El N JAS. VOITTSIIIIRGIL FORGE U AND= IRON CO., •, j • ILANITFACTURB,4O :07 Bar irony . P 'Broad FLsh Bare and Bolts; Railroad kyles Boiled; Baihroad . Cai Axles Ilimmened; - Locomotive Fraines;., - .Locornotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; ' - Yokes, Straps; Plata"; Heads; Steitaboat Shafts; • Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jans,Collitikr . s, Ate. Offloo, No. 177)PRITN STREET, PITTSAIIRGH. P•.. GR/UFV, 'EWERS & -co.; I , II4....NTJEACTIIREBS B r - Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, lean es for , eid T b Quo, st e a m _Water, &re. AFso. - OIL WEI 4 I, TUBING Me l 981 streets. ° PITTSBURGH, P.a.. r Ja2D:e2S KENSINGTON .IRON WOR.B.S. LLO-YD, BUM INA.Nl3l l l.ll:ertritE,RS 0 . 7? • ' l'-4 • 'Best t3omutottl - Readed - Charcoal AND • • JUNIATA. BLOOM MERCHANT BAR, BOUND 'and SQUARE:LEON. 11001 BAND;_ T and ANGLE =IRON.- BOILER. PLATE and-SHEET IRON. ; ' • '• MOWER AND REAPEBRAIIB. _ • - C I - LINDER and GUARD or - FINGER IRON. SMALL T RA.ILS, _2O and DI lbs. tio,the WROUGHT CHA S and SPIKES for same. PLAT RAILS. _Pnßched *MI C‘Hullerarrra COAL SCREEN IRON. • = • NAILS AND SPIKES; — • - - . Warehouse and Office at, the Worse, GREEN- OUGH WrItKET, (a continuation or First street.) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh: ETEXISON, RRESTON44 CO., Pentqltillik . Lin Works' ; ' Wirebonse, Nos. 166 and k IB2,SIB3T'BTiE~T~: oppoalte Monongahela Houlle;^ • ' ' ap24:d6 , - (~ PirrSITURG/1..- STEEL IV'Ol. prrrsztunva STEEL wonks. • rEsrmaLsniD,LllB4.s. 3 ANDEE,SONIZ WOODS, csuccEsscnis A - ... Nmzego‘.t, Cook - a co.; Manitrieiore*tdeveridescription of BEST REFINED TOOLSfikr'. , • , „ MIX liulap, Circular, !long arid:eras Cut Spring, Cast 'and German Plow and 'Blister Steel. Shovel, Hoe, Fork,ittake and . Toe Calk Steel.. ~ Railroad Springtiteel and Frog Points; Oat Steel xigger Barsweilokßi Steel, Spring Steel Tir0,,716?t longs, etc.;. Oil Drill !steel. • • • - • - mice and Worka—iJor_lierTlßSTAND BASS Kg PittsburgnoPa;:::ti • S HEFF IELD ; 0P*Y . 7 1 T04 , 1 1 4V:::: • % mai* fyy. CAST 00;-GERIMIAN ST.EELF i RAILWAY SPRINGS.- Elaarpp . TEr.inionirthairtm". ATT ss, STE= TlRAitc:, fr,e. Warehouni .138'1Vater And 100,11rst Sta. MILLEI . 4 BARR AS!,-PAliiiMi. • - 0)/2anUi. P.ULTBICIII3: .whf. METCAIIY, , klmtrinur aniunt. BPSCIAL Peamm , -B ][."KIX& CEteES9=T STEEL WQR. 31LEALFIR,, ofaC - 4, ,No. 339 'l.ll:tekir St, PITTSIIIMIE4 P.A. 11314:d44 BILAC*, PIXIOND • Ti ,swEEL PARK, BROTHER 'it CO., iLsnuftuturers of ap dekFigittmur of 63 11 1 15 . 1 T . 01Ice and Warehouse_,.. istit, ixt 'SECOND and 1.19 and LiIaW9IIVEITREET9„,. 'EARPMUM.. N EW HMS", PARE /WM& LlNDsELsikairr ar, Matinfactrel And lanortere HAR7~pP;d RF . . CU:T4ERY'"*C'' 837 I , ItE,RTY STitEET, 01004 s; :{!Y % One Square Below 15111101114kiikpii? P..,7g. 1 44ft0 . # , 1..'t;) . - 6.i.fi::!; Agents tot fIEURRAZES 9 , schwa, V LCP . . .. ....—.....---...-.....—. . __ TrOLMES, DELL is CO -• ' • IFIr aim, SAINV >ILIN. " lielliktitc ,•:-. DA stiv - , ,,, A4; - , P ~,,f , ' - e: • : -...'.-- ' . '''.' ' ' ] ..Y ~ -; ;i. , "1 ,- : - . t. t..4.t kii.t.rri; !,,,i, - 16 .1- . • • • . ... :f I ~ ~:, :,,,., 4 1.• ; ,, r,il - _: ,-; :q••••-•' , .. ,, ~, 'A •''''":"-, 'rl ~_'•'" s t. , ttitcte•it 1 ' tr fs:,t >;.i.Vo. ANCHOR COTTON Alt r i.4l o „ ~ riumoN- 1149X330, 4 ' ._ . p isfr . . PrUltaliCeN: , _• - - Teal i 1944 1 t -Street? eittlftWegli .• • '"n -,-,••1,, ...._ • 1 . r 141.164 , , . I :-...,.,,- i ,, 1 ~..,0,1,, . ...;!..t - ,v, , 1.....1,-h ! fr t i .r.? • id ir , •,. ....0 „,. , ._, • g oau f aciumr . , i rromiDwicni;,, -, ~A a i tlip ".; ,: l op i r si ii, ~.,. Al t _ . • ... Ls to 1,11.../4',1 Oil - i.• •,0,/,ii,g,T;rifi94...4)0/1 :;.-.1.3..7-yt =4 r , . , ti .. utwirr mi..: • , .. - • Alum - biii4A, w .. .;-,..." ' tout w i sp. . 044 1 , - - r l i i cinghftbrar , Tir r i.itir• — • - • • . , i• • .:TI I fa .lELOPItiI. • . • . . . . . ANNICTI.NGS AND RATTING. , Ogyili ti mat ig s a d f ad ers ‘p ea ma ur 6 , 0044. . .. . . - ..;.., ‘..fp,F......, •, - !; . • , - _ • Pi. ' • " "' P. Poilmss, fittp,t. IBM =I PH'tBßl7BB*; DM TLAS WORM, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, - THOMAS N. MILLER, President Theie Works are among the largest and Most eomplete establishments in the west, And are now prepared to furnish Engines, ,of every description. Be lire, 011 Ttiakei. Sheetlion Work. Railroad castings, gowag 3X”I Casiings. Ingine Castings. viwtingx. General Caatlnle. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 . - . NATIONAL FOUNDRY • •• -AND PIPE WORKS.: Corner Carroll and Finiallinen Atreets, • (NINTH- WASID,) " • . . . • .P.UFVS.l3tiliali .411. • 7eXaitura,oo.*oi. . . L . CAST'igotir . OWLPIPE; . BOWL Vor! , 4IA§4.Iin..WA.TER WORItS. ls P s s ng e r tln- g ab l . r"e• frY e al;atleh : lso,drassortmenot General CaStings for Gas and Water Wor k s. I *old also Call the attention of BOperlntendeats of Gas 'Works to my make of ItETOUTS. . , fel6:tlo • - • • . • L. 0. LIVTIOS.TON.W. 11. 011:&T-W A. ROBINSON. JR. T IVINGSTON 84130. i . 'IRON FOUNDERS, • . ifixt7r4oTtr4tßs'oir -FINE 0:4 : 82'111rat All deseriptiums,lnm Plumbara and Cfat.Fitters • Ag ricultural implements, Cotton 104 :WOO/011ii ll i clll - A;774::bltrls irroiiititfratteuilia (Mice' ant[Aororks—liPASSlNGTON AVEIiVE, 'near Outer Depot , Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINS9IFij RIM tirlpOy ' ••• 13necetlioia to iioitiisliiltAtt' - • .WASH.INGTONIVORItS • 'IOUNDERg- AND INACHINItni t- fitratUßGNi" klannfaeturesp of Boat and Stationary Steam En ginaeffingß,lgstfringgits dencri_p M =it T Bolls, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Moe, ;No. ka, corner FirstandßmpkileldStre'ets. Agents for Idirl'AltD , S PATENT.IRTJEOTOB for feeding Bolters. . • , Jall:rs2 M"T .nWe FOUND RY. Butter Streit, Ninth: lard, (Opposite, Union Iron Mills,) Roiling Miu An4Bridgp,Castinga, ;•, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, . . AtAOBINERy 4 D cASTING§ OF.V7E.RALLY. Orders promptly End ea - refttlif eieented. Charges reasonable. EBBERT . atILECHLIND. 0e15:123 BERlfai F0X41411.113.11r0.. ."- PRICE & SIMS. Ono.. and WaTi4nnufe,' 99 IWiiod."Steee4 • manufacture and keep constantly on band • ~l'6ltmb~e, Blcein ` aimd Pit Boles, . , WAGON BOXES, DOG poNs, - • • SUGAR KETT - Lift, HOLLOW *ABE, - • , Atildpaitings generilly. a .28:Y11 THOMAS ;OARLINA CO, • :_ 2.ourtli Ward Foundryd and M ac hine Works, . . . BiIdEDUSEY BT., •ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., idanufactfiretalf Steam :Entin.i*OfLPressft; a;: Shafting,. lariat anti listr.laui :woFlLiccaulks .Milland Machine 'Castings, Grate Bars; Weights, Wagbn.Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on hind Engines of all sizes: mvl4:qs FONNJORY • .;.";1: 3'13, AND ROLA:INDNICS 191:Zre9t.. 880 . ktOltitN, 410 . 1 D wuu sow, Mill casting" -.Kon-utbe ZILTON , Blitemme IVORIES: -- - IsresiasawDllll36. , -',',.. :.. • .*; ~ ofietory of STEAM ENG 110111.:, of all slue -MA otthe mosta, p ß royed pirttenis f for eiJitioniww fiM7 ;AVIA et y e°l-ITUS,A LOU ' gliti a nißlZ ifIAIINK.S, whle4 will be Sold at. very !educed P. F. GElSSE,Wearrtil,o s , Flityielles below Pittsburgh, bit the dyer, and Und of C. •t P. B. .;" LIIIMBER. ' T TIMBER tpliptit , I LITMBERI , ALEILINDER .P.ELTTERSON, . Denlee in all. Hinds of Lumber. • • • • t) twin Aso•rouSsALE ; • 500,000 feet Dry Pine 'Boards. • 30,000. feet Dry Oak; . 1 and 2 inch; : • 2 2 0 740 0 0 0 V e t t ' D a rl mAi s o M c k !1, 22 and 1,000,000 Np.. 1 18-inch . Elhlngles, sawed; 100,600 No, d /0-inch Mingles, sawed; 10u 000 No.l 1 6 -Inch-Shingles, slaved; 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, 8 and 12 feet; ..,300 Cedar Posta. Brlck r /Klle End pay; large bt gull quantities.; = •-= yAnDe -N6: BTHEIIT. formerly. Manchester, and 107 HEISECG BTHEET. oppo site the Ga 4 Works, Miceli( ny FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY , • Capifai, - -• $125,000. • •.: . • f . PBESTEIrT—EPWAED DITFIBIDGE. Recustrilry—T. A. WRIGHT. Eurig t urrsintravr—E,D3y. D.4V/801g. . • • DinEorOns: - Edward Davison, 1 1 .,.. P. Du emri ellon, , tito. W. pithridae, M. L. , : L IZiart Itnstinar' '' ' - ' ~. . , • a , 'l ir/1144R YARiaZ ' f' ''' ' t ' DLITL ' Ei.SED - ': - ?i; ' ortter o AZ., sTAIRENY STREETS: litnetkirart. ' • - • - OFFICE AT PORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Waah., 'histrarAtreet. 5i20:199 . OXNAM) STRAW PITTING. 9011 N 000148 ..... JOB. , ILLT.JII ..j.. • LlXtrkr 4 JOHN, M. COOPER WM, SASS rotornirag "" • LOUR:, AND • MAY l I NVERS I Minursettircirs of PUMPS AND BRABELWODx. n 1 1 EPAS114 1 , 4 15Al d r i k13%. 12:1."1"1 ""ial of Pike and Waintittitreeti4 • PITTSBIIRGV, Diyukto ; IRON":"1110 . 773T:17;:r;;;:,j," . Pri - Miu - IMr FORT PITT 1 110=11, STILL ANIL TANS TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLITED TUBULAR. FIRE BOX AND CYLLNDER:STEAM-BOTLERS. OIL STILLS :AND OIL TANKS, • . CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASHI PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENsFI29; • . - - STEAMf PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; . . , PRISON DOORS ANTS COAL SHLTTES Office and Warehouse, corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, air Orders sent to the ` above address will be promptly attended to:: . mh.7:189 W _ M. BARNHILL St. CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON. WORKERS, rtos: so, 22, ' 91 AND 20 PENN S. Ravinf secured a large yard and flindshed It with the mos approved machinery, we are r•eriared to manufacture every description or BOIRs in the best manner, and warranted' equal to anyluade to the country. Chimneys, Breechlnk, Sire Reds, • Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Rills, Agitators, Settling Pane, Boller Iron, Bridges, , Sugar Pans, and sole Mann farnure rs of BarnWlPs Patent Boilers. I Repairing done on the shortest notice. laS:c.% JAMES M. RITER, Nos. &5 and 56 Water Street, • prrrssuegii PA.; aLIanO , ACTIntBIt or. . TANKS SETTLING PANS, COrrElt STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IBON WORK, For Steamboats. '7A.I9ED 131147811 EDIIIIND D. BEITITEIEL JARED M. BRUSH & SON, - Irthrtmtergazas cir ' Steam Boilers, : * Oil Stills, Tanks SHEI3T-IRON WORE &q, i 1 Penn Sireet, Pitteincryih, Pa. A a &METTLER SOMA * If AiOrACTOZZIO3 OF aii - Sti/ta, 'Tanks; And SHEET HON WORK, of all klnde. Locust Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. sirovEs, CASTINGS, &c. COOK IiTOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL' .St CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITITLII7I2rOVS . , ,Warranted to Cook, Bake or ;Boast as well as any' other Store in ii4lAdon.. BISSELL & CO No. 235 Liberty:Street. Also on hand and .for sale, PARLO&3TI TNG VES IrrovEs ORA'EtC O PROtrAZE G NA 3 ) , IIg : CHE /TEST ADLArs' PitTSßUitGif. !EST PLACE in'the city TO Bine' , THE , TRIUMPH COOKING •Is it No. 146 STELNAT. , ie2 • • P. O. DipIPP. WARIlye AND miuvo, Eottunls don Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELI'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PATTSIIIIEGIII, PA. , PaLLADEtEHLL ADDRESS, ' INURING, KING & CO., Walnut Street. TACK ,BROTHERS, • • . . • . COJVIIINSION MERCHANTS, • INV DEALERS IN PetrOleunt and its ProductS. .ruse*gh.clace—DALzarzt, ear neror Diquere Way and Irwin streets.; rhilidelphla OMere-12 7 WiLNIIT D. - apl:w2o • jAippIiW*AVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Commission Jobbers, No. 3 11001:11t8NE WAY; will buy and sell ("rude and 'Leaned Oils, Lehrleating, , Tar,Benzine awl Ooopenige. Our long.experiente - i n the trade enables us 10 'otter unusual facilities and In ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to make it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call: Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. • M. LONG & CO., KANlT4Fruniii or .goltE Midi BURNING_ _OIL, ihititit=jgthiCiFEß." Vice, 0..2 Duquesne jrny, Pittsburgh., `` FURN/ITURE. II& 4a4cTxcAL 118 FURNITURE „ MANUFACTURERS, • •, WHOLESALE AND I RSTA.W., )- • f LEMON & !T . / u9 .;r01:1117rii o'l'll,l32lFr. caut getint rjl a r tatiwavetir t2ge .tt l if y l' ir A i li th iCi a lt ee i m ni com plete usortntenk of, cOl3llllOll rtumittue at reduced P ate in went of anything , In Mit pi ta rte co rd ia l l Y Invited to cell before peretp.6. ' • • Work guarmteed. k - • • • • ,1nh4: 014 • ,• , bitmoN & was!. )v'4 O T/ ';'„ COPPER... tH U1 1 .!E111011 ' 00ITEN VIII AND apiapra, VfOLIA 1 " . P r iv r i antate•lX, / .9 5 .0 • wins ti, pefte railoipsi tim. than en( ta se tot i lln PR e I""tiali;o%:,9o7h ars6 dare N ! D ioka r ed v icvlAPlßElT . IsPrign - A. aid ISO etwolal orders otboppor motto saY degi l o4" - las, ME MI AUGUST 5 1868 — --WtDNFoSDAy ENGIkIA' WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MANZTACTIIEBBEI OP PITTSBURGH, Pa :~~--... ?M AMMAL* ./.../../NOMOWII,NOWINI.J . ,P AIN O WYWALW.ANIAP.I.PINO, FORT lIIT BANKING COMPANY, . - N 0.169 Woolt Street, cArITAL, : : : : : $209,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY. LIABLE. DEALERS or - -, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON HIRE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all acerssible;:points In the United btates.and Canadu. D. DER.F..CTOBB: *- D. Hostetter, " - JIIIO. 0. Rhi.her, James Gordon, ; - •Robt. H. _King, D. Walince, . ... Andrew fdiller, E. Fawcett,, .. James li. Bailey. • BAWL. IIIeCLI7REAN, Pres!t. D. LEE ' WILSOIi. pushier. liE YSTONE BANK, No. 293'LlBERTY STREET, •• PITTSBURG ---.- OVP;TAL, (authorized,) : : $200,000. DIRECTO . J I C:111; ketrd b o . chi Jr:* r r ienii7lzta t' ) . .. , • , Va.? Doren. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. • / TRA.NBACTEu Collections made on an soceaandepolnta In the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. Lyrics, Presldeni; . GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Caillfor. iIirSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY WAAL NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE; Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sba. A. PATTXEttliOit President. JOS. H. HILT, oughts:. CAPITAL, : $500,000. . • DIRECTORS: A. Patterson e r 1-. . _ - •George vr. etas; Wm. B. Brown, '. - , James McCandless. Chas..Lockbart; Wm. Douglas, Allen Blrapitrick, . Wm. Reed. Wed. Hare*. • ' ' ' ' . DISCOUNTS DAIL HAIM, CAUGICEY Ai, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Food flirelite, PlTTsßuxtGrx, PA. (Sl7cCEssoll.9 To Hamra,. Ham. a c 0..) ' D=ALREB nt Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And Darticalar attention paid to the purehater - and sale of 'COVERNNIENT BONDS. - Siitht Drafts on. 1...0nd0n: mr:sas N . HOLMES A. SONS, , 57 Market Street, prraurantritian, pa. • Collections niade on all the principal points of the United States and Cansdas. Stoehs, , Nnas and other Securities BOUGHT. AND SOLD ON 003LKIN8ION. 'Particular atteuttOu Paid to the purchase and sale of United States Se3cur.iiiii,s Ja3o:‘al WESTERN SOINGS BANK, i , :. No. •59 Fourth Street. CHAItTEIIED 1866. Interest paid on TlnteDepeelts IitEORIVED FROM •ONE DOLLAR , UPWARD.' DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO caws, WITHOUT INTEREST.' DI/counts DiOly.at coda*. _ • President—THOMPSON HELL Vice President—AA(. MARSHALL. pre*Tons: THOHPSONBELL, mssALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALBRICE. J. 4*. GILLESPIE, Btockbolders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, . • Willis Dairen. - D. W. C. Illdwrett, X. M. Fulton. • • .COIIIPON BONDS, .41150,000, Eight Per Cent Coupon Mortgage'Bou6 - 'FOR ' • These Bonds •itie ,secured.by a Mortoxii•on the Vahtable Property of the Superior Iron Co., in Al legheny And Westmoreland count les, I's. • , Interest at the ratm.of EIGHT PER CENT, FEB ANNUM, payable semi-annually, Application NA T ION A L nds can be 'made at the ITiZENS' BANE, or to JOHN ECOTT, Treasurer, at the °Moe of the. Company, roar Third and Market stseeo, Pittsburgh, emenUEdn..JWyOth.lBBd. • . J73:118/ REAL . ESTATE A.GElsrrs: • .IPOURTEI ST; cow • • JOHN 'D. , BAILEY'& ON O :,. STOCKANO REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND Are yretfued to mai atjltiotlon•STOOKAjOhilli, Mitt' I . Thds of BEO[IOIIIM BKAL ., ReTATE, HUVREHOLD FURNITURE, go., either on the premises or st tae,hloard p al l ' Trade ,Roostut.. , Pullin/Jar at non , u heretofore, to the. sale of Real Estate et nitrate sale. dales of Real Estate In the oonntrEastenaed. Office. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. Jr3:sB4 - $ 1 0000: 1* - : L°4lNl • ox flO A,S'D NORTladie, Wei Eetate Age t it,,Eo Eauthnee street =MI lOtrXBl. C0121111071'-', " • ;IF •„, I 0 ,:ff r! :"Mataine Stone ..17k8 • . Naqhmat toper of 'Weartglit46oo:W, l 7 AitiVA But oa Mad lumps's on abort notice Roam mid ftto• Mau. 7 he BldawaUuk 'Brew ault; M. solload sad Tomb = o a f •a. ' Often! prosy essesSel. rissamis I', AT 11 A. 1/. . • •p9:022 —There is nothing essentially new re gard to the crops. 'Winter wheafliaa neir ly all been secured' ) throughout the coun try'_in good 'condition. Oats • haYe also nearly all been- - cut, the-yield is large. fßye is abundant, and qual ity. The yield of barley its not very large, but the quality is generally reported' to be _ good. Corn has suffered in: some places , from drouth, but there is every prospeet of. a large yield in the aggregate. The hay crop is good everywhere. Cotto. is doing well all over the South, and will ripen, , earlier than usual this season. 'ln shert,' there is no discount ion the `prospective prosperity of the farmer. and-,planter, and , consequettly ali.coininefela ,intereS s be prosperoni. —The Philadelphia' Friss Of MondiV say: Money continues abundant on call at from four to six per cent., the supply being, largely in excess of the demand.. Tn .busi ness circles there are universal complaints of dullneliai rather Unnatural stated! affairs considering the condition of financial mat ters. Prices ofptenctiancllse, rple,extrava gently hight' want of purchaiers, in stead of leading- to the 'ordlnary., conse quences—a lowering of. prices' to, attract customers—seemS to haye no effect: Deal era to a small business, yet 'they are firm in - their denaands., Under ordinarycircum stances, when 'the Merchants cannot sell ,thegocids they have on hand, or the me— chanic get paid for the produce of his labor; he must naturally seek relief in borrow ing;'but such does tot SeettltO.he the bale: now. Either busiriesi men do not want to borrow, or they believe , they cannot get what they want, for there is but it small de mand for money for legitimate business purposes. f,'apitaliste are indeed melon cholV. They cannot lend their funds 431C -cept at rates of interest which seeinridics- . lously low; in some instances, as low as three per cent. has been_ accepted. The time was in the memory of numbers of the merchants now living, when, that rate of_ interest _could be obtained per month. Money, in fact,, is in a quandary what to . do with itself. It prefers to be earning something rather th,an tivlaY idle r Mit, if customers will not come, there tan bet no gain made. —Closing quotations received byJames T. Brady & . = ra make reterentm Joseph Dilworth, Rey. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, A. b. Brown, Thomas Kwlntr.i Gold, 146;41, U. S. 6%, 1881's, 1 1 5,4; 5-20' s, 1862, 114%; 5.20'5, 186-4 111; &-20's, 1865. 112%; 10-40's, 108%; .6-20'5,.. January. • ant July,'6s, 108%; 8-IXl's, Sanaait 'and Jury, 189 hi; June, 7-30'8, 109%; t July 7-80 7 s, August 118%; Sept. tlB',: Oct. 118; Unlou, Pacific Itailroad, 102; Central 103. - prrrssußon PETROLEUM MARRET • ice OF THE PITTSBORGOI OtAMETTip s - TUESDAY. August 4, 1868. • arilkm—Tile Crude inailief, continues very quiet ; aoti:deyoid of ',4 lN y ;teristice; worthy of spoelsi notioe:' The ~ , demand•seems to be , ary limited and 'the offerings are light; and. so far as.wo see there fano disposition order , t4)-tiabi , , . sales. We-can repo rt one thousand bar- - ,„ xels for all the year, sellers option, at - 12m; , and 500 deli vered on. ears .at,Venango City at 115,40. This last - sale shoWs,a decline of 10ets per bbl, as'sales were reported yeater. day at 0,60.- Spot oil is quoted nominally , tit blyg to 14% with no sales, and , the same figures will apply to all the 'Meath, sellers optiOn.., Fisher Ot' Bro: received a telegrani this afternoon announcing another new , well, making the third 'they 'have' itritolt at F'letusant vlll%l Walden _tilted 'othetrivi it Which they have an interest. , REFlNEELiThe,ropite4 nutyket;.l6 .alno very quiet though steady and while there is next to nothing.doing' prieenL,tbite ter; sebtu ti) ,beiPrPtiY wo ll,: nialntidned.:', There was, but a !single side. reported 4 1,600 , bbls for the His 'Half of Angus; N. St 14e.t. the absence. of any. other Wes, pineontinu ev ‘to quote et”l.ll42Vs.fir ilfgpgp'gttlEiditor, Septeoiber Aci'li,.:Obtxtbo .ap,0•74-'paelkm, the laid' live months . T h iildriOr i ici4' Otir haV L tietterriaild thigehi tlian'aby prevloper advance:ler Borne Me; and it has seethed lor tippjaatibree'br four Yrgehar that i Th 4 §, ,li itweviotc.tietwingag. wea k e4, :rutgrf 2,2 j°o .1.411 ' 1,0 ils..tao'..) kW:. 41 at nee the above was put in type we have the following additional sales report ed : Reemed-4,000 bble fbr September to December on private terms; GOO bbla last AtEre, -- i rip z , BANKE R ; Corner of Wood -and Fifth Btreets. GOVERNAIBST AND PACIFIC B, 11:11ONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought : on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OP.CREDIT and DRAPTII. aßible in any part of Europe. •- DEPOSITS received subject to check,' or: INTER- EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. • , BR BZ ._Co., Corner Fourth and Wood Sty., 3E3 _el, TV 3E3C. MI MIL BUY AND SELL ALL RUMS OF GOVEB,NMENT SECURITIES GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, OZ 110 n FAVORABLE TEEMS 7-80's CONVERTED INTO THE NETT' 5-20 COUPONfIOND. Inlerest Allowed on Deoalb;.. Ali - MONET LOANED ON GOVERN3iENT BONDS, and other approved co l latera l ; at lowest . market rates. ' Orders executed ter the-Purclhese and Nate of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. . - • • 4A"illl6' T.. BRADY &CO: il4:oo]'etkOtO. FINANCE AND TRADE.-.- veric7or riTEPITTSBURGHgAZETTE, Atigtist.-4,1868,,, , • The loth:4114 area the Neii.,;Yorli stock quotations as received to-day by Mr. Ph. R. Merti: Gold 1461,/,; 1881 bonds, - 1153,1; 5-20*-'62, 114 X; 5-2,o's,- !.64,1.1074; 6-20'5,"65, old, 112 g; 5-20's, '65, new„A9B%; 5-20's, '67, 1082%; 19:40'5, .108%. , • • - Railroads-Neva York c l itt ra b 130 ; th e ; 60; ,Reiiiing, Southern, 86%; CleVeland and Pittsburgh, • MN; Rock Island, 1103gChleage and Northwestern,` 613; Chicago and Noithweitern, preferred, 813:5; Fort Wayne, 109%; Ohio • and • Missis sippi, 294. • • Western Union _Telegraph 34%. _ • - Mininithliares—Gregory, 4,50: Corrydon; 25; Quartz Hill, 1,05; Smith ; Parmelee,., 3,90; Qucksilver, 2134. f*: —The wool clip of Fayette county, Olio, this year, amounted. to 2,000,000 lbe,whiCh sold at 30 to 40c per lb. MEIS half for September bblesellers option, f 4 ARltrvALs Leech &. Wood, 240 I Braun & Wagner, 060 H Koehler &Co, 320 Fisher & Tiro, 1,010 D. 1414 Edgerton, 80 lA. B. Mills, ' .80 Total, 011., SHIPMENTS PER A. V. R. R. - J. C. Kirkpatrick, 219 do do to Waring, I llcing & co., Philadelphia. B. SAT. MorganCo.,2oo do do to Warden, ,Frew - Philaelphia McCreary & Beaumont, 100 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. --- Liingston & 8r0., - 50 do benzaleto Warden, Frew .c Co.,Philadelphia. I O. B. Jones; 1506 do ref. to F. A. Dil worth 6, Co., Philadelphia. Clark & Sumner. 650 do ref. to P. Wright & Son, Philadelphia. • Braun & Wagner, 400 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia: Nati Ref. Co., 000 do do to F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelohld. • • Forsitn, Bro. & CO., 468 do do' to War- . . den, Yrew & Co.. Philadelphia ' Moltzhelmer, 'Koehler & Co., 250 - do - doio: g, Xing & C 0.,. Philadelphia. • ; OIL SIIIPfED EAST PROM nuQuEs.tkin DEPOT:- G. W. kicildship & Co., 84 do od _ref. to Waring. King & Co., Philadelphia. - A.'D. Miller, 36 do do ref. to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. • Ballenfine & C 0. ,, 96 •do do to: Warden, Frew. & Co., Philadelphia. Jas. Miller; 104 do do ( to W. P. Logan' & Bro:,' Philadelphia. Mentzer, liepler & Co., 112 i hbls do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia, Union' Ref. & S. Co, 44 do do . to . W. P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick& Lyon; 47 do do tar to Wal l lane & Co., Philadelphia. z. • PIMMITiGH MARHETS.' . , OFFICE OF THE P/TTSEUEDH GAZza - rk.., TUESDAY, August 4, 1868. 1 . There seems to'.be p firmer feeling : ln the Grain and . Flour market, and prices are rather-tending .upward. It seems to _nil: ""_ that the Impressiorlis'begirming-thi3revail, that the bottom has been touched for the present at least, and it also begins to ap- • 17.1 a; that the harvest has not come up to general expecifitions; it is generally con ceded that there is a `much larger yield of Wheat than last year,'as there was a larger area of ground sewn,. but-the quality is not so.-good, and.thereforew4at is ,maile up i,u is Conaideribit - nentrallied - bY the BtITTE,R-Is in steady deman;d we -can. - - report sales ' of good to prime fresh pack9d,.. at 60 to 35. - EGGS-Dull at 18c. CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged at .11 ',- to 14 for Western Reserve and Hamburg; 15 to 16 for Factory and 18 to 20 for Sweit- P. 61 `A.T0F.09 - 4Crintimia.."-very- " dull. - - and declining, and we now quote at V to 153,50 per. bbl. ' • ' • OR , REN - APPL'ES—Are in good .detuand, auctsellieridiftetl4. t 05,50 to ,'..per bbl, for icommori to ch-oice. GRAIN--Wheat appears to be in better deMand and a firmer feeling seems to pre ilf: wei can• reporV one car new. Red at $2;15,- tola dealer; and another car at the satne,figure to a different buyer. The mills are taking:hold 'With niore freedom and some of them would pay morel than they were willing to give a week since. ' Oats are firm but unchanged with a supply pret ty well up to the demand; We 'continue to, quote at,B2a33c. on track and in elevator' and 84a35 In store. New oats have not Anatie• their appearance here as yet, al thOugh we hear of some contracts having been closed tbr'future delfverY, including five cars to`be - delivered this month at bsc. Rye . is scarce and in demand at $1,40 and might bring-a#.45: New 'Rye may be quo:: ted =at $1.25, .for future deliverY. Corn is qtliet and unchanged at 01,05 to $l,lO as to quality. Nothing 'doing in Barlev.! RAY—Weiglimaster ArleNultY,,t at the Allegheny Diamond scales,' reports sales of Saloads at q 22 to s29'per ton. • •-1 PROVISIONS,--.Bacon is. in fair jobbing demand and firm but unchanged at 13%a 14c for Sliciulders;loN 'to 18M for Ribbed 'and Clear sides; and 21M for =Sugar "Cured Train. Lard 1914 for prime kettle. Dried Beef 21 1-2 c. • ldest*POrkl2:3,soa29: LARD OIL--linchanged but firm at $1,40 for No. 1. FLOUR—Is quiet and unchanged at VD - to $10,75 for Spring Wheat; $10,75 to $11,25 Tor Winter Wheat -and- $12x13 : for: fano?: - brands. Rye Flour has advanced to $9,25 New York Produce Market. (By Telegraph to the Putebaridi Gazettp,„A . -., ; • NEvr YORK, August 4.4-Cotton; Uplands is without any decideti,change, ;with „intlesl , : ,-, * of 900 bales at 38e for Middling Uplands. Flour: receipts of 2,951 barreirq,the market .- i:I. • is 10a20c better with a fair enquiry; sales werkihade of 9,1300. barrels at $7,75a8,20 for superfine State and western; $8,80a9,65 for::, extra State; $8,90a11.25 for extra Western:, $12.50a13,50 for white wheat extra; s9;loa , 10 , 2 5 for Round Hqop Obio;, $9,25a11,25 for ; extra extra St. Louis, and $1.1,25a14 for good to choice do.,' , the market.c.losing quiet. „Cali- - fornia !flour is firmer; With sales Or 2,000' - sacks lit $10,80a12,85. Rye, flour , is active, and firm, with sales of 450 barreisat $8a10,25:, , I Corn Meal is quiet, with sales of 300 barrels Brooklyn at $5,90.‘ Whisky is stshade bet; ter, with sales of 200 barrels in ,fond at 63a ; Wheat: receipts of 1,950 bushels; the mar-, :‘ *) Vet is quiet and 3ase better ' , with Gales of • 22,000 bustieli - iitV foi o.'2Pr spring; $2,08a 2,10 for retail lots - No; 1 do; $2,8, for red'western; .52,80 for white Michigan, and 52,90 for choice`white California.' - Rye" scarce and firm. Barley nominal. Barley • ' Malt quiet. Canada Peas firm; sales of 750 . bush in bond at $1,58. • Corn; receipts 88,889 bush; market active, excited and 3a 4c better; sales 212,000 bush, at $1,10a1,11: for Unsound; $1.15a1,19' Jar sound, mixed rt western afloat; $1,16 for old do in:store. and - 11,22a1,23 Rik White western: Oats; re- celpts 14;180,bushr market 'opened a shade`:` i ` .. better iind.closeddull and decidedly lowerr sales of 68,000 bush, 82a83/0 for western in store; 83Kp84e for 4o ale/14 obiallig at the .- , ' l' inside price. Rice dull. Coffee easier. Sugar finis and quiet; sales 280, hhdEiguba at Us 12V,„ Molasses dull, afuil 7 ,,sultlll:44ales of Muscovada. !Pitroleum quiet at" 17 Tor.r Crude and 34a3414 ' for - Refined bonded. -- Pork firmer with alair-darttandp 5a1e52.550, ..• --' .. '4l barren! at $28,65a29,0610r new iness,lelbslng at $27,02 for regular, $28,50a28:7,5 for old do., '-. $22,50a23,25 for prime, s 24 ,boh244sfoiprithe mess.:Seefiltftdy andquiet; sales 150 tibia. at $15,00a20,50 for :anew plain mesa and 1 2 0.- 40 for new extra mess„ , .firy Beef dull and 1-; unchanged.. Beef Hams quiet; -sales 60 ' i bbls. at r22a23. Cut Meats steady at 18a13X - ,-- i Shoulders 16319. Hams, middles qiiiet.and , .steady; sales 60 btoxeS Stradford'St 17%, 11 .. r . l - 1 Lard Army sales 1150 tierces at 17X,a18% . , 7 for steeni * and 18;019 for kettle rendered; - -:-. ',. also 60 tierces ,stean4l3eller, atitv, Butter steady at 20330 fOr Ohio. Cheese 1 2a1634. -: LATEST, Flour cleised quiet'and ivith - out r ! decided change. Wheat nortflrigir lc% a, ,F:,. t spring'held at $2,00a2,02, No. 1, 52,0782,10. , --': Rio glare° . AO i Va L,,at ,_ lll " l , B B:` Oats'..;' L- ' L dall'at 823iti lustpre s aad trahe afloat:l ,Corn'i 11420,,‘ oulth- good speculative andiEastern ' ' . 1 , .. demaVid; nt $ 1 , 1 14 1 46-40k, fituavnd and ' ' ' ` r ... ..._ # 1 11.16Ar t 1P ibi sound new mrxed Western. allosl.-,,Pork quiet; se 00 1 .. .e., - .= it l 4 - !MONZA° regalait l ittei , Me ' bbbi - ' '- i r lq. meas;,.llollor-,13014einb0ri..at,,,a9;25.- Beet • , • ' `. t .' nominally Tinaltanged,' 'Oat lifeate4teady - • -:' Ata 11,11#':Uiodiditte demaildfkalei 60 packages 3VI getlurma at li e l ia tt o gitlebt49.firmers,- - 4'7: r 't With failFitl s itify... - very,Orm,ii(lBl4s ‘- ~ I ,,!':'. letlitinde itelm, and 18340 for , 41r*eltolce." ,„ • , „- _.''l' 4w' in fa r r request at 25a28c, the kitterait 't. • ',, tFt3:actj9 t , Freight t !.. lVlvprf ol lfisrer# '3 'r ~V, - s Ito -t- ..701171,Eit ;1 1 1' ..;:,-, MY Telerrs to the Pittsburgh thulttsl) _ , l_, , -z ydferr Atsi- - 61041,41,„,, t i : Li • elo Refl rn uper a Le, bas 4;4 '; .t. 1ff. 6 0a8,00 d extra $8,50a9,50. Wheat drm; prime red at 52,43a2,60. Corn dull; prime white $1,30. Oats dull. Provislone arm ~ „-, ~.. and unchanged. REM 35c. Ben=le-3,000 r Se . ptember, at 181-2 c. / 2,690