Eti ejt littobirtgij ,&ttytts. DE Ti UPON THE moUNTAINg. Bear ahn down - wkird; very still he Iles, And the sheeted face Is pale. We Anted hire Yonder vitt his feet et to the skim , And the MOILS around 'Where betrod. nb mortal foot beinie E'er had trodden• To ths unknown summit, ner st ro de , now eternal floor. to'overcome 'Azad be won the topmost rock; _and there ---YoundsreWlMAidaysZpalsed. - st4lutally - ttittren._ `Others may tell how the peaks were fair; I - 'Death his only guerdorts r wo for him the anti , ' departing pride, htymountain Made attrrender • Of bervirgin he ghts. the victor died • Patmet ollieudor• • -* ' 'Sheraton home perebanee that will weep; - Eyes that looked soft sorrow whew they parted; ' . 'When a*dreatu of death Invades her sleep, - • Lose and broken-hearted. go we besi him downward, 'Pacing elow, 'Tears fast fa il ing from tbe heart's pure fountains -12equiescat carve we 'mid the snow- , -Death,upon the mountains. , -H. Needle Clarke. EPHEMERIS. ••••- , Bennett, pare, is at N ew:London. London. —There are sharks in New• York bay. —Miles O'Reilley had 56 ounces of brains, -;;A. Y. M. C. A. has been started in Pais. —The Illinois tobacco crop will be a full One. —The cattle plague has broken i i ont in Egypt.. has a new novel which ho calls —Dumas Tieciemption. Cincinnati is to have another haad• sorne opera house. . • I .—The nut profits of the Petit Jouinai, in Paris, are $lOO,OOO a yoar. - • —Jtiles Faire did n ot ' succ eed in getting _ right to vo te, -Lord Lytton's son, Sir Henry. Lytton -, `Htilwer, is going 'into Parliament. grown in,the open. air in Min - itesota, we on exhibition in Minneapolis. —The romantic , flower girls of Broadway we said to be very dirty and not very pretty. -Clearfield and Lumber City • have both Excellently cirganiied • Grant and Colfax . --.'Foci pretty girls' ran' away *kith' ecigi cotwany . front' ,their henna in Knox- '--One assay office in. Helena,l 32bntantt • melted 4100,000 of gold into bars during the - - first half of July. —The City Councils of St. Louis have • , appropriated 550,0410 to the improvement of Bt. Louis harbor. —The season has been excellent this year , in Montana, just enough rain and just - 7 of-Bavaria is said to be the earliest retirer in-Europe. He goes to bed regularly 'at daYbreak. . . —Grape vines in' Connecticut are being eaten up 'by a new worm which has recent! ly appeared in the Staie., —rhe Pithole Datly Record is to be -re ! "moved,to Pleasantville. 'All. Pithok3, an dent and modern, will soon be there. • —A grist mill, paper bag- factory., and tiakery , were / burned in St ,Lbuis on Tues . „day involvinga loss orabout 11t25,000. —Robert Dale Owen is writing a novel. 11e is a second Richardson. He is sixty years old, and has never before written a novel They say that in Stratford, Conn., the mosquitoes are so large and Musical that they are pat in cages and kept as canary birds. - . • - —An Ettstern paper in calculating how soon all the visitors et Atlantic City will be +drowned, at the rate of 4ve one day and four the next —Boole,. onee famous as .a New York alderman, is now in an insane aulam from , which he receLtljr escaped but was, enticed u lack. again: . - • • is said that Minnie May histhe daugh „ter of Jennie June.. _We suppose Augustus ..Ugust , is her husband and Sept:onus - Sep-- otemberhe.r son. • -,_ '-r - —lt is in Berlin that ten 'people -have been buried alive in that, city , within a year. The Boston , Port says it ise, very nit healthy city to diejn. . . =lD:wink:a late fhcii.sto s im at Wellsboro, Penna., a sheet of ice measuring about two feet square :wig three Ai:Mites thick fell from the clouds with the hailstones. a-head i the tine for loafing in Chi- L'eSlieciallirecemmended to thosewho use She Postoffice • steps in Al , legheny. Beware off Chicago` —Galvetiton,',Te*as,hati had, so me water • which weighed 06 pounds.. l We have , seen a 'dozeir'' water Melona here which, weighed about 140,Pounds. ' • , —The well=known . publishing firm of G. IW. Carleton e,6 ` Go., of New York his disioDied, and Mr. , Carleton will carry on the-business by himself hereafter/ • .4-= - ThereiS'every promise of a good crop ,of hops ; this season- in 'New . York. Of coinse we mean irresPecti've of those at . .2ciegara, Saratoga, and ,West Point.- —ll. S. military officers 'have seized all "the tiood that has been. cut, .14:,4hitei on ihe'new "Indian .reserve on, the Upper Mis. • souri. Proceedings are to he commenced .soon in the courts. --Rousseau is going to stump the country `for Seympur and - Nair If the gallant war wouid, deign to:take *little advice, we - * As e willing to give him the following: 'Be ''Wale of stage !”, • . -ICOwerd, of proclamation fame, who chief editor of the BrOklynraile and editor4ef, thaNew York Timm; is it is said, to become admichtee' editornf Brick pomerey's new paper;'. - ,--Judge Abell,- of New, drieS • steatite tc; thavitimbihed a little 'moreirtiti,tfern r `eiviria 4 1 044‘niztil0 9f:00 soutitieti:me: gropolls,,and is therefore. opposing duelling ,-413gesteliafiallY":e*'1 1e r ifTi 'PAYardlailoel parents: expect tci imr,ste their golden' Ired4ing.' • : pp . ap October, , .I;soerdi r Whit; is'Att Prellinrrying Ari.o9o4l,,fierMany;:is Oining•jhome)to •be `present on th&interestinA,sicte*Ot4 P1414' to:death Saturday, near • zrthoynip.; pfiarhelorses broke into his [ yard s , ku them out,, he drupe them near-a'lo t. f;ilf . .hee.hives., The:bees- swarmed out s '' -tovered the horseiy and attemtliArip •,tritsh them ,eff, attlickedsndstanghln:e, f , , 11 , 0 :At severely. He lay down and was soon after discovered to be dead:,:.__ —Foul play is not well pkiyed in New York. Boston thinks She ca do it better., If Pittsbnrgh should boist ,of being a pretty; good , 'sort of cfittsbtirgh, we verily believe Boston :would lay claims to being better.Pittsbuty,h. • .'. • Troy paper is informed that sixty or seventy workmen employed in building the new, reservoir of the water,works,_arein the nightly of bathing in one of tiii reservoirs from which the supply of water a• furtdshed ,- ettizells. —During . the fire at Oil City the la dies worked nobly r aome of them were con stantly on the go' ith linCitets full of hot coffee which they dispensed among the workers, some formed , themselves into a regular committee to assist in removing ar ticles from threatened houses to places of safety, and . - some actually worked at the pumps of the engines. • —Accidenteresulting from careless hand ling of lOaded fire-tirms are beginning to occur, again now as- the season advances; and we hear of two as having occurred this Week. ' One in NeW York State , where a lad killed his sister and one in: Missouri where a Mr. Stice shot himself in the arm so as to necessitate amputation. It. , •almost im , possible to be too careful in handling loaded small arms. -" - —A friend of ours, who has been having a good time np in York State, tells ns of an old gentleman living in Cuba, N. Y., who celebrated his one hundred and first birth day last Tuesday. He is in the full posses sion of all his faculties and ' erOoys life pretty well yet; 'Three years ago, he could break 'in a young horse better than any other man in the neighborhood, although he had to fie helped on his back. And even now he goes out, horseback riding with the young- bake of the neighborhood, who thoroughly` appreciate the unique h'onor of having a "benturion"lbr a beau. —The Chicago Jourrxilas an European 'correspondent , 'whose 'mime is Sheppard .bit should be Sheep. He goes into inane raptures over France, and sends the menu of a railway dinner as a specimen, of his bliss. He says that Chicago's to believe all Byron says about Switzerland, and to prove it, sends his bill 'received at a second•cfass Geneva hotel, and made up of bad French and Engliali;' . then; by way of a joke, ho says he,is the only man on the continent of Europe who doesn't smoke, an assertion which has the 'one advantage of being a manifest falsehood. If we wore personal friends of Sheppard's, we should aevise him to stop._ And besides all his other ab surdities, he makes the mistalte, so common to travellers; of thinking that as soon as his foot is off the ocean steamer, all he has read of kurope becomes personal experience, and all that thoSe at home have read be ,comes oblivion. . . • . A Wimisavor. • Invramon.—The con version of the soft and fleecy fiber of cotton into a hard and solid Substance like 'horn and itiory, is one, of those - remarkable dis coveries which, distinguish the inventive genins.of the present, age. This. surprising. transmutation ok vegetable matter has, how ever, been accomplished by' different per• sons and almost siniultsmeously, both In Earope and this country, like many, other great inventions. This new material is a substance as distinct from the original veg etable matter of which it is 'composed, as caoutchuuc or. India rubber in us natural state as a gum 'is from vplcanized rubber. It resembles horn and ivory in'teature and quality, and, like those substances, may be applied to the manufacture of c&abs, but tons, and various objects of 'use and orna ment. In its pure stye it is transparent like amber, and admits of any shade of coloring, from pUre white or jet black. This new discovery, indeed; prondies ffirrush to art -and manufactures a most valuable acquisi POSTAGE LAW IN RELATION. TO,WEEKLY 'llEwsrurztta.-4ectioti -third of the act 'passed by Congress , and approved by the President, July 27th, 1868, entitled "an act to further amend the Postal laws," is as follows: - r flEarzon 3, :And be it furthir enacted. That section thirty-five of the-act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be do construed" as tp ' permit weekly newspapers, properly folded and addressed, when sent ; to regular .Sittisoribers, in the county Where printed and published, to te deliVered - free of possage,, when , deposited at the ,offiee nearest the office of publication; but, nothing in,this act shall be so construed •as to require carriers• to distribute' said pa ! pets, unless Postage is paid •on them - at the rate of five cents per quarter, and such pos. 'take must be prepaid for a term Of not less than one quarter 'or more: than one year, either at- the office `of mailing or delivery, at the , option of the subscriber. . 'Aiso •ug occurred at, _ ' WHOLESALE poisoni ng ., m Waterloo rlnd., , on Wednesday, giving' as a - result eighty-three -victims a ,but as yet Without actual fatality, thoughsOme are ly ing • gangerously ill, A ' butcher bought frorn'a druggist, as he supposed, a Quantity , hif sage leayea, which turned out to - be bel ladonna; a ,inost deadly ;poison, , which he ground up-and-seasoned, a:large quantity of sausage, that he got up • for a rarity, and of ••which the people purchased largely. As soon as'.the mistake was discovered the dr.ggist, Wm: Moore, started oat - the - phy. sicians, who, by 'their prompt r ,work, have undoubtedly been 'the means of saving many Ryes. • , ' • Tui celebrated bald eagle, Esi_well known Ili Germantown, in Philadelphia, and for tiventylive years one of the attractions of the Whiter estate, died. )n • the 4th of 'July last. ;This fine , specimen-of. the royal bird' was born at Duticannon, Dauphin' county,l and became the property Of the elder Wister in 1840, in which year lie traveled all over, theEtate on the roof o f Harrisona and became quite a distinguished Selfied'inltlietreeti in front of tticituoi3lon ,winter . atid RumpieF, an 4 though he occasion!, ;011.144ted, away; a few l tnilegt. would . invarla-! .bly;iptorb, , Eis.head, and )tail, originally blachlibeettmeiwhitt,as lanow as, he grew. !older, ./ • N. tilltsrucui has (notified 'the officers: ipt his old a• limited 'number! tnaprof , the , cainpaigns of:188, '64 :ant as Western: armies, , Sic • rucAliyedi at his , 'headquarters for 'diattibiiticth' 4111 liersdnit who /Ad nand 'or a'lirigade sethlk4e. r comet ' +lean . 1 41% , a bYI nattig their R i stugs shd*ldresses to him , t lit 4 ) :0 8 1 , Prutu • 001.11W0 p~ted•'btates,;;Tngineer,f tat, J Louis, to. l Other parties desiring Iv ctiprantiY apPly by , letter. and when? . all , entitledllOf ' aliove , / have !beet/ supplied,' ithe..fetindnint Map i on hand will be de* F l 'l:l4' as„ 01 0,- ,81 0.0$1 , wet 02.1 2 , Ll' 1 ) b GAZETTEI MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1868. 3 141 tzli :Al Tuns rairitA g rED Nivrrriour • CHARGE MADE WHIM ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. - A MILL BET FOE $B, AT DR. SCOTT'S. 11118 PENH STREET, 3D DQUE ABOVE HARD. A f ini LLACRI c EMRAN'TED B OF GINIIIN S_ VULCAN• ray9:diT GAS FIXTURES : GAS FIXTURES 7a. et 3rl. cl. e 1 lersa, FOB. GAS AND OIL. Just received. the lined and largest assortment ever opened In this city. WELDON & KELLY, 141 .WOOD STREET, COB. VIRGIN ALLEY. tablAm22 NT, 'SOAP ETON . CM JLUYLW CEMENT. LS AP STONE. PLASTER, CHLIV A q E T R OPS, HENRY H. ULICI CEMENT sole; IN Cheapest and boot Ptor, In the market. Mae, BO BENDALE 8YD116.131.1.0 CEMENT for sale. B. B. et C. A. sll,ocKsrr it co. Office and Mumfactory-240 ItICIVECCA. BT. Allegheny,. Aar Orders by mall , promptly attende TMWMTWS AND . NOTIONS puicEs •MABILIED DOWN! & CARLISLE'S, No.l9:Flith Street. ALL 'GOODS GREATLY REDICEDI ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTII. (Ladies",) for SOc CORSETS, (Rod French,) SO LINEN HAKDKXRCHIEFS, 3 for 35 KID GLOVES. (warrasted,) • LOR PAPER COLLARS ' 10 200 Yda. SPOOL COTTON, (good) 1. S POCKET BOOKS, worth- SOc '4-- 25 MEN'S BUMMER lINDERSHIRTS 50 MEN'S JEAN DRAWEES 75 . . . a kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Goat. CREAT BARCAINS! IN AI4I KINDS OP GOODS. Spoelal Batel to Merchants it Dealers. MACRU & omasszzi, 10 .31 . IV - FIFTH STREET. , - PEARL mut. FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, anon' to the beat St. Loofa brands. PEARL MIL L, tte D ERA N l, as good as tam best Ohio brands. WRITE CoHN FLOUR and CORN MEAL. .11it - See tnat'all tacks are sealed and dated. • • , B. T. 2 REBIBOY dr. BRO., . anT:a2l . • • -rt Ant. MILL. NATE WOULD 'INVITE THE AT TII, NTIuN of.the t lour trade to the supe riority of our ' • SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which we are mauu factoring from the best select ed.-h.:putt:lens and Tennessee Whets:. Prices as low as any In the marks'. J. 8. LIGGETT ar. CO., • ' • Pittsburgh City Mills. WALL PAPER. Z~ITALL PAPER ' -AT REDUCED PRICES. AFTER JULY .16T, We will Offer our present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. :Alarge assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for balls, zooms, (CaLtlk&C, &c., at N 0.107 Market Street,near JOS. R. HUGRES & BRO. TOBACCO AND CIGMW. to . • DiGh.4lol IS ALL 114PD13 OP ' ' OAP 40BACCO4Nli 0461E8, N0..0 Rini STREET. (Netiortel Bent 'of Com merce Building,) PITT sranch of 1?* Water time t, ir_. BURGR ' PA ' apt:n77 • • ,••• • DANIEL B. E CELSIOIII WOIRIRS. R. •& - 171 , i. '..Tiorricirrscort. Manufacturers and Dealers hi . Tohacco,' 'Cigars, Pipes, Ago., No 6 IrIiDERAL . ST.. ALTALG DENY* BUSINESS CHANGES • • DI SO L TlOlll.—The Partnerw ship . heretofore existing between the sub sur4hefs, -ender the firm of -.• ANDERSON; COOS & CO, W . . . , Is A day dissolved by mutual consent... The twist lima' of the late firm will be settled by our succes sors, Mesta*. ANDERSON & WOODS, at the office' of the Pittsburgh Steel Works. • ' • • •K. J. AbiDERtON, - ' J.W COOK.. . • • . WM. WOODS. • The undersignal having disposed of his interest in the late tlrnt' of ANDEfiSoN, COOK & CO., to Messrs, ANDERSON &MOODS, begs leave to red': Ammend his successors' to the patronage o r.theteus tamers of the former Orin: J. W. COOK. rittsburgh, , Jttly 5151b4 1608.' MECHANICAL ENGINEER: 4., sitaziatactu. tiocazaHrizte , . , . 110111ERCEVAL BECKETT, • And Solicitor of Patents. (Lstei °fr. )P. W 641 flltillway.) Moe, X0. ( 79 FEDERAL 13TBEETt__Iloom No. 11, pp stairs. P. 0,50 x 50, AL L ytiOF4 X.,C,Kril IfACHINZRY, of all thAerl tfons, &movie . Itr..„" FURNI,CEsn42O Ise HIM maw. 04, fuatild ief r att o suird&ntion .pold to do- Areirall_ 7_44:kilted. OP. AT: I - VVE*lP i ti te lnr. 8 cr. , AT. ,""rh•r4l.svec, WEDNESDAY WEIGIVIS`"Afiti"MEASPitEtI. -beat O WOghaadirail ) i .." PAK:METAL BTXXXWo t,4•5 / I .ll4tl o 4i O rgi3 Onf ig ? • • PramPily attendieliltoiviA ;1,,..0510iNkri AND ito. COLLINS,' 5 Wood street. RAIN PIPE FLOUR. DRY GOODS. STEW wpons: •_ IL - 11 SIIIICHMILII 86. CO'Ss . No:' 52 St. Mir St. • . • - • - _ . . • NEW PRINTS, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW DELMAR'S. ALL WOOL BLACK and WHITE PLAIDS, fbrslsV r t s worth'so. W ' RITE PRINTS: black ngnre TE G ALPACCAR, . dot , BLACK DOESKIN irAOK dASSI3IERES: BLACK AND BLUE CLOTH; BLEAOHED•MaSyNK,' 1 IRISH LINENS,,__T BLE LINENS, - TOWELS AND N ' I • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF - GOODS, ALL ENTIRELY NEW. Eii• Remember the place; No.- 52 St. Clair Street arD . • Near Liberty. west elde. Xl7. MARKET STREET. QT7 t.. 7 I • GREAT - REDUCTION IN , r RICES ! • TO CI.4OSE &rocs: -.OF 1;10 - ErES'43 - 4COCODS. 87 MARKET STREET. THEODORE F. 'PHILLIPS. Je3o: 87..:.1L111ET 5T8EET....87. , WOOD = 115. ARBunixar, SHANNON So. 116 Wood St., Pittsburgh, pa., DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT LOWEST EASTERN, PRICES. W2:04 168. —l6B. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. - I ' - BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY alkd GLOVES. F. SOiLTCW,, rir No. 168 While Street..o 165. -16 S. OMR, McCANDLESS be CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & • . WHOLRs AT,g ,DEALICRS Foleign and 'Domestic Dry Goods, No. 941 WOO I D STREET, Third door above Diamond alley, . .. • I rrrrsßtmorr. EXCURSIONS. SWINE EXCURSIONS. AHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY have on sale at their Ofiles, `Onion Depot, PltL burgh,. • ROUND ..TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS, I _ TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAY, Enabling parties to - visit these popular bathing re sorts, and return home at I 1 moderate cost. ' CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can purchase Ticketa to, go and return by all Railroad, or.they can arrange to take Steamer in either direction, betwee Philar delphla and Ospe May. , , • • EXCURSION TICKETS are also for sale it the 'above Depot to. NIAG ARA PALLS, TAR OIL RE GIONS, GETTYSBURG, i" and numerous points in Pennsylvania :and Pew TOrk. • • VP PAMPHLETS, contaiiiinefull • descriptions of the various Excursion 'Routes by this Road, can be had on application 141 the Ticket Oflos, in the Union Depot.-., W. HAIECIEWITH, it1:828 I I.) $ SUMMER. GOODS. Hoye; Youth's Andldren's. 813111171 M (16.13ITHICIERE BUTTS, '. LINEN SOUS. • • DUCK nUITS. , FLASITEL Burrs. .• stI:PAfICA JAcrwzra,' In every style. of the greatest - variety,anitable for the present ••esken. tientaetnen ono a - tine as ortmeat of WHI l'E nd littOWN DUCK Bpi CO. It.L.PACCA' and - IPLAN NEL coAtty de,, every garment befog specialty tirade tor us ov the best Eastern houseg. Our prices are as. Jew -as good 'goods tan be kold'at by any firm East' or' West. GRA:3c t I.IOGrAN, 10rENRIt . 11EYER, mEncrailT TAILOR, No. V 3 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps Constantly on hand, a hillassortment at CLOTHS CA94IMBRHS,.VESTIN9S.4.s, " 'CO ECTIOMRIES. HE! ../1/ ; w. 114° Confectionery and 'Baker's No. 200.13MITNPIELP •• ' • Beivien Seventh and Marty. • • • StatoON.arc ked. ~.a arsA?2,il*. • GE: SCHLELEIN - Oancy eake. Baker eirl'6afeetioner A ; 15D "Aunt (I'/d 4 4 0 40PKWib 4 0=n $1713, . , ;Nor 404 moor szol Robitounk 'streets; Ana - gheny..,iiir:Ooostarry,.94 hod. CHZo.x. Yafious •.. , •,, . 1-.; • , • STE:VptiOURIAC. 1~/ WASHINGTON • - 4AgifflifiTOS'nfilitlt e r, Near Plttsbinghlitaln "Iffeiateit: Azito mtnnmeuiree corovikikaileft imotrEA paypesiit /Apo:: Qtdera YoroOttuelther ftib of (thugs. Grain of oil nods ebovpe4.,* Clara ihellod. on abort notion. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. ISM IVEINUFACTURERS SERE;and in`rope RAVE Now An- VAIICED PRICES, but we of ', feritlittinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low __ est CASS RATES of the past SeAlB°ll.:- MILYPIS/Widos4l-011r,- -- contracts previous to any ad vance, anfi: invariably for cash, we are 'enabled to sell lower than theycan be pur chased this Fall: MCCALLUM BROS., CARPETS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE kanttfacturers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of- prassels, Velvet and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached at sea son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVER II'CLLITOCII Si, CO N 0.23 Fifth Street. _ SUM MEEIt &TOGS OF CARPETS ! White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy 14. A. TT IN GREAT VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window &saes. &c. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH STREET. Je29:ditwir • TFlfirr AGENT. 47 ST. GLAIR EITICERT ap20:o80 CARPETS:! CARPETS! 51 FIFTH STHEET. ST CARPET BEATING I, ESTABLISHMENT. • wltch TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cltlea has proved a complete success. • ITS ADVA.RETAGER: Ist—Fading and Shrinkage axe completely avoid ed. • ' aiddfallPingdagom art a dust s . s tirCos or their larvae, t , , h a e iu trin i 4o f ig m nearll r s . s good as new, save . the 4th- , Wheu perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE., No. 179 Liberty Street! Or addressed to P. O. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. , GEO. L. 31cCLINTOCK, - rah*: • ' 7110PRIETOR. NorxwiaialorA:44zasaill SHEPILIRIPS • STEAM CI:MCKEE EMBRY, . 311 Liberty Street. Our Crackers are , baked upon the OVEN BOW. TOM, and are superior to any baked by hot alr of any other process. • • air TRY. THEM. L . .. - , q - ' - ,...; 3.. .„, -- -,7,,,„, - 11:3-',' - -•1:.: 0 ...7. , IP: ..4'. . .i• ' •,... . 1 • 1 . 1 3- :•.' . -..- ,Vt., .: ..lff :5.4 ' 1 " ' , t . is i:. ...,,-, . 7 ; •.. ..,4,,,,, t lIA ~ -, ''.•.:i7::**!...i,;: . • -, ..... ,4 4: - ..., ''. - e-i ",;:. ~. at . . 19 , i v aV p,;s, - , • iL .6.:q..,„,,,...741 ~ ARE SHPERIOR TO ANY . OTHERS r OFFER= IN T 11133 CITY. WA T N E r el . 4" N R., m u ) ; a wt. A 6 CR A CK ERS: S C OTCH and CItATIr D For gale by Every Grocer in, the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. 3es:rat • • SLATE. • I T MHE. . . TWIN ; CITY STATE 1 matmfaeturi3 a enperior article of , . ROOFING 0111156; 48. Seventh St.:, Pittsbunk, Pa. • J. S. NEGVNIEY.EFI., Pres't. asym.q64 . • - LITHOGRAPHERS.' "BENJAMIN SINOXILI,I & Suceessors 14_7 ` PRACTICALTO GR A, PHtIS. The only esteem Littiograpnie,/tatahlishutent- West or the Mountains. Business cards, Letter Reeds. _Bond )Labels, , Oireulars„Show. Cards, Diptonuts. Portz* Ca. Views, Certitioates. ot Deposits. ;Writ*. 'non' sraL - Ao., Nos.. 754 - S i nd, T#Thllll eti,et, HAIR AND.M.FI7BtftW:kr.; TORN PECK, Ornamental:llan WORKHO A.I4D ITERVOMER, 170.133 Et 'unit, now Sinlittneld,-11IlatnIrn14. 1 ‘„, Always nu nand; 11 renerAl asenrunent adlea W/014 R&M) :CURLEW thintlemen's WI 'TO PT,V4SO (WARD OILLIMI. BeAcziarre. **44 ff g 4" Yr P le c t skt w ilt •b,..liVeA , Po ICAW “' • • • Wks? ant ;Gentian:tan'' , donel theneateptrmapnOr ,Iph2;111P ARCHITECTS. BARR moans;.; , • Juicy'immure, 1 • 1111 0/Moa AO l,O Ol 1 4 . 19 N 8UT4D0 68321446 00 4 0041,4 ritt4tnaurp,:fa. ftsalal Madcon 4 Oft Angebat POO OI4II1 " I t 00IIIIS Houma& =um mnunsaa. EDUCATIONAL RESSSEI.AEIt POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, At Troy, N, Y. Very thorough instruction In MR. Merbanical and Miniug Engineering. etiemlstry - and liatnral !Science. Gradusies obtain most desirable po!51- lions. Re-opens Vent. 9tu.- For the new Annual Register, giving full in`ormation. address Prof. HRLWDROWNE, Director, Troy. Ni Y. • au3:toe. pENNSYLVAIVIA 4411.1T4i1Y ACADEMY,". CHESTER, 'Delaware 'Co.; - VehEa The Seventh Annual Session of this AcaZemy opens THURSDAY; 'Sept. 3d. The buildings are newana complete in all their appointments. Particular attention Oren to 'the morals and per sonal habits of cadets. For circulars apply to CHARLES H. PAIILs6N, Esq__, No. 73 Wood street, Flttsburigh„ or to Col. THEb. HYATT. Chester. Fa. aulingl CHJEGARAY aNsTrruTE L - ENtiLlull AND FRENCH, FOR YOUNG BOARDING AND DA Y PUPILS, 1527 and 1529 lit'itlittE STREEI', Phtladelphin, Pa., mill re-open on DIOND,ItY,Sept. 22d. French ts the language of the fanuly and is constantly 'spoken In the Institute. MADAME D'HERVI Y. Principal. icls:r66-nw, - PIANOS. ORGANS, &C "REY THE BEST AND CHEAP- J., EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. - The SCROMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument, and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever'ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet.' The workmanship. for durability and beauty; surpass all others. Prices from $5O! to $l5O, (according to style and finish,)'cheaper titan all other so-called first class Plano. • ESTEE'S COTTAfiE ORGAN Stands at the head of all 'reed instruments, Ist pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of - any similar Instrument in the United 'Staten It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT -" VOX RUALINA TREMOLO" is only to be • found Ia this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for Are . BARE, KNAKE & BIJETTLEA anti • - • No. 12 ST. CLAIB STREET. SECOND HAND NELODEOFS AND 01191315, In pnrfe:t order s !from 405 to $l3O. CHARLOTTE BLumn, - mhl2 451 Fifth et., Ad door above W00d... DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BLUTH) SOMA O`ORDIIL9 An infaillble'remedy for Summer. Complaint, D rhea, Dysentery, 'Vomiting, Sour Stomach and Cholera Morbus. , DR.' HARRIS' CRIMP CBE, A specific for Cholera, - Cramps and Path' la the it °mach, for sale by • ,•••• & EiATJaITG, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR ( J. SCHOONMAKET, t SON'S, PURE WHITE. LEAD, AND McCOYPS VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It will look better. last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint in the market. HATS AND CAPS. CtLOSING OPT SALE! Sirrt.A.W 3M,46,_TTS, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT EVCARD & CO: S,- 131 WOOD STBZEIS. MAILTIN Eir-A r riSt CAP'S AND • VIITEISs Also. Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In TRUNKS. VALISES. &c., No. pa SHIM FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. - prderspromplly dlled and astlefactlon guaranteed. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 100,WOOD STREET. CHLNA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, • E: SILVER PLATED WARE, W PARIAN,STATIIEtTES, O 801111i1AN.6141,g4 la', - • And othei STAPLE AND FANCY ." GOODS, s great variety. 100 WOOD _STREET. RICHARD E.' BREED & CO. mhZr - ' 100 WOOD tITREET SEWING MACHINES. T BBTN GREAT AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE 011311MMUG AND SEWING lIIACECENE. IT HAS NO EI/ITAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE - BEST FAMILY MACHINE -IN THE WORLD, AND IN . TELNSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. inr•Agents wanted te• sell this Machine: ex-x..)149 ? , C. 8A.1,..5.1...1a3r. • , • ' . '.A.Anefor Western Pena:m.ll , l6u; . Varner MARKET STREETS over --itlehardeou . s Jewelry store. . • •-• 'DYER AND-SCOURER, H J. LANCE, DYER 'AND SD,CiIIRER. $T cx4 l *, switinil**lo ..- • • And Nov. = 1,35 and 187' 'Simets 11=1 .P . ITSI3 . I7P.GH. PA.( MY10:164 STONE. WEST COMMON Maehine Moir 'Works, Northwest corner at West Coromou. Allegheny.: i. MaroPME ATVATILEUM, {,.. MAllitHilk i pr Endive ws•lport notice • Itesith. Vuoltalln i ad iin i rcoNvarolant Arer'i Orders Promptly executed. Prim mammals P M ME