== THE NEW REBELLION. (Continued front Fifth Page.) of the North. The triumph of Seymour will be a death blow to all hopes of the Afri can race in the South being permitted to en joy life, liberty-.and the pursuit .of happi lmas, much less the right of voting or be ing educated." 13eyniourNilletacival Hinted At. BLATEt'S friends seem to cling to the no _ tiOdtiutt he may become President through the next election.' Thus one: of his neigh-, bons CHARLES Gres.oic, said at the St. Louis . ratification meeting - "Mr. Blair ' in. his letter, tells us that if he be elected President of the I , n ted States, or becomes President,—(A voice : 'Vice President,']—well,' if he is elected Vice President he may 'become President—he tells you that lite becomes President of the United States, that he expects these uncon stitutional governments in the South, be gotten of the sword, to vanish from the halls.of the nation, and he tells you that if, in the exercise of his Constitutional powers, it becomes necessary, he will use the neces tary measures to remove them out of those halls., (A voice—'He is right,' and cheers.]" The Savannah (Ga.) papers say that the meeting in that city to ratify the nomina- tion of Seymonr and Blair was very largely attended. We quote the following report of, speeches made at the meeting from the Savannah Repubitean: "Amid loud calls and cheering, the chair num introduced Gen. A. R. Lawton, who said "That Mr the first time since the SOnth ern people laid down their arms he, had the heart to address his fellow citizens. -Now, for the first time, we had a platfonn of prin. elides and leaders around , whom we could rally. It was the noblest, best, boldest dec laration of 'principles ever laid dotin In the .llnited Elates, and the 'demonstration here' ,_ to-night showed that it was in unison with the feelings of the people.- There wasnoth ing that- the . South wanted that was not there. We have leaders to represent those principles who will, carry us out of the slough of Despond. Peace has its victories as well as war ; those great principles for which we fought and which we feared were lost, may yet be achieved. finccesa intuit be our watchword, and we must stand up bravely 'for_thosn.who are working for us.- Will you do it ? [Cries of 'Yes, yes. ]" Hon. Henry R Jackson was called for and addressed the Meeting. • _ He said it was an occasion not for discus sion, but for-the earnest grasp of the frater nal hand. It vies an occasion when every American, every Georgian, Bavannahian— every man should be prepared to announce his allegiance. He came to give his heart and voice for what they were worth to the American Democracy. Against those prin ciples he had never rebelled.,Th9y were our principles' in 1850, in 160, m- 1861, 1862,:1,863, 1864 and 1865. In vindication of them the blood of our people flowed freely - throughout the land. - 'We have never, never, never abandoned them. And now we are told_by those who have_raturn edtti us froni the Noith..that there ti con'-' vention has, been held, and principles. put forth,nid we 'are - called upon • to strike to gether for this ipommon cause.- When the thunders of the storm shall be oyez and the sun- shall *limn,' forth from thet . mein; God grant that it - may rest on a: united country, and that that banner which we had i loved in,peace and followed in war, may float oVer a free oceaudbound Republic." The Huntsville (Ala.) Democrat closes a . - long appeal to its fellow Rebels not: to asso elate with or, speak to a White Republican, 118 follows 1" "Neither oar foes, nor we, are playing . I nantomime; We are enacting solemn,' en during history; pregnant with_ weal or, woe i to ourselves, our families, our country, and oar race:: Shall we—can we 'in =justice to ourselves, our families, our race—live on terms of social intimacy;; with the White renegades,, who are working out our ruin ? :', Nod we - cannot consistently 'with a high .1 senseof dutb and• a 'right appreciation of our responsibilities. • -Let; ns,_ then, put. all '. such exii.mies of t e human race in social , Coventry; -hold no social communion with iI them; give them unm istakable evidence, by ominous silence. and chillingindifference— lif need be, indignant scorn, dignified re serve and contempt-that-we have no dis t position to be on terms of social familiarity -4 with them. Society oftea has the power of I remedying or' removing public' evils, when 1 an armed police_percoristsbniary: would prove ineffectuil- Piiblic,infinion. is more 1 potent than public lalirplkid, sOulai ostracism 'more terrible tkin4 R app yxit4,fianneris.' " The Richmond ./Znqufrer says: = '.. 1 - "The white men or the 50 Pttir Btates , have seen the' daff)then they could : use the ' ballet, and if God, in Es-anger, ierall , the I necessity to arbiN'thrtylw ill see again." -:: A. New Rebellion to Follow Grant's Flee Leuazzice. M. - Knrrili:•lo infmtumal a secessionist, in 1861, as the South could proddee; - his 'Written - a' letter 'Whin' is pub lished in the Southern papers. We I make: the following extract : , " In my judgment, If the Black RePtbli-; can patty succeed in the coming election, the Governor should} immediately assemble the Legislature,. and that body 'should pro vide for a State Convention, which should it rotect the'-State from the dishonor of sxb t., lesion to Blackßep üblican rule. ,Before . . e tribunal of tin !World; awl at the bar of a. 'story, we shall stand justified. Freedom ves more in the spirit:Of tbe people than in e filinfiif government- . ' We 'shall ' ticeive • . e plaudits of' brave men for preserving -dom, and not reproaches , for shattering despotism. We of the South have done everything to presere the Union. We, . .ve, yielded, everything but our hotori •t , us yield that only, as an enemy yields banner." „% ' •1 The Meridan:(Miss) "Mercury" (Blair itudleymour, 21st ult., says : :" 1 -; - •1 "With the skull and cross-bones of the Bost cause' before us, we will swear that :.this is a white man's Government. , We : Oast make the negro undeistand we.are the ,p.cn we were when we. held him in abject, pada" , and"make him feel that j'arben for eararce ceases to be a virtue, he basaroused ;power that will control. him ,Ffr destroy .. m." - flood to Flow as' Freely as the Mississippi. - The Jefferson (Tend "KukitizreOr:il• "We well - know that if our nd • arers shall be made to trail our proud te,,he, duets :dust then I giallVil • ek'bils' cherished "iiiedlinfitill be eir 1 ed a night of "eternal emsro i larale, ! ill o lS ours.q IktiP tortheri . 'finOtV 'titbit I e obviate a var Jot% moll :Them is no • ay under the broadcattopm,,of beam, it ll 94l4 l l4 l TfOrkikeitbtn4iiiiiidstlithgse w, ntcan white men. With them, on,t,_of, rcoontiy, titdltafteik&-ididuifidiel ileopier old get along peaceahly quietly: but l hanolSeArtQA 4 M., l 4VOMEltliteW'" 1 14 es • ' we- are - bound lo have a war of 'Ms andrwlierts there is one diop Of Medd' • ilt, we edict that it wi ll s tiolx i nalycalY as •ea the ftitript,/ , ••1 —•-t •, - • The ,NY • --e ,NY,F194 1 44, (0,• , .C.•)„: ,9Phceois" con lIMil . . ! , ...z . -,....,,,,.,_=,,,,,... : . %it:•1;2:::: , Zr.,72.2=r,==., ,73. .71,... , ,'5V:V. , ;-!-..Tri - 4 i . 77- - -7Va.T.P.ii;T2 - , , G A/1=2:1 - ..grAltrzEtiffAM - AIMIImp --- n -7- lEgs 2• • • talus the following resolution passed by a DemOcratic club in its vicinity Resolved, That no member of this club shall employ, rent lands to, or patronize any Radical, after the present.contracts shall have expired. And that, from this date we will not give employment to any freedmen who are stragglers over, the coun try as day laborers, who cannot show that they are members of some Democratic as sociation. • Our club numbers 136, and-still the/ come. H.; C. iflosLar, Secretary. The Lonisrllte "Minna," speaking of the Proposed overthrow of reconstruction, says. 1 "This is Frank Blair's 'method, and it is ours; and if, in order to obtain it and pie- Vent the system which proposes illegallye to f place the bl k race over the white and one section ov the othee , to end at last Nith a despotism.and a diclator, IT BECOMES IMCESS YTO FIGHT, wny,WE'LL FIGHT." I The "Southern Banner," of Georgia, speaking of Johnson's amnesty, says: "Let us be thankful for small favors. - Let us re joice that the ban of oppression has been uplifted. Let us shout hosannas to the best Govemmentthe world ever saw!' —but let us never forget the principles for which we struggled through four long and bloody_ years; and let us never forget the gallant 'men in gray' who so nobly but yet so vain ly struggled to vindicate and uphold these principles."• , The Columbus (Gs.) "Brin," says: - "It neither understates nor overstates the determination of the Democracy of the West aid North,. when,it says that to aman they are united in ihe,resolve that the pow er of this Government shall not be con trolled byy, the votes of the negrciea of. the South. , If the Radicals, it continues, at tempt in their desperation to play this, the last card left them, they know that their silly. cry of revolution now will then be come a fearful retdityl" Judge Aldrich, who had • the honor of a , . Democratic reception in Charleston - a few days ago, said .."This is' a grand contest in.which we are engaged, a contest for constitutional liberty, and it 'was the contest in. which,we have been engaged since 1861." The - Charleston "Mercury" • expresses itself as follows: "ot one honed man ' south of Mason's and Dixon's line,. is as hamed of the musket he bore or the sword he drew in defense of the Confederate flag. The man who says he is ashamed of it, lies. Let every honest 'man at the North be sure of the fact, that the man who says so, wants to swindle money out of somebody. He is a knave either in the first or in,the last step." The Mobile "Register," whose editor • John Forsythe—was a delegate to the Tam many Convention, speaks his mind after the following fashion "The time for this style of caution has passed; and the "rebel" cry, like the entire cause of the Radicals, is played out., With the'meeting and close of the great National Convention in Tammany Hall, July 4, we lave entered upon a new phase of political 'career." Virginia to Vote Regardless of Law. The Petersburg (Va.) Indcz asserts: "Under Our laws Virginia has a rightto _vote iiithe next Presidential election. Trai tors would deny us the nght and accompa ny that denial with threats. Virginians are not to be frightened. Virginia has an un questionable right to vote, and Virginia will vote. -We owe it to ourselves—to truth-, to the National Democracy. The law is clear. Virginia must vote. To the count .ing of our votes the National Democracy stands pledged. Let us do our duty—and vote. Let us leave to the people of the North their duty—counting our vote." • Kr. of Shreveport, La., said at a New Orleans .Democratic gather ingln few nights since "I believe we will carry our candidates as• firmly as there is a throne of God. But even if defeat should fall upon ns, donotbe discouraged; the time will come when we will redeent the country. Let , no manleave Is native State—let us lay our bones in Leith:l*a, and if -these scallawags and car pet-baggeni remain, let's -hunt them frdm the country." . Northern Democrats to Fight for Southern • nights. Mr. • Ramie; a . Dcmocratic orator of Georgia, said In a speech a few days lime: Georgia has passed through a fiery ordeal. Someof her children; during the war sbq was compelled to war, deserted her and joined her enemies. Let them beilke .A.r. accured nold, forever ' Welave,:seen our soldiers fall; our ci esin flames, our chinos torn from their peaireful homes. We looked upon it rmmoved, end unbleached, But we can bear if no longer. We will now: at all hazardsprecover our lost , liberties, and re store tile State. We are in the midst , iif a great revolution, *Weir: may end peaceably at the ballot box; but if not, then the true namieof the Booth will :milk, once more around their now lidded banner, and, will try the, issues ',of; the `cartridge box. Re member ' the diiitetora;.from whom you liprung. • There are men iv the North 'who are now truly with you, and who •wiil, .in such a conflict, if necessary, lead bat-' talons; We did not make the other war. It was forced upon tut. We 'sharply stood for the rights for which oar 'fetliers bled! And we will stand there again, Come • peace or war John Forsyth declares, threugh the Mobile • ' , . ' ' Now,: If civil ,war comes out o f this eon- filet of politicatfarces,the - white men of the South cannot be worsted; for war and` , its terrow in their-deadliest form, are hot Com-, parable to the evils they *ill have to endure under a perpetuation of iscallawag and car pet-bag rule. And ' here wo may as well say iliatthe People of the South' do not in tend to aubmit to that pertianentrule, result as the Presidential . election may. And they have only submittd to its , indignities ' and insults so : far because they; have been wait ing for the good sense end justice 'of the American people to relic* them' from 'it, and restore them to" their - civil rights in the November elections. - ' ' • ' The Meri4isn' 0480 16 rcurY bas -the . following : f - ; ~ - . With r the skull and crops Nines of ' the "lost cause de, O we , will swear. that Ws Lk!, _. White., man's government. ' We must melee thrknegro understand /refire the men- e were When werheld him in , abject Apepidage, and makable& feel"that when for ance ceases to be a virtutLhe has arous l I . , a loirellimt ;will isiatrid . pini'pi def troy; - I 0" • :,11,.> .0,- •::.,1 0:-. -,:o. _re94o4putcnitie „ Rho Mobile - "Re g i ste r" (SarMoun and r, rr - BLAIV, ' Tammany nu& When. the selection -0f of Haw' MrniValiiiimfi l l ee d; iiitrei'''''" ( .1 flois%_.6lgiiittit iiiote used 1,, - i.hji t Hi; c l n ii i i i e air of Vicksburg of a nig*A n years ion . 'past!: oYoqourreadimer-liv-Vie-mim:2 eip t gpaperi asthey mount the incidents'of th reeea vykory over violence eitftied,' and it will kaake the sir iestittant"frditt the • . . . - - 74 - -4, - .1...).:: , .;... , .. i..X...a. -- ..“...• ...., ~,,,,,;,,,. ,t.z . ~,,%7?7,.., ;5,,,,54a4:;774.i5,11ivv:f0w5 \ ~, : . .s 1 ~, ~.„- ‘,. .Ix. • 111 ~,.•-' ..,,, - 1,... e , , - . - ,,, , •Z1 7_,..."..7...FV.:04::-a1.fi i.,..a i , i ,..,,•:..,,,,.'. . , - ~,,,,:,-"" 4.77.4'347..,,,,,tai,Z.,,,,_ ti . ......-.:.... •i',. 2,4 ,- .4..,..,......,,....t.b , ,,,a,4„,,,....A. . . I . " i 14 4 ,4:. Z' e lr , ' , ! ,- . A ''' '. . • l'''''''. , . ' . ' . - . ' . The Rime Old Rebellion Still. Rio Grande to the Potomac at the last irre sistible charge next November, cheering the hearts of our Democratic friends and chilling those of our opposers. Stand by for that yell. ' The Blair Ammunition. What the Rebels Want. The Vicksburg "Times" finds BLara Jost suited to its rebel tastes. It says: Objection is made down this way to, the endorsement' of the . Blair letter by a few timid people, on the , score of prudencei.and yet it was, this identical letter of Frank Blair to his friend, Colonel Broadhead,/ that secured the -Missouri hero the nomination for Vice President. We want just such ammunition 88 Frank Blair uses. . , The Complete Alliance of the Democracy and 'Rebels. L- Gen. Preston, late of the rebel army, and who was the first to nominate Erank Blair in the New ;York Convention, made a speech itt Lexington, on August Ist, and here Is what he said: • "The platform itself is clear, broad and unambiguous. There is no dead wood about it. The want of limb 'precludeetny . ,going into a full discussion of it, which I would be willing to do, but we have put two men on that platform, one of whom Kentucky may be especially accountable for. When the nomination of Frank Blair byKenthcky was' madeunanimous, it gave point and completdness to the whole thing. Two years ago I said I never would, go into any;party except- it was based on amnesty and equality. I claimed no supe riority after the war had ceased. I claimed no superiority over the Federal soldier;' none over the gentlemen who had been connected with the side of the Union- none over the third party—a representative of whom I see before me; but I thought I was as good,as any of the men I fought. When assembled at• New York, I tell you my heart was warmed when the first reso lution was offered, and when Hampton and these swords that had been the brightest in fighting for. the South were greeted with warm hearts by the greatest soldiers of the North, it madems feel indeed as one people, on 'a basis of equality. [Loud applause.] It has been my fortune to s ee Napoleon When his conquering hosts returned from the great Italian campagn; I have seen the Queen of Spain, after the war irt which her armies had been victorious; I. have seen great' ovations given - in m any places, to princes and others, butt never saw so fine an ovation as upon the nomination of Gen. Frank Blair, when they clulitered around . Hampton and the soldiers of the South, and, with outstretched hands, welcomed us, to stand Shoulder to shoulder with them in the great campaign.. [Renewed applause.] A Glimpse at Their Little Game. The Charleston Mercury, which probably did more than any other Southern journal to bring about the ,late war, and which is now a staunch suppl i rter of Snymoun and Bum,' thus shows that another war will be commenced if its favorites are elected. On the other inind, the Northern Copperheade, following the renegade &Ant, are strenu ousT for another war, in case their dldate shall be defeated. 'And both wing 'of the party are agreed to 'dispute the v idity of any election which shall be decide by the votes' of the new Southern Stet s. Our readers are familiar with the BL AIR pro gramme, but it will- interest them to exam ine the annexed semi-official exposition of rebel opinions and intentions as put forth in the Mercury. Here it is : . . Supp3So now that the Democratic party carries the next 'Presidential election, and installs its President in the White House. Mast they not, forthwith, proceed to undo the wrong, and restore the Constitution? Is this impossible? Why is it so? The Got emment of the United States used the army of the United States to elevate the negro to supremacy over the white man, in viola tion of the Constitution .. hi What there to prevent it being used to pnt the Southern States back to their original condition, of the supremacy of the, white man over. 'the negro, in vindication of the Constitution? But it is said that the negro State Govern ments can, prohibit the white population' from taking any steps to vindicate their Su premacy or the supremacy of the Conetitu tinn. They can call on the President of the United States for assistance to enforce their unconstitutional rule, and the Presi dent Is bound to obey under that clause of 'the Constitution which says: 'The United States shall, on application of the Lesisla tare, or of the Eiecutive, (when the Lees latuni cannot be convened,) protect each State against domestic violence. "Domestic violence I" But the white population do not mean to institute "domes tic violence." They intend to assail no one, pretending or not pretenGing to authority in the Southern States. They mean peace ably to meet in Convention, probably recommended by the legislators of their former legitimate State .Gavernments, and in such a Convention form a Constitution for the Government of these States." But it may be said that the negro Govern ments in the Southern States will, notper- . mit the white population to assemble. They will assail them with violence;.'Suppose this is done, does ft afford any ground for their 'support by the military authority of the United States? Clearly not. 4, Denio cratic President Would, most probably an swer, to any application to him by the ne gro Government for assistance: "In my opinion, your Government in the first place is unconstitutional and revolutionary, and therefore I decline to recognize your spellcationl and in the second place, you violate the Constitution of the United States In en deavoring by'fOrce to prevent peaceable as. semblies ythe. Such an answer, in our judgment ,: would secures peaceful progress of , events. We do not think the negro Governments in the South will at tempt, by ,their own power, to force their rule over the white population. Supposing that this will be the course of things, the white population will proceed to form a Constitution and elect fitate °facers and representatives to Congress. This can be done by the fourth of March next, Upon each branch , Congress then will de „Yolve the"responsibility of determining „which ere' the legitimate Governments of `the Southern States, the negro Government or the white man's Government ! de termination can be sought and 'be 'obtained' hefore•any contest is made in 'the EiOhtheTP, States' at these Ghiernments, We knoWf hear:2lt s will, . ;determined . in Cour*. .The , late-dproteat by the. Petaddritle a ineMbOre; .Cof . 1 Congress : in the House of • Representatives against :the sdmiision of tbe carpet-baggers from Attar-. sas, clearly indicates, t thr,rcourse, of tog, lions°. of liePresentativepunder Di4Oltagi contzol:' The White:, iiiiih!o:lowtaintatlirea will tfitithfiltted. tkit4tinate, , A be - different; bit tiDemociatiq;2*Cchtlae.,.will certaiellm Jita*tion t ot the ibruurof P yes pe,the controllintautbottity deferthine his duty. If, after this, any °matte violence"'talteaptipe in any er. ifieceouthein 43titliiki_ 4e 1011 , i fecoolie ywhitilifeti a - G04017=441s Atc , Wi lurir"Di r bt ; 'o* ll !nthdß;)t dire wired , „Sut trlppfiee the negro GOT- - innmerits slielriavilesify endeavor to pre% vent the peaceatee assemblies of _the white population to recognize their Government —What then? The white population is am ply sufficient to protect themselves. All they want is that the Government of the United States shall stand aloof. If the ne groes are , fools enough to attempt b) their potier to establish their - supremacy over the white race in the Southern States. they can try it, but the trial will, not likely last very long. We will have no objection to. the Government of the United States insisting on enforcing peace. In eith r Way, the white population will form a republican Government; and will send re • resentatives to Congress to represent the S •s. Hampton Tils More About Platform. For grey er exactness we q ote from an other report •of Hampton'. speech at Charleston : "I recognize on all occasio • s the right of he people to demand from t eir represent . tives an aboonnt of their ste ardship, and am, the fore, here in orde .to render an .unt o mine as a delega - to the Na, "onal De ocratic Convention "Well, gentlemen, I will only give an cconnt of what transpired in New York, • d how the platform upon which we can ow all stand, was made. You reebllect . 4 the committee on the platform was . mposed of one member from each State. When NVe first met there were naturally :reat differences of opinion. Among the esolutions offered was one declaring that he right of suffrage was purely smatter for tate legislation. There were men there, 00, who told us that it was good Demo retie doctrine. I agreed it was good Dem . eratic doctrine but asserted that it was . menu,' to define who fbrmed the States ; o establish guards and, limits by which we • uld go back to some certain period'in •ar history, and say who were the citi ens. I therefore asked them to declare .at the question of the right of suf rage belonged to the S . ents that EXISTED UP TO tate govern- 1865. Some oubts, ho'wever, were expressed of the pol cy of such a declaration. Gentlemen from e North, South, East and West, all show -d the greatest disposition to act in berme .y. lam free to confess that they met us verywhere with cordiality and good will. fact they declared their willingness to ve us everything ire could desire, but hey begged us to remember -that they had great fight to make at the North, and they .erefore besought us . 'not to load the plat orm with a weight that they could not y against the prejudice which they had o encounter. Help them once to gain the • wer, andthey would do their utmost to have the Southern States and restore to s the Union and. Constitution as it had ez sted previous to the war. I then withdrew y resolution, and agreed to the one offered •y Bayard, of Delaware, that "suffrage was a .. • tter for State legislation," provided they ould allow me - tadd thre words. They • greed to this, and I then added the clause which you will find embodied in the plat-' orm: "and we declare that the reconstruc ion acts are unconstitutional. revolutionary •• d void." That is my plank in the plat onxt. The great Democratic party being . .ledged to that , declaration, I want- nothing Ise. I could wait in patience for their tri mph to show us how it was to be worked .ut in their own good time. That the right f suffrage belongs to the . States is a policy hat suits us, when the great, Democratic . arty is pledged to the declaration that the • construction acts are unconstitutional,. revolutionary and void; especially when very member of the party, and the warm -t are from the North, is ready to take it up • d carry it out." oc ego. t , 18 Cons `nttoa Met. On the 15th of kusc, the New York "World," after recapitulating the legal dif ficulties which the enemies of reconstruc tidn would encounter, said: "Since negro suffrage can be upset during the next Presidential term neither by Con gress nor the Supreme Court, by what agency is it to be overturned ? Not surely by the negroes or by the Governments in which they are voters. If done at all, it will be by the white citizens of the South acting outside the new, State Governments. But what shall prevent the new Govern inents trying them for treason against' the State, as Rhode Island tried and sentenced Dom! Or who can dOlibt that they would do It ? It Is too evident that the negrOes can be ousted from the suffrage only by a suecessful insurrection of the white citizens against the new State Governments; and the "World" has too deep a sense of res ponsibility, and too clear a foresight or con sequences, to advise the Convention to recommend this method of redress, Yet, in spite of the "World's" advice, the Convention has recommended precisely that method, as the necessary result of its plat form, and the.-!'World," which is nothing If not prism,' jumping in the Democratic boat, believe the loudest 'Of all for the in evitable insenrrection and anarchy which it predicted. Howl3latr Accepts the. Nomination. From his official letter of acceptance we quote: "I have carefully read the resolutions adopted by thetonvention and most cor dially concur in every principle and Senti ment they announce. My ppinion upon all the questions which discriminate the great contending parties have been freely ex pressed on all suitable occasions, and I do not deem-it necessary at this time to reiter ate them. The issue upon which the con test turns is clear and cannot be obscured or distorted by the- sophistries of our, adver sities." He Proposes to Stamp Ont The Senate. Mr. BLAnt made a speech at St. Joseph, Mo., August lst., from which we quote his. threats against the . United States 'Senate. `lt is to' be FORCED to submit to the Dem ocratic scheme. Read what he says: "But we are told that' even if the Demo cratic party elect their President, and a;ma jority of the House of Representatives, that the se'corpet-biggers who assume to consti tute a majority of the Senate, will defeat legielation,ind will impose this ignorant and seml-barharons race of negroes uporr the country as the superior or the 'white man. , Let them date to do it, and they will find that the more than one million major ity of voters: who are Opposed 'to this scheme will make it impossible tor them to perpetuate Snob a Continuing outrage mpon American citizens." More Blood , 'Letting Required. !;Says the 14oidie ,o ”Register, 'lf:August the 4W: ; • r , • • e• • know there are .many , Dernoerate at the N grt h, including, soma distinguished igidlerst who, believe that ,the 'atj moephere, poisoned by the, long reign of Medical despotism aged,` ,will not be so imed; that liberty' maTflourisfi' unit just chastisement is infiletisi . litobri: 'the men 'Who hitte conspired ultalhe't the , free ! : thiu; ( 74rthe' tOjOit-' , 'ahtik: words, that the o , olditerslVObftlen vi/11;not be complete iphre'bipecVlettlng4' , ;ViROTO , WIIB II grind Eir'flOwt k at ifi cat hi n Dletillit Ili White ,ETlP 7 4;;;Ylrilinia; a 6w: d4B shim, Pred4oo over by. , General Taos. L. Plum. of Missouri. ' , About twenty i32-' Confederate Generals were present. Gen. Plum spoke at considerable length. One of the resolutions passed was the following:' "Resolved, That the efforts of the Radi cals in Congress to Overthiow the Constitu tion, change the form of government and establish negro supremacy in the South, cannot succeed without involving the country in another bloody and desolating war." The Fearteentlt ,Atnendleent to be Defied. The Charleston "Mercury" says : "If the Democratic party succeeds in the next Presidential election, the ratification of the aniendment will doubtless botreated as it is—as a gigantic fraud and therefore void." li/HAT NORTHERN DEMOCRATS SAY. Mr. T. W. CLAGkTT, Democratic candi date for Congress in the Keokuk, lowa, district, says: "Do not Northern Radicals, who are the authors of all the miseries which have be fallen our country within the last six years, know that the two million Democratic voters in the North will never permit an other Radical to occupy the Presidential chair who may succeed• in getting a majority of the electoral votes, either by excluding the Southern States from voting or by for cibly depriving a majority of 'the white citi zens of those States of the elective franchise. "We tell them that the days of their ty ranny and thieving are fast drawing to a close, and that they will go out of office at the next Presidential election either by bal lets on BY BULLETS—by ballets, if the peo ple are allowed to vote, and by bullets if they are not." THOMAS Ewrivo , Jn., of Kansas, at a Democratic ratification meeting declared : "On the third of November next. the American people will endeavor to restore these States to their constitutional rights. Should this by a possibility fail, the white population of those States may-succeed in placing themselves in possession of their governments'; otherwise, as sure as the Anglo-Saxon .blood runs ,in the veiny of Southern men, there will be an uPheaval of civil war, and then, should Congress sus tain the blacks, ashes will cover the ruins of the whole Republic." , The New Rebellion Promised. The New Yorh, Traria says For as many-crimes agrinat law, the Con stitution, and human nature as our Congress commits, the British people would smash Parliament and hang peers and commoners in Hyde Park. The new rebellion will array the people of the United States against two hundred thousand negroes and two hundred white negroes in Congress. - God save the Badi cal members if they bring on more war, for the people won't save them. • In case of a new rebellion Jefferson Davis will have a chance to go bail for his bonds man, whose paper now stirs up war. , ' C. L. Vallandigham, in a late speechbefore the Democracy - of Hamilton, Ohio, said that he would justify the action of the New York Convention. Talk of Christianity, of re ligion, of 'Priests, of pulpits, of churches; he believed and affirmed that there was more of the benign spirit of Christ expressed in the action of that Convention than in, all the loyal pupits of the United States in five years. The "Old Guard" is the only avowed Democratic magazine in the North._ What it says, therefore, on the political titillation, has special weight. Here is what it declares will be the result if its party regains power: "The return of the Democratic party to power will restore the Constitution and the Union. With this' restoration of the Von stitution and the Union, will return also the' rights; the equality and the sovereignty of the, States. Then the status of The negro in each State will be fixed and controlled by the State itself. All that has been done in violation of the Constitution, , or by the suppression of the sovereign rights of the States, is null and void; all that the States have been made-to do by threats and intim idations is also utterly void in law. The restoration of the Constitution suid the Union will make all things right again. It then proceeds to argue that nature's God has placed the negro in a condition Of slavery. But to put the climax on it all, it adds: "The cause upheld by Jefferson Davis is the cause of God, liberty and American eiv iliration,', while that upheld- by Abraham Lincoln, which blindly and impiously strives to reverse natural order and amalgamate races, is the most impious, accursed and monstrous that ever insulted heaven or out- raged earth %ince time begun." "Under the mllitary rule of dot:Kress end its negroes, thosoi communities of the South are no more States than the raid of abandit ti is government - All that Congress has done, or is doing, is null'and void in law, and will be swept clean away the next hour after the Union is truly restored: Then i if the States so pease. they may lawfully tr eat to halters all caught within. their jurisdic-. Lion who have' been concerned, In. over throwing-the Government."' Is it possible that any loyal man, espe cially any Union soldier, will vote with a party that indorses such atrocious senti ments as these ? In his Springfield, Illinois speech, Gen M e C LEEN D said: "The Democratic masses are_ roused in their ancient strengthTand courage.. • They are upon the war, ,path. Their muttering thunders are heard all around; and; as,the nimble lightning springing from the thick ening storm cloud, so their voice will peal in notes of triumph in the approaching elec tion." significant Threats of Another Democrat. In the Missouri Democratic , State 'Con vention the ;other day, Col. L. V. Boar. _ made long and violent speech.* in which he uttered the following significant menace: Suppose, through the intervention of an infamous registration law,' we should not succeed? What then? Gentlemen, it is not in our power to make known our in tentionif in advance. Ohl my friends, it is a most terrible guestion to ask. , Men have duties to perfinmon earth, public as well private; to their country, as well as , to their God; and I do hope that when all the - die:ens and appliances known to-the free white races of the earth have been used to obtain the ?rights which every one in invented with at his bi. th by Almighty God, that you will ,then be, ready to ,resort to such means and measures is • *ill secure to you, your rights. (Cheers.)' , The Sword to be Again D4wn. 'The 'Meat ' and', South," Democratic journal at Cincinnati; in its issnefor Aug. 48th, thus cointnehts, !Win' Snritiotin's leiter -of setteiStaneei" ' ::p; • Mr neYrsOur is ,fer the restoration of tho States PuTP and si mple; under, the. Oonstitni ton. . ,He .styles the; upris.; of;the Smith a:rebellion, but 'het Win,favor . of restoring .the status 'quo ~ In the same ,connection, the ,most nseltd senteinstof the letter, , Vo t ti• eiders himself party' to the Pla,tfbrmilrbleh if., in his' opinion, •, In the - nautili:, 0f,1030 11 ,, • tract with - , the - ptiople. That plaitou ni . 3 our readers mideridafid, - triats Og l e a t e " of th e, 4 0 .00 ed gecomitntetiOn i , bY thei mel. ti~ndta4ns.acth V 7 Cangress; as rerblutiobt ry, and not simply .unconstitatihnst They are eete which -the platform.: meirrit have oierthrown;withaatthe slightest right; the' very Constitution itself. They are each and all plate, palpable and dangerous breach- ;~~ x ~~ -~ 1 x ;`~ a ,y.( ~ f es enlist bond of our'Union. These feats, in Mr. Blair's opinion, ought to be resisted by the reoresentatives iI every branch of t4eGov•- ernment, by Democratic force of, arms. Mr. Seymour does not announce that con clusion, but he arrives at it necessarily by joining himself to the platform, which holds each and every step of the whole proCess of Congressional reconstruction as not only null and void because forbidden by the Constitution. but revolutionary- 7 -in other words, an overturn of the Constitution itself, by whose warrant alone Congress. can do any act. • Thetis not any question for the courts. By the platform, it is res adjudieata, and Mr, Seymour, as the Democratic candi date for the Presidency, binds himself to it ;as 'a contracting party. Of course, then, if we succeed, Mr. Seymour will be obliged to draw the executive sword at once, and stop the degradation of the States of the • South from the dement he has the power placed in his hands. He stands in fact where Mr. Blair - stands, accord.ng to his letter preyious to Ibis fnomination. * * * As the pre siding officer of the Convention, Mr... Se ymour says he was familiar with the resoln dens, and, as a member of it, he conaidera himself a party to their terms. He is bound to them; stands on tfiem; will not swerve a hair, and takes his, part of the responsibility of what may come. Arid the platform has no reserves about reconatruc tion. There is no chance therefor interpre tation -the acts of Congress are pronounced revolutionary, and everything done iris pur suance of them is as if it never had; been done, and 'those who stand in! the Way of prompt restoration must be removed, and all the doings in the premises which it will -- -be profitable to undo will have to be undone. We are glad that we stand together there; all the Democrats of all the Statesl. We are glad that is Southern State, and that State South Carolina, led the way. Wade Ifarhp ton, a Confederate General, had the honor, to make the suggestion. It was eagerly adopted by the Convention, and now we have the cautious, Christian, patriotid, and lifelong Demoerat, Horatio Seymour. pat ting his name to the indictment and pledg ing his reputation, if he be elected, do put' aside everything the tyrannical Congress of the majority of the States only, have:done to the minority. From first to lastfrom the so-called anti-slavery amendment of the Constitution to the flood of trash for all purposes, military, civil, financial and com mercial•—all the reconstruction laws of the' whole peace period fall to pieces, if the De mocfacy succeeds in electing Mr. Seymour as their standard-bearer. , :We can take part , in such a conflict.' Mr. Seymour does not embarraas himself, nor anybody else, by-dealing with the thumi eta! question. We very well know] his opinions, and - if events-were not omitipo tent, and -far more powerful than Presi dents,' we -would distrust Mr. SeYniour.. He is not for the greenback dote au the Enquirer teaches, and the West under4tand it, at all. He is for the opposite. -Thsdebt can not be paid, and without the satrap,and. bureau and proviist,, marshal system; the means to pay the interest car not be raised another year out of the producers or the West and South. Mr. Seymour beint one of the disinterested class of non-bonclhold ere, will not fail to yield to necessity, t and he will go for suspending Ike interest of the debt in a very short time, and the principal can then bemanaged with less difficulty. llFrom the Detroit Post.) Seymour's Next , Speech to a Mob: After Seymour gets into the White House,. (if he ever gets, there,) and the Southern Democrats, led. by Wade Hampton, "the butcher" Forrest, "Admiral" Semmes, Beauregard and Wise, have risen in. insur rection and ".dispersed the carpet-bag State governMents," they.may make a sudden `• rush on Washington, to seize the Capitol, "compel the Senate to submit," and declare . Southern independence. President Sey mour will then address them, from the steps • of the Capitol, as • "Mir Furcsna; I have come• over here footn the quiet of the White House/ to, see what was the difficulty—to learn what the trouble was concerning the Government._ Let me assure you that I am your friend. [Uproarious rebel yells, led by Wade Hamp ton.] You have been my friende, [Cries • fromForics , t's butchers, 'Yes, that's 80, 1 ] and, now. I assure you. my fellow - Demb-: crats, that I am here to show you a teat •of my friendship. [The old rebel yell from Nrse' battalion:] I wish . intorm iyou , that :I have sent my private Secretary to the different departments to have this Goir ernment • suspended and stopped. ti'ro longed rebel yells.] I now ask yon, as good:Democrats to wait for his, return; and assure' you- that• I will d. all I can to see that there is no resistance, and nn harm done to any of, - you. I wish you to take care of all gov-I ernment property, as goo# Democrats;and see that Admiral Semmes only gets; his ahare. The safe-keeping of public propertY, and archives rests with you; and I charge-- you to take care of them. It is your duty to maintain possession - of the city; and I know you will 'do it.. I. wish yob now to separate as good Democrats, .;and. you can assemble again whenever you wish to do so. I ask you : to leave all to me riow, and see to your rights. Wait till my Private Secre&ry returns from the Depart ments, and you will befatisited. Listen to me, and. See that no" Radical escapes.. with aof public:property, but dispatch m peaceably." The FOurteenth Amendment—official Chun , tea - of Chief Justice.Chase—lt la a Part. of the Conatituiloa. , On the 6th of August, Judge Omura held . at Parkersburg, 'W I Va., a term of the Cir cuit Court 'of the United States, Charg ing the Grand Jury, , he expressly, ran Ynd , - ed them that the Fourteenth, Amendatory Article, (wblch.the rebel Democracy have expressly, pledged themselves to trample ' under foot) has been recognized by a solemn - act of the nation and made a part of the Federal Constitution. This solemn opinion front the Bench is a fitting prndant to the above record of the new Democratic sclieme for another rebellion. The Chief Jthitice charged as follows There are three subjects, and so far as we are at present advised, only three subject:B i , to whicu it is necessary ma -direct' your par-. ticular;attention. The first tof these is the ,:faithful execution ofthe, internal rereane Lowe. The war I n - which - the'nation luta been recently engaged for_ the prewyation of the national Union:And Government en dangeredV rebellion, ,inade%the contract frig of a largp debt inevitable. This debit;; l ei the price Of oar national existence, and• binds irrevocably the good faith of the_sieo folc, Its inviolable obligatiOn-AS BEEN RECOGNIZED BY 'A SOI If EMN ACT OF ,THE ,WA TIOk : II`r. ( ADOPTING THE FOURTEENTH AMENDRENTQF THE VONSTITUTION:!op UNITED STATES, 17104-Attun e that .the validity tlie 04 46 debt Of, tbs., United Statee,'hu- - tlikOrtied by law,_including.. debtv r the paymen t bounties- for services orstpretvemg Anstirrectkit .o f - rebellion ' *pH ' .ot be 4neathined. ',Them) firedtfferenc .of opinion u: .the mode of patent reiquir;' bysAlitit Anierleali 'peßpte through , their Governtithy,,!buttLobotty.qtw.Mus. 001' anpbptlytat all, gist, thetl,ebt , contrhat e d bindle lialft; an4:tinid ilirif;rfect }faith The I*. of the' tuneadineut that the vaibliti tl4 n ation debt , alkali not he..qaepticitplre was already written upon Lae ht am: of 11. 3 people BEFORE THEY MADE IT I'AR OF THE CONSTITUTION, • • z , - • VA 0 lEEE