The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 11, 1868, Image 1

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TrsstlEiziv - p.. o.c . x.ocir.- M.
Suit in France Decided in Favor
of the United States—Speech Of
the. Emperor Napoleon—The
Disturbed Condition of Spain-•
Finandal and Cornmerefal.
Lily Telegraph to tho I:lttsbargh fiazette.3
- "'
Irmo, M. e .appeal in th e case
„ .
of the, - Viiih* States against 'Amen's, in
whicka counter claim is involved, haelieen
Aegided Court Imperial in favor of
- invoiced the .
11111 - treltedAit ear ' e•-
.• lii*OcailFinAher the ;Messrs. A.rwans :had
cciatireated o, build .for the. Southern Con-
Angustlo.—The Emperor Napo
leon, on hie.; return from Plornoires,
stopped a ' Tre,Yeer :where he
rui received with 'great
t enthusiasm_ by th e eep_
_la ,' The -Mayor at ;the. heak - Ff th e
111 00 1 Pa l, 09Verninent; waited on His
Majesty at the depot and resented an ad
divas of , itelcome:',Vhe Emperor replied,
thanklitiethe Mayor and the municipality
_people for' thl% - their warm demon
strat4ol 4 .111 r 6 .01011- expressed a hope
that no untoward event would occur to
disturb the peadeful progress of trade and
agriculture and cOncluded with an invoca
tion to G od-to protect France. The Empe
r'or's speech , was received with* prolonged
clieerti and repeated 'cries of "Vice L' Em
perute." _
lIONVOW ; Augnot 10.—Acegunts received
troiii Spain represent that the dis
turbed condition of that country is leading
Irogrf s a t A n d s sn r y e Th l
that th e
The latest eii
c ag s v i l s cz
zulticipated. Lieut. General Juan Peselna
hp been appointed Capt. General •of the
Province of Calalonia.
Lownow, August 10—.Evening.—Consols
for money, 94%; for account, 943(; bonds,
7134;41ri5, 37g4 Illinois Central, 92; Great
Livti - wont" Aug. 10.—Cottorrunchanged;
sales 15,000 btßes.'' California wheat, 12s.
4d.; red,western, 10s. 10d. Fine rosin, 14s.
Terpentine, 295. - Other articles unchanged.
LONDON, August 10.--Sugar ilimerat 365.
ANTwEnp, August 1 0.-Petroleum quiet.
.4 The Cattle Disease•-:-Precautionary Meas.
ores Adopted 7 -Sickness' from Bating the
I Flese--Injurictlety Vatated—Exportidloa
• • erAtm—Yellow Beren...lllot in.ldraoir".
• Mr: Teleinsoiiietife i'itUrstoxs Gazette., ' - •
. Nsrw Yong, August 10.. About one bun
; . -. dred diseased •cattle have been killed at
1 Commttrdpaw and placed in tanks for ren
derttig, , The market, is seriously. affected
', and• the price for live stock has fallen off
I considerably. The denvind for beet in-ree
l- taurants hai alsefallen off to-day. Guards
I are-to he stationed at all the Railroad lines
1 - to prevent the shipment of diseased cattle
1, here, and every cattietrain will be accom
panied;: panied by a , competent medical officer.
t .
! 'One instance of sickness from eating the
diseased meat is reported, but prompt
I - measures: - Of the Board of Health.will pre:
1 . , vent further cases.
Judge Cordoza Ict-dtty, in the cases of
O'Brien, Itinssrine At Gates against the
i Robk 'eland Railroad; vacated the injhne
tions against the said corporation, and de
nied the potion for „I, Rebeiver, holding
that • the company is subject to thejurisdic
tion of the States of Ibitra and Illinois, and
by their laws. its powers mast be tested.
Several European steamers have recently
taken .out-large quantities of haY, and
.. it is
said awry -steamer for a fortnight ahead is
engaged •to take it as far as convenient:''
One line is even under orders;from their
agents abroad-to fin all available space not
occupied 'by shippeie with this - article for •
ship'a account. - Oruitracts for 'delivery of
`middling upland cotton are offered at 20 c :
forOetober, 2 , 130 for Noventher, and 28>o
for: Cembar, but there are no buyers not
- Nil Mail the great come:gain. •
No ew cases of yellow- fever at cnutrart
tiniran .only . three .ceuvuleseents. remain
th T ;O3
•In thehosPitali — - • . ''
- quite a riot occurred In, the Squatter Dis
trict-of Brobklyn,linoWn as Jiison'ellol
low, on Sunday., Thelmlice tried to seize
' the goats, geese, ko., - belonging to , inhabl
tanyr, which had-beeomeintollerable utile-,
=min Lifts neighborhood ,` h u t were beaten . :
off with .clu.he and- stobea. l Some of the
. rioters werserrestedand held (41014. -
Robert Pell, for several years Secretary
for the American Free Trade Seague, died
in Switzerland3uly 24th. • , . . .
The Rev.-Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., 'satires
sed an open air 'meeting at the junction of
Houston street and ; he Bowery-on Sunday
. _
afternoon- ' .' - ..,. ' ---j. F.
A: fire broke tint t oday .., or. is. at Hun-,
ter% Port; Long Island,- 'destroying a var
nis' f ac t or y beroiming to Hobbs, Bligh &
Hubbard,Rf New York.' Daniel A; John .-
son; thwatiperinteittlent.of the - factory, was
burned to delith - and two others were alight..
ly injured.' Two dwelling betties adjoinin g :
°wood by John. Hunt were also destrOyed.
Loss, $25,000; irusuranceW4poivrt. !„•:L=.
NovA aco
The Leghlature AceePis- the" Situation.
