El II prrrssmtan , ONCE OF THE PITTBBUBOH GezirrrE, j THURSDAY, A.tignst 6, 1868. t There is not much change to note in our pioduce markets, but the leaning istoward arr improvement in trade. ylouris lim ited supply, at least the choice grades, and the market is firm with an advance in Il some grades. New Wheat is coming in fairly and prices are gradually drooping. Oats are in good detnand, and firm at full prices .with but light , receipts. Corn is qUiet and unchanged. We quote: ORAlN—There is a steady deinand for Wheat with sales of new at $2,00 to $2,10, for prime Red. Old Rye is in good de mand, and we now quote at $1,95 to .$1,50. • New Rye is quoted at $1,25. Old Oats are being sold at 82 to 83 on track and 84 to 85 .in store. ,New 'Oats are, quoted at all kinds of prices from 55 to 601 we heard of some contracts having been made at what is eon ' sidered equal to 62 or 63 delivered here. Corn is quiet and nominally unchanged at a‘ $1,05 to $1,16 for-mixed and prime Yellow. , v Barley is abbut as much of a myth as ever. We do not hear of any new crop having been bought as yet, and prices have not been -established. _ • ELOUR—The Flour market is quiet and unchanged; the-demand is still restricted to supplying the immediate wants of the • retail trade, though the feeling in red to v 3u• much • lower prices seems to have been checked somewhat for the . present. We continue to quote at $10,50 to $ll for S ring Wheat, $ll,OO to $12.00 for Winter heat, and $l2 to $l3 for fancy brands. ' Rye Flour, 0,25 to $9,50. • • PROVISIONSS—Ikicon is unchanged at 133:a14c' for Shoulders; 16% to 18%c for Ribbed and Clear • Sides; and 2130 for Sugar Cured-Hams. Prime kettle render ed Mrd, 19%e. Mess Pork $22,00 to $30,00. . . Dried Beef 22c. • • LARD OIL—Is unchanged at $1,15 for - No.2,•and $1,40 for No. 1. • ' BUTTER—Is in steady demand with regular.sales at 33 to 35, for fair - to prime. • • EGGS-Prices are nominal, ranging fibril 10 to 20c per dozen as to quality. A choice article readily commands the latter figure. CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged at 13 to 14 for Western Reserve and Hamburg; 15 to 16 for Factory and 18 to 20 for Sweit , zer. • POTATOES—Continue , very dull, and unchanged at 43,00 per , bbl.' SALT=Is dull and nominally unchang ed 431,75 to $l,BO per bbl to the trade and 42,00 in a retail way. SERDS--•Thero his been no `arrivals of omicron Flax- Seed and the market - is nominal at s2,oo'per : bush. No demand apparently for- either Clover of Timothy - • - HAY--Is still quoted at 120 to $3O per %ton from country wagons, according to 41uslitY• - • . . • , New York Produee Market._ ray Telegraph to the - PlEsbcirgh Gazette- NWT:4;4CE; 'August 6.; . .LCotton heavy and . a shade lower; sales 80,000 bales at 29:329Mc for middling uplands. Fleur—Receipts 8,198 bbls;-flour 15a250 better,- with the advance chiefly upon lower and choice grades; sales 10,800 bbls at $7,75a8,50 for super State and western; $9,20a10,10 for extra State; $9,10a • 11,30 - for extra 'western; 111,35a13,70 for - . white wheat extrat..59,40a13.75 for Round • Hoop43hlo; 1.1a12 for extra St. Louis; $12,50 ' . 14,50 foroofl to ' choice do., olosing steady; Californiau firmer; sales 800 sacks at sllal3. , Rye flour firmer;sales 250 bbls at $8,25a10,60. Corn meal quiet and firmer; • sales 206 -) city at 45,25.- Whiskey firmer: sales of 50 bbls in bond at 65c. 'Wheat: receipts of 4,122 bash, and Sabo better, and a fair mill ing speculation demantl; sales of 42,000 bush at $2,10 straight for No. 2 spring, and .42,17 tor No. 1 do, V.,15 for Nos. 1 and 2 do • • . mixed; $2,50 for choice amber Michigan, $2,50a2,76 for white Canada. Rye . scarce and firmer. Barley nominal. Barley 'malt in fair request; sales of 700 bush _at :—52,20. Corn: receipts 137,574 bush, and •firmer and closed quiet with a • • ;drooping, tendency; •sales of 88,000 bush .1/14!.1 $1,10a1,18 for unsoundt. $1,19a1,21 for • undiaixed western afloat; $1,26 for white • Western. 'Oats; receipts, 60,652. bush; the ,' tharket is more active and firm, but. closing Viet; sales, 89,0011 busk at 823{,a83c for western in store;. 81a84c, afloat, and 83y,,c x) arrive. Rye' dulL Coffee quiet and ',needy. Seger firm, with "sales 700 bhds Juba at 11y,a1.2c. Molasses dull. Hops inlet Petroleum ,rrim ,at 17K,a180 for :ride: '34 1 6 for refined bond. Freights to . ;iiverpool s notaligally-unt.hangeti. • LaTF.si•...,-Flotir closed a shade firmer for •: ow grades and quiet and steady for others. ;. .'iTheatAulet bad ...very firm, at $2,10a2, - 2 .' Or No.. 2 and .12,16a2,18 for No. 1 spring; tinter wheat, white' and 'red, very scarce , nd advancing, Rya scarce and firm st • 1,60a1,10. - Oats dull, at 82%c in store and 2141183%c afloat. Corti dull and heavy, at '1,99a1,16: for unsound and $1,17a1,19• for )und new mixed western afloat. Pork ;'. 'ery quiet,•at - $28,80 cash for mess. , Beef pminally unchanged; -;Cut Meate steady. :soon very firm, with only a very limited 2poly offering. Lard firm, at 18',Va19 1 8 c • r fair UP. prime steam. Eggs Steady at . • )8. St.. Louis Market. r Tebegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l . Louis, August 0. - :` Tobacco steady, m and in good demand at unchanged Cotton—nothing (tang. In Hemp . yers and sellers are apart, sales of prime choice undressed at 151,55a1,65. Flour f 1 ady and in , demand for - family - brands; es super at ra7,25; extra at 157,50a7,75; able extra at .$8,75a8,50; fancy new and . at 1111;25a13. Wheat - stiff, for choice ; sales red and white att12,354,40; prime strictly piime at $2,10a2,15; choice spring f1,63a1,65. - Corn buoyant and ' prices her; mixed at' 84a85c; mixed , hite and its at . 88a89c; Choice white' it .91a93c. opened active and high, but cloned °as at 4747 for common to choice. Bice active. 0a1,15. Provisions higher and_excited. rk is held 'at 30c, and small lots were :d at that.. Bulk Meats: -sales of 100;000 1 loosii 'dry salted .ShOuldere at lYs.- ' con: early sales were. made at ' 13c . for Ty shoulderdi and 17e for 'clear sides, btt't ore the close y.a%c advance was real. , 4. Litidlilidid higher 'at 183419 d for Dice tierce, '_ . Whiakey firm - at ;1,811. Live tk i. . : demand moderate and prices easy; ~ eto choice bee arc held 44'530634c Sheigand lambs are lif fair supply; .. of fair choice mheep at ' 0• 50 01 00 , ; lambs at 11;50a1,55 per head. Receipts,. : .?r, 3,289 bbis; wheat 33,280 . ' bush ; earn, .08 bush; Oats, 27;36 0 , rye, 1,801. 