OM At. ttt littoOrb Gait. KISS ME BEFORE. YOU CO. Your way lies over the hill-side, Out ink rain sad sleet, Out In the world , sorild turmoil, Where bustle and business meet; But mine by the noiseless Sreside, • Where the fanciful embers glow • With a changeful life-like motion: -Kiss me before you go. My /Inlet way will be haunted With visions none others earl see, Glances more precious than diamonds, Smiles full of meaning ro me; The sound of a Welcome footstep,' - Amhisper ttiflllingly low, Ah. thoughtwill clasp maim,' closely, Mhsettie before you go, _ . • reir this world is full of mischances, - :- And one of those chances may fall, Than we two ne'er again In the trelight Make one shadow upon the wall, Oh then, once more in the parting— .. Alas; that It must be so— Leave me a fond benediction: . Miss me before you go. Cornmercio EPHEMERIS. —An epidemic of fleas is. visiting New. "York. Duels - are:-often:fought now New Orleans. --Ruskin is said: o have, a fortune of three millions. —Longfellow expects to remain. 'abroad "about two years. -;-Philadelphia Quakers are working hard among the freedmen, —Brick Pomeroy is, it is said, building a $150,000 hotel at La Crosse. , . - -One retail ioda water man in New York says he sells 4,000 glasses a. day. —The first house in San Francisco was built just twenty-three years ago. 43 with is cotrdiK back to. America with Lord Thuttlrearinext winter. , . . - —Fourlthousand female soldiers are said ' to be now fighting in the Paraguayan army. —Crinolines with enormous bustles are reported to be coming in full force at Parts. -- j ah A. $200,000 suga -refinery is to be ei lablished shortly at N ville, Tem. : —lt is Said that so e very foolish woman • in 'Washington tuts gone insane about Plan chette. -The track of the Union Pacific Rail road is now laid thirtyleven miles west o Benton. • . —Small monkeya are much more fashion able than poodles now as pets'iwith the Par isiennea. . • —Mr& lielxabold, whose •:husband is so 4iiteriy renownekwears c,herry-colored satin at-Long 'Branch. —The GoVernment of Belgium has pro hibited the Manufacture, storage and use of nitro-glycerine, - -Fifteen thousand and tiventy-three dol. • hrs was the amount of the gross receipts Of the Cleveland street-rallways i , ' —Wild' paroquetts have i*en introduced into the London parks and seem to get along Well enough with the sparrow& ' --th)ttschalk must like South America pretty. well as' he sees sio stay quite long enough to find out its gobd qualities: —The Princesi Mary of Teck, it is said, wishes- td. abjure her faith and embrace Catholicism London 'talks much about it. —Eighteen slavers carrying three hundred and thirty-three slaves, were captured last year byEritish cruisers off the coast of Af rica. ' • —One member of the Talbot family, the great Horgan Catholie family. of England, has just received a scarlet hat from the Pope. - —Fourteen' different toilettes in one day is the most dressingWhich'any young lady at Long Bianch has as yet been able to . —William > Harrison, - the English singer, who was oneg so poptdar in this country as a member of the Py n e and Harrison opera troupe, is dying. ' M. Drouyn de L'Huys is President of the French Committee for expediting the, Completion of the new Franco-Ainerim ' • submarine cable. —Up to last Saturday night 45,000 cart . loads of mud and dirt, debris left by , the re ,, cent flood, had been removed from the streets of Baltimore. • • ' —On the day that the Luther monument was - inaugurated, a rich gentleman of Wiesbaden gave - 40,000 florins for,the edu cation of, poor children. Robert H e l l er. got through the Bank rupt Courtin England all' right,• recently: • ItOberk-ints made heaps, of money, but is said to ' gamble mach of it .aivay. Car final ,is .very seriously ill and•special prayers' fof his, recovery are be inglitadein all the Ronian ,catholic church-, as of ftreet Britainend Ireland. 