8. CITY AND SUBURBAN. II To AdvertiserE. An immense extra edition of the WEEKLY GAZETTE will be issued from this office Wednesday and Saturday of this week. The papers will be circulated widely by the parties ordering them, and will find their way into, every eity, town S and village of Western Pennsylvania, V2-atern Ohio and iu Western-'Virg"a. A _limited number v ( Of special ad .!' isements will be taken for the occasion; .w ich must be furnished be fore Tuesdai noon; in order to insure pub lication. \-, - Daily Prayer Meeting—From 12 M. - to 12:30 o'clock atthe Rooms of the Christian Association, N -eet4 tommeuced STicolson pavo Wing Grad gihela wharf =:=:=E Sent to the Palnters.—The:hew how car riage of the Good Will Fire Company, Sixth ward. - ---o—_ "qmprovement.—The sidewalk along . the line of the Panhandle railroad, on Grant street, is being repaved. Political Stand.—The unterrified have erected a stand for political purposes in the Northest squaie of the Allegheny Diamond. Pedestrianism.—Napoleon Young will commence his attempt to walk one hun dred miles 111 twenty-four hours, at Union Park, on Wednesday - afternoon. • • Educational.—k stated meeting of the Central Board of Education will be held in their rooms, corner of Wood and Sixth ,streets, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. CoMpleted.--The Masonry for the exten sion of the East Birmingham gas works lias been completed, and the new works will be in operation in a short time. Meets To-nlght.--The Allegheny Board of Control will hold a special meeting to night to take into consideration the adop tion of a text book in geography for the use of the schools. Club Meeting.—The Grant Club of the Fifth ward, Allegheny, will meet this even ing at 7;5 o'clock at the manufactory of Phillips, Park Co., Beaver Avenue, between Locust and Walnut streets. We acknowledge an invitation to the an smal pic-nic of the Kensington Social Club, which takes place at Glenwood Grove on Eridat^. The affairs of this pleasant asso ciation are always high-toned and enjoys ble. Threateued.—Ellzabeth Ochner alleges that her husband Matthias Ochner made violent threats against her which she is afraid he might put into execution. Alder man Tayler issued a warrant for the arrest of Matthias. Prospeeting.—The Commissioners ap ixiinted by City Councils to select a site for a public park, who have for some weeks past been prospecting for a suitable loca tion, will visit the Winebiddle and Schen ley estates to-day. Fined.—Wm. Murphy, one of the per sons who attempted to rescue a prisoner during a melee in Allegheny, about a week since. was arrested yesterday and fined 320 and costs. Interference with the execution of the laWilidou't pay. The person who carried off, perhaps by mistake, a large hag of papers from the press room of the GAZETTE, yesterday morning, is requested to return the same immediately, lest his feelings should be hurt by his being more publicly -called npon•. Struck Hlm.-John Brown made infor mation yesterday against John Gallagher for assault and battery. John No.l alleges that John No. 2 struck him and pushed him violently against a wall. A warrant was issued for the arrest of No. 2 by Alder man Taylor. Slight Fire.—The alarm from box 73 at half past three o'cleck yesterday afternoon waa occasioned by a slight tire - in the house of Mr. Clark, on Borough street, Seven teenth wards The fire originated In the attic from, a defective flew. The damage was very slight. Attention, Eleventh Warders I-.-This evening, at-7% o'clock, the Grant and Col fax Club of the lith (late 7th ward) will meet at the School House for permanent 1 organization. Let there - be - a full turn out or all the citizens who are in favor of Gen. Grant for our next President. Western University.—The faculty of this institution now numbers ten professors skilled each in his own departinerif Every effort is put forth for the advancement of pupils, while their habits and morals are, watched over with paternal solicitude. A new term begins September 1. Disorderly.—Jacob Smith made informa l . tion, before Justice Helsel, yesterday, charging Andrew Long with-disorderly conduct, and Caroline Schuck made infor mation, before the same magistrate, charg ing,Michael'Darr with a like - offense. \War rants were issued for the arrel of the ac e used., Carson Street.—We learn tha: the Pitts burgh and Birmingham Passenger Rail way ComPhny are paving Carson street. its entire width through East Birmingham. at their own . expense. The work of laying the double track is progressing rapidly, and it is thought O will be completed during the present tonth. Cerrection.—We stated yesterday in our issue that John Glunt had been committed to jail by Alderman. Herron on a charge of burglary preferred by Wm. Mahan. The case should have been reported just the•reverse, Mr. Glunt being the prosecu tor .and Mahan the defendant, and we sc cordirigly make the correction. Why . Is It t--.We notice a habit or custom which scorns to be becoming quite preva lent in this vicinity of funeral - processions hurrying 'through the streets on a pretty fast trot. Are we becoming such a fast and go-aheadative people that even the last sad rites of humanity and civilization to the dead must be put through with a rush. Aitemptvd Burglary.—On'Saturclay even ing some thicives attempted to effect an en trance into al i clwelling in the rear of Rodg er's undertaking establishment, on Ohio street, Allegheny, but a dog In the yard barked so furiously as to arouse the in mates of the dwelling.. But the thieves made their escape before the police ar rived.. Left Her.--Mary Shields made informa tion, yesterday, before Alderinan Strain, againiit her husband, Frank Shields, for abandonment, alleging that he 'for some time past has refuhd to contribute any thing for the support of herself and child, and absents himself horn his proper do mestic hearth. The parties reside on Wylie street. A warrant was issued. • Still 13 . a.llotting.—The Republican confer ees of the 23d Congressional district held another meeting at Freeport yesterday, but up to latest accounts had not made a nomi nation, After voting , ten times Dr. Dale renewed his motion offered at a former meeting, to adjourn and allow a choice to be made by the people. This motion elicited considerable discussion,which was -"till going on when our reports left. Young Thieves.—Jamss McLaughlin and Patsy, Simpson, aged respectively eleven and twelve years, were arrested yesterday, charged with entering a cellar on Webster street and helping themselves to such eat able as they found there. They are in the ock-up awaiting a hearing. Arm Broken.--John Patton, a boy about • ight years of age, son of Albert Patton, residing on Palo Alto street, Allegheny, had his right arm broken in two places above the elbow by falling from a wagon On Saturday. The accident occurred at Milton station, on. the Allegheny Valley Railroad, where the lad was visiting. A Perilous Position. Peter Reamer, an employs of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, observed, .on Saturday, an old man lying asleep across - the bumper of one of the cars of an• accommodation train. Although the train was moving at the time, Mr. Reamer succeeded in rescu ing the man from his very perilous. position. flaying the street. Reception.—A -- number of the leading German Republicans of the city held a meeting at City Hall, last evening, to make arrangements for the reception of Hon. Carl Schurz, who is to address the Germans of this locality at City Hall on the evening of the 24th inst. The meeting was organ ized by callihg . Mr. Joseph Abel to the chair and appointing the reporters of the German press Secretaries. On motion it was resolved to have a torchlight proces sion,. and a Committee of Arrangements was appointed. the Monon •epaired. Alleged Pals° Pretence.--4ticob Coblents, of Ohio street, Allegheny, (was before Al derman Strain yesterday, charged with ob taining goods by false pretence, on oath of Franklin McGowan. McGowan, who is a merchant doing buoiness on Water street, alleges that'the defendant, by representing that ho was .la member of the firm of A. & D. H. Chambers and the owner of real es tate in Allegheny, obtained from him goods to the amount of .$345, which representa tions are said to be untrue. After' a hear ing; in default of bail the accused was com mitted to jail for trial. Report . of Inspection Committee The following report of the Committee on Inspection, appointed by the butchers , of Allegheny, was handed to Mayor Drum last evening: • ALLEGHENY CATTLE YARDS, • August 10. 1868. We the undersigned, Committee appoin t ted to investigate the arrival of all cattle at the yards, have visited them to-day and found everything satisfactory. Jos. B. McDoNaLn, J. F. W. BADER. A young man of rather fine personal ap pearance, but who had evidently been in bad company last night, judging from his unsteady gait, while passing down Dia mond alley staggered too near the entrance to Patterson's livery stable, when his foot slipped under the gate and becaine fasten ed in such a manner as to'defy till his ef forts to remove it; Finding it impossible to release his'foot, be quietly seated him self and, Micawber-like, "waited for some thing to turn up." A gentleman who hap pened ' to be passing observed the "fix" he was in, and calling some assistance released tht; young.man, who, to prevent the recur rence of such an accident, took the centre. ofl the. alley instead of the narrow side walk. Another Sensation. A Blight sensation was - created among the equenters of a fashionable "establish ent" on Harrison street, Twelfth ward, • l esterday, by the arrest .of Mary Sinclair, the'proprietress, on a charge of keeping a bawdy hotise. informatiOn was made by William Hartz before Alderman McMas ters, who issued his warrant and placed it in the hands of his officers. : :. Yesterda2. , r i b afternoon the officers visite . the house and arrested Mary Sinclair th 3 proprietress, who, in company with. three girls; Mary De- Witt, Maggie McClarren a d Dora Tetter, found in the house at the ti ne; Was taken to _the Alderman's office. The accused, Mary Sinclair, was held to ail in.the sum of SI,OOO for her appearance at the office at three o'clock to-day, for a hearing, ar.d the 'girls were held to hail for their appearance as. witnesses. John G. Nelson a youth who was captured in the house, was also held to appear as a witness in the case. Yesterday morning, about eight o'clock, another lamp explosion occurred which re- I snited in the very severe burning of a little daughter of. John R. Reynolds, of Lower I-St Clair township. It seems that Miss Jones, a sisterof Mrs. Reynolds was trim ming anu lighting the lamp for the purpose of going hito the cellar, when, by some ac cident the little girl dropped a match into lamp, causing instant explosion. She was almost covered with the burning fluid, and when Miss Jones ran to her assistance her own efothing'caught fire, and she was compelled to call for aid.. The child's mother came in and seizing a piece of car pet wrapped it around her daughter thus smothering the flames. Miss Jones, by quickly tearing the burning clothing from her person, escaped with/a few slight burns. The little girl is/very severely burned, her legs and arms being charred almost black, and is lying at her home in a' precarious condition. Officer Poland, of Alderman Hay'S po lice, has one case on band which has. thus far given considerable trouble. It seems he has a judgment against Frederick Shulz, a tavern keeper in the Allegheny Diamond; and went to make levy on his goods, when ho alleges he was assailed by Shulz and his wife with all sorts of abusive and profane language, and threatened with violence. He returned to the office and made an infortnation against the parties for assault and /battery, and surety of the peace. 'they were arrested and gave bail to answer both charges at Court. He in turn was• then charged before Alderman Eggers with assault and battery by Mrs. Shulz, who alleges that be choked her. In 7 1 this case he was held fora hear ng,. Ltiatly he makes information agains Schuh: for profanity, on which a Warrant was issued by Alderman Harm. Altog Cher thero seems, to be enough cueing inthese suits to suit any person who can at all be suited. , Mark B. Kelse, of Nablestown, made in formation before the Mayor yesterday,' charging W. J. M. Hall alias William BroWn, with larceny. It appears that the accused wag clerking for the prosecutor,' who keeps a store at Noblestown, and had been •in his-employ for about a month. He was paid off Saturday and discharged, and after he left his employer discovered that piece - of cloth containing live and three-quarter. yards had disappeared. Ho followed 'Wm to the city and made the in fermation as stated. 'Officers Brown and Jones, of the',Mayor's police, arrested the alleged larcenist , yesterday, and upon searching his carpet bag not only found the cloth but a Colt's revolver, which; was identified by Mr. Kelso as his property,• and consequently another Information;for larceny was niade against him. After a hearing he was hold to bail for his appear ance at Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. .Tiffe prisoner, it Appears, hails from Oil City . where his wife resides, who by, the way, will be sadly disappointed, as she ex pected him home yesterday as was indica ted by a letter in his possession. In a ••Fixd7 -- Another ii.amp Explosion. A Mixed Case. Alleged Larceny. Wt. :tr : VOW TUFSDAY, AUGUST 1861;5.„, Meeting of the Republiean City Executive Commtltee. A regular . meeting of the Republican City Executive Cpmmittee was held last even ing at the headquarters City Buildings. Jos. ;A. Butler presided with Gen. A. L. Pearson as Secretary. A communica tion was received asking for the changing of the place of holding primary meetings and elections in the Twenty-first ward from the Ross street School House to the Wig wam know built) in said ward, on the land of George Finley, near the Sand-wash, on theorner of Spring street and the Pluck arty oad. Arso, changing the election place in the Sixteenth ward from Gangwish Brewery to the Wigwam corner of Pearl and Main streets. Also, the Third ward election place from corner of Sixth and Smithfield streets to School House. On motion, the Chairman and Secretary wore authorized to make the changes. Mr. Cook presented the following reso lution : Resolved, That the person first named on the various election boards appointed by the Committee shall be the judge of said election. and are hereby empowered to fill any vacanci s that may occur in said boards. . Tho resolu "on was:adopted: Mr. Butler (Mr. Ward in the chair) rose to a personal explanation in regard to the rumor going the rounds to the effect that he would not support the ticket unless cer tain candidates were nominated, which he characterized as a base and unmitigated falsehood. Ile would heartily support the nominees of the party. It was also intima ted that he had acted in a dishonorable manner in the Committee. He disclaimed all intentions which were not favorable to the best interests of the party. Mr. S. W. Reynolds presented the follow ing - WHEREAS, The last municipal election has' demonstrated that unity and action is necessary, and that all persons submitting their names to the Republican party for office should pledge themselves to support the nominees; therefore, Resolved, That the candidates for the Re publican nominations for city offices are hereby requested to present in writing to the Secretary of the City Executive Com mittee on or before Wednesday; August 12th, 1868, a notification of their willing ness to abide the decision and support the nominees of the Republican• primary elec tions, to be hold Saturday; August 15th, 1868. The Secretary of the Committee to make public on Thursday, August 13th, through the Republican papers of the city the names of the persmiswho haVe notified him of their candidacy, fi end the election boards of the various wards are hereby in structed and authorized to count the votes cast for such candidates only as shall have complied with the resolutioti. Adopted. On motion all persons: 'having claims against the City Executive Committee were requested to present them -for pal,.ment on or before Wednesday„July.l9 to .1. 11. Wal ter, Treasurer of- the Committee. Adjourned to meet Wednesday, July 19. Firemen's Association. A regular quarterly meeting of the Fire men's Association was held Monday even ing, August 10th, in the Hall of the Asso ciation, City Building. and was called to order by Mr. Joseph Cupples, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Wilsun, Mr. John Tor ley was appointed Secretary pro tem. On motion, the reading-of the minutes of the preceding meeting was dispensed with. Mr. Wilson (Eagle) Inquired if the Com mittee appointed to revise the Constitution was ready to report. The Chairman_ stated that the Committeo had not taken action in the matter. Mr. TorleV, Secretary, -read the creden tials of Scott Ward, as a delegate from the Ea le Fire Company, rice John A. Elder resigned. The credentials were received and the member invited to take his seat. The bill of James MeGatlin, janitor, amounting to V, forservices rendered, was presented and received, and on motion the Secretary Was authorized to_ draw a war rant on the Treasurer for that amount. . On motion it was resolved to enforce that article of the Coristitution which provides that when any member of the Association shall be absent for two consecutive meet ings hiS seat shall be declared vacant, and the Secretary was authorized to notify the Independence Company that a vacancy ex isted in the delegation from that company in consequence of the non-attendance of Mr. Ford: • Inquiry was made as to what had become of the books of the Association. Mr. Tatnall stated that Mr. Neeper had informed him that he had made frequent anplinations to Mr. Ford, the former Secre tary, for the books but had been unable to obtain them'. On Motion of Mr. Wilson, Mr. Tibby, of the Independence, was appointed a com ,mittep of one to procure the books and pa pei•s of the Association, and deliver them to Mr. Neeper, the presentliecretary. Mr.Tatnall introduced the rnatteeof the appointment ef 'a -Fire Marshall, 'and stated that as a matter of justice the Chief Engi, neOr of the Department should have the appointment. He said: that the Marshall appointed was dependent upon the Chief Engineer for the substance of his - reports, and received $l,OOO per annum, while the Chief Engineer did all the work and re: coived no pay. Mr. Tprloy stated that the Marshall was appointed by the Board of Underwriters and consequently it was out of, the reach of the Association. Mr. Torley thought it would be advisa ble to organize a Firemen's Insurance Coin pithy,- and said that he knew one man who would subscribe :350,000 to such a Company. The meeting then adjourned. A Domestic Squabble. Michael Britt and his wife Catherine, residents of Brownstown, have become in volved in a series of domestic difficulties, from which they will 'find it troublesome to extricate themselves. Such, at least, will be the case with Michael, 1- who, having I become-suspicious of his wife's fidelity, has taken to drink, and, as Mrs. Britt alleges, abuses her 'in a brutal manner.. This is not all she 'complains of, and if Maria Thereso Schmall can.die believed, she haki ample grounds of complaint. Yesterday the affair was brought before Justice Ant .mon, who Issued a warrant and had Michael arrested on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by his wife, and after a hearing lu_the case ho.was held to bail for his ap pearance; at Court. It did not terminate , bero, unfortunately for Michael, who, be :fore leaving the office, was called upon to answer al charge of rape. on oath of Maria "Theresa - iSchmall, for • which he was also held to answer at Court; and in default of bail Was!committed to-jail. ' . 