I . tti 111 6 6 . '4 fbj.. •:, • !,Lt.L.ltrgj... .418 ..t PUBLIBBED DAILY, BY PENIGNAN, REED & CO., Proprietors P. R. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH KING T. P. ROITSTON. 2i. P. REED.._ o Editors and Proprietora. SALUTE BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. OpPICIAL PAPER • Plttebnrgh, Allegheny and Allegheny Comity. 4 1) Terma—Diti( . I Semi-Weekly.' Weekly: One yeak...45 to) me year. gi...soBlngle copy . One m nt •' . 71 Six mos-. 1.501 seoplee, ette:b. y J the week- Three moe 75 . _ 1.15 ' (from ea er.) ! —and one to Agent. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1868 National ,Union Republican Ticket NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT ULYSSES S. GRANT FOR' VICE PRESIDENT SCHUYLER COLFAX iwatroExTiir, EVECTOES AT LAUGL. G. 'MORRISON COATES. of Philadelphia. THOS. Vii. MARSHALL, of Pittsburgh. „ilisfrtst. !District. • W. BARNirs, 113. SAMIYEL SNOW, - 2. W. J. PoLLocir, 14. 13. R. W noon sigmas a. RICHARD wlrrw, CGAS. H. MILLER, 4. O. W. HILL , I!. GEORGE W. ELDER* S. WATSON P. McGit.L, 12 JOHN STEWART, E. J. H. BRINGIGJUST, - 18 . A. G. OLusrEAD, 7. FRANK I;. HEATON, 19. JAmts SILL. Ti LaAAC'ECKEAT_, • H. C. JO H NSON; 9. MORRIS HOOPER, 21. J. R. EWING, 70. DAVID M. RAND, V.: Wu. Fazw, IL Wll. DAY/9.. Mg A. W. CILWWFORD s Xi. W. W , EXTCRIIK, 24: J. S. RirrAir. STATE TICKET. POE AUDITOR GENERAL OF PE NU. JOHN F. MAIETBAMFT. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL OF PEN , A J'ACOB'/2E. CAMPBELL. coiJwri-sr ericmc..v.r. 410 NORESS, DzsTaivr. JAMES S. NEOLEY. convinces, MID DISTRICT. TH031413 ,D DISTRICT. • • 'laved to the decision of the Conferees of the District. 3 'DISTRICT ATTORNEY. A. L. rzessoN. ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY. J. B. SLACK. STATE SENATE. --JAMES L. GRAHAM. GEORGE WILSON', 6EO. F. MORGAN, JAMES TAYLOR. Y. S. HUMPHREYS, saltuEL VLNCENT KEILRR. MLER, CONTROLLER. HENRY LAMBERT. coinussxorixa: JONATHAN NEELY. SURVEYOR. - H. L. McCULLY. OODNIT ROME Dzitscroit. J. G. MURRAY. :«: Headquarters Republican County 'Com!. ranee, City Hall, Market Street. Open, every day..' County Committee meets every Wednesday, at 2 1!,: M. Wz pang on the inside pages of this morning's Goznivs--kkeenui page: Poetry, Bphemeris, - Notiee from Nark Twain, Meet ing Qui/104 an • Etephant, A Grumble, Japanese HMV. Third and Birth pages: flooinmtial'and Ricer New. &41610 Page: Book NotiOw. GOLD cloned in New York yesterday at •147®147g.. R . . Rom Lime W.• BALL and Cox& FRArtant Jostken have formed a law partnershiliiit Ifarrisburg,Wheiraboth of them will hence iorward permanently reside. THE teleisphic reportsi are positive in stating thelow:mm.lm of several awes of . cholera in ifpw York yesterday. it is not; .however, believed that there exists any sub-' stantial ground for vprehandingtheappear-1 anoe of the liftesBB 118 an epidemic: Anomsat submerged railway train, hap s,: - plly without . fatal 'results, at the sainesadly historic Norwalk draw-bridge, proves that no suflicleit ,preatnthms have yet been de vised by thine corporations, for the protee- Zion of the lived, and property of citizens . , THE RestWail* of, lftnklln county' have instructedr Conferees to support Cali , . Jon]; Weracia for Assembly, 'Cur. W. P. DIXON for 4enate, and HON. JointCass l t NA for Congress. T Democrats have in-. atrneted for . C; [IL F. Wmoza for Assem bly, Ho ] . C. F. DuNcerir for Senate, and , How. F. M. Kimmsr;for Congress. IT Is SAID that Blain attached himsel4 like a leech, to the payty with l. Gen. ow.. at Fort Laramie two weeks Since, adhering to his old c4mmander at all the stations down the road and back to Chnaba,Ale was sbrew4enough to see that in that-may he could ,-sectire some, share of the - populai notice—and-helind'the cheek to do Tire H01t,'..E. - ,74: thAiiro*.ti earnestly into the canvass. Inadclitloa to his engagements to s.speakimhichmeatat& - iteretofore chionieled, he, isft lll QuileedPA address a and 'Co` iitac meeting aE Chicago omthe 12th inst.: City or County. Committee invltejim to address his old friends and neighbors vicinage ? ' ,-; the . Comstzsaimptn RoLtattp, of h Bevenue Bureau, stilt ketains 'his place, 11181040 ton being oonditiOned upon. the: , dpigna-, tion of a "suitable" name for the aticcis: aim. It Is to be. regretted. • that he has found it needful to retire. 'lt' Is also much .And generally regretted that exflov. Cox declined to necePi, the nunceellinct— -Doubts liave been expressed . = trrtheleOlty - oflthor conditional reslgnationi*dt; 4h - e, peculiar ...,upellhig the.Trisident to secure a" tieCAlP4V; o f:!,ha,ofq•se and Its pat toiolve the conceded thatat#:rris 1s fertmedin:4 , very stronApriF4sfifeAfrh hold Mr iodiiisort anoe is to A,:galcial;lll/0/3::ihB rumors whiff: -aiterryiyl7apAte4p At 4r . rsey General °lvid* Aldo of the lee pit ': n.' Iris opinion willspeak for hscitwhen f.;.:4'..:ste,_ 47.11;deire-t .torso 21 , 0 - estocige - _ • - 74) ' • -::',"=,-"411,..%-tifailWgilitrgivtlAtgvilirtu,eatgh4aet,k..,,-,- EMIMM ic)PFIE Republican Vigilance Committees are re minded that, while past experience teaches us that our opponents clearly intend to rely in October, in a great degree, upon their old game of forged naturalization papers, with mhich, by the aid of wholesale bribery and a murder or two, they contrived to fig ure up a small majority-for Sueuswoon last year, they are not expected to abandon entirely their previous mode of operations, in the frauddlent evasion of the laws of Congress. These old frauds were perpetra ted under two defective provisions of the statutes, the first of which authorizes the declaration of intention to be made before the Clerk, instead of in the Court itself, and the second authorizes the final papers to be issued without that previous declaration, if the applicant came in before the end of his eighteenth year, and remained for five years consecutively, intending three years of these five to become a citizen. Under this clause, no witnesses are required except. as to this last intention, and that the applicant is ;a moral and well disposed citizen. It is on these points that our friends will do well towatek the. opposition. Look out sharp -for forged certificates from Clerks, and for all cases of applicants claiming to have ar rived before their majority, and when you see one or-two men constantly relied npon' as standing witnesses to the identity of a large number of applicants, you will be very apt, on investigation, to find something wrong. Let our friends bear this caution inmindi The Chicago papers print a "report of progress" from a Commission appointed some tilde duce to investigate the "cattle- clisea*" then and since prevailing among the marreatock of Dllnols. The Republi can surnmarizes the report as follows: I.Themalady follows the track of Texan cattle, and le not found elesewhere—is not a plague or epizootic. 2. _ • The Texan eattle which commenicatethe disease ant tmenuielyes healthy. Native nettle Offierted with .014 disease do not communicate it to other native tattle. , 4. There Ii not ties all land danger of evil from drinking the milk• e f-a d cow, and Prof. Clam the says be should have no scruples In eating the gash.. These animals are not, be says, poisoned by any specific virus calculated to do injury to man or animals. 5 The disease is els seed In Europe as among the formsm of fevers which- originate Fpontaneouely whet e there Is sufficient heat or ill.drained retentive a. Texas cattle imported here from the 16th of September to the 16th of April Induce no disease. . We do not learn much that is new from this verbal report and these opinions of Prof. Uamgee. True, it Is a report Of pear ess. The Commission has again returned to its researches, Prof. Ciamgee nourgoes as the agent of 4he Department*of Agri culture of the United States: having received a •special commission from Hon. Horace Capron. Com missioner of Agriculture, to investigate this disease. The Illinois:State Agricultural Society has also ap pointed a Commission with the same object. So if light is to be bad concerning the origin and nature of the disease: we are likely to get it. -- • Mr. Richardson, another memberof th ch a rmision. believes the disease to be of such acter that when a complete knowledee is - had, his .classof (Texas) st. ck can be handled with perfect safety tinder proper inanagcluent and regulations. 'Rut he advi,es the 'sdopt on of - measures to keep these Texan cattle Isolated from all other stock, end taeerie moving them foram Dram:lnt, though he has - tittle doubt - that ail the injury that can be done by 41tniost of thembas already. been .done,:, 4—; Ttie Chicagolouriuds unite in hesitating to-accept the assurances -of the perfeCt 'enfety i •filth which the milk - Orilesh of the affected stock maybe partelien of. _They also renew their - dernina for enforcement the 'Stale : law against dealing in the , Texas or tjte ,native infected stock. l 4W-;iiii 'stock ivllckhlis. died in • euraast - Liberty. yards Wita.ef the latter description, and brought , from'lllinois Inquqy is suggested as tor_lke liability under the — statute of the Osiers who have - shipped it: froni that State 'hi - Tun telegraph and malls multiply `"daily, 'and, with daily 4 increasing - minuteness the reports'of putragaand murder which attest the, fructification Of the rebel Democratic 1 4.010 ts to overawe and, if need be, to e]aerrni ,nateili Union sentiment among the Southern people The principles of SIMMOUR and irtierpreted• by the rebel • delegates who framOd them. into the Democratic plat form, are bearing theitnatural fruit all over the South..i Fron!lielti9lcy,Tenpe”,_3l l3 - i souri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and the ep0r.9.....9,14 border, we hiird the same 'story' of violonct.. Tke Democracy have entered l with fire:nd 'sword upon anottiei secession Vruilatl4 Already, the Goveznorarona State .juts appeati ; j for Federal Aid to enforce"th e, nittl atithoritielfot !other , States are about to Pres& dint heeitoetc 'i3ls hearl,;l9 sot #!t ,P. wever wholesomq Own of ofw lati.readoisibility may direct , him. Mr. t7au*z Air temporized; and per l illed tall by, his Vmidity,. but thexerptAlic9nt A iye Ingitned id challenge the Obligations of the Blain left , i> wow , %int decide flelitidon, is not ter oft GEN: CAiIL SeHURZ ME:. GAM:1811A A. GROW, Chairman of the. Republican State Comniittee, sends Word that Gen. Scutrnz will speak in- this City on the 24th of the present month, and not on- the 25th, as heretofore announced. THE TWENTY-FOURTH. DISTRICT. Yesterday the Republican Conferees for the Twenty-Fourth district of this State unanimously nominated Capt. Jos. BENTON DONLY as the successor of Mr. GEO. V. LANTRE.NOE. - Mr. Donny was born in Mount Morris, -Greene county; and is about thirty years old. He comes of an old Democratic fami ly. His father served two years in the Leg isiattilre,. elected by Democrats. ; Young DONLY graduated at Washington Collfge in 1859. Shortly.afterward lko took up his residence in Illinois. In 1860 hb de posited his first vote, and it was for ABRA HAM Lnicctizi for. President.l In 1862 he entered as a private in till Eighty-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry, and served for three years in the Army Of the Cumber land, rising to the rank of Caption. After being muttered out of service, he entered the Albany Law School, graduating in 1866, when he returned to Mount Morris and commenced the practice of the legal profes oion. Ho was soon appointed 'Register in 'Bankruptcy, which office he now - holds. He is amen of excellent natural capacities, o' more than ordinary cativo abilities, and is withal a good er. The Re publicans of the Twe t - ourth District have made a fortunate s lection. They now owe, it to him, to themselves, and to the - cause, to - go earnestly to work and secure his triumphantoelection. NATURALIZATIONAUTION. THE C ITTLE, DpIEASE. 'SBURGRi;.,..:GAZE'rrE .:.,.:SATVADAT - ,..., AUGUST .I $.:•.1868 REHABILITATION OF AUSTRIA. At the close of the recent campaign -con ducted by Prussia against Austria, it was apparent to all careful observers of national growth and decay that the latter power had in fact ceased 'to be Germanic," and would soon betray consciousness of the change that had come over its condition by adapt ing its policy to its altered fortunes. In the true/Sense, no longer Germanic, the only hopeful course open to it was to become Slavonic, and strive to build up a homo geneous and powerful monarchy by consol idating what might ultimately remain of the old provinces, arid seeking compensations for past and prospective losses of territory and population by acquisitions extending. in the easterly direction. The lapse of a few months sufficed to show that the Austrian Emperor and Cabinet com prehended the situation and were deter mined to make the best of it that they could. Then came that series of measures, dictated by the exigencies of the ease, which aroused the displeasure of the Pope and received his 'formal condemnation. That Austria should fall under Papal malediction was in itself suggestive of great changes in the condition and sentiments of the monarchy ; but that the censures of Rome should produce no backward movement, but rather quicken the changes pteviously begun, afforded conclu sive evidence that Catholicism was not the religion of the hulk of the people remaining under the Austrian sceptic, nor of the peo ple whom it was resolved to bring under its sway. In consequence of these general consid erations the announcement, made a few days azo, that Austria had disappeared from the map of Europe, and that anew Austro- Hungarian Empire had appeared thereon, created no surprise. The shado* of the event ran so far before it as to prepare pub lic expectation for its coming. During the present week a 'public meet ing was held in Vienna, at which speeches were made and resolutions passed, deploring the practical exclusion of the German prov . 7 inces of the Austrian Empire from their he• reditary relations with the Fatherland. But to arrive at the real meaning of this demon stration_ it is .requisite to understand that those, who participated in the proceedings were avowdd Democrats, and neeP.nrily confined their declarations within the limits prescribed by a sound discretion. What they had to be mindful of was the ne ce:ssity of not exposing theniselves to pros ecution for incivism. No student of history has for a moment entertained the thought that the German provinces of Austria could be permanently sundered from their natural connection, and incorporated into a nationality pre-end nently Slavonic. An effort to that end may succeed for a brief period, until circum stances arise favorable to a change of politi cal relations; when the change will be sure to occur. The public meeting already mentioned may, therefore, be regarded as symptomatic of the feeling generally prevailing through out the German provinces of• Austria. The masses of the poPulatron.OT these provinces do not mean to tm absorbed by a Slavonic iationality, having principles, instincts and tendencies in which they do not partake, and having a destiny to run, if it shall run at all, which is alien to their ambition. Nor do we regard this, or any like mani festations of discontent among the German subjects of. Adstria, as prejudicial to that monarchy. As it has in reality ceased to be a German power, the sooner it relinquishes all semblance thereto the better for itself, and for the peace and progress of Europe. —lt may as well be stated in this conned. tion that the Pope seems to recede from his position on the Austrian question. Baum Vox Buser's prompt reply that he was go ing beyond his sphere In meddling with Ans- Affairs, met with applause all over the world. Pitts IX, it Is now affirmed by the Memorial Diplomatique, ispreparing a mem- Orandum to the 'effect that he only meant that the recent laws in violation of the Con- cordat were oppngnant to the Catholic dog ma/3, and not at all to arrogate•the right to interfere in the affairs Of that State. .This would be a great stride in the right direction. Nobody objects to the Pope giving his opin ion as to what does or does not comport with the dogmas of his church. His med- ding .in the political affairs of nations is a very different matter. If the Pope shall indeed issue such 'a memorandum it may well be taken as the most substantial tri. =ph yet achieved by "reason" over "an- thority." Tan Charleston Mercury says Private advices from our most Otrenous friends at the North, request that we should protest against the hnprudent ex pre.sious - that nave escaped some !Southern speakers duce the adjournment of the _National Democratic 1 onventlon. It is repre sented to us that great Injury is accruing to the cause trout such imprudence. We, thew:lore. shall make no apologies for nt.king the attention of our public speakers to the fact. What we want just now l is to . i , win. Le t t its keeps at i r t .p w owd i v e r i to n r o th i a n t purpose. Too much rer pyrotechnics s next This warning reached\ the South too late. The leading men and journals, before the admonition.airived, bad let 9ff all ,they felt. and proposed: But, mark I it is not said that ,liorthern Democratidleaders are, in point of fast; posed to the opinions they wopld abate; only that they think the promnigation of them, just now, to'be injudicious. This caution, sent SotithWard, doubtless explains why Mr. Siniotin's letter of ac ceptance was keyed on a much moremoder ate note than Mr..BLazu'a. The people had taken alarm; and it 'Was resolved, as a Piece of strategy,not to shock theM cartheF- until , atter the election Tan New 'York' Journal = of fore-shadows what many conseryatlN:e D 9 347, omits intend to de, as follows : We smelted . a platform ;uponp *brew: ?evert thollgiltitil MAU, evcry good citizen of whatever. PartY. could h avegilse4hinisellf wiaumtreproach. tied the July Convention adopted this ita Its main features. and passing by all party backs and ultra demagogues, nominated on atttsuue rams presented. ' a nod conservative expecrais, _whose na o : l _,U e brought up nqbilt , m Jl emories; nod stigitliated.n o 6.0 ": M elon to former party feud% the ticket Avoubultave been elected by -0 oversbelming majority., To ibis end we contributed what we could, but nut being In' the counells of either partywe hat no control of Abe petty machinet7 whiclitho wire* argil:4 4 / a q manipulated. sad our efforts were, un..uccessfut. • "- • .• We shall nut be surplt•S "' elf l it ,proportion of those who a cleat!), rrtrainfrom v should b' of itielf beytmet,ail nmmer, precedent,. • • - - -tt - angtft nii.oo , nee* -far other. .wlOO , O , the 7 bad been virtue and decision enongli &doer 'mos avid WO directly reWolbablVfOrtiffliP action Of Um °invention. The National Camp Meeting at Man helm, near Lancaster, Pa., was a remarka ble one in many respects. We group a few items taken from a communication of nearly three columns in the Pittsburgh Chrie flan Advocate, describing this meeting. The . regular ' congregation numbered from three to five thousand, and on Sabbath morning, when Bishop Simpson preached, tl4.re were not less than twenty thousand people present Over three hun dredd fifty Methodist ministers were on the ground at different times during thp meeting—thirty-one belonging to a sister denomination. Presbyterians, Lutherans and Quakers bore testimony to the higher life of faith. • There were also many emi nentit( female ahorers from different parts of the country Several of these "elect ladies" spoke at the Experience meetings with thril ling effect. At the Experience meeting Sun day morning four hundred and eighty spoke in eighty minutes. These testimonies were laconic, 8 p and pointed. Some of them hai in the folloi ing words : "I am wholly and sweetly sav d." "My way is clear." "I stand compl to in Christ." "I live by faith in the Son o God." "Jesus Is my all suffi cientll Saviou " "I have confessed, and he does cleanse." "My hallowed Lord bath wrought a pe, feet cure." "I have been in the pool." " have full redemption." "I enjoy a clear witnesathat I am fully saved.". "I have unutterably glory in my heart" These are buta tithe of the testimonies. We give one more, One soul, with great beauty and sweetness, said : "A party of ladies agreed to be photographed in a group, and I was the center figure ; when the Picture was completed my image was blurred, and the reason assigned was that I did not stand still. Paul says, 'Be not moved away from the hope"of the Gospel.' 'That impels 'the blood of Jesus cleanses froni all sin.' There I stand, I dare not move." It his been ascertained that the total number of locations in the ministry of the. Methodist Episcopal Church, the past year, was seventy, and of deaths eighty-three; total loss from these sburcie, one hundred and fifty-three. The number of Ministers admitted on trial in the same time was six hundred and seventysix, making a net gain of five hundred and forty-three. ' The venerable Senior Bishop Morris, in a brief address at the Erie Conference, held last month at Warren, Ohio, in behalf of the Freedmen, 'narrated the following anec dote. ' A colored local preacher, in speaking in speaking of die Temptation, said: "Had Satan made me such offers, I should have said, 'Sall, I can't see it,' as, our bibbed Savior did. I should have said, 'Now, Mr. Satan, of you pleathe, advance free paces to de rear, and take yourself off. Forward, march!'" The Universe! (Catholic,) of Philadelphia, after announcing the confirmation of Gen eral Rosencrans as United States Minister to Mexico, jubilantly says: After a abort time we shall have Catholics enough lkith to send to the high places abroad and to place in the cw stately places at 11 Rev. Rowland • - i lk who resigned his place as colleague ' , with Dr. Miner, in School street, Boston, in consequence of the senior pastor's disapproval of his senti ments, and organized "The Fraternal As sociation of Universalists," is in trouble again. ' The more religion part of the flock desired to continue the communion service, which he complied in so far as to continue the custom once' a year in a novel way. The conservatives have just ivithdrawn, in chiding twenty-flve of the thirty-two Sun day School teachers, and organized what they call the "Goddard Society," in honor of Thomas A. Goddard, lately deceased. Open air preaching, under the-auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association,nt the Washington parade-ground, J: New York, was inaugurated some weeks ago. From the absence of any clerical titles, to the names of those who °Mein PA, we presume the matter is who* in the hands of laymen. At the fourth Sunday of the series, Mr. Richard Morse, Chairman of the Committee, opened the meeting with .a discourse upon the text, "As the heart pant eth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after God." Two other laymen followed with brief discourses. Praying and sing ing alternated with the discources. ' The Board of ,Directors of the Congrega tionalist. Church Educational Society made appropriations last year to two hundred and forty-four young men connected with twen ty-nine colleges and Theological sehools. The question 'pf assisting Hereafter young students in Presbyterian seminaries was discussed.' During- the financial year the Society assisted thirti-eight Congregation alists in Union Theological Seminary, New York city. it is expeeted'nehangeof policy will be made at no distai4 date. Our Southern breihren;4ven In religions movements, show-their' "cloven-feet," :to persons whom they . :denonilhate . Northern Radicals. At the late 2distouri State`San -dny School donvention, held at:-Palmyra, aboutthe locality 'Where cips.' Grantmid . Sherman Were shabbily treated recently; a Southern Metbodistminister called upon a protinent meinber of the - Convention to, know who was to be the President of the Cenvention, as the-action : of all the South ern people of Palmyra: ' world be governed by the choice of the personio fill.thatOth Mr: ttanard was named, a PiCiiiirierit North: ern Methodist hkinuto of at: rfoilifi.4n4 was chosen'Presidenr. l The Southern people rc! lnsed , to enter thalotise, , , on Entertainment 'Bona& with note s } `, froxii. `prow' who had promised tam4ml4. delegates informing him flud .119 de!%aJ, from St:touli/being Radicals an d Aboli7 there'eampini would be ofiVisive.' He must Uotr*Usad,their ;housq.utOilkl4.' erraturea = The OMETention' wasi held stud: was a decided success.; f 1 _ kahi),Oid tiehoul_rfesbyteTyof,Baltlmote, hive appointed a CoMmtlo3-!0.09,,•!4934- *miry - license to 'laymen,. to exercise their gifts ae preach er ; , Odp tlit Church tuA i fililyy t tl i oldit have !Qted to. arrip 13.Tutfurii.i!iirmayoul4 a r e ad c4C . otdei'linliter; publicly pro- =NE RELIGIO64 INTELLIGENCE. clainvand enforce the gospel," as they May have opportunity. One of the Representatives from South Carolina, Rev. Mr. Wittemore, was former ly a New England minister. He is one of the truest men and happily united Massa chusetts and Carolina in his blood and sta tion. The National Conference of Unitkitihns and Liberal Christiana will be held in New York city on the 6th, 7th and , Bth of Oc tober. Rev. John Marsh, D, D., the distinguish ed temperance advocate and editor of works of this character, died at Brooklyn, on Tuesday, the 4th inst. He was an earnest and devoted Christian minister. - The Northweetern Christian Advocate in speaking of the grand reception tenderedto Speaker Colfax at Chicago, en route for his homeat South , Bend, Indiana, says it was an ovation of which all Mr. Colfax's friends May well be*proud. But the chief animus, and the chiefest charm of the reception was the personal, live, deep respect and endur ing confidence evinced for the man who been, in ,the fear of God, true to his race and country. We heartily wish,-says the Advocate, that all public servants were as worthy as Mr. Colfax. Aside from all party questions, we believe him 'Worthy of any position within the people's gift. - • -fe The Deith of Father Spalding. • Our dispatches have already mentioned the fearful death of Father B. J. Spalding at Louisville. The Courier of that city gives the following additional particulars: It has been the custom of Father Spald ing to keep a gas-light, with a sliding tube, burning in his bed-room over night: It seems that at about one , o'clock yesterday morning fhe tube slipped down and came, in ,contact with the musquito bar. In a few moments the bed clothing caught, and when Father Spaldihg awoke, his night clothes were in flames. He managed to extinguish the fire on his person, but not till his flesh• was shockingly burned. In his terrible agony, he rushed ,into 'his bath-room ad joining, and bathed in, cold water, which. had the effect of intensifying his sufferings. Father Bonchet, hearing his groans, hag- ened to the room and found the,bed clothing burning rapidly. He at once 'threw them_ out of the window and chheckedl the fire. Father Spalding's night clothes were burnt nearly off him, and he was writhing in agony. He was wrapped in a sheet and medical aid promptly summoned, but before the arrival of the doctors he became frantic with pain, and a-second time immersed him ...self in the bath tub. On - the arrival of the physicians the proper remedies were applied for his relief, but to no purpose. He ling ered in great agony until.-six o'clock last evening, when death relieved him of his suffering. His resort to water no doubt caused the fatal result. TRH New York Tribune ,says: Assum. ing that the ten States recently unrepwsent ed in Congress have ti po . pulation of eight millions, that populatinn la politically dis,th, ded very nearly as follows: • White Rep 1,C03,030 -White Dem 3,500,0 M Colored do 3,:lak,Mo—Colored do noes Total 4,50,030 Total 3,750,009 Tag Elmira Garotte, the only Democratic daily paper in Chemung county, New York, declares that Horatio Seymour cannot and should not be elected, and accordingly runs up the Republican nominees. IS YOUR DISEASE RHEUMATISM! Many persons, supposing they are suffering from this disease, have applied Unaments, Plasters and other Rheumatic Remedies without obtaining any relief, when in fact the cans, of pain is - a derange ment of the Kidneys. These are small organs. but very Important, and anyobstruction or. Interference with its functions are Indicated by pain in the bast and loins, languor and weakness, dilliculty.in avoid ing and unnatural oolor of the urine. A Diuretic should t once be resorted to. DR. DAILGIEST'S Zduretic or Backache Patel Can be rolled on for these purposes: they have direct influence on the cells of the kidneys, assists nature in relieving them of any foreign particles,, and =dates • therek to a healthy' and vigorous ac. Uon Dr. Ekcrgent's Backache Pitts VontMn nothing injurious. being *unposed of en tirely vegetable remedies; they do not sicken nor gripe—on the contrary they act u a gentle tonic and restores tone to the system. They are recommended by all who who have tried them. • Price 50 Cents Per Sex. FOE SALE BY DRUODIBTS, Sole proprietor, GEORGE A. HELLY, Wholesale Druggist, 37 WOOD STREET, PITTSRDROH. THE BILIOUS SEASON. Seventy-five per cent. of the population of the United States are more or leas bilious at this season. The midsummer sun stirs up the bile as certainly as it evolves miasma from the stagnant pools. It is of the a most importance, therefore, to check the ten:. dency of the liver to diseased action' with that in comparable anti -billing speoIic—UoSTETTEIVS STOMACH BITTERS: Neglect the early !pip torus. and the chances are that, they will result in remitient fever, fever and ague. or. Jaundice. It Ls presumed teat nobody deliberately desires to risk an attack from any one of these. But carelessness may be as d'saStrous is temerity. Do not .peocras-' Unate. As health la the greatest' of earthly bless ings,. :t should, be ever4rational being a first care. Whoever chbetesto use. EIIISTETTERM BITTERS as A preventive sioirs may esest.;,o thebilious epidemic and endemics Which so geneeilly preysil toward the Moats of the heited term andin the fall month's: as. it net Octworth While to be forearnied when the means of defence are within the reach of ill? The BIT .. TERS are a' NATIONAL,B.E.ILEDY.' everywhere prpeurable, and endorsedisy tligintelilken of every' . class 'Read what leading members of the Osmium,: nit). clergyulea, :phisilelans, atithoni, issitesmeri, men et, science, artists,' traiseleri and dissingti Shed , soldiers, say about them: ? ilk ;lie eV wig* of 'these credentials Lire 'Chain a 'trial.: They will 'Da toned the very best iinti-billoiss medicine that' medern pharmacy has introduced. CUIUS OF FISTULA, Nrlrenn I Witte . to thank you ibr youfkind nese end seleinifc' management o; my disease, 4", ii . which I called to conlillt you come ti me in January ' u last. You will remember that d tiad'a complication of diseases, which lazily ended in a terrible ilatida,' Which I had Immo advised to Met alone," Mt ae, count. of a_ harassing congi4 which it, was tease& Might Austen it onmy lungs. ' I knew that the peen: lair m od e foftr e ati n lC dis tak*Tikp'Pli?e 11 1 11 bT cuttingoperation *6/A. 444:.1vf440' naturally throw the,diseasit.epon theitings or some, other vital organ, Onlacsxkoilt et;the4inildiraness of the cure and the 'tniirinite the which OliA. Mi 447PF 0 *on of sat to get rid Of imam P1;04114!t/IO?* 4 s t m l* glea,,Warlhotly that your 'nt.;.tieitt meal,tillaqinF' system : 4'i44:-014100044, to the gamma 'mat. mist" ' cure, it anything could, without cutdue,* which, Ilind it;dld;ane, I ion hoppi to report reyselit Well In every with sounder Ind; better iimilth than there had for rears. I 'wonl4 'sAso"add VIM the aPPli a MlAs' ' 1 C •youslide " were almost painless; mad tie* left me a* hew maw wintje.slis energies endsheer!? rebtorld T 0614 ' Vatter& DR.lromatival CONItUttATION row . 0001*DiszAsztt, tickattio plunormakor, Irons Ai MATO at* stud (i sot. Jose 17th, IMO. • air NOTIREE—n 44,, ng or sat e .n "'Wants," "Found," Itßoarding, ' 9 . dr., not CD. lading FO UR LINES sycktoili be inserted in this* oottnans once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; 6064 additiona/ /ins FIVE CENTS. WANTED --- SITUATIONS. . • T.E.D -8 I T UA TitliVr4-Ak young man who Las had several years' ex perience In the dry goods bUSill€6.4 would like to ob tain II atuatlon where he can make himself useful. Can give good reference. Addreci BOX IN GA ZETTE OFFICE. WANTEI)---HELP. WANT ED—BOY.—An intelli gent Boy. between 14 and 16 y ars of age. to acts s Assistant and Pupll to Blecbanleal En gineer, In an office where he wlii learn Mechanical Drawing Premium required. Address P. BECK ETT. Allegteny City. Pa. , WANTED—HONESTLY-To hire ten men at a salmi? of $l5O _per month ,, to sell the HOLLOW DASH ATMOS.VHERIC CHURN e m ployms:et an Egency business for men,, but will o man unless he is willing to work. a few days on a commission, or can otherwise fur nish satisfactory evidence of ability and-integrity. kmployment steady, J. C. - ,TILTON, 10X Et. Clalr street. ANTED—BOY.,--A youngman of steady habits, to learn the Grocery busi— ness. in a good store. One that will board with the family, and can give the beat of reference. Address (iittiCEE, Allegheny cur. WANTED -SA LES MEN.-Four or Ave good Salesmen. Article sells evert— wnere. In country and city Can make good wages. Apply at I.OXST. CLAIIt STREFIT,'Itoum 4. WANTED—HELP—At Employ ment 0111 , e. so.' 3 St. Clair Street, BOYS, GiRl.B and MEN; for different kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be toinplled on short notice. WANTED ---BOARDERS WANTED—BOARD E R.9—Pleas ant tarnished rooms to let, with boarding, atl67 THIRD STREET. - ANTED--BOARDERS,A tieman and wife, or two single gentionery Can accommodated with first class boarding at No. 18 WYLIE STILEET. ltoom is a front one, - on second floor, and opens out on balcony. • ANTED—B 0 A RDERS.---Gen— tlemen boarders can be accommodated Witt board and lodging at No. 25 FEURY ST. WANTED-AGENTS W ANTE D — AGENTS--For Na y T/ONAL CAMPAIGN C O LFAX, Stud Engravings ofGRAI4i. and COLFAX, with or with. out frames. Ono agent .took 60 orders In one dig, Also, National Campaign Blogra.phiesof both, lib , cents. Pins. Badges. Medals and Photos for Dens. °crate and Republicans. Agents make 100 per et: ,ample packag.es sent post-paid for *l. Send at. once and get the start. Address DSPEED & CO:. 37 Park Bow. N. F.. or Chicagoan. c&p. WWARTED--AGENTEI--Who can command a capital Of $l5 to sAo—who. really want to make m. ney—to sell by sample the- HOLLOW DASH A.TIIIOSPH&SIO CHURN. Notb— lug Hue it in use. J. C. TILTON, No. 103 i ST. CLAIR 81',. 3„rANTEDAGEIII7,--As MANG AGENT, a man'well acqtutintem with tee Queenaware and Glass business. _None' other need apply. Address P. o.. Lock `Box 187 . CommnnleatIona confidential. : • . WANTS • WARTED -TO MARRY.-A rew pe hie gentleman wants to marry-a - . Wealthy ;omit lady. Must positively be good look ing and active. Address A. 8., Allegheny, Pa. IWANTED--PARTNER,A Part ner that will devote 018 time to saleirind collections, and who can Invest Fifteen to Twenty- Ave Thousand Dollars. In an old established manu factory. Address K. with full name. at GAZEITIC Orvira. None need apply except an active b•sl nests man. capable to attend to busines r generally.;• ,TATINTED -- TO PITHCHASE-A if few ACRES OF LAND. Improved or smi- Improved, within seven miles of the city.. Price, from two to Ave thousand dollars. Address . W. 8., DISPATCH orrien. gluing location. WANTED—II u A R D.—A Young Lady, whose work will keep her about dur ing the day, dear* s board with a respectable private family, tau old couple preferred.) where there are no men. or other boarders. If possible. State ttrtua and address A. C. 11.. Pittsburgh Post Otlice. WANTED -0 F FIC E.—Wanted to rent, a small OFFICE, on the first floor, In a business part of the city. Address J. A. Waters OFFICE. WANTED -0 WNERS.—Parties having left wore to be TAYLOR,the fluid ture Repair Rooms of G. A. No. 13 Smithneld street, since the 10th of Aoril. are re quested to call for the same, or It will be dlspoaad of according to law. . WANTMD--PURCHASER—For an interest in an established business on Fifth street. Terms $5OO cash. $5OO in tourand $3OO in six months. Address 808 H, this office. FOR RENT. LET—HOUSE of 6 rooms on ar o Chatham street, by S. CIITHisERT ISOM, Smithfield street. O LET-.-LAFAYETTE HALL- Wth be to teat on SUNDA IS, alter rolddle of ueoet. MO LET—DWELLING--Contain- Ing hall and nine rooms. -at low rent of 6350 per annum. Located on Second street, near Grant., Enquire of A. E. PATTERSON. 78 erliikt street.. , IST in TO.LET--HOIISE.—A three-stoty BRICE HOME. Situated in a desirable street llegbeny City, together with furniture, will be rented on moderate terms.. For particulars address B. 8., Box B. GAZ BITE OFFICE. ; TO LET — IRESIDEUICE..—On* the .1. Commons, la the cleaMleat, beisithdest and most desirable part of Allegheny City, a three. story Brick Souse, with all modern improve ments, in first class order; large lot, with stable In rear. A part or the entire- famishment or the house, which Is new, will be sold If de-fired. Address, with full name, LUCE 111f.81813, Pitts." FOR SALE FOR SALE—A Beautiful Build.. ING LOT. containing 4 acres , with the_prlv tete of 6 acres, situated on Mount Rope, at Woods Bun Station ,P. Ft. W . - & C. IL, adjoining proper ty of Alex. Taylor, Wm. Nelson, Wm. Richardson and tab - re. This is one of the most commanding views in the vicinity or the two cities, and within a minutes , erty streetw, a o k af t h er s es a denc e o ß ßr d . A LE3TArb - TAY LOR, near the premises. jpOR SALE—GB lIINT MIL L.—A drat class Mill in .New Brighton, Beaver Co.. il. Four story Stone .111111, nve run 'of burrs. I spleildid water power. Will sell .part ..r ; whole, ors easy terms. „For Anther particulars apply to or ad dress CROFT A egimap,s, Real Estate . Agents , 139 Fourth streot. . . . FOR SALE---MARE.--One _Dark BROWN MARE. 15' hands ,h gentle. and can be drove by a child a..y place. _Warranted to.trot In 3:10 or ,eaa. To be seen At 153 WYLIEE, IiTREE r. VOR SALE - ANAGONS.--oike Ex . press WIAO/11; one g. horse peddler Wagon, eorered; . bee , 11 - borse lleugb - Wagon, L wlth barrel rack. •Apply to J-.IIN t)yr.R.; Jr.. leorner Ridge street and Allegheny avenue, . Allegheny. •j OR, conve tilent BRICK HULTSA -of our rooms, stone cellar and lot, On Peach suing, ,ta• sr Pride' street. Rouse Is new, and prlee only $l,lOO. Also. a ROUSE. on Forbes street.'for sate. Apply to WM. WILTON. earner of Pd.le sad Forbes street. - VOR SALE.:4IOIDE.—A. Aotable FramN lionte,\sultable for two famtlteli, with lot 40 by 135. feet-el tqated in laradductiskid, an be bougut for i1., 0 00--on.--balf von, balance in; slt and • yeb ra.. , with Interest. Inqul.e at, W. M. 110 Grant strabb. ar os NORMAN VIM. TON - , at Port Perry; L'OR SALE.-11011SES.--At HOW. Ltvaint AND BALE STABLY, one tine ILT • HOME tßsyn three DAPPLE GREY ROUSES: one LARGE DRAUGHT; three NLACK .R.ARES; two GRgy ,SESREE!.., .nstrz STREET, near Stoionsahela Douse. • Rohm% toottatt, and sold co commission. • rna;a SALE—LOT • IN -. BicHEES -no' half or 'whole of a- lul 60 feet b 7 L4O feet deep. situate on Mare near Second street: For particulars enquire W- 0. HULL,' lialPs'lltore, near'the de-: Keeepoett• or addreas JOLIKPIi FORSTTIIIe LOST. WHIM T_OST-4-DOG-S 3 .O9.REW,A. Ka r t- Lo,t, oOh eeaav np.rnlng. A nguat Amer white; B UL L ,th.'l3•lnehee h hur haph ' 44rk. sworn the bettom .41314)P/I ear- ililditligMerai to }ha awe ' A lirt" ,DOLLAR QBEBN BAUlCiefli be pail for higreetorn to JrAgEB , . PLEIItiNO. Orajtose. •o‘ A ' . llloll Anew. ger. f. Beth (old :Metal NAM. eittaburah,-- ~ . Tu %aspic:. ano tnoon a tlitkr, back and bash was 10 4C , 0et." . A . n 'OWI Mir sheet' Mater sian and castbant v. treat: , A liberal rewarcifilt be i.akt to the nAdetif 305}:t.,14 yle•4AZ.Ell9p4ilerlClL.'" ~:; _ - { REMbves IFV4TTLET as,. CO,. have mores to the hoilie fur.mPrlF ocatgeer ;11 sPen"e etieabeny,-- • • ••• • Us t• fsw itiogroe,km.i4L. [ Ar ia l VEDERA4 „it - (... sig,.l3/WEV.Vi Th. ll - 0 N 11160 - 000 to , it m , n , aV t: BIM& ion Bon a n d morige. Apply to or ,1 TT di 1"111GLIP,. No. 139 rou g h Rrns h • • • DI = MEd 1? ER