4=Toetee" is coming bark to America to try and resume the laurels which, when she threw - them -down, were taken up by the latest New York favorite, Mlle Irma. • :&-Eittll-fights are quite Popular in France, where • the 'Emperor has introduced them, butzliker everything new introduced by his 100E0131 Highness, there is'a large partY2of objectors. ; --- r j,ittle birds in'- : their,nests agree, and the: World calls'' Vallandigfiam "a pre tender," and "a scalawag." , Vallandig, hail, in return, says pis editor of the World is "a donkey." - —The driver-of a stage 'coach near-Coop erstown.'thisState; 'Was: robed his was • an emigrant l stage. “Well," he rejoined, "14sait't know alums the Iftnti, .but itis a darned Old 6,421 stage, I know." ' , r t: AlI 11)9 best eherry, grown 18 used up by Queen , TAribelbi , and her court.. - The Queen _Oinks'Puie sherry at all of her ,_ _have champagne or any other French wines in her cellars. • —The Advance has raised another serious viestion for religions 'disputants. It wants -,. "Can a We suppose some /5414ati4'once. can, but nothing miler heaven Can save Aeirkt as• a partqf neat ! :-Qtlitratoga never Wits:pi:full it is this • • year ''Long Branch' has slowly . fi lled up until until now, when eftt,tirday night comes, there is often not it spare cot. in the and l Newport,ls Buller than it tins been for sclera yeareibefore.• • • tz-•The ,zOll4O-Jacob,. who set ~np as 4 nat.' ••• ..acte.igrerking,physician in Paris, not long ago, arid IvhoWed ,So many Perkins Ofidi classes in that gullable city, has now re moved to Passy, where he is making much money. at the same old trade. • —Some four hundred and sixty street cars are in constant .use j PhiladelPhia,• and. they pay licenses amounting to about twen ty-four thousand dollars to the city. The greatest number of cars on any one railway *sixty, and the smallest fourteen. —The London Review is anxious to have the fashionable world keep better hours and proposes that the ,Chief of Police, Sir Richard Mayne, or whOever else has the proper authority, should slecree that all per sons giving dances should close their houses by two o'clock. —Chinese printers are employed at the compositors' cases of the two English papers publiithed in Hong Kong, and attain wonderful rapidity and accuracy in their work, setting• both reprint and manuscript with facility, but. 'without understanding a word of what they are working upon. —A Prussian bits Invented a new offen sive weapon; it consists of a powder which can . : . llo discharged some distance, and so _acts on the nerves, of the enemy That one discharge will make a whole regiment sneeze for an 'hour, a period of time during which the needle gun can be used effectively by the 'Prussians. —All Northern Europe is languishing nn '"der the. unexampled heat of the piesent summer. During the discussion i the French Chamber on July 20, the heat was such that the floor had to be sprinkled with -vinegar, and in spite of this precaution, Gen. Meslin, 82 years of age, who was dec orated on the field at. Waterloo, fainted and was carried out. The Parisian police confoicated, rk ly, a brochure compiled exclusively the writings of. the Emperor Napoleo autlicii of the pamphlet, waamanied title page 'a certain M. Noel Opansioul (an tutagrn of Louis_ Napoleon.) Great was the mortification.of the police wheit they found out that they-had been made the vic tira of a very clever hoax. —The Chicago *Sorosis, or Women's Club, has been started with a special object; to find out and 'put into practice the best methods of reforming fallenwomen; When the women club, together for objects of this sort,` we' honor them, for we know that mach, good will be done, but as for the New Yprk Borosisi it is .an excellent thing to langh at and a good thing to put down. —The family of the murdered Ashburne are in 'totally - destitute condition. When the Ku Klux Klan murderid ;the Colonel; they also robbed his family of their support, and they are, now homeless and quite penni less, and some neighboring Unionist has written a letter to the Cincinnati (Jammer . tip; calling the attention of benevolent peo ple to the fact, and asking that some relief besent to Mrs. Ashburn, who is described as being in every way a worthy woman. _ —The wool-growers have been having a great time in Chicago. They have an ex hibition, some speeches, some dinner and a high 'old time in the evening. We are afraid the wool, men are becoming tainted with affectation, .or perhaps they have _grown proud, "at lcast English is by no, means good enough for_ them, and they tali their show. "The. Great Western Wool Ex position." • This last word is supposed to be French in that form of use, and there fore very much better than English. Evi dently e French heggae is very much better than an American of higher grade—a wool grower for instance. It seems that it is very much better to speak French' than English, and if vod can't speak French, break into ionr tnglistt. with all the French words you:know, for even a macaronis language is more fashionable than plain Anglo-Saxon. To be sure exposition is an English word too but need accOrding to Webster it would make nonsense in this connection. The Drought In Europe. • The telegraph informs us that the reports in England of the state of the crops for the week ending last Saturdan are bight fa vorable; from which it may be inferred that the 'great &Might which extended over the entire EingdOm has at last terminated., Re ports of drought in Germany, parts of Spain and of Fraaee, have also reached us, but its ,character appears to have been less serious. The Manchester Guardian, of the 18th July, stateathat upon the considerable water-shed of which Manchester was plart, rain had not fallen, excepting on three days, for oneliundred and fourdays, - and then so slightly as to be • instantly absorbed by the parched earth, so that none of it had reach ed the leserVoir rofthe 'supply of water. As the telegraphic report announcing gocid weather:was , &fed the "20th, it may be sup posed that the whole duration of the drought was 112 or 114 days, and thatlt embraced that portion of the year—April,„May; June and July, to say the 22d, most essential to all spring crops. It appeared that wheat alone had suffered but littler which could he affirmed only of what had grown on heavy or rich soils. The drought—spoken of as being the most extraordinary which had prevailed in England since 1798—is attributed to influ ences, proceeding rather from Polar than from - Equatorial regions, and_ being of a general character, has, probably lapped over upon tie 'Western portion of the Continent of Europe. In England and Wales pas tures are universally described as dried up in some cases. so effectually that what re mained of the grass, pressed in the hand, crumbled like dried herbs. The root crops suffered 'most severely, but everything sow ed or planted in the spring had received severe and almost irreparable injury. Scot land and Ireland shared in the general dial tress.—Neto York Times, July 81. 1 A Piaisifui story. _ .Yesterday the police ,records announced I that a man had been picked up on Magazine street in a sick`and' destituteicmidition, and I taken to the` Charity Hospital... These few lines were all.'They gave no warning of a Idetnry that was full of' the-mast eventful and reftiarkable . ,itdventgres. ' For this sick and des titute nian was once a statesman, a Rep,reWntativ.e. Mid ,Benator in Congress, and acidirker of; distinguished ability. At one titge he was the hioi of a:great, party in a neighboring State, and there was no posi tion. of place • and; .eaufidenoe he , (cduld not have held. , ` But, like many others, his in. temperate habits soon forfeited him the' re. speet of his friend/ and.ithe confidence of his Pertf. .Binkingf lOwOrMidl6 - Weriti the., Pit of ruin , he dikaOlkfillie fa mily nibrtee; tionn Ilis 'wife' abandoned ' him ; Ida : chit; dren forsook him, and, elope ip i , the world, he was picked bp' lw,iliti"StOpte,,,,ar Joy . ()Hips, pick and destitute, iiittOuß i m mk i'" 1 and, Without.rrierlds." t,'here are meal , herd • whA will recognize the Aunt— Nam &leant PiCeirind, AIN 28. - .' • ' ' ---, 17' '' .., PITTOIMOTi GAZE NM IFEETIEtEXTRACTED - 1 • • IOTTIioI7I PAIN: . NO CHANGE awn WBEN Awrinczei. TEETH .ABE ORDERED; A FULL BET YOB • AT DR: SCOTT'S. Inv FRAN errierr, ars xxx , a, - Asovs amm. ALL WORN. WARRANTM GALL AND XS.. AMINE BYNUM:ENS OF 114=_i ULM: VULCAN- GAS , FIXTURES. GAS FIXTURES C 13. clellera, FOR DAS AND OIL. 31iSt received, the fluent and largest assortment ever opened in this city. W LOON & KELLY, 141 r Ws YD STDEET, COIL VIRGIN ALLEY. =WC= • • NT, SOAP STONE, &X DE • lILIC CEMENT. ••••g. ). • isTornc. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER pa l s. .11130111" H. COLLINS, arde:o • SS Wood street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Meanest and best Pine In the market. Also, 80-BENDALE 8ENDALE ISYDBAOLIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. & C. A. BROCKETT * CO. • Mee said lifilnufanUnl" -9140 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Sir Orders by mall promptly attended to. itehr93 cent from r~,e• •I 0 0 \ NEW . & SEASONABLE GOODS. P/15.5, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BAR LADIES' AND GENT'S SUMMER 'UNDER WEAR; PALM FANS, LINEN PANS, SILK • PANS; READ . NETS; LINEN HAND- - KERCHIEFS,'LACE HANDILER CIPFS, EMBROIDREED HAND- KERCHIEFS; COTTON HO SIERT; LADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S RING HOSE, SILK GLOVES, LACE • COLLARS, LINEN AND • PAPER . COLLARS. - CORSETS, A splendid assortment, for Ladles and Mims BULLION FRINGES, SEWING SILK FRINGE Also; of BULLION, to Match. We have now a full line of the new DROP SKIRTS ON HAND JOCKEY.COLLAR, moxrais COLLAR, DERBY DOLLAR. EXPOSITION COLLAR We would espeelitlij Invite the attention of Job bers to our Wholesale Department, as we sell our goods at lowest eastern market prttes. I BILLC/Cind, GLYDE .8z CO., IS and SO Market Street. 3725 • - • pIEtICES IWMW) DOWN! AT MACRUM & CML=ME'S, Pio. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS. GREATLY REDUCED ON AND. AFT= JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Lad)es%) for COSSETS, (Heal French,)... LINEN BANDS/Cir , r3, 3 for KID eLOVZB. (iarraat.64o PARKS COLLARS 300 Tdi. SPOOL . COTTON, (good). .... ... 3 POONET 80083, worth 50c 3izN.o SUMMER ,uNnzzanutTs, MEN'S JEAN DR/CPT/LW 15 All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT KIND acooros. `Special Mateo to Nereliaisia a Belden. Nana/yyl„g► • 19 ilirrif Mart. • • WALL evvolAweere.noww.oo4o.r.r:4,rov. 11 . de, WALL r4r7y ArItEDUZ D PRI CES. We willoffer our present stool Wail Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of P..&Pgral; forbelie, oome, °tennis, 4 146 . at " • 0.107 Itlarket siremit,itear FM& & BRO • TOBACCO.ANI) CIGARS. JULIAi r i A LIEN , • DNALsave .161.&-N1.1rDO Os CELE' TOBACCO'AAP MA IIB , No. 8 strril STREET, (Nit(Rsal 1311 " of O aii* Mr e 0 Building,) Trrreattiteil.rA4l-, Branch of 1711 Water street. NAY. a01:a71 • D A tia • - It, DES'AIr. Exaci l sam MPT#4O4 •-• - eft ' 'f#J•arff • • Mut draotrqesio 8341.riogenln TOaocio, Snuff, clgarqs;R l oo l 4o l63 .4 1 No - . 6 TXDIRAL BT.. ALLIGMWt o 4•POn L=i' , LEL? . ; . : .. ilai 7 , 6 .,= Sbip'betetororgi existing between taill:1112t • scribers, undelAo Inck of • ' • • • r - eattnitalop wit 4094' Is this day dissolved lit rtiutnal Maim nets of the late" drop . be :settled' tri 0,11 1 :.„ 6 . 1 . 1 Mtr: war,. Messrs.- ANRIL __IlL*.WOOl) 3 l Iv! !"7. of the ?Ittaborthl el works. - :" Ara ; j ; e 000iChz.:,; -t The tindajtkilrr.'l4,ThstAtiposOi.of t WILIAM as late . ma - tit .azuz..Ft ro ooo -wv miturs.yrosesoa s.woup 'bogs loitip*Hk" omotena sioott the D Pagr t e a he m. • • „ if.. ' kr 0711540 AB; FRIDAY; AUGUST 7, 1868. £OO . 50 A 'TE.I iu .T: ter,:; AT WH. SEMPLE'S, 80 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. BLEACHED MUSLIN, _ ;I UNBLEACHED USLIN. I'ILLOW CABE ÜBLEN. _ . SHIRTING CHECK. TICKING, PRIN TS, DitLAINT.S. ALPACCAS, COTTON TANLE, DIAPNI4 LINEN TABLE DIAPER, TOWELS,' TOWELING, CASSIMERES, JEANS, HONEY COM quturs, BALMOBAL ND HOOP SKIRTS, WHITE , AND COLORED CORSETS, I GENT'S WIRIt E SHIRTS, HOSIERY, KERCHIEFS, BONNETS, If WNB, HATS, RIB ONB, FLOWERS, Ac., A VERY LA GE STOCK, AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail; AT In:UMUIVMMaXIS, =I 180 & 182 rederal St Allegheny 87. MARKET STREET, 87. GREAT REDUCTION xi; PRICES TO GLOBE Errocig. OF dacoco - E.s.- 87 MARKET 8172FM.T. THEODORE F. Jen): STBEZT....BI . 115 W OAD ST. AHIIIITHN4Yr, SHANNON & CO., No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., WI3.OI...E.SALILM DRY GOODS MID NOTIONS, AT LOWEST EM ERN PRICES. 168. —168 ! NEW pOOlifil. : • NEW .ALIPACCAS. NEW MOHAIS., BI ACK 'SlLliff. • HOSIERY and GLOVES. St4:OII:TCV, Igir No. 468 -1 1 17114 ,N4reet. 168. 168. tapSO:n4o3 ram, sricANDLEns & co, ‘,J (Late Wilma. Carr a C 0..) 17110IXas= z )DEALZIU3 FOreign and leloineStia Dry Goods, NO. 96. WOOD STIMET, aOO2. SUOVVI blamed alle/.. :111144 •—• prrrssuses, PA. lIIIEROUANT TAILORS. - - - GOODS • AVNlttlilt r " " Boric oath* mid Children's. - . Orditen CLBSISOIDK SUITS. • LINKS SUITS: • ' • DUOS SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. - ALLPACCA JACKETS. an every style. - .'of the greatest viriety,lndiable for the present 'mason. thintlemen and a Sae as rertmeni of WHI DUCK SUITS, Ap ccA and 'FLANNEL COATS, Ite. e every nt, being specially Made sok as 'by tte best astern bowies. Out Ortoee are as low as good goods can be sold any Ss= East or , west., SaillAY -- i3r, LOGAN, ; ad? 47 ST 61.41,1 R STREET. NM( MUM, . • ' litiOtolEANT TAILOR, Muria, ritt:lnagn. compuitly on band, & gnu amrtment amnia, oastififits, vicertnis, 400081 CONVECTIONERLVEL. IMI HENRI Ii'VOEICIRBACII, ' C " f " 4 94 e arlilid Paha No, 800 shimuriztammer. i f . :BetWeelifleventhalid Liberty arlAnnts , oirsTraviiisooN &mow. , GEO. - : $ raw take Baker k•Coefixtioner, Am , • PORKIGN ADoinxMinttrqa a N,V/15. Ito. 40, corner Teeter* and itkigneon...iyrie. All& gin . Cooke at on osso,,tvia, ot ':AROHI • -IPTS. on ~ ffiOBDB, 613 PIM 1101311W1IM 1 liolt p*DM#3, ifoi. II sole fle: MEStiset, • raftiblift , -*Aldo irrVikikthe Mad Widin:** 4 . 11 r ik eltollalltudftzracibinliten* , • 0-; CARPETS ! CAIRETSI iVIAMITFACTUREREI HERE and In Europe RAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the veil' low est emu BATES of the past season. Haying made all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash, we - are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur., chateil this Fall• McCALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH' STILEET. • • NOTWITHSTANDING THE kanufacturtme recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of • Bnisseht, ' - lye F. and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. - Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of . Royal Azinin — ffter, OLIVER III'CLINTOCK & CO No. 23 Filth Street SUMMER STOCK CARPETS White, Bed, Checked, Striped and Fancy 111 As. rr rr Tki - 413- IN ciimaer VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window' !haden. &c. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 twin STRIA.7I'. iakdamor 71. - - _ 73 NEW CARPETS. 115. MollitlAND & 0011 NS HAVE JUST RECEIVED TB NEWEST . 41411BEEM STYLES OF ENGLISH VELVET CABPETI IISEIC•CliIIIIITERSI WIDE; Tapestry and Body promo% WHICH THEY AILHAELLING AT . . The Lowest Prices'imd this Season. SUPERFINE INGRAIN •CAPRPETS DOWN TO $l.lO AND $1.16 PER YARD. McFMILM) & COL Nos: 71 and 73 Fifth Stmt. cotimm) vxA:K)it. S TEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS , TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities knui proved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: Ye-Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid- Ed—No rippki l ig apart necessary; 3d—When - al from dust., moths or their larvae, iihatullttliz3treo:lirarlWerru. good as new, save the 4th-When perfectly clean. I. Carpet will wear as long again,: a desirable matter :as a mere - point of economy, to say nothing of locks. ALL ORDERS LEFT .&T THE OFFICE, 7\ l No. 179 I.4lDerty -Street'. Or addressed to P. 0. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. - . GEO. L. lIKLINTOCK, mhlo:, , FROPSMOR. TO • FARMERS* TIEE Ety BABE "NrucoltE.” PAMENIIII) 1865 loot, Aittl : . Is the best Rake made. It will rake Dealer hey. carry it farther. load and unload itaelf miter then any inberraked . it is self•orteratitrt slebild 61 Teas old min do the work. of s,MI - Unto Ibiadeeda.of ' pertilhatel _could be fly en . one of . welch Is be lt ... VIILUID; Erie 00.ra,, Atly 5, ASO • . .. .. 0 :111, sse seed the , Wsloosus. how use; man bf W. VI.. Wallace Pittsbersb. re.. amino. enait to farmers; It is geo4 It. Usti& end beim,. heir e w asy on tun and hone; is i coimpiete aged , - er /Ra and atts)Sl4; IC shebill ii , prestractitot la . law y kept in order. , . ..,'' • _____, • • ' , J46lo , llitlilitl . s , au .oroentdireeted 'DMus minty sereetts , . Imilith rill Or g thAliOlk 1 ; / I% , 001nilabkiniC Ohio. pro ptly astenqed, to. hold w i levArsio retail 07 6 &O. olden 4. sari'', air Ml:Vile aorta • , • t , ,- fullitqg •:; ,„.., :.:•1 i: ~t;:i.) '..-', - - , IUY. R4It:E RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTII-TITTEs AtTroy, N . , "It. Very thorough instruction fu Civil. Mechanical and Mining• Engineering. CheintstrYt and Natural PcJenne. Graduates obtain : most desirable Posi tions. Ee.opens Kept. 9tu. For the new Annual Register. giving full information. address Prof. cluatm3 Bsowsr., Director,Troy. _ N. Y. aulacC • ' pENNSYLVA MILITARY ACADEMY CHESTEit, Delaware Cti, Penna. - - The Seventh Annual Session of Ac,adernY opens THUBBRA.y. btpt. 3d. _ - The buildings &renew and compleU in iill their app ointments. Particular attention given to the *orals and per sonal habits of cadets. For circulars apply to - CTIARLtS if. TATILSO3.7, Evil" .140. 13 Wood atrt et, Pittottufgh. or to Col. THEO. HYATT, Chester. Pa. '7 aui:tazi 0111F,GARAY INSTITUTE, • ENOLkH AND. FRENCH, FOR YOUNG BOANDING AND DAY PUPILS, 1527 and 1522 OP9lltiE STitEET4 Philadelphia. Pa., will re-open on MON DAY, Sept!: 22d. French is the language. of the family and-is coestantly - spoken in the.-Institnte. • . MADAME wiream . Y.. Prlncipa l . jelS:r111-1dWP PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. B r a r T T HE O / Akt s TE GA g, c/lE ' k r Schonmker's Gold -3&edal _AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. . - The sotionfACXEß PIANO combines all .the latest valuable improvements knoWir In the.con struction of a first claseinstrument,' and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex- - 'Whited. Its tone is full, sorous and sweet. The , workmanship, for dorabill . and beauty, surpass L i all others. Prices from g, to $ l5O, ((according to style and - finish, ) cheaper sit other so-malted first class Plano. • ESTEY'S ocrrrellE OIiGAN .. Stands at the bead of all reed Instruments, ln_pro clueing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the UnitM States. - It is elm 'pie and compact in construction, and not liable SO get out of order. • . ..! ______ . . m . CARPENTER'S PATENT :' Vox sunu.e. TREMOLO" is only to be found , ' in this Organ. Price from 6100 to $550. f , All guaranteed for are years. - • -`• BAER, MAKE &BIARTLEIV ma •• .. • No. LEST. CLAM STREET." SECOND HAND - NELODEOI I 3 - AND ORGANS, In l perferrOrder, from 635 to 8/..0 CHARM= BLITICE.- 451 PM st. Sd door above Wood. zahl2 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BIATIO'IIIM''RDIAI4 ---- An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint,achDiar rhea, Dysentery, 'Vomiting, Sour _Stomand Cholera Morten,. f_ DL GLOP CBE, specille -for Cholera, Crampcand Pain in the Stomach, for sale by • HARRIS & Corner of Liberty and Wayne Stine% AGENTS, FOR J. SOHOONBILIER & SONS PURE WHITE LEA , AND BicCOVS VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate by, exposure. It will look better, - Mat lon gerand u ghe more-perfect- s atisfaction_ than any paint in the market. HATS AND. CAPS. !`(LOSING OUT SALE! S7CRALW" jElA_grg, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT M'CORD ar. p k C1e".1)61:rv:4.4:,),0 MARTIN LIEBLRR I DEALER. 12T EXAMS, CAPS .A.,7110 -Also. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Bet/ME/Wu In TRUNKS, VALISES.- ke., No.-43s BHITE PIRLDSTREET. • tteburrh, Pa. Orders promptly ed and sattelketion islareateed. GLASS, 0:1 NA, CUTLERY. 101) WOOD !STREET CHIRA; GLASS- AND , QUEENSWARE, , ` -.• 19I*VER PLATED *ABE, PARIAN STATUETTES,; • 11010ERIAS GLASS, And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, s great variety. 100 WOOD STREET. • RIC.H.ARD-VE. BREED & CO. tribzr • 100 WOOD STREET. SEWING` PLEACEaNES.-: rrHE GREAV ADILIMICAN BINATIONx - BIJTIONAWLE OVELIECEMING AND SEWING 31.4CMZIE. rr ',As NO E41JA1.9 tame ABSOLUTELY THE' - 103NT__.1F/t3IILT. MACHINE IN THE WOR LD __ AND' IN TEINSICALLY THE ClizetrEST. ' MrAgenta wanted to ea this M.F.Lane. CRAB., C 33.&14SX+113rre' 'A.treytt Pennianatt Corner FIFTH .1.D.. . *MAR Ir.T STEN! ' , aver ItlottardsotVoJelreitripme:- t, : toei. DYER AND SCOURER, 1111 a J. LANCE* 1,4.• : _ DYER AND SCOURER. 1w0.'3 ST. owriniWri' ' And Nos. 1115 and 187 it • . moon rilisoumia. . _ STONE. wEsT-commos • - J .Machitse Stones .Works, Northwest sterner of West Ootanton;Adtetineny. PUED'K A.TVATZLit At CO. , - Rave_ on, hand , or prepare on 'tort mace Routh and won stones, map tbs b StAllt Btdearet4a64.Prou-aztneery Vinttatva.e. --goo axi, . lOnion Ifflarpay.cinadito&P Piton "aaltonatod-, =MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers