The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 13, 1868, Image 1

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VOLUME - -mini.
The Resignation( of Commission
er Rollins—Opinion Delivered
1 ; by Attorney General Evarts, in
which he Declares that Resig
nation Rad no Effect, and that
no Vacancy Exists in the Office.
LBJ Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Wmunt aToN, A ug ust r 12, 1868. ,
/Following is the letter of Secretary Mc
tUlloch to United States Attorney General
Everts and opinion 'of the Attorney Gen
-4iral in response thereto: -
"Auousr 7th, 1868. Dear Sir: ThielPied
handyou a cony of aletter addressed by
lir. E. A. Rollins, Commissioner of Inter
nal Revenue, to the President of the •'Uni
ted States on the Bth day of June, 1868. and
also a copy of the President's endorsement
thereon, dated August sth, 1868. Under
these circumstances, the following ques
tions are presented for your oonsideration :
F.ifst—ls the office of the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue vacant? Second—lf
. - the office is vacant when did the vacancy
occur and can a successor. to Mr. Rollins be
appointed during, the recess of the Senate?
The office of the Commissioner of Internal.
Revenue being a very important and re-.
sponsible one, it „is desirable that there
should be no doubt as to the legal status of
' the person In charge of it. I desire that
you will favor me with your opinion upon
the question thus presented to you at yotlr
earliest convenience. _
Very respecfnlly,
your obedient servant,
H. McCuLLoort,
Secretary of Treasury.
To Hon. Wm. M. Everts, Attorney Geri.
• - August 10, 1868.
Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the
TreasuryrStu :• fq. have given to the sub
- ject submitted to my consideration by your
letter of the 7th inst.,in relation to the
-present condition of th office of Commis
, -stoner of Internal Revenue, the Most care
__,,Jukettention. The case presents- itself as
followir Mr. E.'-A. Rollins 'holding the
••civi), office' of Commissioner of Internal
Bel/este, to which he bad been apfoifited
by the President of - the United States, by
and with the ,advice and consent;', of the,
Senate, addressed to the President under
',date of June Bth, 1868, the following letter:
Office of Internct? Revenue, Washington,
• - D. C., June 8, 1868: Sin—ln pursuance to
, a purpose known to my friends for several
months, I hereby tender you the resigns
- Lion of my office, to take effect upon the
qualification of my successor nominated
by yourself and confirmed by the Senate.
• am, sir, very'respectfully,
• "" . ' 4 ll36 th ltibilioE4lftlittollia`ReVEZlßS 4 -
Upon the, 6th -of 'August the Pre - sicrent
placed.upori this letter the following en
. dorsement: “The resignation of E. A. Rol
lins as Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
-dated June sth„_ 1868, is tins day-accepted."
Upon these facts yon desire an answer to
two questions, viz: Is the office of Internal
. Revenue vacant? Second—lf the office is va
cant, when did the -vacancy occur, 'and
can a successor to Mr. Rollins be
appointed during the recess of the Sen
ate ? The office of Commissioner of Inter-
nal Revenue is, as , you suggest, a very
and responsible one. Its ntent
. igent,•efficient and faithful administration
is a matter of the greatst interest to the
public revenue and, the public credit, and
„ it is justly asubject of solicitude with the
President that his full duty under tbe Con
stitation and the laws in respect to this
office and its administration shall be ful
filled. The questions which you address to
me come to be of practical and substantial
interest in the Executive administration of
"the Government otay by force of the re
vent legislation of Congress, known as the
"Tenure of Civil Office Bill," that has im
pressed upon a class of cfficers, which
includes that • now under consideration,
a tenure. of office at the will of
the office holder which cannot be termi-
: mated except, by the concurrence of the
President and the Senate in the appoint
- mentiff a successor, and his actual .rodeo
• -tion into the office. lo long as the President,
by force of the Constitution and laws, had
the power to terminate the officeholder's
'possession of his office by a removal at the
President's.discretion and against the - Will
of the officer, the tenure of the letter's
• desired adherence or resignation of his of
fice should. have no especial significance,
- for they could impose no restraint
* upon. the tirrter - or manner of the Presi
dent's exertion of his proper authority,
in the premises. The precise effect, there
. fore, of the legislation-referred to is the
first i Point for consideration. The purpose
Of the Tenure-Of-Office bill was to change.
,the doctrine and practice (of the govern
ment by which- removal from office at the
-;.mere discretion of the President had been
established ma proper, and, as had been
thought r a necessary attendant of the Ex
,ecutive duty and responsibility, •• under
consideration, to maintain the efficiency
and fidelity of the public service, in fulfill
' ing the manifold and incessant obligations
lof - administration and in' the ex
: coal= of the laws. This -purpose,
which Might have been • united to a
requirement of the concurrence of the Sen
t ate with the Executive in effecting a re
moval from office and yet left the - capacity
'1 removalas a .separate and independent
act, open to the exigencies of the public
service, has been carried by the law to
the extent of precluding a termination of
the officers
upon his office by the
. united will of the Executive and the Seri
.:ate, except by the sole and specific mode
of the appointment, confirmation and
qualification of a successor. This
'term: • holds open an office into
• 'which he shall have once been in
is put diatinetly by the act as a
• matter of the officer'sright and title. The
-- consequence of this is there is no other pos.-
sible mode of ' , vacating the office thus, pro
'. ilipicied against the will of the 'Officer dur
ing the session, of the Senate, however
titow3 and .firiperisaus his personal or
11 official conduct may be, excerpt throtigh the
'ltonditienal : process of Wineachment.
f During therecess of the Senate the reme
diat proceeding ' of temporary suspension
• far cause by the execution, followed
rby - - accusation - to ' the Senate • ' and
le judgment thereon, is i provided and may
-result in the removal o" the officer with Out
the necessity of the isinlultaneons appotrit
meet, confirmation and qualification of his
auccesser.'"*The - language of' the 'section
securing the right and title to the office
holderis too clear to admit of doubt—''that
4 ‘ any person holding' any civil! office to
which he hips been appointed by and with
_ advice and 'Consent of the Senate, and
- every person who shall hereafter be appoint
- - ed to any such office:and ah.ll-become duly
qualified to act therein is and shall be enti
tledio hold such office until a successor shall'
have been, in like manner, appointed and
duly qualified, except as herein otherwise
provided." Mr. Rawlins then, at the date
of his letter to the -President, was entitled
to hold-the office. of Commissioner of In
ternal Revenue until a successor should
have been appointed by and with the con
sent of the Senate, and should have been
qualified and the only interruption of this,
his personal right, possible under the law,
was the general Iprocess of impeachment
and judgment thereon, or the special pro
ceeding of ;suspension, ' accusation and
judgment thereon previcied by the act itself
'and which Obidously partakes of the
nature of impeachment. It rested - then,
under the operation of this law, solely with
•Mr. Rollins to determine whether he would
voluntarily put an end to his hold upon the
office bra relinquishment or resignation of
it, and the question whether the office is
now vacant must, in my opinion, turn en
tirely upon a just construction of the effect
of the letter of Mr. Rollins in this regard.
This letter is manifestly framed with the
intent of carrying an impression that the
writer does place himself, in respect to his
official and public service and to the power
- and• duty of the President in connection
therewith,upon a different footing froth that
in which the law; against, or without refer
ence to his wishes, leaves him, but upon
duly weighing all parts of this official com
munication to the President, which respect
to the . Commissioner would require me, if
possible, to give some official efficacy to, I
cannot hesitate to pronounce it entirely
- without any legal operation whatever upon
Mr. Rollin's tenure.of-office. Ism obliged
•to regard It as the present tender of a resig
nation, an actual., relinquishment of the
office only upon and after the event which
is named and described by the writer as a
conditichi precedent to its having that
effect. This event, in the language of
Mr. Rollins, addresssed to the President, is
the "qualification of my successor
nominated by yourself and confirrried by
the Senate." It -will he perceived that this
event, which is to ripen - this_ tender of -a
resignation into a relinquishtnent , of_ the
office, is precisely the action of the Execu
tive and of the Senate and of the successor
of Mr." Rollins, which, by the terms of the
tenure of office act, deprives him of his of
fice, and, consequently, of any power or
will in regard to its relinquishment. I
cannot, therefore, give to the letter any of
ficial or legal force whatever in placing at
the discretion or disposition of the Presi
dent any power over the office of Commis
sioner-of Internal Revenue, which ho did
not possess without.
It remains only for me to consider
whether the endorsement on the letter of
Mr. Rollins made by the President on the
ibth of August, operates upon the position
of the office of Cominissioner of Internal
- . Revenue, •as respects its vacancy or his
L.present authority to fill, it. Undoubtedly,
if an officer of the Government places in
the hands of the President a conditional
resignation which takes effect as an official
or legal relinquishment of his office, upon
such condition it is competent for the Presi
dent to assent to the condition or not, as
may seem to him discreet, and in
such s case an endorsement Of this descrip
tion would indicate his acquiescence in this
disposition of the office which had been
made by the conditional resignation. I
have, however, in the nugatory character
which I have assigned to the letter of Mr.