1 The litseased Cattle. Of the One hundred and fortydive head of diseased cattle forwarded from East Liber ty Stock Yards to Communipaw, near New York, all but three . were dead when the train arrived at its destination. Prob ably thoae three might as well have been dead as living. '- Out of the three hundred and fifty head, then, that started from the West, in that consignment, not one got through to New York in sound condition. It is safe to con clude that the dead dAresvgaes did not sell fur more than enough to pay the transpor tation and other expenses; so that a dead loss of thirty thousand dollars must have been Suffered on the lot. • On the other two lots of diseased cattle, received at the . East Liberty;yards the loss was in the same ptoportion. Growth of the CIV--Imprivements boing Forward. .If a stranger were to visit our city to-day and make a tout through its avenues in the old and new. wards, he would be forti bly impressed with the enter rise of our people, which Is evident -on all sides. The _,.. city has suddenly awakened from the leth argy or old fogyism of by-gone days, and new blood appears. to be infused into her -veins, Energy and activity are every where observable, and the -old land marks of staid Pittsburgh are rapid y disappearing rapid y before the, march of impro ement, and we- daresay the absent citizen eturning, after a feW years sojourn abroad ould hardly recognize the smoky city o ft o years ago in that of to-day. Onr pop tion has rap idly increased and our city li es have been carried by populous and cies ly built thor oughfares for miles beyond t e limits which once hemmed us in, and o r merchants, tradesmen and mechanics a e more pros perous than ever. To thepr sent members of the City Council much f the progres sive spirit is due, and we tru t, for the good of the municipality, all of i ( ; s members may be returned to their scats, f r they have giv en unmistakable evidence of enterprise and have contributed largely to,the, growth and importance of the city. It is more than probable that tee census of 1870 will show a population closely borde ring on ofie hun dred and fifty thousand or the city proper, while our sister city and the surrounding boroughs will contribute enough to swell the number to over a quarter of a million. This population stays with us, is not trans ' Rory. It is a mass .of hard-tpiling, working people, and in that respect far dift ferent from the population of contempctrary_ western cities. Pittsburgh has a bright future ahead, and we may live to see her teeming with a population of half a million acids. The energies put forward now to improve her condition will not be lost, 'as property will materially enhafice• in value in all the localities where public expendi tures are being made. • .' 'yesterday, in company with our very worthy, capable; attentive and efficient Street Commissioner, John.F. Hunter, Esq., we made a flying visit to the various points now being improved. We found a large section of the river portion of-Second street being paved and curbed in splendid style by a large force of workmen, under charge of Messrs. Heastings & O'Neill; the con tractors. - This long needed work is about accomplished, and the property holders along the line express great satisfaction at the improvement effected. Crawford street, in the old Sixth ward, is undergoing the process of paving and curbing from Reed street to Centre avenue. Centre avenue is being graded, paved and curbed from Din widdie to Kirkpatrick street. The track of the Minersyille Passenger Railway 'had to betorn up in making the improvement, but we observe that the work of relaying it has commenced. Wide alley, in the old Sixth ward, is being graded preparatory to paving. Gum street, from Cliff to Webster street, is being graded and paved. Eleven squares on Liberty street, from Carson to Tyler street, are being paved and curbed. This is a heavy contract, bui lt is being car r ed out in a speedy and satisfactory man r er. All of the side streets in the- outer .! wards have been and are undergoing repairs. Smallman street, in the Twelfth ward, is being paved, curbed and supplied with water pipes from Mor ton to Taylor street. I Mulberry alley has just been paved from Taylor to Clymer street. The water-extension work to,Law renceville .has reached th the toll gate on the Penn 'street road. There -are many other improvements goifig on Which go to show that the Councils are putting forth their blest energies to improve the city. In every quarter- new pavements and curb stones_ aro going doWn by order of • the active street than Hunter and M'Faclen. than whom there are no worthier public officers. The quality of material used in repairing and paving the new streets is wry superior, and the peo ple have ample assurance that the work is' being well done, - when they are told that Mr.-Hunter daily makes the entir ; round and closely supervises all the wor - i going on, and sees that everythirig is up t. ~ the letter and spirit of the contract. Base Ball t---The Game Yesterday. The match between the Olympicand Ci cinnati Base Clubs came off at Union Park yesterday. The attendance was. (mite large, many of the Spectators being ladies who seemed-tb take a lively interest in the game. Several fine playa were made, and the game, taken as a whole, was one of the most excitin¢• ever played in this vicinity: The following is the • SConm.. • Cincinnati. HI,. R. - B. Olympics. 111.. R. B. Howl!, a 5.......1 6 .6 McClintock, 2 b.. 2 2 .3 Wright, 2 b.... 1 5 4 Ewer, 1 b 1 '2 3 Johnston, r f.. 5 2 3 Chambers. 3 b.. .5 1 3 Gold. 1 b 2 3 . 11elinhila, c 4 2 3 Idattleld. c i 3' 5 Sullivan, c l 4 3 1 Allison. 1 f 4 :1 1 Leonard. r f 4 1 1 Brainerd. p 4 3 3• Loomis. 11 . 2 3 2 _Waterman, hb .3 28 Mcl 16bon, p 7 1 2 King, c f 4 5 .1 Lamont, st. 2 0 2 :7 'Z: I 31 iNNINGS 1 2 8 1;5 G 7 A 9 • •8 2 1 0 I 0 I 2 F 0-T.9 2 0 4, 1 I 0 2 3 1-14 11471'1 NC A ( Inc In natl Olympic.. Fliev Caught Telles Missed. . . Fouls Caught' . 30 a Foals MlliKed 1 2 Papsed Built+ ' • i 5 a Left on 13114 it 12 5 Umpire, Jonn .1. McCook, 1 oward B. B. •(.1 I:le.:mere, BILF,OIII and eatupbell. • ....._ (Communication.] City Treasurership As the period_ draws nigh for making nominations for city officers, It is to be hoped that the citizens of the different wards will well weigh the matter of select ing a suitable person to fill this very im portant office. Experience in the details of the business is (as in all other branches of business) of great importance to the prompt and faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Whilst I havo"not a word to urge against any of the Other gentlemen named in connection therewith, yet I con sider. the experience of Mr. Allinder, the present-iucurnbent, , worth a great deal. It IS no idle compliment to be able to say that during his whole official career net one ward of complaint has been uttered against him, but, on the contrary, his prompt, hon est and faithful 'discharge of the duties thereof have met the approval 'of all who have had business to transact in his office. Let the business men„ manufacturers, Me chanics and laborers, then, rally en 'nave to the primary meetings, anti cast their votes for Samuel Allinder, the ,tried and faithful public officer. ' SECOND WARD. Cruel Neglect. , Mary Patch, residing on Pennsylvania avenue, alleges that her friend, Mrs. Ma loney, residing on Water street, is about to leave the Keystone State to make her for tune in some more congenial clime, and thus far has neglected to call round and bid her good bye. Persons often leave their friends , without saying good bye, but the neglect in this instance is very much aggravated by the statement of Mary that - her friend owes her a little bill of some eight dollars, which she is afraid will go traveling too. Ono of Aldermitn Strain's deputies called on Mrs. Maloney in relation 'to the matter, the final result of which is that all parties have agreed to take the mat ter to Court. The Weed “Faintly Favorite" has only been in market since the Spring of 1867, and was first presented to this community by Major Long the succeeding season. Sales now 100 to 160 a month. Query—What machine was ever so exten sively popularized in so short a space of time? Information Wanted. Information of John Taylor, who is a tailor by trade and working In this city, is wanted by his wife and family. Having lost the directions sent, she is anxious to see-her hasband-at-- once. Inquire at this office to-day between twelve and one o'clock. , - In perusing our article% published in this paper from time to time; it IN ill be obseryed that our peculiar system of, practice depends entirely Upon the fixed facts of science for its elucidation. That when we propose to detect diseases by an examination of the urine alone, being prepared as we are at our office, No. 132 Grant street, Pittsburgh, with all the chem ical and microscopic apparatus for testing . . it in the most scientific manner, we base our proposition not upon clairvoyance, spir itualism, guess-work, hoeus-pocus, or leger domain, but upon the incontrovertibletacts of the fixed sciences, and make our deduc tions in accordance with the immutable laws thereof. We believe, that if, for the better un derstanding of the laws of health, and the actions of disease, we choose to pene trate further into the- mysteries of these conditions by an examination of the "urin ary secretions" than is usual for medical men, no squeamishness on the part of the truly afflicted will deter them from making application to us for relief. And more especially will they apply to us when it is known that our system dwells . almost entirely upon facts and fi,;ares for its data; that the wonderful powers of the microscope are brought into requisition; that the immutable laws of chemistry come to our aid; that the fundamental prin ple of crystallography steps into our assist ance, and that the mathematical and geo- • metrical facts in relation to these sciences furnish us with the figures as it were which enable us to demonstrate the truths involved in each particular case. In the thousands of Came' that we have thus investigated during a life long prac tice in Pittsburgh, where we still reside, - many of them were physicians and men of scientific attainments, who could see at once the practicability_of our system. whilst a large majority were patients of such long suffering as to have become good judges of their own aches and pains, and could tell at once whether their symptoms were cor rectly described by us or not. From the former we have received many commendations; from the _latter many heartfelt thanks. And we still hope by the most critical investigation of every case, and the most scientific treatment of disease, to continue to merit the patronage and gratitude of the afflicted, by relieving. ' them of suffering ills, and restoring them to health, the greatest boon of life. For the more ready_ accomplishment of this object, we will hereafter have the as sistance ofjhos. L. Oldshue, M. D., who has been educated to the profession under our own direction, and graduated at the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery.- He will assist in all the varied duties of practice, the preparation of medi cines, and putting up prescriptions. We are, therefore, prepared to give prompt attention to those who arrive by the railroad cars or steam boats and wish to depart the same day. The facilities which packet boats and ex press lines furnish for quick transportation of small packages, to and from every point within five hundred miles of this, place, make it sufficiently convenient for the treatment of nearly all chronic diseases. Persons front a distanice wishing to obtain medicine for their friends will bring a speci men of urine for examination, or have it sent by express. The friends will be careful to take the first urine passed after a night's rest; and in all cases to give their age. This latter is necessary. to a correct diagnosis as well as to the regulation of the doses of medicine prescribed. We would like to have the name and residence also of every patient.' The advantages of this will be apparent to Ill', but especially to those who may wish to send back for a second course of , medicine. • We keep a regular record of each analysis and prescription by comparison with which we are enabled on subsequent exam inations to determine the improvement in the case, and make the ,required change in "treatment when necessary. Our weekly medical report shows that we'ihave made and had put up under our own supervision over three hundred (300) prescriptions per week: • -- Of this number there Were: For Consumption and lung diseases.... 20 " Liver Complaint and Jaundice 26 "Kidney and urinary organs 48 " NeiVOLISI Disorders, fits, ...... 16 Female Complaints, irreghlarities. 24 Scrofula—hereditary and otherwise 10 " Dyspepsia and diseaaes of stomach, 20 " Eruptive diseases, tetter, cte. ...... 6 " Neuralgia, headache, ate • 12- ' " White Swelling, hip disease, 4 " Dropsy, (different kinds) 10 " Rheumatism, acute and chronic.... 14 " Asthma, shortness of breath 20 " Heart disease, palpitation, cte ... . . 8 " Other diseases not here named 1 79* Some of these patients reside in Phila delphia, some in Now York, and some in etch of the States of Missourl, Illinois, Iu Ohio Arid WeSt Virginia, and the rest in Pennsylvania—a large majority be ing iu the immediate vicinity of Pittsburgh and the surrounding counties In fact there is gearcoly town. township or district within one hundred miles of 'this place but numbers some _patients who have been cured by our prescriptiOns after having for warded by, express specimens of urine for examination and had the necessary medi cines sent thorn. • EEED MMM ' This is the cheapest and best way. for those livingat a distance, as it saves ex pense of travel and insures an equally cor rect diagnosis. All these examinations were conducted in accordance with the most systematic principles of Urine-Pathology. L. OLDSIII7E, M. D. Most Bitters of the present day that are loudly puffed through the newspapers as having great curative properties are vile compounds and base impositions, coiittun ing no medicinal virtues whatever, and are really very poor whisky beverages, and, instead of acting as a stimulant and - tonic, have a:tendency to weaken the stomach by entirely destroying the coating. The public should therefore be very cautions and pur -1 chase none but Roback's Stomach Bitters, which have stood the test as a remedial _agent fox many years, and are really as their name indicates, a stomach bitters and' 'not a beverage. They combine the proper ties of the best tonic and a stimulant—a laxative, an efficient and anti-bilious agent and the best stomachic known to the world, and when taken in conjunction with Ro back's Blood Pitts, are the safest and surest preventive against all bilious derangements, thoroughly regulating the whole systein and giving tope to the digestive organs. They are highly recommended as an in vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing, increasing the flow of milk, and for conva lescents, to restore 'the prostration which always follows long-continued sickness, they are unsurpassed. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without these invaluable medicines. They can be obtained of any druggist. . risk' House and Lot fu Allegheny at Analan.— That desirable dwelling of eight rooms No. 311 Federal street Allegheny, will be sold by A. Legcrate, Auctioneer, to-morrow (Wednesday) morning at tau o'clock. Asthma.—The New York /ad published a, letter from Rex:. Jos.l. e- ry, setting forth the wonderful efficiency of &Was Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy. Telbw It is a luxury and a comfort to bathe, shave, or have your hair out or dressed at the elegant establithment of H. B. William son, No. 190 Federal street; Allegheny. Try it. Likeness of Grant.--Full-eised portrait of Grant, on colored card board, the best and cheapest likeness to be had, for twenty-Ave Cents, at No. 84 Fifth street. dear Sciences iu Medicine. Whole number - . NeviTreithieht.--Por chronic diseases of the eye, ear, head, throat, lungs; heart, stomach, liver, Ate., at Dr. Aborn'sMedical and Surgical Rooms, 134 Smithfield street, half a square from the Postoilice. No charge for consultation. tf MARRIED: WILSON—BROOKS.—On titniday evening, 9th Inst., by Rev. 31. Dc Lange,' Rev. WALTRR WIL-. SON, of Bourbon, Indiana, and bliss AAN.X.L.I3, BROOKS. of Allegheny. DIED: BROWSE.—On Sabbath morning. August filth, at 4 o'clock, MARY, wife ,of W. H. Browne. Funeral from the residence of her lisband, at Browne's Station, Pittsburgh Connellollle Rail- road, To.neY;:lhe 11th inst. Special trliiin leaves Depot of Pittsburgh do Connellsrille Railrnad at 11:30 , a. returns at 1:30 P. thence by Car riages to Allegheny Cemetery.. STEWART—On Monday ivenitie, the 10th inst.. at o'clock, ANNA M.. daughter of James H. and - Mary S. Stewart. aged ia'A months. E . • • Funeral from the resldehce of her parents, 37 Washington Street, Allegheny, 4EIIB DAT. (Tuesday,) at 4 o'clock P. at. The friends of the • family are Invited without further notice, • EMING RAY—bn Sunday morning, 'Afignst 9th. 1888. at 4i.i o'clock, of cancer, Mrs. CAROLINE lIEMING RAY, of Fleming Station, rellit of Reu ben C. Hemlngray, aged foity.tsso years, three mouths and three days. :]* The funeral will take place on TUESigAY, 11th inst., from the depot of tke W C. B. Allegheny city. Carriages will.be in attendance on the arrival of the one o'clock train. 'I he friends of .the faintly are respectfully invited to atte:nd. --- UNDERTAKERS: AII : EX. AIKEN, UNDERTAKER,. No. 160 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. '0 INS of all kinds, CRAPES, GLOYk.'S, and av ery description of Funeral Furnishing tloods fur nished. Rooms open day and night. Bearse anc Carriages furnished. REFEHICNCES—Rev. David Kerr, D. D., Rey. W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq. Jacob H. Miller, Esa. BARLES Ss PEEBLES, UIIiDER TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLES, corner of NDIISKY STREEVAND CHURCH AvENUB,. Allegheny City. where their COk 1:IN ROOMS are constantly supplied with real and imitation Rose wood, Mahogany and Walnut Cottins, atprices Va. *lag from $4 to .100. Bodies prepared for inter ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished; alsO, LIT Linda of Mourning GoodS, if required. OfficeloPeu at all hours, day and night. TiAOBERT T. RODNEY, UNDER* TAKER AND EkIBAI.SIEIt, No.L 45 OHIO ENT, Allegheny, and No. 80 DIAMOND sguARE., (by John Wilson & 8r05.,) keeps always on hands the; best •Metal, Rosewood, Walaut anC imitation Rosewood Coelns. Walnut Collins iron $25 upwards. Rosewood Coffins s2O upwards, al other Callus I proportion. Carriages and Hearse( furnished at low rates. Crape, Gloves,- Plate ant Engraving furnished gratis. Oelce open day ant night.. NO STALE STOCK. ALL NEW GOODS AT C. A. BOUCHEFt'S ORIGINAL RED FRONT TEA WAREHOUSE, 114 SMITHFIELD . ST., OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE Small Profits cause Large & Qu3ck Sales, . Wh:ch prevents an accumulation of Old goods STOCK REPLENISHZ,D Daily Purchases from gOtern Markets. Better gocids sold at lower rates tban:at any sim ilar establit hnaeot In the' two cities, and . FttLL. WEIGELTGiVES ATTENTIVE AND OBLIGENG SALESMEN. . . , , Goods delivered free to Tlepots, Cdars4 Boats, tell H— as and Residences. Call at Store for descriptive Catalogue and rrlce List. , t ORIGINAL RED FRONT TEA WAREHOA3SE, 114 SMITHFIELD ST., opp. Fos ()taco. TUE' C. A. IitMCHE.R. IMPORTED GOODS. ,• TOOTH BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES LUBIN'S EXTILktTS COUDRAY'S EXTRACTS, PINAUD'S EXTRACTS, . LOW'S SOAPS, COUDRAY'S SOAPS, !SOCIETE HYG I ENIQUES SOAPS, SACHETS, BROWN'S CHLORODYNE; BRECKNE - LL'S SKIN SOAP: MUSTARD, COLMAN'S., FEEDING BOTTLES, CHEMICALS, FROM SQUIRES, . SQUIRE'S GLYCERINE soxr, SARG'S VIENNA SOAP, WINES AND BRANDIES, IIafFORTF.D DIRECI.I3X SIMON aoriNsT4tx, :orner_Smithnold and Fourth Street:s. EMEGII GENUINE SCOTCH- PEBBLE SPECTACLES, WARRANTED TO IMPROVE THE MORT FOE SALE BY DONSEATH & HASLETT, R 8 FNIT STREET. NEW SPRING GOODS, Adapted to a FIRST CLASS biIiCIICHA • TTALIELeat• TRADE, JUST OPX:4ED, AT' HENRY G: HALE'S, Corner of Penn and St. ell sdr Streets. SELLING OFF AT COST ! THE BALANCE OP OUR SEEKER STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS, OSBBIYSBSB, VE8T131313, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. AT COST; to make room cor FALL GOODS H. SMITH, Mortliant:iTallor, No. 98 int= ST., COL Pe44314, Ell