Sir NO TICEI7:-_-, ro Let, ". “Wanri,''' s "Sband,” "Brim-ding," he., not ex. ending FOUR LINES each tali be inserted in these co/ulnas once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each additionat Use FIVE CENTS. WANTED---SITUATIONS. WANTED — SITUATION-1 a young man as Porter or Watchman in a hotel or store. Who ,cum Come well recommended. Address T. S. lifeellE, this °Mee. WANTED -SITUATION.-7- - A young man who has had several years' ex perience in the dry goods business would like to ob -1 tabs a situation where he can make himself useful. Can give good reference. Address BOX - L, GA zrrrz Orincs. WANTED---HELP WANT - ED—lt 0 Y.—An initelli 'gent Boy, between 14 and 16 y. ars of ace, to act as Asflllilant and Pupil to a Mechanical En gineer, In an oMce where he will learn Mechanical Drawing Premium required. Address P. BECK ETT. Allegheny City. Pa. ANTED—HONESTLY-To hire ten men at a sala LASH 0 per month, to se I the HOLLOW ATMOSPHERIC CHURN, and transact an agency business for men, but will employ no man unless be is willing to work \ a few days on a commission, of 'can otherwise fur l' nish satisfactory evidence of ability and integrity. -• Employment steady. J. C. TILTON, 1035 Et. Clair street. • vi r AN TE D-11ELP-At Employ= meat Otffee, No. 3 St. Clair Street., BUYS, GUMS and MEN, for different kinds of employ meta.. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. 'TxTANTED-1101%—A young man •y y of steady habits, to learn the Grocery busi ness. in a good Canetore. One that reference. with the family, slid give the hest of Address GROCER, Allegheny City. WANTED—ISA L ESMEN.—Four or five good Salesmen. Article sells every where, In country and city "Can make good wages. Apply at 103 i ST. CLAIR STREET, Room 4. VIA CM:fey:Az& 0 3) z{..l NV ANTED—BOARD E RS—Pleas • Ant tarnished rooms to let, with boarding, at 7 tillitD tiTItEET. WANTED---. 11 O.A RDERS.--Gen ----Roo b