Ell qt . IlittOutgt 00,irt.tt. 'For the Pittsburgh Gazette.] DEMOCRACY. . - Do on want to see the greenbacks as plenty as tfie leaves 'That strew the ground in Autumn beneath the . a 31 f mute orest t y r o e e r s a ' dollar equal to the smallest nickel 1 coin ? Theli t h e r e i t e j a o h i r d , my.beantleos, and with Cops. and A d - raise the Democratic shout for Seymour and "Blair, ' • Do yri l u e ' .. lh o i c iSh .that Thomas _Jefferson, that ancieni Who wrote tci a elleelaration, was ig ran t old flat ?. Because he pugalshed to the worid4t highfalutin strain ' "Boot Veal 11 14ta maakiad. and abcnred . • edbr a? • If ao, , then vote for Seymour and his adjutant - Frank Bhp. ' Do you wish to see the rebels whom we thrashed In sixty-gyn. Arrayed again for battle and as wickedly alive 7o drive their blowe at Liberty and flre,upon her thig, And cut the throats of loyal men and flaunt their rebel rag V' -- " If that's your wish, then cast your votse for f e y - knohr and, for Blair. \ Let all repudiators and all rebels fall in rank, -AndFlye their-Y/o'y loudest shout for Seymour and - • or Fronk, Foe all their ammunition will be needed in the When they meet with Clrant and Colfax. and loyalty and right— To the storm Novembers brewing for Seymour and for EPHEMERIS. —Kellogg has come home. , —Gignoux is painting Niagara again. --Hartz, the illusionist, is at St. Paul. —Steam canal boats run on the Erie canal. —An artist in tatooing hangs ont in New York. • Solon: Shingle Owens is going to the accident. —Several European railways are running to Greece. —Wagner sneers contemptuously at Gounod's music. - -Blind Tom likes Long Branch, where he is now itaying. —Eight hundred Americans are now re-_ aiding in Dresden. —Ku-Klux-Klana now call themselves Seymour Knights. —St. Lawrenc9 O'Toole is the name of a church in St. Louis. —Farmers' in Montana are trying to domesticate the Buffnlo. —The Springfield 'Republican protests against the netting of trout. —The renowned French gymnast, Leo tard, is coming to America this year. —An exchange says that Seymour stands. -a fair chance of carrying-the Dry Tortugas. —A gentleman in Troy, New York, has his sixth wife, all the first lot have died off. —Kelley and Leon's Minstrels are the only public amusement now in Washing ton. —Some one has offered Maggie Mitchel *lO,OOO - if she will never again play Fan chon. • —Basket carriages, drawn by ponies arid driven by ladies, are very modish now, at Newport. —Aman in Muskeg°, Wis., drank soine fly-poison recently and died three hours aftentards. Thtirlow weed, wno is in London; is somewhat better, and is able to sit np a little every day. —Husbands in Newark murder their wives if dinner is- too late. At least one did last week. ,=-Houston claims to hake produced the first bale of '6B cotton. (This Houston . is the Texas one. =The Xing of Siam has had thirty-five wives; also twenty-nine eons and thirty three daughters. 1 . - —Blr John liacDonald, the Canadian - - premier, is in Halifax looking after the rev olutionists there. ,--There are 861 boys at Eton, and 761 of them study French. Two years ago but 70 studied that language. —Chisnons and falsl teeth , are quite. (re ," quently washed upon the beach at Long Branch, but nobody ever claims them.. • —iticomplete letter writer—Seymour.— , _Boston Post. If he An't, complete now, he will ba thoroughly finished up in Novem ber. —The Print"' Joinville had 1:1,000 stolen from; him at 'Wiesbaden the other day by a political spy who was looking for The Prussian ambulancee are herettiter . ,to have female attendants, and'quite a num ber of women are now in training fo r th a t ,service. 1 —There is a man in a lunatic asylum in England who believes that the British Gov ernment wishes to build an iron foundrx in - . 'his stomach. —Gen. `.Lee wants to come north but does not knew how he will be received. Un luckilyhe will be sure not to get the recep -Lion he deserves. • —The man who crossed the Atlantic, or says he,did, in the yacht Red, White and in _.1314 . e, is London, without money enough to bring him home. - - — 7 Trayelers say Toledo is the filthiest cit3l on'this continent. What has the au iho of the ".Great City" pamphlet to say .b - b:: h a e t, ie w e e o w his on e d fn er et ? ed by the e ,ne, y notoriety Iv *c p h r: hi T s S bro 4 th has er has aeo w n on w , h th o a i t s h a e is w t:O e u r ; to abandon the bar and take orders. A physician of good repute and prac ti says that carbolic acid will Cure con pthin,, if the patient will habitually Itthe an atmosphere impregnated by it —Jarrett a Palmerhaye brought out the 'White Fawn at the Chesnut street Theatre in Philadelphia, with Bonfanti, Wesmael, flohlke, 13chlaeger and others in the ballet. —The lightning struck a lager beer brew ery at Kewitune, Wis., • last Friday night, bursting the large beer tanks and setting free some three hundred barrehi of the bev erage. —lnspiration, Creation, Melioration and 13alvatic? "'are the *ales of. articles in the August nuinber of Wynkoop'e new nutga. sine, "Good Pepe." We lookid for Carna tion but In vain. • , —We notice in the Market, says' the Alto . Calf/any:a of July 13th, piirPle figs from . Stockton,Whfch weigh .% quarter of a pound avordupols each, and ` are.nearly as large man's fbli: the fig being the lightest fruititi proportion to its size that is grown in the State. —A man who objected to the broken and disconnected notes of the mosquito, bought a net and says he is now satisfied as they all get inside and keep up a steady hum, which is pleasantei. —The would-be fumy "Fat Contributor" has found a man in Cincinnati who is so wicked that he can discount the-Wm York wicked man, give him twenty-five points and then beat him. —Gen. Grant moved ibis" familYi trunks and all, to his farm out of St. Louis, and is reported_to.have saiii,t -mailed an army ands ,. family, and, of the two, it is easier tomove the arm - Y. • —Baxter's prophecies - are coming true. This is_the yiar - lh which he said the Jews were to go back to Jerusalem, and several hundred families are actually going from Wurtemburg and Bavaria. —The heir to the vice-regal throne of Egypt is to marry the houri-like niece of the Sultan. His 'harem is pretty well stocked already, considering his age, but he wants a vice-regina for it. —The Queen of 'England and the Crown Princess of Prussia have had a row, and as the Queen threatens to disinherit her daugh ter, the Princess Alice encourages her, in hopes of coming in for the eldest sister's share. —There are said to be 225,000 threshtng Machines in this country, and that thdy save five per cent. more of the grain than did the flail. This would make a total - yearly salvage for this country alone of 19,000,000 of bushels worth V 0,000,000. —The tenants in New York are co-oper ating against landlords, and yet, in spite of what tenants may think, landlords are men and sometimes have souls. In fact, as soon as a tenant owns a couple of horses he begins to look through the landlord's spec tacles. —The latest Yankee dodge' is that of a Connecticut editor ' who published an ac— count of his own death by having &lien under the cars whilst on a visit to New York City. The object of this was to find out the whereabouts of his wife who had deserted him. . —There is some talk of establishing a new weekly paper in New York, that shall be humorous and suited to the better class of readers. We have long stood in need of a paper similar to what Punch waa in it's palmy days, but devoted to American inter ests principally. —An American student at Heidelberg rather astonished the German youth there by accepting a challenge and choosing pistols. Their ridiculous sword fights were too small play for him. He shot his antag nist dead, and since then Americans are al lowed to study in peace. —Chicago has retired from the lists in de spair and Cincinnati stamrs confessed, the champion city for suicides. Three a day is the average with an exfra or two for Sun days, to say nothing' of th 6 Wade woman who can't Ldel comfortable after she has had her dinner until she has made her attempt to commit suicide. .• Last year the Republican nominees in - Philadelphia had not the confidenee of the people and failed to be elected. This year the Republican nominees in Philadelphia have, as they well deserve, the unbounded respect of all parties, and will, in all human probability, be triumphantly elected. -The fir' st" sewing machine was invented by a German citizen of Vienna, in 1815. There is still extant a cotemporaneous des cription of its wonders, but Madersperger, the inventor,-was not the sort of man calcu latedlo inecessfdly introduce it, and des pite the importance , of the invention the public mind was too much occupied by the Napoleonic wars to allow any impression to be made upon it without much pushing. The next machine we hear of was invented some five or six yeara before the Howe, by Mr. Corliss, of -engine fame. This machine was in constant use in his family, and he fully intended to have it patented but was so busied with his new engine that he neg lected it until it was too late: MANUFACTURING ITEMS. —A locomotive steam elevator Is being made in New Haven. —ln Auburn, N. Y-, there is a large manufactory of carpet-looms. —The Archimedean axle works at Au burn, N. Y., manufacture 35,000 sets of axles yearly. -Over fifty freedmen have arrived, from the South, at the slate quarry at Brown vine, Me., where constant employment is provided for theM. —One factory in Lowell uses up 1,200,000 feet of lumber yearly, and keeps 25 hands constantly employed at working in wood; 8 of these hands do nothing but box making. --Topsfield, Mass., is rivalling Lynn in the shoe business. Ono new manufactory there is five stories high; and another large one has recently had a long two•storied wing added to it.. • —The Union . plow - Works, at Peoria, one of the largest establishments of the kind in the country, and turns out a large number of excellent implements which find•.a ready western market. —Among other useful articles, the Auburn tool company turns out 150 pairs of skates per day, although in this season of the year one needs a good deal of imagination to think ea skates at all. There are 75 hands employed during the summer • by this company. There are two different patent "Mow ing" repears and mowers; they are both ex cellent and were invented by two cousins; „these are both manufactured at. Rockland, Illinois. where they 'have: very large and substintial•w9rks'which tarn out frdm three to four 'thousand of each Machine yearly' —Mrs.'Hannah'Yetiton, of, Oxford, aged 82'years,; during 'the past; year span, #7B. iheinsofhtenandfowi'lYOvellqoi4 B ,ol cloth; Mid a piece Of 1 . 011 cloth ' containing 30 yardi,'irhiek weighed when dose %Ma .five pounds and two , onneteitgit, of *Or she helped mikeren overviatihealdes-sini-: ing, knitting, butter-making andti work '; ' =MI PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1868 DENTISTRY TEETH kld'ilatTED wrritotrr PdIN S NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIPICLLL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A. FULL BET FOR $B, - :AT DR. SCOTTS. STB PENN STREET, 3D DOOR! ABOVE HAND. ALL WORN_W_ARNANTN.D. CALL AND EX MIME. arxciauxis OF GEM - JINN VDLCAN ITE. my9:dAT , GAS F/XT_URF.,I3.-- GAS FIXTITBES 3la ea cl. FOR GAB AND OIL Inat received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened In this city. WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD EMMET, COB. VIRGIN ALLEY. Eah2.01:n22 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &c. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. EMI' STONE, PLASTER., CIRIBINEY TOPS, WATER PIPES. I •D16:070 HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN. PIPE, Cheapest and best Pipe In the market. Also, BO SENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. &C. A. BBOCERI & co. Office and Manntketory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Air Orders by mall promptly attended to. 7e2z:r9:3 MERCHANT. TAILORS. su ER GOODS. Boys', Youth's and Children's SUMMER CABER:MIME SUITS, LINEN SUITS. DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present season. Oentlemen wilt rind a tine as• eortmeat of WHI CE rind BROWN DUCK SUITS. - ALPACCA and FLANNEL COATS, &c. every garment being specially made for us by t7lie beat Eastern houses. Our prices ate as low as good goods can be sold at by any Arm East or West. GRAY & 1,06 . AN", HENRY MEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, PlttEtrurgb, Pa Constantly on