- Rattner, - sufficiently shown, that, in iny
opinion, it possessed no legal or official
operation whatever upon the office or the
President's authority over it to which the
indorsement could attach itself, and I must
consider tluit the office of Commissioner Of
Internal Revenue and Mr. Rollins' hold
upon it remain the same as if his letter had
.rt been written or the President's en
% °mined% made thereon, and the office is
not vacant. _
This conclusion renders it unnecessary to
consider or reply to your second question,
which arises only in case I. should , have
found a reason to pronounce the office in
question vacant. I have disposed of the
matter submitted to me wholly with the
premises of the existing legislation govern
ing the question, and without any discus
sion of the larger topics touching the con
formity or repugnance of this legislation
with th_e Constitution, for no such discus
sion would be appropriate to ' the enquiries
to which you have called my attention.
. With great respect, I have the honor to
be, your obedient servant,
A ttorney General.
The President to-day received the mem
bers of the International Tailor's Union
Convention in the east room of tho White
House. About fifty delegates were present.
The President was introduced to the mem
bers by Hon. Thos. B. Florence. and after
shaking hands with them delivered an ad
dress, thanking them for their visit and re
ferring at some length to the question of
labor, and held that efforts should be niade
to elevate it. The President indulged in no
remarks of a political character. The in
terview lasted about three-quarters' of an
The names of the parties who have been
appointed - storekeepers under the new rev
enue law are, Wm. G. Marker, for the Sixth
Indiana District, and Wm. MoCutcheon. for
the First Missouri District. The_appoint
went of all subordinate officers under the
act approved July 20, has been transferred
from the Internal Revenue Office directly
to the Secretary of the Treasury.
Diseased Cattle in New Jersey.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.i
NEW Jzuszy, Aug. 12.--Gov. Ward has
written to Gen. N. Harris Halstead, Presi
dent of the N. J., Agricultural Society, cal.i
ing his attention to tho presence of diseas
ed cattle> in that State,,and asking him to
take action , under the law giving certain
powers to the Society in such emergencies,
and suggesting co-operation with the town
ship authorities in order to secure to the
people of the State the full benefit of the
sanitary laws. .
In pursuance of the above, tho, following
-notice has been issued: -
To all Whom it may Concern; From and
after this date all cattle from _the States of
Illinois, Missouri and Texas, and all dis
eased cattle from any of the other States,
are positively forbid,den to be brought into
this State until this order is revoked as au
thorized by law.
By order of N. Harris Halstead, President
of the Now Jersey State Agricultural
eIY. Wm. M. Force, Newark, New Jersey,
August 12,1888.
• The Cattle Disease.
CBI Teksravtirto.the Plltsbaratithltatte. l
4fLtl/Aiir, N. Y.; 12.—Tentlfteettlun
dred head of cattle changed hands to day,
Toe "best . extra.lllinois sold; atilliaS9fe;
holders have sustained heavy losses be
cause'of the plague 'Pardo. Total Receipts;
7,000: head, of which only : 21 have llied,
nearly 2,000 head remain unsold.
• Louisiana Legislature. , ' •
air I Teiesrspn to the Pittsburgh °Scotts.)
itlintr.OntAris, August 12.—1 n the San
ate to-day, the minority report of the Corn-.
mutes on Elections confirming the rights
of the pitting three Democratic Senainis
from New Orlogths, Messrs. r.rsnglian, Og
den and Emits, le seattiwas adopte4l.
FOUR,c,lcs. A. • M.
Napoleon's Recent Speech—Nego
tiations Concerning German
Emigrants—Hungarian Army
Bill L. Servian /Prince Ii ant
georgewich—An Interview Be
tween the Czar of Russia and
Ring of Prussia—Markets, &c.
03y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh blazette.l
LONDON, August 12.—The recent speech
of Napoleon is much commented on here.
Some newspapers consider it as an assur
ance of peace, while others think it really
a cover for war preparations. ,_
Bzwarr, Aug. 12.—The Wezer Gazette of
to-day says the -Chancellor of the North
German Confederation has been authorized
to enter into negotiations with the "United
States and other foreign powers,- for" the
purpose of establishing a new international
law providing for the protection and treat
ment of emigrants on ( high seas. The
same journal also states that the City of
Busmen has been requested to so modify
its laws on emigration that they may con
form to those of the City of Hamburgh.
The Federal Government proposes to ap
point an agent. whose duty it shall be to
watch over the embarkation of emigrants
from the German ports and , report all abu
PERTH, August 12.—The army bill passed
the Upper House of tha Hungarian Cham
bers without a dissenting voice. The Lower
House has adjourned until the 16th of Sep.
The indications are that the Servian
Prince Alexander Karageorgewich, now in
prison here, will be condemned by the le
gal tribunal before which ho is to be brought
on complaint of the Servian RegeneY.
Wry.siannx, August . Emperor
Alexander of Riissia is stopping at Lan
gerscwalbach, about eight mile from this
place. The - Ring of Prussia arrived there
yesterday and had an interview with the
Czar. It is understood their conversation
was of a must pacific character. '
LISBON, August 12.—The Duke do Mon
pensier has addressed a communication to
the Queen of Spain protesting against the
Royal order condemning himself and the
Duchess of Monpensier to exile. ,
LONDON, August 12--Evening.—Consols,
money - VW; aceount - 94. Bonds, ,72;
92 1 4; trie; 37.
PARIS, Aug. 12.—Bourse dull; Routes
opened at 70 francs and 2 centimes.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 12—Cotton is Armor;
sales of 12,000 bales uplands, ON,a10;
Orleans, 10X ,alo3‘. Clover send is hold at
535. 6d.
LONDON, An g. 12.—Sugar is quiet and
steady at 255. 6d. to arrive; 365. on the spot.
ANTWEDP, Aug. 12.—Petroledm heavy.
FRAN FORT, Aug. 12.-5-20 bonds closed
dull at 75%®753i. '
By Telegraph to the Plttspurgh Gazette.)
CIN NNATI, August 12.—The Democrats
held their Convention to-day to nominate a
Candidate to represent the First and Second
Ohio Districts in Congress. Gen. P. W.•
&rimier was unanimously nominated on
the first ballot to oppose Hon. Benjamin
Eggleston, in the First District. No 'can
didate was nominated for the Second Die
tria, but Gen. Carey, the workingmen's
candidate and the present representative,
wiis endorsed and the party pledged to his
support. For county officers Thomas .1.
Stevens was nominated for Sheriff, and J.
M. Noble for Auditor.
NAs uvi LLE, August 12.—The Republican
State Convention met to-day. Hon. Horace
Maynard was chosen President and the
Vice Presidents and Secretary we ap-
Pointed. •
A letter from - Governor Brownlow was
received and a Committee was appointed
to draft resolutions relative to the death of
Thaddeus Stevens.
A very active contest has been in pro
gress for some weeks in this Congressional
district between S. C. Mercer and W. R.
Prosser, candidates for the Republican
nomination: TheDistriet Nominating. Con
vention met in this city to-day, and only
two delegates appearing from this county
both were ruled out. The votes of the re
maining counties were then taken, with
the following result: Mercer, 14; Trimble,
(no candidate,) 14; Prosser, 8; Harrison, 2.
Without taking another ballot the Conven
tion adjourned sine die. This unexpected
action of the Convention laves both the
candidates in the field, without the pros
pect of an adjustment of the controversy
except at the polls.
. OF.TTYSILURG, Pa., August 10.—The Ad
ams 'County Democratic Convention met
here to-day, and made the following nomi
nations: For Congress, William McClain;
Senate, Joseph McDevitt, subject to the
decision of the district conference. For
Assembly was nominated Dr. Dill; Asso
ciate Judge, Joseph Duhn; District Attor
ney, William Duncan. Mr. McDevitt was
a member of the Baltimore Convention in
1881, aud,voted for the secession of Mary
LOUISVILLE, August 12.—The Democrat
ic Congressional Convention of the Fifth
District of Kentucky to-day. nominated
Boyd Winchester. The resolutions, en
dorse . the platform end nominees of the
New, York National Conventioh..
, .
CAStIBLIC, August 10,--The CumbeHind
County Republican Convention met to-day.
Nomblationalor Congress and State Senate
were deferred. William B. Parker was
nominated for District Attorney, and J. B.
Gish for Assembly.
Ritz:item; 'A.ugtiSt .—The State Conven
tion of Democrats and Conservatives meets
to-morrow: , 'DelegateSare arriving and a
large Convention is anticipated. Presiden
tial electors will be appointed.
BURLINGTON, VT., Aug. 12.--The _ Third
District Republican CanVontion to-day
nominated Worthitigton C. Sinith for
Congress. George Wilkins' was named as
greaidontialelactor. - ,
Ifor.;44NoTosr, PA., August 12.—The Re
publican Convention, yesterday, renomi
nated Hon. D. J.*lturrell for Congress,
How Re Passed /&way—Reiigious
Consolation—Preparations for
the Funeral--T e Body Em
balmed and to ie in State at
the Capitol--H t is to be Buried
on Monday Ne t at Lancaster.
WASHINGTON. Au st 12.—The Pitts
burgh Chronile special says : The an
nouncement that Thaddeus Stevens , died
last night at twelve o'clock excited some
stirprise;as it was not known his condition
was so critical. To ( his immediate. house
hold, however, his death was not unlooked
for, as be has been growing weakerlor sev
eral nays. Yesterday be remarked to those
around him that he w 4: rapidly sinking,
and had no hope of ever resuming bis ac
customed seat in the Capitol During the
day, however, he: conversed with
cheerfulness and animation on various sub
wts. He referred to Attorney General
Everts in terms of marked kindness. He
grew feebler towards night, and about four
o'clock became speechless. His physician
called at about nine o'clock, and discovered'
that the veteran's end was drawing near.
His last .hours were calm, and painless.
Only a feiv members of his immediate fam
ily were present, with two Sisters of Chari
ty from Providence Hospital, for whom
Mr. Stevens has always manifested great
regard, and whOM he has materially aided
in securing an appropriation for the erec
tion of the Hospital buildings in their
charge. About ten minutes betore his
death, having obtained permission of his
friends, Sister Loretta performed the bap
tismal rite.
Up to the very Mat Mr. Stevens continued
to take a profound interest in public affairs.
On Monday he expressed considerable anx
iety in regard to the state of the country,
and frequently referred to the condition of
affairs in Louisiana. Ho expressed the
hope-that Mr. Johnson might abstain from
anything likely to create trouble, and
hoped that no necessity would arise for the
re-assembling of Congress in September.
He was Much better yesterday morning
than he had been for months apparently.
but in the afternoon ho: became ill, and
sank rapidly up to nudnight, when he
breathed his, last . His physicians suc
ceeded in alleviating bodily pain, but could
not prolong his life: Before death the old
Commoner directed that his remains should
be laid oat by his housekeeper, and were
to be seen by, no ono else until enshrouded.
The funeral -will take place at Lancaster
next Sunday. '
The arrangements for Mr. Stevens' fu
neral have not yet been fully completed.
His remains have been embalmed and pre
sent a wonderfully life-like appearance.
They now lie in the parlor of his residence
on Capitol Hill, whore visitors are constant
ly coming and going. Ho will be buried at
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and his remains
will probably be removed to his residence
at that place, oh Friday, although the time
has not yet been definitely settled. The
funeral ceremonies at Lancaster will not
take place until Sunday or Monday next.
Mr Telegraph to the PltUburgh Gazette.)
By our own dispatches we learn that the
arrangements made for the funeral of Hon.
Thaddeus Stevens have not yet been fully
completed and will not be until the arrival
thereof Mr.-McPherson. Clerk of the House
of Representativei, who is expectdd there"
early to-morrow morning. The process of
embalming the body was performed under
the direction of the Surgeon Geioral.
The body lies embalmed in a full
suit of black with & black scarf
around the neck. A few days after
the adjournment of Congress Mr. Stevens
was attacked with diarrhea, which, though
occasionally checked, leaving him at times
quite well and cheerful, was at last the
cause of his death. About ten days ago he
became unable to leave his apartment, but
sat up at short intervals. During the
past week, and until Saturday morn
ing, when, there wore evident signs
of a change' for the worse, as he then -be
came exceedingly feeble and showed a
marked indisposition tomengage in any con
versation, as he had done previously. From
that time all visits of strangers were prohib
ited., Yesterday and Monday be scarcely
spoke to any one and lay most of the time
with his hands crossed and his eyes closed as
f asleep. The only signs he gave of conscious
ness being, feeble mutterings and slight
motions of'hands. In the afternoon yes
terday, however, he revived for a time and
conversed with cm‘ideratile cheerfulness
and oven with aniniatioti - on a variety of
ordinary topics and though ho continued
to grow feeble r.during the rest of the day,
yet he retained his consciousness and the
power of speech up to within a few mo
ments of, his death. His last words
were 'to ask " for a piece of ice.
Many persons called to see him during the
evening, but none were admitted until
after about six o'clock, when two colored
clergymen named Reed and Hall, whOluid
some months before expressed a desire to
pray with him, wore sent for at his request
and coming to his bedside invoked divine
blessing on him. One of these men was
at the death-bed of Jno. Q. Adams.
Mr. Stevens seemed somewhat affected by
the prayers and at the close thanked
them with a feeble voice and a pressure of
the hand. About ten minutes before his
death, Sister Loretta asked and obtained
consent to baptize him, and the solemn rite
was administered in silence, which was
rendered more impressive by the stillness
of iho late hour of night. At, this time
his breathing was very much ob
structed and he appeared to suffer
from violent palpitation of the heart, but
this passed off, and during the five minutes
before he breathed his last ho lay motion
less and quiet, as if in a gentle sleep.
Among many others who have called this
evening to view the remains were Secre
tary Schofield, Attorney General Evarts,
Senator Sumner, General Eakin and
Surgeon General Barnes.
The body of Mr. Stevens will Bain state in
the rotunda of the Capitol to-morrow from
noon until its departure on Friday for Lan
caster, whither it will be escorted by a spe
cial train. The remains will be guarded
by a company of colored Zonavea of this
city, who have requested that honor.
The arrangements for the funeral in
this city have not been completed.
The religious ceremonies will probably.
be conducted by the Chaplain of the Sen
ate, Rev. Dr. Gray, assisted' by Rev. B. B.
Emery, of Pennsylvania. -
The Rev. Dr. , Boynton 'is absent from
Washington and cannot possibly be here in
time to attend the principal funeral, which
will take place ,at Lancaster at precisely
two/o'clock on Monday afternoon.
The Canada Fire Ended—The Nova, I3cotla
(By Telegraph to the rittaburgh Gazette.]
TORONTO, August 12.—The fire at Aymar
and vicinity, has exhaueted Itself. The
crops In tne section through which the fire
passed were, destroyed. A - dispatch from
Halifax says that Attorney General, Wil
kins' restitution protesting against the con
federation passed the - House of Assembly.
It is understood the local Government is
canvassing the propriety of an appeal to.
'the people to show that Nova Scotia de-
Ikea it.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.?
NEW YORK, August 12, 1868
The Board of Health, with the consent
of the New Jersey authorities, have select
' ed a new quarantine ground ( for sickly
and infected cattle, and all such have been
removed to the new yard. Dr. Harris
states that no diseased beef has been on
sale in this city for two or three days. As
Governor Fenton has ordered inspections
at Salamanca, Elmira,
Buffalo and Albany,
no fears are felt that any diseased cattle
will reach this city. The cattle trade was
dull to-day and prices lower, ranging from
12 to 16c. Hogs dull at 10.5@11e. Receipts
—l,BBO cattle, 4,662 hogs.
At a meeting of Master Masons to-day,-
the subject of appointing a committee to
confer with that of the journeymen, was
referred to the Executive Committee with
power to act.
The Ship Owners' Association to-day ap
pointed a committee to frame a memorial
to the Secretary of the Treasury asking for
the removal of the system giving power of
employing their own lightermen and cart
men to ship owners themselves. It is now
exercised by the Collector. A convention
'of shipowners of New England and New
York m to meet in. Boston in December.
The Democratic State Central Committee
will meet at Utica to-morrow, to decide on
a day for the State Convention.
Azariah Boody, President of the Toledo
& Wabash Railroad, sailed on the Scotia to
day for Europe. Among the passengers by
the Vile de 'Paris was Count Lattum of
Russia, who goes to Washington as Sec!re
tary to the Russian Legation, and succeeds
Baron von Kassereau, lately recalled at
the instance of Mx. Seward for i9eing en
'gaged in a due: with Mr. Lawrende.
_ .
The steamer "Guiding Star" from Aspin
wall arrived.
The steamer ' , Guiding Star" brings 1702,-
000 treasure. She was detained thirty
hours at Aspinwall _ for the Nebraska's
passengers, owing to the damage to the
railroad by heavy rains.
An immense Mass meeting of working
men was held at the Cooper Institute this
evening, in support of the Bricklayer's
strike. Over twentytrade associations par
ticipated. Will J. Jessup, President of the
Workingmen's Union, was Chairman.
The Minerah4 or West Virginia
(Correspondence Pittsburgh Gazette.]
13A1.T1 310E13, MD., AllgUSt -11th, 18
The editor of the Clarkshurgh's National
Telegraph, of August 7th, "never heard of
any iron ore in lipsher, nor of any veins of
bituminous coal more than two feet thick."
I send you a copy of a letter from W. T.
Higginbotham, of Bucknannon, Upsher
county, West Virginia.
BUCK 11A,NNON, W..VA., 22d Feb., 1863.
Mn. J. L. N., Dear Sir: Yours of the
16th inst. is just received. The distance
from this place to the Bond Land is some
twelve (l 2) miles, and my knowledge of it
is accurate as to a considerable part of it,
from frequent surveying done by me; as a
whole it embraces Clarger amount!of good
land, than any survey of similar size that
I have ever surveyed; the soil is very pro
ductive in all the crops that are known to
our farmers; for grazing Iregardit as equal
to any part of the State; and as regards
fruit, say apples and peaches, you know
from what yon saw last fall, that it wile
compare with any place. The survey is
abundantly supplied - with water by the
Buckhannon ana Hanawharivers and their
tributaries, the streams offering any
amount l of water power for mills, dtc., and
in the way of timber, I,do .not hesitate to
say that in the way of oak; poplar, hicko
ry, sugar, walnut, maple,• cherry, beech
and chestnut, that it is not surpassed by
any other survey large or small. Bitumin
ous coal - is abundant and cannel 'coul is
found In large qnantities and of superior
quality. /find iron ore that seems to me to
be nearly pure. The beds of rock
are what we call sand stone and
valuable for building, as it can be split
in any length with as much percision; as
tember, it dresses to a smooth face, and
tire does not make an impression for a long
time. The general description of this land
I think may properly be put under the
head of rolling, better than hilly. Lead
ore has been found, and I think that one
versed in mineralogy would be apt to make
discoveries. But one thing I ,do know in
regard to this bind, and it is this, that if
money and muscle would take hold that
these bond lands would soon be the garden
spot of Upshur.
Yon may think that my conclusions are
hasty, but they are the sincere and sober
_convictions of my mind after twenty odd
years of active surveying.
I remain, my dear air, with much re
spect, yours.
I have a desire that you will publish the
above letter in confirmation of Hon. D. L.
T. Farnesworth's statement. If you print
it please send a copy of your i paper to illy
address,. No. 52 Courtland street, Balti
more, Md. ' Very respectfully,
Leilug Pittsburgh for Pittsburgh's Self.
(Correspondence of the Plttebnrgh Gazette.).
I loft Pittsburgh yesterday, (sth,) slept
at Crestline, Ohio, where • we were com
fortably lodged at the "Continental." I
have not yet recovered my regret at leaving
Pittsburgh, though as a residence I could
scarce endure it, the smoky atmosphere,
where a brilliant sun is seldom seen, the
absence of all verdure, all variety—not a
shade tree, no flower gardens or beautiful
parks, destitute of all nature—in short, and
worse than all, the deplorable crossways,
the horrible shrieks of the railroad engines
as they crgss the different bridges, also
steamboat whistles which remind one of
an Indian war-whoop, from early morn till
evening at midnight ever the same, (the
English tourist may well remark, "the
Americans are fond of a noise," for I cer
tainly never witnessed it so strongly veri
fied as during my short stay in Pittsburgh,)
Would give me the horrors: But as a visitor
my' curiosity was not half gratified. The
magnificent manufactories of glass, iron,
brass, steel, and the rolling mills, &c., the
incessant clang of the beautiful machinery,
which inventions come nearer to Clod'e
works of nature than anything we have
ever beheld in the art and skill of marl a
fore. I should have liked to have stayed
few days longer—perhaps, after ..._. ng i n
reason to rejoice that instelid or Uri
away from Pittsburgh a
pressionof satiety. disgust a disagreeable im
l have quitted it With feelings
of admira
tion, of deep regret, and u ndiminished in
...attsburgh I I could
terest. Farewell then,
my eyes to leave a
not have believed it possible that it would
have brought tears s to
own sake, and unen
place merely for i
doared by the Prese nce of any one I loved.
C. S. U.
Edward itelds, one of the oldest
citizens of Lafayette, Ind., and 'lather of
Major Gen. J. J. Reynolds, commanding
the department of Texas, and of W. F.Rey
nolds, the former the President of the La
fayette and Indianapolis Railroad. Cornea
died at his residence At nine o'clock
yesterday morning, aged 92..
—The flea plague has broken ont in New —
—A fatal case of cholera has sp'pearcd in
Weschester N. Y. :
—Secretary Seward is in Washington
with fully restored . health.
—The Steamship ColuMbia, froth Havana,
arrived, at New York yesterday.
—There are now only three eiIFICK of yel—
low fever at :New York quaramine.
—The Taylor Barracks of Louisville.
were destroyed by fire Tuesday night.
—Mrs. Vanderbilt has recovered her
speech, and is entirely over her recent stroke
of paralysis. • '
—The Humboldt Tannery. at Candor
Tioga county, was burned on Sunday. Loser
V5OOO, partially insured.
—The cholera has entirely disappearea
at Havana. Clean bills of health will ba
giVen from and after to-day.
. -
—James Mellon was sentenced, yester
day to five years in the State prison, by s
Boston judge, for pocket picking:
—At Boston, the caulkers' strike for eight
hours and four dollars a day still continues.
The ship carpenters' strike, is at an end,
—Rev. Thomas G. Allen, for many years
an Episcopal city missionary of New York
died soon after preaching a sermon yester
day afternoon. i
—Hon. Cal .lb Cushing declares that the
Kimberly Brothers and C. C. Wdoley have
no case against Gen. Butler, andadyises a.
settlement of the affair. •
—At Shark River, Monmouth county,
New Jersey, Tuesday, Wm.. W. Wooley
shot a man named Barton Flemhig, killing
him instantly. NV ooley was arrested.
—Mr. Johnson has informed the,Secretary
of War that the Southern gOvernments
fully recognized by . the Executive, and
will be treated with in a regular: ay here
—The latest letters from England show
that the drouth has notserionslY affected
cereal crops, and the demand s, for grain
from this, country will not be so large as
was expected...
—Gen.Wade died suddenly at Avon
dale, Ohio', yesterday. He was Appointed
Brigadier General at the commencement of
the late war, and had charge of Camp Den
nison for a long time.
The, Republicans of the Seventh _dis
tant, Cliester county, Pa., yesterday nomi
nated Washington Townsend for Congress.,
In Wyoming county Ulysses Mercui was
nominated for Congress..
I—The - first bale of new cotton was re
ceived yesterday at_ Selma, Ala:; from the
"plantation of George P. Itakeri: 6; Co. It
weighed 510 pound*, was classed,middling,
and sold at thirty-five cents.
—Senator Buckingham, of Cennectiont,
who has entirely recovered from•his recent
severe attack of illness, was present at the
Re-union of the Fifth Connecticut Regi
ment in Hartford on Monday.
—The Crawford connty'Republican Com
mittee yesterday refused to ratify H. C.
Johnson's nomination for Congress, by a.
vote of 32 to 15. The'Chairman was author—
ized to appoint now conferees. 1
—The flags on the- Custom House, Post
office, Independence Hall, newspaper offi
ces, and many private buildings', in Phila
delphia are at half mast, in respect to the
. ,
memory of Thaddeus Stevens.
—Capt. Rich. Roberts,who forisome time
past has had the general agency For collect
ing pensions in Hartford, has just been ar
rested on the charge of forging ipowers of
attorney to dined the pensions.'
—A Telegram from Capt. Hatchker's of
the bark H. Trowbridge, dated Halifax,
gives the names of those rescued from that
'{,vessel. Five of the crew and one of the,
Captain's children were drowned.... _—_
—Mr. Clarke, chief of the treasury print
bureau, has got himself .into trouble
again. It is reported that gigantic treasury
frauds have been traced to his department,
• and he has asked for an investigation.
—The Democratic Congressional Conven
tion of the First District of Michigan nom
inated Hon. M. J. Mills, ex-Mayor of De
troit city. In the Fourth District they nom
inated Lyman G. Mason, of Multegaxi.
—At Cincinnati the game of,. base ball
yesterday afternoon between the Cincin
natis of that city and the Forest City
club, of Cleveland, resulted in favor of the
former.' Score, forty-four to twenty-two.
—The Spanish fever is increasing among
the cattle in NeW , Jersey, and a large num
ber of cows in the drove yards are now in
kine quarantine. The Beard: of Health
hope to prevent the spread of the disease.
Experts in Buffalo say there is no 00-.
casion for alarm about the cable disease..
The, animals affected are such as have been
overheated by - hard driving during the late
- warm spell and confined in clbse freight
cars. Rest and fresh air will eradicate the
-Nelson Cummincs, conductor on
freight train on the Worcester Railroad;
was killed at noon yesterday ils the train
. was about starting. He slipped as he was
getting up between two cars. Fell with his
neck across the rail and his head was en
tirely cut off. /
—The ship Emerald Isle, froth Liverpool.
AUGUST 18133
arrived in New York Tuesday:night, hav
ing on board 871 passengers, all of whet&
are Mormon emigrants: Therewere thirty
seven deaths and three births' during the
passage. The typhoid and - typhus fevers
are among them. The vessel is at quaran
—General Harney will leave St. Louts:
next week for the Upper Missouri to per
fect arrangements' . for the removal of In
dians into the Northern reservations. lie
will make his headquarters at Tort Ran
dall. General Sherman loftiest night for
Omaha, and General Harney will meet him
there. Lewis Downing. chief of the Chero
kees, with a number of delegates from that
tribe arrived here last night from the
east. • -
norntLo, August 12.—Flour - quiet; No! 1
c ity ground spring $lO. Wheat quiet; No!
ikiiiwaukee Club $2,10; sales 3000 hush am
-ber Michigan at $2,25; also, sal6 3,400 bash •
old white Michigan at $2,45. Corn steady;
stock sound, but light; sales 40,000 bush
mixed western at $l,OB, and 16,000 bush do
at $1,07%. Oats quiet; sales 13,800 bush
new at 67c. Rye nominal. Barley; none
here. Mesa Pork firm at s3o',:. for heavy.
Lard 18a184c. Receipts —lB,OOO bush
wheat, 105,000 bush corn, 33,006 bush oata„
4000 bbls flour. Shipments-42,000 bush
wheat, 70,000 bush corn, Ffeights un
NEW ORLEANS, August .12..40tt0n quiet.
and steady; middling uplands 29c; sales.
27 bales; reco!pts 1-Erhales. Sterling 5735 a
6034. New York Sight Drafts 1 ,4 premium.
G01d.144‘. Sugar and Molasses nominally
unchanged. Flour . dull; Superfine $8,60;
XXX $9,50a10.50; choice sllal4 Corn 31,10
a 1,15. Oats—new, 67a70c. Jiay . $.2.5a27
from store. Bran /$1,22. Potk_steadYiat
$3l. Bacon dull; shoulders 19141114 c, clear
sides 1714. Lard—no gales, Inft held at 1835
al9c for tierce and 20141121 foik,-g. No ha/.
and scarcely any grain on theilatiding,
It UMBE R 193
Batalo Mai:ket,
New Orleium Market