The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1868, Image 1
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Horatio Seymour'S acceptance of the ,Dern , neratienominatiop for the Presidency: - Uticri r lrl.ou,st, 1868.--Gentlemen: Whei t `in the city of New York on -the 11th ult., • !tithe presence of a vast multitude, on be half, of the - Nalonal Democratic Convert : 'tiro, you tendered to• me its unanimous nomination as their candidate for the Office of President of the United States;l stated tiled no words adequate to express my „gratitude, for the igood-will and kindness whicti that body .had shOwn to '_me. Its nomination was unsought and uneipected. It was my ambition- te take an 'active part,' from which. I am now , excluded, in the great struggle. going on for the re.stora- Lion. of •.good government, of peace and- Ineaparity Woos unitary— But' have been caught up by•the whelming tide which is bearing us on trio great •political change, -:and I find myself.unable to resist its pres - sure. You have alsagiven' me •a copy of the resolutions put forth by • the Cfniven tits, showing its position - upon all the great • questions which new agitate the country. As the presiding officer of that. Conven tion, I am familiar with' "their scope and Import. As one of its: members, `I am a • pparrtty to their termThey-Are In accord with:my views, and I stand up on them in the:contest upon which we are now enter ing, and I shall strive to carry , them out in the future, wherever I -may be *placed, in Political or private life. Ithen stated would send r . )12 titeSe words of acceptance in a let ter, as Is, the customary form. I see norea son, upon reflection ) to Change or qualify the terms' of my approval of the resolu tions of the Convention. I have delayed the mere formal act of communicating to - you in writing what I thus publicly said, ..for the of seeing what light therm - Ilona Congress would throw upon the in. tenets ofltie-country. Its acts since" ttle adjournment Of the Convention show an Alarm lest - a change of power will give to the people What they ought to have, a clear statement of what has been done with' the . money drawn from them during the past eight years. Thoughtful men feel that there have been wrongs in theilnancial manage :merkwhich have been kept from the pub hittiwledge. The Co 'one party has not only allied Arse - with 'military power, which is to be brought to bear di redly upon the elections in many States, but holds itself ire perpetual . session with the avowed purpose of making such laws as it shall see fit. In viewsit the elections thicktake place within a few weeks;:, did, therefore, not adjourn l but took a recess to meet again, if its pa rtizan inter. ; estaehall demand. its reassembling. Never before in the history of our country, bin Congress thus taken ri menacing attitude toWardii4ta- electelijlThider its influence, some of the States,organized by its ' agents, - are .proposing eprive, the ~people of the :right icv.,,vote for. '.Presidential Electors, and the first bold steps are taken to destroy the rights of suffrage. It is not strange, therefore, that- thoughtful men see in such ' action the proof that there is with those who shape the policy of the . Republican party motives.stronger and deeper than the mere , wielvto hold political power—that there is a dread of some exposure which drives them , on to acts so desperate and so impolitic. Many of the abler leaders and Journals of the Republican• party have openly deplored the violence of Congressional action, and its tendency to keep up discord in our corm - try. The peat interests of our Union demand- peace,- order- and a return to those • international pursuits without which we cannot maintain the faith or !honor of our Government. The minds of business men are perplexed by uncertain - -ties; the - hours' of toil - of - our laborers are lengthened by the cost of living made by the direct and indirect exactions of the . Govermneng' our; people;are harrassed by thii"fleiquent &mends of the tax gatherer. Without distindtion of party there is a strong feeling in favor.of that line of ao-- tion which shall restore order and con& deuce and shall lift off the burdens which now hinder and ves; the industry of the country, Yet at this moment, those in power have thrown into the-Senate cham ber and Congressional ball a new 'element • of discord and violence. Men have been :admitted an Bepresintritives of some of the Southern States with the; declaration upon their lips •• that `''they cannot live • in the Stated they claim to represent With -•ont military - protection. - Thesemen are to — Mike laws for the, North - as' W elt as the Aouth. These miiii, - Who - a few days iiince were seeking as suppliants that Congress Would: give them power within their re spectiVo "States; are' to-day the controllers ; of the actions of these bodies, entering them with minds .filled with demands that Congress shall-look - un' the States from which' they come as in po fbonditions war, that the majority of their population, embracing • their intelligence had to be treated as public enemies,. b e kept up at - the the cost of the people of the North, and that there shall be no peace and order at the South, save that which is made by arbitrary power.__ Every intelligent man knows that they not only owe their . present 'positions to disorder, but • that every motive springt 'from the' loVe power, of gain. A desire., for vengeance _prompts them to keep the South in anarehy. While that exists they are in dependent _of thei dr swiShes of their '; fellow citizens. While confusion 'reigns, they are thee, dispensers of the profits ; and • the , honors- which - grow out'of a Govern- Vlentot Mere, feral, 'Thew:men are'now `Placell in positiOne where they cannot only tirgetheir views pflpolitics, but where they can enter-do theni. When "they shall be admitted in this manner 'rpm, the remain- Statei; l 7llthongti they will have in truth n 9 .00nstitutions. they • will in„the Senate: than a' tna jority of the, people of this Union living: in the line Of the ghat Sta tes: In Vain members the .-Itiepublidairmarty, protested against : g. : tluk , l l ,P, llo V thin, to thitreatilt:' While the cbtailrOg.thelata tifye sub- =Med le - the result of the war, and are • - now,quietly engaged& pursuit s for the support- of them selves , and their fami lies, and are trying by`‘ the, forda of', their '...,,example„,to. 1' 044 Dacli.,the_siaOple. of the South -to order - and indur.t - ry r , not only _ !Sane& being , to the. • y , all ProsPETits- of our i all see that these without abilliy or in-. uence have been thrown by the agitation of civil convulsion into positions of honor, oirlingi4; and are striving: to 'keep alive the passions which they owe their eleva tion, and they clamorously insist that they :':::are -the; oaliftloonsit)f..Wrrlltion. • Proof of that can only have sure foundation in' fraternal regard and a common desire to: promote the peace, the ordeg.and the hap ' pineas of all portions of our land. Events in Congress since the v la4miallourn .2nent °Mho Convention have y, in. creased the iliiportsuace of a political victo ry by those who are seeking to bring back econoniy, simplicity and justice in the ad ministration of our national emirs. Many 'Republicans who bave heretofore clung to their party have regretted the extreme of Violence to which it has run. They have cherished a faith that while- the action of their political friends , - has been mistaken, their motives have been good. They must now see that the;Republican party is in that condition that it cannot carry out a ,peacefal policy.. Whatever its me tives,may be, it lea misfortune not only to a country, but to -, a government party it s2lf, when its action is unchanged by any form of oppomtion. - It ,has been the mis 'fortune of the Republican party that the events of the past few - years. have given it ea mtich power that it has been able to shackle, the Direerutive, to trammel the Ju dietary,. and-carry out the views of the -most unwise- and violent of its members. ''When this 'state' of things exists in any party, it has ever, been found tbut the judg ..ment-of its ablest Ileaders' do not control: There is hardly; an able, man who has helped to'belld up the Republican organi zation, who has within the past three years earned .., it-against excesses, who has not been borne down and forced to give up his convictions of what the interests of the country call for, or if too patriotic to do this, who has not been driven from its ranks. If this has been the case hereto fore, what will be its action, with this new infusion of men, who, without :a 'decent re spect for the views . of. those who had just given them their positions„beginning their legislative career with calls for arms and demands that States ',shall be regarded as. lira - am:Witten of civil mar, and a declare . tion that they are ready and anxious to de grade the President of the United States, whenever they can persuade and term Congress to-bring forward new articles of impeachment? The ',Republican party as wallas, e are interested in putting some cheek upon this violence. It must be clear to every thinking man that a disposition of political power Mends; to:check the violence of party actions and assures the peace and good order of the Country. The, election of a Democratic Ex . ecintive, and a majoilty of Demodratic mem bers to the House of Representatives; would, not give to that party organization power to :wake sudden or violent changes, but would serve to check those extreme measures which have been deplored by the best men of both organizations. The result would most certainly lead to that peaceful restoration of the Union, and re-establish• ment of fraternal relationship, which the country desire. •I am sure the !net men of the ReOublican party deplore as deeply as 1 do -the spirit of violence shown by those recently admitted . to seaticin Congress, for the condition of civil war which they con- Aemplate must be abhorent to every right thinking man.. I I have no mere person wishes which mislead my judgment in r gard to the elec.- fl we g" - - )81 . EMI , tion.- No-min Who has weig hed and meas ured the - duties of the of President of 1 the United. States can fail to be impressed with the cares and toils of ! iiiia who is to meet' its 4feiriandii. It iS npV merely to float with pipnlanbcarrente, Without ;a pol icy or a purpose. On the !contrary, while our-Constitution gives, just i weight to the piiblic willits distinguishing !feature is that it seeks to protoct the rights of minor ities - /giery-la puts •rat etraints upon er: - .. If' gives forcejspik form to theca maxims and principles of civil liberty for. which themartyrs of free dom have struggled through ages. It sle clares the right of the neoplito be secure hx, their, persona, biases and papers against unreasonable search and seizures; that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or, the free exercise thereof, or abridging freedom of• speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to petition for redreas of grievances. Itsecures - the right of a speedy and public trial by , an impartial jury. No man can rightfully enter upon the duties of the Presidential office unless lie is not only willing to carry out, the wishes of the people, expressed in i Constitutional 'way, but is- also prepared to stand no for the rights of minorities. He must be ready to uphold the free exercise of religion: He muse denoiuice measures which would wrong personal or home rights,,or the re ligious conscience of the humblest citizen of the land. ~He must maintain without ! distinction of creed or nationality all the privileges of an;American citizenship; The experience of every public man, who has beenlaithful to his trust, teaches him that no one, can do the duties of the , office of President unless he is ready, not -only to undergo the falsehoods and abuse qflhe bad, but to puffer from the censure Of the good, who are „misled by prejudices and misrepresentations. There are no attrac lions an such apposition which Aleceive my judgreent. J'' • When I say that a great change is going on in the public mind, I mean the mass of the Republican party are more thoughtful, tempered and `just than the,y , were during the excitement which attended the progress and close of the civil war. As the energy of the Democratic% party springs from their devotion to their cause and to their candi dates, I may with , propriety speak of the fact, that never. in• the • political history of our country has the action of any like bodY been hailed with.such universal and real enthusiasm as that /which has beet' shown ili in relation to the'pos ition of the National 'Democratic Conve tion. With this the candidates had no Wag to do. Had any others of those amed been selected this spirit would have been, perhaps, more marked. The zeal and energy of the Con servative masses spring from a desire to make a change of policy,," and from the thought that they can carry out their pur poses. In this faith they are strengthened by the co-omation of the great body of those who served in the Union army, and navy during the war. Havinggiven nearly '-sixteen thousand commissions to the off/- . sera of that Wily, I know their ' views and wishes. they demand the, Union , fqr which they fought. = One of the largest wee' ings of -,' these gallant soldiers ever assembled, , :was'. , held i. in - New York, and endorsed the action of the . National,: Convention -in'words distinct with meaning. They ' call on the Governtrient to stop twits policy of bate, discord and disunion, and in terms of fervid eloquence demand the restoration of the rights of the• American people: When there, is such tteoertl,between those Who' proved themselves brave and self-saori licing in war, and.tbose who 'areo. thought= fill and.patriotio in council, / cannot- doubt we • shall gain - a' politicak' triumph which will restore our Union, t bring back pace to ow' land, and "give us once more the blessings of nwise, economical and honest government. • ' . ' -, 1-am, gentle Men, truly *ours;./ro., 1 i goitaTrojilisystopa. • I Gen. G: 11.1doigan and others, Fommit tee, Ite.,"&c. _ Bare Hal! at Zanesytite, Ohlo (Br Illegmbso the Vittobaratt:Gazette.3 Cirroirsr_amx, A i ngort 5.—A match game of%base bairwasp eyed toklayat Zanesville Ohio, .tietween the Cincinnati Club, of th tity,and the celebrated Hickory Club, of McOonnelleville. The score stood Cincin nati 59 and EfickorY /O. A large crowd was in -'attendance to witness the games The Cincinnati Club play at Wheeling to-mor- PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY:, AUGUS PORTLAND, ME. linternational Commerch.l Convention. CBy Telegraph to the PRteburgh Gazette.l • PORTLAND, Me., August -• G.—The Com merciale Convention was called to order at half - past ten o'clock. HOn.Erastus Brooks, of New,York, was invited to address the Convention. He complimented Portland, his native city, and spoke of the mortifying fact that fifty foreign steamers trade with New York and not one American. He thought the repeal of they reciprocity treaty was the sp it of retaliation, injudicious, and he w ld be, glad Ito have another. made. He 'shed that vessels of war oil the lakes mig t bel, taken off and commerce f 1 between the two people 'altogether free. Reciprocity was really made according to the Golden - Rule and if governed by that the West. and East would not be jealous of New : York, -The action of the Federal Cioverrithent.bad stripped New York of her steam comnierce, but she is not jealous of other sections. Inland commerce is four times as valuable es foreign commerce, and demanded protection as well. No one douts :the' power of Congress to build light-houses on the coast, yet men hesitate as to its power to improve the navigation of our mighty waters. As a New Yorker, he would gladly hail the day when rail ,roads would be completed from-Halifax to Ithe-West. - - • ^, ? Mr. Pringle ? of Michigan; front the Corn tmittee of Reciprocal Commercial Relations ',between , the United States and the Pro. winces, mode a report, setting forth the ad ..vantages df reciprocity. Politically neither .side has reason to object. Labor would be mutually benefitted. Ten years trial had [doubled commerce, and since its abolish i rdentlf had shrunk to nearly the old limits. i Taxation in, the States can be so 'reduced that all differences can be !settled. -As to the question of grain I and cattle the advantage of climate its really in falter of the States. The Cana dian' objection, that the' United States ~ wish annexation, is futile, as no reasons li able body of men in the States seek it, ez-, I cept it is desired by Canadians themselves. rThii, Cominittee _presented resolutions, , I which were adopted, calling the early at tention of Congress to the subject of free intercourse with the Dominion of Canada; that no time should be lost, Congress is strongly urged to appoint a commission `to frame a commercial alliance or'Zolver ein. . Senator Corbett, from the Committee on Railroads across the Continent, reported 'resolutions to the effect that the Conven tion is profoundly impressed with the im portant changes about to take place in the eommercial relations by the completion of. the great trans-continental railways.. The interest excited among oriental nations, and the desire expressed by them to culti vate coMmercial relations with the United States, renders It our duty to complete those enterprises and meet them; that in the judgment of this Convention there should be- two - • great continental railways," one north"and ; one south of the great central route; that the Con vention respectfully urge upon Congrests the patriOtic duty of rendering adequate aid to insure the completion of these two routes; that the route to Puget Sound, af fording the shortest route to Asia, promises advantages to thoentire country;.. that the 4irojected;rairtiarof the thirtyzfifth par -bale of - latitudes-is of no less lthpoganCe; that the Coventlon recommend the Coni pletion of a line from Portland to the West, to connect with the Pacific and At lantic road, as the shortest route, as well as connecting the lines by the Shortest way ,with the Atlantic. An invitation' was received from the Com mittee on Arranger Mints for the members of the Convention to take a sail down the Bay in the steamer John Brooks this after noon': It was accepted 'and the thanks of the Convention returned. Hon. Ainasa Walker, of Massachusetts, addressed 'the Conventipn on the evils of a depreciated . currency. Mr. Cain, of Rutland; urged immediate actionof the Convention on the business pn hand, 'and the Importance of an evening session. - - - - Judge Rice, of Augusta, uged the impor tance of hearing the opinion of the distin guished men present, and ,called out Mr. Blow, Hof - Missouri, who congratulated- the Conventiou on reports of. Committees made this morning. He wished the-discussion of political questions might be left out. The Oonvention had met to discuss the trans-continental railway. He discussed the great importance of _the Northern and Southern routes- - The report of the Committee was ahcepted and the resolutions adopted; Mr. Taylor, from the Cominittee on Lake; River and Canal Navigation, reported reao lotions favoring the co-operation of the United States with those States and provin ces interested in the enlargement of the ex isting canal channels and other improve ments of the St. Lawrence, such aswill ad mit vessels' of one thousand tons from Lakes Michigan and. Superior into the Gulf of SL Lawrence and the harbor of New York; also that the great western rivers, not exclusively within the limits of a State, have equal claims on Congress, as it has' the constitutional authority to regulate commerce; also, that a judicious system of expenditures for these national objects should be extended to the_ Pacific coast, as well as to the Atlantic and 'Norther.'" coast. The report was accepted and the resoln tiens adopted. Hon. John A. Poor moved the recwisid oration of the yote adopting the resolutions on, reciprocity. , The motion was laid on the table. The Convention _took a recess until MO past seven o'clock this evening. From the. Pacific Coast. EBY Telegraph to the I.'lttaburgb Gazette.] SAN - PnAxcisco,. August 4.—The United States Fur Company's steamer Constantine ran ashore July 31 at Plumber Pass, about fifty miles north of Victoria. There is but fowled , of Water in her bold ": and it is be lieved she will be got off without serious , damage. Passengerb arrived from Sitka announce the death of Lieutenant Livermore, who was accidentally , shot while out hunting. The 'English war ship Sparrow Hawk ar rived at Victoria from the .North, whore she was sent to inquire into the Indian troubles and pdnish the perpetrators of the late outrages; Nu satisfactory result was accomplished. • The Idaho •stage wais_stokied on blue Mountains by highwaymen. The Mails were rifled of all registered letters 'and Wells;,-Fargo: , & VWS Repress robbed of $lO,OOO. The; Nevada Democratic State conven tion Is aiebti4 .qaTiLconS6ptembet Parepa Rosa's opera season opened last night to a-twenty4wo hundred- dollars in gold hodse. Hamilton „ nin n ' . -1 O__ __e Publican 311_, Teliarao ' ti,ablirakeilyatnia CINCIRRATI August Republican_ Convention tLday nominated tke Onow ing es officers for Hamilton county: Audi-. tor, George S. Laken; Sheri ff Colonel Dan Welber; Coroner,. Dr. Casimir' Botche r; County ; Commissioner ' Robert ..Simmes; Director of Infirmary, Thomas Wills; Pro secuting AiSorney, C. M. Blackbara. • . SECOXII •a.. •r; • 49 OP_A_Dit • - • , • GENERAL GRANT. Enthusiastic Ovat on at St. Louis —Speech from he General._ (By 'telegraph to the ritte &aril UazettiL3 1 ST.•Lonts,-Angust 5.--Gen.Grantwas the recipient of the most enthusiastic demon stration to-night in 'the way, oi.,ft - serenade ever given to any orie in this city. Before the. General's arrival, - and several times since, public .'demonstrations in h i ts honor have been proposed, but they have been declined. Since his list arrival he has not spent a single night in the city. It has therefore been impissible for, the citizens to make any publid expression in his honor and have him present. But as it was known he wOuld' leave for Ga. lena to-morrow, he was invited to meet a few political friends this evening et the residence ofWilliam McKee, propri etor of the Demoerdt, and he consented. The result was a most hearty and enthusias tic ovation. Hundreds of citizens thronged the residence and were introduced to the General, and between ten" and eleven o'clock three bands, each accompanied by a large crowd - from different parts of the city, with banners. and transparencies, came and serenaded him. At , this time the street in front of the, residence was packed with/ people, blocking the street railroad. In response to loud .and prolonged calls the General appeared'on the steps of the house and was introduced to the crowd by Gen. :Pile in a brief but eloquent and pointed speech, after which Gen. Grant steppe& forward and spoke as follows: p /..e Gentlemen and fellow citizens : ; Ise. ly can find words to thank you for this ery 'hearty and warm .reception. It is ali t arly gratifying to .me to- meet so any friends, of St. Louis and St. Louis c unty, where I have restded - longer than t any oilier one place sincel have been a man grown, and where -I have interests and may again become a resident at some future day. Thanking ~yon again,l will bid you good night. This speech was received with nine-en thusiastic cheers, and large numbers of the people pressed forward to greet the G eneral, who remained on. the steps some minutes, and shook hands with all who could ap proach within reach. 'The General soon af torwardsleft for his home, heictiowledging himself_9_oritfianked " for once, but ex pressing .himself highly gratified with the demonstration. , . The crowd lingered a long time and speeches were made_liy Charles Johnson, Colonel Calcard and others. General Grant will leave for Galena to morrow afternoon. TDN'NESSEE. • Memorials for the Removal of Political Disabilities—Murder la illempbbi--Two Prisoaercl'alrett il•om Jail by a Mob and Rung by Ku-Klux. atv Telegraph to tha ['Mahout" gazette.'. NANIVILLE, August 6.—ln the House yesterday Mr. Presser, from' the :Legisla tive Committee, presented the memorial of Generals Cheatham, 'Forrest' and others, with whom cotferecce was had last week, asking the removal of political disabilities, which was referred. Mr. • Rercheval an : nounced that gentlemen were in the lobby with a memorial ,from citizens on the 'same subject,, which they . wished to submit. A recess of fifteen minutes to receive them was moved, 4 and, after considerable dis mission, was carried. Chancellor Shackel ford, Radical, appeared at the bar, read the memorial, a c hd briefly urged that the pray er be - grant . Mr. Hamilton, of Shelby county, ask what guarantees of future peace could be given. Trion D,e-ForferWan swered that he • was plied with numerous questions, and for a while a scene of much' excitement prevailed; the colored people in the galleries cheering loudly. Quiet was restored and the House resumed its session. No action was taken on the me morial... The folloWing communication from Gov. Brownlow was then read: KNOXVILLE. 'July 31, 1868,—W-highper sonal regard for the author of the enclosed letter and ordinance of Hon. John M. Lea; my confidence in his patriotism and integ rity, to say nothing of the importance of the subject discussed,'lnduce me respect fully to submit these . documents for your calm and deliberate consideration. li W. G. BROWNLOW. Mr. Lea's leitiFir favors the removal of political disabilities from the disfranchised, and expresses a firm-conviction that the measure would prove advantageous to th e public interest. .The ordinance provid -3 for submitting to the vote of the people • amend mdnt of the State,Constitution, co. ferring the right of suffrage on all male. white arid colored, of proper age, as citizen: of the State and United States. Should th: majority of voters decide in favor of tiv• amendment, theli the present_Legis ture is constituted a State Convention, with .authority to meet . and adopt the amend ment. The Senate referred the message to a Special Joint Committee. The House having been notified, adopted it in lieu of the Senate's proposition, again declaring the present not the time to consider the franchise question . yeas fifty, nays twenty. Final action on the Senate's proposition; as amended, willhe taken tomorrow. The Republican radical newspaper putt. lished by John Kuhn and J. W. S. Bailey pow appears aff a daily. . - *The House, to-day, adopted a resolution declarng this.nqt the time to consider the franchie queition, by a vote of fifty-four to fourteen, after along debate. Bills to suppress masked secret organize, tions, and to .empower the Governor 'to employ militia to enforce the laws, will probablyTass.N Reports of outrages upon negroesby dis guised- mobs continue tei "roach the city. They have the effect of determining mem bers to pass laws to , preveht their tition. • - MEMPHIS, August s.—Tom Kenna, a flier min; was shot and mortally wounded in an affray in a saloon on Adams street, this morning. H. Fitzgerald was arrested for the deed. . • , • On• Friday night Tom Me t and Dan, Gilhert, tw,o negroes, arrested for the mur, der of Simnel' Mcswlne, near Grenada, Rome weeks since, were taken from".jaitin' Cafferville;,Mlss..bYa ge PutY of mask ed horsemen, carried a abort distance from town and hung. ,The jailorAnd_Ethefiff resisted themob' until overpowere d. The - Bathe mohetated the negroes in the `country had boasted that the ( Loyar , League would prevent the hatiffing Miil4lu- :and Gil bert, ana they were determined that they• should sufferdeath for their crime. • A petitiqn' being, circulated among conserntirAtepriblioans slaking the Leg islature-not; to call out the.milltia. g`he Keptiblleen; Wore it. ' : 6,18e8. legripti to the Pittsbargit Gaset.l • WAssiziaTorr, August 5,.1868 caLLEaroz. you ALAAKA. • CM A. Collector of Customs for the District of Arasisa, as authorized by the action of Cong , ss, has not been yet appointed by the Preildent, though several applications for the office are already on file. ills not probable any action will be ,taken in the matter. until the return to W.ashington of AttorneYGeneral Evarts; whose opinion is desired bythe President as to whether or ,not, consideration of the. office having beenl created and not filled while the Senate was in session, an appointment can now be valid under the Tenhre.of.Office law. Meanwhile Special Treasury Agent Dodge is performing . the duties 0f,,, Collector of that IDistrict. I APPOINENTS OP SUPERVISORS The 'Secretary of the glreasury had nu merous callers to-day from those having in terests in the appointments of Supervisors under the new revenue law. Many applia cations for these positions are being backed by "thestrongest array of influence that can possioly be obtained by the parties anxious for. appointments. There are probably not less than one hundred applicants from New York city alone. Mr. McCullobh has not yet considered any of the -narnestrecom mended by Commissioner Rollins for ap pointment. . General Grant has recommended - the re miesion of the remainder of sentences and the ielease from imprisonment of all per sons now in confinement under, sentence of Military CoMmissions organized under the reconstruction acts of Congress in the States where said acts have ceased to be operative.. FROM EUROPE.: [Br Felegraph . to she Pithibtarth I GREAT BRITAIN. Lolcms, August s.—The Times, in an editOrisl this morning on luszatlan affairs, 1, says though the commander of the Chan tieleer was exposed to considerable/provo cation, he should not have resorted to hos tilities , but sought redress through his Government, otherwise headstrong and in temperate commanders will Always hold the power of peace and war. Even the Spanish Americsn States, insolent and bru tal as they are, are entitled to this treat ment. ' • A dispatch from Constantinople reports that Mr. Morris, American Mini mer, refuses to concur in a protocol of the Sublime Porte allowing aliens to hold lands in Tur key. LISBON, August s.—The Portugese Coun cil of State have concluded not to prohibit Royal exiles of Spain from remaining in this country, and the-• Duke and - Duchess Montpensier have taken up their residence in Lisbon. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, August s—Evening...--Consols, 94. X for m oney: illlndis Central, 92%; Erie, 37M; Bonds,-71,,V.i. , Fußimpowr August 4—Evening.—tive twentY bonds;7s3‘. • LrvEßPoot., August 5 Evening.-- - The cotton market closed easier at a slight de cline; sales 8,000 bales. • (By Telegr sat to the yittibuirgh Gazette. 3 NEW YORK, August 5.--The,proposition to confer upOn Horace Greeley the - oilice of City Register. made vacant by the death of General Halpine, meets with general favdr. Tenants of this city have formed co-oper ative combinations to•resist the extortionate demands of landlords. • ' Captain Reed, of the schooner Benjamin Reed, died of yellow fever at quarantine this morning. The vesselyecently arrived from Caenfuegos, and one of the crew died at sea. A quarantine boatswain also died to-day of the same disease. There are yellow fever cases at quarantine. The activity in gold is shown by the fact that the gross colorings yesterday and to day at the gold exchange were about ono hundred and fbur millions, or nearly double the daily average of tisepait seven months. During July 25,910 immigrants reached New York.. The acconnta of the. Shutzenfest are all . adjusted, and the _Committee or Arrange ments find themselves six thonsandsiollars in debt. ' • • The - statement that ' the Erie Railway Company have leased the Northern Jersey road is untrue. • . The revenue collhetions 'in the Thirty second district for six months endimr,June from spirits amounted to 8623,662, and from tobacco 8208,135. • A colored native of Virginia was arrested in Hudson City for violating the person of a child eleven years old, daughter of John Kirkpatrick. Ernest Deitz, a German inventor of new natural power, attempted suicide this morning by cutting his throat with a pen knife. His recovery. is improbable. The jury in the poisoning case of Joe Spicot returned a verdict of death from strychnine, not taken for the pnrpose of self-destruction. They,exonorate the drug gist who sold the powder in. which it was contained, stating it to'have been free from poisonous ingredient whenit left the store. Trial of Gen. Sheridan et. al. for Assault _ and Battery. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easette.3 LEAVENWORTH, August s.—Before Jus tice Thalen yesterday in the case of the State vs. Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Gibbs, Gen. McKeever ' R. T. Lewy and Corporal Lee, for assault with sabres, etc., taking postal stamps,envelopes, United States Treasury notes and postal currency to the amonnt of $20,000. - ,Corporal Lee, who commanded the soldiers, and forcibly - ejected 'Post master Dunn from the Reserve,was adjudg ed guilty and lined one dollar and costa. .The Court them adjourned.. until this morning, when the trial of the other defendants pro. ceeded and-the same 'verdict was rendered in all except the ease of General Sheridan, wbolysa .fined ono hundred; dollars. Do lehdazds-appealed to the Criminal Cdurt. New'York liluiverqty Convention. (By Telegraph to the rlttebargb Gautte.l ALBANY, August _45.-The State "University Convention met at the Capitol to-d ay, Jan V. L. Pru3rn, Chancellor of the, University.'presiding.. The most import,- ant discussion : of the day arose on a resolu tion Preposed brProfessor I!Torth, of Ham ilton College,laa follows: Rewired, That We think it desirable and %called fbr by the 'educational needs of the day. that: each of the literary colleges Of the Statek.should.iorganize and sanction.ade pertinent of" normal'lnstruction, under 'charge of a Competent - p rofessor of the thAory and practie.s of te ac - hi ng . The consideration of -this question occu plo-Ithe greater part of the session, and without any result being arrived at, the Convention adjourned tin to-morrow. - - THE CAPITAL.z RECOMMENDED REMISSION. FORfUGAL. NEW YORK CITY.. NtTMIiER 187. 1 EDUCATI9NAL* .Commencement Exercises of the Washing ' , ton and Jefferson College. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. WASHINGTON, PA., Aftgust 4th, 1868 The annual examination of the classes in Washington and Jefferson College, com- menced yesterday. The department loca ted here embraces those plus : tang the sci- entitle course, the Freshman class and two preparatory classes. It was evident to those who witnessed the ,examinations, that the I aim had been to do the work thoroughly rather than to accomplish a great amount,. It is true of the mind as of the body, that the increase of strength will lie in propor tion not to the quantity of food taken but to the amount digested and atsimilated. The examinations upon Ancient and Medieval History and the structure and principles of the English language were exceedingly in-' teresting. The systematic outline ,of the _ subjects, and the - logical arrangement, of details-requireti ef.the students, were espe cinlly noticeable id the classes examined by Dr. Jam&s-litick, The fact that with this term his labors in this institution will, end, is a cause of profound regret. to nix numerous perional Mends in this commu nity and to all „interested in the College. He goes from us to assume the Presidency of the State University at lowa City, and carries with birti to his nett field the pres tige of a well-earned reputation as a ri scholar, a thorough teacher, and a successful pe presiding officer. The Union and Washington Literary So f cieties give an entertainment in their halls this evening; at which addresses Will 'be delivered by members chosen to represent the classes that have completed the StUdioll: of this department. It is the, policy of the College authorities in every public way to Oaxituttike • these societies., Great! benefit -results to young men from connectiOn with them. They . afford facilities not hnly for improvement in public speaking, but also ..for s'aining a'knowledge of the rules and mode of conducting business observed by deliberative bodies. ; To-morrow the interest will all center at . Canonsburg; where the public exercises of the'eommencement occasion will be held. The approaching meeting of the ". Board of Trustees is looked to with great interest as, they are expected to act upon the ques thin of a more perfect union between the two departments. of the College.. An active c,onsolidation is generally conceded as a necessity orfthe score of economy and to establish public confidence; All the friends of these old and honored institntinns unite in the desire that their streams of influence may becbme, and with united volume flow on, bearing a rich store of blessing to the church and the world. , BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. —President JohnsOn.lnislinollicially de clared that he will .not support Gen. Grant. — Wasnington Clapp, editor of the Natick (Mass.) Times v died in an apordetic tit yea= terday. .--The City Commissioner or Baltimore estimates the_ damage by the recent flood tabridges let $ 255 , 00 0. 1- .-The Government has- -ordered the Schuylkill 'Arsenal at Philadelphia to be turned into a warehotise. —The corner stone of the M. E. church South, at Washington City, has been laid with appropriate.ceremonies.. —Preaident Johnson will make tti tour of the watering places nest week, if possi ble, and be absent about ten days. —Capt:Wm. Hart, Democrat, was elected Mayor of New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, by a majority of 148 out of a vote of 2,029.. _ . —The Florida Ilnielature has passed a bill providing for- the selectton of-Presi dential electors in joint session ,of that body. . —Hon. J. C. Churchill has been unani mously/ renominated for Congress by the Republicans of the twenty-second :district - of N ew : York. . ' —Fourteen convicts were taken from the Washington City jail, on Wednesday, and placed in prison at Albany, N. Y.—four white and the remainder colored. • compliance with joint resolution of Congress, Gen. Michler has ordered the re moval of all statuary, paintings or other private property from the Capital. B.,Aator, of New York, has en joined all persons from laying down the. Nicolson pavement iris the upperpart of thei dity, on the ground that it is a nuisance. —Hon. Ben. • _Eggleston, Rep., has been nominated ,unanimously for Congress in the Second Ohio District. Job. Stevenson, Rep., has been nominated in the Third Dis trict. • —Anthony J. Smith has been appointed Special agent of the Postoffice Department, to take charge teniporarily of the Postoffice at Hanoveriya., at a salary. of $l,OOO per annum. k. ' —J. H. Joinkins dr, Co., dry goods dealers ,of Worcester, Mass., have failed, with lia bilities said to amount to $50,000, including $30,000 to H. B. Chan &Co., New York, and $lO,OOO to Jordan, Marsh it Co. of Bos-, ton. —Mary Whetmore,of Fi ankfort, N.l Y. was shot on a canal oat Tnesdiii evenig, at Buffalo, - by, her husband, Milford R. Whetinoie, from whom she had applied for a divorce; The woman will probably recover. —Miss Adele Raband, an accomplished young lady of Philadelphia, was dmwned while bathing in a creek near Penn Grove, twenty mges north of the city, on Monday evening. 'She • was an excellent swimmer, but was seized with cramps. —Frances, daughter of Joseph Hay thorne, of ntompsonvilin, Conn., wai.mys teriously abducted from the home of her parents on Sunday, and no information since obtained of her fate. Albert Potter, of Workhouse Point, has been arrested for thecrime. —The Democrats and Republicans Of the Twelfth district of Ohio held their Con ventions at Circleville yesterday. Hon.. N. Turney; a milmber'of the State Board of tAgriculture, • was nominated for 7 Con gress by the:Republicans.. The Democrats nominated Hon, Vwn. Trump' for re election to the seat he now holds. —Cassius M. ClaY has had a disphte the Secretary •of Legation -at Si: Peters burg, and at present refuses to give -up his office; although he resigned some time since: The President has no light to ap point a successor under the Tehure•of office act, and the mission will probably . . 'remain in the !minis of Mr. Clay until Co n, . • gross meets. I —The silk 'Worm disease, the disastieus results of. whicli are much complained of by the silkigrowers of France, Is found to probe - 0d trim thb presence of minerals and other organized beingaiti' the intetines of the worms, caused by lad digestion. ; The same animalcuhe are found in afermented pulp of mulberry leaves. Whole breeds of , worms are destroyed at once by this dizti cue. II