LI U NEW PUBLICATIONS RAPE OOP, AND ALL AIDNG THE SHORE. Stories. ,By Charles Nordoff. Published • by Harper & Brothers, New York. For • -sale by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh; Those who were favored with a hasty .. - 'reading of these charming-stories, in "Ilar ' pers' Magazine", and the "Atlantic Month:. , - ly," will be pleased to have them in bound form; and those who have not indulged in , _the luxury of reading them would do well ' forthwith to purchase the volume. Mr. Nordoff has brought to bear the experience of years is the preparation of these stories, and is -known to be a practical writer of de cided merit. There is, a naturalness in his • style, that ; gives character and reality to his t writings. 'IIORAODWILDE; By Mrs. M. Jeanne Mal ; lazy. Published by J. B. Lippincott dr. - - Co., Philadelphia. For sale by R. S. Da vis, 9.3. Wood street, Pittsburgh. This work belongs to the class of fiction called "religioug novels," if the classifies - • lion is proper. Religious co troversy and - lOve are closely locked in - thepleasant nar ; • rative It jean entertainin story, ‘ though - ' highly flavored with exclusive views on The Baptism. colloquy;however,Th is conduct, ed in good spirit and in an interesting style. r t ; Closely with the contriversial parts, is the schooling of hearts, in the mysteries of . love, ending in a union-of connubial bliss. ! , THE CRUISE OP THE DASHA.WAY; or Retie, I ' . Putnam's Voyage. By Mary Mannerink. y Published b ;Lee & Shepard, Boston. i For sale by John W. Pittock, Pittsburgh. Readers or the "Helping Hand -Series" I ' have some tdea of the character of these ! .. books, their object and ' design.: The mOral • , i lessons taught in this aeries Pave made them a great fayorite with. young people, inclined 1 to do right. This volume is a story of sea 1 , hfe, written in a racy, captivating , style, conveying by this mode 'lessons of value _ ble instruction to the youthful mind. Joan Bintrricia ON ICE; and other' things. With comic illustrations by J.,H. How- ard. • Published by G. W. Carleton & Co., New York. For sale by John W. Pittock, Pittsburgh. I Works of this class, hoWeitirobjectiona ble they are, to persons of refined taste, are popular and much sought after by the masses, for the rich 'humor which - they contain. This fresh Collection of the gayeties and graiities of the renowned author, will se cure hosts of readers. It is an admirable _book for pleasure-seekers to read, by the sea side, in the woods, and at watering pitied, where festivity prevails.• Many ob ject to the elaborate bad spelling because it tends to encourage a species of vulgarism that should be discountenanced. The book, hoWever, will doubtleas have a wide sale and be popular with multitudes. • - A TALE OP Two CITIES, AND GREAT Ex- PECTATI OHS. By Charles Dickens. With twelve illustrations. Published by Tick nor & Fields, Boston. For sale by R. S. • Davis, Pittsburgh. This volume is "The Charles Dickens Edition," the merits . of which have over 1 and over again been noted. Compressed in • this book of five hundred pages may be I found two of Dickens' great novels. Its .. , excellencies may be enumerated thus : Rich purple covers, illuminated with Mr. Dick ' ens' remarkable Autograph in gilt; its com paetness of size; neatness of the types, and the running at the top of each right, hand page, affixed lay the author him self and peculiar to this edition. THE LOST Causz Rriaarricn. By Edward A. Pollard, Anther of the "Lost Cause," &c. Published by G. W. Carleton & Co.;` New York. For sale by John W. Pit took; Pittsburgh. • - I , The name of the author is familiar to many, as being the editor of a rebel jorirrial ,in Richmond. It is to be expected that the South would beglorified, - and the negro dei, notmeed, as lin 'inferior being. -To what s itSPi : tha . .`;!Wr :Cause , has been ' - -"Re , gained," is depicted in glowing 'words,: as only a:Southerner can`portray. However,; much as we may differ-;with the author on_ eertarii ;questions, "pierninent in" the Tate" **4 the-poOk,,Serves a useful purpose in F giving iranortant,faets in the administration I - of the rebel causeiiiiiek could not be well ob- l', tailed only • through such sourCei. This : ' ' fact, of itself, will Make; the work popular , and increase its circulation. ' • • '4FROM THE OAR TO THE 01.2;vri. A Plain . - • Bifocal of ti" Pleasant Journey. By .1411 a • Ward Howe. Published by Lee and Shepard, Boston.- For sale by John W. Pittock, Pittsburgh. - - ~ _ Books of travel are so numerous that it scarcely seems possible to-'write anything sufficiently new and varied, to make a book ' of this charaCter., interesting- ' However ' ' beaten the track fnayPeby 'travelers, there( are always places in European travel wor thy of reproduction and werthyof reading; • ' however frequently • the same course may have been :passed over :by others. : This' - recxird of - Mra. haws - his - a freshness, viva- city, and piquancy, which makes it readable and instruCtiVe.: She holds the pen of;a, • "ready writer," and describes cities with • I theirmemorable places and things,, and mu; 1 toms and peculiarities of their people, in an • 1 i interestng manner. -Many readers will dis ;, sent with her in regard_tner views oa'reuk: ions matters. -', ' , .' '• THE CORNER. HOMES. MAUR S*ADMAN., Published by Henry Hoyt, Bestoth, , , For' _ sale by R. S.:DAVIS, Pittsburgh. These voltimes form a part tifl' , ,Hoyt t .'s Sunday School Series of Juvenile Religiote ri Works." They are *ell nainedf,' and are admirably suited for Sunday 8 qol X.lbliC ries, and for the family circle. here is a , healthy glow throughout poth quakes,: ht which lessonsiire taught worthy to; pe. f Ol4 -' lowed by young people. Under the gnisq'taf, • -. such stories, grpat.tnoral principles areili. .‘ 'liiiitrtited; and hive thieffect'elab Offiarmirig , US dille'letewor youth fn'thifright *ld: ,liiinr4nin,,,,PXOTPRIAL HISTORY av 'THE ,. Gnual. REBELLION. Published by EarP -:iii. ofßrol4 - 003rYtift;;,, o,4, se i e l or Af tw. ry miner. Pittsburgh. • , . . ... Thiligigaritlestriifictittlilelf occupied a pe riod of, five years of carefu.P preparation . is . 4iittioinPieted 'by :this publicatiori'of *as., - ..88i 84,3 p, These numbers treat of the cap ture and surrender of Petersburg and Rick 'xtiond;.• the 'retreat and'surrender„ of . 1,c0; .„„ s y,tiwiesserre e d er , flight and Capture of ;Davis, death of Lincoln, conduct of the A comunspotinzwr of the London Pia . 1 relates --the- fo ll owing curious `incident: "Having been told by my brother that a blackbird had taken possession of 'a hen's nest in the hedge of the farm garden, and had been sitting upon a hen's egg for, the last ten days, I went up to the farm to, sat isfy myself as to the truth of the story, and .there, sure ' enough, ,was the blackbird on the'nest. I put her Off , and examined the • egg, which' as quite warm. The farming man told me that when he first found the nest there. as egg init., which the blackbird-was sitting upon, but that since that.time the hen hue laid regularly in the nest, and he has. always removed the new laid'eggs. • During the time the hen -is lay. ink, the blackbird perchea in some pea beds close by, and seems anything but pleased by the intrusion. Most • Bitters of the, present day ,that are .loudly puffed through the newspapers as having great curative .properties are vile compounds and, beet, imptisitione, otmtain ing no medicinal virtues whatever, and are, really very poor ,whitiky beverages, and; Mewed „of .soling as a stimulant and tcinic, - haveA tendenev to weaken the stomach by entirely destroying the coating. The public ehould therefore be very cautious and pur , chase none 'but Roback's 'Stomach Magri, .which .have stood the - test as a remedial agent for many vary, and are really ,as their name indicates, a stomach' Utters and not a beverage. ' They combine the proper ties of thobesttonic and a stimul= laxallve, an efficient and anti-bilious agent and the best stomachic knOwn to the world, and when - taken in conjunction with Ro back'a Blood Pals; are the safest and surest preventive against all bilious derangements, thoroughly regulating the whole system and giving tone to the digestive organs.- They are highly recommended as an , in vigorating tome to mothers while nursing, increasing the flow of milk, and for conva lescents, to -restore the prostration which always follows long-continued sickne, they are uruturpassed. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without these inValunble medicines. They . can be obtained of any druggist.- rreF "MANHOOD . A.ND THE VIGOR : • • :,. OF YOUTH sectored la four weeks; oe_cs _gulud aranteed. DX. „11.1CORDni ESSEACIE , QIr. = LIFE reiworea Mai:llya-powers; frotawlpitever esuse arising: the effects of early, pernicious babtts, self abuse, Impoten,y and climate give way .at.onee this wonderful medicine. , lf teem regularly accord- T o th e - dlrectfonso which' ere "Veryl simple. and Y Use MI: rest/shut:front , builness ',or pleasure.) .1' lure is loposszble; *aid lu. bottles at ea. or four etlautltles ju one for $O. To be .had only of the sole .ikeptdnted agelitan - America, H. 'OERITZEN. 208 ,l3eixat4 Aveutte.l•lfew.lfort.:- 1e38:164-rre IgrPRILOS °Pill" OF -. MART. RI GE new Cour of Leelnril. so do -3114.6.44G te e Re l44 l(orltiliutelin of Anstalt* -, im bruing the anweotas Rowat4x Ilio and wbal, to tlye fo rt , RoutltiMi4nrlty and Oldif*Manhood genet- JUG' unlved. tha oaufw ottn Rion, dxfulenee %ad nervourdlsesaer accounted or; marnage'phit. imaut_wolgliellly AXonskiered, &e. Pocket volume , eon pa t4efop footnreirwlittw , forwarded to parßes Tina le to attend. on receipt_ of four staniK by ad. dreggintßEC IiETARY A -New York Mnsento of *Aut.. APPJati irlaae Relr cadro ,44l 4 l lßroadway. New York. • • :„. .• • . sAirear.Lows HAIR',I4II3; tblesOludbi Hair I)jeli best in theircilidL ihe °nil? uut arolt'perfact Wei bunnies* - re li able, instantaneous: ' ls csAlialuorsoilitusent; -no ridiculous Mtn remedles the safe eics of bad dyes . ; invigo rates and isnot the soft sad beattirui. Skulk Of brOfff&W Bald bf eli liruggistsiad Perfumers; and 11:?Bpoly applied at- Batcheicor'S WIN - Faelory.