5E23 • • . . ',telex:l9 ) h to the Putoborit ettisA • __ .., • mottna , rl;- 'Anvil, .0;-1-,N1our is ttn ;egad. Wheat irregular; no old in Mar ; new.'sellingFaccording Ito quality': by plc at $1,75a1,95. Corn firmer; ear, 02a shelled, 95a9613. - Bye advanced to • ;1,27. ley in - demand -at f 2,10. Cotton de ed to 2934 e, and demand light and local. ~eatto unchanged and quiet. , Whiskey An. at65C; in bond. Mew Tork saleable A 75; best is, held firmly' at .412 V. Bulk :ta turner; shoulders, sides, 14y 4 c. mgliTell:olietirders; LS 0, Jeletti, rib, 5, lekaltiM, and clear; cc Aftere,is a orderdemand for shoulderslrhiell are supply. „land ;held, l finnl,y •at 190. past; ISKo is the best rate Satz isteady at Wanks_ for:frail"' ' Eggs ile.l" d to Ma o - Hak,'-veryt . dtilt, the sUpply , ledingr the demeng;at /12 to 115 vertml ' rdinitii 44'4_ ..V '4', use -011 steady. 11,05. Peirulsain, • 115145 et 'for • refine I, 148Winrying.' IdonerwutrXet-easY P e r cent. :- ..vg s . x. v 4.17, .-,!. c 1 • -'l l lllWazdt6aZ i ket. •••. , , . e.'eleirrfpberttp (mum., ,• ' mrstriEnii,A' n ti a *.el.citiiqiifet but and prieern Wheat arm at' for No 1, and 11,9 VW:No, Oats at 70e for,l4To- 2. • -01 a -Corn steady at ar Nod& (Stothedlitl44soobblitifonw2ooo 02 . 000 :hnsh-,oatB,l l ,l3hipnlento7-.. bble,llooo bfth' wheat, 400 - bash oats, bush corn. . Financial Matters In Tort. Gold Closed at 149. CST Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garette.l NEVLYOrtfr; August 6, 1866 motiricr AND tIOLD Money easy at 3@y4 pets cent. on call. Sterling dull and unchanged. Gold active with 'wide and, frequent fluctuation, open ing. at 149 %,,w - lvanced to 150, when under heavy, realizations the price fell to 148 M, again advancing to 14934 and closing at 149, Loans were made at 2©4;•4 per cent.- for carrying and flat to 1-16 for tiorrowing,which shows a growing scarcity of cash gold. Ex ports to-day $1,200: ' • GOVERICtIre.NTS Are firmer, under a good investment de mand; but the market closed heavy. Cou pons of 1881, 116@l16X; do. 'B2, 1 / 4 %@ 114 x;: I do. '64, 11031,@111; d0.'65,112%@ ®10 0 9; ' i do. new, 108,6@l0%; do. '67, 108 K ®lo9i ',do. 7 68, 108g©109; do 10-40 s, -109 y, IO9X. There is a disposition to sell 10-40 s and buy new issues of 5 20s, there being a profit.n tho exchange of NAper cent. State bonds are steady, except Tennessee, which islower. Missouri's, 95X; old Ten nessee, 64,14; new do., 03X; old North Caro lina, 72X; new do., 71X; old Virginia, 5434; new do., 55%. RAILWAY 88/kRES The Railway market opened strong; Erie sold up to 62%, but soon fell off to 30, the whole market sympathizing; Erie again - rose in the afternoon to 613,x, and fell to 60X, at the close. The balance of the market cut loose from Erie to a great extant, and closed steady. 5:30 Paiora—Canton, 47%@49; Cumber land. 30©35; W., F. & Co. Express, 26%® 27%; American, 44; Adams, 5231,©53; United States, 4534@46; 'Merchants Union,, 24; Quicksilver, 223,®23; Mariposa preferred, 8%®9; Pacific Mail, 100%@100%; Atlantic Mail, 25a28; Western Union Tele graph, 34%igi34X; New York Central, 131%®132%; Erie, 6O@80%; Erie prefer red, 723.;®75; Httdson, "1376137%; Har lem, 125; Reading, 93%®93%; Ohio and Mississippi Certificates, ;30 @SOX; Wabash, 51,‘©513i; Terre Haute, 43%@)4435; do pre ferred, 68; St. Patil„ 76(4)78%; do preferred, 83 ®83%; Michigan Central, 120; Michigan Southern; 86,0186%; Illinois Central, 148 ®151; Pittsburgh; ea 9 %;' Toledo, 102% ®,102, ; ;; -Rock Island, 112(4112%; North. western, 82%4582%; do preferred, 84g® 84%; Fort Wayne, 109%®110; Hartford and Erie, 2035®20%;: Columbus, 86%. •• MINING SHARES. Mining shares dull. _ , • TREAMMIC MATTER% Iteceipts at the Sub-Treasury; 112,325 9 ;347; payments, 12,359,157; balanCe, F 8,54,8.791. New York Dry Goods Market. [Sr Telegraph to the Pittsbursch gazette. , New* Yonic, August 6.--The rapid ad vance in gold during the week has a ten dency to impart a buoyant tone to the mar ket for all imported fabrics, but its, effect is not yet seemingly felt, as the demand is not active enough among the jobbing trade. There, is a good business among commis /AM) men, however, in heavy and -fancy. Woolens - adapted to the season. Shawls, balmorals, flannels, blankets, black and colored in pairs, and all goodil of this class are in good enough request, and prices are sufficiently low to impart confidence. Ray's woolen shawls, for instance, which sold at 350 gold before the war, are now selling at 375 currency with larger -discounts. The results isa great rush for these goods, which are likely to advance. In cotton goods there his not much dbing, and singular to relate the market for the _raw material is weak, notwithstanding rise in gold, but as goods are not abundant and cloth is rela atively low, there is little or no room for reduction, whereas a more animated de mand would be likely to lead to an advance in prices. Chicago Mark;t: I By TeAegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.) CHICAGO, August 6.—Flour is in good demand and firm and steady at 58,80a12,00 for spring extras. Wheat quiet and un changed; sales at 111,81a1,82 for new, and $1,87a1,138T0r old; 111,82 for spring; closing at 51,82; no change since noon hoard. Oirn fairly active and lalMo higher; sales of No 1 at 99f ctisl; No '2 at 98y,i199e . andrejected at 94c; closing quiet at 213a94 3 for No 1; no change this afternoon. Oats quiet and unsettled and 2e lower; sales at 54a59c for new; closing at 58a; sales at 523015341 sellers for the Month. Rye quiet at 11,342'1,36 for No 1, and $1,30a1,32;4 for. No 2. Barlo neglected and•nominal. IlighwineVirtner: sales of bonded at 6.5 c: Provisions quiet and less firm. Messpork held at 529,50 at opening; closing at VA Lard, 18Xa1814c. Freights more active; 4c on corn to Buffa lo. Receipts-4,975 bbls Soar. 18.331 bush wheat. 107,740 bush cora 57,241 bus oats. 5,879 hogs. Shipments 2 s,396 bbls flour, 9,192 bush wheat, 145,479 bush corn, 40,872 bush 0at5,"8,225 hogs. Toledo Market: By Telegraph to the ilttabargh Gazette.] . - To,Larso. August 6.—Reeeipts-1,470 bbls 'flour ' 26,091 bus wheat, 15,375 bus corn 4,200 bus oats, 360 bus rye.' Shipments -1 3,450 bbbs flour, 10,600 bus wheat,sl9,6sB bus corn, 900 bus oats. Flour quiet , and tends downward. Wheat; <Michigan opened at $ 2 ,373,, and closed at $2,20; amber opened at $2,20, and closed at 12,15, with $2,10 bid; amber Illinois, 12,30; No. 1 red, $2,18; No. 2 spring, $1,75; amber,. seller August, $2,02a 2,05. Corn steady and in fair inquiry; No. 1, $1,05, and to arrive. $1,04. Oats to lower; No. 1. 65e; seller. August, 570. Rye; seller ten days, $1,30. Barley; seller August, $1,27. Freights, 30 to Buffalo, and (Ne to Oswego. Louisville Market. B r y Telegraph to the Pittatraifih Chuette.] LouraviLLE, August 6.—Tobaceo firm; dalesof 65 hhda lugs •to'fidr leaf at $7,76a 16,50; wrappers $31,25. ' Flour $6,25a0,50. Wheat; red $1,90a1,92. Corn 95a. .pats 45a 50a.. ::Rye $1,20. b less $29. 'Lard 18X al9w Bacon; Shoulders 13341350; - blear Shies • 173fe; clear rib °Sides 17e. Bulk Shoulders Inie; clear Sides 1G e. Whisky; raw, free 51;16a1,20. Phlladelphia'Market. . . (By Telegr aph to the' Pittsb!tr t O Gigette. PimaimivrsiA; Atigiait' :firm; - crude In bulk 16y,al80; refined bond ed 300.34%c. Flour, kdell:l.Wheat _quiet; red $2,40a2,50; white Michigan V 2,65. Rye 80.- Corn unsettled; mixed ,westertr 1,22; ye lof t 1i1,24a1,25. -Oats advancing. -Pro ylidons s firm and .advancing. Was Pork r.29,74a30100. .11dethphls. Market. • (Br Tel4lltreph to the rittotrur[h °matte.] ' Idasulus t August B.—Cotton quiet and: but little offering: receipts, bale;; exporA, 5 bales. Flour qtdet, with super at f7a 7,50.. Wheat at 12,40: Corn at Wane. Oats at!:s7o. Hay. at VO„, Bran 'at tg22. Corn Metahtat 114 1 ,65. rork atie o ".l l .ard 1 1 $, nark , Dawn arm, with shoulders st Asx; clear aides at 175‘al8e: „EBElreleitrsph to the ntedimb eazettei • ,8.0,,t1r1X9.146..Ar 8.-11 1 1 our very Arai reautlvAohagged. - , heut i firru; tulles , prime , itt,145a2,85. rn, yellow, , $1.35. Bye iu=good !dinutud : it , Bl,4l;so. ' - lorciinti' firm and *dive.% Mss Pork 80. Bacon,. rib aldee _l73i aboublorit 14 %1 barn.; 22422 *- , f;dtrA 48 3‘0• 1 ?” . • C, - 11Pititoft '4lr#6l. - - By Telegraph . 40,,tbp p7 DETROIT l our ! Inwood dO.; 'nand 4A ( Rawrgi,br.twhit=o *beat' r, tk,4401,..„vi4 receipts ,W act 141,\ but uutlftolkjiaei.lr.gn_goti , hi:* 85 to 40. of ogdm weakeeLjap, a whiter , So./ attar, PIM STOOKS. " Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT. TOM, arid are sepertor to any baked by hot air ov any other process. . • , Alla SUPERIOR TO ANY - MERE' eV/Will:DlN T HIS (T/Tlr • . - ..• 'Weir 13 -I°SI TIETe - 13°D flg .°Bilkf t. PRECH ' leas: ac %47 l ' ancik g . :72 .B li ' . . For SalisbY Every Oroeer, in . the City. • ' neir4 lino . 91 Liberty St. C ASHINGTON WAEEINGTON Neu Pittabiggh Gllllll Mentor W. W. A.DATI)P.B,BO/414 . . . . Manntsetnier of COGN kniAL . 11Tla FLOUR luid CHOPPEDIMED,, tillers deitcerett itteither tilts free of obsrge.'. Gr a in of all Inas 'ollopped,"a Corn shelled. an abort notice. , , .'. . . .. •z • 01111011 Or OITIF 42110INXIS AND 13IIIITCYggVi A rlitiburgb , . ASUIFIIt 1L065, ,1 N °7l c? l g . * , I !I'HZ AinZ31111324 1 1! gyros iTHIC `!Nicolson :Pavement!' on Fifth at Is dor: reed' y tar examination, and can be seen at adscade.tkutP,-; r.- -)?: heri it er til_toelirehinted to - the, City"Trias deer 001geation, ' - I.,lslllsta bat:tit H. .11i-1001V ' b ir's.A. l *:#'7o4 - ,zEt..riri:;.: , .. - ,,.M:417 . ,'71."Vcr i T5T,, : .-,7,, -.186.8 Chicago Cattle Market. illy Telegraph to the Plttsbunti Gezette.3 CUIOAQO, August 6.---Beef mittle dull and nominal. Hogs active at Pa 8,50 for light; $8,73a9,25 for fair to medium; #9,351,010 for good' to choice smooth. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, Pr. WAYNE AND CHICAGO Ramtioan. August 5.-3 .cars pig iron, Nimick & Co; :6 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 2 do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 375 bbls high wines, Guckenheimer Bro;100 bbls flour, S. Lindsey Jr ' & Co; 1 Mid, 6 bbls,scrap iron, Singer, Nimick & .Co; 0 cars 'Wheat, Hitchcock, MeCreery & Co; - 2 cars staves, M P Adams; 3 bbls eggs, 2 bxs butter, H Lentz; 1 crate cucumbers,- I do _apples, 1 bbl, L J Blanchard; 2 bbls eggs, W J Steel & Bro; 12 sacks oats ' A M Barr; 100' bbls flour, 4 bbls eggs; 5.13 Floyd & ,Co; 6 kegs scrap 'iron Coalman, Rahm & C0;..1.1 bits glassware, ' Semple and Fryt' doz brooms, S J Knox; 34 sks wool, W Barker, Jr., & Co; 31 bales green hides, D H Ralston; 30 bits cheese, Haworth, lii'Dehald & Co; • 20 do, W H Kirkpatrick; 50 do, Woodworth & Co; 1 bx dry goods, Arbuthnot & Co; do. J Horn; 80 bits cheese, Arbuckles & Co; 20 do, Smith& Co; 25 do, J S Dilworth & Co; 30 do, Jenkins; 5 cases tobacco, J W Taylor; 1. keg red lead, A B Fahnestock & Co; 2 cars slap iron, Mullin & Maloney; 5 5 bag axes, J G &. raff Co; 2 bxs, glassware; . Cunningham & llmson; 2 bbls scrap iron, Jones & Laughlin, 8 kegs lard, H Rea, Jr., 24 bbls a pies, 1 keg apple butter, Voigt & a' Co; 4 b tobbacoo M Hyle; 5 cases 20 half has do, W 'Ljones; 1 car'corn, J W Simpson; 2 cars timber, R A Clark .& Co; 1 do, Nanz & Co; 100 , 11b1s flour, Seghmyer & Voskhmp: CLEVELAND AND Prrrsutrnort ROAD, August 6.-2 cars cOpper, Park, McCurdy do Co; 79 bbls do, T M Howe; 1 car lumber, Slack dr, Sholes; 1 car iron ore, Bryan' & Caughev; 3 cars do do, M'lCnight, Porter & Co; 7 cases ha's, 3 bits hardware, Vi r hitinore, Wolf & Co; 1 case hdls, Hays & Getty; 5 bdls hdls, J Martin; '1 case hdls, Hubbard. Bro. & Co; 7 bxs hardware, Lo gan,-Greggs & Co; 15 bxs washing powder, Banter, Winder & Co; 1 bbl paints,Spratt, Jones itCo; 101 bgs bones, F:W 0 Feld; 50 bbls carbon oil, J Spear; 96 sks oats, J W Simpsoff 4 sks onions, 5 do, potatoes, 10 bbls apples,l bbl eggs, 6 bbls water mel ons, Voight, Mahood & Co; 9 bbls potatoes, 14 do apples,Fetzer & Armstrong; 2 bbls scrap zinc, bbls old coppor, J Dunlap; 20 bas ba cheese, J J Pettit; 25 do , do, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 car scrap iron, Wm Mullins; 1 bbl cigars, Borland & Lupton; 1 bx mdse, Wm B Hays & Son; 1 car:pig iron, • Union Iron Mills; 60 empty oil bbls. C A Wormcastle; 90 do do, D B Moore X bbl butter Head & Medzger; ' 3 tubs cheese, Graff. .& Reiter; 4 bbls eggs, H Shindler; 2do do, Arbuck les & Co; 12 bedsteads, 4 dos' chaira; Fulton & Hopper- 2 cars fertalizer, Seward Jr. Campbelli ' 2s bbls vinegar, Grayburti & Shannon; 46 bxs cheese, N J Braden; 22 do do, Woodworth & Davidson; 2 kegs butter, 1 bbl eggs, N Harrison; 1 car stone, J L L Knox. - P/TTEIBURRH, eitioncraran AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, August 6.-1 car lumber. Ex- Coffin Mfg Co; 2do do, J Odell, 2do staves, M P Adams & Bro; 2 do do,. W Hastings; 1, car wheat, Hitchcock, Mc- Creary & Co; 50 bbls vinegar, Graff & Rei ter- 15 bbls flour, 60 sks do, G Meyer; 49 slui oats, Robb & Herron; 1 car middlingi, Godfrey, Rice & Co; 24 tcs hams, J H Par ker; 80 empty bbls, Spencer & McKay; 400 aka flour, Seghmyer & Voskamp; 1 car staves, J Painter & Son; 184 blooms, Nim ick & Co; 7 cases Wine, Shipton &Wallace; 6do do, J A Weber; 1 car ear corn, Hitch cock, McCreery & o; 1 circular saw, Hub bard. & Bro; 6 bbls potatoes, Voigt, Ma hood & Co; 5 bbls broken glass, A & D H Chambers. ALLEGIYENY VALLEY R. R., August 6. DM Edgerton, 80 bbls carben oil; H Kook ier & Co; 1,040 do; Stella Oil Works, 240 do; McCreery & It, 480 do; H Koehler de Co, 480 do; 1 car p iron, McKnight, P & Co; 1 car fire brick, Star, Fire Jr Co; 3 car rails, P C &St L RR; 67 aka oats, Scott & Gisal; 13 bbls refined oil, H Koehler t Co; 2 sacks wool, W Baker & Co; 6. lambs, 41 calve J Hoffman; 2 sks wool, Shipton & 1 bbl lard oil, Watt & Wilson; 4 crocks, 3 pga butter, Voigt Mahood lk Co; 11 kegs butter, Graff & Reiter; 26 sks rags, McCul lough S & Co; 1 car pig iron, Colemaa, Rahm & Co. ALLEGHENY STATION. August 6.-5 Cars wheat, R T Kennedy t Bro; 10 boxes soap, Mercer & Robinson; 5 bbls flour, Stewart & Langenhelm; 12 do do, S C hicMasters; 8 cars lime stone, Superior, Iron Co; .2 bbla eggs, J Kohen & Bro; 2 cars metal, Graff, Bennett &Co; 10 bgs feed, J Kitchen; 40 do flour, Beclfffeld ,t Mehouso; 7 hides, J Lnakcarnp; 4 bbisapples, 3 do pears, Owens &Harper; 4 do do, John Herbert. Prnstitritatt awn Cormxtmavi tax RAILROAD. August &-1 bbl _eggs, Watt & Wilson; 13 rolls leather, Geo. 11 Anderson ; 300 sks new oats, Gay & Welsh; 8 cars tar bark. Lappe & Weise; 2 pkgs eggs, 1 sack rags, 'Sri:digt, Diahciod & Co; 42 bdls sheet Iron, W. F. Armstrong; 29 coils rope, Ful ton,Bollman & Co;28 oil bbls Arbuckles &Co. CRA.OIIIIIR BAKERIES SHEPHARD'S STEAM CRACKER BAKERY 817 Liberty Street. AP- TRY THEM. -1641 R N A 4 R ,,i;:.:„ ..,;_,, 1 ..?„.. ..,..:.....„7.,,,,,,,;,.,r„....e......k..`,0 ^ ' • • ktiji . , ' ' '''':'''' .1 '1 ORN_ ' 4,ityE, PLCIUR., eco. 7! I.Ta 1,1 1•11:,1:3,;;4*: ET SOAPS; of.iekif i li t n a ttar ir16_ 12 4 as the imam., deamm sad csloottpu , everywlliere. dealswir —The Evansville Journal, of Monday, says: The fine wharf boat of Hubbs, Patrick et Co., was sold at auction on t3dtur day, by Joseph P. Elliott, auctioneer, and was knocked down to Mr. H. H.'Urnble for E. W. Patrick, for $6,800, subject to a mechanics' lien of some $376. Mr. Patrick will continue the business. —The Cincinnati Enquirer of Wednesday says: There is an unusual ariay, of steatn ers at the wharf for Mir - season, announced for various points. -Au unusual 'degree of activity, however, was not obseivable, we are sorry to say. There is a good deal of freight for New Odeans, but shippers are holding back expecting a considerable re duction of rates in Consequenee of the rise in the river. —The Northwestern Union Packet Line, the Northwestern Line, and the Keokuk packets, have advanced rates' between St. Louis and Keokuk. Up stream, heavy freights, 1230 per 100 pounds; dr;. goods, 15c. Down stream, grain,- 12%0 per 100 pounds. pork 30c per barrel; flour and ap ples 25c. These rates go into effect on the sth, and will be uniform on all the boats of the various packet lines. NOTICE.—In Pursuance of an order of the District Court or Allegheny comity, made the 18th day of 4aly, 1887 , notice is hereby given to the late authorities of the several Districts of Pittsburgh, consolidated by Act of As sembly, approved April 6th, A. D. 1867, that the Report of Commissioners apoolnied by that Court to ascertain-the indebtedness, value the property, find the separate indebtedness of said districts, and Az a rate of special tax for the payment thereof, in compliance with the provisions of the before men tioned act, will, on the 'DAT OF Al/OUST. be confirmed absolutely, unless objection be made to Ihe rate of special tax fixed by said commission, and a decree made accordingly. • • JACOB U. WALTER, j=l:45T. Prothonotary. A DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE. —Whereas, Letters of AdmlnlstrAtion on rFTATE OF MAJOR E. HARDING, dee'd, have been granted to the stibseriber. all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same wllipresent them, duly authenticated for set tlementtol S. CUTHBERT, nsyZ:lls-it Na 85 Smithfield street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Limited Copartnership heretofere exiating between,. - the‘ undersigned, noder the name of BASIL L 4 CHALK, ' Is this Day Dissolved by Mutual Congeal. EMIL SCHALK, CAS.' LENN Pittsburgh and - Philadelphia ; ,-- Jul7l, A. D. 1868. NOTICE OF AP . POIXTMENT. !i the District Court of ihe United States, for the 'Westtrn District of rennsylrania. -In the matter of EMANUEL 411tEkti WALD, Bankrupt. 0 . .W110N IT ILAi The andersigned - hereby gives notice of his ap- Inletela la Aug/fate of ,EXANUEL GREEN WALD, of Allegheny City, In the county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsyliinia. : within said Ins trieL.who has been adjudges! a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the - District Court of said District: Dated at Pittsburgh, Pa., the 18th day of July, A. D. 1888. 1 7 17:im, r A t torn( y-st-Lair,' 'No. 87 irlttli street IN` -.THE DISTRI T COURT OF UNITED STATES, for the Western platrict of nnsylianic, • • ..rosi6re, A. CARLINI?. a Bankrupt under the Act.uf.Congress of March Ad. 1 004, haring applied for a •Dideba:rge from alibis debt.., and other claims provable under .said Act, by. order of the Court, noticelS hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, aisd other persons interested, to appear on the 4TH DAY OP:01CP fr..+2 ti it It. 1800., at 10 o'clock A. Mi. before, SAMUEL HARPER, Esq., Register, at - his (glace, No. 93 Diamond street. Pittsburgh, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why . * Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. H. C. MeCANDLEOB, 11 0 24:tlig-Ir 'Clerk of said Court. WESTE R N. DISTRI CT OF PENN SYLVANIA, as: I At Pittsburgh, the 815th day of June, A. D.lBOB. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment :IS ABiligtiee of . JOSEPH PRICOi KR, of Pitts burgh. in the County of Allegheny, Kate of Penn sylvania, within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt, upim his 'own petition, by the District Court of amid DlfitrACL. JOHN 11. BAILEY, Minis Je93:B9:r Attorney at Law, 89. ?Iran VirEST ESN DISTRICT OF, PENN - SYLVANIA, on: A Pitk.burgh, the 25th day of June, A. D. meetned hereby givea notice of-hia appoint.- 868. as Assignee of JAOOD O. IVOIPPIIitUP, of Pittaburgh, lu the County of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, withitt amid Platelet, *ho- has been adjudged a 'bankrupt upon his Own petition, by the Diatriat Court ofsald ' lgatelat. - JOHN, U. DAILEY . Aaalgnee, ' Jea:slo:7 Attorney at LILY; -SO- Grant,' street. OORDINANCE authorizing, the ! Curbing on Bank Lane. oIICTION 1.. Be it enarted 'by the Belect and'Ootn mon Councils .of the .CitY. of Alleßberif.:lnd it Is hereby'enacted by the utitherity df the same, That a wooden curbing shall bu eotratrdted on the aide of flank Lane (Bth ward. said city . )next the wharf, fur ,the purnoee of preytnitirir ring or' sliding 13.2.0. 2. All °Mit:tenors or parti of:ordinances con illgting heron Ith are hereby repealed. _ • Ordidned.aed enacted into a raw. this; the 23d day of July, A. D. 180e1. - • '-• . . JAMES - Tionitricn, Pre ellon i t i t i rdli i erze t t i V i c)" oil. Attest Preeldept,7pri) ~:o[ Common Council. P. MACritunorr Clerk of ' llit.wouret, iblerk.or Coleman Menet!. etiS . - 4N , ORDINANCE ehanglng. the name bt portion of L eheilleid atnat.. erios 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Se hsegsnd Common Council, or the Cli yot , a leghenr. and it is hereby • enacted by the authority of the same,That the portion or lilleMold- street lying be tween Allegheny avenue and Bidwell street, 1u the . 6 — , ward of said elty,-lt Ale re by •ehittlite4llo • 'Cab!. hell Urea t.,, •• 2. All erginanoes or parte of ordinances eon- Olcting herewith are nereby reef:l4lml. Ordained and enacted Into a hie- tide'the wad day; • • Pt, 4 1 0 , ♦ Pg • j'AVill'ldeßill'Eß,' • I.Prealdent or.lieleeKdeben. Ott' Kd!!161 Audits Freattlent, prq er.l.ind4rnde couneu; ; • un.woirru, (nett of Common Council. ids o,4 lBrA p te i c ti* video'A . - the Side kroCluittisla: AtrobtO +i• • J • t, f'irrnoitl.. no at drilatno4 epaoted.tirth, 8 ... ledttitsd'Cotlitnott otsublltur t d vity Atld,ls t, bumbroutct ut 11-404 authori ty orthe Mme...Thattbelihiruttid.runlavastre In' the lieteTlrsideltelf4l4Cili4el i 4 4 eauerr etuiu r ' i sltluatoodor,tatotP l n:c•ivtjosltlhert woe are re orarsa. • urdAined rai l taunted hat9ol, l llw thtt tk a •mu t , of July, 18t1w. . 74,1ar.4110 I: ,,,., l"''ra4iident of re e ) ry.; , rsf aucia htblim ,F ir t , . r„„ id oi t . "vials., tommolo.4fou Aswa n , 0, c,, , l' , 4 c ug i f.iii - 441 114, Lz i t. H. ant=m, r emut of uoskitt oo:it e l l it. ass 00. 0 6 RIVER IVENVS. The river continues to recede steadily at this point with four feet in the channel. The weather yesterday wag 'clear and pleas ant :and apparently settled. Business is again completely suspended at the main landing and is likely to remain so until there is anot er rise. There is enough of, water now or low water boats bit the great trouble lie in the fact that it is likely to run out befo e a boat could get • ready' and pick up a tri . , There are (rite anu eof towboats en route for this port wi h tows mainly, of empty barges. . —The Camelia and a Rees left Cincin nati for Pittsburgh on Tuesday evening. -The Oiendale Wananita and Peninah are laid up at St. Louis, and the J. N. Mc- Cullough at Cincinnati. , —A Helena dispatch ofMonday, says the Ackley arrived on l' the 28th. There is three• feet of water on Dauphin's shoals. Weather•cool. Receipts increasing. —The St. Paul Divaicsays the Caffray has dredged good chann Is on Pig's Eye, Gray loud, Beef Slough and other , bars, and sides pulled out o er 100 snags. • —A ' Louisville• telegram under date of Tuesday says: The Emma No. 3 arrived from N. 0., and is at the wharf discharging freight. he will probably leave during the night. When about 15 miles below New Albany, this morning, a negro by the 'mine of Robert Anderson, fell overboard and was drowned. ' LEGAL. BANKRUPT NOTICES. IN BANiRUPTCY, 14'o. 859 KIRKISB, Assignee, 0111 MiCkUCESO a P AN_ IMINAPPPE REGULATING .NIGHTS sge,,L B e it orciabm: and enacted by the Select and Common - ConacilB ortbe City , 1 Allegheny. and tt to h.reby enacted -by ataltority of_tae same. That, the Mayor he and Is t hereby empowered to apnoint some suitable person to 11 LTC Charge of *flat or boat, to be placed at somb convenient °cant along the tki leglleny or 0 1110'11-rem where all persons who .fol - the_ business of night soiling are reouired to deposit their filth, and no, perste* shall be allowed to deposit the contents of any pen without first procuring a permit from the Mayer, nor shall the same be deposl ed at any other place than that des ignated above. MEC. 2. it shall be the duty of the person baying charge of such boat or flat to keep the same clean. and entirely five front an y onensire 8r26111. and shall keep it at all times In suitable condition for use. SEC. S. It shall he.uniawfol for any one to itri,,r ftre with any person engaged in the Vastness of night soiling, or with tae person who shall have charge .if such flat or haat. SEC. 4. The amount to he paid for the said per mits *hail andd and regulated by the Committee on Pollee, shall be divided between tree person having charge of said boat, as said Committee shall agree upo n. SEC... Any person offending against the provis ions of this ordinance shall, on conviction before , the Mayor, forfeit and pay the sum of not less than five - nor more than twenty dollars. to be reettyered summarily, and any person engaged In the business of night soiling, who shall be twice convlcteu of violation of this ordinance. shill thereby forfeit the right to obtain a permit to follow such business. SEC. 6. Any citizen who shall feel Incommoded by having the said boat or flat placed near their residence or place of business, may make known the Bailie to the Committee .on Pollee, whose duty it shall be, In conjunction with the Mayor. to consider the complaint, and, If they deem advisable, to have the same placed where it will not likely cause any inconvenience. SEC. 7. Any ordinance or part of ordinance that may.conflict with the foregoing be and the saute' Is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the 23d day of July, IStib. JAMES McBRIES, President of Select Council. . UII4II3I4NEIL, Contmotetiouncil. D. Sia - cFsittiosr.'Clerk of Select Connell. It. DILWORTH. Clerk of Common Council: mil AN ORDINANCE to authorize the' Grading and Paving dt Isabella Court and Lindsay's alley. and for the grading of FOun tain street. SEC. I. Be it ordained and enacted by thi Select and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny, and it if hereby enacted .by the authority. of the same, That the Committee on Streets be and they are here by authorized and directed to Invite and receive pro posals for the Grading and Paving of Isabella Court and Lindsay's alley, and for the grading of Foun tain street, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or biddies, at their discretion. SEC. 2. That for the purpose of defraymg the cost and expenses of the said „Improvements, there be and is hereby levied a special tax, to he equally as sessed upon the several lots bounding and abutting upon said court, street and alley respectively. in pro portion to the feet front In them respectively com prised,' and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. Sac. 3. That as soon as the cost and i t sexpeei of said improvements shall be fully ascertained, shall be the ditty of the Street Commissioner to assess and!apportion the same among the several lots bound lug and abutting upon said court, street and said alley respectively. according to the rule above ands, and the same, a cc ord! the ng to the 'p reun proceed to make demand collectrovisions of the act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvahla, entitled "An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses of grading and paving of the streets and alleys of the City of Allegheny, and for other purposes , " passed the 30th of March ,_12.52. Sac. 4. That s u ps of any nanee as may con flict with or be ied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby reheated. Ordained ana enacted Into a law tills the 23d day of July, A. D. 1868. JAMES McBRIER. • PrSsldent of Select Council. HUGH Mon EIL, President, pro tem., of Common Council Attest: . D. 31.scrEnnom. Clerk of Select Council. R..Drumotent. Clerk of (Ammon. Council. auS • AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS.— SEC. 1. Be iY ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Council. of the City of Al Geoheny..and it is Siercbs, enacted:by the authority of the same, That nu Mgr. nor sign post, of any kind or descrip tion Whatsoever, ,hall be set or placed noun any foot way. Pavement. street or alley in said city, nor attached to any - bonding at a distance of less than nine feet above the pavement underneath, nor shall the same project from the w - 1.11 :of the building to which It belongs over the pavement a greater ins tance ;than three feet: provided, however, that a movable sign not over four feet in height can be set on that portion of the pavement allowed merchants and others for exposing their goods and.wares, be ing three.teet from line of lots: provided, however, that, in no instance shall more than one-fourth of the Width of any pavement or footwaik be so occu pied. SEC. 2. And every sign or sign pest thatibas been set or pl aced that violates the provisions hereof, is hereby declared a common nuisance, and shall t ire taken down and removed. SEC. 3. Every person Offending against the or this ordinance' hall, upon convictin. pro forfeitand nay the sum of live dollars, and costs o of removing the same. exc. 4. - All,ordinanees conflicting with this are hereby repealed. . Ordained and enacted into a law.this the 23d day of July, leg& • JAMES McßElalt, President of Select Council. HUGH McNEIL, President, pro tem., of-Common Cenral. Attest: . U. klAcrEnnox. Clerk of Select Connell. It. Di LIVOUTH, Clerk of Common Connell. sub A N ORDINANCE amending .SeC. XX. 6, Page 101. and uee. 52, Page 114, enti tled "Nuisance," in new City Code. Sac. I Be tt ordained and enacted by the &kat and Common COUIIIefLP of the City or A Iley.heny, and it ti hereby enacted by the authority of the aging. That no awning shall hereafter be erected in said city unless the tame Is nine feet above the pavement to the underside ofibe io. est point of any part of said awning, nor shall any post be set or planted for the purpose of fastening thereto any awning, unless the same shall be of iron, and not leas than nine feet in• ti. ight above the .pavement: the .rails, braces and rods composing any awning shall be of Iron, • and from the under side of any such rod. brace, rail or awning, at the lowest point thereof, there - shall be a distance of pot less than nine feet the, pavement underneath: the waning to be fastened sown with good and sufficient turd*. . • • - Su*. 2. Every person offending against this Ordi nance, or any provision thereof; shall, upon con viction, forfeit and pay the sum of dye dollars, and the costa of removing the same. _ •'' SEC 3. All ordinances , or parts thereof, contlict. log herewith, are hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted - into a law this the 213 d day of. July, 1505. JAMES .M.O MILE It, • President of Select Council. guou President, pre tern;, of Common Council. Attest: • • D. MaerzgliON, Clerk of Council. • B. DiLwaturn. Clerk of COmmon Connell. 'aus kir j'ARDINA NCE relating to' Hogs. , WIC. I. li e it enacted by the Select ana Common Councils of the City of Allegheny, and It is hereby enacted by the authority Of the same, That any per son Who shall suffer his hogs or any swine to run at large In this city shall, fur each onense, on eonvle tlon thereof forfeit - and pay for each of said ant- Male so running at large the sum of dye dollars, - and every one of said animals so found running at large shall be considered a public and common nuisance., and it shall be the duty of the policemen, or anyi of them, to seize and take into custody every one of said animate so found running at large, and have them taken to tile City Poor Farm, and appropria ted to the use of the city on tialdm. Ordained and enamel into et law n this the 23d day of July, A. H. ISOS. nee, ' ntr JAMES IteBRIER, President of Select Couuell. • Pr HOOD SteNEIL. Attest eaident, pro tern.s of Common Council. ', - D. ALACFISItuoN,.CIerk of Select Council. D. Di LWORTII. Clerk of _Common Connell. an& A N ORDINANCE amending an ee. 9, Ordinance entitled `,•.Nutaance,' , Chap. 23, rarcelo7, In City Code. SEC. J. Bs it ordained •and enacted by the /Weal and Common Coutietis Of the Otty of l£feheniti-and tt to hereby enacted by the authority the same. That the proviso hi said 'ordinance al lowing mer chants: the use of three , feet of the Inere-Ment In front of line of lots shall be for displaying their lasses goods. tie. . 4 trended the same :Is net more than three fret ID ne.sht; and not more than one- Werth of atm pavement or sidewalk shall •be so oe copied in any event, the flame penalty to be attaeli ed fur, the violet ieh'thereof at !snow attached to the section to which this Is an eniendment. • • - SSP. 2. All Ordinances *apart.. f ordinances Weer , ' nkting herewith are hereby repealed. • Ordained 'and enacted Into slaw this the Sl3dAsj of July, A. I ) . • 18 - 6 8. JAMBS • . - President of iikelecleolliii • ' 'HUGH Mc Ell.; •, ?resident, pro tem., of Commoutiowitcli. Attests D. Mkorannotr. Clerk of Select:Conned: U. Dit.wonTir. Clerk of,Common Council. ahs nRDINAIITCE to Increase like nuniber.o N Watchmen. oiCtiox 1. B e it ' ig ordained and enacted by the Se lect and COnt two) Connell, of 'the City of Alleghe ny, and It is hereby enacted,by, the authority or the sumo, 'that the ordinances Increasing the Police Force be the nth amend e d ebruary. A. . 10368:be and It Is hereby to read after Use words; "Three Lieutenants' of, the Watch" "and Twenty-scren Watchmen; • Sac. 4. 'filet so nthch or any ordbuthei as may con , Illtet' with or bi) Supplied by, the foregoing, be and.. the Came lb borebY repealed. • • • • ' Ordained and enacted Imes law this the 5.13d - day of July,JA..l). WOO., • ; • ; • • JAMES Atc.lllll,l o t,'. • .."*. • . Isresident of th e Select wr • ' I Prealdeat. phi tem HUGH alcNLifo , of Common council , Attet: ,_. • • D—MAciluttion,':clevirk or Select Coenell: H.Z.1.01.1v011Y11. Clerk of Common .. 04)_!___u _011: OuspruNcE { demons, wanner. " arloving notice of Sewefe.. ~ isitetiod r.. 441 ft en iettid.c.o tha'Afg e r i ''' -7, 1 d -1 3 / 1 1 - nein Councils of the City, of Ade, .c e 7,41 e beretty en as led' tbe Jiatwrter or.tn e_am •Tbm , when plans and sec' ilcaUoqs of sewers , in 1 0111 , A:it,. ale prepared by the ' Commission on dowers: Aime e thereof shall given by said Qoutmlebjetki to an, ',saps interested. b, 'tab by. Ontdieattoillti-the official papers of said for Pie ! , ./}51 . 5f480tt pt,the Odd ' • Stn..% AllordlOillted Pr Puts vr-ordifulf t lefle eon Ale in, lierceita ire hereby repeated: - - - tirdottird ' Itle.ll-31day• Met ,t r r e A - ld n e v n e t r i :n ll --- k mt DeltuaiL; sto NALL, ' • •rr e #9"l PEtffil4l o f.o9Stirtim ' it. MaCrittinoS, Clerk of Select COM:lc& B. InLWOnill, Vint of Consuls Connell; ORDINANCE'S. ALLEGHENY, i •uS . RaiMtOADS.' pITTSIIIIRGH andarouffin CONNELLS VILLE IL. B. Ain and after THURSPAY, March; stb, 186 f trains vrill arrive at and depart from the DePot, cat • nes of Grant and, Water streets, as follOws: - Mall to and from Unlont'n. Depart. 7:olle. at.i 5:00 P. Y. McKeesport A ceommodt'n.ll:oo A. bt.'i 2 : 03 p. II - Ex. to and from Unfont'n. 3:00 p. 7440:00 A. Y. West Newtdit Amon:T:3o,l'n 4:301. 314.1 8:35 A; M. Braddock's Aceommodat'n , 6:15 P. at.l 7:50 P. M. Night Ace. to 31cheesport.10:30r. si.} 6:40 A. IS.- Sunday Church Train to and - from West `Newton... :.... 1.00 4 P. M.0:00 A. For tickets apply t) it J. R. IMO ' ; Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. - tuba LLEGOENY. goigigg iu . VALLEY RAILROAD. LY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE REGIONS, Running through to Votango City without change of cars—Connecting with trains Eztat and West of -the Warre.:& Franklin Iliallroad, andrAtlantle & Great Western Railways: Shortest and quickest route to Oil City anti Franklin, and all phints in tke Oil Regions. • On and after April 26th, lil6B, Passeitger Traits will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh . Depot. corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows :17: L Depart , :: Arrtve ~_ Mail to and Fm Yen. Clty. I 7:00 A. -M. ,6:15 Express " ." . 10:40 rz .12:25A. Y. Brady's Bend AccoMmodln :3:00 P. M. 10:20 A.. 11. Soda Works Accomln 5:30 .e.:14. 1:55A. *- First Hulton Accernotrn..: 9:50 K. Y. 1/:40 A. Y. Second Hylton Acromod'n 12:00' 34. 6:55 P. 9. Sunday Church Train - leaves Soda Works at 8:0G X. at., arriving 'in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. , turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. X.,;arrivkng at- Soda Works at 2:55 P.. m . W. W. F. HOPE, Ticket Ag BR , Sup' t. ent. ,1 4r25 LTTSBURGH, IN Maismig , CINCNATI AND ST. S RAILWAY. - . . PAN HANDLE ROUTn, • . • • .„ CHANGE OF TINE.—On and after SNDAY, June 21st, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows, rittidnirgh time: • • Dep s a rt. arrive ; Mail Express 2:1 a. in. 12:10 a.. in. Fast Line 9:40 a. in. • 7.:15 Faat Express 2:16 p. tn. 1.1:20 a: M. Mixed Way 6:10 a. in. 7:65 p. m. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. in. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville - Accommod`n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc'n, No., 2.. 5:25 p. in. 0120 a. m. SPECIAL NOTICX. —Alunday Express leaves at 2:10 - p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. ms' the next morning. The 9140 m ake s Train leaves daily, Sundays -ex— cepted, and close connections al Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, ADuasdeld & Newark R. R. • 8. F. SCULL, General Ticke t Agent - W. W. CARD, dupl., Steubenville. l i. Qaggt H • • • • WIVIY3 KGH PORT 1 W. AND CLEVELAND I From June 7th, 1868; and arrice . at the Union time, as follows: . eaTe. Chicago Ex L .. 2:03 a mi Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a mi Erie & I'4lol'l 7:28 a nil Cl. & WlC'gM'f 0:13 a nil Chicago Mall. 8:58 a mf Chicago 9:43 a ml Cl. & Wh'it Ex. 1:43p in Chicago Ex.... I:sBpm Wh. do Erie Ex. 4:4llpix. Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58a m Leetsdale " 11110:13h m 12:23 a 'Rochester " 2:23 pm Welisv'e Ace:. 3:43p Leetsdale AF.e. 4:l3pm N. Brlgt'n 8:33 pm N. Betlit'n " . 0:28p Leetsdale " . 10:43pm Sir 1:88 p. m. Chicago Li` 11:23 a. m. China! Jett F. R. MYER: DENNSYLVANIAangsgs 11 CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after June 7th. 1865; Trains Will ar rive at and depart from tht, tnion Depot, Omer or Washington and Liberty streets. as follows: Arrive. .Depart.,, Mall Train.... 1:15 a mlDay Express.. 2:25 a ixt Past Line.. .. .. 1:40 am I Wall'a 1.. 0:30 ain Wall's No. .... 6:20 a =ll2i:fall Train 7:50 a m Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m rCinclunati Ex 1L:40 a m Wall's Cincinn No E x. 95100 a a m in , J Wa h l n l s 's toNno . A 2 c .. . L 3 1 :0 5 5 1 p m Johnstown Ac.10:35 a nrraddocks No 1 4:00 pm Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Expres. 4.450 pm Phila. Express 1:20 p m,Walps No. 3.. 5:10 p m Wail's No. 3... 2,15 pm , Wall:a No. 4.. 6:ls_p.nt Braddocks No 1 5:50 p m Fast Line p m Wall's No. a. 7:15 pm Latrobe Acc'n 8.:50 pan. Altoona Acc'n Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pia and Emigrant Train, . . ..... . 9:30 p rr. The Church Train leaves all's Station every Sunday at 9:15 .m., reachin Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pitt urgh at 1.2:50 p. m. and ;tithes at all's Station t 2:0(3 p. m. CincinnatiEzpress leaves d y. All othii Mains daily except Sunday. For Bu _ Butter information ap to • W. H. CKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad. ompany wilt not sa sume any risk for Ilaggage, exbept for wearing ap parel. and limit their responsibility to_One Brusdred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, an less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAIft • . Jet General Superintendent, Alto°. - Pa. WIES'rERN PIErIFN-aguaglii ZIAD.- SYLVANLA RAIL ROll and after May 10th', 1 6 6 5 , the Pas aenger arrive e Western Pennsylvania Rail . road will at .and depart from the Fedcral Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: • _ Arrive. Depart. '1 Springire No 1 - 6:35 a m!lifall 6:15 am Freeport No. 1 13:15 a m 'Freeport No. 1 9ilo a nit. Expre55....;,.,10:15 a mf Sharptrg No.111;20 ant Sharpies. No;1 1:25 p m Express 1;150 Preepml No. 2. 4:10 pin SpringiPe No 1.3:50 pm 5:80 p m C c e Ito. 2 8:05 pm. Springd'e No 2 7:/0 p mrind'e No 2 700 Aboye trains. un daily ept Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Janet: evert Sunday at 740 a. m:, reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning. leaves Allegheny* lefty at 1120 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Innet. at 9:45 p.m. ClostmarrAriort Timms-For saledn packages of Twentybetween,Allegheny City, Chestnetsb..W, Beer's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations sig cited on tickets. .The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 fa. au. and I:50 P. x. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Hannah.- town. Through tickets may be purchased.4*. at Abet- Deice, No. aSt. Cl air h street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. • For further information apply to • JAMES LEFFER'TS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will , iriot as some any risk for Baggage- except for wearing ap -petrel, and Molt rel , thei. resp onsibility to One Ilurised. :Dollars in value. All baggage- exceeding this amount in value will.be at the risk of the owner, nat Less taken by special contract. A. .'f . EDWARD H. myll Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. MOIL Y HILL aiggegn SROUTE. , UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastern Division,' ?; The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE Roux a trots the East to, ailpolnti to Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, _Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. - • _ Two Trains leave State Line and Leareiw'drOt dily, (Sunday* excepted,n the arrival oftrs of Fantle Railroad from Bt .. Lo uis, and 'l..td and St. Jo Balltoltd from Quincy, - connectlav a Law rence, Topeka, „tad =Wm/lege - With 'sta..' ibr an points In Karina. At end of track west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPELS:MXOIY PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND NAIL. AND ESPRESB ODAOSES FOR - • ' . 31:1EIVV3011,1 SALT T. A l'r**4 And an "'obits in the TerritoOes, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY Lltrlt of COACHES fbr Fort Union. Bent'sflititt, Pus, Queme, Banta Fe, and all points in dalzori, and New Mexico. - With the recent additions of rolling stock arid equipment, . and the arrangements made with re sponsible Overland Transportation Lines from Ito westerniertnlnus, this road now -offers uneqqalled - faellities for the tralirlobisioo of freight to MO Jhr West.. . Tickets for sale at all the principal *taus 2nthe United States and Canadas. Bo sure and ask for • tickets via THE EiBiOE.Y BILL BUTit,_ 'UNION PACIFIC ItJi.STILILK Plum .RAILWAY. 7.; A. ANDERSON, Gene 1i Buperb4endent. • - 3. s. WEB*►Ts etineni Freight and Ticket Ai*it STEI.EtaffilEaPS. 1110 ,: 141 ERP 901 L AND . AM • glatENt.fro*w. • !Tm3:. mimic sien. wramasimik trAVltr i en grlt'"`"la vesdeL araPilB4belm CITY- OP PABle, _ CITY or AcrsetzEt_ TIC pp posTpyNew fraB74IIALT/140.. Railing RVERY ELLTURDAT. from' Pier -1115, North. Elver. New Tort: For peerage or Author infrms- g4l/4,t4 f , ,itti a l ci t' • - OU LM J r, I'o M i ng sTEunsz (Obroidele Nearly Morita roes twos. PltiebeAt/ N LI I- 8 Min Wi g " AYNE k' CHICAGO B. PITTSBURGH E. R. trains will leitl!e trent Depot, north aide, city Arrive.l:f Chicago Ex... 2:0E1 ant Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a m (Wheeling x 11:23 ana Ex. 41:08 am ISt. Louis Ex.. .3:33 p int CI. Wleg Ex. 4:38 pm • Erie k Yg'nEx '6:13 p tr: Chicago Ex.... 4:23 p m Ct.& Ex 17:08 pm Arrive fa Ailehen_y. N. Brlgt ' n Av. 7:03 ant N. Brigt'n "8:28a Wellsville " 8:53 a nt. New Castle " 10:13 a m 'Leetsdale " 013 a nt, " 1:08 pm N. Brigt'n " 51:43 p m Leet"sdale - " 4:53 p m 7:Bpm Express_ leaves i ll y . Ic Express arrives daily. General Ticket Anent. Washington,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers