MB - • • pally Prayer - bieetiag7-From : l2 at. to 12130 O'diek at the Rooms of the Chrittiati Asspeiation, ;C0.,2,3 Fifth street. H New Flebr.—A board I,lo°r-is being laid in the locknp. • - Pittsburgtier So y.loqUlaure—Brash or Jeremy; thette the ; question. ' • 'Receipt for Cholira.—Partake freely of 4 green t oorna - The niarketn Ewe well supplied "with i. _ , . At It . Agan.—The rivalry between the lifo,pongabela river packets has been re :trid . 'null its force since the opening of zunigation. . ' • mittned.--The meat market has been slightly ruffled during the past few days on sicoonnt of the excitement on the diseased question. . • I ft 3 gTe€Rlng..—Work on the Cathedral tower is progressing rapidly. When Ea- Jelled it will present it, 'handsome and im poeing appearance. • , • ' PirA.Nici seem to be quite the rage just now. .People enjoy the exchaege of heat, dirt' - and smoke for cool retreats and in iigorating air, if it is bntfor a few holm.. Fotelble Entry.--Catbarine Williams Made'information before Alderman Her ron aganst Johli Waldierfor forcible entry and detainer. Waldier was arrested and coinfriittiidlor trial; • ' Herd.--Catharina Welsh Made informs& lion yesterday. againSt :Wm. Devine for as malt and battery. Devine -was arrested on a warrant isstled by „Alderman Lynch, and der a bearl4: 'Committed for trial in de fault of, bail. . - • Camp sieethiga,--Pciepl e who are in the habit of atteriding tamp - meetings will have abundant opportunity to indulge - in it dnr- - w lng the eomlngeeason. ;;The number to be according to announcements, is un usually large. Held for Mearing.--A man named Reoh brdight before Alderman Donaldson, yesterday, charged by Mr. Kohler,a fbrni thre znatiufactnrer in Allegheny, with false pretences. The accused was arreate.. • and held fora hearing. t Track Laying.—The Pennsylvania Ran are having a new track laid on Liber .- ti'stfeet; - below St. Glair. The new rail will some advantage over the .old, in being much wider in the flange, which a4mitovf a greater surface for friction: • ' 'Trains De!m i red The locomotive of a' coal train on the Panhandle railroad ran off the traek'at Saw Mill Ranyesterday Morn ing about eight o'clock. After considers.. hie trouble and work it was replaced, but the morning:. trains on the road were Jai delayed about two hours by the occurrence." „New Vse for a Hatchet.--Elizabeth “ .. 'itichity •made information before Mayor • " 1- 131acktnore yesterday, against Mrs. Welsh suretyoftar the peace. The parties reside ,in SonthPittsburgh, and Mrs. Richey al . 'loges that Mrs. Welsh thrEatened to chop her into kindling wood with a hatchet.. A warrantwas issued. • '-Hit Her Child.—Mary Ann Beeber made iittbrmation ' yesterday before Alderman .r ,-, .filullen.tigainst John Sweible for felonious iissault and battery. Mary says that 'John struck onotof her children back of the ear with- a• stone, severely injuring it. The - - parties reside in the Thirdward, Allegheny. The'matter was finally cornpromised-. ' Laieelkir of Clothing.L-Mrs. Martha Tonks, residing t on Chestnut Evans, street, ' Allegheny, alleges tha 1.. lately a domestic in „her employ, stole from • 'the hottsin silk dress I valued at thirty dol , lars,„and a fine shirt worth three dollars and fifty- cents. A warrant for Elizabeth's arrest was issued b' Mayor Drum • Small Biminess.—The Allegheny Mayor's • office did , a small business yesterday. A oonple of females of doubtful virtue, who annoyed the inhabitants in the upper . part • of the town, were arrested, and after giving the office re( eeniiderable trouble they were snaliytalked in the,leek-up.' This formed the bulk' f the business'during the day. .." • • ' Recetving,Stolett Iron.--Thoniaa Morgan was arrested Yesterday, charged on oath of the foreman of the iron works of Coleman, 'dt' Co. with purchasing from boys iron which had been stolen from their es 14abliaiiment; he knowing such, to be the ease at the time., of the rarchase. Morgan keeps :an establishment on Penn, near Mechanic street. Morgan -- was arrested I 1 - , slid will hive a hearing t 0487. • Free Exldbiricn—Napolecur Young, the 4 tiiiikiailart comnienCeif his walk of on c e hundred miles in twenty-four hours at Oakland Park - to-day, gratified the iotmgers• around the Postcoce in Alle gheny,last evening with an exhibition of bispowers. Re went around the square In a very short space of time, And certainly seems like-a walkist of no mean preten- Onlq• • ' • * . - • . • Filling Workmert are engaged with the utudtrain.filling in the trestle - work on • the •Conneltaville Rallioad'at Four Mile Run._ The - dirt IS brought from frabk stown andit la the intention` to' fill in the trestle . work.up:to a level with the track. This will be _quite an improvement and, when ',completed timid: passengers who have to travel frequently over the road will be relieved of a source of affliction. A . Dispatr,i-, -Ann McCune and Bridget McFadden got into a 'dispute regarding their nationality, which lead to blows, the muscular Bridget coming out the charm- Thor'. Anh, incensed at the termination of the affair, made information Yesterda y be fore Alderman:McMaster& against er op ponent for assault and battery. e par ties reside at Osceola Station, loathe 'Can - zielisville Railroad. A warrant was issued. Struck with a Stoae.—Willis Danger ileld,'anaged'bolored..than, made informa tion before Mayor Drum yesterday, against" Chas". Kiniber,ly-,for assa ult and battery. The 'prosecutor alleges that Kimberly threw a stone and struck 'him on the head =with it, which, felled him to the .earth. At the heating Dangerfield failed' to t clearly identity gte accused as the party con2mit •• - Ling the 'assault' on him* and he was dis- • charged. • - • ' - • • , That Watch— r -The watch :which , WitS sto len froth a German' named Sohn Bober, in* colored bagnioon Overbill street, on Monday evening, the particulars of which We published in yesterday's • issue, ,•avas found 'ma neighboring; house: cof. si 'Jar repute, by officers Mes s ner an 4 Gum bert. , One`or the inmates or the hense whiehihe 'robbery occurred,' was :arrested and confeased,to having taken the watehl but denlea.lhelbeft cif the money, She is kept in the - look-0#; and the officers are af -I,er the - Mbar psrtiea "" , • • - - Mau ette. , , Perhaps tioiniriotitydr inyeforions bit of maohineg i hsts attracted so much attention 'fii:this caning as the household Sybil en-,' 1 lintirreary , '' titled ' 4 .l ll lanchette.'" :itis a simple' con - Taken to Passavant-S- the . • which • ba ffl es .. -, - i est intoned On Monday wae !ieiti4dlliiiiing of a triiiiiice ro to ll' lai .^ a child. ,14 • 1 ' , '' 411 John gehWe dingier Stir= ' -atitlYerwhe4 explained P %i— -f '!Iii 1 1 121 u!,, ~. - --7 !". 1 7 ,—...... ' n • - ,---.. ii... . It anisiers questions with • a f thfulness " 'rin g lrm insanity , produced ' 7 gtt w - . and ilitlyea o r of the in a man - sitrolikdn q iirkekln'Levier 'At. Clair town- ner,bitraly orata_ble.lo ef i rd hi ee loso nsib ia le . taldp;:The unfortunateiniAn,,Ass hivtight in- and , rational aMnsemen ou ~ P P ti. 'i 'feat! n to ' means we ' kno* of nothing better, than locoert, and a hearing° ah Pli , have him removed toan affirm - was , Si zed n the turliatn-and to bind one in , deep mystery, meantime remainin for Wednesday nwrn t li t 4 " 8 iiiCifra I .i >vounty j ail: and" Is tapable - bf simple' explanation. ' -f, e:the ;yesterday morning, his <condition r being Thet eal best assortment of these great intellect. to for both 'old and young, IS at. ..--. naniillaiintobetimaybripravm, ed athormary litir°l'del.‘f w gr es i i ilß ssu r i e l M, , , _A. Rani & Co.'s, No. 69 F if th otrd• - IT° - - '.--t' - thither ' Readers should not tall to possess , one Hof immediately n juld is,o w t e as ukelythSt bis conve yed resson wi ll be W m, , sio tbese highly t: inst somes ructiv lr a .r i cute are nten calcada t, astedth to entirely r e stored in ii : short time, .as . improving. rapidly . ' [ , ' benefit the mkid. "•. . - ~,. , True Love Never Runs Smooth. Tneiday afternoon thedoor of Alderman Strain's pleasant little sanctum was dark limed by a goodly Procession of colored in dividuals of all ages, sizes and sexes, who . , ensconced themselves inside the room and waited - patiently as if in 'expectation. To get a proper understanding of this rather singular proceeding, - the reader should glance at the docket of the 'courteous Mag istrate under-date of the 13th of July, last. There Will be found entered a rather ' serious charge against a coal-colored indi vidual named Charles Cole, in which a a lady of he same persuasion, Miss Martha Hackett by n ame , appears as thE, _prosecutor. Then the trouble should ne taken to follow up the ch arge , which will result in first find ing the anfortunate Charles in the county jail next one: bail, and finally in an inter yiecv with the fair Martha, proposing to settle the dispute by fulfilling his promise of marriage. Tfusagreementowas the cause of the aforesaid procession, consisting of the relatives and friends of both parties, called together in pursuance thereof to witness the interesting ceremony which makes one of tso people. They had not waited long before the twain put in an ap pearance, and the- Opening exercises of the occasion, were - about to em inence, - when •- suddenly the i counte- Mapco of the ought-to-be-lupPy CharleS dar kened, and he declared emphatically, that "dis yah ce'eniony" should not go on. , he principal' actor on the other side, ant and almost dumbfounded by this tor of affairs, as well as she wag able demanded f ed the reason of this* mysterious change. , She was answered. lip spoke tho now thor oughly aronsed- Charles and made his ex planation, which was to the effect that she, the expected partner of his future joys and sorrows, had_ attended a pie nio the day be fore and, as lie had just been informed, had promiscuously flirted with the les present totally regardless that one It'd a claim .ort her attentions who would brook no rival. Great was the confusion and up.' roar when the gentleman had thus ex presied himself, but the lady,rlsing superior to the occasion, indignantly refused to make any explanation of her conduct or the pre vious day or even deny the impeachment. Then came the time for the interßosition of friends, but all was of no avail.. Each • was firm and the ceremony could not' proceed. When that fact beeame - evideut the proces sion again formed and slolily filed out and away from the seenenf disappointment, all but the'victorions Charlen, who, after this denouement, was immediately stmendered .by his bail, and accommodated with a free 'boarding house as soon thereafter as possi ble. Verily "true love never runs smooth." MEI Base Ball, Base