Financial Matters in New York. Cold CloEed at 147}. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszette.l NEW YORK, August 8, 1868. MONEY AND CtOLD. Morley continues easy at 3@4 per cent. on call. Loans with large 'balances are of fered at 3 percent. Sterling dull and heavy at 10934@i10 for gola, Brae-class bills. Gold lower, opening at_ 147%, advancing to 147%, declining to 145%, and closing at 147%. BANK STATEMENT. _ Loans, V 79,755,786; . decrease, $444,129. Specie, $24,784,427; incr ease, $4,281,690. Cir culation, $34,074,374; decrease, $117,069. De posits, 3231,716,492; decrease, $3,611,625. Legal Tenders, $74,051,548; increase, $ 4 1 3 )- 487. GOVEIIICHANT Bond market firmer and more active to day, business being larger than usual for Saturday. Ten-forties are still being ex changed for, five-twenties by investors. Coupons of 1881, 115%0116; do. 1862, 114%€)114%; - do. '64, 1103;®11.1; do. '65, .112q®11214; do. new, 108%®1083;; d0.'67, 108%®108%; do. '6B, 108%@109; do. 10-4.0 s 109®1091,• • BORDER STATE BONDS •, - , e Dull but steady; Missouris, 93V0 old Ten nesses,63l4; new, 62%; old North Caro nas, 72 new, 71. STOCKS Stock market heavy and lower this after noon, especially on New York Central, but was firmer at the close. -Pacific Mailad vanced to 19435, and afterwards reacted - to 104. _ 5:34) Pnroxs--Canton,‘47H®4B; Cumber-: 300}.33;. Wells _.Express, • 26%®29; American, 4434®45; Adams, . 52X@)5235; united States, 45%@;4551; Merchants Union, 244(4)24X; Quicksilver, 122©122y„; Mariposa. preferred, 7%%9; Pacific Mail, - 104®10.4g; Atlantic Mail, 23; Western Union Telegraph, "3435©343.1; New York Central, 130®130 1 /0 Erie, 583412)58ye Erie preferred, 68©69; Hudson, 137y4)138; Harlem, 125; Reading, 913‘®91X; Ohio and Mississippi Certificates, 2914,®29%;, bash, 60(950%; St. Paul, 7W(g175; do pre ferred,' sw,,@s2%; Michigan ‘ Central,ll9%; _ Michigan ; Southern, 86©86q Illinois Cen tral, 148@152; Pittsburgh, 88; Toledo, 101 r, 102; Rock Island, .111.%®111%; North westerh, 82@82V,; do preferred, 81%@82; Fort Mayne 109©109g; Hartford and Erie, 20,;( 3 02I; Terre 'Haute, 44; Astabula, SHARES Mini'ng,eharesare dull. _ _ IMPORTS. Impuirts flit the week: Dry Goods, $2,531,- 163; General Merghandise, ,§3,571,960. • • SUB-TREASCriIIr . MATTERs. Export of Gold for the week, $1,896,532. Of the shipment to-day o'ne million was .Alaska.-pnrchase money. Transactions Ed Gold Exchange Bank,'ThiirsdaY; $138,946,-. ; 000, and yesterday, $112,709,000. Receipts • ; at Sub,Treasury to-day, - $2,006,705; pay , ments; $2,279,101; receipts for tho week, $32,927,336; payments for the week, $35,125,- 667. , Balance, $78,988,272. Cincinnati- Market • I (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CINGTEiN ATI, August B.—Flour. higher; sales family :at $10a10,50. Wheat is held. 4 higher; sales new No. lat $2,10; Ne. 2, $2. Corn firmer and' prices advanced to 92a93c for ear. and 95a96c for shelled. Oats turn at 52a55e for new No. 2 and 1. Rye ad.- • vanced to $1,28a1,30. Barley in demand at -' , l $2,10a215 for spring. Cotton unchanged • - and quiet; sales middlings at 29c. Tobacco unchanged and quiet. Whisky . advanced - to 65c in bond. Mess pork dull and no de . wand at $29. Lard dull and offered at •' 18y,c;_ne demand. There is a good demand for bulk shoulders; sales 160,000 lbs at 12Lio; lapse aides' re held - at 1P„,, , c. Bacon - firtn; '• sales shoulders at 140; clear, rib, and clear sides,l6y i al7c; shoulders' scarce and are • therefore held higher; sugar cured hams, 20a21c.- Coffee %c higher andithe • market • ' firm. Sugar unchanged. Ratter firm. at 35a38c. Eggs, 16c. Ray very , dull at sl2a • • _ , l3c on arrival and the market overstocked. :::Clover seed is held at $l4. Timothy ad yawed to s2a3 and. in demand. Flax seed in demand at $2, but nonecoming in. Lin seed oil declined to $1,03a1,04. .Petroleum firm at , for refined. Gold, 147 buy ; ing. Money market etV3y. St. Louts Market. ißy Telegrupkto the Pittsburgh Eiszette, ST. August 8.-=Tobacco-shipping I. leaf dull and heavy but other grades firm , I at full prices., Cotton, 30e. : . fiertrp".dult . at;", $2,40a2,60 for dressed. Flour is in , better • " demand and for choice and fancy brands . prices are; a little , hig her; superfine. - sold at ~.16,35a7,25; extraat,soaB; dciuble , extraat . ' f8,25a9,75; treble extrw and fancy at $16,00a ' • 10,25. Wheat lower except for choice and 'ancy; fall, $2,30.i2,40; prime to strictly )rime, /2,5932.60; 'spring sold - at . .$1,66a1,75 :or prinie to choice. Corn firm and &little Jotter at 88a9tic for mixed; 92a94c for white. .lats opened higher and closed easier; sales it 50855 c. Rye easier, at T1;10(11,15. , Pork at $3O for jobbing lots. Bacon firm ; . boulders,' 18%c; clear sides, 17y,a17%e. • ugar cured - barna," 19a20c. .Lard held at , 9 34 0 for half barrels; 20 kegs tierce at 18?4.. ;-• - .119e. Whisky advanced to $1,35 and closed • :•rms Live !Stock quiet and unchanged. ~ e ceipts.:-Flour 3,100 bbla, Wheat 42,500 w3h s Corn 7,200 bush, Oats, 7,900 bash 'Rye 000 busk. , . .... ~..,' , - Chicago Market. -r Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] „ •; "•• • CHICAGO, Aug. B.—Flour ,quiet at 19,50 a . •.: -'. , L 2 for spring extras. Wheat quiet and !. ...,, , as ier; sales No. lat Si 88a1,90,_and No. 2 . $1,803.1,82, closing dull at inside figures; io change this afternoon. Corn less active; '' '• -.. , Piles No. Lat $131,04; No.-2 at 98ca$1,01; re ' _,: ' .'• 'kilted 92a93e, closing tame at $1 for No. I; ''.-.:-'' •.' es this afternoon at el for No. 1.. Rye ~ o ~:• mer, , saleta; at $1,42%a51,43 for No. I,•and ,•,,,,;-, o. 2at #1;40a1,41. ri Barley_ octet and; n ► • •• anged` Highwines firmly held ; bonded •!,....L. %:.•t c *, • ;free sold at $1,40. Mess-pork at $22,50 .- •:. , pros for 'September. Dry salted. Sholll - eta held at 123:je",..iouiti sides 143.4 c:, Trard ;:', , t :•':' ":';', coer; sales at liii,o for 'steam. -Freights ''' :J• ' • - active and notitinal. -Receipts-3,323bb1s ,- : • . • 'tat27;sBo bu wheat; 138,570 bu- corn; V,236 tat ()stet 2,142 hoga".Shiptnentsi , .30 bhl4llOiri 26,007 nu wheatrl3o;2oo bn, . ' . • , ..:.. ,1 .; 33:600 bu oats.' 3,742' hogs. -,, - , . Cleveland Mar e .. ~ •.• • ' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh , Gatett e.) LEver.iiii,`Angust 'l4:.=-101titti—quiet 'at. . ,00a10,60 for .double, extra `fiaritig, and . ~ ..:2.900 1111 ,5 0 .•fOr double; extra red winter; . • nntry briinds , quiet at $9,00410,00 'for .....,,'uble extra spring. $9,50g10,50 for double .. . "tra red winter, and $12,00413,00 for double . ~,,.. • • • tra whife' ' Weeat• stiles oil ear o r DI U. ,ed at 81,-95, and , 1 car of No. 1 red at 6200. Tn: sales of 3 cars at 14,11. Oats: sales v . . 10,000 Isiah., to arrive rieXt Month, at 60.3; . ' 4 . '-'d 2 cars delivered at 65c. -Rye:•.tbe utet Is dull and inactive. - but is held at ~ 75a1,80 for No. I. Barlextinininal. Pe . ; detim -steady and firm at: 31a32e for ndardwhite- and taasod icor -prirtie'.llglit SW. . Louisville Market. j iTeteeriois tv mlle•PiLtSburgii CIiACHAIS.) -1 • raorrieviLLE,,August 8.--The 'sales 'to:day";' trobaceiramount t 0 444 him* lugs lit to: fair Ha rt' Ousts , ay We. 0 , Mar. Mitsr' eat 116;450,0. Wbbai at Pa2,o). 4 40af.15e. Oats'at 45a50.: MeaK pork at sva. , td at Mgalfte.. - BaemishouidersariBfie;7 ar rib sides at 17(wisleditsitititi:Ate..:47,is; lk ehouldera at 129,fe; clear sides at 16No:. flaky,- high) 4rinear•tik $1,25a -CoKonisloirl• - , •, -• . • It'hlcegui Citileptal, s it ~..„. ‘ I i Telegraph to the Plthsburith4hiients'•i . ' .4, :e 1.- a _ipu tt af ce tie , . ocet, . •••-• , :5 .- .. y i- i iiko n 84;hi, , . no l o 4F14 . 41d actly,o;, ea 0 ; ...i t t fdr , , . - i for common:la fair anti-' WI idly choice. , • • New York Dry-Goocto By Telegraph totheintaebtinfh °Mattel NEW YORK, August B.—The Dry Goods market, as usual on' Saturday, is rather quiet, yet there has. been a good. business in certain classes, such as - Shawls, black and colored Alpacas, &c., but in Cotton fabrics the trade remains'quiet, somewhat on account of the recent'decline in cotton; inprices ' however, there is little or no change. Heavy Sheetings; brown 17a1736c. Heavy Brown Drills 18c. New York Mills . . tshatings 28e, and Calicoes 13%a14%c. Toledo Marlet. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. Gazette.] ToLEDO,latiSt S.—Receipts—flour 3,029 bbls; wheat 53,070; • corn 12,846; oats 9,600; rye 1,080 bush. Shipments—flour 945 bbls; wheat 9,660; corn 22,970; oats 10,850 bush. Flour, quiet. Wheat at $2,45 for choice No. 1 white Wabhsh; $2,25a2,26 for white Michi gan; $2,12a2,13 for amber; $2,10 for No. 1 red;. *2 for No. 2 d0;.51,72 for spring amber seller August. Corn at $1,03 for No. 1, and $1,02% seller last half August. Oats firm at 60c 'for No. 1; 56c for No. 2, and 56 seller Auguat. Rye at $1,43 for 'No. 1: $1,35a1,38 for No. 2. Lake freights 4%c, by steam and 3a33.0 by sail to Buffalo. Philadelphia Market. [Ely Telegraph to the rlttaburgh Garaitte.l PEILADEListe., AUgust 8. 7 -Clover Seed in' fair dertkand at 18,50400. Petroleum; small business; drude, ITN's.; refined, 34%a 34qe. Flour more active; sales 1500 bbls ,Northwestern extra family, $9,50a12,00; low grades and ohOice new wheat do., sll,ooa 13,00.,-Wheat unchanged.: Rye, $1,78a1,80 for Pennsylvania. Cora held :firmly; yet low, V 1,28; sales 5,000 buS mixed Western at $1,25a1,26. Oats steady' at; 920 for Penn sylvania. Provisions unchanged. Milwaukee Market. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] MiLwAnttEE, Augtust B.—Flciur firm and prices unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower at $2 for No. 1, and 1, for No. 2 old. Oats dull and nominal at 65c for No. 2. Corn irregUlar at -51 for No. 2. Re ceipts: Flour. 300 bbls; wheat, 2,000 bush; oats, 2,000 bush; Corp. 1,000 bush. Ship. manta: Flour, 1,500 bbls; Oats, 100 bush. - Memp (By Teleiraph to the FatahOrgh Gazette.l Auest B.—Cotton, none on the market; receipts, 11 bales;• exports, 8 bales. Flour dull at $8,50. Wheat, sl,7sa' 12,00. Corn, 75a80c. Oats, 57a60c. Hay, 120 a. Bran, $1,23a1,24, - Cornmeal, $4,50 114,60. Pork, 821. Lard, - 20a21c. Bacon stiff; shoulders, 14c. Baltimore Market. ißy Telegraph to the Plttelmrgh Gazette.l BALTIMORE,'August B.—Flour is active with full prices. Wheat is firm and red Is held at $2,55a245. Corn is heavy; white at $1,30a1,32. Oats are'steady at Ssa9oc. Pro visions are firm and unchanged. Detroit Market (By Telegraph tb the Ihttsbergh Orette.l DETROIT, August B.—Flour steady at $11,09a11,37 for white wheat superior. Wheat; receipts 11,500 bus; demand active at $2„36a2,36 for No. white, and $2,15a2,16 for No. 1 amber. ' IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. I'ITTSBURGH, Fr. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. August 8.