-110. ond Street. New York •aowtolli oraIUME TO ,_INARIIIAtiE.,;-' . ~.Yonitit,a 4 301 a to Happy Marriage O n tiV i x i s a." 944ls7 l.:l4lt homitoo views of benev• , oten YI, Rif* Ilia Abates Incident to Youth and Early Manhood. gent „ in:se a t e d_ ktser wive Ina of harc . ... A4dreta HOWARD AR. lON, Box F . , = +. usaitohla s Pa. loyMisqlOT GC fa.fN"w' J :.~,u. -.w ._t. a t +..~.+:.v - e-..-~..0._ tf,,, S ~~ 1. .. ~ 'a-a.-rt':n .. A 'Z ~ lEEE war, and reconstruetion," 1865-1867. This . work is undotititedlY the best on the great rebellion that ' hisappeared. It bits been completed in a spirit independent of the ~: special interest of any party, and tire im partiality and franknessof its comments on public questions, apart from the grand pie torial embellishme n t s and accurate_ maps which have been supplied with a generous hand, render 'the work•valuable in a•• high degree.' We have been favored with several of the litter innabers, and from these we I make our estiinate of the work. TEE ENORTH AMERICAN REVIEW for July kuarterly.) Published by Ticknor & Felds, Boston. This' able Quarterly comes laden with ar ticles of marked ability, as the following contents indicate : 1. Laiirence Sterne. 2; Meteoric' Showers. 3. The Religions Reform Movement in Italy. 1. •The Lum ber •Region of Michigan. S. George Wil limn Curtis. 6. Essay on Liberal ,Eduea tion. 7. John Hookman Frese. 8. The Chicag o Convention. 9. Dryden 10. Com mercial Immorality and Political Compti6n. f 11. Critical Notices.. The article on "tor - sten," by !times Rusiell Lowell, is one of much merit. - •• THE REBELLION Rioonn: A Diary , of American Events. Published by D, C Nostrand, New 'fork. The LXXIUd number., is just out, cani pleting this work. The careful details of _ the events' of the Great Rebellion have been embodied in 'this history, in' an impartial manner, from official documents on both sides. 'lts'importance to all private, and more especially public and district libraries, will be readily - seen from the facts named. The numbers are elegantly illustrated with steel plate engravings of distinguished ofil-' leers of both armies, CAMEOS }MOM ENGLISH HISTORY.' From ' Rollo to Edward IL, By the author of - "The Heir of Redelyffe, ' Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. For sale,by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. History is presented in a very attractive and interesting form for young folks in this' work.. - Pictures of persons and events • are' drawn:with such distinctness that there is a charm about it which interests as 'well as instructs the reader._ These." Cameos - were plefarid years ago fir a special purpose, anivixterivards were revised and enlarged to make this excellent book. They com mence Fith the tenth tenthry and, come down to the death of Robert Bruce in 1329, early in the reign of ,Edward the Third. The second volume will contain the wars of the Middle Ages, .and, those of the Itoses. The book is printed in elegant style. . Dorrx DIMPLE AT Homz. "By Sophia May, author.of "Little Prody Stones." I Published by Lee & Sherd, Boston. For sale by John W. Pi;toc.k, Pittsburgh. This little volume is'a charming one for "wee folks," and is written in simple style for the capacity of young minds. FARM..: TALE. HOBBES AND NURSERY. Published by Lee &' Shepard, Boston. For sale by John W.Tlttock, Pittsburgh. The first named Is a series of admirable articles in the colloquial style, illustrating various common farm topics, written by George E. Brackett,' Belfast, Maitre. It is praetical and worthy of a wide sale. "Nurses and Nursery," is a pamphlet of eighty pages, number five of.‘Tracts for the People," written specially with reference to the Management of Sick Women. It contains yaluable suggestions.. SPECIAL .NOTICES; A TURDAY -77 A6G1T5T:13113681 R. SALEE EVIUSE AND 'LOTS - - AT AtICTION, . . Pike Street, Lear Butler, Lawrenceville. Will 4e sold on, the premises, en • • Saturday, Aufjust Bth, 1868, AT. 4?4 3f., • I All that certain part of LOT No. 149 In the pp tm laid out by Wm. it. Foster: formerly 'Borough of Lawrenceville, colitalninir sixty-eight , 08) feet on Platt street, (near Butler, adjoining the property of Dr. Bundsehu,) and extending back. preserving the same width. fifty (00) re. t four 14) lushes, more or less. The property is divided info three lots, on one of which la erected al triune house with three rooms and kitchen. TERM s — One-tenth each on dap of sale, two , thirds on delivery of deed, balar;e r in six months. THOMAS AL EfiEli it CO., AtiCifoxrarts,.. • ans:tloo 104.41htd0 Street. Allegheny. POSITIVE SALE. BY AUCTION, On SATURDAY, August Bth. . • AT 5 O'CLOCK P. 31., On the premises in South Pittsburgh, about o.lg , WO •Adkilning.the grounds now owned by the Penn's,. R._ E., .where the Iron Eridge crosses the Browns;. vale road, 'on the one side, and on the other by that , owned by Col. Wm. Phillips.' On it is a subsuintial ' well built Dwelling Douse, of 5 rooms and cellar. ' Lot 25 feet by 149, rnuning from the pike. The lot a:Mel:Eng, same width and depth, has a railroad connecting with a quarry of great depth •of gobd stone. and on the topper portion :which fronts on the Gray's road to well adapted for building pur . poses. with frultd and shave trees in , abundance, and never failing springs of pure , Vrater. If not sold In *hole, the house and lot will be sold separate to suit purchasers.• For ittrtherinforma , len enquire o'f' • • D. P. HATCH, No. 91 Grant street. Kongo can be seen and also the ground, by evolv ing to M.' DALEY . au7:u7 BY A. LEGGATE. • 17 ACRES LAND, NEAR GLEN.. DALE AT AUCTION.There will be sold without reserve, on: the. premises, on WEDNES DAY, August 13th, at 3 o'clock, two plots, nine and eight acres respectively, situated on taboo* Hun, a mile from 111endade Station, oil the Yon Wayne Railrood. Particulars from atilt . . A. LEUGA7.E. Auctioneer, 159 Federal street. Allegheny. . _ I:I[OUS_E.,_AND FEDERAL", STRKET, ALLEGNtr x, AT AUOTION:— ne property-No. 811 Federal, near Jackson St., Allegheny, will be mild on.WEDNESDAY, August 12th, at .10 o'clock A. M. Owner moving west. The lot is AO by 100. The house le brick, has 7 rooms, attic, Boston rang!, oven, hot and cold wa ter, sots, hydrant, coal house, stable, &c. A very cemfortable; neat and desirable place of reslaence. Enquire Of - A. LEGMATE. Auct'r. 159 Federal street. Allegheny. ACREAT WOODS Rug, LOT" Lucky AL ta t e f n n a tno d n a Station, art W, o o n o d h ß e un ld will be sold on the presaltos. on. Mu ND AY, August 10th, and o'clock P. sz b u ildi n gt Is covered with fruit, iv a aplendid site. A credit or nine years will be given. awl, • , 'A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. JLOTS ON ALLEGHENY AVENUE AUCTIOWILI be sold on the premises, ATURDAY, August Wth. at 10 o'clock a. 11., two Building Lo 1.510 by TA feet,on Alleghen. avenue, near to Ohio avenue, and opposite to abe Round House. Thil location is excellent' for building Par'. poses. • A. LEGUATE. Auctionvcr. BY PALKEB & MUM pAunusit & PHILLEps, AITCTIONEERS And CommrsEdon Mjnechante, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 MI Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goode and Notions, ! AT PRIVAT'E SALE DAY AtEVEEING. Consments Solicited. Prompt Be. EMUS.ign , _ LEGAL.. fIRPHANS' COURT BALE. By virtue of en order of the Orpbans 9 lCourt of Allegheny county. dated the 11th dal• of July, 1868„ the Executor of AbOltit KIYMPF, deceased, will sell at . PUBLIC SALE; On the prenlses, In the City of Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, AIIGVST 19T13,11868, AT 10 O'CLOCK A;IL, , An that certain Lot of (ironed instated to the old d Leath Weed, . BOUNDED, AND DESCRIBED. AB YOLLOWS Jleginning at,the eastern earner of Lot No. 79, on Penn street; 'extending Ind running thence east wardly twelve (12) feet toys polo • equl Idistant from Lots Noe- 79 and (IL and running thence at right angles with realm street by a line 6.01 distal t oin and parallel wfth the line of Lots liot.-TO and 191: One hundreet . lbet. to an alley; thenoe.weatward • ly the dims• oe of twelve lees to lot number 79. and thence by the Line of said lot the distanee of one hundred feet Wrenn street, the place of beginning. . - 1 ' I . . . , _The conditions of the above sale are as follows: psi, 000 cash. the balance In two annual pay eats, with intereat. ' _ , For furtfier "partkularo Inquire of JOHN TA.YLOIL, Esq.. No; 73 Oran' street, or JAILES IL TAYL(II4 Executor. , :te7-T7B , . TNN THE MATTER OF THE DI. VISION OP SCOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ' ELECTION PILECINOTB. ln. the Omit of Com =on Pleas of Allegheny eom ty, No. BSI, Septem ber Term,.11968. • Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July 2s, 1868;a petition was presented praying the alvision of said Township Into . two Election Precincts,— whereupon the Court' ordered 'notice thereof to be given, and that the same would be ihiallyAetod upon by said Court on SATURDAY, August 29d, 1868, • at which time all persons interesuA will be heard. MORELAND. IdOORE & HERR, Attorneys for Petitioners. MEI :NOTICE.—In Pursuance of an .1.1 Order of the . District, Court or Allegheny •conlitY, made the Idth day of July,-1887. notice is hereby given to .the late authorities of the several. -Districts or Pittsburgh, 'consolidated tct Of As semble,'approved April Bth, A. D. 1687, that the Report of Commitrioners appointed by that Court to ascertain toe ind-htedoen, value the property, find the separate Indebtedness of said districts. and 4x a rate of sin dal tax for the payment thereof,. in compliance with the provisions of the before men. tloned act. will, on the 8 II DAXIIP - AlltillBT. be oonfb med abSolutely, unless - ottlectien be made to the rate of special tax fixed - 6v as commission, and a deeree made accordingly.' iwcon _rrothonotary. • =BM „NOTICIE , Whereas, ketterg -of Admtalskratlon on the estate of A VI.Obl; late ofMakland township,' deceased. torte been enly:ararne6 ta. the •annerslgned by the, Urn Liter of ,Allegheny county. all persons tnnebted tour haying a alma ..galnst the estate of ask , ee. ceased are reeneited tit present the sate without -delay, for settlement. at tit- ether of THO 3 Elf 4ttorldeL N0.'158 'Fourth St.. Plittabareb., ; DA.VI Y. r:Alltednlattattiz: lar LLUTlN,ASlaintstrator. r.jytattellet X OTierer•—Lefl befitTeltllllll9lollll7 • • haste ~trantett me on .the persons " Of T .P4t. If Kat , degeasee, all persons bay. tog elapse et - St her estate mit pr.4lent than to the Cali ebtlitligea s and all persons owls, said estate will. asake_ pigment Jo zee or ay attertlefs ji i 7 JD p i r. TAymm, No. 73 Griot street. i ,. , ' OHIONTOF IfitNenialrEft. 'tag, fd. 11868.1 .- ;':i: .- ~‘ ::-• : - : yinou , , . . . U0T1t,10.41111 . Pennine - indebted .41 . to cirb,vit f g clalmo ag4ne. the • , „ Van* 0P,44 BTo I,grattlili peoPd, Late of N 9 Cimatuut. street, Allvzhely(lt i r NW ;demo eau Oil tae undesalti, and have th =ad justed. • • • isdEtt&ELT tiTltd B. - .. • A A • — l3 etivany. Adigtist 1. 1968. Admlnistrattlx., - a 1 1 4 3 1 0 4, ------- 910 THE punuo, • • . : • ZPlease take none° Unit my wife, BABBABY . ANO, bow herebymy borne and bed Wlll3OOl any just cse. and bee on my account. satwin hot be tiVinsible tor any of bee zontritets. • - GOITFRILED Zll3lO. 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR - SALE, BYTE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DrnsioN. Lying along the line cf theft road, at $l,OO TO $&,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE TEAM. For farther particulars, maps, de., address JOH.N.B. DEVEREUX, Land Conunissioner, Topeka, gams Or °BAIL B, I LAJ!MOiIit, See 97, suit_ Bt. /AWL Missouri, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. • The undersigned offers for sale NINE TRACTS OF LAND, situate In - Marshall township, Allegheny county, and Adams township. Butter county. Pour of the Bute are situated about 3 miles west of Plankluton's Hotel on the headwaters o Se wickley, near David Dutra mill, about 16 tulles from Pittsburgh. 'Five of the tracts are situate on and near the Per rysville and Harmony Plank Bond, about 18 to 20 miles from Plttaburnit. This land is all well adapted for farming and gra z.h3g pto poses. I Any information relative to said farl3lB,_prieewsnd terms can be obtainCd by calling on A. HiLANDS, at the Court House, Pittsburgh. E. O. ntrriLn. CMARLISM OCTILEL au4:t.98.d,1T ~ F OR SALE & TO LET. --Houses and Lots !several liall_Parts of the city sad su tubs. Also !PAWNS in good locations. Also. a small' WOOLEN NACTORy, with 20 acres 'of land, and good improvements, whlah I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Easiness Houses to let on good streets. ,Private Dwelling Houses for rent 111 both cities. For further particulars Inquire WILLIAM WARD, UM 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral CONVENIENT AND CORIFORT ABLE.-1 two-story Bad Dwelling House co Federal street. Pittsburgh; contains hall and 7 rooms, pantry; wash-room. bath room. cemented cellar, ic. Pressed brick front and slate roof, all In complete order, for sale by. 8. CUTHBERT &SON% - and 8$ Cmitbneld street. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. FOURTH IIS LP* 115. • JOHN D. BAILEY -& BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, r • . . Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCHSJ BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.. det.., either on the premises or at th e Board of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private Sale. Sales of Real Estate In the country'p attended. Olhoe. N 0 . 1116 FOURTH STREET. jyamal I 4,10.000 T° "AN, inyllS Rea/ Estate Azent. 60 Sailthfleki street. W'!' altiLLEn, Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner liberty and Irwin Streets, I • Offer to the trade at Low Figured: i./50pkgs. of NP.W MACKEREL, in Walvis, hats . ..ll:quarters and its. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN • and IMPERIAL-TEAS. '. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 25 Wile. choice CAROLINA RICE. 75 bldg. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bbis.. SYRUP, choice brands. 100 bole BE RMUD A . 0. MOLrSES. 50 bids. MOLASSES. 5100 bble. REFINED SUGAR. 75 hhes. PORT() RICO, CUBA and DEaLt __ 'SARA SUGARS. - - -201 D bags RIO (X)FFEE. • 50 bap JAVA and LAGUAYEA COFFEES. 100 caste IMPORTED CLARET. 250 cases MORT & CRANDON'S CRAM. FAURE WINES. SCOTCH. 'ALE and LONDON PORTER con. slantly on hand. UNDRIES. • . . 400 bus Prime Yellow Ear Corn. ago bus g do e Bs i• t l o eif. 81 " d% • 8,000 lbs. Dried Apples. • 500 lbs. Dried Peaches.. 11:: Sorghum Molasses. So dor Corn Brooms, • •; ; • :tore mid for side bv • • ' ' YEZTS. ARMSTRONG, lee.- 16 Market' street. amber -Fire. 0110 sacs. GOSIE FACTORW and *AlUntl 01EttlIC, for sale by ---- J. B. CANFIELD & BON. 1111 First street. MrTIIITE LIME-200 r bbL best , 1421.' q h f 2I, IIIINIELD it 80i. "MIN ENV-40 100lou vitae HydradthiOamentfftriateltyr• • • suol. . • • OANIPIRLDAMON. VIBE, CLAY--INK) bble. Illisiouri A: Yin and rot,ollYl forma. 411., . • • ale , J. B. OANYItLD &SON. and for gala by . J. EARL ABR--26 by . J. 8. prr ASIII--10 Casks for sale by ji MN B. OANYI* I •D & SOlir PIG LEAD-600 Lilo/lo ft Galena Lead, tor mtlo by J. b. callingLD t BUN. - J_ ffn FOR. SALE--RF.IALESTATE. FOR SALE. TWO HOI7SES AND LOT - on Can oil street, Allegheny. Tblsproperty will be sold low, as the party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing., • SA 'IT MILL; TWO DWELLING FIOI7I3ES. TWO' BARNS, with; FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash ssl,soo—balanoe on'time to snit buyer. FARM OF no ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame •house and good barn; 50 acres of theland clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the Ilne of railroad; very well located for raising stock; Improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land In meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing. five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, • and would rent for the amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OF ROUND, having a river front, and very convent nt of access. TANNERI, convene . t to the city, and having a Well established curd° ..• ~ ,r local trade connected therewith; a good dwel nand forty acres of land. WFOUR LOTS In Shar .urg, near the railroad; ould make a good coal , ard. IHOTEL FOR SALE. bat fine Hotel property, situated at the Blair ille ,Junction, containing fourteen rooms and • t d e necessary outbuildings, with-three acres of g • and fruit trees.'This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie• tor wishes to retire fro .. boatoosa. , . YOU RENT. One large House, for Boarding House. j One new Brick Hotta • , B rooms. I One new Brick Mont of 4 rooms. ; One new Brick Hon • of 3 rooms. I 5 One House of roots .and lot 55 by 140. One House of 7 room and lot 150 by 150. Two new Brick Hons 8, /1 rooms each. One new Frame Hou 4 rooms. ~, ' Two new Brick Hous 8, 3 rooms each. One new Frame. Ho se in. Wilklnsburg, having six rooms and Iv* i. lot, well suited for garden. 7 stores that can be • vided Into acre lots. 5 Luta in Oakland. • - Pow ß e L r ß an An d a l o ar a ge au ß ..m_ R an u d-If ts a o r a d .m. f o o rt r o re n n et t, re l e n: Rietil l iw oca iirdE O D o .... n. 3,4 :lll o fee , - re or n m te&t aggi fo ng r sh a o t r c t , 4 o in r :o h n e : thiel" TO LOAN $50,000, it\w IN BInEB 07 $5.000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. HITCH'S REAL ESTATE . OFFICE No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. jen:pn ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. GEO. M. PEIL"I92". alre) a) ;1* 3f.1 (Late Miller & Richton') . CAN PIE 1,1) k 80N. ,casks for sale CAN VI RLD tal I , PIITSBURGII lIPORTING HOUSE, ESTAI3LISSED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY , • • • IMPORTER'S OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQPIRS, . f • No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Would direct the attentionof the public to the fact that, po timing sups, sor facilities through several large Wine and Liquor Houses In Europe, and malting their importations direct, they are enabled to offer the,yurious grades Of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less Hon Eastern rates. Ex- aminationc of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A. choice assortment ofiinre OLD RYE WHIS KEY constantly on hand wzmuts.. eLARET, %UTE AND SPARKLING. CLARET.. Chateau Latitte Medec, nn Chateau Maa:, MarNaux Chateau La Rose Eit. Jacques St. Julien, Panthae. , WRITE WINES. Ht. Sauternes, Chateau Sauterne. XIOCK. Nurstein, I Beckham. Linbenbeitner, SPAIIIK - T-TN4a Mosel Muscatel. - I fleharzburg, liochlichner's superior quality. 401:1A-111:PAAGNM. A bet h Cbandon, Chamberlin, • Vernezay, rpernay Heldslea l Charnel* --and o th er rands. Also, a lar &assortment of BRANDIES, WHIS KIES and WINES , of all descriptions, constantly on hand, at Wes. MILLER 'S, (LATE HILLER & xtiCKETsoN,) 221 and 2iiit Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. .131:42 JOSEPH S. PINCH & CO., Nos. 186, 187,189, 191, 198 and 193, MST STREET, PITTSBURAM, mAxamsortlmins or Capper (Distilled Dare `Bye:Whiskey. Also. dealers in FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS, HOPS. etc. intari.ns3 PURE NATIVE WINES. ___ ISAIRELIJA AND CATAWBA, Of onr own grovimg. Also, the best hrands of CHAMPAGNR, CLARET, ' , MERRY and PORT WINES. "Vine Growers' Company" of BRAN DY, plut fluke, just the think fur travelers. N. B. — Particular attention p aid to supplying famiIies.MANCAUX, Jy2b:tiff No. 4 Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. - COA.TI-AND COKE. OSCAR F. LAM.I & CO. CZ=73 COAL AND COKE. Mike. Sandusky Street and P. P. W. & R. R., Allegheny City: SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal and Connellsiille Coke, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES Orders promptly attended to C fOA.LI COA.L!! COWS! DICKSON; STEWART & Having removed their Office to NO, 567 .1.433E117"2" STREET, (Lately City Flour SECOND ELOOR. Are now to tarnish good YOUGHIOGHE NY Loma., NUT COAL OR SLACK, akthe lowest morket price. All =orders left at their aloe, or addressed to them through the mail, will be attended to promptly. my25:b.% CHARLES IL ARMSTRONG, pICALKII II! TOUGHIOOLENT AHD 00113ELLSVIME OOAL And Manufacture= of GOAL, BLACK AND D 01Sce and Yard—CORNER. Or BUTLER AND MORTON STREET& First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, n eAr Lock No. L Flitsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers supplied with the beet article of Goal or Ooke atthe lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their faces will receive rompt attention. A lINESTROIVG • & lIITTCHIMON; Successors to ZULlnstrSL AND YOUGEUOGILIINT COAL. co.. • MINE.WS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS, BY RAIL. ROAD AND RIVER, of nnperior Youghiognen,V CAS AND FAMILY COAL. • Office and Yard—Y.ooT OP TRY STEEET„ . .. near the Gas Works, f • • SAFETY FIRE JACKET. SECIMUITY AND' COMFORT FOR . . WIRE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. • J. 8.. IMS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, -disPensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the PasseUer or Baggage Cars, with, the attachment to graduUe the heat to any. temperature that may be desired without the posaibility - of firing the car or , cars to obtained acket may be attached. Havingof the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the moat intense beat that may be &drilled to it in the position and Purpose for which it is tlitelV" It la a sure protection ' from accidents by fire o - nating from defective Sues., el' where iron e i pes are used as conductot a for smoke or heat. It appli. plleable to all pining that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other combustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am now ready to sp. ply my invention to-stores„, dwellings, factertes, suiPs, steambouts , railroad ears, Ate., wherever Spelt, as conductors are, made dangerous by being overheated and security desised. sell, on ap plication. rights to manufacture* to use th e above nvention,• ciao, ternitorial rights, to such as tnay wish to engage in sellling privZeges, either by State • f B. MAIMS. at the "NE FLUB ULTRA PAINT WORRS,” Corner - of Morris Street and the Auggb ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Fa. fe2B:slo 10:r 1 t)4l/±ll EIOLNIES E BELL - ANCHOR co Kano %mts of 'LEAVY, MEDIUM and LIGHT ,Ajsoixole xirlo JEA6IfOLIA 'sfxr.wriNGs•AND NA.rnNo. `• PM:N=M3. itiorLOll y • PAINTER 30. 45 OHIO 52215111% Ape's. Thulkfal fir theibmner,Yeir IlberalPatronage be tied upon line, I &entre my Mends andlhelmblle nth, that.. the' /Uwe aa In the past, I ahal/ ea eavor diligently f 0 merit a - continuance of the mama, and %IA be alwayi at the shop from 7 to 9 .404. 49411939 930 59.94 m722:01 ~. I Chateau Latourßlanctie I Chateau Yquev. O. -DAVIS ffin) • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSBURGH OFFICE, No. ]67.i; WOOD STREET, BANK OP COMMERCE BUIL DING. This is a Bonne Company, and insures itgainct loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE,' Vice President. ROBP,RT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELRENY, Secretary. Mt=Tong: George Wilson, . GeorW. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. O. Fiebter, John Voeguey, A. Amnion. ENNA j": FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 43/5 x . 437 CHESTNUT ST, Mral, 517 OOKE AA LLEGMENY INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. orricE, No. 87 . marrii sumer. lianir By e ` a Insures against ill kinds of Pird and Marine Maks. JOHN IRWIN, Jn., Preeldttlt. JOHN D. IifeCOBA Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, t3emetary. CAPT. Wit DEAN. General Agent. - DIRICTORS: John Irwin, Jr.. °mt. Wm. Dean. John D. McCord. B. L. Pabnestock C. G. Hussey, ' W. H. Everson,. Hanrey Childs, , Robert H. Davis, T. J. Hoskinson. Francis Sellers, Charles Ham Capt.-J. T. Stoch4ale: OFFICE. N. E. CORM WOOD a FIFTH an. A Some Company, takag Fire and Xarine Rada. Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parks, Capt. James =ler; Wm. Van Kirk, James DD Verner, I PHILLIPS, P.] JQIIN WATT vice W. :F. hiARDIMIt nii JAS. GIOR VrANHOOD: .11101 V LOST HOW 1/1 - RESTORED! .fust published tnsea/ed ewes& ope. Prtas, Mu cents. A„ LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT; and „ Radical Core of Ler asi nntorrhces„ or Seminal Weakness, involuntary one, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar. • riage generally, _• Nervolleneea, Consumption, EDl lerind Fits; Mental and Physical lucaparim t from Self Abusei do. - by Rohl. s well. .D. author oft e "Greenlloo_ ,k Re. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent undersea),. In a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or twoostage stronm to CHAS. J. C. KLINK k Co. - - IST BOWERY NEW YORE% OSTOFFICE 4686. Also Dr: Culverwell's clulde,” price SI 5 cents. mrStrodarT • ' • I,l lool!_,_.”—.Another New MEDICAL PAtiTHLET Min the pen of Da. t, am.' The Jtalteai2Ymes ears of this work: Thls valuable ttreaalse Oil the oan.e and cure of premature decline. shows bow health is Impaired thronah secret 'abuser of youth and manhood. and how easily retained. _Waives a elear syneruda of the Impediments to marriage. the rause anteteras of nervous detain, andthe remedies therefor... A Docket edition oftle above will' be - warded on reeriDa 0/ /15 oente.' br addressing Doctor OM- T/Il_ j _ifo: b$ North Charles Wive Deltihisre. • - • CO., ON MILLS, E 29 ERTTSBURGH PAPER NAND. Jr. PACTUBLNG coatrANr, NalinftiMarer. at PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, . • • CLINTON MILL -STZUBENVILLI. OHIO. BRIGHTON • MILL-NEW BRIGHTON, Pi. . - 1.10.82 Third Street, Pittsburg!, Pa, Orillanna—All3l3B7 liAitTjr. President. • Treasurer. SAMUEL ISIDDLL norietary. DIRZCITORS—AiI.trst Hartje, John AtireU. de IL Harman, John B. Llvlngtnn. Cash paid for Paper Stott "". INSURE YOUR LIFE IN Tux GUARDIAN • CO.,muTun LIFE INSURANCE O OP NEW YORK. No.--10.2‘ BROADWAY. ASSETS RAPIDLY INCREASES, OVER 8 /,000,000. , • This Com provid eforeuardian of a Sacred Fund. which Is to the Widow and the Father less, with the least possible burden to the Insured. All Approved Forms of Policies Issued. , Liberal modes for the payment of p re m iums,e Policies Non.forfeiting by their terms. The Entire Profits of the Company disked equitably amon the Insured. Last Return of Premium, ' , LETT r ya CENT. DiaxcToits John A. Elk, E. V. Haughawout, Hon, James Harper, W:ire Wilkins, John J. Crane, Julius H. Pra tt, William T. Hooker, ' , 14 hilarn W.-Wright, Win. M. Vermllye , Charlet J. Starr , Chas. G. Rockwood, 'William Allen, Hon. Geo. Opdyke, Geo. W. (lever, Minot C Morgan, Geo. T. Hope, - .. ca Thomas Rigney, John H. SherVihod, - Beni. B. /Sherman, Aaron Arne'. , Edward H. Wright, W. Rich'd H. Boirne, Geo. Win. L. ranee, Coggswell. , , 'WALTON H. PECKHAM, Preeldont. HENRY V. GAHAGAN, Secretax7. LUCIUS hicADA.3I, Actuary. J. BATES MitTLLIN, GENERAL AGENT TGE. WESTERN PENNA., Room No. 24 Bank of Commerce Build.. Ing e corner of SL:th and Wood stream, pri - rianurccaa, PA; ire - Agents wanted. Apply as above. I Jytll:tMt-ibta BEN 'FRANKLIN IN UR A NCE COMPANY, OF 4LLEGgisfr, PA. Office in Ffreeipe Sayings Bank Balling% No. 43 Ohio St., .ILUeg - bony. • A Erma COMPANY, managed by Directors wen known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. onO. su ono. D. RIDDL.m _ • . - • DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin .D..L. Patterson, Henry Gerwig, I 1 Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, (iottlelb Peas, Simon Drum, -J. B. Smith, Jacob Rash W. H. Stewart, Ch. I'. Whieton, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lantner, H.. 7. Ziukand, Jeremiah Ro en. apitho3s NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., OP THE CITY OP ILLEGERIT . Office, In.A.LLE44IIENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING, , FIRE INSURA.NVE ORLY. JAB. E.STEVENSON W. WSecretary.. MARTIN, President . DIRECTORS: A. H. EnttlithJno. Thompson Jno. A. llyier, (Jae, Lockhart, ' Joe. Myers Jas. L.,Gmham,lllobt, Lea, C. C. Boyl e , Jno. Btomh.M.n34wn, Jr. tGeo. Garet, ' Jacob Kopp. . . , ESTERN (INSURA NCE_ CO . W L PANY OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NIRIOK, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. . CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office; 99 Water streee . Spang 4 Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsbar . Will inure against all Funds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Irlstitution,.rnanaged by Directors who are well known to.the community, and who are determined by protiptness and liberality: to main tain the character which they - have assumed, as'of. firing the best protectlon to those who desire to be inured.. I • . DIRECTORS: Alexander Nimlek, IJonn R. McCune, R. Miller , Jr. Chas. J. Clarke, James Mnley, William S. Evans, Alexanderllpeer, I Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew _Aeklen, . Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D.:Minima. • -wig pmrxsymvArLt Leonard Waiter C. C. Boyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King, Jas. H. * Hopkins, Henry 88proul, AGAINST LOSS BY 'FIRA. nxnacvdria. Charles .17. Bancker, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown. Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith. Edward C. Dale, eorge W. Iticliuds, (lunge Fades. 'CHARLES H. BAN President.. EDW.. C. DALE, Vine President. W. C. STEEL S. tees. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Amer!, Northlrest corner Third and Wood Streets. mhZ:wl.s - • EOPLESI INSURANCE CORI. pArrr. • DIMICTOES: Capt. John L. Rhoads; Samuel Y. Shriver, Charles'Arbuckle, Jared 2d. Bru g sh ' duelLan. liloCrickart resident. 'President.— Secretary. `IN. General Agent. ' ' MEDICAL PAPER. 01171C4 AND WAIMROUSK, Q .Pri seer i e ld tary ent : jaroill