The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 10, 1868, Image 1

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Interest on Registered Bonibi---In
- naneial—The Case of Lonisi-
Rem—Mrs. Trumbull. ,,
tityTel graph to the ratta:ire! Gazette.)
WASHINGTON, August 8, 1868.
The ecretary of the Treasury has issued
regulations dated firth inst. concerning the
payment'of interest on 'registered bonds:
.A.ll parties to whom interest is due on such
bonds, must collect their interest off the
Assistant Treasurer within ninety days
from the date when it is due, or otherwise
4heas claims will be referred to the Treas
ury Department for settlement. _ •
Ftrierioraz. .'
The fractional currency• issued from the
Fxinting Bureau for the week was 5197,000;
shipments.4o2s,626. Notes shipped, to na
tional banks, drc., 5108,560. ;National Bank
notes issued 575,210;, amount in:circular:lon
4299,932,778. Fractional currency redeemed
4441,100. ' . •
_. .
Col. Deane of Governer Warmoth'sstaff,
had an interview this morning with Gen.
'Schofield in regard to.;the application of
Louisiana for Federal assistance in suppres
sing preruitnand...:appashended disorders.
He will receive a definite answerregard
ing his mission on Monday. It is under
stood the government considers the situa
tion asone requiring great discretion, and
will use its powers under toe' Constitution
and laws to repress disorder with prompt
ness and vigor. ,
' Secretary Schofield has issued an order
directing Brevet Brigadier General L. C.
Hunt, Cc.l .nel of We :alto lafantry, to re
'port in person, without delay, to the com
manding General of the Department of
Louisiana for rusignment to duty.
The condition of the wife of Senator
Trumbull - is reported as Somewhat im
proved to-day, and , some hives are enter
tallied for her recovery. 1 .
The Saratoga Ram.
1137 Telwraoh to the Plttabargh tiazetts.3
ElAnwroae.. Aniust B.—There was a nu-
3nerona and fashionible attendance at the
rates todayrand a cool and delightful
breeze prevailed. 'rho first, a selling race,
one mile_ ands half, purse of 1300 for all
ages, was won easily in 2:46 by - Clara Clar
ita. The betting stood three to twa` on
ClaracClarita. , She was sold according to
thetbrrns of the race for 1810 to Mr. Wet- -
son. -
The second race was , for a purse of $1000;
a dash of three mhes, for all ages. • There
was heavy betting, which was slightly in
, favor_of Pat Maloy. The running was
2- elitisharldsatiexeltement Was -immense its
the horses varied positions: James A. ConL
- nolly took the lead which hekept nearly a
mile. Pat Maloy was even ;at the Judges'
stand. Connolly again took the lead and
at the quarter pole Pat Maloy_ came up
even and passed again. Connolly
again came up and the horses were even ne
they passed the Judges' Stand at tremend
ous speed amid great excitement'. At
the quarter pole Pat-was two lengthsahead
and Connelly gradually reduced the dis-
.tancie te. one. ; At the half inile pole the
horses were in the same position. -At,the
threelqtuuter pole . Connlloy was calle on _
When ' swinging into the home stretch and
anew red gallantly and passed the Judges'
stand by a clear length. Time: first mile,
148 y,. second mile, 148%; third mile, 154 1 4.
Malt carried-four pounds over weight.
Tb third race was for a,parse of $5OO, a
dash f . 1% miles, fe r all awn , . The pool
betti g was as follows: , Stonewall Jackson,
- .600; Others, $350. Sundown took the lead
in the first mile, which was made in 1:55.
Stonewall Jackson collared hini and ran
even. Sundown then opened a length on
the borne stretch. Stonewall gradually
--. closed and *Amid great excitement answered
the tally strained every nerve and won' by
a neck in 3:13. •Gilroy made a good race
,for a mile and a quarter, but was pulled up
• -at the firdah. • „ - ,
• California Matters.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
SAN Fitarroisco r August B.—The Union
First Conaressional District Convention
to-day nominated Frank M. Pixley for Con
.l The Sixth Industrial Exhibition of the (
Merchants' Institute opened to-day with
appropriate ceremonies.
I .All the guns, shot and shell from the
Wrecked steamer Suwanee have reached
Fort Townsend.
,The Savage Mining .Company have,, de
clared a dividend of ten dollars a share,
and Crown Point a dividend of five dollars
per share, payable on the 12th inst. ,_ •
Mining stocks weak and the market dull
Sales to-day of Alpha at 45; Belcher, 120:
Bullion, 17; challan, 134; Confidence, 35,
Crown Point, 87; Empire Mill, 115; Gould
& Curry, 91: sale & Norcross, 73; ItuPerial,
109; Kentiicky, 382; Ophir,2l; Overman, 80:
Savage; 123; Sierra Nevada, 36; Yellow
,Jacket, 10,80. Flonr 115,50a6,60. Wheat
quiet at 111,65a1.75. Legal tenders 69.
_Charles Francis Adams Declines to Make
Political Addresses.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Bosvoli,'August B.—ln response to an in
vitation to address some Republican clubs
<et Quincy. Charles Francis Adams declines
to enter intothe political canvass, preferring
rest and retirement. He says, however,
'ayOu are perfectly right in-presuming I
have in no respect va ied in niy attachment
to the principles I held before my depar
- turn frpm the United States: ; I .am still
devoted to the sunpbrt of the selfevident
.trnth' proclaimed in the great declaration
'of 1776, to the maintenance of our glorious
'Union against every enemy and to , the su-
PreMacy of the Constitution as our protoo
tion against assaults from without as well
as witnin.” - .
YlovaSeotia Cenvention--Opposition to
Confederation. -
(sr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6asette.3 -
- Efaxtvax, A ugustC B.—Hon. Jas. Howe
made hia,report of his visit to Englauti. ; to
the 'Nova 'Scotia' nvel,tion today. A
series of resolutioni were unanimously
adopted, that notwithstanding an; unfavor
able resp o nse to their prayer to the act
uniting Nova Soot la to the Canadian Con
federation had ntit been received, every
means, should be used to ',extricate Nova
Scotia from each alliance, forced on its
people against their will The Convention
then adjourned. , -
Priest Indicted fur Übe.
tBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh e hutse.l
AuGusTA, ME.4 August iL—Rev. Charles
Wi, Catholic priest of this city_ t tuts been
gged #yrthe raid JuMftor Ulna. '
*.• • •• .
NEW - YORK amt.
By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette.]
- Nnw. You*, August B.—The Pacific*Mall
Company's new stoamer Alaska sailed this
forenoon for Aspinwall with 'a ,fall comple
merit of psuisengoi.s, including two hundred
and fifty seven goldiers for the First Regi
ment United States Cavalry in California.
‘ 0
He freight amounts to 1,610 tons, of which
800 ns are railroad iron for the Pacific
Cen ral Railroad.
A private cable dispatch
. announces the
de Eklwin A. Stivens, , the millionaire
of oboken. He died in Paris. yesterday.
He was Commodore of the New York
Ya ht Club, was one of the - principal
*milers or the Camden and Amboy Rail
road, owned nearly all of Hoboken, and
the principal works of public improvement
there. The flags of Hoboken ferry and on
the public and private buildings there are
all at half mast. - He was engaged in Paris
in negotiating for the formation of a great
railway nompany to extend to the Western
ages whose eastern terminus should be
at the ' tlyalan Fields, Hoboken,
Owing to the refusal of the President of
the Bricklayers' Union to sanction the com
promise with the Master Masons the strike
is still said to continue, although most of
the journeymen are at work on , their own
terns.. The latter have lost over 50,000,
and Master Masons twice as much.
AWashington dispatch states a favorite
negro servant of Judge Chase was held to
bail yesterday ,for- raping - a mulatto girl,
whom he inveigled into the Judge's library
and treated to the Judge's wine.
Gen. Rasecranz arrived at Washington
to-day and held a long interview with the
Pretsident. Subsequently he received his
instructions from Secretary Seward relative
to American claims and the new treaty
with Mexico. The General leaves soon for
the, City of Mexico.
The cloudy weather to-day culminated
this afternoon with one of the heavest
thunder and lightning and 'rain storms of.
the season.
A wealthy stook broker of this city is
about to erect a mammoth art gallery for
the use of the public, at an expense of
nearly two - million dollars. '
• k
The body of a respectably - appearing man
was found floating in East River near
Navy :Meet, Brooklyn, with his pockets
turned inside out. He had' been. robbed,
murdered and thrown into the river.
Three Germant were sent 'to prison to
day in Brooklyn for inhumanly beating a
man named Nelson, who is not expected to
The gunboat Kenosha was succeEsfully
launched at the Brooklyn navy yard this
Se . cretary Wells is.expected hers on Thes•
ddy. -
Nsw Yonk, Aug. 9.—The pilot boat Net
tle, arrived here last night, reports that on
the.6th inst. she fell in with a bark water
logged,- abandoned and sinking ninety
miles from Sandy Hook. She was towed
to the highlands and given in charge of the
Submarine Wrecking , Company, who
pumped her out, when the bodies of three
seamen were found in the hold. The name
of the vessel was ascertained' to be "H.
Trowbridge," of NOW Haven, which
sailed hence for. Barhadoes on the
4th inst. When she • willed from this port
Cept. Hotchkiss was in command and had
his wife and family on-board, and a+ they
have not been heard from they are supposed
to have been lost overboard in the gale
which must have caused the wreck.
The Society for the Prevention of ICruel
ty to Animals has made its second annual
report.- From this it appears that cock and
dog fights are almost entirely, suppressed,
ten drinking fountains erected for the use
of hdrses, dogs, &c. Great relict was fur
nished to car horses during the hot weath
er, and fifty persons prosecuted for cruelty
to their. beaste.
The Board of Health yesterday took into
consideration the fact of a large number of
diseased cattle on the way to this city from
the West.' An inspection was ordered of
the drove yards, and Governors Fenton,
Ward and Geary were requested by- tele
graph to have inspections made at stations
along railroad routes.
The sentence of Ratskv, who murdered
Feltner, a diamond pedalar. in ,Brooklyn,
seven years ago, and who was serving a life
term in Sing ding prison, has been coin
muted by Gov. Fenton to ten years, com
mencing -.with the date of his imprison
ment::'This gives him only two years and
a half yet to serve.
r '
At an informal meeting of a few mem
bers of the master Masons society, yester
day, it was decided to contradict the report
that a Committee from their body was to
Meet a Committee from the bricklayers
society with a view to make mutual con
A. D. Richardson's life of Gen. Grant is
out and already ten thousand subserlptions
have been received. It contains a largo
number of letters on Mexican and other
matters never before published. Crollie's
life of Seymour will , be out in a day or two.,
The lightning yesterday afternoon struck
a tenement braise in fifty-tlfth 4treet, an
a lso smashed a large ffsg-staff in tiedford
ir id.
street. No person injureu. •
The yachts of the New York Club com
menced aSsembling yesterday at Glen Cove
for their annual excursion. .
Homicide at Kansas City, Mo.
CB, Teiegrsph to the Iltuiburith uszette.3
KANSAS Crry, August 6.—Last evening
a man named D. L, Wields, of Fredericks
burg, Va., went Into the jewelry store of
E liocard Aft Co., with a friend, of this city,
andwere waited on by JEC9. kin.;
ner of the attire. 81dg missed two ,plain
16 01 4 rings and accused . Shields of taking
them. Shields denied the charge, when
high words followed and Shields struck
Haig. The latter then produced a revolver
arid ordered the parties to leave the store.
More angry words paned, and Haig shot
Shieldsihrough the nead, killing him in
stantly. The affair created quit& an , e -
Meeting of Ex ConfederatetielMen. -
(By Te'WIWI' to the Plttsberalt Gazette:l
MEMPHIS, Animist .B.—A meeting of ex-
Confederate soldiers to-night was larg'•ly
attended; The action of the Confederate
soldiers at Nieihville 'was endorsed and
peanevOuridis warmly snmed— •
Interview Between (British-i and
French Ministers—Peace of Hu
rope Assured—The War in
pan--Queen Victoria on Her
TeleEraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PAnts, ! f • ! •
August,B.--Lord. Stanley and M.
Moustier held a l ong conference at the for
eign office here t o - day, during which ques
lions involving the present and prosper
tive peace of Europe were fully discussed.
It is understood Lord Stanley, on behalf of
the British gove'rument, expressed a de
sire for the maintenance of peaceful rola
Mons with all thelpowers on the Continent.
and renewed the expression for the con
tinuance of the present , friendly relations
with France. M. Moustier responded in
like manner, and held that white His Im-.
penal Majesty, the Emperor Napoleon, and
Her,Mbjesty, the Queen of England,
joyed the amicable relations existing be
tween the two countries, that fact of itself
Was a guarantee of the peace of Europe.
The Interview is understood to have been
' of the inost satisfactory character, and good
results are expected to spring from it.
PARIS, Aug. 8.-=-A dispatch received herd
announces the arrival at Fontainbleau of
the Eniperor Napoleon and suites The
Emperor has established his court for a
short season at the Palace.
Yams, August 9.—The Elendard says
that ati the interview between Lord Stan
ley and Marquis de Mou-tier, yesterday,
the moat satisfactory assurances pf peace
were exchanged; and that the confidence
of both Ministers in the future tranquility
of Europe has been strongly confirmed by
the opportunity they have had of renewing
the good understanding which has so. long
existed between the two governments of
Great Britain and France. '
The 'Montleur has the following special
advices from Japan: The now Envoy of
France, M. Ontrav, arrived at Yokahoma
on the 6th of .Tuly. It was' reported that
the northern Diamos had taken possession
of Yeddo. ThOparty of the Mikado was
acting with great vigor and had mustered
a large army to• meet the rebsl forces.
_ LUCERENE, August 9.—Her M , jesty, the
Queen of England, arrived in thitisit-y yes
• -
PESTH, August B.—The Governor of
Perth has caused the arrest of the Servian
Prince Alexander Karageorgewick, who
has been residing'in this city since the as
sassination of Prince MichaeL
-__ ITALY.
FLORENCH, August 9.—The bill providing
for the carrying into effect of the pbacoo
convention has been paned.' • '-11
LONDON, August:-B.—lt was a cousin of
Judge Lushlngtort who died recently. The
latter is still alive and'ln good health.
Foreign News by Malt.
LBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiitzette.'
NEI* Youic, August B.—European mail
advices to the 28th are -received by the
steamship Union.
The French official journals contradict
;the report that the Government has an in.
liintion of abolishing the second voting
when the first has not given an absolute
majority in elections.
The gossips of Paris are reporting that in
September the Emperor will publish two
manifesms of a highly timpertant•cherac
ter. One will be a letter to the Minister of
Foreign Affairs, which will doubtless be a
vindication of the, fo:eign policy of the
Einpire, and the other a proclamation to
the French rtople, appealing to them for a
continuance of their confidence in the
, dynasty of Napoleon.
A memorial has been forwarded to Earl
Mayo praying the release of Pigott, editor
of the Irishman, now undergoing sentence
for seditious libel. _
The meeting of German Rifle associa
tions was in progress at Vienna.
The Hungarian lower House bad decid
edly approved of the plan for the re-estab
lishment of the laws of 1818 and the repeal
of tho compromise of 1867 with Austria.
Cholera prevails alarmingly on the Bar
bary coast. In one place five hundred and
fifty-61x out of a population of three thou
sand had died. There is great havoc in
several othettowns. - • •
There la ,no trcith in the report that Gen.
Prim has left London.
New Yuen, August 9.—The steamship
City of Baltimore, from Liverpool on the
29th and Queenstown on .the 3Uth, has ar
The Moniteur says. the French Trans-
Atlaud° cable will be finished by the loth
or August, 1869.
The Riberte says Dr. Pneey has become a
convert to Roman Catholicism. -
ItUtnor says afros distinguished Jurists,
Sir W. Page Wood, Justice Selroyn and
Sir Fitzroy Kelley, will be raised to British
Osborn Ward, delegate from the aisocia
ted workmen of New York, arrived in
Paris on a tour of Europe for the study of
the situation of the laboring classes and,
the development of the cooperative sys
The Italian Parliament has passed a bill
aceording pensions to the widows and or
phans of doctors who died in attending
cholera patients.
On the 30th violent demonstrations were
made in Prague in be name of the Bohe
mian nationality. Placards threatoning
Benst and insulting the Emperor were
posted in several places. The garrison Is
about to be reinforced. . •
Nine Christian churches of the primitive
Byzantine style of architeCture were dis
covered at Lallibola, the Holy City of
Abyssinia, which had not been visited by
Europeans for over three centuries.
A Berlin letter says: The rumors of con
ciliation between the Prussian and Austrian
cabinets do not meet an encouraging re.
ceptiob, besides such hegotiatiens would
not be undertaken in the absence of Bls
.it E. Corduroy & Co., of London, •in,
the provision trade, have suspended in oon-'
.sequence or the suspension of a tirm In
New York largely indebted to them.
The provinces of Brian are suffering ge.,
*rely. and are threatened with famme r the
distress being'grolter than ateszy tinterfor
a half century:, . • • • - •
Firs at,Terre Haute, Ind.
lßr'relegrap s to the Pltwoorsh uazette.
TBERS RAUTS, August 8.--Carr's block,
together with three tenement houses In the
rear, was destrogoli by lire thisaftentoon,
Lbas about 115,00, ?Arita' very little !mita.
, tis
.. .
South Carol ' Democratic - Convention.
(By Telegraph the Pittsburgh Gazette.:
Commute, S. C., Aug. 9.---TheDerhoorat
ic Electoral onvention adjourned, yester
day. Ever district of the State, thirty-
One in nurn r, was represented. On mo
tion of Mr. Hampton, Capt. Medary was
made Vice resident of the Convention.
A commit ee from the Soldiers' and Sail
ors' Conven ion was invited to seats on the
platform anil i d great applause.
On motio ofJudge Aldrich ; a resolution
of thanks ; in the name of the Democracy
of South Carolina, was extended to the del
i egations from the North, East and North-
West, by whom the Southern delegation's
were so cordially received at New York.
The resolutione say; "We accept the re
ception as an evidence of sympathy and
sincerity, and gratefully declare that it has
done more to heal the wounds of the past
than any event since the war."
Other resolutions endorse the platform
adopted by the National Democratic Con
vention, express gratitude to Andrew John
ion, and return thanks to. citizens and
lallors North who raisedtheir voices in be
half of this insulted and ',outraged section.
On motion of Mr. Hampton, it was
Resolved, That while entering our protest
against the Radical reconstruction - acts, we
rely confidently on constitutional agencies
and peaceful measures alone to bring us
the relief sought for and the reform needed.
Wade Hampton made a Speech in which,
`alluding' to the recently .reported utteran
ces of his, teproduced in northern papers,
in reference to the Confederate flag, - he.
said: This statement is, in every respect,
false. ..On the contrary, when I spoke of
the flag of the Confederacy, I remarked it'
now was furled forevet, to belmried in the
grave orthe lost Carrie.
Affidavits are published in the news
papers,of the State purporting to prOve'
Comptroller General Neagle to be a forger,
and Republicans say the safety of the party,
demands, he shall either disprove the
diorite or resign. . . -_. -. ,
A.. M.l
Loulelaua legislhture.
[133 , . Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (4zette.3
NEW ORLEANS, August 9.—The bill re
ported by the House Militia Committee
yesterday was rushed through the 'House
•on - a suspension of rul' s. It forbids the
formation of organizations for the
purpose of , drill, exeruis' Leg in the
manual of arms, or any military'
manoeuvres, unless organized according to
law and under-orders of the Government,
under a penalty of not las than one ant:l:int
.moie than three years in the penitentiary.
It provides also that all organizations now
existing, coming under the provisionsjof
this act, shall be at once disbanded
under the above yerialty. Section fourth:
prcivides that all organizations. not beirg a
part of the State militia, having officers
with military titles,aho shall drill and ex
ercise as military companies, no matter un
der what pretext or for wha t purposes, are
decirred to be existing in violation of this
law and subject to its penalties.. :
(Br Telegraph to the Pittabargh Gazette.]
SALVO:MA,::August B.—Hon. Fernando
Wood gave a dinner party at the Lake
House this afternoon, at which the follow
ing distinguished gentlemen were present:
Hon. Fernando Wood, host, Hon. ,Santord
E. Church, Min. A.W. Randall, Postmas
ter General, Hon., Mr._ Ingtraoll, Hon.
Henry C. Murphy,, Governor., of.
Maryland, Hon. James E. Barrett,: ear=
Mayor of Washington, Judge 'Sutherland,
of New York, Hon. S. S. Cox, ex-Recorder
James M. Smith, Jr., Hon. Brastus Corn
ing, Hon. James M. Marvin, M. C., lion.
J. G. Saxe, Hon. Sonnel G. Courtney. It
was intended to haYe . had Mayor Hoffman
of the party, but he was called away on
business. .
Gen. D. E. Sickles and Governor Fenton
are to be serenaded at Union Hotel Monday
Two More of the Adams Express Robbers
(By Telegraph to the rlttabargh Gazette.]
DErsorr August 9.—Frank Reno and
Charles Anderson were arrested at Wind
sor, Ontario, last iiight,for extradition toln
diana, on a charge of robbing 'Adams Ex
press Comp Any, at Marshfield, Indiana, on
the Jeffersonville Railroad. May 22d. It
will be remembered they assaulted the
engineer, stole the engine and express car
and while under full headway threw the
messenger from the car, fatally injuring
him. II Reno is extradited, the last male
member of this family of villains will be
safe for some years to come. Anderson
whn was arrested with Reno ' is a noted
Eng.lish burglar, and has figur ed in some
of the bo'dest burglaries in the State. '
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiszette.l
NIAGARA.FALLs, August B.—The Chinese .
Embassy arrived here to-day. A Commit;
tee of the Buffalo Board of Trade extended
an Invitation to Mr. Burlingame and the
Embassy to visit thoir city, to which Mr.
Burlingame responded that the Embassy
was accredited to the Great Western Pow
ers, not municipalities, but they will visit
Buhl° next week in a private capacity.
By Telegraph to the Pittsbargb Gazette.l
BosTov, August B.—Abbie M., wife of
Oliver B owden, Jr., of York, Maine, to
whom he had been marrie d, about two
months, died suddenly at the office of ( Dr.
Powers, No. 8 Boyleston street, and there
being suspicions of foul.p_lay the
Doctor has been arrested and committed to
jail to await examination on ti charge of
murder next Thursday.
Republican Meeting at Wheeling.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
• WHEELING, W. Va., August B.—The
campaign in this city was opened on Satur
day night by the Republicans holdings
large meeting in Washington Hall, under
the auspices of the Grant and Colfax clubs.
Hon. John A. Bingham. of Ohio, and Hon.
W. E. Stevenson, Republican candidate for
Governor, of this State, were the speakers
Raliroid Collision.
ter Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazetteo
Ns x ELtirstr, Anguat 9.-tabont,6 o'clock
Bata ay evening the Shore Line passen
gerjrain and the Hartford Railroad freight
troth collided at the junction of the two
roads one mile from this city. The freight
train was badly wrecked. The passenger
train was not damagid_and ne personal in
jury sustained. - -
lilotnicide Justified.
- (By Telegraph to Oe'Plttatiandi Muerte.)
pintarmi.ints, Aug. 8.-'-The doroner's
jury in thermic , of Sweeny, who was s h ot
yesterday-by a boy while committing• bur
glary, returned a verdict in, accordance
with the facts, and the boy his been dis
charged.- Two men, who were.with Swee
b • , have been committed for trial.
'the Colemillacock noontide Case.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette,l
Honsorr, N. Y.: August ( B.*The ergo.
merits for and against hailing_9eo. W. Cole,'
charged with the murder' of Hiwook, were
heard before Judge negeboto in the Su
preme Court' today : A declaion will be
rendered on Monday. • . ,
Dinner by Fernando Wood,
Chinese Embassy at Niagara.
Supposed Wife . Murder.
Dedication of the Sixteenth Ward Wigwam
—Grand Gala lklight—lmmenie Turnout.
—Unbounded Entbuslatun—The Speeches.
Saturday eveni ng the Republicans'of the
Sixteenth ward turned out Ex gessru to
PARTICIPATE in the dedication of their
new Wigwam, erected on the grounds of
A. B. Boal, Esq. The building was hand
somely decorated inside with red, white
and blue drapery hanging in festoons from
the ceiling, portraits of the Union candi
dates, festoons of 'evergreens aroundcthe
walls, patriotic mottoes, "AO., eze., over
which the light from a number of reflectors
threw a brilliant radiance while ' from the
top , of a tall flag-staff outside a large' and
beautiful specimen of the Stars and Stripes
gracefully floated in the summer breeze.
Although but a very short notice. of the
meeting had been givenitheremasgathered
at eight o'clock, the hour at which it was
ealled to order, one Of the largest and most
enthusiastic audiences which we have ever
seen assembled on any similar occasion.
The Iron City Brass Band ,was in attend
ancs, and by their soul-stirring mile added
much to the interest of the aftir.,
A. B. Boal, Emil, presided, with the fol
lowing list of-officers :
Vice .Presidents---fiebert Watson, T. Men
kle, George lieisenthaler Jcihn "Lea,
Samuel King,Lenia,List,jolin Gangwisah,
N. G. Craig, J. C. Stewart,'B:Behmidt, G.
W. Hubbard, 'Samuel , Hairfeti. l •Fi Davis,
rMatthew Graff Wm. Woolslayer and Fe-
Man Duff. •
Secretaries—Reporters of the P r
The Chartnan, upon assuming the paid- .
tion, made , a few brief remarks returning
his thanks for the honor conferred, - and
referred •to the object which had called
them together. and concluded by intro
ducing Wm. C. Moreland, Esq., as the fa*
speaker. '
Mr. Moreland opened his remarks by con
gratulating the citizens of, the Sixteenth
ward on the enthuithom with which the
campaign 'had been opened by them, and
said be regarded it ca one among the.many
bright promises of the success of the cause.
He then, at some length, reviewed the two
parties ' Republican' and , Democratic, DOW
before the people , askingior their.suirrage,
and showed the course of, the latter , during
the war in endeavoring, by all the Meansin
its power, to bring about an ignominous
peace. Its utterances that the,war was an
unconstitutional coercion of, the • revolted.
States; its refusalthirottglt-its party leaders
and Its representatiVee to give aid 'Or
comfort to the forces of the Union in their
struggles to maintain the government of
the States one and inseparable;' its decla
rations that the war was a failure, even in
the face of victories ' , which thrilled the
world by their magnitude and before which
the rebellion was everywhere•givinz way;
and lastly its attempts to undo all that had
been done by denying in voice mid vote the
validity of acts gassed by a constitutional
majority of a Congress . elected by the
people, thus endeavoring to force
us into another , fraticidal war,--all con-
demned it as unworthy of the suffrage or
countenance of any truelover of his country.
The Republican party, onlhe othei hand,
believing that the rsebbeelllliion was an attempt
to destroy by force of arms one of the
noblest and , best Hovernments on Which'
the sun of Heaven ever shone; believing.
with all the - Wise and good_ of the land,
from thedaya• the pres
ent time, secession wan• a Constitit
fact that in the Urdon of the States "lies
the safety of the Republic, have by acts
and words endeavored at, all times to
maintain inviolate the principles emioating
from their convictions, and it is because or
this that to-day they come foritard and ask
of an intelligent, right-minded; loyal people
the suffrage which has been in their hands.
The gentleman next reviewed tbe char
acter of the candidates iipinsthe two tick
ets, showing the one to be the candidate of
the abettors and sympathizers of treason,
and the loud mouthed exponent of peace,•
while at the same time his action and
words were calculated to bring about , a
condition of things worse than the palm
test days of the rebellion; the other, with,
less of ostentation; but consistent with him
self, had sought peace on the battle-field,
through the main entrence of the laws.
furnishing the spectacle of an invincible
yet magnanimous conqueror, holding aloft
the sword of justice in one band and ex=
tending to all his foes the olive branch in
the other. As it was in the past so it was
now. The country must have peace, said
Gen. Grant; not a peace purchased by a
dishonorable surrender of the rights of
freemen; not a peace which would
forever disgrace the victorious ' le
gions who - had " con Tiered ' it; not a
peace which would rob the- Republic
of the fruits of four years of treasure and
sacrifices freely given; but a peace under
which the nation could sit down secure,
prosperous. and happy, rejoicing in the
strength and majesty of its goveniment—a
peace which secured to all the benefits of
an inviolate and unbroken law—a peace
which 'would rejoice the heart of every
lover of-his'country by respecting his
rights ( and protecting him in all things—
an d finally a peace underwriose benign sway
the sword would be turned into the plow
share and the spearinto the pruning hook,
and by it. eneouragment of all theae latent
sources of the nation's strength enable it
to move -onward in the pathway of the
ages, an example of a wise,ihappy, benifi
cent power. r (Applause.)
At the conclusion of Mr. •Idoreland's
speech, J. WI Pop., in answer to lona calls,
came forward and sang one of his inimit
able songs. entitled “Tne Race."
Mr. H. P. Mueller was the next speaker,
but as he discoursed altogether in German,
we are, unable to give a synopsis of his re
marks. Judging, however, from the
earnest manner in which they weredeliv
ered. and the apphiese with which they
were receivek they must have been of
more than ordinary eloquence and interest.
H. C. Mackrell, Esq., was then intro
duced, and commenced his remarks by
saying that.if the unbounded -enthnslasin
which pervaded this aeserriblege to-night
was any er tenon of the enthusiasm which
the Republican party was animated with
throughout the Union, he had no feara but
that the Copperhead plow would, before
the present month was outoeturn from the
field, _wide•to feel the uiselessness of en
gaging in a struggle , with so powerful an
i -
-The gentlemanthen p rocee d ed od n a strain
of eloquence and forcible logic to examine
the bond question; the different views en
tertained of it by•lioth parties and the im
portance with which it should be corisid
ered by every-Intelr who - wished Levet°
aright in the coming election. regard
to one point he asked every honest Demo.
prat the question, if the bonds were ;paid' in
'.greenbacks what the greenbacks.were to
be redeemed With. In reviewing the
. De
mocratic or Ccipperheed party. • he ,
it -' was a party ' like Joseph's ; coat,
of many colors. It was essentially the
same as It ever had been, theparty of revo
lution, and their present' candidate; F. P.
.1311dr ' was but : he exponent Of that princi
ple. The gentleman was quite lengthy`in
his remarks upon this point and made sev
eral telling hits, which were loudly ap.
.'• • •
By regliest, the band played the "Star .
BPangled Banner," - after which Jahn C.
Kerr, Esq.. was introduced to the meeting.
As -the hour was gtowing late lir. Kerr
made but a few remarks, takipg up the
subject •of the recanstrriction. pOlicy of
Congress, and showing by their Opposition
to that just, honorable and constitutional
policy the people of the South had been de
priving themselves of the privileges which
would accrue froirilts - aibption.
At the conclusion crkfr. Kerr's remarks,
the Chairman returned his thanks to the,
audience for the good . order which had
been maintained dtfting the evening, and ,
dismissed them with the exhortiition to go
home and henceforth to labor for the ad
vancement of the glorious cause, until
next November, wben victory would be •
Mats Meeting in Temperanceville—Speech
es of Col. Errett c and Gen. Blakely. '
1 .
On Saturday evening a grand out door
mass meeting of the ',Republicans - of Terni
peranceville was held at the corner. of
Main and Alexander streets. A spacious
platform for the aoconimedation of the
speakers had been erected on the, south
side of the Stevenson Hotel,' and was orna
mented for the occasion with a number of
light colored transperencies arid other pa-
triode deviCes. There 'were present fully ,
one thousand men with a fair sprinkling of
ladies. Much enthusiasm prevailed and
the able addresses - ni the speakers of the
occasion were 'atoned to with marked at
tention, the audience giving frequent ex
pression to the fact that they had beembe
'aroused to the Importance of the great bat
tle, about to bra: fought., The meeting or
,ganized by the election of the following of
ficers :' - Pre&dent, Nathaniel Eallen-
_tine; (Illeet Presidents, • Andrew , -Mc-
Cartney, Claude ' Robinson, - .Matthew
Green; Secretary, IW. J. Taylor. Tim
Temperanceville Glee Club, . under the
1 leadership . of John Hollinphead, Esq.
rendered In splendid style the . ~., Sta;
Spangled Banner" , Which was greeted with
three cheers. Lond'calls being made for
Col. Russell Errett, that .gentleman-made
his appearance and was greeted with titre , :
rousing cheers which gave evidence of the
appreciation in which the Senator is held
by his constituents. He, pro c eeded : to de , - ,
liver a sound, practical and argumentative
speech full of reason and solid facts.r.He
reviewed the positierntoftlie great political
Parties in a searcbink manner, and''went
into a close analyels of they New 'York and
Chterigo .ptatforrna Grant and Colfax
;trid Seymour and filair,, with their histories
and records during the late rebellion,
claimed a large share of the Speaker's at
tention, rand we think he bard:td - the_
claims of the respective candidates in a
mariner so masterly as to leave no good
cause for any of his hearers to pause in
making, their choice between them. The
gold and greenback issue was next ably
discussed and the'hollowness of the (oppo
sition on that question fully discovered.
The speaker concluded his riddress.with a
strong and eloquent appeal to the voters to
be on the alert and to leave nothing un
done to secure the success of the Republi
can party at the forthcoming election. -
' At the conclusion of Col. Errett's speech
three- hearty cheers were given for Grant
and Colfax, and the'Glee Club sung ii new in a spirited and:enlivening
limier, evoking much enthusiasm front
the audience,-- : . -
The nextspeaker introduced-WM Gen.
iVilliain 'Blakely, as brave and gallant an
officer as ever stood 'fire, and one who l can
:10 1411045 , 0 1 , as he fought. He was enthusi
ly received and made a speech run
, cal .
through sui Wier wldeb•abounded In
wit, hdinor,.anecdote and' argument,. Ea
dealt the opposition some terrible -blows,
wad courted contradiction &op the Demo
crats in attendance. His 'speech was one
of.the best we have heard this campaign,
and we trust that the proper committee..WillSeel° it that his services are secured
during the present campaign, as ho must
prove enable and effective worker in - the
great good cause... 1
At the conclusion of Gen. Blakely's ad.;
dress the meeting, adjourned with three
rousing cheers for. Grant, Colfax and the
Chicago platform. - - -
Central Grant Chub—No Definite- Action.
Pursuant to published- notice the 'Presi
ilent and one . member from each =of the
Grant Clubs fully organized IL Allegheny '
cotintv,'tnet on Saturday nigh at the hu.d-
quarteraof the Second Ward rant Club,
No- 66 Smithfield street,,for the purpose of
effecting the ' Organization of Central
Grant Club. The meeting organized, on
motion of Thomas Steel, Esq., by: calling
Alfred Slack, Esq .i to the ohair,end Josiah
Cohen, Esq., to the position of. Secretary..
By request of theClusir,•, Mr. Steel" briefly
stated the object-40f' the meeting-, setting
forth that while a Central Club wonld in no
manner conflict , with operations of the,
County Executive 'Club, it would secure 1 .
strength and harmony of action • to the va.
rions organizations throughout the county.
and would lead to uniformity in all things. .._
A Central Club would accom plish much
good, and being a potent a 'Dory to the
County Conimittee, would prove very ef
fective in the canipaign.
Messrs. McCormack, Hartman and Hi
lands, spoke in opposition to the. formation
of such an organiution, believing it.would
seriously conflict withthe free workings of
the County Executive Committee, and it
Messrs. Craig. Gcirmly, W.; 8.-Hunter. and
made strong speeches in favor of the
.In view of tho fact that Many-of the
newly formed and forming Clubs had no
representatives in attendance, a mothin to
adjourn without.- any- definite notion, pre
vailed. The next meeting will beheld at
City Hall, on Tuesday evening, August
26th, to which all Clubs are urgently ie
questedto send repreientatives. ' .
Grant and Colfax Club.
The Republicans of tho Third ward,
Allegheny, met? at the School House on
SaturdaV evening for the purpose of organ
izing a Grant and Colfax - Club in thatward.
A temporary organtiatidn was effected by
James Mcßrier, -Esq., being called to the
Chair, and the appointment of A. J. Periti
tost as Secretary: • the reporters pres
ent as Assistant Secretaries,
A Committee was appointed oiPerrna
nent Orgsmization, who reported the'ibl
lowing oilloers: • .. • ,
.Nesidint---Jaines MeHrier.
vice Presfdeets--Jernes - Park, Jr., Cattit.
bell Herron. itxdonel George Geist, Attila?
Hobson, Nicholas Voightley, David
'Ritchie, D. L. Smith, Casper Gang,lChas.
Sehlleker, - Jaftn ;Meyers, Vrederick, Lang,
Drennan. Chriatttin- , Glebs'i G.' F. Cornish
John-11. Barr and Louie
Sedreturie4-1::R.: Oxley,' Freed* Tor
rence and f o liaa samenz
2Treanrcr—A H. English. • ,
The question, being put on the amp
twice at the :report • end adoption thereof.
it was unanimonslvoarried. - . ..;
The ConVention reported that the balance
of: the: orgariltstion remain' 'lmtreifeeWl
until,Wedneactay—iFirening n - ext; -- at -- - Ling's
Wall, (late Col._Gerat's) cornerstf , Madiscin
Avenue and Second street, with the view
of too-operatirig, with the' Gerritin Club. In
process of organization. 'filte , Cominitteit'a
. report and reeommendatiou were Bold
' well tn. ' •
Several.. speeches wore- wide; ' - alter
which the Club adjourned.