--8 cars metal, Bryan & Cau ,, hey; I do do, Brown & Co; 3 do do, Nsmick & Co; 100 bbls flonr, Culp & Shep ard; 100 do do, S Lindsay, .Jr &, Co; 100 do do M.'Clute & McKee; 100 do do, owner; 206 sks malt, John Gangwecb; lot carriage hardware, Hare & Bro; 1 bbl eggs, 12 kegs lard, Ido dry apples, H Rea Jr; 23 bbis green apples, 1 do pears. Voigt, Bfahood Co; 1 bbt eggs, - J Kennedy; 37 tcs hams, F Selirre & Co; 1 hhd tobacco, A Schaub; 2 cases do, C A Batter; 20 boxes cheese, Jas Conner; 25 do do ,'L Blanchard 30 do do W,M Gormly & &i; 25 do do, Arbuckles & Co; 12 bbls oil 0 MOscin; 11 boxes cheese, A & J Kerr; 10 dos washboards, S P Shriver & Co; 10 do do, Haworth. McDonald & Co; 2 bbls tallow, Seibert & Bery; 5 bbls egp, Fl Riddle; 44 hides, 9 bills sheep pelts, Flacons & Son; 1 box tobacco, E - Worraser; 3 do do, carter, McGrew & Co: 50 oil, bbls, M P Adams & Bro: 5 bids pears, 3 do apples, Graff & Reiter; 5 bbls oil, B A Fatinestock & Co; 1 car wheat, Aitchcock, McCreery & Co; 1 car wheat Hitchcock, IleCreery & Co; 152 sks corn, Gay & Welsh; 26 boxes glass ware, Sample &Vry; 30 sks barley, Wood worth & Davison; 2 boxes tobacco, Ohas Koethen. rITTSBDROH, CINCINNATI AND ST. LIME RAILROAD, August 8.-49 bbbs flour, Dan Wallace; 3Ws beef,`ls do horns, "Sas Lip penebtt;2 cars staves, J Painter, 4 Son; 50 41d:middlings, 36 b'hls potatoes J`& W Fair ley:ls bbls vinegar, Davis Chambers & Co; lot carriage hardware, Hare is Bro; do do, Mawhenney & Co; do do. Jas Lautner, 50 bbls yinegar Arbtickles & Co; 3 cases tabacco: Haworth, McDonald & Co; '3 do do Head &Metzgar. 3 do do Smith, Johnston & Cot 1 do de, E IL Myers &Cm 6 bbls pa _tatoes, 4 do onions, Vangorder & Shepard; 1 car middlings, J6t W Fairley; 5 bbls oil. John P Scott; : . ,car millfeed, Stewart & ,Langenheitn; 10 bls oil, B L Fohnestock & Co; 1 car middlings Bucker &Co; 5 bbls oil.'B L Fahnestock & Co; 16 sksoats, Robb & Herron: 69 bills paper. Pitts Paper Co; 6 bbis green apples, F G Craighead; 4 bbls eggs, M W Ranken; 49 sks wheat, McHen ry & Hood; 16 ti's hams; .1 II Parker; 100 greenhides, Hays, .& Stewart; 135 dodo, (I N Hoffstott; 5 bhds tobacco, Wevman & Bro; 1 car wheat, Hitchcock, McOreery & . Co; 144 blooms•Nimick & Co; 6 bhds tobaa. co, M Hoyl; 3 cars atm es, C C Smith; 2do do, W • Hastings; 100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang • ALLFOHEITY STATION., August 8.-1 car lime, Gillespie & Co; 1 do do staves, Ralya it Robertson . , 2 do do metal, Lewis, Bailey &Dalzell; 6.d0 do limestoneo Superior Iron Co; 16 doz,pails, E M Jenkins; 222- aka oats and 'barley, M Weil ,Arz Co; 154 sks oats,' Steviart .k Langenbeitn; 100 bbls flour, P. &A Carson; 100 do do, Fred Owens; 10 tons mill feed, ,M,Steel & Son; 1 car lumber, Taggart & W,llson; 3 oars wheat, R T•Reo nedy; Ido do e M'Kee & Co; 100 bbls tour. , Stewart &:Langenheinn; 32 bbls 'apple* J Hubert; 23 do, do, 3 do pearl, W Rea; •160, .bgs flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co. • VAL List 11.: .1 car hordes, 1:1 'Ehighatn;; I car lime, Jai' Reim; 1 ear Cideman, Rabin & Co; b sks raga, - f pkg oziopper'Park'Ne.Ctrcly & I Cm, 2,oars stone, - Hendersthi ' Codc': sks' wheat, Scat Gisal; bbls totit,' . 7c •iinikicief.rictr hatter;' 2 bis; : eggs,"4 ate onions Head ikidet#reil 4 ars' lutiestbne Shoefiberger '&111a1r; 9 bdls''hillaN',lC.atiff= tram& Cu. Pirrsauson AND PONNELLEVILLE asiumAti, August 8.-20 bales oakum, 8 Coifs rope, Fulton, Bollman & C); bdis sheet iron, W Armstrong; 24 lonntitlposts, 3_o Patterson; 150 bbls cement: C. B Leech; 105 Mk paper. Markle & Co; 165. do do, .W A. , M'Clurg. • - • PENNSYLVANIA CENTRALR. R., Aug. 8.- 1 bbl tallow, C Selbert; Bdo do; J Reamer; .28 tiks rags. D Wattyl,s pkgs fruit; J Slack. .";'•::x.A.1e',_:1P..;:•:... 5 ",: ~• • . .., . , . rAIRMER B . . , .' go . .. ' lii , Y -, niKt - ,‘ 4 P-WILLeO: -111.E..... '', ' v L 5 „; r - , t tiriLkprp ises imi' iwi, l • isAhti beet thittitatclis:' It *lll :rake 'hisvler Ital.' ! ismsl. farther: load! and unload Itself ,eludenthan , any other rake. . Its self self•nge rating : a 0114,5, you, ola cAn do the work or_ • MB hand. Hundred/ O r' certhlcAtesreOntet ele " which le heicrect I I. ~,, f isa•.. Ede_ Co.; PA.. Juicy a., moc “ 4 ...Ito used S , W , Srrns Hay itshe, slannOio• iiiiired W. Vlr: Wallace ' . Plttsbuckh; Pa:, arid fee-" ummeo Itaalltrmeen.r., It termed In llght'and , drear#' ' ltutyvlser•lCAVllAool,lB,?&llt. maple* AlMilErm ~ 1/Pcs`ft gad. li ed:- J 1 = P l ' l Pi g5 1 , 3 , 4 ,ytir5. 1 .,, an easil y k e P ' 11 1..1 -,sty:men Annuoium..l. - .n tyretemnr n it,'" AirLiabenl. street,. trios- ---- , t e w ork /11 OolumbUos, Onto. hpilKlllli.c,a/ 3 go ,: diA ilvnolegiilestAltsoll PrP' 7 l" -- - w• t r. wALLtunc.. .Ileirpiders In envy, as aaPPI7 larrt-1iri.40.10, . _ MEI • . 1 • • 1 . / rittftsiittithif t siu GUST - 1 R. kMfif3. We clip the follo w ing from the Cinein nail Gazetta of Friday in regard to the fire which occurred there On Thursday: The origin of the fire is not certainly known. When first seen by the watchman of ;the Delaware, it ; was issuing from the side door of the engine room of the steamer. On that part of the boat there had been no fire used since she was laid up, several weeks ago, and the watchman says there had been no fire at all on the boat for five days. The Delaware was a sternwheel • boat, built at Pittsburgh about five years ago; WWI owned by W. and D. Rinehart and Capt. R. Calhoun; was offered for sale last week for $8,000; was insured for $7,000 in Pittsburgh offices; had a carrying capacitY of about 350 tons. She was not in first rate condition When burnt. The Ezra Porter was a sidewheel boat, about two years old;,built at Pittsburgh iu October, 1866; had a 'carrying capacity of 550 tons; Was owned by Capt. J. 11. and M. Porter and others, all of Pittsburgh; was offered for sale last week for $28,000, and was insured in Pittsburgh offices for $25,- 000... The Potomac was a Cincinnati and •Wheelinloacket, which-had earned much .tiopularit in the,trade. , She was a stern." wheel boat, finely furnished; was owned by . Capt. Muhleman, .Mr. Chris. Young, (the clerK),* Geo: - Pepper (mate) Theo."Fmk, Esq.. Booth; Batelle et co., and others; she, was built-in`February,' 1885, at a eon of -V35,000; - had s carrying capacity , of 500 tons; was last valued by the underwriters, of Cincinnati at $21,000, and wag. insured for $11,500, in Cincinnati offices, 'as follows: Boatmen's .$3,500; Crescent, $3,000; Citi zens', $5,000; she was also insured in the National, of Wheeling, for $5,000, and in the Franklin and Citizens', of Wheeling, but We do not know for what amount. The pitizerrs', of Cincinnati, had $2,500 re insured in the Commencial. - The Pine Grove" was also a sternwheel boat! She was built at Cincinnati in Sep tember, 1864, at a cost,. of $23,000, and was purehased by James S. Wise and others last fall far the use of the Nashville Packet, Company, and has proved a profitable in vestment -since. Her carrying capacity was about 400 tons. Her.last valuation by the agent of the•underwriters was $16,000, and she was insured in Cincinnati - offices for 59,000 as follows: Boatmen's $2,000; Queen City, $1,500; Crescent, $2,000; Mag nolia $1,500; Enterprise, $2,000. Of the $2,000 of the Crescent's risk, sl,oooiwas in sured in the Eureka. The model barge, Sunshine, was owned by Capt. Wm: A. Gregg, of the steamer Champion; was valued at $l,BOO, and in sured in the Queen City office in this city for $1,500. • . •_, ' • • —A man was put. ashore from the upper Mississippi packet Rob Roy, last week, by Capt. Gunn, for inquiring of a'lady pasiien ger the number of her room: ' • —The St. Paul Press, of Saturday, says: The steamer Muscatine, of the Northern Line, that, arrived here yesterday. had no less than 518 passengers when she left Du buque. This is an illustration or the im mense travel that is now ~flowing north ward, a large portion Of which comes to Minnesota. —The Emma No. 3 arrived at Cincinnati on Thursday, from New Orleans. The earl panter who died suddenly on the boat at Walker's - bar, was named Itiaac Sutherland, and he was from , Vanport, Beaver County, Penney ivanin. He was buried at Ilvans ville. It was supposed that he had the heart disease. —The Davenport Gazette, of Tuesday, says: The steamer Countess had a hole knocked in her stern on Sunday, as she was crossing Sycamoie chain, on her way down the river. The water was very shal low, and she sunk only a'few inches,--and rested on bottom. The water was pumped ont after a bulk-head had been built in her hold, and yesterday morning she 'floated, and then steamed back up river, intending to go to La Crosse for repairs. —The following is a list of the boats laid up at Cincinnati: Celeste, Allegheny Belle, Wild Duck, Liberty No. 4. Havana (on the docks), St. Charles, Cottage No. 2 Cheyenne, Westmoreland, Yorktown, John Groesbeck, Robert Burns, Silver Moon, Mary Ament, Lorena Lottawanna, Em pire, Argosy. Bostorni, ' R. It. Hudson, Tha Cbampion,>laggie Hayes and Silver Cloud are lying above Broadway; the Darling. Clifton, Golden Eagle, Crescent'City, and Melnotte, in Licking, and the;Anna at Cov ington. r • —The Evans Ville Journaf, 'Of Wednes day, sari:. We learn from a gentleman, ' yesterday woo was in New Orleans when the Indiana Was last there, that both Cap tains Stut and. Rub Neal were robbed on board the /ndiana, while that boat was .Iy ing in port. They hadigene•to , bed with their doors open on account of the, heat, and when they.arose Inithe morning, were astounded by finding that theit'Olothos had all been stolen. ' They fortunately had but little money in their rinokets, being both owners of steamboats: in .1868. '' We are sorry they lost their clothes this warm weather. Rivers and Weather. Ity Telegraph to the Pltteburicb Gazette. Lou ISVI LLE, August B.—Weather is warm and clear. River is rising, with b feet and 6 inches in the channel by mark. ST. Louis, August Beather is clear ind'warm: . _ . " MARSHAL'S SALES • U. It MARSHAL'S OFFICE. 1 . . . . .W. Li. of renusylvanla , , ptrreuttruat. Auguet 5, IBGB. MARSHAL'S SALE: .. - -, ......... . ,By viittte. of a writ of venditioni cirpowas is• sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Wentern will of rennotvanlit; and. to tne directed., I will expose to. Yeti& wale. at the rum cm House,- Plttahn rgh ' Pe., on MONDAY; the loth dam of August,.lBo3, at 10 Wide •Ir A. Iff., tile foilowlng de.crined iiropert), viz; 6 Berms, .1 Copper Pomp. 3 Cautions of Hose, contaiaing - about seveutv..,feci; 2 small , Tubs, 1 Bucket. 1 kettle and uppiirteronces,,ano lACoolve. telvd an.' - taken as. the ;property of ANDRE'W 'ICONNIG, at the soft °Laic Up ded Mama. •.1 , .. THOS. A. , itowtsar„ , : . 1 . ) Isuo:n2 ~. . . . ~ ...,U. W. IdArtilisi. , • . respriLtiAlrgous.'. v.! FEW —CO :10.313FA'CIIRLED •}IIIIR,-.. Tauhers , Sixaraf-Ceroons,:eattle Tank. BONES.;Npkris FOOT-1011i' .„ oinge and ,Wprebouse, Noe 338 I.IIMSTY Ku . frPP 1 .71 1 "!?; " • ;:i ; • • ; , eirrespusim , re.: lERI 13Er 8,000: Aoreg , ..o f Land Is Niryntotiiu county. %.ylrginia; bera. l ls ; l ie; . 147,133, 144.'135. , 13 . 0 and 104; pit In ono tract. watersyt rilieb 'tit' ve ,(14) role Creek, - an d !pirt 3f , "an Frig;lintl•rict of 421,000 sties iianttd. 164antai (*Wool Charlos Wf)Uni, Oiniard and 111chlicEOrsty41;ovf uoutogi... ,wor*puid parser Eincorti; P104n1,i91927. Tltle~perfc¢t:. W,lll.ibn :020 11 .4g0 . PO! llttu3lrgh ntipnf t iclurpe opt• *MAI . • . • Eig ' irJ2O4 ' • uitiettr nas fiesta Ask& notice .i:bab,aly• irtfe_ t _,BARBARY SABO,' tussit , Li,Say pfnuo bttri‘Routtnreg u ell dasievend Itertrol give OUb lek d loc dO CI • bet on my nt: is I: iolt , feWhulbld tar `9Y-Pt:PerfigEktllt°o' pi ,I)VAIN * ..1640 1 ,1' UP84114111. ARTICLE OP • '• '''" • • : 'DRAIN PIPE, Alletzeikfrom eye ,tp twenti;tone Jnehee et Irv, xZLLT4 I .' wets tor menateitueetw, , •illT 4 we34 greet, between PM& and titxt* r Ottnedet., , 3' 3111111 V • TN THE MATTER .Oh` THE:DI- A. -VISIOg OP'SCOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ELECTION r.RECIN:CITS._ In- the. Court of Com mon Pleas of Apeghenk ti, No. poi, Septem t Der Term, 186 S. - - - - - - Noticets hereby given that on Saturday, ,Ortly 25, 1868, a petition was presented praying the nagitlon 'Of raid Townehip into two E ection'Precinots ,-- wherOuPon the Court ordered ottee thereof i:* be givep, and that the same would e flOhlly acted utton by said Cpurt ou SATURD*Y,gust. 22d, 1866, -at which time all Persons liter sttd will p jkit.. c heard. - 3WILELANH. OORE & HERR, Attern ys for Petitioners. = NTOTICE.—In Pursnance of. an 11l Order of the District Court or Allegheny county, made the leite. day - of July, 1867. notice is hereby given to the late antiv•rittes; of the several ,Districts or Pittsburgh. consolidated be. Act of As semble, approved April 60; A. 1). 1b67. that the Report of Commissioners appointed by that Court to ascertain, tne indebtedness, value the property, and the separate M e debtednas of Enid districts. and ax a rate of special tax for 1 e pavment thereof, In .complianee u htb the provisi trS of the before men tioned act. will, on the 8 it. AY oP AUti UST. be enflamed absolutely, 'tulles objection be made to the rate of special tax tixe by said commission, and &decree made according :. , , • ' • JACO H. WALTER, jyVittsG ' . Prothonotary. NOTICE.—AII pe ens indebted 4.1 - to or having cialms age nst the - ESTAWI: • L... ' OF JACOB F. STRAUB, Deed, late,of -No. 9 Chestnut street, Allegheny City, will plt ase call on tae undersignedand have them ad tutted. 11.AltAlf. ET STRAUB. • Administratrlx. 1868. . aus:Pri ;egheny, August 4 . - IFVTlCE.—Letteis TestaMentary Arahaving been granted me on the EST AVE OF FA.NaIItEF Eli, deceased. all persons hav ing olatm'a against-her estate will present them to me, duly authentkaled, and all . personnowing said estate will make payment to me or my attorney, JORN W..TAXLOR, No. 73 Orant street. _ ' CELIIISTOF FANIiZder.YER. July 2d, 1803. • : ys:sit BANKRUPT NOTICES. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF AP i'OIIISMENT. In the District Court of the United States. for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of C. W. PORTERFIELD, Bankrupt. TO . WIIOX IT NIT 00XCIthig The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap point moat aS Assignee of C. , ' W. PORT ERVI Ei;l2o, of Tharrlion township, in the county of Allegheny and Butte of Pennsylvania, within said Distrist, Who 'has he 3n 'sdjudted a bankrupt upon his own petition., by the District Court of said District. Dated at Pittsburgh, Pa.,.tho 15th day of July. A• D. 1888: • • J. W. KIRKEB., Assignee, ttOit Attorney-nt•Law, _ B7 Fink istreOt . - U. s. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, t THIS, W. 1). of Pennsylvania, ,PILTII3LICUOIL. Angtlgt 7th, 1868. S HIS IS TO crivE NOTICE that or the -7tir day of August . A. I). 1868, a arrant ha Bankrpocy was ibsned against the ESTATE OF; SAMUEL HMSII, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has: been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of, any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such . bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transferof any property by him 'are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a Court of bankrupt •y, to be hidden at the ottice of the Re gister, No. 93 Maximo street. In the Citynt Pitts burgh, Pa..before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq.. Re gister, ..nhe 5,h day of eeptember, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. N. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. IT, N. narsitnt-n51114,..u2er. MIMI IA- -- • - - - TESTERN DISTRICT of PENN- I' eI LVANIA, es. At I' shu rgh, Slily 18th, A. D. 1868. To witoits t r MIT coScanu: The underslgsed beieby gives notleo of his ap poinruo of as Assignee nt SA-MUSA. .1. RANKIN. of the Borough of !•iewlekley. in the county of Aile •gheny sue State of Pennsylvauis, within said Die ttict,'lsbo has been adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of raid District J +AI ES. W. MURRAY. Assignee. Attorney-at-Law. 116 Fine street. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SILVA N lA, SS.,_ Al Pittsburgh. the 22.1 day of June A. 1).1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of JoSEPH R. FRICKE, of' _Pittsburgh, the county of Allegneny and State of Pennsylvania. within said district, who haa been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district. - JOHN 11. BAILEY, Assignee, je'2l,:e. , 4x A ttorney-at-lsw. ()rant street. ESTERN DISTRICT of PENN- W 81'LvANIA:s6. • At Pittsburgh, July 18th, A. D. 1868. TO WIIOII IT MAC The undersig n ed - hereby'gires notice of his ap pointment-as •Assignee of IiOREIf.T.C. HUTTON, of the city and county of Allegheny. and State of I Penneylvania'wito has beenDadjudged bankrupt - Dlyirl h ut s° w n i V. „It'iS,''l'Zirgt.Crerld Lly3) Astornoy-at-Law.llo Fifrbrstreet. WESTERN'DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA. • ' At Pittsburgh. the 18th day of Jaly. A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment-as Assignee of tiEOROK W. MetiltAW, of the city and county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District. who 'Has broil adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own , pet4ticrn by the District Court of said District. • _ • JOHN BAthry, Assignee, J7213: 130- lot ' Atry-at-Law, 89 Grant street. FATERN DISTRICT of PENN r SYLVANIA, a At rittahargati:JtilTltith,A; D. iSSEI. TA wllO5l IT un er tiMlgATe C ON r CIII y N g : p T nmen d as A u A d n h e of SIL AS notice INNIsS ap f the city and County of Allegheny, and Sta o Vennsylvanot, within Nall District, who has e v e n adjudged baukrupt.upun his own petit:too, by. the Di.4trietConet ot sahi Diotrlet. - JAMESLV. MURRAY, Assignee, 1 Jy20:43 1 1 Attutuey-at -, 116 Fifth street. EEI t.uvr mit OF Convitcrt.t.grt OF ALLEGHENY , PITTSBURGH, AUpU9t Ath. 'lO6B. I NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS. BEAT,II PitftP r OSALS will be received at Ole office . until 17th. lust., Inclusive, for fUrTitshlttg to Allegheny County 10,000 Bush. good Iderchintable Coal, free from slack and dirt, to be weighed on the City Scales, and delivered at the, entrance to the CUurt 'House and Jail. on Fifth and Ross streets. in quan tities of stx hundred btesheis per day, until the whole is delivered. Payment will he made by Warrants draws , no the County Treasurer when the contract la completed. By diteetion of County GommlP . t oners. "Lund& V • .OFFICE or. CITY ENiiINEER,:i • Allegheny City, AUK. 8, VMS. • HE PARK' COMMISSION 'will Aita!!i : , . TartisDAY , 13Tu, wow. -3 P. x.', Aro ! yurnitsbitig . One ThotMond Cubic 'Xorde of good River Gravel, ~ • Tote dellyerod alung the Ittxo of walks of Oommon Grounds. , • ; ' - For streetnestlons. and partleelaralleanire fit tl/pit olli , The Comm i tsston reserve the right to relent any Or 'all '' • " • Olt AS. 'OAVIe. .au6(vs Suptrig Ifdiginest tart froploymn. ; . ; (Myles or CITY ENGINEYR . r • Tlttlburstl4:lfuly•3t: 1805 ; ;NOTICETO,I4TONN..MA SONS. : 4 ; ": '• ' SEALET? 'PROPOSALS you , Rebuilding a Stone :Culvert, Over 4lie ,Four Mlle lion, at tho Swlndler Farm. 9134 Ward, ill be resolved at thu City Unglneer's °Men nntll i '-fininrritty, Animist Stb. QTANDAIRD , 1 41,16111E41.,1 BUTAARD TABLES , ~!, AND coortuasostOqii mvpldi•lapttanwitellrOtT"ftrth::l4., ta 6W it 4l4 . arr Arni ' sll4t, 68.—ETOVIII$0131111.111* I 0 tdlitardir or the 7:triti n ilaii an y th fith 1888, price vs .50-• w Ewe sucrAice, T ilidstrat4dpOds rens OD application, Address 74tIlarit 84 .01441iirThink •' so...act er op allninsimillidrirtark 3711:wcrWis J4EaaL, IN , BANKRUPTCY, No. 931 PROPOSALS iILENItY E peel ileatlone eeti be see pat tble ogle°, _ Ott) Eniiimer. wstrn RD TABLES. EN ~:' COMMISSION' S -PdERpHANTS:: i;: - Diu:nraEp. lIILLINGER iiNVENSEIN, FORWARDINE I AND COMMISSION MERCHIANTS Eer the sabt of FLOUR, GRAIN 'and PRODUCE generally. Also MIQ,UORS, WINES, BRANDIES, &c N 0,.. 87 Second Street, Plttiburgh, Pa /a-LIBERAL ADVANCES made on colvlen meats.Jy3l:WB _ . J. B. CANFIELD A. T. CAICI'IIt.D. 11. CANFIELD & SON, CONI. A B. MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Leaders in i;oshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese. Butter, Lard. - folk. Ration, Flom', Fish; DriettFrult, Pig Lead. Pot, Pearl And S. , ds Ashee, White Lime. ',Wooed. Lard, Co.iliand Car bon Oils, No. 141 Firm street. Plttobstrak, WATT, LANG & Co., = Groceries. ' Floor. Grain, Produce, Froo. visions, Fish, Cheese; Carbon mil. Nos. nis and 174 WOOD STREET, neor Liberty street. Eltttburgh. Pa. noS:nrO • ,J. A. 8T5111.71. N. &TEEL F M STEELS Sr. SON, , Commission. Aferehany, AND DEALERS iN Ez..coutt, GatArtv, No. 95 OHIO &TEEM near East 00121EteR, ALLE.GITENY CITY, PA, 'JAMES B. MEANOR JOS. 1/A.3PBX MEANOR & HARPER,' FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE mml. - 41.1/.2,10.0 ;I! : t.rAijo 4-=-1 829 LIBERTY STREET..PITTSBURGH • Consignuients'aoliclted. ' Itays.nEwcna—J. G Martin, .Casbler Mechanics , National Bank; J. B. Dilworth & Co, It. T. _Ken nedy & Bro. - 1a.U:124 rirrsa KXIL' KEM &.R.ICHART, • COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, AND DZALEBB IX • ?LOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, so., IC., 349 Liberty SL, Pittsburgh, my 4:b37 • • • L . J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ' No. 396 PENN STREET tiplikx29 ALEX. M'IIANE. McBANE be ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, 4TRAIN and, gsODITCH ! GEN ERALLY,, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh_-' _ ' FETZER. & AMSTRONG, PORWASDEUG AND 0016CE8SIO!3rpcizerra, For the sale of Flour, Grath, Bacon, ,Lardy Butter, Seeds. Dried Fruit, and - Produce*enerally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Plttabursh. . EIOCFSE EDW. 110C88....W1L H. 1101783 - . TORN I. HOUSE dit; Sne cessors t0...1011N I. HOUSE CO., Wholesale rocers aral Comm!salon Merchants, per of ISadthdeld and Water Streets, PlUstmrgh, Pa; RI DDLE, .N o. ItS3 LIBERTY • STREET, Plitsidegh,.Pa. Commission Mer • ant and Wholesale 'Dealer In , Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments. and paid for Produce gen erally.___ ---..._ tuna. X vot AN'IMEW KNOX. ii.ri 0.7 C Si. SON, COMMISSION sMERCII A NTS auddealers in FLOUR, GRAIN - 5.fL FEED aud PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 20 DI AMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. ; Jal7:rl7 IJITTLE, BAIRD 5; PATTON, I Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and sea l ers in Produce. Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011,- Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114. SECO,: D STREET. Pittsburgh. . JoiliSitriTON..••.." . . ...........•... ...A WALLACE. §HIPTON dr. ALLAeE, WHOLE HALE 0 P.OOERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH STREF.T.. Pittsbu rah. - taLl:rsB . PROFESSIONAL • JOS. A. BUTTER, - • ALDERIAN Atli POLICE NAGISTPATEL Office, 126 WY tIE 'STREET. near Washington. PITTS.RFRGTI, PA. • • • Deeds, Ronde, Mortgages, Acknowledgment* Deposition* Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly.. m2lnnn • SA.YIE EFL MeIIIAST ERS, - ‘ .A.t..l)"Extivr.A.N, . . Ex-Ofticio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. ()Mee, OItANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBUROII, PA. Deeds Bonds, • Mortgages ,: Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal fluidness executed with Promptneas and dispaten: . = hi& EIJISTAVE S. IIUHUOW, • ' , EX-OFFICIO JIMMIE '3l? THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. ' !.' OFFICE, M 0.73 PEtIIut.:AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and ail. 