hand, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERICS. WI-STINGS, &c. ap2o:oBS PEARL MILL • FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, equal to the best St. Louis brands. PEARL MILL ma) BRAND, as good as toe best Ohio brands. WHITE COHN FLOUR and CORN MEAL. Oar See that all tacks are sealed and dated. • IL T. ICIMMIIiY & 880., • an7:4l PEARL MILL. E WOULD INVITE THE AT TENTION of the loin* trade to the supe rior ty of our SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are manufacturing from the best select ed Southern Illinois and Tennessee Wheat. Prices as low as any in the market. J. S. 1./43451-E.TT jy3l:t72 Pittsburgh City Mills. TOBACCO AND CIGARS: JULIAN ALLEN, DZALER IN ALL KINDS OF • +LEAF TOBACCO ABB SEGABS, so. 13 SIXTH STREET; (National Bank of Com merceßuilding,) PITTSBURGH, Branch of 1751 Water street, N. Y. ap4:n77 DANIEL F. DINAN. EXCELSIOR WORKS. R.daW. ..TENICINSCON, Manufacturers aad Dealers la Tobacco, Snug, Cigars, Pipes, &a, 1%.1N0 6 VICDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY* •Ot.1; I"i6/.49) 34 i 9 9 HENRY W. HORBACH, - Confectionery and Bakery No. 5100 ,`LADIES` OYSTER SALOON attached GEO. SCHLELEIN, Fancy Cake Baker & . Confectioner, AND DEALSUR ' 7011.EIGN &DOMESTIC FRUITS & NUTS, No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny. air constasw iy on hand,,lCE CREAM , of various flavors. DYER AND SCO U3lll Fr . J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. no. 3 ST. cx.Ant writ.E.ET And Ross 185 and 187 'Third Street, my19:.164 PITTSBUREM. PA. LITHOGRAPHERS. ergiiinnLY Mtn. OM& QINGERLY & CLEIS, Bocce or oho. F. BOHUOHMAN CO.. • PRACTICAL LTT/lOGRAPTIEPAL The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Reads. Bonds Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas, Portraits, Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invita tionarks, &0., Nos. TA and Third stress. Pittsburgh. • WM: • • H. B. LYON, dealer of 'Weights Auld-Measures, No. 6 MI:MTH STREET, Inettrean Liberty and Ferry streets; Orden; promptly attended to. 1 1 : 1 FA*; , :003143.0410I' , Iail • • • JOHN PECI4. Ornamental Haii RAIN 'won't= AND PESUPUNNE, No. 13,3 hird street. near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Always on hand &End assortment of Ladies , 'WIGS, BANDS py S. Gentlemen's WIGS, TO. SCALPS' BRACELE TS. i I Agi A A gooti Trice In east will be given for RAW Hair • Ladles , and Gentlemen's r, Cutting donel • this neatest manner. • , . -mb2cal II \ II :11 7 -11 "' • O. 12CO. ' WARIMINGTON'REILLI9, IvAsHibruToN ESTRENT, Rear Pitsburtib.Gridn XI (Tatar W. vv. AbriMELSON, hilufaeturer of 00EN KUL,. RTE FLOM and I&PPED TEED. Orders de li vered In either any free 'of Opus. Grath of sZ Ids4s . ,shoSoPsd. ono Corp sui va short melee. • ANDS HENRY H. COLLINS, , 25 Wood street. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET FLOUR. LD BTERET, Between Seventh and Liberty. EMI /DRY GOODS. A VERY LARGE And Carefully Selected Stock, AT MIGMatUIiE 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny BLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLIN, UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, PILLOW. CASE MUSLIN, SHIRTING CHECK, HEAVY TICKING, GINGHAJSIS, PRINTS, DELAINEB. AT.PACCAB, COTT9iN TABLE DIAPER, LINEN TABLE DUPER, • ir., IRISH INEN, , TOWS 9, TOWELING, CASSIM RES, JEANS, GENrS WHITE SHIRTS, away; BALMORAL AND HOOP SHIRTS, WHITE AND COLORED CORSETS, sin GLOVES, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE MITTS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, Jo., A VERY LARGE STOCK, AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny MO NEW GOODSI AT J. AI. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 52 St. Clair St. NEW PRINTS, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW DELAINEd, ALL WOOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, for 25 orate. worth 50. WHITE (MOON ir•PRINTS. black figure; WHITE GROUND ALPACOAS, do; BLACK ALPACCA.,+, C BLACK DOESKIN ABBIMEREB; BLACK AND BLUE CLOW. • BLEACHED MaSLINS, • IRISH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY NEW W Remember the place; No. 52 St. Clair Street, _ Near Liberty, west side 87. MARKET STREET. 87. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLOSE STOCH OF DRESS GOODS 87 MABIiET STREET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS Je3o: 87.... MARKE T STBEZT.:.:B7. 115 WOOD ST. 115. AH,BITHNOT, SHANNON & CO., Na 116 Wood St., Pittsl=o4 Pa., WIEEOLV.SAIM DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT LOWEST ROTERN PRICES. iy2:584 168. NEW tmoDS. NEW ,ALIPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLAeli HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SiI4:OI[JCIC, Er No. 168 W,ylle Street. ja 168. 168. tapao:n4o) CABS, McCANDLESB & CO., ' (Late Wilson, Carr i 00:.) WHOLip.SAL* DEALITIfiI IN Fozeign and Ikmiestie Dry Goods, N0.99F. WOOD STREET. Third door above Dtamoad alley; Prrrelltraelf; PA* WALL :PAPER WALLP-WER, • - • AT REDUCED PR ICE S. , • . AMU; MIN 'UT; We will tiler onr i.reacrat dock Will ' .Pipers IdGfeatiii Reboil Price's. A /argo asoortoient of SATIN PAPETP, I , 3 thfills rooms, GeautONAL s as Rea° , lrlcet atieefoneili Fifth. .108. R. HUGHRS & SRO: EDUCATIONAL CHURCH SCHOOL, - (Lambeth COLLEGZ.) KITTANNING, PA. PRIMARY, PREPARATORY AND AOLDEMIC. TRUSTERs—jilidge Buffington, T. H. SheenScrger, Geo; W. thus, T. J. Brerstun, K. S. Golden- J. Mos.groce, J. W. Rohrer, -Ben j. Grant, J. ;K. Karcher. VISITORS, ax-Orricio—llt. Bev. J. K, B. Ker fOot. and the Standing Committee. This Institution commends itself especially to Churchmen. It is easy of access, and unsurpassed for healthfulnesrof location. students may pursue an elective course. Boarding , pupils are under the Rector's personal care. The year is divided into three terms. St/about thirteen Weeks each. Neces- - sary expenses. (excluslvo of Music and Modern Languages,) $9O to $lOO . per term. Christmas Term opens Sept. 9th. A. Special School for Girls; under the same general supervls on. . - For catalogue, au., rddress the Rector, Bey. J. K. KAR.cHER, Kittanning. Pa..- attBnti7•TrA RESSSELA.ER - POLSTECEINIC INSTITUTE, At Troy, N, Y. - Ve — thorough instruction In Civil. Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Chemistry and Naturar , Science. Graduates obtain most desirable post. Dons. Re-opens Fent. Stn. For the new Annual Register. gng ful informa.ion. address Prof. CHARLES DRUWNh, Director, Troy. H. Y. au3:tcB pEIIiNSYLVA NIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penna The Seventh Anneal Session of this Academy opens THURSDAY, bept. 3d. The buildings are new and complete in 'all theli appointments. - Particular attention given to the morals and per sonal habits of cadets. For chemists apply to CHARLES H. PAULSON, Esti , No. 73 W cod strret, Pittsburgh. or to Col. THEO. HYATT. Cheater, Pa. aarits3 EGARAY INSTITUTE_, ENGLI.hIt AND FRENCH, FOR YOUNG LADIES. NOD:WING AND DAY PIIPM, 1597 and 1529 SPRUCE STREET, Philadelphia, Pa., will re-open on MONDAY, Sept . 22d. French is the language of the family and Is catuttantiy spoken in the Institute. MADAME LPHERVI Y, Principal. jelbate-Rwr PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. B IL IITTOrti I A I II E D S TIULAI. I) , CHEAP. Schomacker's Gold Medal Pismo, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOMACXER PIANO cembines' all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a fleet class instrument, and has always been awarded Me highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, s orous and sweet. The workmanship, for darabilt and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from to $l5O, (according to style and finish, cheaper all other so-caned first class Piano. ESTEY'S COTT.MIE ORGAN - Stands at the head of all reed Mstruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of :tone of Any similar Instrument in the United States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out Q 1 order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for Ave years. BARB, ERASE &BITEPTLER, No. LS ST. CLAIR STREET. Inti 9 SECOND HAND MELODEONS AND ORGANS, In perfe:t order, from $35 to $l3O OH ABLOTTE BLUME, 42 Fifth st.„ 2d door above Wood. mhl2 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ELECTIO SUMMER COR11111), An infallible remedy for Bummer Complaint, Mar ' Ph e eter l ili g gh te as " .' "Vomiting' Bout Stomach and DR. HARRIS' CRIMP CBE, A specific for Cholera, Cramp's and Pala in the Btomacti, for sale by • .13ARRIS & EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Nreets, AGENTS F'oll, J. SCHOOMAKEIR.I4 SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, AicD VERDITER GREEN, The only yg green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It will loot better, last morLterfect satisfaction than any ;m e ant in the RATS AND CAPS. CLOSING OUT SALE! OF SLAW HATS, AT REDUCED PRICES, - AT M'CO*3ll dr, CO.'S, 3717 l3l WOOD STREET. • MARTIN LIEBLER, 117.12.118. IN FIATS, CAPS AND _FURS, Also. Manufacturer, Wholes&leand Retail Dealer in TRUNKS. VALISES., AC., :No. 332 SMITH• YIELD STREET, .Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET C ii!DiA, GLASS AND - QUEENSWARE, E !nix= wa) WAGE, PARIAH STATUETTES, 8 BOEOTIAN GLASS' 2 And other STAPLE AND FANCY IA GOODS. a great variety. - 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO mh27 100 WOOD STREET. Lja4dUgalif l(e) : • p - - --- qinE GREAT AMERICAN COM, 1 -BINATION. 1 1 1=0/4/O.LB, OVERSEIMING , AND SEWING IMMUNE. IT sass aroalquALL. , BEING ABSOLUTELY Mt BEST 'FAMILY MACHINE IN THE -WORLD, AND ' TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. - Agents wanted to sell this Ito:bine. , . Viretig ! , . • Arent tbr Wt- -gotu reamroras. Di ttmar TITTA AND MANN= IT -over Rtahudson.a Jewelry Ittore: -,4."‘"EiLja:q6,l 4ROIIITEOTEL BARI! al m"Es4 'Burr Houma: Atsociknos IllataMea, Nog. and • Bt. Olaar times. Putiburi r ty. 4, special attention stew IA the &dawns sad taildths'a UMW MUM ma tuna° mnumres. at: F OR ISALE. TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is about leaving the city and wishes to dispose of the property before removing. SAW -MILL, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, TWQ BARNS i with _good FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This property: will besold low. -Cash $2,500-1-balance on time to suit buyer. FARMIOF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improverhents comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the laud clear. FARM ;OF 180 ACRES, tear the line of railroad; very well located for ra ising stock; Improvements aregoodiand substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing live, rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Doliare, and would - rent for the amount in 'six years. A LARGE , LOT -OF GROUND,. having a river front, and very convenient Of access. - TANNER'I, conventett to the city, and having • well established custom or local trade connected therewith', &good dwelling rind forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS In Sharpsirtirg, near the railroad; would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That gine Hotel property, situated - at the Blslrsville Junction, containing fourteen garden!oms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garde and fruit trees. This. well locate hotel will be sold low,' as the proprie tor wishes to retire from buSiness. dd FOR RENT. One large House for Boarding House. One new Brick Douse, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of rooms. • One new Brick House of 3 rooms. Oue House at 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. One House of 7 rooncs and'lot 150 by 150. ;Two new Brick Rouses, 11 rooms each. • One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. --One-mew Frame House in Wilklnsbnrg , having . six rooms and large lot: well suited for garden. 7 acres that can be divided. into acre lots. 5 Lots in:Oakland. Power and a large Room and Yard for rent, in a good location. Will be rehted for short or long time. - ... . . FOR 'LEASE OR SAL-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, WANTED-3,000 feet of Flailing 3 to 4 inches thick. TO LOAN--$50,000,• IN SUM OF $5,000 AND UPWARD APPLY AT D. P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant 9t,, Pittsburgh. jezags 2000,000. ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE; BY THE • Union. Pacific . Railroad Company, • =ETERS DIVIBION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $6,00 PER ACRE, . And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YRAZB. For ftulherparticulare, maps, Ac., address * • JOHN P. , IiEVERELTX, • Land Commissioner. Topeka, Kansas. - Or CHAS. 113._X.A31::'01131, Seey, St. Louie. M 1680124. VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale NINE TRACTS OF -LAND, • Situate In Marshall township, Allegheny county, and Adams towns', ip. Butler county. Four of the tracts ate situated aboul 3 rtillee west of Plankinton's Hotel on the headwaters o Se wickley, near David Duff's mill, about 16 e e from PI tts burgh. ; Five of the tracts are situate on and near the Per rysville and Harmony Plank Road, about 18. to aP miles from Pittsburgh. This land Is all Well adapted for !arming and gra zing purposes. • Any information relative to said farms. pnceland at tflaras-Can be obtained by calling on A. HIMANI?B, tbetourt louse, E. G. DIITILII, CHARLES,DUTILH. a54:t99- d &T • 8,000 Acres of Land, In Wyoming county, West Virginia, being-num bers 115, 116.'111, 133.434, 135, 136 and 154, all in one tract, watered by branches of Twelve (12) Pole Creek, and part of an original tract of 321,000 acres granted to James Wilson, Charles Willing, Barnard and Michael Gritty, Levi Hollings worth and Dorsey Pancost. Taxes paid up to 1267. Title perfect. Will be exchanged for-Pittsburgh. manufactures or dry goods, at market prices. Address, jrM:l74 pon SALE. -a: . . A OPLENDID CHANCE FOR A IRAN WITH A ' SMALL CAPITAL. _- A good and very desirable , BOOT AND - 'SHOE HOUSE, Located withlii-twentY.fiveintLetrof , ,lbe city, doing. a large case business. Satisfactory reasons giver' for wanting to sell. Books will be silo wn for tbe amount of onsines. done. _Apply at 102-THIRD STREET, or' B. B. 8L1L88017138, auS:ul6 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh; Pa: rR SALE & TO LET.--Houses and Lots for sale in allparts of the city and su bs. Also, several FARMS in good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN ACTOR] with AO acres of land, and good improvements, which I wlli sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business HOIIPICS to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Rouses for rent in both cities. For further particulars inquire WILLIAM WARD lan , _ 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedra/. c r ONVENIES 7 AND COMFORT.- :ABLEd two-story Brick Dwelling House on ederal street. Pittsburgh; contains . hall and-7 rooms, ipantry, wash-room, bath room. cemented: cellar, &e. Pessed - brick front - and slate roof, all in complete order, for sale by • S. CUTHBERT &SONS. • • out - - 85 Cudthaeld street._ FOR. RENT. FOR RENT—The leoeehold for a term of &boat nin corn of a Two-Story rame Dwelling liouse,.ato•r of Linton Avenue and Water streets,Allegheny, (fronting East Cm:n inon)) having 7 ronns, 2 halls and large bathroom. Excellent rang. in k itchent hot and - cold' water up. stairs and down; good cellar. Covered porch Ls. front and at stde of house. Drape arbor. Lot 30. by 80 feet. Possession soon. if desired. • ' ' For terms apply to , B. Id cLAIN & 00.,• yrl7 No: 50 Smithfield stre et. EXCURSIONS • I 11.111 It EXCURSIONS. THE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY have on Bale et UNIT. Me, Union Depot, Pittsburgh. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS, TO ATLANTIC CITY AND WE MIL Enabling parties to visit t!lese lioDlilar battling re, sorts, and return home at s modelite oust. . . CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can't:purchase Tickets to go and return by all Banroict, or they can ire; to take Steamer In either- direction, betwee delphla and CapeMs7. EXCURSION TICEETS are also for eale at the above Depot to MACAW& PALLE', 'rift. OIL =- WOES. GETTYSIIIIIIO, and nutnerotui points In Pennsylvania and New York. , , tor PAMPHLETS, containing Pill descriptions or the 'redone Excursion Routes by this Itoad, can be b e d on applleatiOn .the Ticket Once, .In the Union Depot. W. nittawrni` 2 TICS ET .011 PIT. JirWM STONE. ttrES T COMMON _ V . .MachineStone' Works, Northwest corner of . Weil, Coranton, Alleoeirb ATV.A.TEUEL & CO. • Sive `on hand 'or prepare on abort notice. leastb and Step Stones, ila j ra 'for Sidewalks, snewsery . Nantes. ae. Head aad Tomb Scones, Ike. grlea ,PAN.zia.reas!"ll)&l, EXCHANGE. t;Azx•rT OPFICK