EBYTPlegra P? . ..ketlWßlPPbciliiika zelle • •
Molivn w ; Sigult,lB —The - members of
the Nova Scotia Zegralsture nave - agreed to
ersOlpy• eonatitniltinalmiettas alone to extri
cata No lilecititi from : the Dominion; and
deprecate "rebellion: or 'annexation to the
Unite d Stites., ri'he'rneaning of, this is that
th,eYouleept the situation.' .Business In the
Meal Legislatirre goes on to-day undilepre
test. Mr: Rofteriteceptit the, situation au
teas vedly. _ '• '
RlCilato , . • -
_ ND
: Death-at a College President*
(E T.e, 1 4#0 1 14)610,44 ttibbrigli Eisie4l.4
Racuxoins,‘ Angnselo.—lntellfgosee.hii
been reeetved here - ,or the aeoldentid death
'yesterdav, at Nealtoon,lllllno* of
D. C. Johnsen t: late President ;et the ,
dolPh Macon College,Might&
f .. Supposed D rOWIJMg.
LB; Teleeriett to the Meehan/1i eastlte.),
CLEVELAND, August 10,• - •a Two:
- named Towt3end and Kennedy, the first-it
booh.heepeetind the . lettet ailrugglat;whre
blown oTehoreon last Saturday - ,in a small
sail boat; and - are - stdiposedto be lost.
Toweu3end la the son oiran wld citizen and
Waabelehmting his twenty4l9!t - birthday,. .
- .",+s.:.w`f rte,;, t' zr - 'S' -~a..r+ f ^s o 4~"" - c - - s ',;= r - ~.,.'.~.':d - ssu ~=%
"But „Mind, I tell you, you hive a big
contract:on hand, and Old Ireland is away
across the ocean. But v7lien yoti ,get your
ships, and have them loaded, with cannon
and things, and sallolown New !York- har
bor, I'll go out there at - dy' Hook, and,
take off my hat and say all my. heart,
Good bye, Finnegan , ! 'whitki I think:'.
It's about bad to Olathe iod'Ovif,
there; I'll give you 'my prpterar and say
Go in ' linnegansl" .. - , i i,.., ', = ~!"
, By this time Frank'datudtpont discovered
that they bad "caught a 'TNS.r I I and not a
sober_one et that: ' They informed him.that
they were "Fenians and, not,esans;"
that if . he . ha_ no more "ma aid"•for
their cause than his "prayers;!! they .'cared
little for his help, and more then Intimated ,
that he would be excused, if he said no more.'
They were further perplexed witha doubt 1
whether he meant they should "go in" and
fled or lie in "the sod over there.'! Where
upon; apologizing for his ill suecess in meet
ing their w.lshes, Frank left the stage as
rapidly as he, went on it. From that time
he was nottlte most. popular man with the
‘Finnegans" until after Forrist, Hampton,
and the other - Confederate oft:leers 34 - • the
Tammany Convention plade him the Demo:
grade nominee for Vice-President: Now
we suppose be is able to,say "Fenians" and
.allHemocratlC Irishmii " 'Rah for Blair I"
. _ . . ,, ,
Tstz Cleveland
..The stri
of the. miners In the Hihoning Valley is
i rt°lB-en erl4g 9 11 It. fOUrikinfMtihr with titt
Ithrosmtl!Of reconelltidon: The question as
it is presented is 'just herepthe worknien
preferto'be Idle rather gni, accept present
wage; and the mill* prep4u rather
:than add to their losses by raising, wages;'
and so both remain Idle, :cilia great &W..
Rent of the public.—
"Tzr IILoATAD *Jkotorrormans."_
alemocracy of Indianan for
Lieutenant Governor A.
,Edge r t on ,
owner of $168,000 M.-11-o,os. Ciotidu mol ar
Derooemtli,iartAhite,lp a t , f enth ,, o t k ,
mbhict,„ spo a large holder. of Gkirera
meat' Walk, an d th e Demo are mooned
aji going foLlilia; • • '
—Grant leaves Galena for the East on the
15th inst. • -
—Burlingame and the resfof the Chinese
Embassy left Auburn for Niagara Saturday
—There has been no cattle disease thus
'far at the Albany; N. Y., yards. Buyers
there will not handle Texas, Cherokee or
Illinois cattle.
-The Postoffice at Norwich, Connecti
cut,- was entered Thursday night, the
,money drawer robbed - and a lat.& number
of letters rifled of their contents.
,—Bonne Irish and Germans had a street
brawl on Saturday night. A young man
named Dsliet was stabbed and died." Ten
of the rioters arb in jail of a cha rg e of
—Ufastated Rev. Mark Hopkins, for many
years President of WilliamsvCollege,las
recently elpressed his intention of , ivsign
ing when his youngest son Shall have
.completed his course of study; in 1871.
Butler made a speech in Glouces
-ter„Mass., on Saturday, in. which he ex
presied himself in favor of Imotiachment.
He staid General Grant and hlin had become
friends again and, that he would support 'fOr'President.
—The Fifit National Bank , of Benning
ton, Vt.. was robbed on Satuiday night.
The lock of the vault was picked by burg
lars; and an unknown amount of:bonds be
longing to private inuividuals was stolen.
Not much money was obtained'.
givinggiving th e Queen's assent s
the extradition act between Canada and the
12lnited- States. The divorce 'act is sanc
tioned, and a discount on. Atnerican. in
voices of thirty-two per cent. Is authoriied.
—A dispatch from t§an Francisco On the
7th, says the Central Pacifidßailroad is no*
built to the Humboldt river, two hundred
and fifty miles east of San Francisco. The
earnings in July were 6260,000 in gold, the
road being operated from one hundred-rand
flfty-fosr to one hundred and ninety miles
during the period.
—Rev. Joseph C. Lovejoy, a well known
Democratic orator of Boston. assaulted
George Fisher, editor of 'the Cambridge
Chronicle, y4sterday morning, in conse
ouence of failing to extort an immediate
apology from 'the editor for some sarcastic
comments on one of Lovejoy's speeches.
But three or four blows were struck, as
Fisher made no resistance.
—The CommissioUers tbeVUnion Pa
cific Railroad have examined the 24th sec
tion Of twenty miles of that road, com
mencing at the 680th and terminating at
the 700th mile post west of Omaha, and
forwarded their report to the Interior De
partment. The President has approved
the report and directed the issue to the
Company of the bonds and patents for land
due on the completion of said section., -
—The fire which has been raging in the
woods in the neighborhood of St. Aymarl.,
'Canada, the past week reached that
place on Saturday and destroyed eleven
houses, the railroad station and all of thif
Northern Railroad btaildingit,t • the , track
was badly damaged and a culvert-itaitney
ed. A large quantity of t tln3ber was also
destroyed. The track has ben repaired
and trains resumed regular trips yesterdaT.
Blair and the "Finnegan."
The Toledo Coennacial, of,:.A.ugust 1,
brings topubhc notice, and comments upon
an incident in the career , of Frank .Blair.,
that created quite a sensation among - the
Fenian at St. Louis at the time of its oc
currence. ' It says:
The Dentocratic party, and especially in
the North, is largely made up of Irishmen, ,
and most e Irishmen aref Fergana. Frank
Blair is the Dethocratic candidate for Vice
President. Aence, all Democratic Irish
men and Fenian are zealous supporters of
Frank Blair. But this is not the only claim
which that gentleman has to their votes, Is
we will show. About tlie time_ X the Fe
nian invasion of Canada, in 1866, the Feni.
ans of St. Louis held e festhia4 'and feeling
the need of a little "blarney," they deputed
a committee to Gen. Blair; asking his pres
ence and a speeob. Now nothing ever
easier %err Frank Blair tininn speech;
and it matterbitlittle as to the time, the sub
ject or the cirOotnstances. So' he' hurried -1
off to the Feniaiteidival, "just as he was,"
and that was plot - as'Father Mathew would ` !
never have recommended,- but as they were .1
no more particular as to' their orator than he
was idtregard to bkaubject or audience, he
rushed upon the staip„and with tragic man
ner and .voice roared ont:-. "Ansegang,
rm with you!" Thialingular mistake in`
the name. warpreadily niplained to the Fe
by!the evident condition of the speals., j
errand they heartily applauded his empinsti
declannien of sympithye, Bellying for an.
other onset when the sufficiently
subsided,' he continued:
5),.1)p.f . .y r
Letter of Instructions Forwarded
to Gen. Buchanan, Command;
i lug the Bepartmeni of Lotilsi
i a l na=ilonor Paid to 7failors.
lair Telegraph to the Pittapurskuraaet.t.e.)
• . The following is a copy of a letter of in
structions sent from the army headquar-,
tens to Major General Buchanan,eemintind
ing the Department; of,Lionisiallit l%
Art.1111.10:1. GEssitat?si:-OeriCE;*
Wasnixdrow, D. Atigttet 10, 1868..
To Brevet Major - General B. C. Buchanan,
Commanding Department' of Louisiana,
New 'Orlearat.--Gerierair The following in
structions from - the'Seeretary of War are for your government' to the end,
that the neeessary,aid may . be rendered by
the United States as promptly as possi
ble in any cases of insurrection or domes
tic- violence in 'those' States .embraeed in
your military department.
Yon will .keep yOurself inforitied..of the
condition of affairs in sald - States and com
promptly 'by telegraph' to the
War Department„threugh the headquar
tera of the army, any facts which may .!
make it the duty , of the President . under
the Constitution and laws to employ the
military force of the United States. _ Yon
Will also maintain such disposition of the' '
troops under your command that they may
be ready to . aet without delay on receipt ;
of the President's order, stationing thole at
or from time to time moving them to points,
where you may have reason to apprehend
necessity for their use. The following - ex
tracts from the laws and the Constitution
of the United States may be employed to
suppress insurrection against the govern
ment of any State Constitution: •
Article four, section fotir. The United .
States shall guarantee to every State
in this, Union a Republican form
of government and ehall protect each of
them against invasion, and on application
of the Legislature or of the Executive, when
the Legislature cannot be convened, against
domestic violence." Act of Congress, ap
proved February 28th, 1795, Section one
—And hi case of an insurrection in
any State. against the government there
of, it - shall be.. lawful'for the President
of the United States, on application
of the Legislature of such State or
of the Executive, when the
cannot be convened, to call for such num
ber of the militia of any _other State or
States as maybe applied , for, •as !he - may
Judge ' sufficient to suppress such • in
surrection:" - Be ityurlAo :Pscieted, Mit ;
whenevOr _it • may: be -necessary; ,
the of uittprAnideat. to use three
4he military is hereby duvets, dto be called
forth. The President shall by proclama
tion command such insurgenta to, disperse
and retire peareablY to their abodes within
a limited time.
Act of;Congress approved March 3d, 1867,
Be itfarther enacted, de., That in all cases
of insurrection or obstruction of the laws
either of the United States or any individ
ual State in Territory where it is lawful for
the President of the ' United States to eaall
fin the militia, for the purpose of suppres
sing such instirreetion or of causing the
laws to be duly executed e it shall be lawful
for him to employ for the same purposes
such part of the land. and naval fortes' of
the UnitedStetes as shall be judged neces
sary, having first observed all the perqui
sites of the law in that respect,
Bycommand of
E. D. TowNeXu.n, Asst. Adjt. Gen.
A Committee , from - the Journeymen
Tailor's International Union Convention
...Which is now in sessiatiinttds city. waited
on the President and made an arrangement
for the reception of the entire Convention
at the Executive Mansion on Wednesday.