'Legal 'Business executed with promptness and dlspiten. ..mrE AftIMON, • A. • . Justite of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, RIAU ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT, CARSON STEIET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Route solicited and Promptly attend. ed to.. — • __ toee:y6o JUSTICE OF THE,PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTII PITThBUROR. Business entrusted to his care propptly attend ed to. myl:yal DANIEL McINEAL, PRACTICING 'PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, • No. 59 (Irani En., near 'Emu. apal:x7l J.~. FEIWVSON~ • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Controller , ATTGIit*EIX-AT-LAW., °Mee, 116 Diamond Street, • • tOilisKette the Court ie,) :re15341 xAT , StreOt.': 'Ti43 `•mbs:oB rt BURGH, PA ------ •:- . ." .1-1.• ....... ATTORNEY 'AND •COUNSELOR ATT.:LAW; WO. SO GrantfSot. my24:b23 ARCIIIHAMJ, ATTOPAV 33I 7ZIIei7TA AI/3Cr i Are. OS virtu *rang . splingesd&lP - ilTTE111:130, 0 311. Pi. JOHN A . STRAIN, si•Otiriciuit , JUSTthEt . . OF 'FHA , FICAOI AND . • .; ; i mam 'srAoterßATN. • Op~Ce 11>i rkirrn, sTREET, ihteekek. 411 11 14 - PitAabcirith veed., , Mr gee. Aoknowiedgepepti.,-Depositiune 111(111 - ail Le RAW-. 11011110leelltAA l% prpmptntia• And dlapian .• 'JOHN Q. • *.cconag; -‘. ATTWINEY AMR OUNSELLOR AT LAW, Zia s 7 Witutstie6i... Drianties and Airco* Ott* pivirolly' 1 ...A• S. STEVENSON MIMS = No. 87 Fifth Street, N. 'FRONT ROOM 'l*ll 4 l43Biiiiiiii, PA. illTb3BiTfiGli. PA.' 10DITTSBURGHan - AaggiNlE OUN N E.LL4VALLE On and' after THEEttiDAY. .I.arth .51t4. 1861. trains will arrive at and depart from-tho Depot, cot. ner of Grant and Water streets, a. ollows: , , Deport% • • ',..4 1111 „,„Tr• , Hall to and from Uniont'n. 7;00 A. af• 0 8 ,1 F-- M. ' McKeesport Accornmodrn:ll:oo A. X. 2:05 r. id. Ex. to and from tinlont'n. 300 r: M. /0:00 A. 0. Web: Newton Accoinmod'n 4:30.1.'at. 8:35 A. X. Braddock's Arco:l:Tom:at' n 6:15 7: 50 1. N Night Arc. to lricKeesport:loi3o X. 6:40 A. If §undar Church Train to and • from West Newton ... .. 1 For tickets apply t o ." R. KING. Agent. W. B. :TOUT, Snperinterknt. IkLLEGHENV — . VALLEY RAILROA LY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL. ItEtIIONE., Bunning through to Venango City without change of cars -Connecting with *anal - Ea-st and West of the Warre.. Ra.iroad, and Atlantic &- Great Western 'Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points In air 011 Regions. On and after April 26th, 1955, PassengerTralt ss will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows: Legourt. Arrive. 111111 to and Pm Ven. City. 7:00 A. at. 6:15 P.Y. Express ' " " 10:40 P. aL121:25 A. M. Brady's Bend Accommod'n 3:09 I'. in..10:20 A. Y_ soda Works Accom'n 5:30 p.'at. 7:55 A. Y. First flultoniAccomod'n... 8:50 A. M. 11:40•A. N. Second 'Hutton Accomodin 12:00'm. 3:55 P. Y. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at 9:06 A. SI., arriving - 1n Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. Bt.- turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. at., arriving It., Sod. Works at 2:55 P. . -11. BLACKSTONE, Sup't. W. F. BOIT, Ticket Agent. ap2s • T TSBU CINCEsriNATI AND4T, 01,115 RAILWAY. PAN . HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TIME .—On and after SUNDAY.' June 21.1 t, 1868. trains vrlll lesve and arrive at . tte. UMW: Depot, as fellow, Pittsburgh time:. • • . ' Depart. • Atria:. • 11.311 Express 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a. IC. Fast. Line.— .. : ... .. ..... .. 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Bast Express • 11:10 p. m. 11:90 a. a. Mixed Way 45:10 a. m. 7:05 p. m. McDonald 's Acc'n, 30.1 ' ... 11:40 a. m. 3:05 p. m.: Steubenville Acoomrrood'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. ni. McDonald's Awl:, No. 2.. 5:25 p. m. .8:510 a. M. Spirant NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves at 2:10 p. as. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a: m. the neat • morning. . • The 9:40 a. - tn. Train leaves daily, Sundays' ex cepted, and makes close connections ai 'Newark for ; Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & • -•- S. Y. SCbtX., Geneial Ticket Agent. W. -W. CARD , . Satit., Stcuberrville. alEgMig R . 313, FORT WAYNE di CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELANDALPITTSBURGH , R. E. Frtm June 7th, 18664 trdins will leave front and arrive at lire Union . Depot, north si de, city time, as follows: .ChhsagoEx:... RA/3 a in: Chicago Ex..: 2:08 ain Cleve and EX.. 2:03 a in , Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a ist_ Erie 7gn 3 r l 7:78 amj Chicago Ex—. 11:23 a m Cl. 6:.13 a M Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 ato St.' Louis Rm.. 3:33 pm Chicago Ex.... 9:43 CI: & Wh'g Ex 4:38 pm CI. dr rg Ex. 143 p m 'Fru Fix 6:13 pm .Chicago 1:58 pChicago Ex.... 4:23 p -Wh. Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. Clt&Wh`g Ex 7:08 pm Depart from Al/egheny. .Arrive in Afinlytteny. N.• rigt'n Ac-,` 859 aas N,Brigt`a Ac. 7:03 a m Lee sdale " 10:13s ca N. Brigt`n " 8:28 a m " 11:58 are Wrillsvllle 9:53 aut Rochester " 2:23:pm New Castle' ' 4 '20;13 a m Weßsv'e Acc.. 3:42:pm Leepdale 9:13 am' Leetsdale Acc. '4:l3 , pm "" _1:08 pm • N. Brigt'n . 15:33 p'm 2:42 pm N. Brigni . 6:28 pm Landale "- 4:53 p m Leetsdale " . 10:43 pm " 7:28 pm Air 1:58 p. m. Chicago Em3reas leaves chilly. 12'11:713 a. m. Chicago Express arrives daily. • lea F. It. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. NN Y LVA CENTRAL RAILRO. atel after June 7th, rive at and depart from thi 'Washington and Liberty • Arrive. Mail , Train.... 1:15 a m Fast Line 1:40 a WAIVE+ N0..1.. 6:20 amj Latrobe Aced 7:50 ami Wall's No. 2.. S:5O am I Cincinnati Ex.. 0:10 amt JohuatownAe: 10:35 am' Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p pit Phila. Express • 1:20 pm' Wall's No. 3... 2.15 pai Braddocks Not 5:50 p ml Wallis No. 4. 7:15 pm• Altoona_Acc'n • and Emigrant Train 9:30 pral The Church Train - leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. tri., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 . a. 111: Returning; le aves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p.m. and arrit e 3 at Wall's Station at 2:00 m.. - 'Cincinnati Expreas leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday:, ' • For Partner laformation.apply to_ • •• •W. H. .13.MEWITHi• Agent. The Pehnsvivinlit Railroad Company will not u sume any rick for Baggage, except for wearing ay pare', and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. .AB. Baggage' exceeding that amount in value will be at the riik of the owner, tut-• lege taken by special contract. --- • . EDWARD .11. WILLIAMS des General Super! ntendtht, Altoona, Pa. ESTERN PENN FowZgaggi WSYLVANIA RAIL R 1:1.--irn and after M•ay. 10th. 1888, the Pas senger 'trains on,-the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will. arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Desot, Allegheny City, as follows: . • Springd'e No 8:35 .- . , 8:15 Ittl, ' Freepost No. 1 S:l5 ain Freeport No.l 9:10 a= Express 10:15 a 'Sharpleg.No..lll: 9 o aut. Sharpb•g No.l 1:25 pm E.' xpress 1:50 pm Freeport N0.2 , 4:10 p spriugfVe Not 3:50PR1 Mall • 5:50 pmFreeport No.'3. 6:05P In Sprinfore•No . 1:10 pm Sbringdie No - 2 - 7:30 pht. - • AbOyu trains run dally eicept 'Sunday. , • - • The Church Train , leaves ,Allegheny Sundt. every • Sunday at 1:40 a, reaching Al' teen y City at • 9:50. m. Returning. It•ates• All ny City at 1:20 p. mid arrive - at Allegheny, net. at 9:45 , Clintifierramow TIMM - re—For wile In -packaged Of Twenty„ between Allegheny City. Chestnut street. Herr' Bennett. 'Pine Creek. Etna end Sharpsburg. And go od only on, the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. • .The trains leaving; Allegheny City at 0:18:. a. And 1:501'. Y. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker* line ofStages fos Butler and Hannah,- town. Through tickets may be parchased- at :the .01flos, No.' 3,51. Clair street, near• the liuspendlox. ' Bridge Plttahurgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to • . . JAMES I.N.FFERTS, Agent, • • • •., Federal Street Depot. • The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not se same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing 'ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One 'tundra Dollars In valve. All baggage exceeding this. .. amount la value will the risk of thenwner, aid tees taken by apeelal contract. . • . EDWARD 14. WILL - General iinnerintentient. Altoona. myll UNION PACIFIC MINA Eastern Division. . , The SHORTEST AND MOST.RELIAHLE EOHIE from the East te all points In • - , Colorado,. Arevada, California, lUtalii Arizona, New Melia', Idaho, Oregon.. Iwe Traina'leach ntate Lime' and . Leavenworth of daily, (Sunday') esoepted.) on. the arrival or WAD* Pacific Railroad from•nt. Louts, and 'l,..nolhat and , do, Railroad ttnll)-Quinnr:.nonn cLin° ' " L" — I•ende - , Topeka and Waniego with ata,,cs for., ,all 'point*: In -Hansaac At . ..end of , Crack ,west ofgni.: worth with tbk UNITED STATES EXPRFhA CON— , PANYA!DAILY:I LINK. OF viVir.BLAND 41,1.1:6 B A ND n.a.PILFXR COnf AEA FOR • .P.V•44i SALT4III ap4vor - r4 • .P otitis in the !Territories, . kid with hA.NDERSON,B Tlll-..W._,K,l.rtithrYisi4.lANAlElThru, 00.fitfliEN tor Fort Urd , 9ll._Pollf • " 1 opoule, Hants V. an 1 sil . -rlat : s.ln ~!t'1 1 t. ,4 1. .a s and New siexico._ L.. ,i . d • ',ilium. of rolling st uck and; '.' Wt t h the ''''". -- MUMS ', shode.mith ire.: 04111Praent ant IP * 47a r ttlirr..o. 1.,i, nom ha. spowdtde 't vorhin riti . rood uow often ,trueyritlifid wootorti torudris. I nel a 1 ton of frets:Alt to tin.? Far ritlqa roe the I, to s' ~,,,,, , -- Tlck ' .. ''' . leas all the principal Dike s la th e tinitq Mateo and tornados. , . t . im. ti. ...,. ... Be pure and ask fot,t.lckpta l , V a, T r. si erOZ, BILL' ' ROU i' oti UNION PM ir it. .„, w C. a il ed PLvielow• ME • tittirralfirettcnt and Ttittet Agent. i. •,143-.IIISHIPS: rl l O , CV*ll,l' Asti •, • r C--ifej-.1,9Vt; (- it . „ .Tits-usatiari-.!_inaxk vrisesiSzatir,r. tp p gce[ebra_ t,; (3fl UF F ANCWEPP 04TufilPAY, IrrO, Ni.r 48. North.' Barer. New Yor EVICRY k. ror or iors her Informil tliko!IDOly , . WM - I.IAM 41141411A*, f TO TIFTVI BYRN:KT. ;Mir 14tes11y , o_1um roi't fr,re. itsbarg%',. 3. - 00 r. at. 10:150 L ig 1565, Trains ..111 ar t. 'Union Depot, corner of .trees. as follows: Depart. Day Express.. 2.:35 am ,Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 ant IAIO.I. rain :50 am 'Cinci T unati Ex 11 7 :40 a m Wall's No.-2.. 11:51 a tit (John.btow,n Ac. 3:05 pm Braddocks Nol. 4:00 pm Phil e. Expres. 4:50 pm I Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pm No. 4.. 8:15 pm Fast-Line - 7:30 pm Latrobe ACC'll 8:50 p m Swissvale An' n 10:50 pm. 6 Washington:, 9. AptlllF4lB,)Pir - 1 ,!:leuersitifiper i n! z n azat. 'JAR.