Ball has been languishing some what during the warm weather, but with the approach of cooler days affairs are be ginning to revive a little, and the prospect is that the remainder of the season will witness considerable activity in this noble game. The'Allegheny Club are in receipt of let ters from a number of the moittprominent clubs in the country, and it is quite proba ble that matches will be arranged with some of them. The Cincinnati Club. will arrive in the city on Friday, and on Saturday the game between them anti the Allegheny will take place in Union Park. On Mondav afternoon they will play a game with the Olympics. who are at pres ent on a Western tour, \ but are expected home before that time! During their stay the Cincinnatia will be' the guests of the Allegheny boys, who bade a special tact in entertaining all visitors. The Cineinnatis bring a strong nixie with them, but they will have to play well if the laurels are to be borne away with them. The Olympics, on their tour thus far, have not been quite so successful as was expected. In their first game., with the Itfears Club of Steubenville, they came off with flying colors, but in the game with the Independents, of Mansfield, they suf fered a defeat, • the score, however 7 being a very Close one, standing twenty to twenty one. The game, is spoken of by those who witnessed it as being one of the closest matches ever played in that vi cinity. But for a little careless play ing -of the Olympics toward the Close, the result would probably have been differ ent. Al. Pratt. thi3 lightning pitcher, travels with the Olympic, but will not play with them in the match on Monday against the Cincinnati. • Dan Ewer, of the Allegheny, has had a sore finger, which it was thought would prevent his , playing on Saturday, but is getting better and will be on time- 1- - Allegheny Burglaries. Yesterday morning, between one and • two o'clock, some thieves entered the real Bence of Mr. George B. Bidell, on Western avenue, Second wan], Allegheny t and stole a sillier- hnnting case watch, a couple of linen dusters and a linen °oat. An entrance was e ffected to the , house through one of the rear windows, after which the thieves broke-. open- a door-in: the hall. Strange to say, netwithstanding all-this manipulation. _none- of the family were alarmed and the booty was successfully carried off: - A slight noise was heard byone of the servants,who paid no attention to the matter, thinking it was some person gettJug up to wait on a sick; child. : At a somewhat earlier hour a colored boy_ employed in a bakery .neax by , Bair three persons climbing over a fence in the rear el Mr. Gotleib Blerstadt's residence; near the lower end of -Beaver.-avenue, Allegheny, one "of whom seemed tabe a young woman. Yesterday morning the;family of Mr. Bier stadt discovered that a number of articles of household fhrniture •had been carried off. The stMen property consisted of,a val uable hayrack-and a large Mirror valued at twenty dollars. NO clue to the operators has been discovered. United States Dbitrict Court—Judge MyCandless. In the admiralit.y.brahoh, in the case of J. E. Remiey yet - al.- vs. Steamboat. Travel. er, the Court appointed TL Bailey, Esq., 'commissioner to distribute the fund in the registry of,the Court, " • - .In the bankruptcy branch, on motion of J. S. Ferguson, Esq.,;and on petition filed, Otis Brown, a bankrupt, was granted leave to amend scheduleE, No, 45, attacked to his petition:'' In the matter of Daniel Gould, a bank . rupt, upon cenifibate of Register Harper, to the effect that specifications ofobjections to bankrupts dlieWge were not Wed with in the.time re quired , by law. Court order ed the' lasrexamirkitibn to be 'held on the sth lust . ' • • -• Lewita. Stone, ofTioga 9ounty, and Wm. H.. Me Coy,, ofiGreene,,were granted final dliellaiges and awarded certificates to that !. ' • PITTSBURGH ZAZETTiri THUMDAY, AUGUST g, The Star Chamber System. It has been enstomary in thcCadministra tion of the Mayors who barb Preeeded M. Blacktriore in that office to permit report? era of the daily press free access to the tombs, brit the -present incumbent of that important office, together with his Chief, have seen fit to promulgate an order for bidding them entrance. This order was enforced last night for the first time, and, as the Mayor 18 a candidate for re-election, we presume it was made in order to hide the worst sidtt of his administration from the public view. The reporters of tho And, Commercial and Gamma were peremptori ly refused admittance to the tombs by Captain Reed, a faithful officer, who cannot disregard orders from the pdw ers that be. Perhaps Mr. Blackmon) and Chief Greene may strengthen them• solves in the estimat ion of the (public by adopting this “star chamber" arrange ment, but if they do so they will accom- We plish more than any of their predecessors. have a brief ohaptor on - the, ma ment of the tombs in htore fir oaf rea na ders ge , which may not show Mr. Blackmore'w ad ministration in the rosy light some folks are foolish , enough to regard it. It is prob able that the tombs wore occupied last evening by something of higher rank than the drunken , vags and disordorlien, but it is more likely that the prisoners were so promiscubusly !mud dl together without. regard to color or se that His Honor deemed It prudent to e elude the reporters. Ho Is not so strong , that a gust of wind may not blow him from tho surface, and this last exhibition time weakness will serve to demonstrate to public that neither he nor his Chiefpose are tho great manates have supd to be. At g best ths Mayor and Chief tho ate bri welcome to all the glory which will follow the inauguration of the "star chamber' system in the tombs. Republican County Executive Conimittee— ' Encouraging Reports—Communications. The Republican Cdunty Executive Com mittee held a regular Meeting at their head , • . . quarters, City Hall, yesterday afternoon at two o'clock. Hon. Russell Errett presided, with. Col. J. H. Stewart es Secretary. 'There .was a very _ large attendance, every district in the county being repre sented, from all of which encouraging re reports were received of the progress or the work. Theecretary resented a oominunica tion fro S m Hon. Ga p lusha A. 'Grow, Chair man of the . State Central Committee, stat ing that Gen. Carl Schurz would be in the city August 25th, and would address-a meeting of his German fellow citizens. On motion, the Chairman was Instructed to appoint a Committee of German Repub cans to receive Gen. Schurz and make the necessary arrangements for the meeting to be held in City Hall. The. organization of two more Grant and Colfax Clubs was reported, one in Mar shall township, with Thomas Robinson, Jr., as President, and , Williain Boner Secretary. and the other in Harrison township, with S. A. Drury President and J. J. Miller Sec retary. Col. T.- M. Bayne was :, proposed as a mem= ber of the Committee, and under the rules laid over for action at next meeting. , On motion, adjourned. The CharUers Itallread.l Another adjourned meeting In the inter est of the Chartiers Railroad enterprise was held at CanollSburg on lasi Saturday after noon, Colonel Hopkins occupying the chair and Capt. C. W. McDaniel and W. S. Moore acting as secretaries. A list of the subscriptions was presented to' the meeting by. Wm- McDaniel, Esq., showing an aggregate of $258,309, witl(one book not yet retuined,-on which was about $4,000. • - • : . The following resolution was adopted jf`p animously : Resolved, That If tho Chartiers Railway accepts the subscriptions to the stock; of i said Company in their present form, it is urgently recommended to all those Who ; have made such such subscription to pay the same in monthly instalnients, as pro posed by Judge Jewett In his letter of the 23d - of July, 1888, and this meeting hereby expresses its confidence that the calls of said Company, upon that basis, will be generally responded to by said sul scribers. The Committee on Releases reported that, with but few exceptions, releases had been obtained all along the proposed route, and that they had encouraging hope that all would shortly be granted. The meeting then adjourned to .meet al the same place on Saturday of next week . August, 15th., ' The Cattle Dlsease—Slaughter of the Con demned--Preventives Adopted, dm. The excitement occasioned by the pub , .. lie:filo - it yesterday of the' extent of the 1 cattle disease at the ,East Liberty yard, was intens44and.the rinblia resblved with 1 perfect unanimity to purchase no more . beef till the danger was passed. This res. _ olution advanced the price • of ' fowl and fish, as a great demand was created for' these substitutes for sirloins and roasts. Mr. Hoosac, Meat Inspector of the city, an Official we feel that we wronged im our aspersions yesterday, spent , the greater part of yesterday In examining stock held at the East Liberty yard and condemned some fifty head. The cattle riot attacked with the disease have been taken to pas tures adjacent to the county in the hope of saving them. It is thought that the. dis ease will be effectually checked - at the yards, and that two weeks hence no danger may be antidpated as to the sPreal or ei istence of the pestilence in our vicinity. In the meantime we again caution our readers to use due caution in the purchase of meat for their tables. Important Arrest. Two young men, named Bliss and Ward, were arrested for burglary yesterday, hav ing gained admittance to a store on Liberty street, next door to the Mansion House, on Monday morning before daylight, and forced open a safe in the office by means of gunpowder. The efficient Chief of Police had the young men arrested, and as a third one'remains to be taken the reporters 'of the press are denied any particulars of the proceedings. We hope the third offender will be secured as the police are ow on ' his trac k and will make the arrest n unless. the fugitive is advised of the efforts being made to effect his capture. We are com pelled secrecy,. and trust none of our readers will tell the young man that we have violated the rules of the Star Cham ber and published his threatened danger. Alleged Sharp IPractlcl Peteitlrant alleges that Frederick Smith has been playing a sharp dodge on him and he yesterday made information barer* Al derman McMasters against him to, that ef fect. ...Me states that Smith • represented to him that' he had bonght the wreck of the Atean4:o o l4e3; S. CasSritVel which was stink in the Monongahela river, abbve" the rail road bridge, and that he wished' to; have it raised: By such representation 'Grant says he was induoed to go to work on !the wreck, but he subsequently disco: r ed that-Sarin% nail only a labater likcfliim elf, And•that thesalcOrnith had lifted - the on. *Work and ma/le elt *ith it;...Grant thinkethat fourteen dollars and Arty cents is tocrmuolil 'and I he' therefore AinteraimiV for its retiovery.' A warrant was issued. .' A Remarkable Cure.—Nm. ,S. Thomp 7 son, Egg:, Butler county, z , Pa.; - who was entirely deaf in one ear, applied to Dr. Aborn, 184 Smithfield ' , street, and in five inlnutes'Alme bad his hearing.perfectly, re stored. Fire In Allegheny. Yesterday about noon an alarm of fire was struck from box 31 of the Alleghexiy fire alarm. The alarm was'caused by the burning of the roof in the rear poriion of the house occupied by Mr. Henry' Ed.„ wards, oriJackson street, a few doors from off Federal. The fire is supposed to have originated' from a defective flue. The dam age done was but slight and will proba bly be covered by twenty-five dollars. The fire departthent was on the ground in full force, bat their services were not required, •the "Frienship Hose Companv” having succeeded in promptly extinguishing the flames. _ Slx -Monthsi" C. The following is the bill of the Gas Com pany against the city , for the first six months of the present year : 8.9444537 cable feet at 75e per 2d $ 0,712 15 United States tax en seine, Rbe per Id 2,= forty-nine new street figps, with fi ttings 8 ' 949 52 00 each itepatra to lamp poets . 2sir , o $7 CO 03 By 0450,000 feet °lnas without charge, ac4 sll,Bfr.: 89 cording to the act of Assembly, at 75c per Al . 4.887 80 Error.--In attributing to Mr. Aiken, the well knovn Undertaker, a negligence to fully perform his duty as undertaker, to the Coroner, in the case of the body of a drowned man found adhering to the wheel of a: steamboat, an evening contemporary did him great injustice. Re was not noti fied until the body , had locome loose and floated down the steam several hours be fore. Mr; Aiken is a "prompt and efficient undertaker, and the Mail was in no re spect correct in holding him up for maitre .HoltzhelmerPs Dining ,Salion, ladies and gentleman, is one of themost popular places of its character in the • city: • Meals are served in ,the very bed, stVe at all hours ( and the tables are always filled with the luxuries of the season, and a Competent corps of cooks and attendants alnlays on hind, who take pride and pleasure In waiting oil customers. Tile Continental 113' One door below the , Postoffice, Fifth stre4t. • Ice eream.....perleg-Ahtt past few weeks the amount of this article consumed in this city would- astonish New 'Y 0 :4 1 ; man. 'The first chili trade i s - largely mo nolstillsed by. P. svcolire. 108 Fifth street; whoa° Ide cream saloon I ff one of he coolest and most Inviting In the city. Meals are served at all hours at .the most reasonable prices. - i 411, .eomphte stook of stationery, embrao. ng all the various Styles' of 'plain and faoey note PsPer, ibolscap and /atter paperr .. aslo • every variety "of envelopes,' pens, pencils; etc , are kept at the' ell known establish ment of Col. JJ. D. Eagan, Siith street, near Snitthneld, and will be, mkt up on the moat liberai terms. == I . , Real Estate Transfers: The following deeds Were filed of record before EL lienrely, Esq.; -- sth, 1868. . Ileoorder,Atigust • ' - . . .. 0.11. Orlstiv.-- Trustee,. to iffeholan''Rechtenwald, Jr: May 8. 1860:• lot oat •Mount OliVeg,- I.ower St. Clair township, Vby 107 feet .. ~..:1,-.-:.. .. --MO 0. li. Ormsby. Trustee, to Jacob - Bronden, - June 11. 1808; lot Nos. Viand 53 in Ormsby's plan, on Carbon. street, Lower St. Clair township , 6487 Oliveretta Wharton to the School Disci let of Lower St. Clair township, 'July 1, 1888:_ lot on Buckham mer street,' Lower Ht. Clair township, llb bye feet - John Brown Cl. nx. to Wm. Rodman. Feb. 17, V 188; lot on Josephine street, Lowe r St. Chair township, 31 by 7130 set lIM Joseph Nicklin et az to John Caldwell, July 7,1E168: lot on Washington street, Wilklnr--township.l,6lB) 112 I by 340 feet 41 D. C. Crawford toll. I). Marsh, April 8, 18137; lot on Ninth street, corner Temperance alley, McKees port, 43 by IN feet Joseph Kirkpatrick to 11'm. Tyson. Apri- 1. 1888: lot j on Ad Ms street, near Manhattan street,.Manchea tar. 54 by 12/4 feet. with buildings.-- . g 750 .fames A ellowans to John O'Neil, Ault'. . 1 ? -1 8 8 3; the biturn none or stone coal wh i ch is In and under the larin o Mr, McGowans, itaMlillin Township.. g 3,61 Jahn (1 I.unn to Jacob Ifeinrichs, June 17, 1088: hilt a lot No. 81, In Galloaray's plait Reserve Town hip. lb by IV feet - - e 1,7713 Robert Henderson to Margaret Hart, Aug. 3, /888: lot on Quarry street, Allegheny City, TO by% feet . 140 The School District of Liberty Township to John B J. "Marshland and John Perchweat, M. D., lot No. 1 la liertler's plan, Rost Liberty, 83 by 260 feet.... ,600 Charles Pourset to. William H. 31cKee, eta!, J ul 14, 1858: lot, In Rerd'a Rub-division of Farm. No. 3,in , the LanOr of Pittsburgh, laid off by 8. Colwell, Pitt Township , 83110 Kauel Garrison's' heirs to John Hoorn, July ZZ, 1 11, OM; i on Butlerstroe t,. Eighteenth ward, Pitts burgh 48 by 100 feet 0400 Martin islieviwood to-Joseph Riding, April 0, 1007; lots vs. 58 and 50 In Wray's plan, Lawrenceville. 40 by 00 fret ,Bamtiel Garrison's heirs to George Hoer, July $430 24; 118081 lot in the Eighteenth ward, Pittsburgh, 48 by, 100 feet 4 1 Maine t same, July Zl, 1/158; lot on Butler street, ' Elgh eenth ward, 48 by 100 feet , 11450 Churl &ham et 0x ., t0 Charles Gossong: August 5, 1 i lot,No. Bln McKinney's' plan, Robinson own hip, 50 by MO feet , . $1,075 town Vorret to Lucas Zimmer, August 5, 1888: lots , Non. land IR In Ewing's', plan, Liberty town- ' ship, try,l4o feet .' * - High Wm.. 7 flea to John Mllls , April 8, 1803; loPon High land treet, Collins township, 54 by - 115feet,- with build gs ..%0 88111121 , 1 ehlelds to John Johnstsin, December 1, 04 1 lot on Deaver st eat Allegheny, 80 by 07 fect...•500 A, J. (1 :pries et us. to ?stay Blew; August 5, IWO; a part of lot No:. at, In^ Walne's plan on Bank lane, Mallen", IS& by 88 feet. with buildings $ 2 , 500 11 0IITGAGICS. 13amo day cloven mortgagee and thlrteeriAllegbeny City prdlnances wore filed of record. The Controllership. hlnsens. Enrrons : I have taken pains to examine Into the merits of the respective abilities of the two prominent candidates presented for the very important office of city Controller. I. will say nothing de trimental to the cause of Mr.. McSowan, but will insist that no better choice can be made , than Thomas Steele; Esq.,' who I . dare say is better acquainted _with the affairs of Pittsbnrgh than any - other person iii Allegheny County, ills name is above suspicion, and the insinuations of Inability and lack of devotion to the inter ests of tax-payer's contained in severanirti cies published in the Dispatch, are false to an extreme and unworthy publication in any journal. Mr. Steel has - been identified more or less with every great movement made in our city to advance its. character and Insure its importance. lie has given evidence of great executive ability, of clear insight and decided knowledge on manic- , !pal matters, and has brought with him 1 into every position harms occupied decided' 1 tact and experience. For Controller no bet-- 1 ter selection can be made, and If his'clainis are laid aside the people will show'a sorry lack of appreciation for a faithful public ser vant and one in whom they can safely repose the largest measure of public confidence. Mr. Steel's conneetion with the City Hall Commission is no closer than that, of any other gentleman composing the Board. He has no salary and has not collected a single cent for his services thus far, his only and greatest desire being to-have erected at lowest possible cost a building which will reflect credit to our municipality. Let him be elected and my word for it the affairs of the city will be guarded and watched In such a manner as will , rove acceptable to the heartiest foe of Steel. ' JUSTICE. Fowl- of Beer. Bowers is doubtless fond of beer, but if the statement of Andrew Walls can be re lied on, he took a very doubtful method of gratifying his taste in this respect. Walls alleges that he purchased a half keg of the beverage froms. Herde, for - which he veld oner'Aollar and a, half. Horde says hesgave it to a milkman named William Fisher to convey to Walls' residence. While on his way to the place the milkman states that Bowers stopped him and said he owned the article, and that it' - would be unneces sary fort him to carry it any further, and ac cordingly .ho passed the keg over to him. A warrant was issued. Total bill Facts that *at Stand Investigation— Sewing. Machines are a Matter of In terest to thePgblte . There are 'certain' sewing Machine agents of this city who would like to make-the public believe that they sell a great amount 'of machines, more than their neighbors; but taking the amount received by railroad , we find that our Noiseless Machine falls very short, as the canal is not in operation, and they certainly don't get them by the old road wagons in these progressive days. The public now possess the satisfactory knowledge that there are More Weed Sew ing Machines sold in Pittsburgh and vicinity than any others; and as the Weed °fries don't Day twenty-five hundred dollars rent, some of the Machine Agents will doubtless feel the effects of the Weed, as where one is planted it is always followed by others, as the reference list shows, and in some cases in less than twenty-four hours. - paying a visit to the W Office you can see new machines of other„ ekes, which have been taken in part pay he Weed Machine. _ anvaamicEs—plTTsstmon. • H. Bishop, 82 Penn street. -- J. M. Cooper, 722 Penn street. ' E. Johnion, 156 Penn street. C. P. Murray, 656 Penn street. J. H. Irwin, W. 5 Penn street. , J. D. Me - Kee, 811 Penn street; . ,_ • P. Adams, 838 Penn street. J. S. Hamilton, 857 Penn street. J. S. M'Guire, first Toll gate, Penn street. J. W. Taylor,- 427 Penn street. George Shoenberger, ¢2B Penn street. H. Hagerman. 719 Penn street. , • M. Mattern, 419 Penn street. B. M. Finiele; 786 Penn street. P. H. M'Kenna, 181 Liberty street. J. Doughterty, 654 Liberty street. J. Kay, Liberty street. 0. Holt, 11 Himes row', Liberty street. Mrs. Hines k ,-,' Hine's row, Liberty and Factory streets. It. G. Cletrians,ll6 Smithfield-street. E. J. Barker, 116 Smithfield street. Thomas Bailey, 4 SMithfield street. • Ann Yohng; Second and. Ross streets. G. Nearnen, 250 Second street. J. Digby, 181 Second Street.' J. C. Perry, 191 Sedond street. E. Boymon, 297 Second street. C. McDonald, 23 Third street. L. Gillespie. 199 Third street. A. Flowers, 200 Fourth street. J. M. Miller, 34 Fourth street. Miss A. Gorman, 58Fourth-street. Dr. J. King, 97 Fourth street. A. Aiken. Undertaker, 166 Fourth street:~ J. Perry, 32 Poplar avenue. Greenwalt, Dentist. 11 Wylie street. Dr. C. J. Cahill, 116' Wylie street. Dr. Pollock, 91 Wylie street. SteinJ. W. carmack, 57 Franklin street, and it Bro. M. A. May, 18 Franklin street. It. H. Lora), Agent, No: 112 Grant street. Most Bitters of the present day that are loudly puffed through the newspapers as having great curative properties are vile compounds and base impositions, Contain ing ne medicinal virtues whatever, and - are really very poor whisky beverages, and, Instead , of acting as a stimulant and tonic, have ktendenoy to weaken the stomach by r-entrirely destroying the coating. The public should:therefore be very cautious and pur chase hone' but-Roback's Storactekilittera, which have stood the test as a remedial agent many years, and are really as `their name indieates, a atomoeh bittera and +not a betrerage:l'f,lThey combine the proper ties of the besti:tonic and a stimulant—a laxative, an efficient and anti-bilious agent and the best stoilaaohic known to the world, and when taken ini conjunction with; Bo baek's Blood Pine, are the saft and surest preventive again t all bilions,ditrangements, thoroughly regulating the Whole system and giving tonal() the digestive organs. They are highly recommended as an in- , vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing, pacreasing the flow of milk, and for conva lescents, to restore the prostration which alwaYs follows long-continued sickness, they are unsurpassed. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without these invaluable medicines. They can be obtained- of-any druggist. ' prsl` lithe heated term is over, the demzuid for ice cream and summer refreshments still continues ,as great as ever, and no wherein the city will be found a better ar ticle, served np in cleaner style, than at the first class saloon of P. EL M'Gnire, No. - 105 Fifth street. Ladies and_gentlemen will also find there a sphindid assortment of confectionery and sweet-meats. Meals are served up at all hours at the most rea sonable prices. -- The Continental.—Holtzheimer's Conti , nental Saloon; Fifth street, one door west of the Postofllce, is one of the best dining sa loons in the lefty. Mr. H. has extensive experience as a caterer n , and gives the mat ter his entire attentio, and the result is that his extensive and comfortable- rooms are filled with customers at all times. Scientific and Literary books, and works on art are selling at half price at CoL J. D. Eagan.s, as are also Sabbath school library. books. Cash paid for second hand books, novels, mag n a t zi o nes,"&c. • - All the l magraines and illustrated paper's will be found on the counter of this establishment. } Intelligence Offices are one of the great est conveniences of the ° age, as will be frilly demonstrated by calling on Colonel J. D. Egad . , Sixth street, near Smithfield, who hap recently embarked in the business. Persona • In. search of employment will do well to - give him a call. - .• W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market street, is offering an elegant stock of -goods to his customers at clearance prices. It embraces all the latest styles of lace goods, trim mings, embroideries - and a general 'assort inent of straw goods. Mcßride dr. George at the original Di amond Front Grocery, No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny, keep a full supply of family groceries and provisions. Give them a call, all you that are keeping house and claim to economise. • .ta,Mi 39 Bates if; Bell's, No. 21 Fifth street, is the ladies emporium of fashion. It is to Pitts burgh what Stewart's is to New "York. The quarity.of the goods sold at.this establish ment are such as to commend the house to , all purchasers. • - . “Sure, there is some wonder in this hand kerchief," said Desdemona. Can it be that she bad a Prophetic smell of the "Fier del Santo,!! •that exquisite perfume for the handkeichicf, manufactured by_ C. .B. Woodwerth& Son, Rochestei; N. Y, • • Hosiery of every description is embraced la the imn2ense qtock of goods now opening at ',W. Moorhead's fashionable retail ,trizm*g.rMze, No. 81Market street..: 'Sweetmeats andgeneral confoptionery in admirable 'ldeation and assortment can no where else better be obtained than at P. H. hteGulie'a, 'No, 105 Fifth street, ' 8,000 rare and valuable books are offer edtbr sale gat Eastern prices at COI. J. D. Eagan'swell . known Book and Statione4 store,.Elixth street, near Elmithtteldw: ria;-2 1 1 . 1 1 ',1!‘e weetla.tbs plane where an immense sto o k 9f, dress goods, and every variety of dri , goods, is sacred to theptdr• lie at emih reasonable prices. - • r There is a siendid stoes.. .of Dress Goods just openj a i Bates dc No. 21 Fi ft h street. Caud ses . thern: - • - bog I4ost ant Reward pared—See ad vertisement under head br Hydradle Cow Mllien—Sett advertime. men; In 1 4ngtheF ooltutin. : • et. Never was a more perfect anirtioinplete D c won_tban the orielatelyacbieved by Dr. Geo. W. Sitencer, the ) celebrated Pitts burgh Dentist 4 His superior facilities and knowledge, of; the - science created-an envy among his conipetifors that led to the use Of every effott .-that bitterrivalry could pro duce—the :ruiwspapers were covered with flash, and in some cases ridiculotis-aVer tiaements-,-teeth were sold at competition rates, arid the Dental war ivaloti high. The Doctor quietly pet forth SubStanVal, busi ness-like advertisctients of whit'Al could and would do for Those patronize%. him, and done all he advertised, and',caved quietly alone while others nervously rt.\ ned, foamed and .sweat. The result is, .nikrly All the practitioners whose names ap - peiNi , d so o ft enin.big letters under low figures M t disappeared from the public view. Si46: , ,tia cer's same solid, earnest and fact-Stating,l cards occupythe same places and spaces, ',12 twenty-seven papers, and at his Great Ste; la Dental Depot, 254 Penn - street, he continues to keep steadily employed some fifteen or eighteen assistants. It is needless to say more, and impossible to pay a higher com pliment than publishing these vernevident facts, which the public will readily recog nize as such: - . Mr. T. T. ;plumber,Ewens,l, Gas and Steen... Fitter at-'No. - 1 . 65 Wood street, has on hand p,i his establiahment• an excellent assortment of pumps, tprominent . among which we observed _..al,ptitent ale. pump which readily cowmen di itself. He also • iieps afull assortment 'of , gas :fixtures, which will be sold at reasonable, prices. Mr. Eweins is - a practical workman and gives special attention to steam fitting and we Cheerfully recommend the public to hie. establishment. Special attention is given. to work in the country by Mr. -:Etvens, and as he employs the most competent workmen our firends, everywhere who , entrust work to him will have no cause to• regret it. His prices are reasonable. ,donsekeeers to e call will find, it to their adyant p age call at the Original Dia mond Front Grocery. No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny, where they will find one of the largest 'and best selected stocks of pure teas, coffees, - spices, etc., embraciisg a com plete assortment of choice family gro ceries. Messrs. Mcßride cif George, the proprietors, are careful in making the pur chases to buy nothing but what they can recommend, and nowhere -else in either city can a better selection of goods be found at more reasonable prices. Asthma—The New York' Independent published a letter -from Rev. Jos. . 3 / 4 .4. UO:7, settinV a rth the wonderful efficiency or Jonas toomb's Alithma Remedy. • , Likeness of Grant.--Fnlbeized portrait or Grant,lon colored card board, the best and eh eaPest likeness' to be had,' for twenty-five cents, at No. 84 Fifth street.' flaw MARRIED: GR IFFITHS — MALOY.—On- Tuesday evening,. August 4th, by Rev. A. 'G. Kirk, WM. G. GRIP,- PITHS and Mau EMMA V. M. MALOY; both of. Allegheny City. : - • DI En: r.S C.H A M lR rs D . Eß.. — Tvesday August-4 at 3 o'clock year o t her a E e ZB ETIISCHMEDER.Inthe 55th The funeral will take place from ht• late resi dence, on Ease Lane, Third ward. Allegheny City, THIS Mannino ' , it 10 o'clock. The friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. BRYANT. — Wedneaday morning. August sth, at 11 o'clock, Mrs. J. 13, BRYANT, aged 31 years. The funergl will township from her her late resi denee in Chartlers on les, ;DAT YOUNIAG, At 10 o'clock. The friends of the fsmlly are re— kpectfullylnvlced to attend. • UNDERTAKERS. ALEX. AIKEN., UNDEIITAIiM, No. 166 FOURTH-STREET; Pittsburgh; Pa. INS of all Fune ra lPES.- GLOVES, and ev ery description ofFu.rwlithing Goods- fur abated. Rooms open day and night. • Hearse anCI Carriages flirnished. ntricazscza—Rev. David Kerr, D. D., Ref. M. W. - Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., aacob H. Miller, Esa. • ciIIARLES & PEEBLES t UNDER TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLES, corner ot - S DUSKY. STREET AND CHURCH AVENUE, Allegheny City. where their COF PIN ROAMS am constantly supplied with real and imitation Rosel; wood, Mahogany and Walnut Coffins, at prices vs..: tying from * to slOO. Bodies. prepared tor inter ment. Hearses and Carriages tarnished; also, all , Janda or Mourning ILloodS, if required.. Ottlpe open' at all hottrs. - day and night. __ i - • - nonEwr T. RODNETtUNDER-k TAKER. - AND` EMBALMER, No. 45 01110 ENT, - Alleghen and No. 60 - DIAMOND• SQUARE, (by John Wilson & Bros - . 0 keeps always on hands the best - Me tal , Eastwood, Walnut an( Itnltatiou Rosewood Coffins. Walnut Coffins frort 4.25 upwards. HosdWood Coffins 420, upwards, ar other ce.Sris I - proportion. Carriages and Hearses furnished at low rates. Crape, Gloves , - Plate ant Engraving furnished gratis. Mee, open ; day ant Wight. IMPORTED.. GAODS. TOOTH BRUSHES, • " NAIL BRUSHES. HAIR BRUSHES, LUBIN'S EXTRACTS, COUDRAY"S EXTRACTS, PDCAUD'S EXTRACTS, 1: 7 ' LOW'S SOAPS, COUDRAY"S SOAPS, SOCIETE HYGIENIQUES SOAPS, r LUBIN'S SACHETS, BROWN'S _CHLORODYNE, E BRECNELL'S SHIN-SOAP,. MUSTARD, coraurvo, FEEDING BOTTLES, CHEMICALS,. PROM SQUIRES, 'SQUIRE'S GLYCERINE SOAP, BARG'S VIENNA SOAP, WINES AND BRANDIES, I IMP . OSITZD DIRECT. BY mzwox aonzNi;ToN, Corner Smitlitteld:and,'Fourth Stieefi. an4:TTS G EITINE SCOTCH -PEBBLE SPECTACLES, 1111 WARROTRD TO IMPROVE FM MORT ESE FOB SALE BY; DUNSEATH & HASLETT, 51 lemma sr N . Ew _ . z!.. OILING GOODS - • ; Adapted ici s :MST CLAIM TAILOR* ; =1 JUST Orr:TED, AT HENRY G. 13,A,AXIS, , Cornet' cir Penn and Fit. Chifir stowisrG OFIF AT•ton .":# • -VMS RALANOR - UP OUR mug siva or elortith . owniyougurouts, mnitch% Gentlemen'eTurtiihing Goods. AT ocieT, to wake room sorIBALL GOODS R. SMITHS Atteronium Q. 91 WYLIE v., tot. ~edent. LE I BM Mil •~..~.~ II E I= ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers