PLTISBiJR(iH DIABKETg, 113 OPlriet OvnlEPirrsistritem GAzETTA j MONDAYAugnst- 10,1868. f i The general ma kete are devoid of any new char-acterlstid worthy.of special notice. We can re t only a moderate locil demand for most of the leading arti cles, and the feeling in regard to an ad vance in prices is not as strong as it was some, days since. _ - BUTTER—The demand is falling off somewhat though as yet prices remain un changed at 30 to 35, for fair to prime. EGGS—The supply is largely in excess of the demand, and the market is dull at 18. CHEESE-4s firmer though there Is no improvement to note in the demand; 14 to 15 for Western Reserve. and Hamburg; 16 to 17 for factory and 19 to-20 for Sweitzer. HAY—Is quiet, nominally unchanged,at VO to 30 per ton, from country wagons. GREEN APPLES-1n steady demand and we can report regular sales at $4 to $5,50 • per bbl. POTATOES;-Very dull but unchanged, we continue to quote at V $3,50 per bbl. GRAlN—Wheat is coming in slowly and is taken on arrival at $2,10 to $2,15 per prime: Red and $2,20 for White Oats unset tled and difficult to quote correctly; old 82 to 83 on track and in elevator and 84 to 85 instore. We'heard of a sale of a car new oats at 70. Rye is in demand at $1,25 for new and $1,50 for old. Corn Is dull but firm. • No movement in Barely and we hear of no contracts for future delivery. LARD OIL- Is reported firm but un changed at $1,15 for No. 2 and $1,40 for No. 1: PROVISIONS—Bacon is in steady do mend at-13%a14 for shoulders, 16ii to 1834 for ribbed and clear sides, and 21;022 for sugar.cured hams. Lard 1934. Mess pork $3O. Dried beef 21x. 'FLOUR-The market is quiet and, a little dull,, but unchanged. We continue to quote at $10,50 to $ll tor spring wheat, $10,75 811,50 for winter'wheat, and $9,50 for iye flour. .Sale of 100 tibls choice new Tennes see flour at $11,50. New York Produce Market. lily Telegraph to . the Pittsburgh Gazette./ Nay, YORK, Aug. 10. --Cotton a shade firmer and not very active; sales 800 bales at 29341130 e for middling uplands, chiefly at 2934 c. Flour—receipts 10,450 bbls and anll and 10a15c lower, sales 600 bbls at $7,50a 8,25 for superfine State western; $8,70a9,80 for`extra do; 18,80a10,85 for extra western; i11a13,25 fonwhite wheat extra; $ 9 ,10a150 or R. H. OA; sloal2 for extra, St Louis; 1112;50M:4,50 for good to choice do., closing dull.: California_ quiet and heavy; sales 800' ' sacks •at $10.601112,65. Rye flour steady; sales Z5O bbls at f5a10.75. Corryineal qiiiet; sem 350 1 4 thi s at $.5,95 for western. Whisky firm;'stiles'3oo bbls at 6'7%c in bond. Wheat —receipts 820 bn; dull and, drooping; sales 8,000 bu at $2,.18 amber Green Bay, and No. 3 spring at private terms: Rye scarce and quiet at $2,50 for new; Southern, $1,85. Barley nominal. Barley Malt quiet and steady; sales of 7,500 bush at private terms. Coin—recdipts, 329,948 bush; the market is heavy and la2o lower; sales of 113,000 bush at $1,10a1,15N for unsound, and §1,16a1,17 for sound mixed western afloat; Isl,lB for • - high mixed, nearly yellow. Oats—receipts, 108,377 bush; the market- s active without decided change; sales of 108,000 bush at 82e for, estena in store; 83a833ic afloat. Stock in warehonse—Wheat, 585,370 bush; Corn, 1,611,468 do; Oats, 489,100 do; Barley, 575 do; Malt, 95,995 do; Peas, 43,289 do. Rice quiet._ Coffee rather heavy. Sugar dull and heavy; sales of 100 hhds Cuba at 11%a 11 1 y,c. Molasses nominal. Hops quiet. Pe troleum in fair demand, at 17 . 4 c for crude and 3434it34y,c for refined in bond. Pork heavy and droopingi sales of 850 bbls at p28,68a28,75 for new mew; closing at $28,75 regular; _528,50a28,75 for old do; $23,50 fbr prime, and $24a24,25 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales 160 bbls at $ 1 5a20,50 for new plain;mess, and $20,50a24,75: for new extra , . • men. Tierce Beef, nominal at $21a33 for _ _ prime, and 30836 foi India mess. Beefdull at 127a30,50. Cut meats steady; sales 250 pkgs at 13a133;c - for shoulders. and 16a 1936 c for hams. Middles'firm. Lard quiet; sales 550 tierces at IBal9c for steam; chiefly at 18 3 / 4 a1854c, and 19a1930 for kettle ten dered. Butter heavy at 25a33c for Ohio. and 30a39c for State. Cheese firm, at liana. Freights to 'Liverpool more active and fir mer; engagmeqta per steamer 01. sixty thousand bdshels o . f corn at sNa6d. LATEsT---Flour dull, and closed lower on common grades;: Wheat noffinal at 12,10. for No. 2, _ and' $2,15a2,27 for No. 1 spring. Rye very•scarce and firm utsl,Boa 1,90. , .oats quiet and fain atfQ3ic in store, and 831 c 'attest. Corn quiet at $1,12a1,15 for Unsound, arid • $1,16a1,17 . for sound mixedweetern afloat. Pork quiet at 128,75 cash itir mew,' and 128,85 lrtegular. Beef Tilet . and wtihout decided change. Cnt Meatsdtdl and unchanged., Bactoinominal. Lard,dtai, at ; 18Matilyic for fair to • prime steam ; rendered. rEggs _ dull at 24a26e. - St. Louis Market. tßy Tehutroph to the Pittsburgh Gitzette. Logis,August 10.—Tobacco, the de znand is good and prices retitain nohanged. Cotton. sales of. Middling at 300. 'Hemp is I dull; saine r or undreSsed at s4 s( ht/i65. , /lour is firm for high grades; sales at f6,37a6,50; choice extra at 483,8,50; double. extra at - -18,37x9,50 18,3789,50: , tieble extra to'fancy at $19,25 3, :it 13. Wheat, salesof a few fancy lotErat full prime, but under large receipts lowergrad es declined prime to fanny fall sold at' $2,1042,34;i and early: sales of choice and ' fancy at $2,33a2,40., Corn•is -firm !but not active at ;9a9le for mixed and; yellow' 93a 950 for whit e. Oats are buoyant and ' firm at 50a55c. li ke 'ls buoyant and higher; sales at f1,15a1,20. Barley; sales of New lowa,flrst receiVed, but not choicerat $1,70. Pork steady and firm at M,50,130. Bacon steady and firm at 13 ‘al3i for shoulders, 17Xa1734.. for cleat sides, -16 X for _plain hams sugar .Oured. do. 18;41119•14. small salesat 19, 1934 and 20c for tierces, half barrelsand kegs.; Whisky held higher; 11,37 Was paid for some, and 41435 refused. for round lots. Receipts- 7 Flour, 3,100 tibia; Wheat 72,000 bush; Corn ,; 7,400 bush; ,Oats, 17,600' hush. . ' • Q.. Chicago Market:'; (BY Telegraph to the Pittabargh Gazette:) CHUmoo, August 10,---Flour quiet, and • easierat 119a9,25 Mr spring- extras. t- Wheat 4:tull and lower, with sales of 'No.I at $1,138; 41,78a1;7$ for N 0.2; closing morainal at $ 1 175 ImNogi the market. remained mahailged •" his W.Gtpia3p., Cora in.gopd,shipping and Wtour,at/iereqUesi ,; the marketisle lower h No.l, at 9941;014 lin. 2 at 98a990 rejectod at 92440; otcoMag,st 99c for N o. 1; therelivtilit'itlieSthiS afternoon pf No' "I . at 9913,'CtieftZtiiid 98c seller for Art. Oats are mtiderately' itetive s. lti2d: , 3o 4 13 'lo,Ver; .yvith sahlivitt's7asBc; 'tslcisiiig at' 1 4c.'' mer-axicillalVoiligheriwitit 'sales No:l• • s l , 4 llal;44,guict No. 2,'at 81,4181,42 ',Bar : ley neg4cted,snd nominal., ;Elighwines it- Activei • bonded , held , ,1011 • PrPrisions ' )lilet and holder,s are.firm. lifesa Pork at 1 2 9a29,50: lidd "at yy s alB6...Pr,y,lSalted ahoulderest 12a12W,. TheieCeipts Om: the -sad fortkleightlfours • *ere: 4;117" Aour t e,62o hall ; wheat, 173,976ftrusiv corn, t°81411,073 94 Min bead: hogs 68.41.!, Ship. bb Ei flour, 13,853 bush ' , Wheaso ;18,688 bush ecru, 2,398 hood.,hogo, Aeighte nore Qtike'and'firiner ant ,KiNe ++l Teltgrsph Latiarsitin:ix, Wilglkis t - 10 ,:;41116# but, ohatigkl: white helot at $2,10; TlidiAllea2;l3s.:-,Corn Is ' 4411 t 11,26a1;28, -Ode `Rye' lis' MU at 111015014661.` f ricnislon/S- Mead • ork h et at ilgo;,rib sides, ,17 itl7yibr'.0bar ' o, 1 730175t5; shoulders/44;0114M; ham,: Llsrdis4seld at:l9aw ,•,z ;1 Telelfrimb'tif , :!,ihit . PO;libp,Txtf tifff , tlte.l y a t i V/I di A Figu O• CUP 7s . *cid* W e tittink erfinel. * rra; 3ales. qul $7a7,50. Wheat; 112." Corn; 75a80e. • Afiiiiewi ffaA424la22tte' IBrazil.22°:l ,o,rry . ..„1.; • " t•iWytdevug'Sorkero4-111.4111,11t; [A r rur V; 11 1 9 11 11 r4 4'....Aft1fr !IRS Financial . Natters in New York. Gold Closed at 1413%414111(. ißy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • ' NEW Yonic, August 10, 1868. MONEY. AND GOLD. Money very easy at 3®4 per cent. on call. Sterling dull at 109x®110. gold lower, opening at 146 k, advancing to 147%, clos .lng at 146 '®l4ot GOVERNMENTS Strong, higher and an Increased demand. Coupons of 1881, 115%„@11536; do. 1862, 114801 2 114@115 ; do. '64, 111(4)111X ; do. '65; 112 X; do. new, 108;041109 ; do. '67, . 1 09X(4)109,; do. '6B, 109X@109K; do. 10-40 s 109 34®10911. _ BORDER STATE BONDS. Transactions in Border State bonds small; Missouris, 93; inew Tennessee, 63k; new North Carolinas, 72; old do;, 73%. - STOCKS. - - Stocks quiet; New York roads weak; Western shares steady; Miscellaneous and Express dull. 5:30 PnicEs—Canton, 47V,,@47%; CumbAr land. 25@32%; Wells Express, 26%@27; American, 44@4434; Adams, 5234@52%; United States, 454@46; Merchants' Union, 2414@)243‘; Quicksilver. 121y,@ 122; Maripoga, 5; Pacific Mail, 103%®103%; Western Union Telegraph, 34X®34%; New York Central, 128X(4)12814; Erie, 58%® 58%; Erie preferred, 68 %@693.6;, Hudson, 1 35. 1 4©137; Reading, 591%@)91%; Ohio and Mississippi 29%@)2935; Chicago (fr, Alton preferred, 135%; Terre Haute, 44; Wabash, 5 0y,@51M; St. Paul, 75@)75M; do preferred, 82%q82,. ; Michigan Central, ' 122; Michigan4Southern. 85 3.f@85),(4 Illinois Cen tral, 148(4)158; Pittsburgh,B734@B7Yta 101305102; Rock Island, 1113.;@112; North western, 82y,@82%; do , preferred, 81X@ 81%; Fort Wayne, 108;i: Hartford and Erie, 21%@22; Astabula, 99%; Columbus, 85%. MISCIQp - SHARES. Gregory, $4,25a430; Smith & Parmelee, $4,45a4,50; New York, $1,45a1)55- SUB -TREASURY MATTERS . Receipts at the Sub-Treasury, P,713,874; K payments, 676,263; balance, $79,02,5,883. Cincinnati Market. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Cnteurrsexi, August 10.—Flour firm and in good demand at $ 1 0,00a10,10. Wheat arm; No. 2 new, 12,00; No. 1, $2,10; no old in market. .Corn firm at 92a93c for ear, and 95a97c for shelled. Oats steady at 52a56c for No. 2 and No. 1. Rye advanced to $1,40, and the supply is light. Cotton firmer; middling, 29a29Mc. Tobacco unchanged: sales 'of 115 hhds. sold at 65e, but holders ask 70c. Mess Pork drill and prices nominal at $29. Lard offered at 18%c; no demand. Bulk Meats in good de mand; sales 200,000 pounds shoulders at 12Xo, and sides at 14a14Xc. Bacon in better demand; shoulders, 1334 c; clear rib sides, 16y,,a163ic, anti clear sides, 17a17Mc; there is an active demand for sugar cured hams at 2lc for city; St. Louis brands are offering at 20 1 40 delivered here. Butter un changed and quiet at 35a38c. Eggs, 16c. Clover Seed quiet at $13,50. Flax in de mand at $2. Linseed Oil advancedto $1,05. Groceries unchanged and quiet. Gold, 146/ buying. Cleveland market, • By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, August 10.—Flour quitt at 410a10,50 for double extra spring; $11a11,50 for double extra red winter; country brands quiet at 19a10 for double extra spring; $9.50 a 10,50 for double extra red winter; $12x13 forAouble extra white. Wheat Salesof 2 • cars No. 1 red at $2;07, No. 2 is held at $1,93 and $1,90 offered. Corn—Sales 2 cars at $l,lO. 0.45, 40a50c; sales 50,000 bush to ar rive for September first at 56c; 1 car to ar rive at 60c; 3 cars delivered at 63c. Rye market dull, inactive and held at $1,75a1.80 for No. 1. -Barley market nominal. Pe. troleum steady and quiet at 30a310 for standard white, and 28a30c for prime light straw to white. New York Cattle Market. [Ek Telegraph to the rtttiburEb Gazette.l • NEW YORE, Aug. 10.—The receipts for the week were: beeves, 6,651; sheep and lambs, 20,410; hogs, 11,851. Beeves are - without activity and free arrivals, amount ing to 2,600 heed; prices declined Moie; average ,quality. of offering; fair extra at 16%c; prime at 16a16xe: frir to good at 15a 15%c; inferior and oodinary at 10a14m. Sheep steady; Lambs; which constituted the bulk of. offerings are decidedly lower; sales of sheep at 4a7c, and lambs at Thia9)ic. Hegs fairly active , and higher, though ye lower than Saturday, wnen best lots brought 113ic; prices to-day are 103ially,c. Toledo Market. 03y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ToLhDO, August - 10.=—Receipts for the past week-11,461 bbls flour, 150.371 bus wheat, .69,250 bus corn, 35,750 bus oats, 3,600 bus rye.. Shipments--11,210 bbls flour, 58,069 bus wheat, 113,603 bus corn, 20,943 bus oata, , 1,125 bus rye. Flour; sales of spring wheat at $10.25. , Wheat 3a60 lower; white Michigan $2,20, white Wabash $2,40, amber Michigan $2,10, No. 1 red $2,08, No. 2 spring $1,75; amber, seller, August, $2,05; do:, seller, September, 12,00. Corn dull and lower; No. 1-$1,103,: Oats 4c lower; No. .1 56e Rve ; sales of No. 1 at $1,40a 1,45. Lake Freights firm at 6%c to .Buffalo. Mavaukee Market. (By 'Telegraph to the Plttaborgh 6azette.l - August 10.—Flourdull and prices uncha , ged. Wheat unsettled; at $2,00 for olitNe 1, and sl,eo for No 2 do. Oats dull and lower, at 600 Air So 2. Corn quiet at $l,OO for No 2. „ Receipts -1000 bbls flour, 7000 bash wheat, 2000 "bush oats, 300 bush corn. Shipments-2000 bbls flour, 10,000`bpsh wheat, 800 bush oats. 'Louisville Market [By Teiegmht to the. Pittsburg' Gazette.l LOUISVILLE, August ie.—Tobacco; sales small atfull rates. , Flour; superfine $0,25a 6,50, 4Vheatr'red 12,01:1a20:" Corn 9 0 a9se. bars 461‘50e; Lard ISNal9e. - - . Bieon; Shoul ders 18,6114 o„ clear- 'rib; Sides.l7o, -clear Shies 17tie. %Balk Shoulders 140, clear 'Sides 483ic., Whisky; raw, free, 111,130.' IC/doggy Cattle Market. • emrrelekterill tap ratatieraa oamtte., Citto.tao,, August Cattle very "dirllAßdmomtool at 41f1k76a7 4 00 - for • good to Aiolce steers, 5q4;40,90, 4pgkatobPne wwe and fair steers: " Hoge moderately active; 'salsa of common lots, ,15aMo lower, at 11;1,25 alo,l2gtor coMmon, to cholee. • • INPORTS BY RAILiOAD. ' TI TTINBURO I 4Ift. Wham., AND Caroeno RiaLnown. ,Augusf 10.-7 _cars. pig iron, Nimick it 049; 2 do Bryan & . 0 0 1 11heY1 000 , pigs lead, Davis Chambors &'Co. '9B bbl flour. Leg Mayer & Voskamp ; 1 "c ar' bran, J B Piny& Co:2 db, P Schott; 100 bbl 'flour D Wallace; 100 do speritsesa, Watson; 2 bbl'glass, Ware.,.7 P SMitb; 10 , bbl, alcohol; T S Fins hi; 15 bhl whiskey, J Buoyer; 1 or .gan II Eleber it Bro. 50 bbl speritic'Elbep. tonit Wallace; scar inid l / 1 1 4 10. Kell ititotith" • art;. 1 box hard. wares, L' o Picks L.Ogan. Gregg; 4, , Co; /8 bbl Scrap irony Everson i forpston,4 Co 60 .pe lumber, &dom./la:dee; 42,Sacks oats, 1 holAgga, J Hankie:. 11 eke wool, ' /A:Darker ` ,Jr, - I t Co; 7, /:obl , flour, McClure McKee; 48 bdls 200 loose - broom ' botolliknowroy- & 2 bbl oggs, ?I J SUM. de Brtn.76 sacks barley, W .7 Mokf 890 'nil' bbl •M Roeder &CO; 1 airisiwEltibbarit it Bro; l2s, bol'eo f cheoloy, - Wood:tvortit'e Day.' bison ; .2,,bintes Eboltii 3 Bcriven; , 2::boxes India De Zouch it Co; 12 pumps Bailey, 74r,rei ft Cu; / 5 • boxes cheese, ICEwirtik,4 C0;,4 boteaCke'ga dri#B ll ;'olhinsed &Sons Ilk's barley , Sperleer & McKay ; gte g ke rg W BEtip/OM n oi llSaistp_iron,JJonern: ' 211 b ttr4?po pp V9 l .B l it'matkood tot 0o: 11:1)1)1 t 4. 1101110,4 • 4P 3 ; AO. bbl.fiocg.x, J 1 . tlid M R i p i tM, A .....„ EMI PI nsßultGir ~. . G N Hoffscott; 1 cadtobbaceo. Atwell Lee & Co; 173 sacks corn, Bricker & Co; 13 bx B cheese, J C Jenkins; 35 do do Arbuckle & Co; 1 car staves Al P Adams & Bro. CLEvELAND Arm Prrrsnumon Rein- ROAD, August 10.-2 cars iron ore, Wm McKnight & Co; 3 do do, Zug & Co; 1 car do do, W H Shoenberger & Bro; 1 car lumber, R A Clark I Co; 1 do do. McQuewan & 1 car bxs, 1 do, Fertilizer; Seward & Campbell; 2 cars iron ore, Chess S & Co;'I car stone, J L L Knox; 2 do do, Brown & Musgrave; 24 bbls srap iron, 4 1111(18 2 crates do, Mullen &Maloney; 27 old saws, Singer Nimick & Co; 2 boss wood, Chas Smith & Son; 6 bdls bdls, P H Langhman; 1 piece stone, W W Wallace; :35 seks wool, W Par ker, Jr (56.C0; 25 bbls lime, L H Carlisle; 1 car fire brick, Evans Clow D (tt Co; 25 do do, S Davidson; 2 coils lime, 2 scks rags, God frey & Clark; 1 bbl wino, F Lenaham; l do do, J A Weber & Co; 43 scks oats, Mellon° & A 1 bbl eggs, 1 keg butter ' 13 _bbla pota toes, 11 do apples, Voigt, Mahood dc Co; 4 dos cain seat chairs, half do rockers, Ful ton & Hopper; 1 bbfeggs, half do do,W H Kirkpatrick; 33 bbis apples, W J Steel; I box blind's, F C Topper &Co; 2 bxs drugs, R E Sellers; I box stove grate, A Bradley &Co; 25 bxs cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 20 bbls apples, Van Corder & B. PITTSBU GET, CINCINNATI AND ST. LOlllB RAILROA August 10.-10 bb whiskey. Ewart &Co;s t i cs dried boof, LT H Parker; I cask do H Myres & Co; 200 bbl flour 10 keg lard 5 half bbl lard oil 10 Uhl onins 10 ( 4 ) r. do potatoe , Van Gordon & Shepard; 1 box 1 box lard, B L Fauestock A Co; 1 bbl eggs Haworth McDonald & Co; 1 sack wool, Hugh Lee;' 3 bundles _sheep pelts 0 groan hides, M Flacus 41t . Son; 17 sacks barley, Frauenheim Miller & Co: 40 sacks outs 3 sacks wool, Meanor' & Harper; 55 - bundles p paper, Pittsburgh Paper Manuticturlner Co; 1 bbl eggs 1 bucket butter. voyt Mn, hood & Co; 2 bbl 1 keg klan seed 3 bbl soap W H Graff & Co; 15 bales cotton, KonnUedy Chilas & Co; 2 cases tobaeco, R & W :Jen kinson; 3 bundles office chairs, 3 do tam rockers, 3 do nurse, do 2 bundles drugs, 10 bbl oil, R E Sellers & Co: 5 .casesivvine, W M'Knight; 10 bbl lard oil, E HaZelton; 47 bbl potatoes, Graff & Reiter; 8 hhd tobacco, . W & D Rinehart; 1 car wheat, Hitchcock, & Co; 163 sacks corn, Brown dt, Williams; 1 car ear corn, J B Cambell. ALLEGErks/TVALtarx R. R., August 10.— I car pig Iron, H Woodsides; 2do McKnight P & Co; I car scrap iron, J Graiger; 2 cars stone, Senderson & Co: .1 car lumber, For ester 4 Coalman: 1 car stone, P C Messick: 2 carslimestone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car lime, J Knox; 1 do, Dunn & Allen: 1 do, Gummer; leeks wool, 2 bbl flour, Knox & Orr; 63 sks oats, S B Floyd & Co; 5 rolls leather, .J N lloatott; 21 ski; rye, -Kell & Ritchart; 4 bbls eggs, Schwalm; tio W E Carnahan; 1 box mese, S Dllmore; 10 kms butter. Voigt, Mahood A' Co; 1 old safe, Burke Basnes. PErmsyr.vArn.t. CEEr. August 10.-5 bbbeflour, McClu & McKee; 1 box mdse. MeCandlass, Jamison & Co; I pkg cegars, R & W Jenkenson; 1 keg bitters, Little & Mechling. PITTSBURGH . AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, August 10.-80 bdls paper, Markle & Co; 3 half bbls whisky, J Roth & Co; 3 half bbls butter, Means & Coffin. 1i).4 IV rx-51,014103izi nrItIAIIIIIOOD AND THE -VIGOR OF YOUTH restored In four weeks. Suc cess guaranteed.. DR. RICORD'S ESSENCE OF , LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause arising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self- abuse, Impotency and climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine. if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are' very simple. and require no restraint from-business or pleasure.) Failure is impossible. Sold In bottles at $3. or four quantities in one fog $9. To be had only of the sole appointed agent in America, H. GERITZEN. 205 Second Avenue, New York. 1et3:164-778 arPIIILOSOPHY OF MAR - RIAGE, a new Course of Lectures, as de livered at the - New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the subjects: now to liv. lad what to live for; Youth 4 Maturity and Old Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed: the cause of indigestion, flatulence and nervonit diseases accounted tor; Marriage phil m•ophicanyl considered. &c. Pocket volumes con taining Melia lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SECRETARY, ;New York Museum of Anal omy and Science, 618 Broadway, New York. - jelad6s-Drs BATCHELOR'S HAIR- DYE This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints: remedies the effects of bad dyes; Invigo rates and leaves the Hair son and beautiful. Mack or brown: Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers:Lind u s acr n li eagr s a e t w yAe . /or's Wig. Facrago. Igr'GUIDE . TO' MARRIAGE.— Yonnrtlr Men's Guide to Happy Marriake and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benet olent Physici E a rl y ' on the Erro and ncidet to Youth andlatanhood rs ; sent in se n s e d lette n r envelokes, free of charge. - Addreas HOWARD A.S. BOCIATION. Box P.: Ph iladeinhia. Pa. myIIINEBT pRoPosALs OFFICE OF CO T ROLLER OF AltritllENYsl9o.l Pi SUMMIT, Augus h, you , NOTICE COAL - DEALERS.. sEkr.:ED rRoPosALs will be reeelt - eilist this oaten until 17th lint., Inclusive, for tarnishing Co Allegheny County 10,000 Bob. good Merchantable Coal free from slack and dirt, to be welshed on the City Scales, and delivered at the entrance to the Court House and on Fifth and Miss streets. In qu titles of six hundred bushels per day, until Lb whole is delivered. Payment will be made by Warrants drawn on the County Treasurer when -the contract Is completed. By direction of County Commissioners. HENRY MEM _ . OFFICE or CITY — ENOINEER, Allegheny City, Aug. 5. MO THE PARK, COMMISSION. receive proponals until THURSDAY; /3TII r.; For Furnishing One Thousand Cable Yards of good Blver Gravel, To be delivered along the line of walks of Common For specifications and particulars Inquire at this The Commission reserve the right to reject any or all tads. • CHAS DAVIS.. ,:•atte:vs , Supt?dg Engineer Park Improvm' t. Cilica OF CITY ENournes All uarzirou„ g • Pittsburgh.Ju4ll, f ;NOTICE . TO STONE MASONS.- £qtA.T.)3D PROPO/3ALS ' YOE ' , Rebnildhig a Stone enliert, .• , Oyer the goer Mlle , Eau, at the Swiadier rum, 234 Ward, 111 be meelved at tile OltrEngineer's Odic° until , , Satul'dats August atb.lttes. Epeolgastion. can be cee4 & ibis elese, H. 4,114L0C1A,709 • , r iYal:t7l 4601313.NMXT5, Orricsos Cirri iraorszza Alro sanvirron, Pittsburgh,..e.pgust,l,t; 1888. .XOTICE. • • TELE ASSEI3BIIIEN'r POE TTIC "qiicohionan Fifth St, Is now ready for,exmOtrddidi!,ill24 be seen at Ma Mee until - • • ••• ••• TitESDAY 11 it MB' • • ren it wilt. be returned to , tha 047 ; •*agic rer ,, dice lot coueotion.-. , • •• • • •„i ut:tita • • H. J. Ur"' Xm3ll)l4ik 'Ol , lllOOl . *MIND. AND • • STEMId PAOKINIV4-..11 IdeehAnt hand it oil ew. and of the best. -4'artles wlehbor to asap orlhopittnere Betting to required; `rill and nut prince as tow oteen be nett. In tar . . "18 P timed. • ''d 4 4I 4RILLIPS,'' . 1 . • veg an & • 8 St. • ate etmet. TitiISANSPA : NT GlialElll OLOTIEL for Window Eilvt i le zal ' l e inerlor iL A15eturr). "14 .14 . 4111 , 47111 1 4 1 147 Of the' 1117 111P irbn • ; sirldtluquilt rewind tuna roan, pfl . n.T . , • , "fithinlealit7'Uirt 1 - 7 N T:i • = !FORE: ' ••• • DO - 7 :: r ratty melor elf& ihiekled.' • '• • rifind Se viz u oisl e sito t skeiquelm..._ll f i t or ume: u s .. 4me t te r exec J. a FL PEULLU'a I I - , TuES.ult, AUGUST 11 -1868. [Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LOUISVILLE, August 10.--River rising, with 6 feet In canal. Weather _cloudy and warm. ST. Lours, August 10.—Heavy rain this morning; cloudy now. • , , OR E - VAIIFE E VlLLa d idat . jEI CAIRO. AND WF..1.013113.--Th ne steamer CAMELIA Capt. ,pritas Ihuav Will leave as Above, positively, THIS HAY,.IIOI inat,--4 P. N. . For freight or passilge aoPIFOOII . OIFd or to JuHN-IPLAcfs._. _. • J..D..004,2..0qH-00p. Agents. ,j MISCELIBANEOUS. . FOR - 84LE. CROCERY STORE. A Wholesale ancißotail Grocery Store; Doing a good business, and situated in a good place in Allegheny City, will be sold at arcasonab le price. The store house has a lease on it for five years, and will be sold wlthatore. For terms and ' location addrees N. 11., Box a, GAZETTE Ornoz, Giving , full name and where an Interview can be Contro OIL . WELL ' Steam Engines for Sale. GIVIVINw.fitnIIO Vingyinndtrs72EoAlladElir Inch stroke, with all the natures FOE • BORING}' OIL WELLS. Address MME X. BOLE & Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pc auft:t9a w t•'FELD sic° . Tanners Seitipsi . ..kerootuh,Cattla,,-Talls, BONES, NEAPS4OOtOI4-ic, 3'olllce. and , Wznahonitt; 335' LIBERTY 6T., 4 door trnzp,Wayne, 4 . PITTOBVitOII,. Pa k , ' ' qtr Eng Weer. CZ:11 EXCHANGE. B'ooo Acres .of Land apWillielog county, West, Virginia. being JiG, int A. 1 34, 13*, 136. 13¢ Put!** all ,tract", ;watered .ps, 9purbe#, of Twelve, as), pole' Creek, and part an o xiii4 l2l44 et of 321.000'ierer grinted to ;sines *llroi„ackil es !Oiling; itirpkri and Michael Graff. turf Hollings wind' and Farwell: . Pikes piad Title perfect. Wilt be , ezehaugsd for Pittsburgh zuseittbotuies or dry goods, atunarket irkietig , ;Address; EICIELLINGEIe j :174 ' , • stemmas times. , RE. Olt" Enibilel: , . . TO' TUE ;PUBLIII14; , ; Pleife take nOttee' rig ihy :SANG; baa aLININ o and fled ilhiretirtigiVe gittiV4l4 ar ls Aliiiscceient; as .1 will not be responsible for ' armor bat oantfon*,; • • , ... tiOTICEsatoD - . T'IIitAIaiifriI o grAELILLLIKAIDAREIp 41 . 0 - 1317 -P,44R9*WA 01 41 lir 4344-IN . VN •thiTttreigar iaZ` 3115 RIVER NEWS The river continues to recede slowly at this point with about twentYv-seven inches in the channel. The weather yesterday was cloudy and unsettled and towards evening there were indications of rain. -The sternw h eel American went over the falls at Louisville on Saturday for St. Louis, with a fair trip. —The tow-bo Sam. arrived at Louisville on Saturday, from Pittsburgh, with a tow of coal. —The McCullough will leave Wheeling for Cindianati this evening, aa will also the Robt. Moore for Portsmouth. —C_aptain J. B. Davis, of the Memphis and White river line, is negotiating with Capt. Josh. Throop, of Evansville, for the Mayflower. --A barge of• coal belonging tO the Kana wha and Ohio Coal Company, struck the wall at Elk Shoals, in Kanawha river, and sunk in dye feet. —The steamer Petr lia commenced the work of clearing th lower Ohio o snags on the 27th of July, e t Evansville, f and in eight days removed t enty-eight snags. • —Capt. W. J. Kountz received a very liandmome pony from Cincinnati yesterday on the Camelia, though it was originally forwarded to the Captain from the Upper. Missouri. —The Wnr Eagle. Sunk in the upper Mississippi, near Sal) la, was built March, 18545, aside-wheeler, an cost $30,000. There Is another boat of th name built in 1858, at a cost, of $45,000. —The Camelia arrived from Cincinnati Before day lig ht -yesterday morning, with a fair trip. She will at once commence loading lOr St. Louis, and will be ready to take her departure this afternoon. —The City Council ol k St—Loula has pass ed the Harbor bill. It authorizes the issue of one hundred thousand of bonds; and 9proplates fifty thousand dollars for the improvement of the harbor north. —The St. Louis pcmocrat, of Saturday, says: Capt. W. J. Kountz will shortly as same command of the St. Louis and New Orlea7 steamer Great Republic. He has run b'g boats in the trade before, and Is one of the most successful of living steam boatmen. —The Ezra Porter, one of the boats de stroyed by the lire Thursday morning, was insured for $25,000 in the followinA• Pitts burgh offices: Eureka, $5,000; Western, $4,000; Boatmen's, $4,000; Citizens, $1,000; Pittsburgh, 4,000; Merchants, and Manufac turers', $l,OOO. 1--Parties are actively engaged in trying toraise the steamer Dexter, lately sunk in the Ohio river at Twelve-pole. They have her swung on chains, with empty barges alongside.. So far they have succeeded in getting her over to the Oldo shore, and will have her up in a day or two. —The steamer Mettl Mims, from Cin cinnati to St. Louis, e struck a snag four miles above Cairo, in the Mississippi river, last night, and sank in two minutes. She lies on the snag, and there is great danger of her breaking in two. No lives were lost. The value of the boat is not known. —Capt. Henry G. Car Son, one of the direc. tors of the company organized to build steamboats on the De Haven plan, renelved notice on Saturday that the Building Com-' mittee bad perfected all their arrange ments. and would commence operations at once. An assessment of ten per cent. has been made on the stockholners.• —We,clip the following from the Cincin natti Gacettc : The different packet lines vary consider ably in the wages 'paid to their employes this season. We give the following as the outside and inside figures: Captain t1150®250 lst Clerks 125@150 2d Clerks 60©76 Pilots •100(4)125 Mates 100 2d Mates 60®75 Engineers 100@)125 Stewards ...60®75 Deck hands 25@35 Cabin boys.. ......... ............ • 1,5@30 Routs abount 20@25 River and IV eather. STEAMBOAT MB COMMISSION_. IWITRORANTS. L. iNtlatatlOL. .. ... .. 8111T - Att - sok. DILLINGER & STEVENSON , FORWARDING AND. CONINfieSIONMERCHANTS, For the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE generally, Also, - L Nuoßsi l wiNES, BRANDIES, &c. No. 87 Second Street, Pittlburgh, Pa. lir LIBERAL ADVANCES made on Consign lents. . jy31378 INEMZI _ _. _.FIELD , . A. T. CANFIELD. 'lt. CA_NFIELD & BON, COlll - a 4 - .F n V et iole n l t e . Cheese, putter, Lard, Boik, Bacon. Flour, Fish,' Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and S ,da pellet:, W hite Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils, No. 141 First street, Pittsburgh. WATT,ILANG & WIIOLESALZ ID/SALEM:I IN Groceries, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011, dm., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Plttsbunth, Da. ' n09:n56 X. STEELE --- AAr STEELE & SON, I.Y.Le Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN pr,coun, itanArivi Fr u mp, iato, No. Oct OHIO STREET near East Common, ' ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. MICANOR JOB IV/EANOR & HARPER; • FLOUR, GRAIN AND TRODUCE COMMISSION 31011.C.RA.NMEI astp LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBI7RGH. Consignments solicited. fiXTZSENCX,B-3. G. Martin Cashier Mechanics , Natiansil Baia: J. B. Duwortt; & co., It. • T. Ken nedy a Bro. Ja31:124 isTaa !MIL JAB. F. BICHAZI4. ' WEIL Sc RICHART, A..x. • . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 AND E1X41.11113 IX - • FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED ~&c., &c. . 349 Llperty tit, Pittsburgh, inrA:b37 • RI J. BLA.NCHARD, Wholesale and IlebM Grocers, 18:x89 No. EDO PENN ETBEET ALEX. It'EANIT --- " --- - McBA.NE & ANJEII, J. ANJBB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Deslent In PLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 144. WATER. STREET, - aboie Smithfield, Pittsburg!). - ETZER & ARBPISIPIE;ONG, FORWARDIXO AHD OONEIBBION MOUNT% Por the sale °Ilion!, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seedt, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. i 6 MARKET STREET, corner of Finn, Pittsburgh. JOHN 1. 130171ii-- ZIOUSIL....iWIif: H. notrsz: t]l - 011N I. HOUSE suc cessora to JOHN /. HOUtiE CO., Whotante rooera and Commission Merchants, Corner of SzulthUold and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. . g . RIDDLE" N 0.183 LIBERTY' • STREET. Pitisburgia, Pa., Commission Mer e ant and Wiiolesale DeaJer In Country Pidnce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manniaetnre_a. C h ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Prodn Igen erally. au= iiiiii. ivizoic . 'ANDREW KNOX. I H KNOX & SON, COMMISSION. .MERCANTEand dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN I ..L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, oppoalte City Hall, Allegheny City. jal7;r37 -------- ITTLE, BAIRD &' PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fhb, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all ,Pittsburgb Manatbetures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN 61111.1"014 WALLACE. § HIP TONA , WALLACE,WITOLE.. SALE GROCERS AND PROMIOI/. DEALERS, . 6 SIXTH STREET, Plltsbursch. a1.2:08 PROFESSIONAL. jOB. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLIOE nolanwrs. Office, 126 ISTLIE ErPREET near Washington. . . PITTBEPEGII,. PA. ' Deeds Bonds, ; Itortgaies., Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, • arid all other leigitlmlite business executed promptly.. • •mh•Z:n9 • - Smu - jEm me24lsT=a, • Ax.romtntA.N., 'Ex-Oftleto Jasttee of the Peace end Pence Mitts .irate.- Deice, (MANN. STREET, opposite- the Ca thedral, riTTSBILIBMII;:BA.. • • Del:4;10'11°, Bonds I let t li g gislit t e e st u irett a a e lit t t s i promptness aUditispateo. • • . • • whist RlifitlCElSs MORROW, - • : AILAIEWILik.Dr o • IM-OFFICIO ivanco QfP TEE PEACE AND. POLICE *A.C1187743T. • ' OFFICE, NO. TIPENOA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds' Bonds, Mortgages; Acknowledgments, Deposition/nod all Legal - Business executed With promptness and dispatch. • •• myl2, A AMMON, .Tuettee of the Paw, • CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE 4 INSURANCE AOT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRfaNGSA.M. • CoUectlon of RentAsollcited and promptly attend ed to. -. • rd93:3 , 60 • ILLIAITICAARREW ,t, JUSTICE OF THE. PEACE, CONVEYAHOER, 4&C,, ,,• ()Mee, CARSON STREET, nearly, opposite .th, Rallyriy Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Ruelness entrusted care promptly attend. , e 4 to. . . . • • myt:yel DANIEL IL D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE 'AND . RESIDENCE, N o. 59 Gran t:St., near ar.M:s7l • CJ , s. riEnprso,x, ATTOR; 4 I:Er'-iATX.AW, No. 87 36 4 1.rth Street; "Av0ttwey:47.44,7.. . .015e,n6 1te4454' • • „ I • 1.! Pirresuion, PA. ftls:t44 T, I,A. • <,; f. It • ~; ..9-TT9TUIEMiAT-LAlttri - • APO ;Street itarip t ii?; f- • I ,VORGitinar - 4, , „ ATtOB II COUNSELOR AT ..A.AW I 80 'ran.' ArrirloltPi rEV A S i t iali r • 1 44.48 • 11 : 1 rni ;!'./ . . r %Inthel&P.t.. ./ 4)prrietinugrm. PAi :.TWINbrF7' I ` -./ , r1..,!1 . 1 ll 1 q2I . 44 4 DIPIVKAZio '1:11 .. 1 ! j 1 1 rEMOrtiCIO' 468iiittjrtt't§ l'ille*" e ll 1.- fts 41111 40ifjekiN T'' t 1 440piultuvbrrtitelynErril ~,filiVii ''. tnowagEr9ftiVn o t lt a " . o a k ' iewited ttivebto tio 4. • k 1 • ' I ) 011MPC.., T.P.:*) I rit ANketoSt A iii , eut Oollooter , " "41 41"1 " °f PrOMPUY t • "MOO 116=1 4. i _- - _ , 113ITTS BURGUalligamm il CON NELISVILLPE.B. . , - 'On and after 'THURSDAY_ , • MAreb sth, 1881_ tra ns will arriSo at and depart from the Depot, cot, ner of Grant and Ware? streets, as follows: . Dewitt. .Afllife. Mail to and from Uniont'n. 7:00 X. N. 6;00 P. It.. , McKeesport A ccommodt'n.ll:oo A. N. 3:05 P. 31.. BE. to and from Uniont'n.. 3:00 V. as. 10:00 A. M. raddockwton Accommod'n 4:3thr. N. 8:35 A. at. 's Accommodat'n - 6:15 Pi M. 7:60 P. 31.. Night Ace, to ?dcKeesport.lo:3o 7 - , X. 6:40 A. X. Sunday Church Train' to and from West Newt0rr........ For tickets apply t 3 1:00 . P. st. 10;00 A. X 4LLLEGIIENY " VALLEY' RAILROAD. .. 7- DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL } ... , , ,i, ,, Running-through to Venango City Without change of c.ars'— Connecting with trains FOS{ and West of the Warre.. & ; Franklin Railroad. and Atlantic & Great Western Railways. Shorteii. and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the Oil Regions. wiltlsad after April 25th, 1808, .Fisesenger Traits eave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows: Depart.:; Arrive. . Mail to and Pm Ven. L City.. 7:00 A. 7t. 0:15 P. Ph - Express ''. . 1 ' 1040 r.!.19:5 A. M. Brady's Bend ACcommod'n 3:00 r. 41. 10:20 a. Soda Works Accom'n ....... 5:30 r. . 7:55A. X - First Hutton . Accomod'n... 8:50 A. 54. /1:40 A. M. Second Hutton Accomod'n 12:00 .n. 3:58 p. as. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda:Works at S:O5 A. Ar.. arriving in Pittsburgh at 0:50 A. M. Re_ turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 ran., arriving at Soda Works at 2:55 P. M. 1 _ B. BLA.CIESTONEC, Sup't. w. 17. HOPE, Ticket Agent. atz J. A. ES TIZIE CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after SUNDAY. June 21st, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, Elttsburgh time: , ;Depart: I Arrive. Mall Express • ' Past Exp r3:18 a. M. 13:10 a. ix, Line ' - . 1 ,9:40 ni a. . m 7:15 p.. Fast ress q -4 ,2:10 p. rd. 11:30 a. re. Mixed Way , ' 6;10 a. m. 7.05 p. m. • McDonald's Aeon, X. 1.. 1140 a. m... 3:08 a. Steubenville Accommod'nr• 3:58 p. in, 0 :30 a. ni. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:35 p. ns. 8:30 a: M. B,PECIAL Norra.--Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 p. su., arriving: a, Cincinnati at 6:00 m. the next 9:4omorning. The a. . Train leaves dally, l iSundays ex- •, mood, and antes close connections at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, I;Manalleld & Newark-14 E. . • .. ~ CARD: SCULL; General Ticket Agent.. • W. W. Sup't., Steubenville.". 1 • es P .411 .13 4. 101iL FORT WAYNE — i 01: 4 : ). W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTS/VITRO/I R. R. • From. Jams 7th, 1808, trains , will leave hen , and arrive at the Union_ Depot, north side, city I" • time,•as follows: . . . %Leave. Chicago Ex.... 203 a as Chicago Ex..% 08 ama Cleveland Ex.. 203 a m Cleveland 2 2 :08 a m Erie & Ygn 7:98a mlChicagoEx..;. 11:23 aus Cl. & Whi'g IPI 6:13 am t Wheeling Er.. /1:08 a m • Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m St—Louis Ex: 3:33 pm Chleago Ex_..'.. 9:43 +am C.I. & WWI; Di 4138 pm .Cl. &W 1:43,pm Erie & nllc 6:13 pm • Chicago . 1:58 p m Chicag. oEx , .4:23 p Wh•rie.E.x. Cl. &Wh'g 'lx 7:08p m Depart from,d/kpheny. Arrive. Iletrhestr. N. tirigt , n 8:58 mN. lirlgt'n Ac: 7:03 aln Leetsdale 10:L7,4 mN. Brigyn 8:28 ana ,* 11:59 a m " 8:53 ain Rochester ; 223 pas New. Cisstle • " /0:13 ana Went:7 , e Ace.. , 3:43p m Leetsdale " 9:13 aas Leetsdale 4:13 pm "- .s• . 1:08pin N. Brigt'n • 5:33p mN. Brigtlrt 243 p N. Brlgt, , n " . 4528 protLeetsdale 4:9 8 pm m LeetWale -" ;10:43pm " ", 7:9Bpm Sir 158 p. m. Chicago Expreas leaVeli a. In: chleago Express arrives daily. jeg F. MyERS, General Ticket Agent. V n ENATISYLVA ' CENTRAL, RAILID and after June 7tl rive at and depart froth tl Wasirington and Liberty Arrive. Mail Train.— 1:15 a in' Past Line. ... . . 1 40 a m Wall's No. •1.. • 6 20 a mi LatrotwAce'n 750 m Cincinnati o. E. 1.. • 9 S 5 100 a a in Johnstown Ac.lo 35 a in IlalUzaore' Ex. 1 00 p m Phila. Express • 3 20 pm Wail's No. 2.15 pm Braddocks No I 5:50p Wull's No. 4. 7:15 pm: Altoona Acc'u and Emigrant ' Train . . . . .. 9:30 p "The Train........ Train leaves WalPs Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. Et., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. .Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and anises at Welps Station at 2:00_ ,p. m. Cincinnati Expre s s leaves daily. Ali ' other traits daily except Sunday.: , . . • : Por Dar:trier information apply to • W. R. BEcrwimi.;Agent., The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as- , slime arty risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their A n y to Onellundred Dollars in value. Aft Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the °truer, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, • General Superintendent,'AUoo2l/4 111. ar STIEJIN - - SYLV.ANT P A EN RAI N L. S ANMSt .-On and after May 10th, 1868, be yam sense, Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail raid will. arrive at and • depart item the? Federal .Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: • Arrive. • I_ .- DePccrt.'i - • Ilivintrd'ello'l 6:35a UV Hall a:l5 a rit Freeport No. 1 . S:l5 a m Freeport No.l 910 sna .Express....... :10:15 /1. 111 Sharpb'g No.111:20 adz SbArnb'a No.l • 1:25 pso Express... -.- 1:50 pre Freepuri N 0.2 4:10 p m Sprlirgd'e'llo . l 3:50 pm. Mai, ' - 4 ..' . 9:50 pln Freeport No. 2 6:05 pre Stolngd'e No 2 - 7:19 pin Snringd'e No 2 9:30 pat . Atmystralns run duly except beadily.- :: • - 1 i The - Church Train leaved. Allegheny Janet. ever/ Rundity at 7:11-0 a. , n2.4.4eaehing Allegheny City at 9:50 a.. m. Returning, leaves - Allegheny; Clty at .9:90p. m. and striae at Allegheny , Innct.',l at 9:49 •COBAttrtalitor 'Tblittia-FOr sale' in peeks/mot Tw enty , _between,Allegheny City, Chestnut a Herr's ' ? Bennett, n ine Creek, Etna and Sharps b . and rod onkvon the tra in stOPPing at Stations spe urg - 7 ' :: T he .. train', leaving Allegheny City at 6:i5 a. m. and 1150 P. le make direct' connection at Freeport -with Walkelinooflltages for R utter and liantudus lawn?* Throne tickets may 'be purchased: at the 011ice..No. 3 Plt. , .Ciair street, dear the SusPenaion Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. . For thrther information ary fo ___. JAMES EFFERTS, Agent, ..... edam! Street Depot M .. ,The Western • Pennsylvania Railroad edit- not M . imme any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap- - I, and Wait thel. responsibility to One Hundred, Dollars in value. AIL baggage exceed this amount in . value will be at tha risk of the ow ner , tin teas taken by special contract. • . " ~,, EDWARD n: WILIA.. mill .... Elexputi atmerintendent, Alto Lone. Pa. _____________________ • s Loav BILL PEW PUDIC 'RAILWAY Eaatern•:DiViSiOil. ii . . . Tb e sticiRTEST AISrI:I•3IOST.RELIABLE from take 7Lost poLtra in• • , Colorado, Nevada, California, ' Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, 1. Idaho, ' , Oregon. '2 _Two Trains leave State Line and Leaven .Isu . y., (Sunda_ IS ezeepted,iim ins arrival or ttarns of 177: a=l tr,f, o m St• Louis. and: 'Lamlbsk i arta m Quincy, connect/b. at , Tn- vat. ad Wamego with st.ret• Ur- a points - AZ , end of 'track west rrrrrlll_sritp UNITED STATES SIMMS; CON. .P.A.NS DA Li 'LINE OP - OVERLAND ,11(11111. 44 F D *F V ll C RI t CWOPR! , ' MUIRIN VEIZEtd BAIT laLLICV.4 • r '" • ' " and all IroAn.fin,thO l ßiefriterie4., , 'And wlthrilAN/INkieraiTlif-irEENIX LINE a COACHES tor Fort nipp c Bent% Fort" Pam. Atha. go ne,•.• Santa • IPA.Eaniv a l l points In Arizonn an 4 Wier cake. , • ' r r.Meht , of rolling stook ant mteipment i and ,tecaugementa madd,with rs- , frironslble overlie mrpOrtlation Line' from Its western termines.,thls sadiron offers unegroilleit 'Aloft. ties rot tranreatmlon of traght to ate Yar fWeit,.., • ' 'LI4I 111 1 " L_Tited igkets etatee end C for end Canada. tne Antoi r. Pal 4515cea M that un ; -• ' wnTare and ask for tickets Ma THE KY ROD lA_ UNION PACIFIC-, WAY " ENlq DIVISION. • I ;" ,4!! - . • • -. . aprnEnsas, • • if,• I, • ii 4 ‘ , P General Superintendent. ; ••. ti I WIRIMITIffi ti • •I , l s t; i s %midi patiod ad Indus M7EI . MEE , 114 Taupe:et, ANDallb: . . ; QUE.NsTowN. •.,7••"1.-trr,(1 1160 01 " ' . tuis Hiiii m br e rtwcin t , ~ • 1104,voweisilionsoulta:— ••- grpiMike Ik ` Bl 617W0 L.tYCITY I ' ANDON, SItW EVERT JiATIZDAY hum M. 46, Haw wver. New Not « • Par Orienbei , Intones eitattaDote to f sums ancouuli4.4! • • Nostty opposite Poet Cloy, Phtstiorgio. RAILROADS W. "B. .STOUT, Su R. gibia, Agent. perintendent. .., Wet_ _ _ I TTSBURGH,anip m -7. .:curciwbrAri' AND ST. uIS RAILWAY. • PAN HANDLE ROUTE. , IA An. aiNNANa . 1868. Trains will ar— , 'Union Depot,: corner cf streets, as follows: Depart. _ Day Express...l 2:25 a M Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 aln Mall Train . . 7:50 aus • Clnclnnati . Ex 11:40 a ro. Wall's No. 2.. ;11:51 a m Johnstown Ac.' 3:05 p m Bra (kiosks es j4 : 50 p m Phila. Expres.l4:so p m Wall's No. 2...; 5:10 pnt Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 rret Fast Line 7:30 p Latrobe Acen :8:50 p Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 p m A El MEM