Battle Anniversary Mike McCoole Ap
burgh points a Conference with Coburn at Pitts.
ter Teteerapli to the. Pittabtulth ussettea
iSv. Louis, August 10.—The anniversary
of the battle of Wilson's Creek is being
celebrated at Tarnersto-night. Elo
"anent orations have been delivered by Gen
eral Sheppard, a member' of General
Lyons' staff, and Emile-Pretorious.
. McCoole a levee and receiV
'tile congratulations
of his friends at his s ead
leen toslay. 4,0 has written - a letter- to
Frank Queen in reply to an article in the
'latest Clipper requiring him or his repre
sentative to appear, at the Clipper office on
the 14th, to the effect that he is anxious to
meet Cobtirn persenally and giettle all ar
rangementa fora meeting in the ring, but
as he cannot be in New York at the time
named he will meet Coburn at the Monon
gahela House, Pittsburgh, Atigust 13th.
Those Illinois Cattle—The., Disease in
Providence, R. I. •--
my Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Clazetteol
Pnovinuitor, August 10.—liktven , of it
drove of thirty-three Illinois cattle pur
chased at Albany last Tuesday, died here'
on Saturday and Sunday. Eleven had previ-,
ously been killed apparently In good health
and dressed and the meat stored. > All the
rest are in the last stages of disease. None.
of the meat will be allowed to reach, the
public. A similar lot of cattle were bought`
forßeaton, some of which were sick when
they arrived there. • • •
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW °amine, August 'lo.—ln impport.
of Goi. — Warmotzth's , assertion- that one
handred and fifty murders were - committed
last month te;itbig .dhitirigit,'yggterday:the
Republican contained two columns of Mc
tracts from and refetenos, to
Warmonthla possession , detailing -. outrages
In the oonntryotrishes from:N*oh ..last to.
date. Than. ' , az* k's eta do .no 4 show that'
either civil or tnilltaututhodtles. or the
Freedmen's Mirian ' k of
. LGenerar orders NO. 1 troM th e ' Depart.,; ment of Lonlalana;dated New Orleans 4th
*um, halm.beenisanad byaentraiMithan
an, a ßlL h nnouncing that • theiT command of the
Dletrlostbt tholliatn
cof firetw is_ trinket ::BietaiLlialor
Geniffineyniilda—T 044atag•of Louisi
ana andArkansasi intiorintncer of orders
from -annyl- headquartelso.. ..':aravro teed
into the Department 'of Louisiana with
headquarters at; New Orlearsa) -The sub.
ustriot of Arkansas, until hunter orders,•
will beaknown at the District - of Arkinsee,
.and will be commanded hylhe Canto 4P I -
cLittleer ee
„rtter thereon 'with libadgpariert
4,-.• • -
‘.; •t' •-7
votrzi 0.c 4 i436K. atr.
Lawlessness In LorthliuNi.
-TM, Alj(4l
, -
, -----
On the Fort Wayne ° Road-Leaving the
City-Suburbii 5,..
Statien-La,Relle Itivi
ere-Dlxmou , - Glendale --A Reminder of
• California- borne Station and its Real
dences-Sewlekley, Edgeworth and its
surroundings -, Fair Oaks-The Residence
c t
of the Late Gen. Hays-The Economites
and their Station-Rochester-Beaver
Creek--rihton - and its ImProve
nients=l2leirc r ails, Its Manufactories,
its Rapid Gro and its Excellent Water
The heated season is nearly over, and in
,the cool air of th - e morning it iii - pleasant to
leaie the smoke and dirt of the city for the
fresh air and beantithl scenery of the coun
lry. Let us try another route beyondthe
. -
anburbs. ' Tklidtig the &45 A. maraitt of the'
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail-
;way, at Allegheny City Station, we enter
'the, iron cars, suggestive of Pittsburgh
inechanism, and comfortably seating our
'selles, slowly leave the depot, passing the
new city park, yet itfefiabryn, and in a few
moments reach the outer depot. At this
point a new motive power is given us in the
shape of a fresh engine, which, breathing
fire and smoke from its lungs of iron and
tribe of steel, carries us along with acceler
atedepeed. - Woods' Run is the first station ,
ceached and it is building tip Very raPidlY. -
Now, through the trees and across the fields,
luxuriant with marketable vegetation,
glimpses of La Bella _ Riviere may be seen
with pleasant surroundings of cultivated
farms and neat white cottages, denoting
the abode- of eomfort, 4r, not lirWealth.'
