I' I\l 1 LII `? - ' GRO7. BYERS fir. CO., kiNUFACTUB.Mig. 07 B r Roo and Sheet: on,, WROUGHT IRON, Ira Welded Tubes for Goo, Stefan, Water, &v. Ala?, • OIL WELD, TITBING. Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streebu ,= ,. ,SECUR.G7fiI, Pa. itil:e2ll TrENSIISGTON IR01! WORKS. -LjL , LLOYD & BLACK, - . II . A.IMACTUREBI 3 OF , • st Common, Relined, Charcoal . , - JUNIATA BLOOM . IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ESTIND eddIIQVAILE IRON. HOOP BAND - T and ANGLE ON. , Borax YlAkt§lndjMAET = HOWER AND APEic BARS. 0 MINDER and GUAM) or FINGER IRON.- SHALL T RAILS, _2O - and 11.0 thee Y WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIRES for same. FLAT •Punched and Countennl4.• ' COAL ScIEREN 'BON. • I . RAILS AND SPIKES. "Warehouse.ishiE (Mei at tha worieV . I OUGH STREET, (*continuation of First street,] adjoining the City Gali:iy,prirs, Pittsburgh.: EvEugoriorß,Eswort- & co, • . Pennsylvanialron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and lfreltlif' STr opposite Monongahela Mouse,- •• . - QM:dB ; P1TT1D311R61.134 wmurs. - - `privrtgisuuGli STEEL WORKS. . tisTkisuircul 1845.3 ANDERSON . & woors, astrocrssass To ANDERSON, COOE . CO., Manufacturers of ever deScriptice!of • ' Imwrii*i*gb*voLsrEEL Min, Haliy, aicitancr, eang and cross Cut SAW' I ,Spring, Cast and German PloWand Blister Steel. ritivrtlitlEgeagrteer.lcue and i 7141 T, steel. Steel I ringer, et Vale : r nring Steel Tyre, Plow I W i n m g o l 'e iindtgia l l i ogiltllTßST AND BOSS STS.. rittsbursti,', . ' . .. pr2S;dlC, s HEFFAELD, woms. itEOK & CO., 1/11811131:6311, Xanti!M!iluxml'of every liewriptlon of CAST ANDtWirdIAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPBINGS. - • , FY•LaPTIC.: STEEL THUgs aos. Waielions . ei'BB ap16:067 14., BARK &Pmulmr. Olhtlw;riliTuauf vrm. nirreamir,- sztausisr BELE.I.KR, 41E0. W. 114.8. U.. • 1r CkiAS. ARSIISI. 151.1171.A1,.PAWRXILB - i3. 81118. -, . . CRESCEIITT STEEL WORKS, 311:LLLETILlo.0.*.itit,4t1 3, AitiCIN; Ofit6e, No. 339 Liberty St, , . Vt.& nos 01011, fel4:d4s Buick 'Dwdorti) SM3L WOPKS. -, - Riug;: ‘ :,:00 1 .10_4::pi; atauniiiituivis of . . Sae and Varebouse L 20,122. 124'8E0011n and 119 And 121 MST STREETS, =I H'A.RDWARE. EW --- 11ARDWfilltE HOUS E. LlNDstit: STERRIT & EUWER, Idstirli e t'ul4rs ' ' and bilPOrtels of • ' ]a.A_ rt u•vv- --‘ COTLERY, &C. WE 287 Li is EitTY . .. ~ p 41i.51 1 .3t 1.0 : AV ATNE,, on 4. Oi.trubre Reim* rniosi PITTSBURGH.:.; ; . . . • Ar4 o Agents ee YAL ~*Al4l{.O, : 'i 1:101141101, BELL & 1-11. • t 1 ; • , • APICH Ott 6611VP1 _ -• . . ME . . : . ...... asanntwurare or,ol*NtistgfAnlt - s4d4l,ldEr7 . 1 -, ,:w . i., ,, ,t I , .-:: ~.-''/ • ‘ o. ' ' * i ANC/iOg,ALNIPritaIOWtHrArA ;, ~.,.., 1,e1002)1 . SH zr.rtiy . ^.l-I.l34,l"rizier. PotTNDERB,` -vt§xEsm3: ATLAS IVORK.S, itORTON STREET, 'Vinth Ward, THOMASI N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the hugest and most omnple to establishments In the West, and ere ncrvr prepared to furnish . Engines, of every deseripticoil. Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Cast Look • golfing IRiii Cl'arilarga, iuuriMie Ciii!thw!h, ssellthe Cpistings. 65!)neral Caat 11,03 - : . OItDEIIB tiOLICIT.ED X.IOIOIF4UL t'OFNDR,It 'AND - - PIPE WORKS. Corner"Carial and Stnallinan Streets, • MIRTH WARD,) • , • . • Jerrrsistritaria. PA. . Wlff SMITH - • . Manurcicturer of . CAST, IRON BONI. PIPE S FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. Mp Plpes are all cast In lengths. vartably in Pits, in dry . Also,Ana, and ISt feet run assortment or General Castings for this and Water Works. I would also c i al o l43llll, k tr c loi t i E coL;SayinterLd!nts of Gas Works fenktlo L. 0. LIVINGS.TON.R. E BIIRT.W. A. BOBLNB9N, KINGSTON Ai CO . , IA • - IRON -FOUNDERS, • ffiANITIPACTUREII3 OP • FINE. LIGH.T CASTINGS,. • wrortm i n t, ft eT zu ct i t r . .,l4o, : zraii , 111: ° e ve,b All Work promptly attended to. • Office' and: Worke—WASIUNGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City; Pa. • ROBILNSOP4 REA Is C 0.,• . . succ;isepis to BoiusigON. WNW& MIIJ.ERS, - WASI-iINGTONWORKS 9 FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, - . idandschliers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mil Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all deter_iptiont; Gil nab; and Stills, Boiler and SheedlrOn:Work. Mee, NO:l2;cornerrirst and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFARIPS PATENT INJECTOR for :feeding Boilers. - . - • lallmig MEM MONT BILANGFOUNDRY. Mitter -Street, Ninth 'Ward, (Opposite Un ion Iron billts;) ITETSBUROIL Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AHO PIPE BOXES, IitALTIMEBY AND: crayruies GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. . " . EBBERT macula 0e15:123 B ERLIN Fo DRY. PRICE & SIMS. ottke ' liettouse. 29 Wood Street. Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON poxes, DOG IRONS, SUGAR ILETTLEIL HOLLOW WARE, Aid ostrunge vieraut. - csiox.isr co., - Forth. Ward Foundry Ell-Machine 'Works, , , gaistrukcr ST.. illazomurr. CITY - • • Mannfactarefit of 'Steam _Oll Presses, Pal 191T1=ifienZialtlima 6 , Wagon Boxes, Le. Build order_and have-on hanorEnglnes of all alai.. ' 1 Invlenia CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND N 01.1.. WORKS • . -- Soo Penn Street. B4:1141111AN, BOYD & BAOLLEY. ChM Has, Ililll Bolll4thes. &e. JeLTON : MACHINE . WORM. • . Zeranntangp rn 1636; - • • nfactory - ot 1iT84.16 ,ENG 11166,, of all Idea and at the most approved patterna,:for stationary purposes ; 61"B.A=OATEI And. STEAK. FEY 30.1.911.: .a: Variety of and 16 lame power , 2.1011.111f6, which will be soid. at ?dry reduced , • . •P. F.. GEISSE. Wellswtllo a O. Iriftynsiles belt)* Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, 'and line WO. P. B. - , - - .not:h2 lIIRIIFp. I LIMBER! , LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON; , . Dealer in all Au/dant Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR BALE : *500,000 fiet Dry Pine Boards,* 2 30,000 recta:7 Oak, -1 and Mehl 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2,2% and '3 Inch; 200.000 fret Hemlock; i s oucouo mired; - 100,000 No. 116• Inch Shingles, sawed; • 100,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles; sieved; . . 2,000 Locust Poste, 7,8 and 12 feet:- • . • - 300 Cedar Posts. r Also, - Fire Brick; The and Clay, In large or small quantities)a : • . - - YAAIDB No. SO , PREBLE STREET. formerly Manche:ter,. and-187 REBECt; et STREET. oppc.: alto the Gas Works, Allosh , ay City. :jy20:03 FORT C ap ital, ; LUMBER COMPANIV. . _ ' - • . ~. . , O/p/614 , , •.: '..- - $125M00, 7 ' •,- '::rrizwr -EDWARD DITHEX*I.: , SECTISTAR"Vdr. • A. :WRIGHT: '.''' stillaurillsntsrrag.DVT. DAVISON. • ' •-• • pimvattrama. . Edward Oaitson, L. V. Drlneen, ' John Mellon, - Tr._ Dlihrldge,f Dlthri t die M. L. Malone, • • . Johnston: LIJMBRIt TAsD=Oorner Imp ix; LzotrENT STREETS. Ninth Ward: ;, • • OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS Wish. ingtott rent. • *11120:ia GAS' AND STEAM • FITTING. JOHN M. COOPER.. 'O'..4OI3 . ' RAYS . ILLIERT BIZR. JOHN M. COOPER &CO • u.• • • F BRASS FOITITIORILS - • DAS ;AND_ STEAM FITTERS . Manufacturers of AND BRASS WORK o even' escription: dealers in WWI inxTvgas AN - D:ll7l3We. of silk:lnds. . • Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, • , ..,43:n4TsnUAG04, ffimm cs 4 lolupt, IRON' BROILEik 124 "int Street, •Pittsbur‘h •pc , •:',7lgent, for thu sale of 09rarkDOnichlUM11,' isg, : phlne f -11funbantt talattpfie; tH6tidon , ancli-othat prards of Mithroc 4- ite, • youghlogheni .I.lpkft 0114,01 W.104,100411iti trr :011len anigion+ntswidorders • PrrTS33IIIIGrIX. ganninetnret and keep conatintii on band LUUMMI. BROKERS, WS it ..i , .' if S.: rtAr',-!..141 c. , ,nos yr' sPectftilli prrrpv4G4 •pik-zE-TrE THURSDAY kI *vqvn- r.;7 --- Em‘chr .- ii - of:adis, AC. FORT PITT BO SPIL TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, Tustruut. DOIIBLE-FLUED TIIBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLDIDES. STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISQN DOORS AND COAL SHIITES 010450 - bud 'Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa.-I W Orders Bent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mb7:189 WM. ILL & C0.,1 BdILER MAKERS AND SHEET' IRON WORKERS; INDS. SW, SS, 24 AND 538 PENN ST. Having securedn large yard and ihrnished it with the most approved machinery, we are pre,pared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and' :warranted equal to any madeln the country. Chimneya, Breeching, Fire :Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive 3 Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Hans, Boller Iron, Bridges. Sugar Pans, and sole 11321111/. faciurers of BarnhilPs Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 105:c.21 JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and's6 Water Street, pirrsistraou, PA., . KANOTACIRIIMB OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, - And SHEET IRON WORE, - For Steamboats. JARED IL BRUSH =MIND D. - 8817511. JARED M. BRUSH. & SON, - • mainuficrtanutifor Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SILEET•MON WOllll. &O. 61. Penn Street, :Pityiburgh, l'a. A STETTLER SONS & CO., .40L.• - N'ANIMACTCPRERIS OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, 'Tanks, And SHEET IRON WORE, of all klnde. LOMA Street, Filth,Ward, Pittsburgh. jyl9: • STOVES„ CASTINGS, &c COOK 8 BUSE:tit & CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR 'B r ITU3I7NOTIB COAL. -Warrioted to: Cooly Bike or Boast as • well assay other Store in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 23€5 Liberty Street. Alto an hand and for ehle, - • PARLOR STOVES SKATING STOVE ki GRATE PRO RENDERS, . • • '+ GOOSING NOES, &a ap26:o CHEAPEST PLACE in the city • TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Lat 2To. 146 GRANT OTBSET, O. DI2MTY.- AND lioso cOiniziiisdon licsen . t4 madliraers in Petitiletim and Its Pr4Atidef DALZELL'S BUILDING,DUQUESNEIWAYi PRILADRLPIIIA - ADDRESS, < TACK BROTIREII.I4 , - . • • COMIESSION MERCHANTS, - • AND DEALBIIS IN Petrole= and lts•PrOducts. _Plttabargli Oface—DALZBLL , BUILDING. • cor ner of Daq . aaaaa Way I'll,llx:win atraete. rhtladelphla Ogice-127 1 07ALNUT ST. apI:wl0 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. 84, CO., Oil Commission Jobbers, No. DUQUESNE WAY, will Tar,and sell Crude and Relined 0114 Lubricating, Benzine and Cooperage. Our longexperlence in the Pe c troleum tradeenables us to otter animus! facilities and in ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to make it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give no a call. Parties .having Oils for- sale are eorffially invited to bring their 'samples: II IL LONG'co" • MANUFACTIJIMES OP PUBS Wattg- BURNING - VIL I t:Brand--6 6 LUCLFEB.Y , ' Office' N. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsbiligh. 118 ; . PII.A.CTICALL .-. 1 1 Q - s.. f. , ,- - t , ‘ -; ;- k , -•• S . FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHODESniat: AND. RETAIL, - -: , • 7 LESSOPV`Ik• "WEISE;' - - . rich ti us-kvvirru . igThMET. 5 ' Ocmatanaly on band every : variety of PAI:_1;011 and (THAMBEH FURNITIIIM, together with a_com- Plete astortiment of common Fttrattnriat :tanned 1 ._ . T hos e LO want of anyabina to oaf Wu? an ceT l / 11 3/ 7 invited to,call before potonsatng. • ' ' gg i V arlinte 7, d . ' ~, , • I.Eldo)51 a wzisa.. . r. c• ' ' COPPER. .14Altrus rrAtiou ocikits MILL AND WOBA i'VTS.I33ERW UI. ~ r . ~: PARK, IifcCURI)Y & C 0.,, •' Maneacturers. of Bbeatblng, Bras i ers' an d '' Bofs 4 ,QOppet. Preslod Copper Bottoms, Raised Still 80t..! tams,Speller Solder, i Also, Importrs azOl,Ditale,lll , $n „blethlt.Tjin Mato, Sheet 'lron, Wlre,_ Aker - Con- ItAntiron hand Ttuners , Machines ai.d 'roots. Warehouse t No. 140 FIRST STRIDA mil ma 13BOOND STBEBT,Flttsburgh. r.--- ....P , 3 . I vipects,looers of Oopper. Out to any deslfe4 TI At. gers.ottw4 ; . k.myteciLdirT • . WORKS. ELNTIFACTO73:OS 07 OYES, T THE BEST. WARING, KING & Vi'alent Street. FURNITURZ FINANCIAL. EM=====Z2:Mt=t23 FORT PM BEM CHIPANY, NO. 169 Wood - Street, - CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEng• Di GOVERNMENT;EQURNTEk AND C LUX INTREST . :ALLOWED 011 ERB DEPOSITS. Collections m► United States am D. Itostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, Irkweett; 821.191' FLEYS No. 29 1 PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (nathorized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. IL J. Lynch, Wm. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., Henry Bockstoce, William Eepy, Geo. T. Van Doren, Samuel Barckley, A GENERAL BAItKING BUSINESS . . • TRANSA TED Collections mitde On all accessible pants in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time peposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. 'LYNCH, Pre"Went. GEO. T. TAN DOREN. Cashier. ,:=lfols:o:co4o4;4:l+;lowamitArlovontAoAA NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sfa A:PATTERSON JOS. H. HILL .... Cashier CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. _ A. Patterson, I Wni. IL Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, , W. B. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAUGHEY & CO., - BANKERS AND BROKERS, Comer 'Third and Wood Streetsr l priTsircrmari, . 4 _ CSUCCIESSORS TO HANSA, HA= ic DWaltEl ra . Exchange, Coin, Couponi,. And particular attentin e jr to the - purchase and COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Driala on Taondon. myl:sS3 XTEMM EN, & SONS, • , 57 Market Street, lor1"1"1"813tTR,GEE, PA. Collections wade on all the 'principal points of the United States and canadas. Stocks, Bon& and other Secfirities EMMET AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. - . Particular attention Raid io the purchase and United States Seenvities. ja2lo:al STESPi SAVINGS BANK, 4 Xo. 59 Fotollb Street. CH.ARTEItED 1866. Interest paid oriThne flert:osits ART SUM RECEIVED FROM ' ONE'DOLLAR UPWARD. .• • , DEPOSITS SUBJIN . L i TO CHECK. Wasovr Durtatto Daily IA etv,ock., President...THOMPSON SELL.: Vice President-.A. N. MA Att Tesit . :mem , THOMPSON BEL Du L, A. os : M.' MARSH ALL, JOS. DILWOUTH. JOS. ALBREE. • J. J. jr.G •APLE. • Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, 13. W. C. Bidwell, , E. M. Folton. MECILANICIP Ne. 1.4 Smithfield; Stree t . . . 2 INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. SO arcrErvEtp FROM ONE DOLLAR 17PW De.. . . posits received oubjeefto Cheek; without Interest. - PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES BLACHMORE, Piasiderkt. , GEO. 13..TINDLE.,__Gecretary and Treasurer. JAMESIIOPHINS, flfolleltdr. . • TaITSTEES: t • Tameißlacknaore., - • ,Tablea IT. napkins,' Alex. Tindle,James Down, WBUam Deane, . W.•Brailehaw. A. o..Supbage, Robert Wrat, • Jahr. itans. , COUPON 'BONDS. $l5O l OOO Eight Per Cent. Qonpon Mortgage Bonds FOR fil.hafAia. • ‘• "Tbise itondt are secured by a - . MoriirsFe on the Vahusble 1' rorkerty ,or thelliinerlor ro legbeny abd Westmorelenil counlles, — Ys6 „,.. Interest at the gate of EIGHT 1:BIt P.E O4 :. A - P. 6 ANNUM, payable seinl-annually. Application NAT hese. Bonds can be tame et tee CITIZENS! lONAL BA L. or to : JOHN . ISCOTT_,Treasurer, - at the Th llce - Of the ' CenrAelt, corner Tddril fint Market twts, "HtsburErt. • rirreatiapa, Juire4b;:imi. . • ..15 , 9nin • ';PAPER. apEf riPINIAINGGCtiMity, Manuf - ac ' tur PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS; CLINTON MILL--STEITEENSIII,Lh.LOIMO. BBIGETUN MILL—NEW ssuGHTMPs....• WM Mfg °MOE AND WAREHOUSZ, NO;82 Third Sti4 tt," Pittgiiiiih3 o. iD Orncsua—AtraMll. j , allor..iff - viNGarrON, ?re/Lauer. SAMUEL RIDDLE. Beeretazy. a lidutoTothi— Aegret Hartle, John Atwell, S. Homog...John B. LivlngtoArh.rrat taltal e- Onebrildlee raver Stoehr lemost- points In the lher. Iler flg, Alley. 3=21 Cashier, JriNK, ;a~ President.. DIRECT 0118: George W. Can, lames McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. And. Y, AT 11 A. M. •DD:o22 E-- 21 nuke reference: Joseph Dilworth, Bey. David Kerr, Henry Lombert, A. Ih. Brown, Thomas ?mine. PINGS HANK, VEIEIEUrZ; BANKER, • Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC B. B, BONDS, GOLD SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET- Afsns OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a &liable In any -part; of Europe.. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER , EST 'ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. , T dAKEE3 Ls BEADY & CO., Corner Fourth and WOO Sts., 33 IL PoT YR SEC,. BUY AND SELL ALL HINDS OF. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. 7 - 80 ' s CONVERTED INTO THE NEW 5-20 COD - 1"02T,BON,O. air Interest Allowed onDepositl. Mir MONEY LOANED ON GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest Markel rates. Orders ezeented for the Poreharie and Sale of ISTOCELS, BONDS and GOLD. - : JAMES T. BRADY & CO. littsintrO Sayttt. FINANCE AND TRADE. OPFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY,' August 5, 1868. There was considerabhfc• excitement in regard to the 'sharp advance in gold to-day and many were the reasons assigned there for. The latest quotation in the afternoon wasl4B, which is the highest it has touch ed for some months; some of the knowing ones predict that it will go to 150, and per haps higher. - The-local Stock market is quiet -and de voidlof anything that is new or. important.- Money, that is for good borrowers, is ,easy, while general business is dull. Columbia .011 Stock appears to be looming up 'again. A sale is reported having been madeon Tuesday at 20%. _ ; The New York Stook quotations as re ceived this afternoon'by Mr. Pb. R. - Mertz, were as follows: 1881's 116: . 5-20's 1862,:1143; do 1864, 110%; do 1865, 112%; do new, 108%; do 1867,_ . 108%; 111.40's 109%. Erie, 59%; .. Fort Wayne, 109%; Northwestern, (com mon.) 811,(; do (preferred.) 81k; Western Union Telegraph. MX -We have already mentioned the fact that the provisions of the National Bank= runt law were extended at the late session of Congress, but inquiry has since been made whether the extended provisions' permit parties to avail themselves of the act without being able to pay 50 per cent? Or if—their assets are less than that, can they be discharged from their indebted ness? -The Bankrupt law seems to be part of the permanent policy of the Govern inent._ It hasnot, as some of the papers affirm, a limited term, at the end of which it expires. But, as originally pissed, it did not proVide for :the discharge of debtors who - cannot pay 50 per cent., without the consent of their creditors, unless their ap , plications should be filed within a year of its passage; that is, on or before the 3d a March, 1868. The new bill simply extande the time within which the applications of ;:this class of debtors may be filed to Janu ary 1, 1869. • After "that time debtors who cannot pay so much as 50 per cent. must obtain the consent of a majority of their creditors, in number and value, to their discharge; and file this consent with tneir applicatiOns: • . . —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady &Po.: Gild, 147%; 11. S. 6's, 11381% 115%; 5-20's, 18e2, 11434; 5-20's, 1864, 111; 5-20's, 1865. 1121(;.;=10-40's, 109%; &20's, January and July, '65, 108%; 5-%l's, January and July, '67 108%; '6B, 108%; June 7-80's, par less J,4 July, 7-30's, do 3 , ; August 119. • PITTSBIJMIL MARKETS. . OFFICE OF THE PITTEMOJRGII WEDNESDAY, r Augupt 5, Is6B. - The general markets present no - new fea tures worthy of 'special notice. The de mand for most of the leading commodities continues high being restricted mainly to supplying immediate wants, while so far as values are concerned there are no mate rial Changes. As noted yesterday, Wheat is a little stionger, in consequence of di minished receipts, but prices are no higher, and the same is true of Flour... GROCERIES—The most noticeable fea ture in the groceries, Is a sharp advance in Coffees, in sympathy with the rise in gola. Refined Sugars are reported down about a _quarter while . Raw Sign%although in brisk demand have undergone no, change. MceFish,'Teas'eta ete, unchinged. SnainaLCuba, 1 . 134(3 for. good grocery 12X to 13c for prime; and 140 for choice; Porto ftioo-- , -good, - 1.1 c; prime, ,133; choice, 143 i to 16e; Clarified Culya,,, 14 to 14%e, Re fined—Str.ndsrd Hard; - 1734 c; A, , l6%'`e; 13, 1650; Extra C, l 5 mac; Sugar Ifonse, - ,1134e. CloVFna—Rio ranges all the way from 22 to 270 fur common . 0 strictly • prime. Java 37 to .38c. Syncra--Lovering's $1; Silver Drips, $1; White Drip 3, $1,10; medium brands, 70 tb 80o; common, 50 to 80c; Booth :dr Edgar 'Syrup, 90c. • Rion—Ran n` . good, ,10o; , prime to choice, 11 to 11%c; Carol i na; 12 to 121.4 c. DioLassas--New Orleans, 90 to $1; Cuba, 65 to 70c; Porto Rico, 70 to 85c. SE4Olls---Cassia, 80 to 85c; Cloves, - 80c; Peppei,;3Bc; Allspice, 350; Nutmegs, $1,50. STAnca—Madison, 8o; Silver:Gloss, 1.2;50, and ,Cern Starch, Priurrs—Layer Ruins, $1,75 Per ;bo.x;, Nalentia, 20e per 1b; Prunes, 17M Currants, 440 for now. DAt'l4}lA3rt-12E: Shot, s3,s() , 'per beg. f• 44 SoArs—Babbitt's," 12o ; . ."4:)aklerB,” ll c} Rosin, 510 7o; UDobbin's;" 15e. CANDLEs,abmldi-likn Star; 2;30:1'. , CkmenNTRATED Lyx-47,50 per ease. ' DI CARA SODA:4%A° fi 'Per,_„[oo. FISH-Wbltb :• sh, • 10,00;''' Lnke Her ;zing, 35,00; Mackerel No, 1: 9 4 23;' No. "2 318,00; No. 3, $13,50;' in half . " barrels, 50; more.' , , - ,Tonweect—Blaok 65,11/S,' yes ;and „toliis villa Navy, t 72ln-nel , Wm. Tr Grarit'E -4,o4Navy, 8049. D. tolEuxiy, 220 to 25r Ifoetest,,, • :pl. TEA—The markiit El. and ces are higher for new 41116p1,103/41* A nosy falli t tl46oi , 4bdihinlsd eir) IEI _to $1,35f Oolong, 75e, 85e, 00e, 51, 51,25 and $1,35; good Porto Rico, $1 to 51,85, as to quality. Imperlal, 51 to 51,85. Japan— Choice. $1,30; fair 51. • BUTTERIs in steady demand with regular sales at 30 to 35, for• fair to prime. EGGS- , -In good stipply, and dull but nn;- clumged it 18 to 20e. ' CB EESE—Is quiet and unchingod at 13 ti 14 for Western Regerve and Ilamburg; 15 to . l6Tor Factory and 18 to 20 `for _ j Sw-eit- : POTATOES—Contintie very aull, and unchanged at $3 to $3,50 per bbl. GREEN APPLES--Ingood-demand, and the ncaraet is steady at 83,50 to $5,50 per bbl, for inferior to:prime. _ GRAlN—There is a steady demand for Wheat with salei of new at $2,10 to $2,15, for prime Red. Old Bye ih in good de mand, and we now quote at $1,45 to $1,50. New Rye is quoted at $1,25. Old oats are being sold at, 82 to 83 on track and 84 to 85 in store. New Oats are quoted at all kinds of prices from 55 to 60; we heard of some contracts having been 'made at what is con sidered-equal to 62 or 63 delivered here. Corn is quiet and nominally unchanged at' - ' $1,05 to $l,lO for mixed and.prime Yellow.. Barley is about as much of a myth as ever. E We do not hear of any new , crop having been' bought as yet, and prices = -have not ' been-established. • SALT—Is dull and - nominally unchang- ed at $1,75 to $l,BO per bbl tq the trade and $2,00 in a retail way. - SEEDS—There has been no arrivals of new crop Flax Seed and the Market' is nominal - at .$2,00 per bush. No - demand aPparentlk for either Clover of TiMothy Seeds: - • HAY-Is still quoted aft $2O to $3O per ten from country wagons, according to. quality. - PIG LEADlEthchanged at lOgc. PROVISIONS—Bacon is Unchanged at 13Nal4c. for Shoulders; 163 to 18gc for- Ribbed and Clear Sides; and 21Nc for Sugar Cured Hams. Prime kettle rend6r ed Lard, 191,4 c. Mess Pork ,528,50 to $29,00. Dried Beef 21gC. s. FLOUR—The Flour market is€, quiet and= unchanged; the demand is stilt restricted to supplying the immediate, wants of the, - retail trade, though the feeling iu retard to much lower prices, seethe to have been check,ed somewhat for the nreSent. We continueloquote at $lO to $10:75 for . AP I I.- 11 14' Wheat, $10,75 to SIL2S for Winter Wheat, and $l2 to $l3 for fancy brands. .11ye Flour, $9,25 to $9,50. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARBET; khariez or 'rum Prirsinmes GAzsms, WEDNRSDAY. Augusfs, 1868. CRUDE—The ,Crude .maricet was again; exceedingly quiet today, not a single sale reported. Spot oil is quoted at 14 to 14%c, the inside' figure offe red , and the : outside asked. At Oil City, t here were offers to sell. in the early part, of the day,at $5,50 but in the. afternoon these offers were withdrawn, and that figure' was offered- without finding sellers. It does seem strange that with Antwerp up to 53%, and the market anyx reutly considerably stronger, that there is nothing doing; in fact spot Oil is not better then it was two or three days since, and. both buyers and, sellers seem equally ih differentAbout taking hold. REFIgED—The market' for Refined Olt althoughtonsiderably firmer, is very quiet the volume of business being very light. August deliveries seem to be in - pretty ao tivedeinatid at 34, to 343, for the - first and. for the last half; September is wanted.. at 35, and "lines" can be sold at 34%. Sale of I,ooo'bbls for August sellers option. 'at 34X; and 1;000 bbls for the last half at 34k; the first named sale was made early in the , day—a quarter more could doubtless have been realized in the afternoon: The only difference we could see in the market was. a firmer feeling, as prices compared with yesterday, - have undergone. no quotable change. It is but proper to remark' how ever, that at the prices there seemed tp be More puyers than sellers. OIL MIFFED EAST FROM DIIQUEERCE DEi"OT. , Union 'Ref. & S. Co., 49 bbls ref. to W. P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. Jas. Miller, 60 bbls ref. to W. P. Logan & Bro.,Philadelphia. • Brooe;l3allentine & Co. 96 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Phillidelphui. A. D. Miller, - 116 bbla to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. - W. G. Bane, 30 bbls crude to Wallace & Co,; - Philadelphia. Union Ref. & S. Co., 7 bbls tar to Wal lace & CoPhiladelphia. - • Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 7 bbbi tar to Wal lace& Co., Philadelphia: OIL sinrmions PEE A. V. B. P.. J. C. Kirkpatrick & Co., 210 bbls do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan &.• Co., "50 do do to War den, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. • Livingston 6i, Bro., 50 do do to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Braun tic Wagner, 100 do do to Wallace rt. Curtis, Philadelphia. Montzheimer, Hoetiler et Co., 100 do do to Wallace et Curtis, Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 60 do do to Wallace & Curtis. Philadelphia. , ARRIVALS—The following - are the ar rivals of Oillo-day: ' . E. Jageman & Co.;480 Visher-& Br 0.. 480 Koehler & Co., 240 Leech &-Wood, 320 Citizens Ref. C 0.,.. 320 . ' .-:,. . Total ' 1840 PITTSBURGH WOQIIO.4ffA/IKET. OFFICE OF Prrrastuteat GLz WEDNESDAY, AttgliStA 186, The wool market since our last, report has undergone some change, both as re guide offerings and demand. Someof our farmers who are getting pretty well through with their harVesting operations are bringing their wool to market, which has somewhat enlivened the market, com pared with the quietude which reigned a week ago, and the demand has also in creased to some' extent. There being a continued good demand for mediate. end low grades in' the Eastern markets, the tone of trade in this city is firm and prices, compared -with those ruling last week,- have slightly advanced. Especially is this the case for the better grades of wools. We give the; following as the current quo tations for the various grades: Unwashed; 25 to26c; Pulled.wool, 35c; very _clean toll .1 wool, Cc; Fleece, common to ene.fonrth 1 .blood, 35 to 37a; one-fourth to:.one-half, 38 to 40c.-one-half to three-fourths blood,-4Q to. 43; - and three-fourths to full blood, 43 t0'45.:, . 'New York _ Dry Goods Market. ~• trrereltittlnta to the Pittsburgh aszette.l !NEW - Mix, August 5.---The - dry geotle - is Improving and the market partakes of bitoyarittone, influenced:by the rapid rise in gold, which:is tantamount to advance in all imported - goods. Worsted goods wool en/ shawls, fine fancy; cas:Sitneres an coat- ing goods are - mcrst'sought for, and Ire do mestic they are offerett at compscomparatively low. rates,'.eapelkiially. shawls, which hare opened sufprisingly low..`Jas. Roy & Co's shawla opened to-day at 1;8 for best No. 22 atsorted, and 16,75 for No.lB, 67%x13.5 inch es, ldnigheolora. This *thaw' opened last night at an, being a reduction of 510,50 ou each ahawl. The No. 16 Droles and Blue' miied; -which opened , last season at - 45,25,:. arentr*doWia to 53,75,, which about gold '.. rates before the War. , Of iourse the trade is purcbasfng , freely at the established tlig- Aires, and metrtbers of certain makes .have ' been all taken already. In cotton trade is •still_a little Aulet, jteettuse the supply *in- - : Jobbersyhands is found ample for _present wants; but a rod demand ix, ekpected ere' the close of the Month: = • ' = Mempttlii. etarlirk. , . tHirTelloirarib ttithel l Attitiurgicliotzette?.] , Ni.l”}:tV 14. s,—.Cotton. regular,' none efkritwr (F.leur,chlSice," grades firrici.l or. t. 44 62mig :to, ~Ciarn.- S. Osts;: tty • ypap and mtree.: t 2.8. corn e i 1 V , :t 65111 1, 7 0, " Mrk; VOsa o l s W f,4 attitl4o. lode liras; ettouldera f Axe; clear sw n, ME