A complete suc
cess See advertisement in another column.
TRAUTMAN—ALLDRED,--o.. : Tuesday even
ing. the 11th Inst.', at the residence; of I he'bride'a
mother, by the Rev. P.! - 'B. Davies, !Mr. GEORGE
TRAUTMAN and Mies' EMMA ALT.DRED; all of
No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh; Pa.
CO.i. INS of all kinds, CRAPES, GLOVES, and ev
ery description ,of Funeral Furrilshlpg Goods fur
nished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
REFERENCES—Rev. David Kerr, D. D., Rev. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H.
Miller, Esa.
I c A
Allegheny City. where their COI 14N, ROOMS are
constantly supplied with real and imitation Rose
wood, Mahogany and Walnut Conies, at prices va
rying from Icl to .100. Bodies prepared for inter
ment. ;,Hearses and Carriages furntshed; also, all
[lnds of Mourning DoodS, if required. Office open
at all hours, day and night. , ! -' , •
EST, Allegheny, and No. SO DIAMOND
SQUARE, (by John Wilson /2^ 8r05.,4 keeps alwayr
on hands the best Metal, Rosewood, Walnut anC
imitation Rosewood Collins. Walnut Coffins Cron
$25 upwards. Rosewood Collins *2O upwards, al
other Coffins 1 proportion. Carriages and Hearse.
furnishtd at low rates. Crape Gloyes, Plate an(
Engraving furnished gratis. office:open day an(
:orner Smithfield and Fourth Streets
1211 MEI
Corner eiTenn and St. Clair Strada.
mom, mamma, name, op
Gentlemen's FurnishineGoods.
AT `COST; to make room for BALL CKKaN3
H. SMITH, liferchwat Tailor.
No. 98 WYLIE ST.. oor. Federal
Chao Horizontal Engine, of 20 horse power.
Also,•g Engine, without reverse 'valve. '
a medium sized Disll,l; rams.
Terms Cash. AddreSs, with description and pricey -
66 River .A.renne; Allegheny.