Slowly- ;we . glide, along, flor oar's is-
;an accommodation train, and shortly
after leaving Woods' Run, an oil 're
finery, with its huge, circular tanks,
looms rip. It is the Ardesco Oil Works,
showing marks of the late conflagratioa in
the blackened surfade of the ground, the
charred remains of half burned timber and
the crumbling bricks of the stilt We are
now on the river. bank, and. its charming
scenery spreads like a Panorama for miles
along'the road. Jack's Run is passed, and
at the windows and doors of the Pittsburgh
Forge and Iron Campany, brawny, sinewy
sons Of Vulcan, images of robust health and
noble manhood, eye the train curiously as
it passes along., At Birmingham Station,-
the monstir steam tug Ajax lies moored to
the shore, aiyi men, are busily engaged in
securing it fast, for the river - is rising
As a , contrast , the, mielature
steamer Seivicklevlies at anchprage a few
rods below, suggestive in its trim sppoint
ments of many a pleasant excursion. Moni
tor 'Grove is passed' with its rocks and
trees. and a pie--ale party enjoying therm
selves in the bright sunshine. Dixmont is
soon reached, bat the dense foliage shuts
out the view of the Hospital buildings with,
shell" pleasant surroundings. From the
quantitieti of the. substantials of. life; left
here. starvation of patients, as has been al
leged; seems impossible. Below this point
beautiful suburban , reshlences , - /itt
to a ppear. ,At Glehdale - buildings are
gowing up rapidly. to, ,•b6, ixouged
principally by Pittaburgherm Opposite
. the Station House, is,:anfittaTtairet.o, wheat
sign. "Monte-Casino," Is suggestive' Of Cal=
ifornia cards and whisky, seemed to , be the
ardor of tha'day. Jim- below this hotel
the-town is being laid , out, and up a riretty
wooded ravine near by some tine residences
are being erected. - Hayiiville, a small sta- ,
Lion which we next reach, is also improv
ing -for the'city is coming torhe country.
Opposite Osborne - Station Is the - princely
mansion of Gen. Cass, the President of this
road, and'adjoining it the now residenceef
W. H. Ewing.
At Scwickly, which is one Of the most
thriving andpleasant`villages on the route,
great evideticesi:of cultlvetieu and taste ay
pear.. Near the railway station may be
seen the residericea of.Blessm. T. H. Nevin s
J. W.F.' White anirldeDoniild. Up a shady
street from the • railway , may be seen the
spire of a &limb and glimpses of neat vil
las surrounde& lig , ,. shrubbery: li ne it-on
both sides. Thew lade blows and we Must,
speed on, for already we are behind_ time.
Edgville is'next Passed, and at this 'pointii
beautiful vista of hill and , dale opens to, the
MOW. At Leetsdale, a •few ,miles further
along, a new town is building up, and from
1 this point a daily accommodation trairi:ar
j rives end departm.Suggestive of the Army
1 of the-Poteinao, the name .of a new station
1 meets the eye-Fair Oaks. .To the right of
the road, standing half hidden in the trees,
are two modern-bullt white dwellings; in
.the yard of one or thein stands a Mar(lliel.
and from the house toli the glorious Stars
and Stripes are flying. In this house re
sides the widow of Gen. Hays, a noble
Pennsylvanian, who was ; *lad' -;, at
the battle ,of the Wilderness. =-A ' , short
distance ' below Fair Oaks ' another
beautiful residence, guarded by a bronze
six-pounder gun la being erected. but its
owner albeit is said to be amen of 'Peace--
an expounder of the teachings of the "meek
and lowly Jesus." To the left of the road,
.quaint looking women with' longbineskirbi
and immense - broad-brimmed hats, with
painfully small crowns, may be seen toil
ing in the . fields--the se are disciples of
Rapp, Eoanonaites, and their station "Econ
omy" is the next one we reach. This curi
ous people-carious in their_theory as well
•as In their practice-own qUitealarge tract
of land in Beaver county, and are very
wealthy as a sect. They also own consid
erable property in the - Oil Regioni Baden
is next passed, a decided Garman locality,
as its name suggests, and it too is being
rapidly settled by the Teutonic element.
Passing RemingtOn and POedom, atwhich
latter place many flue steamboats are built,
a ride of three miles farther brings ps to
Rochester, with its active, busy populsition,
its lumber yards, and numerous mills.
Here we wait' flfteen.4iiinates' for the ex
press train to piss us, when the train again
starts and is soon: at: Beaver where the
Ohio is left, • and'we pass up the valley of
Beaver creek. ~ B eaver Is progressing finely
and oiler one htuidred . new•huildings of all
'classes are being erected. _
,New. Brighton,
with its steady' streets' and pleasant
residences,is -next reached, and -here
evidence of thrift is found on every side.
An elegant new church'of cut HMO atone,
:which will exist 180,000, is being erected for
the Presbyterians, and. the ivy ;covered
-lower 'of the Episcopal Church is very at
tractive. ' Way down in. the village on a
plain twostory unpainted frame betiding
may be seen' a sign 'which raids, "Find
:Baptist Church of New Brighton--ritrangers,
cordially invited t 6 weriihiphere." Below
the sanctuary are thelables of the money
changers, above the house of God. The
.stores are well *led with choice gooffri and
seem to be - d Oleg 'a - thrlYingirada. A de
, lightful place oUresort is the new hotel
,aThe.,',Bourbeek,',....Honita',l-..sdegantly-- fur
nished and excellently kept, withan nn
.eximptionable` table. Nan) , - - Pitliburgh
families are stopping at th,he renew Here'
.we leave the cars, and walking over the
railway bridge the distance of a mileenter
"the new manufacturing_ villaire of, Beaver
- ..Ealls, with its one hundieitandlifirtYbe*
buildings in proms of erection. Here is
I located the Pittsburgh Cutlery Company, a
'large - estahlishnient,' operated by:M*ll6h
workmen, and partly, it is said' by Eng
lish capital, though Pittsburgh has the full
,credit.. This cOrporation: ire, Curbing - out
some as fine specimens cif cutlery as we
have ever seen, an6,will no do u b t compete
ery favorably in workniariship 'Mad price
with' he Sheffield manufactures. - A num-
~ ~:
. J 8 •
Phillip Hosting to Peter Bade, May 30, 1868; lot con slo -
talning.3 acres and 82 perches • • 4L507
Jaeobltekort et tix to 'Phillip Husslng; - Mareh 27.
_ MS; same lot 184781
Paul H. Hacke to Henry Hugus, June 20, 1868; lot
No. 128 in Hoboken, 7.5 by Hogue, $lBO
Pini H. Hacke Anna B. June 20, 1808; lot
I No. 137 in Hoboken $l5O
Paul H. Hacke to Edward B. nava,. June 3.1, 1668:
I lot In Hoboken 4150
Wm. Bakewell to Thomas T . : Graff, Maya, 1888; lot
Iln the Reserve tract opposite Pittsburgh,-contaln
lug 2 acres and el percheb SBOO
Matthew Henderson to Samuel Cobert. Novem o ber
127, 1861; two lots In Elizabeth township
IThe following deeds 'were filed Of record
before R. Snirely, Esq.) . Recorder, August
10th, 1868.
Christian Siebert, and Peter Kell to Frederick P.
Berg. July 1, 1868; two-third interest in a lot on
Butler street, Lawrenceville. 85by 06 feet...47'433
John Snodgrass to James J East, July 1, 1868; lot in
the borough of Bellevue. VD by LV feet 1,200
Emery 131c.ason to Bel l e v ue, Eabt, May W, 1829; lot
in the bonugh of containing 4 acres and
50 perches Bl,so9,37
Peter Kell and•Frederkk Berg to Christian Sit bent,
July 1.'1888; lot on Butler street, Lawrenceville.
by 96 feet 8 inches -800
Thomas M. Bayne to Jobn G. Brown, July 30, 1860:
lot in the borough of Bellevue, containing 1 acre
and /4 perches ~ ' 8.00:0
Alex. illoqinniss Benalr C. camper,' ugu 2 st 1.
1868; lot ii Chartiers township, containing 8%
acres. less 11855 perches , ' 87.000
Milton B. Golf to bamuel • L. Walklngsbaw,' July 5,
; 1888; lot on Peebles strret , borough of bewleka a
!itt7 by 160 feet
James IL - Hays to-Jacob - May, July _27; 1928; lot, In
.BalMsdn township, containing' 1 acre and.ls4 -
James Kelly to Charles H, klinball, August.B,
bat In Wlnlns township, contothiniacres..42,3oo
C. H.LISOn. Love to Wits.alackerti Ju lyl3, 181911-lots
173, 174. 175 and. 176 In . C. H. Love's plan of
. lots in Chartiars township,' $4OO
St. Mar. 'a Cemetery to John cohnohon; lot in bor
ough ofLawrenceville, on St..;Mary'a avenue, 24
by 1= feet,
Has: Janytlbletto Johh M. Hoch, lot oP ground
on Penn and Adams streets, 19 feet OK inches by
'l2O feet
C. Hanson Love to Patrick Sullivan, lot In Chanters
t township, 80 by 100 feet " '
Lawyer" vs. Loafers.A Technical Question"
There is daection in the municipal code
of AlleghenyAparkof which read _ s, as fol
lows:. ."!It shall hereafter be unlawful for
any person to stand or loiter upon any
of the canal or footbridges of the city, or
onany otthe streets leading -to the:mune,
within twenty feet thereof, or to stand or
loiter 'around 'the Market House, except
during market hours; and then not in the
night time; or on any street of the city at
the,door of any, church or other place of
Publimaawambly:!..., - . . ,
For some time past the citizens of Alle
gheny have been annoyed by the loafers
and loungers; who hike up their 'quarters
on the of the POstoftice every evening
and occupy the same until long after
darkness has come os. The attention
of the Mayor has been called to
this annoYance and he has been requested .
:to put a stop to the practice. Now,as this
is the only section in the city code bearing 1
on this point, the queation is, does it strict
ly meet the demands in the present case?
The, pavement in front of the ..Postoffice
steps on either side is nearly forty -feet
wide, while the ordinance says• loitering
shall net belillowed within twenty feet of
the street, which puts the loafers in this
etwo,otataidic of its pale. True, the Wild. 7
ing is a _publics .structure, .but it is not • a
place of public assembly, (if we except the
loafers in question.), The ordinance `tua
dOubtedl, was meant by its' framers to
cover the loafing nuisance in the city,,but,
as it' reads' it is certainly a nice technical
point for the Mayor and the lawyers to de
cide whether under a strict interpretation
of it the - loafers are,.not t . elear „ from :;the
clutches of the law.
A Pittsburgh Clergyman,
In speaking of Rev. Mr. Noble, pastor of
the Third Presbyterian Church of this city,
who is at present on'a visit , to the "home of
his childhood," the Portland Press --
We had the pleasure of hearing this clergy
man preach at State Street Church last Sab
bath. He is Maine man; his native town,
. Baldwin. • HoWever others
may feel. conies's, we like to hear a
preachef lthtriir !Ash from" the temple of
modern literature; andlable to grapple with
such writers as John Stuart Mill, Buckle
and others. Mr. Noble had 'occasion- bi his
moz ning disoourse toslltrde to Mill!sworks.
He gave the anther a high character, but
he ventured to grapple with * him' !and' die-
Pate some of the great author'sstalments„
and•eimially the opinion that o thodox
religion cramps, confines, limits or brushes
out the pewersead - facnities of the burnan
-mind. Mr./041e took the opposite ground,
ants argued the; such Christianity enlarges
the sphere of ,humanA 'thought instead or
• diminishing it, His arguments were stro?
and his illustrations, hl
mental culture, a keen appreciation of, e
powers of the . author whom he vies revisiv
lag, and a' Style of writing that well
becomes the ,pulpit. nir.•;.Noble as vei7
able paeatiher . we oongcatulate the
citizens of,Pittebtiigh ort:their good lack
in ',securing the services of sach,a man,,
Piastre& *e set the only tell o:Auctions'
to which Main gives birth. •
, i .., •
Nei , Orleans Market.
• ' - • ' •-••-...
tar Telegii,ohl o the Ptttsburts. auitti.i . : .., . -, --• s
?,saw . iu laarki i. tiw i li i ii. ,•,.
Mew:Wigs; August 10.=tOtion ' duli,• • ••••ix,
..s• Ass 81 4 1 °9 2 .1 - . • o e t prim • :
&sew has been open
withmiddlingsat 2734; :salea - 54Wi1itt:76,.. 7 , :en9ea erg - t e - to tithit i a d i a w
celPts, ga palm there "wive Jtiketibitieat of. 'denotri-8. - 14,,,r„d, 1 1 10 oncetto .a ,;•
new ' cotton received one trow - Lalua.• Abe vaCatiOnflor,. .„ s. •- .I‘.=
isiana and the other *oar.' klissikappl.'' In children whet* Parent e preler mr‘favg, th em i
Skirling no _rates Are established. New ` hi ee l rather than xposed lci tins billtt- 4_, `
York eight drafts at per ci3ht; pneminal. e n of. , the. Jitreek;-!, Three. ,Others,- It • ill
5 i
Gold I , l_fiXal4BK. Flour dfill, with super- eta, d, were to be opened. ' , AlthotlO this - . i
fine at $226x8 6o;-choice at gilltios, .Etern
rantement may snit the . amlieniencii of '
has advanced to f1a1,15. . Oats firm, with A ar . - nw . m • - te, jet s & proper ;legal", tor the
nettr• at Mo. Pork steady at' M. .Bsotn, the-- ,,,,r' - fthe children would . sanest twit ...
,abouldertt at 28)iamn clear sides at 1ie11'..._,•'" 3 Ida be overwor ked Iv iiii ip ahi l - -
lima. Lard firm at am % ti eree . an d 203,pt., i li a maw . Y , ill
keg. . --. • - attendance at school the whole yew, ',.
~ [. ~
3.. .dr,~ - '~r~,.'~. ~' ti...., ~. _. _,.
ber of mills are in operation 'here. for the
waterpower is ample for any . number of
manufactures. A great portion of this
place is' owned by the Rconomites - , - ?who
have a bankhere-andloan money on btuld.:
bags. Several• new churches are being
'erected and a new hotel is beipg built near
the railway station. The place shows great
activity,,, and R. is rapidly rivaling New
Brighton in business.
Leaving on the four o'clock P. r. Chicago
express trainper we arrive in the iron city in
p pleased with this
route along the beatiful Ohio and Valley of
the Beaver. • R.
Real Estate Transfers.
The :following deeds were filed of reeord
• • s. s— • -
before IL Snively,, Esq., Recorder, August
James Wright et ax IsfNancy Wriht, July 2. 186 G;
lot No. 67 In the' ward "of-Pitt sburgh formerly
known - as O'Harrasvllle, 50 by 50 feet 8.7.0
James McCawley to Margaret ilrush. July 20. 1868:
lot on the Pittsburgh and Erie, Turnpike, Shaler
to ignalsig. 40 by 94 feet...with buildings 11,250
Sylvesterßeidenrich et ux to Balthaser Herber,
August 8, 1568: lot In Golway's plan, O'Hara street
Third ward, Pittsbur John by HO feet 11462
'Catharine McNeely to S. Cinley et ux. et al .
July 1, ISM; lot is ColweWs plan, F.leventh war d ,
Plttsbnrgiii - 40 by 100,feet , 'Bl
John F. 'Ciuley et nr, • t al. to Catharine McNeely,
Jrtly 1, 1868; lot on Miller 'street, Eleventh ward
Pittsburgh, 40 by 100 feet Si
M. B. Brum to:James Kirk, February 53, 1867: lot
No. 116 X, in Brown's plan, Mansfield, Pa., 50 by 95
feet ßichard °want° George Rramer, Oct: 4, 1865; lot
No. 65, in Cowan's plan, on Coal 11111, in Lower
St. Clair township, 66 by_ 66 feet 6100
Joseph Harft to,Rearirb March iot
In Ohlo tOwnellipl 100 by .
.Nosa F. Min to R. P. Wallace betwe e n"VM lots,
46 and C, In Dihm's plan Division
street and Abernathy Avenue., ' Allegheny City, 72
by 131 feet 1.350
Wm. A. Lawton, et nx. to Mrs. Louisa Winand,
May 78. /886; lot in Boni - Street, Collins townslig
bfiby 134 feet
Mary O. ebllllps to Herman Woehfer; June f; 18817
lot on the Brownsville plank road, Lower St . Clair -1 township, - 20 by 77 feet. , 8430 I
Robert Henderson to Giles A. Fakes, July 25.
lot On Spring, : avenue, AlLegheny, 100 by 100 feet.
William Brown to Peter Smithers, Jr.. A:prll 6,
1888; lot In Pine township, containing ten acres. A
~~ _~:
Grant and Peace, orltlair and Wart
In GeneiriF Grant's-letter-of 'acceptance,
the country has an assurance of law, order,
and peace, from a man Who has never vio
lated a pledge once given. - General Grant,
In his letter of acceptande, makes the most
unequivocal' pledge of peace. General
Blair, seeking, the nomination, and in his
speech accepting the nomination, threatens 2
war. , - •
Here is, perhaps, as 'Striking a contrast
as was ever presented between two candi
dates for the highest offices in the gift ot_the
people. -- • '
General Grtutt promises - to "administer all -
the laws in good faith,'With economy, and
with the view' giving peace, quiet, and
protection everywhere.' -
General. Blair:promiseeto "declare the Re- '
construction laws null and void," and to
compel the army to "disperse" he Southern
'State Governments. -'
General Grant declaree that he will "exe
cute the will of the peciple.". • •
General Blair declareslhat he will "com
pel the Senate (the representatives of the
people) to subniit."
General Grant proinisee "peace and uni
versal prosperity" through the quiet enforce-
ment of law. - • •
General BlaiipromiseS'anarchy, war, and
desOlation r by "trampling into the dust" the •
laws of Congress. - •
General 'Grant - fervently and honestly
says, "Let us havepeace:?t :•"!
General Blair declares;that he means to
have another_civil war:
General Grant sayB he ininsectad '-
the will of the people, and always will re
spect it. • •
General Blair declares that :he means to
be a dictator, to de'stroy State Governments,
trample the national lawii and State Con
stitutions into the dust, and' compel Con
gresa to submit.
Let the voters of the land choose between
these two. Let them choOse between peace
and war; betNieen economy and fresh ex
pense; between prosperipP and ruin; be, T. !
tween law and anarchy. -
THE OLD STORY of the Yankee who was
disgusted at finding„in a rare English con
servatory .that a much-prized "American_
Velvet Plant" was nothing but the common
road-side inullen, has just met its pendant.
in a French work on floriculture. In Eu
rope, as very widely here, there rages a ,
passion for plants with huge leaves, having
quaint and ornamental puterns of tracery .
running through them—phytiomanfa this
passion is sometimes called: The American •
:Agriculturist notes the fact' that in the above
mentioned French work the common
Westersi. plant known . as diosin Weed is re
commended as, durable for ornamental pnr
poses. But there is a lesson. here that we
might take advantage of, and instead of go-•
ing, abroad for rare and high-priced plants
we could often tiod,ampleFiritezial for greate:-.
beauty at home. --Burdooki - aad - fifty other
plentiful weediovould furnish really.hand
some decorative foliage around fountains,
in' conservatories and wliere the Dhylle
maniacs delight to aptead broad leaves.'
But they wanet - be- used, 1 for decorations, -
infer wealth, and wealth will have rarity- 7 _
whether ftliebeautircil or - ' - •
1 A rrixoasx from- , Parkersburgh, ,W.
stake:.. , Chief Justice Salmon P.
Chase presided at the Qtenti* of the United
States Court-forlthe DistriF . t 'of West Vir- r
ginia. In his - charge to the grand jury.he the fourteenth l articleof - the Con
stitution' recentlyadoptediad being valid,
and • entitled to- support. He said
order to suppress the rebellion it - Was ne-,„
cessary to create a large rrnblic debt, and
that debt AMA be; paid.- U . /ides' the flier
teenth irticle the faith of the nation was
pledged to pay it:- The Chief Justice there
fore charged the jury that it waa-their duty:
to see that the revenue laws, provided for,
the.payment of. that debt, should be- strictly L,
enforced, and that the burden of thd public
debt• should, as far as . possible,' be esnallY
distributed among the people, and not paid ,
by . a few. • • ;•, •
It is understood here that the Chief Jib- ;
tice has expreSsed himself as decidedly in
tavorof the election of _Grant and Collkx.._ •
Trim masons', trouble, or consump tion ,-
- i - ,
arising from ;marble' dist' lodging the ~, ,
lungs, is the subject of somellnterestin re- -- •
marks in the Scottish newspapers. It , aa&
serted that ' all" he stonecutters in d Edin burg
suffer from it at the age of, forty, andt t ' In,
fact there are not ten working -hew in
that city of fi ft y years, and-only twoabo ve
sixty years of age. The Craighleith stone,
the beautiful material ~O f -which the 'mewl. ,
town of Edinburg was built, it is stated has
contributed more largely to: this peculiar
:disease than• the stones' at present in,:use.
One of - the • first workers in Orsighleith -
stone was incapacitated for labor' at thirty,
and died at thirty.iive. -Out Air 120 : bewurs- - -
who worked at the . High:. School ; in Edin
burg, only . ten survived: In a squad of -
thirty stout hewers : who =began ;the' Edlir4 1:
burg and Glasgow Bank, Unly one4half -
lived to see it finished. ' The stone cutting ,
and: carving of thircelebiated Sdoll'-inenu-
ment killed twenty-three of theifinest men
in Edinburg. ' • - ' •
How. TO ENTETAIN GUESTS.- pray you, •
9 eacellettt wife,•.not to cumber yourself
and me to get a rich dinner fur this man, or
this woman ,
who has alighted a ' our gate,
nor a bed chamber made . ready too great - •
a egst. These things, If they are urlotg , On,
MO' can get for a dollar at any vilage - 1.
.. _
But let this stranger. spe,'• It he -4 wilt; ' It(
Your looks, in your accent and behavior,
your heart and earttestnebi,,yotr thought. '.
and will, what he cannot buy atlany prin. • •
at any - village or city, and which he Ana
re trel
well traverMy miles , and dines y, and
sleep hard, in order to behold. •-• • ' ' * '
Pertainly,.let the board be sp and the .
bed be dressed for the traveler ;,but let th e .• 1
.em P l S a del'.9l- 11 QtyPithlitIt: -beirt; Wigs- -l -
Benoit° the,kwisklyikerethey AitePie .
to the, ierge..'Of nal), - eV flea ' I nt ellect • 4 .
1$ 'awake mid nes %the laming thatild**. •,..
the litoiir ironkdps truth an - Clon f honLu -
and courtesy . .119 w • - into all , qee&r:.* yr. - -